121 THE PULLER COUNTY JOURNAL Cowl *ednesday Evening, July 2a 1243 Local and General. g.Gold is 23 ctsl.premiumi in New York Itta.ool. C. B. Ourtis has resigned his commission in the 58rh Pennsylvania Reet.,,, _ _ Some of the emergency men have re- The publication of the JoultsAL was unavoidably delayed one day this week. itgl.llugh Young is Quartermaster of the 35th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Mi ' Darn. is rt.perted that Capt. Overton ba•S been removed am Washington to his home in TOwanda. Taz Daarr.—The day for the commence ment of the draft in this district is not yet deeided. ItM.Godey for August, is on our table, filled, as usual, with much that will interest - the Ladies. Its raiue increases with its ag u e. Nolady.should be without it. Init..We notice , items in different papers throughout the State making mention of host kr the reports of the cannon at Gettysburg were beard. We hare been told that it was heard in different parts of this tcourity, quite distinctly. ,• 1 OPPOEING CONSCRIPTION.-np rioters in New York professed to be oppos:ing conscrip- tioa ; but they went to shops where men were ° peaceably working., and forced them to fall into their ranks under penalty of being *- pounded to death. VPersons who can claim exemption from the present Draft i will find the proper forms in another column. The blank places are for the names and dates. No one c l an claim ex emption under the $3OO clause Ether present'- mg himself for examination. • BLANK CARTRIDGES.—CoI. O'Brien fired blank cartridges at the traitor mob in NeW York, and. they hung him with a real repel. If he had used grape and cannister, they would hare respected the argument, , ;Treason and mobs are not to be soothed or frightened by mere sound. The cause of the Union, say' the Buiti Express, is the cause of peace,, of and of liberty. The cause of the rebellion is the cause' of war, of barbarism, and of tyran-1 ny. Let all who prefer peace and civilization and liberty, to war and barbarism and tyr-, annv work and pray that the-Union cause may speedily triumph. ten. Jef f erson Boyer, Of Clearfield. th e man who figured so honorably (?) in the last United - States Senatorial election, was making a copperhead speech the other day, when some young •ladies, being mortified at his being permitted by the sterner sex to rent his treason in a Free State. treated him to a dose of . "rotten eggs." He H had them botind over to court. )People of•this county should -not be•- lieve any of the reports' in reference to the draft ; when it will take place. hOw many to be drafted, or how it is done—is no one in the county will be likely to knoW an,ythins: about it until it has been drawn. The fool ish - stories circulated are merely intended to excite the people. Ie CANADA.—The Confederate . "GoVern meat" connived at the escape of Villaindigum. to Canada. The question arises : Why do they not connive at the escape of, the corres pondents of the N. F. TRIBUNE, now in Libby prison? The answer is plain : Val, would aid their cause, while the correspondents would not. Fal. was traitor, the others were loyal. Comment is unnecessary. e serA. correspondent writing from Gettys burg, under date of July 11, says that AL MOND 31. CHEESBRO died about 10 o'clock p.m.. of-the 10th inst., and was buried on the field. His grave has been marked so that his friends will be able to find his body. He was a gen erous hearted boy and a brave soldier, He', was shot through noth legs, lay on the field two days befOre he could be brought off, and finally, after being , taken to the Hospital, bled to death. His funeral sermon will be preach ed in the Homer School House, on Sunday, -August 9th, at 2 o'clock P. M: His brother, Capt. Dennis H. Cbe l esbro, Ras 'also in the battle, but escaped unhurt leA,..Through the kindness of Lieut. Rey colds, we are enabled to furnish our readers with the following corrected list of the losses in Co K, 149th Regt : • Isaac Wilber Ronn'ds, of Wharton Washington Wilson, of Allegany. Austin J. Ayres, of Homer. Davit! Dayton, of Allegany. Albert 0. Dard, of Wharton. • WOUNDED. . -• Lt-Col. Stalton Dwight, in leg. It. Reynolds, in foot. Orderly, AI L. Harvey, in left hand. "Tdmes H. Stills.on, in left side. Samuel R. Stillson, in right arm. : ,Albert Z. RennelLs, in both legs..: Charles N. Phillips, right arm amputated 'below elbow. G. B. Wilbur, in back lif shell. Norman Chapman, shot thronghlshonlder. Joseph J. Carey, wounded in head, not dangerous. .Jong . J. Jones. Abram Cortwright, in pnger. Aaron D. Tillotson, shot through Daniel Birchard, in ankle. PRISONERS. Capt. Johnson, and Lint. Barcia CThe foliowing is a partial litt of those who went from this county, under the, late call of the Governor: In Co. K, 37th Penn'a Militia: Ulysses— Lieut. A. D. Corey, Elymus Hackett, Seth Lewis, Charles H. Cushing, Linus Perkins, John C. Davidson, Wm. Purdy, Wm. Olds. Allfgany--5. T. Kellez, Robert A. Heggie. Bingham--John Hatrieon—Samuel L Aff ig ' o ef, Lle&ron—Thomas George Rog ers, James Blackman, Abner Burdick. Sweden—George IL Lyon. Abbott—N. B. A. Suhr. In Co. G, 37th Penn's Militia Wharton— Musician, James L. Barclay. Jas. Clark, Cor nelius Benton Jefl. Bailey, Harrison Bailey, Satmel F. Ayres, Charles Foster, James H. Poste'', James Bortron, jr. Coudersport-Seret Ed. Lyman, tit. S Thompson Sweden-4. W. Bird Perhaps at no time since the war be- Igen has there be -n a greater demand for Hos pital Supplies than at present, and while vig orons efforts are making in the North to meet this demand, earnest calls are still being made by the Sanitary Commission, coupled with assurances that the wounded ana sick are still' suffering for lack of the many delicacies within our reach. The ladies of this place I and vicinity deserve great credit for the quan-1 tity and quality of the-supplies they have sent. l From resources that some might have consid ered hopeless they hate drawn generous sup plies. They merit the thanks of all. There is an urgent call at the present time for Bed quilts, Sheets, Towels, Lint, Stockings, Tarn, Berries, be , &c. Our friends in the country ; I have not been very active lately; indeed, 1 scarcely anything has been sent in. Now,we I do not believe they have failed for lack of i interest in the cause or for want of desire to I assist. but because they were somewhat re moved from the Headquarters of the Society; and did not happen to think of it when con ing to the village. This should not be so.— We have a common interest and a common cause. All should feel it their duty to assist. Let our friends in the country think of this. The following is the list of articles contain ed in the Boxes sent July 10, to United States Sanitary Commission, Philadelphia Agency : 2 dozen hop pillows, 7 dozen hop rings, 3 feather pillows, 13 cotton pillows; 4 pairs socks, 3 flannel shirts, 7 new cotton shirts, 6 old cotton shirts 51 dozen cotton handker chiefs, 3 dozen linen handkerchiefs, 4 calico wrappers, 13 towels. 4 pieces old flannel. 1 box lint, 4 pairs slippers, 4 old linen table cloths, 4 rolls old linen. 4 rolls old cotton, 1 pair old sheets. 13 rolls bandages, all widths, 4 pairs cotton flannel drawers. 3 quarts dried raspberries. 3 quarts dried blackberries, 1211 pounds dried apples. 2 bottles blackherri: I cordial, 1 bottle currant u iue. 6 cans goose berry jelly. 1 glass currant jelly. 2 cans goase-; berrips . A Wonderful PHI. THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. 'THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS Doctor Rad Way's Pills are the best purga tive pills in the world, and the only veget able pills thfft can be used in place of Calo- mel or blue pills. In using these pills the patient is no: compelled to ztrain_Or undergo a series of cramps griping pains. nausea p their operation, though thorough and effect ual in the expulsion of the faeces, is mild, soothing,, and natural. One to six boxes will effect a cure, without necessitating the pa tient to continual dosing with physic. la affections of the Liver. Dyspepsia, Costiveness. Indig.tsrion. Piles, and in all fevers, their cu rative powers are marvellous. Price 25 cts per Lox. Sold by druggists generally. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE. Iso, • Garden or Fruit Farms, -Suitable :or Grapes.'Peaches. Pears, Rasp herries, Strawberries, Blackberries. Currants, kc., of 1, 21, 5, 10; or 20 acres each, at the to.lowintr 'prices for the present, viz-: 20 acres, for 5200. 10 acres for 5110. 5 acres for Sixty Dollars. 22 acres for Forte Dollars, 1 acre for Twenty Dollars. Payable by one dollar a week. Also. good Cranberry lands. and village lots L CFIETWOOD. 25 by 100 feet. at Ten Dollars each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land.and farms, are situated at Chet wood. Washington Township. Burlington Co., New Jersey. For further information. apply, with a P. 0. Stamp. for a Circular, to B. FRANKLINCLARK, No. 90 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y In Hebron, June 2S, ISG3, of malignant SCarlet Fever, SARAH AURELIA, only. child of Stephen P. and Mary A. Reynolds, agtd,7 years, 4 months and 23 days. Thou art ,gone, and we are lonely, But we know thou'rt happy now With the angels, ever singing, With a crown upon thy brow. This we know : God means to teach us,— ] While we bear affliction's smart.— Where our treasure has been taken We should follow with our heart. Then, our weary journey ended, We shall meet . thee, gentle on; To enjoy thy presence ever, 1 In that bright and happy home. One Dollar Reward. T OST—On the 17th of June, 1563 either IA in Coudersport or on the rcad between Coudersport and South Woods a fine large lIEEMCHAU.II PIPE, partly colored. The above reward will be paid to the finder upon leaving it at this Office.—June 18 Dissolution of Partnership. TREpartnenhip heretofore existing between the undersizned under the firm name of OL3ISTED KELLY is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who hare unsettled accounts with the late firm are requested to settle with H. J. Olmsted to - whom all debts due the firm will be paid. The business will be conducted by H. J OLMSTED, who has purchased the entire in terest of his late partner, and who'solicits a I continuance of the public patronage. S. D. KELLY, IL J. OLMSTED %L. Coudersport, Pa., July 7, 1668 chotilder DIED: PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS ek CO., Retail Dealers in GrOceries, and Provisions, • i opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, - Coudersport, Pa, Apples, ereen, `'.t.2 bush., do dried, e. Beans. Beeswax, ill lb., Beef, e 4 Berries, dried, 'l4. quart Buckwheat,l bush., Buckwheat Flour, Butter, - t? lb., Cheese, " Cloverseed Corn, 14 bush., Corn - Meal, per cwt., Eggs, p 3 dos., Flour, extra, do superfine " I Hams, lb., Hay, 14 ton, Honey, per lb., Lard, Maple Sugar, per lb.o Oats, 14 bush., Onions, Pork, bbl., do 1-?, lb., do in *hole hog. T. lb., Potatoes, per bush., Peaches, dried, V. lb., Poultry. "V. lb., Rye, per bush., • Salt, bbl., do . t ?, sack, Timothy Seed Trout, per bbl., Wheat. 14 bush:. White Fish, - r) bbi., PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 18th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Williamsport, Pa., July 15, 1863. riIHE FORM OF AFFIDAtITS TO BE USED to establish exemption under the provi sions oes.ection 2 of the act for enrolling' and calling out the National forces, kc,a re hereby published for the information of the public. FOR3I 25. Certo'eate of exemption for the Son of a Tricror, or of aged and infirm Parent or Parents. I. the subscribe county, State of - , here by certify that 1, being liable to military duty under tbe act of Congress "for enrolling and' calling out the National forces,"&c.,approved 31arelr3, 1863, am the only son of =a widow, (or of , an aged parent) de pendent upon my labor for support. . We, the subscribers, do hereby certify' that the above named is the only son' of a widow (or of aged and infirm parents) depen dent upon his labor for support. . ' Pers-onally appeared. before me---the above camed--, and ' , and severally made oath that the above certificate Lis correct and true to the beat of their 'know ledge and belief. Dated this—day of—, 186 . Note l,—The first of the ab)ve certificates must be signed by the person claiming exemp t lion, and the second by two respectable citi i zens (kinds of families) residents of the town, county or distrtet in which the per Son resides. and sworn to befbre a mazistrate. Note 2.—This certificate is to be used 4mily in cases where the labor of the person claiM iner exemption is actually necessary for the support of the persons dependent on him. The exemption does not apply in cases where there is sufficient property to yield support, and Ebel necessary business for collecting the income can be transacted by agents, trustees, or the! like. _ FORM 2 CfriVicate qf a Parent that lie or she desires oilc of his or her eons ezompted. I. the subscriber, the father (or mother) of --and , residents Of county. State of hereby certify that I am aged and infrrin,and . that Tam dependent for s.upport on the labor of my two sons,abor'e named ; and that-I elect that my son __shall be .exempt from the operation's of the act of Cloniress.'•for enrolling and call;- ing out the national forces." , approved )larch 4 ISC3. We, the subscr:bers, do hereby certify that the above named is aged and infirm, and dependent on the labor of—sons foi. support. , Personally appeared before me, the above named , and severally made oath that the above certificates are correct a- , d trae to the best of their knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace. Dated at—this—day of—, 1.36 Note l.—The first ce. tificate must be signed by the parent making the election, and the 'second by two respectable citizen's (headi of families) residents of the town. county or disr . I trict in which the persons reside. and sworn! I to before a magistrate. In case the father is, deceased, the certificate is to he signed by the! mother. and the' fact of the father's death is to: be statsd by the person certifying% • . !Cote 2.—This certificate is to be used only, in cases where The labor of the person ing exemption is actually necessary for they support of the persons dependent on him the i ; exemption does not apply in cases where th e re!. is sufficient property to yield support, and the' necessary business for collening the incoir.e can be transacted by agents, trustees, or the FOll.ll 27. Cerqictne Mat the person littbb to draft is the aid!, bruthtr of a child or children dependent bit his labor for support. the subs.criber, being liable to draft into the y service of the United states, herehy make an affidavit that I am the only brother of underl2 years of age,hav inz neither father nor mother, and dependent on his labor for support. We, the su 2 resi dents of - county, State of ,hereby certify that who is liable to draft; is the only brother of under 12 years of age, having neither father nor mother, and dependent on his labor for support. • ersonalkt appe r ared before me the above named---and.---and severally- made oath that the above certificate is correct and trite, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace. Dated at—L—thic—day of—, 18G . Note certificate is to be used only in cases where the labor of the person claim ing exemption is actually necessary for the support of the persons dependent on hiin. The exemption does not apply in cases where there is sufficient property to yield support. and the necessary business can ire transacted for collecting the income by agents, trustess, and the like! NOTE 2.—The certificate must be signed by I the person claimtng c.lemption, and the sec S37A! to L 75 loq 300 50 2.00 25 ' 30 5 . 6 6. 12i 60 75 275 300' 123 101 12 700 750 88 1 1 00 200 225 10 8 00. 9 00 6 50: 7 00 101 12 10 00112 00 101 12i • 101 123 , 10' 12 60 65 751 1 00 17 : 0G 1,1800 9I 10 5! 6 371! 44 51 7 88 : 1 00 3 25 2 50 50 1 00 4 50 3 50 5.00 1 25 5 00 ,resident of of County, State of having been enrolled under the pro visions of an act of Congress "for enrolling nod calling out the patio -alforces," Sc., ap proved March 3. 18G3, as liable to, perform military duty in the service of tbe united States, hereby certify that I am not legally j subject to such liability, and tar the followin,gj reason : Justice of the Ped:c'e the subscribers, • and of the town, county and State above mentioned, hereby certify that the above statement of age is correct and true to the best-tof our knowledge and belief. Personally appeared before me the abore named and -, , and severally made oath that the above certificates are cor rect and true, to the best of thtiii- knowledge and beliel. i Justice of the Peace. • Dated at . this —day of NOTE L—The certificate in regard to age is, in all cases where practicable, Ifo be signed by the parents of the person claiming exemp- Lion, and the requirements specified in the regdlations are to be adhered tail The blank space in the certificate to indicate the age of the person is to be filled as follos That I am -c.snta TWENTY" years of age. That I am "or.mrtirary-rive.years of age, MARRIED." • That 1 am "oyEn roiry-riri:" l years of flee, according to the facts in the case. :Sort case the certificate is not sign ed by the parents, the fact of age must be certified to by two respectable persons (heads of families) residents in the same town, coun ty, or district with fhe person for whorl ex emption is claimed, and the requirements of f , •DR paragraph Gl, Regulations, must be com plied with. • These affidavits must be made according to B these forms and must in all cases be taken before a Civil :11.1g,istrate duly authorized to administer oaths. Persons claiming exemption must furnish clear proof of their right to such exemption., Iliank Forms can be had on aPhlicatb.n to F, this oiEce. W. W..WHITE. Capt. and Proro§l Marshal. I July 14. 1861 rrHE CONFESSIONS• AND EXPERIENCE! -r— of an Inislid . Published for the benefit,' and as a witrain;:: :mu a caution to young men! who :::t.ifer from Nervous Debility'. Premature Decay of Manhood. etc., supplying at: the same • time the means of self-.cure. By One who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injurythro' medicalhumhug and quackery By enclosing a post-paid addresied envelope single copies may be had of the author.' , NATHANIEL MAYFAIB. Esq.. Bedford ; Kings co , ,nty. N. _.,. • Ad rn inistrat9Vs Adi ice. . i . va TH F REA S, letters of admininistration on 1 V V the estate of Thaddeus Darlinii.dee'd late iof Allegany township, Potter [ Pa.: hare I been issued to the subscribers in Co.,ue form of law, notice is hereby given to all persons k - noxvin- , themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment; and those having. claims'will, present theth, duly authenticated, for settlement. r i RHODA A. ;)ARLING. 1 Adnists. A. G. P.RESGO, j : Allegany, Nay 5, 1863 6w - 1 I QAPONIFIEP.! the qllig Thing' on Soap, ; /-0 for sale at I STEBEMS' 1 laL'S'T'S BLOOM. OF (RUSES.—for the La- ! dies.---at STEBBINS' Administrator's Notice. L ETTERS of administration on ;the estate t . of John Harket. late of filys:.es tp, dec'd. baring - been granted to t e undersigned notice is hereby given to all peons indebted to said estate that they must m ke immediate pay ment, and all persons haring claims against the same are requested ito preseat them fel liquidation. • - i. i . RUTH. I-I A CIET, GEORGE W. HAC T iET,;f ..1413- k Ulysses, Pa., May la, 863. , and by two 'respectable persona (heads of families) resident in the same town, conntY or district with the personifor whom the-ex )l I emption is claimed. *' -..... i• FORM' 28i. . Certificate th t ta r o members' of the family of thle personliable to draft are already in the milita!- ry service of the United States. i We, the subscribers, idents of hereby certify that two members of the family and household', of - counti and State above mentioned, are in the milital ry service of the 'United States as noa-comi, missioned officers, musicians or privates. ' Personally appeared before me, the abov named and —, and severally mad , oath that the above certificate is correct an. true, to the best of their kriosy , ledge and belief. Justice of the Peace Dated at this—d 4 of —,186—. NOTE I.—This is only intended to apply where the members of the family claiming exemption reside in the same family. If any of the members reside elsewhere, and have gone into the military service of the United States, no exemption on that account can be claimed. _Nors 2.—This certificate must be signed by one of the parent_• if there be any ; if not, by two respectable pers,as (beads of families) resident of the same town, county or district with the person for whom exemption is claimed. FORM 29 Certificate that the person 'liable to draft-is the father of motherk!schildren.under tirelve years ej age, dependent on his labor for support. --, the, subscriber being liable to draft in the service of the United Statesthere by make affidavit that I am the father of— motherless child—; under' 12 years of age, and dependent upon my labor for, support. • We. the subscribers, and . idents of County. State of —. hereby certify that --- is father of motherless children under 12 years of age, and dependent on his labor far support. 1 Persenall; appeared before me, the above named and ' , and severally made oath that the l abOve certificate is correct, and true to the, b - efit of their knowledge and r i belief. 1 . Justice rof the Peace. Dated tbis---J---day Ncra.—Tbe first;certificate i mnst be•sig,ned by the person claiming exeniption, and the second by two respectable persons (heads of families) resident in the same town, County or district with the Iperson for whom exemp tion is claimed. 1— FORM 30. Certificate of Excmpit'on on -Account of nunlita tleness of Age. That I am years age A TTENTION; FAITHFUL SOLDIERS, .al •WHO RAVE aspr nosornasnr ntscstaao6. YOUR. COUNTRY OFPERS'yOU DISTINCTION. , _ 1 ' WAR DEPARTMENT,' - IPROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S OPTICS , , 1 Wasnismro::, D. C.-Tune 11, 180. I I%,onc9,—The following will be published as a band-bill or notice, by .every •Distiiet Pro v ost Marshal, with .such alterations 'a3 be may think particularly suited to his dbitrict. Thei object being to hastei.l and encourage en littMenti in the Invalid Lorps. 1 JAME:3 B. FRY;, 1 Provost Marshal Generbl. MEN :WANTED FOR THE L'CVALTO CORPS. Only' those faithful soldiers who, from wounds or the - hardship's of war, are no long er fit for field duty will be received in ithis 1 Collis of Honor. Enlistments will be.i for . three year unless sooner 'discharged. FPay and iillowanaes same as for officers and Men of the United States Infantry; except thrit no prerdiums or bounty - fol. enlistment will be' allovied. This will not invalidate any pen sion or bounties which may be due for pre-, vious services. . .. 1 The following uniform has been adopted for officers and men of the Invalid Corps FOR OFFICERS.: Frock coat of sky lilue cloth; with dark blue velvet collar,and coifs; in all other respects, according to the present 'pattern for officers of infantry. • ShOulder straps—Acecirding to present reg ulations, but worked on dark blue velvet.: Pantaloons—Of sky-blue cloth, with &ab le stripe of dark blue cloth down the outer ,seam; each stripe, one half inch wide. with space between of three-etghts of an inch. Forane'cap—Present regulation. . r For, ENLISTED .MEN.—Jacket of sky blue kersey, with dark blue trimmings, -- eut like the cavalry jacket, to come well down on the abdoMen rE , sr .linty,- State or . i firolcrsers—Present regulation, sky blue.; Forage cap—Present regulation. i 1 Men who arc still in service 'and unableito Perfor!rn effective field duty, map be tranL.fekr 'ed to ibis corps, , BEI I Medical inspectors,. Surgeons in -charge iof Hospiials, Military Commanders, and all otb lers basing authority to discharge, under ex isting Ilaws nnct regulations, are foridd,lenito rant 4izr.chnrg.es, to any men under their Con trol who may be fit for service in the Invalid , Corps. , . , . . For I the convenience of service, the men • IF p :AVI:\IG formed a connection with come ill be selected for three different grades of la o f t h e I, est j o nhi,i g, n oni , es i n N ew Y ork buty. 1 Those who are most vfficient and able- ' we shall lie' after keep a full stock of Goods odied, and capable of performing.Zlnty etc . i and shilli• ays T TNDERSELL THEMARKET -eetc., Will be armed with muskets. and assign- I and er.. many Goodsvill save You fifty per ct., d , to Companies of the First Battallion.il and on many, much more. Those of the next degree of efficiency, includ ing those who have lost a hand or an artn, and. the leas . effective, including those who have lOst a foot or a leg,'lto the companies, of 4te Second or Tiaird Bat:zillions; they.will be red with swords. The duties will be chiefly to act as provost I nards i j and 'garrisons for cities ; g,itards for blospit-ls and other public buildings; and as clerks, orderlies, etc. If found necessau tey may be assigned 4o!orts etc. , • Acti Assistant:Provost Marshals Generala e authorized to appoint Officers of tlie,ll.eg 'n ar Selrvice, or of the Invalid Corps, to ad-. minister ; the oath ci I I : , enlistment to those mdn Who halle completely fulfilled the prescribdd conditiCns of admission to the Invalid Corp ; vz : 1 1. That the applicant is unfit for service.in the field: ~ I ; 2..TLt he is fit for •fhe duties, or :some of them. , itidicated above. 13. That if not nor in the terrine, he ivr;s honorably discharged. 14. That he is meritorious and deserving. !For enlistment or further information apply td the Board of Enrollment for the district ih 4 rich•the annlicani is a resident, • • 1. Capt. W. W. tl MITE, Provost Marshal, 38th District, Pa. IVOST MARSHAL'S OFFfCE, i!tasport, June 17.1863. M. W. McALAILNEY, Provast 3larshal for Potter - Co. 'I report, Pa., July 2'o, 1863 PRO rEz -.; , C - 4 the REBELS 411.1 capture me Itock: and pay only in, CONFEDE 7 RAIE' are concluded to SELL OCT Fearin_ f IGlods cr* I h "Cheaper than Dirt." my choice clock of IF GOODS. C ATS 'HATE ( SHOES EMI NOTIONS. SCEIOOL BOONS; &c..i'.11 . A4DWARE, CR OCEERI7, GREEN - I 3 :K • FLOE - 11, PORE. HAMS, SEIDULDE.IIS by it': ton or :load at Wellsville prices. Now, to save answering, the many in - 14010es as to who furnish us goods in'No York: 'en abling us to sell at these prices ! We woulate fer you to Mr. Joson 1F1.. - Bookover. connected With the firm of Mefsrs. Clotho, Mellon & Co., tbli. it- The largest house in the World foil Dry Goods. Aso. Me.s." , Rowland & Lindsley, Se &.82 Coombe - Ts st.aever so famous for sailling cheap and giving their friends good bargains. • ' I And the reason for one selling yOu Clothing s, lee ore supplied from the :step ire b men tot' 31essrs. Lcngstreer.., Bradford Co., :3.1S Broadoas, and from the nee.- firm of Messrs. Baldwin. Starr & Co., CdurtianatSt., two of the best clo•hing houses in h51:.".7: Yotk. Yankee Notions and Taney Gofids from J. Henry Smith Payne & Co., S 4 Cocirtlßod St.; who arc noted for giving their friends good bargains. :- 'Hardware from Morgion,QuackenbuSh & Co., ''2o Courtland St. I' Crockery from Mr. Oscar Chee i snion, 145 . Duane street. And tbe reason Why we can always sell yon. Groceries so low and pay you the -highest I . pike for Batter, Cheese, &c.-. is iro n , oar con ' nection with Messrs. Ahrens & Malmken_Gro-• cers and 'Cominission Merchantr, .t.`.55 Wash !!ingtna St. Now - all-you that havi butter to send to New York,_or any other produce, take my advice and send to akin and you will always receive. the highest price, ! Do_ not be led away by any false iltports , froth jealous neighbors.. .All we ask!is to come and examine for your self and yi; will lam satisfied that what. we say we perform. ' cr. LETIE.N BIRD.; 4. PT., June 25: 1563. B.oollq Executor's Notice. x 7 OTICE is hereby - g,ivea that letters execa- I torr on the last will and testament of JOHN ROCKWELL, late OT.Harriion Tp, Pot ter county. dec'd, bare this day been trrAnted to the undersigned b .. % the Register of said 1 county. All persons indebted to said desce-, i dent will please make payment and those age-' ling -claims will present them duly a uthetitica- I ted for settlement. H. 8. BEEBE r. Harrison' Valley; June 17.'1563 :Lands . Wanted n the Counties of Pon, McKean, Tipp, i il_ dir tnet'and Lycorning, good tillalde. roll= ing Lands; if suitable for - Agriculture, and 1 Prides are low. They will be imrchased_for I Casb or its, equivalent. Address with par tticul rs. ideation. and - character of Lands. ; with nrcey l ivrith brooks, or streams.runuing, throb _6 oi near !them, as. to title, Etc. and I quan ity of Land kc. For particulars addtess 1•_ 1 - 1 -A. N. HOSKINS, I IP. 0 Box lOrt, Philadelphia. Executor's ,Notice. IVOTICEIis hereby give; .that letters execu- J Corr on the last wio and testament of POLLY VANDARWAREA, late of Roulet Tp, I Pate' count .4dec'd, have this day been giant ed to he undersigned bathe Register of said count Alt persons indebted, to said desce dent mill please make payment and those haw- , ing ei , ruts n - ilPpresent ;bent duly autbZ•ntica- i ted fo settl'ement. ORIZIN R. WEBS. I - RI) i let, .T . ,,1y 13 !Ea . - ' 1 OE We.cau also sell you Groceries nt a saving Of at least 23 to 50 per ct. Good Tea of an exz tra quality for .$l - worth $1,50. 1 Other good- I Tray 50 to 75 cts. • I Good chewing tobacco from 35 to 58 cts CROCKERY,' In the line of Yankee Notions 'lre can sac* you a handsome profit. GROCERIES, FP.OVISIONS HARDWARE 1 Money ,Saved Fall not to read this Columil through and profit thereby. fj 7 :N_ :Ls 000 • 6' 9 WORTH OF NE W GOODS iiuinOn' ()SWAY° iRr.GTYLATOR AT - Mb°!mate or itetati FOR. THE Tl)llrSllCtfir LOWER THAN EVER. 10 balet Shettings and , Shirtings from 18' to 22 cts., worth 30 to 40 1 3000 yds Sheeting' fgt Cheese Cloth for .12. cts. worth :18 1 300 pieces best Madder Prints warranted Last colors, 16 to 18 wotth 25 to 30 - 100 pieces Ilamilton, Pacific and other good Delaines for 16 to 23 worth 25 to 35 - ;.New styles of double width Alpncea Dress I Goods for 31 cts. yd,old price 50 cents worth now C 3 to 75 Dodhle width Sa.rony'Dorino; half wool, 31s cts. worth 73 .411 irool Merino, 63 cts. mirth $1.23 large stock of wide Scotch Ginghams ohlt . cts. rd advance from old prices Good Tweeds and Denims for' 25 cts. worth 33 to 40, 1 Good Sattinets,Cassimeres and all other good.* equally as low line of Silks we hare, and shall keep &- large assortment, good 'Colored Silks. for 63 cents Silk from SS cts. to $1,50, now worth -50 per ct. more Oven in New York, In th Black BOOTS, SHOES, and CL 0 THLAV. In this line of our trade we can save you large pet . 'ct. ' Good Suiis Black, Grey and.others: Coati- Vest,Pants, Hat. Pocket Handkerchief,Cravatr and Shirt for'S.lo to $l2 wdith S2G. `Good Calf Boots for 52,50 " pood•Wompn's Shoes for 75 cts Good Gaite'rs for 63 cts And all other kinds of fine shoes equallf as low. Groceries. Yours Resp ectially, 1 1 - O. IL Simi tti-04,7 B E El CR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers