W.,:g/t.i*-#(firi,so - i SAYE GIBDLEIY',TSEE9.•=-A carrespou dint of, the •Springfield (Mass.) Rdpubli cailfivaisties a'valuttble mode of, saving fruit trees'girdled ty the mice, as many are likely to have been this winter. fle does it, by inserting what he callseondue tore over wounds as follows : Take large scions, long enough to , • reach over the girdling, scarf off each end about an inuh on the side to go next to the tree, then turn your scion over, and On the upper end cut a short bevel ; atter, hiyipg done this take a smooth instru ment, raise . 'the bark on the tree, say an inch or sufficient to receive each end, and carefully crowd the scion under; if the bayir adheres firmly to the tree cut a short slit. If the operation be carefully per formed I have no doubt of its success. Seven years ago I bad several apple trees irdled .by the, mice ; I tried the above method,, and they .. are now thrifty and the barkless spot nearly closed ores. PURIFYING Am.—Thole is a very sim ple and efficient, way , in which air can be purified or rendered fit forrespiration, by recharging with oxygen after being breath id once. It is only necessary to open the window and, let the air go cut into the great ocean - of the atmosphere. There chemical agencies are in operation on the largest scale, always busy in the work of purification. The oarbouic acid which is expired from the lungs is decomposed by vegetation or absorbed by snow and rain, and the animal matter that comes out. with the breath is also carried down by descending water; while every green p , blade of grass and every growing leaf is :pouring out thrif the whole day its fresh supply of oxygen —Scientific American. SllrEp.—The Noe England Farmer l►sa a report of a discussion on sheep. One of the speakers says be keeps a daily journal, and knows from his iown figures 'that shepp are easier kept than anything else that .brings the same income. By , the careful weights and measures of the feed used, he knows that ten sheep can •be kept as easy as one cow.. Ele advish keeping a small flock, not of expensive breeds. Pooi-farmers are almost sure to lose if they try keeping fine blooded stock Wool is now higher than it has been for 41 years. This is owing to the large de , maud for army goods and to the advanced price of cotton. It will not soon fall so low again as it has been of late years. - TREATMENTOF CHEESE FOR MARKET. —When .cheese is ready for market and about to be shipped, it is s tile practice with some dairyman to 'apply to each cheese a thin coating of varnish made -from gum shellac.. The shellac is simply dissolved and applied with a brush. This coating gives' the cheese a - stuoeth, glossy appearance; and besides adding to its baauty is said to keep the cheese from losing weight or gathering mold.' When : cheese, well curet and shipped in the Fall, are to remain in store ftir several weeks or mouths, it is claimed the above treatment is particularly beneficial, ar•_ serving to keep them WHAT is NEEDED.—We need for our dwellings more ventilation and less heat; we need more out door exereise,more sun light, more manly, ftliletie, and rude sports ; we need more amuserecnts, more holidays, more frolic, and buister• ens mirth. Our infants need better nour ishment than colorless mothers can fur nish, purer milk than dtstireries can man facture ; our children need more romp ing and less study. Our men need more quiet, and earlier relaxation from their labors. All men, both old and young, need less medicine and more good coun ' sel.—Srientific American. A THOUSAND PLOW PATENTS.—The New York World says : "It way surprise many of the multitude who use plows, as well as those who do not, to learn that 'abotit one thcusand patents have been issued for alleged itOprovements' in plows since the foundation of the American -government About two.thirds of Chest! patents have been granted sine; the year 1847. Some curious investigator will doubtless mount this hobby and give us a book about the origin and progress of the implement which the farming world is now trying to discard—if it can find anything better to use. in cultivating the soil." j Saxe says that, Vermont is famous for otaptes—"men, women, maple sugsr, and horses;' and that the first are strong, that the last are fie 4, the second and third are exceedingly sweet, and all are exceed -Ipgly hard ,to beet.i WOK, Irlllo the sun shines. .Ser When Napoleon (at that time FirA CoMiul) iieiitfi of 'the ton, be said: - greiklight of the world has gone out.' In his band, in the followino. 6 order , of the day, he thus ad-- nouncedthe - dectilSe Of the "Jfaiher of tits Country" to the Consular Gthird and to the armies of France : "Vashiegion is dead! ". 'llllB'4/eat tyranny established _the hhetty ,et his country. His memory must always be dear to the French peeple, as well as to all the free of both worlds, ani espe cially to the French soldiers, who, !die him and his American troops, -fight, in defence of liberty and • equality.' There fore, the First Cotiaul lius r ordered thait, for the space of tee days, 'crape shill be kung on all the colors and standards of the ktepublic.7-, ,• • • • -- THE BITER BIT.—A4OOr fellow who had spent a hundred dollars at a certain grocery, beino. one day faint and feeble, and out of citange, asked the landlord to trust him a glass of No," was the reply, ".I.' never wake a practice lof doing such things." The pour, Mini, turned to a gentleman who was sittitwiby and whom he ,had .knuwn in, better days, SaYing - : "Sir; will' yoti lend` Me a-six perse r" "Certainly," was the reply. l lie landlord with alacrity placed the decanter and glass before him. He took a pretty good horn, and having swallowed it And replaced the glass with pretty . eviiint salkfaction, he turned to the wan Who haFlent him the sixpence, and said : I wake it a point degraded as I am, always to pay borrowed money before I pay Ituy grog bill." • , .the winter, the sun promises bis coming by' a lung morning - but when becomes, he.shinee dimly and sets soon. And PO 'w4Lnieu, tbeionger tneir promihes„the,pourer. their perfOrtn anCeS. PROSPECTUS THE NENVYORK EVENING POST, A Daily,Semi-Weekly,and Weekly Newspiiper. FOR TUE UNION AND THE WAR ND COMPROMISE OR SYMPATHY WITH TRAITORS This well-known journal is now ;n the sixty first year of its existence. It has always been a leading journal of the city, taking part in all the discussions of tite;day, and uttering its sentiments'with candor, feariessneas and in dependence. Freedom noto. and foiever,has been and will continue to be its motto. The Principles by which it is guided are : A strict construction of Mei Constitution, EC0110771.71 GOVCOninenil No Political. Jobbery, • Honest Men for Office, The Suppre,sion the Slave • Free Soil and Free Speech, the prosecution of the war against treason until the last rebel has laid down his arms. But the Evntinin Pen, while it - is fearless in the expression of its opinions, aims chiefly at being a good newspaper. It will contain full accounts of all the interesting occurrences of the day. embracing Ist. A Uomplete history of the War. 2d., Political Documents. Reports of 'ltreet- ing.. Speeches and Proceedings of Leg - islet ive Bodies. • 3d. The Latest MarketS, Commercial Intel ißeports and List:i of prices. 4th. European :News— •Adviees by the foreign steamers. letters from our owe eorres- pondents.and extracts from English and translations from continental jobrnals. sth. Miscellaneous! Reading, Poetry, Book Reviews, Tales, Anecdotes and Gossip. In short, it is the design of the editors to make the EvE”vo Posr the BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. No pains of labor and no expense !n !money will be spared to accomplish this end. ; - As timpani/ Evening Post cirenlateS more largely. pvihaps. than any other city journal onfbng merchants, capitalists, bankers, bro kers, lawyers, twinufacturers and business men generally, it has always been a most eli gible advertising medium. ! But since the war its circulation has ,enormously Met eased, which fact oilers additional inducements to th o se n ho wish their bitsiness made known. The Semi-Weekly' Evening l'ost; pOblished reghlarly on Tuesdays and Fridays, Contains all the reading matter of the Daily F,N'ening Post. and the latest news, by telegrapS) and mails. The {PCP)/ Evening Pest, published every Thursday, ib !edited with especial reference to the wants of;;;country rnaders, and besides all the articles cif general linterest published in the Daily EvCning Post, containsm Complete digest of the r ews of the day, and an Agri cultural Coltimn, devoted to the interest instruction of Partners. It contai s forty ?wig columns of reading matter every ‘tek,making IT AN ADMIRABLE FAMILY APER. TERMS Daily 'Evening Post. Single cc•py. :one year, 'in advance; Three copies:, in advance Single copy,iper month send-Weekly ,Evening Pc h published every, T uesday an Single copy; one year, in advance Two copies, 4, r !Five copies,, ". ZI Ten copies, " 4' " Weekly Eftming Post! le published every Tliursdc4.. Single copy, one year; in actin:lce . 1 2 00 Three copies, • " .. !• 500 Five copies, " " 8 00 Ten copies, is I it , 12 00 Twenty copies. " 20 00 Any larger number at the rate ofl.sl per year. Subscriptions may Commence t Pay always in advance. Any person sending us twenty or more subscribers will Ile entitled to nn extra copy for his services; jor for ten subscribers he will receive a copy for six months. When a club of subscribers' has been forwarded, additions may be niade to it on the' same terms.. It is not necessary that thP members of a club should. receive their papers al the same Postoffice; 'EaCh subscri ber's name is printed on his - paperi Clergy men are supplied at the following rates : Daily, per annum. '.' •• " - • $6 nol Semi-Weekly, Per annum 2 00 I Weekly., per annum • 100 Money may.be for Warded it our • Spe cimen capies sent free to all who desire it. MI. C. BRYANT S 4 CO., Office j of the Evininy Poet, 41 Nassau street, ) corner Libelty;[NreiiYork ERIZEZEIENOM The Bugle Canal; The Wax has Beg[ of Extermination against Bad Ti Breath, /greased Gizmo, Toothacl ache, and Nemalgia. • • - 0011 ATlLfisitY IH, • Dr. Wm. Bt. ~.Hx2. * d.'s DENTAL TREAS I ItY : A complete set of Remedies fcir PR SERVING''-. THE TEETH; ,P RIFTING THE BREATH AND MOUT , mid CURING TOOTHACHE j AN D NEDRALGIA. . t - Dr. Hurd's celebrated MOUTH W.A.Sl7,l4ottle. Dr.llurfl'eunegitatedTOTllPb IF.D,EA',I box DrXerd'aniagi . roOTl.4.4CHE DR OFSA. bar Dr. Hurd'i UIIRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. , i Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Ithans:of . Preserving the Teeth, iicluding Directions for 1 thePro,ber Tieatmentti Children's Teeth. FLOSS SILK for clean' ig between the Teeth] TOOTH NCR'S. etc., e . , Prepared at' Dr. Hu 's Dental Office, 17 Fourth St., Brooklyn, ( '. D. , Price, ONE DOLL ft; or, SIX!, for $5. The Dental Treasury makes a p ckage eight inches by fire,: and is sent by cap ess. Full lirection for use, is on eacl article. The following articles we can send separ- ately, by niail; The Treatise on' Preserving Teet sent, post paid, on receipt of Twelve Ce ts, or four stamps. , : i . The' Neuralgia Plaster, for Neu lgin in the Face, Nervous. He:ideate. and 'p.t melte, sent, p-stpaid; on receipt of 'Eighteen ems, or six stamps. Tice Yeitralpia and Pheumattr, Jaen- (large size,} for pain's in the Chest; Silo Iders, Back, or any 'part of the body, sent post-paid; on receipt of Thirty-Seven cents. . ' Address ' Viron. . fluid Co. '. T.ibune BuildlngS,_ ew York. . Dr. Hurd's lIIOUTII WASH, f OTH POW DER, and TGOTHACHE DROP. cannot be sent by inail,,bitt they can Drobaby be obtain ed(' at yOur Drug or Periodical St res. If they cannot, 'send: to us for the Dent i a Treasury, price, One Dollar; which contaiq them, ' i NOW.. ARE .DR. HURD'S PREBARATIOt The best evidence that they are firmest friends and best patrons have used 'them longest. De.. Haan is ad eminent Dentist Treasurer of the New York S Association; and these preoarati used in his private practice for lending either! of Brooklyn or questions their excellence. iv Dentists of New York recomtue best knOwn to the profession. aid of advertising, dealers have the groSs. The Editor of the Brooklyn Dn ly Times aays "We Are happy to know that o tr friend, Dr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond al expectation's with his Mouth Wash and Tooth owder. The great secret"of his success rests with thefact that hiS articles are precisely hat they are represented to, be, as we can tes ify fronii their long ase." • The well-known P. T. Baron writes':—'•l found your Tooth Powder so ood that my family hare used it all up. e find it the hest Powder for the teeth tha I shall feel obliged if you will s supply, at the Mnseum at -you with the Hitt ,their cost .is so small t may test the matter for Beware of the ordinary Toot Hurd's - ToOth, powder contain' alkali,- nor charcoal, and pc); wearing the enamel. Use no WHAT INES DR, HURD'S REMEI • Dr. Ilitrd'b;Moigh Wadi aim will give young ladies that fi woman —a sweet breath and p • them, ladies Dr. Hord's /Muth Wash a? will eteame the mouth from tions. : 'and if used in the mor the breakfast taste swPeter an more ,pleasantly. Hundreds testify - to this Dr. liurces...lfoutli it an are the het preparations in th, ing DAD Mik:ATH and giving firm to the. game Bleeding Gums, Sore Mont (ince been•dureff by Dr. llned's Dr. Ilurd's *fah. 13 tak <n give an ndditidnat charm t. make' hashands more agreea and ,wires' to qteir Itustondi be useu by evert.qterson to qi the iuoutb ' - Dr; Hard's Toothache Drop. cure Toothache arising from exposed nerves, e rd are the bEsT,I friends that parents can hay in the house to ' save their children from tortue and themselves cl froth loss of sleep and syrnp thole suffering. 'Farmers and Mechanics! jou cannot' well afford to neglect your teeth. For a trifling, ' sum, you can now get pre ervatives, than which Rothschild or Astor an get nothing. better. Remember that Dys epsia and Con suirgirinn of the. Lungs often < riginate,in Neg lect of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, ' and read Dr. Fitch's observation on this sub ject. If too late to arrest decay in _your own teeth, safe' your children's teeth. Neutol#la •Pluisters. .. Dr. Hurd's Neurtilgia :11Von.- 1 1,7dliesive Plasters are Hie most pleasant and successful remedies ever prescribed for this painful disease. The patient applies one, soon becomes drowsy,falls asleep, and r ,awakes free frotn pain. and no blister or other unpleasant or injurious con sequences ensue. For Earache and Nervous Headache, apply according to directions, and relief will surely follow. Nothing can be ob tained equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress for Neu- - ralg,ia. Try them. They are entirely a novel, carious, and original preparation, and won derfully successful. They are' of two sizes, one small, for the face, price il5 t ents, and the other large, for application tk:, the body. price 37 cents. Will be mailed on receipt of price and One stump. i S 9 00 25 00 75 Friday 3 00 5 00 i 12 00 I 20 00 The American people ere intelligent enough to appreciate preparations that contribute so much to the happiness of tliose using them, and they want them. preri mail brings 11:1 letters. some ordering the TaEvrtsc os TEETH, some the NECRAGGIA PLAS mins, and .not a few enclosing 37 cents fur the,3lncru WAsir, to be sent bv. ; but to thoseiwe are Compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half pint bottle by mail. The people want these Remedies. Who will supply Mein? Now is the Chance for Agents. Shrewd agents can make a small fortune in cariying these articles around to families.. Th e Dental Treasury is the neatest article that man or woman can carry faround. Send f one and see, or, better, a dnzen, which we will sell as samples for $7. - W t B. HARD & CO. That remittances may b. dance, W, B. 11. & CO. ref! Bronkikm ; to G,W. Griffit and Ciiizans' Bank, Brookl! EE we ever used. nd me another convenience, .iat every one Powders. Dr. nor ishee' without ther. lES EFGECT `I Moth Powder est charm in fly- teeth. Try lid il T r o o o u th i e P x o h ir a t ing, wiil make I the day begin of persons can denten. Tooth Powder ! world for cur t ness and health ses of Diseased , Canker. etc.. stringent was h. Tooth Powder courtship, and le to their wives . They should jug AftTIPCIAL impart a taint to =1 11.1.ndreds of c WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOING 1 Tribune Buil ings, New York made with con& r to the Mayor of , Presid Farmers' n, and to others. Administrator's-Notice. I IXT.tigtEAs, - . letters of.miministratiOn On Y t'ke - estate of HARRIS ELLISi. late of Harrison Tp., Potter Co., have hen grahted to the subsfriber in due form of I#, noticehereby, git'en to all persons knowing themselves indebtell to said estute, to' make immediate payment ;,..and there havingelaiins will present them' duly autb,:et 'ticked forae!. Clement. W. BURT'S 'Administratorl March 31, 1862. • . • ! A War th. Bad Ear- - • .1 NOTICE is hereby given that-the ; under- II signed haie . heel:l . day ,q - ualified'as Hx ecutors of the restate of John Dwight, det'd, late of Hebron :township.. - Ptwer - cotinty;•pa.i' said .executors;residing-in. the toinsltio i Of Hebron; county afore, aid ...All persons Ihittr ing dahlia against the estate of said aededent are requested to wake. known the same to skid executors without delay. -„ MA RIAH DWIGHT. Executrit, NORMAN DWIGHT, Executor. )ort; Pa., Feb. k '62 Condersp Notice... ;.• -• WEIFIRFASIetters test to the 'es tate of Ahn - Oloß j iw:, late - of - SylVailia township, deed, have' been 'granted to the ; subscriber, all: persons indebted • to the skid estate are requested to make immediate ply mein, and those having Claims -or demands against the state of the said • decedent,- lilt make known the Sallie without delaY to • ROBERT YOU 4. Executorl. SylVania, Potter Co, - , Pa. : gar. 18 Administrator's illotlice:T V I MICE is hereby given, that letters of ministration Ou the:estate of j:011N1S. BENNET, late of Bingham township, Potter county, dec'd, have been . granted to' the sub scriber by the Register of Potter county„! to whom, all debt due to said estate and dims again the same, must be presented for et tlement. or payment. ' WM. P. 13001 1 f. Hebron, Jan. 8, 186:1 . . : ; Ad ..'r. Distiolution . ' fillisCopartrtership Toe cnpartnership f afore existing under e firm of Col% & Lyman is this day dissiktud.by mutual ci sent. The outstanding Concerns of the will be adjusted oy B. S..Colwell &Co., will use the 'signature of the firm . in liqu Oon. S GOOD .^ • is. that their re those . who WII.LiAM B. f Brooklyn tate Dentists' uns huve . been :ears, and no illiantskinrgh File eminent •• d them as the Witho4 the sold them by COLWELL. I HARRIS' LYII. 1 01,1 NIIESTON 8120 4 5.1 RoOette, Feb. 6 : 1862 1 • ; I • E undersigned hare this • day formed a C partnership, under the firm or B. S Coltirell & Co., and pill Coatiaue the husrness heretofore conducted byleolwell & !Jinnln. . K. S.; COLW ELL Nit ESTON EMilette, trot), 6. 18621' • THE HEROES OF PEACE! TVI ' E 11116114116 OF WARI E. Anthony, .10.501 Bxowiway, New 'Tor*, is now publishing, in addition to. atherlpor- . traits, the celebrated collection knOwn its Eu rope anti America as Bra4y'd Nationui Phologiaphip'POrtrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the' prominent men of America, not excepting Jett Davis, Gen Deatiregarti, -and a Mist of{' other confederates. Price of Portraits, 3,00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union,l are published, card size, and in Stereo f copie form. Also; • , • Ste ~I copic views of scenes in Paris,iLom 4.ereo3Colli I don, and in other parts of England and Erence. in Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Holland, Snr ; itzer. land, Spain, on the,.Raine. Athens,F f g,ypt. Turkey, the Holy Land; China, India, tuba, &c &c., ad infinitum : Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Vie 74 are The 'Greatest Wonder of the Age.( These are taken in the fortieth part of a secondi and the rushing of wate;r,the mciving of la.resd or the march of an artriy, does not in - lhe least affect the it king of these views: They are sold for $3 per dozen. We. hare also on hand and manufacture the! largest assintment of ISterease ,, pes, PhotH graidtie Albums, and Photographic Materials in the United States. and perhaps in tbetworld Catalogues. containing lists of all,ou'r Por4 traits, VieWs, StercoseOpes, .tc., sent tree byj mail, on receipt of a statrip.. . I 1' • . . E. ANT110:1W, 501 Broadwa}', jyly near St.li icholas Hdtel, New York. The Great; Cause of j .HUMAN MIS RY. 1 ,1 Jostpoblished in a sealed envelope, nricie 6 cf# Lecture by Dr.CurxEuvrem., on thelCausr" ill land Cure of Sperwatdrrima, ConsumpL ifoi c. - Mental and Pivsleal, Debility, Nec•voust ness, EpilepSy ; Impaired:Nutrition of the Bor dy ; Lassitude ; Weakness of the' Lim s •tind Back: ositiun, andineapacityfor l Studir and Labor; Dullness Of Apprehension; Lost of Memory': Aversion to Society; Lrive of Soll r itude ; Timidity; Scif-Distrust ; Dizpnessl; Headache . ; Affeci ions! of the Eyes; on the lace ,'lnvoltiuMry Emissions.; and Sc 4 ual Incapacity; the COnsequences of Youth}- ful Indiscretion, &c.. &c. : This' admirable Lecinre clearly' proNl i es thdt the above enumerated Often self-affilcted,evil may be removed with Out medicine and with out dangerous surgivaloperations, and should be read by every,youth .and every man in the land. Sent undersea', to any addresS, in' a plain, sealed envelopi.; on the reeript of six cents, or two postage!starnirs. by addrpc.sink, ) Dr. CBAS. J. D. KLINE, 127, Bowery, New YorA, PO:tt Office 84. 4586 _ NATRON.A; COAL OiL WARRANTED 2 f ON EXi'LOSIO I and equal to any Kerb;sene. }WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few centstmore per galloniwill furnish yoa n perfect Oil? Madre qt ly by Pz.I S IN'A SALT MANTIACTI7BING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut 'Street, Philadellihia. Feny..l. 1862.1 r I - aAPOIvIFIE Et SAPONIFIER I • THE FAMILY SOAP 3IAKEK. Kitchen Grease Can be made into good SOAP,'b'y ruing Saponifier ! DIRECTIONS ACCOiIPANYING EACH BOX Soap is as easily made with it, as Making a .cup. or coffee. ,„ ' 1 Mannfactimed only by the raMritlss. PENIPA SALT IdANV(FACTII7IIIIiG COVPA.Trir, No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Feby..l, 1861 ly . The Rochester Straw-Ciitter. jrII:IISTED Si; KELLY, Coudersport, hive AY the exclusive n4eney for this eciebraled inachlne, in this county. It is ; covenlent, qu." able; and CHEAP, i Dec:l, Bqt.-13 A DVERTISS in theJocaxec I It i the on ly paper in Potter county, and i a good iuedium through to reach the people of all • districts ,Subscribe fof the J9PRNAL. • I ! SOSIETiItiiGNEVirI - • rillgsainputtioltt to the rAdie' uowttEß's .PATENT !HEMMER AND SHIELD ) F0wg.41.1 Is lust the iwho 'use the needle:. This riniarkably itualide ancfnorei intention saves onO-half the Fahey tifltand4sewing, as it cOr#- pletely . : Protects the Sager frtira - the point. o thel needle, and wakes a neat and uniforin help isdile the operstor is arming. IND LADY SDOULD BE VItTUOUT It is cheap, simple, bi.autiful, and useful. The; He' tier 4nd Shield will be sent free of chi rgO on /receipt of the pri4e,2s cents. .(J F.uclose . stamp for; descriptive circular a • ter si• .' 4 .' • • , I 1 'nue • ' , ' • , , • , 1 . , 11 1 O(NER'S .METROPOLITAN SKEIN-WEINDpi 1 . , • •- • •. i ;AND • . 1 1 S voling-.llllrd' Combined iI! the Isl;an'articleof . reiO nerit. It is used . fur purpose of winding skeins of Thread, silk, Cotton,Yarn - ,Flo.ss,Worsted,.ic. It is,reddilv adjusted to th em e wort-table, and will be fonn4 in ispensable - tu all; utiOgthettbove articles, b ing a Useful . an invaluable appendage to the Seivpig-Bitd.. I ; Pt ca 50 Cts . to $.l according to'Style and Finiii ~ . s].so per •Blenth - -carl. be Real ived- enterprisieg Agehts (wanted in every tdiett and COuaty throughout the United 4tates and Canada,)..selling the allove articles, as, stiles are rapid, plats large, and has no 'coin pelitiOn. A liber L al discount; t‘s the trade.: - I Ad 1 : . dress r '-iii, H. .1 - ..)owner; • 1 : 1 •., 4142 Broadway, New l'cUic,!l 1 Patentke and Sole Proprietor", 'I Nom'—General and exclusive 'Agenciei will b: granted..on the inost liberal terms.--nil93in; Sabtiatti School Bea, No; '.2.1 1 i 75,00 u COPIES ISSUED THE PIRSF 11 TwelCe Months 4 its. pdblication. It - Is nal entire New Work; ' of, nearly 200 pages, g.4* 3 4 o f and Iymns were written expreS4 TY forlthis VOltiMe. It .will soon be as polin-i ike a s its predecessor (Bell No. 1) which dins l i on up to the dnormous number of 5-75;00 9opies in 36 ihunlbs; outstripping any Sunda Sch96l Book Mf its size issued in this country Alsodboth Voluties are bound iu One to' sc .ctuipotlele seltotilswiAing them in that:forint rites of Bell. Na. 2, paper : covers, 15 cents,' ; $l2 Per 100.1 Bdund. 25 cents, $lB . per 100 1 Cloth bound emßossed - gilt, 30 Cents, $22 pe 100 I Bell No.:l4 ; paper coCers.: 12 cents, $1 , iierd 00 Bonm4 2U cents, $lB per 100. 'Cloth hound embossed gilt,. 25 cents. $2O poi. 10 BelislNos: 1 and 2 bound together, 40celit , I $3O Per 100.; 25 copies famished at tlid 111 pried - Cloth bound embosSed gilt. 50 'cent . , 1 $4O Per 100. 31 1 oil postage' free at the reta il ' pried. HORACE WATERS, PubliSher, I , ; Nci.:4Bl Broadway. New York 1111 E 04if SCHOOL SELL; ` , A ' NEW 'SINGING BOOK .- FUR DA IS . CHOOLS,. Called the'DAX SCHOOL BEL is new ready. It, contains: about 200 pagtis I of choice Songs, Rounds, , ;Catches, 'Dietti. ,True, Qua netts. and Choruses, many 'of theal writt.n expressly for this: ,work, beiineSl 23, jpages of the Elements of. Music. • The El. meats are sd easy and progreisive, that ord - nary, teachers Will find themselves entire y isucdessful iii instructing even young sehola - - s Ito : sing correctly and seiedititictill; , while t e tunes and Words embrade such a - variety? lively, attritetive and sout r stirring music a d sentiments,: Mit no trouble will be eXpeili enced,in Inducing all beginners to go ciiri Wi h. zeal in acqttiring skill hi' one of the,' not health-giving, beauty-improving, happiness yielding, and order-producing exercises; l ot • sch Col life. ;- Id simplicity of its element& in variety and -adirptation , of music, ,tine in excellence and Min - ober of its ~zings, origin il. selected, and adapted, it claims by Mitch to ••, excel'all competitors. It will be found tome the best hook; ever issued for SeminariLs, Adfdemies, ard Public St:hoofs. A few shin ple Ipiigeg otAlie Elem tits, Tunes, and; Sonirs. :tea given in; a circular ; , Send iitid•g-et one i ; lt is Compiled by HORACE WATERS. Auti or of ;"Sabbath-School Bells." Nos. 1 • and '2, of which liave had the enormous sale of .65'5.- 000 in 861InontIhs. Prices. paper covers:' ; 20 cents, $15;iier1100; Bound, 30 eents..s22i per .. too • eltithon:nri, e t rihrissett gilt. 40 l eetits, $3O per 100. 125 copies furnished at ilidiloo price. Mailed tree at the retail pried. : i ; ; I HORAOE WATERS, Publisher, •:1;. - "I Na 451 Broadway, New York. ere tcell !on rtn richo SOMETHING FOR TOE tIMESII! A NECESSITY IN EVEltrilotl§Ell'OLD:: JOHNS & CROSLEY'S • I_ Alcripricrt Cement The . kronr.est Glue•irt the World! For Cerireniing IV: od, 411arble,' Porceniii, :1-1104ter, Bone. Coral. The only; article of the kind ever-rirodue ; ed whic'h will withstaud Water. 'N EXTRACTS •Every jhourleeper should have n' supply of;Jolms.k Crosley's AMerican Cement Glue I ? —Neu, 'York Times. is so convenient to have.,n the house." ••••:,Netc; York Express. • ltis idtvais ready; this commends ft to eicrYbOdy."— r N, Y. Independent. ,"We: have tried it, and find it as nseful in onr house as imiter." , - Wilkes'Spirit ofthetimes Prfre . /.5 Cents per Bottle. Very liberal redactions. to Wholesale llealere TERMS CASH. )*l.For sale by KU Druggists acid Store keepers generally throughout the country, ; I JOHNS tt. CROSLEY,!. ;‘, ;: • j • (Sole Stanufadturers.) I • Streew York. (tomer l of Liberty Street.) .13-01 Y • 1110R:64q1E -WATERS PIANOS. :MELODEONS. ALEXANDRE ORGANS, AXD GILBERT & CO.'S' celebrated .A.:OI.IAN PIANOS are!the finest instruments for Parlors rind chtirches now. in use. A large 49°11- meat can belseen at the•new WarerooMs, 481 111tOADIV•kY, between Grand and qlroome S l ireeils t :Wi will be,s9lrl extrernely low •• - irices. PIANOS! and MELODEONS froth sun dry Makers. new and second hand. to let, and' rent allowed if purchased, as per-agreepelt. Monthly payments received. for the same. Also, second-hand Pianos and Meledebns !at great Inirgiiins, prides from $25 to 5100. Sheet Music{ Music Books, and all i kinds of Music Merchandise at; ar priens. ! • ' HORACE IVATERS)IAg'ent • ! : !AAtnidistrator's Noty,(4. I ETTER§ of Administration ,on the' estate of S. S , Winn, late of •Whitestille, Alle gany; county, N, Y., having been granted to the undersigned, lan persons taring claims against -said estate are requested' to present them to him for liquidation, and persons Owing said estate are rednested to make im mediate paiment to him. 1 N0v.,20, 061 `JAMNE'Si FAMILY MEDICINES for LIU : sale at - 1 - OMETIIING ELSE OLD STAND ON NAPT STREET, generally for Cush, United States Treastay Notes (which by the way are taten at Par,) Wheat, Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Butter:Cherie, Hides, Pelts, Deer Skins, and all other kinds of Sins, such as Calf Skins, bc., also, Beans ( Beat, Venison, and some other things that can't be thought of, A LARGE AND %ELL•SELECTED DRY GOODS, ADYIITADE CLOTHING' f • GROCERIES, Hats & Caps, Hardware, DRUGS sz 111F.DI9NES, Paints ? Oils, and Dye Ruth, Together with some of the best KEROSENE Far superior to the Oil Creek or Tidioute Oil 'LAMP Sr, LAMP FIXINGS; • Aisoa few more of those Superior CANDOR PLOWS, I SLEIGH SHOES, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES; And other kinds of WALL PAPER, - WINDOW CURTAINS And other articles which time alone for beds us to mention, all of which will sold as low ,as the WAR PRICES w''' allow=for strictly And for those articles we take, the high est market rice will be paid.' • We are also General Agents. for DR. D. JAYNE'S Family Mediciae, DR. - AYEN§ Medicines, BRANDRETIPS Kric.INEDY'S Medical Discovery, And all the standard Medicines of the ail CALL AND SEE! C. s. & E. A.6JONES. N. B. The pay for the Goods must' be et hand when the Goods are delivered, as tee 61 deter Mined to live to the motto of "PAY" Yon Go." Just one thing more. The Judgments,uo us and book accounts which we have on hand must be settled ank closed up immediately or we fear they-will be increased Ester than' thr -100.81 rata of interest: -- 134 e /1 HORACE COBB ONW_C - Oim.* gi,V- GOODS AND NEW ! HE subscribers at their COIJDERSPORT, Offer to their old customers and the puhlle ASSOliTil.p,sT OF INIM BOOTS & SHOES, . PROVISIONS, Iron, Nails, POCKET CUTLERY, -- STATIONARY. READY-PAY!! 111 El E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers