THE- , ...POTTER COU.NTIc-41;A-S4 GAditngni2t;N# j eatesde7 Evening, Mnr.'4ll-1863i LoOdl t and ie;Ashesiliesi 7 Econothyi" Preserve carefully: abdsend to Lucien-Bird. '‘ • - JI . TheM: box of Hospital Storeq .fortrn some.iveeks *since, has been receiN'ecf:' = - I . - Ilka—See the clung:. of time ,viilbe-Thilit & Erie Railroad.l [ _ . _. . -A western paper • says:.hlt is only tw6ty-one years since the first tog cabin was erected in Burlington, lowa. and now it con tains 10.120 inhabitants." A large cabin.!_ lei—The - Continental Monthly l'for March is on our table. It is filled, as utual, fuldof substantial reading matter) and in nti wise can it be exte:led as a sound, reliable magazine. M.. The South walk Bank,,and fonr Banks in Western Pennsylvanis, are now paying specie for their notes. All coming:riatc— work off your shinplasters, and never touch another.. ,'John, Forney, the .drafted man who allot Lieut. Ford, when the latter Wniattchtlit; lug to arrest him, has been releas i d, from the Old Capitol' Prison, at Washington, niui is now awaiting 'his trial befOre the Fulton county Court , jp&'The editor of the Erie Disliatcit who is a democrat, says in regard to cert l ain thizers of treaaon in the _North tnat _they_ are making reputations so bltick that they Will - be damned in all future time. • 26rit_is proposed to pass a statute limi tation against the early 'marriages of army widows. Several who have gone . Off in tie - w bonds of wedlock, are perplexed by bearing iblit their patriotic husbands "still live." )Q _From a statement published by the State Treasurer we find the amount of State Tax assessed :to this county since 1837..t0 have been $37,617,42. Upou tills amount there has been received froni the county ' . the State $34.617,53. r,"Dickeys" are in style again. ;They have beet out of fashion for twenty years- This summer their use is to he revived as a Eizatter of economy. Two plain shirts and a half dozen dickeys are equal in point of util itg- to six °shirts. Necessity is - thh parent of this revival. • 'We learn, says the DAr.-ira, I - rcn. that the Elmira and. Ai tinanisport bas Passed into the hands of the Railroad Company, and that train are to be rue b.2tween.B...:timore af t : [t is-also stated t:.t• Er.elLtil‘ and the Pennsylvania Railroad CmHiln-ny lave rased the Buffalo, Ict..w York and Eri.:Road, from ..orning to Buffalo :a—Leroy Lyman, of Ilcriletj (-min ty, killed in tlire - : the foilowing ill bear ;ind three coons; ..nether day, foUi-. I.eer ; another, five deer—they were Worth fifty - dol lars. Who can beat that? or, who is there in the county who has 4.;eaten it during this .season? -Let the hunters nthe.their figures. We believe this was considered .by hunters a very poor winter fur their amusement. The :int:mi.:li of School Directors is invited to the ich , ,wini t , scctioi, (dale common 'school law pa , - e I their "That is :Jut!. Cr;e• of Directors is t: ! en s ~.; 01.'11 ICt ' ip'ih4l/ .143 8111111:1! ' SlALcrta,:iii u. . . ti:lo.l:it received and e' f xrvnd,l ~n•I tti•• upin-it due' from col. ec tors:, :Ind r•irta tinillll- cial operations of the di-drict in no, le:, than. ten written or, prillt•-•1 hand put! up in the most public places. in tiM The notice mast be sizned by tiM preE;ident! of the board add attesad by the secretary. ' Sar We ! see that a general bill has passed! the Senate at 1 - I,lrrisblirLr. aril no doubt will! .pass the Blouse, legalizing the payment of , bounties last summer by comities:and other ! corporations fur the purpose of stimulating' I volunteering. The bill renders perfictly valid, all payments to:1.1e .1:(1 contracts or !agree- ! meats entered into by e , . unty Commissioners' or other officers on account of sucl*volontary bounty fund." This; will legalize the appro priation made by our County Counitissioners.. i Union League. ED. JOURNAL: I wiis glad to teal:our com-; mendatiou in last weeks' paper of thrs im- ! portant movememt, but disappointed' thatyou did not urge. the formation of. a League-in; this Tillage. ' There is Work righthere that ought to be done without's dejar. There are copperheads and sympathizers with itrea-- son even in Coudersport, to our shame - beit said. So let our loyal men, withmk di.4trine lion of party, organize a tinion at -Once, and put themselves actively at work-to sustain the Government -in its cobtest . , with traitors. I hope von Will cors'ult the work ing loyalists of the vil!age and name the time and place for a meeting to i begin the! good work. Yours for an honorable Peace. 31.5. J. llfir.T. W. Brown. editor of the 4 Wisconsin ' dispute Mr. Teed's right to change his °pin . I Chief, one of the strongest republidan papers ; ions, or the'right• of Otir Corning cotemporary 'of that State, speaks in the followidg terms of' to defend him'; but we do not see the propri the prospects of his par y:—"Another three !„,.% ofthat 31r. Seed mouths under the fatal reign of the past poliey' Ts•-• insisting of the Administration, would so deeply b u i.. y ! wltett he, himself distinctly declares that he the party •which placed it in power, that no is mit. • " combination of circumstances would ererl - ," again awake it from the grave." The remib- ' ~._,w441•-•.B,.ailim°re Seems to be iii loyal. . - .] ' L lima editors are preparing it fori burial.-IThe itiotoriobs VallandighabaCtetituadvertised Welltboro Banner. - . , to make a speech thereienently, but neither Thurlon- Weed Brown 40C3 not publish al he n l or his. friends dar@tL•to attempt ..2t, pub- Republican paper. His paper is the organ of 1 .-- 11 -- '- ' - Rutiler ' hal - 2i .'- gibribtia•' popular Temperance, Anti-SlarerY, and Anti-Latter- i I'c l}' .. Ben. ' - '• i • Day-Democracy. Be does not belOng• to t h e .: denaonstration'in his behalf, 7lien bd rebuked Republican party—neither does be; belong to I the: hypocritial "peaCe - bernocracy"the the Loci:Woe° Copperheads. If the Banner i Slaveholding c prOpagantliajs," infitting terms. will publish, the article as found in the,,RB-,,, • ' • _ • " • • consin Chief, we will warrant thetano very 1 1 'ret,„, ' ,The bill authbrizing , the - President to palatable dish for Democracy to di.scuss:. We : _. h ... I suspend the Wiit. of h a beas_e:orpus as passed read Mr. Brown's paper, and while We approve • of scale of his writings we think kiln re I , far! Joint( houses ttrltt Fith. the :Preo4l4:4:§lgne; .:. from the many things. i I ture ' will become a' law of the rattd.;• . -- ..... - . • - if)iiit& - it : fra i= sind=itEiy - nrr ' ' . en cpeefni, dini't: fitf r ,E lideitlottA 0 uttliel iNoi*Pi Ci l 4 43 :acc ii i i b i ! : •o?. - i i i e Pig h i l i'll,. : ' ''l ii is notconfined_to „any • particular,paviy 7 4te:, pth:Heini; rDemoerati", - - , tind _,A.biilitintista all 1 taii : hig iSiff: 'Teti: , os t --.6id, - ! iy i. - ;c0-irespon-1 tient gist we have a Meetin ,, - in 'this - gotnity: Wes will. give •ample•notiee pf such 13 3e4tind0 ecoii,' as Speakers' -. tan be eeenreil.:- In z the ini.4ii Hine 'let.' ihe' - fri end4r- of.. the • 'Union and I Go4ernnivni he active, eafit eit 7 . ittad laborious ! Lin . 61eiv.. WOric fhr :the - cacise: - We nOpy:.thtil 1 . .. 1 following notice Of . the meeting in New YOrki -city . friim"the Triune:- • - •• . ' - . . . "The magnificent uprising. of the. 'people" and the nobly•loval speeches ofthp,most pop. ular men of,t,ho Democratic party last Friday evening, at the great mass meeting, in and abont - the Cooper Institute, will fall with cut ting weight upon armed ,Bebels of the South as well as upon symF.athising Copperheads in the North: New. York has seen no meeting of such intensity of feeling since the memorable (3.4 in Union Square. Though earnest and telljng, speeches were made by Dr: llitOcock and David Dudley Field, yet the most effective blokOverestructr: by !apes T. Brady, Judge Daly, and John Viießuten—tineti A-hosetreai popularity, with the Detnocratie party entitles their opinions to be taken as those of a very lar,ge.. , mass' of their fellow-Democrats. , Mr... BiadY declare - ell - at hefwairearly-to haralled a Yankee if the Rebels insisted upon :it, and, after i l liotirig a rtrintrk of Gen-. ' that wherever the Yankee located a blacksmith shop, a tavern, or a school-house he was never known to recede from it, he went on to advise hiS Southern brethren that if these Yankees, who had a thecirY nhout•the• war, once got down into the Southern territory and put arms intolhe ttanda of thOTneg.coes - : anti put up their long feet on the tables of the estates of which they took possession,, -, he (lid not' want to be the lawyer employed in an action of ejectment. John Van Buren expressed his hearty support of the President, and approved' of Ile • acts giving him . full. centitd-of .tbe purse and the sword. There should be no outcry against "extraprdinaey powers". ex cept from those who wanted to see the Rebel- 1 lion prosper. He did not question the ec,n• stitutiondity of the Proclamation, lie clues tron ti' Ine?rely - its utility, - Till. the so-called Confederate Government WaS 'de:4ll=o - 1 - rd - he held all-propositions for peace to lie entirely! preposterous and absurd. He would sustain i this war to the bitter end, and he thought] that by united action that might be reached in , ninety days— EM/J'Ornx.kt: Yori . :knOw the law requires I the common school teachers in the State of Pennsylvanis, to assemble themselves together at stated periods, to hold "District Institutes • to promote the interegs of education. The jtownship of Keating 'has-but a single school., 1 so that the Directors - had. to inrita teachers from -elsewhere, together with as many cf.' the citizen? end Scholars as chose to assemble, to orirabize the first Institute in.this part of the' cor.nty.: Accordingly on last Saturday we tneyet school' house, and _Were, fayored with the presence and assistance of Mr. Wes ton Linl, and hiS sister, Mr. and Miss . One of the Directors: Mr. E, Z. Dince; presided, the teacher acted as Secre-1 tary i and another Director.; lir. Harris, Stated' the " ) -.object of the meeting.' A permanent Association being, proposed that the incipient teachers of the place might have the benefit of this means of preparation. Mr. Bird, at the - request cf the meeting. drafted a Consti tutin and 13;.-Laws for i the "Keatn ,, Teach el.'s I Association, which were forth With ad opted. ClasS drills in Reading, Geo.Traphy, Mer tat and Written Arithmetic, and Grammar were conducted with spirit L—some cf them by entirely inexperienced- persons, who gave prothise of ful , fre utility as teachers. A vol unteer resolution ,was extetupprized and sus mined by 'Mr. Clafflin and opposed by Mr. Bird, others stthseqnently taking part as they The resolution was ;I:?er.iII f'Ll.a it oil 11l Iforilt , d, That:the number of studies to be pursited it common schools should be unlim ited by law. Tile folliyWing officers for the year iwere elected Cyrus B. Lewis, President; Henry H4rris, Vice President; Emily. E. Dingcei, Stl;retary ; Mary E arris, TFuasurer.. Thenext meeting of the . AssoCiation will be held on the las . t. Saturday in May, end on the programme for that ocatiion stands the fol lowing resolution offered by Mr. ClaEllin, for discussion Tr ohei, That'syhtb.etle te.actiiitg i , better than analytic. Also the promise of a closing- address from Mr. Bird; all the other exercises being dis tributed amoOg the meMi)ers. • On motioh of Mr. Bird, the Secretary of the day - mms, desired to send .sacli, a notice of the protecdind`s as she ;tiic fil;fai fiutriciiiioli in the county paper, and as 01hr:a made it as brief as I cari I have failed tb show the active Interest taken, ,in if - by the:petsons present, which I aSsert, l . and leave it to , believed. It lams au interesting and profitable season. May it be succeeded by many •others as good and tisefui. E: C. Writhip, Sec'y pro teen: I:2 • CEPX Corning . ..Tournali defendt Thurlon-, Weed, as a Republican. Does the Joui7nal remember that Mr. Weed distinctly aa4unced, on leaving the editorial chair of the I . 4lbang . ...rournal, that lae.dould no longer act ivith the Republican party? We do not Township Institute. Kr.. , ,TiNo, Feb. 23, 18G3 ='t L r L+~t'DSe'air`r~Z 2 a~ e fyL r g.~ ll e Commissioner of Intethialjteienue has deci 'ded eiso"Klitayfasstss as fietilefs, -per sons .7bo sell logs and lumber in infts r i , and the Assessors will report:tcti;e cordingly, and the license will be preyarelfn cOnfolmit3;-witt ApplleatiOn r s for ,liepse ; ,p.46 . 1i1a be 'made`, - "and the license where license resides. • • . TLIFTSSIZETY PO§TAL GUILRENCT.-It r ii aff dciallj stated that' applications 'for postal. reacy can be ratisGed by arty of the depbsito 7 I.ries of the Treasurv. Currency to the arlionni tof $15,000,000 has alreedy boen ,printed; $2,000,000 is not yet in circulation , and more is being provided for at the rate of $200:009 I a dav. No - Burnt: Pnoor REQUIRED,— It has not yet hecn publicly denied, that: the Chemical Soleratus made by D. B. DeLand & Co., ,is all that its friendslare claimed—that it is ii - pure and wholesome -article. This cannot be-de nied irtzface of the testimony of chemist's and those bfst - qualijle.d to judge. It is-a fact : 4ll . l:U the Chemin' Saleratus is the moat popular kind -among housewives. This eon - Altutes the most complete proof that can be reqmred, of the superiority of the article. It is' sold at wholesale by the manufacturers ati.l!.9ir port, Monroe Co., New York, and at retail by all respectable dealets generally: • ToNervous Sufi - press OF BOTH SEXES. A NerrOus Gentl'etnen . having Leen restored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensi7e modes of treatment, without succes, considers it his sacred dutj tO communicate to his afilielld fellow crea tures the MEANS OF czar.. Hence, - ref ceipt of an addressed envelope, he will , send (free) a copy of the prescription uSed. DiL red to Die. JOHN M. DANGALL -18 G Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every 11 7 s.dnesday by P. A. STEB BINS & CO., Retail Beaters in:Groceries • - and. Provisions., • 1 - opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. ' Apples, green, Il bush., - 43.71 to 75 do dridd, , li i '1 00 200 Beans, • ig I 1 00 150 Beeswax, V lb., - -. 25 3O Beef. “ __. - 3 . 4 Berries, dried, 14- quart ~.... • . . 6 _• 121 _ Buckwheat,liHith., Burkwheas . . . Butter, --0 lb.,— . 18 20 Cheese: • " - - : • .7' l 0 Corn, '' , -1 hush~ ' Corn Meal, per cwt., 2 00 • 2 25 Eggs, 7 tl doz ,• I • il5 Flour, extra, 11, bbl., 750 500 du superthin " . : 600 1 00. trains. . - t_) n., 9- 12A . Hay, ton, Honey, per lb., Lat:. " 3laple Sagar, per lb., • 10 1 12 0.0.1,11 bush., - 44 • ! 50 Oa on?. " - . 75 100 Pork, 70.bb1., • . , 17 00 18 00 do 0 lb., -I 9 10 do in Irhole boa', 71 1b.., . .5 I 6 Potatoez, per bush., ' ,• , 37?.. 144 Peaches, dried, --,-? lb., - 195 • P0 . 1114 - s„ 7, -,) lb., 7 5 Ilye, per bush., - 75 I • 88 Salt, - i:-:?. bbl., 3 50 do 14 sack - , Trout, per: Wheat, 7 r ) Eush., 00 'White Fish, 450 s'oo Married : At the re,sidenze of the bride's father iu 'Li-rnan , ville. on the 10th inst., he the .Rev. J. J. Roberts, GEORGE W. MANNING. of Port Alleennv 3 to , Miss ROBA L - • , „ Pli/HEADELPIII.I. .4.7.4710 , RAIMRO.4I3). Tills great line Traversesd the - Northern :end Northwest counties of Pennsylvailia 'to the city otErie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pcnn.;_ute•ani. Railrccd Cculpariy, and ender their au:spices is being rapidly opened:throughout its entire` length. It is new in use for Passeng2r and Freight business - from . 11..timrsnuna.,:o Siunenmhol4nc - ,.' Ist Fork, (174 miles) on the Eastern eel from Sheflield to-- Erie, on the-Western (75 TIME OF PASSES:GER Tr. Alys AT SINNTAEAIIOS;ING Expiess train arri\•es Empress train leaves rest Cars :on tkrough WITHOUT CFUNGE hutb ways on 'these trains betwepa Rod Lock Haven and between . 132tiraore and Lock haven. Elegant S!eeping Cars on the Express Train both v, - .lys between Williamsport -and Batti more and Williamsport and 'Ph iladelplia. For information respecting Passenger bnsi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 11th and Market Streets, - And for Freight - busidess of the Company's Agents S. B. Itiegsten, Jr, Cor. 13th and Mari:et Sts. Philadelphia. - J. W. Reynolds, Eric.. " J. 31. Dill], Agent N., C. B. B. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON; gewl Freight, 4gt. Thira. LEWIS L'. Hourr, Ger.-'1 Ticket -IA Phira. JOB; D. POTTS, • - 'Grit Manager, ,TrutirtgaTeil A - E S !-- QUGAR-MAKERS 'and HOUSE-R EEPERS save all your Asbes"•Carefully and free from dirt as possible. I will pay 12 to 13 Uts. a bushel for them delivered at my I'otashery. Want them in March and - , • LUCIEN 81P.D.. Brnokland, Paq March 9, 1863. - Adsadnistralor's Notice. 1 . Vi ll t E he " ; /I,lSa,t estate et e o t t f er c s ij o a f r T A:rn iv tis d t en rati d o e n e ' , o d n Tate of Bhighani tp, - Pottei co., F'a., have been issued tci - the 'iubscribers in 'due form of law, `notiee is hereby given to all persons knowin ,, themselves indebted to •said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring_clainas will present them, duly authenticated, !:or settlement.. AWSSA A. WORDEN AdllEr f e. -BURTON LEWIS, ' Bingham, Feb. 21, 1863. t • 1 SAPONIFIER:_:._ a The greatest 4 ,3 9P . : 112 ke -- er-- • P - noyrr I - • • ", filE JERSEY . 4..AND540 1 .74 1 .--A4l-- - Suitable:far Grapes; lenclie,4l"ears, Rasp-- berries,:.Stici;rber W ries; ei:berries, CriiiiiiitS; Zr.c., of 1,_,21,;.5 ; 10, or 20ticrea each,lif ;the for Represent, viz 20 acres 'for $ . 260', 20 acres for-5110, fi,aeres for. Sixty Donal's, 21 items for Forty Dollars. 1 were: for Tweaty Dollars. Payable bY 'one dolliir Aseeir:^ 3 • Also. good Cranberry lands!, and cilinge,lot.l. in CHET XV:O - 00,721.1y100 feeya r t Tea Dollars each; rtayable rby one diallar, a 'Week: The above land and thryns, are situated, at Chet wood, Washington Township,.aurltugton.Oo., New Jezp - ey. Rot. farther infoantation, apply; with- a P. 0. 6tamp, tor 'a Circular, to • ‘• B. FRANKLIN CLARK::: .„,10. CIO Cedar Street, New York; . FOR SALE. •., A .'.NEW ENGINE AND FIXTURES—elght= horse j)otver, with flue - This ,en gine is now in 'a Tannery at Dienville, Alle gany Co.; N. , Y., and has never:ben nsed. Also, THE TANNERY AT trtsvn„LE.-- Thi:i ttihnery is in a 'good locAtion forfuusi ne., both as to markrt and bark. • • The ermine "will" be sold seriaratcly, if de sired' Or Tannery' and engine together. Will• be sold. very cheap. For terms atd - further inforthation concerning the nrOtierty.apply to - ANDREW JACKSON, t r • Coudersport.•Potter•Co., Penn'a. Jall. 30, 1863. - : - • VA/ 31. ILIALL3IAN Would' inform the' tra- V V - reline public that he has rented the' Eagle Eaotel C. Block. at fls..vayo Penn's, which' has been newly refitted and furnished,' where he Intends to keep a First Class - Hotel. Parties of pleasui-e and those nishid2 - :::(luiet borne over Sabbath, will:find this boa cequal to a:al in this vieinity...The tables Will alWaYs be well supplied. and the barns well .. futnitlied with hay and Cats,land no pans., spared for the comfort 9 f guests. W3l. It.iTALLIIAN. ()sway°. 25, 18C2. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BASK PAY, WAR CLAIMS, AND CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY. • Stewart, Stevens & Co.; iorneys-al.-Law wad S olicitors FOll • . • ALL KINDS OF MILITARY CLAIMS, *: 411 PennsylvaLia-Avende, Washington, D. C Ti i_ firm ; Having a thorough knowledge of the Pension business, and being familiar with the practice in all the Department-3 of Govern- meat, believe that the} - .can afford greater: fa, dillies to Pcnsioc.bonntY and other Claimants', for the prompt and successful tt6complishnient of business entrusted to them, than any Other firm in Washington. They desire to secure such an amount of this busines..S. as :will milable them to execute the business for : each clai M ant very cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent upon . their success in each case. 50 66 2 25 250 4 * *Their charges will be Ten Dollars for Officers and'Five Doiials for Privates, fur each Pension, Bonntn. or Back Parobtained„ and ten per cent. on - amount of Clainis- for Military Bupp3ies, or Cl:aims for inderanit i 8 00 10 00 10 121 10 124 - ,, Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1802, in itey kind of service, Military or Naval, who are disabled by dise.ase ,or wounds, are eolith-I.i to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years, or during. the. War, should it sooner close, will be entitled toiSICC Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to Si CO bounty. if there be no widow then the minor children ; then the father, too-. the'', sisters, or brothers are entitled as above. Washin7ton, D. 0., s• at our odiee, or to our Associate at ozwayo, Pf. , tter county, "Pa,—JAMES GRAVES, Esq , who just returned from Wasiiin . zton: D. C., ,. e.nd is suptilied with !nil . ; the /afig,'.6ll7/1:s issued under the late instritc, times. and will Ell them up for all who-have; Oven so unfortunate as to require an appliCa tioh. Difice "Itegul...ter Store'' A Lecture to Young laen! .1 Just ptiblish ed in a .ealeri envelope, prices' bt..5 20 450 5' 00 A leetnre on the Nature,Treattnent lent Cure of,.,...Spermaiorrlima. or SprninalWeak- Mt. 33, Involuntary Ernisinns. Sesiml and Lapedirnents to Marriagr_ , ,n'erally, Ner vousness, Consnmption. Epilepsy and Tits ; Meptal and Physical I.rcapneitc,re niting from Self -abuse , &c., by 1: ont: J. ein.t , ,:alr - 4 - .LL,ILD.,. aiiii.or of the Grt. et. Tlie wol!d.renowned author, iir this adml.r able•Lecture. clearly proves from his own ex . ,pertenee that •tiv,± awful eonserptiMces of Se f abuse may te, efrectuall . .' used Without medi cine, and without dang, F rous surgical opera , tions, bungles : lnstruments. rings . ; or cordial& pi.?intingout- - d mode of cure at :once certain and effeclnal, by whlc. l l every sunfer - no mat ter what ha: condition inay be, mlr cure hint self cheaply,. Privately and radically. Titi 'lecture, will prove a boon to th'Ousands and thousands. Sent tndcr oera,to any adareiss,lo a plain, scaled envelopc-, on th-:. - :i . r;;eipt of via cents, or two postage Stamp:, by padres:4oz, Dr. CILLS. J. C. KLINE,,,,. 127 Bowery, Now York, Post °like Box, 456.- 12.45 P.. M. 2.33 P. M Administrator's Notice. VIIFP.F.AS, letters of admininistration on thets;ate of Ircs!irwx dee'diate of alleg nv toWnship. Putter Co'. Pa.. have been L;sued to the subscribers in Co'., fa . rna ;of law, notice is hereby given to' persons linoxinz theioselves indebted to said estzte to -make initrediate payment ; and :hose having claims will present them ; duly attthenticated, for'Settlement: '; - L. D. MORLEY. NANCY MoRLEYI Adnis.ra. Alleg,rany, Jan. 30, 1,863 6•a410 Ad al ire ist raioes • ligtlce. ..-;. VIIIEREAS. Letters of Adininistration on 9 the estate of 0. A. ,Leiri - s,'denl, late bf "Ulysses Township, Potter so., Pa.; . have been issued to the subscribers in due form of law, r.o:icels hereby : , *.,11 4 en to all . persps knowing themselves indebted to said estate 'to make Ifinned:ate payment; and thoselniVing clalms will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. .7‘l. LAVINIA LEWIS, 1 'Adrasr"a E. D. LEWIS, . • Ulysses : Pa., Feb. 16, 1963. gAPONI FIER I SATO:NIitIER, I ! {. , THE GP,LAT • i ' SOAP :NIAKER!!! FOR`• SALE AT. STEBBINS'. .„ I ,AdministraierZs ittillce.. • ' • lE. IHEIZEAS, Letters. 'of Administration on Y. Y the estate of Ai H. Butteniorth, deed, late of Coudersport, POtter co., P.a...,,have been issued to thesnbscriber 'in dt.te'foim" of taw, t riotice is hereby given toall perrons knowing Itheila'selves indebted to said estate to make inarnetliatear.fr_cjetit,'cUd those-hating clitlinas i,will present them„daly , authenticated, for settlement. ' II: J. OLIISTEP; 4 dxitfr. • • Coudersport, Ftb.,l4; - 1'.':63. - :,.., , , , , STEBBINS) To the Public. „...4,, --_-_-..„- ~ , - ,,,,D , - iyi T r -- .., .. ' e . id . > 4z4i _7. - nal 6 /0 6 r: ' / -N -. . . Vie Buffalo Werdaritlietollego? [CORNEFI OF laiti Au SENECA STfiEETS. Is an importa.nt link in the 'great chain - of 11.1TIO / YAL MERCANTILE COLLEGgS;iIo= citied in the jollawing cities, Tiz _ Ni - TW 'iORR CITY, -RROOKLYN,- ' A t.BANY, . TROY, , _ CLEVELAND, D,ETROT, CHICAGO, .- I AND SAM' I A Scholarship issued frcm the Runk) Cot lege, entitles the holder to attend either or all tile-Colleges for an unlimited time. The . Hesign of these Institutions,is to impart t 4 young men and ladies, a thorough,•piacti cal business education,- , i These Colleges are.organixed.nnd conduct ed upon a basis which. must each separate institution the LEStpossi.b3p facilities far impartinga thorough mercantile educa-i tio; and render it as..a whole, the most com prehensive and complete.systern in this country I Booki-Keeping in all its 'department, Com 4 WierciallLaw,Commercial Arithmetic and Pert,' rrianship, are taughtinithe most thorough and praCtical manner:: ' ' - , .. ,I The Spencerian Syitem of Penmanship, is tnur , ht by competent and experienced teachers 1 Scholarship, payable in advante„ $4O. ' I Coliege - open day at d evening : no vacation C LResident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. BRTANi`. For fhrther information, please .Call at the lleaeirooms;:or send for Catalogde - e.nd Cir cUlar enclosing letter' stamp. Address . BRYANT .k, STRATTON, • i 1 i Jyoly . Buffalo, N. Y. . . !The Magic time Qbserver, THE ( PEIIFECTION OF MECITANIV, I 0, EING a Canting and Open Face, ot.Eady's . MI or 'C I entleman's Watch Combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and d4cidedly the best a ticd • .clteapest timepiece for g.4neral and reliable -use, ever.offered. It has within lit and connected with its machinery, it 4 own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The, cases of this Watch rule coi9posed of two Metals, the outer one fiie:lG carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement; and is warranted • an accurate timepiece. Pride, superbly wit gliarediiper Case of - a half dozen,. $204.001 S:imple [ W atches, in neat morocco oozes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, s3s,sent bi- express, with bill payable on deliver?, SOldiers must remit payment in advance, as we canot collect from those in lite Artnyt ;;Address -11 UI3BARD, BROS. & Co., • Solet Importers y .. 1 or. Nassau - ic - John Sts., New York. BOOTS AND SHOES. • 4. SANDBERG & • Tanners . and Curriersi • 'AVE also established a 1 • Bodt and Shoo Manufactory, opposite D. P. Glas-stnir . e's Hotel; "in; the rcon . t formerly ciccupice- by J. B. Smith rliev Offer their Boots and shoes at 'LOWER RATE THAN THE SAME QUALITY HAYEI • EVER BEEN SOLD IN POTTER COUNTY. ATA - thek - will have nothing but the best work-, men and the best stock that the country will; prOdiicei and :money and labor can procure/ - THE r FEEL CONFIDENT THAT:THEIR. WOIIR: WILL GIVE Hides; Calf Skins, Sheep Pelts taken at the Highest Market Price. 1 , ti - IVE - US A. TRIAL coutliisport, Pa., Mai•eli 13 i rria R HANGINGS DEPOT, 1 So. 10 `Cortland . Si.„l\s2zo York, ' DIIIECTLY 07:0SIT.E.TH , E lITZSTEIII7, 'HOTEL THE CROTON 11:.).NIT.E.A.CTUP.ING CO., (otgapited in.18!.16, under the General Manii fliettring Law of the State of Mew York.) Offers at wimiesale: in quantities to suit pur chaser,, at Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. . PAPER. iIANOING of every variety of Style and Price. , BOTZDETlSto'inritch, FI4.E-BOA - IM HUNTS, TgANSIIARENT ItINDOW SHAPES, OIL PAINTE IVIF)ONV SHADES WIDE \VINDOT: CURTAIN and , WI DOW ricLIADE STORE SHADES 3.1..`,.DE TO . 011.DEP, .2SD t.:LETTE.P.ED, • Of the,latest styles and superior finish, all or their uivn man nfacture and importation:— Asltheir stock is large and entirely- n6r, they. invite Merchants, booksellers, and Dealers in' these artjcles, to call. and examine their styles and prices whenever they visit the city.. . I ( OFFICE OF JAY COOEE, SEESCGIPTION AGENT, At Jay . Coolie •&, Co., Bankers; 114 S.ICTII.TITIENI STGEEt, Philadelabia, Nov. 1, 1862. • { The undersigned' having been appointed Subscilption Agent by the Secretary ofthe Treasury; is now prepared to furnish, at once,' IThaNew Twenty Year:6 peraent. - 13onds of the United States, designated as "Five redeemable at the pleasure of the Governmetw, alter five years, and authorized by Act of, Congress, approved Febey 25,1862. TheuCQEPON BONDS are issued in sums of $5O, $lOO, ssoo ' and $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $ I 000 and $5OOO. Interest at 6, per cent. per annum Ttill cbm meiree from the date of purchage ; and- is' • f. Payailble in Gold; Semi-annually, which is equal at the present preinium ia ' i n gold, to 'stoma EIGHT per cent. periannam. F i armers, Iferchtlnts, Meehan ics, Capitalists, and all who hare an on"gx td invest,should knelw and remmernbe.r that these bonds are, in effect, a Past Illorttra.'e 'upon all Railroads. C.ttials,"Bank Stocks and' Securities, and the imriense products of all the afire tures e kcJ, in the country: and that the frdl and ample pro d r o isienmade for the payment of the interest ation -of principal, by Customs ties, -Eseise Stamps and Internal. Revenue, serves 'make these Braids the •I e;t, Most Available and Most Papule/ hiveitment its the Martiet. &inscriptions received at Par InLegal Toutier Natos, o: notes and checks of nanka at par in Phi itdelphia. Suifrz7criVers by mail zril3 re certie roctipt attention, and every facility and esplonation will be atroxfied• on applieitien at tNsretne.e. A supply orßOnt4 will be kept on baactinr"iintnediate delivery. • ',L117 COOKE Sabicriptica An'ent. New_Goods New Goods; -1 e ~l~Te~:oo~l~.~~T~ -- ~ ~ toso 1 .6 per cent. saved, Ott own's:, Dollar, by *raying your_ toodt • :44.t; Siiiiiiiiino WHOLE ALE lIEGITLA.T OR, . • at - • • Oswa.yii tMiagi);Pbttei . • •• We are bapiiv to inform ail illose,in of Choice and rioroestic: Goods; .that we new:: have a stock of some 9 - _OO - Worth of all kinds of : DRY COODS, GROCERIES;" BOOTS BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS I CLOTHING, CROCKERt k HARDWARif and di - erything usually kept in a Nil:mitt,. store; We are prepared to sell at nearly the ;old prices, notwithstanding the great rise bf goknti in New York. Our facilities dro no* — sticli that wo ate' prepared to furnish all thosfild want of goods at less prices than can 6'4111 be sold by any dealer in this section. we give yon;So'tne of our prices, and aliether. prices the same goods are sold for by molt-of our neighbars. 1 - Good Sheetings, 12 to 14 cts. ' • sold by most dealers for. id 022 ate: Very nice bleached Goods 10 to 14 15to 2d --- A large lot of Sheep's Gray and Gag.. Biruers, frOm 31 cts. Op • Good AproniChecks and Check Shirting, 12,1 e to 15 cts. ' ' .le•toid Good Gingliams, 12 to'ls'lB to 45 Beautiful DiLaines and Poi do • " Cherfog, 1r to 20 20 to3ll Nice all Wool Merinos,63 worth $1,25 t 01,7 A large assortment of Black Silk - , ' 5,5 tb $1,13 1,25 tci Fine Black Silk Siitvla, $3,00 B,GO to o,od And a large stock of Sleek Silks from T 5 stii to $1 00 worth from $1 50 to $1 75. • iGood Spragoes, Merrimats c Donnell' and many other grades of very nice Prints - 0:1.1i styles, warranted fast colors, Harms" Checkii and others, for 11 to 12i cts, nothing vrer• J worth 15 to 20 cts, ./N . SHOESWE CAN SAVE TOLL A VERT _. _ _ LARGE PER CENT. •-- GOod enameled boots, 75 els, Gond balretOrtil bootees, $l,OO Women's good Calf b00t5.75 to LOG 1.00t01.63 Men's do - $.2.75 4.00t04.75' Warranted Kip Boots, home-Mae., * .52.73 3.5044:0d MI CLOIMINGii • • _ . We call your attention in this line, ati ILO from 50 to 100 ,per cent. below moat oi,ht;t: ,lealers—the so much noted for telling . cheap, not excepted; _ -We will sell' you all Wool Fine Black Due% skin Pants for Q.3.50,w0rth $5.00. -- Good Suits of Black Clothes : Coat, Veld t 7 Pants, Hat, Socks, Pocket - Handkerchief p &o.y for $.lO, worth si& • . ,GROCERIES: fp - the Irti . e !of Gi.beeriel iNfer a eborei variety of Tess et 50,-75 ape. $l.Ol--athl tie/ ,Dollar Tea can't be treat. Good Scignr for 10 et..j. Coffee SErpr 1l cii. F,aldratus 7 to acts.. Coffee 10 ctn.. , • ~ We i - ould also inform . that Ilatl o .lro, established in our NEW; the largest in this section—and filled (rout dellar to gorret. Also the liige adjoiaiu,g are used by us for storage fectiths: THE HIGHEST PP►ICE BUTTER; . • • and other . Pioclu&E, that can readiti bit - serted into gash. One lsord more. As the tram•, citatica iort eicir.Gixids *eat bere,cciFtP . orilxv cents per hundred, and our otherexpenscsard use do sot need larie proW C. IL SPIMOINS,;, z OSWAtO IiEGITLATOU ,osv , roar, Jan. 1•11111 ; •: 11E1 =I :;a - i. 'l.! r ~.,,ir:..!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers