NEWS!! GRANT & SHERIDAN HEARD FROM AGAIN ! ! ! ANOTHER UNION VICTORY GOLD DOWN HEAVY DECLINE LN GOODS AND P."A. STEBBINS & Coq Are now receiving a new and complete STOCK OF Spring Goods ! ! purchased. sinee the heavy decline and daring the reeeat panic is New York Consieting of DRESS GOODS, , . DELAIJI 7 ES, POPLIN'S ALPACA' S, 310.Z.11".B1GUES 1 L EC S, PLAID PO S.ILE - S, BLA C IfOl?AL SKIRTS,' CLOAKSi CLOJELVGS, CASSLVER.ES, f MEN'S Full stock BLE CLOTHING FASHION ALSO & SHOES, BOOT 4- CAPS, HAT \ • , 'I &c t Fancy Articles ye Stuffs, White Lead in .I,moene, Kerosene,Lamp lass, Patent Medicines ; . icalHrbs, Perfumery,Fancy t articl's, Gum, Hair, Ivory 135, Po odes and Colognes, tment oMavoring, Extracts, 'spar, and 21,as - eed Oil—raw rushes \ ii, Hair, Hat, Pa' t, Varnish es OCK OF . \ 3 . ? Drugs a 1 Oils, •Paints, ant Tin Cans,Alcolto and Lamp Fistn Chemicals, Bota SQsp and Toil . sad Wooden C and s fine n'sso Pens, Ink and and Wind, rCS D3 , . ark' Cloth, Tooth, N 5.4 Artist Bros CHOICE S CERIES, - GR I Teas, Sugars, C West India and Btarcb, Farina, oice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, Dandelion "offee, Rice, Corn Cocoa, &c., ALWAYS ON .IU . ND .TEBBr' & Co,, 1 A, er Main and Second Streete, Apr. 10, IB6i Coallereport, PRICE CURRENT.. Corrected ereryl Wednesday by P. A. STEB.i BINS & CO., Detail Dealers in Groceries ' arta Provisiong; - . • opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel ; • Cciudersport, Pa, • • Apples, green, bush., : sisto 1 00 do dried, " 2'oo 250 Bean's, • • ." 800 350 Beeswax, ' M I jj . 20 25 Beef), • " • .1 I 8 9 Berribs, dried; 12 quart 15 20 Buckwheat, ql bash., i 300 125 Butkwheat Flour, 3.00 375 Butter, "id 20 Cheese l " Clorerseed I • ' . • Corn, 1.3 bush., Corn Meal, Per cwt., j Eggs, Flour, extra dc) superfine " Munk "• , -1 lb Hity - E'l ton, Hon y, 1 cr lb., • Lard, , " Maple Sugar, per lb., Oa* 70 bush., • Onions " • Porl, bbl., do IR lb., j ,do in whole hog, ? lb. Potatoes, per bush., Saches, dried, "t 1 lb., Poultry, '471 Rye, per bush., Salt, bbl., do i, sack,'; Timothy ecd Trout,:per bbl., .1- 1 bush., Wilea , -=l DR. zrOBIAS' VENITIAN CERTAIN CURE FOR PAINS AND Aches, and warranted superior to any other. Croup: it positively cures; relief is absolutely sure iMmediately it is used. Moth ers rememiar thif, and arm yourselves with a bottle without ;delay. Croup is a disease wbibh gives no notice. frequently attacking the'child in the dead hour of night : before a • physlciatt can be: summoned it may be too late: 3:emesNer,~, the Venitian Liniment never 'fails. Price 40 & 80 cents a bottle. S.old by all. DrugAsts. Office, 56 Cortlandt Street New York. DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS C6a posed. of concentrated extracts from ruo anlke - rbs of the highest medicinal value,; infaliia lb in the cure of all diseases of thelLiver on any derangement of the Di g,estire Ornfans. They remove all impurities of tlae'Dloo - d, elnd are unequaled in the cure of Diarrhm, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Scrof:ila z BiliOusnessCUver Complaint, Fevers. Head ache, Piles; sierculial ; Diseases, Hereditary Posk for a,qults. one pill in the moziaits.z, cildren 1'44 From ore to three pills IvIPI cline Ordinary cases, an4l from One:to matter v.-ill cure any curable case of 4 oio mattei• lollg standing. Price $l.OO Y. MOTT TALBOTT, 5L D. A: CO., 1 6 Fulton Street. New York. The Gr,eat,est Victory' Yet ! COLORS STRUCK IN I".T.V.V, MINUTES. The aboveb heading of a recent bulletin to t ! 'from the SEAT OF WAR is in ail respe - dts appliGable to the results of CHRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE . When . brought in, eontact with hair of any ohJnbxious tinti 'i!venaintites removes the undesirable color, ripl. , cin,g it with the rich- e'st black or brbwn.; No stain is left on the scalp, no damage done to the hair by this fine: emollient vegetatile f [dye. Manufactured by T. M d. CHSTADO O. Na. G Astor House, Neat York. SOld Druggists. Applied by all, Hair-Dressers. , , 11311-4ADRETIPS PILLS General assistant of !future. What is health ? That is disease? Ilealth is when thp supply and expendi ture are equaLi Disea:se when the supply aad expt i uditure are uneqUal. IL ANDRETIPS PIt.LS impart certain ex puiSive posers to all matters of the body whose life is below tile standard of the s.ur , rounding part l y, or rhich have remained longeri than nature designed. So in fevers and all that class of`cases which soon run into; naortification DtIANIMETIPS PILLS have MarveloUs - cur. tire qualities. Our bodies tarle continuallylchanginz, and it is by this Ichange livet. Should matter remain in organs beyotad the tina j b nature designed, pain and ififianla,tiott set tn, which is nothing more than a ipreparAtory effort for our good. All Brandreth's Pills are isuPposed from the results Ito do is r simply ASSISTING THESE EFFORTS OF NATURE. CLOTILS. AGENTS WANTED , - for flad • ?WEISE & gPT: • I The Ynost interesting and exciting book .:p , erertiblished? embracing the adventures of a woman in the tnion army; as Nurse, Scout and jSijy, g,itiiiigj a most vivid inner picture of ilia ran Teachers, lad+, energetic young men,amf especially returupd and disabled soldiers in want of profit...ll4e employnient, will find it peculiarly adabted to their; condition. We have agents cleaiing $l5O I:Tr month, which we will prove .o any doubtng Send Or circulars. Address j JOFES, BltOS. 4; CO , IN. E. co l lier Sixth and Minor streets, • philadelpeia Pa. H j NOTICE. W lIEREA husband, JAI3fES G. ~ LINOTIJ hap left the bed he never owne4 and the board he }never provided, wllliont just Ouse or. provocation 1 hereby caution all persons ag,ainSt harboring or trusting him, on my account, as I shall pay no 'debts Of his . contracting after this date. I r ArELIA BOOTH. Colesburg, Va., Jane 27, ASCS. TRAYED o; 17 itiv 26. 1: roun# Cattle ; Heifer,) two ye:, with: w,hite on white [potted:' tion of , thera-w \ 1 Jul s 1g63. subseri .ens of Pa 1 11 kinds '.oa as 1t 7. MOl , l kinds fu T HI zt with i as go counu of all 15 iOO 7 1.50 2 375 4 90040 00 9 OJIO 00 25 00 20 20 18 80 25 00 20 1 00 30 00 35 18 10 37 20 150 1 550 6 15 250.3 8 00 175 2 800 9 NOTICE. Stolen in Bingham township, .65, from , the subscriber, Six two Light Red Steers and one rs old, and three Yearlings, the belly, and one red and Any person giving infornt'a -11 be' liberallY rewarded. ISAAC W. JONES. [4w] 1 a.rble Yard. eresires to inform . the citi d .tter that h i e can supply them of Marble wok, as cheap and lean tie had any place in the UMtNTS and TOMB-STONES 'nished on s&irt notice. G. BREU.NLE. Feb 13 'GS !I ly TAP, POTTER CO u NTY JOURNAL Conderspoit, Wednesday Evening, 19, 1865. Local :and General. M_ Papers of the State report quite cool weather during the past ten days. . ,"m .A Soldier bad his .poCket. picked of ,Sl4O while standing in the depot at Lock Haven, on ThorSday of last weelk. ter There was quite a heavy frost in this county, the morning of the 14th—not suffi cient howeser to do any damage. 20 50 00 00 1:r . The Tioga Agitator says: "Rev. J. F. Calkins, so long Chaplain of the 149th, has returned to resume his labors among us." About 450 Soldiers partook of the soldiers': Dinner in Welleboro on the Fourth ; and it is estimated that 8000 people were present. s_____ • ___ Ser Robert C. Cox, of Liberty, and W. T. Flumpbrey, of Osceola, are candidates for Asisembly, in Tiog.s. Theiiiew Hotel in. Williamsport will .be opened lit time for the State Fair which is to be held in September. The New York Herald says that Ben Wood is a Benedict Arnold without his bravery and a Judas Iscariot who has not, the grace to hang himseM 88 00 20 50 AT JAmestowri, N. T., last Wednesday, a dam broke an - ay, doing about $3,0,00 dam . - ege, besides causing the stoppage of sundry mills. The new dam will be completed in six weeks. 'The Lock Haven _Republican states that an attempt was made the other night 'to barn the dwellin ,,. .of Mr. Sheffer, in thatplace, and that if it bad succeeded, the family would have been burne4 with the buildings. Major-General John F. Thirtranft, the original commander of the 51st Pennia Reg intent, is recommended for the nomination of Surveyor General. A fine man, an ablel offi cer, and' a worthy eitlien, his nomination would be 'a "tower of strength" in the Fall contest. • The Harrisburg Daily Telegraph has been enlarged and improved in many respects, and now looks more like the organ of a great party than it has heretofore . . We commend it to our Union friends wno desire a paper frqm the Capital. Terms: Daily, $G in ad vahce ; weekly. q^ 'Nothing that Maximilian can do Trill sulll.ce to cover up the outrage of his presence in Me:;ico. Be may be the most liberal of the liberals, bat he is none the less a usurp er, the tool of a despot:supported by foreign bayonets. He may do what he pleases, the only act that is called for in his case is his remaral to Europe. L On Saturday afternoon, July Ist, as three colored boys were fishing in a boat on Jones's Lake, near Montrose, the boat sunk and all three were drowned. Their names were Edward Williams, Theodore' Allen, and . A4 , ,xandria Ray. Williams could swim, and attempted to save the others, but they, in their frirtit seized hold of him and drew him under, • The Second Volume of Messrs. Tick nor& Fields Companion Poets for the People has been issued and contains the better part of Tennyson's short poems: We have no doubt but] that when the people come to un derstand the worth ofthese volumes they will be foundras frequently at our firesides as the most po4llir magazines of the day, Send for n specimen copy. Pride.: 50 cents. Tick nor i.S; Feljis, 185 Washington St. Boston. Ze"'' M'essrs. Ticknor k Field ; of Boston, have published a pamphlet edition loc a. most remarkable narrative "The Man witlicut a Cotintr7." • upon its original publication in thelAtlantic Monthly it'lttracted more general attention and comment than any article Printed in a long time. It ha! a peculiar in terest at this particular time and should be read by every American, old or yours, man or womaft. Send ten cents to the publishers and they will send you a copy, port.-paid. AT KANS.—Some three weeks since, a very valuable sawmill, belonging to Gen. T. L. Kane at Kane, on the line of the Phila delphia and Erie IL Ti. was destroyed by fire. The loss' .to Gea. Kane'cannot he.less than $15,000 and the loss tO i the Railroad compa ny who tire erecting extensive repair shops, a round house, j-c., and to the citizens who contemplated building at Kane thii, season, is almost irreparable. We are, gyatified to state s however, that another mill; will be built as soon as men and means can build it. Gen. }Carte, with his usual promptness and energy, is pushing the work forward'with all possible dispatch. ray- Information Le wanted of ON wherea bouts of Nathaniel Hart, late of Co. lA, 297th P. who has not been beards of since his disckarge at Camp Curtin, on the sth of,Tune. Any, information will be thankfully !received, if ai , dres.4eci to 3frs. Harriet A. Hai; Blocs • burg, Thig,a county, Pa:, or Mr. Frederick Uhler, Harrisburg. lye get the following items from the last Willi,amspovt Bulletin : Dike Ylliindred Dollars has been deposited in the First National Bank, towards a Fund for the purpose of erecting a Monument to the Membry of the fallen heroes who went from Lycoming . Countyi and the Ladies ,are taking the initial steps for establishing a Soldiers'Home.—:—The 'Williamsport Bridge Company arc ready for bids from contractors to Construct. the Bridge.-- , A. man named Pear Cati,gan was killed in Perk - ins' Mill on I SatiirdaY al tern oon—Copper o re was found lon the farm of Martin Caub,in Wolf township. Tile:sale of Government horses on Wed; besday and Thursday, was very successful. The' number sold was 199. The highest price paid for , one was' $2ll. The lowest price ra2S.—The Street Railroad is in full blast: A beautiful car was placed on the track, and com'menced its regular trips:on Thursday last. It runs at intervals of twenty minutes, and the first dav had no lack of passengers., The peolile of 3luncy are taking meas ures to have a Soldiers' Monument erected In the Muney Cemetery. Several hundred dol lars have'aiready been raised for that plit,pose. REPORT Of the lasi re-ular muting of tit r e Old 31,1 , 1<%5 CdngeUial Gathfring, held in : Crati-apple - oreharu : July 1, 1865, • ; Baring, met, the ears of tilt congenial sis . terswere regaled by an Instrumental piece on the Accorileon, by Aramiuta Jane Sc.taggs. Nat l . = Essay, Blciiiednes.s," by Hanna)] Martha Simplsins, which called forth heartfelt enthusiasm. liong—"We're a band of sisters." - After vhicit, as the, tea was cooling, they proceeded to. the sapper table- - -31ercy Ann Lirefo'ever and Felicia Dorothea D'ip'p er carryi g the banner on which was inscribed "Li erty for all—a anion with no man." On leating themselves, they were horrified to find that the splendid bonquet that graced the cel.tre of the table contained a bachelor's button ? but as Jemima Mehitable snapdragon had the courage to throw ate rile thing away with jitst indignation, they proceeded. to par.= take of the delicacies set before them. The[following toast was offered by Alvira Unit.. Green: Old Ntaid_ - ---who, though rocciing in a crab apple i)rebard, are not vet reduced tobouqueLo. of "thistles and tansy' Restrded to by Mercy Ann Liveforever. Ara, inta Jane Scragge gave . ._. , It Old acbelors---"One aud all unmarketable. Ref) nse—No doubt of that; by Ketura Delia lifumens. Majl the tribe of man vanish from the face of theiearth and be seen no more; by Ange lina Mary Patinhor, F Res t n - se by Felicia Dorothea Nipper. Fen 'ng that the sentiment just offered can not c nveniently be complied with, Alvira Charitiypreen gave the following: _ . _ 1, Ma} l Old BacTielors flourish forever-Hat the Bachelors' Rereat. • lillonej. , .d to by the v. - hole sisterhood Dessert. qinta, Jane Seragzs and Jernslin. So- Ara pbrbi of they bountlf favorei. song, ! par ,c( :Asyl ja Pillicoddy, having partaken freely persimmons, which formed part of the Iful repast, felt in a:mood of siUging, 11 the rest of the company with a long ithe concluding verses of which are Rlarly fine : ~1 the-sun shine , oii as it ever has done, Mily our names as changeless rera:in ; ...indi .1c; Cupid darts ever pierce our hearts, MN- we never have "Lore on the b:raim" hope: that the day is not far away, ihcn no bachelor can us provoke; 1 t the words we now hear whenever: they're near ; 1 : ;, "Lailies, permit me to sznoke.'f v‘li Ivo , . 1 • bullets still fly—may smoke cloud the , sky-- 1 1 1 qty cannon continue to roar; ! ' !the trumpet still call until it tales all, bd then will our troubles be o'er. VIIM m i l 3lar Tfiel following resolutions were then adoktld .16.?riired, That while v i - e deplore the.raya ges tudde in our ranks during the past year by I l he disease called .3Lzt.-ipieniitni, 7e are consoled by the thought that the opposite sex intftred quint as sevcrillY as our own. li l t - ,Tqred, That those unfortunate members of out - band who have been linable to join us here, have our heartfelt sympathy, and that for their benefit, a report of this meeting be sent to the Pop;:.: Joznx...l, fer That when the. smiles of another' summer ur 1.-e called forth the buds and blossoms on the. cra.!:-api.2e; meet nain in this, cur fav,rite i, to l renew our resolutians of the present year. _ At this juncture the form of Jercjrniah Clod pole was seen, passing through the orchard on his way to the - Bachelors' P-etrdat, at sight of which the company retreated in graceful confusion. 4 VIIO WAS The following is the description of the large Hotel about being Will iamsport : The whole structure is One knnd?ed and fifty-six feet 'square. ,The baseneent, l ewhich can hardly be called a basement, as'it is only ' about eighteen inches below the surfeee of the surrounding grounds, is as .dr y as any other door in ill? house. It will 'cOntain a 1 first class Restaurant, Oyster and Eating ;Saloon, which will be situated In the north east corner. In the southeast corner is a large room °which,is to be fitted np for an elegant Ice Cream/Saloon for ladies. Oa the Iwest side are the rooms for washing, ironing, baking, 4 - c. The basement, also contains a Barber Shop, Store-room for the use of the Hotel, and about fifteen sleeping ! rooms fo,r the use of the employees of the House. fn the centre is an open area sixty-six. feet .sr i vare ' which is reached by an open arch way. Here are the rooms for depositing',i coal, &C. The next story—which must be called the first—is divided by halls, or entries:, running through the centre of the building at right angles, making four entrances, one for each side, besides one entrance into the Dining Room; from:the Railroad. Depot, when that structure is Milt. At One side cf this en trance is a Wash Room for gentlemen, and f on the other a similar Room, with 'private Saloon attached, for ladies. The Dinind Room is 12.9 feet long by 40 feet wide, and will be furnished in elegant , style whi! smalloval tables. There is also an Outer entrance from the west frotit.l These I entrances are all from a verandah, which I extends around the north, south and west! fronts. The central north entrance leads to the pflice—a large and spacious apartment— connecting with a Bar-Room, and from that to a! Billiard Seddon, ks. On the east, is the ladies' private enirance. On the left is the ladies Recentiontßoom, which is connected! by folding doors' with the ladies' Parlor in the northeast corner of the building. 'From the south entrance, by turning to the left. we enter a magnificent room which shoUld be 'a l par:or, but is designed for a Store for the sale. of gentlemen" - and ladies' furniedtine• goods. This will be a novelty on the main floor of a hotel, bat :rill have its conveniences contains roomattractions. This story also a room for cooking; with a large flue to carry off the steam and smoke. so that .7101.10 17iii esmpe into the. Dining ROOra'Or other parts or the Motel- The secend ein_d third stories are occupied by suits of rooMs for far- L i:ice and. single rooms. They laic - all 4arge and airy, and the doors between communicating rooms so large that a bed 'can he moved titre' I them without taking theme:part. A passage way, or entry, seven feet wide, runs entirely around the centre of these stories, dividing the roome into two sets, front and back. The p.i ,, • ssae is well lighted from both ends. The fourth story has a similar arrangement, but the rooms are smaller and designed for a sin gle bed; -but they are large in comparison to the single rooms of mosA i lioteis! There are three main Eights of stai r s t o each of these stories, besides the private one for the use of the employees of the house. In fact, there seems to' be nothing left undone which I could be done to make this a first class Hotel, unsurpassed in our large cities for exteat of! rooni or the perfect arrangement for accom- I madation of guests. Stich a houSe neeessariiy, attract persons, -who desire a! comfortable retreat from! large cities, and; will,..undoubledly, he faliV appreciated. ._ . ry-11 rrederick SCITIIrd bns so far recov ered from his injuries as to be nbie to ride out &acti day, weather rcrmittlii2., and he iv expe ts shortly to visit hi.: home in I .lfe State of N York. - rt.{The gentlemen -who run the 3P.K•an illailrottA and Navigation Machine, have been with tr?, once more and retired, propabiy not •to again return until neat year about this time, when they aro empelled to visit us again, in order to retain their charter. For a goodly number of years we hare been ac customed to this kind of prhceeding, and for the life of us we find nothing in it attractive or which tends to win our admiration. The meetings of the comp_any are held in some body's back office, and the proceedings are { clothed with the most profound secrecy._.! Every two or three years the company is) completely metanphosed, not 'from the larva to the buttery, but from one set of men to another. Whenever a charg.e occurs, the naver-despairing r hopeful-inhabitants ,of 1 the rallies of Potato and Marvin creek,believe the change to be for 'the better. They are I told that "the road is now certainly/to be built," and determined to look only on the 1 bright side of the.,picture, they believe allii they arc told. They remain all the time as ignorant of the doings of the Company as i though no snch company existed, and still! hope on for the improvement to commence,' for the day of dellierance, until "hope de ferred maketh the heart sick." Such was 1 the history of the Allegany Valley IL B. Co., I such Is, the history of the 31'E:eau IL It. and Navigation Company, and such we have al-t most come to the conclusion is to be the his tory of all railroads affecting our immediate 1 locality, but still we shall continue to "hope I on, hope ever.' ; ; We have reason to be thankful that capi talists are directing{ their attention to other sections of our counts, if not to this. The Buffalo and Bradford itailroali3 being cpm pleted to the Bond coal bed as rapid'} as men and means can build it. A large amount of cent is being mined daily, and it is c7:pected that Wore -the winter months , roll! ound, the iron horse will be transporting the products of our western hi:ls to the last ma 4- ts of Western' dew York, the Lakes and Canada. 1 I So.with 1.13 e Du'Mild and Wra.s.hing,ton r P.. The men who haveAtaken hold of this enter prise are determined to cam' it through and we lOolt upon the i enTly. commen'eement of oper,ations. tpon 14e , road ivitho i L at fail.— Pr. Clumpln On INegro S , affrag - e. Dr. Chapin of this city; spohe follows in his •fifth cf July oration •at Albany . . "It has becn du'rs to reessell cur fa ther's declaration; that-I governments de rive their just powers from thd consent of the governed. jWe have the premises, shall we accept, the conclusions :that goy ernnicnt shall haVe no power except by consent of the g,o•Orned ; that there shall be 'no taxation without reprOentation ?' In the assertion of this principle our fa thers threw the tqa into Boston harbor. 'How far shall we Igo in asserting-it ? Shall there be nO taxation of property and yet a tagathon of labor and bones and sinews and thoUght aJud ,sreechi and the dearest human ? there be a taxation of any lulus of men while the men themselves aro unrepresented? Shall they give their bloot in the hot battle and their sweat in tb ., field, and yet feel that they ,have no vital functiou in the organism of the nation ? Shall 13e allow them the bulldt bit not the ballot? Fel low citizens, the principle that gives its distinctive charadter to the Declaration is the principle of universal suffrage. It asserts this radical principle of democra cy. The condition of universal sn rage should be universal education. [4- plause.] The criterion of a man's vote should be, thatl he knows why he votes, and this will be enforced exactly in pro portion 33 he knows what it is that votes. It is not corn that' votes, nor cotton, nor l greenbac4s, nor'a white skin, nor a black skin. Ii is the intelligent Iviihthat votes, or should vote, Let the qualification be set forth and known as a condition, and , it will become universal. Ton can lift, men into intelligence, ;the safeguard of democracy, but you cannot educate them to be red, black or white." , ATI,O.NAL TEACHETS' ASSOCIATION. L-This body will field its annual, meeting for 1865, on the 10th, I7th and 18th of Angust in the Hall of the House of Rep resentatrves, at Harrisburg. Coli. Cur tin will !deliver an address of weledme, at 10 o'clock A. on the 16th. It is contemplated to hare an escuraion to Gettysburg, on the afternoon of the 17th. The Pennsylvania &hos? clourizta says that the hotels of Harrisburg have con sented to reduce their charges about one third, in favor of the members of the: Association. The railroads will grant free return tickets to members who pay full fare coming to the Convention. •! I AN ENTERIT.ISING FEY.ll:l.—The Erie .M . :patcit says,: We were somewhat taken aback, a few bays ago, ca the creek by —meeting a "charming female" who tallied “pertly" upon oil and oil wells as any person of the opposite sex. We ever met. She had sites for sale of any desir able promise--was quite indifferent about tiading—asked la good royalty, ranging from three sixteenths to ono quarter— had interests which she 'considered worth from .550,000 to 5100,000—did pot want to mszry--expected to open an office in 2iew:York soon—had no agents employed, transacted her own business, and was ready to negotiate for anything, in the shape of property from a steam ovine to a Statehouse. Et cetera. 1,, INTEENAL REVENUE lorricEßE have been appointed for Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama - and Geoilzia, and the organiza Lion of these departments is to be effected as soon as possible. The idea of placing the burdens of the Government equally on the shoulders of Itlose ;rho fought to preserve it is to be made a practical mat ter as sc-on as possiVie,and the South will yet learn that fLe . e'dort to destroy a nod ”overuMent was very unprofitable. Thc new 6onstitsatin of Mia-souri his been adopted by a toajo.rity of one iLous and eight hund - rca and aisty-two. 7'7 , The Prarithi on 31aeon Hamlin's eabinet Organs, speaks of these excellent and' now celebrate instrna ments. as follows :• !tor volnthe and quality of tone • for 'variety and beanty of effects; for excellence is crescendo and diminnendoty for cfaickuess qf re:Tons° to the touch in rapid stacato and legato passages; for the ease and entire r -eedom from fat'gne with which the bellow? Cs/Open:tad ; for the stability of every part of the workmanship and capacity of standing well in tune, the new Cabinet CE. gans of Messrs. Mason .t reed instruments, the largest of which are smaller than than ordinrry piano-fortes--at nut only quite equal to the smaller pipe or 4 Bans of the' best makers, but rrorit superiet to the generality of those heretofore used to small ,elaurches and halls ( and for private practice." , , - - . 14rvey Sickler. E s q.,. the able editor of the Tinti:hannock EP d. 3 Dernotnit, publiThes the followirr , in his issue of the 30th of Oe toberl I SGI , "We deem it due to Messrs! J. C. A c cleera ......,-,,,- -.Y1t.,, . Co., to make known our experience with the use Cs their .E.cra.ter StusAp.ktataa in ottf family, by, stating, the circumstances unda' which it was taken and its effe - cts. .4: . ." - - When our Only child, now in his third year; was about eight months old, n Sore appeared frcrt in small pimples on his forehead over his nose. These 'rapidly increased and uniting forme , a loathsome, virulent sore, which lolly ipread Over his forehead and face, not eren etteeptint , his eyelids, which became 60 swollen that his eyes - Were closed. Wecalled a skillful physician, who administered the usually pre'.kribed remedies. A solution, of nitrate of silver was applied until the moss of corruption which covered his entire feed turned, jet blab:. The sore again and aguitt burst through the scorched and artificial skin formed by this solution. Meanwhile many, remedies were employed 'without any appal• rent benefit. 'For fifteen days and nights he 17: - .S constantly held by his parents to keep him from tearing open with his hands that corrupt mass which covered his face. Everything having failed,-we were induced by the high recomMendations of Armes SAII= flr the cure of Scrofultras disease, to give it a trial. In his treatise du Scrofula, Dr.- Ayef aired:3 a mild solution if lodine of Ijobish to be used as a trash while taking, net Sarsararilla, nr d it was faithfully, applied. 'Before one bottle of Sarsaparilla had beer given the sore had lost much of its tiridenes and commenced to heal. Another bottle eactr - t1 an entire cure, and the general pre. dictidu that the child mast die was contra dicted. Ms eyelashes which came out, grew' again, rind his face, is left without a scar, as smooth as , anvb'idy's t It is unnecessary for' me'to state in how high esteem: We hold Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. DR..FILIONS &BROS' VALUABLE MEDICINES ) which have per formed such wouilerful cures and niven gen eral satisfaction all those who hard nisda 12c of then, can be obtained of DR. A. .7/3.VSCraI. COUDEMPOIIT, Pettit. Co. ; .• Pa.. who will examine patients, asterism the nature of their disease, and Tive all necess ary directions and advice to those -orbo make use of the Medicines. Orders from abrOad will receive prompt attention. July 19, 1205. COUDERSPORT ACRD :may, J. W. AILLEN; PkiNets=AL, assisted by competent Teachers. _ THE FALL TE — RM will com*nee on MONDAY, Ang. 'lB, 180, and continue Twelve week. I - I Tuition to be paid at the middle of the Term, from $3,00 to $B,OO. Contingencii,s i '25 cents. A- Tr __ ill hi . -...1, ,eted.-Frre ME trallEl 'reac.acrs - ie of charge. Rooms sultable Sot students desiring tier board themselves can be obtained reasonably in and near Town:: 't For further particulars, address the Fria- -, at Coudorgport, Pa.- THE 111.A.S ON ite. HAMLIN fiAbinet Organs and Chicker ‘J ingls Celebrated Pianos fof sale by Jo'in B. Shakspear,•of Wellsboro i Tioga county, Pa. Persons de.,irin'r to pnr , . chase can'do-so by applying to A. L. lENSJ WOll,lll, Esq.,, at the Bingham Offices Coudersport, Pa. lENV DIUSICC.—FtNERAt. MARC:4 to the memory of ABRAHAM Liscoss," - the Martyr President, by 3trs. E. .4. Park , burst, the populAr ecropriset. The Hotild journal Says : "This is a fine composition; well worthy the reputation of if writer." FCry SOICIrVI and impresiive. 10'00 copies. aryl issued weekly. Price 30 cents with 'vignette , of the President, 50 , Publis.*.ier! ziorace Waters," NO. 481 Broadway N. Y. NOTICE: TATHEREAS my wife AMELIA ii s left my V V bed and board without just cause of provocation, I hereby warala.ll persons-not ter harbor or trust her on my,hecount, as I will rune- debts of her contracting after thisldate: JAMES G. BOOTE. Colesbarg, Pa., June 20, 1865. I 'Esierdantile .Apr.raisemen , List of Dialers in itsrcliandisc4n l the County of Potter, for the. year 5 15r...*:,, Classiantions, Place. Cl'a. 4 mi. Tracy Scot, llegany, 14 7;6.3 B. K. i Sr. , rcer. Coudersport, 14 7,913 P.A. Ste l .33in Lf. Co., r. 13 10.00 C. S. b; E. A. Jones, . " 13 9;00 D. R. tilmst,?a, et 13 10.00 Coll Smith, John S. liqnri, Maxon Ner.- - xm & Co., IL J. Clniztetl, . . J. 3- W. Burtia, , liarrison, 14 17,00 lir uscn 4: Back Bros i llarrison Valley, 14 7.0 Q 11r.ry :I. Goodman, " " 14 7,00 Cyrus Sanderlin, Hector, 14 7.b.; Bear:,- Ar.dresoa, Kettle Creek, 14 1,00 Charles 3letssner, Germania, 14 7,00 Atigustus llcpp, , " . 14 1.00 Fl. Them, " • 14 i.OO Jacob Kull, te 14 7;40 J. Schwartzenbach, Brewer, " 10 5,00 _ _ _ CS 10 5,00 . Ulysses, 14 7 ; 00 " z 14 7.00 14 7PY -redeilek Chappel Peterson I; Co., S. 31onroe, L. Bind. L - Weston pros, Roulet 14 7,00 Itrodtrnian, Germania, Distiller, t) 23;00 B. S. Coll-, - e:1, ::3.lllport, 3 A. jiimpllrey : liouze,' Mrs. Loci.e r , E.lzt Sharon, )1 Geo. A. l'..arelny, Vibarton., 14 .I',OllP Joel Illy b L, ‘: 14 7.1.0. Harry Harry Lor . Oswayo, 1.1 7,00 Nvl2on, " 1 I 7 1 00 L. 11. EINNEV, J:ne 27, 7ottrna4, in an article DI 1-f 1 17,00 1417,00 1 17,00 14 17,00 14 'i,oo 7,C0 7.00 7,00
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