ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 2541:6111Ifitrsi V 1 PaPeringke,For/d. V', EIGHTEENTH YEA/C. VOLUME VIII.-NEW SERIES. A I:1 ror yoltinannfthiS populor Journal coml. t wiw necteeif . Ott: the' fat of Jan "It Publish.' ea week)yond nom number contains sixteen psgei - if ittetilinforrnatiOn, - and from five lo ton original engravings of new inventions and discoveries, all of• which are prepared ex-, pressly for HS columns. To theqicelmdc ) and ilannfacturer.Nr; periorr eftgagedin any of the 'mebhanical or manufacturing pursuits should think of "do= ing without" the Scientific American. It sosts but six cents per week.; every number soqtains)frrini sir - tre'Acti flg'rfiLVingsACnei machines and inventions, which cannot, be found in any other publication. To the Inventor.—The Scientific American "is,indifpApnblfilo every inventor; as it • not only contains illustrited descriptions of near.; ly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an Official List of the Clitl'Msiof all. thoySents issued from the Unitmi States Pate& Kee &tiring ibe week provioo ; thus giving a correct history of 4110 progress of invention in this country.-- 2 WfAtt±3l43.oAcptving,,,the,beßSCientifiejour lisle of Great Britiaa;Yriinc6 and Germany; thus placing in our possession all that is trans piring in mechanical selence and art in the. 4 old countripti:,l I'VAludigontinnn to transfer to our columns copions extracts from these Journals of whaterfr we may deem of interest to our readers. , to the best =ode of obtaining Lkters Patent - on new in ',intim, is furnished free on application. Messrs. Munn & Lo. have acted as Patent *elicitors for ^More than: seventeen years ; in onnection with the phplickiou Of the Men -Slifka American, and they refer to 20,000 pat-. eaten for Whom they bare done business. ' No chargedu ,made for. examining sketches and models of new inventions and for advis ing inventors as to their patentability. Chemists Architects ..Millwribrqs and Far mers.—The Scientific Aniericanwill be found st. most useful to•them; All the new discoveries in the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the interests of the Atrchae s uktind : caroeater, are not, overlooked; ^stil - thihiew irtNientious and discoveries apper taining to these pursuits being published from week to week. Useful and practical inform- Liowsrta i ining to the interests of millwrights 'arid - inillowners will be found in the' Scien tific American, which information they can not possibly obtain• from any other source.— subjects in which faiimet:s are interested will be found dismissed in the Scientific Ameri tan ; and.mostmf.the improvements in agri eultureo inipltnients -being - ill?lstrated in its solumns _TERMS.—To mail subacribets ; Three Dol iittirlEir;'or'OnP- Dollar for.foer months.— The volumes commence on the first of Janua farlind, Specimen% copies will•be,sent gratis to any part of the country: •`.Westirn and Canadian money or Post-Office ,stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cana ieliisa will please ta remit .twenty- • live cents extra on each year's subscription to propayvottage. ; : - • SiIINN'& CO. Publishers, • 37 Park; Row, N. Y. THE PRIDE OF NEW YORI: Crawl Mirror—of - , -Am erica'', Genius "Correct with . spirit eloquent with ease, Intent to reason, or polite to please." The New York. Mercury. FOR THE NEW YEAR Ern . . , .. . . _ It is with no fear War's effect upon their literary fortunes, that the publishers of The New York Mercury acknowledge the unwav ering loyaltypft thp i - two hundred, thousand aubscribei% and tinnounce - to them and to all, that The New York Mercury for this year: (1863) will be richer in every luxury of Po lits,kileratttro than over before. It is nomp stilt' epeculation, no tettipOrMirtisensation, ' but , a first-class literary, weekly, which has been familiar to the 'United States for a quar ter 4-ei.centitry ; and while the wishy-waslay prints ',Elf - yesterdayare -cutting down iheir talent even while the.Y raise their subscription price, The Mew York Mercury maintains all its evell , t;taff of jlotoatacers, l Poets, -Humor ists, Essayists, Story-Tellers, and Editors,and promises to make it still greater for 1863. It is the one paper for every home. Its for ty columns : of-reading-matter per week con stitute•afr 'unpafalleled -conservatory of the sniertaining, and its Novels, Miscellaneous Tales, Beauties of Verse, Gossip, Feuilletons, Broadsides -of Hummand Polished Editori als; combine to 'epitomize all' the charnii iff. wit and sentiment! The husband reads it to his wife, the mother to her children, the lover .I!i:,his r wetitheart, the soldier to his comradea, l l l and Ali& village schoolmaster to the 'circle around the stove. It is familiar to the sight of every man, woman; and child in our coun try. and has regular_subscribers in several tonntriei - Ofturope:- The New York Mercury Is also identified with the grandest patriotisml -of the age, for several members of its brilliant Stall hold hjgh rtmitin. our noble army, and have made-thetitselireS 'as ;Unions with thq Sword as with the Pen. The great illustrat.i ing artist of The New York Mercury, the ini imitable Harley, gives the paper the highest attributes of Eine,Art i. and yet this largeit literary weekly of thelay premises to surpass itself Mall these respects during the New Year' ..._:—.. The first New York Mercury Novelette for the New Year, to ;lie commenced in the issue of January: 3, 1863, is called VICTORIA; or The Heiresss of Castle Cliffs. By Cousin May Carletan„Authopsf.,,"(ipseY Gower," "Sy b V Camphell,"Ertnintift - "iia'MaSqUe;l' - i ' e., d: , 9. , The productions of this distinguished au; thoress need no eulogy. Public opinion long rince pronounced thole superior any ()their • novelettes published on this si4of the At lantic' • and the true test•of their merit is found in the fact that they are eagerly reproduced, after their publication in the Mercuty, by the English press.l . Vemay : add that the nc:w tate, "Victoris,n_tie ffillyfequid in interest and depth of plot to either Of those which hate secured so large a share of public approval, and we can earnestly recommend it to all st rx-readers. ,„ - the liewiTo rli Mere rtii is: sold:l4r itl.l si&S men and periodical dealers in America. To . subscribers It is regularly mailed every Sate daY morning, for 2 a year; three copies for 5, ; aix,copies for , - 9 . i -eight ,copies for $112„ . lth iirri:trsi: sOphl free, tq the t tetter up- .1 11 , e crat.' SIX mofittiesubserrptiots - ieceiv ...a.. , Always write plainly ihe,name of your Pont feu, Covnty and State We lake the notes' .001414Tillikbankg - at Pr. _Payment mast i 1 'Yelialaybe inadeitilidtrairce:,* I€9,,;Spetlin' Copies sent free to all applicants. Addy: sireand remittances, post paid, to LOCYLl4lirßliliEr• rtppriptors' la w ny robt 3fertury,ll3 Fulton st.,N.Y.Cii S=SESIMI T : • BEST WORK fOB. ;ARPEIi'S P:ICTDITAI; HISTORY _ TJ;fE GRE;VR REBELLION 'UNITED STATES:. M sErs,:Harpera..kiirotherti•have commenc ed t e issue in Numbersvf a complete History of „t e, Great- *hellion, in . -the United-States. 1 1 124' "lirli ifitS,been for Many inonths in course of p eluiration r bya Writer every - Way qUalified forte task. ' - .- ' ~ • ' ~ • 'The Introdhetion contains a clear and suc cinct, account of the formation of the Confed eracr of Aid States ' • the formation and adop tion of•the Oonstitntion of the United States, and he establishment of the National Govern tuent ; the origin, developeinent and progress of te doctrines of Nullification and Secession, and the various phases which they assumed tint'' their final culmination in the Great Re bell , . bell on. - • . • , ' T 6 'History comprises a full aeconnt,draWn fro the most authentic sources, of all the Eve is of the War; the intrigues of the South ern leaders at home and abroad ; the gradual def ction of one section ; -the great Uprising of A ' Il i e People for the maintenance of the Na -tiorl Life and Existence; the rapid, reation •of n immense,Army and Navy; and the Bat tles; by Land and Sea. • . -L•lhe Illustrations comprise Portraits •of , all the e who have borne a prominent part in the struggle; Maps of the different localities ; Pl• ns of the leading actions ;, Views of every ace 3 e of interest, and of 'the most important. Batttles. These illustrations are mostly from driwings taken on the spot by artists deputed for that accompany every division of our ?Army and Navy. • *iEvery facility at the command of the Pub lishers- has been employed in the . preparation and execution of this work •, and They confi dently believe it will form the most trustwor thf and valuable history which can be pre paied of the Great Struggle for the American Mode and Terms of Publication : The work wid be issued in Numbers, consisting of 24 page's of the size of IlarYer' .1 Weekly, printed from clear type, upon fine paper, and will completed in Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be issued at intervals, if polrble, of about three or four weeks. 'he price of each number, which contains matter equivalent to:an ordinary volume, will b Twenty-five Cents. he Illustrations is each number are alone w ith the price asked. Men out• of employ in ht, especially Sick or Disabled Sold'ers,can fi d . no other work so I sure.of ready sale and god profits. '. For further particulars;apply to the publishers i HARPEIZ,&,BROTHERS,, Franklin Square, New York; .The New York Tribune 1863. THE NEW YORE Tguw.N.l3, first issued in 1841, now in its twenty-Second year, has ob tained a larger and more!widely diffused cir culationtlian any other newspaper ever pub liShcd in America. Though it has sufferea, in common with other journals, from the .vol unteering, Mid departure of tens of thonsands off' its patrons to serve in the War for the Onion, its circulation on the 6th of December, 1862, is as follows: DAILY SE3II-WEEKLY WEEKLY Aggregate rominently a journal of News and Literature, The Tribune has political convictions which are well characterized by the single word ha inaucan. It is Republican in its hearty ad besion to the great , truth that "God has made f one blood all nations of men;—Republican in its assertion of the equal and inalienable t•ights of all Men .to "life, libeity and the pur -mit of happiness"—Republican in its stead cast, earnest, defiant hostility to every scheme add effort of the Slave power, from the Annex ation of Texas to the great Rebellion,to" grasp the Empire of the Now, World and wield the resources of our country for its'-aggrandize ment:—Republican in its antagonism to the aristocrats and despots of the Old World, who fondly hail in the perils and calamities thrust upon us by their American counterpart the overthrow and ruin of the Model Republic ; -- Republican in its hopO and trust, its faith and I effort, that this atrocious. Rebellion must re- I sult in the signal overthrow of its plotters,and the firm establishment of equal rights and equal laws throughout; the whole extent ofour country, wherein Liberty .and Union shall indeed "be one and inseparable" henceforth and forayer. - - . THE Tammxi devotes attention in calmer times, and to some eitent in these. to Educa tion, Temperance, Agriculture, Inventions, and whatever else may minister to the spiri tual and material progress and well-being of mankind; but for the present its energies and its columns are mainly devoted to the invigor ation and success of - the War for the Union. +lts special correspondents accompany every considerable army and report every important incident of that great struggle which we trust is soon to result in the-signal and conclusive triumph of the National arms and in the res toration of Peace and - Thrift to our distracted and bleeding country. We • believe that no otherwise can a fuller or more accurate view 'of the progress and character of this momen tous conflict be obtained than through the, regular.perusal of our columns. And we ear nestly solicit the cn-operation of all friend's of the National cause, ;Ivhich we regard and up hold as that of Uniersal Humanity, to aid us in extending its circulation. • TERMS The enormous increase in the price of print .ing paper and' other materials used in printing newspapers, compels us to incase the price of the Tribune. Our new terms_ are : DAILY TRIBUNE Single Copy 3 cents. btail sabscribers,ll year (311 issues) $8 EEMI-IVEgKLY TRIBUNE One Copy, oneyear (104 issues) $3 ' ' TWo copies, one year • 5 Five copies, one year 12 Ten copies, one year - 22 50 An extra copy will be sent to clubs of twenty and over. . WEEKLY TRIBUNE One copy, one - year (52 issues) $2 Three copies, one year 5 Five copies, one, year • • g copies,Ten one yearls Any larger _number, addressed to names of subscribers, $1.50' each.,. An'extra copy will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies,o one address,one year,s2s, and :any larger riumber at same -price: An extra copy will IA sent to clubs of twenty. To clubs of thirty the Semi-Weekly Tribune will be sent.. TO clubs of fifty the Daily Tribune will be-sent Address, THDTRIBM,_ • Tribune Buildings,liew York. " 'When drafts ban be procured it is lamb safer than to remit' Bank The'name of tho,POst-piEen'add State , should in till•cases be plainly written., . EMS z gji4 MILE under4ignedtpuid respectfully inform 1 the surrounding community that he 'has taken.,the -rooms formerly_ occupiedby John B.'.llaan :where he is prepared to do' All irinda of:Harness Vitae orethe shortest notice. LONG STRAW COLLARS. . also kept constantly'on hand,` .. .These collars are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success;' Repairing. done in good style. &tieing - les, Martingale-rings, Hawes - , - and Habie-straps, &c., kept constantly on landi The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere: • S. P. MBAR. • Cocdersport Oct. 16th, 1860. DOWNER'S PATENT HEMMER. AND SHIELD IS "just the thing" for all .who use theneedle. This remarkably simple and novel invention saves one-half the labor of hand-sewing, as it cons- Pletely,protects the finger from the point of the needle, and makes a neat an uniform hem while the operator is sewing. • ~ NO LADY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. - It is cheap, simple, beautiful, and useful. The Hemmer and Shield will be sent free of charge on receipt of tlie price; 25 cents. Enclose stamp for descriptive circular and tdrms. DOWNER'S METROPOLITAN SKEIN-WEINDER AND Sewing-Bird Combined Is an article of real merit; It is used for the purpose of. winding skeins of Thread, Silk, Cotton,Yarn, Floss. WO'rsted, &c. It is readily adjusted to the work-table, and will be found indispensable to all using the above articles, b6ing a useful 'and invaluable appendage to the Sewing-Bird. Price 50 CM to $1 according to Style and Finish. $l5O per. Month can be Real ized by enterprising Agents (wanted in every town and Courity throughout.tbe United States and Canada,): selling the above articles, as sales are rapid, profits large, and has no com petition. .A liberal discount to thh trade. Address A, H. Downer, • , • _ 442 Broadwa. ,v New York, Patentee and Sole/Proprietor. N.B.—General and exclusive Agencies trill be granted•on the most liberal terms.-L4ul93m f. Employment, For upwards of three years past, I have been engaged in a business, which has yielded me at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars per annum, but being desirous of going to Europe in the course of a few months for the' purpose of there introducing the business, I am willing to teach it to any one who will send me One Dollar. The business is no humbug, but of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages, and one that any person of ordinary capacity, young or old, male or female, can acquire with a few hours' practice, and by which they, can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earn= ing,upwards of Fifteen Dollars pet week by it, and'sthere is no reason why any one else can not do'the same. Invalids, even, can do well by it, as it is no peddling affair, but a business that is perfectly respectable: Gentlemen and ladies of leisure ram would like to learn the business for their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime, I and one that they will take great interest in. I On receipt of One Dollar.l will send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profit-, able. The purchaser of the "printed instruc tions" will also be authorized to teach it to others ; and I have sometimes received as high as Two Hundred Dollars for teaching it,per sonally to a single individual. I would state further, that Two Dollars and Fifty Cents or Three Dollars will buy everything that is necessary to commence the business with, and the articles can begot almost anywhere, in city or country, or, if preferred, I can fur nish them: Address, ALVORD T. PARSONS, No. 36 Liberty Street, New York. 50, L 25 11,220 148,00'0 215,376 SOMETHING FOR THE TIMESII; A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD , . JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue, The strongest Glue in the World For Cementing • Wood, Leather, Glass, ivory, China, Marble, Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone., Coral, etc. The only article of the kind ever produc ed which will withstand Water. "Every housekeeper should have a striply of Johns Ac Crosley's American Cement Glue." —New York Times. . "It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York Express. "It is always ready this commends it to everybody."—N. Y. Independent. • "We have tried it, and, find it as useful in our house as water."— Wilkes' Spirit of the Times Price 2.5 Cents per Bottle. Very, liberal reductions to Wholesale Dealers For sale by all Druggists and Store keepers 'generally throughout the country. JOHNS k CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 William Street, tiew York. (Corner of Liberty Street.) jy9ly WESTERN HOTEL, NOB. 9,1,. 13, _ 15, 17, COUBTLANDT STREET, Near Broadway, New York City. This old-established, and favorite resort of the Business community "has been recently re fitted, and is complete in - everthing that can minister to the comfort of its patrons; Ladies and Faniiiiis are specially and carefully pro vided for. " It is centrallflocated 'in the business part of the city, an' contiguous to the principal lines of steamboats, cal's, omnibuses, ferries. In consequence of the pressure caused by the Rebellion, prices have been reduced to ONE DOLLAR AND EIPTY , OENTEI PER DAY. The table is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and is equafftci that of any other hotel in'the country. ' _ Ample accommodations are offered for.inp , ward of 400 guests. Do not believe runners, Ilcckmen.and others who may say "the Western Hotel is full." D. D.. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. Thos.D. Winchester. • ' fvl9 The 'Rochester Straw-Cutter. EILIESTED Sc KELLY, Coudersport. have the exclusive agency for this 'celebrated machine, in this empty. It is covenient, able, and CHEAP. Dec. I, 1860.-12 • EMI SOMETHING NEW Highly Importint to the Ladies! FOR BAND-SEWING, ALSO, EXTRACTS TERMS CASE - • ''.),& T , 1 ij:4 4 - AISTEb , 8 , :ii.Eptir§. Q TORE tian always bii . 'found the lest of 1,7 Cdoking, Box and Parlor ' . - S r - 0 17- V R . 5 :'.. . ;: / 1 I Also; TIC 414 - SI:MT-IRON W-ARE ; 'POTS, KETTLES SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS, Also - ' • suchiiollitilrii iiXtiiiklielitifi' , such - as . PLOWS, -SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS,- CORN-SHELLEIIS, 'HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, 8;e. '-- . , ' • THEIR WORT I . is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVE-TROUGHS put up in any c 1... part of-the County Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kid inaln ing Cash, seldom refised. Store on Alain Street OpTiosite the Old Court Mouse, Condersport. Aug. 4, 1859.-50 ' 1- - Z )-3 . A careftilly selected stock of L NEW GOODS Just arriving from New York, such as CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS CSECOES, HARDWARE, HATS df CAPS, NOTIONS, SCHOOLBOOKS, &e. Cheap for. Ready-pay. ' • 10,000 Bushels ASHES and 50 bbls. EGGS Wanted." , • ' 0 i g P;- 0 ti tt; Z. W • . jv • LUCIEN BIRD Brooklq.ra, Ps., Nov. 17, 180. ...THE HEROES -OF PEACE ( ' THE HEROFA OF. WAR - B. Anthony, N 0.501 Broadway, New York,. is now publishing, in addition to other por traits, the celebrated collection Istiovtn in En rope and America as Brady's Xalional .Photographie Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff Davis, Oen Beanregard, Floyd, and, a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, 3,00 per dozen. Can be sent by n eil.' Scenes ;of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in Stereocopic form. Also, • Stereoscopic views of scenes in Paris, 'Lon don and in other parts of England and France, in gcotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland„ Switzer land, Spain, on the Rhine, iu Athens, Egypt, ' Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India', Cuba, &c.,ad infinitum. Our instantanPons Stereoscopic 'ViecTS are The Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second and the rushing of water,the moving of leaves, or the march of an army, does not in the least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes, Photo graphic Albums, and Photographicliaterials in the United States, and perhaps in the world Catalcigues, containing lists of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes; tic., sent tree by oureceipt'of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, jyly near St. Nichohis Hotel, New York: " THE 'UNION "' . ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, Philadelphia. • 13170 N 8. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger ears jo all parts of the city, aid is every particular adapted to the vents of the business public: , . Terms 1 50 per 'lay. • NATRONA COAL OIL WARRANTED NON ExpLosrrEi and equal to any Keroiene WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a kw cents more per gallon will' furnish yen with a perfect'oll? Made only Ely PEITIV4t, SALT EANUFACTITRING COMPANY; No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia FebY. 1. 1862. Iy , • For .Sale or to Let. THE Steam Saw and Grist Mill at -Germa nia, Abbot township, Potter j county, Pa. Doing an excellent business ; • a first rate stand for an industrious man with ,Some capital. Those reflecting must apply soon to WILLIAM ICADDE, 300 Broadway,'N. Y. Or at the Mill at - Germania: Attkust 27.,1862. The Partnership _ pIISTING hei;ofore, nada'. the 4rm . ..`if, AA 'Garrett, Bky & Co:is this day dissolved ; by the withdrawal of the .o.rolersigned. lIENICY—GABRETT. k. • TO,Con amptiVes.••- ~ ,;,'. irk `Adierilser, tavinibeen - restoreil-to Ales - dill in a - few- cake; by ai very itithige reiridily; -itftiii lia;vl4;lstigered several' yearki v l' With lithium Itlng7 eCtiOni•l & `and Odd ilitiPaie t - einistittintl it-lsi,- anxious ti:)-.tiiiiike known tn . hilt- frlio -Sufferers ' , the' theinrs-of 1 C tire: , ' :.Tri ill , who 1 des ire • iti le•will send.: a I copy of tae prescriptitm used (Rios otcliarge) ihn i 'With tlie•direeditiiis or• s prepariiig and , using theft:tame, Which th - will; End a sure Cure , fir Consiitil Hint; , Ai • 11-rottAitif t ?c. .The on. ly o_bject..of tile advdrtiser itt sanding the'Pre scription'istoliiiie4 the ifllited,'and spread information which blicolfaiives to be invalua ble; and lie hones every siafferer will *try his remady; as' it _cost them I nothinir, and may prove a _bidssing..: Parties wishing- the pre scription will please address Ray. EDWARD A. WILSON, - Williamsburg, ... ' Kings County, ft. Y.l 1 Sept. N- a tri 1,1 ri) 1.4 • 1i1.614 - Ey, AlpDi , . :Makin Cloth.i4g GROCERIES, CROCKERY, DJ ['imbuing your CLOTEIING /I.ND iFURNISHING CLOTHrgG EBTPOR/Ineir. ' I • Wellsville 13 T - 1862 1)1 871411-15 CI) lINPAiIILLE New Stor The altdersige.:t .public thee, they h. Corner Main and rank i - {oad Strents,opposite the Union Block . , rherfr they will display an entire new stock of lerl3 ade. nothing; and! , r GENT'S FU NOHING GOODS, which will far sbrptts in quality, style and price anything elier exhibited in this town. We ure aware Oat tObuild up a large trade. it is, not only neeeesary to have cluirabl goods, but to 1 I I Arid we will make it an object for buyers to examine our stolck before purchasing - else where. All goods shOwn cheerfully, repre sented fairly,and 'submitted to the purchaser's unbiased opiniot. ''• 1 This is a bran h of tin extensive manufac turing house in Elmira', and therefore yoU will find all Cloth* well made and got up in the , latest eftyle. .An early cell will most assuredly secure a splendid 'bargain at the UNION CLOTHING EMPORIUM. D. STRAUS & CO. Wellsville, Jura 1862 P. A. STEBBINS 00. BRAD6RD PLOWS SELLIN RE'. garih 'l2; BEST PIANOS. ,GR9yESTEEN ar,II4LE, having removed to. their new warerooms, -• NO.ji7B BROADWAY, are now . , prepared to offer the public dmag. scale full ' " 7 OCT! VE ROSEWOOD NANO, containing all titapr,civeineuts known 'in this canntry or Europe, 'o'lr-strung bass, French grand action, harp pe lal, fall iron frame, for . ' e 15.0 I CASH,. . WARRANED FOR 'FIVE' YEARS. Bich mould s% .. 75 io s2oe, .. t i all.Warratited iiiade of the best seasoned ma terial, and to atand[betterthan any sold for 4. 6'o 'or 800 at the old methods of man.ifac tare. We invite the best judges to examine and-tryrthese !Lew instruments, and we stand ready at all times to test them with any others niantifactared an this conntiy. .. GRAVESTEEN k HALE, 1 - 4tBlßratid*ity; gr i iv I"ork.. . . . . . . • $l5O 3m] dAPONIVIpp,,,S &PONT:FIER! • •., . , THE FAMILY SOAP; 24 4•KETt , All Kitchell Orease lead .be made into,good SOAP,. by using Sapontier I DIRECTIONSIACCOMPANYING EACH BOX Soap is,as easily made with it, as making - • itit cog of coffee. narrufictiired only by the Patentees. - . PENlPAialfili-NANINACTURINO COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut street, Pbiladelplria. • I, i 6 2. Ip gTOP S STOP i _ I , • SAVE I 3 ! I= Etvorium ! Corner of Mainl ' ,lank Road SU , t • and NM YOU SAVE From 25 0 Cents: °liar on ev GOODS At the new Union ED ATTRACTION I .INew . Goods ! _d beg Teave to inrorne The awe opened businetsfet WELLSVILLE ) . N. Y.,. _ _ _ SELL THEM OttEAP, Hay: just received a NEW EOT OF AND • EZ they ate hich Y LOW FOR VE PAY. 862. A:Yt E. "It PECTORA. . , IfOlK RAPID Coughs t ,i : _::llo4rPOOviw Bitimmuy Mess., l o)ti) De 4.. D 11.7. C. ATER Ida behitate the best remedy I Mire ever fo Coughs, itoornelti=imb,i l l l 4 Yell concomitant symptoms eta C old, CMFattr Ibt &Indent poi practice and my Dittritp ten yearn 'grown it to op rior virtual for the treatment; _EBEN, Algid ticp, . 4 A. 13.410 MAT, EN+, of AIMS, N. r, writalz "I'l.l,,Wity used your. licroatz. myself and in my fondly islar.Scinar you inv, . ; it, and believer-It , the best medicht. fority . 11=iput oat, With a bid cold I shotiht gainer ntilfive dollars for a bottle tlian do wittufigati at take any other remedy.". , ~.„.. - „... _ 1 - Croup, 31 7 ,hcioping.Cough, Indiums.. ~.,, , .. Sraxsormu , ,'Sless., Feb. 7:1 8 5 5 .. .- Dioxis. A ra n : ' I will cheerfully certify your Scarps is the. best remedi we possess for the cure * or Inmsotp cou g h, Croup, an the &eat' diseases' of childeeti.'; We your. fraternity in the South appreciatayour : ultEVatul commend your medicine, to our people. . - - lIIRAM CONRLIN,IL.AJ A MOS LgS, Eag.,..MONTEUX, lA., writes,. '3d Jati.,11356: -.g. had a tedious Intluenzaorhich confined, me is-doors six. weeks; took ninny medicines withont relief; - finilly &WI year Pecronat.• by '.the adi , ice :of one cfewymaa! The - first dose relieved ,the soreness in my throat and lungs:less thatione half the bottle - Modem. conatlill, well. Your medicines are the cheapest Rowell as t hehest rte can buy, and we esteem you; Doctor, and ;one' vania4 dies, as the poor man's *Mod:" -- - . - --- AOthrini or. Phthisic, and •Broneliftls. . • Wrwr.3llsicsmaa., PA. Feb. 4, 1850. SIR: YOOT CRRRRY 'PECTORAL is performing rmkryelloni 'sores in thisseution.. It has relieved several frpr•idartas ing symptoms of psusumption, and is now curing Mill who has labored noler an arection of the twigs, for till last forty years. - L. PA ity(B, A. A. RAMSF.T, Slat, ALB/0 . :1, Sloxitcser4:;'lmiii; writes, Sept. 6, ISM: "Daring•My practice of m*ly years have' Wand nothing equal to your Cualar . Pstrug Ibr giving eau an 4 railer to consumptive , patients, or ancli satire ettratlei" • , • • • • We might ncht iohretee _eehlenee, but the *at OW . ttncing preefof the ittuee of-thie remedy ie intuit it ite Consnmption.3.- • Probably fry one r emedy,bal ever been known wbieb oared so many and Rich' dpogerous eaves es till*. ..Stair nn limaan aid ran reach; but even to . tboee theißtrav• trlief andeontr,at. - ' Tug. Rows. N.ta• l'ae6 Purr. Ilarch 5, 1866. 7k , rren Aran I.olCrti.: I feel it a duty and a plosaire to .. ."ritiu•nt. .04 What van* 011::R14 PECTORAL ha done tot my wife. Snfl teen fivo,morgilm laboring tender the I • angerone ,yttiplocus of Comnitimti , m, from Wykielice did we could rr,,estiv Bare her much wlicf. She wen steadily sißez.::ntil Dr. iitroinr. of this city, where ire harem:an* for Advil. 4.. recommended a trial of your medicine. We Mead hialthuinemcas we to year. Wilt, for sti , has recov ered .froat that day. - Shafer nct yet as awn; glebe, moll to be, brX is free from her cough. and 'calla Youra,with patitmle and re•••rti, • • - • Vl{ LANDO St} ift.ltY, or Siumniiiiits. Cotsune pher. , .. do iAnt despair 011 you bare tried Alrafea annul' lAcczoßna.. .1f i 3 n o by pueot: the best medics) chrulf , ,ts in the its and it 4 ro alf aund 'va bespeak the high diet its of its Tirtnes.—.Phdcsistpkiii .r.triger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. ITTE sciences of Chetnisv and .7.lo&eine have beets taxed their tumult to prednge this best, Most perfect purgative which is lincrwo to muss.. Inninnerable pmoho ma shown that these PttniThaver,oirtnes Which-81wpm is excellence the ortirrary toetliChtes, and that they wi na precedentetfly rspern the esteem Of all men. Tbeynie)sattr • and pl:-meant tenets: bat powerful to cnrat- Theirpette-' . seating properties stimulate the vital activities of the laisly,:f reruoVe the (distractions of its organs, pull?) tie blood, and expel'disiease. .11:ley - purge out she fool humors whicis breed and muse distemper, stimulate 'Waggish or &tor. deredi ornate into their natural act Son. end itsuftby tone with strength to the whole system; Net only do they care the every-day complaints et , ever, , but also fbrinidatlettuddangervos diseases' that have Wiled the beet of ikuloart eldil. While they predieewpowerhil effects?, theyare at the Same tine, elminisiEtd doses, the safest and best physfcthat can be etttproYerlifsr children. Beim sn,Oiennteti, they are pleasant to take: and being "steely vegetable, arelree.frorn any rich of farm. Puree travebeeii made which eurmasse bourne.* easy not sub stantiated by men ef mei, exalted ,earnest, and cheaactee ea , to. forbid the suspicion of untruth Many eminent clergymen Mul physicians have lent theli. names Marti !, to thepablic the reliabilityef my retneafee, Velislecith.• ens have - sent me Mr stssaittnce of their ceriribilin that ray Prtwations contribute iumenaely to the natf of soy' aflliCted,euffering - fcilmie-men. The Agent below tamed is pleased to fttrnisfrpatie my Arsesi'can Ahrsanric, containing directions use ands • certificates of their aim.* of the following csnipildida:—. Ccetivenese, Katona Complaints, liirsittm"..r, TSropsy e Ifeartbura, Bendarriearisin (torn n foul Stomach. Nan , !tee, Indigesthm, Morbid Inaction of the DOW* and Pains arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Apt,eilte;elllilcetc• one and Gobi:eons Dtiemes which require air erAenand Medicine, Fcrotrile or King's. Evil. They *sal By pmi6v ing the blood and stimulating, the eyetelh, else many complaints which' it would vat he supposed they could reach, such as Deafness. Partial Blindness. Newsulgia, and ' Nervous Irritability, DerangeM (-11 t, of the Liver and Kid neys, Gout, and other kindred .:.::.I.l;nts uwn g lam a low state of the body or obstru..; ~:" ;•:? fanetlons, Do.not be mitotT by nitre", with som other pill they make more pn.t:t w. Ac's for Ames TILLS, and take nothing else. No other they, am gin. you compares with this in its intrin.le value or comb . * powers. The sick want the best aid there ,is for them. and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER', Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mut. PRI= 25 Cm. rxrc Box. FITE BOXES FOP. $l. SOLD. BY Sold by C S & E A. .7 , n , • ( tr.r'‘ Ifantv.tNichol;:. - M:l,p•T (. Lyman Roulet ; A. Corey n. A 'l3. Hor ton, •CushinartEt•-. 1863.. ; - INST. . . ~ . PHlL,tioul.plisz.!..: c..:41: F.:ltie. , . - This great Hoe ii..v ,• , . .... N, , ethern and Northwest couritie- .: i', .ikso:iitiiiiat, to th e city of Erie. on 1. , :,.. Eri, t , It hii. bee:, h..... o :Iv the ;L:-,-inzyPaania) :Orinoctcl Compaq!, :‘ricl :.a , 4r iii 4-1? ituFpic'es• is-being rupidly opened tii:4„ughout its entire length. . , It is tow in trze for -P r Freight linsiness from ElAitnisrt7s,:,. , ; - Sithainahoning,. IstFork, t I .E::•.4tern Division, and .c+.4 Ithe Westertx Diyiiion. Cid - : TIME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT SINNE3I-41/05/86 Express train arrives : /2.45. P. Express train ienve , ,t • '2.34 P.M... . Cars • run tlirn.,gl. both, ways 'on these tr iu•bc , 1: "ad hark 11 , vett ,BAtimore;and Lock Haven., I , . . / Elegivnt Sleeping Cr:,S on 0:4. Express Trakns both hilareen n'tid Bahl— more and WilliamspOrt antl 7 . formaition resuenting Passengei basi— lic-A apply at the S. I. i:or. and.)lar)int Streets, - And for .Freight;b4siness of/the Company's 'Agents ; • S.'ll. Kingston. Jr: Cor. Ith 'and 'ilatket Sts. Philndelphia. • J. -W.. Reynolds, Erie: •,; • J. AL:Drill, _Agent • Baltimore. U. HOUSTON, Gen't Erei,* Sgt, Phil'a. . LEWIS L. HOUPT, 1 : • Gei.'t Ticket .4gt. Phii' 4. Gen'! Manager,. Wilyanuepart. $115411 ASHES. Q-UGAR-3IAKERS and :ROUSE4E • EPERS A.7:-save all your Ashes car fully and fres 'froni dirt as possible.l,witt to 15 v , ts. ' a bushel for`theni delivered at ray Potitiher.P. Want them in March and Aprip LUCIEN BIRD, prociltiaad,- Pa., 3larch 9, -' • '•`' II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers