THE POTTER COUNTY. JOULNAL Coudersport, Wednesday Evening, 311, 28, 1863. Local and General. rel.,See New Advertisements .Thanks to. Gov. Curtin for a copy of his Message in pamphlet, form. /lerThanks to Hon. Sas. T. Hale for a copy or the President's Message and Diplomatic Correspondence. -Wm. P. Mngrath, of l'hiladelphiapwas list week elected State TicasiMer, by the dem ocrats. It was 'a strict party Cote. The Lyeorning County !Court has ad; journed over for this term, owing to the small pox rhieh has raged quite extensively in Wil liaMsport. jgarGodcy's Eddy's Book—the Gem of all the monthlies for the Ladies is with us once again. We cannot see how the "females" can 4 keep house" without it. — LIIIGARY.—The Annual Meetingcif 'the Cou dersport Library Association.will be' held On Saturday, Ahe . seventh day ofj'.ebruary,at the holise oflti. John ILlTamilton. *Rout:: 4 P.M. M. W. MANN, Sec'y. ---- The.Tyibtme Altnannefor.,lB62, is now being sent but, a copy ofwlliehlias•been re ceived. It is a valuable document, and those who desire to be, posted in goternraental af fairs, cannot well do without it. • SerTh9 Continental for February is on our !Table. As usual, the articles relating to Gov , ernMent land governmental affairs are both able and timely. Everyone tvho ' d-siras a good loyal magazine should sdbseribe for it immediately. fterßarper 14.: Brothers have temporarily suspended the publication of their Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion, i s consequence of their inability. to procure suitable paper at a reasonable price ; the work of pieparation, however, continues, and they' will resume printing. as soon as thb difficulty is removed. gar Senator lVilsou of this District is on 'the Corrimittees of Accounts, (Impure Bills, end Private Claims and Damages: Represen- tative Olmsted is on the Committees of Ways — and 11. leans, CorporatiOns, and Federal Itela -,tions Bow'm'an on Judi. •ciary System (Local), Education land Divorces. M. if any of our ireaders who are house leepers,:havc been troubled inlmaking light And uniform biscuit, it is more than probable they do not use D. B. DeLand Al Co.'s Chemi- Tat Saleratus. That is a pure article, not de trimental to health, and sure in its effect. Try it by all Means say we. It can be had of most respectable dealers. Those who do not keep it, should, if they care to satisfy- their custo mers. Zd'The strike among the Miners in Lu zerne county—he work of seceSt; democrats in the hope of embarrasing the._ Government in its supply of coal—haS ceased. This was the most despicable of all the attempts of these :Wolves inisheep's clothing. The suffering of the Poor who depended upon their labor for brea l el was of no consequence ;secesli could -effect their ends. What II pity that some fll- Inali—called men—are born without souls or ctminon sense. iterlir. Rex (Dena.,) has presented a reso lution in the I'con's Legislature proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State forbidding neg,roes or mdlattos settling in the .StatO after the adoption of the amendment. Such is Free Democracy Such , is the en.; lightenment of the Locofocos Of the 19th Centimy I Was ever such truckling to bar barism dreamed of by the :founders of our, State ! Happily, this benighted party lens sufficient power only to show witty they would like to do but not sufficient to pass the infa mous resolution. PLIILADELPI > >sD ERIE ItTnoen.—On - Monday of last week the Western Division of ''he Phitatlplphia and Erie italilroad was opened to Sheffield,_ thirteen miles East of Warren. -The stations now are i.rie, Buffalo 1 1 and Eric Crossing, Belle Valley Langdon'sl Jackson's Waterford, Lelloeuff, Vnion, Con- i cord, Lovell's Carry, Columbus,NSPring Creek, .Garland, Pittsfield, Youngsville, ruing; War ren, Pattonia, Tionesta and Shari ld. On the Eastern Division the trains now rem to'a place catlod Gr!ove Flat, 51 miles northrest of Lbek Haven, and 11G this side-of Sunbury; The early Completion of thiS great linp of road is a "Led fact." Cars will pass over it, all the way from. Erie to Philadelphia in dluly next. It Will contribute—indeed has alre. dy largely - contributed—to the prosperity o Frie, and' hence' our citizens must regard everything 1 pertaining to it with interest.—Er r / We copy with pleasure th i item from the Phila. Press in referc death of Lieut.. Wm. B. JENKINS, S 4 Jenkin l s of this county: - • ' "The official 'reports and tort , from the scat of war both fail to , ', Lion of the death of Ist Lieut. Wm I of Co. C, Bucktail Rifles.' Lieut. J among the first to offer his service.; of his country. He fell at the 111 company while gallantly leading' action at Fredericksburg, on the cember. He was 2G years of age dimly conduct had endeared him! company and regiment to which tached." ' I And the following from the Phi "He was among the first to car I to his country, had, never been a. duty, and died at the head of hii whilst gallantly leading them into was a dutiful sou, in affectionate generous.friend." -"Ills brother, Oscar D. Jenkins, prisoner and was lately an inmat Prison liosrital, Richmond. . NEW _JERSEY LLANO. .f.OR SALES Also; .Garden or Frult-Farms, Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, Pears,Alasp berries, Strawberiies, Blackberries, Currants, Of 1, 23, 5, or ,20 acres each, at the following . prices ihr thelpresent, viz: 20 acres for $200,'10 acres for $llO, 5 acres for Sixty Dollars, 27, acres for Forty Dollars, 1 acre for Twenty DollarsL , Payable by one dollar a week.) Alsio, good Crinberry!lands, and viliage lots In CHBTWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten Dollars each, 'payable by one !dollar a week.. The above!land and farms, are situated at. Chet wood,i, Washington. Towttship, Burlington 'Co:, New Jersey. For farther information, apply, with , a P. 0. Stamp, foe a Circular, to • .1 • • - B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 90 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. To Nervous Sufferers fh p BOTH SEXES. A Nervous Gentlemen 1.1 having been - restoied to health in a few daysoifter.undergoing all the, usual routine and irregularexpensive: mods: or treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his laffiicted fellow crea tures the MEANS OF ecrdp. Hence, on the 're ceipt of an addressed envelope,, he will send (free).:a Copy of the , piescriptiom uSed.: Di rect to Dte. JOHN M. DANGALL, 186 Fulton Stria, Brooklyn, N. Y --In Ulysses; Dec.: 25, I);r Roy. Jas. Blakstee, THOMAS ATKII , LS of Bristol. Conn., and Miss MARY J. NEPHEW of Ulysses Pa. - PRICE 10:17,41.p.ENT. Corrected every . WedneidaY• by P. A. STEB. BINS & CQ.,.Reta.ll B,ealers in Groceriei 'ftnerovisioniiz' opposite D. F. Glissmire's Hotel, • Coudersport, Apples, green,ll bush.,l , do dried, " • Beans,, Beeswax, lb., Beef,. . Berries, dried, 11 quart „ B u ckwheat,'u ush., ' Buckwheas Butter, lb., Cheese, 7 . " : - . corn; 11., bush., Corn MCA, per cwt., . doz Flour r extra, . bbl.; do sup6rfine ” -gains, lb., !Hay, Te, ton, Honey, per lb., - - Ldrd, " Maple Sugar, per lb., Oats, bush., Onions,_ " Pork, 1;1 bbl., • do' alb., do in whole hog, II Potritoes, per bush., Peaches, dried, lb., Poultry, lb., Rye, per bush., Salt, bbl., do , r'ul sack, Trout, perk bbl., Wheat, `Zel bush; White Fish, 1.1 3: bbl., To — tlie honorable the Judges of tha Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County -of Potter: The petition of Milton G. Bowman respect !fully showeth that your petitoner, occupying a commodious house situated in Harrison fp., in, said couuty,.on the road leading from Westfield, Tioga county, to Ulysses and Whitesville, in the State of New York, which house was formerly occupied by J. C. Thomp son, which is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neigh borhood and situation is suitable as well as necessary Tor the accommodation of the pub lic and the entertainment of strangers and travelers, and that he is provided with Star bling for r horses and all conveniences necessary for the entertainment of.strangers. and trav elers. Ile therefore prays the :Court to grant him a liCense to keep an inn or public house of entertainment at the, place herein men tioned, aiadiour petitioners will ever pray, &c. M. G. BOWMAN. We, the undersigned citizens of and within 'the township of Harrison, in. said county, being acquainted with Milton G. Bowman. of said township, do certify that he is a man of ' gobd rephrt for honesty and temperate habits ; and well provided with house room, and has the necessary conveniences required . for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, and that an inn or tavern is 'necessary in said township, at the aforesaid house, to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travelers. - • . -• , Hamilton White, James S. Predmore, John D. Snyder, R. N. Ilay-ties, Zalmon F Robinson, Simon Williams, R T Farnum, Wm II Avery, James S. Haynes,Renry Hurlbut,larael Dodge, Calvin cammings, C.'o. Phillips, John Olny, Cunirifingi, Burr Robinson, L. L Gill, L. 0. Stone,. Seneca o.Wilcox, C.A. Dond,lienry Outman, T. - Kibbie, J: - T. Williams, Wm.Sted• inan,John Gill,George Kennedy,Julius Pierce Joseph Pierce. Jan. 23, 1863-3 w T3t. 11 - TALLMAN would inform the tra 'teling—public that be las rented the Eagle Hotel opposite C. H. Simmons' Block at Os..vayo Village, Penn'a, whiCh has been newly refitted and furnished, where he intends to keep a First •Class Hotel.% Parties of pleasure and, those wishing a quiet home over Sabbath, will find thiS house equal to any in this vicinity. The tables Will always be well supplied. and the bhrns Well furnished with hay and oats; and nd pains spared for the comfort of guests. . • . • •W3l: H. TALL3IAN OswAyo, Pa. : Dec. 25, 1852. - Administrators's, Sale. Y virtue_ of an order issued Out of the.l_Or pilaus' 'Court of Potter county, Penna, and to the directed, T will expOie!-to public sale or outcry at the Court House, in the bor ough of Coudcrsport,at 1-o'clock, P. M., on .IVedne:sdaij February 18th 1863, the folloiving real, estate, boUnded and de follows : following Nonce to the a of Jacob sp"Midence ake men- IB.Jenkins: nkins was in.defenco tid of his them into Bth of De ad his sob elf to the e 'was at- A certain tract of land situate ha Couder sport; Potter county, Penn'a, bounded on the north by an alley, on the east by lot owned by S.P. Johnson; on the west by main street, and on the , south by Third Street, being the southwest corner of square No: 18, and being -about forty-eight feet on Third street and one hundrecLand . twentY-five on Ma n street, with one frame tionkeleaiii•store; one-Owl) and stable , thereon. - 1. -Inquirer: 1 is services .sent from company action. Ile zothevand Terms made known on day of sale: - • IL J. OLMSTED, Administrator of the estate of A. E. Butterworth, dec'd Jan. 20, 1863. Grain, as taken of Libby Wanted, oil account, at this Ofh"ce Married : $37 to 75 100 200 cc 7 100 1 - 50 -25 30 • 3 4 6 12i 37i 44 2 00 225 15 18 'T . 10 75 88 150 175 700 750 600 G5O 9 12J COO 700 . 10 `124 10 12f )0 12 44 50 50 75 15 00 17 00 8 9 5 6 25 37f 25 6 7 63 75 '4 50 20 450 500 00 L 25 450 500 To the p ublic. and Wood, Notice. NOTICE is-hereby given that the under ' signed;- an • Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to distribute money arising from the sale of real estate in case of Wm. Beever vs. David Hover OrSept., Terni, 1861, No. 19, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of th Prothonotary in,Coudersport, Tirednraday t . Feb'y , 18, 1863; at 7 o'clock, P. M. Parties interested are ex attend - and present their claims. • H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor. Auditor's Noti ce: I\TO,TICE is hereby given that the under= ..1.11 signed, an Auditor appiiinted by the Court of Common Pleas to distribute Money arising from the sale of personal property in case of A. W. Jones vs. Sala Stevens and B.F. Nichols of June Term,lB63, No. 86, will at tend to the duties of his' appointment at the office of the Prothonotary in Coudersport on .77sursday, Feb'y 19, 1863, at - 7 o'clock, P. M. Parties interested are expected to attend..atid present their claims. , H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor. STATEMENT 4Ythe Receipts and Expenditures Of Potter county for the year ending on the 31st day of. Dec. A. D. 1862 : Rec'd for taxes on unseated Idi for A 1860 and 1861 $7906.76 Reed for taxes on seated returned unseated, nee'd from seated taxes for 1862 previous. years . , Rec'd on recognizances notes and , judgments , I . ,;-- 223 7 Rec'd on sales of Village 10t5..: • 82 30 Rec'd on Fines r _ - • 950 Ree'A•from Relief and Military taxes 250 29 Total Roci.ipts Paid for relief to volunteers " Public printing " Commonwealth costs " Assessors:_ " Commissioners wages "- Clerk hire .‘ g• balance for 1861 530 57 . 210 00 603 85 370 00 464 80 375 00 1 00 Stationery 178 67 Bond to John Keating 132 00 " H. Dent , 409 97 " Wm. Bell 735 84 Clerk of Quarter Sessions 114 27 Prothowitory's fees 32 80 Balance due Sheriff fOr 1861 56 00 'lncidental expenses 20 47 Auditors wages • I 68 00 Auditing'Prbthy's & Rec'ds ttat 5 00 Wild cop bounty 6'oo' Qualifichtion fees 29 75 Justices returns 7 02 Recorders fees I 925 Fuel 69 81 Taking prisoners to penitent l y 512 14 Election expenses 804 41 Constable returns• 114 64 Road views ; 230 50 tending town clock & repairs 4G 70 Taxes & costs on Ids advertised 134 49 Costs against Potter county 41 Tip staves 80 10 Bounty to volunteers 840 00 Sheriffs fees 36 00 Money refunded 10 78 Grand Jurors fees' ;296 22 " Traverse Jurors fees 455 23 " Cabinet work 48 18 " Court Crier 40 00 " Jail expenses '305 75 " Damages ass'd byroad viewers; 23 00 " Attorney fees 25 . 00 ". Bal.due Treas'r on last - Settlem' 45 00 Excess of Receipts over expenditurei 3919.76 12, r We, the Commissioners of Potter &nu certify that the foregoing exhibits a true merit of'the Receipts and Expen4itures county, for the year ending on the 31st Dec. A. D. 1862, as appears from the o: entries and records in this office. Witness our hands at the Comthissioner's office the 16th day of Jan'y, 1863. ➢I. D. BRIGGS, L. S. ROBERTSON, Comers. C. P. KILBOURNE, Attest : L. B. COLE, Clerk. Statement (IF the rands of Pater county, on the first Ur day of Jan'y 1803 : To amt of Comsrs andßelief orders • outstanding " Judgt in favor of Mitten County Bank 3045 80 " Int. on same, Jan'y Ist, 18e3 ' 737 73 " Judgt in favor of E.& D.Herr 3907 00 " Int. on same, Jau'y Ist, 1863 ,937 68 " Bond to John Keating 1100 00 " Bonds for bounty to Vol's. ' 5000 00 " " to G.G.t'olvin relief fds 108 00 " " C.S.& E.A.Jones " 100 00 " " 11. J. Olmsted " 112 00 " est'ed enrrentexpenses for '63 7000 001 Total indebtedness By amt due from unseated lands for the year 1862 " due from relief uns'ed taxes for the year 1862 " due from seated Ids return ed as unseated " from seated Ids & personal property for 1863 " from Belief tax on seated and personal property for '62 • 709 28 " Millitary taxes f0r1862 217 00 " • seated lands and personal property for 1861 " 'Military tax for 1861 " dueirom seated lands an - d personal property for 1860 153 31 " due from Military tax for 1860. 56 50 " due fr.teated Ids & personal _ property for previous.years 222 60 " of fines imposed for 1862 180 00 ",T.u.dgments • 289 68 , - , " • NOtes . ' 122 20 " due from Cameron county 600 00 " due from village lots 42 27 By estimated aint. 'or seated and unseated taxes in 1863 By estimated amt. of relief on same for 1363 1752 00 Excess of indebtedness over assets 5279 37 We, the Commissioners of Patter county,do certify that the foregoing Statement of the Funds of Potter county on the Ist day of,Jan. 1863, is correct, as will appear from the books and records of this office. Commissioners office, Jan. 8, 1863. M. D. BRTGGS, L. S. ROBERTSON, Comsrs. C. P. KILBOURNE, - ttest : L. B. COLE, Clerk: SAPONIFIER ! SAPONIFIER ! ! THE GREAT SOAP MAR - FIR! ! FOR SALE AT STEBBINS'. tOIIRT 7 ": WEEREASAhe Ron.- Robert '• G. - PresidentJudge,- and the Hans. or Jones arid G. G. Colvin, Associate Judge.o the Courts of Oyer & .Terminer and General, Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Orphans± Court and Court of Common lileaS for the County of Potter, 'have issued :the: precept, bearing date the eighteenth day o Dec., in the year of our i Lord one -.Thou sand eightlundred and Sixty-two, and tia in directed,cor holdings Court;of Oyer and Terni..l iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter. Se e r, sion.s of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Cori of CommOn Pleas, in the Borotighof_Couders-I port, on:310N1 AY, the 16th day . of Feb. next, and to continue one Week : Notice is therefore herebigiven to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constsibles within the county, that they'be then and theie in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. :of said day, with their rolls, records, inqUisi.4 tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do thote things which tts' their officei ap pertain to be done. And those who are bound by their • recognizances to prosecute against .the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail Of said county of Potter, are to-be then and there to prosecute against them as Will be just:'; 1 Dated at COUDERSPORT, • Jan: 5, 1868, , and ; the 84th year of the Independence of the United I States of America: _ LIST OF CAUSES for trial in the Conrt of Common Pleas of Potter county,' at February .Tekm. Christopher Evelio vs James Bartron W .T Jones vs Wm Jordan I B,yam'& wife vs C 8 Jones. admsr I Byam & wife vs 4 Mann'kA GrEyes 1 ' W T Jones & Bro as J M Kilbourn ' W T- Jones vs Polly Higley; admsrs Wm L Shaffer vs John Mason 4- Geo. Mirvin James Shaffer vs II W. May and W M Smith' D Clark use of S P Reynolds vs Benj Rennells Joseph W Stillrnart vs Geo Stillman Maria- S Edwards vs Jona Glace Fuller & Card vs John C TaPner 1 Fuller St Card vs Deremer & Thompson Colwell Lyman vs Chas Chandler J R Munson. use 6r c W Gorunt vs Harry ord • executors of John Dal ht Amor Fairbanks vs Lewis Waod Luther Canfield .v'a Fiederick 'Brooks' garni. J G Mescereau vs PS Hedrick Corn. use Potter ed. vs Woodard & L Sherman Wm Burleson vs . Wm T Jones Street Becard. vs Chester Whitaker Tp. of Oswayo vs ;Co. Of POtter , DF . Merritt ve Wd t yne Bishop 1 - Alex. Robrabacbei, for use VS A Robrabajcher Davis vs Wm Beever James Tyler vs George W Tyler . H. J. OLMSTED, Protli'-. 43 50 3883 28 12398 40 .Tan. 15, 1863 gar'Tbe following are Lists.of Jtirors drawn forlbe February terra', 1863--.-- GIi4ND Jusonq AbbottH.Augusi Bodler '7l Allegany—Valorus, Byam Bingham—Thomas E GridleY,lliram Barnes, Walter Leonard, L E M'Cafri, J B Carpenter. ll3bron—Norman DtvightAnson• A Cone, Charles Gorham, Wm 1.1 liector—L- J B Parker. 'Harrison--C C Phillips. ' Oswayo—George Tyler: Sharon--W J Waffler, Nelson Palmeter, George Niehols Ira Gilbert.' ; Sylvanifi—C C Recs. Sweden—G L Catlin Ulysses-i—L V Drake, Wm E Erceman, A. B Bennitt. Wharton—Jame Barclay. • TRAVERSE Jcions • Allegany—J H 'Reggie, J R Wildman, Thaddeus Darling. ' Bingbam—J Briggs,' Charles Daniels. Clara—A W Jones. Coudersport—C H Aripstrong, B S Colwell, Thomas King. , • 'Genesee—Barney Daniels. Heetor--Miles Watrous, JI C Thompson, John L Gibson, Orris Redner, Wilson Bailey, It F Davis; David Kilborn, B F Tubbs. 398 40 1 • I state- Of said 'day of Tiginal Hebron-='-Wm Greenman, Elijah Cham berlain. i. Harrison-t aniei Hunter. Homer—Harrison Edgeomb, A U Crosby., Oswayo-LFranklin Gale. ~ Pike—S H Martin. Sharon---Robbini Brown. Sylvaniai--Pardon Haskins.: Ulysses-LS G Chamberlain, Origin Crnm, C C Castle IS -7 ;flV Grover, - IT J Baker, Aaron Webster. ' • Wharton;—John Bensley. - ' West Branch—Orrin, Wetmore, Augustus Bizbee, ,$3470 78 DivorCe Notice. I lIEZEZIAD TEED, Yo. 99, Ji,ne Term, 1862. vs.l 1 , Libelin Divorce. ' SARAH A. TEED. To Sarah A, Teed, Ilespon dent, please take notice that a subpoena and alias subpoena having been issued and return ed nibil, you, Sarah; A. Teed. respondent - are notified to appear nt our next term of Court, to answer the compl;ints of yoursnid husliand, Helekiab teed, and•show Cause Why a divorce a, v. In. shoUld not , be granted. 25 ; 520 1 $3797 63 843 83 O. C. LARRADEE, Sher. Sheriff's Office, July 14,:1863. . 2G 93 Auditor's Report. Balances flue. irony TV. Burris, late 7recg 2191 62 Abbott Allegany Bingham Clara • 203 04 61 , 85 Coudersport Eulalia Genesee ! Genesee, I. D. Harrison, Hector Hebrun Homer Jackson Keating . - Oswa.yo Pike - Pledsant Valley Roulet' Sharon Sweden • Sylvania • Stewardson Summit Ulysses West Branch Wharton Woodville, I. D. ' Portage; CaMeron conn,ty 50 16 80 12 County of Potter 2 +-- Commonwealth ' • 8765 00 $25,520 11 Mr. Scans, informs the Atolitors that he is ready' to PAY-UP- and the .Town and School Treasurers can settle by calling upon H. J. Obnsted at ,Coudersport, and we here take . occasion to state thatthe acceunts of Mr. Bur- c, vs were itt goodshape for settle:Stint. e: Lt. BMA), I Roar, Atlitors. o Coudersport, Pa., Jun. 16, 1803. D. C. LAWBEE, Sheriff. D. C. L&RABEE, Sheriff.; MEM Scliool. Town. $10521 • 394 80 25 55 118 92 43'93 4 58 • 3'38 7 51 142 42 613 64 73'37 23 93 91 48 50 . 21 54 1139 40 51. .392 23 plB 129 66 '5B 55 28 92 44 17 • 530 63 08 750 17 53 31.27 . 31:31 341 • 63.89 119 33 95 21 542 29 • r -,- 9 96 285 321 308 99 905 39'' 338 14 a t j ... a talkill : • ~. /_•, 4 etA lentil , ' *I II 4 ..?: The Buffalo Meroantne College CORNER OF MAIN AND SENECA STREETS. • IS an iMportant link-in the great chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, lo cated in the following cities, viz : r • - NEW- YORK _CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, - ALBANY, TROY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, • CHICAGO, AND SAINT LOUIS.: - A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo Col lege,lentitles the, holder to•attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time.. The Design of these Institutions,is toltopnrt to yciung men and ladies, a thorough, praeti cal business education. These Colleges are organized and conduct ed upon a basis- which must secure to each . separate Institution the bestpossible facilities for imparting a thorough mercantile educa- - tion, and render it as a whole, the most com prehensive and complete system in this country Book-Keeping in all its department,. COM- . mercial Law,Comnrereial Arithmetic and Pen manship, are taught in the most thorough and practical Manner: Speneerian System or Penmanship, is ta Tilt by conifetent and experienced teachers eholarship, - payable in advance ; $4O. Collegeopen day at d evening: do vacations Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. Strewn For further information, please call at the College rooms, or send forCatiilogue and Cir cularlenclosing letter stamp/Address BRYANT Si STRATTON, Buffalo, N. Y. J3 - 91y The Magic Time Ob§errirer, THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM, BEING a Hunting and Open Face, or Lady's or Gentleman's Watelt ombiped. 'One of the prettiest, most confenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, ever offered. It liss within it and - connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, - rendering, ft; key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are composed. of two metals ; the outer one being fine Id carat gold: It has the unproved ruby, ikction lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly en graved, per case, of a half dozen,- $204.00. Sample. Watches, in neat morocco boxes. for those, proposing to buy at wholesale, s:lt'i,ient. by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment-in advance, as we cannot collect lrom those in the Army. Address HUBBARD 8R05..& Sole Importers,) •-• ' Cor. Nassau tt John Sts., .Netr York. B OOTS .A.ND SHOES. A. 'SANDB.P,RG & BRO'S Tanners and Curriers, H AVE also establis hed BOOt d Sll - 06 Manufactory, opposite D.. 1:. Glassmiro's Hotel, }in the y , room formerly occupied by J. B. Smith.. I, They offer their Boots and Shoes at a LOWER RATE THAN THE SAME QUALITY HAVE EVER BEEN SOLO.IN POTTER COUNTY-. Ind they will have nothing but the best work t:tcti and the best stock that the country will produce,,and money and labor can procure. THEY FEEL CONFIDENT THAT THEIR WORK WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Eides,.Calf-Skins, Sheep Pelts taken at the Highest Market Price. e-ayE, US A 'TRIAL I Coudersport - , Pa., 3larcli 13 MANHOOD; 110 W LOST • HOW. RtSTORED ! Justpublished in a sealed envelope, price 6 cts A lecture on the Nature,Treatment and Rad- ical Cure of Spermatorrhrea or SeruinalWeak= Ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Ner-. vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity,resulting from. Self-abuse, kc., by ROBT. J. Cutvcawstn,M.D., author,of the Green Book, tc. Thelwoild•renowned author, in thiS admir able Lecture. clearly proves from his own ex- Perience 'that the awful consequences of Self abuse may be effectually used without -rnedi eine, and without dangerons surgical opera tions, bougies, instruments. rings, or Cordials, Pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer,) no mat er what his condition may be, may cure him cheaply, privately and radically. This fecturd will prove a boon to thousands• and thousands. Sent under seal,to-any address,in plain; sealed envelope, on the receipt of six dents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. GIBS. J..C. KLINE 1 1 27 Bowery, New Fork Post Office Box, 4586. CFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SIinSCIIIPTiOY !GENT, At JOT Cooke & Co., Bankers, ,„ ZOGTH Tillnn STRIZET, .1 ' Philadelabia, N0r.,1; 1862. Tlie undersigned having been appointed Subscription Agent by .the . 'Secretary of the Treasury; is now prepared to"furnish, ht once, They, New Twenty Year 6 per cent. Bends of the United States, designated as, "Five- Twenties," redeenlythle at the pleasure of the piaVerdimeht, after five years, and authorized by Act 'of Congress, apprOved Febi'y 25086 . 2. I The COUPON' BONDS are issuedin sums of $5O, $OO, 5500, and $1000: • • The iREGISTER BONDS in sums of s'so, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. • , Interest at 6 per cent. per - annum:rill com mence from the date• of purchase, and is ,rayable in Gold, ; Simi -annually , which is equal at the 'present prim on gold, to itUout EIGHT per cent. p r annum. . 1 Fartn 1 re, Merchants,MechCnies, Capitalists, and all who have any rnoneytotny.est,should know and yemmemberthat . these bonds are, Ciin effect; a First; Mortgage upon all l!allroads, : nals, Bank Stocks and Semnitics, and the i inense produCts of all.the Manufacttires o tc., in the country : and that the full and ample pr vision Made for the payment of-the interest Ind liiluidation of principal, by Customs Dit ties, Excise Stamp's and Internet liiirenne, l ie:res to make these Bonds the I. - ~ • Best ) Most Available 'and Most Popular Iniestment in the Market: Subscriptions received at Par ip Legal Tender :,:iites, or notes and checks of banks. at par in ?kliladelPhia. SubScribers by mail Will re :eire prompt atteritibn ' and every facility and , iplancition will be afforded on application at his offic i mi A supply of Bonds will be kept inhand for immediate delivery. • JAY COOKE, Sutiscription Akent, New-Golrol , gt! . - -- 22 • New Goods New Giioa!! ! 50to 75 per emit. saved,'Ori:airry Dollar, by buyir*yoar giodifti at , lIM SitO -'l.'ott*9 WHOLESALE&RETAIL . . -, •1 • - REaLTIJATQR, at OsWayo 'naageiPotter Pc4a. We are happy to inform all those inYttatit of .Choice and Domestic Goods, that we lidat have a stock of some .• . .•., 5 4 , - • 1- - 9 Worth of all kinds df- —• • ! • DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, : ' BOOTS and SHOES, - - • .. ..•11:1 HATS;CAPS, eLoTrr7G, CRO6.,KERY and everything usually kept in a coun fry !store. We are prepared to sell at . nearly the old 'prices, notwithitanding the great rise of pods in New York. Our. facilities.!,are -now, such that we are prepared to 2 furnishall those in want of goods at less pricesiben,cansw A will be sold by any dealer i>? this se,ction. . Below we give you some of our prices, and .alock the prices the same goods are soldlor ,byip:toot, of out neighbors. • : Good Sheetiwrs, 12 to 14 ctg. : • sold Most dealers for 30 teal : CU. Very, nice bleached Goods 10 to 14 15 to 2O A large lot of Sheep's Gray and Gas simers, from 3V cts. up -. • Good Apron Checks, and Check Shirting,l2l to 15ets. • , Good Gingham; 122; to 15 Beautiful DeLaines and Poi de Chevres, 12 to 20 1 3.0 to .#l/ Nide all Wool 3lerinos,G3 worth.- $1,45 t01 : 75 A large assortment of Black Silk, 88 to 81,13' 1.25 *1,78 Fine Black Silk Shawls, SG,OO: /1,00 top,oo And a large stock of Black Silks from 75 eta to $1 00 worth from sl,so'to . Good Sprague; Merrimacs . .Dunnelts and many other grades. of very niee prints new styles, warranted fast color; Ilarrass the'ditti and othei.s, for 11 to 122: ..cts, 'bottling on% worth Hi to 20 cts, IN SHOES WE CAN SAVE YOU'A VERY 7- LARGE PER CENT:! - Good enremelo boots, sscis,roithsl.l3entso Good balmoral bootees, sl,(}o 1.50101.7.5 Women's good Calf boots. 75 to 1.00 1.00t01.63 Men's do $2.75 4.0%04.75 Warranted Kip Boots, home-made, „ CL® TI! IN i We call your attention in this line, as it le from 50 to 100 per e(nt. below mott'Fikiicr dealers—the lows, .sto much noted for selling cheap, not excepted. We will sell you all Wool - Pine Elbe& bue, skin Pants for $3,50, worth .$5.60. . Good 'Suits of Black Blothes : Coat. Vest, Pants, Hat, Socks;Pocket Hand 2&c., for $l,O, worth $1.13. GROOERIES in the line 'of Groceries lie ptfer. a choice variety of Teas at 50',"7,5 ana sl.l.lo—and our Dollar Tea can't be beat. , • Good Sugar fdr 10 ets.. Coffee Sugar 11_03. Salaratus i to 5 cts. Bar S3ap 8 eta_ Coffee . . . - \Ye would also inform you that We Mite got esiablished la our ~ - NEW -SALES-RG(SII, the largest in this section—rVad filif l d Abut cellar to garret. AL o the large buildings. adjoining are used by us for storage TO 01113, THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID-FOR. BUTTER, and other - Produce, that an ?ridgy be Olt - %Tried info Cash. One word more. As-the' tramp/rife tron'ors odr Goods from Wcllsflllc here,coA4 cents per hundred, nod ortr'otherexpenses ire; small, we do not need large -prests, C. 11. SIMMONS,• OSWAYO IZEGT3I4T OR. Oserayo Village , Janris', 1363. 7 ~ l'kl =I =II CM 16 tb 20 16 to 25 3.6t04.60 I~ ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers