GI ZECE,POTTER COUNTY JOUPAL Coudersport, Weduesdy 'Evening, Aug. 5,11863 Local and General. Ml. Gold is 27 cts. premium in New York , MSee the advertisemmat of the Spring Kills Academy. ...Those haying business with the Tnter nal-Revenue-man, will notice his appoint ments. • BErWe had one of ithe heaviest showUrs of 'the season during the fore-part oflast flight. ts,..A. Thanksgiving Sermon, in the X. E. Church, to-morrow, (Thursday) at 101 A. M., by Rev. H. H. Lyman.] ; Four thousarid Seven hundred andlsisty ccpiei of the "Presbyterian" are sent to the army and military hospitals. jar Col. C. B. Curtis, who has been;con 'fleeted with the 58th Re,gt. Penna. Vols., for i ' he'iast two years, has resigned and is, now lionie in Warren. rel,,Jeff. , DaTis has issued another call for a fast day s which is to be on the 21st of Au gust. Thiy are in a better mood for a fast than a ;haulrigiving day, we imagine. LW-The army of 'the Potomac is busily engaged in harrassing the rebel army in its retreat toward Richmond. There may and 'limy not a battle occur before the race is ended to Richmond. Vallandigbam, in his addaesa to the '"People of Ohio" says he did not meet (in the 'South) one man, woman or child• who was not resolved to perish rather than yield to the -pressure of arms." This is easily accounted for on the ground that his asaocaitions in Dixie were only with the Secessionists. Ile 4s-the-last man southern Unionists would be :likely to take into their confidence. •The business places in Coudersport 'will be closed on Thanksgiving pay, to-mor row. This is as it should be. A decent re spect for the results our brave boys have fought out and a respectful regard for the wishes 'of our President should constrain us to set aside this Day, in order to render. proper thanks to an over-ruling Providence for the glorious tictories he has so lately vouchsafed to 1).,• ne-The following itnnortantdecisiont - 'hay, e been made in reference - to the Draft: A person'drafted can pay the $3OO exernii lion money after he has been examined by th'c Surgeon. A person paying S3OO is exempt from sub sequent drafts, until- ihree . years have expired Wherejhere are two or more sons of aged or infirm parents the mother may elect which Imo shall be exempt. This election must he Made before the draft; no election can be made after the draft has once taken place. reLWe have the painful duty of recording the death of another of the young men who so patriotically " took their lives in their hands" and marched to the defence ofi our imperiled country. lA - MAN P. WAIIRINEit, en listed from Coudersport, last August, under' Lt.-Col. Dwight, in Co. K, 1.49 th Penn'a Vols.' The Chaplain of the Hospital in which he died Writing under date of July 20, says: "Uti Monday he was cheerful, and took. his usual dinner with a good appetite,but in a moment or two he said to his neighbor, I feel faint,' and before even the nurse could reach him he fell back on his pillow and' breathed his last; Ms sadden. death 'apparently confirms thti Surgeon's judgment that ;he had disease of the heart." Be was honest null noble.. KILLED in the battle,of Oettypurg, July 1, AUSTIN J. bass, of Homer, aged 13 years.! _The subject of this notice was little known; out of the neighborhood in which from the titnekif his birth up to the time of his enlist-' went he had always resided. But where' known he bore an unblemished character and was a general favorite with the young. Biave and outspoken, his sympathies were always forthe right. Although hiS constitution was very slender, yet when his country called he was ready to sacrifice all on its altar. Before the battle he had just arisen from a bed of sickness—during which his life was - despaired of—and on the march was so feeble that his Captain and Lieutenant carried his musket and knapsack. Offered a place on 'the sick list be refused all and pressed•on eager to de fend his native State. 116 was; killed in a bayonet charge in the forenoonLof the first days' fight. "For he fell fighting with his face to the foe : And fighting he fell." His funeral sermon will be preached at the &boo' House; on Ayres' Hill, August 16th, at 2 o'clock, P. 31. E. T. DR. RADWAY'S CL);_ NSING SYRUP, Called Renovating Resolvent, is the most eitraordinary medicine for the cure of all skin diseases, Humors, Sores. Chronic dis eases, Scrofula, Ricketts, Sore Legs, Swellings of the Glands, Syphilitic Diseases, in the world. One bottle of this remedy will make more pure blood, and add greater clearness to the skin than a dozed bottles of the most popular Sarsaparillas. Infants afflicted with sore heads, "breakings out," cankers; Szc„ are cured in a few days. One to , six bottles will cure the worst eases of skin diseases. • BRTANT & STRATTON'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE. —We take pleasure in calling attention to this institution, possessing as it does, so much genuine merit. The value of a good business education, cannot be over estimated. The young man possessing it is in a measure in dependent, and in a position to suppOrt him self, and not obliged to lean upon the+ charity of friends or relatives. The practicalinethod of giving instruction in this institution, is the admirable feature.. Students count over their thousands of dollars with as much coolness as a ; buy and sell merchandise, reatestate, stocks, &c., with as mach suavity as onr.flrst merchants,—thus convertitg the school room into a banking house and corn exchange, by introducing the actualities of business as well as the abstract theory of boOk keeping. Messrs. Bryant A-, Stiatton have been wonderfully successful in intro ducing this practical method of imparting instruction, and ;the large number of stugents in attendance, aV their rooms at the present time, is ample proof that theirefforts are fully appreciated by the public, NEVI. ,JERSEYLANAS FOR SALE. Also, I , ' . Garden or - Suitable for G4pes, Peachesi.Pearsi,llasLi beriiis, Strawberries, Blackberries; Currants, fic., of 1,2/, 5, 10, Or 20 acres ehch, at the following prices for the present, viz : 20 acres for 5200,.10 acres for $llO, 5 acres for Sixty Dollars, 2/ acres for Forty Dollars, 1 acre for Twenty Dollars. Payable by one dollar a week. ' Cranbe , lands d village lots AlSo, good Cranberry lands, and riliag in CHETWOOD, 25 Sy 100 feet; at Ten Doßari each, payable by one . dollar n week. The above land and limns, are situated nt Cbeti l wood, Washington Township, Burlington Go., New Jersey. For further information, apply; with a P. 0. Stamp, for a Circular, tb B. FRANKLJN.CLXIIK, 1 No. 90 Cedar Street, New York,..N. Y. Divorce Notice. ARAM WiLLL.kIIS,}No. 75, Feb. T, 1863. i TS. Libel in Divorce. ; BETSEY WILLIAMS Wherests,subpcena and alias subpmna having been issued in this case and returned nail. Yon, Betsey Williams,re.l spondent, are hereby notified that libelant will, make application at the next Court of Cominon Pleas in and for the county of Potter, for a divorce a vincula main' Foni : at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. I D. C. LAP.RABEE, Sheriff. Sheriff& Office, June 30, 1863. Notice of Appeals. , g HE Assessor of the 18th Collection Dis trict of Pennsylvania, hereby gives no tice, that in personne° of the provisions of the 15th section of the 'Excise Law, approved Jul`l Ist, 1862, he will hold his Appeals in the Counties comprising his District, as follows : For Tioga county, at Wehlsooro, on Wed nesday the 19th day of August, A. D., 1863. For Potter county, at Coudersport, on Sat urday the 22d day. For Lyeoming county, at Williamsport, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 26th and 2&th days. For Clinton county, at Lock Haven, on Fri day the 28th day. For Centre county, at Bellefonte, on Tues day the Ist - day - of September. The Assistant Assessors of The several DM sipns wilt keg.p their assessment books open for 15 days before the holding of Appeals, for the inspection of such persons as are inter ested. GEORGE BOAL, July 27, 18G3. Assessor 18th fist. Pa. SPRING MILLS ..4CADEIIY.. Spgis-a MILLS, ALLEG.A.INY' CO., N. Y. EL-Lts Ilowrox, Mrs. A.D.k 'WALKER 11.0aTON, Miss NELLIE WALKER, Assisto.nt Miss GERALDINE Wool), Teacher of Music The Full Term commences August 26. The Winter Term commences December 9. The Spring Tern commences March 25. Tuition from Three to Five Dollars. Board $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms" for serf-boarding at low prices. For further information address the Princi pal or the undersigned. _ _ W3l. President Board of Trustees COURT F.E.OGLELLIATION, 17 - 11EflEAS the Hon. Robert G. White, VV President Judge, and the lions. C. S. Jones and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of the CouJts of Oyer & Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas far the County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the twenty-first day of June, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight:hundred and sixty-three,and tome three: ed,for holding a Cone of Oyer and Term iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sei si,ons of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Condors port, on MONDAY, the 14th day of Sept. next, and to continue one week : Notice is hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that thee be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, •records, inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofii - ees ap pertain to be done. And those who are hound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to_ prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at COT.TDERSPORT, June 30, 1863, and the 84th year of the Independence of the united States of America. D. C. LAII.II4DEE, Sheriff Dr. A. FRENCH'S CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS RE becoming the most popular Medicine in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DE4ILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOMACH - and, DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It'is also gaining 11 great reputation in the CURE OF DIPTHERIA Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co.,Pa. Blacksmithingi O N and after Monday, August 10. . An excellent workman, always ready to work for such as will pay when THE JOB IS DONE. No credit given unless by special arrange ment with the proprietor. ASHES, HIDES, Produce, OLD CASTINGS, Dried Black Sz Black Raspberries. County orders, Cash, S:c. ' .wanted. LUCIEN BIRD, Proprietor. Brookland, Pa., formerly called Cushing- July, 1663. _administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, letters of administration on IV V the estate-of A.D.XIf YOHE, late of Ab bott township,Totter county, dec'd, have been ranted to the uredersigned,all persons indebt ed to said cstate.are requested to make imme diate payment antl those having claims against the same will present them duly authenicated to the subscribers.. N. J. MILLS, ELIZABETH ITHE, f Adgisrs Abucitt, July 15, 1863. Dissolution of Partnership. T ' partn.ership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of OL3ISTED 6- KELLY is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Per Solis who have unsettled accounts with the late firm are requested to settle with ii. J. Olmsted to whom all debts due the firm will be paid. The business will be conducted by H. J. OLMSTED, who has purchased the entire in terest of his late partner, and who solicits a continuance of the public patronage. S. D. KELLY, 11. J. OLMSTED Coudersport, Pa.. July 7, 1803 COSTAR'S VER:PIsTEKTERIIDUTOR, at b'TEBBINS' PRICE CITRRENT: borrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS ct CO:, Retail Dealers in Groceries . and ProvisionS, . oppositeD. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. . _ . Apple; green; . - o . busli.i , _5374 to . 75 do dried, " 100 200 Beans, tt 150 200 Beeswax, 11 1b., 25 r 3O "Beef, " 5 6 Berries, dried,l quart 6 123, Buckwheat, cp. bush., , .60 . .75 Buckwheat Flour, 275 300 Butter, 701 1b., 14 • Cheese, " . .10 I, 12 Cloyerseed 700 750 Corn, V bush., 88 -1.00 Corn Meal, per cwt.; 2 00" Z 25 Eggs, 11' doz., ' 12 Flour, extra, ' bbl; 750 BOO do i sUperiine " 6 . 60 700 Hams, V lb, •10 t 12 Hay, V ton, • 600 700 Hotiey, per lb.; lO 12a Lard, " 10 124 Maple Sti„, ,, ar, per lb.; ' 10 12 Oats, V bush:, GO 65 Onions, . " 75 100 Pork, V bbl, • i 7 00 18 00 do V lb:, 9 10 do in whole hog,. -, 0 lb.; 5 • G Potatoes, per bush., 37i, " 44 Peaches, dried, V lb, - 25 Poultry, 71 lb., 5 7 Rye, per bush, 88 . 1 00 Salt, V bbl., 3 25 do V sack, "16 • Timothy Seed 250 350 Trout s per i'bbl., 450 .5 09 Whoa ' V bush.,. 100 125 Whit • Fish, V •1- bbl.;. 450 500 PROVOST 3IARSEIAL'S OFFICE, 18th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, Williamsport, Pa., July 15, 1863. , rkIIIE FORM OF AFFIDAVITS TO BE USED to establish exemption Wader the provi sions of section 2 of the act for enrolling and calling out the National forces, &c.,a re hereby published for the information of the publib. FORM 25. Certificate of exemption for the Sott of a Witiotr, or of aged and infirm Parent or Parents. I, the subscriber, „ resident of comity, State "of , here by certify that I, being liable to military duty node - , the act of Congress "for enrolling and mina , out the National forces,"&c.,appro i ved March 3, 18G3, am the only son of--J—a widow, (or an aged parent) de pendent upon my labor, for support.. Principal Preceptress We, the subscribers, do hereby Certify,ttiat the above narned----is the only son of a widow (or of aged and infirm parents) depen delit upon his labor for Support. Personally appeo:red before rue----the above Named - • • , and --,- and severally made oath that the above certificate is correct and true to the best of their know ledge and belief. Justice of the Peace: Dated this—day of—, 186 ' . Note I.—The first of the abave 'certificates must be signed by the. person Chiltil!ag, bxeMp tion, nod the second by two respectable citi zens (heads of families)residentt of the tonm, county or district in which the pefson resides, and sworn to before a, magistrate, Note 2.—This certificate is to 1:4 used only in cases where the labor of the person claim ing exemption is actually necessary for the support of the persons dependent on him. The exemption does not apply in cases where there is sufficient property to yield support, and the necessary business for collecting the income can be transacted by agents, trustees, or the like. FORM 2G. Certificate of a Parent that he or she desires one of his or her sons exenTtecl. 1, the subscriber, the father (or mother) of ---and---, residents of county, State of----- hereby certify that I am aged and infirtn,and that: lam dependent for support on the labor of my two sons,aboFe named; and that I elect that my--=ion be exempt from the operatiOns of the act of Congress, "for enrolling and ca,ll ina out the national forces." Sc , approved March 4, ISO, We, the subscribers, do hereby certify lb:it the above naraed-----is aged and iufirtn, ands dependent on the labor of,--sons for support. Personally appeared before me, the abov ; e named,, and severally made oath that' the above certificates are correct and true to.the best of their knowledge and belief. Dated at—this—day of—, 186 NOM-I.—The first certificate must be signed by the parent making the election; and the secoild_by two respectable citizens (heads of families) residents Of the town, county - or dis-, trietiin which the persons reside, and sworn to before a magistrate. In case the father is deceased, the certificate is to be signed by the mother, and the fact of the father's death is to, be sMted by the person certifying. , Nch . e 2.—This certificate is to be used only in c..'ses where the labor of the person claim ing exemption is actually necessary for the suppOrt of the persons dependent on him. The exemption does not apply in cases where there is sufficient property to yield support, and the, necessary business for collecting the income can be transacted by agents, trustees; or the like. I, FORtI 27, Certi.4eare that the person liable to draft is the only brother of a child or children dependent on his labr for support. I, the subscriber, liable to draft into the service of the United States, ,hereby make an affidavit that 1 am -the only brother of under 12 years of a'geihav ing ndither father nor mother, and dependent oa labor for support. We,' I the subscribers, ----and- reel dents of - county, State of-,hereby certify that -. who is liable to draft, is the only brother of- under 12 years of age, having neither father nor mother, and dependent on his labor for support. Personally appeared before me the above named and and severally made oath that the above certificate is, correct• and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Dated at- 2 -this—daT of—, 18G` Note I.—This certificate is to be used only in cases where the labor of the person claim ing exemption is actually necessary for the support' , of the persons dependent on him. The exemption does not apply in cases where there is sufficient property to yield support, and the necessary business can be transacted for collecting the income by agents, trustess, and the like. NOTE 2.—The certificate must be signed by the person claiming exemption, and,the sec , Justice of the Peace. • Dated at —r, this ..-day of —IBG--. Sorb I.—The certificate in regard to age is, in all caSes where practicable, to be signed iby.the parents of the person claiming exemp iion, and ,the requirements specified in the regillations are to be adhered to. The blank space in the certificate to indicate the age •of the person is to be filled as follows : That I'am "liiiDER,TIVENTT" scats of age. That THIRTY-FIVL" years of age, "ANL' 4.A.P.RIEb." That I am "OVER FORTY-FwdS" years of age, according to the facia In the case. 2.—ln case the certificate is not sign ed by the parents, the fact of age must be certified to by two respectable persons (heads of families) residents in the same town, coun ty, or ilistrici; with the person for !whom ex emption is claimed, and the ..requirements of 1 D. paragraph GI, Reg,ulfitions, am., must be com plied •wath, These affidavits must be made according to I D these farms and Must in all cases be taken before a Civil Magistrate duly authorized to adminiater oaths. II Persnus claiming exemption must furnish clear•pactof of their right to such exemption. Blank Forms can be had on apblication • to this otliee. W. W. WHITE, ro I , Capt. and Provost Marshal. July 14, 1863. Justice - of the Peace rpuE I CONFESIONS AND EXPERIENCE JL °fan Invalid. Published for the benefit, and as i warning and a caution to yhung men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature' ,Decay of Manhood, etc., supplying at, the same time the means of self cure: By 6ne who has 'cured himself after being put to gre4 eipense andinjurythro' raediCalhilmbug and.quackery By enclosing a post-paid addressedenvelope Single copies' may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIIi4 Esq., Bedford, Kings county; N. Y. Adnzinistrator's ,ter iWIIFREAS, letters of admininistration ou to the estate of Thaddeus Dei-ling,dec'd late °"; Of. Allegany township, Potter Co. Pa., been issued to the subscribers in tde: , form of law, notice is hereby given to all I persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make imMediate payment; and th.ose having claims will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. • RHODA A. DARLING, A. G. PRESHO, ; f Admsrs. Allegany, ]fay 5, 1813 jAPONIFIERI The" Big, Thing" on Soap, „ "?u , for sale at_ STEBBINS' - I thrt ti LINT'S BLOOM OF ROSES,—for the La- g o, dies,—at STEBBINS' Justice of the Peace • Administrator's! Nolice; LETTER'S of administration on the estate of John Macke!, late of Ulysses tpr,tlee'd, baring been granted to the undersigned notice is herebylgiren to all persons said PO estate that they must make immediate'pay- Pott ment, and all persons having claims against ed t the same are requested to present them fot con liquidation. den. RUTH HACKET, inn GEORGE W. 1 - I.IOKET, f Admsrs ted Ulysses, Pa. ; May 1.9, 1863. . . , . . and by two respectable persons ,(heads of families) resident in the same toism,. county! or district with the person for whom the et emption is claimed. FORM 28 Certificate that two members of the family of the person liable to draft are already in the milita ry service of the. United States. We, the subscribers,-----and--;------;, res idents of , --Connty, State of —, hereby certify that two members of the filthily and ,household of county and State above mentioned, are in the milita ry serried of the United States as now-com missioned.officers, musicians or privntes: , Personally appeared before me, the above named and and 'severally made oath that the above certificate is correct and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace ]Dated at this—day of 186--. NOTE • I.—This is only intended to apply ; where the members of the family claiming exemption reside in the same family; If any of the members reside elsewhere, and htive gone into the military service of the United States, ne exemption on that ticcounrcan be claimed. . NOTE 2.--LThis beitificate iiiitst be signed by one of the parents, if there be -any ; if not, by two respectable persons (beads or families) resident of the same town, county or district with the person for whom exemption Ps claithed. FORM 29 Certificate that the person liable to draft is flie father of motherless children,nnticr tzcetre years of age, dependent on his labor for support. I, the subscriber, being liable to draft in the serviee of the United States,bee'• by make affidavit that I am the father of— motherless child—, under 12 years of age, slid dependent upon my labor for support. , We, the Subscribers, -- and res idents of. hereby certify that motherless children under 12 years 'of age : and dependent on his labor for support. . Personally appeared befo:e me, the above named and , and severally made oath that the above certificate.iscorreet and true to the ::/est of their ItnoNidedge and belief. - --- Justice of the Peace. e Datedthis:-L----dtv of, ISt—. N'OTT....—The first certificate must be signed by the person claiming 'exemption, and the second by two respectable. persons (heads of families) resident in .the same town, county or district With the person for whom exemp tion is 'claimed. FORM '3O. Certificate el Exemption on Acc•otent of Unsuita bleness of Age.. , --L County, State of •--, having been enrolled. uncirr the pro visions of an act of Congress 1 "for enrolling and calling out tlie natio , tal forcts," &c., op. a: proved March 3, 1663, as liabld, to perform u Military duty .in the service :of the United n - States, hereby certify. that I am not legally Iv subject to gncil liability, and for the following ci reason : That I am years of age. I . We th`,3 'subscriber;, and of the tows, county and State above mentioned, hefeby certify' that the above statement of 7 -6—'s age is correct and true to the best of our knowledge and belief„ .! Personally appeared before me the above. named and , and severally made oath that the above certificates are, cor rect and true, to the best of theii knowledge and belief. AT7E NTION,-- • - FAITHFUL - - • SOLDIERS, .WHO HAVE BEEN HONORABLY DISCHARGED. YOUR /. COUNTRY OFFERS YOU DISTINCTION. • wii b iiimirsi - : • r"E.OVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S OFFICE, - ASHINGTON, D. C. June 11, 1863. Novice,--The following will bo, publi , slied as ,a ',hand-bill or notice;_, by every, Distriit • rovi*Aluitial ~.ivitlirstieliAleiatibils as he ...ay thitirparticularry suited to his distiiet. he object being to hasten and encourage en !' tments in the Invalid , torps. . JAMES B. FRY, r.. * . Provost Marshal General. WANTED FORTHE INVALID CORPS. Only those faithful soldiers irbO, front -vounds or the hardships of Aver; art no long er fit for field ,Anty will be received in 'this Corps 'of Honor. Enlistments will bo fdr hree years unless sooner. discharged: Pay and allowances same as for officers and meh f the United States Infantry; except that no remitims or bouritYibr enlistment will be allowed. This will not invalidate any pen :ions or bounties which may be due for pro ions Services. The 'following uniform has been adopted .r officers and men of the Invalid Corps: . FaItOFFICER,Si ' Pinch coat , of 'sky blue otb, with dark blue velvet collar and cuffs;,• all other_respects, according to.thelpresent ttern for officers of infantry. ' . . .. Shoulder straps—According to present reg,- u ations, but worked on 'dark blue velvet. 4 Pantaloons-,Of s'ky-blue, cloth, with donli. I stripe of 'dark liine• cloth down the outer s am, each stripe one half inch wide, with s ace between of three-qghta of an inch. rcTage cap- -Freimit: regnia:tion. ,- For ENLISTED MEN.—Jacket of sky blue k space , with dark blue trimmings, cut like t e cavalry jacket, to come well down on - the abdomen. ' _ . Trowsers—PrEsent regulation, 'ski= blue 'Forage cap—Preient regulation . Men who are still in service and unable to p rform, effective field duty, may be transferr e to this corps. • . Medical Inspectors, Sure ons in charge Of H ispitals, Military Commanders, and all oth"- ers: having authority to discharge, under ex isthng laws and regulations, are forbidden to grant discharges to any men under their con" trol who may be fit for service in the Invalid or the Conveniemen of serviee, the men be selected for three different grades of Those who are most efficient and able- Mdied, and 'Capable of perforrningAuty :etc., , te.., will be armed with muskets, and dssign; 11 to. cOrripanies of the First Battalfion.— liose of l the next desire of efliclenof, inelud ii those who hare lost a hand or an arm, an I the least effective, including those who ha e lost a foot or a leg, to the companies of th Second or Third Battalhons ; they Will be arthed with swords. ' - The dtities trill be chiefly tb act as provost gui l trds and garrisons for cities ; guards for hoipitalst and other public biiildingtl; and as clerks, orderlies, etc. If found necessary they may be assigned to forts etc. Abtint" , ..A.ssistant Plot ost 3rarsiil§ Geaeial .re autarized to appoint Officers of the Iteg dar Service, or of. the Invalid Corps; to ad -1 r) ni cater the oath of enlistment:to those men vii have completely. fulfilled the prescribed o ditious of admission to the flavalid Corps, I - • . 1 That the applicant is uhfit for servicein • e l fiehl. • .2t Tliar:he St for the duties , or some of them, indi . cated above. 3 That if not now in the- sap . ice ) he was hon l !Drably, discharged. . . . - That he is meritorins and deserving. Fist enlistment or further„infortha.tion apply to the Board of Enrollroelit .tet , the district in tihi~h the applicaui is e. resident • Capt.'lir W. WHITE, . ' PCovoit Marshal, 16th District, Pa PROVST MAristiAt's OFFICE L I WiiliihlV3f)ort, June 17,1863. . f M. W. McALARNEI7, I Provost Marshal for. Potter C 0 .., Coudersport, Pa., July '2O, 1663 • ' , 7) I CI) • , - 1 , r 4 Fearing the REBELS will enidure rny stock of GOotls and pay only in CONFEDERATE Scrip I have concluded to. - SELL OUT [ "Cheaper than Dirt." All th Choice aback. : of - -41 IGOODS, - GROCERIES, • OTIS 4-,SHOES, t . • HARDIN-Ars, EEMLUM NOTIONS, SCHOOL BOOKS, ike. GREEN-BACK§' • I 1 . 0 ,V , - - ' 0 • - c I „ . I: - I • = ( 7 1 .F 1 p • . Pi . . - • LUCIEN BIRD roo land) Pa., June 25, 1863. 1 Exieculitr's 'coned . : - " •:.;-! - NICE 11 berebfgiven that letters execu -1 tory on .the last wilt. and. - testament of lIIN HOCKWELL, late of Harrison Tp, Pot con 'ty, decd, have this day been granted the uutlenti , ned 'bv t h e .. .Heniqer of said II ' " inty. All persons indebted to said desce it wit plealse make payment and those hav ing claims will itresedt them duly authentica ted for lettleMent. - - H. S. BEEBE. IlarrOcia. Vitlley, June 17, ma. - 1 12r , Lands wanted. lin the Counities of Potter, 31eRead, Tiota, 1 Clin on and Lycoming, good tillable, roll ing La ds, ifl suitable for Agriculture, and P rices p, e Jaw. They will be purchased for j ih, p its eiquivitlent. *Address with par /lars, location ; and character of Lands, with su vey, with brciok..s, or streanis.runr,ing -nugh or near them; as to title &c. 'and mtity tif-Lakid &C. -For paftitilari.addidi 7 A. N. 110SKLNS, .P. 0- 80x,1017,-Philatinlphip.. OBE , ,:, . Ee!cutoirs Notice. ; i , OTI E is berebygven tbabletters execu tor on the last Will and. teatiment" of . ..LY rAND,ARWARKA, latinf - Roulet Tp, ter c uuty,dged, have this day been grant-I 'xi th Undersigned bytheltegister of said, nth - . - All persons indebted to said desce t willlplease mate payment and those hay- 1 ciains will, present them dukraothentica ir: s ttlement.: ' ORRI/4-}t. 'FED: Jttlyll3, 1863. II ~! Money 'Vara ►° kali not tar ',read this canal& through artd profit thereby. $15 9 000 stW .- 6000A Si ri ii 101159 • 1 criefwalto itEdtl'Oß FOR THE TIMES MATT LOWER TITAN AVI.NG formed a eoniiecirozi iVitt soiYe I of timbest jobbing houses in New York we shall Or 'after keep a full stock of Goodi and sit a/J.' ' lays uNDERHELL THE AtARKET and Goods will - Save you fifty per et.; and on. lmey, much more. 10 bales Sheetings and, Shirtinks td 22 cts., worth 30 to 40 3600 yds Sheetink. foi ChCese tiotli for 12i, cts. worth_ 18. . 200 pieces best Madder Prints warranted fast colors, 16 fo 18 worth 26 to 30 I'2lo pieces namilton, Pacific and other gold Delaines for 16 to 23 Worth 25 to 35 New styles of double width Alpacea Dress Goods for 31 ct,s. yd, old price 50 cents 'Forth now 63 to 76 Double width Saxony Merin6, half Wool, 81 cl.s..worth 75 - All wool 'Merino, 63 cts. worth $1,25 A large'stock Of wide Scotch Ginghami only 3cts. yd advance front old prices Good Tweeds and Denims for 28 cts. worth 35 to 40 GoodSOiriets,COsitneresh all other goods equally as low In the line of Silks We hate, -- and shall keep a la'rge assortment, good Colored 5;11c1 for 63. cents Black Sili . fr'om 88 ctS. to $1,,0, bow worth 50 per ct. more eren_in New York B 0 - 0 TS , - • SHOES ; gild. • _ c.lO THLN*G. , . , In this line of our trade we can save you k large per 'et. . • •' • • -a n •••••• c .•-•1 Good Suit§ Blark;Gres: and Other - S: Coat, Vest,Pants,llat, Pocket Handk - eichief,Cravat; and Shirt for.slo to $l2 worth $2O. • Good Calf BoOti for $2 : 50 Good Women's Shoes for 75 cts Good Gaiters for 63 cts • And all other kind's of fine shbes equally Its low. GrOeerieg° , . We can rd'io sal :Ton GrOceilei at a saving of at least 25 to 50 per ct:. Good Tea of an ex,- - int quality for $1 worth $1,50. Othv: good Teas from 50 to 73 cts. PROVISIONS, 'Good c6eising toliaccO ?rota 35 to 56 cts In the line of ratkee Notioias ire can sate you a handsome profit. CROCKERY, . . FibUri:i'6lll7, HAMS , SHOULDERS by the or load at Wellsville prices. Now, to save answering the many inquirlett as towho : furnish us goods in New York, en: ablihg us to sell at these prices, we would re: fer you to _ Hr. Jason H. Bookover, connected with the rirm of Messrs. Clsflin, Mellon lc Co., Ch'h. at; The largest house in the world for Dry Goods: Alto, Meskrs. Howland & Lindsley, 80 At . Chambers st., ever so famous for felling cheap and giving their friends good bargains. And the reason fbr on.•sellingyou Clothing So low, we ire supplied from the 'e.:teheirc establishmeht of Messrs. Longstreet, Bradford L - Co., 348 Broadway, and froth the ties firnt. Of Messrs. Baldwin, Starr& Co., poiirtland St; two Of the best clothing houses in Nett- York; Yankee Notions and Talley Goods froth .1. Derry Smith Payne te Co., 34 Cohrtland - S4 who are noted for gating their frierids good bargains. - • . • Hardwarefrom Mot oli,(4aackenbush k Co.; 20 Courtlatoi Crocker - frau Mr..oscar. 6heesnian, 143 Duane street:. - And the Orison Why we can always sell you* Groceries sb low and pay you the highett price for Satter, Cheese, &c: is from our con=. nection with Messrs. AlirenA 3fahnken.Gro ders and Commission Merchantr, , "4.5 Wash— inlion St. Now all 'you that have butter to ien to New? York, or any otherliwitiee; take my advice and seml to them and you wilt always receive the highest price; Do - not be Ita affray by any false riporti froaljealOns 6eighbors.. All we ask is to coma and exaadde for yout self and you will lig satisfied that what in Say 13 - e peifOrnt; V.' ' . .ig ! ' 's4liiitiqigy:' Ostayii, 183: ORTH OF tabbleiitie EVER; HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ike Totrs Resittetrallh =~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers