SHERIFF'S. SALES. BY VIRTUE pf sundry writs .of Tenditionr Exponas,-Fieri Faciai and Levari Facies issued out of the' Centrt of Common Pleas of ?ot ter County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court Houseirt Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 15th l day of June; 1863, at 1 o'clock, p. 'tn., the fol- 1 lowingi described tracts or parcels of land to wit: A certain tract of land situate in Bingham by , Potter Co., Pa., bounded and descriedb as follows : On the north by the State line and highway, east by lot No. 349 of the - Dent of Bingham Estate in Bingham tp..ited lots in possession of D. Bobbins" and D.lO. Howe, south by lot of William Hill; and west by east line . of Genesee tp., -containing 116 and 3 4 10ths acres with the usual ailowahee of six per cent. for roads &c., being lot,s Nos. 1 'arm 26 of the allotment of lands .of the Es tate of S. M. Fox dec'd, in Bingham tp., and part of Warrant No 1240, about Forty acres of which are improved, with one frame barn, env-frame bonse one log house and some fruit, trees thersah. .To be sold as the prop erty. of Lester Stone. • ALSO—A certain tract of land in Abbot tp, beginning at a poststanding 124 rodswest and, 7:/ and 8-10ths'rods S of the N fcorner of war rant No 5634, thence east 93 and 5-16ths rods to a corner. thence southerly by the'course of the road leading from Germania to New Ber gen to a post in the north line of lands belong ing to N B A &n. thence west 24 rods to rc corner, thence north 97 rods to place of be ginning, containing Fifty acres of land. more or less, with the usual allowance for ruads,be log farms NoS 5 & 6 of the allotment of lands of Wm Eadde and part of warrant :No 5631, about Ten acres of which are improved, with one log house and one log barn thereon. To be,sold as the property of H R. Zinuert and Paul Heimann. . ' ALSO—A tract of land in Pike tp; bound ed on the north by lot No 3 belorp4ng to Jos. Sunderlin, east and south by unseated lands. and west by lots No's Is and 22. containing. One' Hundred and Twenty-Six and Seven- Tenths acres, it being lot No. 10 and• part of 'Warrants No's 5122 and 5127, about Thirty acres of which are improved, with 1 saw-mill, 1 11 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 blacksmith shop and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Tonathan.Stevenson. ALSO—A tract of land in Allegany town- I ship, bounded on the north by lots No's '6l & 48 of the allotment of Fox lands in said tp, east, south and west by unseated Ihrids of said estate, being lot No 62 of the aforesaid allot ment, containing Ninety -Nine and. One-Tenth acres, with the usual allowance of 6 per cent. for roads, and being part Of warrant No 1828. about Sixty acres of which-'are improVed,with i long house, .1 log barn, and some fruit trees 'thereon. To be sold at the property of Oscar Seeor. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in'Whai- ton township, bounded north by lands late of Jonathan Card, Levi P. Card ,and G. W. P. Card, east by J.,L. Nelson and south" and west by the Sinnemahoning creek, containing about 'three acres of land -- : ALSOOrie other lot being an undivided half part of one acre of land in Wharton tp, described :is fpllows: commencing on the bank of the Sinnemaho ning creek six rods above the saw mill built ' by the Card's, thence about four or five todi to the gut thereon, southeast along the gut far enough to make - an acre, theni-e westerly to the bank of the creek, thence up the creek to the place of beginnine. containing One acre of improved land, on which are one saw. mill and one frame dwelling house: To be sold as the property,of 'Jesse Carman. Sen. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in' the village of Lymansville,Eulnlia tp. bounded on the north by the Lycoming and , Potter; Turnpike road, on the east by the highway leading to Ayres' Hill, on tha south by lands of Nathan Woodcock, and west by lands of, Woodcock and Starkwether, containing and J 8-10ths acres , more or less, ail of which is improved, with one fradie house. two frarm, I barns, other outhouses, a good apple orchard and other fruit trees then on To :be sold as the property of Jonalmn Glase . ALSO—AII those gix certain tracts. iiirees or parcels of land situate in Me ;?iid Llecto`r I townships, being lotkry - warrant.;:nos..sl24 5123, 5124, 5125, 5126, 5127. and conveed .by Patents from the Commonwealth of Penni aylvania to John Nicholson. dated the 291 h 4 :30th days of April, 1794, and named Darby! Goshen Saint Thoma=Concord Fairfax A. ft•chi mond, and each tract containing L 099 Acres( or 6594 acres in all, and . being the same conveyed by.Johu Nict - olson and Han milt his wife by deed dated the 18th day-of MArcb. Al D. 1795, to John Ashley, and recorded anion the land records of Potter count in Deed Book' B, eage 147 &e. excepting one piece contain-4 trig 100 acres. heretofore cOnvesed to E.S.Mor-i ion, one piece containing.3o and :1 acres con veyed to S. H. Martin, and one piede contain-' lag 72 and iths acres conveyed to Wm McDou gall, upon which lands there are several im- 1 provements; viz: , I One of about 30 acres, with a frame hou;e; frame bard, black pith shop; saw mill, out buildings; and somefruit trees thereon.. Another of nbout, 20 acres cleared, with ,! "frame hbuse", board shanty and some 'fruit? trees thereon: Another of abon' 35 acres cleared, :with three: frame-houses, 1 saw-mill, 11 barn anti other outbuildings and some fru:t trees thereon Another of about 50 acres cleared, with 1 Dame house, 1 frame barn and some , Another about 85 acres cleared land. 4 tram hoes s, 3 frame barns, 1 saw!-mil, some outhouses and fruit trees thereon: I • . Another Of about 12 acres cleared laird. and fmmeloise thereon. Another of about 50 acres cleared land,Witb 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 log house. 1 board, barn, and fruit trees thereon. Another of about 12 acres cleared land. Another of about 50 acres cleared land,with 1 frame house, 1 log house, apd fruit trees (hereon. I _ , , 0 . Another of about 15 acres of cleared land, with houses, 1 llog 'stable and other out houses thereon. To be sold as the property of Hunsieker and Garlock. ALSO-i—A certain tract of land situate in Oswayo tp., being part of a tract of land eel.). veyed by; Phineas P. Morris, gyantee of the Bingham Estate, to the 'said Samuel P. Ly- man 'by deed duly recorded in the Clerk's Office in. Potter Co.: described as follows: , Beginting at a stake at a distance of' 16 chains 31 links west from the south-west cm, air of slot of land owned and occupied as a farm by N. C. Goff, thence; running west 18 'chains 70 links to a stake, - thence north 30 chains 50 links to a stake near the highway, thence east 18 chains 70 links to a stake, thence south 30 chains 50 links to the place ofrbeginning, containing 'Fifty-Seven acres and Five rods of land,. more or less. To be sold as the property of Ernst Leo and Mari Leo. - ALSO—A .certiin tract of land situate in Pswayo tp., b eine part of a tract, of land con= ;eyed,by Phineas P. Morris,l grantee of the Bingham .Estate, to Samuel 'P. Lyman. by deed.,duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of Potter Co., and described as follows : Begin ning in the centre of the Oswayo Village Plank . Road 3 chains-62 links west of the month-east corner of the farm' owned and-ec- *sited . by N. C. Goff; thence running south IV vest 16 chains 34 links along centre of said Plank Road,. thence South 46°, 19 west 2ehaiis 37 links-tarthe juncliontif the Eleven • Mile Branchtif 'the_ Oswayo - Village Plant TtOtid, - thenci4est 26 dka ins-15 to a stake, thence north 14 - N ehains 95 iinke to the south-west corner of N C. Goff's farm, thence east 36 chains 22 links to the place of begin ning, containing - Fort,y.;Slx and three quarters acres of land. To be sold as the property of Joseph Stevenson and ! ..Altagail Stevenson. „ ALSO p . A. lot of land in Genesee t, com mencing at a post in the . south-east corner of lot,No: 73 of . the allotment Of lands of S. 31. Fox, deed, •thence by south - line'ofh said lot south 87 and 3-4ths degrees east 107 and' 5-10ths perches, thence.east along south line of lot No. _7l 137 and 3-10ths perches, thence along west line of . lot No 64 and lands of Bingham Estate south 234 • ands 4-10 tbs perches, thence, by land of tsingham Estate west 244 and 8-10ths perches, thence Donh! by lands of Bingham Estate and line of lot ; NO 73 ?33 and . 3 - -1011 ts perches to place of beginning containing 337 acres with the usual allowance of six per cent. for roads,bt:ing lot No. 72 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Genesee tp. and part of warrants Nos.. 18421 and 1843, about Fifty-Five aches of which ; are improved, with two frame houses, one board shanty, m.e frame barn, two log' barns,' and some fruit trees thereon. To be Sold asl the property of John Rooney. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Eulalia tp., bounded on the north by unseated lands, east by lands of Riley Ives and Linus Walker, south by lot of land called 13argrave's Lot, and west by lands of Yates Anson, con taining One Bandied anc Twelve Ares of land, of which about seventy acres are im proved; with one frame lions°, one frame barn, one small board _hoase and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Al;eri Jordan. ALSO—A certain tract of land beginning at a . post corner of lot No. 27 of the allotment of lands. in Bingham tp., in the east line of Genesee tp., thence by said line north 3° east 28.2 perches, thence by lines of lot No. 61 Genesee tp. west 12 and 8-10ths perches, and north i° east 137 perches to:the south line'Of the State line of N Y., thence by said line south 88° east 103 Sr 4-10 perches to!the N.W. corner of lot No. 349 con% eyed by Trustees of Bingham Estate to JeSse Lane. thence by lines, of said lot south 49 and 2-10ths perches and-I east, thence by lines of lots Nos. 123 and 25 south 109 and 7-10ths . to the north-eaSt cor ner f lot No. 27 aforesaid, thence by north line of said PA west 116 and 1-10th perches, to the place of beginning, co , ltaining 112 and' 7-10ths acres more or less, with the usual ' allowance of six per cent. for roads &c., lots Nos. 1 and 26 of the allotment of lands ' of Estate of S B. Fox. dee'd and part of war- rants Nos. 1240 and 1258, about Forty-Five acres of which ate improved. with one frame house, one frame burn and a good apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Aruasa Robbins. ALSO—A certain tract Of land bounded on the north by lots Nos. 36 and 9 of the allot ment of lands of Oswayo tp. and lut No. 8 of Hebron tp., on the east by lots Nos 9, 8 and 144 aforesaid, on the south by lots Nos. 9 and 5 of Hebron tp., and on the west by lot No. 5 of Hebron tp. and lot - No. 36 of °sway° tp., containing One Hundred and' Twelve and three-tenths acres Inure or less with the usual allowance of six percent. for roads &c., being lots Nos. G and 7 of the allotment of lands of the Estate'of S. M. Fos., decd, in Hebron tp . and part of warrant No. 1859, about Fifty acres of which are improved, with one frame lonise, one frame barn, other out-buildings. and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Horace M. Rathbone. • ALSO—A certain tract of land bounced as follows : Beginning in the east line of the Kettting lauds being the. N E coiner of the lot -urvey ed to I. CI Allen. thence tiorh 97 rod, to The :.parks' Lot vete occupied by Austin ti,enee nest 212 rods to a corner. thence ..“uth by Newbold lailas , 7 rods to the N corner of the Allen lot. -thence east 212 rods to I lee of b'eginning, containing One flun. dred and l'wenty -eight and Five-tepths ams; being lot No S of the allotment of Neatirm hinds in Clara tp ,'and port of wo•rrant No 3-141 i; about sixty acres of nhieb are improved with three frame Douses, one frame bait: ana l owe front trees Thereon. To be =old as the' properly of F. P. Brooks. • .AL:2(3-LA certain in:et of land situate, in Alleg,,tny tp..described as follows: Beginning ,it a post the N E corner of lot No 105 of the ollniment of lands of S. Ross, in the sol.llll line of lot No 83 of die allotment afote..iakid conveed to Isaac Quick. thence by lines ~f said lot east 79 and 6-10ths of a perch and north ).,° west 47 perches to the S toner of lot No 94. thence by south line of said lot south 89.1° east 69 and 3-10ths of a perch to the N IV corner tf hot No 107, thence by west line of said lot and by lots Nos 121 and 140 of the allotment - of lands of George, For and S. Ross south '149 and 1-10th of a .perch, thence by lines or lots Nos 140 and 139 of last mentioned allotment west 140 and 7-10ths of aperch to the east line 'of lot No 105 athre said, thence by said line north 111 and 6 -toth s lof a perch to the place of beginning, contain. ing One Hundred and Eighty and Five-tenths acres, more or lest. with the usual allowance of six,per cent. for roads &c., being lot No 106 of the allotment of lands- of S. Ross in Allegany tp. and parts of warrants Nos. 1205 and 1302. twenty acres of which are improved With one frame house and one game barn thereon. To be sold as the property of Thos. M. Nicholson, Eliza Ann Nicholson a emu, Nicholson and Orpha Nicholson, terra to ts. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Enlalia and Sweden tps., beginning at the NE corner of lot couveye,d by John Keating & Co" to Jacob B. Vannatter, thence north 85 perches to a post. thence east 106 perches to the N W Corner of land conveyed to Benj. T. Buzsie J. Keating ik Co.. thence south S 5 perches to the S W corner of said Hoxsie's lot, thence 'vest 106 perches to the place of beginning:. containing Fiftp•Six and Three-Tenths acres More or less, being lot No 97 of the allotment (if John Kei,ting & Co 's lands in Eulalia tp. and part of warrant No 2124 about eighteen acres of which are improN ed; with one fraro, douse, one log earn and some fruit trees there on. To be sold as the 'property of Amos Clark. •1 ALSO—A certain tract of land commenc ing at a post in the east line of No 42 of allot ment of Bingham lands in Sweden tp., thence northerly 183 and 2-10ths perches; thence east along south line of No 83, 149 and 4-10th, perches, thence along west line of No 50, 8 , and 6-10ths perches, thence along line of roan S. 47° west 95 perches south,36° west 54 and 5-10ths perches, th6nce by Bingham land, west 56 perches to place of , beginning. co• , taining One Hundred and Thirty-Four and Eight-Tenths acres, being lets :Nos 61, 62 and 80 of the allotment of the Bingham hinds in .aid tp. and part of 'warrants Nos. 2052 and 2085 about Fifty acres of which are im- proved. with tw•o log houses, one frame'barn and some fruit trees thereon.' et be sold as the property AC Aylesivorth ALSO—A certain . tract of land situate in thii Borough, of Coudersport and knon - n on the Town Plot thereof as lot No 74 on square NU'5. Bounded on the north by land of C Mnning.on the east by street, on the south byllands of E. Wright, and on tho webt by 3fes; Ftlinintr containing - 32 - perched of ground, more or less, on which are O'rected . one frame bbitse Mid one frame, barn. 'To be sold as the prOperty of .C: Aylesivorth., '- ALSO- - -LA. certain tract of-land sittiate the vilfage of , Sunderlinville. in. Hector tp., Ontinded as follows': On the north by.; . landls'r of Dailiel Sunderlin and Nellie Liachion the west by latndi of :George Laririson, on the south by .lands of Joseph Sunderlin and on the cast by the highway running:.thro-•,gh thel village of Sunderlinville, containing about] three acres iinproved laud, - with one frame , house, one frame hog-pen.and one log stable thereon. To be'Sold as the property of C. W. , . ALSQA certain tract ofland beginning at a post 'corner standing in the'south line of W. T. Lane's land and the north-east earner of a lot sold by the °stray° 'Lumbering Associa.l tinn to James H. Wright, thence . b,y a line ofi surveys east two hundred and twelveptrches to a post corner in the west line of Josephl knight's land, thence by said line and Wes-! ton At . - Mercerean's land south - one hundred I and Set•Cnty-seven perches to a post corner, thence along the line of Weston & Mercereau's land west two hundred and twelve perches to a post corner, thence along the line of James H Wright's land north 107 p'rebes t 6 the place of oeginning, containing 234 acres strict measure, being part of Warrants 5855 & 5878:- in Sharon tp. unimproved:A_LBo,--Anotlier lot described as follows: Beginning at thei south-west corner of Petet B Deidrick's land in t. arrant No. 5867 in Slinr. , n tp and beinc the north-east corner of a lot owned by Fred-; crick S. Martin. of Olean. thence by the line / of said Martin's lot west 338 perches to a post corner : being the corner .of L. H. K. , nney s land. thence by said land and other lauds! north 137 perches to a post corner, thence east 216 perches alone the south thin of lands of M. A. Nichols and others, thence by the line of M 4 Nichols land and other lands north ,148 perches to a post corner in the line of the State of 'New' York. thence along said line east 130 perches to the north-east *Jorner of Peter B. Dcdrick's land in said warrant No. 586, thence by the east line of said iGt. south 310 perches to the place of beginning, con-., tainiug Four Hundred and Fifteen acres strict measure, being the same land cOnveyed to Peter B. Deidrick by Elisha Mix and others by deed bearing date Januar) .6, 1844 in war rant,No. 5867, all unimproved. To be sold as the property of Peter B. Deidrick. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate id tp, beginning at a post on the cast line of lot: No 272 surveyed to Sylvester Wright, thence partly along said line north 110 perches to a post, thence east 44 perches to a post on the west lino of John Reed's: lot, now Samuel Thompson's),thence south along said line 110 perches to a post 14 perches south or'the S Vu corner of said Jotra'Reed'sl lot. thence west 44 perches to the place ofi beeinning.contaming Thirty acres and Twen ,y One Hundredths of an acre strict measure more or less, being, lot No 353 of the sub-di vision of the lands of the . Bingham Estate in Eulalia tp. and, part of tvarrant No 2079; about twenty acres of which are improved, with one frame house, one r . table atd some fruit trees thereon. To be `old as We property of Adelia 11. Howard.. • ALSO—A'certain tract of land situate in .11 1 Pvany tp., bounded on the north by lands of Hastings Morley. on the east b' same, and on to: south and west by lands of Isaac Qtiick containing. Fifty acres. about twenty of which re improvl d, with on frame barn, one log house and some fruit trees thereon. To be. sold as the property of L B. Morley.-,-----ALSO —Another tract of lard in same tp.. bounded on the north bv lands of L. B. Morley and P. Baker. on :Cie east by L. B.,Murley. on 'the -adith by lands of Levi Moore and the hightVay, and on the west by lands of Stephen Darling, alociut Two HuridreA and Twenty • which about sixty nom? are 'mprdved ,sith two frame houses, one log house, one frame' barn and some fruit trees thereon. ! To he :old as tl.e property of Isaac Quick. certain tract of land bounded as t.illows: Beginning at a corner in east line of Keating lands, being S E corner of lot sur veyed to M. Actarus. thence west 2(17 rods to a corner thence south 31. 1 2 ° west 71 rodS to p•st Cotner, thence east 243 rods to a post .n east line of Keating lai ls. thence north 60" rods to place of beginning. containing Eighty- Two and Four-Tenths acres, nd _being. lot No 33 of the allotment of Keating lands in Clara tp. and pan of warrant No 2208. about fOrty :.cres of which are improved, with one frame house, one frame barn, and some fruit trees hereon. To be• sold as the property of 1. D. Staysa. ALSO—A certain tract of larld.siturith in Tp and bore of Coudersport and ile i,eribed as follbws, to wit: beginning in the main road trom Coudersport to Lymansvilie. the N E corner of out lot No 10 thence south 713 rods to a post, - thence west 81 and 6.loths rods to.a post, thence south 43 rods to-a post. thence west 40 and C-10ths rods to :1 pOst thence south 32 rods to rt post, thence tresi 5G and 7-10ths rods to a post. thence north 76 rods to a post, thence n est.i32 rods to the S AV corner of out lot No 15. the,ce north 42 :in, 4-I , llls rods to t post in tbenialn by the toad to the place of beginning,ccintain ing 117 acres and being part of warrant n.:3. about 20 acres of which are improved, with a frame house, one frame barn. one frame horse harn.nnd two other frame buildings, and some fr uit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Joh n Crittenden. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate b ti lessee Tp, bounded on the north by lands of W A Whitley, east by lands of Elymus ;S Hull and W Lyon, south by lands of bencnii Pea: ce,and west bythe highway culled nest streets containing Sixty-tour square rid, of improved land, with one frame house.. To sold as the property= of Dwight Genung.: ALSO—A certain tract of land situate 'in Wharton Tp, hounded on the north by hithls iu posse,sioti Of Martin* Bartron, east by lands in possession of liensleys, south by lot in pos -e-sion of Stephen Horton, and west by the Sinnemahoning creek. containing"l9B 'acres. wiih usual allowance. of which about 60 acres are improved, %Vita one frame house. frame hart], fratne . shed, and fruit tiees thereon. To he sold as the property of Jnies Bartron. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate it , Hector Tp, bounded on the north, east, south , nd west by lands of .the Bingham estate, con ainitg fifty acres, about eicht, acres of which ;re itiTrovet., with one log - house thereoa. To he sold as the property of Sidney -Abbott ALSO—As certain tract of land situate in Cly,sses Tp; bounded on the north by lands,of Irene Itolleboth, east by lands of yred.Gridley, . south by lands of Asa Raymond and west 13y the highway and lands of Asa Raymond, con- mining. about twenty-five acres, with aboilt (13 acres improved. To be sold as the prp- ~ e rty of H. H. Guernsey. ALSO.—kcertain tract of land situate . in ElamsOn Tp, bounded north by- the highly:6- ending from the State road . to Major Lattees. fist by lands of Fred. Colton..south . by lands f Hiram Courtwright and west by the State ::ad; containing fifty-three . ncres, more orleek. bout fort; -three acres of which are improved. ith one lug house, one frame balm. one seinnil ()use, and , oule fruit trees . .thereon. _ fti 21., the . property of P. P. t..ray, girnishe'!. t John Davis. D. C. I.ARRABE, bberiti. Oondersport, Pa., May 20, 1606.- EUNICE JOHNSON, No. 54,5ept.T,1862 by hit nest friend. I, LitteL!xi Dlirctrce. EMIRAISI: E. - HOWE, - To'4*T. J.9bn? vs 'scin t respondent:pleai ALFRED T.JOHNSON.,, take - notice that a subpcena and alias stibpcena having'. been Isined bit a returned niClil, Sou. Alfred Ts John son, respondent, are rrcitified to appear at . ciiir nen term of Catirt to-r nsWer the,-complaints of your said wife, Ennite Johnson, and show, cause Why a divorce shbuld not be ovanted. D. C. LARRABEE, ' Sberiff. Sheri.Ts' Office. ItaylB, 1863. .j 1 . . . ! 1 - , , - ' Divorce 06tice: : • -':,;- • 1 AIANS ON' Ti 0 LI, : 'riot :430: 'S epi :- T,"l. 863.; .:" ~ . vs. - - T - I..itiel In Divorce. . - EM AE. HOLT.. Whereas, subpoena and 'dila." subprena 'bating been' issued in this case find returned Midi. YOu, Edna E.'-Holt, re spOndent, are hereby notified that libelant will maize application it, the nest Court of Common lileaS ih a.nd for the_ rciuniy,..or . Pot .,:for a divorce a vincula matrembni. at svhiell'tine — and place you can attend if you think proper. • _ D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. Sheriffs' Offiee,.Alay 18, 1863. Divorce Notice. I JL I t.A E. BABCO'CIi, ' 1 No. 58..5ept.T,1562 by next friend f Libel it DivOrce. SAMUEL 0 ROUSE, i IC erea:, :.. _ Vs. .. .. .Li and otitis i . tibp:cernt HBAYTON D.BABCOCK j having been issued and returned nihil Yon.Brayton D:Babcock,- respondent, are' hereby 'notified that libelant will make ap lieation at the next-Court of Cotnnion Pleas in and for tliiiaitaliaf.Potter fora divorce a iincuto matrimoni. at Nvllich time and place you can attend if you think firclper. D: C. LAIIRABEE, Sheriff. Sheriffs' Office, flay 18, 2.5*33. . ..: Auditor's Notice /VILE' subscriber hawing been appointed di tor - to.: distr :the"..proceeds of the sale of real estate in the' case of Gentroell....t Creswell vs. W. T Jones and A. F. JOnes,with notice to S. Ross and L. Stalfee. terre tenants. No. 150, June Term, 1832,. will attend to _the duties of said appointment on Saturday the of June pext,at the ProthOnotaries office in CouderspOrt. at '2 o'clock, P. 11. , when and tvliere those interested can attend if they ehoose. . 1 W. 13 GRAVES, Auditor. Coudersport, May 14,.1603. ' t Administrator's Sale: a y virtue of an order issued out of the Or phan's Court of POtter county, Penn'a; and to us directed, we Will expose to public sale or outcry. at the Court House in the Boro' of Coudersport, on; : . • ' TUESDAY. JUNE 16, 1863( at 1 o'clock, P: 11. 4 41 t • following real estate, described' as follows, to Wit : A certain tract - of land situate in SWederi tp., beginning at the south east corner of war rant No. 2133, ther;ce west one hundred and seventy-six perches:. thence northerly thirtyL five perches. thence westerly twelve perches I to the Potter and Lycoming turnpike, thence by said turnpike or" highway north Ynineteen degrees west forty-five and seven-tenths per-. cites, thence east TAY() hunched and Sevimteen and , five-tenth perches. - thence • south eighty perches to the place of beginning, Containing Ninety-Eight end Nine -Tenths acres; or there abouts,. about ten, acres improVed and on which are erected. one small house. one frame barn, and rattling water:on the lot.' Also, all that tract of land beginning, two hundred and fifty-three add a half perches west of the south -east coiner of warrant N0..1 2133 Thence west . tiro hundred and' sixty',. -3.x ; and five-tenths perctle:4,.thence north eighty] perches, thence east three .huadred !and two.' and five-tenths perches to the highway.theoce south nineteen degrees ,eaet forty'-five and seven-tenths perches 'thence west fifty-two and three-tenths perches, thence south thirty three and two-tenths perches to-the place of beginnim.,Containn:ig One Elun4zed and Forty Six and One-tenth acres Or thereabout , (this! lot is sold subject to a contractmade June 9, I 1355, by B. T. Hoxie in his life time to John Roberts for eighty-four acres of same) Forty acres of which are improved. with one small: dwelling house, one jog barn. and it spring of water thereon. Also. all that certain tract of land: hedin-.1 nine in .the centre of said highway eighty per-! ches north and two hundred and s:eventeen and live-tenths perches west of south east I corner of warrant No. 2111% thence west three! hundred and two. and .five-tenths perches,l thence north ~i ghty-Ttive perches. thence east two hundred and seventy-three perches to said] highway. thence sant!' nineeen degrees east ninety perche- to the place of begidninv.Con mining One Hundred an,. Fifty two and Nine.] tontl); acres, or therenauts, Thirty ,acres I which are,inr ioved ;and On Which are erected one small dwellinghouse, one g.rnnery, and ,prim of running water and some fr4it tree , thereon. • Also all that tract of land begirming sir a post standing' one hundred atol thirty- 0 ,, e perches north: a o 1 one hundred and forty l e;,es we s t o f south east corner of warrant No. 2133. thkmce west about ninety-two; perches to said•highway.thence N. nineteen degrees W. thirty-six perches.thenee east one hundred and six and nine-tenths perches, 'th-nee south thirty-four perehe- fn the place o f h e ; g i r ,„i n ,,. Containing Twenty Two. Acres. about Five acres ; improved, On which ; are erected one water saw-mill with good water-pokrei, and one small dweqing house: . J XV. 13lltD. Administri‘tor . of the estato of;13 T. dec'eaSed. •Sweden. May IS. 1863. • WOOLCARDING. The subscribers take this method to inform etistomers and the - pnbiie generally that continue the luisioese of Carding and Cloth-Lrefising at, their Old Stand at • ',- PERRYVILLE, POTTER COUNTY, .PESWA WOOL sent from a distance will be carded at theshorlest notice. Their work will •be.witi ranted to be done as 'well as at any other shop. We would also inform the public that ice have a deposit in Coudersport, where wool can be received for us to card. Wool left there, will be, returned there, in rolls iu two weeks. We are also prepared to manufactu're Wool by the yard, or on 'shares into CLOTH or FLANNEL. PERRY k HOLIES. _ Perryville, Pa.; May 11, UV?. , ' Auditor's' iotice.• ;' • undersigned Auditor to nnikie distri bution :the the proceeds of the sale of-Re:.l Estate' in the case of D,;orge' Fox. M. D Adms'r r.r Sala StYVVIIF, ofDec ; :, - ,Feini 1862, No. 58, will - attend to the . - duties of hi, appoinithent at the Protti6onfrirfs Whet': i;. Coudefsport, on' Saturday.' the' 30th •dny of Ma3' next. at one PI M. ThOse inter ested Will attend it flu,' th.;-nk H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor. .4 PONIFIER! The;••Big Thine op Snap, ;for. sale : STEBBINS' , BLOOM OF ROSES -Lfnr dies,—at STEBBLNS' x-roTipt is lierib - pgisafilisat,tligolldititsg, ' - 'l,ll I itriMed,2o.eisdits''did, - ,Ott the . ' dates:o4ol to their'nitnesi-fiie:thi aectitaitiOr their ad miniefrallad to_ the estates of these,-persorti, : deed,-, w,hOse names are niiderinetitioned, iii the titiice - Of ihe Hegiater of . proliitiet?olt wilts andlgrudting letters.ofaddlinisteation In and for the .count;. or P o tter,' and' that 'Lk iamb will lbe presented to'the - 0 1 'ilhatlf*C 0 uft ,c:lf said je.ountN for ,e di iCritiation , - md alloy%nce, on the 13th :lay of :Jane, at 10 a• a l '' a ! l i j le _Coutft House in said courtiA': -. ', , ' 4 ,..."' Sept. il, 186 2 . The .dual adeonnt'of_ft; w.• Benton, Administeatofaitd fbide:lo..ThOmii" son,lAdministrafrix of the Estate, of ,1 1 1!filis _Thortipsciml late of Jackson :Township, "d6cl ll . •• Dec:lB,l is6i_ The partial 'account 0C W.] W. ,Bird, Administrator of,the tstiee Cifjl3,l%. Haxie, lt4e of ,Swe t aim TotinshiP,,,tie6na'sed.i'z' January] 20, 1863. The final; accanit of .I.."Wi Freeman, Administrator ,Of the _tsttite of Rufus Al Freeman, late oflitekSoalo'fin.i shipOeceased. • . . - . ,..1 ,1 - January 1"23," 1863.. The , final account - ,ist Williain,Hoger.s,.Adminiitratorl and I f nciacTa Benton, Admieistratrix• of the - Estitte ,df George, ii..lllenten,. iate.Of Allegheny:Told ship, ;deceased. ~, . . , , Feb.. 23, 1 1863.. The accou n t, of Woolsey Buttiit, Administrator of the Estate of ititiris Ellis i llate ,ifilarrison Township,:deceaSed. . . -D. BAkER. Register. --',-, -- i I Adrnlnlistratot•A (Sate, _ I -Yi Virtue loran order issued ont of the (:1 , -•' L phan's! Court of Potter county. Penn'}, ', and to us 'directed, we .will expose to Aublic I safe ortutCry,at the Court House in thell3ort)'" of Coudersport, on • ... -, JS. ~ j TUESDS.Y, JUNE 16, 1863, ' at 1 o'clock, P. 31—the following real midge, described as follows, to wit: • - ' - A Certain: tract of land situate in the jown -ship of Eulttlia (now borough of Coudersport), county of Potter and State of Pennsylvania, Beginning, in she centre of :he road called,, ILiiit street at the north West torner Of Heitth's lot, thence east eight rods along the line of Heath's (now Hamilton's) lot heariog:north to a stone corner, thence north four,-rods, to -a stone corder, thence west ;parallel Willi thid lot of Ileath:(now Hamilton) tight rods to. a stone corner in the centre of Maitt street,thence south along ] the centre of said Main st. 4 rods to the place of heginning , containing thi rty-two rods of ground, b 3 the same, more'or less, on, which are erected a large LW - 6"-story carpenter shop with steam power, and one board kiln: , ALSO—Another piece or _parcel of -land, , situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter Co., Ph., being known' and designated on the! map of said Borough as-Villitge . Lots Nos - , S 9 and -146, lying east of the square known on ,I said niap as the -Peblic Square" containing' forty-eig,ht perches of grouod_tribre or less. , I ALSO- -Annther piece or parcel of land ' situate in the aforesaid Borough of Conders; port, tleginnlng at the paint where the public road .ending from Coudersport to Hebron' Township intersects the Main Street, thence running south or nearly soseventeen perchtJs and fifteen links to H. II Dent's , land. thence west cir nearly 10 along said Debt's labd eight' perch e and La toy links to ' stone earner thence north or nearly so along said Deitt's east lie nineteen perches and fifteen links to tht first mentioned road, thence along . said road ob the 'south side thereofhY iteseVeral coursei eight perches and twenty link's to the blace f beginning, containing 1 - acre: and 31 an T-Iotp: perches, on which - are one Fir,ge tsto story dwdling house, , is one. frame hot:), out-buildings, fruit trees, with runn i ng water thereon. ..) • —A lot of land, No, 35 on, themap lie Tp, Potter Co., Pa., containing one and twenty-three acres and six-tenths •T•e,ls:ing'Alart . 'of Warrants Nos 2054 1 :;ei of trhieh tweite acres are improved acres r chopped. 3—A tot of lena in Keatink.Tp, Potter coniaining one hundred acres, being I Warrants Nos, , 3969 and 4000, and d and described its .follOivs: post the Fodth eaSt , corner' of a lot d to Stephen Story, thenbe east o'n'e rod 4 to a post. ti)ence south . thirty , . ALtii of Eula eV au al aud'o , • d to -ILS Co., P. part oft bout - Wei fling at surrep bandrt rods to beech, thence a - pot, ) thence east Eight rods to a tienen north eighty i•oci to a post, - est eighty rods to a beeeh saplitig :lora) foriy-Ezx rods to a post.lilettee e hundred rod:s to 'A lietehl sapling in : I st line of the Story lot: thence sbdth thence tve , t o+ it, the by the place of ILSt Potter C being p'• as finli.l and fo west• of Ziatmert and six, dstodl to a lio4i beginnii AI SW ilea tint : isiid east line ninety-sixod7tbihe begiUning, unimproved. I . —Another lot Of tabd in Keatifigfp. o',, Pit.. containing eighty':acres, and )4rt ofiWart:abt No. 4012 and bounded vs: fieginaing at a post one hundred ty-nine ,rods south and thirty;'iOds the Isonth-west Corner of Charles man'Oot, khenLe south one huiided y rods-to . Atost, thence east eighty heed:l!, Ca . g, thence north 160 Lodi; t.-thence st SO rod.cto Ole plate of ng. untail7roved. . . . I—AMither lot of land inlifiO Ti.i. of. Co . Pa.. bounded as follows: forth iby linds of, Ste heti Story, on by As.. of Reuben 4.„Robeit.§, on On the the e,t- c by ilani4 of Wm. V. KBesting. • and lisid on thdwest by lands of E. - ronti.ini n 'Ay acres or thereabouts, fng part of Warrant 40011 i excepting rt orsliid lot of about 16 acres On the • e of -the Port Allegany and Shippen 'is lot is sold subject to a contract made eese, in his life-time. ki th a Mr: Sta... t o 1010 are erecteu one tavern house, s the;"Ftirest House." one large frame outi l buildmas made4tnown on the day,of Sale. ADIOS FRENCH. • . • HARRIET REES. J Atimsf'A of the Estate.of Eli Rees, deceased. rsPorl. May 11, :863. the -ou bauzh, and be that pa west s road, t by Eli than, known Term Coud IQF CAUSE'3 for tint in the Court of Elea'a of Potter county, at the Junt LIST "onlmob Term. Jon T Jon Metzger, . ' . .. !s & Bled vs . Geo W BradleY les & Bro vs J Bradlee, S Bradlee. &c. &Strong admsrs of Strong vs, WTJoites 1 . .. •. 1 . , . and 9} 4 tfo.tes 2es & Bro vs J M kilbourn • : • ill:tiler ! ' vs,John Mason 4- Geo. Marvin!hafferl vs H W May iintt•WM Smith V Stillinari vs Geo Stiliman. , Crd lvs John C Tanner - , .. Card lys Deremer ik-The mason 1 - ting & Co vs George ileitlii t LyMan vs ,Ghas Gbendler. . • . , •.. ton use of G W Gorun2 vs Haiiiy LOid 11 c,xecntois of John• Dwight itrifieli is Frederick Brooks' gaini. reau ,vs 1' B Dedrick - ... . . • . Potte'r Co. es Woodard Si L Shernia u• I 'son Vs -Win T Jones - . . t card 'vs Chester Whitakei • • • swayolvs Co. of Potter : tt ye !Wayne Bishop: vabaeherfor use. vs 4A2brabachtl ' y,Austin &. Co. vs SP RePtolds , , . I Warner As, John Boras ~. iWarner vs Jilin Burtis ,1 : no & Jones for use vs S P Reynolds' on &jones for tise vs. S•P , Reynold, vs Jona Glace and A.A.K.irby s use of G Smith .cs S P'Reyaalcfa 4. J. oIaiSTVP, Floih.'„y. 1.863 .: • '• • - I 1 W T Jot! ‘A m L & James SI ,Joseph 1 Fuller A Fuller S 1 'W V Re. ciavvell J a NlAin Luther J G Mo.(' Vom. us- Wm Burl Mxeet, Bt Tp. of 04 1.2. E Ilert Alex. RO M Dusenbe 1 Vary' Attt i Mary Ili' dAlnesr. M. nines; M Sweet V T Tone EMT kotittts, hike, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bags, Nonni hi Pus. Woolens, dtc. - Insects on Plazas, Fevfls: AniMalS, dhe. Put up iv 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes. Bot tle i I and Flanks; $8 a T iip sizes fotiloteir, Public 1 Inscitu "Free Poisons:ii • Mot dangerous to the Human Family." i•lts:s come out of ilseir holes to die." ***Sold lihoiesale in all like ***Sold by sill Hiuggists arid Retailers every:. • where.' i 11 Beware! I i of all worthless imita{iani *' that “Cosrates".narne is on each Box; *See; - Bottle and Flask, before you buy. , * * *Address II en r.le R. Costa r a t * * *Principal rievot 482 Broadway, N; YI * 4 .*Spid kt , . "-; '-; ', -., ,-. 7 , -- AI §tiirent,s, k Co., Wha1e .. .341e 4it lietiiil,SAttnit, qiu.dczsport, rd: NOTICE , is HEREBY given to delinquent Collectors 11 of Military TaxeS that, anlest the amount lora:103 commutationsFttowrliust by them, are !paid over to the County Treasurer by next iSePtendier Court, according to the aet tift Ist AP t t - j 18 ,M 3 280 thatSaislxonies.c4n,yepplillo to. Relief-Fund, : the ilupple went of said act, that it, will be my duty to notify the District Attorney in Writing of such neglect, whose duty it will thee be to collect rhefines,and penalties imposed - by.;la7. -, tile'followiag statertient'slrolii the itbaount dub freetlesevtrilltownshibsiiiihislyigade! Collector, of Keating for 18G0 '`s2 ud do Wharton do f , S 1 -do Sykaniti.: 1i0.:.:, - :".1„..,„ ,_ I It) . do• Bingham for 18G1 do - • Hector do 'do • PlvashntValley do tH do Roulo - Steivairdson do do , Sylvania do dti. •: Abbott fot 18.62 do • Allegany 'do • do' Bingham .do do Coudersport ; do do- , . ilo . do '' Hector do do Homer . . do. do Jackson' do ' do Roulet do 18 50 do Slvederr : 'do 2 31.) , do . SteWardsbii 9 00 , do Sylvania do 10 Obt,_ dit do- 4 75 do , Wharton do'r, , 899 The foregoing stuits amount to tiro huitlred rind nineteen dollars and twents4ohi scattered over twenty-three townships or already, in the Collectors hands ; one thing is certain, it Is notTaid 'nib the Treasurer. 1t should be cheerfully paid that it may be disk tributed where it belongs, to the needy farm, lies of our; neighbors now in actual service. It is confidently hoped that no farther actldn will be necessary to secure the prompt pay ment of, these taxes. - : _ JNO.II..KILDOURN. H Brigaide inspector 3d 8., 11th D., I% IL, Brigade hspector's Cffice, ". • • . Pike Ceritre, April 25. 1863 i,);4 J ;'N 0~, WHEREAS the lion. Robert G. White, President Judge, and the Hons. C. JoneS and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and General Jail] Deliv4y, QuaitirSeSsiOns ofFthe Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common :Pleaz for the County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the twenty-first day, of Feb., in the year. of oar Lord one thou.: sand eight hundred and siity-three,andio tue direhted,for holding a Court of Oyer and Term:'-, iner and General Jail Delitery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common. PleaS, in the Bdiatig;hbf Couders: port, ori MONDAY, the • 15th day of Jtin6' next, and to contititle.dnd, week : Notice is therefore hereby given to the COF; JuitiCes of the Peace and Constiblei Within the couiaty, that they be then and therh: in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, with thCir rolls, records,. dams. examinations, and other remetnbranCi.,, to do , those things which to their offices api pertain Vb be 00ne. c And those - who are bound by their recognizancei to prose Cure at-c_iviit the_prisonerg that are or shall be in the jailfett iaid County Of Patter; are to be then and e.ifit to prosecute 'against them as will be just. ' Dated at! f)VIIIERSPORT, May 5, 180, itr;a the 84th year ,of the Indept ndence of the-1 nitch &Mei of America. D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. Adminfitraitor's Notite. VITIIEItpAS. letters of adruidinistraunti : bn: tht estate of Thaddeus Darling,dee4 I?.te' of Allegany township. Potter Co., Pa.. Itiefe. been issued fia the subscribers in due fiiirtdoti law, notice is hereby given to all peitons, knowing theinselves indehted to said estatti toi Make initrediate payment).- and those hai'ink! claims will present [helm, duly'aullienticv2eil, for settlement. • A....DA.R.11NG, 1 A. G. PRESHO, f Adtit4s, Allegany, May. 5,, 1863 6w , ' LanAs Wanted. lit the Counties of Potter, McKean, Voga, - Cllr:tort - and Lytoming, good tillable, ing Lands, if suitable for Agriculture, n! Prices are low They will be purelaaied Lir Cash, or its equivalent. Address will] p. , •— ticulare. location. and, cl4rauter .of Lands, with survey, with' hiooki, or str.mrtk, through or near them, as, to title ic. and quantity of laand*c. For partieularF , addreE.:, 1 -A .ti: HOSKINS • P. 0 Box 1017. PhilaLielphia. Atialitirls Notice. pile' Undersigned .4..uclitor toinnt:e Uuiidn of the proceeds of the Sale • f Personal Prcperty in the case of A. cs Sala Stevens z'..nd B. I;', - Nichola...of Term 1862rN0. will ati'end td - the'Ocrics of his appointment at the Prctb;%noz.Lry's Office in Coudersport, on Se.turday. the 30:h .ity_sif gar t Co - ke interested will attend if the - y think prrptr. n :tor A dailnlstraloeviNolice. 'l - 7ETTERS of- adwinistratintr art the p ? - tarn 1 /' of, John. Hacker, late :of musses tp..ll4C'd. haying- bitea giainted ititbe initterirgireilatt: co, hereby_ given to all per:sow! indebted to s: inite that they Mast make .immedia,e fr t ylt all-pttiadtis against the same are requested th" Present "theta liquidatfoa. RACKET,. GEORGE W. ILICEET, j A Ltfs - 19;11163..„ litE, Lime, for sale at "'' .. i.~.. ..:y.__ _ _.. ~ 17 7:5 1*1 4 3 3,22 • 18 53 47_ 4 4 . 7 12 B'7 114" 28 GU 6 60 5 60 2G 83 2 37
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers