THE ..TOURNAI4J Glorious et orir (EN. SIIERIBAN' Sh'eridn,b once wanithqtrivto Cible—Shitidan,, Phil :;Sheridan`—lju.rritli or Sher,' idnnl Sla victory on Wedne s s:dav' is the final seal set on his title to superb gener-' alship. Ilititerto he has won in a cantor, he wins notv !after such a fight and such - a defeat as would have g-• 1 3- erals—such a defeat as. Would have Made !McClellan declare "Yonl have (111? - Pe . i.Tc!IIT ~best to sacrifice - this arii4,,',,',tindderuaifst: ed J-einfoiceinents ‘ , rathir m ooh s c'der'iliap,, tiriciet'loo,opo, men:"-'o3nl,,eiitt; of this', nettle danger 'did Sh.O'idan..- pluck' lice' flower safety . and • MOrif,t ea fei!ki; lie wove. his floWers'intn'ati iniperishable' garlarid of • . • - - wlit '' 'iCoo3eral is to -nriny let -this !battle' teitelt 'Sheridan' had gone to' Wasbingtoo. 1 :1'11e-enemy seized' Oa; trio.: l ttAiiit to attack; surprise ournriiiY'at:Stras.-, burg";, heath; drOvelifthil, i ICS' a irdrinicire' to-Middl'et on - ark& NeweoWn; WoKit'vietory' stopped ',tor had ySlieridarr riot comb Sheridan 4its'atVincliestei'l morning,: and 'couriersl'broUgbt him word . ' of ithe disaster; his !army defeated; 'driven b l ack, itienty:gunS lost :"ThaSteiicd from )ITindlieSter,"-says' 1h4,-he redo: haw the spurs 'snnk deep - in' hislhOse'S o'w this rider devbued 't he, .4:pima betiveVri !him I arid his army''wiflinut ti. head !' 'At Net: town he'inct the disordered ',fragments of 1 a retreating artily. F:',Cey, what he the , conqueror of the 'Shet l ia:hloah, victor of three battles in as many -,veckS' milithave I felt ! wait beaten nrznY, sciied 'it; arrest.- Coudersport, Pa. Wednesday, Oct. 26;104 U. W. BicALARNEY, EDITOR. NATIONAL UNION TICKET FOR PRESIDENT, A.BRILTIAN LINCOLN, Or ILLINOIS YICE, PRESIDENT, '-.JOHNSON, ' OO STEIYNESSIZE o:waie.ef,Fi - authilent Tickets. ; - . • :there will be all kinds'of fraud , tickets Circulated on Elee ;Mani:DAT Reware of thoria! We print belost: the correct list 4t ;Union,. glectOrs to be voted Pfur.. Get your Tickets from' re liable Union compare them, -,and see if they are correct : :'.._,..4,01,',0,R5, 111011 Morton.:McMichnel Thomas Cunningham Robert P. Killg I • G: Morrison' Coates Henry Burnm ' William H. Kern Barton 11. Jenks Charles M. Runk I ' Robert Parke _ William Taylor - . John A. Heistand "Rieliajd'll. Coryell EdWard Haliday . .Charles F. Read , • lias W. Hale . ".' "':Charles H, Shriner John Wister - David McConaughy ;1i David W. , Woods Isaac Ben Son John, Patton " 3 SAlnel B. Dick • Everard Bierer john P. Penney Ebenezer McJunkin , '.:John W. Blanchard ' G '''to the Polls ,early land stay s ite •th until, they are closed and the last'': :the old and, the feeble are, taken ,to thepolls.- - -Let every Loyal M4p,WOrk as the dause demands. • 'the question is not who Shall or..who, : shall not be President! lint" whether' the GoVERkAIENT SHALL BE 111,ONTAINED, whether the rebellion shall he CR,VSIi.ED by the iron heel of - war, or, whether, by upholding th.e Chi .ago"Platforrn, give life to the fast dying body of secession, encOnr age the rebels in their expeeta ikons of "holy light". from Ithe: - workings ,of copperheadisin, and by etieoing "cessation - tillities!'..give. treason re= caperate, reorganize, and re-com mence the war with inereased'en- • . An. armistice can only re . Ault in - evil to the Country ,grant an armistice and England will, re . gOgnize the : ' independence of Jett. Davis'.government . ; , grant an armistice and Napoleon-an i drMax= iMillian become the allies! of the t: southern traitors. 'The only Cure) for treason is. to crush it outl!-- . . Do not be y deceived by any issues ! Decide FOR, or AGAINST; your Country ! One or the other 'yott i mast do, you cannot avoid, it, and whether you likeA . or not, itj stares you in the face and will be answered. War Democritts if you elect McClellan and Pen dleton, and McClellan:lms, chat will become of the country with George H., Pendleton as its Chief Magistrate ? Presidents nav - th diedi—and if Mcollelan stood in fhe ay of the Traitors by iv i hom he 'would be surrounded' it would be an easy thin; fur him to mai ?,Perjury;, Treason, and Miqder, go hand in band.;------Doniti . : get yenr duty as an American cit izen onn - election day. -7. ote.early and see that your neigfibarstote.' 1 =I ed.- its night; 'reorgafiliod ititisPired it, planted it as a rock ip tic path of its persuers, repuiSed thei`r attack ; the gad!. his strength, ttod-,Out;df the appalling de-, feat, wrought by „teriimS Und 'nonage such a victory asi his rwar )has but once before given us—a victory ‘Vhich one man and he only, transmuted oUttif hopeless disaster, itose.aratisat Ilurfre-born, Sher idan at St rashurg.• They -stand 40, ether, and to find their parallel. Vou mhst,ti,'o to the plainS of Marengl; Icon and then stemmed the' tor-, rent of that victormus! Austrian advance which threatened :o an'ulhilafct the .ro• public; and anticipatelibv:an;irretrie-vable disaster, the career ntl,tho greatt:4soldier, of modern times. The Sheridan . of the French army—Dessqix--spaure'd tut his brave life on that Victorious field, in esr, change for the :salvation of his ecuniryl Let us be grateful that our Dcssaix, - that .our Sheridan, won iris viefOry, and,is still preserved to us va.tviii others — . —!iTtibuite. EMI MI • Tie folios-log is pit of Gen. Sheridan's official dcipatoli dated, cedr Creek, Oct. 10, 16G-1; - I ' ~., • - _ I have the honor 0 report ti - it:Mr. al-- my at Giulia . Creoli 'was attackml this ' morning bcfore - dayliight, and tny-,lef.t: Was turned and'driven itreetifit , ion: , In fact, most of ttl'e j li . ne -wos - drireu in t confusion, with the loSs of itveniv plot:es] I of artillery. 1 I:haste/tea ft::am 'V'inchester, where 11 was on toy return frnm Washin=-•tni), and i ' rhuhd the armies bjetween Aliddletw.vdi and Nowtotyn, Lavin"; been Calvet] bask,! four wiles. 1' l I I here :look tliti affair in band and: l . quickly united the Corp:, formed a cow-, 1 pact lino of battlO;inst ih time to revoke, an attaek ofthe eriek.ny,whicli'was Land. sontely dune at abot I '), in. 1 At . 3 p. in., after isort;:= chlrgirr• or th, i ,j oacalry front the left to the right Saul:, I, lattack•z!d with great vigor, driving =Judi; ' • • - --:.. - = ' routing thezneinY, capturing aecordhl ,, run; 1.,' 11 hat ' Genet'ai fqcCielL'tn eldet ' sllcd the last report, 5Q pieces orartiilary iMtli 1 ' ell " :1 ‘.'! 'lPe"nn"l respect "" liking. fur lihe l'euti leaders has betm well •anderstood , 2,000, prisoners. j . 1 ~before new. Here is au apt piece Of tea -1 Ido tot know yet the numher of miiii,„b„, to that effect firma Cot.)ltit .lf casualties, or the I6sseS of the 'enemy. 4' . - ..- - ~ ' - , c ' i - 1 i t ketituek•, , , who saitlrceentlyat - pub ; They also'burried some of their triins. i t i e meetin „ Goa. Ritinsetr - ; ts a prisoner in our ' j ', ', • (!:ands; :tad worthily r,otintled. ' ?: i "I got my eyes opened on that yot;.ug , .. .. • I litsvc to regretlthe loss of. Ger L Bi 4apoleon in thosrpring 0f.1.501. I. went' ,:,to see, Ocuerat McClellan, and in the' well, hilled, - attd denerals' Wri;4ht, Giol' vex mid Ricketts wounded. l t ',course of the conversation, I said to Lim • Wright is 4lightly wounded: . I)that Jeff; Davis was a scoundrel and a' Affairs at ibis lime looked hadl7, bu i lrepucliator., He'PleClullar4straightened iby the gallantry a our brave officers ztiloihiniself up quicl4y, add said, 'I do assure men, disaster has :been converted into al you, sir, that you arc mistaken. 'lel splendid victory.. i , IDasis is a effect gcutletnan, and - will -Darkness again n !,tutervened 'to shut tie"' do anything unt'et'wninq a gentle i man.' Well, -if a traitor, conspirator, areater results. : • = I now occupy . Sirn6bur , „; • 1, thief, repudiator', and the civil devil wile • , i is instigating ali this murder is MS Lean As soon usobtained 1 Will send ott l J I,.i'tit"ot of a 'perfect gentleman,' I hope our further particulars!; - vu i . lcountri will never be cursed with his uoble officers kiltefl and wounded amon I have to regret! the loss of many tnoralitY tin - Virtue at the head of affairs." i• theta Col Joseph `rhodium Couldiandin I Could a man thus swift to resent an a divisid ir of (.....,44,k's coma' tand,' killed} l imputation no Jeff. Davis be expected to i desirete seethe. rebellion crushed? Col. J. Doward Kitchen, commanding brigade, woundedl; Ccl. KG.MeliiinzieP , „ codunanding a brikatle,wounded severel y;. but would not leaf the ji4tll l' ' Many of our [nen' eapftired, in thC. Morning have made their escape and are coming in.:` .P. 11. SwErtmAN, ~' Maj.. Gen. Coin. , See to it that • . 1— - li ' Geo. Cones tri,prCciation of the vi 'r l' tory 'at:Cedar etch:lc is cupressail in the ~ following ili4atc : , . . .. - .1 i • I bud a:salute:, of one hundred - gala from each of thi: sawing .here -tired iii honor of Sherida4's last victory. Toth'. in;; what bid fair, to be a Disaster ,intol: "lotions Victory, stiritups Sheridan who.ti I r, havealways thought ititit. out: :Of .t 4. Alo s tofGenetali. • ' U. Sr GitAN..u.l ..SUSPICI: I us 31.01-rpEs.--W hen eater the lists td,, 1114' aispla;titil t h e i r ; ni oitir,p; liitot their hields. dleton'« motto is Ohj"ct"—M " I do - oot reuicu A ber. - • f; The Tattle of - Char:meter. I .c .- 111ipmn:ull character of the Pre s ident is‘lbelrocit _noon which the Opposition is w;p7.044.; ojeliohes against him and his adtui*irappa; hissing and ; venernons, 44:falli:ba.4\oagain bafile&iTico., , Athc day IlliaA'co'vrt rebellion lay iii. wait, en:l •isikoistnatnAi#l in Baintnere,.thOugh an; i tlfe - uittd.,lite of the rebel oressAti thelas . t . I . . Ohligpant-Fncer of Copperhead Conserr at its oii ;and- fOre ign jea lousy„ tfi e popular 'confidence iu the nuswerviuit. fidelity and , , , i pti'ritj, of purpose Of the President has : soiiiind-tbe,4tortn to scorn. ---,':',:`,..- . : Cl' ;Thy chief charge against the -Adminis-i f4iieff,.: t hit n dared ; i a ... i i;eiSt7.l,7, ey4.. la Ate ! cle i sptttistn.- ritisineessa.atly asserted-that- persei)al lihertyis.,destroyed, that. or4ti. pal tights arn'anniliilaied;',that. lys are - all, I the.ctreritig,, s!)i.v:cri - Og ',snlijecti' Of' the I hl96 2 dittit pertir AittLi. it', ' who, brings twirilt_fo our,knees liY t'd - POintili.tme of ttie ifintirnerithle _hastiles; Whieh,' - hadow, tile I,ri'd;;Ull' of us., except Arnold. yon lYtnlfelried :: tillantligham, end 'John,: 1 Tjantpden Wood, and 'Williana . ."Xell,Gtin-1 • ... I tll l er, and ; Tatriok . floury, 1.;:drig,..,.; and, erfocgo Washington 'Seitioouf,-*hb - brave-1 :ly, trt;the . tarid•the tyrant .'itot''the . Stike pf {{ 'justice ,and Iturnati rig 1,.. ut„,, , yeth 1 rthcs oleeptiObs; .we - are all, groanitig. undta: the most intolerable tyranny; froM , ,_ Whi9,loliere is no hope of delive,ittuee but lUP Iran:sting the rig; Governat'ent to , the't hantjS'oftlicse 'fw,„trioti.T'.. •-; . ' ' ..,T t , is denlitt&s a cupping line of at= j talc:l44i the' confusion aud . . doubt of civil !witty Inllfferenee,l3 alWayS,wdling to 1 • . . , see-tiny . :Idniiiii.stiation•ovei,thrown„ Cow iarece is always glad to end hostilities , 9 with the enemy by excitino hatred of the! !Go#runtent ;. and 'patty 's.pirtt in - every! i t*oraa,•,plap I thb dangerous game of seek- in:lg . political power tampering with! nutkonal existence.. But nothiug balks! knelt an 'attack' - 'r•O readily us - personal? I 6 u S,li ti es' wlt ith no calumny - eau 'reach.— 1 I ',Pile : Party ii, Lich. is mad. with the lust of! !Poi tica] power iu this country does riot! 1, he,, 4 , late teiqcclare that the President is 1 detherateliprelovging. the 'war as a po:! iiitial game:; that, every net of his is per- 1 I fortned'only with reference to his!re.clee-i 1 tioU ; that if: Early should return' and i 10 % iut an pt nns yl van . a,. - t Grant should !'refire from Petersburg and Sherman from I ; Aoauttr, it :wouldbe because the Presi-: de:Sit took 'ore •that - they. should not have! tau enough; and in this way thwarted i ari l perpl e xed their plans. ..Yet• the same 1 party declares' the scar both: wicked' and', la failure.- 1 1 ' It:entreats, hy its leaders, the; I interference of British influence, and' it 1 i re, 9 Feives" British sympathy, while it op-1 !pOses;the 'draft.. ' And if . you - .At Ahem Mil,w the PreSident can rend nion to the: i t3buerals if the' teen are not raised, they i i roily that;':lit; is. bo'Vitinder that be 'Cad net! ri4se theni4or 'such a 'wicked war. ...• ' , i ] 4.But these fr . :vatic elFort.S . are vain.'' %The 'pile 9re o - un co i :. nfidenVe'of the great-mass' of the peopld, in the President is•unshn_ken.! Wis simply impossible to na be- Itlt9ve, after•theircsperienee of his patient jAdefity to the 'UtliOrt,• that he is a mon strous despot or a 'political gambler. 'Vile. I,.. , imerican: people, we are Very slater' are litii-ndy, persuaded that Mr. rallandiAaM , I .does'net!love the Union *more than :31r; ilsucelu ; that, ,3.11'• \Vood is not triter to 1 pbp'rilar rights , nor GoVernur 'Sett ;hour, ,4ilose ":' F iends" are the riotous . vichatuts rtit . the public peace nod the mad assassins 14 the poOr and, more faithful H -y the (\institution - than- the President tit the Unitcd States. The conservikive *over and influenee of pure' and lofty ' iiharaottT, it: a time of ureat nationah . pi: , ril i I '‘'.;ts •never more signally illustral en i t ban lia the afficitri catcer of Abraham Lincoln, 4/Tarper's litck/11. I _ On.: of CO.lrstaiii This (famous African explorer and dis .; cofereri of the source of the Nile," l whose ;Journal of his eXpedition was lately 'Pub, Ilished, and has taitiin a place aniono.. the most interestiag worms of Afri . can travel, has suddenly and most sadly. been' ibc I weans of his own death. The local paper lin England gives the following account lOf the Cireetustatices - : lad gone down to Bath tolattond the Wonting of the British As'soetatiou, whdre; his presence was expected with eager interest: On nornitig he Went out shot. In forcing a way:thro ) la hedge, with his guounein his titan, the piece 'was touched bY - : the Awigs,l It e,x. ploded; and : the charge went thiongh Ins ' heart Can , in , -'instantatieOus death': - .llow stran ,, ely Sad 'that a wan 'who intl s e e n, laiad done so - had' nridrgone a nd: cn,o,rei',6l6 54)trrr'yl.(.;Z: journey- iof - zi, of wittok .6 0 ,„ e I honte - to end Lai darcet"cinis Every E.lntinocrat (General Mc- Clellan included) the Cll.Wag° Pla.lforn4. The efiicago candidate for the Tine Pvisideno made a epeee4,ibeitlipily of iiis ; „"own;finiilin; I'aiiindiollauboVBe, in which btsaiil; acteorslin , •:to tbe Payton 'Emvire, dielraes organ : , "Thisirranenseconcourie'llusiuddeialy' convened fills me with renewed hope—it gives we confidence that soon again you called- together, pot,'as,,,itow,, to continence vigorous _ contest,. but" ; to re ijoiee';oyer its - ,trults,,lcr:rejoioe that „ille ~powers of the,governrpen . t, will je - , ; :agaip to 'tile possession of the neiuoeirtic' party, whose ben'efieent recently sol• .i2nnl9 - .l.ll4 . nouriced: .:21rational:Convenz tjon, will bring . us peace, .maintain, the rights of the, States, re-invigorate' the j_rnion, and, with peace and Unfozi,'will I:see - a#.o us'ilieblessin ,, iof tiersenat 'liberty, tnatcrial pros.periirati4'''tratiptiallow . or. But not-repay yinir kiidnes,sty'de. P tah:ling' }vu With p speeoli; intended ~ .4nly,rd'iiii'anli; You for - the honor you have done pit . , and tiOes i, beg, „leave tOliish YOU good • ; '; _ word about the rebellion • but •;,• s,oniething abbot"state rights," 'which is Jeff. Davis's' cOnsfant - ref ue•e in amment, ,and with him Ethe right to rebel. itti. Vallatidighatd followed Mr. Pendleton'—his • "ovi n lainiliar friend," as he; calla, him everywhere. .:lie said, as reported in his own organ : "The d,e.inocratio party was a state party—a• constitutional' party—a Onion I'll4s 7 —and just how a peace party. Ifit Wits his party, and its candida. , es were his candidates . . It bore The' Arl> of the Covenant ; carried the fortirUes' of the Irepoblie, and its success" ayi the only hope - of the republic. The 'Chicago Ipla 'Arne en uit ciatecl its policy awl i;iples by atelltoi-ity, - , dud was Eludingup f.,iz ercry Peinoci•ot, and by theth the ;Democratic .'v.diniflLtration ;21114 and !'srecnild he govertied. It was the only au thorikd .cpo . sitioti of the Democratic ' !creca '; and he repudiated all others. The' unity:inn harmony of the party were es isential. to success, rind v:ithout success in , t lie;cou try was lost. In.con ; elusion he dcelared. his purpi.qe to vote rot- the netniceesof the Chicago ccoven- I tin, as the only hope of securing rho defeat. Of Litic;oln . ; cud the rescue of the • ' • I= The Oritish Lion Cheerg for . Chica•go, The London Times bursts into a shout of enthusiastic delitrht at the nomination of McClellan and - Pendleton, .and the principles: which 'they. havebeen selected to - represent: • •": - ' . WC hive always , iusisted, says. , the -Times, that theSorth! could not subdue the Suuth, and the proof is' the - Chicago Coiseution - and its.motuirietiOns. After three yeurs of tromendou's effort ;he Americans .confess themselves cola; quered, shouts the' and the proof is the eliieago Courcutiou tititi its'nbmi nations.• Theyrnre foieed to try tdoanciliate-andq. vitt - up : utilise; sneers the •Times, and the. jhoof is that the Chicago Convention has{ nominated a General who first-discovered that his countrymen wercw'hipped. : But can they coax tha South back again'? asks the No, it:is simply impossible, replies the - Mies, to its own . question ; victors are not, in the habit of :receiving terms from the 'Vanquished.— Conquerors . :tlietrito!their own terms; says the Tinte..4,,and the Bouillon leaders are not such fools es to relinquish what trey have proved their ability to hold. We understand, says the Ilintes, :the: Chicago talk about Uoion.. It 'pa tub to the wiiale.! We do not Wonder, the 'Cola• vention shrank front' blurtine out the truth' that the South must go free.' But that is the meaning of the platform and rho nominations. The Chicago leaders know that what they confess can not lire done by' force will not be accoMplishE4 by , persuasion. Palaver must 'always preceile,'uot follow, powder: The United States of' America are' bone, exults the Time.l.,, They bate split; scattered,,ttad sunk to The bottom. We always' kisewl they would. They were an insolent, up- start 'republic, menacing British ideas. Their success would have . taken 'from 'Us our commercial sceptre. It would have! been a fatal blew:at our precious aristo: cratie system. , It would have stimulated the hopes - of out poorest classes, and hare; made them suspect that .they were . not born to starve. It would have encour-1 ar , ed the laboring man every where. Thank Lleaveu that'danger is past: The! -United States have' tumbled to. pieces,: and arc gone utterly to ruin and destruc tion. Lays Dee! lliirrah-for McClel lan and Poudletou I . Here are the two flanks of the Chicago' movement, First, the, rebel papers and orators had already told us - that their only hope', for success lay in the Convention land its action ; and now our bitterei,t and 3 most nialtfrotant foreign enetnins.areipei. fectly. satisfied , with the. Chicago pro ceedings.. • :'• • Twa I years ago Jim men. who- control i the Chicago party, and: who ~ ha#O. now I madeits platform and :nominations, went No the British minister .and ,asked: fox 3 British interferenec .our: The bon - - or of the country is something unknown to theta:.' - To sehitro their returtt 6031 IpOwer !they would "humble: the'. , United States 3 at the . -feet_ of England:tn. Louis . Napoldoo. They would, allow the Union to ba dissolved, according. to .their eaudi •rdatc, Pendletdwrrho..paysptvo . • have uo right or power to help oursfl wen. : T.hey ' l 'wouldi)iai.Lht:autituriky of the Govern-: trent to a rebellion, end confess its over t throw by treason. They trould.; make, .the name of the United I,tatei.n.Apitt:Oia of contempt. And :therefore the reGehi lock to them * as their )sstkiiiip7e---;e l tid therefore the?„.Rnglisit..T. : oles ant},air- 4 0# 'foreign enemies tdieei-foi'l their itialteriti. ta 2 i pu candi d ates. • Is that a attei,in4slaigh American citizen—clit,ilian, sailor can unite? Akthe causer nd-the candidates which are acceptable to•reb• els at home and to enemies abroad the cause and the candidates of the true American 'people? Cam • The skedaddlers from the draft, 'aid the deigertori froth our arthies, who' fled re - Cariada as a refuge from "Lincoln tirintlyr. find' themelv..4 in a 'dilemma. The BritishautborTes bare ordered them to report, for du:ty in the BritiA army, or leave the Province. If the de serters coma over the line the detectives krill giab them; lf they stay in , Canada they are in -for a mice term of-service in Hindostan. Poor fellows ! 'deprived of their liberties and. the privilege of shout ing for Little Mac at, one fa. brow : What sympathizing Copper will starer' subscription for their relief? tom,' Maryland is a Free State ! Sla very =is abolished entirely and forever, by a vote of; lier 'own ,Tieople, and now she takes her `stand ha the side of her North ern sisters' and beeotne3 a giant ,compet itor in tbe , race of progress and prosper ity.' The incubus that has bound her down is' rolled from her bacl' and she stands erect,among,the free States of the glorious old Union. Hail free Maryland ! .Sing the glad song of deliverance and march on to -glorious achtevments. ctinie of the Mackite ,papers are reporting.tbat Abebattle of Gettpburg was a victory only because it was reported to Ole soldiers that Gen. McClellan was in command. 'The soldiers might• read ily believe such at. story, for McClellan was never to be seen on the day of bat• des, when gunboats and other safe retreats were to be obtained The only place be , was ever known to 'be in the'frout was during a ratrs'ne. - AVe take the following signifleant sentences fon: Thompson's • . Bniziz Re- MEE "'To our view, peace is neat at hand.; If Lincoln is 're.eleeted, the South etve np, ankthe 'Union will be ro-estab' listed without re-establiShintt.S)at'ery, as', l before the Rebellion. 'IVA ..11e67e/luit the 'Southern-. delft will .be en,9rofeed on the debt of the Country. 'Slaiery dada, or ,7.Larery . ,perpetul , ated, is ,the • great point in the - election': The second great-point is the. Qoufeder / 7 ate debt. Ali other questions arc open for debate.". , ' - lEEE On'''to - Viet6rjr-,,'10 lIIE 'The October Elections ,balle resulted in a crushino- defeat . Of ; Rebel sympathizers , The,She nandoah.campaign of Gioriols' Phil Sheridan has resulted in l a seriesof splendid successes over, the Rebels in arms. To 'Celebrate' these inagnificent vietories' and to aid in securing the - fin - al . and decisive victory, iri November, the loyal people of Potter' county are• requested assemble in ' GRAND MASS MEETING! C Oi3DF,RSPORT,TIII3 ItSD AY,N ov 3 Addresses will be delivered by CLINTON LLOYD,. ESQ., • , OP WASHINGTON, D. C., • Hon. Wrr. H: ARMSTRONG, . • OF. WILLIAMSPNIT, and Hop'. GEORGE . .ANDON,' • .ogBRA.DFORO CO. A Brass Bazid is engaged. In the evening there will be a grand Toirch-Light terocession. MARSHAL OF Tizk DA . ir Maj. JNO. M. KILBOURNE, whp will be ably assisted. Freemen pf,Potter,- at "ho n e.! Your brave boys in, the charge the enemy, in front: with renoied vim ir yoUwill'Make this coming meeting . Abe- largest and Most enthusiastic - Pliny Aker ; field tn. this county, , • , COME ONE 'COME' ALL! BY ORDERoOF Coth; { Election. Ps - otelaniatleisk, Illti r ßSUPa to an Act of the 'general As. s i tubly of the Common wealth of Tennsyl trania entitied "An Act relating to the Elec. titinsinf tuts Comutoritvealtb," approved the Icectiti dad' of July, A, D. one thousand eight htiled and thirty-nine, I, D. C. LARRA BEE Sheriff °file county of Potter, Peensyl... vonh,t, ap „hereby make known and give no ticb to the ; electors_of the 'county aforesaid, 'ath preSidential Election:wilt be held in thu said toonney of Potter on the First Tuesday ,fstrrfirst Monday in , November, being the Eighth day of the said month, at which time tweuty-sIA persons will be electedtok electors of President and Vice President to represent the Stitte :of Pennsylvania in the. Electoral College. j - • kalso make-known and give, ' , notice, as in n'ell'ltiY the 13th section of The afoiesaid acts rein directdd; that every peratui:exEePtitiglus ticesi of the Peace, who bold any office or aPpoAntrnent of profit,or.trt4st under, tbe Gov erntr4ent• Or the 'States or this State, or,of arty ~ ' city or incorporate district, whether commislioned'officer or otherwise, n:Anbor ilinate oftiber or ageeicwho is or , shahibe em plovk under the•legislative, jadiciary,,or ex emit-lye dePartments of this State or the 'United States, or,iiof any city or Incorporated' iStiict and also that every member of Congress iinci of the Suite Legislature, and of the select:and common council of any city, or commiiiiener of fink in 4orp orated district-, is by law incapa ble of holding or exercising at the same time . the oflice!nr appointment qfled g e, Insp . .ector or clerk army election in this m oimetilth. Also, that in the fourth section of-the!Act cf A'sse'mbly, entitled "An Act relating to olectlons tund f-txt other purposes," approved April IGtli, NCO, it is enacted that th.e-ti;ere- Said I.3thseetion' shall not he-so cOnstrtitted its to pre4ent any Military (Vdeir oeporougli otrici,r,frUm servin g as Judge, Inspectori or taerk of . :nny general or special election in this Connoonweattli. Iris - f Other directed tha4 the meeting oithe return J4dg,es ut the Court House Coudere portlo aintie out thn.genernl returns, shah be the first Vriday succeeding th 6 Presidential eleetloo, lrliich will be the lltlrclay,ol7ior eatbet% I Itlsol here make known and eye - n otice that the (daces for holding the aforesaiOpe dal 'eleCtion in the set - ern' lownships'itnd horone...lui within the county of.Potter,friie us follovis ' to wit: • • the township of Abbott, at the Gerras• nia lintel in said tow! ship. Pot! the township of Allegany, at the school house ntiar the place fortnerly owned by Ches. ter Andrews . , in said township. . For tb:e township of Bingham, at tho,Bing ham ,Centre school house mar ..1.11. bawls, in said "t.t4osbip. - For tlic town Alia of .Clara, at the school house t4ar Sala Stevens', is said township. . For die township ,of Eulalia, at the New Court the borough of Coudersport. tlicaownibiy of Genesspe, ;be Louse formerly' occuried by. S. S. Rase°, now N. Macltratim, in Ellisbursz. '.Put the township of Harrison, at'the' Muse recently occupied by lra ihirthOtomew,itt said towliShiP. F-Ji the township of Hebron, at the school house 'Yo. 5j near Henry IFgrahatu's, in said' tow nSh ip. Poi. Ole township of Bectrr, at the Sunder lin 'sChd,ul house. • iu snit township. , . thelownShip of fluffier, at—the school house near Jacob Peet's, hi said township. nit. the township of Jack Son,, at the l house formcrte oectipled - by B. Barse, now 11.Chap pel in Said towns'oip, For the - township of Keating, at the honor of Plini Bards, in said townrrbip. - For the township of UsWayo, at the Centre schocd - house in said . townsPlp. roy.tlie towp.iliip•of Pike, at the iiiinse of Liijalt 'Johnson, in said township.' Fcir tie township of. Pleasant eq, the iielio6l house No. 2, iu sahStownship. : • Fcir the township -of Portage, ut the, 81zer school house in said township. •: Ftk the township of. Roulet, at the school :t-ar George Weimer's, in said township. Fqr the town.:ihip of Slidion, itt!the , Sintron CetnireJsehool house, near Sohn Voorhees', in saiditoWnship. - • Few:the township of Sweden, at theitouse late totiAseneth Taggart, ha said township. F'6l- the township of Ste wartson, at the New Norway schoo,l house, in s..tid township: - Fur the township of Summit, at the house flormedy -occupied by Jonathan • P_edson ' M I^l4rrabee, in said township: For ,the township of Sylvania, at the school hen Se bear J. M. Itees, in said township. Fez. township of til)isse - s, at the house of ...I.tl4s.l.3ezinett,, in said tewuship., • For ;the township of Aqst. Branc!li, the homeof S. M. Con:Cole. inisaid township. Feir!t.he township of Vltlirtchi at the house of - *phut Dorton, in said township:: Fort the borough of Coudersport, at the CourOlouse in said borotigh. Gin under my this . ath,. day of Septeinber, A. 1)., 18fil." I • D. C..LARRAI3EE Sheriff. Ir.ftrA faI?.LBER of years hare elapsed Since the !introduction of IJOSTETTER'SCELE DItATED BITTERS to the public. The prej udice iexistin - g in the minds of many persous, what are denominated patent mcdi-, cineS 4c first greatly retarded its sale, but, as its 14thei and merits beeatte lcutin„this barn of preja dice was orerthrots - n, and - the dealt:lid lac:reused so rap idly that in ft few years :scarcely ic village, existed 'in the United -StateA in which the afdieted had not'e•lcperi eneeif the benefits arising from the Use the "Bliters,". and at the .presont day there are to be ft4ed"in. PARTS, OF TEE WORLD vOu'chers for the great merits .of gieattr enre for Dyspepsia c,anhe found. t-iee Advertisement. For sale by Druggists and dealers•generally everrvbere: - 101.1 - 01 i AGENTS'W ANI'VP TQ sell by subseription,!Witb sample, lent Popular Illustrated - Fatnily„Works. :Amiltiqr . these low priee - MSTORY - ofthe orer forty thousand of Volt 1 I.lie already been sold., It is . ti good busiless for es-Soldiors, and others out of etaPl yutent. for eale to "Pedlerl, Agi4ts. Stationery Packages. Battie.Sceites, and other pictures far "the Vines," Wtir s, .'Maps, beautiful Aibtina Cards,' Currency Eloolors, etc: For Circulars, with particulars and terms, address ' • HENRY 'IOWA • ' S r • No. 111 Main Street, Cincinnati; 0 1 1 },SOAP Question Settled C . Inquiro at -.STEBBINS' • IIU.OP-SKITS; an t • _DIJPLEXI LLIP:110. (or doable) • SPRING' SKIRT. • •••• • . • : 'ittpular an d . in use s at .-• • STEBBINS. - Note the... 12 molt, Ticket.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers