FIE REZIWZOZZP'S FLUID EXTRGT BUGH'U rott lgoaMetenticoo 9 1 r Incontinenee of Vrtae, Inflamma tion or Ulcsratioa of the Eladiler or Illdneys, Diseases of Ms Prostrate Glaiid, Gravel, brick bast Deaksita, tropsl. cal Sweillaga, Orgiole Weakitess, Debility, female Com. Palate. 80. ' tiELmboD's 'FLUID EXTRACT T, BUCHU Improved 3R-ose Wash Nina radically exteraslaatc from the system Diseases bit from Habits of DL2sioctioa, at Milo exponet, Melo or o . clsno of diet, no inconv'enieoco or expaaure; eoasP_ktelysuperseditla those vlrpca taut awl acogerou, remedies, fopaticz audilfercury,4n euriat these diseased. USE HELIVIDOL,D'S t VW= t3tSCIIU In all Diseamem of the tirinany Organs, whether emitting la Nits or sezits, from whatkver caLaa Originating. and eto matter of hourlong &landing. It le pleasant faits taste . and odor, ItInEDIATZIn action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those auTering from Brol:ea Down or Delicate Conell lutiorus, procure the Remedy at once. The Realer must be aware that however alight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affect hla .Hodtly Health, Zelda, Powers and Happiness. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. . All the above diseaies require the'aid of a diuretic. HELMBOIO!3 EXTRACT BUCKU Is the - Great Diuretic.. r rimr.,Nurroca.,±)ks . mans conommartan Compound Fluid Extraot porsoparillo l tor purifying the blod, removing oil dlieases arising from =en and imprudence In life, chroniol constitutional dis. Hies arising from an Impure ctato of the blood, and th e Insly rollablo and effectual known remedy for the cure of ii.., tOtuln, Scald !lead, Salt Rheum, - Paine and Swelling of Boaes,.L•lceratlons of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, plea on the Paco, Tetter,Erysipelas, and all scaly erup• Ina or etio ekin, and beautifying the courieziedr. _ . r 7,. ;;Tority.s.4- ' , Tr ev e 4.• , --iwrkv; ? I, .c .'-':1::+14, .4 - 00::'- L. , c .. 1 4 , ; , .4_0,,,, , ,...t.„. ... NOT A FEW tithe worst disorders that nMlct mankind arise from the 111017ption that accumulates in the Blood. Of all; the - "Vales that have been made to purge it out, none can slut In erect ITELMBOLD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT - 07 SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the Wood, Instills the vigor of health Into the system, and Irrges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle In theMlood. duch a remedy, that eealitbe relied on, has long been sought for, and now, gal' fbo first time, the public have one on which they can de pend. •Ourapace hero does not adroit of certificates to . show !to effects, but tho trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have , steer taken. . • Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added SO a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon. Diet Drink, and one bottle Is equal too gallon of the Byrtnof Bartaparilla, or the decoction at usually made. The above Extracts are prepared on purely ncientllle d'ietto—and embody the full strength at tho Ingredients entering Into their composition. A. ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper ties with thoao act forth b the 11. S. Dispensatory. now TO u 17-14 nretr4aDirs. ' In DlSenes of the Pined; limners on the Sara, or any and every part of the body, use Extract'S.trsapnrilla, op -lieing to Maples and all exteraal Uous'srs or Eruptions {he Improved Italo Wwh. Ulk: the Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such a:: Conorriima awl in these use the Extraet Duchu and Inject with the Improved Ewe Wash. TirEsE ExTßAers HAVE: SEEN' ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED 'STATES ARMY, and aille are In very general uso• . ln all the STATE IIOSIITALS AND PUDLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as in private practice, and are consiller . cd. as Invaluable remales. • MEDICINE , r _DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS. blreet letters to—. lISIZITIOLD'S DRUG & CIIEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadwqy, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, OH TO • ITELUDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT. 104 South Tenth St., Assembly . Build's, Pia% Describe Symptenic Coelezuniccieions. , SOLO BY ALL. ttaIiW.IISTS EiIERIWEERE. F. 11., STATE rirOrmAL, I SCHOOL .3.IANFIRLD,; TroGAI CO PA. • Tan riisrm-noN WAS , Recognized bythe State Authorities, in Deceit?Ser, 1862. ‘ , • : - State NotinalSehool. - - , nd formt:l7y Opened ili sack l in - SeptemberlB63. The School is at length "laces upon a se cure basis—the State, app opriation of the current ;year enabling thp Trustee to extin gnish the greater portion 'of the outstanding I liabilijles, and to make extensive improvP -1 users pan the huilLints and grourids. The Spring Term toill'CommenCe about' Ila , , . 186 a - . .li•c 4 Tp, ' Prof, F. A. AILEtN, for - the past six years in charge of the Chester County - (Pa.) 'Normal School, has been elected -Principal, and Prof. J.Strait, of the EdinborP State Normal School, Lion, has been appointed to the Professorship of Languages and mathematics. 'Prof. Allen is Well known throughout the State as a gentleman of accurate scholarship, passe sing a practical- ecperience of fifteen years as an educator of teachers, and a thor ougir acqua‘ntanice withjtbeir educational wants, acquired 'from Ibi , connection With County Institutes' in every' section of Nan ' sylvania, as well its in other States. 1 , Competent and thor'ough instructors tvill be provided for the other departments of the School. - - The building ha been ratted through ut ' and provided withi furniture,lof the most p proved style, togetper with an. extens7e e l ilection of maps,charts,and works of ref rence. Excellent ChemlYal and Philosophical ap paratus will be In keadiness at the opehing of the School. 1, 1 ,I . I TO keep pacd trith- theimp ovementi in ed- I tication, a gyinP4itirn will he erected, for which a valuable apparatus I far" the heavier !and - lighter exe:rdises - -has already been secured - The school year isdividerllinto - three terms, of thirteen weelts each, within° vacation, ex- i cept the week of Christmas holidays. . It is desirable that students shonld enter at the commencement of a terra, and for a period of not less than'ltbirteen weelcs. rrotilloil, in atkanee per term, ST.OO. No extra i chatges for {he laguages or he higher math ematics,. Teat: books rented at reasonable Irates. Ir4al , and instrumental music at teachers' prLr-esi Boarding in the hall,s3o 00 per lerm ; wood for winter,ls3loo per term; washing, $31251; room rent; $1 50. f ! The arrangements now *AU ate of such a nature as to warrant the Trustees insaying that no other institution in the State affords better facilities for the Educiatien of TeaChers, I 1 or for the preparation of students for cdllege, or for general business. 1 1 For further particulars address :the Princi pal, at Manslllltl - ,' Tioga cobnty pa. W: 0, El P L l', Pies: 1130 - LL;tl - Of TrOstees, CV:G._ ALBERT CLARK, ' , :iecreta. ' 'Mansfield, lin. 20, 1f334, • - 13-40W - A T I CL l'aßlArTE3.3 , Whilst trying ; Coffee Of all Remember , ItIISOW.ICING' 1 ' at the .11,ead itiktrinc !True, it's not like'', other ! E4-Elik - WBEnr.%•', A little stretch, Weall do, i will easily be r, . , (But a stret4if like t its— } , ; is veVy; apt t tear. A Now, I canArlifely say, wit lout any hesitation, 1 There's none ;Bic "fiII.OINING'S EXCELSI -1 • OR" in this Ctiligli °tied nation. I Skilled . chenaists haVc nbt fOund a Coffee from any store 'I / I ; Possessing the samoingrndients as "Brown • ' AA A . ing'srt,;xcelsior. ; , Nor is therd any 94, in f 4, cut of the 'Coffee i trade,l I .. ! ,' Who knows the riryples From which "Brown l'iL- hig's; . Excelsior" is. Made. told it's Madelfrorri barley, rye, wheat, beans; and Peas; -I 1 t Name a housand ' other, 1 l' things—but in g s—but the RIGO I ,osi if you 11eAisc. , But with the -nien l f Twill riot hold con teat.prn i For, the many, tinny things limy say—too nun} rous'Atob mention. I Whilst the Ire en , !‘”ed in runninn . round Li t ; , ~ . , • . . fro! store to store . I , To learn ;he current,'i 1010e:4110 price of "ItrOWning . Excelsior,' 1 - • ; Some who kinownny Coffee gives perfect sat).- . ; ' •• iSfa4tlion, I . Have formed a pfah.j by which they hope th ' cause a Tuck ;reaction. • I' ! The cage--!'tis with af few; no doubt 'twill V i c ; with or ;-;- /. . f I iTo name thei M r- !offen - after mine, (BROWN ING') B..CE:LSIOII." some say their S fhb only brand that will stool a reatly s test. i ; Now try a Ilittlei of hem all—see which you ' , like the lb,cst. Three yearshialve passed ; away since I first sold a shire ; l i r 1 .• Never have ; I /11,our paper, advertised before'; Nor would I nOW, or ever Consent to publish inure, 1 1 A; hie If like sonic I used by lueveryliody," "sol Overkwhere," in "every store." :! like tin's I do not wish ;, the orders) could pit fill;i l The Factoiy a 1 Jersey's lard would take leavb not a, foot to till. ! . Hy trade i rtotS() very large; still 1 think ' . have my share ; But, readmi,!iyott may i'cst assured, 'Os N "SOVD EVERYWHERE." Manufarfritreil affil for Sale 4 . 11 t ; Fa writer, tiIfORGE L. BROWNING, jr o. SO ilfcaet sired Ccintclen, N. This rages is not compOscd of poison° o drugs, it'ethittlfus nothing deleterious ; ma 3 persons owilthin c otton that cannot use t a pare CniTeP ; it takes but one and it hLI (maces to make a quart of good strong c f fee, that Ining just une-half the quain i it 3.1 takes of Jtva ,•Coffee, and always less t at half the piiice.! .. • RETAI Ifl DEALERS may purchase! it in I s! quantitiesithan ten- gross at Imy prices Cr n the Wholcsal& Grocers. I ,Orders 'by mail from Wholestile DePi ers promptly attended, to _ _ I WA. ON SHOP ! Siticriber having located in Lewis villetis pkTared to do all kinds of w rk in his lido, on short notice r alid in the e manner. Making. and Repairing of alllkinds. lam enabled by the aid of t chinery, to do work in the wagon-line bett( and cheaPer thari any other establishmet4 in the county. 'I am also prepared to retake OOFFINS. EDSON HYDE, Ellysses Peun'a, Dec. 1, 1864 'Ey Bangs & co. are closing u 'an The Rochester ~ Straw-Cutter. I • 4:4 limdgar. All persons indebted to et LMSTED & KELLY, Coudersport, have them will please tall and settle, lielin•;tho 1 1_, the ere/moire agency for this celebrated A cconataierieig4 11 tit the proper office cur machine, in this county. 11, is covenient, du s.l A rsine, and alum% Deo.l, igeo.—/E • SIMMONY COLUMN. rmENDS AND CTSTOMERS : I return An my sincere thanks for your literal patronage, for the past few - years, and would say to you that I have located myielf at N. Y., and nuty hereafter. be found at the 1 I EMPIRE STORE NEW YORK STORE (Having bough out the Store formerly occu pied by Geo. Asher), I shall continue to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL in both of the above Stores, and hope to see all of my old friends and eustontera, as they are in want of Goods, and .will try to sell them low enough ,to, pay them for coming. We are now selling the best PRINTS from 12 to 1S cent 3. Extra G.E,ME{43IS from 1 to 25 cents Good. SHEET/SOS from 12 to 25 cents TIERS, DENIMS, STRIPES, and all of he Gopds in proportion. CL 0 THIXG... Good suits for $lO to-$l 5 and Extra fine suits in proportion. And as I have an over stock of. Clothing I will sell at Whole.. sale 15 per cent. less than the same can be bought in New York. BOOTS & SHOES, StiAIVLS, CLOAKS, &O at reduced prices, GROCERIES UM I WS COFFEE. von; low. he vqriorts brands., EXCELSIOR"- RICH DRESS SILKS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, • POPLINS. and all'otlier styles of Ladies' Dress Goode very low. that 'are "SOLD know, good goods old everywhere" .. . Hoping to receive an early call,: I remain your friend, • . C. 11. SIMMONS. Wellsville, N. Y.,'March 25, 1865. - Rare Chances I offer tor sale bn reasonable terms and lib eral time r. ONE FARM !—i46 Acres-40 Cleareil . 'ONE FARM :--235 Acres-SO Cleared ONE FARM :-50 Acres-15 Cleare(l ONE FAIiDI 300 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other Farms andlLand Some money may be required down. ' Luci a Bird. Brookland, Pa., July 2, '64 tf - ! Having secured the set4iccs of HENRY S. CO URN, BLACKSMITH - - of twenty years experience inr England Mid America. lam prepared to fdrnisll fathers and travelers with the beSt) of • Horse and Ox Shoeing, Shingle Knives, Butcher KuiveSl&c., promptly, L. BIRD; Proprietor}, Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. • fatherly called May 20, 180.1. z. F P, lA, STEB IN Paying tile liighest price in • CA. 11 for 50,000 POUNDS 'WANTED Couderstiort, '1,11130 28, 1884 ;s u THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK • OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000 Paid in, • FISCAL, iI•VEITT OE THE 'UNITED STATES, And Special Agent for Jay Cooke, Subscription Agent, WILL DELIVER .NOTEs, FREE OF . CHARGE, by express, In all parts of the ' country, and it receive in! payment Checks on New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, current bills, and all five per cent. interest notes, with interest to date ofsubscription. Orden! sent by mail - will be promptly filled. r This Mink receives the accounts pf Banks and Bankers on favarable. terms ; also of in dividual', keeping Nev York accounts. . I J. U. ORVIS, President. BILL, Cashier. 1 AND lIA.TS & CAPS, AND CROCKERY Br, Co, IME WOOL ''' - — 41.1‘1 IMPORTANT NOUNORDIENT 1 GREAT . SALE ' - - '.l• or WATCHES. CHAINS. DIAMOND .RINGS. ETC . . One Million . Dollars , Wortlft _TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ONE DOLLAR-EACH , Without regard to Value i Not to be paid fox until you know what you axe to ieceivep i S . pleniid List of Articles ! ! .2o a sold at One Dollar Each !-! I 300 Musical Boxes, from $2O to $25 each 150 " " with Bells • and Castinets, : 200 " 500 . 1 500 Silver T9potS and Ca ' fee Urns,: • 20 " 50 " ; 500 Silver Chaffing Dishes 30 "100. " 1000. " lce Pitclier:s, 20 " 50 " 2500 " Syrup Cups with Salvers, 5000 i " ,DrintinguPS and Goblets, 2000 " Castors 2000 " Fruit. Card; and Cake Baskets 20 " 50 " 5300 Dozen Silver Tea. Spoons 10 4 ' 20 doz, 10000 " " 'Paige S p &. F rks, 20 " 40 " 250 Gents' Gold Hunting t - Case Watches I - 250 Lailies'Geld and Enam eled Hunting-Case Watches. ' 1 200 Diamond Ring's I 5000 Gold Vest and Neck , • Chains, 1 " 4 " '3O 3000 '" Oval Band 13reelets 4 " 8 500rTet and Gold Bracelets 8 " 10 2000 Chatelaine Challis and Gnard•Cliaies I 7000 Solitaire and I Gold 'Brooches 5000 Coral,Opril and Ernerard Brooches 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine Ear mops , 4" • 8 7500 Cortil,Opal and• Emerald • Ear Drbps 4000 California Diamond Breast-Tins 2.50" 10 2000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch ',keys 2.50" 8 oh and. Vest-Ribbon slides . - ' 3 " 10 lets • Solitaire-Sleeve I buttons, Studs, &c. bold Thimbles, 'Pen.' cils, &e. Miniature Lockets " Lockets, Mag ic Spring 10 " 20 3000 Gold Tooth-picks Cross- I es, l i&c. plai Gold Rings 1 has'ed Gold Rings 1 , Stone Set and Signet Rings_ 2.50" California Diamond Rings Sets Ladies -Jewtlry— 10 Jet and Gold ' Sets Ladies Jewelry— .. Camed,Pearl,Opal and other stones ~, ) Gold Pens, Silver Ex tension Holders and - Pencils ' . r , b Gold Pens and Gold . Mounted Holders Gold Pens and Gold Fr- tension Holders!' Ladies' Gilt and Jet Buckles' Ladies!Gilt and Jot Hair Bars & Balls 1 . - I 5 " -10 - - - --- - .AimA*DALE b Co., MAsu l vnicraarme AucsTs, 1.N0. - 167, BROADWIAY, NEW' YORK, l' Announce that all the above list of goods will be sold for One Dollar each. - - .41 consequence:of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts of Eng land, through the war havitg cut off the sup • ply l of cotton, a large quantity of Valuable Jewelry, originally intended for the English market,' -has been sent off for sale in this country, AND . MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRIFICE!. Under these 'cireurnstances,' ARRANDALE & CO., acting as agents for the principal European manufacturers, have resolved upon a great Gift Apportionment to be divided according to the following regu lations : . - . ~ Certificatps of the various- articles are put into envelopes indiscriminately, and Whoa , ordered, arc taken out without regard to 1 choice, and sent by mail, _thus showing no favoriteism. On receipt of the certificate, you will see what you are to have, and then it is at your opt:on to send the dollar and , take the article or not. Purchasers May thus I obtain a Golf -Watch, Diamond Ring, or any I Set of Jew - dry ou our list for Osn Ifutnau. Send 25 Cents for a Certificate. . In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying post age and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the Certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will lie sent for Sl, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $lO, one hundred for $l5. What the 'Press" say of us. The Lafayette' (Ind.) Daily Courier, March, 13, 1865, says: , "A better-selected, more varied or fashion able assortment of jewelry cannot be , found eri the continent than Arrandale & Co. are now offering: ,Messrs. Arrandale & Co, oc cupy a high position in Commercial circles as men entirely above the common trickery of trade. Their statements may he implicitly re lied-upon, both as tol the -character of their goods and the bcannrir of disposal. Ladiba especially . , in nil part' of the country are ra ailzibg handsanie profits as agents, and if any Of our fair readers flesire to interest them selves in the enterprise, they ruay do so with, perfect coufideace. Gits.A.T Gam- DisninuTzoN.—A rare oppor tunity is offered fur obtaining watches ' chains, diamond rings.) silverware, etc., by Messrs. Arrandald & CO., at No. 167 Broadway. They have an immense stock of articles varying in value, and allure offered at one dollar each. The distribution is very fairly done—you agree to take a certificate of a certain article, enclosed in am envelope, and are not required to pay your &Aar unless you ace satisfied with the a.rticle,which will certainly be worth more than, that =mint, and may be worth $5O or $lOO. An excellent mode this of, bi vesting a . dollar:—Sinday Times, N. Y. City, February 19, 1865. I . •• Messrs. Arrandalel & Co. have long been personally known to us, and we believe them • to be every way, worthy of public •confidence. —N. Y. Scottisit American Tour. Tune 11, '64. We have ina3ficted' adilie office of Arran dale & Co.'s Agency for European Manufac turing Jewellers; a large assortment of fash ionable and valuable jewelry of the newest patterns. WO' also hoticed a large quantity of silver plate, and uliders".and that the whole of these newly impOrted articles arc to be disposed of on a porpl principle, giving great I . 4600 5000 3000 10000 4000. 5000 5000 1000 1000 '6OOO [advantages to buyers, and affording e.Sten sive employment to agents. Wc know the firm in, questlen to be very' respectable and thor oughly worthy of public confidence, and re commend our friends to read their advertise_ ment..-21r. 7 .llbion, September 3, 1864, ExpLorusar son Ltntis.—The most eli gible and prnfitable employment we have beard of forladies is the sale of certificates for the Great dill Distribution of Arrandale & Co. A lady of our sequantAnce has - been very successful . in this wa3l not only filling her own purse, bat also in doing a good turn to those to whom she sold the certificates, as will be seen by our advertising columns.— Gentlemen can also be thus engaged.—.Y. Sunday Mercury, Aug. 14, 1564. The British Whig of linvion ) ; 0. 7E, says , Nov. 26th, 1664, ''One of our lady subscribers became an Agent, for. Arrandale i t Co., and by 'request brought some twenty articles sent 83 prizes for 13er agency, to tbis office for in spection, and . without hesitation ;we can state that each and. all of the - articles were worth treble the amount of'costr to the recipients r . and some of thon six times." We ltaxe seen some very - pretty specimens of Table and Teaspoons, Gold Watches, Ladies' Chains, Pins, Bracelets, etc.. a-blch , hart. been sent by .Arrandale Co. to this , place for Si each.--...Angelka Reporter, X. Y. • StateVeb. 15, 1.36'5. AGENTS —We want agents in 'every regiment, and in every - town grid county, and those acting as such will be allowed 10 cents on, every Certificate ordered by them, pro vided toeir remittance amounts to one dollar, ; also other inducements which can be learned on application. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postaga stamps.. I 20" 50 " 5" 50 u 15" 20 " 5Q " 150 each 35 " 70 50 100 " 5 . u 20 1865 4" 10 4" 8 4" 6 "Eighteen years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedy Icnown." "Free from Poisons." -"Not dangerous to the 'Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." 8« 8 4" • 6 2:50 1 °' , 10 " ‘TOSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &C., .XT.ER'S. Is a paste---used for Rats, Roaches, Black and -Bed Ants, "COSTAT . S" 1.3. ED-B CV EXTERMINATOR, - Is a litjuid or crash; used to destroy, and fits . ° as a pre ' 14ntire for Bed:-Bugs, 'COST S" ELCCTBIt..7- POWDER FOR • I INSECTS. Te l for Hoths, .I,(nrquitors. Recta, Bed-Bays, Inacts, on .Phants, Fowls, .anintali, 2" 4" 10 " 4" 11. " 2" 10 5 " - 15 4 " 15 4" 10 Be',,Sold. by all I Druggists and Retailers everywherc:' , • . G" 10 Il I BEn - in}."l I of; all I nvorthless tations. tEr Slie that "6srim's" name is on each Bo; Bottle, and Flank. buy. lIENIRY U. iC05T.441... tg&..Praxcirat. D.4pAn., 482 Broad n ay, N. V. yr,.,-.L . ,:„.501d by all Druggists laud Dealers, in COUDNISPORT, P. 1865. 13 " 25 5" 15 I INCREASF. OF PATS.—The fr,rincr . .s Cu zette..(Flugliol) assents and. proves by figures that one pair Of rats will have a prorny and descendants no leis than -651,fi51.1 in three years. ;:Now, utile:se:this immense family can be kept doWM, theylwould consume more food than would G:§,000 human beings. e 'See "Costar'p":4dv't in this paper. left I • , . ,RATS versus BIRDS.-J-Whoever engages in shooting sni:2llbiivlS is-a cruel man whoever aids in exterminating rat's - - is a benefactor.- We should like some of oar- correspondents to give us the benefit of their experience in driving Out these pests. We need something besiOes (logs, cats, and traps for this business. Americdn,N. . , Sec "Costar's" adv'tip this paper 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is siMple,• safe, and sure,—the most perfect RiT-ification meeting we have ever attended. Every Rat that can get. it, properly prepared according to directions, vill eat it, and every one that eats it will die, geaeraily at some place as distant as possible from Where the medicine 17 a s taken.—Lake Shore, Mirror. • 'See "Costar's", adv't i n this paper. 1865. A 'VOICE PROM THE 'FAR Speaking of "Costar's" Eat, Roach, Arit, bcc., Extertninator—"more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than tvcm/il pay for tuns of this Rat and 'lnsect Riller:i,'—.lo l ncaster, licrald. pa. See "Costar's" adv't iu.this paper. Aair - Sold in couninsPonT, Pa., by all Druggists: ' A,' a - 6 - co 0 E. - 7T. ANTEONY . , l'lr.‘ , lnt - Potafera `of Photographic materials, MNI)LLIIALN AND r.STAiI., I , • /501 BROADWAY, N. Y.% - . r. ouidttlort i , 7 our m ale In.taenv of P.FlbTOOnArmyc MA TEAddLsS, we tiro Headquarters furl the fallowing, viz: 4 STTUTFOSCOPES 8; STE REOSoOPIO VIEWS. Of three pa brave 6o Ilutnonsn wortthent, ieluding r Scenes, i Wvi America and Faieiga Cities and Laiiilsca. ut, Gawps, Statuary,' ett., rte. Also, Illwohivg Slivwvcopes, fn public eryirirateez ttibldon. Our Ceinloqtte will be relit to auy adieu. vu nue:pt. Of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ,AZBV;ALS r . tre WV , 'the &at to Introduce these Into the United States, I stnA we menufartnre i m mense q uantities in g retit variety, rang ing in price from 60 rants to t5O each. - Our AIdIMIS Lore the reputation of being ouperlor is beauty and datrabillty to any ethane. Thar will ba sent by mall, FREE;orr iev,ipt ofprica, Lid' Fpir. ALBUMS MADE TO 01tDEJ1.459 CARD PHOTOGRAPHS.. Oar CatAlogue neer:embraces ores FIVE THOUSAND differ ent subject% to which additions Aro constantly toing made, of Portraits of Eminent' mericans ,ere-, •Ist about t4o.lfejor-fienerals, 109 Leo Colonels, .550 . 5taturrnert, 200 ling.-Generals, _ L 25 , 3 Other °filters, 150 Dlyinesi 255 Colonels, Is Nary Officer., 125 Author; • 40 Artist;l2s Sta,„,. 10 Prominent Women. 3,000 Copt. of Works of Art, Inqudlng reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statue., elm Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order ler One Dozen PICTIJRs, from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of 61.80, and sent by mall, men, Photographers and otfiers ordering goMs C. 0. D., will please remit twenty-Ore per tent of the amount alth their order. $ The prices and quality of ourgoods cannot fall to galley. • Soldier. Portal stthedts for IS Pictsret, 75 Crate; for 91 I • Whiskers I Whiskers ! Do you want.Whiskers . or Moustaches-? • Our Grecian corapoubdwill force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or ,hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks., Price, $l.OO. Sent by mail anywhere; closely sealed, .on receipt of price.. Address, WARNER A: %ran ' ox 138 : Ilmoklyn: N. Y • ABRANI3 O 4LE & 167 Broadway, N. It. EPEId.L Kt A A_yer's .`#44-RS'APARILIAI-61 ' ' 78S noram's cam; 811=1:1T roa Scrofula and , Scrofulous Inseams. enon Emery .E.deka welt nomn ,merdiaist of Oz. 4.1 have wild lame quantltiea of your SA of but never yet one.bottle. which failed of the delayed effect-and full sallsibctlon td those Who took It. An fastus our people try It;they agree there has been no medicine like itbefore'la our community." . . Eruptions, *imples, Blotobes, Pustules, til. cers, Sorei, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Rev. Rat Stratton, Bristol, England. only do my duty to you end the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the rae didual virtues of yOUT SARSAI!ARILLA. )I daugh• ler,med ten, bad an afflicting humor in bier ears, eyes, and hair for years which we were unable to cure until we tried your' gArtSAPARELLA. She has been well for some monthS." ,From Mrs. Jane R. Rice., n +Cell-known and lunch- esteemeelladgolDenniseille,'Cape Aram Co.. "Sly daughter has suffered for a year past with ccrofulons eruption, which was very troublesome; Nothing afforded any renal until we tried your SausAPAuthl e A, whielt soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esg.i of the tridelg-hnoirm - Gage, jrareag t io manyfacturcrs of enflusclicsi Prvers in -Vashua, Y. .11: j had for Several years' a very troublesome humor in my ram!, which grew constantly worso until it disfigured my features and became an Intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a matt could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief 'Whatever, Mail 1 tool; your SARSAPARILIA. n iMmediatay made my facie worse, as you told me It might for a tirne; but in a few weeks the neW skin began to' form under the blotches, and con tinued until my face Is as smooth as any body's. and I am without'any symiitoros of the disease that I know of. I enjoy Perfect. health, and without doubt owe It to y9ur Erysipelas —G 'nerai Debility—Purity the -._._. Blocid. • From Dr. Ito6t. &nein, Ltortston Si., rem Fork. ~,C_.,.., " ET. AvEn. • seldom fall to remove Eruptions and Scrofilleus Sorra by thl persevering,,useof your SAIIi3 . A.PArtiLLA, and I have just now cured au attack. of 3Thlifmant Finjripehrs with it. No alterative we possef:s squats the SAII.S.W.kItILLA you have I,lllP plied to the profe filen as well as to the people:" • , From J. 5..1( hngton, Seq., Wakeman, Ohio. ` "For twelve }, mrs, I had the yullow Erysipelas am ray right army during which vale I tried all the celebrated physicians I could reach, and took bun ; dreds of - dolllirsi worth of medicines. The ulcers j'Were so bad thafrthe cord, became visible, and the Idoctors decided that my aria must be amputated. I ' began taking yin's S..ins.rrauria.a. Took two bet- -, ties, and some of your Ptia.s. Together they have ' cured me, lam how as Well-and sound as any body.. Being in a publie place, my case Is Imown to every • body in this esunbumity, toad excites the wonder of all." ... From /Ton. llenry Mono, if. P. P., of reweastie, C. W., a leading mentber of the Comidian Partia meni. i " I have used . octr Saizsa mime:tin my family, for general (kW ; ity, and for purihring the blood, with very benefirial results, and .feel confidence in commending it Ito the ad! ieted." St. itinthony':s Fire, Rose, "Salt Mown, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. Tram fin rrey Sichle.r, .E.:4., the aide editor of thd Tto khrumock Democrat, Pe nnvlrania. "Our o nly child, about three years of age, was attacked hy pintiles•ou his forehead. They rapidly!, .spread until they ibianed a loathsome and virulent sore, whiCh coigired his face, mid actually blinded his eyes fur sonde Claws. A skilful Physician applhal nitrate of rilrei . and. other reinethes, without any apparent etrvetl For fifteen days we guarded big ltamb4, leSt with them lie should tear open the fes tering and eorriipt wound which encored his whole face. llayin„,,o• tried every thing else we had any, hope Iron:, wei began gii Mg your SA nsarmtibbAi and applying theicalii re of potash lotion,, as you direct. Thi , adre. began to heal when we had given the first botilet and was well when we had finished' -the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come • • out, grew egaiii, ate/ h:' in now :IN healthy and fair as any other, eThe windu neighborhoik predicted .. that the child inust die." - Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. 1865 From 147r0m Stoat, c - St. Loma, .I.fissour;. ".I find your SAILSAPAI:II.I..t a more effectind remedy for Ilje secondary symptoms of Syphilis and for syphilitic dise::,se tithe any tither we possess. The proiesshnt ard'indelited to 'you fur some of the • best mediduel we have.t' - ! From A. J.! .1)-rneh,. ir. D., an (Mora phy4cian of Lcoremov, 3firrs'., who ie a prominent mcsither of the Lryi. , lateircixf rssorm,,,qts. . DR. ATE;I:. ny dear 511 , t Imre - found your pAusArAtztt.i.A eseelleut, remedy fur Sohitis, of the 4riourry awl sc,o)i,he.7/ irpc, and offer , - , tma J• 01.11 e, entice thfttlVVl`3 to yiebj to other rcimiiiies.' I do not know we can cm. -ploy with iodre cert.:drily where IJOWg -1141. alteratiyei is r,quirukt." 2fr. Ciws. rt.Vor 11Numulcke_ti—J,,. had dreadOillula.v en eatt,eil by the abuse or iner,inry t - Or nee ri vri,d, dia:au,, which grewV more , and snore, a.44vavatod Mr years, in spite of every remedy or trlaitOMM (amid perseverinOise of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Fern ceases ems be found more inveterate and diraruesiao than nod it took several dozen bottles to (arra him. Leueorrhy...a, Whites, :Pe-rnale Weakness, are generally produced by into:nal Serofiilous Ul . ceration nrift are rery often cured by the afterativO effect of this SaltSAiv.lllll.!.S. Some eases require, -however, int aid of the the application bf local remedies: • I 1 From the, itell-kr:*lrn am% ?rlile7y-rdebrelleci; Dr. Jacob Morrin. Cincinnati. - "T have found your SA * Its.u.AI:ILLA an excellent alterative in (Ukases of females. Many- bases of Leueorrhma, Internal Ulceration, and /oetil clebility arising from the scrofulous (flatbeds. ' have yielded to it, and there are fen—that` do, not. when its effect is properly sided by local treatment." Mdy, unicilling to clime the publicatioh of her ! j . twine, writes: • " My druvAter and myself liaVe been cared, of a very ilebilitithig Leueorrhma of long standing, by two bottles 'of your,.i.." Rheuruatisnl, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dye,. pepsin, ?leart Disease, Nauru Lila, when ennsed b Scrofula is the system, ure rapidly cured by ibis XT. SAUS.I.I...tILILL.L. AYER'S CAT iARTIC PI - TLS possess so any advantages over the otliy_r purgatives ifi the market, and their Superior virtues are s'o nitiversallyknown,tliatirOneed not do More than to assure theArdidie their quality is maintained equal. to the best it ever has been, and that they may - be depeinled on to do all that they have ever done. t Prepared by J....C. AYER, M. D. & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by E.A. 1 • Soldby C. S. 1- E. A. Jones, Coutl4sport. Mil - Mel Bros., Ulysses. • 1 , C. IL Simmoes, Oswayo. I• ' , I Mann &Nichols, Millport. , ~ i II Colwell & Co., Roulet, and 1)3 , 1 Oerilers everywhere. MANHOOD: OW LOST! . • Just published, a new edition of pr. CulversreliPs C'elebrmited;EssAy on the radical cur, (without znediohm4,,r SPERM ATORRIIOEA, or Seminal WeakOevs,,r , voluritiiry ,. .Seminal losses, hIPOTENC, Mental and Physical Inez:lll:lefty - , Impediments to Mar riage, ntc. CONSUMPTION, IllpitarsY,Y and FITS, induced by self-indulgence .6r sexual, extravagance. * * Price, in a sealed envelope, only G tens. Tlie i celebrated author in this admirable essay 'clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that thel alarming consetinences of self-abuse may be j radically cued Without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutal, by means' of which ev ery stifferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hiinself cheaply, privately and radically. * This Lecture should pe in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. .SKA, under seal,' in a 'Anil envelppe, to any atidre4, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. GRAS. J. G. KLINE & CO., 12' Bowry, Now York,Poit officeliox 4586 CASH. PAID FOR BUTTER, by E. K, SpenEer R OF . ROSES,--for the LI dies,---at BTEBBLICS` Mi:i ford; Jlaine, HOW RESTORED!
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