Court Proclamation. - - - WHERE:AS the Hon. Robert G. White, President Judge, and the Dons. C. S. Jones and G. G. Colvin,, Associate Judes of the Courts of Oyer k Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphan's Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county, of Potter, have issued their - precept, bearing date the twen!.y4hird .day of Dec'r in the year of our 'Lord one thou sand eight hundrea and sixty-five, and to me directed, for holding a court of Oyer .k Ter- ) miner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter 'Sessions Of the Peace, Orchan's Court, and Court of common Picas in j the Borough of Coudersport,.on MONDAY,I the'l9th day of rebruarrnexi, and to continue one week: Notice is therefore hereby given to the Justices of the,Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ;of said day, with their rolls, records, inqui sitions, examinations, and other remem brances, to de those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizances .to prose cute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail 'of said county of Potter, art to be then and there to prosecute against them as .will. be just; Dated at Coudersport, Jan. 8,186 G, and the 89th rear pf the Independence of the United Suites of America. W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Adminlslrator's Sale. IDY virtue - of order-of the Orphan's Court for the County of Potter, the fol lowing described real estate belonging to the estate of: Wißiant Nelson Howe, late of the township' of Bingham, in said county, dee'd. will be sold to the highest and best bidder. on'the prernises below described, in Bingham township,.oni . ' Friday, the 16th. clay:of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. All that ceraiit messuage sithate in Bingham owns*, Potter Co., Pa., described as fol loWs, viz.: Beginning at a White Ash the N. W. corner oil lot No. 30 of the allotment of lands -in said township conveyed to Isaac Benson . , Thence by ivest.line of, said lot south one hundrecl;aucl twenty-eight 6d six-tenths perches to the N. E. corner of . lOt No. 134, thence by north line of lots Nos. 131 & 133 north eightY l r ei,ght and one - hsif degrees west one: hundred and twenty-eight and seven tenths perch'es to the S. E. corner of lot No. ICB, thence by east Line of said lot and of lot No. 144 conveyed by Trustees of Bingham Estate to Jonathan Strait north one hundred and nineteen and seven-tenths perches to the • S. W. corner...of lot No. 22, thence by line of said lot east-seventy-nine and three-tenths perches andln6rth five o:relies to a beech the S. W. corner of lot, No. 21, thence by south line of said lot east forty-eight and nine-tenths perches to the place of beginning: Contain ing Ninety,three and three-tenths acres be the same more or less, with -tile usual allow ance of six .per cent, for roads &c., being lots Nos. 28 & 29 of the allotment of lands of the Estate of Samuel M. Fox dee'd, and part of warrant NO. 1239, - Potter county, Peun'a., about Twenty acres of ivhich is improved, • with one small-frame house, one barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. I M. D. BRIGGS, Adair Coudersiort, Jan'y 15,: 1866. Register's 7totice, MO all Creditors. LegateeS and other per il, sons interested . Notice is hereby given that the following named persons did on'the dates affixelfto their names ; file the accounts of their &ffininistration to the Estates of those persons deeettsen, whose names are under mentioned in the Office of the Register for the probate of Wills and granting Letters of Ad ministration in the .County of Potter ; and that the sane will be presented to the Or phan's Court of said county for confirmation and allowdrice,'on the lbth day of February, next at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House in Said county: Nov. 29,!1665. Account of Leroy D. Goff, Administrator of the Estate of James. Cotton, late of Harrison tp., deed. Dec. lb,' 1865. Account of GJW. Hackett, Adminis4tor of the Estate of John Hackett, late of Ulysses tp., deed. Dec. 211, 1865..! Account of Ellen ;Fling Tripp, Administrktrix of the Estate of Wm. Fling, late of Ulysses tp., dee'd. - D. BAKER, Register. Conder'3port, Jan'y 15, 1866. CIItIARDIAIPS SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTICE is hereby given that by, virtue of en Order 'or decree issued out of the Or phans' Court of Potter County, the nuder signed as. Guardian of Milton Mitnly, Kate Manly, Fred.-Manly, and, flay Bell IManly. minors, owners of said land, will expose-for sale at pnblic vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Court House in Coudersport, in said county of 'Potter, on The 20th day of Febitary, 1866, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following certain messuage and piece of land, situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter County, des cribed as. follows: Beginning at the south east corner of a lot belonging to P.A. Stebbins on Seer/nil Street, thence north 132 feet to' south lind of Charles Reissman's lot; thence east 33 feet; thence south , to Second Street 132 feet; thence west to the place of begin ging; containing One Half Acre, upbn which is erected one Blacksmith Shop. GEO. C. MANLY, Guardian. Coudersport. , Jan. 15, 1866.—tc FLAX-WHEELS, WOOL-WHEELS . WHEEL-HEADS, SNAP-REELS , FLIERS, &C., &C. Pr' undersigned would respectfully an nduace to the 3lerehants and Dealers of Potter;and adjoining counties, that they are now engaged in the manufacture of the above named] ai ticles, add are prepared to furnish them at *IIOLESALE PRICES. E nploying none but experienced workmen and using' only the best material, we are con fide .t ave can furnish you with Goods that will suit your customers. Every Article Warranted to Give 0 I. En4re Satisfaction, goods 'lacked in,SHIPPING ORDER and sent by Railroad or otherwiSe. Please address by, mail, when list of prices, IGARA, SAMPVIS, 'Sze., will be forwarded, C. Crandall Sc. Co. yyk u it r o s e • pa„ Dec. 20, 1865 m 3 Xe' 'Ours is the only establishment that reaantaetares the celebrated afiAINIDAIL-WHEEL -HEAD, , i.xi3tycit , ;4 to last 20 g„,,lrs if well used Wm. ilit,i& 1 SON, . ) 543 5 BROAD NfAY • 43} Tkv-m-tv -SE : eLPXI.33C. AG-E I NTS for the- i I LESILATED DRIGGS' NEW PATENT PIANO . ' FORTES, I Which ate creating the greet sensation in the tem - 'steal world, and have received.the higheit tegtimon i ale from all the leading artiste in the emiutry,amOng whom are I I rli S. TII.K.LBERG, ; FRANCIS 11 BROIrN, L. M. qur TSCHALE, TILSODORE FIST.' EI4T, WM. LIIENRY FRY, 31. d." MAR TZEK,!; 31. StRACKOSCEI, 1C13f,. 31.ASO , ' ' )HERMAN. A. IVOLIENIIA PT. At the late FAIR of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE, ield in NOW York Lily, October .1.505, they were award ed the] ; ' 0 j _I LIRST PRE.IIIEIIOOLD MEDAL! • - - For the 13E9 PEANO FORTE O N. EX: AOLNTS 411 . 41EiE0. A. PRINtbE & I MELODEONS, AUTOMATIC 'S SCHOOL ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED; FOR Manufacturers and ;Importers i , LLITES. BAN.T6S, I'IbLIN.S. V.OI.IN.STRINUS, ;1 Aecor and alli kinds of Bitaz-:6.and other niti Iliortts.f . • ;i Special attention paid to fdrnithing ments . (for Bends. ,4 ii , PI7I.3I:ISITERS OF .SWEET . Juipublished, "'rue V ESILE. L , ,'. 11 DPW Chant for. the Episcopal SLi.vice, fur. ; chianti:Voluntaries, Musical l 'ocietic. , ,' hai• for t Social Circle, by Vtud t. C. Tay 1 ., Board' 85 cents. dloth, 11. ii • ' C 1 a SSINOS' 20 M el odi c ...x ' In rem of Sa3trtmelo's fotil Somoso Sore Na Voices, intended tyslOtti dies t prope art of'-singing, by 11,7.111L0 13i.q i I.3assici's art of singing, and Banton°. .1 I , PricPrice r each, 12,50. 1 ii 4)IA NO-FORTE CALISTII .NICS, i a conOction of lilsm FINGER, GRE,IIII, tlll Sonic pas sages; for speedily, di:yell:Thin' the in octet of the I lingers, and acquiring that del4r , e of Visibility. nide pend mce and volubilily, wia ohi are so iieliq,em.dalc to a good performance on the PIANT•FaATE, by . FItANLIIS D. I 11 4, N3'N. !'rice, 1350. i tic W Edit ion, Porin's Fins i Perrier, TI. BiIIOW;,.T, ~c.anther of Pi bi ~ Minuell itatioia Polkas, .c. Price.'sti_ cents. jivy:. W ...7t a T 3 fa . ' "ca 4 thy Burden on the Lord.' el 'So row, Contrail° or Tenor Soles, ai Qtdartette, adapted froM Gotteschal,l K Sitdmber Song, by W. . I.rtssrenn.. l "A Holy Calm, A Pe:lcel./Iv ne," a con : pa: ion to "Sweet Spirithear I Pr; yer," by,W. Vincent 'l . ‘ .11.1 . See "LAW I ; my God, I Long to, Know,' 15 _ . 11S1Inti, as sung at Grace church, co n poied by DitsiNE W A Ls!rt.L.....,_....._Piice 35 etc. "Nylliad in lie; vdn," WOrds a lby SPENE an W IB DONE, 1111iIie 7 1. V STEPEPN 51.,15,E" I PI ice 35 etc. ".Ikfy i Only Brat lei's' Gone,' Soiag . a id I Chorus, by K :1.1.r.a............ --Price 35 etc. "Tbt Past that Breathes of Thee,' Bal. lai., by Kni.turt,.— -.......1. I . 1 —Price 35 eta. "Oh. Write me 0 Song of My Paoli," Se b' all.l Chaos, as sung at IWO,a 0 A i Word of Tmi istrefs, emnpOsed lay U r . lin,Nity. _Price 35 cts. • I N "hine," Balkid, by E. J. . , Flizh ugh 1 i Price 30 etas. "Glee to me those Moonlit illours.i' Duett r,,,4 two S,) pra Hos, orzzorrat.So aia fl TP/ Or by) E. A. l'.k acur 1ti1T..... I -......Price 35 cts i'Veer Stir," D net t for two Sdpr:tn ,s, :j or i fenortt: be J. , DANTF.L.1..:.J.... „Price 40 cts. "Mormere la Ittlicau,' Finitasie, by J. 1011.usc. ' ! Price 50 ors. I"Prii.yer at Sea," Romance in form of a Nocturne, - by J. DE ..D.51 z e5E.1.,....1:..rE1E0 50 cts. "Attends Mae," (Wait fur e.)eeloP, by Cuss. FRADPI : a j -., -- Pr ice GO ctn. ‘iSatis tnoi," (Follow toed Galop, by A. Bcaliernts L I. Price 50 cts. "Water Fall. and Sea Breeze," G4lops.lby. Pim. STEINUAGES a ' Price, each, 50 ets. 'Moaning Dew," DaDCCES,I by ADo9,,pir 'Wedding Lancers''by Pim; Sr E I.NII S a EN Price 40 cts. "Happy by thy Dreams," tramcribedifor for the Piano-forte, by Ctiss..EctiAra :L.Price 50 cts. "Sweet Spirit Hear mei irayerk" iibm Walliace's.Operit Lurlitiii, ti :Inserted for tam piano forte by Colts. Fastic __Price 40 cts. '•Crispin° e la Camaro.'' Itieci's Mutt' Pp- . era, arranged by Cosi li'anni.m.—J. —Price GO eta. ‘.Feu des Etolles," Starlight necturn,i by J. DE J.SSEENSKI a a -a" I Price 50 Ott. "Angel of Dreani," Ballad, by Klo.mat_-Price ~>o cts. `•Love's Latuentation," Ballad, by E. 1.11. lloimen... ....... ' ,' Price 35 etc. ,‘Tri urn p 110 I match," by lit 0 11 . I) I,IOF rpIAN !'rice 11.00. •' Alizerian Polka,' by }l. Al rDEI11:1 -T-Price 35 etc. ' Ee'ening Shadowy," Nd . cterne,lby }.. J. FITZDEGII ....... ......, -. i 1 , -...- 1 ....... :Price 35 cts. an "P longing fur Thee,!' ,urards waltz, as sung by. - in , ..1110 rA11EP,5...4...,_}_...PE1CC 35 cts. ii Liberal iDiseo l tt u t zis - ent to the TrIVIC, Chorches, ClergYmen, PrOfessors an 1 Sehoolq. liu• sic sent by mail or receipt ;of the ma 'iced 'nice. WILLI A riff j El Al rt.& !SON. 543 Itroabway ? New York.( Dec 5, 4 toot Bre 1 i a , . •aaaH aas &OK I cau't stoo adveltiOng ;hecp.use I've quit selling calico for now I want to i Sell Farms, Survey. l l ads, Write Deeds and COntracts, Pay tax s for non-resi dents ) ...Cc. THEN AGAIN' , I , I have a BLACKSMlTH`‘consantly on hand' in' the old slwip, who 'hAt6sltai have a bare (*opted berrse'pass the 'short, an , d I must tell of it ito get him started. •E l mmi ualoni - Brookland, Pa.. Nov. 10, 1195. I I . NEVI:SKIRT FOR 1866. The Great' tnven i tion ofithe'Age in HOOP-SKIRTS ? v J 1 W. 11P,ADLEY'S hNew Pittent DUPLEX 1 ELLIPTIC (or tinn i ble I SPRING. SKIRT, Iglll IS Inventi'on consists of DupPi,l (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Spru t..!, eigchionsly braided t iolY and firmly together, edge te edge, making the 11,,ce•:rist, most FLENIttp:, eLASTiC and Drft k131..V. s)!tnso. e. er used. They seldom nEiln U DREAK.Iike .01e S;ngle Springs, and Iconsequehtly pre,:erve the perfect and bel uti ul slut pa moreithAn twice a., lomr de an) Sit vie Sprh g Skirt that ever Hue; or Can be , tltade. , 1 THE wonderful flexibility and great crunfort and illeomury to any lade we aring . the .1 - i,wille v 14/1i pt;e skirt will beexperienced particularly Mall crowded as , em• Iflies, Oneras, Carringes.i,ltailruad . Ci,rs, ilitirch pews, Artn Chair, fUr Prrmenade and liortsa Drell?, a- the Ski , t can be - folded Wid.lll In useito ()reify a small place ad easily and conveniently as . a Sit or Muslin A,q Lady having enjoyed the pleasnre,eorrifort and ; reat Con.tenience of wearlhg. the Duplex Effipt teel Spring Skirt for a single day will nevcrafteward , 'lvillingly dispense with their use. For Children. - NUssis and Young Ladled they are superior to all others. . 1 TUE:IIOOPS Are .lovered'enth 2.ply clonble twist ed thread and will wear twice as liung rte the Siegle 'yarn covering Which is used on all Single'Steel lloop s , irts. The three bottOrnfrods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice'or doable ceverrti to preveit the covering from 'rearing Mr the rods when dragging down ,stairs, stone steps!, etc., etc. which they are con- Istantly subject to wheniin uSe. i All lure made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes and are the best quality in every pt.t... giving to the wearer the meat graceful and porter( Shape tiossible, and are unquestionably the ligheel, most desirable, leomfortahle and economicall Skirt ever made. \VESTS' BRADLEY & CARY; PRORIFTOS of the Invention, and SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79.54 81 READE STREETS,New York. FOR SALE in nil first-class Storen in thci Citv,and throughout thetitited b"tates and Cana-in, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South Arnerida, and the Went Indies. INQUIRE FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT. A. & C. , Jan.l(s 3m. NOTIC E. I A LL persona are cautioned against par- Al chasing a. certain Jadgment Note for Two Hundred Dollars, sighed by Andrew Bradford and Stephen Sherwood. and paya ble to William or Willard Wilson. Said Note was obtained by fr4uti, l 'and the makers will resist the nonacid= of the Ammer January 6, 1666, ' r EIS ,dAUtON.RO AMERICLN WATCH. COMPANY. It baring come to our knowledge that im itations of flan American Watch have been put upon the market in great number, calcu lated by their utter worthlessness to injure the reputatitln of our •genuine products, to protect our own interests and the public from imposition, h-q again publish the trade marks by which out Watches may invariably be known. i We -manufacture fonnsiiThes'o . f Watches.- The First !pis the name ."AMEIIICAN WATOLI go.. Waltham, Mass.," engraVed on the inside plate. The Second has the name 'APPLETON, TRACY & CO., Waltham, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate. The Third has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, Mass.," en graved on thp inside plate. t All the abcre styles have the name Amer ican Watch 00. painted on the dial, and are warranted iMevery respect. The lourt4 has the name. IBITION ! O.'S. ORGANS Boston, l'lress.," engraved on-the inside plate, and is not named on the , •All.the aboVe described watches are made of various sizes, and are sold Lin gold ox.sikir cases, as mai- be required. it is hardly possible for us to accurately describe thei numerous' imitations to whidh we have allacied. They are Usually inscriho with names So nearly approaChing our oil - n as to escape he observation Or the unaceus— turned buyer. Some are represented as ma.qe by the "Union Watch Co., of Boston, Mass.' —no such , onipany existing. Some age named the ;''Soldier's Watch," to be sold hs our Fourth! or Win. Ellen style, usuaßy known as the "Soldier's Watch." Others are named the "Appleton Watch Co. ;" others the P. S. BastM7v," instead of our "P. S. Batt lett ;" besides' many varieties named in sup a manlier as to convey the idea that they are the veritable 1 roductions of the Amerielln Wa telt Company. • We-also citation the public, :Lai particu larly soldier;, against buying certain articles CALLED watches. so freely advertised in crated papers as-".Artay Watches," "Officers Watches," "Magic Time Observers," "Area i na - Watches," Sre,. the prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A gdod watch, in these times, cannot be afforded any such Money. IFIVE YEARS ; of G rnins, i pEoNs sical Instru TEM collection of opening. and Clll- es, and OR. PI;iCU- IBM] NIKIMEM I , aequlre the SINI, author. two book. ANTIS aha uud. MI 11=1 A little attention on the part of buyers Rill protect them from gross imposition: . • ROBBINS S: APPLETON • Agents for the American Watch Co., 182 Broadway, New York. }Price 33 eta 6t. PACIFIC . 1 - I()TEL, 170, 17?, 174 & 176 GREE,WICLI . (ONE SQUARE WEST OF BROADWAY.) Bcticcen Cora - liar - all and Del/ Strects,...Veto York JOHN PATTEN. Jr., Proprietor prrE Pacific Hotel is well and widely JL 60OW11 to the travelimr. public. The lo cation is :especially suitable to merchant. 3 and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the Citv—is high way of Southern and Western' travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Padific has liberal accommodation for: over 300 guests ; it is well furnished, nod pos sesses every Modern hnprovemetit for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The room 3 are spacious and well ventilated ;! provided With gas and water; the attendance is prompt , and respectful ; and the table generously provided with every (delicacy of the season. The subscriber, who, for the past few years; has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identify himself thoroughly with the interests of his house. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pa.! eific Hotel. JOliNcl ) .A TTEN, Ja. A T El. J. OLMSTED'S r QTORF4 can always be found the best o Cooking, Box and Parlor 1 1 0 V E S TIN and SHEET IRON WARE, POTS, NETTC.ES, SPIDERS, suOTUIL FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS:, Also; ! „ Agricultural Ithtaements. such its PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS ,i CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE -RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. • HIS WOE ' is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROGHS put up in any part of the County—Terns !easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store:on Main Street opposite the Old Cont't House, Coudersport. Aug. 1. 136.3.- -50: WEEKLY MAGAZINE ! OF 4S Pages, 48 Pages. Is pulaisheil itt seatien to he received in nearly .all p.trti. of. thq Dna, d States ling of the Doerr . ). Moun , tains, tat every Sittariltty of its date. Devoted to Poi.ular Literature, Science, and Art,! It utill contain The b et poupiar Tale., The Last doniii=titi Ste The . L. tit sketches or Tiavel, The ben: pipers tut Popular Eidenite. The best short Popular Essays, The best ['items, Diogrnpitie, &c It Gives More and Better for the Money Than any oilier Mattniine ever published. Ila l zelee : tions embrace :her et articles Iron Diekens—Dhara ber4—Tlie Gaudinl and ether leading foreign Maga z uec, published fresh on the an irul of each cleaner, and a great variety of iginni matter by the beet thors. Was lirgan, January IloW I Made a Fortane:lu Wall St.. HOW I GOT MARRIED. A splendid, origmal and truestory, written expressly for the \ ER YORK. WEEKLYMAGAzixc,by a gentleman of great experien te, who knows all the inn end onto, and who will give more information about the straight and ertMked 101:11. of that yelebrated Pt rcot then has ever bern published. A= tife Magazine is stereotyped back npmbers can be supplied at ten cents each.' All newsdealer should have the Magazine, but when they are not acceL•sible, wo hare the following—cash In advance— One copy, one year $4 00 One copy, three mouths I 00 Two copies, one year 7 00 Five comes, ono year, and one extra to atzent B.- .2,0 00 Specimen copies rent by snail on receipt of 30 cents . .DarlTs SCCCESS.—This ",',lagazine has AO exactly met a great public want, that 1.43000 Copies are now Printed, with 'every proFneet of a. vastly greater edition as soon as the publie'is generally aware of 118 merits. Address. 0. BAILEY 4: Co., • Publishers of N. Y. Weekly Alnenzine. No. 7, Beekman st., New York. You . Want TO purchase Co t ttor, Goods, go to OLMSTED. For Cotton Yarn GO TO I'4' Stebbins; ENE TKIE is vY 11.041 ii : atm .774P3 BUSINESS COLLEGE North-east Corner Tenth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi ness or Commercial College in the country. The only one in the city possessing a Legislative Chartet, and the only onein the United States author ized to confer Degrees of merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording nee qindled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical education of young m n for the carious du ties and employments of bus noes life. THEORY . AND PRACTICE COMBINED . bY a system of 6, 1 . ACTUAL — BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a complete insight into the rOutine, details, . customs and forms of buSioess in general. as conducted in the ,best -regulated commer cial and financial estabbslanents. - 1 : 'THEORETICAL BOOK-KEEPING ea Vpon a new plan: with on original exposition of the science of account., arranged and published by, the 1 roprietor of this Institution et'.;tusively for his own ' I se P:IN lug one-bnl f the , ordinary Libor of the studsut. nd giving' him a complete knowledge of the p.actiee : I f the best accountants. THE CChitIiETiCIAL COURSE Book-leaping, Conini6reitil Pel,z 2nrinship, Blocinen Correspondence, COM,' mercial Law, Lectures on Business A ;lairs, Coname7ziul 048(07119 i Forrns, and Actual ..Busi ?less Practice. SPECIAL. BRANCHES. 41gebra. and the Higher ilathenzatiee, Phonn rgraphy, Ornainental Pennzanehip, the Art of Deteetiug Countei:ait ...Verney, Engineering, Surveying, ...Varigation and Telzyraphiny. 1 TELEGRAPHING. . . I The arranuement: , for Tulegrapht.r in ore fur in ad- Ivance of tlltythitit: , ,f the kind' ex er uttered to the pub- I nc. A reaular Telegraph Line to connecter - , with the liim•titutleii with t wenty braimholliees ie various parts iof the ell y, where puff; e business in transacted, and i)in which .tudent6 of thiolnstitation are permitted to practice. No remni or "Mee practi , .e c.m be had in any other liehool of imtimetieu ir• the country, without rhiet: no one can obtain a pm‘it Mn as a practical op. I,erator. Younz Men are cautioned against the decor). tive, representJetions of tho,e whowinwut any such I facilities, pretend to tench Tcleg,raphing. . • PATRONAGE. • This Institution is now enjoyingthe largest nat„ron nge ever bestowed upon any commercial school in the Sulle. Over live hundred stunents were in attend ',imee the lirst year, and over seven hundred during the past year. The best class of student's may inva riably be found here, mid all its associations arc first class. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS The Institu tin is located in the moat central part of the city, and its accounnocatiens, for extent, ele gance ant convenience, arc 41n , ,urpa , sed. All the roome hare heen'tl , ted up in the vere best style with Business Oilloeg or Gninting llouses, Telegraph 0111.ces, Stationery Store, and a regular BANK ,OF DI:Pi- 1 :51T AND JSSUE supplied with fi nely-ewzrav,d lithographic notes toed an a circulaiing the Department of Actual . Bu*ine,,s. TO YOUNG r,l EN who desire the aers beet facilitie, for a Practical Education for Piti•inet, , , we suarantee.a Colime of instruction no where else to equalled, WittkV smut reputation zu.d eutfingt of the lnetitution ant g business men make its endersens4ot the beet passport to success and advancement. 11l conteinplatillg entering any COmmercial college, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR & CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full psrtizulars of the course of instruction tern/ a, .5, c. FALIMBANIiS, President. • T. C. SEARCH, Special Teacher and 5111 , 1. of Offlee FOUTZ'S IMIECOMEI gorse alig GAN Powders, this animal,. sncl YELLOW W. TER. HIE A V E COUGHS, HI: TEMPER, Fl VERS. FOL - NDE' LOSS OF All" TITE A I\:1 ENERGY, &c. use improves ti owind ,! increas the appOite—giv! a smooth ar glossy skin—ar transforms t h miserable skelet horse. ! To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluable. 'vonroves the quality the milk. It has fn prove iq).y ac• il experiment to .:rease the •quan ly of milk and , ]am twenty per and make the fitter firm and 'eet. In fattening ttle, it gives them appetite, loosens leir hide,and tkes them thrive In all diseases the Lungs, Live: Fee., this articl acts as a specific By putting fro: one-half a paps to a paper in barrel of swill tit above disease Will be eradicate: or entirely pros preventive and Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for' $l, PREPARED BY S. A. T"CoUTZ AT THEIR WHOLESALE Dilliti AND MEDICEVE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through , out the United States. Sold by P, A. STEBBINS & CO.,Conders port, Pa. AI 017 can't believe what fine BARGAIN'S 1 are to be had at oL)ISTED'S. Dr. A. PRENCH's CELEBRATED -TONIC BITTERS ARE becoming' the most popular Medicine in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBISITY OF TIIE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and IVEAKNESS of the STGEACH nod DIGESTIVE ORGANS: It is also gaining a great reputation in the CURE of DIPTILERLL. Principal Office, roudersport. Po•ter Co.. Pa° OATS, WANTED .! lell7 life est nigh nice will be ' , hid' for a TiJOll sand Bushels of Oats, delivered nt the Store of undersigned in Itillport. h. S. Colwell. Millrerrt, Oiev, 14 4 1506. tf. S11111111)fi8 The War THE DROP "Live and Let Live coty 5-:4ll3o,inis to, Ten Different Departments! •.4 'J. , - s•-3 - g.-- - • . -..-. ~.1 • • --Y , -. ~. :::-. ..,.. •-, 4., 1-.: n s ra . CPW 0 . )4 & it ari. 4 So that while others are raark;ngwe shall `' sHOVE orq. . .. THE GooDs The first department is 11led with DRY GOODS, .RFIDY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, K. Are now ready for wholeifileing, and retailing Flour, Feed, Pork, Groceries, &c. Give us a call and save Fifty per Cent. We retnrn yOll our thanks for youraiberal . patron. age for the past,year, and shall continue to sell Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1865. L ro i '• N - tze s • - • V • • , .•6 P. A. STE !BINS ik This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, ky strengthening and cleansing the stomach and hates• tines. is a sure pre• vcutive of all. dis• eases lucid* to -"" LANDET" ,-..-:.ea : dquo : l'..t . fer. , fo .. l3' , ar . g - FIRST FALL OPENING! Elegant Seasonable Dress Goods THE CORNER STORE I' >' i).1'..e.5g..4,i1d..'Q.0A,15. Trimmings 4ES y, L [ 7l- R 1 FA 0 y MAMMOTH STOCK OF '13409tm eco Mlic)low. The Proprietors of the. POPULAR CORNER STORE are detrmined, to supply this market with the best quality or DRY-GOODS, HA / TS & CAPS, HARDWARE, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, AND PATENT MEDICINES. FOUR, FEED & PROVISIONS October, 186 E • THE MAMMOTH EIVIPIRE Nos. 2. k 3, .Wbolesale and Retail AS CHEAP AS EVER. 1 ' 1 1 , • • •• • .• is Over MUST COME I I C. H. SIMMONS. P. A. STIEBBI,NS & ;CO• E I I " CO. ms I=
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