THE POTTER COUNTVOURNMi COndeinVert,WednesdayEVeninilfay 4, int Local 'ibid. ma. Se e, New Adrertisements:' '` Administrators Notice—Ann etrathara artd idtvi l in Stratham. • : Amendments to Constitution-7—FX - Slifer; To -all Whom it may ConcernW. EL Blair • .12dr WOOD ! WOOD ! ! sited iminedi. Addy at this 'office on subscription. • ta.:Garabaidi has arrived-in England.— Ilia reception was very flattering. gir Rebel iron-clads are now. building in - the French ports of Bordeaux. and Nantics. - ger - Our thanks - are due Senator. Wilson for. -a copy 'of the Adjutant General's Report of Pennsjirania. - DZT-1.11 the great powers .bare agreed to a , conference on Paintsh affairs, which meets in London Persons wishing a good and useful magazine should subscribe for the Atlantid Alonthly, published by Ticknorßos -1, ton Mass. Dar The Raleigh North Carolina Progrivs 'announces the -hanging; by citizens, of several Confederate officers and soldiers, atnor g whom 'was a Major, for attempting to ynforce the • conscription. F/ZE —The barn of Mr. B.nsweltAdarus, in ',Sao, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morn ing last. Two horses, a carriage, calf, and about 300 bushels of grain was burned. The ;fire is supposed to be the work of an incendi. --ary.— Wellsville Press- ..DS. A wealthy. but ignorant farmer, in a recent town meeting not far from Bridgeport, Connecticut, moved, with great dignity, that "this meeting now ,aiijouripsedixi.". The motion was a.mendd by adding "E Pluribus end unanimously carried.‘ sta,..So great was the great anxiety of the 'Chinese authorities to obtain some of the Whitworth guns which formed thearmatnent , of Commodore Osborne's srittadron, that they -fire said to have offered to place sifter. weight for weight., In the scales to purchase them. Der The following is probably by Lorenzo Dow: You can stops I clock at any moment, but you cannot stop a watch. The same re mark, my brethren, npplies to the stopping the talk of a man and vomau. He is a zreat coarse, , ugly machine, but you can sile!nce him. She is a beautiful, fragile, jeweled thing—but she Will run on till she stops orberse:f. • tel_lt is stated that while Get'. Grant:was' .going down to Washington one day' last WeekH when the train, having attached to it the; specilil car, stopped at Brandy Station, some soldiers who were waiting to go down aekedi if thy 'could net get in the car. "No, - was; the answer of an officer; "this is Gen. Grant's special car." Whereupon Gen. Grant, who was 'sitting by the window, spoke and said. ' , •Gen. Grant occupies only dine seat ; the soh dieri can rive." rA'Coxklir.E.Fs.—Our law-makers at Wash - ingtOtt are bard at work on the tax bill, and are cornmentlatklv indnstrions. It now seemi-, probable thaveversthintt needful will be done to provide for the, support of our armies and for a rig,Urous and successful prn'sfution of the war. The new ten forty loan Is being, rapidly taken, and there need he no fears, if taxation is sufficiently resorted to. but the national credit will betrittiaphantiv sustained. - VOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad mini :tration on the estate of George In graham, late of the township of Hebron in the county of Potter, deceased, have been granted to N , wman Dwight of said township, and A. B. Goodsell of the Borough of Coudersport.— All :persons therefore having claims or de mands against the estate of said decedent, , fuel requested to make the same known to gZ"-A newepeperafier the . 'tyle of the Drum said Norman Dwight and A. B. Goodsell with heat and the Spirit of 111 Fair is to he pub- : outldelay. NORMAN DWIGHT, lishedliat the "Great Central Fair" to be held, • A. B. GOODSELL, Admrs. in Pltiladelphia in June, to be under the edit- April 19, 1864.-Gt. • otial l coatrol of Charles Godfrey Leland. It , United States Internal Revenue will be beautifully printed, on the finest paper, , f and will be prepared with special reference ' I Annual Taxes for 1864. to binding in one elegant volume. It will be THE attention, of tax-payers is hereby published daily for two weeks, and literary. ....... 1 called to the provisions of the united contributions from those who may wi,h to aid Staics Eveise. Law relative to the assessment the cause are solicited. Short and spirited . , ° „1. f ainnual I`h tits staxes ix ' tn * section of the act of July I. articles either in prose or verse, referring, to 1 ist-;;;!, itTis made the duty of all persons, part: the war for the Union, and anecdotes of mill- nerships, firms, associations„ or corporations, tary 'or hospital life, are specially d es i re d, i made liable to any manna' duty, license,. or ttml list kr. Leland is the chairman of the newspaper t i r al L a c s n . on . flit nFO to make THE a FIR .o l t:-. °1'r)LI. return O F t o M t . th e e tommittee,- which also includes er• Tt W. —IT --. Assistant Assessor of the District where lo- Furness, George , IT. Eoker, and Professor catsd of the amdunt of annual income, the ar- Henry Coppee. titles or objects charged with a special 1 tax i 1 . and the business or occupation liable to pay ' 1 ‘:matt •ers have, any:license. THAT SWORD: W proba h anyc . •L.„ very person who shall fail to make sach ! ;: all heard of the itvord contest at the Metro-, return by the day specified will be liable to I New politan Fair in York- A splendid sword, be assessed by the Assessor according to the was to be presented to, the General of the ' best information which he cap obtain ; and in anion armies who should command the most sue case the Assessor is required to add 4 I fifty per centum to the amount of the items votes. Everybody could Tote who would :of well list pay a dollar for the soldiers, and every dollar I Ilvery person: Who shall deliver to an Asses= secured a vote. Several individuals Toted alsortanj fa/se or fraudulent, list or statement, great many times over, and it turned out at $• i t i r n o fe u rl i t r t e o d e b v y a i d a e w tb is e s T u a b l j u e rt e t t i to ott a or fi n en e n o f m fi e l r .; ldst that Gen. Grant's friends bad nearly b„ridred g dollars; and in such case 'the list 16,0601:n0re dollars than the friends of Gen. :nilj be made out by the Assessor or Assistant _McClellan, and so the former got about 16,- i - kSS:PSEOi. and from, the valuation and enumer- 000 majority, and the sword to boot- The i ati l n yn t tent here. o can be no appeal. f the annual taxes exceß those whole number of votes cast was 44,903 oft la , r for BC:eases, will not be demanded until the - which Gen. Grant received 30,291, and Mc-ithirtieth day of June, • • • - Cle/lan 15,509—scattering, 163. Grant's ma- 1 The appropriate blot:A:s On which to make , return, and all necessary information, will be jority 15,782. This sword contest was one' furnished by the Assistant Assessors of this' of the most lucrative speculations of the i Districtfor their respective Divisions, to whom I Fair. The friends of McClellan hon - ever,gave i the returns should be delivered at their ofracesl more dollars for the soldiers than could have; on or before the•first Monday of May. _ I 1 GEORGE BOAL. -been gott n out of them had they supposed ; .t. S. Assessor, 18th District Pa. 1 that Gran 's friends Would come in so over- - Assessor's Office. • 1 kg:miming' . With their ,greenbacks at the dose.! Boalsburg, Mar. I .'64. j• 4 Let all be co - led however with the fact, , or ASII PAID FOR. LUTTER. :eat the money goes for a good cause. 1 X-- ) l'Y l ' - • Es ii. Spencer. COriiIIS AND Cotes.-- . 0 1 1UE.0 are saTer- ering from Coughs.. Colds, lionrseims3, Sore -Throat, Sc., slmuld trr• "Brown'e Bronchial Troches, — n simple remedy - which has relieved thousands, and which is is almost ei - ery case effectual. is confirmed that the Great Eastern lias been chartered to lay the Atlantic Cable !- 7- .4: - `4 ) lmargi-Cirtftis t zior. . _ . MEI . _ Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS L . CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, 4 ' ,:,-: 4 9PC!Sits a F-griassmire:e. Hotel; : -, ~.„111.j '. -4 :• ':.Coudersport, P 4. . - :, Aptifes, areen, 70 bush., "sloolb 1 2a ,40 dried, 41 200 250 Betins. it 300 350 • Be4swax; 70 lb., — 3O 35 Bef, cs 7 8 • BeOies, dried, 7 e quart 10 18 1344kwheat,14 bush., ; , ; ; . - 817 100 Buckwheat Flour, • 3OO 375 Butter, V lb., • 25 25 ' ' Cheese,'• l2 . 14 Clorerseed 700 755 Corn, i bush., 1 25 150 Corn Meal, per cwt., 300 3 W Egg'Bi.V - 1d0z.,. :, -' ..' : : -!: 18 'Mir, ei'ra, - V bbl., : ' 8'25 925 do, superfine " , 700 800 ; Hams, V lb-, 14 1C Hay, V ton, 12 00 14 00 Honey, per lb., 10 12 Lard, " . 14 16 Maple Sugar, per lb., •31 15 Oats, 13 bush., 66 65 Onions, " • 100 125 Pork, 't? bbl., . .: do 1:.! lb., 12 14 do in whole hog, 11 lb., • 8 9 Potatoes, per bush., -. : :-1 62 75 Pen Ches, dried, ? lb., . .25 30 Poultry, -1-1 lb.; - -.. :-: '. •-8 . 10 Rye, per hush., 125 150 Gait,,'; ?"bbl., do 7,31 sack," • ' 16 Timothy ced - -. 2so 350 Trout, per 3 . - bbl., 500 600 'Wheat, Wia r ite: V-11: Cansumptire sufferers will receive a calm-. ble preeription for the cure of Consumption, AstbrM ; Brom;bites, and all Throtit and Lung, affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to 'Rev. E. A. WILSON, ' Willinmsburgh. Kings Co., New York. DR. TOBIAS' VENITIAN HORSE LINIMENT iN pint bottles ,at fifty cents, cures lame= ,TICS?, ants, galls, cholic, &c. Read the `olluA ing BOSTON, July 7, 1860. Dr: Tow.ts: We have used for the past veer your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks; braises, and cuts, and in every instance FOund it the best article I ever tried in this circus company. Please send six dozen bot; j ilas, as it is the only _liniment we , use now We have 108 horses, some very valuable, and do not want to leave town nohow, it. I I - HYATT FROST, I VanAmburg s Co's. Menagerie. j Sioh; hr 11111 druggists. iid:ce, 56 Gordan& Street, New York. [Communicated.] Pi..l.n.cnaly Consumption a Curable Disease - A CARD. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to he4.lth in a few - weeks. by a very simple rem,: edi t slier having several years with a severe lung affection. and that dread disease Consumption—is guxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To ail who desire ha will send a copy of the prescription used ifree of charge), with the directions for prevari og and using the same. which they wilt fine a sure cure for Con sumption, Asthma. Brencldtis, Coughs, Colds, ke. The only object of the a dv.ertiser in ,send 7 ing the Prescription is to benefit the of and spread information which lie conceives to be. invaluable: and lie hopes cve`y sufferer will try 'his.reruedy, :IS it will cost them no thing, and may prove a blessing. Rarties wishing the prescription w;11 please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ME Aiirnirlstrat,or's Notice. 25 00 27,00 150 162 500 800 To Consuxnptives. Williamsburgt . . rings county - , New York 1864 1864 Brings many a change, therefore r hitvecon , eluded to change my system of doing briskness and I shall hereafter sell for CASH or PRODUCE, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, DRIED BERRIES; &c. TN my stock of Groceries I have a choke I. assortment of TEAS,— GREEN, BLACK, And JAPAN. SUGARS,' . MOLASSES, SALARATUS, COFFEE. Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, SPICE, PEPPER, &c., Ibase a good stock (bought so that I am enabled to sell at prices current before the War) of DRUGS, and • PATENT MEDICINES, Also, KEROSENE OIL. YANKEE ,NOTIONS, EXTRACTS, and are still kept FLOUR, PORK, MEAL of all kinds. And many other things too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold for LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in this market. E. K. SPENCER. Jan. 20, I£4l. PUTNAM Clothes Wringer Will wring anything from a single Thread to a Bed-Quilt. PRICES : $5.50, $6.00, and P. A. Stebbins &.Co., - - Agents for Potter connty.—Jan. 25. 18G3 State Normal School, EDINBORO, ERIE CO., PENN'A THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. CHEAP, THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES TEN . INSTRUCTGRS. GOOD LIBRARIES, APPARATUS, GYMNASIOL $32 pays for Board and Tuition, 14 weeks Spring Teim opens March 15, 1564. J. A. COOPER, A.M Principal. Address, A First C44s.T Farmer'.‘ . Magazine for l'enn'a, 1864 THE PENNSYLVANIA 1864 FARMER AND GaRDENER e . Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Agairs. Edited and Published by Wm, S. Young-& Co., 52, NORTH GTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Terms 4 One Dollar a Year. The sixth volume commences with Januar3 - :lumber. Having obtained the services of et.uinent and practical _Agriculturists, Horti culturists, Stock Breeders and Bee-keepers, we cc,ufidently oiler the current volume aS one of the best ever issued, for originality,practi• cal thuu& - ht and reliable, information. sNNEs. FOR A SPECIMEN For the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden: 1864 - THE 1864 GARDNEITS MONTHLY. W. G. P. BRINtKLOE, Publisher, OFFICE t 23 .NORTH GTH ST., PHILAD'A Terms : 0,50 a Tear. EDITED BY THOMAS MEEIIAN. The Monthly Content's are Hints—Flower garden and Pleasure ground Fruit garden, vegetable garden, Window Gar dening CommunicatiOns—embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs. Editorial,—Giving the Editor's views on the important Horticultural improvements. ' Scraps and Querries—New Fruits—New Plants—Domestic and Foreign Intelligence— Foreiem COI-respondents-Horticultural notices IVlth each departmentment lustratedi These general features will be retained;and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall us spsred to render the suc ceeding issues of the Magazine every way worthy of the favor with which his previous efforts have been amply rewarded: SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. The Ethral Annual for 1564. - The Rural Annual and Horticultural Direc tory is a little book published at the cotri mencement of each year by the Editor of the Genesee Farmer at Rochester, N. Y. It was started in 1856, and a new volume has been issued each year. The volume for 1864 is now before us. Among its contents may be mentioned articles on the best means of En riching the Soil, on Swamp Muck and the best, methods of composting and applying it, on Manures, on Protection to Orchards, on the 13 , st Climate for Sheep, on Gathering Fruit, on the Culture of Hops, on the Culture of Flax, onPlanting Trees, and a hundred other tirades interesting to the Farmer an4' Gar dener. Price only 25 cents. It will be sent prepaid by return mail on receipt of the price. Address JOSEPH Haunts, Editor Genesee Far mer, Rochester, N. Y. The Genesee Farmer for 1864. A new vol ume commences with the January tieriter. Now is the lime to suliscribe. Only 75 cents a year. All who subscribe befdre the Jannary number is issued, will. receive the DeceMber number free. -Address as abort. $20,000 NEW HONEY SYRUP Simmons' OSWAYO RE GULATOR I Just Arriviii4r, FANCY SOAPS, PERF.UMERY, The 'Very best prints, Cocheco'and!othergood grades. from 14 to 1S cents, worth 25 cents. Good Delaines, 16 to 25 cents, worth 25 to 35 cents. A large Stock of Plain Alpaccas, double width, for 25 cents per yard, snperfinh extra 44, worth double the'moneY. Good Merinos for 5s 6d, worth 125.1 A large stock of FURS, very low; also, BUFFALO ROBES, good India tanned, from $4 50 to $0 50, worth $l2 at the present time in New York. I Also a large lot of Cassimeres, 4s to Bs, worth l'Js to 14s•:, Good S4eetings . from 20 to 25 cents. A good stock of LAWS' SHAWLS—a heavy, fine, all-wool, double Broche 'Shawl, for $8 worth $l5. A large stock of CLOTHING ; good ! uits= Coat, Vest, Hat, Cravat, kc., for $lO worth $2O. Good, all-wool, Black Pants; fo'r $3.25. BOOTS and SHOES very low • Women's Calf Shoes as low as 88 cents. ' Good Teas for Ss, worth 1-4 s. And a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, 'Groceries, Boots, Shoe; Hats, Caps; No -1 tions,Ctockery,ProvisiOns, &o. We mean, this Winter, to keep a Much larger Stock than usual, and sell Chealier for the times than ever; and all we ask of any one is to examine our Goods and prices, a:nd you will be satisfied that we perform according to our bills. Our Auction will not interfere with our Retail Trade, as it will be !midi in the famous block noted for Great Bariaine. C. H. 5'1313101C3. November 16th, 18f3 EST- I ED 1760. PETER. LORILLARD ! Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer; 16 and 18 Chambers St., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, Nem , Tor 7:,) Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, 'viz. ; • Macabov, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Natchitoteg American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Hooey Dec Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, *.,*Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine. CIA Chewing, and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found'Of it:Supe rior quality. TOBACCO. . I ; S3COKIICO. FIJF. COT suonrso. Long, P. A. L., or plain. Si Jago, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, 1 Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco,l 'Canister, Nos. I k 2 mixed. T4kish, Granulated, . Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application.-4pBly IDRFSERVE Your Scanty, Symmetry of Form, your Health and Ment4l Powers. by using that safe, pleasant, popular, and specific remedy known as Helthbold's Extract Buchu. Read the advertisenient in another column, and profit by it—diseaseS and lsymp toms enumerated. Cut it out add preserve it. You flay not now require it, but may nit some fdture day. ".‘it gives health and Vigor to the And bloom to the pallid cbtelr."- It sace,s long suffering and exposure beware of counterfeits—cures guaranteed. ! Dr. A. FRENCH's' CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS ALRE becoming the most popular Medicine in circulationk for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSLI, JAUN DICE, DEBISITT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of. the STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is also gainin" . b a great, reputation in the CURE of DIPTHERIA. Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co:, Pa. EK. Spencer's Ready-Pay Stare is I:. -the only strictly Cash Store in Cauder: sport. If you wish to buy 3oods foi" cleft, call at SpeucCr's -- ' - . WORTH or f' FE BROWN EiNVIT Honey De* Scotch, , or Lundvfoot • Not Alcoholic. '• " • • A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EiTRACT A Pure .Tonio. German Bitters, PREPARED BY C. WILL EFFECTUALLY CTRL' lAyra COMPLAINT, • • DYSPEPSIA ) JAUNDICE, Chronic or .Ferrous Debility, Diseases- of the Kidneys, and all diseases.arising from a disordered' Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or, Blood to thellead,Acidity of theStomacb, • nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Ful jriess or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming ' of the Head, Hurried and Difft- cult Breathing, Fluttericig at the Heart,Chok ipg or Suffocating sensations when in :a ly tog posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or ,Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,Pain in the Side, Back,. Chest, Limbs, Sc., Sudden, Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant 'Magi flings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits: HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BiTTEBS I Are not a nen- and untried article,_ but have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public ; and their' reputation and sale, are not rivaled by any similar prepara tion. The proprietors bare thousand's of Letters froin the most eminent LMMI LA WYERS... . . • PHYSICIANS, and . CITIZENS. Testifying of their or.'n personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical 'virtues of these Bitters. • ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! • AND - THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having *elations or friends in the army to the fact that "HOOF LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced be exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the neWspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it wilibe noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from de bility. Every case of that kind can be read ily cured by Hooflauffs German Bitters.— Diseases resulting from disorders of the diges tive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used anion our soldiers, hun dreds of lives might be saved that other wise will be lost. We call particular attention to the follow ing remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of the nalion's,heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has been . saved by the Bitters I" PRILADELMI. 7 Aug. 23 r 1883. MESSRS. JONLS .k. th7ANs.. 7 7Well,.gentlemen, your Roofland German Bitters has saved my hie. _There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully conizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am, and have been for the last font years, a - member of Sherman's celebrated battery; and under the, immediate com mand of Capt. R. 8. - Ayres. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous duties. j I was attacked in November last with inflam , • ation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This CV az followed by great ' debility, heightened by-an attack of dySentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer "State of Maine," which I landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality.- For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow j anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it! I was immediately thrown up again. II could not even keep a glass of water on I thy stomach. Life could not last under such circumstances; and, accordingl- the pliysi-I I clans who had been working faithfully, tho' nninccesifully, to rescue me from the graip! of the dread Archer;., frankly. told me they could do no more for me, and advised rue to j see a clergyman, and to make such disposi tion of my limited funds as best suited me. AM acquaintance who visited me at the hos pital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below • Arch Street, ,advised me, as a forlorn hope, I to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a ,• bottle. From the time I .commenced taking I thein the gloomy shadow, of death receded. I awl I am now..thank God for it, getting bet- j ter., Though I have taken but two bottles, 1, 1 have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine ; of being permitted to rejoin My . wife and I daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months ; for, gentlemen, I am a I loyatVirginian, from the vicinity of Front I Royal.. To your invaluable Bitters I cove the! certainty of life which has taken the place of! vague fearsto your Bitters will I owe the! glorious privilege of again clasping to my J bos9m those who are dearest to me in life. 11 ~.: Very truly yours, -.ISAAC MALONE. 1 We fully concur in the truth of the above I statement, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. ,Malone, restored to health. John Cuddleback, let New York Battery. George A. Ackley, Cd. C, 11th Maine. Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York. ' 1. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery, Battery F. J. B. Fat•ewel, Co. B. 2d Vermont. Henry B. Jercime, Co. 11, do. Henry T. Macdonald, CO. C. 6th Maine. John F. Ward, Co. E, sth Maine. Eferinan Koch, Co. H, .12d New York. Nithhniel B. Thomas. Co. F, 95th Penn".l Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Ver'thoit, John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Penn. BEWARE OF *COUNTERFEITS =1 See that the signature of "C. 31. JACKSON," is on the - Wasepaa of each ,bottle. PRICES :- Large Size (holding nearly donble.quantity) $l.OO per IEI ottle—half doz. $5.09 Small Size-75 cts. prßottle—half doz. $4.00 Sbonld ybiir nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intox icating preparations that maybe offered in its. place, but send to us, and we will fortviird, securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND lIANITACTORT NO. 631 Arch Stregi; JONES & EVANS. (Sdecessois to C.. 11. JACKSON FOR sale by Druggists an P d ßi l3 P es i l E a T i O u P etry tos4 in the titaiietl States. Dr. Hoofland'd '`notice. Grasta ' , AI, totter Co„ Pa., Aug. 1;,;14 IVOTICE is itierehy given that Charles ..L1 shot; uow or late of this county, holding' the following described property, has not . yes paid any consideratithi whatever fpr th'bsetule; arid all persons are hereby iVa-ided tip) Ur put-. Chase.any of said property Of the, saillifdshar befori3 the decision of the Ctiiirt Is glien lei this_case; and C. Bushor lies YaldStO the tbs; consideration money therefore. Tile following is the properly 4 Ist. A certain tract of land near the trer: mania Mill, in warrant 5075, Abbot - ,townihlP t : Potter" coo:Uty, Pi., containing 100 acrii:— Juni 25 acres id *arrant 5078 and adjoiiting the above. - • . • . . 2nd. A certain tract of land ;with .gilt lid improvements thereon, near liettla fi,teeli, is. warrant 5819, Stmardson connty, Pa., containing about 204 acres.. b. Bushor holds also in bust warrant:(.: 5101, in Gaine3 township, Tioga conoty,:Pa.; on the road leading from Germania to Gaines; containing 850 acres. J. 01.31gTE#g - STOttE can always he fciimid the d COoking, Box and Parlor S .0 E Also, TIN and SHEET -IRON WARE, PCiras; KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH B.OWLS; FRYING-PANS; SAP-PANS, said tABLO: ROSS. A150...1 Agricultural , such as PLOWS. SCRAPhRS, CHLt VA; TORS, CORN-SHELIIEILS, HORSE-RAtEgi DOG-POWERS, S:c. • . EIJIS WORK is well made and the material gook: 00ei and sithstantiai EAVES-TROCGHS list up in any part of the 'County—Terms easy. Ready . Pay of all kinds, includijag Cash; aeldon, refused. Store on Main Street opposite the bid Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.-40 Tait is and td, be sold just as cbiaii aajlti "times" will allow. An assortment of almost eveythitigliiiiaed, be anybody, Such as •.1 MB SUGAR SCHOOL BOOKS DItY GOODS BOOTS & StietTS JAYNES , Arid other Medicines; In ex.ebange I want HOUSE'ASUEB cf) Ds. 6-_ , ,ENTAbSS th c... DRIED .BERRIES, COUNTY ORlkitt ULYSSES ORDERS. Most all kinds of GRAB. • LLTIES . Brookland, Plt., Nor'r, 1863. MANHOOD . HOW LOST 1 HOW RESTORED I Just published ir. a sealed envelope, price ti 4S A Lecture on the Nature,Tioaimenl. ical cure of Spermatothcea or Seminal ness, Sexual llty,;;Zerrottsice•-•-s, and ini;;l. notary Ethission,7, including I,rnpate'iCv, an. sumption' and Mental and Physical Rebllii!.; liY Bou'r J. CEL : :ERivELL. M. 6. Tne important fact that the aWful ces of Self-Abuse mac be effectually; reriidie4 without internal medicines or the dahgeisitli application of caustius,inlsirnmeUts , ,Mearipee4 boogies, and other impincal derives, to clearly demonstrated, and theentirely , ip s .w . and highly successful treatlitentai adopt!id thecelebratedantlujr,fUlly of which ei - ery one is enabled to cure bitiiielk perfectly. and at the least possible coct, thee: by atoiaino• all the advertised nostrums of thii day. Thisiecture'Will prose a tio - Ch to WOW: sands and thoUsands *inent under seal, to. ani addrt.mir, sealed pnVelopt, on the receipt Otlibt cents, or two pastage.stanr4, by.attdressiiie; CHAS. J. ELISE, . Bowery, New York, Post Office Mix, 45k. Notice. . - - LL 110NRST persons indebted t.: ire are re quested to pc`s s .y within one i s -7611th, n hat they owe to me, to Esquire Cuell l 4 and talc., ! his receipt . Cheats may leate 'their nam:• 1 standing ,on the list in Esquire ta:4iityrs httna (ni an undeniable proof 4 b s t their disTtnaest, and, worthin.ess•fo fignie:fr. the '• 'rgallery.” • • E. JsbETIG, M. P. Lmadersport, ?an. HOTEL \TO RENT. , , . - 1 - YMAN IfOtSE, East corner Main Stmt , _ILA Ulysses, Pptter . Counts. - I':i.c::,e!:4 . t rented fpr one: year commencing,. iralt•likr 1864. Paynierit quarterly in nth Alice ; gelile.l pi-opoSais can tie leis with F. T. ;::, y1.111+:44. at Flisses, or *Ali the tandersip•Led at elf`tvr land, Ohio, untii May Ist, 18U4. ' 1 • c- t.',. L.!:11.4. .I. 4 "pril 6, I.SC4. = WM. RAPE.' caiD ( al 0 0 Z SfILP at tl ai►fi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers