NEWS!! GRANT & BEARD FROM AGAIN - ! ! ! ANOTHER ,UNION VIOTORY GOLD DOWN ° BEAVY DECLINE IN GOODS AND P. L STEBBINS & Co, Are now receiving a new 'and complete STOCK OP Spring Goods ! purchased since the' heavy decline and daring the recent panic in New York Consisting of DRESS GOODS, .DELALVES, roPLIA - s, „/ ALPACA' S' 31 Z 4..V8 I G E PLAID POPLLVS, .LACE SILKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. CLO.4KS, CLOAKLYGS, ,S'SI.MERE,S, [ [ Full stock of MEN's FASHIONABLE CLOTHING' ALSO BOOTS & SHOES, y. HATS 4. CAPS, &c., &c., &c. Drugs and Fancy Articles. Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs; Wbite Lead in Tin Cans,Alcobol, Camphene, Kerosene,Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, Glasi, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Bbtanicnl Herbs, PerfuMery,Faney Soap and TOilet articles, Gum, Hair, Irory and, ooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and is fine assortment of Flarorin„' , Extracts, Penal, Ink arid Paper, and Linseed 011—raw and boiled, Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Tarnish and Artist Brushes CHOICE STOCE GROC_ERIES I ris Notice. I r.; persons interested will please take -I J. notice that the following Accountants, Sugars, Choice Syrnn, Gond Rio Coffee, hare filed their accounts in the Rfagister'e West India and Dandelion"offee, Rice, Cort i Office of Potter Count:;', and thct the same Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c., • till bp presented 'to the Orphan's Court for I, confirmation or), Monday the .12th day ofJune 1865 in Coudertnort. The r fccount Mary B. Smith D exter, Administrators of David H. "pi7tl7 late or i)swaYo ITp, deceased. The account of Ednin Statham, .Adms'r of; Tiaoma's Statham, late of Harrison Tp, deed: ,The account of Amos Frene l b k, Harriet A. RE's, Administrators of Eli Eties, late of Coudersport Boro' deceased. • - i Coldersport, Marc l 2; 7865. • I DAN BAKER, Her' AL WA YS O.N HAND: P. L STEBBINS' & Co., . 1 Canter Main aad Seseoad Shasta; Cato!lW:reit, Apr. 10, 1145 ... W hom To hit May Concern. i - Take notice that the , Aterchants ! WILL eloiet eir Stores on the First Day of June-4- Fast- y—and all interested will pleaLT remem er this and net give themselves un neeess ry trouble. There will be Services in one .of the. Charges on the morning of that di y. [ . ROME TO DEDINQUF.NT GOLLECTORS, ' I amfrequested by the' County Cotuntia sionersi to give Notice to all Collectors for 1804 and prerions,thatuntess they pay to the Treasurer the full amount due from tbetu, by the lust day , of next, Court, ezecutione will issue against them iinniediately after 'Court. JNO. S. M. Att'y for Conars. • Coudersport, May 22 ISCS. 'CAUTION FROM THE AMERICAN' WATCH COMPANY. It having come t our knowledge that im it,utions of ibe American iWatch have been i put upon the markeljin great number, mien. I lated by their utter' worthlessness to injure late reputatio of citir geruine products, to ,t 1 protect our o -ri interests and the public, from imposition, we again.publish.the trademarks by which our Watehes map invariably be known. ' i , 1 We rnanufaxtcre four sti es of Watch;es, 11 ' f The .First has the naire- - , "AME . RICAN! WATCH CO.. Walthatn i Mass.,"len-nared on the inside plate. , The &row/ has the ( riame. ! "APPLETON, TRACI' -5: CO., Waltham,'; Mass.," engraved on the inside plate. HI The Third has the; name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, Mass., - enli graved, op the inside plate. I All the above styles have the name Amer. ! ' icon Watch Co. n:+ rated oti the dial, and are. ; warranted in every' respect. . . The lourth ba...? Cie name "WM. ELLERY, Boston, 3fa5..7., - trgra rejt on the-inside i?laiel and is not named on thd Idial. , ,' ' All the aboi;e a• - i5 , ..-..r1b.23 wateb ,, . are mad of VariOllt' ...siz,,, and ~ ...r-2 so./ to 1: , ...,:.1 or ...dyer cases, as may Le r , .T.lrel. I It is barn::: p05.,.0:e for 1,- -, to accurate:. I describe the uutat.(,as i-..ito G 0... to u ',itch I we hare alluded T 1. , , - ar.:. usn.,:::: in: cribcd I with mimes so mr:;:ly Ip-.r.mel,inr our own as to Jas•:•ape 11., oh.,:r.attou of the I,r-tlecils j tamed 611)er, of - •r..! re7resouteci as made I by the 4 Lln Ica \V.lt_ll. Go.. of Ilc,ton. 'Mass. ,, —no such e•••1r..:.,,,,y €.1 , 11n,.:. :-•,,me are ;named ter 2 ‘‘..r7loli , :cr ~.. \\ - r.,.m. to it Soil al our Fe-ari h oi V.lla. 1:1. , ::-. 4 ~ - ,.., : e, usmally known ar i, :ll.- , -Sil_lc:f: Wa'gh. ' titllers are I named thF. -Apt Lt,W . . ° i the P :Bart:l, in- p er.d ofioucPSßh-es o lett;* bezidt. , li ,oy var ',Ales u-mcd t 0..,., h a mannm. as to cor.;.x- t;.e idea that tney are ..the veritable jr,..1 , 1..1t:•./Ise e4f 'Le .. , ...o.v , :kan ' I W.tteir r , .., up - 1 , ,y. ' 1, 1 11 - 5 a.s, Luation the 1.m,:,1;r. an : pAttreu ly sufld trs, ag-1:,,t b..), I,c:t l a ..-.r 11 .1 . ; :Lunn, v,. t,..11:-..,0 •,, t t %, ..t, .•1-c : iu i. 1:... . - 1 trated 1 , 11 , ..r.:. .1- ••_%rml '.,,: ,t i ic i.- . (J `r rs. Watt he: ' " ., lar - : 2 .. .l 1. , 2 i / , , ,, it ; f r:,• 'Arc ..•••. - 1 \VateLL. Sc . thr- - r :, , f :row be fro -e; t r' . . to - L. ~. ,b. wate.b, l ,Eitl., se braes ca,.,nt any Z111:1 ,':"..:1:):: -%. A 1,1 , t 1 e;...tte:.C.c.7. on ti. , et , protect' :Lem from gml7 t1.:12, ..s. . ' 1 ' 1:0',;1,IN-= & A •I'Lll'l ON' I , A i.:.r .1 .ts ~..:- thr Amtricom W..tch Co. IS' 2. itru tqvc is, N",-,- Y,,rk. 11.1 1111 , - (wher' l l,...ii ii• after-,v.irds ei:tere..l. hen:re the rison'er is deli - cc:42d to t!1::*Ii, lift , Serving.s.t/P2w. , . tlft, en :t.nts. S.,rving sum:Uo: 12, l c,r notice, on Tien:Tee, \ s'..titor. _east er. IniLitrr.2-S3-;:i7 apprentice, perf.,t.:2- : a n`y,-, or by c, , ,i,y', ea.7l:, twent r ~ .,-t„:-,. ..I.r:4Fting on ra-il'. thirt!-.•• five cer.'7. t,dtir..- poll 1,0n..1, on r.7 . p:af, or :,,r del:re.ry of , ' ,. ••0t ,,- - ti , i. , •,- eents R* ePrlialitic i c tl i e , o f s t iff ....:0:: - y::, 1,!,::.:1,:, whE.: - , ~,.fei,(....Lt has linee b - Adicocii, s Po r o u s pl as _ . been \ arrestcd on cvias, to be paid by plain -3I lens.—llion many pe'rsons, trota stepping on •• till'. tWetit.F cents. • a pi ee 4 o f ora o .ee ree d. l i z t - e b e ,,,,,., l n „, et r for . Executing landlord's warrant, or serving, !life, A. ease wiii , sli n: ' , .1,t have been of this. executlon. fifty cents. . 1, ki n d p a si ns; p eer , b ro ` t - 1 , 4 ,1, t , to:our notice. ...t Takaig inventory of goads, each item, two gentleman, front placin , .11. , . &el of his boot cents. on a pie,.:,, of 0 ra p ,, ,,, t i ,i_. e i t Hy as _,,,,,m t .,,1.,. . Le:ying, or distraining, goods. or selling 1 throw 4 d'own, and a violently ;,rutted pis the salne• fur each dollar: not exceeding . knee. ;Ile Nv.s - siN. months emticed to the 1t t.) (7 ' 51 !"". six brut'• hOuse.lthoughl he ha f . the he.< tr_el' •ni ad- F ., :r each d';'lla': above thin: - , dollars, four vice. .lAs alist :wo n ; a y e , - ,- .. . p1 i . ,;,:,-,. t ~,,y _ cents. . s l ein t ywas e d pled i n t ,..- : ~.,:„,-.. ii•a nt . l , l i :l2 , ll .„, :tre. And halt . of the boric. on shall be allow : could he, done. After c2zannl a:ion he.= ,id • ed• where the riloney is pail after levy, with . eve° Tits ,. i .. My op!, jO, is; coon 1,, ee will r ,,,,..,.„ b e b e ,,, t out sale : bu.t, no commission :--hall, in an:, again:: H 4 re...mrn , l,mded that the „....!, 0 1, i t ,._. , "case, beta!-.4. on more than the :cal debt. r I: . , and -nee should be encased in api ~ter of .:•,.dvertii , ing the came. filty cents. ; Paris,banda ge , wpi e b ~,.,„;,i „ e ,,,d,,,.,, t ,„ , h ,, rz.ecut:ng attachmcnt 113rtv-tive cent. i phrAne!it .sti tiepin , of 1134 knee, and said, . (1 cc of cendue papt.r whoa demandc,l,. the sooner it was done the better. - But the each i:em: t,:° cents. patient, before :rune this applicatimi and Putting up notices of distress, at mansion hr ring a ttft kneel fur life, enveloped it in house, or other f , ll . Olie Plz . -ce,ort the preraiSCP, our Porous Plaste;:• - •: and in less tnan t.,1• 0 twenty cents. months his knee NI'LLS perkctly cured. Serving ~ . .-1.-.; fa:iac, personally, twenty ; -,Princir,al agenct Brandreth House, .New. cenls. ' . .I.cirti.. By the card or singlelp:a• Serving. by leaving a copy twenty cent ., . , . _, :::old by all dealer; in medicines. ! 'Executirg a bail piece, titrtv cents. - I --- Traveling exo'enses, in all cases, for each ; - W ILA T., HORSE 3I AN ! mile circurar, .5.1 x cents : Prorid,i, That this ' I I I . WI,LL B . F. vi-ITHOL-T section do not apply to the counties of North ampton and Fayette. i ki'...loi,lS 3,.. ?Jepaiqil if o'ru Liii:iient.. 1 . i TAUNTON )1,i. , ...5. Mac- 14. 1,5 C , ,,,. I ' ~ i Dr , Tobias: I)ear: Sir—Dori/1g 25 year' that I hai.e been in the livery business. I'have used and li sold a greit quantity of various' iintme i nui, oils, &c. Some two years since. hearing if so many wonderful cures having 1 b6en Ipadei by your Venitian Liniment, I testedllits merits, an? it has, given the best satisfa'ption of anything I ever used. I nerer sold anything, that gtree such universal satis faciton among 'lkYr! 'men. It is destined to' superSede all others. Yours, truly. i &c,. I SANICEL iVILDE.. Sold by all druggists. Office, 56 Cortland; street New York l , . Ilrice fur pint bottles, one do - 11. 3 1 1 . ' 1 t 1 ' f *lCOunty Llealers are informed that no , travel , Ts are now. sent out. WI '- • se who fail tie rebel TllZdz, do•lbte•fily do. is foolish as th lying for a Good Cause se who are wise nn,l.prztdeni enouglito remedy the clafect i s of nature with CHRISTADORO;S HAIR DYE • are !doing every day, in every City of the ' is' eminently praiseworthy.. This Ipeaceful revolution isi go ngon throughout! 0 1E1e - whole land, and this beanty_shri hartno-; py supplant itorne c and incongruity.— t.llanufai b - CIIIIISTADORO, No. G,; As i tor..House„ New Yorl4. Sold by Druggists.' 4.pPljed by aq Hair Dressers MI 71) , 22 , 1 1111 . 7 bi del f(lr iDIE BAD CAUSE Farm .be o:berhand THE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Condersih art, Wednesday Evening, 'Kay 31, 1665 Local and General. • .P.S h ., Fast-Day services in the Methodist Church to-Eno:row , M. fEr . Two -paupers who escaped frcta a votinty Boer-house up in the oirtregious. of Pennsylvania made one hundred thousand dollars: each, operating in oil lands, before the overseer of the poor caught them. =' The crops in 'Union county promise to be unusually large, the only fear being that the wheat and rye n4,:ay overdo the business and lodge. All our exchanges speak of the i)romise ce abundant crops. Grass is especially goad.—Chionicle. Tiie o=t-ayo Regulator is again in fall blast—ihe rush to it rewinding one of the days of the Simmons' excitement. EL Lord is determ i ned that its fame shall not diminish under his administration. Give him a call and see the famons Stock of. the Very Best Goods bf the New York market which he is selling tit prices that will astonish the "old est ens:tomer.' lite' la Osvrayo Regulator! ,o,&'} The great Military Review which oc curred at Washington, last week, was , per haps the most magnificent spectacle that has been witnessed on thi t s continent. The armies of Meade and Sherman, in the exultation of crowning victory, passed in review before the gaze of at least one lundred thousand citizens, attended with all the pomp and, pageant incidrnt to• such an occasion. AI sin:dint spectacle may not be seen a• f hundred years, Jae's When the war for the suppression of the rebellion brdke out. the nortrmsympa thia-rs gathered the copirbr cents and had fhem transformyi into 'breastpins to indicafe the fact t h e they 1% ere cot.perhea. Now :het the chief of ti.c rebris b. 13 ado ds pted the petticoat,.*ould it not be w, for them 'to get up a new badße? 3 very good desizn would be the head of 'Davis in miniature t.:u one side and a pOticoat on the other. - motto might Le: nlkm't eaei c tie Preside:. or he might hurt some of 'em." Iraportatat to Constables. We extract from :Le I,tcr phsFed last ter. the new fe,. b; for Constables SECTION 2. I:Nei:Laing -.1 - nrrant, on behalf of the comnrcmwE.:ll:ll. fifty *cent . c onve ,-: Li z 10j.3.11 cn va:tinurs, or rya:rent. o Arre s tin,z, perso:: ! e. , , . othcr apilast t h e LII:VE, pro • _es and and bringing, _before a jastice, f.fty cents. Ene. or f.Jrfeiture. on a w:lrr:lnt Lc vvi: ELME Takil - iz Ihe i....)d. , irtu custody C4l r.:ir.imtr- MARRIED: In Emporium, on the 20th inst., at the res idence of Dr. Sanmel Gibson, Mr. JOHN , R. BOND and Miss Ne.LLIE H. MORE. Azaraal Taxes for 1865. ` XTOTICF. is hereby given that the list of Assessments made r.nd taken by the Assistant Assessor of the 11th Division of the loth Direct u l f Penn'a, will remain open at his Office in Coudersport, for the examination iof ail persons interested. for ten days before ! Saturday, June lith, 1805. On that day the' -! Assessor will appear in Coudersport to re-.! ceive and determine ail appeals, which mu.t.l be made to him in writing, specifying the Imatter respectin'g :which a decision is re quested, and stating the gi.ounds of error or ; !inequrality complained of. By order of GEORGE BoAL. Assessor .A.,ROVNSVnLE, Assistant C0ndw..3pc.rt..7,,,y NOTICE OP APPEALS State t Exe = sc TC2', Ei:77ltet7l(ll Col:ethon (f -Penn . fr, comprising lnt ('ensue; of C'rritrc. Canton Lrenn - u , Ti.•?ra and Po!tcr. XTOTICE is hereby given. purst`iant to the provisiOns of Section 13 of the Act proved Jane teth,-1864., that the lists of 'val ; tuitions and enumeration! of nroperty sub ject to Tax under the In ternr.l.Fievenue Laws. I taken by the several Assistant ..Ass.essoris of . this District, will at their Ofice's for ten days before the 4a,te affixed to , hear Appeals F for - the examination of all persons -interested. 1 will receive and determine appeals rela- Live lo erroneous or excessive vaina:tions or enn.eratlons 1 In Centre countr at Beilefcnti , , on Wecincs u •• nN-, June 14111, 1865. • 1 in Potiercoune _ t— Condroor' on Ea-- • OrClay. JUIIP. 17th, 1365. in Tiaga county, at,Wensboro,on Wednes- I day, June 21st, 1565. In Lycoming county, it Williamsport, on IFriday, June 23d, 1865. ' In Clinton county., at Lock Haven, 011 Sat urday, June 24th, 1865. Il rtlpmals to the Assessor must be made in writing. specifying the matter'respecting which decision is requested, and• stating the gronnd of error or-inequality complained of. GEORGE BOAL, Assessor. Boalebnrg, Pa., lisyl 27, 1565. EEO 1.1.' S. , I-30 LOAN THIRD SERIES, $230,000,000. fly authority c ' c the Secretary of th 3 Trens nry, the undersigned, the General Subscrip tion Agent for tie seleof United States Sc- • curities, offers to, for public the third series of Treasury Note's, bearing seven anti three- tenths per cent, interest per annum, known MEM 7-30 LOAN. Thse notes are issued under date o 1565 : and are payable three year that (late in currency, or aretcbnverti t*e option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLM- - BEARING BOA 1 These Bonds are now worth a ban ~r mium, and are exempt, as are all th nment Bonds ; ft am State, County. an pal taxation, which addz from cne to r rent. per annum to their value, accordi4 the rate levied upon other property. 7" tarest is payable semi-annually by Co P tached to each note, which may be. a Sold to any bank or banker. • The Interest at 7-30 - per cent. zzioomts to ne cent per day on a $4O sro cents " !‘ QUID en ~ 4,4, “ sr,oo g -.EI 11 2. ti it It It $l . OOO it It It It $3OOO Notes of al: the' denominations name prDrnptly furi-.l , ,hed upon rece!p; MEE The Notes of iris Third Series ore r,rerist.:r EIE niiiar in form an 3. privilE. - - g.i:i: , to tli.; , , S! &ready Fold, ezee•pt that the rezcn - ts it6E-Yl l 2-2 c'dt:cn 'lg interc:st . in , -;:c..: , 1 co::: at G.jr.::.eer.. 7-3-10ths currencr ill cirAue: the interest in curtenel 15th, at the time 171.)t,q/ The delivery pf the notes of - - 2ries of the Seven-:l:ir:':esß - i comm of June, and win be:made -Fro' ME conUr.uou.. , :-; after 1111.1. 7:: - :' , .J , sl;gl..t. Cna::ge ma..e in to ti f this THIRD S:F..I-:1.E 7 .4 alrect , cn, '- cent= Let of interL3t, The T.arru:-nt IMIMM terczt of th hl Tl.e return to pee w . i.,:cil on:,-v. - ill ti/e epic:. a Go: d I.:, e !..-- equaliZe pri4s that in per cent. in' gold would be fa those made M I _c:e:: nr.l th.1 , , .. pc ce. ,, t. ia cu- /- - 'l. - •- 1 . ,r,. c,. , :., L.. 11 ' 1 , Tie Only Loan in Market Now offered brthe. Gorf-rninent. And its .3u- per;or advan ages make it the Great Popular Loan of the Peo-ole. L et , s th an s23n, cp 5 1,.0., - ..0 of :!'e I. l ari au- thclized by Cvnorm; are now on ti;e This .amour,t, t.: ;be rate 4t 41i1e.1.J market lt . is being abs‘orbed, will all be s:.f'sc.ribed for within sixty day.,7 adoubtedly ccramand s premium, as has unifcrmly becm the case on closing the s-ab- scriptions to otller Lcr_Ls In. order that citizens or tcwn and section of the conr. tics for taiiiez the 131 n, ill, Nat . :opal Barika Estate Banks, and privai.a Danker.,-:iiroz:ghput the country have generally agreed to receivi subscriptions at par. Subscribers will !elect their own agents, in wil6m il,ec have confi- dence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of tile notes f)r trhi,cil they re- calve ciders Subscription Ageat, Philadelphia May 18, 1 S 5 First National Bank of Ilarr:siirg, First National. Bank of Lockiiaven, First National Bank of Pliila,ielphia, First National Bank of Willis:psport. 1111=fl , I wish all rersons opfta account with me to call and settle immediately. 1 will sell Cheap for Cash MI my stock of Mcrcbandise Consisting of CLOTHING, BOOT, and CROCXERY, GROCERIES. I ) TOOLS, &,c., S - ..c. Ifood .1 4 'orse aid Harness..: 8 Tragorts 1 ISleigh, 1 i Csater, • I SidAwy e privilege gilt:. good Asitery in coin. plete working order. 15 Cents paid for good ASHES. LUCIEN BLED Brcoklana, Pa., Sept., 1864 SEM =1 MEM BUG ccncaeonsl MEM MEE MEM lin &EMI r... - E . • • 1 :9i Qi, ,: - ,. aiil, so rc-dce . de with rcr , c elFlal when the mites will way be fTurded JAY COOKE, s i~ SHOES. DRUG S, 1865 "Eig,4ter . ii yea:rs esinblished ins. Y. City. "Only- infallible remedy known," "Freo from Poiooriz." "Not idan.rerous to the Human Family." , "Hati come out of their holes to die.' I I , I --- "'COSTARI S lf RAT, ROACH,' 3C., EXTEB:S. :I 1 , :aa paste—used for /?ci:, ?lye.L'f,c7cLcy, B:aci: and 1 Red ..1711:;..j 4 .7., ,Li'r , 4'C., 4:r. MI from MI i 'COSTAr S BED-BI:d EXTEELM.F:',4TpIi, lls n 11 , - i nid or tvasb used to • destroy, and els° a. 3 a pre ren..zre for 13c-d-Bugs, "COSAB:S" ttECTRIC POWD.n. rera . INSLCTS. rs for '..1.r0f3.!, t0 trios. Ih3f c . c.s. on Anintal.k, Niro Sold. :by nil Druzists and Retailers everywhere. . 1 !! BEI:AZLE!!! of all worthless inai- 1 tatiens.ii Sec that "CosTAlL's' netee is en each Box, Bottle, and F::ts ' ;:. before you ba . y. 1.;E:Nillt" R. COSTAR. 46.! Broad xi ty. N. a!1 Drugnists and Dealeis in i CD.PRzTOIZT. Pa. 1865. :. I r`CRF:IST .0F RATs —7le farrifr's G. :,tre p:ovesb}'figut-eF. Oat onq !es.. • :Zt1....1,10%711. t .; "Co:=iars acl'.t in paper. S 6 /3 DE EEO Gov- El UM ME Ell pot: ut off I ote I= MN OBEN MEE ME EIME UM = FMME gNii = L'`~-~c n _ I= =I =I =I l~v' `~: Co-:v -5665. I I A =EH MM , "CoLtar'l , " ndv't. puper. - . Pa b-v 1111 EMS 3 --N • • 14 d OE MEM BEM 0N2161 11M6tal=a ~:.•, , :5..i:.7 „...,•:1-1. , 2161,1; ,:- . 1 ~ .., , ,,.71,in2 , ,,-.7. : ,; . .: 4-,.,-, • .. __ . . RIZ 111 to I:osr, =ME 'jai-7i!.:5. 1 .1, / ,-„, • - MEESE lIIIEME IEI :.. s_ .1 - i •,..-. 1) , re:1.,:r..1 - . 7110a - ..w.icr.. _ ..... 1 .. ! , ..... . ..1 G .7‘ . .- -- :(fc-.J. , ...) ,_,. ill vs F.,,isiri,..l-,:5:1,7:-.::te. ''l7k. 1 CJ-' .13 , 1:cile • v. ,- ,: 1. 7 ,-:i-, 'l - ,.. 7:1 , ::: , .7 .F.,",7.1••,- , •...D.z:f.r... - . ' N 1)v ,. i712: E Cr'Crurz 7EI: Sec, iIE = v.; C I:; t',E - Potte: I'3 GOodriclr M::: , r1ro0 17 Lee vs II J. C1i..7.1F-`.77,D, Protii . 7 . .z7, Once, 7.14 y D. C 5 Court Proclamation NX.,TiILTki:AS the lion_ I:.oly , Ft G. Ml'.le, Ynr_,3 C- S. Jones ana G. rr. the Courts Of :In 0.-nor.ll Jcii DC-ivcry, Scrsion , - - of t/..7e Court Cour. 01 Con:mon Pleas for the county r.f•liavr;_issur-d dart ,nrec:pt„ the of Fcbru;try eiglt for E=6=E of CC::1:11nr MEE= VC" n:l4 • to t-c.r.'t N Cce ic .. - -I•c - 7 :17 Pc , !lces 0.n.d.C.7,t...5t:-.1.)1t-,--- BE IiEMI t:lt co M=EIME 7. - itli, t : r:-.)!Is i 2 rmv, lion=. ex•ilzinet:ori:s, nrid n:; remenJraTlCtS. t.. , 3 .',') tliase tis.'.rigs -Allier. in ti:eir ofilee ap- i pertain to 1. , 2 dnr And tho.fe v.iio :Ire b,-...nd by their recog.r:izanccs ;0 pra.2ecTie ng - C.nzi i the nrisnners ilini. nre crsl/. -- :ii be in :::;e jH (II i Said eount c!' Po:icr, ere to ho then aild tnei . 7l to pros.ernt ri;-e.insi, ii,cm es e.i: , :.ip.: , , in,t,ll Dated p.t. , C, - -::: . , :iel sport% _pia.; 4. -18;..13. nr.d! the SAltia rear of tne Indenen , fienee of the 17:1i: , ..6 States,oi'Lkme.f,ca " I Y. A. FRENCH's CELEBRATED TOXIC BITTERS; . 1 1.. BE becornng the 7110 St, popular ...Leatc;n? 11_, in Ornniation fcr the cure of LIVEI6dOIIPLLINT. DICE, IDEBLSITY OF THE NEE:VOUS ,' SYSTEM, and 7, - I:AF:NESS of the STOEACH find DIGESTIVE ORGA.NS. It is alss gaining ront,tacion in the CL RE of DIPTIIERIA. Principal Office, Candereport, - eg:ter"Co., Pa. I 1865 INEEBEEI t - r BE I= MEN Mill BIENEM ::.;r'L : in ti.i. Effla Eiria lii ~tiS .;i i iL U~Y7I r..] , 1 1= .. 1 %:1, k 1 !. EERIE ME =EI EMI lEEE :Thy i'''liv AUX X. At ti., ,i71( .. ,..3e .IrEsliirier . will Lii Mid NM EMU . 1 .. j: T k. 21. - 2: j 0 ti r.! S EEME C s ;irr.:c•e E';:ioct Z.i 5101 Co. Ft4 - ,:::T-Lir4ii. Co. r " - I.° me - ~ it , - MBE c: R=B?•Mi hcrc . :•.) , :i.:cn:tr:ll - •1_1i-- z v o'cbcl:, A.M. of D. C. I.'.\."'" The Rochester Straw-Ctrtter, ChI,7ISTED i KELLY. Conderspo —.... base kJ/ the agency for this er,b.rute.4 machine. is thiscounty. It is covenient. ram *o n „ a 011 - E A . ?. • Etw,...1., lido.-11 ••••“.. KrICZ.S.A. 45.);0r-N^.,rzfr.t-t. I E.— tc . - rt. t. - ANTHONY 4' CO. 1 4mactlrers . orrhotosTapai: Ilator 1r3 , 1,1141.2 AN ±, 501 BliCifD7W 7 , IT. • ir main luninees et m mix X A TERIALS, we are 11.4:quarters fat tie ;:f I, STEREOSCOPES & STER.F.O.SCOPZC viS, Ottbroe In., lenuernon arworloone, inr.,lV yrn-ALt and not Lan n.tu;nry, /Inv,. I • ing, FO.';. privatei Ir bil:rim Our Celesinguo to:: to ail aniirew On receipt ye . .,13.27. • PROTOGRAPMC za,suals: We were :lir :ire: to inn-win, Cie, Into the Vaitei and eronnlincto ino,nse ono, titles in pr—it mng ing rtia• (rota esti Oct AI. 4 iUYS baeWlua reputation of fultic ID Lowity wind ourabilily ew einy otneni. Tn,,ey will be *Out bo bliEr.. on !weielyt priGe. or 1 .-I N !: ALBt; ti;; y +r: O-rr>_a,CARD riIOTOGRAPLIS. c... n e rno , tna.rnrrn ct Fi‘E TllOl:EAN'ye t rer „... c;Leole . it o tll t bait.; insiet ic o e In 3daintaZonewle, Liceile-Ol , lleoeue, 433 - s ealteue VA-noir -theneenll, te,o t übia-rs, 130 Divine% (Dino.:,3:(Dino.:," Nary pfloo.-a, 43 • 14 - rtmetineut WOrronnw 3 CeinOtiorbee of Work: of Ark hedartileg irrYonGerolione of Ste =oat celetooteil Enraelits, l'aintinge, estinew atw Crwiouves tens on coo of SloWein,• Aa order for One Domes Penmen-I tram cmr Catalogue u 3. Sited ofs Ito receipt of tl Bey and neut by nail. ram • Pbotantsplierl and other* ore:wive win plow znanfi tnren,-fire per con t. the annount r!tk ;lair order. I W' Th e irk. Nod quality tot oat pod. cannot fail to P,act fa. IS Pia.r.r. ti C. 48; J..: 7/ Lc,a, Vatelre from .Sherman ! • D OSIN s TAR. from North Cilro etir _lt sale by- STEBBINS Char tered, 1794. INS UiiA NY NORTH ANERICA, 1111LADELPIIIA Oldest las=a - .lce Compa::y in Amsrica, Cash Capital andi SurpluQ, over S:VENTY-ONE BlLiicese Ex orient-t, Frith a. rzpCtation for integrity iiaiurpassita by any = : slcl ihelde,fiLtnioa of ceut, . Mr MEI CEEESIM Lip,7.l:Ar, ItATE , 7 7 : f';: - ,: , .; oil ',lv:. s.rifr cia.. -, 3f.'3 oC• 1,1-..p . tr , .: - . ir.31.., - , of. hilt]. Cc.:::t.:;l'..r. a r7. , :t. , ., , . 1 , ,-. • . , RICK 0:- i',T0:'..;"5.: !,... , --,-, - .!:--:::t: inEured . i. , ,..., ~ , . - cl, 4: , :: tkrtrizi GT C. , ..e gra:-..zrz,l, =Mg anf_:~~ :. :'ie =MI 171 c ,, ii , unv i7FUTE' !Lc z: Cc 7.1 . 1),.r.1i:(-z, tnirc: is 7.: - • nt , th3a flohurallee• Co. of North Itterica 17. 74: - .. ,, ,LAR.:t..}.7 e.::1 f,,r l'ci:ttr ~..:,r.,....r '1,..) 1J -4;- , inis, - rd.tOa - ',F. Notice Ea +:. BEE BEE ritl.l tnnile r.Tni=ra, =1 y au!;,orirf.ed. ANN M ISNI.S. C• es 2.5: :V5 I.Lrbit3 Zrd. rT,C:ir.:: z- . . 1.0..15c:; . c. - 2: - .3 , ..slTes ti_iinf, - ,rin th , ... t_cif .. .P.;.::!•_•': ' i_;..L.• cf....u. ;;;;;1 : ,ii . : .7 t * Liza, 11 - i:it ail. :,i3 of . ::.r.,..trb::.? lr.ork, fts el...ap a::.1. .s .goo: - .1. 0: - .3 it. call l,e I.r.d an:.- I...7ftee it tiTt. 0 -i'•l'.:: - .. : q . .) Y1..1.1E:;.1S p-- - ,..: 70: , 11 - 3 - •53TONE. Qf "all i:.11.1•2; funaisi,t_yi c,riii....rt 1 - 0.):i:: , .. ... . _ C..13P-fii.7.YLE. C,p - , - ..4err.1 , 0rt, F - .o 1Z ' , 35 : ly INDIE i i I J 1 H INATiatIAL BANK 7 11)':ITT. C C I ,OCJ` . ~ a.ooO'aid id FISCAL EGENT OZ iii •17::i.17.ED STATES, JO7/ 7 :S", I,sc)-•,...'2 _-, WizL DLL' - . - in 7 rr.rx or, •,o c.,:1-,T.f.. , . 5.;. in al': pwrt;, - cf :Ile u:z:tr:'. r.:i:.l. rePcivi• ar.,l!ten. current biPs, and in:trest ilterest. to date 0f . 5 . ...,:b5. - g.t.!rta. (,),-,ier: se::: by ©a:l ~~:~_~ MEI 1 ,'L15 . 8,1! - 1'K' , .. , , - ci;:ves •to r.c.c.ount3 Df :_ f f . BEIM c.;,.. 1 :12 tcrln!.: or L.- J. T. Cazi DIVORCE NOTICE. CY:;TII iA J. 80V.1F:2, 0.2N7. Dee. Teirri, :3' the c by her next Iri•_ JCS !: -. .111 . 2,1 ..A.N..N .: r-..,onif'i:, - rci:.9f"i'ot 7 : . 1 tcr C207.:1-.IH-..LtheF. Ci*IILLIA . :I T. LOV - 17:11.- j iri Divorri , ::. TO , Wi1t_1..1_ , ..1 T. 110VIE.1:;. 11.c, - -.por.ilL: - ,t. -;',boc,. : Pack's: t..lit Ef.'.t!ce•th•at! - ; 57.-.1.r:.2r.:v MEI a: - .1 ,. .1..5.1'.. - 1.; . s:lt. ,-, c-,r..a. 11a51:4.- 7.7f - C . ZI : i , s ri.:tUiT7.lCii Elli:1 1. .; ':ou :in., 11Pri21 - 0.- r;•,-.1 'fir__ c: sppeAr Cu . . . . I.otil ra:! . .,' of Jr.:'. , 7. , . nc.s.t. to a: - .. i. , 7, - r to t 11.2. c.....,_- , . D. C. I.7A.P.TIABEE, Co , lclersp..:l, A7.: 4 .1 15. 1565 Adbainistrator's Notice. t'u.! t of tp.. I c-e:t to iftid :'. - ,e s•Jiy.?,_ Estate :IF?. rc. - ii:e., , : i:77 , 110 raf..,.A..!irro-:-, oc^, )r. rnc , „,-. , ,t, and .t; 058 .•ii::^ ci.l..a: :Lc duly :::: n.t1:3 , 7 irl3l 7.c., , erzt t132._ for sct:3L , me It :0 t.LI,M.DEXT7. Vi 3 ,:r e A rr. Note C-'':.. 1 . N ..: y lAat ..... r 2 4 - 4 cc -I MEE Lite r. z ~,: _ :, and ail perz, , ,:s. l•hase any of s;:tit'. F. - operty of the h,7rore the dEci=ion of the Corr, this case. nr.d. C. hr,.; oald cor._i , ier;i ti ir!on•--2y c , .. crlaria. 7'2 r- 7 the (3-27 - . 5. 2,...:tar,!:.',.^,.r.-,.---;',7- - -^-,, P1....`. EMEMB .Pott7r cc.r, Also 23 ac. in. -, 1 '. - a . .: 1 - z. , _ - .t. ST:Ei azaci ac.....0t:,...: MIME r A certr.r. =IMIME o , :r,tv. 1 3 a.. cDr.r, i cot:. Z). C. 13.1,1,0 r 1;,D1-;1 ;sr)t ro n Ga:ne3 !OW .::D. i 05.1 4" , .7. Ga:r:ce, StO II m c 2= II 11 El EEI 1794. 517.- ~ C r 2 E,- Q.. MEIER iir t ,i_:y , z; . ien 1,0 , C:111 on York :!F.V . I.:_-:, l'iesiiiat.. I re sm' BESEE --- EMI BE lIIMIIIIMS 13E11 =MEI 1 , L',.) , ' r DE 11 7 . r . 7...kDDL7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers