0 Mft._ . 1 r!.: -_ , .. Tj * *. 5.7-300 LOAN. I . i ..- * ' ' l • The Secretary f lre'Prbasury gives notieg that subsariptions will be received for Coupon.' Treasury Notes, payable from Aug. 15th,1061 : f with semi-annual interest at the rate of seve and three-tenths per cent. per annum,--1 rin.- cipal and interest both to be paid in laWful ni ast(teffl luiplitfablelityt trikri Of the. holder at ma arty, into .." 'Per . 14.. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than fivpi nor more tiff& twenty years from their datd,l as the Government may elect. They will b issued in4c,ifiii•sAsol)l $lOO, ssoq, $l,OOO. atediV;oou, 41.,,Wolbriptions must be for fifty dollars or some 'multiple of fifty dollars. ' 1 The notes will be transmitted to the owner? free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt-of-the original• Certificates of DO posit as they can be prepared. „ fi As the notes draw interest frord'August 16 , ; • persons making deposits subsequent tothat date mastay the interest accrued from date s i - of,nolgto 1-',' , ,I sit' :A q Ives ep: i .rt*efftylit'e tlfoissan dollars and.uptvards for these•notes at any ong time n ill .be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the recel4 of t i he bill for the amount, certified to by this Vtlficer rillithYvahiiiiirtheiSdeptisit netti.efiaetasi No tideratietibttioltirt etimnitssiiittai Must 'ic;se - Ainade 4061-4tliedePosits.iii :1•1• , ofi Ta. 4 te •n6t ~) % _;,,,i; SPECIAL AD reINTA GES of this --le(Ms. It is a National Savings Bank, offering it. higher rate of interest than any other, and `i the best-security. Any savings bank whiatt' pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best cirCulating me.' 7 l -din m of te,eb uotin and , it cannot pay in any,- thing bettgOoOwn f/i?titi l i ttre either in government securities or to no es or bonds payable in government paper. i It is equally convenient as a temporary or' permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their, face and accumulated interest, and are' the best securittlii,banWas collatterals for' discounts. ~- Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bon i d.' In addition to the yery::•liberal..•intere.stAin the notes for three 'years, this Privilgge7of conversion is now worth about three pertent. for the current rate loy,t,s,s.o„,pois.is'not less than nine per cent. prcniiwn, anthefOrellM war the premium on six. per cent. U. S. stocks' was I over twenty per cent. i 4, a' in, be seen that the actual profit °lf thiS lel*, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per .annum.i 1 Its Exinviori from kkaa'or , Municipll Tazationj But aside from all the advantages we havgi enumerated. a special Act of Congress er r .' ,tetitfifirogtrlLsl4l,ol fildg:reasnry notes front local , ' lazation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two percent. per annum,•acceirdr • ing to - the rate of taxation*varigla: parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so_great inducements to lenderatas those 46110 by the ,government. In' all Othei" for4rA.of'intiebted mess, the faith or ability of private parties, or :stook. companies, or svyarate .communitieS, •ontk, isideqedAdr4uynteth,t.vadle the whole I property of the country is held to secure the - .discharge of all the obligations of the United ,States. - ~'-:. •:,. t•_ci ~.....:.• ' While thegovernment offers the mostliberal Berms for its loans, it believes that the very .5 trorigif:ii,ffteall'Aill 'be to the loyalty I and . patriotism of the people. -' Duplicate certificates will be issued for all •depo.sits.„, l 'l'?,e party, deposding must endorse: upon' the'drigfahl certificate the denomination' of notes required, and whether they are toile issued in blank or payable to order. IC'heat -9%.4dotsed it must be left with the officer re halving the deposit, to be forwarded to they Tieiisury Department. f - ' % S4bSeriptiOnS will be received by:the Trens- wet', of the United States, at Washington, the sc - ral Assistant Treasurers and designated [.. Depositaries, and by the 1, First Ntipitakßattk of Philadelphia, Pa. First N'sitioa'aflititi'lt; of Danville, Pa. O. •,;•:-.lt•Nti.tio,rtal Bank of Erie, Pa. 'l 7 Trt islttidnal Bank of Pittsburg,, Pa. •nnti by all National Banks which are diTosi- . taries of palate money and •.. All Respectable mono , and Bankers: througheut the country will give farther in formation and Afford every facility to Subscribers. [l.s:lm]_ ~., • .., ~.. -, I .• .. • PA., STATE NORMAL SOP,OOI, ~IIASSFIELD; TIOGI. CO, Pal, THIS INSTITVTION 'AS .26 , 2111Aire449t1ta" &ate - uthorities -- in Ato 1";-- • " econtkrllB62: • 1 - ' AS A State No - r - rnal. School, And formally Ope; as such in September 1863. The School Is cielingth places upoh a se cure- basis—the State appropriation of the current =year enabling the Trustee to extin luish the greater portion of the oulstendiug amd t .to make extensive., Improve, raVkts-,44A the;buih t liegs,apct 'tfrOnds.4 ' Th e'Seebmi . 'SehOol - Tiai . ;teat' i."Oinmence on Monday, September 5, 1864. Prof. F. A. ALLEN . , for the past six years in f.harM of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal 8i1500,.14 V,kinorpalit . ul Prof. 'Fittmat'• snYiece64 k•aulizsaniii.instiin tion, has been appoiiited to the Professorship of Languages and . Literature. It is desirable that students should enter nt the commencement of a term, and fora period .of ncit less 11341), th,istAnmeks. Tuition, in advance per term, • $6.00. No extra charges for the laguages or the higher math ematics. Text books rented at reasonable rates. Vocal and instrumental music at teachers' prices. Boarding in the hall, or in private farailies,from $2 500 $3.00 per week. Fare from Philadelphia, $ . 8.50 ; from Harris burg, $6,00. W. . RIPLEY, Pres. Board of Trustees. .4LBERT CLARK, Secretary. I Mansfield, July, 20, 1864. OLE= ACIAD,ELAY.,,, The Fall Term will commence August 31at 1864 and continue thirteen weeks. Tuition from $4.00 yp,,s'lo,l3,per term. a Hoard can be t k o,sc a , ft,44P4irie;ittal's ::fitailY.:t itooms for self-botihling eaii tie hricl t in the' Acadethy Buildings at $2.00 per term. B. -IVILDMAN, A. M. Principal, assisted - , by, other i Teache,rs.... „ • ' • 'A. Teachel . stVitiss' Will he organized for tho Instruction of teachers in their profession, in which Holbrook's Normal Methods and other valuable aids will-be used. , ':`,, ,:.: I ; '...: tl L a . F . i . 3, MAlLTlN; , l4esidetit: , ' STI%NLY MARTIN, Secretary.. Administrator's Notice. I• AVIIEREAS, Letters of Administration 10 Aho,e.state of—WILSON, C ARSON, late of rotter':connty, bare been granted to the subscriber. all pet- sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediato,paymentorad those having claims against the same will present them, duly authentiett,ted r . for settlement to • 'HUDSON HENDIIIT, - Adm'r. i Allegany, Aug. 30, 1864 33=2 Dr. Etooiland's German 'I ittersi tta .;ria - 75 par "or Dr. C. M. Jackson, rifilada.Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURB • lIIX..FSSQXFP-XF.; • hi ;,t z.e,r r. , r- 2 • • = - • 4 1. AUNDICE I Chronic or Nervous Debility; Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising fromrkdisarder,ed Liver or Stomach, Such t e., Lpiiird'ilifes, Farness or Bloat?) t HeactAc ditY the stomach,. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Ful ness or s weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, SWimming • of the Head, Hurried and Difli.. cult Breathing, Fluttering at th'eXcei.rt,Cbok ingiiir,Sbirocatin&sonsations•tchen'at ly ing Piisare, Di'inness of Vision, riots' or ; , Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull , Pain in the Head, DefiCieney of Per spiration, Yellowness ,of the Skin and Eyes,Paiaiu the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sittiden Flushes of Heat, Burning "in the Flesh, Constant 'magi ning,s of Evil, and great Depressions Qf Spirits, ' HOeFLAITIrSGERIILA.N . BITTERS I Are tioi it new - eh& 'ttitiele; but have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public • and their reputation and sale, are not rivaled by any similar prepara t:on. The proprietors have thousands of Letter's from the most eminent • CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS. PEXSICIA;CS. s and - 'Testifyiiig of their . o.On personal ldowledge to the lienefidial eile'its and meainat viimeso these Diticis. • -• I ' ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OS SOLDIERS We c l an the attention of all hiving relations orjr.leAcia,in the army to thefact that tg.DOOF 7 L MS-Gent:ld ftersil. will ure nine' of the diseases induced by' - ,exposures and privations incident to camp WKS. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on' the arrivtirof the eickilt will be noticed that a very large proportion aro suffering fromde bilityi. Every case of that kind' can be read ily' cured' by' llooffand'S. Gerinan Bitters.— Diseases resulting from disorders Of the diges tive organs are speedily rembved. We have no hesitation in stating that, if if these• Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hun dreds of lives might be .saved that other wise will be lost. We call particular attention to the follow ing rere t arkabrO and *ell authenticated cure 'of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his ownn-llanguage 44 11aS,;bben- saved by the 13itters?'" PHILADELPIIIS, Aug. 23, 1863 MEssitS: Josts & - EN'oss.—Well, gentlemen, your Hoofland penman Bitteks has saved my life. There 1.3 - •no_' mistake ;!in' this:: It is vonchee for , by numbers of my comrades, Sortie of:whoge names ere 'appended; and who Were fu'lly conizent Of all' the eireumitanees "of my - case. I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the iiiimediate corn inand• of Capt; 111. 13. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant•upon my arduous duties, Ilswas - attacked in November last With intlain ation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two day in the hospital. This was •followed by great debility, 11,0ghtened,by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed ftom the :White house, and 'sent to this citpcin board the Steamer "State of Maine," from -which I landed on the 28th of June: Since that time I have been about as low as anyone could be ne r d - still retain a spaik "of vitality: i?Oi• a we-elc or more I was scarcely ; able to swallow anything,'end if I did force 'a morsel dowa, it was immediately thrown up again. •I could not even keeP a glass of wafer on my stomach.' Life could net test under such circumstances; and, accordingly the physi clans who bad been working faithfully, tho' unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the &cad ..rclaer, 'frankly' told ine they ` r emold do llo'cdore.for me, .and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make,sech disposi tion of my limited funds as best suited me. An, acquaintance who visited, me at the hos pital, Mr. Frederick Steinhron, of Sixth below Arch ~Street, advised . Me, .as a forlorn hope, to try..your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. .From the time I commenced tithing them the gloomy shadow Of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting bet= ter. Though I have taken but two bottles, I havctgained- ten, pounds, an I feel sanguine of,being,: to rejoin My wife and . aditgb ter; freid 4tharn, I hale hcard - hothing for eighteen months ; for, gentlemen I am a loyal Virginian, from the•:vicinify of Front Royal.. To your,invaluable Bitters Lowe, the •Certninti of life which has taken the.plate of vague 'ferits--4o your. Bitters will, I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to mein life., Very truly yours, ' ISAAC MALONE. We fully_concur in the trui,fi of the above etittetherit, as _we had desFitir.d 'of seeing our 'e'ornrade, Mr. Malone; restored tO' health. ' John Cuddleback, Ist New York Battery .. George .1. Ackley, Co. C, 11th Lewis Chevalier, 921 New York. I. B. Spencer, ist Artillery; Battery F. J. B. Faelvell, Co. B. 2d Vermont. Ildniy B. Jerome, Co. B, do. • Heniy Macdonald, Co. C, 6th Maine John F. Ward; Co. B, s'tb . Maine. • Herman Koch, Co. H, 72d Nevr.York. Nathaniel B. Thomas. Co. F, 95th Pennl Andreiv J. Kimball, Co. _A, 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 1 Seethatthe,signatnre,of."U. M. JACKSON,'. is on thd Wie.ETEn of each bottle. PRICES: Large Size (holding nearly double quantity) u $l.OO pet; Bottle—half..dor.; 55.00 Small Size-75 cts. pr Bottle—half doz. $4.011 Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not.he put off by Any of the intox iee.ting preparittioni that. maybe:offered in its place, but send to us,' and we will forward., securely packed, by express. PRINCIPALORFICE AND:MANUFACTORY IV9 t 631 Arch Street, 'JONES-4k) EV-ANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON C 0.,); I'KOPRIETORS. . FOR sale by Druggists and Dealers in every tows in tbe.United 'States. 1111;..A.j STEBIp - S..k Co. are elosingup stn 1 . . old. Ledger. All. persons indebted to them will'lease 'call `rind settle, before the sec.:multi:are left with the proper officer for Oollectien.—Nov'r 18,'63 =ESEM=E Winter Goods !I AT 401;;.3STK1)'S' , ;:ligtr-OUR.atttention is invittd to .the large And atir4tive joSe . rceei're ‘ d; and`.foi ii sale as lows the 'Sumo qualities cudbe' hai i ight. anywhere in the county. 3 '' • We hava;or;t:and .a. large, :40 caried sortrnent of Domestic Cottons, comprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED ' • ': • / STRIPES, • CHECKS, TlCl4G3,:and COTTON FLANNELS, on which we cannot be oruier,sold. , We purobaSci onr goods for Cash and offer them'at•a oerp%smiill advance .;17/79.312. Cost. ... • • 'FLANNELS. to varthato - GRAY, ' •' - • , BLUE, or PLAID-FRENCH SHIRTII* , FIANNTkiri, call •-• '' At OlinstedN. • • • . DRESS *GOODS;" - . • • r PRLNTS, . • - WOOLEN'SRA*S, coons, ' • SONTAGS, • , •• • NUBLA.S, ' , • -• • • • BALIIORAL SKIRTS,: CLOTEIS,•and CASSIMERES, •:13. full:supply. .. • ' • CLOTHING. , ON fail to call ,before.pure,liasing and _LP see the assortment .• , - BOOTS St :SIEOES Frrtiet,Ti .i.leliomeaepn - " blldren great vs- At Olmsted's For Arolas es, ,yrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee - , in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLMSTED'S .A.failisortment of almost everything that is kept in"n . country 'Store' oa band. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articles at the' lowest living 'profit. AT °MISTED'S r ~~9~.~~1~. Grain of all kinds, . Butter, Wool, , • • ' Sheep Pelts, Furs Deer Skins: • • ' Also, Corinty) Township and SelfoolOrders, foi •a' of Which the.higliest,twines will be paid 41"0.1nestedIs 'CoudOrspoit, Pa,Noti•'r' ni 1804 Brings Inany a change,.theiefore I have 'con eluded to change my system of dolog business and "shall hereafter sell for. CASH or PRODUCE, • BUTTER, LARD, EGG4', -RAGS', GRAIN, • . DRIED BERRIES, IN my stock of Groceries 1. have Et choice , assortment of TEAS;— GREEN, BLACK, and JAPAN. SUGARS,, . • MOLASSES,. RON.EY SYRUP SALABA.TUS, COFFEE; ,Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, ER/OE •- t • PEPPER Sx &a : , • hate a good stock (tiOught 'sO that I am enabled to sellat4ridis currentheforelhe War) DRUOS, and • • ; . PATENT MEDICINES, Also, KEROSENE • :YANKEE NOTIONS, EXTRACTS, and PERFUMERY, are stall kept. FLOUR, PORK, REAL of all kinds. And many. other things too numerous to nientim kept constantly on hand and will be Bold for , LESS PRO FIT than ever before offered'in this market. :E. K. SPENCER. 20;1864. - - 'Dr, A..FRENCI-I's: CELEBRATED TONIC. BITTERS , A.BE hecorning the most popular Metheme 11, In circulation for the cure or LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN- D/GE, DEBISITY OF TEE .NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOMACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It la ale* gaining a great repntation,in the CURE - of DIPTICERIA. Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa. J —1: /ILO. • EUPt i gl LA i 1 Try . • it.l SAY loqzro 'LTD 714,5 purf,;chtmation..of : the.Atroxicsg: who first am - ark:ad:that !tha,:vrorld3novkd In its • orbit; not less jogous 4cai of:chb.o. -. 4ttio *Lie 'farad ntE abbris, cairlie',la4rchicied FEtrEEPI PER the market aria : yetfled, I,lore as represetted; Two tLinge e're fo be cbnilderid . in puichising Goods :Ake Quality and the Price ; and "por. chasers . studying both, can be better satsfled with our any'other in . this tiy sid- oining counties. Think twice befor:e buying 'DEAR TRASK:" gone is your tiino to pro- Cure a GOOD ARtafiE. , uDelays dna- geions And sometimes fanG." Don't wait Po innther enormous.adyance in Goods. The following is but a partial .list• or.our large assortment r • , . T Merinos he .attention Of the Ladies is ealled.to . tfie stook of Merindes,Black,Broivn,:BlUe, Maroon, Drub and White. Some of these*ere bought Previous to the 'rise and will be siald nearly as low as present wkolesate Pikes at JONES' Ladies Cloth Biact,,Grey, and . FEincy Golors at JONES' Casslmeres, -Striped, Checked, and Plaids ; Tweeds,"Kentucky 'Jonas, and Cottonades of the very best quality at • JONES' At Olmsted's Monrnzng Goods Black Silks,:Alpacas,BinprasCloth, Bomba zine, Delaines, Rcp ,Cloths, and Black and Pnrple Goods of various kinds at 40,1iRS' Heavy Sheetings, three-qnarter, fotir-quarter, Gi•e-quarter, fine 'unbleached; Pllloty, Oase and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting, Ten-quarter , bleaelieiffor sheets at JONES' Barred Muslin, Plain Jacebet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish -Linen, Swiss Muslins, Nainsbok Muslin, plaid, ,striped or plain, and Bishop Lawns at • . JONES' ErriVroidezies , Bimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Kadenleaves with or without collars at JONES'. floods, With tabs dr points, for Infants and Children,•Misses and Ladies ; Nublies; Under. , sleeves.and Caps it. • JONES' Prines - For Children, Shirting' Prints, plain' black, white and black,blue and white, and all kinds Of 'Fancy, at TONES' Gehtebiack Brdad'eloth; ezeelle* quality bought .before ,the rise. , Cassimeies ; black infixed ; black and fancy Doeskin, striped, plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole 'snits at TONES' • • HOSiOl'y Women's wool ribbed, Cotton 'ribbed, cotton plain, colored and white r plain or 'fleeced. Girls' white, brawn; mixed, wool or 'cotton, and wool balnioral stockings; - ' Meng hdroe and city-mike:l. Boys', all sizes;White or mixed, at JONES' 186 For Ladies. Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, Kis Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gent fine Driving Gloves, Cassimeres, at JONES' Shawls For Ltidie's ;'Slieydiercl'a Plaid; Broebe, Long and Sqoare, Woolen Plaid; a greai variety of elegant eOlori at JONES' Of domestic and .foreigri manufacture. We can assure our patrons that \re believe our stecii . this spring to,be more attractive in this line than ever before: JONES' Skirts With only two breadths; making, it necessary to have but two seams in); full skirt, inn &eat variety • JONES' Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good - Rto Coffee, West-Dadil and Dandelion .Coffee, , Rice, Corn Starabi Farina l. Cocoa t L , c4, at • JONES' Brushes • Cloth, Tootb,"NaH; Hair, Hat, Paint, Varnisb and Artist Brushes , ai JONES' Drugs andEancv Articles • Oils, ,Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Cani,Alcoliol Camphene,,Y.eros,nO,l,amp and Lamp Fixtures, GlasS, Patent Medicines,' Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, P,erftimery,Fancy Soap and Toileti articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Couibs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine assortment of. Flavoring Extracts; Pens; Ink and`Pdper, and. Linseed Oil—raw and bailed, at -* • - JONES' Cloth in g Boys' and: Men's at = JONES' FANCY SOA.PS, • • Boots and Sbbes Of every description and the best qnalliy, at astonishing low prices, at,. • 'JONES' , Wall Paper , Ceiling Paper, Transom , P4per, Window Cur tains 'Borders, Tassels mad f Lib:Lies, at J's. HARIWARE,' TCOODRN-WARE, WILLOW, WARE; NAILS, i IRON, PLOWS, - WINDOW SASH, FLOUR, t PORK, and FEED, in fact, everything that the people need:can be had at tTQNES% All of which will be sold at the lowest rates. . COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Coudersport, Pa., June, 1803„ Boy's Near Domestics White Goods Woolen Goods Cloths Gloves Delaines G-roeeries - - 4tW4v,. •:1 • Aoril VhIS itatit tra:Veitii the Northern and Northwest ienintiei-of-TenheYlvanis to the eity:ortii - e;" - on' Late - Erie. - hablAin leasid•tiy'lberPerinsylvania 'Road"-Cipapapy ) ,and:under,their auspices Is 'being rapidly. _opined throughout its. entire I length. • 4 . Itie hi - iiia'for . Pagfeuger and - Freight bit:4 . ll4a trinii4ltirriiburg (214 inilett)'-:on_ the:Bastern , Division, end; from Sheffieldto; Ei1e, 1 478 piles) on the Western Division. , , TZSL2 OF E. - dui : s4En r.upontom • `teiVe'Eastward. Through Mail. Train Leave Westward. Through Mail -Train ' 10 19A. 2d. Cars run ' , through WITHOUT MANGS both sfayi•betiveen Philadelidila and Loek Haven And between Baltimore and Lo . •ck Haven., , ,—,glegapt Sleeping Cars on • Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Balti triore; and Williamsport and". Philadelphia. • Fofinformation respectink Passenger bnsi..- neSs apply E.t..the•S..E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. . ,And for Freight business of the Company's Agents :-- • • • S. B, •Kitigstori, COr.- 13th and Market Sta., Philadelphia. J. W.. Reynolds, Erie. ‘J.. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. 'H. H. HOU§TON, , Gen': Freight dgt. Phira LEWIS L., Hour, - , ,Gen'l Mite: Phil'a. • Jos. D. PopTs, ' • ••: Genl Hanager, TPillieiensport. Rare Chances ! offer.ror sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time ONE FARM l-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM !-235 Acres-80 Cleared ONE FARM !-50 Acres-15 Cleared ONE FARM 1-300 Aeres-5 Cleared And lots of other Farms and Land Some money may be rectified down. Lucien Bird. Brookland, Pa., July 2,'64 tt' Having secured •the services of HENRY S. COWMEN; BLACKSI4I.IIII of twenty years experience in England and . Arrig,rica, lam prepared to furnish farmers and travelers with the best of Horse and Ox Shoeing. Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives &c., promptly L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brooklaud, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Cushingvilte. Kay 25, 1864. AT • . ' 11. J. OLMSTED'S SI9RE can always •be , foupd the best o Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES. Also. TIN and SHEET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS,I FRYING-PANS, SAP ; PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also., • Agrictiltural Implements. such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG TOWERS, kc. . " HIS WORK. is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused.,„c Store on Vain Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.-50 - PUTNAM Chilths' Wringer Will*ring'anything from a single Thread to • a Bed-Quilt. ritic.ss : $5.50, $6.00, and $B.OO. 1 ) . A. Stebbins & Co., •Agentsfo'r,Potter county.—.lan 25, 1863 P, STEBBIDI & Co„. Paying the highest price la CAM. for WOOL! , 00,000 pouN DS WANTED Ceudersport, June 28;1864. P. 4. Stebbins & Co. REAGENTS for the sale of It WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWINC MACHINES•for Potter County • Nov'r 18, 'B3 DR. TOBIAS* VENITIAN LINIMENT ler A S GIVEN 'UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TIONJLI. during the fourteen years it has been introduced into the United, Btates. After being tried • by millions, it has• been proclainied the pain destroyer of he world. Pain cannot he where this liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and influenza, it can't 'be beia. One 25 cent bottle_will core all the above, besides being iisefill'in - every family for sudden acci dents, such as burns, cuts,' scalds, insect stings, '. It isiperfectly.itmocent• to Mite internally, .and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. ". 011lce; 56 Cortlandt Street, Nevir - Ycirk. :ton. by all druggists. • 1)1IINT'g, BLOOM OF ItOSES,--ter the La STEBBM§',7.I = itisteitfes.: infiv. - ~. t.:.:,..., ~: ..:. 1' : 44i , auk o Lill A pure, and pciwerfut Tonic, t orrectivis end, JAIL Alterative of Wiiii - d - i - thiebireb - C -- f - in -drs ease •• bf iti e Stiffixiabh," - aaler zindtlnteeil. Cures, Dfspepsia, LiverCoroplaint,ldeadacht, Gettgal•Debility, Nervousness( Pszession ikf Spirits, Constipation,: Cblie, Itil.e - runitel4 re. cers, Cramis li t ud,Spasins and till • Coriplaitits of either ' Se:x,larising - friiiiii Bail IIY 'Veit knell whether Inticient - in, the - systern - orrOduced by spsliat catises: r • • •••:•• • ~ICothitig thatls not whtlesome•rgentil and • restorative in!its nature nntersibloltherZom. position of Hastetter's Stomach Bitters..lThle popular Preppration contains--no mineral of 'any kind!, no! deadly botanical- elcirient. t no fiery excitant` : ; but it i s ,a:combination pf tim extracts Or Owe balsamic. herbs and plants with the 1 purest and wittiest :of all' diffusive i stimulants. ! I It is well to be forearmed a gainst diseitie, and so far asi (tie Iptuan system can' be Pio tented by huinau means ngitinstorifiladieken rndered by an' nnwliblesonie atmosphere impure iretetvand other external can - SeliFl6l: tet ter's Bitteit may - be relied on as &safeguard. In districth infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible. es ,a pies : et:dive and irriiistihte as a remedy, ,and othousatids who resort to "it under-apprehension of an Ai tack, escapeithe scourge i and thousands4ho 1 neglect to aii - all themselves of its protective lqualftieS in !advance, are cured by, n' 'Eery brief conrselif this marvelous medicine. Fe 4 Or and Ague patients," after being plied "with quinine for months in 'vain, mutillairly sato rated with' that dangerous .alkaloid,- are not I unfrequently restored to health , within - a:few days, by the bsc of Hostetter's.Bitterso i 1 , The weak! stomach is rapidly itOtbraticT , and the appetite restored by this' otephbie Tonic, and hence it worics•wonderi•iritiniis of Dispepsial and in less confirmed forms of Indig,estion . l Acting as a gentle and painless aPperient, 4 Well as upon .the liver, it alto , invariably relieves the, Constipation sepettin duced by iri'cgular action of the , digestive and secretlie organs. ' Persons or feeble habit liable to Nervenis I t Attacl4, Lowness of Spirits and its oflLan guor, find prompt. and permanentrelief from the Bitters. ! TIM testimony on thii - point is most mincliiivc, and from both,sexes. . , .- ' • The ngon,f of Billions Colic is immediately, assuaged by a single dose of .the etimtilent, and by, occa,sionally resorting to it, the return of the Complaint may be prevented. •.... z ,-) As a! Geuirel Tonic; Hostetter's Bitters pro duce effecti which must - be " experienced or witnessed before they. can be fully•apprecia ted. Id cares of Constitutional Weakness, Preruatnre Decay and Debility and Decrepi tude arising from Old Age, it exercises the electric inti 'pence. In the convalescent stages of all disea4es it operates as a delightfulln vigoriMt. When the powers of nature are re laxed./ it operates to re-enforce and re;estab -1 fish di ern.. !• , 1 Last,. - builnot least, it is the eniy l safe, Sam ulent,l being rnannfactnre•d from sound arid innoctious Inaterials, and entirely free • (kin ' the adid_eletn ents present more or less in'till the nr'dinark tonics and stomach ics of the day. The • immense increase in the sale of 11c:sta ter's Bitters, both at home and abroed, - during the past yettr proves that,the world, while ,it obeys; the !Scriptural injunction to "try all things," only "Holds fast to that which is good." Spurious - preparations, like poisonous fungi, are continually springing up,,bnt their chardeter .is soon discovered, and .they, era "flung Mel worthless weeds away*" On the other hancl, a great antidote that performi - all it promise's, and even more than its proprie tors claimed for it on its introduction, "isnot for & clay, )3ut for a/1 time." Nd family medicine has been so unirerially and,fit 11.1314 , be truly added, deservedly popu lar with the intelligent portien of the comma ! nity,' as Hostett - er's Bitters. Prepared by HosTETTEU ' ,IG SMITH,' Pitts burg, Pa.; Sold by' all Druggists, Grocers and Storeikepers everywhere. 210.?.. M SA P ON IFIE OrLeonOentrated_ Le Fatality Soap. Maker. WAR malfes high prices; Saporiifier helps to reduce thtm. It makes SOAP for FOUR ea. a , pciund 13iy using your kitchen grease. LIZ-CSiUTION I As spurious Lycs are of. fered also, be careful and only buy the pA.TENTE:D' article put ap in Iron cans, all others being COUNTERFEITS. - PEPISYISANIA SALT MANUFACTURINIICe, PIIILAIAELPIIIA--No. 127 «Valuut.Sttset. PITTSI3I7:Ra—LFiit Street and Duque:me Way Co staVsTrermin e Extervainat3r 1 For Rats. Nice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in 'Elul, Woolens, &c. Insects =Plants, Fowls, Animals, 4c. _ . Put up in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Tiosts, Bottles, and flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutioits &c. "On!y infallible remedies known." "Fre4 from Poisons." , • ' "Not:dangerous to the Human Family." "Bat,4 come out of their holes to die." * *Sold NI 'holezale in all large cities. ' * * * *Sold by all DruggistS and Retailers every lybele. . . . ** , * , I I . v , Re. are 1 . I r . of al. worthless imitations * * *See that "Cosrait's' name is on each ITos, * B d o d u rbs Bottle Flask, before von buy. * A henry U. Costar, *** *Princ:ipal Depot 182. Broadway, \. r.: * * *Sold by I P. A. STEBBTNS & Co:; ' Wfmlesale & Refill Ag-nts. Coudersport; Ps. MINK 'AND' - GREENBACKS: MO Ranters and TiaPpcis in, Southern Al- JL turd Northern Pennsylvania - be it knoWn, that from this till farther notice, the solOscribirs will pay' FIVE DOLLARS EACH in greenbacks, for all healthy liCing Mink, delivered to them in 'Wellsville. These are now:lworthless for fur, and will remain comparatively so for three or font months, their skins not being prime till ibent the Middle c(f December. Whole litters of 'Zink now pretail.on the tributaries of the Genesee and Allegany, and can be taken in bOx traps. Persons tcatcbing them. have only: to 'keep them ccinfined• in a box well ventilated find kept in 4 cool place, with a_dishof goOdture water titian times in the box,and half a dozen if cauglyt can be brought to market at . once. Mirkedd be ciing,lit much mote, readily now than when the season becomes advanced and Old, and will bring just as good - . pried qy Selling tO. the subscribem. Bring-themalong then, singly or by the dozen, and the money is ready WILLIAM W. COLE, ASHER P. COLE: ~. Wells*ille, July 19, 1864.-4 m... •:: To Road Contractors., ESPFkSIBLE parties able -arid desirous J. 1., of Undertaking the building 'of the ea • tire or apart of a dug road,-(l6i feet wide,) I of from L 2 to 15 rui?•o in the SoutliZastern Fart of P l otter County, Penna., In-. "pp.ll-for partietilrs to CHAS.IIEINE, zurreTor, 4ertnatua, Potter Co., Pa. •• June f 3, 1864.-tf. • Tb.e . B.(icheater Strivic!Ciitter. cir.,ll4oD ratLY, Conderspori, base tbereicluaive agency fosJtb s,celebrated maciann, in tbis 'Connty. ,It is ,Cnveaii}it; do• Table and Dec.111860,-1.3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers