THE POTTER COUNTY JtjtfßNAli . • - • lebuderspart, Vied=B4-2v 1:415Cal and ''Geribi,al.. ." "LOST—Between thd POst Office and vGifiannire's Hotel, OpLIS SLEEVE-BUT-' I TOl.- The finder will confer alfavor by leav- "ingit at the Jounven Office—Oonderspurt,Pa. Philadelphia . dr, Rrie Railroad was,cen:kpleted on the 2d inst. j re„Hon. Samnel Coney has been re-floral inattd by the Republican Stale Convention of Maine as candidate for Governor. MI-Brown's Bron - chial Trochei,for Coughs, Colds; - 'Pulmonary and Asmatic Disorders, have proved their, efficacy by a test of many - pars, and have • received 'testimonialS from eminent men who have used them. . , sErThe lowa TribUne, the leading German paper of Southern lowa, reptidiates the Cleve land contrivance, and raises the , banner of aLinuolo and Johnson. When the details - of ' the marriage between. the Copperheads and •Illadicais reach the Germans, we shall find them abandoning Fremont in &body. They -inay, admire the,General for his Professed de. notion to freedom, but they jvill , not be trans- Iferiodqlike sheep into the shambles of treason. 125(....51%.F.2ars ago, Mrs. Clinton Lloyd, of 'Williamsport, lost her purse containing $lB. IThe purse was found -in the Court House ,Tard, but the money was missing. Recently, tslie•received s.2k, stating that i ; t, was for . the $lB (and interest) so Liken, from her, and asking that the receipt of the seine should be publicly acknowledged, which has been done „far the satisfaction of , tbe troubled conscience of the•wrongdoer.—Bulletbi , Tire Piratie"Aklabnnin" is Sunk, •• The'Rebei pirate ship Alabama has -been conquered in .fairfight and sent to ..the bottom of the oceanK 'pis noted pi- Iratical'pest•of our commerce met her end on the 19th June. . Thel -Union vessel Kearsarge, pint. WinslOw, of Mass.) , was the victor. The Kearsarge is -the , smaller vessel., She had blockaded the Alabama in the harbor of Cherbourg on 'the north coast of France. It is said - Capt:.:Seninsos of,the Alabama challenged 'Capt . . Winslow, :nteatniiig out of the her . •bor directly for the Kearsarge, and firing the first shot., at 1.1, A. as. about ten miles from laud: .Manoonv i ering , for positions, -both vessels made several .compiete eir '-eles. About noun, the' Alabama was so ' riddled ' that she started to return, but 'soon sunk, with a feW mem—but her -crew-were mostly saved, 68 men being taken up by the Kearsarge, and Capt. i -- i, .Semmes and 40 of ii . men-being rescued :. by - an English ship ',bill was looking on. The Kearsarge p t a shot through the "'boiler of the Alabama, followed by broad ,eides from larboard to starboard of the Kearsarge, making a breach four yards in length under the Alabama's water line— mid that finished liar. The Kearsarge -received but little' damage. The Alabama lost 8 dead, 17 'wounded: 'The Kearsarge, only 3 slightly ,wounded _Married By Iter. J. J. Roberts, on ! J ulyJ l3th. at the' residence of •the bride's Either, THEODORE "COBB, of Sping Allegar.;)- Co., N. Y-, to Mils MAGGIE 11.;TZGER., Of this pinc:o. iZrAny Widow:, or Pa!lent; or Orphan, or :Brother, or Sister of any ;Soldier, r:ailor or - Marine, killed, or whc has died in the :service of the United States, who desire NINETY-SIX `DOLLARS ($96) a year Pension, from ONE HUNDRED TO ELEVEN lIUNDRED AND - NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS ($1195) CASH BOUNTY, and all the arrears of pay doe him, shOuld milt at once or write to JOSEPH E. DEVITT & COStPANY, No. 457 Walnut . St., ' the Military d: Naval Agency, Philadelphia. I Also, State' Pay, County, City, Ward or ether Bounty, &c., if there is any due. Apply either In person or letter. j • aA NUMBEI3. of years have elapsed since the ,introduction of HOSTETTER'S CELE BRATED BITTERS to the public. The prej udice. existing in the minds ofi many persons against what are denominated patent medi cines at first greatly retarded its sale, but, as • its virtues and merits hecarn known, this barrier' of prejudice was overthrown, and the •tiemand increased So rapidly that in a few _years scarcely a village existed in the 'United States in which the adlieted 4 bad not experi -.enced the benefits arising from the use of the ' "Bitters," and at the present day there are to be found in ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD vouchers for the great merits of the article. - . No greater cure for Dyspepsia can be found. See Advertisement., yr- For sale by Druggists and dealers generally •everywhere:' HOWARD ASSOCIATION, _ • PIIILADELPIIIA, ISEA§ES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urine ry,:trid sexual systems—nejw and reliable `treatment—in reports of the HOWARD AS •SOCIATION—sent by mail sealed letter envelopes, free of charge: Address, Dr. J. 'SKILLIN'HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Fo. 2 Sonth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. jy131864. Challenge to a Blowing 'Watch. I: challenge any Agent of the Hubbard, Ohio, I.Rawson, Cayuga Chief or Buckeye Mowing ;Machines in Potter County, to meet me any- Iv here in. this. County within 20 miles of this place, adt test the machines in cutting light Andlheavy, long or short grass; on ground rough and stony or smooth—Wherever it has been plowed—on cutting stubble high and short, on lightness of draft, strength and dur ability, ease in handling toteam and driver, passing obstacles large and Abell. 'The Judges to be chosen froM the specta tors at the trial (but not Pawning machine men'!) iivo by each Agt.—their names put in to,a.hat and one drawn o t each. Agent presenti these to constitute udges. The machines to. be worked first by their Agents, and . then by each of the Judges driv ini and handling each ono. The Agents Whose Machines are beaten shall pay all ex penses of this, and All advertisements of trial, &c. - • 4. report of the trial to be published, in the •IPOTTER. JOURNAL. Agents accepting this. will pleasb notify me at Spring Mills, N. Y., of time endplate of trial. Also see to the proper notices of trial'. - C. L. HOYT, Agent Woods Prize Mower New Self- Raking Coplbjned, and otheis., Bingham, Potter Co., Pa., J:tly 5 1 , 1864. . PRICE CITEREST. . , oOrrecteiretertWethi4eday_ tly,P, A. ?TM BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries and.grovisionsi, , Jill - 13, 1861 • oppoSite D. F."O-la,ssmire'e lioteli Coudersphrt, Pa. Apples; green; V bush., - $1 00.tb 125 do. • driedi- , " 'H , , k 200 250 Beans, gs 3Od 350 Beeswax, 11 lb„ . - 38 1 40 Beef, f , 10 12 Berries, dried, %4 quart - 10 18 Buckwheat, V bush., B7 100 Buckwheat Flour, 300 375 Butter, /3 lb., •25 28 Cheese,. " ' . 12 14 Cloverseed 1. • ~ 700 . 7 50 Corn, l'fil bush., . 1 50 '2 tiO Corn Meal, per cwt., 4 50 _ 4 75 . Eggs, 3,1d0z. , - • . Flour, extra, do stiperfine " Hams, 14 11).11 Hay, "q 1 ton, Honey, per lb., Lard, i'' 14 16 Maple Sugar,,per Ili.i 12 15 Oats, ll bush.,. 75 Onions, " . - 100 123 Pork, 11 bbl., . , 45 06 50 06 do 11 111, . ' - 20 25 do in whole bog, 9 Thli . , 8 8 Potatoes, per bush., '75 100 Peaches,- dried, 9 ibli • 25 30 Poultry, 'il lb., 8 10 Rye, per,bush., - 125 150 Salt, 1 1 bbl., i 450 500 do `" , el sack, I Timothy eed f. Trout, per 1 bbl., Wbee.t; 'V Suih., , White Fisk, ';'"fp i bbl.-, Please annOunce in your paper that JOHN M. KILBOURNE is a candidate 'fot the office of Representative 7or. Potter County. K. Pike Mills,..lune 8, 186.4. Tile Last Call. xTOTICE is hereby given that it is no* 111 - Four Years since P. A. Stebbins and the undersigned closed their business, and as a part of the debts due them which retrain un paid now belong to me. - I will attend at the Store of C. S. &''E. I A. Jones, in Coudersport, for the next thirty days to receive the pay on them from those indebted to said Concern, after which they will be left in the hands of an. officer for collection. A word'to the wise is sufficient. ' - C. S. JONES. Coudersport July 1, 1864. lIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Canclersport Pa., July 1, 1864. Benjamin Bassett, Miss Sarah Bacher,. W. K. .Bissell, Charles M. Carter, William H. Den ton. D. Thatcher,George Fuller,DanielHacket, 0. Haskins, A. ill. Herrington, C. Knowlton, Mrs. M. L. Ostrander, 2 C. C. Phenix, Martha Saha*, FreehOve Shaw, Mr. Filander Ste phen, Valertla.Soofel, Mrs. Emily M. White, Mr: E. Whiles. I JNO. S. MANN, P. M. Hare !Chances ! • ' I offer for saled3n'rea-soaable terms and lib eral Limo : ONE FARM,I4-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM!-+-235 Acres-80 Cleared OE FARM !;--50 Acres-4 5 Cleared ONE R.A.R511300 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of ether Farms and Land Some money Melte required down. Lucien .113ird."4 Brooklaud, Pa:, July 2, '64 tf MAiNHOOD : HOW LOST," Just published:, a net: edition of Dr. Culverwell'lS Celebrated Essay on the radical Ore (without medicine) of SPERMATOE.III:IOE4 or Seminal Weakness, 'ln voluntary Seminal losses. ImsorcNCy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments to Mar riage, etc. ; also, pONSIMIPTION, EPILEPSY, and Fug, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. t"Price, in a healed envelope, only 6 cens. The celebrated! author in this admirable essay clearly demonStrates, froth a thirty Sears successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-:abuse may be radically cued without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutal, by means of - which ev ery sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may Mirth himself cheaply., privately and radically. IperThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. St nt, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CITAS; , J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowry, Now York,Post office box-4586. DR, TOBI-AS' k k InfAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TION during the fourteen years it has been introduced into the United States.— After being tried by millions; it has been proclaimed the pain destroyer of the world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and influenza, it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above, besides being useful in every fdmily for sudden sod; dents, ,duch blirns, - cuts,* scalds, insect stings, lie. It is perfecily innocent to take internally, and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. ' Office, 56 Uortlandt Street, New York. Sold by all druggists. Having secured the services of • HENRY S. COVITI3OILN 1 , BLACKS-MITI - I of twenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish fanners and travelers with the best of Horse and Ox Shoeing, Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives Am.; promptly, • L: BIRD, Proprietor, Brookiand, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Cnshingvillei May 25, 1.864. The Rocheet , O LMSTED at K the exclusive ft 4. inaChine, in this coq mibtet 16 12 00 . 15 00 10 00 12 00 25 10 00 12 00 ;12 15 250.350 pOO 900 150 162 800 900 'As'Atinnx HOW RESTOItED 1 r Straw-Cutters 4 f, Coudersport, have ency for this celebrated 'nty. It is covenient; du ' Dee. I, 1560.-13 50 PER OEM. SAVED I! AT REGULATORS Nos. 1 &2, AT OSWAYO,PA., A.ND WIIITESVILLE, N. V. VELI.b*CITI2hI4,§, i'fithas and Custom ers: I return my thankS to you for the liberal patronage bestowed niTon, me for the past ten years. lam now adding to my stock to select from - z $20,000 Worth öi Ni* Goods, and have opened a Brandt stoie . al. WHITES VILLE, N. Y. where, we shall keep a Large Stock of the best quality of 'Goods, and shall ever endeavor to give our customer's large bargains: We are now selling Good nittings and Slieeting,s for 25 to 30 cents, worth 30 to 40. Good Mats from 18. 3-4 to 20 'cents, worth 25 to 28. __- Good Delaids 25 to 31 cedts,iVerth 31 to 34. Good Plaid Alpaccas. 28 to 30 cents; worth 5O to 'l5. Extra Plain Alpacce.s 40 to 63 cents, worth G 3 to 88. Extra all-wool Delains.,3ii to 50 cents, worth 50 to '75. • Fine Mozambiques 22 to 2.5 dents, worth 38 to 45. Fine all. wool Merinos '69 to 80 cents, worth, $1 to $1,50. e A large stock of Cassimers, let. Jeans, Sati- netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally', as low; CL 0 THIXG.--a This branch of our trade we call your atter tion to in particular, as we can and will save you 25 to 50 per cent. Fine suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good black pants f0c53,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. SILKS,SILIWLSAC., of the Best and Latest Fashions, very low.— Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brooms. Stella, and most other kinds. Boots Shoes. A large assortment very low. Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for. $1,25 worth $1,75. Men's Fine Calf Boots $3,75 to $4,75, worth $5 to, $6. Eats xzn, Caps, for Ladies artd qatts, 'very low. Crockery and Hardware, aitft 4 1 triii;to, .&-r., at prices far below the present retaellel Miceetee:. Flour, Pork, Fier, Hams, Itec, Sugar, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, &c., as low as can be bought lit tbe 8416. Not having time or spate to note further,ive would say to those asking why we can afford to sell below other:dealers, s this, we bay very large amounts and are in New York about one-fourth ofithe time, and are So well acquainted with the market, that we buy many goods low and can afford to sell them at home at less prices than many . Merchants buy in New York. Our Store at Nhitesville is under the management of Mr. 1 J . . SHRP HARD, who has been with me at Oswayo for the past two years, well. known to the people of this section, and will ever try to give them all bargains or their Interest. Our ;tore at Oswayo under the management of my broth er, WM. " SIMMONS, an experienced dealer, who will ever give all customers the benefit of all bargains. An early call is respectfully solicited. Yours Truly, C. H. SIPIINIONS bstiaYo Regulator, No. 1, • Whitesville Regulator No. 2. May 25, 1864. cl -Nei* E Sprin i g Goods ! ! P 'At STEBBINS 'ft'. Coi, ilaveittslreceivta itoin knit ,, a large stock of seasonable Goods whiih they will sell as loir its uny house in the County; con sisting of grg Gulls 'in all 'vnrietiea iii DRESS GOIO.IM, DETILLAES, •P'ol4r2v - S•, :Abp:CcAP,:s, ..MOZANBIG-il:;t'S PLAID TOPONS; BL-A OK 01.LKS, :8 A.Lmoßit olks, tIL o Akrika:sr, `~'~'aS`l~fEr - ES, &HA 't:MBRELLAS, &c Pub fitoCk. of MEN'S' FASHIONABLE eLbtitiNg! AL'e BOOTS tt NOES, g*Ts Ey CAP ~ &c.; oitoict 4106 , k OP GROC ERIE 83 .AttAit Olt . ; zutvb EMI tOs. trona 75 ets. to g 2 pet. pound pi, 1 STEBBINS' & Coi l , Is Corner Main and Second Streets, ConfisropoiS, May 11, 16114.-Iy. Not Micohifile. A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VE,GETABLE EXTRACT A Pure tonic., German Bitters, kREPAiED BY tr. O. M. Jackson, 'Pldiada.Pa. WELL EFFECTUALLY CURE Livzir. Coup Latter, . . . eireqc or Nervous Del Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from 'a disordered L iveinr Stonterai, (Such us 'Constipation,'lurvard Piles, Fulness orßlooa to the Head,Acidity of the NauSea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Fra , mess 'or weight in the Scorned], Sciur Eractations, Sinking otFluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming I of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,Ohok ing or Suffocating sensations when in.o ly ing posture, Dintmesl3 of Vision, Dots or . .Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency or Per i epiration, Yellowhess of the Skin I and Eyes, Pain id the Side, tack, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, urning in the FleSh, Constant Imagi nings 'of Evil, and great Depressions Of Spirits. • 1 . ' HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIT-TEBS*I Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen .years trial by the American public; andl.their reputation and Sale, are not rivaled by any similar prepara tion. Thi to propfietors havOlmusande - cif 'lettere from the most eminent ' CLERGYMEN, . . LAWYERS. •NS i • • I . . . PHYSICIA, and • CITIZENS.Z Testifying . ortheir own personal knowledge, to the beneficial efleits and reediest virtues of these Bitters. . . • ATTENTION, sautnEßSl IND THE FRIENDS OP simians We call the attention•of all havitig'relfiticing or friends in the army to the fadt that "liOOF LAND'd German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the disease& induced b'y exposures, and privations incident to camp life'. In the lists : , published almost daily in the' iieWspapeis, oh the arrival of the sick, it will - be.noticed that a, very large proportion are Buffeting frorrfde bility. Every case of that kind can be read-. ily eared by 'Hoofiabes 'term= Bitters.= Discs Ses'restiltih,g from disorders of the diges tive organs are speedily; removed. We have no hesitation' in stating that, if.these Bitters were free& 'laded among dui soldiers, hun dreds of lives Might be saved that other *ise tvill'be hist. 1 IWe call particular attention to the follotv ing remarkable and well authenticated 'cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his owp , language, "has 'been saved by the Bitters': Plirtinstiqtri, Atie. 23, 1863. E t I.ll*Epsns. Joxis & tivasl , l.--.7:We11, gentlemen, yer!. llootland German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my corrirades, sotne of whose names are appended, and who were'fully conizant of all the - circumstances ofituy case. 'I am,-and ha re been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery,.and 'tinder they _inidiediate :Com nutria o Capt. R. B. Aires. Throngb the' exposure rittenBatit upon thy Sir - Lions dUties, I was attacked in November lastwith inflam-1 ation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two dais in'tlie hospital. This Was followed by great debility, heightened by, an attack of dysentery. t Was "(Hen rerhoved from the White Rouse, and Sent Id, this city On board the Steamer "State Of Maine," from which I landed on the 28th of Jun. 'Since that time I have been about as low as 'anyone could be and- still retain a spark lof vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything. and if r did force a morsel down, it was immediately, thrown up again. I l could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could riot last under Such' I circumstances ; and, accordingly' the physi ciaris who had .been working faithfully,. i tho' unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told the they could do no more for me, and advised s rue to see ECClergyman, and to make such disiiodi tiorOof my 'limited funds as heft Suited the. An acquaintance who visited the at the hos- 1 pital, Mr: Frederick Steinbilon; of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as'a forlorn hope, I to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the trme I &mini:iced taking Otani the gloomy shadow of death receded, 1 and I am now, thank God for it, getting bet * I Though I have taken but two'bottles, I have . ] gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of 'being . nermitted 'to. rejoin_ my wife and, daughter, from whdin I bare beard nothing for eighteen months . ; for. tendert:ten, I am al loyallitglaian, ;froth The vicinity of Front Royal. To your. invaluable 'Bitters I owe the certainty of life which has taken th - of vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the, glorious privilege Of again clasping. to thy bosom those who are dearest to the in life. 'Very truly. yours, ISAAC MALONE. - We fully concur in the truth of the abOve statement,,as we had desraired of seeing Oar comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. Jobin Cnddleback, Ist KeW York Battery. George A. Ackley, Co. C, 11th Marne. tesvi:g eh - eValier, 92d New York.. I. E, Spencer, Ist Artillery : Battery J,13. FaseWell, C0..13, 2d lerinont. Henry B. Jerome, to. B, , do. _ Herity T. Macdonald, Co. C, nth Illaide. Jelin F. Wrard, 'Co. E, sth Maine. Herthan Koch, Co. H. Mallow York. • CL' 0 T.&S, Nathaniel a Thomas. Co. F, 95th Penn. , , Andrew J.. Kimball, Co'. A,; 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th: Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I - See tnat the signature of "(3: M..TACKSON,i' is on't.lie WRthl7.ll. of each I • PRICtS : (holding nearly 41bithie Auantity) •; $l.OO per Bottle-Aalf doz. $5.00 Small Size--75 cts. pr Bottle - 4 -half doz. $4.00 Should your nearest druggisenot htivb the article do not be put off by any of the intox icating-preparations that maybe offered 111 its place, but send to us, and we Will forward, securely pecked, by elpress. PRINCIPAL OFFICE ANI) MANUFACTORY No. 631 Arch Street, JONES & E VANS; (Successors to C. 11. JACKSON & C 0.,) PROPRIETORS. ' 'FOR sale by Druggists and Dealers in every lbw, in ti►e United &Mos. Dr Hoofland's DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, --'- 'To - Road Contractorsi - _ , 7,- 13 ESPONSII3I43 partles airje amt. eteslttini of widertaking tire or a part of ~dug, road,ll6l,feet of from 12 tfo 15 'miles In the South=Esatarti part,of Potter Comity, Penna., mat applj, foe plittitalars to cilia MEW; Trq. , Stirserorg IJArriuMla, Potter,Co., Pa:._.: , 'Yana .8,.1864.-tl.- HIM Appcasement, List Ottealers h t,bfereltantlitte in the bonnty of Fottef, fdr Via year 1814,: with cl t astti r ecc: • . _ - - • " Plaee. Can. , Anf T. Scot, : filleglitiy, 14 $7.00 F. T. Suhr, • ' , Ulysses, 14 .. 7.00 Chappell 4Brotlieis, dd . 14 7po 11ary M. ,Efe.ckeiti'. - chi 14 • 704 L. Bat - - do - 14.- 7. Gl P. A. StebbinS, Coi3dersp i l, 13 10.00 D. E. Olmsted, do - . 13 10.10 C. S. $- E. A. Jones, . 1 do 33 10.00 C. Smith, - ;,do 14:7 E. X. Sphencer, 'do 14 • 7.00 ,J. S. Mann, ';do 14 7.00 H. j. Olmsted, 'do 14 7.00 C. H. Warriner, ~ 'do -14 7.00 Glits.smire & Colwell, deo 14. 7.00 D. S. Cottrell. " Sharon 14 7.00 A. V. Humphrey; 'ad - - 700 C. H. Simmons, Ostittyp, 11 15 00 Wm. McDougall, ,do 14 7.00 B.S.Coth ell,Weston .t Bro. Boulet 14 7.0- r Mason Nelson, Enlalia, 14 7.00 'l3eery-Andresen, Kettle cek, 14 7.00 H. Theis, Germania, 14 7.00 Uharles Meisder, do j 14 t 7.00 Jacob' Kull, do 1 l4 .7,00 Augusiti Hepp, dO 14 7.00 Frederick Ocb, . • do brewery 105.0 fr ' J. Sohtrartenbacb, ao . " 10 5.00 Mrs. M. Goodman, Harrison,. 14. 1 1.00 Wilcox & Whittoml?, 'do 14 7.00 J. &W. Burtis, do 14 too G. A.. 13.irclay, Wharton, 14 2. r THOIiPSON,. Mercantiile Atirt. Tune 8, 1864. IS6I. PHILADELPITIA: & ERIE RAILRO AIX= This great line traverees . the Iforthatka and Northvrest 'eounties of Pennisylva'teith to -- the'eify of Erie, on Lake Britt It has "been leased by the renttsylvatila Road Company, and I dder {heir- atispiee's is being rapidly opened cn thrigho'n't its 'attre -leogth. • it is now iii use'for Passenger and tireltbt business from Harrisburg tit) St. gaffs (it . miles) 'on the Eastern • Division, and feom- Sheffield to Erie, (18 Miles) *Ott the Iveitug TIME OF elssusosit issim AT inii.Olthrr: , Leave East*isrd% EX press Train, - 3 - 50 P. M. • Leave Westward. Aehomthcidation Train, .1 30 1 P. M. Cars run through wrragur citaliscs 1 18th Ways 'between Philadelphia and Lock Hake& and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. 'Elegant - Sleeping Cars ofi - Express Tfkins both ways between Williamsport and IttatlT more', and Williamsport and, Philadelphtk. For information respecting Passengtir.ttilbi mess apply at the S. E. Col'. 12th and Met Streets. And or - Freight business of the'COrtapaitY's Agents:. . S. 8. - King,ston; 7r, 'Cora 13th and Di Aet Sts., Philltdeiphia. -1 -J. W: Reynedds Erie. - J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. 3t. Biltimoisk H. H. HOUSTON, Vela:P - 3.41a Lewis L. Hover, Gen'l :Ticket .41. Jos. D. POTTS, . ' Grn7 Itankver, Fillicinisf Ott. WATCHMAKEIi. • WARRINER Continues, to repair CLOCKS,! WATCHES ithd JEWELR. in Coudersport, and keOps ioh stantly on head and ibr sale a gdelcl asterl T meat of_ - Watches, and - - J'etitioity Of The very quality. Also, PLATED WADE, SPECTACLtS, VIOLIN STRINGS, 'REVOLVERS, *e^. Alto, a fbll supply of .. Fishing Tackle which he is selling at the lowest prices for cash. Every article sold wa*atiltd CO Ve as represented. Shop on . kairo. Streeti, two doors. finitit of P. A. Stebbins & Go's - Store, at 4 the sign of the • Watch." . _ Notioe. "dERItANIA 3 Potter Co., P 3., Aug. 1 , , mei. v"OTICE is hereby given that Charles Bo ? shor, now or late of this county, holding the .lollowittg described property, hag not yet paid any consideration whatever fcr the kikme r and .11 persons , are hereby warned not to pur , chas any of said property of the said Buahor befo the decision of the Colin, Is given in this ase and C. Rubor 'has paid 'to tilt the consi eration 'money therefor. Th following is the property; Ist A certain tract of land !near the Ger mani in warrant 5075. Abbott tot -1 / 4 1514p, Pottle county, Pa:, c.ontairrine 10 . 0 Also '5 acres in warrant 5078 and altiteitling the a .ore. , 211.. A certrin tract of land; witlt . ~tlill end impr. vements thereon, near Kettle Creek, In Warr nt 5819, in Stewartson "township, Potter count, , Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. :ushor hold's also in trait 'warrant no. 2501, in 'Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa., on I,h . road leading fro:ma Germania . to Gaines,. conta ning 850 acres. tf RADDE. MILLER - 3 C ICALAILIrgr. ', ILLER St.. McALARIVIEX, • I r ATTORNEYS—AT—LAWi .. .: ARRISBURG PA.. • -,; . NTS for the Collection of ' Claims ' ainst the United Statei and Strite Gem-. ts, such at Pension, Botany, - Arrears. i. 4te. Addiese Box 95, Harrisburg. Pa ~ IL ' . ~............ .....\-- ; Et MID FOR BUTTER, • . l'Y 'E. IL. Spencer., A Ga ernme of Pa; CS "T'S BLOOM OF 110SES,-4 , .r the Lei OTEBBINS ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers