ei itemoval et the Tax on Neal Estate, The report of the State Treasurer con cludes with'the following importankiiir gestions, which will meet with a hea4 response, from( every citizen, and whiib it is hoped will be deemed by the Ledif ;attire as of suificient consetpl4p#s tQlfie embodied into e law. c"1. . By the eitimate, hereunto annexed, of cur 'receipts and expenditures for the coming year, it will be seen , that4aur=re= ceiptp are expected to reach • the HUM of $5,426,000, and.our expcuditures i during the Pau.T a..t Ike!illkike sum of $40 5 214,9 0 _ 0 ; .15,011ying ax:ot one per ;, ,cent,.on_ t he , cayitakut,banks, andthe exercise of prop tialgettiwin 'collecting oar taes riii'botpoiat Wes Tioenses, &lithe-receipts wan 'readily - 4 himide •io leach: 86,000,000 ; ?Th k!qt=t4A 4PauOikuresv jwittf , fitha,lettst. pueliWelfort e cau Jedu,cedlt - pip,3o9p, 10esti t eirCumsiances,,I,it is 196ii40f se ionaf diftwatts 'sof the'lBtitte' fare moll condition ;to dispeoseialtogether , with tax pa, peat, pstdce',,leaving it to be taxed only fur county, and township ,purposes„ It should tliti':_endeaviii of - the §taie,..as * flit".possihle, to`collect' hei•tgventio . , Wed 'sources , : ,that'cannot be 'reached by counties and town,:'' At tho - ltiO' of ereatidg the Vet war the'first thing tielieti'"upon for its repayment was real; ettiike,•• aid pow, the war ,is over,'whyj itioala it not be the first, to receive the betie6ts'of peace I Froia` all Parts of the ociuntry We hear the cry , of high. rents an much of the -necessity for t its ad i 'ante arises j from the high local taxation rendered necessary to liquidate debts in Uttrtud.:.by::counties and towns ,to pa bounties for the war: Presuming, that , our receipts Will be $5,42.6,000 'OO Ouir exPenses • • 3,300,000 00 , ~. • nere Would boil balance of 2,126.000 00 I FrOW which deduct tax on •• - .. ', 1, 1 ~ s realestate . 1,600,000 op , , Leavow a balance of - 526,000 09 We will still haviii a balance in the Treasury of $526,000 over and . ,abos•e Will necessary expenditures. If we add lo 1,1 tine a tax on banks, of $470,000, it will give us $096,009 --nearly a million f do!lera 'to be appropriated to the redem - tion of the public debt; From this sta e• mont, , it.seeins -clear to me that we co d get along Without levying one dollar of tax on :the real estate of the CoMmon- Wealth. 'IVe can, at least, suspend its dellectioti for a year or two, until we have tiled the experiment.'': • . , . . ~ A T.4.X. on Cotton. The Comptroller of the currency Warmly tedveCate% in the report he recently trins twitted toiCongress, a: tax on cotton nd tobacco for the purpose of laying a porlion of the burdens of our public .debt upon foreign cimotrimi. • Ile says that "it) is estimated that the Cotton crop the next gear will atno'ut to between two and a all and three vaillionsoftalee ; a tax of ten ..F.V . Vr. 4 , ..15 . lAA. ~ .4. ' 'LW ~..2.-Allgs,ealc., .. us r ,....., duce 41:45,000,900. . It is -reasonable to sapposothat the .annual ; crop ; of cotton, after two or threp' years, will' equal in amount t'ae . tiverage of the crop for a few years Tevtous to - 1861, Which :was 'about four and ; a halt millions'of bales. A. tax of eight ;cents' per pound. on that quantity would produeCslBo,l3oo,ooo. *'. * Threetiurths"„of the crops of cotton" and tobacco' are expoited ; that .proportio n, theref3re, of. the tax ,on' those .arlicles Would he pold, by foreign cOuntries," and tiiiihatextent gown -6;Be to the lirjui4tion oNhe Public dept ,Itra relief of our i own people." • Our readers will 'remembe r the/ some months ago we repeatedly, - arced in vac eeltimns, the adoption 'of the :percy idicated above,. and we are gladffiat' the attention oe.Congress has, been..ofteielly directed to it., Foreign natioos---Partica 'arty -P Oat Britaimrhaveheen plundering, ne very. effectively during 'the last ; few years because by !be inflation - of our 'cur rency_ ear,market has-been , one of chi best iti';the world to sell their fabripS,.and 'ore. ortae poorest to - b.:pin, Pnd:beiidi'sf wPQn tederatO cruisers { have eriKiht ear cern= tur. : feii - riati gatiada'haa Ilieea,maile'ararld: depot - f`ei sin*iliaii, Opef:atione'to do fried gour,r3Senne laws.: By a tax:on cot; n and tebaccO we should be enabled , to giye them i l. a . j:towland,to their Oilier and even, wally to iiiiiiiti'foll corripeeratjen fei a the lane they have iefli t d c e upon us. 1 , .„ .0 _ HOIIIIIBLE SOEN VeAAN xcu lON. J.--A frightful , story comes from Ba teen. Saxony. concerning the exeention of 4 man namedßottine, "who had been 'sentenced j tu'death for Murder. Arriving at the top 14 thej steps of guillotine, Botuee, iestead of submitting to the attention of the exe oatiotier, engaged in a frightful str!ogele with bun andhis assistant. He bit all Who came near him, and fought fur, ousis• rryihti not frCm time to time to the public to save him, and j asserting his innocence q A fresh batoh of 'men came to the assist an,:e Of the executioner, but even then it was impossible ti get the condemned man under the fita knife. rAt last, after a quarter of an floir passed in vehement mruggles, an exceptionally strong Medan - • de just( e seized him by the oairandl.threw j bitu,down. Hai was tied with thelleath -1 •c, thongs usually employed for that Pur pose; but more than once broke tUem to pieeee At last ho was •secured, after a terrible struggle l and.having been fa i stened in die plank, was thrust under the blade of die rtilletine, which - fell immiately and ;ended the ftrife. His last words were "Ildroan jestiee is butchery." At o "'mist.. ;4 ribt a word of troth, lit the gt 4 o 4ol i! 'rpf emPf Jriptio, Chnol hi 'l peti- 1 fiere , Om (41 , 1:w - evil ni gtor York for the par 6-rc 'jcf Kef•flitri*, 64 si,tel otisck rater, I 1 ^ 1 I . I HE JOURNAL. , Couderßport. Pa. Tli- et eS - 4 )1 r 9 1 a :K l q .141 r 7tl?-t.- Nsi"- Ei rci ,biARNS.• '[.l i•-•,, ~.,'_ N. - --, v, T-- , , 4 •• ""'(' 1' \ '' ' Worn this SOutlit. • 1 1' II i Tevtoulram,NoarciurVs.,Jan.l4,'66. I 1 j After tea to.niglit, it, a-as proposed to hale serve music: - I:foltri the Joan..sa,Mr..Bem s I Went to the melodeon,Welgathered l iound and, sung some of the - old tutes. Ater"Baca;' , -s- , 4lloonton," and "Coyne I,llome,'l I naturally, 1 toner falt-like'resnmre, lny talk to you. ' Probably 11364 . n4:l ilitd; a better time to 1 eAcrible,mycho l ol, . alt. :it k all% nottr,beetC in 1 IrPgrf'q?P_ l ? D gt9,F 4 ?4 l l f' ,' l ,'! t _°;Y!" : '" P l iftM ;nearly what it.is.; Oar sch ool Orme is'a new 1-:11 - , • ,: .• - , :I; ':3 f;'.l-."'', k ~,: I i 179 9 geti,byild!e - goame,pitiety b„V P • lrti feet.', li a einni to 'be 'd d Ole Pinked', arra is battened .inside acid ant: ,;ta'r , eeiling•oVerhead . , 160'4 is tentohnlriiiiildal tol the: jefet4.' :Aborit, tit feet are Partitionealofr for at• qi, fitn:ce 'I :di* dare two inside doors with platform, 'desk and 1 biaektinard , betWeea, 1116 A ' Otirthern school hritiati: i The farth'er. ndis'filvidell, into trio ' ' mains, J softie twenty seve - I fourteen feet inside. - The'honse frfrtiti the ' ziorth . and. trip • , I rroomit in the 1306th-west el Prier, and will probably he less', emnfortable 10 Rine than it , is' of ix Sunny day , now.'' Tun i retorts are fur nished 'with . benChes like our recitation' seats: My roornbas thirtee4 of' thoie benches, each' just sii feet'Ong, ; and One seat running across the , back and af the room. On these seats' from fiftyi.seve a' to sixtyl,hree persor s have found sitting room nearly every' day since New Years.. I lattie twenty boys of ages varying from sevento seventeen, as nea.iy , as I can • tell. Few liciovr their ages correctly. The first monthl itd . theta, all in. one clasi. They read in SOdeia',e.cond Reader, recite in Coruell's Primary Geography, and a small Mental Arithmetic ealled Table 800 k... They stand up to recite i tkere is.' . no room for a recitation ben4, : 'hey stand with the tall- - est boys in the rmddle, and the order is , so, well. understood. that if a new boy, comes in, the boys.put "him m nearly the right place of their own accord. , lAt the head stands George Hawking, a boy iot'l about nine, full-blooded black. He was ttither absent nor late--last month, gets every word r , - of every lesson, and is pretty nearly a model boy. , Near the mid dle of the class stand.s Cornelius Cole, seven teen years of age,on' of free parents. , He is about half white,' grave and, dignified as a judge, faithful an diligent in' study ,' and es teemed by Mr:Be is as the most trusty boy white,' grave has . had in de l with. At the foot stand: little 'Frin.k'Storie a yellow boy, who never; either in class or iut,,looks in his book except he is told to,' that I can see, 'yet manages to I read about as wil l as the best of them. How i he doe, it is still mstery t o me., The classis filled u u p" with las varying, qu a lity as you would find in any school , only I have none ofi as low gleadO as I have seen in school. ,There are 'non© . on. the place. Atiout half the girls are in the BecoO t d • Reader, ;a n d of equal ad - ,---..-.......an*- toii-hi ihil,.. hays-Ltlingicrh .rnnqt of them are older. The rem a inder. are in the First Reader. My beA ,claSs in that is tilt little ones frons--41x Ito twelve years old. I have offered t4a rewards; forl learning ; the definitions, 'and it;wnod do yon good to see them studyl,• . Mist Of them are on banli every, time.' Thelow+thiis is composed - of women from twenty , five to forty years old who come three or frair d.ysArt a week, anxious to learn to, read, yei`settingon as slowly as you'would I naturally eirpeci. Saila of the children bring their books ,in' bag.s. ItunetrY : l a' strap over their shoulder and the more careful ones keepthe beg hung to their necks all day, with all the books in it they itre. not using. The rest lay their books and Caps on the bench by their side, arf under -the; 3eat on the ll O or, 'and. they fare iornewbat.:ns hooks naturally would nnder, such cirehdastasces r ..T.4t week row . went down one afte r noon ; and drove a row of nails on, the boys' side pi the house. ; I did .not; think of. them in. the ;Morning, but Abe boys discovered; them the instant we went :in,. and I be ;who sat next-thie H H W all was the best fellow.: Books, bags and ',capst were hung up quickly.l The schools - raeet. in tfie large room forl prayPrs, then we. I sing for fifteen or twenty minutes. Mr. Bemis leads waller violin . which helps 'a good tlealt . l They learn a new, trine very quick'. Thet,'at a signal, the schc4ars go to their respective rooms, and each teacher calls his or hOr own roil. The door is locked during prayers, and / the' children ' answer "present" lor "tardy" us they were in before or after-the door was liicked. We antiitipated trouble jai gettingicorrect, answers, but I find very little. Altogether,' they seem to me intensely htiman. I: - '___ __ ' • E.C.H. 1 • i,_ l , ' AN INPOIiTANT Bottrav 'Deets:mi.—The ,fol lowing communication froin Bon. J. Brodhead Second; Coral:Aroller, was addressed to the Paymaiter. General on the 2.0th,0f last month: 'lt had been brought to my notice that cer ttin claim agertsiare advertisidg that they are engaged in the pdllection of 4 eztra boonty'. from two to three hundiedl dollars for srldiers who enlisted'in 1861 4,nd '62, and all other times it-h.q. only $lOO was.paid,and are thus fraud ulently obtaining poscssion of soldiers' .dis charges.; no pass except that of Yeterans, bits the extra bounty: referred to been'authei ized, noi! can• it tie paid 'Without further legis lation, and it is very iMportant that soldiers should not part with, their discharges through a mirreßresentation of their rights.. I would, thei‘efore, respectfully suggest the prop:riety . of giving official notice that in no case except as atiove, seildipr who enlisted pribr to June 25th, 1863 i; entitled to more than; 100 bounty: l ' 14rEx-slavOolders and traitors through out the South are • acting with great brutality tawards aged and infirm negroes, who are a chsrge to parishes. - rtEWLIn 311.ssouri and Arkansas •there are thirty tivo l negro schools, with forty tezchers and 2,821 scholue. Clippings ninti Scribblings: ,11114'1oor=f-the A 1 4 . 1411 . '2 Irlocid—money. legifist ung--tbe Oight c m‘re. .‘ oiniovelajas from tho get rick. " • - - ' • lox ld 106 years,,oV„St: age= toui \last , lerltigod b_s_thii plague--forty thousand ,cattle, in England. Tin, -silver and golden weddings are .benefit niglits for. married beggars.. - War - Issued—by the War Departmentotu or der,;to muster out 1;022. general-officers. Se' Most bachelors are smart, but , it is only husbands who are now shrew'd. ' ten7 4 rive in a cottnge 1,9 all very welt whet you own the eottage,rand haVe'lilenty be mon.: e it interest ' n. .. - Oti',There are bttf 't,x4d stiry Trois , jor thee wliciliaiti . eiintted in: ihe'ltevolatiowy,_ was. •-• tlartiernre" : of ptetended 4iends. They' make much of you,i to make a 6' 6 9 4 4 . 3 rea1 .01 . 1 t . .. of you: :1 t ; rArTn One of ibe.lettefs ene opd.• - • th dead-letter office in Washington,Nyere $20 , 000. in bonds. .- ..! • 0.. 'Let.Being •nOced--,-n wag--trhat kind, of . wood be,sppposed the was.au Freedmen's Bure made of, replied Ebony WrTbo. hardest thing,to hold in the tirnrld is en noruly,tongue. It beatsa hot sMocithing iron and n kicking hofse. rrea,The yoong,lady who fainted away has been told by, her farnily.that it would be more delicate fur herlidfaint'at home. - . ,11e that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself, for every man has' need to be forgiven, garSambo, which race • has the harder scull the white or black? GuCgs de white race, 'eause nianY of 'ern-are Copperheads. Ear Put on a new dress-r•the Pittsburg Gazette last week; lt is• the oldest, and one of the be r st papers in Westirn Pennsylvania. •I • . sEr..k C.rnnecticut lady sent a forty-eight phund ttirkey to President 4ohusort-for alletv Years gift. i • _:+• f - - ger-Prentice: 'says '"lt is - not enough that you.are:praised by. t ' he,good i you hare failed 1 somewhere in your uty l if you are not.eursed, by the bad." . .. • .. , . ItiS-Forbidden tie sell anything but stale bread—the .bakers in - Quebec; the medical faculty having decided that new bread pro motes cholera. . ' . . . 4 , 4V 4 Expressos thu opinio xtErstlYs Journal of Health," that buckwheat :cakes 'contain more nourishment for less nietty - than any other article of food. ' - • ' , 1" .Some people are never abreast of the age. They dire into the stream of the past and don't come up again ; their heads stick in the mud at the bottotn. WA-Charles Lamb when' a little boy,walk ing in a church yard with his sister, and read ing epitaphs, said to her, "Mary, where's all the naughty people buried ?" gEir We see ggs of "I' h a roah's se rphen ts' ar for sale at some of our business places. Our, devil thinks if these "sarpen,ts" are any con nection of the copperhead breed, the' eggs should be destroyed.---Ex. •ge„,A fact—bad men are nevercompletely h2ppy, although posessed of everything that this World can bestow;: and good men are naval 641JOUSU eof everything that the .Wprld can, .take. away. - - . . A. greek maid, being asked what for - lane she would bring her husband, ; replied -I Will brio F hini what gold Cannot_ purchase ..L. - airheart unspotted; . a • vlritie• without stain, which is all that deceads to me from my fat:- fe"A-herri I—A man, in - stopping his pa perlreeently," wrote : "I•think fonts doitnt ort to spend thare ronnney on' papers„ my father neverkiid,an evry boddysedlac3vas the 6tnartest in he; r ltouritree, and had got the intellygent est family of buoys that ever dugg taters." .1 The rebellious South are now kicking, at the.tipors of Congieis itud begging, to Come in 1 That it will be opened no''doubt. nut'if should' be remernbere'd that they themselves' closed the door nneeremonnously: in 1861.-- They.fougbi bard for-foar 'years- to keep it. closed: S4ppose we . now, insist. upon • four years of pra' yirig 1 . Would, it hot, be, fair? Starr gßVlWar t .u.--- Toper' s Zollloqi,7-- - - • Leares have their time to 1414 • ' . And so tikmvise have I ' The rehstin ttio, , ,t the BRIIIO-...": ' . i Both exmitqf of getting dry, , ' 'PIA here's the ,&trerenee twitt Yen'and me, , i fails more harder and more, frequently: . Sober men "Have -their. time to fail" these icy times,.as well as leaves and toperi, and, the, best thing to ao is to insure in the' Taev- ELERS or HAtirrono, at the Journal Citfice. or^Anotair counterfeit greenback s.lo,bill has made its appearance.. The signatures of Spinner and Chittendon ore. good:brit the por trait (intr. Lin,Coln Coarse, and the bill generally much ? heavier in appearance than the genuine. • t::, ILre.The Interior Departtrten hasjust issued to the State of Jowa a swamp landi pateut of upward of 30,500 acres... The Land Office is actively engaged in bringing. the .work to a cloe for that . State. ; • ge,,„The Louis Title Pcmocrat, the organ of tbe , ,pro-starety men of Kentucky, says that no race of Ften echild b'at'e behave butter than th 6. Segroes cluriiig the trying scenes of the white men's insurrection. Pt=o" Dr. R. B. Bradford, a democrat .wbo bas held the office of Public Admirristrntor in New York for several years, confesses to bay— iag need -from thirty,:fire to-forty thousand dollars of trdst fUnds in stock speculations, all of which has :beep lost. Rave you heard any of the democratic ;papers raising a howl over' the factl . . • " - • Max PIUCE or PAckti.--Again .the combi nations among unprincipled speculators has increased the price of paper up to the highest point tonched during the war: 'When gold was, at nearly three hundred, per cent., paper was no' higher than now. jt is simply an unnecessary, add' unyielding comhinatiOit among mannfaaturets, which ,keeps up the, price. No publisher oftt area ofiord,tui supply- his subscribers at the price which they now pay, and, unless the, prices for materials' comes down, the price of subscription most go up. Thosel publishers who hastened to decrease the price as soon as the war was over, now find themselves in an, embarrassed condition. On'e thing is certain ; no sub seriber shoUld expect to receive a paper un less it is, paid in advance.—West Brauch , Senator lervrrers'Speech. (As the eouteat between . the-Atlatti. , & Weatern and the:Bentitslvania,. railroatTeee4 to be other s inthreata,m thg Stake, tve .p, , ; • :low the rurntirkaof't a. ;sett hkues,l S'enrnor:from j rtc,op kho .reauldttuLot iiied IQ4ittiatorAiita illlfgso~ f% Bighatu. • .4~ ~~ Mr. Speaker, I will most cheerfully raise my voice in defence °Mlles° resolu tions. tyith , the convictions which have ttptic atubjeci world 44;114 sid..agaiust my conseigone l my constituents and* 'enn ntry-dtd ';'not-spealt 'in favoi of and vote for - their adoption. Not - fora kingdom ,sir, ' w auldl,l vote tigajn . st ,th;e fitat 009- js in the. ; following ist.-Rescfrq,,That the Comtptttae Railroads in st ate d to , l4iPt'JlPlien4 policy, either..., hy a.report'of_g ,tenergi* fgt. Om, .grga magt *KRA' read ,companies, or special charierg i to all reads*o4/- tot4eveloP of- any- and;_ parts of theZtate. , Who is at, Mr•AP9:akef,!Oftt,ifi to be injuretl,by developing all ,parts,tif the 'State '. l —That, sir, 40,8.aq:fully express Whos - 1 1 %,Y):.5, 6 4aW 8 1 4.0 1 , ( 0 977 - w: 1 . 1 9 - is not to .:be benefittedrhy gdopting . 11 a liberal,policy," ; and developing tlie great' 11.0m:trees of, ell, parts, of 1,10 tate ? , Mr. Speaker, I need not tell you [ Pennsylvania-is by far richer than any,of Ilher sister States , in aiithingsexe l ept states +=whip. IQ that respect we are so very poor that we have none to do us rever ence. But we have brought down on egreelves the scorn and contempt of right thinkiugmen. Permsylvaniatc : daystands convicted before the world ass people who are impoverishing themselves at the bid ding of a corporation which has become a “sotern met% ',, and a government which goes_" not, rule-,-ns wiely—a goyetninent that has forged : chains and shackles .for the, people, some of which are.beingttsed by the Atlantic, and Great yiestero rail rpacl 7 --a great railro ad toy manacle the limbs of those who forged them.- . . MIN I till* it Itor granted that the Atlantic and Great Western railroad wants legisla tion; although they never to!d meso.— This greatet, highway of the nineteenth century has entered . our State,aud we all .should receive her with open arms.. Let her wain trunk run down from the lakes to the Susquehanna. Let.hergreet Phil-I adelpiiia with her right leg by way of the] Reading railroad, and her left New York by the Catawissa., Let her take the capi tal of our country in the hollow of her right hand, and ilet her left seize, that . , of the Queen's derniniena,.and - tbus bind us to. I gether with bands of iron tilat can never be broken! Let the coal, hulled in the loins of 'our mountains come forth and.,be exchanged for corn in Illinois., Le; the qil, breathing, like an earthq lake, in „the !alleys °flour State, come forth from:het:l womb.. Let the Senator. from. Blair air. I Ball) act l as the midwife; let him do it now. Ile confined ii,beyorid_ its time. Why should,these great blessings of God Briiwn'it - fedy lie mouldering in the grave 4",. Ratherlei them, like the soul of that martyr, "go marching on" to warm and light the.world, Illinois is, this cold day r burning corn for fuel, the eobs of which are as large almost as hand Spikes Ana shelooks upon us as heathens,that wedo' not let her baste with greater faCulties to feed , our hungry poor and to wnrm and light their own shiver ing smislef toil. _The ,yailey of the great 'Mississippi is full of commerce from the northwest to the.eastern., cities lunch of which. Would come 'by rail through, our I own State did we give . them the faCilities; The. 'northwest is roaring with anger aaainst Pennsylvania for not.affording more ample and , cheaper facilities for transpor i tation. between ,us, Commerce is on: her. very belts pleading for it. - She's now.at IVashinton, asking that a canal be cut and,locks made around the Niagara fal4. 0, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. what a sphetacle is this ; your own Money, proposed to be taken from the treasury of the Ceueral GOvernment - to construct .a Work to place the rieftes ;of the west on the boseut of the, St.La•srence,out of the reach of our State, and the ; metropplis, of our. Stale, rather than let a railroad be constructed . .through the centre of the State, that would enrich. the whole.p,eo ple, and particularly enrich the, city of Erie and the city'of Philadelphia. Mr. NICHOLS. Mill the -Senator from Erie' infortdme how: many votes the prep osition in the House, at 'Washington . ob tained 'to build looks around Niagara falls? If 1 recollect aright, they got very few votes for the project. Mr. LOWRY. The vote was light there but commerce 14 an engine that never tires, and it is back again, and ifTenosylvania persists in its mad policy, she will build that canal, she must :build it.' Pennsylva nia can no more prevent commerce from finding an outlet to the seaboard from the West than she can , dam up Niagara with a wheelharrow. - Mr. NICHOLS. My recollection of the bill spoken of by . the ' Senator, from Erie was,thisl.ll - ring the rebellion the mouth of the Mississippi wai blockaded•hy the Sont - herp Confederacy, and such an out let was d - esirable to pass the batteries at New. Orleans. • , Mr. LOWRY. the gentleman is, ig genions but that is all .I can say for him in wallet:Lion. with this, subject. The proposition to build a canal around the falls 9f Niagara is older than the rebellion and the narrow, suicidal policy of Penn sylvania-Vile most eloquent tongue that ever, spoke, or ever will speak in its defence , Pennsylvania stands today before the world a blind giant, trying to commitsui oide. this : wrong against our State must smaken the people in the valley,s apd the monntaini, and I give fa'. notice to the . Sevator on my left (Mr. HALL) that t Wilktigbt it to ; the death. _MI wrirfand: -iojustra has its 'hoar: Jigtalietalope lifea •to limpid of time. Alen stand Itint.,..an haul; ihen die, and bad Ines are damned utiaghteousuess i enduretb fur„ ever. ~,, . ..14 Whitt-last straw thie.breas 'tbe camel's *ell, iioinebody bid j':-and-I repeat it hereothat Pennsylvania ittimagifdl itisbit alannbers but terrible in:'lei wakeittliie,sta,,, ofi which the Scooter fretkj3lair will please take notice._ There is in army in favor of ageneral railroad law,,and when ~ '• The' people `''fully understand how the Pennsylvania railroad - company's policy islet war with their interests, they cannot ctintroktbenrwere they an hundred times as strong as; they: rea,!iy, are... 2 . The aecaapq resolotioa.ia'n,tbeee wordsi:, __ lf.U.3hat.the kaiatrunti*Of a.thVoogh linecon4be, route indicate.d.lethe coptract 'between the Atlantic and; Grest,Western Beadiugrallroadcompaniesmitlibranches,l tp Pirtsbtit:and Erie, ouglik-to be en-, °enraged bfappropnate ilegis anon. 1. ' -Mr; Spfraknr.-I-have already - anticipated ois in-thexentarkki.haire...made. , These, are great and aelf-evidentypropositiens wilielt_lt.tintra-,no--deferree,_ and to argue them'is to diltqe:and ,weaken their force.' The pPaitions , taken : I mlay be assailed, ' but they / cap:not he centravertesl..lt com mends:itself tothccouvintion of impartial naiads, and:there lleaye it. , Every '1113 2 la' rLejadiced Inatt.who cau'read the bill can !'appreciate,it. This then Mr.. .9.peaker, brings us down to the -third resolution. ;which 1-will read 1 :.,. 3d. That these iension of the Connp:ll3- vill' railroad eastward in the direction of Baltimore and Weshingtoa,with branches ,to connect with the Lebanon -V - alley rail iroad,is alike required by the commerce of [ the country. and. the local claims of- the I couptics.tbrough which the same would ; ;.The; Senator from Alleuheny(Mr. Bro. Haat) end. the. Senator from, 13iair (Mr. Ejall)Jaay _dehate the questioa as to what) Judge drier has decided and has not de cided aslong as they please; I have read all that-is .published--that be ever said upon the eubject—and I had co dam”. ty in, arriving at the conclusion that Judge Grier, had tiecided, for and against both of them., Neither, air, del. see that it is very importapt, if we pass a general railroad law, how "the aluestion is decided. Sena. kora will you in the nineteenth, centary I declare that the people of Pittsburg have not the right to go to Washington arid Baltimore by . the most direct routs ? if you so decide you anstain ,the doctrine that the Pennsylvania Central railroad,to benefit its stockholders, - bas the right to central the locomotion of the children of God at the. expense of the individual.—= This for the benefit of a corporation! From any such doctrine, thank •God I stand de livered: ..I was, in the Senate when the representatives of the Mato Matorail road company came to the House and commanded' their Senators to ; take tte life of Abel. The Senate'. from Berke shakes hie beadiv ia.lirmation--aa 1 -..Pgrilart , 'ls' subject. He did it not, still it was done. Not - one droll,. .crf.its, blood i . is . upon- my bands....,The bill—the infamous bill passed amktha‘c,ocit crew"thrice,° , , The corpo ration thatmould , not give the most direct communication to the people of the West, from motives of unholy gain, deliberately took the life of one" that could. It broke up its reaci 7 zit..confiscated its estate to its own use. , We did tbia most infarvoue and diabalica; act cm'a dark eight. Sen ators grew pale, : for they. knew we were covered with itafatny to, the, ,last syllable of, recorded, time. ; . • Now, gr. Speaker, foa,the fourth resck hAtienz •-• " I;! '• ~ . 4th. That a'haalthful Competition, by through Jives, is r'equired to.secure to the citizens of the State cheap rates of freight sea that all railroads deriving their char.: tent from. the State abouhl be required to do the -local business °font citizens at the lowest rates charged upon such toady..., ,Yha dare .contradict this.truism—this ' well :understood maxina,?-' ' Ican,tell the Peransylvania railroad company .that she has consamptioo in her bou,esi. shetaxes her own,. slaves, and gives, their. sweat yal ue to.white men of other, ,States. She is a leveler,. She levels down the•prico of Penney) vapia.landa-to that .of lowa. - - New Jersey taxes-all without her State for the benefit of these withia.. j The F'ennsylva nut Central taxes all -within for the bene fit of those without. • • . Coin peritiop alone pan right these wrongs. to all the Nortliern, States, except:Penn sylvania and New IJersey r a general rail= road-law has been , adopted: No .people. who read the Lord's prayer should be without it. ,The want of it has disgraced Penasylvaoia throughout -Christendom.. ,It bas filled par-lobbies' with lepers and has ledlVs all into-temp= l tat . oa and delivered us to great evil. When,l entered the Senate Chamber this morning I had no ex'pectation of this debate. My remarks, as you have readily discovered,, were - not- prepared. - They came warm from my heart. You have heard me, patiently ; for my cause's sake, and I.will close with ,a single remark. A general railroad law "would form a more perfect maims With these., States." The cause of morality, commerce. and religion ail plead that _map ' s inalienable rights shall opt be !eager disregarded in Pennsylvania. igOlontains 633 manufactur ers whose - PrOdtlets in 1855 were ,valued at $25,710,292. This is a very fair start for a, young city, and. shows what n, great field for diversified industry is open lathe great West. It is folly to pretend that a, protective pOlicy confers e4clusive benefits upon New England and ENutterylvaida, The Westernand - even tho Southern . Stites can derive lasting bene fits from a thoroughly American system, par ticularly if the one is encostreged to,esMblish woolen and the other.cottda factoriel; Winter Goods AT OLMSTED'S. .7.. - 1703711:littt tion is invited to the larg; ?t g atfracpie stock just received, and for sale sti4oef - as the same qualities can' be bought anywhere in the county. We have EA hand. a large and . varied as "sortment'of D'ornestic Cottons, - ccr ,, prising BROWN SHEETINGS, and SHIRTINGS, _ BLEAGREP-XII SLIN4 IJi:N7 18 CHECKS, TICgINGS, and. " bOTTOiI Yl4lClttg,.on irlitch we cannot be nn~lersold. We purchase °in. good for Cash and offer therannw:*ery.stnall Advalice • Pronv.Cost.. I - FLANNEL § . PLAID.FROTCHSIIIIMING FLAit4',EL, call - At Olmsted's'. • DAMN GOMA DBLAMBS, PEDITS, BROGUE, and WOOLEN SHAW; HOODS, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, SALHORAL SKIRTS, GUITSS, and ,CASSIMERES," • a full supply At OlmsteTt. CLOTHING. DON'T fail to call before purchasing and see tiie,assortinent BOOTS & •&FIDES OR Men, *omen & Children, in great ra, riety awteheap ! • . , ! For Molasses,:Syrnp, Sugar, Tea and ColTee', in fact everything in the Grocery line, cal AT OIAISTED'S • • r • r • A full useortment of almost everything Math' kept in a country store on hand. - We intend to keep Goods that will giro satisfaction isi sell good amides at the lowest living pre AT OLMSTED'S, aut& txrate ur suittrate r Sutter, Wool, SBeep rear, him Deer Skins Also, County, Township and School Orders, for :ait of which the highest prices will be paid • ' • At OrrnstedYg Coudersport; Pa,Nov'r 18, Eggi. Th BUCKEYE STRAW-CUTTER PATENTED, JULY,I664, BY PORTER:*. SMITE. *THOUSANDS of these Machines are Wog made and sold, and gitre - more• • Uri;versa( Satisfaction?"' than any other Straw or Stalk -C>ttior market. It has - nocastingt abontand can be marls or repaired In any country town, , . .The Knife is stationary—Box vibrates,•:.fi.eria ltsig —cuts on ton of the knife—cute orerrtblr,g guitarist!' nny longth yon wish, and you cannot make 'ragged work of it Oren with n • - • _Price, - Snmides of Machines can be seen - at shop's( the undersigned. linnufactured and for snle by • N. H. GOODSELL. I - Coudersport, Ps., Oct. 2,1865:.. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, 'PA. 11 - 11SEASES of the Nervous, Semin4rins. ry and sexual systems—new and , treatment—in reports of the HOWARD A.S. SOCIATION--sent , by Mail •in - swea letter envelopes, free., of charge., Address, Dr. J SKI.I.LIN HOUGHTON. Howard Associatioi No 2 SoutifNinth Street, Philadelphia, Pc' 1 4 . 1 y 1864. C • OUDE Asp°AT Atill 'still , • STAGE ‘`'ESSRS. OLASSUIRE & WHITE'S daily Him of Stages will leave-Coudersport, until furttsr notice, at 8 o'clock, In the morning, arriving In hbir pen:about 4 o'clock. in the afternoon, and wilt Intro Shippeu on the arrival of the morning train, at .10:30., arrivingin Coudersport about 5 o'clock, P. DI, . Travelers are refered to the Time-Table of kbe Phil. adclphia & Erie Railroad, which sill be found adver tised, in this paper, for further particulars obourtY advantages of this route. New York parseusereit/ SAVE 30 MILES•TRAVEL I AND 5 *HOURS TIME by tak'ng this route in 'preference to That of the Yds Railway. NO CUANCIE OF C.,11113 BETWEEN SUIPPFN AND NEW YORE. Fine, new, corn. fortr.ble we:moaned gorat teame are kept on the Stsgs gout°. 'Packages and Express businsse attended to, wlth . care. I).F. OLASSIVIRE, ILES W I.IITE, Proprl, COI:An-sport, Ps., Oct. 9, 1865. Notioe i • GkIIMANIit, potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863. NOTICE is ihereby given that Charles 13n. shop, noW 'or. late 'of this county, bolding the foll Owing ilescribed property.bas not re paid, any ;consideration whatever fcr theocrat, and all persona nre-hereby warned het to pur chase any of Said - property of the said Eiustdr before the detbion- of 7 the . .Court is given le th is .case and C. Uushor_has.poid to me the , considerttion 4 money therefor. The following is the property : Ist. " A 'certain' tract of land near the Ger' a man • i 'n warrant 5075. Abbott to irnsbipi Potter county, Pa.; - containing " 100 acres ,- Also 25 acres In warrant 5078 and adjoirdeg the above. Jr. 2nd. A certrin tract Orland, with Milian& improvemen4 thereon, near Kettle eek Cr'' a warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Pout! county, Pa.,:lcontaining about 20t acres. C. BushorLholds, also fn toot warract_P: ?.501, in Gatnes township, Vega connty,., nu the road heading from Germania to (;ni l containing 850 acres. rat W3l. JUDY*" )1 n U 111 At Olmatedls At• Olmsted's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers