n El MANSIOLPPrIOGA CO., AA.. ' fuhrutssireTrou Ties 1 . Recognized by the State Authoritir in -Pecember,lB62. LB L j• State Normal School; Andformally ciperred as such inßeptenzber%B63. Wat, 4 length pl4eo.,upfirtia se ,•4s.litilkitlt-ie:theAStatelilpprUgrietlonAot, the current .year enabling the Trustee to extin guish the greater portion of the outstanding Liabilities; and to make extensive improve mute upon the buildings and grounds. 2 / 1 '4l/0,0711e-41'..;. ru r c n mmence stout . • Prof. F. A:Attar, for the past siX yells in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal. School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. J.StraltpatheEdiaboro State Normal School, tion, has been appointed to the Professcirship 4f Languages and. Mathematics. Prof. Allen is well known throughout the State as a gentleman of accurate scholarship, poilessjpgatpSlKticsVAxperience qwf fifteen -.yeas akbatedtAter , Of teaChers; and a. thor ough acquaintance with their educatiinar wants, acquired from, his connection with County Institutes in every section of PeUrt stylvaitia, as well as in_ other States. • • Competeht - and thorough instructors will be, pr a evidedlo . r.thtrother•departments'of the 4 School. Thebifilding . luts,linen-reftted, throughout oad'iiiividea with"furnithre ot_th,e most ap r proved style, together with an extensive col !ceder!. of maps,charts,and works of referenda: Excellent Chemical and Philosophical paratus will be in readiness at the opening of the School. • • To keep t pace,w,ith the improvements in ed veatio-tllgnapasionic.;wlll,be .erected, for which amtlaahlo=applitlttixf:for the heavies, and lighter exercises has already been secured The school year is divided into three terms of thirteen weeks each, with no vacation, ex cept the week of Chrispnas Holidays. •1 It is desirable that students should enter at the comurocement of Atom; and fora period of not thirteen weeks. Tuition, in advance per term, $6.00. No extra charges for the leguages or the higher math ematics.: Text bobks' rented at reasonable rates. Vocal and instrumental - music :st• teachere prices. Boarding in the ha 11,539 00 per lerai ; wood for Winter, $3"00 per term; washing, $3 7.5; room rent, $1 50. - The arrangements now. made are of such a nature'as to warrant the Trustees in saying that no other, institution in the State affords better facilities.for the Education of Teachers, or for, the prePtirallett - of students for college, or for general business. • . For further particulars address the Princi- Ipal r at Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. PLEY .111 , Pres. Board'of Trustees. ALIIE7 Ch ARK, Secretary. •Mansfield, Dec. ,202, 1864. Notice, Gnu tNieFotter CO Pa Aug ~1, 1863 OTICE is hereby given that Charles Be -shot', now or late of this county, holding the following described property, has not yet paid-any cocipidetatiott whittever fcr the saw, anti iltpersonsitieleraby warned not to pur chase any of said property of the said Bust= before the decision 'of . the Court is given in this case and ' d.',l3CishOi - has paid to me the consideration money therefor. • Thejollowing_ia. the,prciperty : • Ist:- . Atertaia iract of land near the Ger ' mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott townstip, Rotter county,. Pa., containing 100 acres.— =OAP .4.o63oXptraut 5078 and adjoining the abOve; 2nd. A certrin tract of land, with Milland iropyoyments thereon, 'near Kettle Creek, in lirarranesBl9, in Stewartson township, Potter • county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Bushor holds also in trttir 2501, in Gaines township, Tiogit county, Pa., on the road leading-from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres.' : ' - *-- tf WM. RADDE. Adininistrator's Notice. NuitlEN3ll/5, Letters of Administration to VV - the estate of WILSON CARSON, late ofi Allegany township, Potter county, dec'd, brive been granted to the subscriber, all per sans indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agniast the same will present them, duly atithenticated, for settlement to • ; RUDSOI3 HENOR - YA Adn2'r. ' Allegany, Aug 30,-1864' • DOOR AGENTS. WANTED! MO sell by subscription, with sample, excel leghPep?lar.,lllu.stratedlantilr Works. A:4M Ilieile-Jetijew.,picealiStOßY of the REBELLION, of which over forty thousand of Vol. 1, have already been sold. It is a good business for ex-Soldiers, and others out of employment. • Also, for sale to'Aiedlers, Merchants, - and Agents, Stationery Packages, Battle Scenes, Portraits 'and other pictures for "the Times," War daps, beautiful Album Cards, Currency Molders, etc. For Circulars, with iariiculars and iiirmst-addi ess ßENß-Y BO E, ~ - No. 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, 0. • ° Estate of George Eat& bee d. • E 104%. ktteigta ddioinistratien;:on IF V the estate r of Geo tstes, late of He irron township, deed. lave been granted to *bit undersigned, notice is 'hereby given to all persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate to call and rrettleimmediafely and those having claims to fre`seht;theiii ?Or payment. POLLY ESTES, Administratrix. Hebron, Nor. 22, 1864 6t 11911 IE CONFESSIONS AND ( EXPERIENCE . Al INVALID.. I . Published for 'the - benefit and - ria . a caution to young men and others whO suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Man hood, tn., supplying at the same time the meads: of self-cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing,.considerable quack ery. By encloiinvi.:Posfriaik'nildilssed-en velope, single copies may be had of the author • NATIEfANIEL SiAYFAIR, Esq., • - Aropp, Kiage Cc. l ”. N 1 T. 4.1 i• . Admirogtrattirefi No+ e: J. WHEREAS Letters of Administeation to the estate of B. JENKINS, late of Shippen, township, Cameron county,dee'd, have been , treated to the SubSeriber, all moons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having elaiMs apinst the same will present them, duly an-, theatieatud,lor sEttrementie; =t . : • JACOB JENKINS, Adm'r. Coudersport, 0ct.25, 1864, ' • HIIXT'SBLOOM OF ROSES ,—for the tLa 41,414-44)..C7t t ' STIOBINS' „-, STEBI3INS A: Co. are closing np an 1• ,old Ledger. All persons indebted to thep . Will please eaIF. m 44 settleitz,hefore the aeiounti arelett wily the propet officer for Collection —Noy'r - „ , =WM Unquestionably t est sustaina - ?cor of the kincliin;tht World." HARP REll7 i 1101ITTIEstlik GOINE, ' - ewar,44l,2trpvceo. irerii. 1 t; It is the TorernostMagaz ne of thtdayi The fireside never bad ai more' delightful pm*: ion, nor the million it MOreentetpriaing friend than Harper's Magazirte.— , OrthodistPrefrstreif (Baltimore.) ' 11 i' ' 1 e l The most t in r popalsAonthly he World.— NeioXiA E pb.,,i,-„,..! .. .:,; ~, , 1 , , i A ; Vire'llittSt; 'refer: fri'termitlof -eult)gy to the high tone and variedillences of Hanna's MAGAZINE—a I . 'ortrnal , rit aimonthly , cicala tion of about 70,000 coplesHn whOse pages are to be found some of e choicest light and genertilyeading oTthe a l` , I ' We speak of this lir work-its an.iiidence of 't eAtrierican PeoPiej; and. the popularity, it has acquiredls merited. Each number contains fully 144 pages of read ing matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood-cuts; and it combines in itself the racy monthly and , the , ihore philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of thkidaily journal ' ilt bail great power in At disserrariatioeuf weave. of, pure-literature. • I, Trubner's 'Guide to i.eimirican Literatuse,Lonadyi The volumes boned constitute of themielves a library of misCellaneaus reading such as can I not be found in !the same compass fit aay other publication - 1 that has coins unffidr olir notice.—Boston.Courier , t -• • • • I I=---"-_, 1 ' SUBSCRIPTIONS. , ple,Publisherefhil ve perfected a system m of mailing by which' they can supply the if.soa- ZINE and Wunkly promptly to those w* pre-, fer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Pubbc' ation.' The postage on Oitrit'S Msgazias is 24 ets a year, which must be 'paid at subscriber's l post-office. ' --- . TEBMS: Harper's Ifagazine, one year $4 00 An extra. copy of either the Magazin'ebr Weekly will be stipplied grads for every Club of. Ave Subscribers at $4 OD each, 'in one remittance ; or Sint Copies for $2O 00.. 1 ' BackNiimbers cawbe snpplied at any time - A Complete. Set, now: comprising Twenty one Volumes,. in,neat, clbth binding: will be sent by express, freight at'expense of the pur chaser for $2 25 per volume. Single volume:, by mail, post-paid, $3 00. i Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, - by: mail, post paid.. Address HARPER &.13.ROTTLERS, Franklin Square, - New York; !The Paper for Every -Family Circle . S. ED FOR; A. SPECIN . ". 131111 SHED 7WEEkLY. The Sunday-School ITuriee, With a rapidly aucreasing subscription list and the welc;ine - it has" met in ithousands of homes, the Sinzday School Times 'is aliout to enter on its eventh'.year. , • , Fvery successive volume, adds, to the evi dence that such a paPer as thig was needed, and wherever: it ,'finds iti3 way into a new neighborhood; it is I hailed with pleasure. by Parents and Teachers as supplying a want they had long felt. The Sonday ~S c4ol Times contains .. Ifrom Week to; week,l.,stirritig inclderits of '-interest from. the Camp, the Field, and the Hosintal ; showing what Aerrop Christian,. fortitude tend endurance are exhibited by our brethtten in arms. It is entirely undenominationali, and is therefore welcome at every leyal Christian fireside '. .1 Etqly in Novel :Ober "a serial i of. absorbing interest, will bO,eoiarnenced from the pen of a gifted author, one'wbo has written some of the best juvenile books that have. heel:II-pub lishe for, the past ten years.' ", — The. piiblisheil 'offer beautiful PreMium Plate of r.Cnrist-Blessing Little Children" to any one - Who will get-up a Fire new Subscribers for the Sunday Schhol Thnas. • 'Send._ for aspecimen copy, which will be mailed free 'receipt 'of a stamp to.: pay postage . S. C. GARRIGITES & CO., Pcddishets and Booksellers,. 148 S. Fourth St.; Philadelphia, Pa. 'A . OO3IPUTE PICToRIM,HISTpRY OF THE' TIMES.? '.'The Best,C l tind , inest Success ful Paper the Union. HARPER'S WEEKLY, EPLFNDIDLY;ILLUTRATED. CriOcat Notices of tle'lP'ress.. - o ‘Tbe,best(Faially i'apsr published iia the United States."--Neth LondOn 4dvertiscr. "The Model News Paper of our country.— cumplete in all the. Departments of an Amer ican family:Paper—E4rper's ViTeekly has earn edlor itself IL right to its title .l'A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATION lq--Ar. r'Evaiin g Post. ~ LTLI is paperftirnislies the best illustrations. Our future hiathrlard, will ehrich I theinselves out of Harper's Weekly lone afteriwriters,and `painters, and publishers are turned to dust." —New ( fork Evangelist. ,--{ • - ' I A necessity in every hotisehol,d."--.Voston Transcript.. • • ' • - "It is at once a leading political and histo rical annalist of the nation.":--nr-Press "The best Of its class in America"—Boston Traveller. SUBSCRIPTIONS.: 1865. • i• The Publishers have , perfected a system of mailing by which they ; can supply the MAGA ZINE and 1V4141C promptly to those who ,pre fer to receive their periodicals directly, from the'Office Of:Publication. Pusimasters and others desirens of getting up,Clubs will be supplied with a handsome pictorial.show-bill on applicatiOn. This postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be,paid at the,swbgriber's post office. TERMS HeurEis W'sz4r,r, one'year $4 00 An Rim Copy of either,. the Weekly or Maga. ; sine will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers ats4; 00 eoh, in one remittance; or Sir Copies for $2O 00. Back Numbers Can be supplied "at anytime. The Linnet. Vidames of Harper's Whekly, is neat'clotkblnding,will be Sent by express, free of expense, fir $6 coat. A 'complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, ssnt on receipt. of cask at thCiatii:of stfoo..per 7, vol., freight ht expense of purchaser. Address, HARPER & EiROTHERS, Franklin Square; New-York:' OL.EAN '4CADEZILIt: " • The Fall Ter? will commence August 31st 1864 and continue thirteen weeks. _Tuition .froms4:oo le sB:oolieiterini 'Board can be in the Principal's family. Rooms for self-bdifdluglchn• _be thi Aca n demy. Buildings at $3:00 per F. WILDMO, AL Di Principal, assisted by ether''' Teachers :',4! 1-1 :A Teachers . !, Plass" v.;111,14 - organized for the histructiOn'of teachers in profession, in which - Holbrook'S . Nerthai Methods - and other valuable lads *ill balm& Er. F•'• ,RART r atTresidenti STABLit DUSTlN,ecritar,,,- , ~~i~.~ -A-T Min . . . OTA B _ 7 , Ed /li) . s . . =I YOUR atttention is i irivitcd t h e large and 1. attract:lvo stock- just, received, and for sale as tow anth'e - stinikAtih - litioscpq be bought ii4Where'bitha county; • • -We Nava on hand a larke and Varied as eortnient'of Domestic Cottona, - comprising, ,BROWN SHEETINGS, and 01.13.71.NG5; 81.t.Q.CHED'atutuNs, - - - Dgainas,_ STRIPES, TICKINGS, and • COTTON FLANNELS, on which we cannot be riddemold: e PYre.hAse. one goods for. Cash and offer them at very small advance; PXOELL • C . ' : ; ,FLANNELS. I F yon want to Purchase < RED, • _ --BLUE,'or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At °Ousted's. DREBB GOODS; DELAINES, • BROCHE ' and - • WOOLEN SIIAWS • 1100DS, BONTA GS, NUBIAS, BALMORAL . SKIRTS, cLarns and CaSSIXERES,: a full supply At Olmsted's. CLOTHING: • IRON T fail to ca I before purchasing and 1, see the assortment . . BOOTS & SHOES VOR Man, Women & Children, in great va riety and cheap. For - Molasses, Syrrip, Sugar, Tea arid Coffee in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLMSTED'S A full assortment:jf almost everything that is kept in a country store' ri hand; We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfactiOtt and sell good articles at the lowest living profit. AT OL4STED'S, Wantrit. Grain of all kinds, , • Batter, Wool, - Sheep Pelts, Furs =1 Deer Skins. . • Also, County, i l'ownship and*School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be.paid. , •, , At Oltritited 9 s Coudersport, Pa . ,l4ov'r 18 nu 1864 Brings many a change, therefore I have con cluded to change my system of doing business and I shall hereafter sell for CASH or, E'RODUCE, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, r DRIED BERRIES; &o. N, my stock of Groceries I have -a choice I assortment of TEAS,- GREEN, BLACK, 1 and 'JAPAN SUGARS,' ' ' MOLASSES, SALARATUS, - - - COFFEE, , Also, PREPARED COFFEE !MUSTARD, PEPPER, 8r4., &o have's goed stock (bought so that I am enabled to sell at prices current before the War) of ' , • PRUGS, and , _PATENT - MEDICINES, ,Also, KEROSENE OIL. I YANKEENOTIONS, FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, and ' . ,; PERFUMERY, are-still kept. ' • - FLOUR,'; . PORK,;: • .10. AL of all kinds. And many other thi n gs too numerous-to • mention kept - constantly on hand and still sold - for ' • !IGEsA PROFIT r than over even before ,offered to, this. market. E - K SPENCER . Jan. 20, 1864. , •-• • - rj . A. FRENC H'S,: OELEBRANEWITONIO BITTERS ARE becoming the most populat•Medicine 3n clieulationfei the cure.pf -LIVER CIOIPIJAIN't, IrgtESPSli, 'JAUN DICE; DEBISMY.',„IIF—THR-NMOUS—." SYSTEM,, and NEARNESS:WI& •.1 :STOE . ApaIind.DGESIIVt; ORGANS: , I: , It It is also gaining. aLgruat reputation is the ' • - Principal . ()Pc?, 0 - 4dersport; Podia Co., Ps. - • 'VW- - - FOUZID tronoutsr 44:4114;01" Ad.thnt orbit; not s joyo s flee been Lhg exelatea.r, tion of'tho a who have found Trip PQE I where ,Gl3 DS;can be purchased I ,YIFTF,EN or:±WISNT PER_ CENT. beloiitile market-, i. Wa,s - - pricei 811 things, .are Goods : th thas'm stn, With our s owing co 'DEAR cue a cro gerons another e The foil arge assd The atten stock ofll Drab and' previous t low as ptH Blact, Gr Casetwer Tweeds, the very best quality at, _ _ • ouiming Goods a 3 Black S . ;Alpacas, Empress Cloth, Bomba zine, Delaines e Rep Cloths, and Black and Purple Gods of various kinds:at JO.N.ES' At Olmsted's Heavy S five-guar and She bleached At Olmstedls Barred / Skirts, Lawns a Dimity with or Hoods, Childre sleeves For Chi white a of Fan Gents' bough , silk mi for wh Wome plain, Girls' and w, 1.50' EM2I For L Luton fine D For L ands elega Of d... estic l and :forlign manufacture : We can sure our patrons that we believe our stock thiss-spring to be more attractive In this OE HONEY SYRUP, With 40 ha vatic Teas,West Stani I Clot itnd gs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints,'ind Dye Stuffs, White-Lead in Tin sans,Alcobol, Camphene, Serosene,Lamp and amp Fixtures. Glass,lPatenti Medicines, Cbethicals, Botanical Herbs, Peifurnery,Fancy Soap and-, Toilet articles, Gum, 'Hair, Ivory add Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine. assortment of Flavoring &tracts, Pens Ink and Paper, and Liiiseed Ojl---raw and boiled, at • ' ' JONESI LE Of e aato Oey tam HA WA SAS, eve" world `moved ic-ite et find them as represented. Two 'to be consideired prirebitsb4 , ,Quality and tbe Price; per- , yang both, can be bette.r satisfied ck tlyn any oth@r in thisloF•ad,: ties. Think twice befire bßing Nowzs your iime l pro -1 . - • D ARTICLE. "Delays an dau- - • sometimes fatal." Donl wait for !orinons advance in Goods. wing ,is but n payti4 on tinent :Merinos • on of the Ladies is called to the rinims,Black,llrown, Bine, Maroon, 1" bite. Some of these were bought . the rise and will be sold nearly .as i sent wholesale prices at' JONES' ' Ladies Clpth _ .y, and Fancy Colors at JONES' Boy's ,Wear Striped, Checked, and Plaids entuclg4eana and Cottonades o Domestics eetings, three•qUaiter, four-quarter; r, fine unbleached ; Pillow Case ;Ling Muslin, Shirting,.Ten 7 quarter forsheets at - • JONES' White Goods uslin, Plain Jaccnet, Cambric for 'Os Linen, Swiss Muslins, Nainsook laid, striped or plain, and',Bishop JONES' Embroideries ands, Ladies Collars, Undersleeves without collars at JONES' Woolen. Goods • ith tabs or, points, for Infanta and MissOs and Ladies; Nubia's, Udder nd eips at 1 "JONES' Prints-, Idren, Blurting ?Hats, plain black, d biack,blue and white , and all kinds 'y, at. - • JONES' I - Cloths tlack Broad Cloth, excellent quality before thee rise. - Cassimetes ; black ed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped, fid Plaid ,in fancy colors, and Cloth .le suits at JONES' Hosiery • ..'s wool ribbed, cotton: ribbed, ccttn 1 oloredl and White, plain o fleeced. ..hite, i lt Mixed, WOO 'or -t.rowly cotton, 01 bal oral stockings. - 1 . I : Mena' home an 1 city-mad . ..i. all sizeX, white or mixed, at'JONES' 1 Glov,es dies, t anotlet and Hand Gloves, Km I. Cott° . , Plain andFleeeed Silk. Gent l iving e loves, Cassimerep, at JONES' Shawls . . .ies ; hsplierd'a Plaid,.Broche,, Long flare, 'oolen Plaid • igreat•cariety of color, at ;:JONES':; IDelaines an ever before Balrn.oral Skirts ' only two -breadtbs i -making it necessary 1. a but two Seams ip a full skirt, in agreat ,y at JONES'.. Groceries Sugars, Choice Syrnp, Good Coffee, India and Dandelion ."offee; Rice Corn 1 , , Farina, Cocoa, Jo., at JON S' I Brushes '• ,Tooth, Nail,Hair, Hat, Paint, Varnish Mist Brushes at • • JOI!iES' Clothing and Men's at Bootsand Shoes ery l description and the best quility, at fishing low prices at:-JONES'.,; Wall Paper g Paper, Transom Paper, Window Cup. Borders, Tassels - Find:Fixtures, at: ,DWARE, WOODEN-WARE; WILLOW NAILS, IRON;- PLOWS, WINDOW FLQUE; .PORK, and , FEED; in ,fact; thine that the people need.9ni, he had at 11 ':J ONES' , .trhich.will be sob' at the lowest rates CqUIVIIRY-PRODTICE TABEIf ITT = /1 - • r kgrGBANG.t..., , ;.;,a CiiidiziportiPa., Jane ' 16132 r. •••.••••4„..... irOivittaneestry .12;iffer Oriole on reasonableterms and fF 4 kfriale; ONE TA13M7446 Acres-46 Clesi - cd ONE FAVI-1285 Aliies4Bo'Cleared i g eo-3.5 .Clcared ONE ; FARM !-:-800 Acre —5 Cleired And lots..of other Berme and Land. Seale monerniay be regeired - dort. 2 - lLucteiti , lll1 4 4. BirooVarid, Pa., Jab- 2,'64 tr Having secured the services of. COVP 3 URWr • , BLACESMITII of twenty years experience in .Eng d and Ametlea. lam preparedto fuinish rmers and travelers'with'. the best of. Itokse"and ox,Shoeing, Shlngre,ptives i l?.utcher Knives Sm.., promptly • L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brookland, Potter Cog Pa. formerly called ,Cushingville. May 25, 1864. AT J. 'QLAIWINED'S . : - TORE can always be r found the best o S Cooking,'Box and Pa;lor • S " I.OV Also, ,TIN and SHEET •IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, 'and CAULD 7 RONS: - 'Also AgiAcultur Vero:- .si• such as PLOWS, SORAPLRS, CITLTIVE TORS, ; CORN-SHELLERS,HORSE-EAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. 1 11 1 ' ' HIS WORK . 1, 1 is well made and the material 'good. 1 Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS pet up ikr any part of the Couniy—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including , bash, seldom refused; , • 1 . I • 1 t) Store on Blain Street positeithe Ol d Coutt House, , Coudersport. ' Aug. 1, ,180 L-50 1 1 I JONES' PUTNAM Clothes Winger Will wring any puczs : 55.50,56.00, and '.$E.OO • l a . I , • P. A. Stebbins Bg.. .• ants for. Potter county.—Jan 25, iBG3 P. A. STEB.M. & Paying the highest price in 50,000 POUN DS.WA Coudersport, June 28, 1884. I% A. Stebbins & • A RE AGY,NTS for the sale of /IL WHEELER i& WIISON'S SEWING MACHINES for Pottd County Nor'r 18,'63 13R4 VENITIAN LINIMENT ing AS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFA C • 11 ITION during thel fourteen years it has been •introduced into the United States.— After' being-'tried by, millions, it has seen proclalmed the pain destreyer otl.he world. Pain cannot be where this 'liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. ;1 For colds, coughs and influenza, it beret be iheat. One 25'cerit bottle will cure all the , abOve, besides being useful in every faniily for sudden acci dents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, inhect stings, Icc. It is perfectly innocent to take internally,- and can be .given to i l the oldest person •or youngest child. 'Price r 25 and 50 cent, bottle. Office, .5q Cortlttndt Street, New York. Sold by alledroggistl'. JONES' f' ASH PAID FOR BUTTER, :'by. E. K. Spencer ROW LOST HOW RESTORED ! . , Just published, a new edition of Dr. CatverwelPs Celebrated Essay on the -radical-Cure - (without , Medicine) of . PERStATORIIIIOEA, or Seminal WOaknecs, In voluntary. Seminal losses, Istrornsor, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedintents to Mar. nage, etc. , also, Ommumenos, EOLEPSY and Fyn; -induced by self-indulgenee or sexual extravagance.'*- • • - • sarTrice, in a sealed envelope , . 0n1y,6 cens. The. celebrated anthor in . this, admirable essay :clearly 'demonstrates, . *Om . a thirty years successful practice; that the alarining consequences; of p elf -abuse May be radically cued withont the dangerous .use of internal medicine or the application of !I the knife-r -pointing out a mode ,Of chre, at bnce simple. certain and 'effecutal,-by means bf which ev ery sufferer, - ,'no, matter ,whatl hs condition , may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicall:y ge-Thl/1 - Vecture should be in the bands of every youth' end every man in the land: Sent, _under. seal, in a plain entielope, to any address post-paid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the. Pubitshers. OBAS.;T, C. KLINE .it CO., 127 Bowry, No*York,Post ofiiCe box 458.6 "OA.Ts OATS ! OATS WANTED j 1 Iwill pay 80-064 •1 - 1ChMt for: OATS delivered* m y Storsin Millport B. S. COLWELL. ' JONES' Dec /9, 18647 ' ASOILE'Q ti 1" uea 011_ nquire at IVEBBINS' =I al 7.m from a sin to Thread to /lag frou. a Bed-Quilt. , ARE 1 1 1 CASH WOL! TED! MANHOOD ,: Wis ; wee i Ira lurks %Rations of of men. It !fleet of is ..hi z ., au in riPged date • toed hriterein . lienduell in. \tAttlArustairt Fcfs in their fictMlb, and ke system to :disorder"' and _ decay. The scrofuleus eel:nomination is va rionsly, cat:tied.. by mercurial - 'dieease, low living, disordered-digestion , from unhealthy filed, impure . air,' filth • and 1116Y:habits, the ' •depreasing vices, and,' above 4 al),,by the venereal. infectiall' , ',' Whatere.r. - -.l* - ' its origin, it is• hereditary% in the ,constitution, descending "from parents te , claldren;nnto • - the third and Aittrth.geneintiert; "-indeed, it • seems to be the rod of H'im, whe says, %4 will visit the iniquities ofoe, fathers upon their Children." ''.The diSeasesl i ' it Originates .take various: , names, according to the Orgitirs it • attacks. - -pit the lungs,- Scrofula , producer bibercles;' and - ftnally Consumption;. in 'the glands, swellings' which:l:Suppurate" tud'be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and - bowels, -derangements which' *duce bidi- . -geStiort, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the ' same remedy,NiZ., purifiCation and invigora tion of the blood. For t ify - the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With . feeble, foul, or correpted blood, you cannot have health; with that i` life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot:have scrofulous disease , Ayer's Saraspasille, • i is compoundedfrom the most affeetnatanti- dotes that medical science has disenvered for this afflicting distemper,land for the cure of the disorders it entails. That' it is far nape, rior to any other remedy yet devised, is I. known by all who hare given ,it a trial: That 1 it does Combine virtues truly extraordinary-1 in their effe6t, upon this class of complaints,; is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases: lanes Evil, .br Glandular 'Swellings, Tumors, , . Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, - Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberctilous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or IndigeStion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, kercurial Diseases, Female Wealaesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints tlitit arise front impurity of the bloodi. Minute !reports of individual cases may lbe found in. AYER'S AMERICAN Auiux w, wbich is furnished to the druggists 1 for gratuitops distribution, wherein maybe i learned they directions for its use,. and some 1 of the renjarkable cures which it has made I when all .Either remedies. bad failed , to affortt relief. Those cases are purposely taken from allsections of the count in order that ever t reader may have access to some one telta,ctan speak to him of its benefits from; personalexperience. Scrofula depresses the vital eneri , ies, and thus leaves i victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are', healthy constitution.. Hence it tends to .)shorten, and does greatly shorten,. the average duration of hum n life. The • c is vast importance'' of these consi erations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy Which is adequate to its cure. This we now' offer to the public under the name of ATER'S. , SARSAPARILLA; although it is coinposed of ingredients, .some of which exceed the best. of Sarsaparilla in almrative power. By its• 4 . aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of, these disorders. Purge out the foul' corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease,. and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtues ibis remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels 1 the distempers which' lurk within the systCm or burst out on any part of it. 1 We know the public have been 'deteived by many compounds of S arsaparilla, that promised much and did:nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor, disappointed s in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun thint-trml, and there remains no question of its .., passing exceller.ce for the cure of the Billie g di.seafe - s - it is intended to reach. Alth. gh under the same name,- it is a Very ' different medicine from any other which. has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been 1 available to them. 'i for CHERRY PECTORAL The World's. Great Itenaedy. rot- Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con ' sumntion, and for the relief of Vonsumptice patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has lwen. so long used and so.uni versally known, that we need, do no mime than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the - hest ittver bas been; and that it tnap be relied on to do all it has ever done.' Preparedly .1)n. J. C. AYER & Co., . j Practical and Analytical Chenziatir, Lowell. Mass. ,Sold by all druggists every where. Sold by C. S. & E. A. Jones, Coudersport. Chappel pros:, tlyssesn - Sirnmoes, Oswayo. - Vann h.- Nichols, 'llllpoO. Colwell & Co., Roulet, and by Dealers everywhere. . SAPONIFIER ; • ?.Or Concentrated Le Family Sdap Maker. WAR makes.high prices ;!. Saponifier' belpsfe• reduce them. Ii makes SOAP for FOUR cte. a pound.by using your kitchen grease. :IRV-CAUTION ! As spnrious Lyes pscof,-- fered alsO, be , careful and only -buy' the- PATENTED alfticle put np in Iron cane, ,all others being COUNTERFEITS. PENNSYLVANIA. SALT b/ANUF44.C701030 I PIII.6ADELPEITA—No. 127. Walnut Street. PITTSBURG--Pitt Street and Duquesne Way CDSter / 1 3 Veilnine EXte rTI3 ittatlll" • . , For Bats, Me, Roaches , Ants, Bed.l3ngs, Moths in Fars, Woolene, &c. Insects on Plants, Fcyls, Animals, &c. • • • • 7 Put up in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes. Bottles ? and Flaslss, $3. and $5 sizes forßotels, Public Institutions, &c. . oOnly infallible remedies known." : "Free from Poisons." , "Not dangerous.to the Raman Family." - , ‘ , Rats come' out of their, holes to ***Sold Wholesale; in all large cities. • * *Sold by;all Druggists and Retailers where.) •*** I I I Beware I I ! °fall worthless imitations.' * * *See that "Coszsa's". name is oiseaelt&l, - , Bottle and Flask, before von buy.- 1. •i. x .*Address Henry Costalv. - • * * *PrinCiPat Depot 4132 Broadwahli: Yx * *Sold by F h P. A. STEBBINS As.•Ctr.,,lL , ,' • Wholesale & *Retail Agents, tJoudersportrs. .E S >_"ZER'S
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