}~q ::zr+~.::.: El Voidirotedfreem firstface. • freedman a chance to beionie n freeholder'. April 23, the Horse Judiciary Committee re ported against the President's recommendation to modify the test oath. Congress, however, earnestly desirous of coming to a better un-, derstanding with Mr. Johnson, "did-not in any • way attempt to force unnecesdrifi troubles, and the Senate, May li, rejectil a moderate hill of Mr. Trumbull s Yestratning the caps pointing Power"of the President. --I - ._. The history of the Tariff bill in this session • Is one of neglect and pappdintment. As early as January petitions in favor of a Pro:. tective Tariff were poured into Congress. In Jane and July it was dhatedlin the House, and, July 10, passed by, a vot of 94 to 53. .Though mot perfect, it, wrte,a de. 'iled ilnprpve -.meat upOnpie,tatiff invexiSte.n e. We would 'gladly . bavetiecepted - it with al .its fiults,,but bad little hope of-its pa sago n the Senate. July 12 that body postponedthe bill till De cember, and next day thefriends of protection introduced a revised ith, i into 00 House. Gradually the excellent ,measures which the Coinisitttee blid`tiriginaWrep#ted were frit- teiett Atity. :The Senate neeented the rerfsed i . bill litly;24, withatmericiments• in:which- the House - refused to 'concur: - Al Coininittee Of , Conference was appointed, and on, the last', day of the session this, enfeebled and ineffic ient measure was finally adopted Iby both Houses. We have no desir6J at present, to criticise further the actlion of Congress, es pealitlJY: orthe Sedate, in this unpardonable attire to do something decisive for the en rouragement of American manufactures, and the general financial ihtsres,s. in a policy which began by raisin the tax upon Coal, and increasing, it upon fron, i was impossible to {lace ;much confidence. A separate bill to increekto the duty upon Rumor ed Wool passed i the Howe, just before ladjou nment,i but the i Senate wasted no time n layi git on the table. Congress has j ,made little chringe in, the tariff it found imposed and we suppose we should be grateful fOr ev this stnall measure of wisdem.' . I - I ,• Other financial le islatio of importabee ' Wittfteilnuitch neglectdd: - T le Loan bill was considered in the House, an in its original shape defeated March 16. On the 23d_ it passed by 83 to 53, arid Ap it 9 was adopted in the ! Set:fatal:ly a large maj ray. The Com mittee .of Ways and Means February 1, re- Ported:a - bill to Fund the Nat onal Debt, which , • wati'subsequently cut] doam and changed sol that it was necessary to cha ce the very title. The Bankrupt bill, a very i portant measure, which, if passed, would hav been of immeas urable benefit to the _count y, Was approved by the House as early as 31 y,..but the Sonnle ,objecting to the entire principle _of the bill, l 'lagittill.December. I ,A more gratify.- lng feature of the'firetncial action of Congress ices the passage of the Inte l mal Revenue bill in June, by which at least $100,000,000 of of taxes per annum were ropdal ed. A stronger evidence of the-wealth and resources of , it' country' hartlil not - be given itirinthe this was accomplished a little more than a year after the,endlof the war, rinihwith a debt Of *hod-. sands of milliOns unpaid. , Had this removal of dirict taxes_biehhtocrimhtnied with a more ri .i stringent protective tariff, weshould have been better satisfied. „But, Co gress proceeded , from mistake, to - cdiatake. , -July 18,-,:the Sin. : , ate resolved -- to increase" Hi' imy of its 'olMcers ateernnloyees, while,,May g5,--the.dangerous rbillto,eque.Hzekoletima l b_ nutlet! 'passed the i t House by a neatiy unani ous vote. The - se " two Measures,were, d.estin d .to, servo each other well. ] The Senate dtffeated .the, Bounty bill, July 24, and the Hous , two days after, refused to concur - bi the-bi I to inereast sala ries. On theiast day of t o Session, a .Cpri 14610CommitteeComittee tacked - Oth of these prop widget to,the Civil Appropriationbill anti the House, protesting,aga nst increasing its wages, voted for the bill or the sake of the, aoldiers':Hciuntifq, while ,t 6 ,- Seittaie, ,protest inrfagainst'the bounties,. approved the bill for the sake of its salaries.-' This pleasant little - arrangetne4t, whlch was carried out o irrepec t ive ofPattY,44,lilgeed bi the Preside t, and is now - dnotheilliciof thatltwo Wrongs, :. far - Cita ,makingeone rigid.; fralake each othe . p - Anore,monstrons.n., ~ _, 1, - .. ._ , - Corigress, Ifay 30, finally, Passed. the. bill to facilitate commerciar, ) poStal, and' military communication betweent e sevdial' . BtatOs. , -, a wise and importatWm, Bare, which ought to do. novel} to. _destroy 1 e monopolies thdt rotelhepeoptelL l A bill t; reorganize the Jti- i , - 4144aty of the United States was adopted. The Army , bill 4, giVing us a large military force, was adopted at the end of the sesiien. i River and Harbor improvements lucre author ized,l but a much needs pi to protect the banks of the Nlississi pi from inundation i was defetttPt 'JAM, Neu rality bill, which re-i ~ ,pepied,h3,9 ,Old law's b' which the United' 'State's' bOtind herself to a extreme neutrality, •utyhi, , ,,thAjo,rigalypatien . _ swell,: was , . passed r in the House, but in the SenaTe 'Consigned to . a Committee,. arid Sera over till December. The spiriyof thiarbilt NV A carried out in other] resoluti,ona by (.3opgressire,quesiing the Pres-i rient r uC i repctri - if - as& ii, Metlean-citizens in Ireland wareltelilillegafly imprisoned, asking bite to interfere in bel elf of the Feniansin I .: Canada;lindildecnriten ing that' ll 'prosequ- i ~. At t one imtha United Stat s Courts,against.Fen lens should be stopped. What may bi called e -personal business ..` ef7Congraclitta7ser at interesting points. • WhOrklleisessiori:begit ~both,Houses unani mously passed resolut ons of, thanks topic, . .A.cmy and. Navy,.. , WILLIS at the close 1 ere , practicajljt carried out a the bill,creatiegithe "..titles Of Geneirtlinthe ArniY; and Admiral in the Navy—honor/3,i tended by ' Congress I for ' Grant.:•and. - - .Farrairut--who were keen afterward 'nominated by: the President, ;an'tl cenfirmed by the Sena,e: The right of joint . P,.,..Stocktou of liew4ersey.to a seat in':- the Senate was' disputed in March, and on the 23d he was, declared entitled to hill piece, by -a close vote of 22 to 2i, Mr. Stockton voting . for himself. 11.iis led to-a, very exciting de bate, and Mr, - Stbektou finally yielded to the , arguments against his right to vote in his own case when be was unseated, March. 27, by 22 . 4,021 It neat, supposed that New Jerley,Which .. had so thoroughly in orsed the Union policy-,: would send a Radicel Sumter at once. An " election Was pre Vent d by the treachery of James M...Scorci,zSpe ker,of thelNew lerscy _ Senate, who, electede s a Radical; and distil)- gnished above - ,541 pits in-,the State Ric. the loudness OfJais_profe sinus: of fidelity to hii 1. Party, seizedithe first 'opportunity• to appose I it. Every Union" me ber of the New jersey . -.:Legislature opposnd. IC. Score!, but having • the decisive vote he fused to allnw an, elec. ',. tioa, and the intentin of the Union pdrty to send, Altiailder G. attell—one of the best men in the State--to the United State id Sen- ate was defeated... T e expulsion of Mc. Se -1 Ire. from the councilof -his" own party, and the - eonfidenceef anparty—even that he had treacherously nerved 'followed as a matter off : course. The death f Solomon Foot, Senator from Vermont, occurred March 26, and George F: Edmonds wa - § eie ted his successor: July -11, Senatcir-Laeeezf Kansas died e c-a, snieide; I 1 ... Roth Housesrpfdd ti eir tritiato of .respect•to 'the memory -of ,Li tit'.;•Ocra - . Scott. Jamas •Ifumplireys ' Aepres ptaitye from• New York, died June 18, and t e u-nril tribute of respect was paid. A pain 1 duty was imposed on V4e, Liourie,•in Jane, yno attack A 'tde by Mr, 7: 7 5 .:. Acnai.Seitu of Kntuckr-ispoli licr Griquell of liitnia- for words Br/61144W abItte;11110 spec ial committee appointed to ,eionsider this breach of privilege reported in 4ivor of the expulsion of Mr. Rosseau, hut th pious° con tented itself with a vote' of !censure. Mr. - Rousseau, however, signified bib Intention to rejig). , - Another peribnal , makiei of hornet - I - - azie to Mr:MCDougalrand a few,: others was the SOnate resolution! forbidtp4 the sale of whiskey in the Capitol .% ,! i ~ .! - Congress voted to itcdinit * twb new States to the Unidn. The hill' to admit Coloardo was vetoed b - \ the Ilesidert M.4y 35th. , upon grounds which we think insufficient July 2fitli ;Nebraska hits declared t{ State by Con gres; but the President had thus far vt ithhe)d. his approval. April I9th, the' House adopted a-resolution of inquiry, whether Jeffe l rson Ds xis TV , - ai guilty of ineiting.,nssassimition, - t - ts ehargedeby Presideht-John,son.- -Tice ref-irt of 00 Special Committee-oe the saiject wits made,July 27th, and' has been .too ,recently before - our readers toneed dutch comment; Tile course of the Demddiratc minority( in Con"ress reflected little credit on its ability. Iti ineathers'earlfdisfirighfsed themselves, y factious Opposition i. ;to ..irn endures they. w ere porierless to . defeat, ;ffncl by propositions•Eind argproents which called forth the'derisioO of the people. In Febrimry we find lfr., Cowrin, oft ennsylvanfa,orignaally elected as Otepnb lican, but long sincepi. deserter from his con stituency, declaring that; thel war is a failure unlessilie Rebel States were at once adtnitted. In 'March, -Garrett Davis advised the PreSl - to declare a convention; of the Congres sioital minority, and the Rebel claimants of seats, the true Congress, and to enforce its legislation by the military poWer. Mr. Rog ers of New Jersey, the welliknown leader of the Democratic party tin the House, was in fayor of taxing national seeurities, and Mr. Chanter, the equally' well-knenm follower, bad the, audacity, in May, to ctifen a series of res• olutions indorsing the President, denouncing' Congress as wicked.: revel utibnar,v, malignant, aid mischievous - . : Forthisiinsult Mr. Chan • ler was at once cenSured. I 'Ale minority was reiinforced by a smaH plif i tyl of seceders . from the Union party, in both H ouses, Mr. RaYmond of New York attracting -n,edflattention by his i l ingenuity in voting on bOthl sides- of the great questions considered.. Dixoe, Van ly 1111:1 e, Willey and. Delankareamong the otliers,who, ,' eleected to Congreis by the Union party, were, ' tfireughout the se.Ssion, ;generally ready to ore with its opponents. 1,11 these ge,ntlemen lowever, the Union majority was in Httle fear. )out a more seriot 4 cause for uneasiness was 1, Abe attituie ofth'm Pre3idebt. The call for ItliQNational John, fon Convention, June 25,t0 Pmeet at PhiladelPbia in •.elugust, resulted in the resignation of post-ma t ter Denuison from the'Cabinet, Jnly 1.:, followed in .n few days , by that of Attorney-Gehl. Speed, null recently i lby that of Mr. Harlan, See'retary of the Lite- I !rior. Warned:bythese resignations, and tin-. 1 :ticipating a sweepkr.g, remitval of 'Union Men I from Government Offices after Congreds had I adjourned, antt,the appointments of Copper-! 1 (heads .to their; plitees, a Union caucus Was 'held in - July, to devise - measures - to prevent 'these evils. . Mr. Stevens'S'concurrent resqlu lion to netharize the presiding officers to slim- Mon Congres.s &bring the recess Vrab;lioweer, (defeated, end Congress in!!adjeurning ha s I tch. the conntry to. the _Executive ....limitetl, fortu nately; by the laws it frahied, and, without his 'conseift, estatilished t, .t . / ' .- 'II - I nit -aft ra-session•o/ 1.. ' - ' , -Onlthe istb of J tolgni , ll , months, Congress adjourned. For its fidelity I to the great principles of be Union party, its; boldness and snecess in'iasserting thein, it, deserves the 'thatiks of the' country}. • Never' . littd the National Leglsl4ure such mighty, I work to .do--never tadAt - been surrounded with such 'perils and - teroPtntiont!.. It is true that the X.X.,'XIXth Congtess failed to insist %mil. impartial Soffraged but its legislutiim Must end in the destrnetien of all proscription on account of rime or color. With all, its Notts this Congress has bravely and success-, fulfy defended the prifjciples for Which the war was fought, ana Vilti out it for it bultr . ark! 1 the gains of the, war ir tild unquestionably i b'e swept oway,l - •., . L .- : .' i • : :: i 1 . . . , '.A DREW Joirsik&! Irr'Tap'AsoN.—Lett it be engraven'pn ever heart thatitreason , is''a.crime and i,rtitoilsolBll sufferlits: pen- I city: While we are aplpalled,overwhelmed I at the fall of . 4e man in our mitiSt by the. hiwid'of a' iitutpr, ilia::we' allOw:inen::—l care not by'lwhat 'Weak) Ms—to attempt the 1 life Of the Stitt!eWit.4l npunity ? «'e While e 1 strain oar; rOinds to:clop-Olen(' the circa-- 11 ' 1. 4." 31.. .thN 'aisassiMatten - , shall we alloW the 'natiOn' 'to be assassinated 1 I speak in ' no spirit ot'unkindness[ I leave the-events, of, the future: to he (listed of as they arise, regarding rpylell as Iti ,bumble i i ngrument of - the ArnerichiY.p4l l 6. In this, in all' thinfr- justice: and pz ment shall . be de -1 .. . . , termuted hy4lient. ! do not barbor.bitter 1 / pr . reve,ngefali'fcelinirsi toward any. In gerierid tea ii 4 - ,vcßio say that public rnorals-and-opinion‘shOuld be established on the saw, and Mem. - bl . principles' -of justice. 1 When ale - ti ! trestion of exercising mercy.. l lcomes before Me,itwil be consid,:red calmly:' judicially-rOtembet i irivg that l i , am the Executive or Idle nation. fi.. know. Men; love to have their Dairies spoken of in con- 1 ' nection ;!ivith irets.'oftlr ircy;and how easy! it_ is td.:yiel , A Ito th's limpidie. !lint we must not forget that what may berrnerey to the' individtal is c 41ty to the State: f . ' ' ' ' ANDRE"..Tofri; - Vf: April 1,§;1065'.'- , . I , • Durillt; G . eneriti Sherinat?s recent NOV E 'Nur{ tlie train stooped at _ \VoiceSfer, Mass., wliere i a number "(f urch ins hung ,litte squidrel i s to the sides and windows of ihe'car,shouting for "Sh i erMiin" "Sherman!" The citdllati-dressed General, yismg, peinted the'l)o . is• to a military ',tree tloinari in the car,drssed in unifortn,wliei:e -u pot') a biiglitleyed rerciin responded': "Can't come that, Oeneral.l Can't fool us here. We take the papersi We know you 1" and convulsed With 11ig1,ti3r, the General ,1 was coerced to the. plai,foriti. " ' • inr7An rew: JCihtison repeatedly de cu himself filvorlible tb,the doctrine that "none but toyalimeh shoidd goverti" in the ISouth,andi that the gliestion of suffrage should be rkerr i ed 4xclusively to the respec tive 'Statesi Yet i!nLouisiana he 'arbitra rily depose ft: loyal Governor to recognize I as the Executive ait Attoi•neY General who was an ofaer of to rebel army, and he , ctitintenanc i l ed the- uppression of a conven tion .of loyal' men asseinVed to revise the State - constitution ;with ,special reference to ihe right Of sUffraXe. c.: • , 11- Prentice rays of 'a•rebaFeditarqrlto "smelt a titt," that if he did and the rat ' Knelt hitni the puAr rat had the wiatt of it. mil . iiiiiii E MEESE 1221 GOOD NEWS 1 .. AND NEW GOODS STRODE BUT j , , ,••••••, THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES . / l ' / BARGAINS ! 1 BARGAINS . __ No attention! paid to the 9 st of \ GOODS. 1 \ / 1 Prompt conformity to e Lowest Market Pries is our established , 1 I 'RULE. , s 1 We are determined to give the f public the Benefit of the FALL, this time. • 1 try to; prove the Rule , \ Yorks bOln Ways.''`\ I high prices when goods r 1 : 1 11, We will see to it that liiEr2l3 You pal went .up' low pikes now GOODS you pay ire !down. ay go down, but we do Others intend to be beaten. not sk - is to gilt us a Call. All we much as you_ please. If Shop as 'w our prices we feel sure I you lin of a sale. _ 'We tire tor the trade this spring and. are determined that ' 1 CHARLES S. JONES! Shall take the lead .i n f u rnishing this section of the country with the best I articles for. the leUst money. Ours is the Store where that can, be done. COME, SEE, and be CONVINuED, All Iliinda of, ICot,ral Goods!! „we- are now of at .riees which can loot fail to Elrikc Purchaser as r. 'C l l " ll 4 teel;l3 4 i CALICOESWITH -THE §TARCII OUT OF BOTH CLOTH AND 11. 22 21° ! , p I • I '1 BROAD-q_LOTH, Plain& Fancy - Cass : l=o-es STANDAiID AiTISLINS Bleached amd,Unbleached Muslinsj of all Prices. Flannell of all. COlor.s„ SILKi'& _LINEN HAN SPOOL COT'rON'., Ticking, Striped Shirting Denims. ,Crash, Toweling LADIES DRESS GOODS, All -Wool Delairiesi:Arne4 Delaiues. Mitt. Lustres, 4te,, G. CERIS 9 Of all kinfb. COFFEES; WHIT & _BROWN SUGARSISYRIPt COiIIION !MOLASSES GREEN A: SLICK TEAS, SVICES. of all • r kinds. 4. great variety of the pest briinds of SmOIMIG k CHEWING TOBACCO:.' Corn brooms, Cedar RaeliebiNo. 1 and 2.1 1 / a kerel, Labradoti Herrihg, laanis S Shouldei4; Also,, DRUGS and EDICINES, ' EADY-MADE .O.L9THING, HOES, BOOTS and PAY THE HIGHEST U'UNTR?PRODUCE. REMEMBER zit,/ PRICE FOR II AB LES S. JONES. Jun§ b, Ckmdciraport I I == _L 4I Summer .11.1i0Otigc: YOUR'ittttention - is itivittd to the largc cad attractive _stock - just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. ' We•have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, co-nprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and • SHIRTINGS, • 'BLE ACHED 11USLINS, - .DENIMS, • STRIPES 1 " CHECKS, TICKDIGS, and , , ' ' ' • .COTTON PLANVIS, an which kit cannot/be undersold. • • - We, purchase .onr goods for Cash_ and offer them/at a very - small advance - • Prom Cost.' • MU / FLANNELS. IF vox 'want to purchase RED,' • GRAY, BLUE, or l PLAID FRENCH SHIATING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; • - , DELAINLS, , • • PRINTS, • BROCTIE, and • • WOOLEN SIIAWS, HOODS, SONTAGS, . NUBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and CASSIIIERES,". a full supply. At Olmsted's. fON'T fail tocall before purchasing and see the assortment BOOTS & SHOES FOR Men,.lVomen w Children, in great ye . riety and cheap At Olmsted's For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, a fact everything in the Grocery line, call full assortment of almost, everything thitt is kept in a country store on liand. We intend o keep'Goods that' give satisfaction and sell good articles profit GrairLofitli kinds, - • • 13utter, V. Shebp Pelts, Furs, Deer Skine County-, Township and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid At Olmsted's Couderspot o : Pa,Nov't• ATLANTIC AID GREAt, WESTERN Railroad Throng! Potter county. • •, . . .(0 : • • ; BOOKSIDati':I miTE .1 Potter ! t a b Nt• t o traonenbeeo ht outtet eel? tire stock of .. countyV, Aatin e ii Y f place and will here after:keep on hand a Pill assortment of; • -.• . BOOKS' AND -TATIOERY Including Writing, Tissue, -Per forated ' , and-Blotting Pa pet, ,, - . En velopesiTnks, Slates, Pencils, eray onS, Inkstands; Blank-Books .o 1 all • • kinds. • Writing BOORS, Pocket DIARYS, Drawbg Materials, ItILAKELANICOII . S BOOKS hiefuding the iatest Standard NOVEIADIAGAZIIiE,PICTORIAL - STORY PAPERS, ALSO al! of the Stancler4 . , • ; ; 2Pd. - ..k.•eertrin s tract Of 1itn0,v.... improvements thereon,_ near Kettle Creek, i warrant 5819, inlStewartson township, Pottei eritintr,=?C,reontaining about 204 liOrefi. ' 4 : 1 .. C. Bashor , holds also in trust warrant n . 1 250 . 1, in Games . tosinshiP;.Tioga i ebunt.yi:i., , on the road leading from Germania to Gaines ~ NIISCELLLANEOUS , BOOKS, rixffitainiiii,.. 850' acres:, '-,- ' fine lot of PHOTOGRAPHIC MAW Special atfatition gis-ea to Orciera'for_, novingrriade the necessary arrangements in New York wo are onabled„to fill all such order. on abort notice. By prompt and courteous .attention .to e n r patron., with fair and honorable dealing, we hope to , merit and receive ailargp.aham of, the patronage of thlifse wishinglittialee In - otrr D. O. Sr. DLitt; LARRABEE:' m yro...—.ubscriberilate Lan dlord of the Union liaise; viattqns to, tho Conn ty Seat. with Hoarding, At ralionahlqiratqa ,Throta, Wit neanna and others will find lc.' their ad'vatitage to g . ice him a rail. S. C. Phelps. . Ponclereport, Feb. 8, 1564 tf AT ou4STED!s:: CLOTHING. At almstedli AT OLMSTED'S 01,M§TED . ,4, Want& Also, M= AND ? I'EXT-BpoKs FOR SCHOOL 3 MI =II BOSTIIN' _CLOT HIN G - HOUSE of r i luE,ubscro;erieti.ctith , fort-t ho Cpcidonipprrau4 Ipgen „, th at b, 11up opened a,. : z tt . EADrY, MADE” CLOTHING • • • GILLETT'S BLOCK, I WELLSVILLE, . • ALLEGANY CO., N.'",l' One door below. ANDERSON . t DOOLITTLE'S ,BARD FARE STORE, Mete Mill bO found at nil titles, a CoMplete AnsMt• went, ntiAla!ept etyies of • CLOTHING, . 1I: • - • •• •• , C kPS, • EtiINISIIIN L'S., G COO. • ~ . • TItU.NK,S &C. r • I oar motto for Cheat / o Cash, Quick Sales, Sm.all E'rofits, But One Price.) New Goods received every week. - Call dud examine our Goods and Prices before going' elsewhere. June 10.-3 m. [We tidcertiee iu the Perms Joupcit..l ANDERSON & DOOLITTLE ! ; I . NO. S, I GILLETT'S BLOCK, NEXT DOOR TO TIM BOSTON' CLOTHLNG 'IIqI:SE, . I Wellsville, - IL Y. • I kit:Ea u ccivlng a complete aortment or! SHELF AND ~HEAVY , I HARDWAR, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, JOINERS' TOOLS, Blacksniith's Tool and Stock, PLATED-WARE, r Table and PoClcet Catitery, W-HEELtik j Br. MADDEN'S Mill, Circidar, Cross-:Cut,'and Muley Siws Rubber, aucl•l-qather pelting, Hemp and Rubber Packing, . .:,._ ... . . . t Inti:N,NAltS;__s,TEEi„ GLASS , ataa.cl. O XZ Elata. ci TI"X"'"PIE". Turpentine and. Varnishes. Carriage Trimmings, Saddlery Hardviiare Spokes, ,), Felloes, ate• I Ili S TO:YE', • • .Tl.N;fr . .~ • SHEET IR OA; 4-1.1 1 71) C OPFER ,.. JOB-WORK , Of all kinds esseenled in the beet manner, on reaEon• able terms. Our +flock:comprises everytking, iii mir line, bee been bought for 4::::1,AL,...1E3c, gat LOW NIO.IJOE,and weare not to be undeisold. Dealers supplied, at New York Jobbers . 0 . , ,Prices.. LB.-ANDERSON, L. f.:OOOLITTLE, 'Wellsville, N. Y., June IS, ISG6 3 mos . Notice, GsnarANrA,.Potter.Go., Pa., Ang. 1, 1863 IVOTICEia hereby given that Charles Bu n il shor,ow or late oftlie county, holding the following deserilied property. has not ye paid any consideration whatever fcr the games and all persons are hereby warned not to pur chase any of said propertylof the Eftillßushoi . before the 'decision ofr.thof Cpurt is given in this case and. C. I3ushor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. ( The following is the property'': Ist. A certain tract of land near the GerL mania Mill, in warrant 5015. Abbott township ; . Potter county - , Pa., containing' -100 ncrcs.-, Also 25 acres in warrant 508 and adjoinink I I the above. • A' '''Ct of land, with fill and d - Lime ' esires I 1 ntern'. the niti— nd vicinity that he is pie= . , timE a StoCg- d non-: WOIIIIIS. July. 1. Coal to =II The . Irndersigned d zens of Coudersport a to furnish, .• . P 0 4 14 44 6 ;, : rees• 'ratt:y. • EMPORIUM, PI, WO • - BUSINESS gOLLECE Worth-east Corner Tenth and Chestnut streets, - The Most 6incipleteand thoroughly appointed Btul• ness or Commercialgollege Imthe country.. The only one in the city possessing-a Leglid a th. e. Charter, and the onitotfe in the United Staten author. ized to confer Degrees of Diplemay Bw rtrdt4 to graduates in the ConnaercialCmirso under It cor, porate seal by authority of law. - . Conducted by trentlemen - :"of liberal education and extensive experietice in business, and affording tale. qdalled advantages fon Quit thorough theoretical dad practical education of Young m u for the various du ties and employments of bus nese life. - - TREORYr AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a system •of • .?• • • • • ACTUAL .VOSINESS TRAINING original and prmemindnilf - Praztical, rring th e stu dentin the shortest time a:complete ingght intathe routine, ditldN, .customs and forms at hush es, l a genera'. as conducteditu the hest-regulatid cstanacr.• • dal and dn:mei:ll cite Mshinents.' • - THEORETICAL BOOK-KEEN:I:G' Upon a new plain, with an original exposition o f lb, sci e nce or acconnt:, arranged and puidn-hed by th,,.[ proprietor of this Institution e:*tusively for Ida ,n, n l line ' saving one-half the ordinary labor of the Etuthn tint! giving Mara complete knowledge of the p of Abe beet accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EitHILICES Book-keeping, Commercial Aridonetic, len manship, Business Correspondence, Com. • mercial Law, Lectures on'', Business 'Affairs, Commercial Custonis, forms, and , Actual' Busi - . n,ess Practice. • SPECIAL BRANCHES.. Algebra Aipbra and the Higher .17.1a11iematies, Phono graphy, Ornamental Penmanship, the Art of Detecting Counterfeit _Money, Engineering, Surveying, and Telegraphing: TELEORAPHING. 11. K. OPP. The orranzementi lei Telt:graphing ntt fat in ad: 'sauce of-ralyttling of the kind et cr:ettered, to the put, lic. A•regula r Telegraph Line.iß FOOICCI Cf . / With tho Institution With twenty bnvt:boff:cee ityvarions parts of the city, where pubicbucineog le. tlmpacted, and in which students of this it,stitution a t e permitted to practice., No regutnroffiee prattiLe c.t he had in any - ' other school of in-truction ir the coatty. without which no une can obtain a positipn ue it practical op. erator. Yournr men are condoned against thcdcCep. tire represet,ti dot, s of 'those who, without aLy tuck faCilities pretend to teach Telegraphing. . . . PATRONAGE. 1 'This Institution is now enjoyine. Mehl rgest patran. nge ever bestowed upon , any.commereitil school in the State; Over five hundred stunente were in attend• tines, the ling; year, and over seven haraired dam; the pact year. The hest etas; of students may inva riably be found heie, and all Its 1166 c ciatiuna are fist elasc. The It Ptitation islocated iu the mont central part of the city, and its accomCnocations, for extent., ee. gance and convenience. are un.‘nruacsed. Ail the mourns have been fitted itp in the sere hest style with Business Omens or, Countinz llousen, Telegraph Stationery i'tore, _ and a egniar • 13AX1 01'.75E1 , 0st1' ND IS , ITE • supplied with . finely.encraved • lithogtaphic netts used a , a circulating medium in ; the •pattzueut of Actual Business. I • _ •TO .YOUNG MEN ,tho desire the—eery hest fa eintieq fur a 'Practical Edncation for Btvinesn', wo guarante . o n course or instruction no where eine to bei equalled, while the reputation add standieg of the "Audit Utica among bust !lend ntert i ppko its endorsement the beat par.sput t to success an advaneement, c , ntemplatity4 entering any Commercial (*.liege, are invited to send for an ' ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR 8 CATALOGUE. . containing complete. interior Fiona of thee. College, and full nartizulars of the course of Instruction terms, ,S:c . , T. E. MERCHANT, , Supt. , oi l Office• pitstnert. • :'n0v1.1171130 HOISO ally. Patio, .TER; REiVE, COLT G HS, DI, TEMFYR, Fl AERS a FOLNDE LOSS. OF APP' TITE AND Yll' ENERGY, Lee. . time improves t, tsin'd, increase the appetite—give a smooth .er glossy • skin—al translorms. • t Ii miserable alcelel To keepers of In all diseases.of Swine, suet/ 49 . 4 . 044 p, Peers in theiungs, ' Arc. this article - acts as a specific putting front , one-half a paper to al paper. in a . barrel of swill the I above diseases - - Wilt be eradicated _ or entirely prevented. if given in titne; a - certain preventive and core for the' nog `,Chelera..: Price' 25 Cents per Paper; or 5 P4peplfor Si.. FBEPdSE. . , S. A.. 1 70 00T.T7I'V. - .Sr, 13E1,0., • • •• • AT:TEEI.II:!:.f", WDOLESALWanrct. itNp ,3*Dicp* pE:for, No. 116 Franklin. St., Baltiniore,. Nd. For Sale by Druggists and, Storekeepers through , out the IJaited States. . , Sold by P, A.. SigBIIII:CS k 90.,Cciaders plrt. Pa. !THE ,•-• - - 1121IICICEVE STRAW-VIITTER P:ATENTED,II7LY,' '1804•; .13P. rrEr OUSAICDI3'O'I theai - Machin OA ate , being essdi •a• Lind' Cold', arid' git•e: Universal Sat4ltgtion titn any oiler , • 1 . - • - .stratv -, .or -Stall&Cutter in market. -Ithasnocastingsabouta dcanben ads or ro•p.aired in any country town. The hnifo . -gi-ntlonaryßni• yibraiee,tieede JiEelf "-cuts on top of t4e knife‘-cuts•,cceittldr sqno t° any lengthyon'wish; and you cannot =le tgigll , d work of it even with a dtill,kaife.; •,: . • - ; . Price; Baniplea' Machines can be-seen , at ebPP of the underbignqd. .Manufactured. and for's*. by, - , • N GQOI}S,EII., • RADDE. ' • • • • Coudersport, Pa., Oc.t: JUST received—Polkas, Walt - 4ei, .-561144 10. " Marches, Songs, Dnetts, Vartallonb - .Y April 24,'06. D. C. 8'; 31.21 L IsAIMAZZI" PHILADELPHIA, • ,•• • LOCATICN AND ACCOMMODATIONS L. FAIP.BANKS, • • I President. F 0 T;Z'S Thi9 preparation, long hral favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate brokeia-down and low-sPirited horses, by istrengthoninit and cleansing the f 3 tomdch and lutes- It Is 11. sure pre ."eil the quality he 'milk. It has proven by ac qperiment to reuse - the /cum. oY milk And anj twenty per and: Mike tbq tor firm - and :et.. Tri fatt'eninr, tle, it gives them 3ppetite, loosen 3 ir h de, and :eS them . thrive
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers