Lyon's Peri ,I' cal Drops! 1 e GreatTvlzale; itestatetly for Arrletiz- . , • Tbt.'a•'tee. Tie,. &eVa are i ..,,,.htt•',l emu 1 ~,.,ted ulna rut parntion. and better thou at 3 ri,.”, , , I.ovderd or NoetrUnl.. Fle Is: 1,41.1 d, *ell xi..lani 18 , d p...ttore render! nc them t r...! _.1,1t.. FIR oir , , d reel a 1 .. - , . ~. . , -peentm tor til . E., , cure o tit 0 % trt.C.;. 11 - .loa ; ~,,,d certion r .,,, i ,,,, it o' Dal are. Teripnl tr ty loin•nented luP:l,, fact It,: over ino,ay) I , ,ui a .11111 1 '‘ e uid , ‘ .,d cchnott mod hrthe lod, ne of tie Unneti _i...i ulec, I e ,.er3 one ef a limn epes, in the ' , tr.', ce..l terrine On ~.,,, efll,e , t ;real. Ini.rll-. Tite3 trit t:ipi 13 tit 'nit' P"' every other Finn ih. P . 1 pals ',1. , Ve cots ill% rea 13 Ai' .110 klm , .illzh. it 1, ei.e, .r. he -nr,,t I•fe-I anti nio-: It 1%11 te prepar 0,1011 it:, the w' !Id:, far too Cure of all F,./.11.- mess. la nt- the ren.o.,ai ot all obt•truct•on...4 it itur...linni the prom; tion of lit altl, reiri.(rit3 arni strength. I Eantle t oiter:e n- sit:lllg hen they tray he ta-e , i, ail 1,..Np •to 1,..! WIIL la bd. 5,11,, ~,h et. e,i,outti not. err geoid not be met! without pro. .duringt !rect ., entttrary t:1 not ur.:- c..., , 1 ,NN e, will 1, fervid % arefull3 f.,,d. ,I troop 1 e•.el• Mott' e. ~ ,, t h , Witte': Sll.7ll.ll3'rteitloll,N L. LYON, lel t bout a „,,,, 0-, ,e art zimuble. p-epirei 1,2, Dr. .101,,s: L I,YON, 1 1 1., CI at,.l 61traet. N se riven," Coo I , who e•lt l ' s' co . stmid father person:ll l 3 , or oyint i. ( oc ..-pm -I 411 , 1. ) C p.. earning all private d•se.i+ a :u :d female I.le 0., *,-,... P. :LAU by Druggis t s &Neil M here Pile. il oe pr Dot, r C O CLA li K. A. CO.. 13%p Generol Agts for I. tilted States a , :d Galt 1 THE REASON Es HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Forty different Ash's aftapted to sou red at cl sa , star ntosts, for .V . O to 4 1. 1 tit) eqi•la. 1 . 1.1 , I Y ONT . : Le •ti or Sliver MeLl Lis, or miter 4r-' pr% Int ume %,..rded to , to 1 nu-t rated Cm-tin:ore it , . Ad it , Itts Tti A - ...:, ..t. 11.-0: LIN, or MASON & 11 A M 1.1 N. Nov I% rk. l -- Eitkit/i4S'ia)V 1011• ax. A Gentleman who ,uffe rad for to ir-f• 421 Ye, ~,1 * 11ebility, Pretntutite 11%41,3..1 it .% 1 1 it :e . t . L - - • 1 )oathful inditicretto , .v. 01. oo t h e s LI., of -ail 51 . .: 11,2111:t‘i1t!.., a I,d to e tin rill silo o r, ti it. II e r, c pe arid d.ree , loti.. fOr 1, kin_ t' 1.• e• ~,p t" rem. a, ,:, which, he ,L- cursed. sttu here r- ~I -1.m..! 1 . . I -, ...:it '-) the adceitleeeB Clp IleflCe, r: ,,, dfl -4.1.) t '.l:- ‘ , ...„tz .I%lll\ 11. OG 1:1 1 .". No. Itt Ch M 0.... :-. , .N.., - 1%,..{...- l ' s r r ilE CONFE - iSiiN - AND i.Xi'iti.. 1_ I.,,N i t,L OF As. 1 , 1 ‘1.1: , Published fir the s 'e, L lit :r ::d ..- a L' , l i. " Y. '. 2 Men and others, al o -inlet ( t 11 N. r.oae lie ii t , Premature Decoy of 11 tn. o a ..\-c. -tn. Iryi, c st ,he. same time the no ,-t- nit :.3 ,f Car . t I'. L m tot 1 , •ured ban-el r..a:er , „11 . . 4, - 2 .111.2:10114.1.n .- . 11 .; CI 1., 1,1 . ) By efICIO-ilatr 8 r ,-• 1 ii'l a 1,,r, • --•^::: , 1 4. I, i--, .. , ...g topics, free of .- of chlr2, 11l ,:, I , nsl,fit, L „1,,,, .N... 11 JI.INI LI. MAYFAIR. 1-q.,. lyapJ3ll.o 13-o it .i o, K. , _.. C s., N Y . - Ayer's Cathartic Fills I ARE tl e rno-t pelf, ct rim• : „I ' ll_ 7 - ,." r 1 - e ,• r able to pro,lu - e lid, ... , t• I. : -0. r :,'. 1 een matte b.l, any 1..., 1, . T. ..- s `'seer r ~«:,Lou, ' .. artiy thrown to 'llly ~II1, 1 1.1r.:, ' I I 11.= I . t., l t . • - ,1 the other med,cuas in ..-e 1/.3ar • - ti. 0,L . 1, ant to lake. 1•41 p.ll e - t , .1 t, c e 1'... tr 1 -L . .: li - opertiet% attomt . e di, %,:. .it ',O.' L , t. , ; t ....:, 1 emot e the 0 . .-tru t it - ‘,l II- a, .! Li,. 1 i.., l , blood, and cop ,•I t.i....1- . T. L 3 %, ..r_t tilt: ; ... fo .1 homers arlnt, I trtlll .1..1e. ,:' J.': ,1 ...'l.' ~ r, - ~.11 L, • , _!:.-4,. -II or d`, , de I,r L - I ~, ,t% r ... --... ....,_ .Lon, 31,1 f impart to n e .0%1 -1 , _ls 'I, :i.e i, 0e - - ,en :N.,.1 0 , 1) /.1., tiny - • t • 1 , • ,ct 3 d...., . _ -1, f over' '01•11. , but r 1 ,1,1. t.• 10l 1 ,, , :- .. ,L- - NV , 1 e they Iro lug p ta., r ‘,.' .Z. c.., ;o c • s.'lle lore:. in 0.11,0 ar. , :tt•..l I.'. -,-.. 1. c. - . ~.- . : , ..4. I,' ,me 111 ... et . - . 1 v . - .- P ' ell.;.1 , .!.I.Lied, th... LI . .1 _ p( urn t r ee: '4.. Nit , I . . ). .. lt It - liar.! beenmade I' ' r. . -t.r, ,-- • . LI, t,i. 1. 13t 1.1t , ..'11.1 - 1/1 re: ' `, tr . . - 1 ‘3.11 ! w ..:' , , at to forbid the -u . o,nor . s - 1.1 tt :LI . 3 ...tin erz.mLn in I it' • .., a - , .. : t , • . ' • • iii 4,1t , 3 sf on it L- %. • t - . - t .i . con . ri' I . e.', ...-L, ....... er, , ' . ~ I ,d tilt om rues . Ttr A., LT ~.• , '.O, - , -, . oar A me - c =1 ,1.1; ,- I.i 1,. , f : sleets Z. tle 1. , ..! - ' t • . - . sets rap of 'VI, 1 1 "11.1" , • C :-viva:...-% 11 o - I r • - it . 1 1 1 el -1.11. %...-' . , II . . - ..: . • , . a..•an me. Nr.u...1, I ,_ ~ A 1 it l ' • B MP:. Mli l '' •':/ ~2 :I , • • , •-• ..".• of et te a ;I D i -L -L- , h t . . • no dicta.. lice d- 5 , • i • . ' t t • . .r tfan'an.nt. - :be. , -, . •-, . . , , 1 ••• it Le, /a i n.; t. - , t , . . .• - De %Sue-, Poroal 11 , -N._s _ , . "t; , Irri.ob,llt3,l) ro , , - l 1, s ' • •- : - 41”Ut• an I u'la. r ~, :, '. - . • -• , • state oft . , '....d ....1 - .;- 'I , Do riot 1,,. 1 tit . .`: '.t , , ... I , O7N.iLd A 74 li- aai ' t. ~ ~ .:1 ` .1 . the Ilt.t then..- I 7 1 , 1. . , . 1 , . r " . ' , l're, ire I I, Itr 1 C A. . ..1. (_,,, 1. t. 1 , - and sole: bi In D t._, -.:. ..,,1 .......r_ . -• , ,t , er!.,' tozrc 1 -- STU II N G El. 1.31.71 " r:z1 1:. E‘ery0u 1 ,, , ... ,. . • . ~ ,, I .: trit, ..... •-, • t I'-'"" S'otes cum Id. a: -. LI ' 1_ .1 ,. l'' '' - . ' .•,: _I. b) re:llM Mail (L - r , tal ,-, .'-• ' ' .- -- .1 under-,.: Ltd. T ~ .1: % : , .. 1 • f - - , • _ , t,„ . . ,e d with ..0.,,,,, •1,1 ,: - _ 1 L A others .viii 11 t..1...,! . 1.1d . •• - .. - "' _.‘ , 1- 1 . 11 , 1-. 1 ',1..1 LI .....• .." ID - v l. 3. -NI., It• - . : -* The Moon's Volcanoes are enzitl , c the tttroot. I ~,f -•:, : • 1 / 2 , -- • •L' - world of bean'3 -.., . f.t-' • , - .r - 'lt ' -. 2.. _ .I.,,ccicr,e... dish:to •: ..• _. : c . ,.. - ~ t. TIII - 1111;g Vitt. Ilezttis that hare bee:: ,I. 1i..! ; I._ , :I.z - o- cI. 1,- . rions black or bra L ;trim.N • 1. ~, o '. Is 1 . .. I-x " CT l ' s T - , 5.. 'l2 11.,..' - as net teach:At 11 . 1 1!, :.:. , .11- 1r.,. 1.1... , 1.'e r' , darkener tis ex , ,, , r. - i 1- C.RLS T.ID OR U. 5 /11.1 Ii D 1 - E. wh oh non:I-heti t'., :'' -. t ,, ,- - .4 '; ,C' Ile."' - ........ ' 1 M Intiflctured by CJ:: -1 rA , i , :t , ). EL .: , r II ~, -- _N - em: Yerk. :-1; .I 1; Dr. a_t-1-. A: _ : _ liai r Dress, l c ...._ AI Itock 's Pororts l':B. 4 ter , :. WitouriNcr CV'-_ %- 1 .1 CL'lli-ii Ca.: a t 1 1 r• '- %., % i . ",:s, H: . T. A Li.coct N. Co.-G. ,-,- •-••••• =1 ' .Ca 21-.. -evil -, another .ix. %.1 .z trt of your 1 . 0 - •r, I', t-t• r 1 . s . -. In great denion.l It% r... fer , 11, ~ tI ;c • ~,-,. 'L''.:• • _, 0 like a atone. I cog ' l l • 'SII ,0 1 I. 1 l • l•Z ll 1 • , - ' if 1 had had :Urn St r 1 ... •.1 1 , , ....:, c, :,. oblige. • Yt,t, Ir- l''' .n v- ;10 il,'N I ..\ 11.1.12:11Z : . r : 1 / 4 -'... ' 21 -. 7:1` , 1.1. C - . 7111. 11 Mr. Writ Hun- 0f2.,,, Ic. -...- 7 - 1. m rites, Jon I, 3 , :t1 I , tx, t- ( .'") c Lo, • . Ls, n for up , ard- of tt u 2 ..,r., r, c.... ,_ ~,'r t. i .: I'.. '1 med s. 1 men. — I ,-, N • 1 ~ , • • I• , , , , , o .A . I.COCk ' ',.• L ' Orl4,:i. n , ... , ,: - -. I- ~ 1 , ‘l , - 0-, •• kinds oft ts e:- , ''. I. 1 , ) a , ,•';'. they were tll . '.. 315 ' fait O. _ts •". ~, , . y cock's, and o• - _, ar .% •,, 1.-. 1 Itl.l - t . 1 1 . now Wore 11. I r.. . „. 4- - I, 0 1,. , 1....'1^. 1i • : n / //VFW! fl,tl jr t '1 I ;save I it . ^ 11 , , ..- A et:m.3 Bran 'r. tt II m-L . ,N , Y .r b:. :- _'v; -- a.% 4 DR. TOBIAS' Venetian I,inirnent. iNs - rt,:c - rAs:Yous Ii.LNI I:1 1 V Tn , ..„(-‘.. chrome r' L Virt.r.ll , l I , 0, (~ ..... 1 ~. ~. c oa•,..q,' ....., ~,,' ' r .t •CI r ' -, `....., ,I) , body. Rem. Mt. - . 11 - tut' , . ; 1 - • . ..., s experiment - for 19 yen'• , ' ‘'. , 1..., ,-.:. r .• --, '. No m-,- ever 1.. - % % 'art ,•-• ~ % :- • -, t :t. haz worked is ma , 'Leto -tit . . s sand .ra 'rt in its praise . •C' ro ato : i en , o 0,-ra , Ti r t. , , ' ‘,-,,,,h.,. laid for me-1,- oa 1 , If iz , :)y ~ 1-, s %stalked mithout 110 r aid of c" , ,: . [1,.,51.: - a. X Plaint, ca ❑ l teeth f' to ti- c• 1:11: chi, e ''.- :- ~`'.' - 1 rr.ent Remem‘ Ls, reoLi -c% -: tlll, . til L p,- • care' is sure to fo'lo r. /I , _ .1 c', ,- •: f r, Is ~, snt VC ...rant to cure t'ntr.d c ,r,,t1,, , ,,. 91., ....... ~ r , . ..,- I].,era are TOV , Z.i of 11 e 1 - 1, r/ 0,-- ' 3 .. ( a - i 11, ; tie Venetian; I. nTM 1,1 It r, - -,,,-1 ht.m.e 1. lh r tist three m , mIL- l'r % ,n. II , 1 (t . ;::- a .t I. (I.ll^o 511 tort and: -1.1 - Let. Sew 1, - .k. son.: it, ol Dr.... - g st-. The' .2 Season of Storms. The li.t.z.:- of autumn at.: t...% s • - . 0 - - - ,Ilta- , m•mter are ap: to Inat: o sad I" , L. .'.... ' i'' , '. ' , ... tuttons of the] E.l o e, In t ILI; in , - t: . , c , ..r , cc TZE flt or c , ery Pi.,- - In A u I-1 1 o f -'. o , to: .1, .r ...I . .t . cathartic as a s Ir ., za Lrd tn . o I-: 1 C. IT zi, . 1 , -,:, IStllre It. was a winor-, , 1 . . r -e:,-- ..m. - : , ...• 'Ft peop`c of our disc un.l%. rat eel 1 L nt L . :. r ' -It e . It fatead of depfLl - z ')e -r-tern tr c rt.nt t . ...e in. I the method the., o, ;op* then ..x . Pot a .., -o al-tm, nation. Irtit( td of -.....:11,.., tuna ,v • I ..t CI ••: • 111 L•.; of commerce, or any .... tee it; , -, 11. ,1 J.- d• tiL 1 fr. • them. the, put thelrf, :In ,nt' , (• , a 2 0 -ti :t% c pu invigorant erocnri' l % Iti k Ote ra L , k.: - 110 . -TIT - f r , [I , STOMACH BI CTELIS 11.-1- fahd,'.- m el; cotri. l . Never his art. tonic r.4_1•% , -.% Liar prepared y. it .nth scrupulou- pre Islon and cops' te Lon- c %re il5 3 vegetable comp%) tt d . f .4,1 lot , r=.. ,. ." 11 ,r - .. , 1 Ln• ad anond, wholesome n Ined r, , .1 as tl or ce ,: . n-e the word. Now sve bar- :lin , i ,, t, abet complaint.. Om 1 , tit of I' e adult pm pet:on ofl, Touted States ~I.lff r wort_ or le. et' er fr ea ( , ., of the .to mach, deranzeLien:- o f t` t• 11, , 0: - iffs n crs. of the kidneys. ln t. ,, :be - land :miler heave are ;ho-e rnalodte- so Cu';i rat as In: '.- c , lintr,, i HO - TETTEWS BITTERS 1- is -r,c . f.,C TO , them ~ unless evraMe in their oponn a 6 d, then tere, 1 es o Cur ( And let tho-e who a-% torluaa . e eu.ounh Ito exemptltrom at present undi r-tini tat • ~_:- t:1 st,r that an occa-ton il use of th %.. ts .t(emona tonic trill ee'latnlr prriamt them a- the sun %Lh p, trent l trarth from freezing a here its gen:A exams dr.cez2d ffia cllscoverles "7 - TLIE POITER LUL\ I .JOURNAL Coudersport, 1H ueidaylx.." - ventng N0v.27, 1.565. Local 'and General. t.„ff - is winter is rapidly approaching and tires will become niore nalllerous..see to it that your buildings are ;insured. Call at 4he JOLII. NAL Offik. PolicieS issued in the best Conii nies t of the country at.fair rates. • rff. `:fee the Philadelphia S: Erie Railroad Tirr,e;lcal..ile. We leariii that all the conductors on the l'htladeL St Erie Iliad have been arres:ted. the clirtirae of st tali ng: froth the' company. tliosej wishing a paper from the cen trai part of the State we can recommend the .7` , 1 , -Orcr , h, advertised in another col unm. I t will icontain a full report of all br financial: arid local neWS of the day: and is utnihestiunably true to the best interests of State and c‘ti n f trv. Zr"Fr.i have' arge ht..r. , ms with their s u noer-' cropqn th6rn, will do Well to see that • tlev.iare Insured. 'co_ one who exercises corn : 1111.:1 tn,eltiitiß W4l refuse to insure at this sea son of the' year. pon't wait until it is too late, ai,d then say: ;meant to be insured." Pro crr_Ltieatioi tu,t only' steals titue,tbut very often b wine" and! hey. .",boht an inch of snow has been on the ground the :tilt day or two, and with the frosty mornings, forces 'the conclusion that winter is r(;;;:y here. .iteincinb'er the poor. Tire long n:cr ais tit till" cthaust their small store, and want. (And privation will be their constant cumf--he.s Ittlii:ve their necessities. Cast Gur ifrem.l upou'llie - waterk" We hare but tew in our who Wil,l need help, let it b givc n freclydiot "The Lord luveth r. oh:J.1:711i ;ice:it Thanks..ziving Services in the lurch at I I o'clock, of iTlev. Stevens, 1'2..40. z.:51.711 - e:1.::;..c received from Thaddeus .Firth, .5 . ..., - .1 1.',,r, , adv.-ny, vine of the :u .,...t pop u l ar I , ,r us i e , Pc..:-.1.,.-..:..x tile. country. the followhig yew emcre.iri.:;lleces of het Basic : Sti:7- eil.'s ir:adlin ;if 1. 1 ome, a F... , :i . tsie : To Mary in liea . :en, Song, very pretty, words by Burns ; Mu, ....tin; !fill; . ..i.iizt:iika Caprice ;* . Sofq o'er the Iliil lin4 Wiitci-s, Snri ;. The St2.ile of Th:ht—this :I's a j::pital hit at 'the folli e s of the fashim:s f and Lt(ii not Crush the Roses. Cala ;:.s7. - ;:, , . , 1:[. 111 , :i: 1 .i . .. .C.1*.. , •::.` . 1:1('711.-dii , .po:=ed p(TFOTI S i 0.7...1.1 :I ti_("l.dillil.- 1NC,W . f. , :l !oil:old Dog li e l i ng... i;;_l.. Mr.;P.,"....Shell,ins,oftillsvilla...e. Friendly i. 3,1 ih :trrngive, be .was :nue.' pi Zed 1:: . ... thE ]rdid ali..irtl lvy :.I:ll.'ist tif,:c.ry ,peirson Therei;i: :in In4lia_fe sheicienfly strong to de. i., ....e I t he tmtf.f if i.or.son who is too cowardl: to lar ids slice hy other tnenn - s than poi• , • , Tii!".:11;.! , lIC.'"i111 - 11,TE ill qfltStiC - animals. A dog ;f. :of -C4o.`t - i K. .si. Mali's, was poist - wae..l at the game i 1 - time, i..--•--..-.---; I:d e ped,,lis:iers, 'Messrs. ••=. S. Se7a;:i . /0 . 47 - , ~ 1 1 C.'‘,.. of Idartforp, Conn., have our thanks ,tor a : c;;;:y of Fra..l:a Nloore's '• Wiic.Sen of t ,e War." i: e of the ;cif I,:antiful feninres. d ..eloped hr the IWar, 'all.> ZS.:( I:tit:ie....lo - .1i. , L e f h e A llie r:. cah 1 v....ape-el Particular l!c,ta c o co' at.e. here circti s L:tri:L.,l,; o:,r4ze steries :eitf in that simple and -i: sfyle; wh'e't :m has artrace:d any to the . j -.....: - ::is ds of IMt. Mo e. I - q;'...e. w,:re in the town of Wellsvillel few a . .; s ~.....r... al .d Mihs.a.gli . ...Ve had beard something Of',7.- impn , ;:a•Meht, ... - . - er;;I: -4i3 inert:du/Du:3,-0A p.:::rePare: I .....;:- tihe change. She ly ears ago,hext - sit . .hz, 'a -, 2 '1:7:4 , ', .. ' 4 ',llt - I)r ,, zanF.," id the streets of this Soh:le.rn Tier r4,11":1, at.Cl we then ihortglit it tuts: s: surely he ott the extreme borders: of ikfiv il:xhiler, and. eutircly without tlic pale of chris ::an .iMi;;;;;;. 1 1,c , l, 1:,...: , ..-ed. tni:./Jv dull, and a tfoil.r: i ••tort -roil" whisks-the only - , art icuiarly ~ ivy feature, there was very little o.; tLe att,,mitte ahotrt it; on that c; 4;l:morning in May. The :tops of the hills were still capp ed s- oh st OW; and the long gorge=s whose des we: c covered with ece.r ,, reen or the briars and thislia.s of the wind-fail, the. breath of win :tei. still tifr - gips in short and angry gusts.. Stumps and ..,:uni ,-fei:ees, corduroy bridges and seeru i:::-.:ly ber.oLnip:.s thud-holes. with' buildings, -irsre n.11'....0r, had et i c iently found the: bottom: ' n,libeir F.;rses i.;. - f.ere . -completion, or had died e,f general ili-ghst °lid nrortl.ticctien, taken tn' C,n,t:e.tinn with scraggy horse-, the vilest stage' coach at ever rode in - and shun{ and ittinuTyl look from the eyes of every creature to ' 1 , ,, : , .l•vr.., it certainly was not in a condition to be called ti,e -loveliest village of the pl.lin." But -re arel i gla,l ti, record that,orring to he enaigra ti,,n :ol s r, of sonitzt Li 0: .. .e ent.eri , risied - citizens of l',...iter.llit 3: , , ,fast asluzning 'respect - a le proper- ~ t.i,.:.,-, lip': ins a il.kellittz, and basis: : place. .Its . 'F) . t•Ce.,)!.^.7e . t)e . tit au rictive, business-re appear.' ,ItCe— . .l7 i.ure sign of a prosperom and ener - -tic i‘eo'ple. —A mong the„few establishments 7 Wa had li rue to visit, was our mend C. Li...t-irn tre.tne, fotynerly of the OsyrnyO, whose raid into i high priqes has made him. notorious through a wide ,sec on of country, and given him a trade , second to none', and which we are glad to hear 1 is daily focrer-sing. Iti - e found Messrs. Jones & Lvt , an, recently of 'our village, very finely settled ittko Druz and Notion Store,whose count- Icy , articles gave evidenttit of their capacity to acconitriodate everybody, At Anderson' J; Deo lirtle'S Hardware 'store lie found a fine assort ' theta :of everything' usitally fOuncl at such - placcs: and *l - liell the Lfintlenmuly , proprietors assured its would ITsydd at the very lowest rate. While Opp. in CheineW Boon Clothing a .r-n, -- ,0. inn), ready I to i- dress 'cii i m up, so that ' their own mirror wouldnitlimow 'dm." Coates' Fit- nitlure Reuse was filet? 'full 4 that which rnalcet'i glad the heart oil the neat souse-lreepkr. And,' :Ist but not least- 'e.±-slerifid Dart, late of t 1 the Id" ion House, in 1111 place, ainl Mr, James ii i Jones of 'Bingham, haw' leased the Van Buren ' `Homstti, and are preparict to furiiish " food for 11 i • Titan ,and bassi," in a stilt not surpassed in the ' Southern Tier City. Zile la Nl, L ' e n sv in c ., an d i e,' 1 1 t Inaviyo prosper and gri - fr fat ! I - ! l: I • s i lrbo nc,4 fail to read tlie adverti-actueUt o f Baxter d: Ctrs Musical Instruments—it best to purcha..e Eucli things near home. . . t: 4E The places of business will be closed on ThankSgivi4g D. Friends in the country will please take notice. i nr Froni what we can see in the public prints, Curtin stock for the united States! Sen ate is receiving severe glows and is fast falling below "dullt'—their being but one ~a ctive, deal er" who seems anxious to keep it in market. -'Forced loa:rts" are never effective, oven though they are taf : - .eti in the shape of packed ciMven tions. To be succesful there must be ri( l ) taint of "uncertainty" about it- zsr We ;will send bills to all persons residing outside of the village, who are indebted fo this (ace, with our next issue.' Please be prepared for them; Simple honesty will suggest their im mediate payment. We have been very i)atient and have dunned Very little tlurinzthei4 years we have published in Potter county, and now that we tined 0t.4.r money, it is no more than just that it be forthcoming. FIRE IN OSVVAYO. °SWAY°, Nov. 24, it_ , GG. Dc-tr. Situ : This morning about five e.t! l c'.ock a fire was discovered in the store of IL Lord, which iminedietely extended to the s.-tur'e of N Nelson, and also to the dwelling hot4e of J Bradley which had very recently become th property pf H. Lord. Th-; buildings wei-e corn pletely destroyed, A r lart of the Goodslin each store were saved. Mr. Lord's loss is estimated at eight or nine thousand dollars ; insured fo five or six thousand dollars. Mr. NeLson's los is estimated at betweon four and five thousand dollars ; insured three thousand dollars. I Corey Son,who occupied Lord's chamber fo a la*- , ness shop loss about four hundred dollars and no insurance. The Post-Office was !kept in Mr. NelS(M's store—it was nearly a vital loss The gurroundinr , buildings were saved only by the most extraordinary exertions. Yours in haste, H. IL Mrxsox. _ _ Al TONAL ROTE' kLATE VLN BrRE..N ItOUSE, WELLSVILLE. N. N. mn E ic.dereigt.ed WClll . ( i respectfully irtfc 1 am/ the puhhe g e ue n thevaavve leased the tits. ve hotel, (formerh as tie Vito Buren lious2), ah,l 's olrk :ea.'y to furnish them tirst nec-i:o; ti,is•on tialo.e term , . An omnibus so on.l fistg , t?se House meei !razeanh train. rt taken to imd from the Hotel, free of charge. ] It e ga:air not- of Stages to aLti float Co , ra.. ata Wh - d itesUe, Sta Stave the note: dal;y.l 4 I JONES A: BURT. Propri,, I - draLOINS CAWAET ORGANS ! Piano Fortes ! MuFlt.':, , r.ure in ;Lb erecivi by th utiv le ADDIT!MUSIC IMMfflrE • - - - in (te 1.11'.nz7 of FriendE!)ip, w'retv. they heep on hatni :14±4-ztet.l6lvehll 74--,:rur.ent v 1 I Melodeons, Organs, and Pianos, ms ennibe folind in any Music Store it :New York or The's , i< scarcely anythinz IC/3 there is ro raucli,cleceitlas ih the ruaLlenteture of Ir.-tru tavntS. The tooroe if , the work of: Catiinet•makers. An rring a ho will redert how n'tuch ilifferrnee live dI,U re will make in the appearance of a dureSU or tadlle, can readily understand bow a few dollare erp-O•re nmy irart•ove the'ont . elde of en! instrum While the inside may be utterly worthleer. Auv one con juhlue of the outride aptsearaace. hot only - expe• rienced juduer can decide the value ot tbe The urea: ad vant- z- which the ruhscilherr offer to huy op Organ, or Melodeon. or a PianN le that every lustrutuent they have on handle trry careful.); select ed frelm the bee: makere, Lp OiNE •OF THE PROFESSOfiS or Tf ALitEGANY ACADEMY - OF MUSIC tins. i•enderintr it csrtain that t feet. : They vc,rratit every ii: ch 'ktge or refund the motley that; provm , defectiVe. They cot taiwttfcity MasM Stores az they cuormata , city reale. Cu'r firm is emm - pused c f those !Allegany Academ' this Instifution is , perm. ho,.e WiFbinz Organs. will re,d :y f plirelaz€M...: from a rt•ipor;'' J. BAST ER & CO.. Allegany Afr.aderny MUSIC ST RE. Friendship, N. Y Z. 'B. fi C are prepared to r.r..1, - ,r :dirt:lnd,. of NI tot'c:V. Slat-et lf.u-lc, au3 If-ai.ical 0v.3015ttl t.f I NEW PERFUME.TUI: 1 Hi. IL L\ DKR:WHIP& Phutloter "Night Bloont:itt,7, Certnta" I I Phi:tittles "Night Blttorriing Cereus." Phalonfe "Night BlOoming Ccreds." "niight BloiDming Cerens,l, Phi:am:Vs Phulon , s "Night Blooming Cerens.ll A mnet exquisite. delicate, and Fragrant. Perfume, disti led from tlie rare and beautiful flower frau which it takes itS name. I f '3launfactuxed pnly by • pwal.tcoN & SON, New York. BEW APE 01' COUNTERFEITS. A.SIC FOR PHALON'S=TAIIIR Is :0 OTHER. COUP,. r.RSPeiIIT PRICE CURRENT.I . . Reported every 'Tuesday DS: 1 .1-7 . . .A... IStesiza - I=•l_l=LEit CO . ioi., I Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, • J CeudersuOrt. . Apples, green per bushel $ 1 001# 1 501 dried, 50 3 t,O; Roans. . gt 1 2;00 2 501 ' B-eswar., per lb., . . ' 30351 , .e 10 12 Beef, Berries, dried, per quart; Buckvrheat, per bu.hel, 02 "t. Buckwbeat. F10ur,3,50 4 Got Butter, per lb., . 21); 35, CneeSe, " 20 25 Clovereeed, ,• 9 (..0 10 COl Corn, per bushel, 1 00 1 :251 Curt mea), per cwt., • .3 00 .3 .50 • args, per dozen, 201 Flour, extra,per barrel. 34 00 15 Odt •' superfine, " , 10 00 12 i.) , )! Barns, per lb., Hay, per ton, Oil 10 oo I now y, per lb., ' 15 t_n! Lard, , 20 2.5 ' Maple Sager, per lb., 15 1S i O u ts, per busitel, tiO • I Onions, ". 1 25 1 Siti Pork, per bill., 20 00 . 25 0 0 lb., i 12 IS ii In whole hog, per lb., 32 121 Potatoes, per bushel, 37 50 , Peaches, dried, per lb., - 30 35 ' Poultry:, per 1b.,, 10 15 Rye, per bushel, 1 00 - 1 50 Salt, per bbl., . ' 4 50 1. 00 sack,- 15 21i ! Timothy Seed _ 4 50 5 501 Trout, per half bbl., • I 5 00 l 00 Wheat, per bushel, . 2 00 =.OO White Fish, per half bbl., 8 00 1, On _ TO CONSI:UPTIVES. The advertiser, having 'been restored to health in a f e w iieeks by a very simple remedy, after having ! suffered for several years with a severe lang affection,4 ; and that dread disease: Consumption—is anadOtia 10 ' make ktawa to his felloW-sufferers the rdcams i f t cure. " I Ti all who desire it, he will send a copy orthe pre- scription used (free of charge), with tee dir-ctions 1 'fur prupnring sue esing the same, which they w.ll I . rind a SURE:: CCM,: for Consumption. - Asthma, 1 ; Bronclietis, Couittis, Colds, and as Throat and Lung I Affections. The ouly object of the advertiser in sending ;ho Prescription is to benefit the attiicted. and spread information which h conceives to be in- I valuable, and he homes every -ntlsrer will, tly hie! remedy, as it will cost theniziothing, and may prove I - I able-sing. ! Parties wi L shinz the prescription, rues, by rctur. ! will nlem,r; address mail, Rev. EDWA RD , A. WILSON/ Williamsbin gin, Rings Cu., New York--,lykS --r.— t ri , Prospeetr.s of t h i i HARRISBURG fE GRAPH I. • _ --• . FOR 1 7. I , 1 Gtoitcr. BE It. T'rcprtetor. / - 1 1 k S the approaciii. .1 5 s.4.ion of the Id•gislature will r-j_ b- o:.e of nail al i;di•rest to tlio people id Pent:- i vlvania—own' i'i o the fact that a United ell. ites Sen- ! azords to be e' cted all I ether matters of great inn. l'. ' porta:ice wi be acted on by the leglelative bodies of i ; the Comenwealth—and a change will take place in ; th e Eye I ,tire Department. of the State, by Ms 11.3 u. ' gurat/n of General Geary a- Governor—the attention I . of 94. public is iiiviled to the following prospectus of j ' •; TELEEZ.APII for 1557: i ;Vac Daily Telegraph, 1 I Now tile largest daily paper in Central 'or Southern I !Pennsyhaiiia, I , r.sitle- containing a full report of the I 1-r seeding-Of the Legislature. and a truthful amampt ' of the adairs at the, Capital. will giVe eqpiott. tc;e. itraplife reports of all important CeelF6 that trammire I throughoutiti, ,, c./Untry, and a synopsis of Copgrus- I' sena: tiro:A-tidings and Other mutter,. at Wroihington. I and Neil: be furt.b.hod by Gail Ott the following I TEEM,: (Ins t year. in ailvanre..2...--- 17 CV) ; Six months, in advar ~,,,,, ..._ l , 3 50 Three . 1 I; " 1 75 For the Sector , •;, 0.) Nu sialiscr.r.ens I.itten for l*.s that three months. The Weekly Telegraph, ' • win coidain a resume of the important business tram•acte I hi Ciii.gress and ti.e Lt-,lsla tire, Te.e graphic re ports Will appear in th , Dail)-, ( online, vial and Flu ani'lal 1..tv1:1V. , 11:e, and ..;her no; ortait mutters nee s,ary 10 Mate up a first class Pelin ! eal. Literary and Family Newspa;.er. '1 One year, in advant•e—__ 1" . " (Y) 1 Tt.rce C- , i , - ,- .71. t , o.e nddre€s, it, advanr.e...-4 50 I Five eopic,* to one addre , s, and an extra cope I ro i.O peri. , oni=end,n; , the club 7 E.O .1 N o 0: ,,,,.. s ,e,ii be niece; on our huelz , unieee the cab :..ccl,turnnies the order.l Addr..., , ... tilll - ORGE DEP.GNEII. linrrithurz. P 3. i BY VI IITCE of son dry writs of rendition Eypona.s, Facia, and Levari issued out of the Court of Common Ph as of, Poiter County, Pennsylvania. told to me dis rect.-.1, I shall expose to public sale or outcry.; at the Court House in Couirempiirt, MONDAY; the 17th :day of Deer., I suit, at 1 o'clock. p. in., the folloNNing, described tracts or parcels- of land to wit: Certain real estate situate in Sharon townsuip,' bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner in the road in the west line of Geo. 11'. Sherman's land. thence along the centre of the road west erly nirout perches, thence north 174 perches' along the live of Joseph Jones' land to the line, of .1.11.: Wright'_ hind, thence alonn: said line • east 41 perches to tine cornier of ti4.W.Sinerman's thence bs the line of said land south about ' ;1110 perches to the plaCe of beginning, Cont i n ing about Fifty ; cres of land with six acres on ; the north end reset ved, with about Forty acres! 'improved with two frame houses, one fratite! barn, and other outbuildhgs and some frhiti trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and' to be sold as the property of 11 - ii Lain A LSO—The followinz described tract of land Be-inning at a post the north west car ter of vip.ze lot no 199 in the Bore. of Coudersport. thence by north line of said lot easterly eight perches the iirth"-ea , t cornor tlierce thence at right angles to said lire not;therly two per ches to a post, thence parallel with north line'; of sal'? lot No. 13:1 westerly eight perches to a pct, thence southerly two perches to the place' of beginning; Containing Sixteen perches Or , land with one frame house and some frnit trees; thereof:. seized, taken inn execution, crud to be sold af- , the property- of A. E. AW/iy. A L;SCJ.i—..I.. certain tract of land situate in Eulalia township andidescribcd as follows: Be - ;I ginnittir at a post in Fii".ith line of Eutalia farm. being mirth-east corder of lot N 0.4.5 contracted to Seth Targart, thence south 70 rods to north west. corner of lot So' 53 sttr c e y e d Oordnier, thence east 134 rods to corner.thence north 7o rods to a post in north line of Eulalia farm. thence n - c.-st 131 rods to the place of be ginning, Dontaining Fifty , Eight and Six-tenths acres, and bei :144:art of warrant N 0.212,7, about rice acres of which are improred, with 1 frame and one board stable erected thereon.— ALSO—Cert tin real estate in Allegany- Tp bounded andidei , cribed as follow=, 'viz: the north and cast by lands of the Fox ekate,On the south by lands of Andrew Gross. and on the west be lands of the Fox estate. Containing. One klundred and Forty Acres, be the same more; ur less, about eight acres improved, with onei houSe and one lug barn thereon. Seized, nazenn in execution and to be sold as the property of Jaae !=stt;uror.nt i= p.....r -d,tuncot. and will , x ft es en , it,:trummi,l Lai , o seli . :4 prie., o not }fare to pay the m - Lo own ILe of Music , . • A LECTURE I r - no Taxrng Men. .i,it - i.T s t'Z'BLZSZED, in a Sealed 1 Erce,i, , , , ,, , ,. I', rer Six Cebts. A Lee Lure on the Nature, Treatment. anti Radical Cure ~ , f talr,n'matohrrho,l or .%-minus Weakness, In vo:uutar,y ETnissldn. S,X11:11 'Debility, and Impedl- Men:S I , ..imarnlzer. , ller:o!l'.. Nen - 011.11PS -,COnisiimp t i oi , Epilep , y,aal Fits: 111:11a..1 andPhvslc..,l Ib ca , Y 1 , H0tt1 ,, : from 5e1f...4a1.1-e,i&e. Be tIoIIEP.T J. Cct.videtr.LL: M. 11., au; hof•uf the Green Book, &c 11,e w, , T yld, renowned autt..r, in Ih'i.... admirable I,.ec ture, clearly rr,,,vesfrorn hi-..CCo iexperiet,ce that the ~v.7'.:, cui..,4 ilUiliCcii Of f , t. i lf ii ii.l36s,: i ilitly ii,e eftectiliiily re niOreii 31 . 10.iiat tilt:diCirni, s,:O Nrichialt dangl-rou.: sun =lcrilopur ttion , ,i,,u...ri€l.,r:nirrdinstirutnents,oreotilials p,intlluzciut :17,110ie ofciare at clnce;certain and e tr e cn 123 be which ("vet) . su:lerer, no Matt err what hle to; dit;or, rn. , v be' may curil. Ihim-elf Cdlc4nlv, privately, and r,fica'dj. Thi9 le:Attre wC.I i rove a &eon to tLeTi.,ar. , l ' and th01.2.-,ands. I i .. S•nl!.., Pit lee sell,:n a . .:.ia, in enve3ppe,toanyaddreF, post p,ii[l. on reCei ptl of •ik centsjor two post stamps ' , it 7 - n TN Z . V" "sire. .. C . ,TKE i s Agent for Shack - .& 1 A ddy-A : 64 " 4 1 .4 : the CII F.l i kLl.NE & Cn., -12, Bowery, New Yertz; 1:0..5t 0- dice box 4 5.5,3. Clark's Sev - ine: Machines. This is the BEST i c o h ; :a o p pi S l e . n o - i i , n e gl , 3 ; , j a n c ar lu k n e e t c f .A: , e r r h ole t t l e i:i ti n f . 4. s , r 4 t o a. v ( . , b a i n ch d l i T.Tri,i ' ll f li:l ,,,t l he N , G nc H lt 11 0 11- E . Sr Ar t. i, E 1 , .. , . Fee, , e Oii iee of e sae i n: clin be sold, bought, or used c,-ith safetV, as no I 1„..j Coudersport. win be ore ni only 'duthus. Court .b . ch time Mr..En.s‘vonh -1F ill he there. othel'S are fully licensed.. Thrz-e varzeties,lrith i " , "ek-` %II at Il e w ilk aJen 14, in iltneth•p,tit d.ui-1:17, tlir werekE of or without rrafaes. .Ithritiu' . c ,„,,,, ~ if r , c , .. ~ i - In C ,tia.l. °dn.:, , An assortment of newly irnprorc•d nude' feed' Pectins who hare bv, , inee math the Estate are re- Machines lust received: Call and, examine, i qu,•-tecl to meet him at thor . e timer. -, f, tie rs on bus' nee„ addres.4,l 0; the o.e..ce at Wells . I , • ' boro'.. will Ve promi,tlv ari , ii rPr' ,4 - ... DOtiq.b . e fooliSh.'—ion can make Six ! ii.,Y i ic.s -, . WILLIAM it. CLTIIEII - • Doliars from Fifty Cents. Call and examine I an in venlion urzentiv needed bv. everybodY• I s 2. l°- 0 '(-). I , ,:teari: Tools, -'-',: Year made 'by any. one with ;15— No cxperlence nere-sarv. - Or a sample sent free be mail forsUcents, that Ti,- Prosident, C , ,bier., and Tre:isn're'rs of 313ank.- - .. re:ails ea...Dv tor Ati. by R. L. Wolcott, 170, ir,dorse the circular. Stint free, uill - 1 Ear.:; let:. Ad dres- the American Ste i ncil Tool WorLs,Sprinztia:d, Chatham Square, .New . S: ur:lr. . i _ • ~ 1 Werrnaat.- nen:h. o.taNishcd in purrii3s. und,n.tand the v.lue :e hvuite lucAted near W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport, 2•Zuv. 19, IL-.66 1:1323 SHERIFF'S SALES, N. M. Glassrare is lan 11 'O OFFEE'LYG FOR SALE AILARGE AND WELL-SELECT rr ED . STOCK OF • CALICOES, DELAINES, , • ;tIERINOS, SHEETINGS, , SHMTINGS, • ,;LADIES HOODS, Ladies Breakfast Shawls, B?l , morals, , Cloth and Fur doves,, &c., &c., &e. HE ALSO CALL, STOC7i iOl TO lIIS, Groc;ris, Provisions, I Our, - Pork, Salt, Cod Fish, Mackerel, Vrnite Fish, , ezo., eze, TEAS, of all kinds, Salisburv, Bro. &I Co.' , Etten,ive Manuf.icturers and ampt:tetti of (5 . 1.tb 54.3T 'Vti s it f‘; entiP , Yltwilrit c.,.4 1 , • - Solid and Nickel SILVER-WARE, A.mctrican, English, and Swiss Wat,1044, Cased by Ourselv - ; An , l erry de-trip lion of Fahey Good lt Stud Not tolls, e-liecit,ll3,-.dapted and deeign : td for SOCTErEEN and WEVEERS TRADE. 4 Circulars 3.4l::::rinrive. Price Liets _ GROCERY fil4D e„rywher.. Addre., . —1 Salisbury - . Bro. A; P,USIXESS; WHICH' WILL BE! <ii l):.)lt.a . A.NCE ziTiLEET, PnorinANze, R. SUGARS, of all kinds, COFFEE, gToid and'd SPICES, of all kinds, - .-IVD, EVER7III_VG} P.E.4)T.1151-VG- TO lIHE SOLD. LOWER THAY AT -42 CY OTHER PLACE THE C 0 UXTR N. 31. GhASS3IIRE. Yor. IU, lEC6 ISGG 1 3 1a:tadrpilia*".; Erie Railroad. . 'TIT'S .t.r.reat li 7 , _1 nr , , Trit's 7.11 , r,,nntl ItZ.rll,- . lt 1,-,,a corai,, , of I•,onn t l tt . :ll to^-1, etty ~ f }liie on I,2ita, Erte. It tat, Iterit et Fed tutif , s ''P' 4 7-' l,- - -,1 1- . S the I'ENNSI:L.VANI , 4 RAP Wilt, CiIMPANT. Tau, of oAt-tt..,..,..r Ira; n- ft E',ll'ol.llT:lti. LEAVE EASTWARD. • • . 4 7:',..' P . ... Y ..:, .'-f• - ‘;.'• '-'' -- i;:::24. 1- .... , ••,. ..,,,,Cl.Tr,in--. - • r` —r - -' --- ._, Train . ..... esr. , Er ExPr'-- LEAVE • M-tri • Trd:l- --- Erie ••• ' .- Trait Vrie • WEST VilUlll I . 4_ , ,rEwer .0-, Erie Mail EEo;r•e Irain, w:Illoitt. charge 'both svai... l' , etweeD “Tlli Ere: NEW YORK C9.NNECTON. Leave New Yvrk a: .1., u , arrive al Eri- Leave Erie a: 445 P. m., az nive at New 4.10 ; P ss ELEGANT S LEEPING 'CARS on tlll N'zhi ri.E.-enrktr ply :It Coyne rut 3001 ,t;' , l rre.elt. Cor. . I • .1 .1, IZer.if Eri(% • ; I A2ent, C li. H. 1.1017:7z1 . 0.5. Pl: l 6.da • H. W. 6 Vs - I Gerlerol.rif•kr: A. L. TY tieoorol CASH PAID FOR HIDES. The Highest Market Price Paid I 6y~r-,~aa~~ j AT THE _ Ca rDERSPORT TAFA. Ott. 33. 18G6-3th , . . i I THE BUCKEYE STRAW-CUTTER PATENTED, ;Mr, MS, BY .PO TER & SMITH VIODSANDS of Lee machines are bthir made and ' , old, and give nwre ; ' Universal Satislaction 'than any other St Straw or a 1.- Cl atter in market. It has nocastinaT nb nt and cap be nAdei i t,: repaired in any countrl town. The Knife to ,tationarr—Bor vibrates -s-feeds —cute on tnp of the knife—cuts evert Ihk.a square MI .any length you wish. urd you cannot mate rs4salli work of it even with a dna - knife. Price, 61% • Samples of Machines. et' .efkap - :0" Via amd,cmigneci. lianufacturci: =rd. for male by N. q. GODOSEI • , Coudersport, Pa.,-Oct. t, • BOSTON CLOTHING HMS ITITIE subscriber rerpectfully itifornys9Voesticeisp‘f 1 douLleirs pert and- the putdic iu Lerselst, ;bat }.4. ; b.s Opened a READY Tsf..A.DE . CLOTHING STOUf.:. GILLETT'S BLOCK WETAJS' One door 'below 1 ATTE-17111Y A-VDERSO_I74-DOOLITTLE'S HARDWARE STORE', Tl:ere will be Littna at all times, a C.3mplete Assort inent, azld lateEt style* et QLOTIII.NG, lIAT, OAPS, FURXISUING GOODS, TRLISKS On: raottois Cheap for Cash, Qui.* Sp.left Small Profit; But One Price . New Gooda received evcvy week. Call and examine our 6--,o&-and nrices before 'ming elsewi ere, 11. K. o . e.o‘ier `22 tf 0c122-3m Nov is the time to iger one of ct.;olos brated Evaporators foi• Making Meple Stekr. Having used one the p&it season I Knott- thtert.i to be the best PAN for making 'Maple S,ltOt or Syrup. For fortir particularsor Circular/I address the midersig.ned who is aretrt, for Putter County. JOHN LINDSEY. 6-at. 'W.yr.,so!--,. Potter County, Pis, 11566 Holm Di Cattle Potion A A. M -- ME= SM. !YELLOW W. iTER., HEAZ E iC r G S, DI !TEMPER. F !VERS . , FOUNDI 'LOSS OF APP .2TITE A ND VIT. iENERGY. use improves in i, inure: 1 !he appetlt,s-gi la smooth a glossy shin—a) Transforms t miserable shelf horse. In a 1 diScasi: of Swige, such as Ceustrs, ricers WI the Lungs, Liver, C. this artiele - • acts as a speatie. D:r puttina; from one-half a paper • ; _ • to a paper in a barrel of the _ above diseases - ,NM be eradicated. or entirely prevented. If given in time. a certain preventive and care for the Eng Chniera. Win. Shear. Price 25 Ca= per Paper, or 5 ?opera for tl. TBz.7Alarb 92 ' S. 1 .7 0 - UPZ I AT T.b.xl - 2. 'WHOLESALE ..4YD 3ADJ - 17VE DErnT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Mt,. For F.-aAe 1.. y Pro and Storricer4vrs Llmuite out the Cr.itediStat. iSO2 by F, STEBBINS A: CO.,Condera port. Pa. . . An Irrrcnticni of Mire Merit! Ist s Pszost .„ y ,......... _ .. _ .., ,;/ ,.... ;neverbres 4 t7lttang.on t Ehaae;‘stor. r , L., hear:T; is easily cleaned -by reMe -ril ai top:.: in fact, the i i.. \ ,.... ......" -,-,./ . moat per ect obir. , 2ey known C 7l :- -- ot a h a e t :l s f lfge s rt P rls e t i ee r l a• A ; troduee No dealer can aCefd to be ... without them. • . )...a ,- NEW 1 MP CH;"triTEY CO., —,---. .- -.j. ` 7 `. -, >•,_ - : . ': 3 NI! amens... 3i,.. N. ALLEGANY CO, Maple Sug - ar Makers! FOUTZ'S 11=1 To IzeeNrs of con - s this prepar'ation is ineithlkbk, -Tree . tLe milk: It ha, proven by ae. - rxperittteet :o t.e the "law. , milk add twer.ty pee and Male e. Ilrett an 4 t. In Fitt-ping ,e. it rite.: ticks ,tepetlt.e,loeseeta Ltda. a-4 the Shelia METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY, THAT Via IC, eaux BY IXE4.T, This prepara2lol4, long ,and faTorablt knoWn, will then onglaly reinsigoralie broken-down sal low-spirited home, by Ftrengtheaing and cleansing tie stomach lad inter tines. t% DirEl=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers