- - I SPECI_AL NOTICES! Whiskers 1 Whiskers ! IDo you want Whiskers or Moustaches? iGrecian compound will force them to grow on 'the smoothest , face or chin, or hair on. grow_ ;heads, in Six Weeks. Price, $l.OO. Sent by mail anywheie; closely sealed, on receipt - of Address. WARNER & CO. lysn Box 138, Brooklyn, N.Y ;THE MASON ±St. HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS "Forty different styles, adapted to sacred and 6e,ular music, for SO to 5600 each. FIFTY prNE Gold or Silver Medals, or other first emiums awarded them. Illustrated Cata rives free. 'Address, MASON & HAMLIN, .r MASON & (BROTHERS, New York. I.lyon's Periodical Drops ! Ifplie Great, Feurade Remedy for Irreg.: L:ulayities. These drops are a. scientifically com tarded o fi r u e r r u ia m r t I ok e j a n n o d li h i e n t d e r than r aatci y t I Pi on is 'direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy and certain speCific for the cure of all oh , tructisns and' isuppresKions of nature. Their popularity is ind;cated'l by the fact that ,Over 100,000 bottles are annually sold .and consumed by the ladies of the United 'States, ',every one of wheal speak in the strongest terms of ',praise of their g'reat merits. They are ,apidly toting lac place o every other Female Remedy, and are con ,Isidered.by all who Willow aught of them, as the surest 4.afest, and most' infallible preparation in 'the world'! [for the cure of all Female complaints, the removal of obstructions lof nature, and the promotion of health '!regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating when they maybe used,and explaining when and why they should not!, nor could not be used without pro effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will fonnd c.arefully folded around each bottle, with I Vwritten signature ofJOIIN L. LYON, without which rnone aro gertuii;e. ' -Prepared.by Dr. JOUN L. LYON, 195 Chanel 'Street. New Ilkvon, Conn., who Call be cmsulted either personally or ny mail, (enclosing etatnp.) ccin ibernlm, all private diseases and female weaknes-es: Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price sj.so pr Sot: C. G CLAIM & 17.0 lysp General Agts for United States and Canadas RALLY THE SYSTEM After a disease has been conquered; there is,still the Weakness that it leaves behind it to be removed. Convalescense, is a tedious sffair. If -the enfeebled and flaccid 113- I 111 des, the Shattered nerves, the thin and frwatery blood 'could speak, they would cry for [help. In too many cases such help as is given them is not of the right kind. The ifiery stimulants of commerce do harm. They kindles. temporary flame, which is a mockery. Their etfect passes, and the last state of him I.tho uses them is worse than the first. , • • Not such is the effect of Hostetter's Stom hich Bitters. There, is no drawback to their lioning properties. Balsamic plants and barks [and roots contribute their restorative juices Ito render this soothing and strengthening ipreparation a protective and remedial agent. 'lts basis is the only stimulant which has ever (been produce l d containing no fusel od or any other deletetiks element. The most careful rand skillful. chemis's have analyzed the Bit iters, and pronounced them harmless: , This is scientific testimony; bnt.the testi [tnony of the hundreds of thousands Who have [experienced the prevehtative and ;curative !effects of the Great Vegetable Tonic and lAlierative of modern lames is still more con 'ln fever and ague; dyspepl r sia, bil iousness• nervous cotullaints,general debility. and chronic complaints, it is ths n.eariv • infal ible as anything in this fallible n-grld can 7.e. Sold everyvihere. DR. TOBIAS' •VENITI - AIV LLV Lll EN' T. IT CCRES' CHOLERA., Wil-EN . FIaST rtaken, in a feu - hours.; Dysentery in half an hoer; Toothache in five ' minutes. 'ft is !perfectly innocent .to take internally, and is recommended' by the most eminent:Physicians ,in the•Unitati States. .:Price aah SU cts. I.. Tobias, New York : Dear Sir-1 have•used yodr Venitian Liniment 19th great uccess, both as au inte:ual as well as an ex.- iternal medicine. In case; of BiliouS Cholic and Cholera 3dorbus I regard it as a sovereign remedy. Your Venitian'Horse - Linimeat stands iunrivalled as a. horse medicine amongstlarriers hnd boatmen, on this canal. M. LEWIS • Sup't North Bran ch• Canal. , Sold by all Druggists. Office, No. 56 Cort qandt St. New York. THE DECISIVE BATTLE HAS BEES *FOUGHT AND WON in every :State, and City, end Town :in y :the Union, 1,:,- •CRISTAT)ORO'S . HAIR D — z E over all 'World-be-rivals, and the palm of Ivictory is awarded to it for depth and rich ness t tint, durability, 'rapidity of action, 'softening and li.titleating properties, and en tire freedom 'from .every deleterious or soiling .;in,gredient. Msulifactcred by. J. •CRISVA iPORO, No. - 6 Astor 'House, New York. Sold 'by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. ''BRANDRETEPS TIVENESS, DIARRHEA.—T.Iey are taken up by ihe absorbents, and carried into the circulation, through which medium they - -ire convoyed to every part of the r body. If the pain affects the joints, a single dose !produces remarkable benefit. And the same frule applieS to costiveness, diarrhea and dys- Cutery 3 though with the last named theymay 'Pe required night and' morning for some days perort Aecided relief is -obtained. In affec tions of the lungs, throat, head and pleurisy, the relief is certain; the - excretory organs throw off with ease the phlegm, and the breathing becomes freer. Spasmodic asthma its often cured by a 1 singledose. 77 - STRANGE, BUT TRUE. ' Every young lady and gentleman in the United :tates - can hear something much to their wivantage ?.iy return mail (free of charge,) [by addressing the /undersigned. Those who have fears of being hum }ouged will oblige by not noticing this card. All paters will please address their obedient ser,ant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, :roadway, New York.--ilyyS. TO CONSVMPTIVES. The advertiser having been restored to health In few weeks by a very eimple remedy, after havibg retraced for several veal, with a severe tun' affection, {►nd that dread disb7tse, Consumption—is anxious to mate known to his fellow-sutlerers the means lof 'cure. I To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre iseripticm used (free of charge), with the directions ifor preparing and using the same, which they w;11 Bind a SURE CURE for Consumption. ..lethma, ißronchette, Comths, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object' of the advertiser in *ending the' Prescription is to benefit the aiflieted, la.nd Spread information which ii conceives to be in i•Valunble, and he hones every sufferer will try his irpmedv, as it will cost them nothing, - and may prove blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by return imsll, dill pleasr address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, I Williamsburgh, King? C 14., Nmv York —I lvivS ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous .137)0Hay, Premature Decay, and all the effect's of ,f:youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering - !humanity, s'nd tree to all who need it, the recipe iand direction,' for making the simple remedy by )which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by !the advertiser's experience, can do so by addrc.sing JOHN B. OGlsllisi", ho. 13 Chambers St., New York.—(lyjyB UNT'S BLOOM OF. ROSES,—for tbe La dies,—e6 STEBBLNS' T'EfE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Coladeisport, Tuesaay tiening, Nu. 6, 1865 Local and General. The wilding association of Pittsburg are prepare to erect a large durnher of dwell lng ;houses ddring the coming summer. Mr. Bancroft has been itcrited to repeat his Lincolnieration at the Cooper- Institlte New Xorli.- Tilicorristown Independent eats a number of y,bung men of a neighporing ,bor- You,,,, l erh have Is'igned a pledge to abstain from the use of slirituous liquors for one year, i on condition that whenever one of ttieir number violates the pledge, his name to published in all the borotigh papers. Ite'A eall•bas been issued Ifni- a meeting of the Republican editors of the State, to be held. at the Jones House in,Harrisburg, on l Tuesday, March 6th, for the purpose of a friendly inte'rehange of sentiment upon sub j ets of public interest and importance. The iron manufacturers of Pittsburg have reduced the wages of their journeymen cin account °lithe decrease of business. Some of the mills have stopped.. The indications are that Gen. John W. Geai•j, of Westmoreland, will be nominated by the Union men, to-morrow, as their can didate for Governor at the' Fall election. i• I • ga . " lftss E K P S encer offers some drags - and, tobacco, and (also a wood-lot for sale. Also the store-room for rent. ,Wc'. Quite a fire occurred in the town of WarlFen week before last. I The . work on the railroad from Union Mills to Tanis - Hie is to be commenced imme diately and to be, completed in about 150 days. , E 0 ""Stra - vs show which way the wind ; ; I blows." In itile House of Representatives, on Monday, Rogers, of New Jersy, who seems to tie chief expositor of Modern D i emocratic prin cipl'es and ideas, declared that to prohibit the I parnent of the Rebel Debt '"is the very quint esisence of despotism and tirauny,"_Comment is,uonecessary: iSouthern Rebels and Rebel editors are ...1 1 '..hubilant over the veto of the Freedman's Bu reau Bill by the President. That • should be ,sufficient argument for the support of it by . 1 every loyal man: . t Gov. Cox, of Ohio - , has had an inter view with the President and councils mod eraticin with and faith in Johnson. He says lie is ;ill rivdit ulion the main questions. We hope Cox May not be deceived. 'The Wasbing,ton correspondent of the New i f .rk .7'iibule says that Charles Francis A.diaii -co is, our Minister to England, desires to be ;•ecaliLd, and that cese be will be succeeded by Motley,wir minister at Vienna,or more Probi ‘ bly by Mr. minister to Italy, and it the vacant post :]led by God Curtin,of Penn sylvania., . ' ! X*J - Our National Banks nOwnm über 1629, with Li neggregdte cripttal" of-$407,752,203. The 'nrumber is slowly inc i easing, and is alto gether confined Ito'the South. There will be no farther irrCree-in the lo7al•States, unless authorized b}' congress. This does not affect the' rernainifig 'State institutions who can claarbrn their charters -whenever 'they shall elect to do so. • pile - We find the folloWing facts ih con nection with the educational interest in Alle: ganylcounly,'S'ew York-: Total value of Aca -1 demical Buildings in the county, $55,146 . ~Average yearly attendance, 653. Total an nual income, $10,14 This Report vas made 'while all Institutions of Learning, ere languishing undet• the I depressing effects of the War. The Free •Pre l p, from which we ,ob tain these facts, thinki: that the Report for 186'5 1 ; "will show a Marked increase in the nnmhdr or students a . M:I amount of income. I Our neigh:hors have just cause for feeling pride the interest manifested in the cause of eadcatlOn. The Majority given on the side oi l , Right and jaitice, is explained by these figures very satisfactorily. , gall,.,The first great 'enconnter between our own men ot enterprise, Its they e.re represented , in the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the foreign capitalists, aslthey are represented in the At lantic and Great Western Railroad, has re sulted in a victory for the former.., It will be remenalaered that the Peb.ntylvania • Railroad, entered a suit against the Atlantic and , Great Western, ; to test the , tialidity of a contract by which the Catawissa Railroad was leased to the,,latter. This suit has been decidec fa- 1 vdr of the, plaintiff's,. Judge Read deliver the opinion. An appeal willof course be taken to It* Supre e Court of the United States. ITA - e 21'e York Express notes that we are raising a 4 onsidetble revenue in the South, and says :1 1 , statesman and patriot would see in a fact like this a j go?d reason for allowing representa tidp. in Cogress for this kind of taxation.— When our fathers were cant(' upon to pay duties under; he old Stamp A t, they resisted because they had 'no right of i representation, and when as a coticession, the Stamp Act was repealed, but. the 'Tight to tax without repre sentation maintained bu the imposition of duties oh tea, paper and glass,they still resis ted the principle, land in the end fougbt it out oil this lice, by a; war which ended in ende pendence." If The Express can only indu e its pOlitical friecl to accept as a basis of settlement the principle that .Tazation involves ths right of rep-; reTitationove can have tfie whole country; pacified and the'. Southern States restored' forthwith; Will it make the attempt and re ' l - ' 1 port progress ?— I Tribune. Legislative Proceedings. In the Senate, General Harry Whare sented a bill of interest to' our veterans It provided that where any veteran has re-en listed and been credited to the quota of ang, county, city, ward, township or borrough t and has not been paid the full amount of local bounty as specified in the act of March 25, 1864, it shall be lawful for the school directors or other corporate authorities, to levy and collect a tai tiallicient to pay the same, with ititereSt, together with cost of levying and collecting. And in case the directors or other authorities neglect or refuse to levy a tai or to pay the veterans they shall be sued, etc. In the House, a bill was introduced requiring railroad companies to paj , seven thousand dollars to widow or minor child of a person killed while riding in the car of their railroads. t - A bill has been read relating to the votes of deserters. It recites in a preamble, the pro visions of the act of Congress disfranchising Ideserters, and also recites the fact that none but citizetis have ever been electors in tins I States It then imposes a penalty of fine and imprisonment upon electicinoffiderskik receiv ing the I votes of deserters ; also upon perions offering such votes, and upon any persciris who I advise and encourage such persons to vote.— The adjutant General of the State is required by its provision's to furnish an official list ofi all deserters in the State s as shown by the records, and file with the clerk of the quarter sessions In each county, a. certified list for the ountyr - which record shall Abe received as prima facie evidence of the fact of desertion ; but persons offering to Vote may be sworn and I disprove the record by his owii testimony, be. fore the election board, subject to the usual I penalty ( for perjury. The law is stringent in its provisions and would seem to meet the re quirements Of the case. We sincerely hope it t may pass in some shape before the adjoOrn ment of the Legislature. We have in Penn- I sylvania not less than thirty thousand de serters, A correspondent of the Philadelphia Daily Frees makes the following compliment ary remarks in connection with a proposed change in tire mode of voting: • Mr. Mann, of ?otter, t who probably offers more bills of general interest to the Common wealth than any other member of the I-Ouse, bas in charge one regulating the mode of voting at elections. It provides. that the tickets shall be classified as follows ; One ticket to embrace the ltames of :the judges Vrtecifor ;another daenameSof county officers, including Senator and members of Congress, if voted for; another the township officers ; another borough officers. Each class is to be placed in a separate ballot-box. Among the Many bills which have been read in pace and referred to the Coluluittee on Divorces, is one offered by Ir. Woodward, of Eric, which provides that in all eases of divorce by the wife against the husband, hereafter decided or adjudicated, if the de cree is in favor of the complainant the court is authorized to decree the payment by de fendant, to plaintiff's attorney, of such amount as it mry think a reasonable compensation for his services. Zei""A new counterfeit on the twenty-five cent fractional currency is in circulation. In this counterfeit,Mr. Fessenden is adorned with a breastpin, which does not appear in the genuine. The engraving on the vignette is very itgperfect., ItErThe burping well, twelve Miles below Franklin, on the Allegbany,still attracts a good deal of attention. It continues to burn . with unabated fury . ;! lighting up the country for many miles. Erich night its brilliance is nom ticed i*t Eranklin, Reno, Oil City, Clarion,and all the neighboring towns. The steady heat which it produdes has produced singular ef fects in its immediate vicinity. At the dis* lance where the teniperat4ro is suitable a circle of green and beautiful grass has rapidly grown up, and is now front two to font. inches, high. Some hickoryittees, stadding within range, have commenced budding out in all the luxuriance of summer . The scene is one of the most magnificen i t, and at the same time Most interesting which can he 'conceived. * *"Don't be foolish."—You can mjce Six 'Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and 'ek amine an invention urgently needed by everi bodyi Or a sample sent free by mail for 60 cents, that retails easily for $6, by R. L, Wolcott, 170, Chatham Square New York. ..... 1 TELL VOIHR NEIGME ( 6,II,S. , It is a duty which ever oLie who has suf fered from the terrible raVaqes of that most horrible-of all diseases, Dyspepsia, and who has been cured by Coe'sDvSpepsia Cure to tell their friends and neighbors of it, ,Do unto others as you would have others do u to you" is the golden rule. . Every one that has ever used a., kho - h of 1. its wonderful curative powe s in Dyspepsia, Indigestion, flatulency, Sick ' eads.ohe j Sour rt ri Stomach, Heartburn, Cholera Ilorbus, and 'we might say, every disease tha l t arises from a. disordered state of the stomach and bowels. • • 1 Drugs, TobaccO, and wood-Lot for Sale, and Store-Room for Rent. TELE nreiersigned will sell. at reasonable rates the balance df the Drugs in her establiajthen r, *and a lot of rine-Cut Tobacce.—Also, a Wood-Lot, contain ing:A acres, and situate in Eutalia township, about three-fourths of a mile from the village.l--The Store itodln Is aten offered for Rent. Pohsession given 'am mediately: • , Spencer. Coudersport, Feb. 27 2m3 1 A GENTS WANTED in ever ToWnship, Bore' and tVard to canvass for The Great One Vol- W"History. " Containing FACTS', and NOT POLITItS. The only work, every page of whieh has been pre pared for the press since the close of the war. The popularity of this work l has no parAllel, ns more than 50,000 copies have been Old the last three months. It contains as much histOry., as tiny bi the ono or two volume works out, and yet is sold fdr only $4.50, bound either In morocco or shenp. Our inducements are:decidedly the best offered, as we give the highest commissions, . - urnish boxes free, and pay expressage on books. Also, "Life and Death in Rebel Prisons.' The most thrillingly exciting little book of the times, by one who has seen and experienced the scenes he describes. Canvassers for any History of the War will find this an excellent side book. As it erobraoes such impor tant incident. of the war, almost everybody will take one, either iwith or without a History, or where hav ing previously sulascribpd. Di sabl eidsoldie re, released prisoners and others will find, in the, l sale of this and our History, employment suitable to their condition. Send for terms, or call at • AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY 6M Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, I'a i yea zits - Wanted to take Orders for the selling Book now published, TH LUNG STORIES Of THE GREAT REBEW O N. Comkrising herb'', adventures and hair bieadth en.. capes of Soldiers, Scants, Spies and Refbgees ; daring ~ exploits of Smugglers, Guerillas, DesperithAs and othefis ; Tales of Loyal and Disloyal Women ; Stories of this Negro, &.e., &c., with incidents of I Fun Ind 'em meat in Camp abField.—By Lieutenant Colo- net (Iliarles S. Greene, latent the United States Army. 14.ilmIsomely illustrated with engravings on Steel an. in ifif colors. Send for circular and see the liberal terunt offered. CHAS. B. GREENE & CO., 4t Rublithersliol34 S. Third Street, Philadelphia [ , • I THr CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF ' \ 6 AN iNTALID. . • ' Published for the benefit and as a Caution to Young Men acid othes, who suffer front Nervous Debility - , 'rem 'lure Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the. same onto the means of fielf.Cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoibg considerable quackery By enclosing a pOst-paid addressed, envelope, single copieS, free of charge, may be had of the author. I h NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., _ Iysto 30 Eooklyn, Kings Co., N. T. . . I BOARDING! subscriber, at: Lau trd I iglfne T id tFreto!c.mmote visitors Coun tye Sela with Boarding, at reaeuriable rates. Jurors, Wit nUsecs and others will find It to their advantage toiVe him a call.' f 4. C. Phelps. Coi dersport, Feb. 6. 1864 tf COUDERSPORT PRICE 'TRENT. , I Reported every Tuesday liy \ P. ..ei.. fi3tralcolcalmairo di* C:)., \ . Dealers In Groceries and Provisions, Coudersport. Apples; gretini tl bush,, $ 75 to 1\25 I I do dried, " 200 250 Beans, " 350 3.00 ; Beeswax, 131 lb., 30 3.5 Beef, • a 10 12 Berries, dried, 'il qnart 25 35 Buckwheat, ? bush., 75 80 Buckwheat Flour, 360 400 Butter, 1? lb., 35 40 Cheese, ". 15 20 Cloverseed 10 50 12 00 Corn, V bush: 1 00 1 25 . Corn-_Meal, pet cwt., 250 300 Eggs, `ll doz.,' , 25 Flour, extra, `l4 bbl., 10 00 12 50 do superfine " 90010 00 Hams, 'il lb., 1 22 Hay, %.? ton, 8 00 10 00 Honey, per lb., 15 20 Lard, " 20 25 Maple Sugar, per lb., 15 18 , Oats, 11 bush., ' 35 40 ' Onions, " 100 125 Pork, re, bbl., 28 00 35 00 do V lb., 18 20 do in whole hog, %I !b.; 10 12 Potatoes, per bush., 75 100 Peaches, dried, V lb., 30 35 Poultry, ? lb:, 10 15 Rye, per bush., 1 00 137 Salt, ? bbl., 475 500 do.IP sack, I : 15 Timothy Seed 400 450 Trouts-perk Wheat, t 1 bush., - I 200 950 White; Fish, 11 i!bbl., 43 00 900 ........inmagz. 1794. Char& j 1 Ryn A V 4.- tered, . INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. -------- --- Oldest Insurance Company in 'America Cash Capital and Surplus, over 51,750,000.000. SEVENTY-ONE Years Succestsful Business Experience, with al reputation for integrity 4nd honorable dealing unsurpassed by any Similar institution. LOSSES PAID since,' organization, $17.- 500,000.00, witimt the deduction of a cent, or a dav,'s delay LIBgRAL RATES for all the safer classes of property. Insurance of Dwellings 'and Contents, a specialty: BRICK or STONE Dwellings insured per petually, if desired, on terms of the greatest economy and safety' to the insured. It is 'Wisdom and Economy to inture in the best Companies, and there is none better than the old ansurance Co. of North America Apply so M. W. 3fcALARNEY Agent for Potter coanty 'IS66 . .1866 Philadtlphitt trie nttiltipad. THIS great line traverses the Ndithern and North west counties'of Pennsylvania to The city of Erie on lake Erie. it 'has been leased and is operated by the•Tfisrt.vAstA RAILROAD COMPANt. Time of passenger trains at EMPORIUM. . I.EAVE EASTWARD. " Erie Mail Train 10:12 A. Erie Express Train - I.EAVE 'WESTWARD, Erie Mail . . . .. .... A..k. I Erie Express Train • 8 - 50 C. Y. Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains wiftent change both ways between Philadelphia ana Erie. NEW YORK CONNEOTIONI Leave NeW York at 6.00 arrive at Erie 3.37 A.m. Leave Erleat 1.55 r. arrive at New York 1.15 . , P. X. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ERIE& NEW YORK ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night trains For Information 'respecting Passenger,business,a ply at Corner of 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia p a And for Freight business of the Company's Agents S. S. Kingston, Jr, Cur. 13th and Market streets, Phi ladelpb ia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie.` . EroWn, Agent. N. C. R. R., Ealtimore. fI.!FT. HOUSTON, General Freight Agt, Philada. H. GWINNEK, General Ticket A..gt. Philada A. L. TYLER, General 'Stipl, WllliaMspurt. Fiegister's Ik - rolled is hereby given that partial Ae lr of JOSEPH M. SHAFFER add JAMES SHAFFER, Jr:, Administrators of the Estate of HENRY SHAFFER, late of Gib son Township, dec'd, has been filed in the Register's Office ifiCatheron County, and will' be presented to the Orphans' court of said County on WEDNESDAY,, the 14th day of March next, for confirmation. A. E. KELLY, Register. Reg's Office, Einporium. Feb. 1. 1866. Administratrix' Notice. - WHEREAS Letters of Administration on the estate of J. W. FOX, late of Hebron township, dec'd,, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said es tate are requeSted to make immediate pay ment, and those having just Claims against the same should present them duly authenti cated for settlement.. I URSULA FOX, Admx Hebron, Feb. 22, 1866. Administratris! Notice. . W HEREAS Letters of Administrnuoit on the estate of CLARK C. CRUM late of Bingham township dec'd, have been granted to the, undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate Payment, andtbose having just claims against the same should present them duly authenti dated for settlement. AL ERA CRUM, Ad= Binghamjeb. 22, 1866. ULYSSE ACADEMY. ITIY - sses. dottier.t Co.. X3se. J. C. STEVEN'S. Principal; F- M. JOHNSON, Aaaletant ; Mrs. 0. A• JOHNSON, Preeptresa ; Mrs: J. C. STEVENS. Oil Painting and German ; Miss GERALDME 70013, Vocal and Instru mental Mute. Spring Terra Opens Tuesday, March 0,1886, Stu detail are requested to be present at the commence ment, In' order to enter their classes the first week: Classea will be #rraoged to accommodate ALL, especially those who, desire to enter upon a course. Social and moral culture receive due attention. A Teaoncre' Clan; will be formed for those who expect to take suMmer schools, and will receive Special at,terion. There u be in connection with the school a Com mercial Department, consisting of Penmanship,Book- Seeping and Commercial Law.' The "Students , Literary" holds Its session Viiday eyeuing of each week, and is well attended by the patrons of the schoo. , I The design is to give students a thorough and pnia. liC4ll knowledge of all the branches taught. . simteition. per Term •._ English Branches $4.00; Languages and Higher 3Lithcmattc.q, - $6.00; Palnting, $B.OO t Book-Seeping, $l.OO ; Instrumental Music, $8 00 ; Use of Instrument, $2.00 ; and Vocal- Music $l.OO. • Text-Books can be obtained at the.lnstltution. Rooms can-be rented and boarding obtained In pri vate families at reasonable rates. COUDERSPORT ACADEMY. J. W. ALLEN. )pririclpal. Miss. L. T. ALLEN, Asalatant. Mira E. Or ITAXILTON, Music Teacher The Spring; Term will begin March 6, 11366, , and continue Twelve week's. Tuition (to be paid at the middle of the Term) from Three to Eight Dollars, Incidentals, Twenty five cents. No in,tra charge for Book - Beeping,, by Single and Double . Entry. A. Teachers' Glees will be orginized and thoroughly instritcted lu the Theory and Practice of Teaching, Free of Charge. Rooms, stiltable for Students desiring to board tbenaselves, can be rented reasonably In town. Per further...particulars, address the Principal, at Cuuckrsport. • ILYMAN: HOUSE. Lewisvi4e Potter } County, Pennsylvania, IDVRTON LlEWlS,Proprleioi. ' Having jj taken make Hotel, the proprietor wishes to ake the ac maintance of the traveling public and feels confident okgrving satisfaction to all who may call ou 12i 66 tf P ITIONI To the Honorable, e Judges of!the Court of ' Common Pleas of C eron countit lin the Com monwealth of Penny , ania : ' , • ' The petition of the SOB rtbere ' Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church en the Emporium Cir- I cult respectfully showeth that your petitioners am desirous of associatng themselVesi together as a body corpontte, in eonformity with the! laws of this Com monwealth, that is to say: -Your petitioners are desirous of being constituted a body corporate, under the name and style of The Fret Methodist Episcopal Church of Emporium; Bellefont District, East Baltimore Conference t to be under the direc; tion of five Trustees. viz.: Lemuel Lucore, H jr., Dr. Wm. S. Hamlin, George Metzger, Richard Chad wick and Joseph ousier •, which said Trusteek and their suceessors in office shall have perpetual succes 'Won, and to be elected "as hereinafter directed, who I shall be, and are hereby empowered under the name and style aforesaid, liable to sue and be sued, plead and be tuipleaded, in all Conrts of Record and else-I =hem, and be competent in Law and Equity to take and hold to themselves and their successors in office, I for the' use of said Society, lands, tenements, teredit iments, goods and chatttls, of whatsoever kind or quality soccer, real, pergu lal or mixed, by gift, grant, 'bargain, sale, ,conveyanod, demise or bequest, ftom any person or:persons capaple of making the same, and the same from time to time to grant. bargain, sell, remiss, alien and dispose of, for the use and ben efit of said Society; and generally to do all and sin gular, the matters and things necessary and lawful': for them to do for the we'l-being oC said Society, and the due management of its affairs. And the Trustees' and their successors sbalf have full and entire power to borrow, for the nee of said Society, any sum not I exceeding Five Thousand Dollars, which said sum or 1 pr sums so borrowed shall be applied by them to-ex. ting:'ieh the debts growing out of the expense of buildin g the church property aforesaid. And the said *Trustees or their successors, shall have fall and entire authdrlty to secure the payment of the debts now existing, oe that may accrue by reason of loin having to be„made, to mortgage t 1 said property of the church aforesaid and the real estate connected therewith. • - And further, that the Trustees above rimed shall I "Continue in office until the see-ion Zit - the last Quar terly Meeting Conference fur tka• year A. D. add, at which time the' members of said Conference shall'; elect their successors. And thereafter, an election of Trustees shalltake place at the last session of the Quarterly Me n tting Conference in each Conference year, by the embers of the said Quarterly ?sleeting Conference. Any vacancy that occurs in the Board Of said Trustees, by death or otherwise, may be sup plied by anpainlitent by the surviving members, and the. permup or persons appointed shall continue in etude until the sacceeding annual election. And for the transaction of any business, three or more of the said Trustees shall be a quorum. And if at any time abOve spedified forelection of Trustees, the members of the said Quarterly Meeting Conference shall fail to elect Trustees., then and in iMch',case those last elected or appointed shall continue in office until the succeeding annual election. I 1 George etzger,, William Lewis, W. S. lainTio, • !I. JJ Lewis, A. A. Eddy, ' • C. C.jCraven, Burlingame, Chadwick, jr., J. lousier, Lemuel Lucore, Jr. And now,-January 12, A. D. 1866, the Court having examined and perused the within indimment end Me objects, articles and conditions therein set forth appearing lawful andnot Injurious to thecommtinity, do direct the said writing to be filed, and notice to be inserted in kale neWspapet painted in the County, three successive weeks. Bye the Court . -A, E. KELLY, Prnth'y. FELLOW CITIZENS! take this method to inform you that am now. locited Oswayo, 'better known as wit:h:s Latie AssortFent of bß'ir GDOM, GROCERIES, READY- DIADE• CLOTHWG, HATS, CAPS, 400 PS,. '"HOES, WHICH MUST BE SOLD I' Regardless of COST.] My Stoie you will find in the O/d Simmons, Block where air YAI B and myself will ever try to give yciu bargains; Etna bnile by so doing to merit a share of yOnr patronage An early 41.11 is solicited. _ ON P. SIMMONS. Onwayb, Sept. 18,11885. ASHES ! ASHES! subscriber will pay 12 Cents pei 1 bushel 'for Dry 'Ashes, and 20 Cents pei barrel for Ashei tbat.hasii be used. apply to I. GRIESAL. COndersport, Pa., Dec. 18 3m pd itVintr * Goods ! MI OLMSTED'S. JOUR atttention is invittd to . tits larg: attractive stock just received, ind fof sale as low as the same qualities can b• bought anywhere in the county. ' have on band a large. laid varied ass sortment of Domestic-Cottons, comprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLIN'S, DENIMS, STRIPES, • CHECKS! TICkVGS, and - ' COTTON FLANNELS, ott which vt.d cannot be undersold. We purchase ono - goods for Cash and saei them at a tery small advance - Frain Cost, FLANNELS. IF you wont to purchare fi&D • 611,6-, 'BLUR, of PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call • At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; DELAINES, PAINTS, BROCIIII, and WOOLEN SHAN% HOODS, SONT4GS, NUBIAS, BAL3fORAL SMITS, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES,! a full supply At Olinstittift4 CLOTHING. TION'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment BOOTS .& SHOES VOA Nfen, Women & Children, in great 'rd.: riety and cheap For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar,_ Tea and Coteei in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT.;OLMSTED'S , • A Tull assortment i d almost ere 4 thihg that ii kept Iria country l state Pon hand. We intetid!, to keep Goods that will gite satisfaction linct sell goockartioles et the lowest !Mot pet AT °MISTED'S, auttlr Grain of all kinds, - • Butter, Wool, Sheep plats, Fucij Deer 6klns: Alo, County, Township and School Orders, for all of whicia the highest prices will ba paid At. Oltnated 9 9 - ConderSport, Pa,Npv'r 18, £9Bt THE BUCKEYE Stit..A.Vir=t;uTAlß.. PATENTED, JULY, 1.864 . , 13Y PoittEttiksiditit tiptlOL - SANDS of these Matlines are being a:Radii and sold, and give more trniversal Satisidtlion than any other Straw or Stalk-Critter in market. It has no efusliogi about and can be brill or *repaired in any country ttecti. Thelinife ts stationary—Boi vfbretes—feeds itteit —cuts on top of the knife—cute everything square off any length you Irish, and yoti 'cannot snake ragged. work of it even with a dull knife. 'Price, 61.2, sompioh of Una:Otte' can bb seen at shop AS undersigned. : Manufbctnred and for Jude by N. H.:GOODSELL Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 2, 1866: HOWARD 'ASSOC = T eintioniVittA, ISEASES of 'Oe • Nervans, Semitifot, Urine= _l3 ry and sexual s)stems—new thdreliabli treatment—in reports of the TOWARD AS SOCIATION—sent by mail in sealed tent+ enyeloges, free 'tok• ctrarge. Addtess, SKILLIN HOUGHTON, towartk Associatiett- No 2 South Ninth Street, 'Phihillelphia, Psi ' 3 791864. COITDERSPORT AND SHIPPEL - -• • • • , STAGE ROUTE • MESSRS. GLASSIAIRE WHITE-s ally litel of Stages alit leatm Condors Port, until farthill. notice, at 8 ololock in the morning, arriving In _Ship. pen about 4 o'clock in the afternoon; etttl lear Shippen do the arrival of the morning traitr, at .1.0:1OI arriving in Coudersport about 6 o'clock, P. Et, Travelers are refered to tbe Thme-Tablebf the Phil, adelphia & Erie Railltiad; which will be fbbhd adridt deed in this paper, - for further pabtictilare about IthiB advantages of this ?date.. i ibtk Mill SAVt 30 MILES TRAVEL Alit) 5 'HOURS TiMt taking Sibs route to Pioference to tbat,O, the Railway. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWE SHIPPFN AND NEW YORK. Fit*, hew, tetat fellable wagons and good teams are Lepton theSeags/ Route. Packages and. Express business attended lel with care. D. F. GLASSMIRE, • MILES WRITE, Propre Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 9,1855. Ndtice GEII3SAYIA, Potter Co., Pa., Ang. 1, 180: . IVOTICE is heYeby given that Charlesliii4 111 shor, now or late of this_conuty,hdicliti g the following described propeity. lint fib; paid iliby 'Consideration whatever r'c i the same, and all persons are hereby warned not to pure chase any of said property of the said Bushof before the decision of the CGDII il3 given int this cage and C. 13ushor has paid to; me the consideration ncney therefol.. The following. is the property Ist. A certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mill, in *arrant 5D75. Abhott towniniV i Potter county, Pa., COntaining 100 acres.—= Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above . . 24d. r A r 411:1. A ceitrin tract of land, with ant. irorirOyements thereon, near fettle Creek. its warrant 5819, is Steivartson township, Potvf county, Pa., 'containing about 204 acres. C. Biishor holds" also in glint tv.afranc vs , ): 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county. r• . 1 an the road leadiugfromliiertuanix - to Gaitteli f , zoutaining 850 acres. 1711. - "! At illmsted,ti At Olmsted'•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers