Legal an COURT PROOLLINATION. I ' WHBREAS the lion. Robert CO. White President Judge, and the (ions. C. S. ;ones and G. G. Colvin, Associate- Judges or the Courts of Oyer & Terminer-and, General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions - of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Coninion Pleas -for the -County of. Potter, have issued their precept,bearing date the twenty seventh daY of Febnary, in thelyear of our Lord 'one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-two, and tome , clirected,fer holding a Court of o,yeran &Term .iner and Generallail Delivery, Quarter Ses sicnia,pf,the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of CtiramiiiiPleas;in. the - Morobgh of Conders ,pork on_MCNDAT,.. the 24th. day_ of June uexti . and to continue one Week : -Notite is . thereforehereby.giren to the .Cor.! miners,- - Jnitites:of the Pedee and Constables within the;county, that thoy be then and there is their proper: Orsmitt, at 10. o'clock A, Vii. of lucid day,. with' their rolls, records, examinations, 'and otber remembrances, itto dothose things which to their :offices ap •)pertain to be" done, And those who are bonud by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that, are or shall be in the jail of' sahi county of Potter, are to be then and there to - prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at COpDRRBPOII; May 12, 1862, and the (14th yeartfilie - Independence of the United Stales, of America, F. BURT, ShOiff. IST OF OAUSES'for trial in the Court of _ILA 'Common Pleas of Potter county, at June Term. • . auies . O'Brien vs .John Lerman.' Christopher Evelin vs James Bartron A D Corey vs Wm Corey - • • Potter & Brooks vs S C Lewis • Hymn and Fanny his wife a J Mann & Graves T Jones use of H Cobbadm vs G W'Tyler M 1# Nichols vs W G Sutherland. -llsnnah M Wharton vs R W Mclntyre'' ; WllMetzger&AStrong vs WT&AFJones: Owen, vs L F Maynard • , Crittenden & Langdon vs Stephen Horton • W T Jones vs Polly-S Higley admsrs 'S WPayne & Co. vs W T Jones and A F Jones James Shaffer vs. N W May and M W Smith B P;Reynolds fk. Benj. Reunells M Matteson vs H Lord, sur.ofLord&Dwight Peter B Hedrick vs . Wm F Burt ' iplibikfieek et al vs J W Rounds ' P Cone vs J B Smith 4- W F Burt Fuller & Card vs. John 0 Tanner Puller k Card vs A Deremer & C Thompson I Benson is Writ Ansley et al Levi• Dickson vs'A Jones & Lewis Jones 1 Levi Dickson vs Wm Burleson Levi Dickson vs Abram Jones • - ,Lewis Wood vs Willard Chandler Lewis Wood vs. Nelson Easty L Raymond vs II H Guernsey : Barclay &Brainerd vs Ht Fuller S RDecker. vs Peleg Burdic Ex of Dalrymple vs Oswayo township W E Freeman vs Isaac Quick Ingersoll, use of Mark vs E K Spencer' L Candela vs Fred Brooks, Garnishee,&e -IL J. OLMSTED, Protley. Coudersport, May 2, Administrator's Sales BY virtue of an order issued in the Or phan's Court of the County of Potter and to us directed, we shall expose to sale by_pub lie vendue or outcry, at the Court House in the berough of Coudersport, on Tuesday, the 24th day of June next, at one o'clock, P. M., - the following described real estate, Beginning at the southwest corner of square No' 21, thence east eight perches to the south' west corner of lot No 221, thence north twen ty-four feet to the south east corner of a lot deeded to Sarah J. Schoemaker, thence west parallel with second street eight rods' to the ,ssast• line of east street, thence south along the line of east street twenty-four feet to the place of beginning, being the south part of lot No 210 on ignore No '2l in said borough, on '• -which' is erected one Two-Story Store House. ALSO a strip of land in the borough of4Cou &report, bounded and described as follows : beginning at, the southwest corner of lot No 210 thence east along the north kide of Second street forty feet to a' post, thence northerly parallel with East street twelve rods to a post, thence westerly parallel with Second street forty fee, • the southeast corner of lot No 207, then e outherly along the east side of lots No 20: 209 and 210 twelve rods to the -place of b :inning, being part of said square No 21. ALSO, z • , al estate situate in Whar•:' ton township, Pott. county, Pat, bounded on the north by lands to of Jonathan Card, Levi P. Card and George W. P. Card,! east by .1. L. Nelson and south and west by the Sinnemaho ming creek, containing about three acres of ' land • ALSO, an undivided half part of one acre of land in Wharton township, Potter county; Pa.,described as follows: commencing on the bak of the Sinnemahoning creek six rods aboVe the saw-Ina! built by the Card's, thence about four or five rods to the gut thereon, southeast along the gut far enough to make an acre, thenbe'westerly to the bank of the creek, thence up the creek to the place of be % ginning, containing one acre of improved land oa „which is one water saw-milland one frame dwelling house. ALSO, one undivided half of certain real estate in said Township, County and State, described as follows: Bouqded on the North .; • by unseated lands, on, the least by the Slone .. mahoning creek, on the south and west by unseated lands, containing about' One Hun died acres of which about three acres are improved, being real estate of the late' N. • Behoomaker, dec'd. Terms, one-third cash at the date_ of sale and the balance with interest iu one year from said date. Iteneen,l .4d 2 l 11. J. OLMSTRD, Coudersport; May 27, 1862., , Register's Notice IVOTICE is ',Tetchy given, that the folfow -11 ing accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed iu the Pro thonotary's Office of Potter county, for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any way interested; and will be :presented to the next Orphan's Court of said .county, at the Court House in the Borough of Coudersport, ow Tuesday, . the 24th day of June. A.D., 1861, for confirmation and allow since : '"The account of Phidelia Thompson and R. W. Benton administrators of the estate of Ru tin, nomyson; decs'd. . . I , " DAN bAKER, Register. , . mq 29; 1862 77 Notice. 71EXTHEI T AS letters testimentarY to the es " :tate of Yohn r &airy,. late of Sylvania township, deed; have - been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pay ,. meat, and those having claims ..oralemands • igainsi the state of the said deceTent, will make kuotirn the same without delity to ROBERT YOUNG, Executor. nylfild* / Mtn (Jo,, Pa., Mar. lt • JONES'COLUMN Court. r 000 s SOMETHING.ELNEIJ HE subscribers at their OLD' STAND ON MAIN STREET Offe'r to their old cuatomere and the public generally for Cash, - United States Treasury Notes (which by the way are taken at Par Wheat, Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Butter,Cheese Hides, Pelts, Deer Skins, and all other kinds of Skins, such as Calf Skins, itc., also, Beans Bens., Venison, and some other things the can't be thought of, A LARGE AND WELL•SELECTED DRY GOODS, DE ADYMADE CLOTHING GROCERIES, • Hats & Caps, Hardware, Together with some of the best - KEROSENE OIL, Far superior to the Oil Cre . ek or Tidioute 0 LAMP & LAMP FIXINGS, Also a few more of !toile Superior CANPOR PLOWS, SLEIGH SHOES, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY,' INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES, And other kinds of WALL _PAPER, WINDOW. CURTAINS And other articles which time alone for-- bids us.As mention, all of which will be sold as low as the WAR PRICES will alloT—for strictly. READY-PAY!! And for those artioles we take, the high est Market price will be paid...? L• We are also General Agents - tor DR. D. JAYNE'S Family Medicines, N. B. The pay for the• Goods 'must 14 on hand when the Goods Sr delivered; as we'are determined to live to ,the motto of "Pay ao Tonga." Jnit one thing more.: The Judgments,notes and . boolt accounts which We hitre on head mustlbe settled and'cldse " d ' up qr we fear they willbe incietiimilastet than the' avalsatti diatsrat. • troll. ;1 AND :NEW ! ! . IN COuDERSPORT, ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES PROVISIONS ,D,RuGs $ MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stallig, POCKET CUTLERY - DR. AYER'S Medicines,' BRANDRETH'S Pills, KENNEDY'S 'Medical Discovery, And all the standard Sfedieines of the day CALL AND SEE!' C. S. & E. A. JONES. • SALES. By..NIELTijE of sundry writs, of Yendition EsPona - eiFieri Facies and Leyari Facias issuecToul of fhe,Cottrt of Common Pleas of Pot ter County, Pennsylvania, and to ma directed, I shdl wc : pcse ip puhlie sale or outcry,'' at Mc' Court House in Condespoil, on MONDAY, the ; 23d day,. orJuzie 1862, , al 1 o'dock; the ; lot :louring: ascribed ti acts or parcels of lased ° 'wit:: A certain. hid' of land situate In'llctor tp., Potter bounced and described as follows, viz : On themorth by the public road and land of Benj. L. Wilber, east by land of Abel Dickens, south by a public road and land land of Alhert:Wilikr, -- atid West by land: of Horace Dimen'and O. P. Kilbourn, containing ; Si ty-Ttvo Acres, more or less, about Twenty acres of - Which are iinproved; with one frame rbi - inie;arie 'fritine barn'and alevr_ fruit trees thewn.- Seized, taken in execution and to be 'sold as 'the property OfHalcorn Tate.' ALSO—A certain tract of land situate , in HeCtor Potter'ea.,. Pa:, • bounded, otithe north Bingham lands and lot forinerly.own ed VEdivard Alvord, on the east, south' and west by Bingham lands,being.lot no. 101. and part, of warrant no. 1798,containing One Hun di* acres,' more or less, Twenty-five acid_ of: which are itnproved,,with one_log hottie, one frae house, onn,ittig barn, and some fruit, trees m a:Cr - eon. , SertEd; taken in exenution,cind to be sold as the propertyof Henry Young. • ALSO—A' certain tract of land situate in Osiveyo tp, Patter co.,Penn'ii, bounded on the north by lands'of Wm S .- Johnson and others, east by lands of Chas;Head, south by landed' Jas H Leach, and west . by land of G F.ROwly, Containing Fifty acres;more or less,ivith about, Thirty acres. improved, with one frame house; one frame barn, one boar& shanty, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized,' taken in exdu tion and to be sold as the:property of Ira Leech :ALSO-A certain tract of land situate in Ealalia: tp, Potter co., Penns, bounded on the north try the turnpike, on the'east by the Sin nemaboning road, on the south by land,of N. WOodcock, on the west by . lands of E Stark weather and N • Woodcock, containing' Nine and iiine-tenth acres, all of which are improv ed and on which are erected one frame house, tivo frame barns,and an apple orchard thereon; Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Maria S. Edwards. ALSO;,A certain tract of land situate in Allegany and , Ulysses .townships, Potter co., Pa:, bounded north by lands of Emmer Mon roe, east by lands of H. Rollebeth, south by lands of Wm Morley . and A Byam andmest by lands of Nathan;Brown and A Raymond, con faining Sixty-nine acres, of which thirty acres are improved, with the frame barn, one board hopie, one new frame' house, and some fruit trees theron. Seized,taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Nelson. ALSO—A certain tract of land, to wit : lot No 60 of the allotment of lands in Sweden Tp, Potter c 0.,. Penn'a, beginning at a post the north west corgcr f lot No 32 of the allotment of lands in Sweden . Tp - , thence south on the west line of said lot No 32 one hundred and sixty rods to a post, thence west fifty-three rods to a post standing in the east line of lot No' 29, thence north on line of lots Nos 29 and 28 One hundred and sixty rods to a post,thence east along the south line of lot No 37 fifty three rods to the place of beginning, contain ing Fifty-Three acres of which Thirty acres arciimproved,with one log house, one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized., taken in execution, and to 'be sold as the property of Harris S. Carpenter. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Wharton Tp, Potter co., Penn'a, to wit All that piece and. parcel of land now in posses sion of Deft, bounded on the west by F. W. Hughes & Co. and Laban Randall,on the south byllands of F W Hughs & Co., on the east by lands of F W Hughs & Co, JW Rounds and Na than Bailey, and' on the north by lands of F W Engin & Co, containing about Eighty :acres, of which Ten acres are improved and on,which are erected one frame house, one saw mill,and one log barn, and Some fruit trees thereon.— Seized, taken inexecution. and to be sold as the property of jaws L. . Barclay. A certain tract of land•Abbot Tp, Potter Co', Penn., Beginning at a beech tree the original N W corner of warrant No 5078 thence E 90 perches to a corner, thence S 47 and 4-10th perches to a corner, thence W 90 perches to a corner, thence N 47 and 4-10ths perches 'to a corner, the place of beginning, Containing Twenty-five acres and allowance of,l and 8-10ths acres foe roads, about twelve acres of' which are improved, three or four acres chopped, and on which are erected one frame house and one log barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob / 7 Zundel. ALSO—A certain tract of land satiate in Pike Tp, Potter co., Penn'a, bounded on the north by lot No 14, on the east by lots No. 14, 22, and 35, on the south by lot No 22 and un seated lands of the Bingham estate, and on the west by unseated lands and'by lots Nos 13 & 36, being lots Nos 11 and 12 of the subdivi sions of lands of the Bingham estate in said township, containing one hundred and fifty five acres of which about fifty acres are im proved, on which are three frame houses, two frame barns, one water saw mill, and some fruit treei thereon. Seized,taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of E. Johnson. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Roulet Tp, Potter co., Pa, beginning at a post in the north line of Patrick Cary's lot 42 rods west of his northeast corner tneace north 85 rods to a post in ;he south line of J.Kno,whons , lot, thence west' by said line 174 rods to a corner, thence south twenty rods, thence west 2 end 3-10th rods, thence south - 65 rods,thence east 176 and 3-10th rods to the place of be ginning, containing about Ninety-three acres , and being part of warrant no. 3922, of which' 'about Thirty-five acres are improved, and on which are erected one frame house, one frame barn and other Outbuildings and on which is an orchard of young apple trees and other fruit trees. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Meacham. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Roulet Tp, Potter co., Penn'n, bounded on the north by lands of John Keating it : Co, on the east by lands of J. Sullivan, on the south by lands of A Knowlton; and on the west. by land of - John Lyman, containing-Sixty-six acres of which Fifteen acres are improved, and on which are one log and frame house, One frame barn and some fruit trees. Seized, taken in .execution and to be. sold as the property of Jahn Lyman, .Tr. • ALSO—A certain tract, of land situate in. Hector Tp,;Potter co., Penn's, bounded as fol lows beginning ate post in the Westline of Hector township, thence east 130. and 1-10th perches;tlionce south 140 perches,thenee west along north line of the Adlum lands 80 perches, thence west 103 and 840th perehes to the west line of Hector township, the i nce along town line north one degree and - one half of a degree east 140 perches to the place al:begin ning,containingOne Hundred and Eight acres and nine-tenths of an Acre with the usual allowance of 6 pr ct for roads, &c, he theianie more or less, it being lot no, 72 of; the allot ment of the Bingham Hector towns'p and part' of-Warrant no. 1;790, with' about ten acres imnraied. ;Seized, taken in execution,. and to be sold as the'property pfDavid :Mines ALSOA - certain' tract of-land-isittiate- in qrs Tills/0 of Lynnininille in Enlalis Tp, Pot Iron s Nails STATIONARY , , ter co., Pe nn's, beginning at:4l,, ,, stotia . ; In the centre of,the,Lyciaming and =Potter , toiipike i road at a point where the(cantre of the road; running north and south thronghlayrciOnstilln' intersects said, turnpike reind'qience in a Wes"- terly liireetion along" the Cent:rp_lor sciKrond 8 Perches to a-stone, thence . neith or nearly Sol .20 perches, thence east or nearly'so 8 Perches' to thecentre of the North Hollow roadjtherice by the - centre of said road south or'nearlY so 20 rods to the place of begineing, containing ; one acre of imprcived land, amore-or-less, - on which one frame house, one frame blacksmith shop andother outbuildings 'Ore erected,- and on which, area feiw fruit treei. Selied,taken in execution and to be soldta it the.proPerty of 'Darius Norsznan. . - I : ! • ALSO—A: certain treat of land situ ate in Hebron Tp,'Potter co; Penree; beginning at a post the s. e: eorriertif lot conveyed bYadmsrs of the est. of S MT* deed ta Alonzo,Dwight thence by line of said Tot Yl6° E 108 perches to south. line of lot No. 96 conveyed by Trus tees of the „Bingham estate tolE S Mnin,thence, by lines of said lot S 66. E 157, and 3-10 pers and S 814;°•,E 43 and 2-10thrperebek to west line oflortio. 26, thenee' by lines of 'said lot S 1.5i 0 W 39 and 8-10 perehes 8 '73° E; 35 and 6-10 perches and S.l6° W'69jand 3-lllth per ches to a pine,i_etheN line of lot, no. *thence by N line of lets,nos. 30 and;sl. N72-1° W 1.34 perchei to thelilitee'of beginning ? eontaining, 79 and 3;10 acrei, more Oriesi; with the:new& allowance of 6 pr ct for realist, ,ke.; -being the east part Of lot no; 25 Of the allottment of lands :of the est. of S Di- Fox, deed ) in Hebron Tp, and part• of warrants neS.; 1209 and 1210, about 46 acres of which' - axi;.imProved, with two frame houses,.'one fiaree ' barn, and Other outbuildings, and an apPleiOrchard tiO-other fruit trees thereon. Seized,token in execution and to be sold as the property of Foster Hey-- . , : . nada.' - ' .. . ALSO—A certain "tract Of, land situate in Oswayo Tp, Potter eo., Penn's, begirining at ; hemlock, the N. W. corner :of , lot No: 3. of the allotment of lands in Hebron Tp, Potter Co., Penn's, conveyed by the trustees of the Bing ham Estate to, Benj. Grata* thence N iy , E by E line of lot No. 59 Hebron Tp, and E line of lot NO. 75' Hebron and 'Oswayo TP's; 671 . perches to a beech in the Slim of said lot No. 84 Oswayo Tp,. thence D by ,S lino of;said lot No. 1$ and 1-10th perches to a post and corner of said lot and in dine of lot eonieyed by ,P. Pemberton Morris to, Sml P, Lyman thence S by Hie of said lot '7, perches to a post cornel'of said lot,lthence E by line of'said lot 92 perches to a' post corner of said lqt,ithence S by lined' said lot 89 perches to a post cor ner of i said lot,' thence , E by :line of said lot' 79 perches to a; post a corner of said lot , thence S by line ' of said' late 82 perches to - a post a corner lof said lot, thence E by line of said lot 60 perches to ti,post a cor ner of said lot, thence by line ,ef said lot 189 perches to a pit a corner of said lot, thence, E by line of said lot 110 perches to poSt the N W corner of lot No.' 9, conveyed; by the trustees of theßingham Estate to Luke Green; thence S by the W line of lot No. 9 148 perches to a post the N E corner or lot No. 6 Hebron, Tp, thence N 80° and 5-Btlis of a degree W by N lips of lot No: 6 62 and 4-10ths, perches to a maple the S W corner of said lot, thence S 7.Bths ofa degree W by W line of said let 131 perches,to , a maple in the S line of lot No. 5 Hebron Tp, and the 8 W coiner of said lot No, 6, thence N 89° and 1-4th ;degree Wby X line: of lot No. 5 HebrOn Tp; 94' perchesto a post' a corner , of lot No, 2 Hebron Tp; conveyed by the trustees of the Bingham Estate to Joseph Cary, thence N byline of said lot 53 perches to a post a corner of said , lot, - thence, W by N, line of said let 105 and 7-lotlis perches to al post a corner of said lot, thence S by tine of, said 10t,82 and 9-10ths of, a perch to a beech a corner of lot No. 1 Hebion Tp, conveyed by, the trustees of the Bingham; Estate :tellenj Graham, thence N 891° W,by N line of saki lot 107 and 2-10ths of a Perch to the place beginning, containing 968 sod 4-10ths of an acre more or less, with the usual alloWience of six per, cent. for' roads Ike., being let 'No. 30 of the allotment of lands of the Fox Estate in Oswayo Tp. and part of warrants!7o.i 1343 i 1859 and 1869, about three acres of :hich ar cleared; and improved: and on which on house and barn are 6rected.—.ALs9—Tli following tract of land situate in the Tp, of Hebron; Co. and State aforesaid, Bleg,in.tin at a post the N W corner of lot No. 59 of th allotment of lands in Hebron Tp, Potter Co.! Penns, thence S 89° 11130 perches, {thence S Ik° W 130 perches, thence N 89° W 30 perches to a corner in theW line of said lot No. 59, 'thence N li. E by said W iline 130 perches, to the place of;begiening, c ntaining 23 acres more or less With the nsu. 1 allo w-) ance of six per cent. for roads Sc. ,it' being the N W part of lot No.i 59,0 f the all orient of the Fox estate in 'Hebron 'Tp, and part of war": No 1866, about Four acre ' s o,f .which are imi proved, with one frame house and lone saw and shingle mill thereon- erected. Seized! taken in execution and to-be sold as the prel perty of Peter'Beatmanliiid 0. C. Wilrner. 1 ALSO—A certain tr,. et, of land situate in; -- Pike Tp, Potter Co., Pa, Beginning at. a sugar', maple on the S E corner' of 'a lot heretoforel surveyed to Elijah Jelinson, thence N 139 perches to'a corner thence W 55 and 1-10th; perches to a corner, thence S 139 perches to ' a corner, thence E 55 apd 1 -10th perches to, the place of beginning, centtiining about Ffty,' acres, about ten acres of which are.iinproved.l Seized, taken in execution. and . to be sold ash the property of A. B. _Horton. ALSO—A certain tract of land Situate ie the Tp of West Branch, Potter Co., Pa., Begn-I ning at a post 75 perc hesN'of a post situate) 215 and 3-10th{ perches E of the S W corner ; of warrant No. 5074, thence N 676 perches toi a corner, thence W 59 and 3: . .10ths perches to a corner, thence , S G 7 and 6 7 10ths perches to a corner, thence E 59 and 3410 the, perches to a corner the place of beginning, centainine Twenty-five acres of land' more or less, about ten acres of which are improved with one frame House, - one log, barni and seine fruit trees thereon.. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as' the; property !or- David Hoye.:,l • . ; ALSO—A certain tract of land Situate in Genesee Tp, Potter CC., Pa.,' Bounded OD the N by lands of 0. W. Alickox,'E. Peet ikAmasn Robbins, on the E by Bobbins and unseated lands of ,the Estate of S. M. Fos, S by lot known as the Higgins I let and 'the Annis Mill ,lot,, and on' the W by land of 0.',11. Perry and the highway, containing-One Hundred and Twenty-six and Six-tenths ;acres, lof which 'sixteen ,acres are imprevad,,tind on which are' erected one frame holuie, one grist mill and) one board stable, and nil orcharC of apples! and - other fruit , trees tbereon. Seized. taken} in execution and to be Sold as oil George IF. Hackett. .1 . • • , - 11 ALSG—A pertain tract of land Situate WI Wharton Tp, Potter G0.,,Pa.; Cemtnencing on the W side of :the: Siananiahoning (*posit the saw mill fortherlylOwned by Cards, run ,ning up the hill inclnding a-certain spring then in a Southerly direction along thebill to include, the Fifty acre running to the E bank of the innansaboning centaining Fifty acres striet measure, being part of warrant No. 4685 about six . acres Of which * * improved, with three-franie honseS thereon. •1 Seized, taken in execution t and to be stolid. as the•property.of Peter Westbrook.; , 1 ALSO-4,c,eoairt tt , .Syifitnitt Tp, Butter 00., , P0., Boni:idea as fol lowil,,to - Wit: ipd life N hy:Zas Gltuiperadd Columbus; Beefy E, hy ,ianseated landfheSrAt Mcprade &Hind Viseph HAfiilid Go- I ldmibus Rees, eontainiug Fifty,`Eightitcres* [ which. about" tweatyl acres - areAmproMl, with .one frame it4us.f( two . 191 . .tikrus and. seine. fi trees " the hezeciti , -Seiztd, taked . ideteen;- 1 4 Itio ' and to besold lid ihor*Fty;Fr : wryis Ir. St.l--A certaii tract - of land •szttatekiri Chi Tp, Potter CO., Pit:;ll3oundl&tliskile .; _ scrizbed as folloWs,l to wit.;,. Beginzung at; a posl in the Kline of Keating' lands 67 rode S of the:NE corner ofl warrant, No. 2208, thence ,W h, y.S line of lotformerly owned by,ldicliael Adams 270 rods, theece S 31° W. 70. rods id a poil in the Ridged* line;thence N 60 perches to fhe place of beginning, containing Eighty tw. and' fou4tentlfs acres ; of land ,of which zili nt'3o acre4:are improved ' with wie - freiniel .. ho se one- frame !dim and snme. fruit .trees th*on..'Seized,.taken, in -execution and to, Ibe ;sold las the property of:T. D. L i glaysq.-, . ' ..ALSO—.-A Certain tract; ef - iand 'situate Idl `.UlfsSei TO; Potter 'CO:, Ta- - ,,Bolnided on the N tY lands of•Genrr'l R: Harman, liit the E by, lans of George 44 Alva Carpenter; on the S by lAi knoWn;as: the Seiral.Gibbs lot, and Why lali l 'ds of Swift, containing One iltunired'acrei about 25 .acres .of Which are "itizprOved,44 . abput eight dcres dlished,l With' ' bne - frame. floPse, bne log barn ; one frame barn andciome , fruit trees - thereon.. - - :Seized, taken' in execu -tied add to be sold ds the ,property.of Tames: Meet.. ,I - 1,; • '. . - ; , Itsp—A certain .tract land situate In Sq - Mit Tp; Potter Co., Pa., situated between thif . Jersey Stkre•Turnpike and the!E line of the lands of Mr.= V. Keating & Co.,.adjoioink F4 I NV. Knox's farm lot, it being the let known . uslhe Shears; let, containing Seventy-five and, lee -tenths acres More or, less with ` about! si, . acres 'improved; upon which is erected one &dime house. Seized, taken in exceutioniand to r sold'as ihe'pl'operty . of A: J Hazioell, 1.1 JALSOk Certain, tract of land situate in Rcinlet'Tp, Potter Co., Pa.,. - containing Fifty Ares or thereabout being the S part of acer taid farna which 'John. C. Knot and Lemuel F. .4rlYnardlcon*eyed by deed . to John W. 'May. nabl on the 3d day of June 1847, which said Tem is bounded and described asfollows e viz ituate in Roulet . Tp,,' Potter Co", Pa., lhodnded N by lands of John Keating & Col E by lands of Jacob Weiderish and George lireimer, S by,linds of John Keating &Co., land W by lands of Henry Yentzer, containing tbout One Hundred and Twenty-five acres Ore or less, 'nearly dli of which Fifty acres s=e improved,. and on 'which 'is erected ones frri.ine hOuse - ; a frame barn and other beildings, with an apple orchard thereon.H Seized, taken: in exeeution and to be sold as' jthe property of SimonKimm. -..' , . 1 ALSO--A•eertain tract of land situate in ICi l ttra Tp, Potter Co, Pa: -,Bodnded Why B Grave's, E by? S. • Stevens '& -Co., S by J. D. Sfacy,,W by unseated, lands of John Keating st Co.; containing Seventy and , nine-tenths !acres of which twenty acres are improved and thFee acres chopped. on which are erected two frame dwelling houses, one log.barii and with some fruit 'trees thereon. Seized, taken im execution and to be sold as the property of A e EXANDER. P. IlKse. ALSO—A certain tract of land. situate in Sweden Tp, Potter C0.,a., Beginning at a post the N Reorder of fot No. 15 conveyed by' , Sobieski Ross to Julius Neefe, thence by N line of said lot IV 132 and 5-10ths per,ches, thence in part by 13 line of lots No. 54' & 55 N 140 and 6-10ths perches to the N' line Of Sweden Ti), thence by said line S.BB° and 1-Bth degree E 1279 and 3-10th perches to the E line of lot NO. 30, thence by said line S 119 and 1-20tha perches to the N E corner of lot No. 31 con= vOyed by Sobieski Ross to G. A. Neefe, thence .by line of said lot W 146 and 7-10th perches and S 12 and 2-10th the place of beginning, containing 213 and 9-10ths acres more or . less being lot No. 53 of the allotment of lands' of George Fox atid Sobieski Ross ih said Tp, and part of warrants Nos. 1305,1306, about Twenty acres of which are improved. with some fruit ,trees thereon. 'Seized, taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of Tohn Glace. , . , IALSO—A certain tract of land situate in SWellen Tp, Potter Co., Pa., Beginning nt the NIB corner of lot conveyed by trustees of the Ringliam Est.ite to Chester CarsaW;thence by limes of Binghain Lands N • 76 and €.loths perches, E 60 and 3-10ths perches S 11° E 84 and 9-Idtb,s perches to the' N W corner of lot No. 9, thence by W line of said lot S 1° 1 . 1,7 160 , perches' to the N line of lot No. 10, thence by said line W 57 and 8-10ths . perelies. thence in part by E line of C.. Carsaw's lot aforesaid N F. 174 and 3-10ths perches o the place of beginning, containing . 85 and 11 -10th acres - more or less with! the usual al lowance of six per cent for roads &c. being !tit No. 8 of the allotment of lands of icibieski Boss in Sweden' Tp, and-part a warrant No. 1309, aboutFifty-tive acres of which are hn proved.and some fruit trees thereon. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the prop-• eity of .Taeob Herrington. • . ALSO—A•certain tract of land situate in Harrison Tp, Potter co, Pa, to wit.: beginning at a beech the.` E corner of lot;No 8 ; of the allotment of binds in said Tp. in the. S lice of the State of New ; York, thence by said line S B:B°'E 104 and 310th perches - to N W corder Of lot No 12, thence by W line of said lot S I° 145 and 410th perches to the N line Griot No 10, thence by said line N 88i° W 104 and perches ,10 E line of lot No 8 afor,esaid, thence by said line N W 146 perched to; the Place of beginning, containing Eighty-Niue ,& Two-Tenth Acres, more or less, with the usual allowance 0f.6 pr. M. for rou.s &c, being lot No 9ot the allotment of lands of Goorge Fox tind'Sobieski'aloss in Harrison Tp, anclpartof .WarraneNo 1103, county and State aforesaid, \about SIXTY acres of which are - mp' roVed, and on 'which are erected one frame houseona frame barn and other outbuildings; san! on Which is a' fine orchard of apple and other fruit treeS,with a well of water. Seized,taken in execution and to be sold as the "property of 4filts White. - - ALSO—A 'certain tract of land situate on ute:creek in Pike Tp,,Potter, co. Pa, to wit: 'bounded on the•north by land of the Bingham estate, east by lands now or late of Isabc John smith by lands of Timothy Ives draljm kilbourn, and west by lands of J 11 Kilbourn, containing Two Hundred and Ten acres,mOre lessi - with 'allowance, about one hundred acres of whieb are improved, and on. whi li are erected three frame houses, three fraMe barns, 'one log, house, one grist mill . , I.lhlack imith 'Shop, and One school house, and an br -1 chard of apple and other fruit trees: Seized, - taken in execution and to be sold ns tbe pro- Party_ ot Lemael Shoran and _4naley.. ALSO—A 'certain tract of land situate-,in PlysiesTp, Potter co., Pa.,louuded on the forth by land of Thos. E.' Gridlei and' Isaac ,Byani,lon theeast by, Thos- E the iontli - by the , highway, and on the ,--3 Test by lands OrStimitel 800, containing:Frty'aeres r tberelibouts, of wnich'aout Fkfteett acres are improved, with one house, one.log barn; and some fruit trees 'thereon: ;'Seieed, taken execution and to be sold as•the pro ! - Perty:of TaniAt Ardrey.:: • . 1 ALSO—A "certain :tract of Jana:situate -hi Bingham Tp, Totter co.,Pa., to wit 'beginning at a post the 8 W'tinueVot lot 'No; 38 pa; act of lemi oitnateriii lreyed-by.the tntstace Of the Bittgbitn line-ofitaid 'lot 8 tr,,E..29"and.3...-10ths perches to the N Nv ear. nee °riot No. 48 Of the' allottnent of lands of thii:Estatepf S. IL Fox dec'd, in Bingham tp, thenee by lines' of said lot No, 48 S 93 and - 5 -10th perches and South 891- 0 E 179 and..3:.loths perches to the W line , of lot N 0.47, thence by .W Ene of lots No. 47 - & - 64 s 1 . 0 slysind 540th pertlies to NE Corner efl;i. thencebiN line of lots-Nos. 50 ct:sl 23si - :and 240ths Perches to a corner of lot No. 52 tlieneis bylineofsaid lotN 1° E 132 and9-10th perches, and N 89° W 69 and 8-10ths per c h es toa corner,of lot No. - 39-in , W. of warm: No. 1235, thence by said - line+ Erie oflot No. 39 N-1° E 48 and 3-10 perches, thence by line of lot No. 39-E 99 and3,lotbi- peni le ", toPtlteLplace-,otteginningil containing One ta n died Eightir=sevetrainf 81i -tenths itereitnitirTbniti.ll l tMO l tillat*alloolu ee of six per , cent.' for,„roads,, &c., Being lot No. ' 49 oftheAllottoent,thandsof..lf,B,'ox Ittifingliam'Tp r , 'part'of'wartAit N 0.1235 Potter.go., )vitinb,,a ~bont. l .soaezee improved, with oho ' barns, - one ria&n . houiii, one log- barn and other out-buildings; - and an orchard of apple trees eta' other ;fruit , trees thereon.; Sie ze d , taken in eiecution and to be Sold as the prop. erty.of JOSEiII • ALSO—A:certain 'tract-Or land situate in Genesee Tp, Potter - flei.','TS.,.,Beginning at a post in . th e 'corner' of lot c onveyed by tre z ., tees of,theßingbam Estate to Silas Billings, thence by S lot No. 62 of the allotinent of lands of the eat of HlilFox,deo r ti , ,in said Tp i s 89°E 6.6 - perchie - to the N W Corner of lot No. 59,1,1:1ent0 - by W line of said lot S 121 perches to a birch the N Heoriteis'of lot No. 58 con veyed by b.dininistratoi -of the . Estate 'of 8 Fox dec'd; -to - Wtri D Atherton, thence by N line Of said lot and of loCconreyed by true. tees of the Bingham Estate .to Wm. Annis N 89p W - 81 and 6-10th 'perches to S E corner of lot - No. 66; thence by E line of said lotN 1° E,122 and 4 1 1.0 th perches to*S line ofSilas Billings' lbt - aferesard, thence by sa t ed line 881° E 72 - and - 9;loth perches to the' placeof beginning.—.ALSO--Beginning at the N• E coraer 'of Silas Billings' lot aforesaid, in the S line of the State New York; thence by said line S 88° E 188 perches,•thence by line of lot No. 61 S '° W 88 6-10ths .perches, thence by, line of lot No and N line of lot No. 62 N 891° W 187 and 2-10ths perches to E line of said S Billings' lot, thence by said line N ' E 93 perches to the place of beginning, con taining ,One Hundred and ,Fifty-eight acres more or with'it - e"natial alliitrance4nix per cent. for'roads, lleibglets.Nos 57 and 620 f the allotment of lands of the est of StiFox deed in said Tp,and part of Warrant- No. 1258 Potter Co., Pa. ' ,of which about fiftrneresare improved, with . , one plank. house, one board house, - one frame barn, one sawmill and some fruit trees thereon. - . geised, - -taken in of audio be. sold-ns the property of John Billings. • ALSO—A certain tract of ,land situate in Eulalia & Sweden Tps/Poiter Co., Pa., Be ginning at the NiE corner Of lot conveyed by John Keating 4- po. to. J B yennetter, thence N 85 perches to a post, thence E 106 perches to the N W corner of lands contracted to BT Hoxsie by J Keating & • .Co. thence 'S 85 perches to the S W corner-of ? said Hoxsie's lot, thence W 109 perches to the , place of be , ginning, containing FiftY-six and three-tenths acres more or less, being lot No. 97 of the al lotment- of J. Keating. & Co's lands in Eulalia Tp, and part of warrant No. 2124, about 18 acres of which a re improved, with one frame house, one log ;barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of-Amos A.' SO—A certa n tract;of land situate in Ulysses Tp, Potter Co.. Beginning at s post the N W corner of lot No. 128 conveyed by S Ross to E A Wagner and N E corner of lot No 61, thence by N line of said lot No 61 W 136 and 2-10th perches, thence by E line of lot No 164 N 114 and 8-10 perches, thence by S line of lot No 58 and of lot No 62 conveyed ,by S Ross to J id Hamilton E 163 and 2-101 bi perches, thence S 42 and 1-10th perches to tbe N E corner of lot,No 165', thence by lines of said lot W 271 perches. and S 71 and 7-10th perches to thelplace of beginning, Containiii 101 and 3-10th Acres, more or less, with an allowance of pr at, for roads,eic., being 10i9 Nos 59 and 60 of the allotrrk , nt of hinds of S. Ross in - said Tp, and part of warrant no 1266 Potter co., Pa:, about Ninety acres of which, are improved,iwith one frame house, 2 frame barns, one frame shed,aid - other. Outbuildings and an orchard of apple trees and Other fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of WM. M. Penmen. ALSO--A certain tract of land situate in 'Allegany Tp, Potter co., Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Jas and Henry Runnel, east' by lands of G Kidney Jr,,andl S Bunnel,south by lands of Tim. Peasly and Jerome Decker, and west by lands of Tallman Lee, containing Fifty-three acres, more or less, being part of lot No 113 of the allotment of rids of Fox & Ross and part of warrant No - 12'75; of wbieb about eight acres are improved, and abbot twenty acres • slashed, and on whieh are one frame house, one log shed, and some fruit trees. Seized, taken in execution and to be the property of Caleb Beibe.. - ALSO=-A certain 'tract of larn situate in 'Eelslift Tp, Potter co., Pa., Beginning at n post in the E line of lot No 272 surveyed to Sylvester 'Wright, thence pat tly • along said line N 110 perches to a post,. thence E 44 per ches to a post in the W line of Jri Seed's lot (noW_Saml - Thompson's lot), thence S along said. line 119' perches to a post 14 perches S of the..S W corner of said Jn Reed's loctitence W 44 perches to the, place of beginning, Con taining Thirty acres and twenty-one: lion. dredths of an acre, strictmeanure,moreorless, being lot No 353 of the subdivision of therlade of the Bingham estate in said Tp, and part of warrent•No 20'19, about twenty acres 04Whiels are improved, • ith. one frame borate, and one stable, and some fruit trees thereon.- Seized, taken in execution and to be Sold'aii.the pro perty of Adelia Hougrd. ;. • ALSO—A certain tract of land' situate in Hector-Tp, Potter co., Pa.., .boundecL on the north and east by lands of the Binghanrestle, south by lot surveyed for James C - Allen, and west by lands of theilingliain etifitte, Contain ing about Fifty rtcriti,. abont , fifteen. acres of which are improved,with one keine Souse and one log bani.. Seized;tiskeniti execution and, to be sold ns the prOperty of Coirloo ALSO—A certain .tra'ct :of laid situate in Pswayo Tp, Potter co., Pa.., Beginning at the N E corner of lot N0.31.,0f,the e s notinent Of the Bingham lands.'iMintid Tpi- thee ce E 50 and s.:loths perclid,thence I°.E 51: alid --- 6-10the percben,:flience'S 89ier1'00 perches, thence S : l31 - ana 9- - 10tha perchee;' , theniiNf 150 and Oths perches, thence N 7-10 the perches to the plaei of begninitfg, - Containing 101 and 9-10 tb s -acres, morenr less, beinglot no 32 of the aillotment of the latdsof Sid , Fox' estate. itt - °sway° Tp,yotter `co., Pa., and pail of warrnnta nombereklB6nd 1851; about fifty,WhiCh linproved, With on° frame house; tWO and - genii) Trait trees thereon: ;I Seized ; taken irtexecutionian d to be sold as the property offilirosy Loterfo• . • • • BURT;tiIE SintiT's Onlcin ? Condnrspirry 11i5730, /Bei i t:. ...{'a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers