L 3 -P ER COUNT IJOUENAI,, "al- iII. GFe r iieral 2 4 Par gelo Crapsey, of RoUlot, shot him self en 'day the first day of 'plus t—cq use not 'km was thought to be i s little crazy. $e was - 0 ce a member of the)7lll Bechtel's. . meeting in Oswayti,i'vte learn re ..the towns of Allegeny, Hebron, :ra and Oswayo offering two hou rs-local-Be:mat), forone yearl vol apt. Graves has authority for rais .any of one year's men. We. hope a will see the necessity olimmadi : mpt action.: See hig advertisement !column. i !. 10.:th l suited in 1 Sharoo, e - '4died doll anteers ing :cote' our citize . ate and pr la another ' '1 Mr.] smarmed a, ',As an off popular a ' time seem.. course, as . the person I (a good in ; will now t Tor., . A g., 1 thing—we one who Burtis of Harrison ii this week an a, candidate , for Cotinty Treasurer. -r twayears ago he Was deservedly /, d his nomination at the present > to be considered aid a matter of here is no opposition to him and who first intended opposing him • worthy man) has withdrawn and row his influence in. Mr. Burtis' fa lod officer in these times is a good • ope our people will remember that . as been tried and not found want generally ce prefeirtd, , isses In the 46th. CAMr or "nz 46th REGI'T Pe. "TNT. VOLS., 1 Cas.ll 00CHIE RIVER, GA., July 1 3. f• . ED. JOU Act I have thehotior to request .. of yen to p Wish the following list of easel ' ties In Co.. G. P. V, V , during' the present .. , campaign.: : John W. Crawford, wounded in side and arm at the attle of Resacca, Ga.; May 15. . -At the attle near Dallas. Ga., May 25, • Capt. Dena s H. Cheesbro killed, ' Sergt. Jas. H. Cole wo tided In arm, Sergt. 0. A. Estes in hand, C rporal E. A. Richmond in head, i Corporal ni, R. ,Clark in badd, Privates Henry Terw !lige: in arm, L. I). Rites in hand, Eli Bailey is back, Geo. NV. Bradley shoulder, slight. . 1 - On skirmish line near Lost Mountain, June 15, .Sergt. C. E. Lovell in band; Privates Alfred N. EFgley in foot, flirart" H. Cheesbro in head, So oinon Nohles in hand, Geo. Rom. _ .igh in leg, enry Kinsey in wrist, Lewis B. Mygrants in leg. ~ _ • On Jun 22 1 near Kenesaw • Mountains, Martin V. an in neck and shoulder, Wm. a. Brizzee ITO nded in leg while' on skirmish Dine, leg am utated ; William Wileox missing. Y Ufa WILLIAM SHATTUCK. „ . Lieut. ()Amending Co. ,G. CMP or 46th AMT. P. V. V. 1 , ELATAHOOCMIE, GA.,;July 15, f 'En. Jou: AL: I send the folloWing morning Report taken from the recordsinf Company 11, P. V. V.,ifuly 15, 1864; for the information ni l of those ha ng friends in the CoMpany 1 Comm nding Officer present for duty, :Capt. Alex. . Selfridge. , -46 enliste men present for duty. • 1) enlisted men absent on detatched service. 38 enliste men absent, sick and wounded. 1 Comma ding Officer, Lieut. Orlando J. 'Rees, absen without 'leave since Jane 7tn. •fltecentlyl armed that he was in Officer's lspital. at qshville, Tenn.)' r. ' Na or men absent in If4tpitals. Sergts. Da lel D. Tompkins, absent, wound md in arm s verely. 4 I 1:.... Lemuel E. Sinsebaugh wounded in hand. Corporals Michael Dunn; legs both ampu • !tined. . i- Elno E. B rdick, leg, slight. , Wallace ollenbeck. thigh, severely." -Privates—l•Charles N. Barrett,( breast, se- Verely,l: l f George B rdick, hand, slight. .` Amos J. mart, 'tead, severely. ; .William liner, head, severely.' 'William L. Poeple, arm, severely. Richardlt. Preston, fingers atnputated. • Francis 1, . Want, hani, slight, ; • Emanuel M. Stnkey, wrist, slight. , William b. Butler, shoulder, s ight, Reuben Persing, arm amputated. Edward E. Kau, lung, severely . j . Barny St ' llman, wrist, severely, 1 James C. Marshall, head , severer Robert E Manuel, arm, severely; George S Younglove, arm, slight Henry J. Epler, sick. George -.Kenyon, reported dett• officially !ball, sink.. str, . do c. ering, do Ryan; do llei., do •arrant, do Cooper, lrd d o Wolf,. man, died in Hospital no °Metal report receiVk nk, sick. Ostrander, tic) it,t4 do L. Herber, do . Holmes, do tiles, do ]. Kighttingtr, do Ross killed in action May 23. Munson killed in 'action May 15, met. killed in action Jinn 15. • Pratt killed in nctioh 4ne 15. rrick Jackson dismissedi from ser • iiefficial l repor r i received July 2d, rbeent are all in good health.— scarce (61 compells me to stop, . 9., CorP. Co. H, 46th .11. Y. V. •,L___,. rtr Net Mars John bli A. D. Pic James I. Adam S Audrey George - Jacob John Din 'vine, Tenn. H. H. Cr Egbert D Leezer S Augustin William Chester Ai George Si William I Sylvester' Melon De Horaels Lient. M Vice May 2 The men Peipet is a CAitP OTtIIE 46 Wear. PA. VET. tOLS:} NE tt ATLANTA, GA., duly 21. Be. Jobaniir.: I herewith enclose' a list of the casualties in Co's',lG and H, of yesterday's battle, wliicilook place near the gates of lAt lanta. Ple ' publish it for the friends of the killed and w unded heroes. Co. H.— led—Private 11. J. Wright, sub., . , shot through the head. Woutde - d-L-Corporal Georse• A. Post, vet., leg broken. 1 I , _-:Privates- 4 Philiplet Jones, yet., We' bide, • John D. .11cDahn, sub., leg broken. Charles 'Reeves, sub., hand, slight. John G. Helleribeck, recruit, one finger amputated. i • • , . . Co. G.— fled—Serg't Christopher C. Cav anaugh, vet. shot _through the head; 'Private Henry!H Cummings, recruit, shot through the ead. Henry So , vet., shot through the body. - Newton N lson, drafted, shot throqb e body. Wouided--S erg't Blue Harris, vet, thigh broken. 1 ' Corporal James Lockwood, vet., tbro' side. Privates--Frank Lovell, vet., through head. William Kick, drafted, in leg. Albert Evans, drafted; in leg. 14.1:1 Jacob Cuegh; drafted, in leg. , - ' The who _loss in the Regiment was 24 killed and 8 wounded, all very. severely. While nto ing for our comrades that have been taken f m our midst, we have the con eolatioa of k owing that they have performed' theit.dnly t ,Ilantly, on many a well-worn field t and:that they have sacrificed their lives in ajust.and 'glorious' cause- -- - - Corporal Emu. R. Heaton, Co, F 1.., Ittn.See the advertisement or Coudersport ACailemy. Mr. Allen has earned a good rep tdatlort as as 'instructor and Irani his recom mendations we judge" will pro' % himielf sue - - coastal in' hisnew field ciflabor: • • Aug 17, 1864. NolrioiteeelVedi daring the month of May for the 'Satitary tcrmraission,a, box of goods and $l2 51:11n money from Miss Stella BishOp, of Allegany ; $8 in money from Miss Jane A; Howe of Iliagham (slo:Tworth of eager fremllisk Mary Harris of Seating;also a box of,goOds;ri , alned• at $25 or $3O from Miss ;Orpli, Strang . and Miss L Sardain of Hector. These articles and money were for warded by Mr. Mann; and we have sufficient evidence to-convince us:that they reached their destination, although as yet I bave're calved no receipt from the Committee of the School Department. The efforts of these Ladies speak for themselves. - • • • ,R. T. Curator, Committee for the School Department; July 26, 1664. - Constitutional section Returns of Totter Countj• :• 1 Ist A. 2d A. • 3d A. • i - • I. For -set. For se,t. For set. Abbott 17 23 40, 4'o " . Allegany' .•65 - - • 64 • '64 Bingham 76 76 ' 75 . Clara 1 . le --1, • 19 ' - Coudersport 5O :5B ' lso Eulalin 35 -35 . 35 _ . . Genesee - 25 • 25 , 25 Harrison 114 105 , 102 riebrotit ' 71 71, 71 Hector' 52 7 53 6 50 6 Honlerl 15 2 7 17, Jackson 8 3 : 9 2 ' 8 3 Keating 8 8 - 8 °swap) , 57' 57 57 I Pike 1 : l'2 •' ' 28, s 22 Pleasant 'Valley 10 •15 10 - 15 10 15 Roulet! 17. 17 • 17 ' - Sharon , ,106 . 6 106 5 111 Stewartson - , . 18 18 18 Summit,. j'_lo 9B ; Swedei / 2B 7 34 1 27. 7 • Sylvania '-, 81 1 -29"! , 1 29 1 Ulysses 132 120 112 6 West Branch 17 13 17 13 17 13 Whartcin .22 10 22' 10 22 10 Total 1025 87 1033 52.1016 61 .There were GO votes in Roulet "against the Amendments," which do not appear as the mariner of voting was not in accordance with 'the law. The whole vote of Summit township was also thrown out because of in formality. The.crowded rate of our columns pre'vente our tnakirig any remarks upon these little "Stracosb 'at present--at some future time we may be tempted to tell "something we have heard." nek.THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY Printing Office, in Chambersburg,was totally destroyed by the rebels—ail the presses, books, type, subscription list and accounts; nothingbeing saved. :We are informed by Messrs. McClure $ Stoner, that as soon as the material and presses fan be supplied, they will resume the publication of the, REPOSITORY, and also TUE OLD Ftect—ti campaign paper that has at tained si very large circulation. The sub scription lists of both papers are destroyed. Four copies - were secreted in different parts of tho town but are burned. With their lists, their subscription accounts were also destroy ed, and subscribers 'should at once inform McClure: it Stoner of their address, and the state of their subscription accounts, ,and all subscribers should promptly remWarrearages and advance subscriptions, to aid the pub lishers. 1 In addition to their offices, both of them had their .residences burned, with all their furniture and personal effects—the reb els-not allowing them to save their clothing. Mr. Stoner was fired at in his own house for attemptibg to save the firm books, and the men who burned Mr. McClure's residence had special orders that nothing belonging to him should he saved. - ‘/' Ipar List of articles contributed toward furnishing the Box 'sent July 28, 1864, from the Coudersport Aid Society to the 11. S. San itary Conimissiou, Philadelphia Agency, 1307 Chestaui street. I Mrs. Ehecorala, 1 linnen table-cloth, 3 lin nen towels. ' Mrs. rierempr, 1 sheet, 1 pillow, 2 lbs 10 oz maple Itigar, ' Mrs. Maltby, 31 lbs goose feathers, 6/ lbs hen feathers, 3 qts blackberries Mrs..l') S. Mann, 2 cans gooseberries, 1 can strawberries, 1 4, bet not Mrs. A. G. Olmsted, 1 qt dried cherries, 7 handkerotiefs, 2 rolls cotton batten. Mrs. D. E. Olmsted, 1 shirt, 1 handkerchief. Mrs. Li Z. Bird, al lbs titled blackberries. Christian Fickler, 3 lbs do to Miss Mary Ross, 2 bottles wine, G hand kerchiefs". Mrs. Mary 11oss, 1 quilt l 3 pillow cases, 3 hop pilloWs, 8 linnen towels, 1 feather pillow, 1 pair socks, I roll old cotton. Air. }loggia, 3} lbs blitakberriei, 1 lb ent rants, 1 pair socks. The Society furbished 7 flannel-.shirts, b pairs canton flannel drawers, 3 pairs cotton drawers, 7 double owns, 4 pillows. A. SMITH, Secretary. rtt Nash -d. Moi.ried t In Clara; . August t, 1864, by P. H. Galen. HENRY {WILLIAMS bf Sharon and Mien HATTIEIPHII,LIPS of-Hebron, Potter co. PRICE CURRENT. , . Corrected every:VVedneSday by P: A. STEI3- BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries 1 an d 'Provisions, oppositeD. F. Glassmires Hotel, - Coudersport, Pa.. Apples, green ) ifl bush:, . $1 0.0 to 1 15 do dried ) " 200 250 : it Beans, -. 300 350 Beeswax, i llllb. ) , . . 25 40 - Beef,-i ._ A( ' ' .•.. : 10 12 Berries, dried, Ifl quart 10 18 Buckwheat;ft bush., 87 100 Buckwheat Flour, 1 1. •- - -3 00 375 Butter v iß IN, - 1 1 . , 25 28 Cheese, ~ '. ii 12 14 Cloverseed . - 700 750 Corn, bush., Corn Meal, per cwt,', Eggs, doz., Flour, extra, bbL, do suliergrie Hams, If? lb., Hay, VI ton, . • s Honey, per 1b.,. Lard, Lard, ". Maple Sugar, per W., Oats . , 11 bush., Onions, it‘ Pork, bbL, . j , do lb., do in whole hog, "If Potatoes, per bush., Peaches, dried, tb. Poultry, ill lb. Rye, per bush ., Salt, 'V bbL, do if) aaplt, . Timothy . eed Trout, per 4 _Wheat, • J{®rAlriuraim-of years have elapsed since the iptrodriction of DOETETTER'S CELE BRATED BITTERS to the public:': The prej adiceexistibg Diary persons against, what are denominated patent medi cines at:first greatly retarded its sale', but, as its virtues and merits became known, this barrier of prejudice was; verthrown, - an di the demand iacreased so rapidly that in a. few years scarcely al-village existed firth° United Stites in which I the afflicted had not experi enced the benefits,axising from the use-of the "Bitters," and at the preSerit day there - are ' be found in :ALL PARTS OF THE ,WORLD vouchers for, thel great merits of the No greater ciire for Dyspepsia can'be found. ' See Advertisement. - For sale by Draggists,and dealers generally everywhere. , • Woolsey purtis of Harrison township Is a candidate for the office of Treasurer, "Subject to the decision of the County,Convention. Register's Notice. " 'WOMB islereby given that the following 11 ° named persOns did, on the dates affixed to-their names, - Me tire accounts of Theiir ad ministration to the estates of these persons, deed, Whosenainiii tre uudermentioned, in the office of . the p.egisternf _rebate of wills and granting letters of administration in' and for the county of Potter, and that the same will be preiented to the Orphan's twirl. of the said county, for confirmation and allowance, on the 19th day; of September next at ten o'clock in the morning, at the Court Rouse in said county First and Soil account of A. G. Presho and Rhoda Amelia Darling, Administrators of the Estate of T. S. Darling late of Allegany tp., deed. Filed tay 5, A. D. 1864. • First and final account of 0. R. Webb,, Administrator of the Estate of Polly Panda warka, late of Roulet tp, dec'd. Filed July 17, A. D 1884. 1 DAN BAKER, Register. August 8,186 C LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Coudersport Pa., Aug. 8, 1864. S M Draicard, Miss Lucy M Buckley, Henry Burgess, Diana Burton, William A. Chestnut, Miss - julla Cole, Thomas' Coons, Elliot and Creek,llorato Elliott, George Puller 2, E N Hovey, John Hovey Esq... N. A. Hume, William Huntley, 'John Kenady . .Elliot W S ,Lovejoy Esq., :Romanto Luce, William Neplfett, 1H Oliver Esq., l Miss Pity lecta Roberts; Mi;ig Sophia Riley, Miss Re becca M Sluyter, George Smith, D. A. Tooker Esq., Miss Kati:tat-Ina Torgst, 0. Turner, J Voorhees, Zadock S Wheeler, D. Wright. JNO. S. MANN, P. 31. XTOTICE is hereby given that the nuder 111 signed, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court to distribute the funds arising from Administrator's Sale of the Real Estate of A H Butterworth, dec'd, will attend to the dales of his appointment on Saturday the 17th day of September, 1864 4 , at 2 o'clock P M, at the office of the Prothc notary, where all persons interested can attend if they shall think proper.. DAN BAKER, Auditor. ' August 8, 1864. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court to distribute the funds arising from Administrator's Sale of.the Real Estate of Samuel Carlin, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 17th day of September 1864, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the office of the Prothonotary, when all persons interested can attend if they shall think proper. H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor. August 8, 1864. Application for Pardon. ALL persons are hereby notified that an Application for Pardon is about to be made to his Flcellency Governor A. G. Cur tin for the pardon of E. P. Stebbins, convicted in the Court of this county, on ono count of art indictment for stealing a horse. Harrison, August 9, 1864. [4lv) 'The public tire hereby cautioned against pnrchateng a certain bond given by the town ship of West Branch, Potter County, , Pa. to B. FL Burrows, for One Hundred aid Fifty Dollars payable in two years. Which bond was in consideration of said Burrows enlist• ing and serving three years in he United . States .Service ,unless sooner discharged.— The said Burrows having deserted before said Bonds were made, therefore they will not be paid unless compelled by law. S M CONABLE, , JOHN KLEMM, • Seiperyisors Of West Branch Tp Augv, 4, 1864. [l94lo]' , , The Last' ClaIL ITOTICE is hereby given that it li no* II Tour Years since P. Ai Stebbins and the undersigned closed their bilsiness, and as a part or the debts due them which remain un-. paid now belong tome. I will attendat ttk Store of C. S. & E. A. Jones, in Couderspoit, for the nest thirty days to receive the pay'on v il them from those indebted to said concern, after which they will be left ' the hands of an officer for collection. A ord to the wise is sufficient. # C.E. JONES. Coudersport july.l, 1864. POTTER COUNTY SS : • The Commonwealth of Pennsylva {L. S. nia to the Sheriff of said county GREETING command you that you attach G. D. Blanchard by all and singular his goods and chattels moneys, rights, credits, lands and terienients in ydur bailiwick iri whdse bands Or possession soever the same may be found, so that he be and appear before our Judges at CondersPort tit a Court of Cothitibit .Pleas 'to be held:in and for said County'on the 15th day of Julie !keit, there to answer, Wm. A. Cole in an action of assunmsit damages not exceeding three hundred • snd . have you then and there this writ.. Witness the. Honorable Roam G. WHITE, President Judge of our said doart at Coudersport, this 11th clay of May, A. D. 1666. [5O et Rev. Staiapl • H. J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary. Dec. 26, 1863, , on motion of W. B. Graves, Plaintiff's Attorney, the Court direct publica tion of the writ in this case by six successive advertisements in the Porrca JOUR&L. 1 60 240 450 475 16 12 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 25 10 00 12 00 :12 15 14 16 12 . 15 75 100 125 45'00 50 00 20 26 . By . the ourt. H. 'H. J.OLMSTED, Proth'y - 011E.1411 ACADEMY. • The Fall Term will commence August 31st 1864 and continue thirteen Weeks. Tuition froni $4,00•t0 $B.OO Per term. Board can be hisa in the Principal's fittutig, 'Morns for self-boarding can he had in the Academy Buildings at 15'2.061)14 term. L IL 'Principal ; assisted by other Teacher's. • -A Teachers' Class. WM' he orgardiedfor the instruction of Machete. in Weir profession, in which HolbroOk's Iklornial Methods and othei faicratti aids will Lensed. ' • • 8 9 75 100 26 30 8 10 125 150 66 500 16 260 350 8 OP. 9 00. 150 162 3 SOQ 800 • F. a: lit ARTM, President: STANLY SIAIyTIN, Secretary, fittEASIIItEII Audit Or's Notice. Auditor's Notice. CAUTION ! . _ _ PA.,. STATE NO R M AL SCHOOL, - ' HANSFrEf.4D TIOGA CO PA. THIS issritutiort iris; Recognized by the State Atstbarties, \ in December, 1842.. AS A I State 14"cinial SObbol. And formally. ()pad as such is AS*teraber 1863. ! The School is at length folates upon a se cure 'basis—the State-appropriation of . the current year enabling the Trustee to eXtin. : giaisti the greater' portion - of the ontstatting liabilities, and - to. make extensive improve- Manta tilnis the buildings and grounds.. . The Second School. Year will commence OnMonday, September 5, 7.554. , Pri , )f. • F. A. ALLIN, for the past all years in charge of the Cheater County (Pad Normal School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. Facir CROSBY, recently of the same institu tion,ihas been appointed to the Professorship otLanguitges and Literature. desirable that students should' nter at tha commencement of a tern; and fora peritld of not less than thirteen weeks. Tuition - , iii:advaftee per term, $6.00. 1. No extra charges fertile laguages or,the higher math-• emetics. Text books rented at - reasonable rates. Vocal and bistruinentall music at teachers' prices. Boarding in the hall, - or in private families,frora $2 50 to $3.00 per Week. Fare from Philadelphia', $8:505 . from Harris burg, $6 , 00. ' W.RIPLEY, Pres. boarcl of Trustees. ALBERT CLARK, Secretary._ , . ' • Mansfield, July, 20, 1864. • SPRING. MILLS ACADEMY . . , . SPEING MILLS, ALLEGANY CO., N. Y. ELIAR HORTON, Ja., PrinciPal Mrs. ADA WALKER,HORTON, Pieceptress Missl NELLIE WALKEA, Assistant Mist A. A. Team, • Teacher Of Music; The Fall Term commences September 7. The Winter Term commences December 14. The Spring Term commences March 2.2.: Tuition from Four to Eight Dollars. Board $2.00 to $2.50 per week. The Pkinbipal having recently gtadnated at one Of the first Commercial Colleges in the State, is thoroughly ptepared to teach Single anal Double Entry Book-Keeping , Banking, Coinmercial Law, &c., in as good a manner as it is taught in any of the first Colleges in the, Country. FOrnished rooms for self-boardmg at low prices. . For further information address the Princi• palkst the undersigned. WK. COBB, President Board of Trustees I IsTotice4, . (; =MANIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863. Xri()TICE is. hereby given that Charles Bu ll ihor, now:or late of this county, holding the 'following described property, has not yet, paid any consideration ivhateverfcr the same, arid all persons are hereby warned not to pur chase, any of said property of the said Bushor balite the decisioti of the Coat is given in thiecese and C. Bnshor has paid to me the .iznaeitiefetiolt money thereto?. The following is the property: A certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.-- Als6 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the nbove. • 2nd. A certa:in tract of land, With Mill and improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa„ containing about 204 acres. dirßushor holds also in trust warrant no. 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa.; on the road v ieading from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres. tflr WM. ItODDB. ISINK ABB' GREENBACKS. M O Hunters and 'krappers in Southern Al= legany and Northern Pennsylvania be it known, that from this till farther notice, the subsgAbers will pay FIVE DOiLLARS EACH in greenbacks, for all healthy living Mink, delivered to them in Wellatllle. These Mink are new worthless fOr fur, and will remain comparatively so for three br folir months, their I iikins not beir.g iftime till about the middle of Dbcemberi Whole litters of Mink now pretail on the tributaries Of thn Obilesee and Allegany, and can be taken in box traps. Persobs catching them have oniy.. tokeep theth I confined in a box well iintilated and kept lin:areool place, With a dish of good pure watertat all times in the box , and hairs ilozen if can ht can be brought to market at 'Once. Mirk, can be caught much more readily now than when the season beacimes adfained and cold,l and will bring just as. good price by selling to the subscribers: Bring them along theu,l singly or by the dozen, and the money is ready: WILLIAM W. COLE, , . ASFIErt P. COLE. Wellsville, July 19, 1864:z4nk. Adininistratorli brititioe. TADIEREAS Letters; of Administration tb 'the estate of JAMES COTTOH,• late Of Harrison township, Potter client'', deed, havii been !granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requeqed to makb immediate payment, and those havitlif claims against the same will present theni, duly au thenticated, for settlement to LEROY D..GOFT, , CoutiOrsport, .tuly 20, 1864. Chillenge to a Mowing Mato& y challenge any Agent of the Hubbard, Ohio, &RBIS'S OD, Cayuga Chief or Buckeye Mowing MaChines in Potter County, to meet me any:. where in this County within 20 miles of this place, and test the machines in cutting light and . heary,,long or short grass; on ground milt and stony Or smooth---wherever it has been iPloWed—on cutting stubble shigh and short, on ligbtuesi of draft, a trend' and dur ability; ease in'handling to team and driver, passing obstacles large and BMA.. The Judges to tie chosen froni the, specta tors at the trial (I:tut, ntit i'Mowing - machine men") Itra by eath Agt.—their names put in to stet and one drawn out .by each Agent present; these to constitute the Judges. The machines to be worked first by their i Agents, and then by each of the Judges driv. ing and handling each one: The Agent* atinise Machines are beaten shall pay ell ex- Penset of this, and all advertiderdents of trial, , handbills, &e. . A inert of the trial to be published in the POTTu JOIIRNAL. Agents accepting this. will please notify meat Spring Mills, 11..!,, of di:6E44(lpiece cif trial: Also see to the proper notices of trial. ' 1 1 0 littlT, Agent fel We A. Woods Prize Mower liew Sod& Raking Combined, and - Othirs, Poiter.Co., Pa July & 1864. Road Contracttiret. ritE4PONSIBLE parties übfe diriiions 1.11, of urieertaltidg the litrildirte eC fha en. tiro cirlalpart of a dug road,: (IV/ feet wrtte,) of from 12 to 15 miles fa .stur SouthOrsotera pars of Potter Cototy, Peairm, ta• ‘ "Ktly for partitulare to GRAS. MEINE,'Esq,, airrreyer, Germapip, Potter Co.i.Ps... , • • June 8, 1884,41.- - - New • • Spring Goods ! ! P l A, STEBISINS & Co, 'tavejaat reciir.ea from New "fork, a large stock ofseasonable Goods which they will sell as IoW as any house in the County;, con sisting ot Y • prg DioS , iin all varieties viz 1 DRESS GOODS) DifrAINES, Po rmATS, 4 PACA'S, 33IOZANBlatIES, PlAibi PO PS MS) BLOCS &LEA% IBALMOR.A.I CIOAKS, 1 VECIAICArgit 'CASSINRRES, ME _ .4444*ta, ;le.* Putt ato4k of MEN's FASHIONABLE OLOTHIN 1 '1 . • ALSOJ Boows HA*S 46 CAps, &C.i &C: oltotat ;Frdok OF Oli r OCERigS, 34 • . tea traml eta tte petrga i asni 1 p.,itiffnahutrtgt;s4 Touter Wain' .aaftEriesouititiisetat staiimert, - tar %snort.. - -• • Ndt Adeittmolicir , 2, A WSW GOBGEMTBATEB VEGETABLE EXTRACT .1)r. Hoofiari4!s„: 7 YREMBBD BY Dr. O. Iff...tadisOn y Philadix.Pa. WIZ& ZFiEttrtrALLY- CU E LIVIEIe COMPLAINT, i DYt, • el A tribrolt, Chronic or Nerr)ons6:47il3l - ;:Distases of the Kidneysanii at/ -di:stasis &rising from a disordered liner or &Mach, Such as Oonstipation, Ihward Pilek Fulness or Blood to the Head,Achlity of the Stetoacb, Nausea, Heattburn, Disgust for Foodynl ness or weight in the Stomach, Sim- Ertictatio ns, Sihking or Fluttering it* the PiteftheStomach; Swim Ming of the Head, hurried and Dim cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,thelP ing or Suffocating sensations when in d if , ing poitare, Dimness of :Vision, Dots Webs before the Sight s Fever and dull Pain in the Head, .DeficTilMby of:Per spiration, Yellowness of thb Skid • and Eyes,Pain in the Sid Back, Meat, Sudden - Fittshts . /Nati " Burning in the ' Flesh, Consituilt ithagiz . nings of Evil, and great Depremiedee of Sphits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEBS I Are not a new and untried article, but haw/ stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public'; and their reputation and sale, arb not rivaled by any Minna. prepara , tion. The proprietors have thousands WI Letter/I from the most eminent - • CLEAGYMtN, LAVvirEttg, • • - paySTOik-gg, tea ctilzgNS. Tentifying'ortbeirn'ern 'personal kirolvNtige, to the beneficial effects and medical virtares of these Bitters. • ATTENTION, .SOLDIERS 1 AND WED PRIESDS HOLDIEZEI. We-call the attention otall having relations or 'friends in the army to thefact LAND'S German Bitters" Will cult nine tenths Of the diseases induced ?bp p,spOstres and privations incident to carat. life. 'lathe lists, published almost daily in thefnewepapera t tm the orthn si6k, it will be noticed 'that a very large , proportion are suffering frownde bility. 2very case of that kind can be cured by Hooliand's 'German bitteia,-- Mimeses resulting AiSOrders of tile 'digs- tire organs are speedily removed. Vire have no hesitati6n in stating that, if these Itittdrs were freely used among our soldierg , hem. dieds of liVes might his dived that OWIII - Will be lost. - . • We Cali pin:Sonia:a dttentfan to the &Bols i g remarkable and well authenticated of one of the nation's heroes, whoiie life ) to use his own language, 'Alma been saved by the Bitters..." IEII Pittinitira*, Aug. 23, 1)36i; kassits. .Tows & gentle Men, your Hoofland German Bitters has saved tar life. There Is no mistake in this. it is vouched far by- rnimberi,4f diy teinfattits, sothe Of Whobe names are appended, and alto were fully conitant of all the eirctinistailees of my case. I am, add haie been thetbi fast; four years, a member of She, rnian'stelelifitted. battery,, and under the i Immediate Win mend Of Capt. R. B. ,Ayres. Through the exrsure attendant upon my arduous &Ines, Ltvaiattaeked in Noverisher Etetitith Maim alien of the lungs, and :matt-Mr seventy4wo days in the hospital. This was folloared by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the While House, and bent to 'this 'city 00 board the ;Steamer "State of Maine," front *bleb I landed ml the 28th of Jrtne Since dint time I have bee about as low as any one be and still rain a spark of vitality For a- ' week Or me I was scarcely able Mr swallow anything, and if I did force' a .hostel down, it. was immediately thrown upiagaini I could not even keep a glass Of water on my stomach. Life could not last rinder such k circumetattes ; and, acconlitiglj . the physi- Mans who had been working faithfully, tho'' • unsuccessfully, to rescue me Vela the grasp. of the dread Archer,.frankly told me they' could do no more for Me, and advised Meta , see a clergyman, and to make such , tion of My limited - funds as best. silted, me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hos pital, Mr. Frederick Steiubton, of gixtb below* Arch Street, advised Me, as a forlorn hope;- to try your Bitted; and kindly:precinct et bottle. Flom the time 1-ctinimenced.tastaZ Ithem the glooMy. shade* cit death rectded o and Tam now, that* God for it, gem het ter.. , Though I hari taken. but tam. battik% I have gained ten potinds, and LAW sa of being permitted to rejoin nay ilia 11.5taii daiighter; from *hem I hate Mari octictage for eighteen niontla ; for, centime*, I and loyal Virginian, from, tins. tritimba mat Royal. To your invalsahlrlXtierf I ow* awl certtinty of life which Bars taketi turrphiftor vague fears—to you- Bittenr-taill 1 intre4be glorious privilege se - irtiain, elaspieg, 031:•1 bosom those whin are dearest to use is trfe, Very truly youth, ISAAC NALUNk.... We tally concur in the tratko. otthenNale` statement, is we has desVarred tir friOniair comrade, Igh...Thinte,. menaced 10 Uzi& John Cid.dtelinclu,, ISt Rest To, Rotteil.l. Georgfr AL .Acilley,. Co- C,. nth Le . WLF Chevirrer-; 92YLtFfew . Ye • I. 1.. Spesosr, Ist Artillevy; Battery F*:> J. BL Ilhaewelf, Co. .IK. Zalrerusont.:. Finer SerAtte, Cc, Ir k trik. Remy 12a edesal32,. Cea. C ata. Ara: ItAtri F.. Nir.ore, E a. j r , stbilgir2o" EreTMOtt Kathy ,Cem. Et- Vicil Savo Tsui.. ISratits.lßß Bt. Morass: Co- F„ Aidisve IMYAR IT &L A, 325 tern a,,. ' Ca: lit - Emilia Pti' • • • lik.WARk fkir •l• sortarsr4Stit , &ell*" tiersitpratosetenC: SlVlZSifekti la am ttrellirs • ' • , PIIIIIOP SEekt poierrvisslgiabizinte .E.LEoperroe'doi.. Sept* 'Sirtalt aiiiorsr..trEbttitto , 4l44*Sig Sliou=yourrrearastuthirtarti Ramis:ea* forremwgraparagbraaztlideniaivisitstigeonSlUS l M 'pßonsidtat midi to 114. itUr !sop . ttpti gtrovenat suanselirgacZt4tt astLniasi.,,i • ESIMI6Iti.O4I3IOEkaRBTAidawAW-M321,/ - azti.enctimionit Orwatzette-m.LIBMIEutAkU.;.4 Ft)CqsaltellyrD. lg CaPrz• . .1, 1 . CLOT.RS, =I 11111111 A l'ur a 11"nie. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers