Letter. from Mr. Chase. The following is a correct copy of the We have further official accounts of letter'of Mr. Chase! l to the loyal National the operations on the lower Mississippi in League, in reapeee to their invitation to the report of the Navy Department made I by Admiral Farragut ' s Secretary On .....-. attend the Sumter meeting : the 27th ult. Admiral Fartagut, in his M. W. MeALAILNEY, Emote. , "WASHINGTON, April 9,1663. ~. : flag ship Hartford, engaged the batteries at Warrenton, three miles below Vielts- STATE CONVENTION'. my tinie compel we to deny myself the gratificationi of attending the meeting to burg passing Warrenton tritely. On the ..., 1 29th a karge laden with supplies came The Union State Committee have issued the' which you kindly invite me. down from lilitken's Bend During following call for a State Convention: "You will meet to bend words of cheer that morniug the Rebel wbartboat or bat• The loyal citizens of Penn.3l%ania, without to our bravegenerals and soldiers iu the distinction of party, who desire cordially to 1 tety . Vicksburg came flontrug down the unite iu amuuninitheN itional and State Ad-held: to rebuke treason in our midst, giv slreayr ; she had been dismantled and ministrations in their patriotic efforts to sup- I tog, iti the garb of peace, aid and comfort shandoned, drifted ashore and was burnt press a sectional and'unholy tebellson against Ito treason iu the panoply of war; to main* by the Rebels themselves the next ni , ht 1 the unity of the Republic and who daaire to, taiu tuviulate the integrity of the national On the 31st the Se-iced-11nd and Alba...support by eter,y power of the Goren:meta (, territory and the supremacy of the ['a loes heroic brethren in arms, who are brat mg I , 'tress, gunboats, joined the Admiral's fres-taonal constitution and laws ; to strength thee-Ise and the peril of the geld, to preserver eel, and the three proceeded down the t h e o nion of cur f at h er s, are reques t e d t o se len the hands and nerve the heart of the river. They looked for the wreck of the lect the number of delegates equal to the Leg- ` P residentP for the great work to which ludiauole, but were told that it had slid illativeti rep-eseetaon of the State, at such iGod and the people have called bite.- ()Tint() deep water and disappeared.Go• itoimlebseaandinT:futchhi,"'c'ani'l manner o3msweeit"i°neiSsttarteeronadVor what worthier purposes earl Anted 'log un to Grand Gulf, the Admiral tried 1 f ention P at Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the ert can citizens now assemble r the Rebel batteries-there, coursting of I day of Jul nest, at 11 o'clock. A. M., on chef "It is my fixed faith, gentlemen, that two or three heavy flues and a field bat.istid day to nominate candidates for the fidli- , God does not wean that this American tery. Our boats welt: -truck a few timee'tr- of Gus Lrnor and Judwe of the Suffrerm I republic shall perish. We are tried as Court and to take suth measures a- may be l l and one man ti as killed' thee was the onlybe fire, but our country will lire. Sot ' lecine'd sects-ary to sir-nztlom the Gaf'ern damage The boats :weltered bel o wwitlistandiug all the violence and all the went in this seaaoti of common - peril to a coin- i 1 GTatid Gulf for the night. Ou the .1-t , men country. C.P. 31.1.P.PLE. I machinations of traitors and their sen _ inst they went down to the mouth of 1 Chirtrman of the Union State Committee. Ipsitinztin., on this or the other bide of the lied River, de-green a great many flea! The folio 'in f .; resolution was adopted by I Atlantic, our country will live. boats on the route. They blockaded the; the Committee: 1 “And while our country Eves. slavery. Red litter until the 6th with no import), Re 5. 4 ,3, That it-be recommended to the f the chief source, and can-e, and agent of toe tt citiz,ens. of Fenn-y I% milt, r,itbout cl, f our ilia, writ die.' Tire friend, of the ant re-uir, when the% went ou to Bayou unction 01 party to organize in each election , - Sara, weere thte led the fish of the alis-Luzon in the :south, before rebellion, pe e oritt of the it_qate a 'Union Le ome for the sissippi with ten tbou-and -stns of Rebel purpose of o f-tainint: the Governateat in sup-, diczei the destruction or -slavery as a con cern At 3pm ot that day, the beat e pre n , thi e causeless and wicked rebillion sequence of eeceseien, if that madness e-tree to anchor eve „ e k e a b et , P en e, wLbt OA ...Cc Ls to diff de and destroy the shuuld prevail. Nothing in my judg , Ilud-au liatits.e-, i end the tees•enger " 1 ' ''''''' t went, is were c radii than the fultdaueot .11oatcci down in a :kill slurred the night oi these predeetious Sate in the States, --- 1. hn So ithern Sates do not belong t° before rebethou. from ell federal tuterfer-. with the retort of the trip The hearth r-Z.... :lets 11 t i , I•veeoats-- • therefore, a : of the equedron is geed. A di-pate., toe' .' '' 'EI- ^ • -. 7 ante, siayLry lf-as come out loin its site!-; WHICH DEMOCRATIC PARTY.l—Ex eincinnuti, giyieg further particulars ot• they tr ill not y mid to tile pt. him .. uece..ry under and ter. der ...tate constitutions and laws, to Gov. Wright of [urbane, began his re= Admiral Porter's ' eeilitut running of the consent- to Il h o i., ci ,,,,,_, law. , of erne! , ,ettani, assail the oatmeal life. It will surely spouse to a serenade in Philadelphia as l'iclet burg guentlet, sae-- there are now toe egok urn be dote for the m an d a j zt,ml-4 ate, fdereed by i.s iiwn fangs and seines. follows: eleven t e enaetete between I•teksburg aud tt em one in stets of teem ft is yet for:nem , •-11 bat' leaner ilnow how it dies ? "He remarked in opening that a few Port Hudson. The oaa e daparch.tates E° caoose the way, bet Cle result emus! c,-.e.- Whether as a con-quence or object of nights ago a promineut Democratiopoliii ehat a portion of the clew of the trans- Tes pee l er will Late it “Exanc.pation, in the war what warier .' Is ti.is a time to chic bad declared in the street, that if the p3rt hove (te e) ! (NVOICII Ud4 deStralt dl Lae -1 or.e.t tan,- Ler.- :tent eith is:, and z-ooa -pia Lairs of logic ? To me it seems country were ever to be eared the Demo were teen to get en o Nerd a fiat boat, ande' dr', ',- I s ee re: d et- fre dam meet be the teat Providence tadleatee clearly enough crane party was to be the saviour. He it is believed that all of them were Is-t. c rr , , -st-e o: tlo , rt '-l. a 1.1 „_ , Low the end of slavery must come. It 'had'a word or two to say about the Dern tit a c t anci t e i.0,..1 IVe underetotel, noel triter source., that; ma n r.,tist be so.t.itied. couies in rebel slave state., by tavatary or- ocretie party There are now a genuine . ;d e r, decree or procleamtioe, not tette die-, and a bogus Democrat:o party in the all the Clay a weir were saved. 1 - I C i [For tbe Journal.] I rec•nraej or set aside in any event as a 'country. and it was important to know We hare news from Newbern, N. C.,, I e to the 'net_ 11 hen the steamer left it ' land exemeed with which De Ttepresentetive A. G Geer-stet' is en nullity, but ne•:"tat'-' ' said party was meant when, • i 'he erirancht-iii):, it was (that • perfect good faith tu all t ,the country was to be! was matured that Gen. foster had re need to the tencere thanks of the tax eat- I calved are eutorcement .of .1,000 area, , era of Potter county. Ile ha. succeeded and it will come in loyal stave states by eared by it.' Thomas Jefferson was a, and had ~one with eite.o and a laree force: with the co (pee:atter of Senator Whamsthe unconstrained r..etion of tier people Democrat, a genuine Democrat. He had I President; by Prow N ew b era , rairt „ t , to of no g -a, in gettiag an act passed at the: and Oita leers.sturee, aided freely and :a !'ice Preent by the name of Burr. •e • , „ Lire t„ Rebels trout the „ e , „ .ee„e ee e . late sees:on of the Legislature releasing:brethren of the free Burr was inside the Dem•teratio or generously by their ganie lie had ordered a‘l the aeceell ermine, to tie payment of the judonient wilich the state s . I 'liar be wisteeeu in this, but zation and Ite was considered as good a Izate Newhern. T 1 eee eleitesh sympa- State held against Pe:ter county, for costs. if . 'I am another better way will be re- Deuwerat as Jefferson. Jackson was a thizers hate been recerving eunport from in the, famous or tether infamous Sharon reeled- • Democrat. He had Calhoun in his Cab the (internment In tariou. wars;e electuon ease. The judgment priteepal' - uut r Me.autime it seems to me very neces- net Calhoun was cinsidered a Dearo-.. leary to say dtstructly what many yet crat Stephen _S. Douglas wet a rep-e the. moment hey sow Gen_l'm ter's forces and tetereet amounted to about $2,400 - . lieleaued in bt the Rebel- anti .Newberu Mr- Oltueted was the Attorney of the;-brink from _seeing. The American eentatiee of the geutfic Democratic party. in danger, that aultd the I.l,cbek. by i l ly. i Commonwealth in this case and ha- net. blacks must be called in this connive, not John C. Bteekteridge was also in a Dew.: lag them all the leforn ation they cetifd, er riceried any thing Cue Is. , :s.crcice. and. aIL c.t.t.1.,, nnt now, `even, as coutrabausle. OCratle orgenintion It vroeld be well to and by making aeran •emen e. ter their, wee swatting thatraeruent of the judg. hot as Caen. In the tree states, and, by know whether the auditor allaned-to was,- hospitable reception m the event of teen- meet to secure his own fee. ' Of course the erode reattua, in the rebel statee, they a follower of Jackson. Jefferboo, or Don_-' talaug, the town. Tee Rebel batteries;he loses this for the benefit of the coon- are free men. The Attoruee General, to las, or was lie a follower of Burr, Calhoun' CO l'etulleo River hare beeu el.elted awe tv• Centraet this with the action of the an oettnen which fiches refutation, hits and leree e :nrialge. eApplenee ) When: educe:ea; by tear gone- its Gee. Here- Democratic leadere who have so much to Proeeuecel these freemen citizene uf the you hear wen talking: ahem the Dearo-1 Lila'a's brielde had arrived Irmo Pert say about the taxes which the people are gutted zeates Let tees' the example ot cratic carts stsviter this country, ask them'. Ilayal, and the reds: cf Can Foster': onlozed to pay, to save their Gorerameut Amirew Jeckeon, who did nut Lee:tate to whrtber they mean the eeituine or bogus' troops are so anxious to teture that they and country from being destroyed, by the eppate colored rearmente to Broesh tut a- Democratic party. There can he no true ejer ta re-enitet fur the war it trey eau very be friends of these leaders. And seea; be now f. al-lees:lt followed_ Let Demecret, but ti.e war Den:Jame ” (Ap , be-allotted to r, tern aide 0.-.. t under their tl.eu re:era:et that these very c3en snc-• Li' •''.e b . ..ie. 2 ".aeC , 1 1 1:::::d, fewihar with thepladee ) , i s 'MEV 111 1 tea commander. / ,cted al la tad.rene. tie alreade overt:ear- (remote, cepebie of pro endurance re l , berdened tax reettns of this eCunty with cows etateble uo. artre ore-erezatice, and; Three million sex hundred theusand, There is a peat: and directness of cur- tweet; tote- hundred deists tests in t ee. ea te e n- p ert _ eVe need melt- good wee dollar; worth oflinternal revenue stamp!'; T , se in an leeltr et G , a. Limit te Le: - , melee 1"..r tee • ureo-ed benefit of their per and gust make tt em our Oita& be ehow-, bare been avid UP to the Present month_ , , _Lama... flint beite tei e.eef to euerrilia- - - . 2. • .., tv. And .urther that they have never lag ourae.Yes iii :r ft,. ado We must usree ne month of March 5 300,6110- D • t• Lod met , ra Lfa the fr, stet n berier of Mi.- ! e t e e e a - better to save it-heir a t ~e , „‘ , Lave them for guide:, 1131 '''eslut ,2 l for ail' penult's were ceined at the Pt 't ' - e.auelphia , eetari Ali e• tornel- atil outi-V.T. are':' ,: , • trash wrung_. --rt-ee e ca :u or nerd ce• w'd • t ' be el- , ated rut it ,en t-k et nri-oner tte - . r ' a t l ' e ejrma ' 2"32 " uf tv-set eeP'e ' - - . ." P ' ' L ' ‘h 31v ' ll ' BY whc l au have they a.:l been ab e -.rid Oita -erl a: tl en-wise remember t etv are q learsed IliU2s em ,J ed. frutu .orned 1 - are um. to be trea'cd es. bill.eir. ot-, tea, t , c • 1 . ei sties NLII . - 'l3 td L 4 atton. a hoirdea thee eel beeo ...le a tesetert, atal , • ---Laetee tr mi ned witien then I.:z.txa I . .." The Nets Yore: city banks now hold • ' - nom ,„ . ; ..., a hezzerd-, erlC4it, Lz., aed 'ether:. uf ti'e , Paints Oil-. Llc- -z._11,-E th.! Got-et-nee; t- ire to be . o wl, te : o.diere w. 1.1 he pi - tem:tie:sally di- nearly f ''' i F ti '"•'''''' m ' =1 1.1-•••2.1141 iv:cc een-ia-rei it sureent. Card L•a tee tee . as 'tares tie then would hula if they were - e Oar rces f-tm 1 - en•buree and belew L'''''•-l'e-. i I end et p=ored ,odes, he , , er etlii: ILP:::3 - .' r• continues e_od Six me re tra e.., rt , -5..4. , Will object; of caurze. There. meat, 'Z.. &pecte PY'Le° l --'• • •••r, - ; ; wadi, • b.n..12. at 17...,Tc!'n4 tioeetre Ste to h, ' Lt t tr,f,..arwta, and ~... . e _ ,ld _ , ,e _ . ea C , e eve been vac...es-fel in memos: tee, are :teeny. ek e -ei t e e to ever - thine peeeto A rebel htdy, recently arrested near - “a “" ." le ekaeles Tne Free Stone and •it. D cal. L.' exper• •nee ti spel horteet fears 11 - avitto•-ton, on bur way to Dixie. hul l d.:: g 7 they rels . ti ::i be she:. _ . - Hive tonk two double -dept gat b ea. =eel refute eaptiaes or .1.-leyal cavil 5311.0 1 0 111 treaeury 6 percent eertitcates. Fieer Rel.ti reeerte re 1. ear cf the fee: thr.eoeh the Duekeowt Cr... ( al. Three "-kbere a . ..a ireettle'een. let no doubt quilted in her underclothes. I CAST T ,E, ti.5.zue,.0 , 1% , : t..e :tint Q :era of the t'l est. besett are capable of carre i rig one then-end rest on .e.- ree•huteni to SU.:SiD, with ail The . „ ~e ycf., rt i on i 1 Tz.e iitt., uad ee. Le: it. nrearete ir,e. :nen ezeh Trete•tt wte have return_d .•ur leen, :led weta ail car means. the e - Ptrwtz4. werne- -4 --- ' 1 , , Loon , hare firmed a Loyat League. wtth . and tea Ler - tl - ",ea =1 taus Red Ricer feort o.e YaZ."O exe-aiti s T• he' - ' -' n e „ , re e e „. tl _a- .. ti wis at. 5.... .....r tue TepUla..ti -,, a _, _ . Spongeci -or azo-1.4 i U,' X ei.a...1......1:-;.• Gi.....iu 1....,..e. fin ler 0...-: colon ard of G?fo TV L-cd,, %ewe Let t l -e:r ranits be Eli.d np: let their ..,!' reels Ur alal . og ' bY al` for m a - eni in t e supprseon cf the re 11-re el e kVA., lots.. db e lee Bees, We i e. atteelosd b.% Bve Gen. Dedeeiota. -..• -t he enseteet and reeular ; le• '''''''t power, In te .., . a t : •-- • b de Gain whet:! is nea exploeno tee 1.')...\ ~ ,a part i' .I.e corn:and of .11-Gen_ Gen purl- t.t"'r ray be -ore- Let 0 - 0 -tin"' be went- .00. Vials and Te.' , :e rezio.: . she i.-fu : I tt,.i•_,uf. d al,ti br. at 8....... r ,':. eh,. end •driten e.,,utee e el e 1 . 1::. t , ' ta, -: which ran in-ure activity The Eiaa:ish rapers etete that er.e ray wee az,acf...l, by Lar e el:reset teeals me te Cracey Creek aed et:lett:ter_ Let each brave •_•••••.,eer al pt-ate on Ile Prince of Waive' rearresee weie., eel the ease :t -stunt tj tl,:var a aed it te reefsze that his ceeutry'e lure hreaktest of was of the valve of ten t enel: lee.) ',..i.r eed taew le r ue. 0 e Ad t pat en frem St. Line Amt ?A e'en Iv him. end that bus c eatert s h 'nee nitiltene 01 ti Alen , : , • Lueelleti .4 ,., 1 „ ea itez,... Dee„,, ee, lac.a . i reeerte t=oe defeat of the Rebel Gen Mar- hang uptiti hint' amid_ in -1 tr--3 • by tee• i .. Hereaft . er allpersoms arrested for cele• jet: , s. „ c „ , ~., e., ~ ,.:e, . ..„.. ,, , ,i ~'& •ce, ....., ~,.e e c „ p _ treduke He atteeked Gen 31eNeil at :Lee , I.t. le; Lim Care and do 2.11 that is 1 - , - ...yet eenteteetret, and Jerkin' , to take the te..k.a. A ....C; iu ....:i....e1 , le Cepa Tu.- Cape Guards t, .Mo .on Saturday. with Feeable to be dared sod done. egth et ailete:acce wit' -. t• .• b ner.tLe eeete.e...ter e: tee Iteesel dtet Geetett men. but wa- 1 aedeetuely rerul-tel • en ) , gent : wee p w an t bay- - —r ' n.' 2 ”; nen its •ne re • , a tee .e.sstrig c; e f e ee,,•._ 1- • A; 1.. e ti...1%.e :Lee tee ilslisn, ne.ue eerd after 'Larne beure I - 113 rd hz-lr'lac" McNeil G.A. win we make a , r'erton. fatare sure "- ' presaL,l, ve:ae:-....e beret diets et-el/set "' I " se en t- re'd ;' he Las two gent:teats I -ee it t een e r b e t - ere - me -h e , b ee , e ,ie e i i Amece the priseners captured by the; e P.eO.J. ' made. and is ceeedent that he iv ii arre'n at i ers.cd: 'ln .re 1 . net t ie eto spea k neneo reset-eeta h; JaCkott‘li:e. W.` a oon- l ~, t r. „.,;1uz.z...?. f.,....1., 4., ~....„. z„..e. be,.. ~."... whip the R- be'e , if they e-entu-e enother •• fit cew : I_t free. all q- atter= of the to 15%. cf that r.°t " --rt `fas tr2it'Jr and'aces 3:tael- X. et;l1 later di. tee este. he: a'- ' d • - tt eLethed ti.'ef . l ees' F' rc-elved ea fe 1-:tor catioa or it-irendLu 7 ,,,.i ~,i j„ ...1 ~,.., , Pa ,- e ; 4- eu-1..L -'' voce cf zt '''' 5- ' l.€l- ` 2l ' ecmP-- '` ' b - ' ): • id Um )a re. te-nt se. .s. te here been •" a - - ....- - u. `'''''' ' '''' ''' ' - l'e• reb- s e:ag tzretf-. 13 , denoune'en The RieLeeeed Eee • - --- ." ....,u1 ei pe.......nen.„y titer Mara adule e., in rerreae-bet tni• .re-- ea se .I nr 'et- ; e 1 •-.•; •'' I - t o ss - a_ - - „ne the 1d3.1'....0.2 aaa' why Cca-Veilende-Lam te: Co . eta twsta•revel de.res L Addie-on. for :fir- revers to refer to he dr-e eche. (tar Las eeter et ' ree-' 0 ;-- e-ei - th- H ~ 1 • ~ t han eeren stn ae•hae: tt.dPuristaes and go ty eters. a c‘e.e pa :lie War Deeeztmene , se e . ; te t e t oes l e an oe ko' • e ,- - '-: - to - '- t '-'-'' - ' 3 - ...e s e a in-p rest Z.n..3 Lt :he ptorle, :or o,e eake to "..' .'-e - - :- • h and reeetary teeef Cern in • zee Asijaraet trem e o e t -e-ae . . za.....e. teM of ;Le Unita, ~,. the Imre. pre:l:tee . f tsz: .- 1 , terve:are ennet. end "e'e bletheat. le.') is .ee e . elet„ - .- Toe l're-elent eas infermed the dele caret eilia la :h. Pee-. a Bareao Sr, teo.- Gen_ Bern-iie cis - ='.. - -- -,-- •r- -,," -' e '''''' r _....-..ty „ r „,....,... —Leer it'eill er „ ,...„: re.,....e.z .. Tzur.z. Ter. tre,.. eseatioa ef ce,rekeze. Whee we red upon him, eute cite eerrets. lt a -es. Le'r c: tlehe. r editieri t o Ceiine, Tenn.. hererefeee CO. 1 • ' r ..s . p. ca .,.., .: teat be ea cc. arterettee in the xi after' • Marene a ratt.l , tt • if the t.i.s.;e . leii.-e tieed. '3''' • erX•reles'eeeeeerul o'll'lre-one* . . ... exeetta.ats uc'ter the Car...eremien dasi e eter e lec.. Les Lr a !„.r..t, a a e se e , ae...rr e e e d ze e to l en , eite e e t eet pc„ara . .... c f Pa a erivate utter Lee, meanyine tee Ace. • - "' _ • C41..: ,. .a/O•) I; 1' 1: :a.l-0-1,. ne.-etz -re /tee t'' - i te:4 - ) ba.h cere amid vtleeet. Ir , -) stove 3.1 r. Ceeae re the tee. wins wiftai., Ltd f r te, te.-- If t.e ate Ili's allielv. ICtO bbl- four.l • " • I- ' " censeetre.- tea niter of werca n ay wee. oa atter:ed. . e' „ The cereeer I tip DONT SO exten.ively ;e. • .....n dto calae :van Lz-sin-t .h..---e itle tereetto:ty of cagy co -- et. tee stied steed fer elditiren'• sees are menuface ° • es: 7...-. :et by every L a v a l Netienti League terra Le " e• et zro,t,o...itatee. Three million wee. ene ate- eee tat pr.a.etey tertee e and ether eteres, and -tO beeets vibieh bed - . ; • • up, eseateet -•ere.? :.- but vreste ate:i.e. oeen meed re teaesp.teeingeanplise T.e• te ice :ate : . pairs of ttee, are vented oat •ereecally at Reteee rezerc a lass of a t e - .l „ ;:eei We -What slid the Boman order wl-ea the factor:F. ' 'N. Aertymetot lazue•biie. peeled up ;e t ee ... ' -• ' -- '•': C-d.ltae erneei azseest biz country : -Let In ' • ' ea ens weer:lei ana vee metarce. Tone great and nen state ef I:Ho:Ai i Ment'e zed . •••• ter Seeeee catee. dematti I 111,-S.: e.....e.1e ream tle_eke ceneera;nee the .R.>- - - ' • , - .=,-,...1 negr , ... r- , 2..r. trios -La. , :n miedemetteoes."! Dont rail t 4 i•Ercal cr eleed :" it is erideet that ek c`7-rr•e"-te r endeeet of the Trgstsee at ' ' • '' - : are:. ee .e.-er.rese epee. b.is foreheed.'" re ....: - r a._ ateeettnare cenetet of smeeng _ the peer „e e ~,,t ee. , ts , e e e e e ee , are Seffea, la . arresitte ee Thu-sday. says: ' ewe .1. . in it.: state as i-n,g as ren daP- No rebh-l. te keep the teelleers in fielitiee -I Ve It= enee'AJ'heee. -'"e • t he- 0 e "- . z ,.. ~ -to t o , t,Jr.. y ne 3. ....e. rt-- -- .a::scfc".t. NI- rfeeeebe as mer.,.: deed es eel:J.:tee- e-ir 1 -' ex:do:lee. ere en ad: si•-.? Of O-r,....recer tear_ Ti - is sip ..7- - ' " I ' ' , 2 4 - 1. are _etare et tr.e ea.:a:oder ig ... C:larl-i=e- They hare a ferce of fram tit tetrere in Ifeet cite embrssine e yet. . 1 7 rebel Fr'aers YD Ca*P tkr--'"Us. .1. STI .. The Etea 42 P--ee pet L....es a dee^ - " "el r e , e wet. , to -1t..).tV0 Men j• t. ~ el , - ' ' ".... 7." .."--' 4. ''' . • 1 h . 1 te=ge • ewe al ane rate of fifteen per ictit:c_ 1.2,...1 :L.,e Fz.,.z.3.z.„ in vex , . . was teea• ev- are..ae; c_ eiaat :ea parley tense.: .eat - ?lea es tet - e adept d&teen to;attack e- tne E'-. o ar ere eye :te. etc . arreuntiog CO ecette °33.• 3b at the serne numbm- take the brea :Fsz.r.y (I...Tee:ed. Ti ac bed ;all t.at they arose . in our peelers, thick-re; rt --, t'n --- i - 4. .-... se penzea. aze werth me-see tbso ;r..- , Lath of all.mtuee d'atly. Tie s.„.a.ii ... tool pri-er are, sari ....a::: T:iel.'.:''S of •r- n d ed '- ' - Ye / 0335E1t GI 3! . 0 na ice , cat rtv-erstr.x. their Ze.:4...y...r.:i prerans menu:4. _. .c ~- % %.r.., l _b Itt. e..-..ely error On thSS r.,...-4.1.7tc, th-ey pa:teed tat ter,- , i 1 I - ! The imsurreezim In Pe r ,etA. ecathzurs' ....4 Siler4- and anti- Ttaase. ' . Dffri'Zfe-get the Loyal Idnazie tnight.',:o tipreaci. NEWS ITEMS. • ITHE JOURNAL. Couderrort. Pa. . Wednesday,' Apr.. 29,1863. Tb = clueslion Properly Slated. t a meeting of the Union League of %Badelphia, on Monday evening, Match 234, the members were addressed by speakers from the Border States, whose words bad no uncertain sound. Adju tacit • General Baricinton -of Delaware, surd 4• The line' between loyalty_ and arty had been distinctly drawn. • vre: de mand of our; citizens that they "shall give up every thing which stands in the way of the Government. We would rather be called an! Abolitionist than submit to treason and !treachery againstthe Gov ernment. W . e have come to regard sla very as the cause of the rebellion, nod it, has never been a blessing to us nor any body else. ,We h.,ve found that i where slavery is: strong, rebellion is I strong. Ho was happy, be went on to say, to live in such's crisis. He thought that the nation would come out of the trial pu'er, brighter, holier, and without the stain of slavery upon the flag of the coun try." [Loud apoause.) - Colooel Wiliam', of Kent coun:y, was the next speaker.' He announced him self a slaveholder; but he expressed it as his opinion that the political condition of his State was caused by slavery. If the Union Could not be restored with sla very, then he would let his own negroes go, and thof;e of others. He. was willing that the Legislature of Delaware should, pass a measure for the abolition of slavery wtthout compensation. He would rather have the Unconditional abolition of ;sla very in Delaware than that another per. I son should pay for his slaves !. - , - NE Parthaeed doling the decMoo in Goo DRY !MI Ladies D Read p-la HATS BOOTS a GIGO PR OV } cßod Pane NO Wool, T-cv,i,nl NAILS, WOOD :het we can supply the to their sr.tfection :es MONEY than l an bn,had at 7.73T *the': House Ili Pottor, or a E==SCI of'i.ofts, a r.sw aza LE PURE Medicines; Glues. DS IM be F Ri 10331 E3IEI IMI t VZRY LO oal IN T 3 VOUD OD S panic an-d-gi4zi: m isi.liew York. OODS. Goods, lothing, APS. SHOES., MI ~Dfl NS, FEd RY. oods, S. , NFall-Papr, GLASS, N-WARE. a cap, feeling consdeat !nu of all on terms ing better Good 3 for oinitsg cotr.ttes. GROCERIES I. well-ktowa sip Hats & Caps, ; ete of RUGS, !Hardware, lf~ei►icalti,. DRUGSs: MEOICIATE 'Warn ishes Paints,, Cats, and Dye Staffs, Tozetber =RI; acme of t:st bet Stuffs KEROSENE .OIL; era=pe^cr tg the Oii. Creei. Tiaioate 'SOAP, LAMP 3: LAMP FIXINGS, Bottles A 1 5-o feertcore thut St.iperica CANDOR PLOWS, SLEIGH SHOES, GLASS, E . . 3.3511, PETTY, INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES, And otLerlinds of &e. ;HIGH WALL PAPER, WLVDOW CURTALVS Aed other artie! , . which time altme fp z. bids p= te n:entic•e,. :Ai of i trhich will be kei z the WAR PRICES will strizt:y Cr1:1 OM BATS . V znie:e4t. Ire take, the high et..arketpssczsillberita We are aio General Akentifr... DR. D_ JAYNE'S Family Mecifeires, DR. AYER'S 31edkity, • BRANDRETR'S Pills, : i• . RE - NNEDY'S Me , leaf RL , ecrsety, And all the standard Medinin of the day CALL AND SEE ! A. _ G. s. & E. A. ,JONES. and See ! _ I ' TS &CO ..ti... B. 'The pay- !or thi- GOckits roost tie 61 . : kirod liiErra the 47_4-cods eze der , ceiied,is 'ream -,- - dtterodoed to ETe :a ":!...e. • - ....XV.,13 of 1 1"44y as . . iN„Ecosiai arairr s =7:re. 7 .l. ....rtqlrazatil bs,re cm - bad be ez , ltit-d, it•-••zet ...r:Acly Or fear will iz,2 w-sed. tibia tfge • rsa - Dec 11: _ UK! JONES' COLUMN In GOODS AND SOMETHING ELSE: NEW !I T UE subscribers at their OLD STAND ON NAIN STREET, COUDE RSPORT, OTer to ihe;r old customers and the publia, generally for Cl.tsh, United State .Treaknrir Notes (which by the way are taken at i'ar,) Wheat, Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Butter,Chessei Hides, Pelts, Deer Skins, and all other kinds of Skins, sach as Calf Skins,.4., also, Basso, Bens, Yenison, and .fame bther things Ilist can't be thoag;at of, , A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS 'dr SHOES, DE ADS MADE CLOTHING PROVISIONS POCKET CUTLERY, STATIONMIY. READY-PAY!! El Iron, Nang,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers