THE POTTERCCIN#"JOIIRNAL Ei - , exabrsik;di:'WolmedaY LocEil it .010141 i 45 cis.") min'm in Ifen , York. `still in Canada" :eN''Wnere is ;the D Pennsylvania?.e Behind '" Roberts par lect School durhig the Nriab her success., • 118.,A correspondent I county, lowa, sap : "Tb —l5 to 20 busbela - corn cut by the" trust—nod Sa„The Owego 'Times man who has tortscells , diui, pamlyzation' of the oils aliquiniasi, and bes well himself, would be e Will somebody tell? M.A. letter written b son of the 46th Penn"a 1 • tion before,' Ole election week-L-toolate 1 We an ing to him thOt his fears :nit' were groundlesS, and - had a bright realitatitaiL :1116.0ne of the - drafte. men, named Par tizan, of this county, ha. $340 stolen from bim at one o 1 the fifth-rate hotels 'in Williamsport. It is alwap the better policy to-choose the best hotels when visitihg large places, particularly when carrytog arty con siderable sum of money. ille..Glorious backed is the result of the .'election in this State! Itt cheers. us to know that the old Keystone still hurls baCk sym pathy with treason, rind stands up for the good old Bag, for the ConStitution and Laws, and for the sustaining of 'armies in the sup , pression of the Rebellion. I J• • 1 • . wow •• . ' jilirNo one among th i: drafted s een,'or . among the spectators, wh were at f W I Iliatos port during the days appo uteri for the exam ination of - the men from our county, could find any reasonable grounds upon which to, base an II accusation either of unfairness or j • diationesity, against the r xaminini Board. We doinot know the' exa t number of men who *Went into thd service or comtnnted, but do not believe that togeth r they willl l exceed one hundred. While in t e decisions`of the Bbard, - justice was temper d with wieldy, - still the - interests of the Gove nment wera .jeal ously-watched, orisly watched, and every ttempt to rd efr a u d *al met by a rigid adherience to right and -.1 . the law. We feel to congratulate the Board - upon its succets, 'and hope that its future record may be as bright ti. its past. • A WHEELBARROW Tate.-40n Saturday last an amusing spetacle was; presented to the citizens of Pittsburg, resulting from abet ou the recent election. A pryminint citizen of the Sixth ward, (and a coppernead.) wheeled a barrel of apples from his residence, to that Of a physician residing in Fast Liberty. The 1 , barrel was painted red, vith the name of Curtin on tine side and tha of Woodward on the other. The man with the Wheelbarrow Was preceded by a band of tousle; and was followed by a large crowd of spectators. that man will not bet on WoodW•tr •t ' I" d o•tind C: ../ABIERON COUNTY U. K. Every candidate on thelflion ticket of Carnerod county was elected at the late election. i Jetf. Davis' friends were perfectly saugu.cie that they' I wield carry the county, b t tile loyal men i :were awake, and - the mutt shows the! they . did_ not sleep until the co test was ovzr.— The democrats had a popular ticket. .Their bominee for Protbonotary, Jolla Judd Esq , is not only personally pup ilex,' but efficient as an officer, and had he tidt bkn, - like dog Tray, in bad company, he would have been elected by a handsome nvjorkty. He ntyst by . this time realize where he stands.—jfcKean Miner. i i ______. FOR STATC TREASCRER.-41e Pittsbur Dai 1, .1 3 , commercial nominates II my D. Mobre as .-* candidate for State Trea liver, and 1 urges /hit his election would be ailec. With!satis facticin by the people of the Commonwealth. It is a fact that there are fer% better men than Henry Moore in the State f Pennsylvania. -Competent, honest, faithful I nd popular, we had regarded him as in every way fitted to take chit-ge of a position which he had here tofore filled with credit to hi i inaself and profit .to - the Commonwealth. I • 1 The Poo; Friend. Radway may truly be called the poor man's frithd. His medicines secure to the 'poor HEALTH without lose of time, or any Ha ,bility to the expense . of a doctor. Let every 'Man keep a bottle of Rad way's Ready Relief in the house, and ou the first experience of 13ign use it. Pain is a premortory symptom of disease, and if the Relief is used promptly ''it will in a few moments stop the pain, and :Weak tip the discaSe. Therie is 'zio occa-1 stun for a man, however expoied io'sicknegs, iiisuff,eforie day H the Readji Relief is used whin:path is 'firs't experienceil. sold by all druggists." , . ' PILEPAISi FOR. A SEVERS WIXTER.—iIIe - :St. .Vatil (Minnesota), / . "'rers 'thus admonishes us. ,The weather.prophets suy that the people may - look out for the hardest winter seen for years. There, will be more cold day--the mercury :riill.ron lower, and the snowe. deeper, thau before sines 1857. This is th first fa ll since i 1857 that the brook trout ha 'e com- , euced leavinl. thq.small creeks for the deep holes as early ai s Sifitember, and the filJst season since then that the •musk-rats hatv, Idouble-walled ;.heir little hillock homes. These and certain other intallib)e'signs, knoWn tol the sportsman _and hunter , indicate a winter of unusual .w , verity.. It Li tbou . kht by many that the yriyr . - *rill cloie at liait two weeks earlier than last The State Elect ;In another column we press , t a full record tbe official returns- from w jch it will be tbserved that the official run ority of Gov. Curti° is 17.325. and that ofpqniel Agnew, for Supretne Judge, 12,402. This majority is Ihe'home cots. Had the soldiers in the Geld been permitted to vote. the majority of one nandidatealcould rmch 75.(00 or 100,000, but they were disfranchised by a Demicraticl Bnpreme Court, who regard the brave vete! , ins good' enough to' fight, but refuse them a voicaln the election of Weir rulers. Aitbo' ttie - majority is not as large as some P spected, Ye* it is - tarp . enorgb for all Practical purh poses: - • le:this of the Lezislatnre preseht died linion - nmajorittes,which will ena4le the friends of the Union to - make an honer apportion the State_ and elect, a trion State Tiess;tren The victory is complete I • kaIItIVOIT g: - STILILTTON'S . ." - VOluirrClAL COLittnit —This institution located in Buffalo i ad-Udder' the management of4ir.',P,C•Bryatit is oikof the most .prosperons of tbe chain Of colleges, and is deserving of the Careful iri vestiation of every young man in the coun try. j . The course"of instractioris of the most practical chitriCier. and fail to be ent inently, useful_ to ; young men preparing for busiliess life. It - should be the aim of every one, to learn that which will be the most usefulto him in after" life. • Valuable time! is. often. wasted by pursuing, studies which are never brought int& practice and neglecting those that. would be of infinite valuel. This institution aimr to meet the wants of business life, the studies usually; nursued , are. Pena:lam:ship, ;.; Book-keeping; Arithmetic, Commercial Law, and Telegraph-! ing. The rapidly increasing demand fork Telegraph operators repdersi this branch of instruction an, important one to young - men! desirous of seeming permanent employment Every facility is afforded for becoming goodi operators.- ;Ncm 1868. Géral ,VidfAnaiihitia; miicratit party. of Curtin;',. oses teaching a' Se oming minter.. We riting from Clinton wheat crop isgood cre °Mei heavy; half a alp. wants I n wards to know if a chyieeysof the ra aver Ishii attpetior des don't! feel very em pt fro in The draft: DR. TOBIA.S' .._ I VENITLkN HORSE LINIMENT. • ! , N pint bottles at fifty, cents, mire's laine, I ness; cuts ) guilt, cholic, &c. Read the! following :t Mr. .3lerriek dackt I tended for-public-a -1 was reerived last happy in leant:lane qi loyal Pennsylva that his hopes have tosrou, July 7, 1860. Hr. ToniAs : We have - used for the past year your Horse Liniment fur lameness, kicks, bruises, cclic and cuts, and in every instance foundlit the best article ,I ever. tried in this circus company. Meade send six ddzen ,bot• tles, as it Is the- only liniment.•we use now We hake - 108 hories, some very Valuable; and do not want to ieave -town without it. HYATT. FROST, anager VanAmburg & Co's. &nage - tie.' by all'. druggisis. Y ice, 66 Cortlandt Btteet, lew or k. The health edy, of' a sever' Consu .. his fell TO a l who desire it, he will send a copy of . the prescription used (free of cliatge), With die •diections for preparing and using the/ same, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumpticin, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, &c. The only object of the advertiser in send ing the ;Prescription is .b benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable: and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them no thing, and may prove a blessing. • Parties wishing the prescription will please address I ; Rev. EDWARD A WILSON, Williamsburgh. Rings counts, New York. 40 4m rPHE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIgNCE -B- • ofan Invalid. Published for the benefit s and tts al warning ann .t caution to young men who suff -t; from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of 4 Manhood. etc.. supplying at the same time the means of self-cure. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injnr - thro' medical humbugand quackery By env osing a post-paid addressed envelope I ) single copies may be had of the author. Itt Tily..+es, Fit., Dctober 21.3, "WILLIAM B i i FLING. i the 31st of bis age. Be is ne,'our darling brother, • Take , :5 in the pride of life ; I n 'Death FL smitten down another . Fron the field of mortal strife. • We no ore why round him gather, ' He n more to meet us, come; • He hat joined our other brother In the weary pilgritn'stome. Weep 'hot, bath bereft Us, Though our-hearts be torn with pain, William for a time bath left We shall meet him soon again. In that land where or neer langaiSh, Where no pain or sorrows .;:ome, Banished fear, and sin, and anguish, We shall meet no more to roam. ' J. V. A FOTRUNE FOR ALL! EITHER ZEN OR WOMEN H • NO lIII3IBUG, but en ENTIRELY NEW thied. Only threemonths in this country-! Neclap trap operation to gull the public, lint a gen uine thing Read the Circular of instruction once only, and you will understand it -per-. fectly. A Lady has just written to me that she is making, as high as TWENTY DOLLARS some days! 'giving instructions in this art- Thousands of soldiers are making money rapidly at it. No person has to ba urged to patronize it It is a thing that takes better than anything ever before offered.. You can make money with' it at borne 'oriabroad —on steamboats or railroad cars, and in the coon try or city. You will be pleased in purSuing it, not only because it will yield a handsome inedme, but also in consequence of the gen eral adMiratiir , which it elicits. It is pretty much all profit. A mere trifle is necessary to start with. There is sEal'cilly 'One person out of thou sands wbo'ever pays any attention to adver tisements of this kind, thinkng they are hum ! bugs. Consequently those wit(' do send for insitrtfctiohs - will have a broad field for mak:. ling money. There is ft class Of persons in this world Who think that because th - ey hare been 'humbugged out of a dollar oi• so, that everything that is- adveillsed IS a humbug. Consequently they . try no more.. The person who succeeds is-the one who kieps on try ing until he bits something that pays him. This art cost me one thousand dollars, and I expect to Make money out of it—and all who purctase We Art Of me Will do the Saine. One Dollar sent to me will insure the prompt return'of a - Mud Of in'ititiciicins in the art. The money WIZ be returned to those tibt satisfied. Addresi • . : WALTER' T. TINSLEY, - No. 1 Park Place, New York. rm MAIMIAGE deititicateis 1 Of the finest st.7' le for Seib at the Jojainial Office, Sept. 30, 1863. ! tt'ombinnidat6d.l .acary Consumption a Curable MUHL . A CARD. To Consumptives. undersigned haring been restored to tn a few weeks,bya- very simple rein ter having suffered several years with lung affection, and that dread :ditente .ption--is anxious to make known to 6w-sufferers the meant of cure. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.. Bedford,‘Kings cohnty. N. 1 DIED: Price 3 -cents JThe.Fall Fianiinatlchut of Teachers will be held bq the Conlati Superintendsnt at the &hawing dinei and' places commencing af 1 . F. If. Sonderlinville, Harrison Turnpike ) • Bitlghaffl Center, Genesee Yorks,, . Andreas Settlement ) Oswayo, Sharon Centre, Coudersport, Bird School House; Philander Reaces Israel -Bart's; • Columbus Rees's, Stephen Horton's, Maj. J. M. Kilbourn's, Germanic), - Writing materials trill bb needed. Direc tors and others and invited to attend. . SELECT SCHOOL. Mrs. M. E. Roberts will comic ence a School in -the Lecture Room of the Siethcidist Church, on Monday, Nov. 16th, to continue thirteen weeks. RATES Or TUIT/ON . _ Primary Class, CoMmon English tiranchesi Higher " Coudersport, Nov. 2, 1863. EMAT MARKET* METH - subscriber - is now ready to famish all K. -kinds of Neat at the very lowest rates: Those wanting winter meat, and intending to, buy it by the quarter, can be assured that he will sell it at the same prices as sold by the Farmers. A- Meat Market is needed in the place.—let it be so patronized as to insure its continuance. Lumbermen wanting large quantities of Beef can be accommodated at very low rates. JOSEPH SHAFFER. Coudersport, Nov. 2,1863.-3 mos. 1863. PIIIL~DELYQIAD ERIE RAILROAD. This great line traversesd the Northern and Northwest counties of .Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has teen leased by the .Pennsylvania Railroad Company,. and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entice length It is now in, use for PasSeitgcr and Freight business from Ibtansurrio toEmporium(Ship pen), ( 195 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, on the Western Division, (7d miles). TIRE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT EMPORIUM • Leave Eastward Express train Arrive Westward Express train Cars run through Wilmot:l' CHANGE both wars on these trains bekweea Philadelphia mad Lock Haven and' between Baltimore and Lock HaVen. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both ways between Williamspoit and Balti more and Williamsport - and Philadelpdia. For information - respeeting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. .C(14% 11th and Maiket Streets, And for Freight businesS of the Company's Agents ; . S. B. Kingston. Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. • J. M. Drill, Agent N. C.ll R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen't Freight 3gt.' rhll'd. • Ulm L. Hover, Geh't Reker Agt. Jos. D. POTTS, Gen't (tanager, Williamsport. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STES BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, • opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa Apples, green, V hush., do dried, " Beans. BCestrita, ' lb., Beef, tt BO . ries,.dried, V quirt Buckwheat, V bush., Buckwheat Flour, , Btitter, V lb., Cheese, ~" ClOverseed Carnal bush., Corn Meal, per cwt., - -E s. doz., Flour, extra ' V _ do superfine " Ua l ,mst Hay, V ton, Honey, per lbt,- Laid, Maple Sugar, per lb.i Oats, V bush.; OniOns," PoBi, bbl., 0 5 11), $37,1 to 75 160 200 50 200 25 30 5 , 6 6 124 60 75 275 3_oo • 14 . 12 700 150 . 88 IQO 200 225 12 750 800 650 700 10 12 6.06 700 19 12i 10 12i . 10 12 60 65 75 : 1 00 17 00 18 00 9 10 5 .6 • .•371 44 . . 25 5 88 100 3 25 . 16 - - 2 56 3 50. 450 5 oo• A 00 , 125 450 500 do in whole hiik, ' . 79 Potittoes, per bush., Peltches. dried; * Podltry. - t a lb., • Rye, per bash:, Salt, IR bbl., d? sack, Thnothy eed Troia, per 4. - Wheat. V.-bush. White Fish, 131 Executor's Notice OTICE is hereby given that letters execu /.1. tory - on the last will and testament of AMBROSE COREY, late of I:flys:ses township. Potter county, dec'd, have this day been grant ed M the undersigndd by the Registerot said county.. .All persons indebted to said desce denti will please Make pay ment and those hay. ing . elaims will present theth . duly authentic& ted fpr settlement. SUSAN COREY, _ . . tri'yssit,l l Fl:. Sept. 23, 1065 NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE. Garden or Fraft Farms; • Su3table ior Grapes, Peachei, rears. Rasp berrips, Strawberries, Blackberries, Currants, kc:, of 1,2 f, 5, 10, or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the Present, viz 20 acres fur 5200,10 acres fur $llO, 5 acres. for Sixty ()Whirs. 2} acres for Forty Dollars.l acre For Twenty Dollars. Payable by one dollar week. . . • Alse. good Cranberry lands, anii,viliade lots in CSETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten' Dollars eachj pit fable by one dollar it Week._ The above land and forn4 r. die situated at Met- Vroott Wastangtliti Township; Burliiieton Co., New Jeiscf: Fiir %idler Infiirniation, aPply; with a Pi 0. Stamp, tiir i a , Circular, to 1 - - B.TRANKLIN CLARK, INo. 90. Ceda r Street, New York, N.' I%Pw."'")3. EITEBBp;8 &i co', It*. 10 4 ' 11 ~ 12 It ' 13 1, 14 " 16 LI 17 u 18 ~ 20 " 21 u 23 " 24 " 26 " 27 ~ 30 Dee. 1 Depreciatin# SERVES; THEM RIGHTM 0,50 3,50 4,50 ilititt Is NO SCARCITY; TO WARILiat: _ AND Ni) LAW TO COMPEL, THE PEOPLE TO PAY. THE RUDIOVS PRICES lio ASICED-FOR THEM THIS COI - 3NTRYI TO AVOID THIS EXTORTION. eisii-.otirt THE PEOPLE " FAIR GOODS AT - I HAVE LATELY PURCHASED, IN E' YORE; FOR cAsli, TIM FINEST N BEST SELECTED STOCK oFtOODSE'frE BROUGHT INTO TuratOuNTY, CONS I TS' ING OF EVERY KIND AND QUALITY. 1410 ft IS6d 3.00 P. BI LAWNS, MUSLINS, AND PRINT 12.40 P. M F" • FINE BALMORAt ik ALL KINDS OF FANCY sHEErnhiS, SHIRTINGS, LINEN, DENIMS, &C:, 'GO TO STEBBINS & CO'S. FOR CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, LiDIES44 dENTS'BOdri&'SHO F OR WOODEN . AND .wiLLOW-*AR QUEENS' AN ALl...aTErtit KINDS OF. WrAit.Bl STEBBINS & CO'S F" TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES OF ALL KINDS, , FLOUR, PORK, - HAMS, SHOULD ERS, FISH, AND SALT, Utz TO TEBBIvS 3c 60; . _ FOB Executrix DraGS, CHEMICALS. AND ALL, KINDS OF AIKUICDTES , GOT© 'BiEkki 4 TB & dot GOLD i `~ GOODS FAQ: MX'GI I PRICES i" A. STEBBINS & tea SILK% CHALIES, itLAiNS, REP aOUDt, GO TO ST:EBBINS & 00'S I SHAWLS, LADIES' CLOTH, DIGURNING GOODS, , GO TO STEBBINS & CO'S CLOTHS, `CASKMERES, .G 0 TO . STEBBINS & CO'S. 1 IRON, HARD WARE; 'GO TO tciiioiilibiiWiit 1:14,111: rtrer:ll,,, PRICES REDUCED. I am now supplied with a FULL STOCK OF GOODS at . ILowerJFlguret. . Ity*sortmitit'll'O)od ConibtDag of toy usualprzuleyy:of MEI DRY ,GOODS, 7 CLOTHLN*G-, BOOTS ST SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., and remember that:l am not to be undersold. - WOOL - iiItANTED. D. E. ozausTED, June 1, 1.843. cil cd = 1:3 E-• ": 1 - Ew gi ' -4 o z iv GO 1 . . . .. Fearing the REEft§ will caiture my stock ;of. Goods and pay only in. CONFEDERATE Scrip, I have concluded to, . SELL OU T . ... ..„., ~ . liCheaper , thanDirt.n lAll my choico slock or ' , . ;DRY GOODS, ' • ' '- - - GROCERIES, ' PROVISION'S, 'BOOTS -,f.SHOES, HARDWARE, . :CRObKhRY OELIZIEI NOTIONS, ' SCJOOL BOOKS, kc for GREEN-ItiACKS - ' ' E . 4 • UM ILUdlbr Brookland, Pa., June 25,1863. • Elitekt4nit i t t itin . ON and.after Monday, A aattst 10. •WILI.IAII,I FLING , excelletit w. Hunan,' always ready to iyrirk for such as will -pay WhenAtElo.ll.-IS DONE. No credit given unless by special arrangd- Ment with !the proprietor. A SHES,'LTIDES,-Prod nee,' OLD CASTIN64, Dried 13Iack & DiaCis - RinsPberries. County ciders, Cash, Sc., "vracfeli. LUCIEN• BIRD, Pronrietor. BrbisklAnd Pa. formerly called Cushipg ingville, July, 1863. 1! Executor's. Notice. . . %TOTICE is hereby given that letter's execu .111 tory on the last will and testament of HENRY E, TUCKER, lat. 'of 'Allegany T'p, PPtter couuty,dec'd, have till's day been grant= ed to , the undersigned by the, Register of said (county. All pettons indebted to saidliesca. dent will please make payment and those hav them duly authentica.. teid for• 1 settlement. • A. P. RALAIONEI, kteetit'r. Ulysses. Sept 4, IS63' Dr. A. FTiENCH'S . • , . . CELEBRATED - TONIC BITTERS A RE becoming the most popular Medicine ./11,_ iu clrenlationTar the cure of LIVER 'COMPLAINT, •DYSPEPSIA, JAHN DICE, 'DEBILITY OF THE NERVOUS . L SYSTEM,. and WEAKNESS of the 'STOMACH and - DIGESTIVE ORG49. It ° is also gaining a :griat _reputation in Hid CURE OF DIPTHERIA... frincipal Office, Coudersport„Potter Co., Fa Advertisement. • • • II YSSES ACADEMY.P - orrfaleb;PA. The Winter Tenn of this Institution will coal . - mence Dec. 9'; the Spring Term, March 25. This Institution is ender the 'direct' supervi sion of Prof.-D. H. PINGREY, P. 8., A. B. The number and graPenf-stiicteifts Who attend this Acaderny, and the advantages which it pre sents, entitle it,to a first rank among the Lit erary Ifistittitidnii clf the country.. Students campursue 'either as English, a Scientific, or Classical Course in this Institittion.• Great Facilities for'Oinamentalst under the charge of T. D. PINGR'EY, P. L.. ' Preceptress. Prof. T. SI 3liasit, Music Teacher. : . Prof. Assistant Teacher: For further particulars, write to the Principal fora circular, . . O. R. BASSETT; Pres't. LEWIS, *Seeretary .MANHOOD . : HOW LOST i , : HOW RESTOREDI Just published in a sealed envelope, tifiee Ots A becturelon the Nature, Treatnieneand Rad teal-cm-Vol Spermatorhcea or Seminai Weak ness,!Sexual Debility-, Nervousness, and Invol - , sumption atd Sfetital and Pt ysical Debility i tit BOD'T J. Cutocnwitt., 11 D. The.impar_tant fact that the awful coristtpren oes . O 1 SelfgAbaie-miirbe etrectually-reinoireci without internal_ medicines or late-dangerous applMation of Caustii.e,ibtaruMents-,medicated bougies, and other hupirioal d'evices, is here CieatiAtztuinstrited, and highly successfif i treatment akadozed by the relobra,tclilit'aiOr.fully expfiiined.b:Cmeatis of which everyone is enabled to cure himself perfeOtky; and at the least possible Cost;-there bv-aCoiding all the ad.sertisetiliostrui4.of the i day. This lecture will prole r 4 boon'tcithoii satuitt and thousands. i t!,- i ,y,Bttnt putter' keel, rely .addiesi. in plain; sealed envelope, on' the receipt of six -uts, or two postege,stamps:-by addressing, Eti:CHAS. .7 KLINE, lai.Bowerv, New York, Post Office Box. 4586 INIE,. Lime. for sale at GLOSIIRE k-COLIVELL'B. IBEZZE FALL 'iitd.t Our New Sim mO-' omratwo aratlamtimi's FuW .Blad ea • : a g 0 • $13,000, WORT TO S;LEOT'V.eIiL GOOD MERMAOB, - tiOafeCOS PHILLIPS, ALLEYS, DUNMLL6 . and other Good :Prima from 12i !to 16 eta., for the best. - GOAD .SHEETING 16 to.6wortit4o - to 30 cte. • • GOOD BLEACHED MtSVIN IA I. 18 \ ivorth 18 GOOD 'DEANS -tor' 20 - 4ts. *crtb' EJ 1 to 35, cts. • 'GOOD i f WEtfiS for 25 to 44 iroititil to 63.04'. GOOD CABSDIERES 'very low GOOD BLAc& SIL&8 75 - to Oa worth $1 25 , to $1.•75 •: GOOD COLORED 'SILKS for 50411: worth $l. ALL WOOL foi 85 ohs: worth 50 cts. GOOD 00 - 1.43 - 10 N DE LA ES •for td •to 25 worth 25 to - 30 ets4. ALL WOOL MERINOS '5O 10 Oa ‘cts..woith Si to '81.25' Boots Jk hOtt. A LARGE ASSORT - MENT,vzar rbfr: 'Good 6alf/3ciiits Good Irothen's - Slicies for 75 . eeits •Good•GaiteraTor'63.cents • - And all other kinds - Of - line glass . . ~ . t ra d e . In this line of our dwe can save - yik,a, large per.cent. ~t .. . . . .. .7 •GOod*Suits Black, Grey and. others:. C l ifiut. Vest, Pants.ilat,Pocket.HandkercbiefpaYit, and Shirt for $lO to $l2 worth $2O. . . - - We can also sell yon Groceries at's kaitei et at least 25 to'so per et. Gond Ten of qoality.for $1 worth $1;50. Other kood Teas from 50 to 75 cts .Good 'chewing Tobacco from 3 7 5 to dig Good Sugar' or c6/ts tpir*Cointietion with 'some of the Best job. bin houses in New ~Yotk ivill :214. - ys finable us - to sell many gcicids very- mucE below the• market price. - -Dry Goods fritlin4ason H Bookbver, Messrl: - Clafrilin,intl Mellon & Co., New Yor als est o, Hair ier,* Lsley - 4k Co., two of thebhouse!? in New-York. - • Clothing : Tom Messrs'. Baldwin, Stoirs it Co., Y o. 12 Courtland st', also Messrs; Long street, Bradford k Co., Z‘itB Broadway. - Yankee Notions from' J. Henry Smith k Pa 3 .e, 35 Courtland st. Hardware from Morgan, Quarkent'thtl• & Co., 20 Courtland et. • • • Crockery: frOin lir. Oscar Cheliman ,148 $ Duane. sfreet.„ Groieries from Messrs. AlreYs'4lfahnlttni 1 255 Washington street. - er.d caps from Miller Noraay, 3911 Broadikay. - • _ Also Dry Goods froth Wm. Crothwell is Co., 85 Pranklih Start N. Y.', who ever bari good bargains for all. that call upon them.-°. 1, Fail not to call upon us and esiiininti-any Good's . . Get 'our prices . before purchasing elsewhere. _ - • , • All jobbers furnished for tee tiltde at. Ni Tail{ wtolesale prices, RAH-let,romeas. tiered that.we.are the only Firmin the. cou nty that has a wholesale liCenie. -- i Hoping to receive an early ca. 1104. ressaini • C -• A.. '-:-Siiii**it OTraTo, Angus! 25,,11563 =Ea MEE i.,-:,3!:,:r., , :Nrwy. , -,-.,:,H:P.1i4 It' 01GOO t if iS4TTi ClOthing iGtoe'etie4 _ tom, Respeitruili, ..-- ,-i le •'.e 1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers