111 THE JOURNAL. Coudersport. Pa. Wednesday. Oct. 7. 1.8.. M. W. McALARNEY, EOtTOll. UNION STATE TWEET. TOR GOUT-TOR, AMBEW G. OURTIIt, Of Bellefonte. _.. VOZ, SEIDGI OT Byrum* corn, County:. VgION (JOUI;ITY 'TICKET, • A TOM ASSEMBLYMEN. I; /OM W. GUERNSEY, of Tiogs. - ATEUB. OLMSTED, of Potter. _ 11011 PILOTILONOTART. OLMSTED. Coudersport. FOS COlOllBllO5lllll. NICHOLS, Sharon; Tp. sou ItZGISTIM A 11ZiORDZIt. DAN BAKER, doaderaport. En NM AUDITOR. , MARTIN, tikf.Tp 411/IrNews from the southern part 4 the , Stste is cheering. Let the "North ,fern Mee'. •roll up a majority for the Union will-vend Copperheads back' into %heir boles nevermore to disturb- the -,peace -of our noble old. Keystone with Itheir hisses. Mi-Remember, loyal men ! our ticket ANDREW G. CURTIN' and DANIEL AGNEW 1 Vote no ticket that does no* 'compare with the one at the head of our gaper. It is 'the only loyal ticket in? See that your neighbors rote the right ticket. - --- wg.Beware of cards on election, day. Ithe last naps of dying , treason. I The : copperheads have money and will Use it "Jeff., Bevis and John Bull have opened their coffers upon. Pennsylvania. If we Ant.do our duty, their slime will 'bate :been expended in vain. It is only by .bard labor that great ends are gained see to. it that the labor is' freely given. ,Bemember, the 13th of October. ; Give -ono :day to your country! A ballot against treason is as geod as a bullet in a -Bebe' heart. 20;,The Copperheads will lie like their ;fatkler, the Devil. They will oheatlthen 'they can not influence with argiusent. 'They have staked their reputation upon ';the rank of this election. If they are defeated, they will stand before the pen- Ple ;with . the brand of Judas Iseariot, Benedict Arnold and James Buchanan utrott their foreheads. Watch them I— .Thof-perform their -work in the dark lie'eause their deeds are evil. Select some %sharp asp isith a good club to watch the snakes as they creep from their holes. *iv. -them such blows as Ben. Butler, judge`Knoz, and every loyal Democrat in the State is`giving them. ' Remember ! Eleetions are the index to the popular lieut. Let the index in Pennsylvania be as bright as the "News from Maine." Democrats, you who are loyal, remem •ber'that oci !seat Tuesday it is not a gues. •tiou'of party that is to be decided, but a Atiestioit Of loyalty. See to it that you "rote right. Republicans, give cue more day to, yotireoUntry. Work, work earnestly end nOttlY; and a glorious victory will be yours! Democrats sal Republicans ; Repub. *Mine and Demodtats, join hands for the .totiotry 'and see to it that oopperheadis and the more open treason is rebuked b • IC free 'people. • The Illabeua Corpus. - .Thin. Thuile* Weed, who some time since - left:the Republican party because Greeley. and Seward :was in it writes tol +elle Alliany.Jouraal the.-following perti bear appioval of the writ of habeas ear.; pas . by - the President. Let every honest ; Democrat;; every man who has any claims; ee loyalty, read those cool words of a clear.; headed Man : ; 1:; "The President has, by Proclamation suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus Thils, though a-necessity in some 'portions Of the 'country,..aud elsewhere perfectly harmless, will be made the occasion for renewed Ind . vehement exhibitions of pa litical , hostility. The Atlas of yesterday announces it as a suspension of the Writ of Liberty. ; - ; This proclamation, even while no more thati'oni =Judge M'Cunn, exists, is as needful as it was in New Orleans, where there• was a Judge Hall and a general "Dickson— None bet enemies , have any thing to fear from it. but if it were; otherwiser.if, in isolated eases, this Pow. Should torabused it is better that an in. , dividital should be 'wronged thin that the: GOvernment and Union should .be olelangered. - icilThis proclamation will arengthen the Gtiveristnent - and weaken its enemies ; and thane wlio, for political:effect. choose to - reenaot she folly of the Federalists, will find theinselves after the Rebellion has been putAown, where the Federal tits/were aft& the war of 1.812, compelled tit disband4the' leaders either seeking protection , fres *polar indignation with lor healthier political erganisatfobs; or, in astironasat and obscurity, invopng Itogothdasii# oPtheireapygromm : : . arliWisloVits whit; ir,l Rebel Ventilator. I prerse to publish a weekly and tri eeekly journal, bearing the above title, lit Knoxville, in East Tennesaee; and the weekly paper,„niadetql from the contents of the tri:weeklies, I proposi to : sea:Cut re' diitantiabecribers 'for $2, Rei swam, nvariably in edvance. fintnicriptietui end mittaneeir will be forwarded to me at inclining, from which point I expect to hi my paper and materials. I expect to issne the: first number in Fletober, as it was in that ; month, two years ago, my paper was !crushed out by be Godforsaken mob at Knoxvilte,called be_ponfederate authorities._ 'I will nom= ience with -thts - t ell*nnd rebillion l bere the traitors' forced pit to Imo off,, nd all who wish the peke would do well Ito begin with the first issue, as I intend that single paper obeli bit worth the sub scription price to any ' , unconditional Union men. • In the rule of my .. editorial conduct I shall abjure that servility . ; which destroys the independence of the Prem. and cast from me that &talons ' oppoaitioi - which gives to party what' is 'due to couniry. And whilst the name: of my journal indicates, in unmistakable terms, its poi- Pica I shall as a faithful' servant, forget Whigs, Democrats, Know -Nothings and Republicans, and remember only my Gcv ernment, and thepresertaticu of the Fed end Union—asnobly worth all the sao• Aces of hlciod and treasure their preset vation may cost -L-even to the extirmina• tion of the present race of• meO, and the iconsuntptioU of all the means of the pres ent age I ! t Publishers inserting this Prospectus ono°, promioently, and sending me, the paper to Cincinnati, Ohio, will be favored with an exchange. W. G. BROWNiOItr. t3eptember 8. 1863. Signs Show. One of the Democratic nominees for Assembly, in Allegheny county, Penn's, is stumping it for Curtin. Blair county gave Curtin 789 in 1860, and now promises 1,000. Riddle Roberts and C. 11. Shriner, two of the Democratic speakers io Lewisburg in 1860, are new laboring for Curtin. In 1860, Curtin had 5 majority in" Se• linsgrove, and will now have say 75. Win. E. Lehman. the only Democratic Congressman from Philadelphia in 1860; is opt for Curtin, with Forney, Brewster. Brown. and thousands of men who voted for Foster. Sunbury gave 11 majority against Cur tin in 1860. It will now give him 150 to 200 majority. Even "Bickhard'e dog's" master, who "barked" for Foster in 1880, is now said to be "lond-toouthed" for all. the Union candidates, "double skulls" included I • Capt. Harry Foster has accepted the Union nomination for Assembly in C.lntre county, entirely unexpected as it was, and 875 men of the county at once endorsed him, and by a publication signed by their own hands urge his election as a support er of the State and National Adrnit.titra done. Most of these soldiers call them selves Union Democrat". Copperheads are awful scarce among them ' NorristowO gave 800 ntaj. for Foster— will now giip Curtin 50 to 100 tnaj. Col. Wul.i H. Blair--Dew. candidate for Senate in this district, two years ago —is on the istutup for the Union in Cen ter county, as he has been in the field for the saws cause. We are informed that Col. Fisher (Dew.) of the Pa. Reserves, spoke last week in Chester, in favor of Curtin. Francis J. Gruod, recently editor of the Philadelphia "Age," now a Copper head paper, addressed the Germane of Philadelphia upon the ,Adnunisttation. and voting for the Union State amino. Lions. The 801 l - and Everett men who voted for .Foster Foster in 1860; nearly all support Curtin in 1563. We see it - stated that Col. M'Dowell, not long' since one of the editors of the Harrisburg "Union," is announced to rdesk for Curtin in Beaver county. • In some !places, we admit, the absence of soldiers . will reduce the vote for Curtin. but his aggregate majority is likely to be increased. Hon. Thomas Cunningham, of Beaver county, long the leader of the Detnomtic party in that county . , and a delegate and one of the vice presidents of the Charles. ton, Convention, • has avowed himself in favor of the Union ticket. He delivered an eloquent and powerful speechin Wash ington on Saturday, end will condone to peak until the election. In the course of his speech on Saturday he stated that lasi fall he had a conversation with Judge Woodward, in Pittsburg, in reference to the war and condition of the country. As a political friend and Judge of the Su preme Court he wished to have' the ben eft of the opinion of Judge Woodward, and, therefore asked him for it. dodge Wohlward stated that, in his judgment, our only course was to tstthdraw all our armies north of Mason and Dixon's line, and offer terms to the rebel States ! - This vtatetnent, from a gentleman of the,high• eat character,. has produced a profound sensation in that dity,-where Judge Cnn tuogham if ,well known. ../Itiritep: Union maj. in Maine, 1 . 8,506. It !naggers j the Copt,. The leaders Agee they are floored, and are growing dope rate, wild, and reckless with ihe prorpeet, but' otill try to fool their . followerp.— "Sings in working,"loya! let the snakes his and squirm . . tilt:01.014ot October end Noveniber_willlnd .tbeta. to • theirdene ) identandisagleas, The Ducat*lle Forever. Oilickatigintraersz,Va.,Sept. 23 , lBB3 . iFkMD,COBI3:--Aa you way by an: - know ibmething of the political preference otalt ihneh of the army es pqa sible; I give yet the vote of tliblilibkytil Regiment, as Wow yesterday. Itjs, hived. that eat tonan had - its ilhatte to 6:prase his preference, as heleould have had even at home, and at :he polls. The vote wastaken by companies, as fol. lows, via: Dumpuny A, Curtin 22, Woodward, 0. ".- 27, • ggo, a 31, sg 2, " •g ~27, • • 0, E t a 37,• : a 0, I , . t p , 25, " • 0,1 ." 28, . 44 f. .1, !‘ 56, 0 , I, 28, • 0, K, ' 27 " • • , O, Total, 108 - 4 I have beard of alections in other parts of the Iteservs Corps' -which show about the same state of .feeling.—S;A: MACK, in' fiesta Agitator. is • The following spkiy letters paSied last month between a father and son in lion tour county, Penn's. It shows how real war stakes Demoeratic youth edarge their minds and hearts above old, dead fogey, partizans. There are thousands of soldiers writing home like thia spirited and patriotic youth : LisrEsrostrvitia, Sept. 3, 1863. DEAR SON *'* Yon spoke about the draft—you hoped the draft you'd fetch all the. Copperheads. I did not think that I had a son, that thought a Nigger as ':good as himself. 1 suppose you will come Lowe some of these days with a nigger wench for a wife. The term • copperhead is meant for Detuccrats. Yon 'father is a Democrat and so was your Grandfather. lam surprised that you are turned so easily. I will here send you stamps, but do not wish fur . the Dem. ocrats to be draited or dopperhSads as you call as. * * Your father, J—. THE REPLY. CAMPREAR PORTER'S FORD,VA., Sept. 9, 1863. FATHER : Your 'traitorous letter was duly received, and were 'it nut that you are in; father. I would not condescend so low as to answer it. I hops, however, it will be the last. Ido not wish to bare any correspondence , with father or relit 'Jou, friend or lye, ,that writes such let. terS to Soldiers. Are you not ashamed of 'yourself fur sending such a letter to a son who has been in the service for cwt. years, and who intends, Negro or no Ne• gro, to stand as long as there is a traitor to lace that is in arms . 1 was not aware when 1 wrote my last letter, that you was a copperhead. I thought you had wore good sense than to oppose a Government that has done so much for you: I will not attempt to argue with you, but will give you a little wholesome advice.— Never again send such a letter to any person. Discard those rascally tories of Limestoneville. Never, with such prin. ciples as you now have, estne among Union Soldiers, or the worst of torments will be youra. It you cannot write words of cheer and comfort to we or any other Union Soldier, fur God's sake don't write, and if I again hear of your copperhead movements I shall openly disown you, and not recognize you as a father or a re lation; and consider you a disgrace to the name. 31y love to Mother. Your Union-loviug, Government•snp . porting son, • Comment is unnecessary. Gov. Cuumr,notwithstanding the war, has paid nearly a million dollars of our State debt. Justice Woodward, by as suming the rebel debt, would wore than double our present tuxes. This fact, now a chapter in the history of as glorious and as just an aiministratiou as ever directed the official affairs of the State.of Peon. sylvania, now annoys our copperhead op ponents exoeeeingly. And yet Gov. Cur. tin, by the wise policy of his adwinistra tion—by his thrift and economy— by the statestaauship with which he has guided the. State Government, has enabled the proper agents of the Commonwealth to reduce the State debt nearly a million of dollars. The fact is on the record, and the result is too immense to be affected by locofoco , lying. gs.,What has Judge Woodward ever done to help put down the rebellion ? Who can point to a sit , gle act of his that has had tur its object ,the prepervaiiou of the Union ? 'W hat. assurance have the people of Peunsplvania that he if elected Uovernor,• will not resist the National Government, and thus help the traitura to the extent .of his . power? Anpwer these questions calmly , and thoughtfully, and decide whether you are willing• to Vote for snob a candidate. It appears that, in Northutoberland county, a lady may not only , oe, kicked with impunity, for uttering Umun ; sun. timents, but the sex is also liable tu, es cowniunication from the Chureh.for7 the exercise of "free speech." This remark is suggested by , the information we have received, that on Jest Sunday a young lady of Milton was publicly -read out" of church, for calling the preacher a Copper head. The bull of excouiwunicating the young lady, was furruinetedfrom the pit by the exasperated: shepherd. 11 e don't know whieb wont to adwire in this reverend gentleman.-his oterilal dieriiiy, or. his ehrititian• charity. In the waiter otgallantry, be might answer as a menet. —rHarrisbury Telegraph,. Hear a War Democrat. In'a lettter just published; writtett,by D. S. Dickenson,.of New irdritfoteclAii a re-liomitigtion for the office of Attorney- Gettorakofthe State, he pays t .t) "The rebellioiChait received its death , , Alcite::' It ldis little ipower for 'mischief, sta' vciti.its - spasuitlie strugglealikit - glistis out its its ignoble existence. - It way,by galvanic application from 'ifs - friends in the loyal States, once or twice rise to its feet and stagger on a little further, but this will rather hasten . ,than postpotio _the honr of its final dissolution. Al it pisses awn, aPd the luw is preparing 4a !ahem and'duageoul; and' baniishibeLts 'for con = Ititring 'leaders; let wiliray for tlie-fer gtvenesslof the deluded Masses 'vhciltave beep cheated or driven into, this wholesale miirder. 1.1) minister 'to the unholy mnbj. dun of some of the roost fiendieh monsters who. ever desecrated earthl As fur the mole eyed poiitieians amongst us whose poverty of intellect has Dot enabled them to comprehend the magni.Ode of the crisis. when they: sitali cease to etieCtirage the murderers of our -sons at.ll brotheriy let ,us endure their exhibitions tinti the ebu. litions of their flit e sviLhunt Murionr, and in sheer pity measure out to them, as an antidote for their eneffecinal virus, - that scorn Which, is made most emphatic by expressive silence. • ' The following resolutions were Unanimously adopted by the officers and men of the 150th and 1.19t1i Penu'a.Rei intents .with a request that each officer should send a copy to the publisher of the paper in the county which he is from. This is simply repea . tiui.what has becoule the plainest truth, that were the soldiers at house they would all, or.nearly so, vote for CURTIN. In the sth and 10th Penn'a Reserves they took a vote with this re. suit : Curtin,. 693; Woodwtrd, 21. Let the, friends of these brave boys remember this fact : The Soldier's Candidate is ANDREW G. CURTIN. Voice of the ItucKtalls. Resolved, Ist. That' We deism it the sacred duty of every loyal oii i izen. who I desires the preservation of ocir! National ibtegrity and honor,. and the !establish went of enduring peace and Prosperity, to support, by their .suffrages, no person', who has not declared laiself uncondi- • tionally fur the War: That Gov. Curtin, by his untiring efforts to aid in crushing the Rebellion, arid his attention to the wants of Peon'a Soldiers, has proved him. self, ie patriotism and ability, second to none in the land. i 2. That while we contend with armed foes in our frorrt, we appeal to our friends at home to take warning by the• fate of 'New York with her' Copperhead Gov ernor and accompanying mobs • and, Int - fug aside partizan feelfor , and preju "dices, to - tint for the good or the country. 8., TIMt - no citizen can give a clearer proof of devotion to nis country and ap• preciation of good Goverment, than the whci offers hiS life to defend it.' Tom Judge Woodward, by his deoisiort in dir-frpuchising tae soldier, has forfeited our confidence. 4. That our national interests demand that our Executive who has the Organ ization of our' State forces in his power, should be familiar with the interests of the service, and that• it would be a sad catenary to entrust the Administration of our State Government to a person of doubtful patriotism and loyalty. 5. That as the election of a man, avowedly opposed to the war, ftir Govern or of our State, would encourage the en emies" of our country, we earnestly appeal to our friends in Penn'a to put forth every effort to elect an ahle'statesman, a true Patriot, the soldier's Need', 'by.,rally. ing unitedly to t he standard of PiEEDOM, UNION, and ANDREW G. RICH 'SCENE ON A RAILROAD TRAIN. . —An affair worthy .of uotien occurred yesterdaion the train betifeen Baltitnore and Eltuira A nntab2r. of solciiera•were on board the • train. two of 'them wore hlotises! of a different color ..froth: those worn by th^ rest. •. - An old copperhead on the ; train noti- .d.t his, and supposed then: to. be ; I"Fouth n .brethren. 7 .Ho ap prochei them,. .1 entered into a con• veyspridu ti niethin the the following: Copperlici,. :Tenth:ft - Sea d, not belotig:to.this utirty of soldiers ?'' Soldiers— Nu t•tr."• ' Copperhead—"Do you belong to the Southern Confederal t" Copperbead—.•Have you any money V Fir." •Copperhead—r. Have you no Confeder ate money-7" . Seldiers : ---No sir; we lost everything when captured by the Yankees " • Cimperhead—(Giving each of them a five dollar bill.) "It's a pity that .gentle mm engaged in a good cause: shou•d be robbed ot ever)thing." After this .gen erous act on the part of the old man, he asked, • , What State in the Confederacy do you belong to ?" Soldiers—“cram the State ofMainer Cuppetbead •rniounered down," and tuft the craiu before it bud fairly stopped at Hanover , Juuotiort.—Etinira Press.- iterqf posterity condemns me, it will he becaerel did not hang John C: Cal. houn as a traitor. They may condemn me more fur this than any (Om act'of my administration!" • ANDREW JACKSON.. thinkJlicrtinie not unlikely to Come when Is! all.bo - blamed fur having amide gip' few arrests, rather than goo triany:" : ABRAHAM LI/WOLN.!- • , . .. .07.:',L;..„- 7 % -: ?" - ;• , •.;; -' ' .e . !.-, ' ... , ` f. • i4'... , - .-:...' --...,.'..- .'''.'''...-..c' • ... MI FALLING! tli-661) *liiajt RIGHT If SERVES' Ili u1.11011:x . TO. WARRANT ~'AEIiE ~9 . NQ; o ccipgc, THE PROM AND NO 'LAW .11=0178 PRICES NOW TO PAY-THE' ,ASKED FOR THEM pt THIS COUNTRY TO AVOID TERS EXTORTION. 'AND:GIVE THE PEOPLE . g , FAIR GOODS AT FAIR PRISES t" P. A. STESSIN6, &;Co: • • 1' • " . HAVE -- .: LATELY ; PURCHA..SED, IN NEW YORKy FOR c:Asii, THE FINEST AND BEST SELECTED ETOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THE COUNTY, CONSIST ING OF MIRY HIND AND QUALITY. F°R SILKS, • OHALIES, . • DELAINS, REP GOODS, LAWNS, 'IIIISLINS, AND PRINTS, .• . I GO TO STEBBINS 410 CO'S. FOR HAWLS, lES' ' CLOTH, im KING GO ODS, DIM 11;51CiRAL SKIRTS, IN B • I S OF FANCY GOODS; 4 ALL KIN GO I TO BINS & CO'S. EM F OR gHEETINGS,I StIIRTISOg, LINErf, T)IiIIUS, &C., I GO TO I •STESBINS & CO'S. F" CLOTHS, CASSI*ERES, CLOTHING. OF ALL KINDS, LADIES'& GENTS'BOOT3& SHOES GO TO STEBBINS & CO'S. FR [ IRON, HARDWARE, WOODEN AND I WILLOW-WARE I • QUEENS' AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF WARE 1 - I GO TO _ _ & STE BINS CCVS. F" 'TEAS, ,ISUGL&RS I COFFEES Or ALL KINDS; ; AMS, SHOULD FLOUR, PORK, AND SALT.% ERS, FISH, GOI 1 STEBBIIJ TO .& CO'S. pat. 1 , rfßuds, CHEMICALS • ANDS KINDS OF IkiEt3OINES . • GO TO • BINS CO'IL MD 7 - .,i' . 3.foUltEKA - :.1, - _,. ' • VE FOUND IT lc - the exclamation of the Astrdno • drel dm' covered that the world moved he its &Intl not less joyens has been the exciaiaa• LSO of those who have found THE .1 1 1ADIE where GOODS can be porkhased ! or TWENTY PER CENT l bOow the_ price,4 ' tffith tWatt -:. ritid Two firt-ye•e n thinp are.to be -cofirKerid Goods: the Qualityl and chafers siddyini both, cariiiibittiviitlM . . • ..1 • .... with our Stock than-any other in this or ad•- joining counties.. - Think twice betal. 334124 g d 4 DEAR TILA.SH." Now islpus time pro. care. a GOOD.ARTICLE. i, 4, Delays ariolaito, getout and sometimes fataV' Don't wait Tar another enormous advance in Gon4e. The fallowing la but a partial bat of ea arge assortment : - Merinos The attention . of the Ladies is Called stock oflierinoes,Black,Brown, Bine, Marooni Drab and - White: Some of theieirere boughs previous to the rise And will be sold nearliy al low as piesent wholesale iirices.ardOtiESs Cloth' Mack,' Grey, and Fancy Colon:1,4 .104E8' Bair's Wear r. . . Cassimeras, Striped, Cheaked, and, Plada Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and cattimides of the very best quality at , ,JONES' - .• Mourning GoOdef Black Silks; Alpaeas, Empreasekith,'BOrplai mine, De'aloes, Rep Cloths, aod.Black, Porple Good's of oatiOns kludeat :JONES" Dpraostics „, . Ifeary Sbeetings, three-quartet,,foiti-quirter, fire-qtntrter, fine unbleached; Fifow CRIS and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting, Ten-quarter bleached for sheets at JONES'-- (White Gpods• Barred 'Muslin, Plain Jaconet i . Calabria for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslim, Nainsook Muslin, plaid, striped- a plain, and Bishop Lawns at JONES' .trabroid,ezies Dimity Nadi, Ladies Caliars, Underileevosi *WI or without collarg at JONES' • obleti . Goode Itoode;ivith, tabs or points, for Infants inet Children, Misses and Ladies; Nubia's; trnder.. sleeves and Cape at., . • •• , _ For. Children, Shirting Prints, praftt. black, white and blackhlne curd white, and all kinds of Fancy, at - , - JONES' Clothg , . , Gents' Blricli Bros d eieelletit 'quality bought before Ihe rise; :Cassimmes ; black silk mixed. bliek and. Vinci Doeskin, stripedi plain, and Plaid faricr colors, and; for whole suits at • . lONEW; ildSietV Women's *ool ribbed,-cottoir Abed, cotton plain, colored and white,.plain or fleeced. ' Girls' white, brown, iniAtif t Wool or cotton, and wool balmoratstotkildg,t• • btirna and citj-madd, all sizes, white or Mixed-, at JONES` For Ladies, Gtmptlet and 4and Gloyes, - :1441y . Linen, Cotton, PlaimandfleeeedSillk7„ fine Driving Gloves, Cassidlerescii, JOOBl . ShaWlsr . For Ladies; Shepherd's Plaid, Break; - Lon( and Sq4are, Woolen, Plaid; a great variety of elegant bolors at ' IONS& Of domestic .an d fonign manufacture. '' IPM' can assure our patrons , that we ,believe our stock this spring to be more attractive iirthit line than ever before. ' - JONES' , . Q Balmoral Skirts With only two bieadths; Inking it necessary:- to hai4 but two seams io afull skirt, iria great variety l at JONES!.' , Groceries -- -- Tens, Sugars, Choice Syr9p, - Good RUC'effbr; West laths and Dandeiion' Coffea t -Ni'e, Cora Starch,! Farina, Cocoa; • ):1' . . H • 13rushes Clad); tooth, Nail, 'Rai, vainisk and Attist Brushes at. 4 ' JONES':. Drugs and Fancy AiticAelp Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead In„ TinC r ans,AkohoL Campheue, Kerosene,Litior. and Lamp' Pixtures. GTaes, Patent Idiclieiriesi. c. Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfnmery,Pariby Soap and 'Toilet article", Gum, Hair, r fir,oFr and Wooden Combs, Potnadee and Cologncs; and a fine sentiment of,Flavorint Extrto, Pens, Ink and Paper, andi Linseed, Olt=r4w and boiled, at ! jintsr . ; . Ciatiti.ilg ' • - Boys' and Men's at-. , • . JOBFE3 I , . ', 1 1 1 ' • - - - Boots and iShoes ' Of every description' and Thu best quality, at astonisiting.tow_ pricesistl. , --- ,AlfEir- - , - . ... -... .'...... .'..- t-'.." ..7W-gat Paper - Ceiling Paper, Transom Ptiper, Win - dogneux!t tains, Borders, Tassels an 4 Fixtures, *tors. HARDWARE; WOODK24-WARE, WARE ) NAILS, IRON, pLOWS, .W/NRQWS SASH, FLOUR, PORK. and FEED, evouthing that the - peOple need osOfitistaf , '" eItoNEW.- An of Which-willbe-oold-ot I 'PRODIJOK EXCHANOR.' " ' ooudizip.ore, 'Ozit, .116 k. „, =EI JONES' Glovs Delairies =1 EERIE IBM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers