'TAB POTTER , COUNTY4OURNAL • kt , _ IE I_,ocat and Gre,rie-ial. wt. See New Advertiieicients. ... . • . . _, 10.. I THE /ussnitssris.--lirote for the amend meat- giring. one -soldiers; the. right to rote.' No - doubt, the opponents of the Measure will do" all- they .. can to defeat tail amendment. The friends of the soldiets should remembei i ~. } this fact ; i _`Andrew Johnson is the man who, in `tlie United Statea Senate, in one of his speeches - denouncing secession, said, as he pointed his 'anger in the direction of Jeff. Davis, "If I were the President, I 'mini& arrest you as 'traitors, try you as traitors, and Fang you as ' traitors !". "Writs TEN-FORTY BOS j pS The subscrip -lion to the 10-40 bonds is still before the pub lic, and over seventy mtllions have been al ready taken. At the present rate of pretnium on gold, they pay over. ten per_ cent. tnterest 'in currency, and at the couclusion of the war they will certainly be worth par in gold. *erThe Atlanta .4FTeal , openly and above board dehlares that those Imps of daikbess, the Northern Copperheads, are working for the benefit of the South, remarking "Every .1 successful blow we strike is so much bone and mascle•tci the arm sstich, under the training of Long, Harris, Voorhees and Vallandigham, ii 'reissuing to strike at the North." .—A , To WOENDED SOLDIEELSII Soldiers who have been dischaeged by reason of wounds received in any battle, and have not received the One Hundred. Dollars Bounty,' can receive 'the same now at once, by applying either in - .person or by letter, at the Military and Naval 'Akency, No. 427 Walnut Street , Pbiladelphia. JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO. 1114.Tw0 eminent DemocraitS; Johnnforgan and C,. L. Vallandigharn, ibvited by their frietile, - thd-ortook a journey to Ohio . about the satllo time. Morgan, although be took the precaution to bring a guard with him, found the route over which he was traveling :so beset with organized bands of Unionists, 'thai be was compelled to turn back,and when last beard from, he was laboring undea some difficulties to retrace his steps. llet.Dasyrecolisx.—A drafted man, who `tills to report, is held to be', a deserter, but the borough or township from which he is drafted is held , liable to put him in the ser 'vice. In ease he does not report or ply com mutation, another man will certainly be 'drafted from the Buhl:district to which he be- . Imes. That is all that can be made by coun seling drafted mea to evade the law. SErMauton Marble, theTtlitOr of the New ,York World, sneers at. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, for their humble l birth was himself, it seems, Once a poor boy, in Albany, who would probably not b"ave 'emerged from .obscurity had not a benevolent 'gentleman befriended him, with the expectation that he . would enter the ministry. it is bad enough 'to be a Copperhead, but to, be a snob besides, 'is really too much of a mean thing. • ITALL'A.4I.E C ONVENIENT.-"BrO ten's. . ehial Troi•to.3," are widely known a'S'an admi ' gable reMdey for Bronchitis, Eroarseness. Coughs, and other trobbles o.` the Throat and lungs. They are of great value: for the pur poses for which they are designed . , and it - should be known teat while 3hey are usuall -.end pleasantly efficacious, they c - ratain hurtful ingredients, but may at all: times be ' used with perfect safety.—Bortpa Recorder. .1 ter It is ascertaitefi, writes the 17:ishi-ng,- t*ton correspondent of the Chid,ago :Tribune, that Fremont's litter of aceeptanceilwas sub -mated to a member •of the iDentocratic Na t tonal Convention tteforc being sent, and was • modified at that member's suggestion in sec ' eral important partienlars. The paragraph relative to confiscation. for' etatople, being framed in accordance with his views, desßite ,the opposition of some of Fremont's radical friends. irkir 4 A WHITE SW/ VE.-A white slave,named John Cassitaer, has been brought to Connect icut by a Mechanic- of that State who was lately employed as master of construction at 'Fort Pike, near New Orleans. Lassimer is en Old man, and was the Illegitimate ioffsprii g 'of the' daiii , hter of a Wealthy- French plaw(r named I Blanc, in Southern Louisiana. '1 be 'family' diiowned him, turned bith over to-the negro' caPins on the plantation and bad him 'taugh'ta trade, and after many years of suf fehnrlie now finds freedom and full employ mebt, in a factory at Collinsville, Connecticut, 1 1:0 ,;As Joseph Baily 'of Pennspivania, one 'of the four Demoerats who hadithe patriotism 'to vote for the Ccinstitutional amendment pro htbiting'Slavery, was answering to his name on that question, a Copperhead, his.-colleague Coffroth, who was passing at the time, laid -his hand heavily upon Bailey's bead, and drew %it down over his face, atcompanying the ac tion with winds abusive of Bailey's tlote, and not fit to be printed. Bailey, suddenly for- Iretting his Quaker principles; seiied Coffroth. who is much the larger man, by the collar, 1 drew his head down, and dealt him a power -ful.bloyv•urider the ear, which sent him reel ing againit the opposite desk. Coffroth laid 'down his Irrns. • - has ges,AusEs Vicroeu.—lt s been a li:tat ter. of common observation, the world over. that mothers were biased to their married ilaughleis, and against their daughters,in law. This has been' etenipllhed in toe case of the preteht so've'reign of Great Britain, if we may believe, lief subjeCts. I in the present bmbroilments of Ea - 4e, it is said she sympa lbizes with her dabghter, 'irbo is identified with Prussia. This is not pleasant' to the ;Prince of Wales, who married into the family bf the King of Denmaik ; nor to the people of England, who are mainly in IspipathY with the Danes, and who would,stlit far them, were they not in vassalage io France.: thesuSlEß of years hare elsd since the i n ntroducti ß on of HOSTETTER'ap Se CELE 13RATED BITTERS to the pablic. • The prej udice existingin the..minds of many persons against what are denominated patent medi cines at first'greatly retarded its sale,! but, as its virtues and merits became known, this barrier of prejudice was overthrown, and the demand iacreased so rapidly 'that in- a few eara scarcely a village eiisted In the United States in which the afflicted bad , not experi enced the benefits arising from the csr of the ."Bitters,” and at thepresent day there are to be (blind in ALL PARTS OF; THE WORLD vouchers for the greit_snerita iof the article. No greater Cure for Dyspepsia can bb toned; See Adrertiseme Pot' aare by Druggists and dealeisgetierall,k eruywbero. , ' ' MMW. Mar#P.! Iti Coider - ipcirt, Jalp * Bid; fif L. Cnibine, Esq., ABRAM ChASE and Miss PHEBE Alf HOLCOMB, both of Sweden township. 6, 1864. Corrected every. Wednesday 11; STL BINS CO., Retail Dealers in Groceriei I and- PrO visions, - opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. • Apples, greko, 331 bush., do drield, Beans, IL Beeswax, lb., Beef, I ." Berries, dried, quart Buckwheat, bush., Buckwheat Flour, Butter, rig lb., - -•- Cheese, it Cloverseed Corn, 14 bush., Ccirn Meat, per cwt.., Eggs : 11 doz., Flour, extra; do superfine " Hams, - Hay, ef? "tort;. Honey, per Lard, • Maple Sugar, per lb., , Oats, ? Onions, " Pork, re , do in whole Potatonr, per bush., Peaches, dried, ? lb., Poultry, lb., Rye, per hush., Salt, bbl, - do sack, Timothy eed Trout, per i!hbl Wheat, White Fish,ril bbl.; Please announce in your japer that JOHN M. KILBOUitNE is a candidate for the office of Representative br Potter County. K. Pike Ming, June 8, 1864. - Rare Chances ! I car for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM !-1.46 Acre 6 Clmrea ONE FARM !--23.5 Acres-80 Cle4roci ONE FAI{3I 150 Acres-15 Cleared ONE FARM.-300 A.treA-5 Cleared ; And lots ofother Farms and Land. Some money may be required down. • " Lucien Bird. Brookland; Pa., July 2;64 tf MANHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW RESTOIi.F.DI Just published,: a new edition of Dr. Culversvellvs Celebrated Esay on the radical cure (without medicine),of Segaitaronnuone. or Seminal Weak nevs, n voluntary Seminal losses, IMPOTENCY, Mbntal :Ind Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mttr riage, etc. ; also. C!!NSCMPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induce!" by self indcpgence or sexual, 'extravagance. .I . rice,lin a sealed envelope, only 6 cent. I. The celebrated a Ntlior_ in this admirable !essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty ; years s.uccessful , practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cued without the dangerous use of internal i medicine or r . the application of the knife— , pointing out a moue of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutal, by means of which ev ery sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.: 1 r;:"This LCetnre should be in the hands! of every youth' and every man in the land. S:nt, under cal, in a plain envelope, to . any addres,.post-priia',.on receipt of six cents, or two post -stamps. Address the pubitshers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., 127 B@ry, Now Yark,Post office box 4586. Er IS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TION during the fourteen -years it has I been introduced into the United -States.— After being tried -by Millions, it has been proclaimed the pain dstrity.er of gre world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is ap. plied. If used as direCted it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and , influenza, it can't be 'oeSt. One 23 cent bottle Mill cpreilltEe above, besides being useful in every family' for sudden acci dents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, Insect stings, &c. It is perfectly inboden't to take internally, and can be giien to the oldest person or youngest child. .Pride 25 and 50 cents a bottle, Office. 56 Curtisa& Stre'et, New York. Sold by all druggists. • Pension Bounty and Wai Claim Agency. ENSIONS procured for soldiers . _ of the I. present warwho are disabled by reason of wounds received or disease contmrtratted while in the service of the United States ; and pensions, bounty, and arrears of pay obtained for widows-of-heirs of those who hare died or been killed while in service. All letters of! inquiry promtly answered, and on receipt by mail of a statement of the case of claimant I will forward .the -necessary papers for their sie stare e'es In. Pensioncases as fixed . by law. RETTasstas. r -Hom. InAc BENSON ' H. A G. OLMSTED, S. MANN, Esq., F. W-. Kea 'Esq. DAIS BAKER, %Min Agent Couderport Pa June 8, '64.-Iy. Having siecoTed The starvices HENRY S. CO WEIIR.N, BLACKSMITH • of twenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers and travelers with the best of ' Horse and' Os Shoeing, Shingle Knives,l3a teller 'Knives Sc. , promptly. L. BII3D, Proprietor, . Brbolcjand, Potter Co., Pa. firtnirly balled Cdshiugville. May 15, 1104. • 'S BOOS OF Hdies e —at i ' sTEB,Bm.s. 1111 ASSEMBLY DR. 'tOBIAS' VENIT/AN LINIDIEN'T t~: , ..`~~. , ...,..?,, ;,'_'..4'..:-:. so - • PER CENT. LAVED AT REGULATOR $1 00 to 1 25 2 act z. 50 3.00.'3 50 • :35 40 10 ' -12 10 18 87 100 300 375 25 28 12 14 700 750 150 - .2 60 . .450 475 16 , . 12 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 25 AT OSWAYO,P,A., 10 00 12 00 12 15 14. 16 12 p 75 100 125 45 00. 50 op 20 25 8 9 75 106 25 30 8 10 WHITESITILtE, N. Y. 125 150 450 500 6 250 850 800 9015 151 6.t . 8' 00. 900 . . . lIELLOVir CITIZEN'S, Friends and Cattom, erg: I return my thanks to , you Tor the liberal patronage bestowed uPdri the fOr the past ten years. lam now addiiig to my stock to select from $20,600 Worth of New GoOdih , . and hare opened a branch store at WHITS -YILLE, N. Y., where we shall keep a Large Stock of the best quality of Goods, and shall ever endeavor to give our customers -large bargains. We are now selling Good Shirtings and Sheetings for 25 to 36 cents, worth 30 to 40. Good Prints from 18 3-4 to 21:1' tents, worth 25 to 28. - Good Delains 25 to 31 cents, worth.3l to 374. Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30'centa, worth 50 to 75. Extra Plain Alpaccas 40 to 6.2 cents, worth 63 to 88. Ektra all-wool Delains 373- to 50 cents, worth 50 to 75. Fine Mozambiques 22 to 25 cents', worth 38 to 46. Fine all. wool Merinos 69 to 80 cents, worth .91 to $1,50. A large stock of Cassiniers, Kt. Jeans, Sati netts, Broadcloths, sad other goods equally as IoW., CL 0 T.H This branch of oirt tri'de We call tour atten tion to in particular, as we can aEd will save' i•ob'2s to 50 per cent. -rihe suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to s2ll. Gocid black pants for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. SILKS,NEAWLS 3 &C., of the Best an 3 Latest Fashions, very Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Broeha. Stella, and most other kinds. Boots 4 i ShoO'S. large assortment very low Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1;25 worth $1,75. Men's Fine Citlf boots $3,75 to $3,75, .4vorth $5 to $6. ffdts:aiid Caps for Ciockeir and Hardviare, ankti 4ritiinto, at prrces far bolo* the presiiit prices wee Md oe e Pork, l'•ea, Sugar, Peper, Spke as lo* as can lie bongtt in the State, Not having time or iDdce to note further,we would say to those asking why we can afford to sell below othei dealers, s this, we buy very large .arrionnts and are in New York about one-foirth of the tiCie n and are so well acquainted with the market, that we buy many goods Ir;* and can afford to sell them at home at leis prices than many averchants buy in New York. Our Store 13 under -the rnanagEttent or Az.. E. 3. SHEP HARD, who has been With me at ()sway° for the past two years, well ktioivn to the people of this section, and will ever try to give them all bargaina for their interest. (fur store at Oswayo, under the management ,f rtiy broth er, WM. SIM3IONS, an experienced dealer; who will ever give all customers the benefit of all bargains. An early call.is itspectftilly solicited. Yours Truly, C; H. SIMMONS, • 13swayo Regulator, t, - Mitesville lieghlatcir Na. 2. iMay 25, 1864. • - ! • Nos: 1 & AND Lathes and Gents, very low Fish, Haim, Coffee, MMii==l;=E= _..- I _.. ~~\' ry - . , - Spring.-000 P. &STEBBINS Have just received:from - New stock of_ seasonable. Goods whic . , sell as low as - any house in the Co sisting of - • - grg 6)nla all varieties viz DIiESS GOODS, .bELAI24r - ES, POPLLVS, PLAM POPLEVS; BLACK SILKS; BALMOPIIL• tSKIRM. 'SHAWLS, SUALV 'II:IIBRELLA,S, &c Full stock of MEN'g FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 4 CAPS; &c.; &c.' Ac , • icirofd• 61;,,0t)1:,tig5,, AZ i~A .01i 7 HARD tt a t(3 Zi !Yet: pound L STEBBINS' - a CO,, C'ilriter diain and Seetind Streets, Conderiperrt, May 11, 18156.-Iy. =3;=:EM CM - Nei# ~assF 74, SIM ERB - S 1 ! Coq it, One they will '~"~' ALPACA'S, Ala Z A.ATB .CL OAKS, • .CLOAKINGh,' VASSIMERES, c:r,orks, AL(S TRACT Hire ABLE EX VET EkTß'tt:4"°3l' .p# .Hoiittid's-:.-:,1:1 Bitters, P=PARED BY . , Di. Q. jack0n,.14114.a4.1"a.. WILL EITioTV4LV tUii LIVER CO3IPLAINT, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the-Kidneys, and all- diseases arising • f from a.disordered Lire; or &mach, Snit' as COnstipation, inicarrd Piles, rnliaeis orglOod, to theHead,Acidity of the &tibiaeli, ~:lians*Heartburn, Disgu.st.for.Food,N. ness'orheight,in`the Stomach, Soar • Eractistions, Sinking or Fluttering, a; the pit of the Stomach; Swimming of theßead, Hurried" and Dit milt Breathing, Fluttering at theliCait,Chok ing or Suffoca4.ing scusations 'when in at,ly ing pusture,_ Dimness of Vision, Dots 'or , • Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull, Pain la ,thi!leaa,Deficiency of Per inlration, VellOnMeis of, the Skea and Aves,F)ain, in the Side, Back,- Chest, Limbs, &c., ,Sudden Flashes of Heat, :Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imag1;• nings of Evil, and great Depression's of Spirit=. )NOFLANIYB GERMAN EFITEI3S.! Are not a new and thtried article, but have stood tife :test of fifteen years trial by' the America public; and their repntationj and sale, are net rivaled by any similar prepara tion: ° : • I The proprietors have!thoasands of Letters from the most eminent • - CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS. • PHYSICIANS, and , ... CITIZENS. Testifyih.g . of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS k AHD THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having - relat'ions or friends in the army to the fact that "DDOP LAND'S German Bitters" *lli cnre nine tenths of the diseases indtmel exposure's le:nd privations incident to camp life. , In the lists, published alth.ost daily iatthe newspapurs, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed ;that a carp large proportion are suffering froni de bility. Every case of that kind can be ruad-- ily eared by Hooflanin' German 'Bitters.— Diseases resulting from disorders- of the diges tfri organs ere speedily removed._ 'W'a have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters Were free'', trod among our soldiers, hun dreds of lives might be saved that other= wise will be loSt. • We Call partitulai attention to the folloW ing remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, lo use his otrA *lanr_ag - e, "has •Iten sated, by ,the Bitters':"'] PHILADELPII/1, Aug. 23, 1863. ' MESSRS. JONLS IC Emus.—Well, gentlemen, Jour Hoofland German Bitters bas saved my e. There is no, mistake in. this. ,It is Foliated for „by numbers of my comrades, norie of Whose names are appended, and i%-ho !were fully conizaut of all the circumstances cif,rdy Case. I am, and have be'en for the last fur years, a member of Sherman's celebra:ted b ttery, and nuclei the inilii edlate cOm nIA of Capt. R. B. Aires. , Through libe l i exposure attendant upon my arduous duties, I was attacked in November last with infiam ati n of the lungs, and was for seventy-tiro, lay in the hospital. This was . followed by I -ez t , debility, heightened by an attack ofi pc tery. I was then removed from the 1 'hi e House, and sent.to Ibis city on board le Learner "State o'f Maine," fr..nt which .11 Lad d on the 28th of June. ',Sine e that time bar .been about as low as any one couldbe nd ' till retain a slier's of vitality. For a reek r more I was ,career}' able to swallew i myth ag. and if I did free a mrirsel. down; it I was h ritediately thrown op aoiiri. .1 I I c II even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under such I circutt'stances ; and, accordingly the physi cians rho mid been 1. - orkit,g faithfully, tho' imsnoes.sfully, to ri•scue me film the gratip of the dread Archer, -frailkly, told me. they could do :to more for me, and advised me to• see a 'clergyman. and to Mike ,such disposi„ tion of iiy limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me a 1 the hos pital, Mr. 'Fred etick Steinbi on, of Sixth belowl Arch Street, advised me, 'as a forlorn hope, • to try you. Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking] them the gloomy shadow of death 'receded, ' and I am now, thank God for it, getting, bet ter. Though I hare ‘ taken 'tit. .two bottles, I havegained . ten Pounds, and I feel sanguine' of being permitted to : . rejoin my_ wife 'and daughter, from whom I bare beard nothing, for eighteen months; for, gentlemen, -I an:i 'a, loyal, Virginian, froia the 'vicinite,of FrOnt I Royal. To your:invaluable Bitters 1 owe the cerfaix—ly of life Which has taken the place 'of vagin fars—to your Bitters will 'I owe the glorious, !privilege •of again clasping to my :bosoi. those who are dearest-to me in-life.l i . , cry truly yours,. ISAAC MA_LONK.I ! fully concur in the truth of, the above stn ent v as we, had despaired' of seeing onr comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. • John Cuddleback, Ist New York Battery.' George A; Ackley, Ca. C, 11th Maine. ' LeWis Chevalier, 92d New York. - 1 I. E. Siiencer,tst Artillery, Battery F. I..l3:Fazewelt, Co. B, 2d Vermont. Henry ti. -Jerome, C0...11, do. - 1 Healy T. Macdonald, Co. C, 6th Maine.. • John F. Ward, Co. E, sth Maine, • I . Herman Koch. Co. H.:,.'.3 New York. ,! • Nathaniel B. Thothas. Co. F, 55th Penn.!! Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A. Id Verrnmat, [ John Jenkins, Co. li. 106th Fen.t. i BEWARE OF t_ , OUNTE.RFEITS!' . - See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON,' is on the IVELAPP I "../1 of each bottle. d I W tii PRICES: . Large Size (holding nearly double quantity) '5.1.04 per Bottle—half doz. ss.po Small Size—n cts. pr Bottle—half do i r.s4.o Should your nearest druggist not hale the article, do not be put off by apy of thiir,tox icating inreParations that rue,- be offered in its place, but send to ns, and we aid forwat - d, securely packed, by express. . PRIkIPAL OFFICE AND MANLYACTatT - N 0 .631 Artie Street, • JONES & EVAN'S. i 1 (ticcessOrs, to C. 3Z. JACKSON C 0.,) 1 PROPRIETORS. I FOR sole byDraggists andDealetsineteri tow* is the Umlad Staten. • . • • 91'SPETSTA, J.AUSDIkIE, TIRE CIS PASSENGER STAINS AT . REPORILIC: Leave TaapiVird. , Expresi Train, .3 00 P. if. Leave Weilvard: - . • • AreomraodatiOn Train, 130 P. M. Cara 'rtin through inntotrr Voth imps betivela Philadelphia and Loch Ela:C'en and bitivealiißiltimcire and L'o'ck Elegant "Sleeping Crirs on :Dipress TraPa both imps Between Williamsport afid tat-, inOre; 'and Williiriaspoii rind Philadelphia:: For information respecting Pass 4 ger h nes:Till:l.y at the S. E. Cdr. nth and Market Streets. • • And Tor Freight of the tOmpanY's "Agents': - S. S. Ringsfiri, sr., nor. Y3th ir.d Sts., 'Philadelphia. J. W.:Reynolds:Erie. ' J. 'N. Drill, "Agent N. C. E. R. Ibiltlindri. H. H. Ltot.i. , :ro_ t\ 'p _en.'/ Ag!. PkiC teiVis L. - 11OeFt, ' en'l neket d9t. "Pkr;i• • Gentifona,Or, WA WArat,IITER Cci:liinnes to repair CLOCKS, WATCHE'Sn . ici JEWELRY in Coudersport, and . keeps .q.n stintly oa hitid si7d for Tale a gona-asiarl meta _ ClOckb, , A - Watches, *nit Jewel Of the sere .hest finality. Also, PLATI:IS WARE,, „ SPECTArLiti, VIOLIti STitINOS, nvotvEgs, - ke7 Aga', a. fall supply of 1, - Fishing Tackl e which ! hp is selling at the lowest, totcror cash Erery articlb sold; warranted to be - as repre;ented. .• Shop on. Mari Street, two doiirs 14;t:at P. A. Stebbins X Co's St6re j At the a'n go Of • "Big Watch." Notite. • . . Gnamisia, Potter Go., Pi., Ant. , 862. I\TOTICE is hereby givia that Charier At oll shot., now or late °Olds connty, boldjaz thb falifficing described Preprty has net vet paid any consideration whatareifer - iliesa l &e, and all persons are hereb,Oaraect not to fur -1 chase any of said property of. he eai .}$ r s , h-nr before the decision of the Court is . - girkis this case and C. Bns' h or has paid to ulh the consideraticin 'Coney therefor. The following - 23 ibe'proiierry: Ist. • A certain tract of land near tb`.l?. 'Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5815,-Abbett.ton4:ship, Potter. ciarinty,. Pa:, containing. fect Also 25 iseros is warrant 5818 aid adj6ining' the oho** . - • - 2na. _A certain trait irehtifl;:it'h Viand improreinents thereon, neilr....Kett/e'Citil..k, in warrant 5815, a ativrartson township, Potter county, Pa., eontaialngaboat 244 acra.i. E. author holds a * lsp . tract 'aerial - 4 no. 2504. in Games township, }toga rent*, Pa.,. on the, road leading:fr6inGezmatir% Gairtet,,, containing 850 acres. 1 tr • Ica WADE. MILLEIL .31kuLESE &14eak**IMitir, .ATTORNEY.F-0:11 - AVV, HAR1 1 118131:11RG, PA.. A GENTS for • the • Collection of Claims 'against a a United States and State GM.- eromenfs, suet, as Pensioti, Boant:I. Arrears of Pay &c, Addr.ew &a. 05, Barzltategja ' CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, - - Er /61,1e."•* 111(11INT'S 13L04131, OF, ROSES,--apror to. dise ) —tt STIMINS' RCiad *CMAM:tOM' ' 11111ESPONSIBLR 'parties lab!" and elesironi .1116 4 6 f undertaking the beilding of el:1i Lire or a .panof_ ft dag '044, feel wids,) of frora 12 to )15' Miles hi the South:-EasterA partof Potter Couuty,,Penua. may apply for Fiartieutirsio CHAS. IaBISE;Fact.., garveyor; GOZZOntlia, Potter Co., Pa. • June Ai:1864.4f. eitaliti/e 4praisement. Lis‘of Dealers in Merchandise in the cooto: of Potter, for-the yeas: 1864, With classiftca- Place. C7a.u - . T. Scot, Allegany, 14 ; $7.00 F.: T. Suhr, _ 14 = 7.00 Chappell ,k Ilinlhers; ; 1 do - 14 7.00 gory H. Hackett; i"do = 14 7:00 ,L. Bird; - • IdO 14 - 7.00 P. A. - Stebbins, L'oudersp't; 13 10 oo D. E. Olmsted,, do I . 13 /0.00 C., S. J. R. A. Jones; I dd S 13 .0.00 a Smith, [ do , 14.- " 1%00 E.K. Spheneer, do /4 7.00 S S. Hann, - dci - ' .7.00 n. J. Olmsted, , do 14 7.00 Q. H., Warriner, . do 14 700 Glassmire . Colwell, !.do 14 7.00 R. Colwell.-.-Sbarbii 14 •N 7.00 A. W. Humphrey,. do - 14 . 00 C. H. Simmons? - -OswaYo, 11 1500 Wre",,3lcDougell, da„ -[' 14 . 7.00 R.S.Coln el I,Westou & Bro. Roulet 14 7;0- Mason Nelson, ' Eulalia,l 14- 7,00 Henry Andresen, Kettle CO; 14 - 1.00 13"..Theis, . Germania, 14 7:06 (;harles..Sleßmee, Jacob. Kull, 1400 ' Augusta. Hepp, do 14 700 Frederick Och; . do brewery 10 5.00 Schwarzenbach, • do - 4 ‘ 10 5.00 Mrs. H. Goadmaii, Harrison: - 14 .7:00 Wilcox & Whileorithi, do. 14 ..7.00 J. 4' W. Burgs, dO 14 -7 00 G. A. Barclay, .. Wharton, 14 7.00 . , J THOHP.SON, Mercantile Api)l.. lune 8, 1864. , ISG4. . 1864. , . IDEfilAtogLkiii 1 ERIE 11.1IL4OAD:— I thii great line ,traverses the ..N'Oftherri and.Northyrest counties of Peruisylvdnia to the city of Eric, on La_ 16 • It has oeen leased hypc.Pciinsylvanielail ROid 'Company, and tuner their . auspice s u is begin, rapidly opened thronglant its entire length. - It is now in use for Passenger t apd .Freight business from Harrisburg St. Mary's (226 miles). on the Eastern: Division ; and fr4in Sheffield to Erie,. (28 itiiles) on the Western Division.. uzi Eli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers