PA.; ST4TE NORRAL -SdHdoi, MANgFIELD,.TIOGA CO., PA. .• THIS HIS,TITUTION 117 AH -,,, Itecognizallw the - State Authorities, in Depenzber,lB62. ' .AS A ,State Normal School. And formal& Opeiliq as such in September 18F,3. . The School is at length places upon a se cure basis—the State appropriation. of the current year enabling the Trustee guish the greater portion of the outstanding liabilities, and to make extensive improve ments upon the buildings and grounds. The Second, School :Year mill,conimence on Atoridity, September 5,1864 Prof. F. A, ALLEN, for the past six years in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. MUNE Caosny, recently of the. same instliti ton, has been appointed to the Professorship of Languages and Literature. It is desirable that students should enter at the commencement of, a term, and for a period of not less than thirteen weeks. Tuition, in advance per term, $6.00.. No extra charges for the Inguages or the higher math ematics. Text books rented at reasonable rates,. Vocal and instrumental music at teachers'. prices. Boarding in the hall, or in private families,from $2 50 to $3.00 per week. Fare from Philadelphia, $8.50 from Harris burg, $6 ,00. W. . RIPLEY, Pres. Board of Trustees. ALBERT CLARK, Secretary. Mansfield, July, 20, 1804. • • ... . .011^,-, 4 . 1 .;.;,. . . •e .; , .af..-, , ,,,...., t - , _ 10 lA - a -..:0 ,, ,.... ,,.. . ,1* ... ~,\•...,, , ,...,,,L , ,,..,.. .. , ,..t A .. ~ ..4 . t:E.a...;_:::::::-..r. ,, :,v . -47,-:', 5 z,, \ 1 • -,.....,,,,,....,1 70,,,iiv,,„-t.-1-,2,:„7,-„,-,,__.\. 1- ....4* E - Ispt. v0 . ... ft,.i.,,y..1,7,*.1:-. ; .; ....,,, .; , - 7-fitc5r,,... 7 . , Q 4... f 4 ....., • ,•,, pi CI ' t ...,, ...2, A 4 .42.:: : I I IA .. ; 4l . ' ;" . 1 ' *''' '' , e..'-:;------.. , •- •-,t , , ~, ,jim : k 0 ; ,H 4 .1. ,. 1 , 1 , .:', - k ;.... ~,,,,—,,,- _-.....,„• \\.. _ - . 1 Z , 144,1Z0!,,AhF:..--,- '''..4 ....-6 - Zl'''',:j-.1-7'----ii'• For Bats. Nice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Tloths in Fnrs, 'Woolens, &c. Insects en Plants, Fowls, Put up' iu 25e. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." ; • "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to, die." *„.*Sold Wholesale in all large cities. '* * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every- where. * *!! ! Beware ! I of all worthless.imitations *See that "CosTna's" name is omeach Boy, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. - * * *Address Henry It. Costar, ***Principal D'epot 482 Broadway, N. Y. * * *Sold by _ _ P. A. STEBBINS Sz Co., Wholesale & Detail Agonts, Coudersport, Pa OLE.AN AC; T)EMY. The Fall Term will commence August 31st 1801 and continue; thirteen weeks. Tuition 'from Sl.OO to $B.OO per term. Board can be had in the Principal's family. Rooms for self-boarding can be had in the Aendenly Buildings at s2.oolper term. , E. 'W r).M AN, A. M. PriAjpa4 assisted by nfl , (l. Taachcrs. A Teaches' Class will be organized for the ii Etructi •,L of teachers in their proi'ession, in wbieh ilelbrook's Normal Methods and other valuable :tids will be used. F. S. MARTIN, President? , STA NLY 'MARTIN, Secretary: The Last Call 1 1 VOTICI: is hereby given that it is now 11 Four Years since P. A. Stebbins and the undersigned closed their business, and as a part of the debts due them which.remain un paid now belon g to me. I will attend at the Store cf S. SE. A. Jones, in Coudersport, for the next thirty days to receive the pay on - them from those indented to said 'concern, after which they will be left in the hands of an officer for collection. A word to the wise is sufficient. C. S. JQNES. Coudersport July 1, 1864 AdMinistrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration ,to the estate of WILSON CARSON, late •of tllegany township, Potter county,_dec'd, !hare been granted to the subscriber, all per= :sous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims arinst the same Nvill present them, .duly authenticated, for settlement to • HUDSON HENDRYX, Adm'r. Allegany, Aug, 30, ISGI SAPONIFIER,' Or Cone entrated.l Lo Soap 141a14r. WAR, makes-high prices ; Saponifier helps to reduce them. It makes SOAP forIFOUIt cts. a poaud by using your kitchen grease. fie—CAUTION I As spurious Lyes are of fered also, be careful and only buy the PATENTED article put up in Iron cans, all others being COUNTERFEITS. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING Co, VIIIIADELI'IIIA—No. 127 Walnut Street. l'lTrsOußG—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way NINE AND GREENBACKS. fit) ord Trdpperf in 2onthern Al lezany it he it kllo`4ll, that r:otat this Oil larther netield, the subscribers will 'ply EACH in t;reeniktchi, for it;l delivered to them in VdeP, TaeserAink -.are cot; ter _iii rtinnain comparatively 5o l‘d. tdrt their shins not heing prime :Wone the middle of Dii . ember. Whol,• hi i.!!!ii of Mimi wow prevail on the triim ,i! Cwiesei2 -and Allegany, and can be Misc.: itdbod: troji Persons eatibing thtnil hire to ; keep them contim:d in a box 1,01 'l, tilltlittted and kept in a cool place, with a dish of good pure water!at all times in the box,and half a dozen if caught can be brought to market at bnce. Mirk Can be caught much more readily now than v.dien the season becomes advanced and cold, and will bring just as good price by selling to the subscribers. Bring them along then, singly oriby . _the dozen, and the Money Is ready. - ` ,4 "T--WILLIA.M. W. COLE, Asu.trt I'. COLE. Wellsville, July 19, 18G4.-Im. • I . To Road Contractors. 'r TIESPONSIBLE parties able and desirous _Lk of undertaking the building of the en tire or a part of a dug road, (ICI, feet wide,) ,of from 12 to -15 miles in the South-Eiistern part of Potter, County, Penna., -pply for particulars to CHAS. MEINE, Esq., surveyor, -!Germania, Potter Co., ra-.. June 8, . kV.' Vote the whole Union Ticket'. z;:~ ..,- =iIMMM ES 50 PER CENT. SAVEri 11 ' - ': - : - A I T'RE4IILATOIiN Nos. 1 & 2, oswA.yo, PA., MEM AND WIIITENVILLE, N. Y. "rIELLOW CITIZENS, Friends and Ctist4ns era : I return my thanks to you for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me for the past ten years. lam now adding to my stock to select from • 1 $20;000 Worth of New . GOods, . , and have opened a briinch store at WIIITES VILLE, N. 1.,, where we shall' eel) a!Large Stock of best quality . of Goods, and shall ever endeavor to give our customers large bargains. We are now selling Good Shirting's' and Sheetings for 28 to 37 cents, worth 31 to 75. Best grades of Prints from 25 to 30 cents, worth. 37. Good Delains 25 to 37 cents, worth 35 to 45. Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 cents, liworth 50 to 75. Extra Plain Alpaccas 40 to 63 cents, worth 63 to 88. Extra all-wool Delains 371 to GO cents; worth 50 to 75. Fine Mozambiques 22 to 25 cents, worth 3S to 43. Fine nll•wool Merinos GO to 80 cents, worth $1 to $1,50._ , 1 large stock of Cassimers, Kt. Jeans, Sati netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally as low. CL 0 TWA° G.-- This branch of our trade we call your atten tion to in particular, as we can and will save you 25 to GO per cent. Fine suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good black pants for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. SILKS,SHAWLS,&C., of tho Best and Latest Fashions, very low.— Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool; Brod:La. Stella, and mist other kinds. Boots 4 Shoes. A large assortment very low Fino French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25 ' worth $1,75. - 31en's Pine Calf Boots $3,73 to $4,75, worth $3-to $O. Irate anti Caps . for Ladies and Gents, ver!)low Crockery and Hardware, ga ds= 44titoto, t prices f4r below the.present market prices .----2: - Zocace . and JV a 1 e3wn. Pork, Fish, Tea, Sugar, Co 'ili3ei Pcpper, Spice, &c., as low as can,be bought in the State. Not having time or space to note further we would say to those asking why we can afford to sell below other dealers, is tliis, we buy very large - amounts and aro in' New York about one-fourtlrof the . time, and-are so well acquainted with the market, that we buy many goods low and can afford to sell them at home at less prices than many merchants bay In New York.' ,Oar Store at Whitesville is under the management of Mr. E. J. MEP 111V.D, who has been With me at Oswayo for the past two years, well known to the people of this section,aud will ever try to give them all bargains' for their inteieSt. Our Stein at Oswayo, under the management of ray broth er, `v \I. SIMMONS, an experienced dealer, who will ever give all customers the benefit of all bargains. , An early call is respectfully solicited. , ~, • :.Yours C. U. O3wayo Ref‘uiritor, No. 1, Wbitusville V,egulatur No. 2 May 25, 1804. rt,, , ti " e7L - 4 - 7,11, , ,k - 1 1 V. 11 4 WF : G r, 00 — S.. =MI 'AT OLMSIMD'S. YOUR atttention is invited to•the large and attractive stock .just veceived, and for sale a. 4 as.thesarpesinalities can be, bought anywhere in'the county... We - have on It'and'fl; large' and varied as sortment of Domestic, Cottons; , Comprising • BROWN. SHEETINGS, and • . SHIRTINGS, . , - - BLEACHED 3ILISLINS, • •• DENIMS, • •• 'STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, and- COTTON FLANNELS, on which we cannOt be tusilersOld. ' • We, purchase onr goods for Cash and offer them at a very smalls advance' - From Cost. - FLANNELS. IF you wont to pirc!uise •ri= ' RED, GRAY, LITE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING, FLANNEL, ,call At (Mitt' stedPi. , . DRESS GOODS; ' - , DELAINES, • - PRINTS, BROCITE," and •• • WOOLEN SUAWS, HOODS, ' SONTAGS, • • • NU.BIAS, • " BALMORAL SKIRTS, • • • CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES, • a full .supply At ; olmsted , s. Cid °THIN DON'T fail to call before purChasing and see the 'assortment BOOTS & SHOES F 612 Men, Women I.; Children, in great va nety and cheap For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in th 6 Grocery line, call AT ODISTED'S A full assortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store ou band. We intend to keep Goods that will giv6 satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living profit AT - ODISTED'S, 1 VaiM. Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelts, Furs Deer Skins• Couiity,'Townsbip and School Orders, for all of which. the highest prices will be paid At Olmsted's Coudersport, .Pa,Nov'r IH, cpsT. 1864 Briiigs many a change, therefore I hare con cluded to change my systein of doing business and I shall'hereaftersell for CASH or PRODUCE, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, DRIED BERRIES, &a. 17.7 my stock of Groceriesl havo a choice ;assortment of . • • TEAS,- GREEN, . ~i BLACK; SUGARS, MOLASSES, SALARA.TUS, COFFEE, Alio, 'PREPARED: COFFEE, MUSTARD, • ' • ' ' SPICE, PEPPER, he., &c. have a good . stock (bought so that I am I enabled to sell at prices current beforo the War) of DRUGS, and • PATENT MEDICINES, Also , KEROSENE OIL. YANKEE NOTIONS, ' • FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, and aio still kept FLOUR, i PORK, MEAL, of all kinds. And many otherlthings, trio numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will tie sold for • LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in WS market. E. , SPE - NCER. s.Ttin. 20, 1864. Dr: A..FRENCH's CELEBRATED TURIN BITTERS RE becoming tlie most' pciiiniar , Medicine /I in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT., I SPEPSLA, JAIThr- ' DICE, DEBISITY OF TITE• NERVOES SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS 1:d the STOEA.CD. and DIGEST . = ORGANS. it is also gainin g ° great rcputatiou iu the CURE of DIPTFIERIA. Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa. At Olmsted's At Olmsled's Also, 1864 and JAPAN. HONEY SYRUP 'PERFUMERY, IZIEEZEIN IgU d REK,A t •:: HAVE FOUND yr!' Was the exclamation of the Astionomsr mrho • first discoverciAlthat the n , orldmoved in its I _ orbit; tot less joyous has becn;the exelami- tion of i{those who have -found TILE PLACE wheie poops can be purchased FIFTEEN orVIFENTY PER CENT. below the market price, and yet flpd them as represented, Two • things ;are to b l e consideril purchating Goods : the Quality and the Price ; and per- chasersistudying both, can be better satisfied with our stock than any other in this or ad- joining 'panties. Think twice before buying I • ' "DEAR TRASH." Now is yotir time to pro cure a GOOD ARTICLE. • "Delays ar9 dan -1 • kergus and sometimes fatal." Don't wait for another enormous advance in Goods • The following: is but a partial list of.oar. : large assortment: • • i Merinos The attention of the Ladies is called tO the stock of )lerinoe's,Black,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and. White , . " Some of these were bought previous; to the rise And will be sold nearly as low as present Wholesale pricei at JONES' Ladies Cloth Dlact, Gray, and Fancy Colors at JONES' Boy's Wear Cassimeies., Striped, Checked, and Plaids ; Tweeds, Kentucky- Jeans, and Cottonades of the very , best quality at • JONES' Mourning Goods Black - Silks, Alpacas, Empress Cloth, Bomba zine, De!nines, cp Cloths, and Black and Purple Goods of) , arious kinds at JONES' Domestics Beau Shecting•, three-quarter, four-quarter, five-quarter, fine unbleached; Pillow Case and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting, Ten-quarter bleached fur tsheetsltt JONES' White Goods Barred Muslin,. Plain Jaccnet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss :Unsling, Nainsoot Muslin, plaid, striped or plain, and Bigliesp Lawns at JONES' Embroideries Dimity bands, Ladies Collars, Undersleeves with or without collars at JONES' Woolen Goods Hoods, lirith tabs or points, for Inflthis and Children, Misses and Ladies; Nubia's, Under sleeves and Caps at JONES' Prints For Children, Shirting Prints, plain black, whit 6 and black - Mlle and white, and all kinds of Fancy, at JONES' Cloths Gents'.Dlack Broad Cloth, excellent quitlity bought before the rise. Ca.SiIIICICS ; black silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped, plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits at JONES' Hosiery . . Women wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cottm plain, colored and white, plain or fleeced. Whitei brown, mixed, wool or cotton, and wool bujnforal stockings. - Arens' home and city-mad=.. Boys', all sizes, white or mixed, at JONES' Gloves For Ladies. Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, Kia Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gent fine Driving Gloves, Oassitneres, dt JONES' Shawls For Ladies ; Shepherd's Plaid, Broche, Lang and Square, Woolen Plaid; a great variety of elegant colors at JONES' Dela' ines Of domestic and foreign manufacture. We can assure our patrons that we believe our stock this spring to be more attractive in this line than over before. JONES' Balmoral Skirts With only two breadths, making it necessary to have but two seams in a full Skirt, in a great variety at 7 JONES' Grocerieg Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, West Indil and Dandelion Coffee, Rice, Corn Starch, Faritut, Cocoa ; &c., at J ES' Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hati Paint, Varnish and Artist Brushes at JONES' Drugs and•ra - ne.Articles . Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Cans,licoliol, Campliene,j:erosene,Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, Glass, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Fancy Soap and Toilet articles; bum, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Pens, hilt and Paper, and Linseed Oil—raw and boiled, at I JONES' Clothing Boys' and Men's at ' JONES' BOOtS Shoes Of every deseription . t.k@• e best quality, astonishing low pri . es, • JONES' Wall r. re • • Ceiling Paper, r •som Paper, Window Car l3orders, Tassels and Fixtures, at Xs. .. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, 'vv ILLOW WARE, NAILS, IRON,' . !T'LOWS, WINDOW SASH, 'EWER, PORN, _and FEED, in fact, averythin that the people need 'can be had at JONES'. All of which will be sold at the *mast rate's- COUNTRY PRODUCE Tit kT.N . LY • EXCHANGE. • Coudersport, Pa., June, 1803. 1564.: paiLADELPITiti,S; ERIE RAILROAD.:= . This great 'line traverses the Northern and:Northivest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie; onlake Erie. It bas been leased•by the Pennsylvania Rail Road . Company, and r.nder their auspices is being. rapidly opened throughout its entire . length.' ' 'lt is now in use for Passenger and Freight bursiness frorri Harrisburg to St. llary's (21C miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the. Western Division. TnIE OP PASSENGEA 'MAMA? Eurounni: Leave Eastward. Express Train, 3 50 P. If, Leave Westward Accommodation Train, 1 30 'P. M Care rim through WITHOUT CHANGE bcith ways between Philadelphia. and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and. Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cats on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Balti more, and .Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger busi ness .apply at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the CoMpany's Agents : S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and. Market Philadelphia. - J. W. Reynolds Erie. J. M: Drill,. Agent N. 0. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. Housios, .Gen'l Freight .Agt.• Phil'a. lama L. Hou r s, MIA Agt. Phira. Jos. D. Paris • . Gael Manager, Williamsport. Rare Chances ! I offer for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM !— . 146 'Acres-4G Cleared ONE FARM !---235 heres-80 Cleared ONE FARM 150 Acres-15 Cleared OE FARM 1-300 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other Farms and Laud Some money may be required down. Lucien Bird. Brookland, Pa., July 2,'64 tf ' having secured the services of HENRY S. COWBURN, BLACKSMITH of twenty years el:periene in England and America. lam p'repared to furnish farmers and travelers with the best of Horse and 'o2e. Shoeing, Shingle Knives, Butchei Knives &c., promptly • I. BIRD, Proprietor, l3rdokland, Potter Co., Pa. fomerly called Cushiugville. May 26; 1864. A Ti H. J. OLMSTED'S • TORE can ftlrays be found the best o Cooking, Bax and,Parlor STOVES• Also, TIN and SHEET •IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultural Implements. such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, 'HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &é. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—=Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main ptreet opposite the Old Court Hods°, Coudersport. !Aug. 1, 1,403.----50 PU I TNAM Clothes Wringer • Will wripg anything n from a single Thread to E d-Quilt. mien : $5.50, $6.00,. and- $B.OO. P. A. stebbins & Co., Agents for Potter connty.—Jan 25, 1863 P. A. STEBBINS ‘B/. Co., ARE • Paying the highest price in C.tSJI for r WOOL! 50,000 PO'UN DS WANTED ! 1, Coudersport, June 28, 18Ti4. ' P. .11. s & Co. REAGENTS fO6he sale of ' / - 11. .WIIEELEH. 87, WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES for Potter County - Nolor !G? • DR.; . TODIAS' VENITIAN LINIMENT Ell 'UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TION during the fourteen years it has been introduced, into the United. States.— After being trie by millions, it has been proclauned the pain destreyer of lite Pain cannot bel where' this liniment is ap plied.' Itused as directed it cannot and nev er has failed ifilf single instance: For colds, coughs and influenzh, it, cari't be heat. One Z 5 cent bottle will care'all the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden acci dents, such' as burns, 'tuts, scalds, insect stings, &c, _,lt . is,perfe,ctly innocent to take internally, and cam, 13:e given .to the oldest person or yoUngest 'child. - Price 25 and 60 cents• a bottle.: Office, 50' Ccirtlandt Street, New York. Sold by all druggists. • UNT'S BLOOTii OF, ROSES,--for the La 11. dica r —at ' STEBBINS' TO Pons ov Mum; AMATIVILV-11CD THE • littrsicaz, Pvuue P. A. Wundennatuav &-D,Netien I.lj - gsiaillqtehottge, ). 1 524 Broadway. flaying on hand`tha largest 'stock: of Foreign Music in!New York, which be imports from Europe ,expressly to meet the taste quiremetits of the American lovers O9Su„ge, respectfdlly calls attention to the fact that he is now supplyirig 3lusic ,of Ereiy Style at a Reduction of twenty-five to fifty per cent, less than any other houseln the United States. ' 'Private Families can be supplied (post free) by forwarding the' ash to the above address. Should the amount of cash forwarded exceed the cost of the Music, the balance will be promptly returned'in postage currency. Dealers and Professors should riot neglect this opportunity; they will be liberally dealt with. N. B.—Any and every piece of Alusic(vocal . or Instrumental) published in Europe ; or A merica, be supplied to order, if ,accorn panied by the cash. Remember the Address, 1!: 1 , A. WUNDERMA-NN, oreign and American Music Spare-house, . 824 Broadway, New York: 23°3 MA - . N - HOOD: HOW RESTORED! 110W,LOST I Just published, a new edition of. Or. Culrejrtwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATOMILIIONA, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntaiy. Seminal losses, IMPOTENaY.,•ZientaI and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar. riage, etc. ; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced by; self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. rEr Frice, in n sealed envel4p, only G cens The celebrated Author in this admirable essay clearly dealonstrates; from. a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming conseQuences of - self-abuse may be radically .cued without the dangerous use of internal medicine of the application of the knife— pointing out a moue of cure, at once simple, certain and effectilal, by means of which ev ery sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,.! may cure himself cheapfy,.priti•ately and ratli.cally. This Lecture should'he in the hands of everyi . youth and every man in the land. 'Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any agdress'i . post-paid, on receipt of six. cents, or two post stamps, Address the publishers. CHAS. .J. O:KLINE s CO., • 127 Dowry, low' York,Post ofqsT box 4588 OSTDT - TBR'S CELEBRATED &TON PICK TE , viab. A . pare and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative of wonderful efficacy in dis ease ofithe Stoinach, Liver and - Bowels.— Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Gener4Debility, Nervousness, Depression of SpiritsXoastipation, Colic, Intermittent Fe vers, Cramps and Spasms and all Complaints of either Sc; arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the system or produced by spacial( cause. Nothihg that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in its nature enters into the com- Position / of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This potlular< preparation contains no mineral of; any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the extracts', of rare balsiunie herbs.and plants with thO purest and tuildes:t of all diffusive It is well to he forearmed against a i nee andfso Or as the human system can he pro tected by human means against maladies en genOred by an unwholesome atmospher?,. impnre ;water, and other external- causes,llos tetter's Pi tters may be relied on as a safeguard.. In districts infesied with Fever and it has liven found infallible as a preventive and, irresistible as a remedy; and thousands wh:o resort to it under apprehension of an at tack, e4ntpe the - scourge: end thousands who nel;tlevt ito avail themselves of 5.1.:J - protective qualities' in advance, arc cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinineifor months in vain, until fairly satu rated with that dangerous alkaloid; are not unfreipipntly restored to health within a few days by; the use of Hostetter's Bitters. l'hoVyeak stomach is rapidly invigorated and th 4 appetite restored by thiS agreeable Tonic,-and hence it works wonders in cases of bispepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion' Acting as a gentle and painless apperient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation smperin diteedlly irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Perstins a feeble habit liable to Nervous AttackS, LoWness of Snirits and fits of Lan guOr, find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this !point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Billions Colic is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the sttraulent, and by ;occasionally resorting to it, the return of the domplaint may be prevented. As a. genert - tl Tonic, Ifestetter's Bitters pro duce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully apprecia ted.' In cases of Constitutional Weakness, Prematnie Decay and Debility and Decrepi tude arising from Old Age, it exercises the electric influence. In the convaleicent stages of :ill diseases it operates as a delightful in vigorant. When thepowers of nature are re lax4d. tt operates to re-enforce and re-estab lish! them. Last,! but not least, it is the cnly safe Stim cdent, :being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free, from the !acid elements 'present more or less in all the brdinarytonics and stomachics of The immense increase in the sale of Hostet ter's Bitters, both at home and abroad, during the pa 4 year proves that the' world, while it obeys the Scriptural injunction to "try :111 things," only "Holds' fast tot'thrit which-is good." Spurious preparations, like poiscinous fungi, Ore continually springing up, but their character is soon discovered; and they are "flung like Nfoithic.s . s weeds away." Oa the other hand, a great antidote that performs all if prontises, and even more than its proprie torsclaimed for it, on its introduction,'"is not foci:e day, but for all time." . No family medieineliai been so universally sand, it imay be truly added, deservedly R9pn- Jai with the intelligent portion of ihe coincou , nity, as Hostetter's Bitters. - Prepared by TIOSTETTER ttS - but, Pa. Sold by all .Drugglsts; Pycicers and Stbrekeepers everywhere. • : • The RochestdrStri*.M.'tter , g -- kLIiSTED. KELLY,. Coudersport,,;have exclusive agepey fur this celebrated' machine, fu Ithis.county t It is coyenient, du rabic, eind CLID.Ii). • Dee. I, ISGQ.—Ia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers