[ THE GPEAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION of Imported Blood and Amen= BEeeds of HORSES Will be held on Ksvirroxs Pens, Agricultural , ANAVIIXIAMSPORT, Pa., OA TCESDAY,WHVINESDAY,TIWRSDAY& FRIDAY, September '2. 3,4, and 5, 1862. Premium List and Prize Banner open to • Exhibitors from the Canadas and i ' . other British Provinces. if: The Managers - flatter themselves that,althe the past exhihitions held in other parts of the United - States, have been eminently successful and entirely satisfactory to the public.the past experience ill enable them to improve some what in the details of the arrangements, and and in this connection they hope to give better facilities for the - delib6 - ate 'examination and trial of horses intended for sale. Williamsport is easily and quickly accessible from all direc tions. Keystone Park is unequaled in its track foishOWing or training,i horse. The mana gers design to make this a horse mart,wortbv of its central. position,. and its extraordinary facilities. : .199..4RP OF MANAGERS. A. E. KAPP, D. K. JACKMAN, PETER- HERDIC, • J. N..I3AGG, Ci F..LOGAN, HENRY DRINKER, GORDON F. MASON. COL S. G. - HATHAWAY, 1131. COLDER, J. IL -CO WDEN. • - EDWARD LYOAT, A: E. KAPP,President. IL E. TAYLOR, Treasurer. - W F. LOGAN, Marshal. GDO. M. DIM, Secretar • • BE GtEItAL:itEGUL . ATIONS ENTRANCE TO THE PARK The entrance to Keystone Park for visitors . on foot, hi by the Center Gate, on Campbell t'4"treet. The= entrance for hories and Carri ages is by the N. E. Gate on Campbell Street. The gates will be open...fur the admission of the public from 84. o'clock, 3.. M., until sundown of each day. The Chief Marshal and Superintendents of the exhibition, will meet at, the. President's Tent at 8 &dock', -A...M., each day, to perfect the arrangements for the day. 6IIPEIIINTENDBITS A Superintendent will accompany each set of4udges, and point out the different classes OestUcle - to4oe exhibited. They will see that Horses are provided with halters by their owners, and suitably arranged for exhibition each ,day. • - • • averts, 'REPOS:Ma AND StDEIES. Will please report themselves on their arrival in t )wa, at the office of the Society, corner of Third and Elmira Streets, in Taylor's build ing, where the Committee of Reception n ill he in session.• Cards of admission will, be furnished them to the Exhibition and "the Committee will extend to them every civility within their power. nePORTERS. For the greater convenience of editors and reporters for the press a.Tent will he specially eel, apart for their use, nod every facility w afforded them to obtdiu and transmit information. -Cizarnittee of Reception from the Press will receive their brethren from abroad, on the field it'd further the purpose 01, their coming. ESIEM The aligns will assemble at the Tent of the President on the grta,nd, at 8 o'clock, A. It., Tuesday, to organize and fill vacancies in the Board, should any occur. The report of the Judges must be handed to the President's Sec retary before Thursday noon. I REV IMSISMENTS . Will be furnished (Or visitors on the field 'at a Iptialerate charge. A tent saloon for ladies *ill be provided with female Attendants. Ides, Coffee Oysters trill be supplied , by a competent confectioner. PRICES PP ADMISSION No Season Tickets,Will be issued. Sin -gle admission tcr.the grounds $0 25 Children under twelve years of age, half price. Admittance to the seats opposite the Judges' stand. lieuibers of Public Schools. - Seminaries or Colleges, may commute for admis sion with the Treasurer. VISITOUS cmtalAcEs Eor s four or - six horse vehicle and driver, passengers being supplied with Tickets 1 00 Fur n two horse vehicle and driver t pas- sengers being supplied with Tickets 75 ror a one .hOrse vehicle and driver pas• , sengers being supplied with Tickets 59 Tor a horse and its rider tit) lIAILN A CCC!MMOPATIONS Exhibitigi Will be provided with stalls and bedding for their stock, in the NEW BARNS of the Society, and in stalls adjoining, to the extent of their ability to provide the same, (if übtiee be"given on or 'before the 20th day of August,) without charge; so that horses may be driven to the exhibition grounds and need u.d, be removed, till the exhibition is closed. Gthibrand hay will be furnished to those Who desire it, at market price. Arrangements will kis° be made with public or private stable keepers for exhibitors who Make early re ,p for'-lit i o keeping of horses, and at a reasonable charge. ESTRANCE FEES In Consideration of the Superior Accommodations ;Offered Gratuitously. - Competitors fur premiums of $2OO do • do do do 100 • do' do do do 80 and over 30, 3 do do do " do 30 and under, 2 Sirgitt liorsesil" under the saddle" or in harness, entered for exhibition, but not in ctimpetition for premium and subject to tlic c ill of the Ittrshal, 3 iugle spans, or Tandem; or Tridems, l 4 tt-t tu hand, =UM . . . . . Prerpinins 11,.i1l , not be paid on animals re m, cedfrine- the exhibition, unless: such iv -1 .1.&11, has; the special approval of the 'Chief . 4 . r, , 1i1, and premiums not claimed Within ... ty clays after the award, Will be consicl - ~, a .: fu r feiled. I. ) remiunis . will not be paid • imr:ses which are iinsourid. NOTICR. 1 is klesirahle that thoie who intend to ~e entries for exhibition should notify the ,1•••• retary on or before August 20th, that ar tnti.eitlt-rils Inay positively be made for their oral:iodation. Letters may Ibe addressed S..erettiry at Williamsport. The Treas r will pay premiums awarded at the husi t.:s, Teuton the Ground, at the close of the I.xitildtion; and at his office in Williamsport e..iring the following month; or will forward ov premium, not so paid,,in such manner a s t,r person entitled to the same, may direct. PREMIUMS. y - r toFFNo. t =Thorough Bred fforses,Stallions. l'r ,, miltrn, Two 'Hundred Dollars • • $2OO r•p*.ed wilt he considered in making the • -„ , ..„ . . . . ' -- Class N. 2.—.l`borongit Bred ?Ores. premium, One Hundred Dollars. $ lOO Nicol will be 'considered in making the awxrd, ..; , blas No. 3.—Staliiors forkineral use, 6 idars and over. First. premium. ' , $lOO Second do • ~• ,25 Class No. 4.—Stallions for general use, 4 . . •_years and wider 6. First premium, , Second do '2O Class No. 5. Stallions of 2 years and under 4. First premium s3o Second do 12 (;lass No. 6.—Mares vita Foal by their sides. First premium . $3O Second do . 10 Class No. 7.—Breeding Mai.es. For the hest breeding Mare, 4 years and over. First premium • $5O Second do .120 , . Class No. B.—Fillies, 2 years and Under 4. First premium, $ 2O Second do . .20 • Class No. 9.—Fillies, 1 year and under 2. 'First. premium' , $2O Second do • • • 10 Class No. 10.—Colts 2 years and under 4. First premium, • $25 Second do ?. 10 1 Clais No. 11.—Colts, (Stallions or GeldingS,) 1 year and under 2. First premium $2O Second do [ I 10 Class No. 12.—Matched Horses, (Geldings or Mares.) For the best span, 16 hands and over. First premium, $0 SecOnd do I 20 For the best span of, Matched Horse's, 14 hands, and under 16. First premium, 2s - . Second do ' 10 Class No, 13.—Fancy Matched Horses, (Geld- ings or Mares.) First premium, Second do Size, action and speed wia be considered in making tfie award. Class No. 14.—Gen•k'man's spans, of Driving Hot:ses i Geldings or Mares.) First premium, . , $lOO Second do - ! . 20 . , - . Size, action and speed will be considered in making tile aWard. Class No. 15.—Family Horses (Geldings or . Mares.) For the best Family Ilorse,,foar years and over, driving. color, size and action will be Considered in making the award. First premium, $5O Second do . ' IO Class No. IG.—Gentlemen's Driving Horses (Geldings or Mares) 4 years and over. First preniium -* S5O Second do 10 - - Driving. color, size action and speed will be considered in making the award. • Class No. l7„—Saddle Horses. For the best Gentlemen's Saddle Horse, - Fir§t premium, . • $2O Second do • 10 For the best Lady's Saddle Horse. First premiuM, 20 Second do Class No. 18.—Farm: and Draft Horses For the best pair of Farm or Draft Horses. 'First premium • $5O - 1 ,Second do 10 Class No. 19.—Bestsini,le Farm or Draftilorse. First premium; $l5 Second dd : 8 Class No. 20.—Ponies. Ponies, under 14 liands. driven double, Tandem or Tridem. First premium $l5 Second do 10 Class No 21 Best Team six in hand, Class No. 22. Best Tandem or Tridein Team, STATE PRIZE I3ANNER Will be awarded to the State (Agricultural Society) other, than Pennsylvania,which by its citizens, enter for.exhibition the largest number of valuable hones a Prize Banner ,worth RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EX HIBITORS. Exhibitors with horses are required to use the South Entrance gate on Campbell street, in coming on to and returning frtim' the grounds: ' Entries of stock may be made. at the office of the Secretary in Taylor's Building, Until Monday, 9 o'clock, p. m., September Ist. When the books must he made up for the Judges. The exhibition of stock on the track will take place precisely at the time specified' in the subjoined arrangement ; and animals not pre pared at the proper time and place, may at the discretion of the Judges, be ruled out of competition. Stock will be marked with cards furnished by the Secretary, (I:sign:ding the class and No. of entry; and, during the exhibition they must be placed entirely under the management of the officers of the society. If sufficient time has not been given, in the progranime for the Judges to examine any one class before the calling. of another clad, the first named class will be examined on a va cant part of the ground to be designated by the Chief Marshal. Arrangements will be made for the trial of Draft Horses by testing their strength, docility, etc., at a load'. Owners or agents offering horses fok premi um or exhibition will receive tickets of ad, mission. Exhibitors are requested to'• leave sufficient space around each horse or vehicle for the Judges to pass ,freely. The Judges will in'all cased withold premi ums where the horse is not worthy orris un sound, though there be no competition. Exhibitors entering colts of the age.of three years and under shidi furnish to the Judges evidence of the time of foaling,' to be filed with the Recording Secretary. Pedigree of Blood Horses and origin and age must be furnisned, if requiredfor every horse offered for premium. • The Judges will repOrt to the. Board of Man agers net only the' horses entitled to premi ums, but also those next in merit in each class; to meet the continOneY of any objection which may arise to the award. All horses ,not ob taining premiumsi which in the opinion of the Judges deservespe,cial,commendation, will be so reported to the board of Managers. , The Judges, if dot satisfied as to the regu larity of the entries in the respective Classes, or the ages of the horses as recorded in the entries, will apply to the Recording Secretary for informations, and should there . be any doubt, after examinations, of their coming 'within the regulations, or if any horse is of such a character as not to be entitled to ex hibition in competition, they will report she facts for the consideration of the Board 'of Managers, that such course may be adopted as ;the *case may require.' , $lO The several classes of horses upon exhibi tion will be called for in the order indicated in the programme, and precisely at the hour named, when a flag, will be raised near the Judges' stand with the inscription, }CLEAR THE TRACK." When the hour arrives for the exhibitioniof any class of horses the bell will be rung i and a flag will be raised to indicate the. class to be exhibited. All horses entered will be at the risk of the owners. The most effectual means' will be taken through the agency of the pcilice and otherwise to guard and protect the hOrses ex hibited ; but the managers cannot be respon% Bible for injuries occasioned by aciident .or .• , • • - oth ertri so. Reports of the doings of the Exhihition will be officially , ' , SALE OF 'HORSES. 'florae& Intended for ,public, or priyate-sale will be labelled accordingly; and a portion of the ground will`be designated for their exam-- Medea and sale. - The services of an auction. eer will be provided; and a time named] for public sales. The Secretard will give notiee of such intended sales, if early entry is wade with hiaCto that effect. Such horses cannot be withdrawn until the close of the Exhibition, except by written authority of the Managers • COMM Or BADGES. ' Members of the several Committees will be recognized by the following badges: ; Class Nos. 1 it 2.—Thorough Bred- Navy Blue Ribbon. .Glass No. 3.—,-Stallions, d !years and ort.r, Green Ribbon. .- - Class No: 4.—StallionS 4 3 ears and under White Ribbon. .Class No s.—Stallions. 2 years stn - truider 4, Green and White Ribbon. Class Nos. 6 1.-3lares with fo l d rd Breeding Mates, Orange Ribbon . Class Nos 8 & 9.—Fill;es, Black and Orange Ribbon. Class Nos. 10 & 11.—Colts, Green and Red Ribbon. Class Nos. 12 k 13 —Match and Fancy, )Intch horses, Red and White Ribbon Class No. 14.—Gent's Spans of Driving Horses, Light Blue and Pink Ribbon. Class No. 15.—Family Horses. Red, White and Blue Ribbon. • Class No. 16.—Gentleman's Drivingliorses, Blue and White Ribbon. Class Nos. 17 1.: 20.—Saddle Horses" and Ponies, Black and White Ribbon. Class Nos. 18 & 19. Farmers' Dtaught Horses, Red Ribbon. Class Nos, -21 & 22.—Best Team, Pink Ribbon. Board of Managers, Rosettes RAILROAD ARRANGEMENTS. No feature of the Horse Show is more Pleas ing to the managers, and we trust acceptable to the public, than the,fatilities otfered for the transporttng o r horses and grooms to and from the Exhibition. Pennsylvania Central R. R., Philadelphia & Erie R. R., • Philad€lphia. & Reading R. R., Lebanon Valley R. R., Catawissa . • Elmira & Williamsp,ort R. R., • Syracuse, Binghamton & New' York R. R., East Pennsylvania R It., • Shamokin Valley It will carry visitors. hoises acid grooms free, one way. The LackituatiniA Bloomsburg,' Wilmington & Balt,mure. and Cumberland Valley, agree to do as other roads do. There are other road, to hear from, which will. w,th out doubt, come into the ; some ariangemeots. Titus it will be seen that the State, of I c..nu sylvanin is thrown wide open to the exhibi tion. The road, will collect fares nn, all horses coming to the exhibition. xnd return them free; on' presentation of the Certificate that they have been on': Exhibition, and are unchanged in ownership. The followiug is the form of Certificate referred to alit v 6: NATIONAL HOUSE SHOW. WimaPotsponi, Sept. To Railroad Agents: . This certifies that - has had on•exhi hition. and not sold llorses,,m the First National Horse Show. held it" Williamsport, Penna., on the 2d, 3d. 4th and sth of Septem ber, 1862. ..Secretitry ...eir 5 : .. ! L ei.:*: . . • --....---..tt... .. ...-,.. ~. A, .'„.. ''',Av..... ~,..- \., I . Vt Y - I tt 1.. , ~,,, \\,.......„...„ .k o iri f iyl,..: „ \.k.c. . , WARRINER, Jeweller and Watchmaker. I °camp 6n !fain St.. opposite the, Court AI Hoi?e. ,COudersport. Pa. Clocks. 'Watcher:, lac.,; Repairen on abort notice. and warranted to give satisfact on. ; good assottment of CLOCKS, W ETCHES, and JEWELRY on'hand. Cheap for CASH and warranted as repre , ented. As ttn even exchange is no rob bery I will give you time for Money. • . Coudersport, Dec. '6, 1861 Pantfg•grito.p! THE undersigned Mould respectfully inform the surrounding community that be has taken .the rooms formerly occupied by John S. Mann, where he is prepared to do • All kinds of Harness Work On the shortest notice. LONG STRAW COLL IRS, also kept cnnstautly on hand. These collars are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure theii success. Repairing done in good style. Surcingles, Martingale-rings, Humes, and Hame straps, Ace., kept coastal tly on hand. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. - S. P. MIN AA. Coc.dersport Oct. 16th, 1860. AT minsTED & KELLY'S 4.2 TORE can alwayi be found the _best of 1,7 Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES. Also, TIN and SHET-IRON WAREI,POTS, KETTLES; SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and , :CAULD RONS, Also , A.grteutural implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SIIELLERS. HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS. Ste . . • THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS putup iu any ‘ part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash. seldotit refused. Store mit Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Cciadersport. N4TRONA coaLL,on.: WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE and equal' to any Kerosene. WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a peifect Oil? Made only by Ps BIM SALT BIANUFACTURING,COMPANY,, To. 129 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. I i.. 101. • iT The Bugle Faße! Wit - ' lie Bogue! Ira of Extennilatiad Ea Tiethi'llied Stestli„, Minuet GPM, TORtIOWAII* 0 4-sui !!fon OUR ATILLERY 18 Dr. W.rrL. B. ljurd s • I)ESTAL I'REASURY A contelete set 4,Remediea for PRESERVING THE' TEETH. PURIFYING THE-BREATH ASO MOUTH. tipd - CURING TOoT4ActiE ANT/ NEURALGIA. •CONTNTS: Dr, lards teebriiird NO V Tll. 11,* .48.11.1 fn.o , :f!. unryibilrii 00111 I'o IV E e , ,a- Dr.llrrd'isna,"eir 70 01 71 011 E Dll l'S,l 6,4 Dirril 1;11'1.11'.1 LI. NE-UIL4 fa. 4 H. .1..',71,1;:-?. ~ . . Dr...ll.irP:•• ,11.424 - V. iL • .:,.. ' ;,.).,: 13 , , , : 4` , 0 4 & ':f •lfrooiripm :he 2% , ..'..:',' ;.,;.....'l?dir,!; . . Piz;eet,l4m. fa , ' ,fhe rryt , Troitmelii Cleilde,r2: Trill:. MOSS RILE ji , r eit,tiii , .l he.oreil tha Tteth .74907'11'1.10K.v.erJ ere. . ' i ; •. I Prepireil at ntal t)Five, 77 . Fourth St:. Bro•Ilvn; 't E. D. Price; tiNE DoLialt: or. 'SIX for 5. The Dental Treasury makes a package eight inches by fire,ancl i4 - sent-hiy express* Full iirection for use,is on curb article. The following itttleles we',can send separ ittelv. bV . nutil. viz: The l'realise on Prete-tying Teeth. Sent. post.-• paid, ,receipt of TwelVe Cents, or four • . • stamps. The Neuralgia Paslei, for. Neuralgia in the Face, Nen - oils Flead#che. and Earache, sent, pr.stpaid, on receipt pi' Eighteen cents, or six stamps, The Neuralgia and Itheztmatte Plaster (large size:.) for pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Bach, or any part of the body, sent post-paid. on receipt of Thirty-Seven cents. Address . t Win. , .hard & Co. T ibUne Buildings, New Yurk. Dr Ilurd's Mt/DTI' *ASH. fOOTD.POW DER, and TOOTHACHE DROPS cannot be sent by mail. bat then can probably be obtain ed at your Drug or Periodical Stores. If tipsy cannot, send to us for the Dent et Treasury, Price, One. Dollar, which contains thenalr, IMM ARE DR. HURD'S ,PREBARATIONS GOOD-1 The best evidence that; they are.is, that their firmest fries& and hest patrons are those Who hive used them lengest.. tht. WILLIAIi B. Hutto ,is' an !eminent Di.atist of Brooklyn freasuter of the -,N;ew, York State Dentists' Assoeiation, dnd these preparations hars been' used in his private 'practice for rears, and no leading citizetrof Brooklyn or A . 'illinmsbnrgli question's their eXeellence. - while' eminent Dentists.of New -Yols recommend them as tti hest known to the [profession. Without th' aid of advertising, dialers ;have sOld.them b' - the gross. .; The Editor of the ilr , inklyin DilirVrilliflf sAYE,. ..We are happy to l*a- that our friend, Dr. Hurd. is succeeding heyOnd all ,expectations. wittrhis;44orith Wash and Tooth Powder. The great secret of his Success Tests with the fact that his articles are precisely what .they sTe represented to be, as we can testify from their long use." The Well-knowt: T Baruum found your Tooth 'Powder so good-, that -my filially have used 'lt all up. We find it the ti e m. Polejler for tlnc teethithat we ever used. I shall feel obliged .H•• yob will send me anntha. supply at the 3luseum at your convenience, .with thebill." . . - . , . But their cost is so small that every one may test the matter rot. hiMself Beware of the ordinary-Tooth Polders Dr. Hurd's Tooth Powder; contains no ,acid, nor alkali. flor charcoal, and polishes without wearing the enamel. j Use no other WHAT ?DOES DR. HUDO'S REMEDIES EFGECT 1 Dr, llord's Mouth Wash and PIA Powder will give young ladies that finest charm in woman—a,sifreet breath and pearly teeth. Try them, ladies:. , Dr. iford'4, Mouth Wash and Tooth' rosi der wilt cieanse the .mouth fr'oni all foal exhale• tions. and if used in the Morningcfwill make the breakfast taste sweeter and the.day begin more pleasantly. . Hundreds- of persons can testify to 1616. Try thethi gentlemen. ' Dv. Mouth; Wash and Tooth Powder' are the heat Preparations in the world for cur ing BAD BHBATH and riving firmness and health to the gunis. Hundreds of cases of Diseased Bleeding Gams, Sore ,*iuth, Canker. etc.. have been cured by Dr; Htird's astringent wash. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Rash. and Tooth Powder give an additional charm to courtship, and wake husbands more, itgreable to their wives nml wiims to their liwbands. They; shoold use,i by very per,,icirr 'laving A4TWCIAL TEETH. wittA are liablel to impart a taint to the math.; . . Dr. liard's Toothache props cure Toothache arising *Om exposed nerves, sad ate the best friends that parents can have : in the hhuse to save their children from tonne sud themselves from loss of sleep :it'd sympathetic suffering. - Farniees nd•Nlechanic's ! you canntit IA ell afford to neglect your teeth. F.rj a trilling sum, You can now get , preservatives. than,' wbich Rothschild or Astor can get nothing. better. - ; . Remember that-Dyspepsia and Con-• sumpsbag - of the. Lungs often originate in Neg-. lect of Teeth Send for the Treatise on Teeth; and read I:)r.Fitch's Observation on this sub ject. ;If too late to arrest decay in your-own teeth, save your ehildren's teeth. • Neuralgia Plasters. Dr. Hurd's Neurolgia , Non-adhesive Plasteri are the most pleasant and Successful remedies ever prescribed for this painful disem.e. The patient apPlies one, soon becorneri drowsy,falbi asleep, and awakes free from pain, and mi l blister or'other unpleasant or injurious con sequences ensue. Fur Naniche and. Nervoua Headache, apply accoeding to directions, and relief Will surely follow. Nothing can be ob-j tanned equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress for Neu ralgia. i Try them. Mop are entirely a novel, curious, and original preparation, and won derfully- Successful.. They are of two sizes:l ooe small, for the face, price 15 etas, and the other lirge, for application to the body. price 37 cents. Will be ,nailed on receipt of price and one irtaMp. - WAAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOINGI The American people are intelligent enough u appreciate preparations that contribute so much. to the .happiness of those using them, and they want them. Every. mail brings u letters. isorne ordering the Tusevlss. os some the NgnakLGlA PLAsrEns. and not a few enclosing 37 cents for the Mourn Wesa. to he sent by: walk; hut th those we .ire compelled to reply that it is iMpoSsible to send a 1141f ' battle by mail.. The people want these Remedies. Who will argiply glens,' Now is the Chance for Agents. Shred agents can make a small fot tune in carrying these articles around.to families. Th e Dentallreasury is the . neatest article. that ! 'man or woman can carry around. • Send f one nnil see, or, better., a domes. which wew ill sell a s!sainples for $7. WM. B. HARD & CO, "Tribune Buildings, New York. That remittances may be made *hit corkti dence,V. B. H. refer to" the garo,r,nf Brook in ; to G.W. Grafitti, gresidll'optigrit sad 410 1 11111, AIMILOPO I IIIO44 19►IWI* I i r - ,-,1440;Er % E mA y oßs 0 igblimarrsugf trete g - Great DOWNER'S PATENI HEMMER ANCI SHIELD a. 'on i4ND.EIiwiNG , Is Instithe thine for alllwhotle thenSedle. we the This remark' simple,onOgnel rention save!: th i t i ed the T r l iZ o ''''' te 7r p r the4 ; a =esp. one-half the labor t?f hand•sewirtigie't leen' Phisioiono of our gown* cities bs T s pits t proteClS tha fing o fr om the P m e ta l acloatuneritof gnomic* tons that.tazys the needle and makes s nest ittol uttlforn s A ss A p hi mutu t ba n bee n ib mel 10 to hero %tittle the operator i timing. a r o w dy et to " exee n ertee• "wow N.l" TADY b110171,1> Bk. IOU? TT"''` " oanedonao of she santaratuaity. It: is chsap, simple. iten atilt!), an 4 maul, Tilt itemtacr tad Shteld Wilt he sent free of char f. on retem f thr pr i ii• Else4,l'P A ~nc ;T't 4 ,•11' .:0110 rev: LII,WI4I , 'S st, , JN-W 1i4ii3, 4 tess fts ti ,t‘ Wined to rtf It te.t•ti tor t purpo.,, of o Ttri t n: t Coitoo,Y4ra lo o IL lerl ..dittQti.4 tit tile sow f ad' .•• (I Irt tadispet.sabl% t., al. tx et; % e art . being a nseial had i.‘ 11 igc the 3evirt4-131 , d Prise 50 Cts to $1 111160'pr iztit rpris,n ton•n nod I and Cai o t la,) AVIV • ales an rapid. , petmort ither Addt ess A, 4 liffl 1 ddiug to Style and Aretti. canjbe Rerl ill. • • wrough!••,:t • I H )4). tier, c;-.t. 11,8 +Gov•r. , he granted on' I rill nut,. is • • 4 , ; • • 1 44 " ,:u ` t‘t• !II 11'; MM =ME IMMO= 1 • 2 , DEM = •' 01.:,! ! 1111! ailt! -;• i ;i, I • ' I ..31 , (1, • j • . 1 1 ! • .1 . n •,i. tif • 111 .1 C - ,14••••• 'r", by in 'ha yr.. h:Lia Co' .1 }KW 'n . • . ' , • '' •t:r 101. 't ... , 2' .• 100 el i.! tt.' . • ta pevi' rig) t.i :r•c I \ • '°'.-, - •..! .431 c. • . . 1 _-•. ', .-J, . 1 . , . SO3IETFILNO FOR. TII E TIMF.t , : f., A NE ' 'ESSITY, tti fA C ERY litiCsf.:Hi 4.1 4 : . .: JOHNS. CRoSLE47S. ;Artle'riati, CE'lnt..lll - <77,1 iii T. 'Ptrouirt.t. Calk.. n. t :c. Vs ..11(1 ;For Cromiitiobr 11',.ii,/. Le-t/iPr; Via: ' Iraqi, Clasift,- lliarble. ;14, , ri..irtil'a. - 4 b ilitssii;r. Bram, 01)411. eir. - , The only article of the kind ever froth], ekwhich w4llstand Water. „ . EXTV,ACTB : i • . • 'Every housekeeper , should hare ft, stippl:. of Johnsilr. Cropley's Atneriern4ement Glue • —New - Tork Tinges. "It is So convenient to bare in the' llouse —New York Eqyress. "Dial alivays• ready • this nemaiends it. • eprybody 9 •-•.• . N., Y Independent. "We'• have it. and find it as useful Our bruise Mace' of die Price 24 'Ccnis per - • Very literal reductions to Wholesale bealeis. • TERISI•CASEI I . 1111A:Vor sale by ttli Druggists and Stere keeoers;generall* throughout the couistry. 'JORNSIdr. CRO,SLEY, r. i(SolelStanutucturers •78 WilliatnlStreet; New York. iCornersof Liberty Street.). TAW =ROES' Ore YEA.OE AND TiIIC HEROES OF WAR E. Antlump; N 0.501 Itthtulway, - New York. is nowtpublishing, in add Lion to other p:,-. traits, 'the celebrated etillectin known in Eu rope aid America :Is 1 Brutly!i Nation , a Pfintityraphie Portrait / 0 , 711#77, in which is inchided Portraits,of nearly - all th. prominent men of America, not eicepting Jr: Davis l l pen Beauregaid, Fiord. and st host other Oonfederates. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be scut by Mail. - 1 scenes of the War for the Union. . are published, Icard size. and in Stereoctipl. formal !Also, I I '• I 1 Stereoscopic , views of sce , kes in aris, Lon don, and In other parts , of England and France in Sealand, Ireland, Wales. Itollatud4Switzer• laud, :Spain, on the Itnit. itt Athens, Egypt Turkey, the Roly Land, China, „India,. Cuba itc , 4e., o(l'kt/ill/um. ,-, 1 • l' ' te Our instanta.ons StereoScopic Viims are , The Greatest Wonder :!if the .Age. These are taken in the fat tietitt part of a second and the rushing of water,the Inuring itf leaves or the march of an arrny. does not in (the least affect the taking of these iews. They are .: t. sold for $3 per dozen. " , 1 We have also on hand an manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes', Photo graphic Albums, and( Photographic Materials in the 'United States. and perhaps in ihe world Catalogues.,coutaining lilts of Milner Por traits. Viva. Stereoscopes, I &c., sent tree I mail, on receipt of a stamp.l ) ' I , E. ANTH 5 ONY, 1 Broadway, jyli hear St. Nicholas 'tact, Newt York . i 111041 ACE WATERS Pl. NOS. NIELOD'EONS:, ALEXANDRA.; ORGANS, ANii I T. GILBERT * CO IS celebrated IEOLLAN PIANOS are the tine,t instritments fir Parlors end Chtirthea,now in use. A Lirg'r lessort• ment 'Can he seen at. the new Wareroorns, 481 BROADWAYO3etween. Grand . an Brooine Streets, Which] will he sold lat eat mely low -trieeli. PIANOS and MELODEONS rom sin dry. ntakers. new andseCond liatid; lei. and rent tilloiTed if poreitased, Ilti per agreeinem Slootttly parients 'retei .ed for Cher sani,,: Aittp;jsecond4and Pianos anti-Metodeons st? great:, bargaink, Pf. ces : ftim SW tO siop. Sheet Music, Music 'Books; and all kids of linsillejthaikdise id War , prices: • 1 I BMW. V APO. HON. JAMES COOK E - , Mayor of LONVELLi kit& HON. ALBra BEARD, /dam NAERUTA, HON. - ILMIUNGTON, Mayor of MA.NOKESTER, N. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, • . Mayor of COMBD , _/, N. $ HON.' A. H. BULLOCK,\ - = - Mayor of WORCESTE% ,HON. NATIPL- SILSBEE, - - • 11111°P of 1341aits HON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor, of BOSTON, mxia . .: HON: WM. M. topicATT Mayor of PROVIDNN6,6 B. Bolt. Amos rzurrrkez, Mayor of NO/MICR, comf. • BON. J. Mayor of NEW LONDON, Corm HON. CHAS. B. ROD_ lER, • Mayor of MONTREAL, C. R. HON. D. P. TIEMANN„' Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. N. zaNs i ntri, . Mayor of ILLIIIILTON, - 0. HON. ADAM WILSON, --- , Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. L BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OR M. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, IT. HON. JOHN SEDAN, Mayor Of LYONS, - lOWA. NON. JAMES, KerEeTERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, NIL HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr, Mayor , of HALLONCrELL, HON. JANES S. BEEK, Mayor of BISEERSIGTON; N. ;B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, KAM HON. J. BTATEIDELL, • . Mayor of FALL .13/11, EON. W. H. CRANSTON, • Mayor of NEWPORT, Lt HON. FRED STAHL, , Mayor of GALELTA„ I= - , • : ' 3i C.: =I t.l • Wl_ 'l, ,t :Tit) : ti.4;k .t , 'oll' bt. c, MEM ! scr c • 7 ot Ell HON: JOHN HODGDEN,, Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWL. ICON. THOMAS CRIITCHPLELD, Mayor of CEATTILNOO4A. =NIL HON.. ROBERT BLAER; Mayor of TITSCALC:SA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGH, . ' Mayor of Amatrais. 'TENN. EON. GERARD STrza; Mayor of NEW ORENANS. LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ILOLLUSIBTEE, ! HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. T. HON. - GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTi3BUEG, PA. EON. C. it BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, NUS EON. HENAN L. PAGE, Mayor of AtILWAITEXL", HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of 73.A.U.akal, wrs. • HON. A. FAAR, Mayor of ICENOSEL 1 5 711 HON. JOHN O. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO. tab HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of RIFIT.VA, ALL aft& tlmt the resident prozgene tuw matured them, Ayer's Sarsaparilla L an excellent remedy, and worthy th• ece• Adams of the community. For Spring Diseases. For Purifying the Mood. For Scrofula or King's Evil. For Tumors, Ulcers, and Sores. For Eruptions and Pimples. For Blotches, Blaine. and Bong' For St. Anthony's Fire, Bose, or Erie For Teeter or Salt Rheum. le,lPelas , For Scald Head and Itingrorm.' For Cancer and Cancerous Sores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and MUSLOsIb For Female IMeemes. For Suppression and ®ularity. Per Syphilis or Venereal gHseasis. For Liver Complaints. gar Diseases Of the Heart. • i • TM Mayors of the thief °Wes of the 170 tea States, Canadakand British Prcnrinsah Chili, Peru,Brand, Mexico, en cod $1 most an th Attlee on this continent, big , signed this document, to assure their WA! what remedies they may use with safety oa conlidemee. lint our: Ewe will only oda 11 , 6 portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral -1 Ayer's Pills, and Ayer's Ague Cure, TREPARZD ST Dr. Jr C. Ayer lb Co, rowmai, MASS., axilspld bi,Druggiste:TrerY *um S A: E. A. Jones, Conder9" l Munn & Nichols, Millpot:t ;Lrogus Roulet ; 4..0,434z I; Son, 174'00; 4, B° l. tOD, 01.34111 043 AM by Pcialitlite"4l° Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers