TB If/ MitiliNAL. Coudersport. Va. (Vocl - nesclav, Nov. 3, 1864- - - M. W. Me.AItAIINEV, Enrron. NATIONAL UNION TIOKUT FOR. PRESIDENT, A88...UT-AM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS .14 kin VICE PRESIDENT, ANI:ilt6V7 ',JOHNSON, OF W..riqen of Potter county, -hear what the War-worn and battle-tried General Ileintzleman says: "I can see but two is• tines in this contcst—an honorable pease, accomplished by a vigorous war, or an a.r mictice,'n convention of States, and a W. nal dissolution of the Union and eternal war." Correct the mistakes. ' We desire to call special attention to the" fact, that in the Electoral Tickets circulated - b the State Central Commit tee the name of G. Morrison Coates is by mistake printed C. Morrison Coates five times in each - sheet. Those persons who have the sheets of tickets in charge, in the several townships, should at once go over each sheet and with a pen or pencil correct pro error, which occurs twice in the third row of ballots front the top 'ef the sheet, and three times in . the bottom row. ' ze.,.Read this from the N. Y. Herald of last Thursday. It is the only article upon the coining contest in the issue of - that date. It is prophetic ! A LOOK. AIIE-S.D.—The old line Dem ocratic meeting at the Cooper Institute on Tuesday was the groundswell for 1868. it forebodes a reoreanizatian of the detn-j ocratic party. 'lt will superseed the shent-i pearshent Chicago platform and all other' platforms. Next 'Tuesday is the last chance' the pre , cot democratic leaders will have'l to exhibit their wax fingers at a Presiden tial election. • FORTY Hihr.toss 7 :SO SUDSCRIBEDi —The subscriptions to this popular loan arc now over forty millions dollars, and they continue to come in at the rate of about a million a dayi The public arc satisfied that there are uo other invest petits so profitable as U. S. securities. While nearly all the hundreds of misee.h . , laneous stocks sold in the New- tork: market have. been declining for `several; weeks, (in many instances twenty-fire pet Cent.) Goverdnient stacks have remained', firm ; and while lenders loan very sparl ingly, and at high rates, on the be'st mer r cantile paper, they have plenty ot money . to lend on Government paper, at as loiv totes as ever. While the Government reeds the, people's money; and payg for it liberally, it offers the highest 'possible, consideration besides, and that is, sail:ty.l Andy. Johnson Stands up For his craft, ~ Andy Johnson, the - Union nomineei for Vice President, confesses to the L-004 I < — j. . 1 , and needle, and stands rp for his craft; -•,--='• , The peliticlans who arg:ue that the and prondly 'maintains the her.orableness f •! ~; interference of the President with slavery a bandieraft labor. He said in a speech in Indiana: : I i is unconstitutional inyariably ignore the "I hold in my hands, from Which ri - , ail-important fact that the slave States _ wish 1 1'6 read, an extract or two for the . are in rebellion. They emphasize the benefit ofsome old Democrats, and young, o; onatitutionai limitat i ons of Eteontive ones, too, a letter written by General. Jackson himself, in his own hiaidwritinc , : , ;power in time of peace; they. omit all an t i i n handling this relic, my mi n d woes reference to the.constitutional extensions back to the 'times of .11:. - l. When it of power in time of wkr. Mr. Chase, in written and published I was a nla ; Tate -., 1 • Covington, . young 1 his speech at concisely or boy, at work in my shop, and heard!it stated the jegal authOrity the President rend. And this memory of beim , in My .; ohop calls to mind what was §.a ie, w ti m . possesses on this subject. - He said; • NI% Lincoln was first nominateli. He was : "The constitution provided for raising called the rail splitter, and I saw to•dby armies, and made the President Con: -yon-weremaking goduse of the idea:, mander-in-chief. It gave him, therefore,; ;while - the. butternut party was bein-srdit , fall power to take all - step; necessary to to peices, you said the ITeion never could' the effebtualprosecutiemof the war. The; be split. When the recent nominations; best statesmen in the hand have said, and! were wade at Baltimore, the tory pap ers the proposition has been 'unchallenged .of the country said i They haven buff.; that in case 01l insuireetion or foreigp eon for the head of the ticket, and "upon,; war the institution of slavery must be: the tail they have a boorish tailor." The: Subject to such disposal as the national; idea at the bottom of ail this opposition is, 'interests should require. In other words,'` that the man who rises up from the rne . ss 'that with insurrection in a slat - elle:ding,' 1 of the people, the man who advocates tilt State the whole Power over slavery must' doctrine that man is capable of self-v-; pass to the :rational Government. In . crnment. has virtue and intelliryence ItomY judgment, when, insurrection gave: '., govern himself, should be repudiated. , 1 the President power :over slavery, with; have noting to regret that my early lif e that power came the duty to put an ends was spent in the shop. I never" boast of to it. Dir. - Lincoln was bound to do that ; it,in my canvasses, bat when it is brought . which was necessary for the ; salvation of: 1 ' up as a reproach, I have met it in ,she • the Repubiic." 1, --...-..........::-..--- ''; A VioT.aled Promise. way it should be met, and he who uses! It is plain that we .have a local incur , 1 ' 0 '.. :1 the 19th of September, ISill, (len. such weapons is not entitled to tae re-' rccuon, and a national authority to _sup- ..le i li; - "lellati made a speech to his saidiers, Bpect of anybody. Yes, the “hoerisn tai- : - ;press it. In such a case there can be no in #l.:ich be , said : tor" is upon the tail of the ticket. What w i,,, want ei , p _ ; such thing a, the. right of rc:bols to kcal' , i j So.n.D.tEas I lie U.N.'S iatztic our last an insult to the aristocracy, utation without merit and without worth 'ICS titutions wLteb., iu, t h e oninion of the ;?•ttlrer:t. You stand by me, r.r.cl I, will sta . p.ti by y . on. Henceforth, vietcry will Yes lam a tailor, bet Ile:a:led lono•since, .'N'ational Government!, are •ci-n ••••••". - - - "'''''' tu i crotin . 'onr e - . 7-- ori: " that if a man does ;not dis - gr:me his pro-- i ts own ex i st , ince. _p res - ,3. , ~ , - " i l'acCiellan made a eloze.n retreats after fusion, it never disarrtees Ilia. ichetirsli e. —.... ; ,11 , ; tha'4 brave speech. Tut? soldiers stood by And I may be permitted to say, t'Zlat rllefi; .. , ...- ;.1 - .1. i "mon' stf - - - -r; thus solilo-isittil wlion he yr=s on a rT.r.b....12.t. or 0.m.-.• I was a ta.ilor. i ma , 4e 5321.0 P''''''' S:""T 1 4. ' -j .' " '," l '. l, - 's . " ' . ''' that Ives ; Ntifiqe eL ''' - '' : . ~ he was never , vath tamp. nn ter fits. [Laughter.? ' .7..r.v , nlrtuents usz..l to . qllL'eu• over a Dezncerade rote' . .1.. - r42 ; He itas, des.erted t meat by; accepting be sto-ht wen trinT:'o'lCLl ' Lllt' ir"' -re , - , - ,. .d. Tl^nn him on e'lecazin day : • , ~.......,„, ..,....-,...... •.: „„n„:„,, tz-0.1:--_ ,-, seen- tailors, at tbeir cern exp,?nse: te - ..N. “IVl,r i t a fly 2,/ r shO n il Le t o ,-. 0 d own : " :tr .. ; - F','"'``„ .. ". "'..--,'-- sill:`": are wake a man out of ver2.- semit materiel. 17 and ENI, I t' the retelq- fcr th rec y ear . ; w i.h ; n° T ; ' - `. = "' - ' 7 "i -P - ' I T, " ;, :c as ' . sec ;, -°T `" ; - 7 u*ed.to b‘? consi:lerets a. very (nocd tal!..ar,! mr tniaket, and coo-6 Lere to- .t2l) wv-' vc "F' Ix 4 ea tip r '" ll.* . 3f: - Pita ‘ - and :tot iny uorit ticue z ,, ecardirzzo Pn-lal- • self in the b:.•ek t1 4 .0.1f.t - , 1-t-- -I r- ^ ~ r ';':-..i is;: - .:-OZ.I. 13 , -11 Wade a^r-nciatcd a , r ... - .... ,"p__ Ise. p,ziozhle.l- cui el:eurs.l So much for th:t :" 5. - .7,5.2.4-4. - 255:zive tv.:::-... la u E. p2.0,2:3. the e t !I.:1r the "10t#:i.:11 tiller." 0 - I'.• ....f th.? 1411,11.! I .. ~..._ ... dal. wl:eu he s-.;;.<1 :—"laer a year and a mental Principles cf :r-Y realc , :f-•:•:F i . " 5 trn - j; r.,7 - ..!- Three Districts in Ohio now ren- L'a'd of battle:, - , - •lcC:ellan -•nd 1 -i - 4 '=".'-'7, it is Reptii.,iiinadSz - Z, it'...?. Zi f at 7.,:i_Ll t'!:.:te.ii ' re .,..A u f rth j h F Peudi, : t. c .. n , T on, mn a C,;, , ' :La i „ .. .:7 C, ~:.r 1... ;r ..„-.... 5 . c ,-,.. ) 0 ..... t ..,... z ! .. ..,; :: : La r"":" 1 " 1 ":ti ."ecc'rj . z'-: .1 % 1 14 ' ''`l. It " 5 ele: ,- . Uni..)a F.11.-rt trY cr.ri,.. ,, eci the-n I 7117 1= ' ::.i t'at Zl'Jts. IF , f:dr, ZIS C.:et- went l'‘. worth that rtake4 tilt: waa, IniTti.i: l'af. - it .f o t h F: r .----. 7 i-,‘. ! :!Z. -`4;::`' : ea i -.-ave, for the' ..Ithad bl.Lod ,i- - - - c.tf , on 11.- -, . of it the I ) eihm." • t.'ilty_r: e_ll. - ' ;wilt, t.L. , e .if..:Lit.: , ....• .. - ,apv.k..,13 , , I _ ;zpzet:7.l C.; ,V P.E;IES7 7LIENCOLIV. PLAIN WOILDS T4IYIL•' P.04./PLE f. tic Peelle Decide. thePresickne 01,e2p. INZ:Asrirx6T'rEN, Oct. 1.9. The Piesiaent was Scree:ldol at the nite House to-night, and on appearing t an upper 'window, spoke as fellers, being frequently_interrapted by applause : i "I am notified that this is a compli ment paid me by the loyal Marylanders resident in this District. infer that the adoptian of the new. oonstituticn for the State furnishes the obeasiou, and' that in your view, the eat4ation of slavery poutitutes the chief Merit of the new Constitution. " Most heartily do I. cannvatulate you !And Maryland, and the nation and the e ithe world upon the event. I regret that it did not occur two years sooner, which, am sure, would have saved to the na tion more money than: would have met ull the private loss incident to the meas ure. But it has come, at last, and I sin eerely hope its friends may fully realize 01 their anticipations of good from it, and that its opponents may, by its effect, be agreeably and profitably disappoined. "A word upon ‘ , an,othr subject.— Something said by the Secretary of State, in his recent speech tt Auburn, has been construed by some inio4 threat that, if I shall be beaten at the election, I will, be tween then and the end of my constitu tional term, do what Tilley be able to ruin. the Government. Others regard the fact that the Chicago Convention adjourned not slaw clic, but to meet again, if called to de se by a particular individual, as the intimation of a purpose that if their nom inee shall be elected he will at once seize the control of the Government. I hope the good people will permit themselves to suffer no uneasiness' on this point. " I am struggling tomaintain the Gov .. ernment, not to overthrow it. I am !st4•ug-ling especially 'to prevent others from overthrowieg it. ; therefore'say, ) that, if I shall live, I Shall remain Presi dent until the fourth t' ! f next - 3larch and that whoever shall be constitutionally elected therefor, in 2covember shall be !duly installed as President on the fourth lof '2dareh, and that, in the interval, I shall do my utmost that whoever is to hold the helm for the next 'voyage shall, start with the best posziible chance to save! 'the ship. • " This is due to the People both on principle and under; the Constitution!! • Their will, constitutionally expressed is the tilt/mate law for all. 'lf they should; deliberately resolve_ to have immediate! .peace, even at the less of their country! and their liberties, I know not the power I or the right to resist them. It is theitl own business, they must do as they please: with their own. I believe, however, they ) are still resolved to preServe their countryl and their liberty; and, in this office orl but, I am resolved to Stand by them: " I may add, that in this purpose to! save the country and its liberties no clas ses of people seem so !nearly =unanimous ! as the soldiers is tb& field and seamen' afloat. Do they not have the hardest of it? Who should quail while they do: not ? Cod .bless the soldiers and seamen,; with all their brave commanders I" = /...) _ . • • A.c...ietees tee tear: St cat e Commit tree. :PrOsiiliertl Litactillt's Pay. We just picked up three, Copperhend FlleFlimi Proclnanution, ~,, e that - LItStI'ANT to -21 , Unitedse.,"te es Tr as, pe. •s, anda e ' • umi. Spinner, t e p 3 i each s dres us patrons . emblr ,:of the Commonwe iltl r P 1 I o...ennsii. 11 faI.f..ADELIIPIA, Oct. 21, 1864. 1 urer, Ilatieg been appealed tO for an of- the "Democracy" vie- vani s' a entitled titled' Actrelating second day of July, ..1. D. one th;olUP:aletleitt • Tte smoke of the fast engagenent has Ito the Elec_ vial statement concerning the 'stories •of tOries in Indiana, Ohlaiivoca"n.d"Pgein;tris°3-114ania. bons 'of thi' Cpminorinreitltl t i, of the county of Potter, Petinsyl_ cleaod away, mid upon the vote of her Mr. Lincoln having drawn. his salary . in Now each of the editors Of these - papers citiziins at home Pennsylvania wands by gold and intested it in foreign securities, wrole with full .I:note - ledge of' the : follow: , . n lit E te u. dr s e heki ; If end thirty-nine, I, D.! C. LAtt& - elected yania, do"iireby make - known and gir the government of our fathers, while her replies in am.official statement as follows: ;Met facts : - ":."- ' t_ Una a President-eel Election will be held in di' brave sons in the field will not give less re-,. • . • • '', eerrese That the Presinent has nee. • "L-'tice to the Wect'ors of the count C no. , than: tWelve thousTind majority for the ' , . Iceted for long periods to indorse and eol- e,—That- Indi r enne.'•4sad jitst y fo re and S - Union Congressmen out Of said countrlof Potter on the First Tuesda: IGov' . Morton, Union, hp over 20,000 Ma; vood, &wee. ,The last hope therefoae 0., , et L as, lee , t tn , e monthly drafts . smet hitti for his inrllY; e , the B,,upporters of General McClellanll—alosaof IC -led- tifterctrirst" k Monday in November, eing i te e . (i/sappea.cd, and the outs result ce con- salary, on one occasion collecting moue- •e• to the-oppr, ia a. . . .., „• h • • - fur over eleven months. . 2d —That the Union men of Ohio have Eighth ddy of the said month, tit which time en:ellipsis,: persons win be elected as elector s tinning to sustain hint is to give aid tind',, &eon& ,That wl , en his attention was just carried the State by over 80,000 comfort to the rebellion by inerea.stog the . - calledto the,loss ofinterest m was thus majon y, ec mg ou • • 1 -- t "el t" 16 tof 19 Congrees. -:" , . . . e , ent - - the estate of Pennsylvania in the .alectorat appearance of disunion among ourselves. inenrrinet lie.awed ho' cl - 12 . r"e' ".-f 11 on the delegation as e ' I , w gam by is u-n — a barn 0 0 I.,ollcge. General l Sheridan dealt a terrible blow ._ . -, , - toss, and on being told the United State.,it now stuts.- • - j us t g one and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act! . . ~I :Also mal - c" known and give notice, as in to treason on R edaesday, and every pa-, trioOstheart thrilled with joy upon hear-,remain, the Treasury added . "Then let it ' ' Sd—Tha Pennsylvania has am directed, toot eTeryperson - asceptingJ us . .. .0 ; , , ' needs it more than I do." for the Union by a majdrity of not less tmg it; vet a great majority for Abrauam , .. ~,.. tiers at the Peace, who hold 1 any e othee or • eminent orthe Upited States' or"this State, Third, ''ghat the Treasurer was finally than 15 ; 00 0'en the whole rnle,e.lenling' e° ; appointment of „prat or trust under the Go Limpin in Pennsylvania would be farl compelled t 9 reque.st the President to oe. ' more; fatal to the armed conspiracy against; . /of the _... Congressinen—a gain of - -1 on the ;Union and the Constitution. Every; draw his selery, in order to - adjust the the delegation as it now stands. Tur- oe of any city or incorporate district, whether annual eceouult's. then, it is now nutty certain that Ketch- a eomthissiOnedrodicer or otherwise, astibor.. Ivotelifer our tried and faithful President 1 t7 . t. • dinate officdr or avent who is or sh I th us d eol it ti was i an) is eleoted over Deunison in the Lu-; , .. ,albe em ' will llParalvze, some tam raised to shoot i ; ' rt i t " a u tun s'.am .•• po-.-eilainder the eersltie, judicinrr, or ex I, - , placed in the U. St. five ter cent tempo- zerne district, and Strouse and Coffroth emigre departmentsef ibis State or the - down;the 1131. T„ While every vote for the.. United l bl " •' '' ' ' d " b ' and - in-crest trary oan, paya e, principre _, 7 sire in serious anger ot eine. laid out states, or 'of any city or incorporated district, I basels4rrender at Chicaem and the men . : lin green hacks. , also.. This would give ns 19 ofthe 21 and also thitt every member.of Coneress and who'Coary its white flee. • will encouraee ~ . Pfith That since then such ortions Coreeressinen—a gain of 17 on the deld- of the State Legislature, and of the select and 'some rebel to shoot another northern sol- . . P P • -''. • .. common council of any city, or commisiioner at Ins salery that he did not need havestands. gation as it now Bier The ticket nominated by "%Tanen-• oeane ineterporated district, is bilawincipa been drawn for him by his friends and in- So these Copper editors stand convict- ble of hold' . eor --•• t' - digheni, Wood and Seymour is now black _ . ,a e , exerciaine• a the same time ---.: ' vested in the U. S. gold-bearing stocks ed of lying like dogs, and a bad breed of th e office 'ot. app o i n t men t 01- Judge, Inspector Wltii treason, and after it is voted will be e turchased at current rates and deposited dogs h t at t hat.—elyitaior. or clerk of 4ny election in this ono: m onwealth. red Frith the blood of our brothers fight- - ellea that in the fourth section of the Act the vault of the Treasury. . - ice ,for us. The war has existed for the in . ABRAHAM LINCOLN A ItEPRESE'NTA- cf -I:4sembiy, entitled "An •Act relating to p , ,Sixth That he has habitually ne g le ct-las.nyear only by reason of our divisions• , ..I elections and far other purposes," approved ' ed to draw the interest on these stocks,and TIVE MAN.--The Springfield llepuols- I April lath, ;1860, it is enacted tiut the afore-' andjits continuance today is solely owing I' ' • ' that _ron one occasion, when the amount can prints a glowing eulogy upon the life ' i said 13th section shall not be so econstructed Ito t i m activity of the disunion party of the of interest payable; in gold bad accunin- las to prevent any Military Ocer. or Borough Inorthland• the platform of its convention. 1 fated to eight huncire,d,doilars, the rreas- I Whil6 onv hope re - ' ained e the electioniwhich we take the followine : Clerk of :Mr general or' special election• . la 1 ' .1 '- En of lureesent it to himl he returned in saying this Comminweelth. -of i a candidates, plausible excuses might; • ' ' d People may say what they will of the, it is further directed that themeetin of the i 6 Ibe round by misguided men for giving r, a 1"i-reckon the Treasury needs it more-than I do. - ' , IPresident, they cannot possibly put their 'return Judges at the-Court House in Coguderi i them their suffrages; but after the NTT.- hand upon or-point to any other man in I port to maize out the gentral returns shoal), Senth That his losses from not col-1- diets of 3laine.Vermont,New Hampshire S c - ' - • i the TZ.-public who represents to the peo- I the first Friday succeeding the! Presidential ~ ' lectinet interest on his bonds have amount- I -.. ' ---, ' which 10hto Indiana, and Pennsylvania, all son-' four • clecuon trill he the 11th day of Nov -1 - ' ed to four thousand dollars, which have I pie, north and south of Mason's and me- ; ~,,„„ ,I ) I , sable persons know that the election is; , t, ; • , ; been vir e tanqy given to the Treasury. I on's line, and 'to the whole civilized r: grid ; ' i` 8 ;,,,,,, bt„ ma k e known and • . give notice l aiready decided by the ern lc and that, • . 4 'so much of - the honest loyalty anti thel that the place- for a,holding the aforesaid spe it obi remains to ascertain the majori- How A CAPTAIN WAS CONVERTED. real denmeratietprinciple of the country vial ek:lion tin the several toWnships and ties, ;It follows, therefore, that every —At a social Lathering night before last as Abraham Lincoln. He stands Out li:oroughs wiilltin the county of ?otter, are as rote for McClellan and Pendleton is an G ' 7 . , 0 f e) •1, I from all the men of his section and his fei:°'''''', to twit = ,the ~ latanooga azet,e co) er 'says CI -• • earnestinvi a i ; t ton to Jefferson Davis to .137 during the evi - rang Cant; Sutherland, time—and not alone by reason of his of- a , F e t e ' is , leer the•township of Aboott, at the Germs seid towi seip ! - !continue this fearful war to waste more; ' 1 formerly f face—astio. representative of the repuh; Assistant Adjutant (venera , o,e • e 1.1: r' - the MiTnship of Alleg any, at the school ;of dUr treasure end to murder others of Gen. o a , , d • '' eis of the republic; the champion of t , •'eus earitbe ploca formerly owned by Che - , t ; otee man s captureduring 1 dee/1 , -m eue!sons. ' toneman's aaid and recently exchanged; '.rtnd.eire: ria said towr=hi ! s : deMocratic principles, the friend of the 1 t - , • •,e, , ~ y- P. , . t ! The sublime spectacle. of a united north ' , r - 111 the , wnsuip of Linehan] at the Bine-- brosent and 'treated and made a !Union and the Constitution, and the foe 1 e r , , P ~ , ,_ s , , , ,:, i - lend the , Iv invoke all - I r , all „ I _ domination. 1 &lam ....ensC 5e...001 noa.,C near A. It Lewis, in iwi, war. e patriots happy response. Wo regret that everylot class pt . 's - Lege and elates i std o „ e , i.p. , 'to lend their efforts unceasingly to pro -1 60 1 •• • 1 d - ,- • Evs , 'Y man, loose from the bondage of I . For the townshie of Claraat flit school .caer in tie army, err every patriot in , ta ~ c dueb this result. Ey perfecting the ward 1 noltueal ambition, and loose iron, the ' , rouse neer:Sala Stevens' in said township. 1 , the land, could at have listened to hi -a I , • with township organizations ; by the car- 1 remarks. Captain cutherland, before hid„ ^reed of power an the love of slavery,' ; For the; 'pwaship of Eulalial at the New Court llo4e la the borough of ,Coedersport. e of document- • bypublic addre•- , ` i eniltlo ~ . / .-• capture, was well known, as a warm end i thinks well of Abraham Lincoln, and t j r „ t! „- k„,,..!, 1 „ f c „„.,„I .at the h ouse ' cec icsvnally by local -. ~,, - - • ... _, - . .. . ...p...-Iseis ,by earn- !earnest MeClellan;man.i' lln the remarl.:44 casts in Ills lot with Idiot.' Thousands oil i formerly jcectipied t by S. S. B t Aceo now Al. eat personal efforts with honest but mis-1 alluded to he mentioned this feet- said !Democrats, converted to freedom by the i ileoekrnanin Ellisburat. I ; taktin men;' by making arraegements to, that he hadchanged mentioned • tr••••• ' - . - `t• Iwo" have, - r-o'n the moment of their con-1 4.i.:.• ein this 1 ....T0C. I .3 f_ ow "*." ... 1 For thd township of flarrison,i at the House bring every loyal voter to the polls; by , I version, becoree.his friends. His way of' recenuY °C . cupied by Ira Bartholomew,in said ular. Ile was now• foe:Lincoln, beeau , e li-, li6v.-aship, i son f, tax receipts to every soldier and: durine his imprisonment, his guards at ' Saving the Ootintry is. re.cegnized as the; I For ' i Lie ownzhin of Hebron ;at the school sailor ;by the immediate formation of' charleston, and --rebel hemet only every with', )• I wo,- •1., con' red peace is the I 1 .., e et a ti,e, nea r a tnn ,- i n ,, r ,:h an e, - - _ ...,.. i z, in said canipazga clubs in every borough and ' one exception, learned that he wasa Dem- i only peace deemed possible:" I ti?washlp,..l cordiuunity; by great meetings cf the; oerat, electioneered with him for Me-' _-_,,----,. I I For tLe township of Hector, at the Sender peohle by daylight and by torelaight, and, ci eii an. That exception stole an opper- What Me , Copperheads Vase Done. I lin:a...cline', ihause, in sale township. i i For the ,towaship of Homer, 'at the school by all the honest agencies of an active tunic to whiser in his ear that floe South t h e •-e- a .i ena l house nehr Jacob Peet's,- in said township. and thorough canvass, appealing to the I was oni holding - h of • ~ 1 TheY have embarrassed ~,. : 1 , a ,„, I „, , „ , i ~ y out in hones o, binco.n s, G e „ , ,„„e at ce „,.... o ._ , ior ..ae l town..ap of JacKson at the nonse in the roeres - ' patriotic zeal, and kindling the patriotic, defeat and assured him that if Lincoln; "' ran-- '"--Y "tl" P . 'jib rm erlyietieupied by B: Barse now M. Chap_ entlittstabee of a great and loyal common-; was elected the war would instantly end I • of the present war. ; Pcl in satd township.- ~ h we can attest wealf , the feality of our; - 1 For tl&etoweship of Keatingt.at the bons and unconditionally cease, as the South 1 ~,,,. - - `'' - and -' of Paev ',Harris, in said town,lii o Sta.l.o to the flag of the Unioray ama or-; would then see that resistance Was no -' arrayed in arms against us, .whoi ' For' own_ ip of 0 aso,ja P i the Centre ityliviortli - : of the historic character of the , longer pr:Teticable. Captain Sutheilandl are seeking the ruin , of the Republic andl , schoel hhilse in ztid town.hip. Lion of the Iree States the numilie.tio a corztfst and of the great issue's depsmient l deciares that he never could nor never ' ; 1 For th'e?township of Pike, at the house of il • . ~ 1 They have defended the conduct of the:ziii a h j4l rasc , n , i n said township. A upott i It. , i ' would vote for any man :at the request ofl ..t•orivard, then, every lover of his conn- ! ; armed traitors.. ' rebellions States, and charge the rtespon- ' , For tl.e tawnship of Pleasant Valley, at the coon ' this good word ! Looking not to, 1 i sibility of the war wholi3- upon the anti- I s • eh , -..ni !lope No. 2, in .srid toWnsbip. I ; For the township of Portage, at the Sizer thelpast but to the future, forgettin--- all! AtOCT Ps- aen.-L-God knows we de;dre; slavery sentiment of the North. iie..i 1. ,, ,n..F•e in saiti t ow . e . e he-.. I , e - , They have opposed ever: effort of the . , - .• ' • i. I ' personal considerations, and appreciating: our country's peace. We have never said!. -. ;, r o ..no township of Roulet, at the school theiprivileve of some eacriEee for Liberty ' or done alight wittirmly to pat off the , ~..la d Government to procure reinf:.,ree . mcrits ;ionic near George Weimer 's in said township. and the Union, let us relax no effort until day one seceond. `lt is our conviction, . for the army, foment: ~ , .., . _ "n v neeclar oi.tarb. 1 ; For the townsbie of Sharon at the Sharon Gentle hoel hous i e near John i V h s' ' thei pails are closed. This Committee now, as it was three rears a g oe last 3.laY, 1 ances to arrest the draft, and leading, ,,.'., . 50,.,; ~ ,Voorhees', ee , in will continue to do its wholekcruty, and' that we cannot have pewee without ' goy .; people to believe that if thy enlist a 1 •,..,,, e ,- - 7, , 5...,... totvw-.,.1ip. 1 1 ;For the. township of Sweden . , at the house relies upon ,your instant, earnest and con-!erement. !The war inaueurated by the would only he to aid in nn Abolition gar,; fate of 44errath Tag-gt , -n, ie smd township. stant assistance. 4 Pouthe fiE. rn atoe racy, to found an et -,•rpire conducted by blundering and iueompe- 1 Fee ti... township of Stearart'son, at the New -Grant's march or valor; and of elm, .on the basis of slavery fur labor. .must he or ---- '4,• - lieol 1 . ,- n , - in =' , ?...1 0713 - hi tent Generals. and an ucequally untrubt,-;\ ; ~.,., ... . , -.l -,, ...... f • . p. , , ror '..1, towasuip. of St.mmi l t, at the honso „.., front ,the Rapidan to the James sealed, fought out natil either the laboring man,: r'nrthY War bepar ti......n L. - • 3h. - rs d- They, q ua,-,.., • e tt cue, -bone! • , J-, • ~ _. (..1, , ..e.... )2. an ....e bon now i the? fate of the rebellioms Since then, or the slave lords., succumb. If the "mud-' haze, . - , - - n ••• - 31 r ''. Lartaiiee, said township. Sl4rutan has turned its left wiir. Far- sills” go down they may be trampled on: !debt, by artfully eeprejaa. , :ig , ao :Nation-I I For :hp townsiiir, of Sylvania, at the school i ' • i, 'f. . ''' I CO V .. C:' i• ^ , 0 :fiat the Gore- em - ri. Lae ' - ,:on'- arl-- J II . E. , ec - in -ani town.ehi • ragut 13 ciusi lis a v enues of escapc.— Haim aris.tocrats. they may become recoil- -• eat- "'', " "'" -a--,- - - - . ' -_, a s = , P. ng " '' - '''',^ e• d to pap nearly three times as . For t-4 tewastal GI U,vsses. at the house Sheridan has sent its vanguard again I cilec to the Church's doctrine of the equal- hewn °'-'-'oe • . •- - -- ot p 1• - • ,ennett. in said toa-nship. .. • el : • -v..etrling• eown the valley. It oniy re-!ity of men and agree to pay wages to much for its sapplica as there was and ; for - ..t) tewnsir!rz of V;ass....,'llr , nch, at 1118 \ - 1 n4ns for us to sound the charge alon- , , these who work for them. " ;.occasion for. , hozme c,f,:-.z. .2.,L Cozable. in al t - -1, a . a.m. ip. : the, whole line. and wrap:sine' our bello:s ' Three y-ears. 2 , 0 WC 0" "" d" e a 1 D..2.•C LO., mal e ~. ' They have increased the BurdenS of . Far •..::p tCr.TUEI2:I) of Wharto s iscat the bouts . . . : . canal our brothers' ballets, march to 'peace that was ofFe.red to us—namely rah- ' the People 63' the same process, is order of c Stee. , l . -,en Ec,rton., in said township. ' Idle peaceful, fi ned triumph which awatte. rnission—beeeteseAt wee. was th e di srupt i on o f ,tO male the. war unp,pular, and tnus. „, -. ~ _ , , , ,e,.e .. ,_b0 . r0aqh . , Couderspdra at the , Loar.. 1.0.... re in, bald borough , as i[t Nov•ember. ' cur 1. ClOll,, the dishonor of our flag the eoraPz'l en ignoble Pane. Givc?ii under my hand, this .30. th day of j Proclaiming the war to he a failure,' extinction of cur nation,' and the begin-' They have underrated every SUCC:S Sel - qcn3l) , ,.•r, A. Ti_, 1.8C4. I rrek ,- e I.3.'McCie'ilan is him'zelf the neat r•ieg of per ectual an-rehy and war.— of the Union .sans ia, tae Ileid a, and ex- : .___ ; 1 D. • C. LAIMABEF.,. Sheriff. : falitire of the war veneral without a To:day the a.ineet of the questioa is net :__crated ~vets it - he= er—ss new-ever , sees-a , t e —.ea,- ye a s -1, ,, 1 ,-.." 1 -.,- d - - -- ------,, • „..--„,.. ._. ......-...... CA: ....r.,......T., eap_a sines 1 1 1 -, ••• ,f. ; e, • '-. e , Slight - they have systematical .y mactai.; the ii- , .et;ort of HOr...Tr.STER "S CELE ! Ty:tory—a statesman without a record, e.1er.!:.,•.2..., ee e„ . e...n ae resiteoe 0.. asaitery ,e. , . TE::, L;Tri7Rel •c• s!'-'e eo-Pc The rej fled tee perils - and troubles or: our ar- , 1 - 11 -2•.• A e - es -- , •••• ,ee • • I , and we are faithul, history will ead to ,opperatious hat have since occurred.— - all- • t eclee cr`.:Vz.lng in the rands 0f =any per,sollS ' 1 • - Itisi epitaph, that he was a candidate for; Thglatne ease is offered now that was; Loki, the abilities and achiev depreciated againet !what are denominatedpatent medi ; the i'resideney without an electoral vote-? Otered then,; and there are manifold rea- i meats of every successful Union general, ; ernes at trat greatly retardedlits sale, but, as • i all, 1 Let Us therefore, labor without teas-'sons ' sons for hot !accepting it now, over and -and extolled every Rebel leader; they 'it` e i e et aa ;Lad meetsmeetsbecamet„,,,mn, this ' haie made much of imaginary dangers in barrier of prejudice was- overthrown, and the 'lnc , In memory of our buried martyrs,. above thOse that forbade its acceptance ' e• retard . . - -dli -, e .o rapidly that in a few I onipath, regularly exaggerated the forces cicalae' . i. - reared. -. s in for the wounds of our hying ; than.—Gail Telegraph. • I! ; heroes, to guard liberty from its deadly? e, jof .the Rebel, at the same time that they; state , - id -e-i-ich the zenicted lbw!. not experi i !.. -e The 'Chicago Platform was (Tn.', have underrated ours. j etia -A. tEehenefits '.,ri.ing, from the use of the pep., 1 and the Union from its treasonable! .'"i'" i foisl.l in the interest of religion, and;led every general of our • -Bit-ere,'" aud at the eresent.dav there are to in eocted by the Itecels in Riehnocud, wasl They have assailed e . ; found.- t . .-1' ....,. ~_ 'es who teas known to have his ss,ln-, be in ALL PAlli, Oil THE WORLD thO hope of the republic of the future, ;approved by our enemies. in England, was ;arm: ,- . toy men of Pennsylvania, forward to: .., • agrazd to by the disloyal politicians of ipathit with CF. in this war, w - A ^. :". t h e - , r. eat_ er b a b el . h e , voacheria e 0 xr. aa of the article. victory. ; the North id a conference with Rebels at, were Democrat or Republican, and they . s sL : ,I : , , s . eraielment. • in behalf of the Committee. ' Niavara Falls, was submitted to General i have defended every general of pro-slave-, p„ side 'oy Druggists and dealers generally ' SIMON CAMERON . , chairman. A. W. Duteneetien.) • ; • S:craa:-tes-. McClellan and 'approved by him, was'j ry •proelivities, I adopted-by convention of the so-called', unsuccessful. • i " "whethersuccessful Or; cw.: - :. - .7.4.re. I " . 1 - iT . F.IN FORNEY, j • 1-Democratiol l . , r submis.sionist party at Chi-1" They have proven by their actions ..,-.4 . ca-ro and w:L.s. scorned by the honest pe.o- i they would , ._, , rather save slavery than the !pie of the Nati'. I Union. i They have defended every domestic traitor, however rank his treason. l And, at Chicago have formally I flavor of the- -J declared in favor of a base and cowardly surrender to the Sonthern Rebels. The Chicasto platform claims that the Democratic party, in the past, firmly adhered to the Union anti the constitution. The falsity of this elaim is shown by the fact that in ever; slave State which loft the Unicu to set up an independant Gov. ernment inantrarate 'Qlootly civil war, , • ... Lieniocrtific :zyci - ty teasuz p*,- cr. - --7FLEery victory of oar brave sobiiers su-oorters of Lincoln and Soltrisna,anti - ciepressess tha supporters nf McCi4liaa and Pendleton. What fact can more (dearly tviiich is tile pa. trlotic and. vriiicit tai unpatriotic party ? tcr.e. cf clack papers al - lows;. , th at me..np rf . r e a ,.:s. are oat temp zr d then:.oy , ll Demacra: is the. ec-aa- Siieritir-u'sf.:.;resilar l 437 , M e rl e il.. ; try - who wiRl l 4 tzt trast the ?—:- aa's failarz, er . erj tr.ioa yictory is a 1.a . -? DrEalzets of4rAlbel f.:l ; ei et o n T..•• %, -1.‘1 . 4 ;e 1 '1 11 1; ''' a a s l : i . ' 7,n: f t.: l , - ;;T. 2 ; - 1° • b c l a-E kj ": c! r- r e g :e t H r; e P x e c a t: I aze v6ippz.C't sou:Arlin:re. r sir,;lll.l Remetuber AU Itebels desire the election of .He Clellan. . Ail Beauty jumpers vote far 31cCiel Lan. All Deserter's vote,forlieCielian. All vcte f3rCleilan. Aft rrictds of Slr:ery cote,- for Mc- C 1.?.1..an BOOK AGENTS WA-NTED: - • rnO . san by subscription, with sampre,-excel- Porto!a: lilastratrti Fatally Works. 2..r•st: ,, ithezct is a low pr:ze. Insroftr of the REBELLION, ofwllith ore: forty thcinsand of Voi. i liaro rizeady Leen. zoltl. It is a good liasine4 for ex-Sc!diers, aad other out of emnlovr.,ent. fez_ sale to Peanni ' ifeichantz, and Igects Stationery Packagns, &tile Stamm Peru!::-.. an,l o.aer picturesi for "the Times, War bean:lfni:Altura Cards, Oarrency etc. Far with pm:tic - tiara ftzps. ruldres3 - • • HE4RT HOWE, lNa. ill Main Cincinnati, 0. A St i l_3l2 Ingnire at • - STEBBINS' E001?-BritISi and • . E4LIPTIC (or dilkle} SPRING: S't', p3palar and ficubic in" as . .1, s - TErznis. &; Vote t OEM
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