THE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL 6 w:umnKirt . lxidal 'and Creilwral: VigtC.iSee New Adverlisemerittr..- - - • List of Letters—John S. Mann. • Hotel to Rent---:C. C. tynisin. • Internal Revenne—Georgeßaal.l < . :1 , Stop Thief Calvin Cowley, Lewis Shceleey The snow has again nearly all disitp a - pred. — H • "1 The Larcibermen in' (this section are ready and , waiting ,for a flood , to run their lumber to market. g 69;, The Atlantic Monthly for April, is on our table, •filled as usual 'with, the choicest reading. This is the best Magazine published. le. The Peterson's for April, comes ill a neat dress, fined 'With inefill reading, it's fash ion.plates are of the latest and best styles.!, One hundred , )4ars ago„ „Benj. Franklin Postmaster.Genet : al of the American Colonies, made my official inspection of the principal routes in his gig.. 'llB..,MissAnna E. Dickenson lectures in Nate York on the nianiveiiary of the triardei of Massachusetts troops in the streets of Bal timore. Subject, "April 19. Lexidigfon, e7ts. Balticacire,lBtl.", . 16' Neal Dow remAsed long enough in Richmond to seethe , rebel Legi slature pass an id, to seal up-every grogibop in Richmond, and pzrhaps in Virginia, on the - Ist day of May. tien. Lee asked for the law, and it was conceded. Thu trial cf Capt. W. W. White, late "Provost MarslMl of this' diitrict was cc ncluded 'on' Monday, but the result has not yet been Made The general *cession, among those who were present, wits that he would be acquitted . . : EI=Z2 A MsLeval, frernu.—The National Union Club of Philadelphia have by a unanimous `vote excluded the Philaflelp/tia. Inquirer frinn their rooms, on the ground that it is disloYal to the rnion, and that its course is calculated to be subversive to the best interests of the nation. , , Williamsport is bound to have a draft. 'lts quote. on the call fl.a 5 . 00,000 men is not full by more than fifty oleo. It is the only li,'protigh in the 18th Congressional District hieh did not pay premiums and fill its wiota tinder that call. The whole draft, will, ptiob ably be fur 150 men from the berough.— Bulletin. the Lady's Book .for April contains a very pretty engraving, fabllion plates, song, liat terns fur embroidery and needlevork. The storrhy •Nobody to Blame," is still continued find increases in interest., "Keeping Company" "1 - 7neie: Hugh," "She 'bath dono what She CLMid," "The Family braving Master," "The Contented Mud,' '"A l Few Friends," "A Ghost Story," poetry, work department, ree , .-ipfsjLir conking-6%nd many other tnings which go to make up a valuable book for ladies. c The men which has left 'this county, tlic last month, to fill our quota, havebeen 'Principally voters, and we see considerable 'Chuckling amonf the copperheads is to the re•sult33f "the eletion in our county next fivll, astrirybody knows that none of them et - er `enlist or go to the ...rnty exe^pt through pulsion. Let all [Tnian men thronghont the 'county stand firru to the . cause of tht!ir (bin try, and next fall we will roll np a inajor;ity 'that will ranke'thece vile reptiles hunt, tkeir holes, fidat W1. , e0 , :e they mill never ,again 'emerge. jar The Spring:.exaniinnti.n:ef Tennh.nrs will be held at place.s :itrl tithes: Sunderlinville April 'ill. at .1 o;eiock Pi M 'Harrison Valley I p Bingham '• Andreas Settlement " Psleiya Village " Sharon Center " 23 Hebron-,Hydorn 5.11," 25 Coudersport, 26 Bird School, House " 27 Roulette Village " 28 Stephen Morton's " 30 ! fens and'paper will be required. Direc tors andlriends of education are invited, A DESERVED COMPLIMENT TO LOYAL WOMEN. Preedent has an acknoiviedged char acter for saying good words in good tithe, and hie tribute to the women of Ainerica is an instance of this. He spoke for all the men of America when heinvoked the blessing which concludes the following manly and charad ter istic speech : "I am not accustomed to use the language of alogy ; I have never studied the art of paying compliments to women, but I must say that if all that has been said by orators and' poets since the creation of the World in praise of women were , applied to the women of 'America, it would not, do them justice for their conduct' in 'dhis war." This is a compliment to be shrel hat eiery xt - Ord of it is' true. • I Kr On Saturday last, papt. 414 F. Joins left for Harrisburg with Oyer one hundred me; to apply on the quota of I this county;i—* The number of men yet to tie raised, we have not learned, but we hope the remainder will be raised, so ,as to avoid ,a draft! if poisi ble,iis our county. Potter has always comae nplta the work nobly, and we believe, accord ing to our population, sent more men than aniother county in the State. 1 A large per orotir citizens have enlisted in New York and adjoining comities were we , can receive no credit, were it not for this we would have our quota on thellifee" earls mOre than full. Ao it is we hope thbfaW''refattining May yet be raised, and place our gellarit•little county spin in the ran of our c - .4utrj - ',s defenders. Ararat 15th, 1864, at, St. Stephen's Eiettay, by Rev. sB. B. — Leaoccick, Capt. !Dennis hOeplao; 'of Alm 46th Pa. Vol's, to:',2lllBB:"..tideJtogers;-of Kittaaing, Pa. • In poleshurgr Pebrifau 17,,1864, Thomas Jackson,'aged- about '72 - • . PRICE CURRENT. CorreCted every Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS & CO., Retail - Deiilers in Graterles and Provisions, . : opposite D. F. Olassintre's t otel, z • /- ,Coudersport, Pa. , . . Apples, green, `l4 bush., $1 00 to 1 25 'do I dried, " 200 250 Beans', u 300 350 Beesw4x, ;b., Beef, it Berl:lull, dried, `4 3 3 cirlart 10 18 bush., • 87 1-40 buckwheat Flour, . 3 00 .318 Butter, lb., Cheese, - " Cloverseed Corn, -`l bulb., 125 150 Corn Meal, per cwt., 300 325 'Egg; V doz ~ • . 18 Flour,Leztra ' `i? bbh 825 925 ari do , porfine -IL 700 800 Hams, V lb., , 14 16 114, , V ton, • ' ' !. '120014 00 lloney t per lb., 10 123 Lard, 1 , - " - ~ . 14. 16 Maple Sugar, per lb., ' ,12 15 o . ats, RR bush., . '6o 65 Onion; " 100, 1 25 Pork, 1:7 bb1.,25-00 27 00 do 'tl lb., 12 14 do in whole bog, "11 Ib., 8 9 Potatoes, per bush., 62 75 Peache,s, dried, 9 lb., • • , .- 25 30 Potiltry, 1 ,1 lb., 8 10 Rte, -per. bush., • 125 150 Salt, 19 bbl., 4 50 •do 1 , 1 seek, - . . 16 Timothy eed 2 50 350 • Troitt, per bbl., 500 600 Wheat, 1:1 bdsh.. • 150 162 White Fish, Te bbl., 500 6,0/.) To Consumptives. Cansumptive sufferers will receive a valua ble prescription for the cure of Consumptioo, Asthma, Bronchitas, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Wi iliamsbu rgb, Kings Co., New York. • DR. TOI3IAS' VENITI,AN HORSE LINIMENT. pint bott:es fifty cents, cures lame ness,. cuts., galls , .eholic, Read the fulluwiug : Dr. Tont.ts: We have used for the past year your llonze Liniment fur lameness, kicks, braises, colic and cuts, and in every instance found it the best amide I ever nig(' in this circus company. Please send six dozen bot• Iles, as it is the- only liniment we use now We have 103 horses, some very valuable, and do not vrant to leave town witbout it. HYATT FROST, . Manlger Va.n.ituborg Ac Co's. Menagerie Sold 11 . 0011 druggists. - ~Offieb, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. (Commuicatedi.] Ptk Consuthption a Curable Direace A CARD. To Co nsu Imptiveg. The undersigned having been restored to health in n few weeks by a very simple rem edy. lifter haring sniTend several years with t severe lung atreetion, and that dread dinase o,llsufilption—is anxious to make known to his feltow-sufferers the meant of 'cure. To till who.dttsire it, he . will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the' directions for preparing and using the san'ie, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Itronthitis, Coughs, Cold., Sc. The object of the advertiser in send tug the Prescription is to benefi ; t the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; rind he hopes every auff'rer will try his remedy, as it will cost thing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishinz the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williainsburgh, AO 4m :Kings county, New York. I 2 .42 ') 41 • 1:1:11 WATCHMAKER. . C. H. ,WAIII-I.INR Continues to repair CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY. in Coudersport, and keeps con stantly on hand and for sale a good assort ment of Clocks, ' Watches, ; and • . Jewelry Of the very best quality. Also, PLATED WARE, • SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS, REVOLVERS, &e. Also, a full Ripply of Flphing Tackle which he .is telling at the lowest prices for cash. Every article sold warranted to be as represented. Shop on Main Street, two doors north of P. A. Stebbins & Ob's Store, Pt the sign of the "Big Watch." A LL Bommr persons indebted to me are re 11. quested to pay 'within one Month, what they owe to me, to Esquire Cushing and take his receipt: Cheats may leave their'lmmes standing on the list in Esquire Cushings hands as ma undeniable proof of their dishonesty, and worthiness to Sgure:in the "rogues gallery.” • ' E. JOERG, At. •D Coudersport, Jan. 12, 1863 • 12 cts. per quart paid fcr Blackberries, . 16 cts. per quart paid for Black Raspberries, 16 cts. per dozensfor Eggs, at SPENCER'S. A _ SOAP Question &um! Inquire at STIRSBINS' 91110 SE indebted to E. K. Spencer will plate eull-and Lenin 360unit-del/kJ% Married DIED : 1 30 35 7 8 25 25 .G 12 14 00 750 Basro . s, July 7, 1860 Notice. • 1864 - 1864 Brings 'rainy a iheitige,'theiefore con cluded to change Inmstem of doi husiness and I shall hereafter sell for 1 CASH or. PRODUCE, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, 'GRAIN, DRIED - BERRIES, &o. 1N toy stock of 'Groceries I have a choice assortment e - - . TEAS,— GREEN, - , BLACK, . ' and JAPAN. SUGARS, • MOLASSES, SALARA.TUS, .CQFFEE, Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, • SPICE, PEPPER, &a., &o. I have a good stock (bought so that I am enabled to se'l at prices current before the War) of • DRUGS, and PATENT MEDICINES, Also, KEROSENE OIL. YANKEE NOTIONS, EXTRACTS, and PERFUMERY, are still kept FLOUR, . PORK, MEAL of all kinds. And many other' things too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold for LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in this market. E. K. SPENCER. Jan. 20, 18C4. PUTNAM Clothes Wringer Will wring onythine• from a single Thread to a Bed-Quilt. • PRICES : 85.50, $6.00, and $B.OO. • P. A. Stebbins & Co., Ac, , ents for Potter county.—Jan 25, 1863 State Normal School, EDINBORO, ERIE CO., PENN'A THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS.• CHEAP, THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES TEN INSTRUCTORS. GOOD LIBRARIES,' APPARATUS, GYMNASIUM. , $39 pays for - Board: and Tuition, IA weeks Spring Te.m opens March 15, -18C4. J. A. COOPER, A.ll Principal. A I d ress, A First Clam Farmer's Magazine for Pcnn'a. 1864 THE PENNSYLVANIA 1864 TPA2IIIIER AN GaRDENER. Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Agairs. • Edited and Published by Wm. S. Young & Co., 52, NORTH 6TH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Terms.: One Dollar a Year. The sixth volume commences with Jan! number.. Haying obtained the service! eerient and pfhetical Agriculturists, H . ! culturists, Ster.k - Breeders and Bee-keel we confidently offer the current volume of the best ever issued, for originality,pr cal thought and reliable informatioM SEND FOIL A SPECIMEN Fir the Fruit, Flower, aid Kitchen Gardch. 1864 THE 1864 GARDNERiS MONTHLY. iV. G. P. 3RINCICLOE, Publisher, OFFICE : 23 NORTH 6TH ST., PHILAD'A Terms a $1.50 a Year. EDITED BY Tilomas mEEttAN. The Monthly Contents are : Ffints—Flower garden and Pleasure ground Fruit garden, Vegetable garden, Window Gar denina Communications—embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture, Agriculture, and .Rural. Affairs. Editorial— Giving the Editor's views on the important Horticultural improvements. Scraps and Queiries—New FruitS—Weiv Plants—Domestic and Foreign Inteiligerice— Foreign Uorrespondents—Horticultural botices With each departrnentraen , t handsomely il lustrated. These general features will be retained;and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall tat spared to render the suc ceeding issues of the Magiosine every way worthy_of the favor with which his previous efforts have been amply rewarded. SEND FOE A SPECIMEN The Rural Annual for 1864. - - The Rural Annual and Horticultural Direc tory is a little boot published at the com mencement of each year by the Editor of the Genesee Farmer at Rochester, N; Y. It wa s started in 1856, and a new volume has b et , r , issued each year. The volume ;or 1864 is now before us. Among its Contents may be mentioned art.i^les on thq best means of En riching tlie Soil, on Swa'mp . Muck and the best mD.Lhoa's of composting and applying it, ou Manures, on Protection to Orchards, on the Best Climate for Sheep, on Gathering Fruit, on the Culture of Hops, on the Culture of Flax, on Planting Trees; and, a hundred other articles interesting to 'the Farmer and Gar derier. Price only 25 cents. • It will be sent prepaid by return mail on receipt of:the price. Address JOSEPH HAtaus, Editor Genesee Far *tner, Rochester,'H. Y. The Genesee Farther for 18614. A tie* . turie commences to the - January number. Nciw I's the time to Subscribe. Only 7b cents a2kur. All who subscribe bitore the January number is issued, will receive the December number fife. :Address se above. _ 7 _ 20 .. 000 ,43 NEW GOODS!! HONEY SYRUP Shilmons' Just Arriving FANCY SOAPS, Tho Tory best prints, Cochecr) and other goo. grades, from 14 to 18i- cents, worth 25 cents.] Good Delairies, 16 to 25 cents, worth 25 tol 35 cents. _ = I A large Stock of Plain Alpaccas, double-1 width, for 25 cents per ynrd, superfine extra! 44, worth double the money. Good Merinos for _53.6d, worth 12s. A large stock of FURS, very row also, BUFFALO ROBES, good India tanned, from $4 60 to $0 50, worth $l2 at the preseiit time, itt New York. _ Also a, large lot, Casiimeres, ds to 83, worth 10s to 14s ; Good Sheetings from 20 to 25 cents. A good stock of LADIES' . SHAWLS—aI heavy, fine, all-wool, double Broche .Shawl,i for $8 worth $l5. A large stock of CLOTHING ; good Snits— Coat, Vest, Hat, Cravat, &c., for $lO worth $2O. Good, all-wool, Black Pants, f0r53.25.1 BOOTS and SHOES very low; Woti2en'sl Calf sboes as low as 88 cents. Good Teas for Bs, worth 14s. , And a full acsortint•nt of all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, No- tions,Crockery, Provisions, &.o We mean, this Winter, to keep a much larger, Stock than usual, and sell ,Cheaper for the times than ever; find all we ask of any one' is to examine our Good's and pricer, and you will be satisfied that we perform according to our bills. Our Auction will not interfere with our Retail Trade; as it will be held in the famous block' noted for Great Bargains. C. n: SIMMON.4. November 16th, 18f3 ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, uff & Tobacco - Manufactnrer, IG and IS Chambers St., (Portncr.'y 42 C'hatliam Street, New York.,) Woillcl call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.; BROWN SNUFF. Ma caboy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Natchitotes r American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW swir. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Tonal Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundy foot. * * *A ttention is called to the large reduc tion • in prices of Fine. Cut Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be Tour:d of a Supe riorltuality. SMOSING. riNp ,CUT CD F.tING. ISHOZING Long, I . a. A. L., or plain. S. Jago, No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Scented Ordrioco, Canister, Nos. 1 & 2 mixed. Granulated. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on appliention.—ApBly. - DRFSERVE • Your Beauty, Symmetry of gg Form, your Health and Mental Powe - . 5 , by using- that safe, pleasant, popular. and specific remedy known as Belmbold's -Extract Buchu. Read the advertisemerA in another column, and p:ofit ty it—disr-ases and symp°- toms.eny.lnerf.ted. Cut it out and preserve it Yo", may hot now require it, but may at some Non.° (fay. ' , lt gives health and rigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek." It saves long suffering and exposure Beware of counterfeits—cures guaranteed. Dr. A. FRENCH's CELEBRATED TONIC . BITTERS ARE beconiing the most popular Medicine in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBISITY OF THE . NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the. STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It Is also gaining a great, reputation in the CURE of DIPTHERIA. Principal - Office, Cotidersport,-Nder Co:, Pa. Spencer's Ready-Pay Store is • the only strictly Cosh Store in Conder spori: If yeti wish to bnyGOiAls for cores, cull at Speccq's . • *milt of lEEI OSWAYO REGULATOR 'ratacco Not Alcoholic. - - A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT A Pure Tonic. / *. / Hdoilind'e Germait Bitters, - - PREPARED BT Dr C. M. Jackson;Thilacia.Pa, STILL "EFF;CTUALIii LIO/li. COMPLAINT, Dx6PEPSI~ r .- . I . JAIIND lOIC, . „ . i Chroiiie or Nervous Debility, Disiasis' of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising. from a disordered Liver or Stomach., Such as Constipation, Inward. Piles, 'fulness or Blood to the Head,Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust'for Foo4,Ful ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking orFlutterifig at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and DM- Chlt'Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart,Chok ing or Suffocating, sensations when in a ly ing postage, 'Dimness Of, Vision, Dots; or Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull ilein in the Head, Deficiency Qf Per spiration', Yellowness of the Skin and Byes,Pain in the Side, Back, • Cheat, Limbs, &C., Sudden Flushes, of Heat, Burning in 'the Flesh, Constant lame - 'tangs of Evil, and great Depressions of Spiral. 1100FLA 4 ..6%;" GERMAN BITTEBSI Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of '.6ftecn - years trial by the American public ; and their reputation and sale, are not rivaled ray ady similar prepara ' The prokietors haveitliOisinds of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, • LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS, and . CITIZENS. Testifying of their own personal .knoirledge, to the beneficial effects and medical rinses of thesi the. AT tiNTioY, SOLDIERS AND THE FIIIENDS HA 'SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having relaiials or'friends in the army to the fact that "HOOF LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, published tilmbst •dairy in the newspapers, on the arrival of the Sick, it will be noticed that a,very large proportich are sunning from de bility. Every case of that.kind can. be read ily cured by. lloofland's Gerinfiia Diseases resulting from disorders of the diges tive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that : if these Bitters were freely used among our• soldiers; hun dreds of lives. might be saved that other wiSe will be lost. We call particular attention to the' fallow ing remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of tie nation's 'tense's, whose life, to use his own language, "has been saved bt the Bitters :" PFILADELPRI/j Aug. 23, 1863 MESSRS. JONLB k Evass.-- r Well, gentlemen, your lloofland German Bitters has saved nef life... , There is no mistake in this.. It •Is vouched for by ; numbers' of my 'comrades, some of whose names are appended; and wb:e I were fully conizaht of all the circumstances of my case. i I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherroan's celebrated battery, and under the .. imMediate Com mand of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendaht upon My arduons duties,. I was attacked in November last with inflam ation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days it the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dyientery. I was then rettoved froth. the White limist, and sent to this city on board the Steamer "State of Maine," from which landed on the 28th of June.` Since that time. I have been abotit as low as Thy one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. I For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did forcers morsel demi, it was immediately thrown up again. • I could not even keep a glass of Water on my stomach. Life could not last under such circumstances': and, accordingly the' physi cians who had been working faithfullyoho' unsuccesSfally, to . rescue me from the grasp of the. dread Archer, frankly told rite, they do no more for me, and a&iise4 me to see n, clergyman, and to make such dialioai tion Of Env limited funds as best suited tie. An acquaintance Who visited the at ti e hos pital, I%fr., Frederick SteinbrOti, of 'Siith below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and, kindly procured a bottle. Froth the time I corhmence& taking them, the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, gettiag bet ter. ,Though I have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife el a d daughter, from whom I have heard not:ning for eighteen months ; for. gentler:Len' I am a loyal• Virginian, from the vicinity •jf g roat. Royal. To your invaluable,Bitt:dri Tows the Certainty of life which has- t r:een the place of 'vague fears—to your...t:',',.. s i ers will 16w. the glorious privilege - of agaiit clasping to my bosom those -wlio are dearest to me Very . t.".euly yours, ISAAC MALONE: We fp:Ay concur in the tit tb of„the abo're stateMent, as we had desraire&of seeing ear comrade, 3,1 r. Malone, restored to health., John Cuddleback, Ist New York Battery. Gerrge A. Ackley, Co: C; 11th Maine. Chevalier, - 32.d New York. 1. E. Spencer, let Artillery., Battery F. J. B. Faaewell, Co. B, ZdNerwont. Henry B. Jereioe, C,o. B, do. Eerily T. 3tacdonaid, Co.` C, 6th Maine John F.Ward, Co. E, sth Maine. HermarCaoch, Co. 11, 72d New York. Nathaniel 13 . .. Thomas. Co.: F, 95th Penn., Andrea- Kimball, Co. A, ?.d Vermont, Jahn Jenkins, Co.` IL 106th Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS See that the signature of "C. M. JACISON,M is on' the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICES Large Size (bohlzng uyarlydoulzle quantity) Vl.OO per Bottle—half doz. $5.40 Small Size-75 cts. pr Bottle—half doz. $4.00 Should your nearest cruggist not hafe the article, qo.not be put off by coy ofthe intox icating prepanitions that maybe offered in place,•but send to 'us, and we will 'forward : .securely packed, by express. FRLNCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY 1t0.631. - Arch Street; JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON /cCo.,) PROPRIETOR'S Fol3„sale I>yDroggjots.aud Denlen is arm towr lin the Uaitod Stiates.• _ • , • ! 'AI Vi trromus .0 10,111/7119711 0.11,1620 ( .1 56 44/ii • 1 1 of pity (Paint uo;moo idaq aq mm, elzt§ SOJ voa lii `n rod Flit. {ad 91.11-61--95'2.9 .2cl 'sap perivi - ' nit , `Aci' 11t P‘ o ' 6l wiauuva lOf 'Paqunq 4.4 418'Zik *2 - 9311 tP rico pus !dizogg ‘istieti 4 pkiji duaq p 003,10 lxol, toot '3ltHitt 'cit.iti.A c -- p!aaki uapueuir • Notice. G!RMANLt, Patter . Co„ Pa., Ang. ,.. 1", 1 64 NOTICE is hereby given that Che'rlee Bo sbor, now or late of this county, holding the following described property, has not yet paid nny consideration whatever for the same, and all pertons are hereby warned not t? pur chase any of said . property of the said:Osh . ar before the decision of the gii l n in this case, and C. Bushor has pail:tiithe the consideration money therefore. The following is the property Ist. : A certain tract of land near tliq .qer mania Mill, in warrant 507 . 5, Abbot, townililp, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acril:— Also 28 acres in warrant 5078 and adjolair : the above. • . . . •f'' an. - A ' ,2nd. A certain tract of land with f improvements thereon, near Kettle 2,re,eii.„N . warrant SSLO, Stewardson . township, county, Po., containing about 20 t anted., C. 'llushor holds also in trust 'warivitit .5101,1 i; GaineS township, Tioga ; On the road eading from Germania to Galn'es, containing 850 acres. AT - \ J. OLMSTEIi'S TORE pan always be found the %di* t 1)f kj Cooking, Box and Parlor Sj i \D O E A iso. Nan SHEETIRON POTSi KETTLES, •SP ERS, SCOTCH 'BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and-CAULD RONS. Also V .Agriculturallt such! as - PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE:ft/MD.?. DOG POWERS, kc. • . • - • HIS WORK is well made and tgi Material .griod. - Nod and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up ire any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. ••- Store on Main Street opposlte the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.-50 ~:`~ . I ";c•itt and to be sold just is cheap aithd "i'..mes", will allow. • . • , . , An assortment of almost everything &ta l i by anybcidy, Such ss r TRAt SUGAR ' SYRUP 1:31.:y ; 600 - Ds -SCHOOL BOOKS •• • . BOOT 3 k SEM" • JAYNES: And other Medicines' In exchange 'I 'want HOUSE ASHES • g ' '4 .;; - • - ' E • q GREENBACKS tri 1 . 4 . - • DRIED BERRIES, COUNTY' ORDRIIIR ULYSSES ORDERS. Most all kinds of GRAIN. • • - • LIICIEN clay Brooklnnd, Pa., Nor'r, 11363".• MANHOOD HOW LOST i BON RESTORti; Just 'published in a sealed envelop - C.. i;ricx ; d eta A,Lcstare on the Nators, 'Neatment nna,itad ical of Spermatorhcea or Seriiinst oess;: Sexual Debility, Nervousness, tin f'lndol- untary Emissionz, including TretpmeiklY, Ciri• - sumption and Mental and I'hYsic:lDrbiliti, ,BY Bon'? J: ChTER*CLL,j. The important fact that the awfdcAtie cciiira • ces of Self--Abuse may he effeittililii.itriaorid; withouijnternal coethernet' or tridclaiigeroiff application of caustks,itistitittenismiecliesttd . boogie.; ' and other impirical devices, ishets . Clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adoptedf, the celebrated author,fully explailic by ,mes go of which every one is enabled to cure himsc f perfectly, and at the least possible coat, !t b er. - by avoiding all the advertised nostrums. of II it day. ; This lecture will. prove a- been. to Mott; sands end thousands. * o *Sint tinder seal, to any e .aeHs. la a pl:tiO, sealed envelope., on the rev.. 4 48 otelit ceuts,!or two postage stamps, by a. 1 .1.-stidhas, Dr. CHAS. J. kLISR, , • 127 tOlveir, 'Sew Yerk. Paittlitivs 1;4.1, i!ti.d. I. IN cp;~~~ WM. RADDE cc r --= - -- CD -C - ceitcoi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers