I la I It 1' HE POTTER COUNTY-JOURNAI, Condersiort, VrednANlßy F e venipe, PoT, 27, 1464. Local . and General.. ISS-See New Advertisements. Jury List. jar WOODI WOOD!! wanted imine!ii dttely at this. office on subscription. Car D. D. Colcord's school will be opened on Monday. ) Persons in want or go?d fresh garden seed, should call on P. A. Stebbins $ Co., as they have just received a fresh supply. Iter DRAFT POSTPONED.—It is announced in 'the Eastern papers that the Draft has been postponed until the ist, June. ISL. Eight millions of dollars bare been sent to the. Army of the Potomilc, in charge . .'of sixteen paymasters. Mir The schocl committee of the Sanitary Commission of this county, are requested to send their tionatithis to R. T. Claflin, in care of John S. Mann, Coudersport, Pa; :• gel _The iron clad frigate,TronsideS has fired since she has been in service i four thousand three hundred and sixty-ono rounds; has J . :been hit two hundred and forty-one times; has only had one man killed; has not been , serieuSly inured and is one of the hest iron clad vessels in the world. VirThe atrocious barbarity of the rebels in butchering our ,soldiers captured by the'ra r 'at Fort Pill 4w, is 'confirmed up "'Gen. Banks, Our Goveriittentis slow in sumo thines, but believing it honest we yet hopes to' see it aroused to the. importance of dealing jitsll,y 'with the savageswith wheta it is at war. tel. GOOD editor of the Oil , thty Monitor, speaking of the high psipe of eggs, says he has thought.4eriorly of quitting work and buying a hen,' and ranking a living easier: thau in the printing busineas." Cer tain iris that he could get at no business that yields malts:: profits than publishing a news-- paper, at the present cost of everything. gel Reader, when you have money to upend, :consult your county paper and trust those who have the courtesy to let you know what they hare to sell. suck luerchauts do snore business, have better f2;130e. - 3, and in all respects MOPe trustworthy tlntn such as hope to catch you accidentally and never 'expect to see you again. To intelligent people the ad i•ertisenteute are af;, - ,Re,...t value. Try it. De e :We ,are asked to request the several enrolliup ofticts in the.;:oiraties of Patter and Tioga, during the entailment and- 4raft , of 3.lst year, to forward to W. 11". Ichite4:atidock Eldred, l'a., under oath, a statement of the amounts received by therit of Mr.'2,l*Gee in vitytiaent of tkeir services is circler that any • who were rat raid what 178.3 their due can I mow reeeire whit honestly remains unpaid. gEr The Spring examination of will be held at the following places and times: •f•Sunderlinvifle is, at 1 o'clodk P. K. Harrison Valley ;19 :I I • Bingham Center 4 . 20 Andreas Settlement " 1.1 L.( 'Oswayo '4 22 ra iSharun Ceiter " Ilebron,HyduraS.ll." 25 JI COliiiVrSpOrt " Ilird School haute " : ..V.oulate Village ' " Stephen Iforton's .3(1 Pens and paper will be rec,nired. tors and friends of education are iurae ti a;; TUC L.1.1"1" . 6 EMEND TOE MA.II would call particular attention to the beauty of the steel engteiiv.gs in this number of the Lady's Friend: The Lovers," engraved ex- PresslFikr this nurnber, is both in design and execution, one of the most beautiful engrav ings that has ever appeared in e magazine.— the Pas - Lion Plate—which is, of donbla and handsomely colored—is also a Charming - ipecimen•of its kind. Of the other cU'grav ings we need only say that they are numerous, Varied and interesting as usual.... , Among the reading matter we note the fal lowing articles:—"Deacon Denison's Dan,gh ter," "Mrs. Jefry June's Final Original story," "Mabel's Mission," "The Lovers," by Jean "Dizk's Infatuation," "tionsit's 411.165 t," "After ron. Years," Virginia Townsend, &C., &c. Every one who doe r s not' take the Lady's Friend regUlarly, should at least send on twenticents, and have this (May)' number forwarded to them. Published by DEACON & PETERSON,.3I9 ITalnut St. Philadelphia. $2.0.3. ,126 - A. meeting of the Union ci,tizens of Potter county, was held at .Coudersport, ThUrsday eVening the 21st inst., pursuabtto L. call by the County Committee. 6rt lasi!tipn B. L. Nichols was chosen . as -Chairme.n of the meeting and D. O. Larrabee; S'eCreially.' :On motion A. G. Olmsted was selected as delegrite to represent the County in the Union State Convention to b' held in Harrisburg the Xith inst., and U. J. Olmsted, R. L. Nichols and D. C. Larrabee were t chosen as . Confere'es with : pOttir to appoint substitutes to meet with Cort fereo from other parts of the District to select delegates to reprOint the 18th : Congrissional District, in the National Convention; to be held in Baltimore. On motion, Resolved that the chair - appoint seven persons to act as County Committee for the ensuing yeii*; whereupon the following named persons Were ipp4ted, ' . . ,John S. Vann, Mt - airman, D. C. Lama*, P A. Stebbins, jr., L. 8: Robbrtson, Jerntne Cheeebro,O. L. Hoyt and David Codway'. • The meeting then adjourned,. . D. C R. L. NiCHOLS, Chairman: . LOJUBEE Seeretarr. --:v IMMI ,sr'Brown'e Bronchial Troches,for Con ihs, CesiTnlmonary p and.:4stpmatic. Lorderai hihtn*vefl test. of many iyeata l lAndZa*ritelied:testimonials from eminent. men who have used them. • •s• ' I PRICE CURRENT. "CeiPec:te, , S.'ev,ery_Wedne,sdarby P.". A: STEM: BINS kCO:, DellerS , ja' Groceries, and Provisions, oppositell. F. Glassmire's Hotel, 11 ' Coudersport, Pa. "Apples, green, 'l3 bush., . $lOO to 125. do dried, Beans, ti beeswal,.3}l lb.; Beef, si Berries, dried, 11 quart Buckwheat, 11 bush., Buckwheat Flotir, Butter, ep lb., Cheese,_, 10*.rs.ced • •..; corn, `l,l bush., Corn Meal, per cwt., 14ggs, ct-I doz., pour, extra, hhl., superfine " Hknis; lb., Hay;ton, • .. Hon ,per lb., "oar , " Maple Sugar, per lb., bush.,. ' • Onions, " Pork;V bbl., • • • do 11 lb., jilo in whole hoe, 'll Pbtatoes, per bush., Pkehes, dried, lb., • Poultry, 11 lb., Rye, per .• Salt, bbl., 140 §ack, _ , Timothy eed Ttput, per .1, W heat, 9 bush., I4ite Fish, Yri bbi., pansuulptive sufferers will receive a valua ble prescription for the cure of Consumption, ASthma, Bronchitas, end all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, • Kings Co., New York. DR. TOI3IAS' \TM:IIAX HORSE LINIMENT. I.npint bottles at fifty cents, cures lame ;'less, cuts, gall:, cholie, .1:c. Read the following : fir: Toms: We have used for the past yelir your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks, bruises, colic and cots, and in every instance foutld it the best article I. ever i tried in this circus company. Please send six dozen bot• tles as it is the only liniment we use now WOtet, a(08 horses, some very valuable, and do but want to leave town Wlthomt it. • , . HYATT FROST, Manager VanAinburg SCo's. Menagerie Sold by all! druggists. ' ()lac, 56 Cortland: Street, New York. [Communicated.] Valmonary Consumption a Cu - able Disease T'U(i undersigned having been restored to hcaltt• ie. a few weeks, hy a very simple rem edy, kifter having suffered several years with imvgre lung affaet ion, and that:dread disease lionstiniption—Ps anxious to make known to his feilor-sufferers the means of cure. ',eithers To all Who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with 'the directions cut preparing and using the same . ; which a sure cyre forCon suinprion,..4s-thtna, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, sc. iTlte culy object of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription is 'to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable and he hopes every sufferer will try Iris remedy, as it will cost them uo- , thing, and may_pro , ze a blessing.. Parties wishing the prescription will please addrei , :s lter. LTWAIIDA. WILSON, Diree d. 40 4i Administrator's Notice. voiicE is hereby given thaeletters of Ad .l_ll ministration ou the estate of George In graha4, , late of the township of Hebron in the county of Potter, deceased, have been granted to . Nortnan Deqglit ofsaid township, and A. 13. Gocidsell of the Borough of Coudersport.— Alt persons therefore 'having claims or de tuands'against the estate of said decedent, are requested ,to make the same known to said Norinan Dwight and A. B. Goodsell with out delay. _NORMAN DWIGHT, A. B. GOODSELL, Admrs. April ME United States Internal Revenue Tattention of tax 7 payers is hereby etlled to the proilsions of the United States ;Excise Law relative to the assessment of ithnnal.tes.. . By the sixth section of the act of July 1, 1862,. it is; ade the'duty of all.pwsons, part nershiPs, firms, associations, or corporations, made liable to any nnoiuel duty, license, or tax, ON OR BEFORE TAE FIRST MONDAY OF MAY IN EACH YCILP., to make a list or return to the Assistant . Assessor of the Dikrict where lo cated of the amount of annual income, the ar.l titles or, objects charged; with a special tax, and the business or occupation liable to pay any licehse. 'Every'. person who. shall fail to make such return tiy the day specified will be liable to be assessed by tho 4.s.sessor s according to the best informationwhicl be can obtain ; and in such case the Assessor is , required to add fifty petleenttim - tO 113 E. iimiituat of ;the items of such list. Ereri'persop,who to;an :Asses ! sor any false or fraudialebt list or statement, I with intent to evade the-Valuation or enumer- I ation rtiiiiired by lawilailibje6t tor' fine of five . `hundred dollars ;, abd i lU., such case the list I will be made out by•the ll .Pssessor or. Assistant Assessor, andfrorn the Y4lealipit and enumer- I ation there .. den' beJtio - iippeal.• • • Payalent of the annuall taxes except those for licenses, will not be demanded until the thirtieth day of June. The appropriate blank* on which tei•make return, and all necessary information, will be furnisheid•bY tlie_ASsistarit iAseesioVis of this. District for their respective Divisions, to whom the retnrusehonld_be tt,ell l ypte4 at Skeirciffides on or before the first Monday of May. GEORGE U. S. Arisi§sOi; 18th District Pa. A.ssesso BoalsburN To Consumptives. BOSTON, July ISGO A CARp. To Consuo.aptives. 11' ill i:un sb urg.h, Kings count, New York Anni 62/ -2Vses - for 1864 . . 1864• 1864 Brings many a change, therefore I have con cluded to change mysystear of doing business and I shall hereafter sell for , - - CASH or PRODUCE, • • .• • • BUTTER, LARD, EGGS; RAGS, GRAIN, • ." DRIED BERRIES, &c. IN my stock of Groceries I have a choice assortment of TEAS,- • • GREEN, 300 250 300 360 30 35 7 8 10 18 SUGARS. 87 1 00 3,00'3 75 25 25 .12 14 7_()0: 7 50 SALARATUS, , Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, • _ _ 125 150 300 325 825 925 700 800 14 10 12 00 14 00 10 12 14 12 15 . GO •• . 100 125 25 OG 27 00 12 14 - 8 9 02 75 25 30 8 10 /25 150 have a good atoclF. (bought so that a am enabled Jo sell at pries cerreat before the War) of DRUGS, kid • • PATEN MtDICINES, Alio, KEROSENE OIL YANKEE NOTIONS, ~ FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, atd are still kept, 4 50 FLOUR, „ t4011.1C,. • MEAL of all kind& And many other thinks too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold for . LESS PRO 'IT than ever before offered in this market. E. 'K. SPENCER. Jan. 20, 1864. - IE 250.359 500 000 150 162 bOO GOO PUTNAM Clothes Wringer Will wring anything from a sin'gie Thread to a Bed-Quilt. PRICES : 65.50, $6.00, and $8.00., , - _ P. A. Stebbins & -Co., Agents for Potter county. Tan. 25. 1963 State Normal Sc .001,.. EDINBORO, ERIE CO., PENN'A. THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS.. CHEAP, THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC, SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES TEN INSTRUCTORS. GOOD LIBRARIES, APPARATUS, : GYMNASIUM. $32 pays for Board and Tuition, 14 wicks . Spring Teim opens March 15, 18G4. y. Address,. J, A. COOPER, A. Ct Principal. A First Class Farmer': , Afaggzine for Penn'a. 1964 THE PENNSYLVANIA 1804 FARMER AND GaRDENER. Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Agairs. Edited and Published by • W.Tn. S. Young & Co, 52, NORTH 6TH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Terms : One Dollar a Year. The sixth volume commences with January number. Having obtained the services Of 'eminent and practical Agriculturists,. Horti culturists, Stock Breeders and Bee-keepers, we confidently oiler the current volume as one of the best ever issued, for originality,practi• cal thought and reliable information. SEND FOB A SPECIMEN For the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden. 1864 TILE 1864 GARDNER'S MONTHLY. W. G. P. BRINCKLUE, Publisher, OFFICE : 23 NORTH 6TEI ST., ,PHILAVA. Terms : $1,50 a Tear. EDITED BY THOMAS MEERAN 17te . Monthly Contents are Hints—Flower garden and Pleasure ground Fruit garden, regettible garden, Window Gar dening Communications—embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture,. Agricultute, and Rural Affairs. . Editorial—Giving the Editor's views on the important Horticultural improvemelits. Scraps and Quarries—New Pruits—New Plants—Domestic and Foreign Intelligence— Foreign tAirrespondents-Horticultural notices With each departmentment handsomely il lustrated. These general features will he retaindd;and the publisher pledges himself 'that no labor or expense shalt Us spared to render the suc ceeding issues of the Magazine mvedy ,way worthy of the favor with which; his previous efforts have been amply rewarded. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN The Rural. Annual for 1861: . The Rural Annual and Horticultural Direc tory is a lltde„book published at the. corn-. mencement of each year by the Editor of the Genesee. Farmer at Rochester, N. It was started in. 1856, and-a•new volume has • been issued eachyear. The volume for-1564 is now before us. Among its contents may .be mentioned articles on the best means of En riching,the Soil, on Swamp Muck and the best -methods of composting and applying it, on Manures, on Protection to Orchards, on the Best Climate for Sheep, on Gathering Fruit, on the ,Culture of Hops, on the 'Culture of Flai, on Planting Trees, ands hundred other articles interesting to the Farmer and Gar dener. Price only 25 cents. It wilhbe seat prepaid*retnin mail on receipt of the price. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, Editor Genesee Far mer, Rochester, N. Y. The Genesee Farmer for 1864.. A new vol ume commences with the January number. Now is the time to subscribe. 0n1y.74 cents a year. Ali Who subscribe before the January number is issued-, will receive .the December number free. Address as abore. BLACK, and JAPAN MOLASSES, HONEY SYRUP COFFEE, SPICE, PEPPER, (to PERFUMERY, 41 Ili: : 20, . WORTS OF lew COODS 22 AT Sitniiions! OSWAYO REGULATOR Jiist Arriving ! The very best prints,. Cocheco and other good grades, from 14 to ,18i cents, worth 25 cents. Good Delaines, 16 to 25 cents, worth 25 to 35 cents. A large Stock of, Plain Alpaccas, double width, for 25 cents per yard, superfine extra 44, worth double the money. Godd Merinos for 5s 6d, worth 12s. A large stock of FURS, very low; also, BUFFALO ROBES,. good India tanned, from $4 ,50'to $9 50, worth $l2 at the present time .N in ew York. Also a large lot of Cassimeres, 6s to Ss, worth lOs to 14s; Good Sheetings from 20 to 25 cents_ A good stock of LADIES' SHAWLS—a heavy, fine, all-wool, double Brodie Shawl, for . sB woith $l5. , . . A large stock of CLOTHING ; good Suits— Coat, Vest, Hat, Cravat, kc., for $lO worth $2O. Good,.all-wool, Black Pants, f0r:53.25. BOOTS and SHOES very low; WoMen's Calf Shoes as low as SS cents. Good Teas fur Bs, worth 14s. And a full assortment of all,kinds of Di 7 Goods, Clothing, Groceries, BoOts, Shoes, Hats, Caps, No- tions,Crockery, Provisions, .&.0 We mean, this Winter, to keep a much larger Stock thart.usual, and sell. Cheaper for the times than. ever; and all we ask of any one is to examine our Goods and prices,. and you will be satisfied that we perform according to our bills. Our Auction-will not interfere with oor Retail Trade, at it will be held in the famous block noted for' Great Bargains. C. 'IL SIDIDIONA. November IGI.II, 18C3 ESTABLISHED 17G0. PETER LORILLARD. Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 and 18 Chambers St., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New , Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.; BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure virginia, Coarse Rappee, Natchitotes, American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. ' Scotch, . Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scottlt, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. '"^'.x* Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine. Cut Cliewing . and Smok ing Tobaccos; which will be found of a Supe rior quality. . TOBACCO. SMORIN.G. '.l.tie cur CREWING. ' OXOKING. Long, P. A. L., or plain., •S. Sago, No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canister, Nos. 1 & 2 mixed. - Turkish, Granulated, Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be Sent on app lication.—ApBly PRFSEAVE Your Beauty, Symmetry of Form,,a-our Health and. Mental Powers, by using that safe, pleasant, ...popular, and specific 'remedy known ar Helorbold's Extract Buchu. Read the, advertisement in n ano,t,her I column, and profit by It—diseases add symp toms enumerated. Cut it out and preserve it. Yon may not nbiirea dire it, but may atsome future day. • "Itgires hetatb and iigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid. cheek.". It - saves long suffering and exposure Beware of counterfeits—cures guaranteed. Dr. A. FRENCH'S CELEMITED TONIC BITTERS RE Becoming the most , popular Medicine A in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, ..DEBIS/TY OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM; and WEAKNESS of the STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORG&S. It is also gaining a great reputation In the . . CURE of DIPTHERIA...:, t • Principal OfEce, Coudersport, potter Co.; Pa. ,E -S. Spenverls•Read s y-Pay Stare is • the only strictly Cash Store in Couder sport. If you wish to bny Goods foi Wu. call at Spencer's Not Alcoholic. A OIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EkTRAGT IA ti - tire Tonic. Dr: EVoiland's Gernihn Bitters, • PREPARED BY Dr. C. BT. aackson,Thilada.Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LI I VLIt. COMPLAINT, DrsrErsrA, Chronic or Nervous Debileta, Diseases of the . .Eidn4s,.ard ait:diseases arising 'front a disordered Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation; Inward Piles, Fulness orißlood to the Head,Acidity.of the Stomach, Xausea, Heartburn., Disgust for Food,Ful ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructationsi Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried. and Difti- • Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart,Choli .or Suffocating sensations when in a ly g posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Cells before the,Sight, Fewer and:dull Pain in the Hcatl, Deficiency of Per:- spiration, Yellowness of the Skin' and Eyes,Pain in the Side, Back, .t, Lhiubs, &c., Sudden .Flushes of Heat, rning in the FlOsh, Cuiloant Imagi ningsl of Evil, and great Depressions. of Spirits. . Cbe HOOFLAND'S GERMAN. BITTEBS Are hot a new and untried - article, but have stood •‘the.l test of flftieri Years trial by the Atnrican ',public • and their rephtation . and sale are riot rivaled by any similar prepara tion. e proprietors have thencands of Letters the most eminent T .1 frotn "lIGYiIIEN, • • I, LAWYERS. - PHYSICIANS ; and 1 . CITIZENS. pine- of their own "pPrsonal knowledge, e beneficial effects and medical virtues of Bitters. Teeti to th 4 these ATTENTION, SOLDIERS I. FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. • call the attention of all hit;:ing relations nds the army to the fact that "HOOF •'S German Bitters" Will cure nine tenths iseases induced by exposures and lions iimident to camp life. In the lists, :bed almost daily in the neWspapers, on rival of the sick, it will lie noticed that large proportion are suffering. from de- Every ease of that kind can,he-read- I red by iloofland's German !Bitters,— It • es resulting front disorder; of the diges [guns fire speedily removed: We have Butler, in stating that, if these Bitters eely used among our soldiorsHitin of likes might be: saVed that other . ill be . lost. all pi rtieular attention to the follow arkable and well authenticated, cure of CM nation's heroes, whoSe life; to own language, "has been saved by tters ;"I PItILADEGPriti, Aug. 33, 1863. We ing re, of one use hi the Bi Mae as. JOne..it - Er.tss..—Well, gentlemen, your I oolland German Bitters has saved my life. There is no • mistake, in, al i'S. •it is vouched . for by numbers of my comrades, some or whose names are appended, and who were filly cohizant of all the circumstances iof my case.. 4 am, and have been for i the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery andl under the Immediate : cow l-mend of Capt. R. 13. Ayres. Through the exposu e attendant upon my arduous duties, 11 , I was a tacked in.Novernber last with inflam ation obi the lungs, and was. for seventy-two days iOlie hospital. , This was followed by great debility, heightened - by an attack of dysenteiy. 11 was then removed from the Whitellouse, land sent to this city on board' the Stealiner "State of Maine," frau] which 1 landed* thel2Bth of June. Since.that time I have ten about as low as say one-could be `and still retain a spark of vitality. "-For a week orlmore I was scarcely able to swallow anything. andlif I did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. .• - . • ' I could not even keep a glass Of water on my stomlach.,. Life could not last under such j circums anczsl; and, i l accordingly the- physi-i • cians w o had been working faithfully, ' tho' ' unsucce sfully to rescue me-from the, grasp of the dlead Archer, frankly. told me they could doi no more for me, and advised me to see a clefgyinan, and to make such disposi tion of my limited funtls as best suited me. An ncquiiintanee who visited me at the hos.: pital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch StrCet, advised mc, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. 7rona the time I comikenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now. thank God for it; getting bet= ter. Though I have taken but two bottles; I have gal gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine i of being permitted to rejoin my 'wife and • daughter, from whom I have heard-nothing, for eighteen months ; for, gentlemen,-.1 am a local Virginian, from the . vicinity "of Front - Royal.. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty-of life*hich has taken the place' Of vague fesira—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious •privilsge of 'again . clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. • We fully correur in the truth of the above statement; .s we had despaired of seeing our comrade. Mr. Malone, restored to health. Juhm,Ctiddlehrtek, tat New. York-Battery. . -George A. Ackley, C0..0,.11th Maine. Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York-. •.. • I: IL Sp l nncer, Ist Artillery., Battery F. • J. B. Fa;sewell, CO. B. 2d Vermont. ' lienry B. Jerome, Co. B, • do. • -•. Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C, Gth Maine. John F.lWard; Co. I , :, sth Maine.- Herman? Koch. Co. li, 72d Nev York. ... ~ Nathaniel. B: Thomas. Co.'.F, 05th Penn., Andrewl.T. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont, John....TefikinsXo. B. 10Gth Fenn. BEITARE lOF •COUNTERFEITS COUNTERFEITS! . i See that he signature of "CI:M.• JACKSON," is on the RAPPER of each , bottle. I PRICES : ,'.- - , • Large Sit (holding nearly couple quantity) - 161,00 per...139.tt1e--half -doz. 55.00 . Small Size r 7s ets. r i Dottie—half doz. $4.00 ,Shoil4 your rratest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intox •ltating preparations that may be offered fn its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely picked, by express. .. •. .. 1 PRINCIFAD OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY Arch street. & EVANS, (Suciessiors to C, M. JACKSON & C0.,)1 • • -1 .! , PROPRIETORS.' . FOR sale by Druggists aull,Dealers in ovary towr in tin toiled States. . Notice. GEINASI6, Potter Co„ Pa., Aug. 1, i O4 Xr, °TICE: is hereby given that Charles Bu. slior,luow or late of this pmutyjiolding the following describedproperty:lo4 *c yes paid any consideration whatevertintini same, land all persons are hereby warned not to pur• chase any of said property of the.said Busher before the_: decision of the Court-is given - in this case, -and C. Rubor. has. paid:to TO the consideration money therefore. The following is the property : Ist. A certain tract of land near the s Ger. mania Mill, in warrant 5075, Abliot,iontiship, Potter contity„.Pa., containing 100 ::acres.— Also 25 acres, in warrant 5078 and ndrnining the abdve. 2nd. A Certain tract of land with Mill aa4 improvements thereon, near Kettlereek, in warrant 5819, Stewardson townshlpa L POtter count}, Pa., containing about-204 scree,_ I C. Bushor holds also intrust *arrant No. 5101, in Gaines township, .Tioga conaty s .Ps., on 'the toad leading from Germania to Galues, containing 850 acres. '• ttAO4,., A T. - IT. J. 0 LAMSTED' 4 %, , TORE • can always be" found t6ebi!it 1.0 Cooking, Box and Parlor 46, T 0 V E Also. TIN and SHEET 'IRON WAREVVOTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS,' SCOTCH brOWIB7 FRYING-PANS, SA?-PANS, and' CAULD RONS. Also : Agrithiltural Implement* . • such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, ', - C15017,14 TORS ; BORN-SHELLEILS,"LIOBSE-1141S, DOG-POWERS, dm. • , HIS .; WORk... , is - well made ,and the material good: !Good and substantMl EAVES-TROUGHS putup in any part of the County-Terms easy. , iteady Pay- of all kinds, including Cash, Seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Clint S ouse, Coudersport. , Aug. 1, 1863.4-40 1 Just in and to be sold just as cheap is the "times" will allow. • • • •..r; An assortment of almost everything needed by anybody, Such as EMI SUGAR - • SCHOOL BOOKS • ••• DBY GOODS BOOTS k SHOOS • JAYNES And other Medicines. In exchange Livant HOUSE ASHES L" GREENBA CKS I": tE • • DRIED BERRIES; • ' COUNTY ORDIiIta, • UL.Y.SSES'ORDERS. Most all kinds Of GRAiN.- • i.O), • ' - LUCIEN Blatt: BroCklan4, Pa., Nov'r, 1863. -MANHOOD: • HOW LOST ! BOW .I.I.ESI:OP.ED 1 Just published hi a.sealed etivelope„hrics its A Lecture on the. Nature,-Treatment andraftd ical cure of Spetnatorticea or &ridual Weak uess, Sexual Dehility, Nervousness, andidtal uutarY,Eznissium4, including InipateneyiPoe.o -suruption and Mental and Physic*bDebilily, CULVERWELS, The important fact that the awful .cOuseqtran • ces of Self-Ab ash Inlay- be effectually , removed without internal Medicines or.-therdangerctos application of caustics,instrumentsanediesead bougies, and other impirical devices, hers clearly .dernonstsated, and the entirelyrnetw and highly sticeepsful treatment as e'doptedby the celebrated author,fully explained.by means of which eserf Oie is-enabled-to cure-himself perfectly. and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of O. day. This leCture,-will proi.e a boon to thou.• sands and thousands: • r i. - Y ,- ,;*Seut 'under' net, to any - roidetto 6 it a plain, sealed. enfelope, on the receipt esti ceufs; or two postage stamps, by addressing, ' Ur. CHAS. J. KEANE; •:—.4 127 Bowery,..yeei ! York,-PostOffice Box. 4.686; C. H. VvrARRiNER.- - Continues to repair:CLOCKS, WA.TCHESir.4I JEWELRY in' C tidersport, atithlsevpi cor.;- stuntly on hand and for sale E good ,assort, merit of r - Clocks, : WatclLes, and • Jewelry Or the very best ot*lity. Ah3o, • PLATED WANE, : • SPEOTACILEd i VIOLIN sTRL;ps, REVOLVERS, &e. • • . • • Also, a full euppiy • • Fis!Ulm Tackle 1: ••-.•:, which he is sellthk at- the loweA` Prioelo' 11)0 cash. Every article sold warranted lobe ne represented. • • Shop on Main Street, two doors "."aort..4..ee P. A. Stebbins CO's Store, 't the sign the "Big Wittch2! Notice. LL nosmsr persons indebted to nic"‹..re re. 11l quested to pay within onc inotitkt.'what they owe to the, to Esquire Cusltini;•ai4 take his receipt. Cheats luny learp their. amen standing on the list in Esquire anshfilwArlitncis as an undeniable pcopf anti' worthiness to Bgure:in the ," rogues. gallery:2 E. JOrillG, D Coudersport, Jun,,l2, 1863 1 HOTEL TO RENT. I T 4 YMAN HOUSE, East, corner :yam Street. Ulysses, Potter ' County, Pil. Can_he rented for one year commencing 15th Slay 1864. Payment quai-terly in ad .w.s.; sealed, proposals can be let; with F.T. Tor tor. at Ulysses, or with the undersigt PA at CLev,A laud, Ohio, until May, lst, 1864. , . •U. tZt..i:VAAS. April, 6, 1864. SYRUP at 14 seat =3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers