. El li Col& Again: and - Got the MONEY I 1. 1 13 = P.A.', STEBBINS &CO. r t tgitiresentli received and Opened MEI ' • '2 TEX LARGEST AND BEST STOCK GOODS That has bum brought to this market the pre lent sewn Their nom stock of DRESS CaDDS **reprises the •ety Latest , Styles purchased at thel LOWEST pAsn and they offer them et . ; A LOWER ,FIGURE .tbat inch goods een be had a E any oilier Rouse in town. Their stook of DOMESTICS I very complete, and 'as they held titer° ex elusively for READY-PAY.. Thai cannot be undensold. I ; Persons desiring a good article at low price will do well to , give ill= a coll.! -; • • im o Tbeir old ensto l mere are e l speciilly in ritediet still aad.exaniine their otook, and see thsitAitittel. I " STEDBINS' Cotner , . Store CTIVIELIT t GIASSSIRE'S ceIMISITORTI OF In the January Number we shall !•Sunshine to Lectors,'' by Charles Gotlfre , -Leland—the first °fa series of papers on* 'cheerful and joyous •in ILit;•rature and Sr: which wilt he found inttrestin,?, to the most general render, while at' an' early date ivil: appear the First Chapter of a most entertain ing and instructive description of America+. Life, in the 'form of a First-class Novel. Thd i Knickerbocker, in s'hort; while retaining- tll, l best of the fold, wilt continually add to the cream of the new. Three dollars a year in advance : Two cop ies for Four DollarS and Fifty Cents; Thre, copies for Six Dollars. L • Subscribers rerniiting, Three Dollars wil recetve as a preminuti(post-paid) a copy iu Richard B. Kimball's 'great work “The Iteve laitollS of Wall Street," to be ..üblizlied by G P. Putnam early in Febi uary next, (price Si Subscribers rea ilting. Four Dollars to :0.1 Publisher will receive THE KNItIiERBOOK-I ER and the CONTINENTAL MONTHLY f•ol! one year A'diacount of ten per cent. from onr loWes prices will be - allowed tli persons sending n clubs of ten or more subscribers. .1 Money sent by miill, When registered, is a out . , ri....V-The Publisher, appreciating the itn portance of literature toy the soldier on ditty will send The Kniekct bucker gratis to any ri.g, invent in active service on application Lei made by its Culonet or Chaplain. Subscri tions will be received frail\ those wishing i - ent.to soldiers in the ranks at ithif-pric3, bu n such cases the Magazine must be inaitu rotii the office of publication. THE KNICKERBOCKER and THE INOE PENDENT will be sent for one year to tie% subscribers at $3 ; to old' sub scricers for $4 .• I Administralotos Nottrce. 1 • I'WHEREAS, letters olf administration ,oi , V the estate of RUFUS' THOMPSON,dec4I late; of Jackson Tp., Pater have bUeri ;ranted to the subscriber] in. due Co., orm of I.ov. nolioo is hereby given to pl).persons knosving themselves . indebted to said estate, to mat,' 'immediate payment; andithore havingclaiim siil present them duly atithet ticated for set lement. NHIDELI. THOMPSON, • D. W. BEN'TON, Administ'rs. IrChruary 28, 1861 • I 1.6 w h. - SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES !I A NECESSITY IN EVERY IIiiIISEIIOLD T.' ! , 4 JOHNS & OROSLEY'S . Atherican Cement Glue • Thd strongest Gluelin the World For, Cementing Wcorli' Leather, Glass Ivory, Ohina, Marde, Porcelain, . ~ Alabaster, Bone, "Coral, etc.. The'enly article of the kind 'ever produc• - - ed which will with Land Water. mcrn,A.crs :- "Every housekeeper should hare a supply of Johns L Crosley's Aral :can Cement Glue," —New York Times. "It is so' convenient to have in the house:" —.Vey; York Express,l . ... • ' This commends it to t•ft is always ready . :verybody."—.2l 7 l Y. In dependent. • "We . have tried it, and'' find it as useful in our house as water."— IV4es'Spirit of the Tilde.' Price 25 Cents per Bottle: Very liberal reductions toWho lesale Dealer .. s. TERMS C I SH. Itet,.Fir sale by hll Druggists and Store keeperstenerally throughlint the country. ' l . • • JOHNS & t ROSLEY, . I : • (Sole Mentificturers.) * ' 78 William Street, Nen"'Yerk. i (Cortierof•Libeity-Striet.) " - -jy9ly . . 30. CORD S of WOOD. wAnted gt tne JOURNAL OfficeOzninediately, hilliest Price will be - paid in; Subscriptions and - Advertising: ',..':';.- 7 '':. ,". TEt i El 1' ' , -:-: - ENloKERBodittre ' 'MAGAZIN FOR In:the beginning of the last yetti, when!iti Present proprietors .assumed control of THE KNICKERBOCKER, theylannounced their deJ, termination to spare no rising to place it hilts truelposition as the leafing literary Monthly in 4mericit. When had raiSed. suecessful front, and its.artuies threatened 014 very!esistence of the Republic, it was imphs.i Bible to permit a Miig.azide which inits'Circll- 1 latien reached the best ititellects in the landi to continue -in a.purelyfiterarY course, as it insensible or indifferent the dangers whiell threatened the - Hainn. fllhe proprietors . ‘..ordingly,:gave notice thrit it would present in Its pages forcible ekpositions with regard to the great question of thej times : 116 w to ~yrew ee the _United States of I.ll7zerieet in their inte,O, rity 'ond unitry. How far this pledge has been redeemed. the public must judge. It wotildi however, be , mere afrectatlibu to ignore the seal of approbation whichpublic has already Waxed on these efforts.. T e proprietors grate. ; fully acicu-Arledge this, and it has led. theni to embark in a fresh under aking, the publiew. tion jof THE CONTINEN AL MONTHLY, de-, voted to literature. and national policy, which Magazine those re tiers who have t.ol-1 lowed with sympathy the political and sci viciva; so forcibly ,expresSed of . late in l one pages, may find theui still furtht r enforeed'by the 'most eminent and energetic minds it' America. • The Knickerbocker.-while it will remain firm in support of the Union, 011 he found, accord ing lo the originally ez4pressed intention 01 the publisher, devoting iseif more exclusivcl,l to art and letters, and in maintaining its long established position as the leader in America of the Widely Varied dep4rttnents of literature , to which it is speciailly devoted. The number-..fort Jandary commences its: thirtieth year. With stich antecedents:as pogsesses, it seems unnecessary to make any 11 special pledges as to the future; but it May I not be amiss to say pat it will be the aini of i Its e onquctorS to make it more and more pe seryit'= of the liberal! support it has hithertu i received. The sane eininent writers Who have contributed to it during the past 'Year will continue to enrich its pages, and in lid -i dition, contributions wili appear from of the highest reputation anti from many :ng authors. We shall; as before, cultivate tite genial and 'humorous 'in evlerd variety ; Mat during the coming year, howercr. the Knickerbocker will receive many contri butions in the highe;t departments of litera l tore, embracing Critical, ilistorical, Biograph ical, Scientific, or Etlinoiraphital articles; M all of which special paills will be taketi to introduce that spirted and agreeable tune tine style which, have of latelyears distinguished; really first-class writingsi of this namre. the dry and' pedantic esstiss of the o,d school We intend to devote especial zeal and labau, to attract to our pages sue!) reading, and cbtt-I tidently anticipate pre-eminence in this ide• ntrtment. TERMS NOW IS TILE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! J. R. GILMOIIE, No. 121 Nassau Street, NeiviTork, and Nu. 110 Tretnont Street, Boston MEE CHI LpRE - 11 . • MRS.iVINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of-Mothers, her SOOTHING "SYRUP, FOR CII:ILDItEN -TEETHING,. which-greatly f4cilitates the process of teeth ing, by softening; the gums, reducing all in tiamatiotHwill lallay ALL PAM ,and spas modic action. and is SURE TO REGULATE THE -BOWELS: Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and.; , • RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOt ENFANTS. We hate put up and sold :this article for over ten AND and CAN SAY; IN •CONFI DENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never beenf able) to Say of any other medicine —NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera tions, and speak. in terms of coniendacion of fts magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," ifter ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FUGFILMENI OF WHAT WE HERE DECLAP:E. In almost every instance where the infant is suflerink from pa•n•and exhaustion, relief will be fontid in fifteen , or t went.). minutes after the syrup is administered. This rnivable preparation is the preserip tion of the mostEXPERINNCED and SKILL FUL NURSES in New England, and has beeia used with NEVER FAILING SITCCESS THOUSANDS OF CASES It not only reiieves, the child from pain, but invigorates tlie , stomach and boWels, corrects acidity,' and gives tone and energy' to the whole system. It will almost instantly re lieve GRIPLNG IN .TEIE BOWELS, AND WLND COLIC Ind overcome cOnvulsions. which, if not spee dily remedied, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE \t'ORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY and CHILDREN, whether it arise:- 'rum teethii,g. or from any other cause. Wt• wank say to evt ry mother who has a child :a iFering from any of the foregoing complaint. —DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR ME PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand. be %%Ten you and: your s offering 'ld. and the •vlier that trill be SLIRE—.es, -iURE- -to follow the use of this mei. , 104', it timely— used. Full dircetious for using teemnpany each bottle. None genuine lea th 6 far-simile of CURTIS k PERKINS New York. is. the, otoside wrapper. Sold by Drugg,ists throughout the world Principal - Office. 13 Cedar @ New York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER DO.TTLE Sold by C. S. & E. A. JONES, Couders girt, Pa. 16-1 • HOTLL, Nos. 9. 11. 13, 15, 17. COURTLANDT STREET Near. Broadway, This ofil-established and favorite resort 'of he Busiriess community has been recently re• itted, and is complete in- hg that cat iiinister to the comfort of ins. Lad: e nd Families are special!, ',refully pro. 'ided for. It, is ecninillir located usiness pan , f the city, ltilli is e'Untigoi he principa rims of steamboats, cars,} , es, &Tries. In coniequenee of the:, caused la he Rebellion, prices liar been reduced to , 'SE DOLLAR. AND FIFTY CENTS PER DAY The table is amply snpniied with all th• luxuries of the season, and is equal to that o .iny other hotel is the country. Ample *! , ecommodationg are offered for up ward of 4UO guests. • Do not believe runner's, har.kmen.and other: who may say "the Western Hotel is full." D. D; WINCHESTER, Proprietor Thos. D. 117nche4dfr. . frl9 THE HEROES OF PEACE AND Tar. ITIEWHES OV WAR. E. Anthony, N 0.501 Broadway, New York, s now publishing, in addition to other por rafts, the celebrated collection known in'Eu one and America as 3rculy's Nutionli Photographic Portrait Gallery. in whieb is included Portraits of nearly all the ~ . rominvnt men of America, not excepting Jet; Davis, Gen Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other Confederates. Price of Portraits, $3,00 per dozen: Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published,•card size, and in Stereocopic Corm. Also, Stereolcopic views of , scenes in Paris, Lon don, and in other parts of England and France. u Scotland, Ireland, Wales, lloliuod, Switzer. iand, Spain, on the Rains. in Athens, Egypt, Purley, the Iluly Land, China, India, Cuba, Our Inslantanous Stereoscopic Views ere The Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in th a foitieth part ofn second nd the roshi Cz'of water,the moving of leaves. lir the march of'an army , i does not in the lease tact the taking of these views. They are old fors3 per dozen. We• have also:on handiand manufacture the argest assortment of Stereoscopes, Photo- Tiphie Albums; and Photographic Materials n the United States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing lists of all our Pur raits, Views. Stereoscopes, &c., sent tree bj nail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, j jyly near St;!Nicholas 11-itel, - Neir York. 'LUCIEN BIRD, DEALER in PRO VISIONS,. GROCERIES, 1 • HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, Also, Ills been so fortunate as to secure the send •es of THOMAS J. BAKER, who is making tad mending Boots and Shoes in ht: barn unexceptionable btyle, with GOOD STOCK. I have concluded to sell only for READY' PLY. rrom October 1, 1861. 1 Will buy Ashes, Hides, Pelts, and sow= Grains. In BrOakland, (formerly Cushinkville.) 5ept.,,1861 IDR. JAYNE'S -FAMILY MEDICINES for sale at STEBBINS... pLANKS of all kinds for sale at this (Mei. ~Deeds, Warrants, Executions, Summons pubpaions. Co.istable Sales, Township- and chool Orders;:ltiotes of all kinds—kept on - ard and rirlritedlo order. JOB WORK at fended to promptly, and aVpriced to snit the. times. Glyn as a trial. . . ==ll solf r imsTED- - si . . KE LLYI pTORE can always be. - found the :hest of ~ C- Bnxandparto! , . S • Alsd, TIN and SHET4ON WARN, POTS, NETTLES. SPIDERS, I ,'SDOTGEI BOWLS, RYING-PANS, SAP-pIOIS, and-iaULP LIONS. Also, ' tripieittenis, such 1.. s PLOWS, SCRAPERS: . CIif,TIVA TORS; CORN-SHELLERS,, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &o: - • THEIII•WORIC. is well made and the material good.' Good and substdntial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the.Oo.unty—Tertns easy. Ready Pay of alt kinds,' including C4sh;.seldoni 'refused. Stoie on Main Sireet okinsite the 01 Court Rouge; Oonderiport. Ang, ) 7 - 1859.-50 _--; Just published in a sealed eic)iitope, price 6 cts Lecture by Dr.CoLvanivnt,, on the Cause and Cure of - Sperinatorrhcea,, Consump tion, Mental and Pltystcrii Debility, Nervous seas', Epilepsy; Inipaired Nutrition a tbe.Bo dy LasSitaie ; Weakricir of the Lill:ilia and Back: Indispisition, and!ineapacity:for,Study and Labor ; Dullness of ;ApprehenstoU ; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Lore'. of Sol itude ; Timidity; Self-Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affection's of the Eyes; Pimples on the Face , Involuntari Ethissions, and Sex ual Incapacity; the Con Sequences of Youth ful Indiseretion, Scc.l This admirable Lecture clearly prares that the above enumerated, often self-aftlicted,evirs may be removed without medicine. and with out dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by every'yuuth and every Man in the laud. Sent undersea!) to any addreSs, in "a" plain, sealed: envelope, do the receipt of six carts, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLIN'E, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4586. • 'THE DAY SOLKOOL BELL, • A -NEW • SINGING 1,300 R. FOR ,- D.:ty SCHOOLS, called the DAY SCl.lO.Olj BELL is new ready. It contains about 100. pages 'of choice:Songs, 'Rounds; Qatches, Tri6S, quartetts, and Chi Muses, many of them written expresSly for this work, hesides ?ages of the Elements of Music. The Ele-: tnents are so ,easy and pi•Ogressive, that ordi nary teachers will finlthemselves. entirely , successful in instructinyrert young scholars; w sing corre'cilv and scientificall ; While the : tunes and words embi4ce such a !variety o 1 livelY, attractive and seald-stirrinu-, Music. and , •sentMients,' that no •triMille will be eimeri-' •enced in inducing all beginners to go an with zeal in aqui/gni , skill in one of :tile .most uealth 7 giving, beauty-iniproving, happiness-, yielding, and order-producing exercises m• school life. In simplicity of its elements, in variety and .ladapta!ion of 'music, andlt. •xcellence and nuthher aif its songs, original selected, and is I.,pted, l i t' claims by much to 2g.cel all c , mpe iturs. It will be found to b die im.st book ever isslied for Seminaries., Academies, an I puhlic Stmools. A few sam ple ptig•P; of :be Elern :nts, Tunes, and Songs .re given in a circular;.'and get 'one., It is compiled by HORACE 14ATERS; - AuthM , f "Sabbath-School 11611 s." N05...1 andL2. if whibli have had the enormous sale of 655;..' 000 in 36 mouths. Prices, paper covers, 21' •ents, $l5 per 100; Bound, 30 cents, $22 per 00 • cloth bound, emboised gilt, 40. cents $3O Pat' 100. 25 cepiesifarnished at the 100, price: Mailed Jr m retail . price HORACE WATERS, Publisher, No. 481 Brolidway, New York. New York City , . ffIGIZACE 'WATERS PLANO& c;,'LoDEON. ALEX.A.)tkIIE 013.G4iNiS, exn I'. GrI,BELT ~.t CO.'S Celebrated zEOLIAN :'.1.1N OS, are the finest in4ruinents for,Parlore ad .!liiirelies now in use. A large assort , dent can be seen at the ifiew Warerooms, 481 .iItUADWAX, between I 'Grand and Brooms ;freers, which will:be sdhl at extriiniely low : iriees.. PIANOS and MBLODEOi , :Sfrom sun; try makers, new:and seebnband. to let, an, ;rat allowed if linrchaso, . s er agreement. M onthly payinenis receP:ed or the same „ t i. Also, second-hand Piania; and Melodeons iv. 4 mat. bargains, : ; prices f';rolii, $2546, - 5100. Theei Music, 'Music Books, and all kinds of iltisi, Merchandise at War iirie , .s, '• 110BACDIWATE11 . §.! Agent. - • Sabbath Schout .111e115, No. .2. 7,5,000 GUMS ISSUED THE FIRST ;'welye Months of its pUblication. 'lt is ni. laire New Work, of neaily 200 pages, Mat”,, the Tunes And Hymns eere written express- y for this Voltne.. It will soon be as popu, iar as its predecessor Melt No. 1) Which hAs run up' to the enormous number of 575,000 :opies in 313 months; outstripping any Sunday ichool Bo'olt:of its Size issued in thiS country. Also, both VolumeS, are b'ound in one to ac. •orumodare schorlsWislgng them in that form. :'ricer of Bell No. 2, pager corers, 15. cents. ;12 per 100: BoUnd, 25 l ieents, slB4e . r 100, :loth bound embosskTgilt, 30 centS, , .s22 per 100. Bell. No. 1,, paper covers, 1.2 cents, $lO .er 100 toimd, 20 cents,: $lB per 100. Cloth found embossed :gilt, 25iients:.$20, per 100 1 and 2 bbund together, •10 cents. 330 tier 100. 25 copies. tarnished at the 10b I ~rice.. Cloth bound nmb'ii,ssed gilt, 50 cents, I 340 per 100. Mail postage free at the retail • . . '• No. 481 Broad?ay, New York. NATRONA COAL OIL I WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE'T tnd equal to any Kerosene'. - • %9.b11.' buy an explosive when a few rentslmore per gallon will l furnish you with 7erfect Oil? Mado ohly by I PEF/WA SALT..II6III/FACTURINO OMNI% No. 127 Walnut Street,. Philadelphia. Feby. 1. 1862. . ly ' i i SAP ONIFIER, SAP ONIPM ! ' . 11.13E FAMILY SOAP iIAXER." All Kitchen Grease can lie made into good SOAP, - bi ; using Saponifier • DIREpTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH - 130X Soap is as easily' made with it, as making a cup of coffee. nufactured , only by the Patentees. PEN] 'A SALT IIi.ANTJEPiCTHEING,OSIPAITY, No ; 127 Walnut street, Philatieiplila. Feby. 1, - 1862. . iy,: Thel Rochester Stra:wrOutter. CiI,:kISTED • L .- KELLY, ( , Coudersport., ,have the exclusive agency Por this celebiated machine, in this county. is corenient. duo ruble, and CHEAP. 1. '18.60.-42 4 DVERTISF, in the Jot It in the on- Ili papeT in, Potter connty r elAti le a iond flied lulu threugh which beoplerof all digtricts A DVERTISE 'in the eirollfir 1 - 1. nal. Only paper in the coney. , . " [Eggs! The Great Cause HUMAN . '4l - OMR,STOLUMN I I ; f , MEM NEW GOODS r. ~I r.j ! NEI ! AND SOMETHING ELSE NEW 111101 T HE subscribers at their I . • , ' OLD STAND ON DIADV STREET, ' • COVDERSPORT; Offer to their bld customers' and the public ' • generally fort Cash, United States TreaSitry iNotes (which; by the way are taeri at. Par,) Wheat, Corn,; Oats, - Butter,Chcese, Hides, Pelts, i-Deer Skins, and all,othcr-kinds ' ' • of Skins, such as Calf Skins, &c., 61ap , lyans, Seas, Venisoh, and some other thingi that - t cau't be thodgbt; of, A LARGE ANp WELL-SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHQES, DEADYMLADE CLOTHING GROCERIES, i ~ ,t Hats & Caps, MI aa,rdwarey DRUGS s.t -IiIF,DICINF;§ Paints,Alills, and Dye . , 1 Together witliSome of tbe best i , 4 N 1 KEROSENE OIL; ', ! Far superior to.the . oll Creek or'fihioutie Oil [ LAMP & LAMP FIXINGS; L i POCKET C1T1.14T,1,y; - I also a few more of . tbose Superior CANDOR PLOWS; ' . SLEIGH SHUTS.GLA.SS, SASH, PUTTY; INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES. •ud other kinds of. WALL PAPER, j ' , Ji 11WINDOW CURTAINS And otber.a.kieles which time alono for- ..ids us to mention, all of which willj be sold as low 'as the WAR-PRICESi will allow—for strictly ; REIDY-PAY!! And for those articles we take, the high. est market Price will be paid 1 We are: also General Agents for 111. 1 I , DR. D. JAYNE'S 11.1edicine, DR. AYER'S , • • - "i" • Pinqi KENNEDY-'S ittedic l .al Discovery, I ' ! And all the standard Oedicines of the day •• ! 1 CALL:ANII C. .9' &LE: A. .TONESI 1 - ! ; !, .1: 4 lad , N. B. The pay . for the GoOde'mnst be on h od,itvhen the; Goods are r delivered, ;as - ure are dpterroined to Nile to. the ntOtto of, "lity ides one tbin,i roore: The Judgmentemote= and book - Oneonta Whleli we:have - on 'ast bieyisttled i aiift-elojed uOmfnediateli-of, we fear t i eft. will be ineinisediastaiilia'alhe ulna! rate of interest. I I . Dee :w'a:€~'=xt~. 3 ;.+:a~_~iut;_ea~#t~ssc;se;~ ; . R :-~~ i dti r 1 , 4- '•••:1 • • • NE j.! l t • H I , I , ' a ' 1 , MO Ell =I IPROVISIONsi El Iron, Nails, flyer's Cherry Pecteral, .VOR CURL OP COughtt, Co'Hip, lutinenin, Ilonrgenessi, ',Crony. Droneh Inctident Can -1 • aumotion, and forithe of Conanmptive Patients ' •in advanced triges of the iliseaset Thin Is et remedy in lin safly liuntery to surpass any Other for the CHIT of threat nod, ;Hug cortrithiittl aattril is ogetess hero to po , li , li:the ev ' ideoce omits sit tars In uniivalled esCellence for :coughs and rnlds. nod its Ii oty seemly/lid :urea of toalinniterY eli:4-11.e.j base fluid.. it known thronglionti the civiligod .of the c.o.d. Few!are the caminitnit fest, or even spied' who have tiot,sonie orsonal exgerience of its shorts some trnpliy!in their mhlst of its viciory - sr the subtle and tiangc:ons ili,orilt•gq of the thrust and lungs. As all know the' dreadful, fafality of these deord.oe god 'Os they know;too, the effects of this t erdedy. wt toed and 30,r1mirs than to assiire neat that it has noW 011 110 ' Cues that It did have witch the cures wid.:ll betve Won ao strongly upiiAlhe conlidenca of maul:hid. IMI Xiepare4 by Dr. 7. C:Z.YER & CO., Lowell, /Ws STATIONARY. - b - pld by 5.4 E. A. Jones, Coudersport; 'Mann 4.cr .11iliport •, N. J2Mills, Coles bark.; Colwell 47:Lyman, Mulct ; A:Corer SO; Ulysses; A B. Horton, and by. Dealers generally . . L., • rilfir, undersigned Al ould respectfully inform • the Siirrounditig'comnuusity that he has taken . the rooms formerly occupied by John S. 3lann, where he is prepared to do • All kinds of Harness Work orUthe shortest notice: . : LONG STRAW COLLARS. . . also kept constantly on hand. These collars are a superior article, and, need but a trial to insure their success. _ J.' Repairing done in good style. Surcingles, Martingale-rings; Tfaries, and Hattie straps, &d., k'pt consist tlyon hand. The public are invited to call and examine, , before . purchasing elsc . wbere. S. P. MINA& Cocderspart Pct. I6th, 1860. Ili Admitilisfrator's Notice. • TT ETTERS - of - :Administratiot on - the estate Li tot' S. S. WtttTs, Into oflThitesville, Atte. - zany county,lC,lY-,ltaripg,heen granted, to the .i undersimed, all.persons "haring 1 claims tgathst s'a!d ' estate are requested to Present them to him foriliquidatiott. and persons `6vOng Raid estate are reduested to-make im- Mediate rtiment to him. ; • i.I3OIIACE. COBB. NM -;' -.#c:'2o; iB6l 1 p `Subscribe for the JOURNAL. te ' ALILE . . . garggiV l ' ' .- ' - oi l :.‘ !I ei . 1 " . , 1 , , • . . 1 1a THE Bu t * A I.:I fi l ecttort s e:tiny; comp joyitil o t Oren, my Watchers 13;1,1' 1.1 11alas-qs:' ° --' , 11 14...,.11th Juii e ; p t . feel it - my d m) : i:",. , , :• :lit : S i s i : ili t iirh . p , ill li.::::i'.:liti,:ll,l:l.l,4l;lll.ltm'i'll.;if,::::aii4l,:::,4i!':lslsl,;:r:',:a,,iii iltif:sii,'.ll','.lrt.::"ll.,i-7:.'1.11.,:e,t. 1 ' rittka „,.,.1-„,,1 ~.astot llittevi 1 . 01 11 ~ I '1 ,,,, ,,i , ar repato. rust be got.l. I boa to :'tits it ettre4 ~,',., 1 ~,, 9 Or It rpmspoonro overt 4 Lkfi. \,..a• arid heal:Lt I tiro ~,,o, which efkr. tear, and I hear/ Lis, ' bolo nty , sys tem. y o l; , out ear in; %ben I la' ,'the Itptrallgs of tle. ~ egg. Touts, . ),Fithlf 11. T.if.i,it , .0.,r - St. Autlianyls-rie:,ltla4C,Ox• Vrysi pow,. .:[Tettex: lift il, , Salt Rh aani, held 11, 4 4 -li.liugsvorta.,Sart• .E..y.t'si...praiPsy. 'ri. llobert M. Preble,wriles I L zent Salon. N. 1%, %it; Rept., -I,'s9,'tltt. lie lato cored[ tin inveterato ease of Dlippay, wiliett Ore:Om:MI to tel ;Moab, fatally, by it , per,ererioß nee of our SarsitinWilh fuel t,.l,ottt,lti , ge lo , Jicitign,,t E r y s iy m t j , by large thisos of the *:one; mye he'crirea Cho cortittion 1:1-uptimis 1 . 1 it eonstanfly. l Ilraliclract4, Goitre air Suellenlt; ec i, , . Zahtflon Siouti of Ero.Part. Teah.. write.: " Tim.: La , • tle9 of yoat'Sarsajmrilfit VIIIVIIrne- from a i,t,it t y._-:4 hiv Pratt_ swelling on. the pea, uhirl, 1 had sullmeti ram' Deer Me yearsi.a taincorrlsona ar:trilfles.ll4.4c-nrian Tumor, • 'Uterine Vic4ratriaii, nesaala Diseases. alr. J. IL a. Charm ing:, or - Now f f oil: city. write, i, - I Peek cheerfully apply with the feintedor jour neentiti ',hying I have • found yitar Sarraiintill. a 1,,,,..1,,p,, 0 alterative in the uttuteroas cent; , !obits f, , , x i hid, ~, employ snob a realedy, bat espeelally in 11., , ,b , w 1 e.,,„, of the Scy , tfurettsitilititetio. I litre ,m o d ninny j ure: , 1,;,,,,1.,, , S of Lonoorilfloa ra py. it , tool holm. , ‘lltrte the CM. . plaint was canse.l,by"olivtien of ato J., , ,, , f. The n 6, . aticlit itself WAS worn cared. • Ntilbina within my knout• edge monis it for I brit Foliate 4ranaement.'' ',Edward ..s'. Mart Ste, of Nee,-1,11f3*- .\ is:::::;:::::-Dird:znr.. nom., oraricin lenipn• no one of the fentalri. if, thy ih„,ii, rritlelt bad defied 101 l the remedies ire cOuld employ, ti t ' at length been completely cttil L thy• ,m)i i i e ni a . Our idistM-I,tti flu - mi t -ht. nothilfz but elfitim., (lan cauld afford rk-lief. taut be relst, , ,l the trial orsyna' ' : 11 T-.‘l" , l'ilia an tile last resort before tutting, and it proyed effect ant. :After lakingyonr temedy ei,ibt treeki up 'symptom of U.ii dbeaSe ly:111%1111," f Sykillls 'kind Ilferearlal ntscase. ' Niar olai•%,Nß; 2ithr Aliguct,lltt 'Dn. S. C. ATER b ,Slr, T. diem fatly comply frith the re. 744.5 t of piar agent, :obi I Pool t it , :: , q1 trout of Ito (leas I bare realized with yoar Soo-Ismailia. : 'jai TOR - PlatnnaNia /nit for the spe . edy cure at ttil IliciOneticitillfreirprilli i ina.Minuorsi trletra, ,Plmnalpi, . rastnica,, : - 13.1aLus, and all'Skila." oAat-tan . . . . .. 1 .1:' O. :Arra & co, Cents' i / knowledge ~ w kat year.; t , ,irsap n 'living lubet lted tt .Scrufulon, i , tofu Wilt rarlouit ways`,Yor. - yen out hi Ulcers on,. )iir' bawl); n tartan Inward tuill dbitres,oril, 0, ,years aga it,l.E4ke, out. on my be; it/Jae:WS liiii/ 'ant , .'lyttri): Wide, w: beyond descriiition: 1 Itira tuns plt)slrlnits. but ttjillwu t rul tact, tho tli4ordetlgre‘y wur,e. 4, to In the 1,1,01.1..1 3104,,, g , apililteratirr (Nortaligtrlttnl. r. r I 3 (rob flint •ntiy thing you,tuntb, it ertlrittigttPutolgorit; ntul - tritql it' it, as you adrl....e. In I.inall, tloNi.l.,i Intntli, and used ultuust ,threi Inil skin , goon begun :to curio lorlrri while frlbutt - Yff skin k now il k , rlius - tlint tlinLlOn-ttso This ~.., . ,,tq Can well brAlavo tlsat 14x1 c.itut I yoto;•tliat- / hiAd gun 11, 14, ono (It anti remain ever sr.tterally. . . I . have clued II ill' it, in rtty f•tm'tics, niu,t of tire elm. ?Writs for IVI, lel, 'f t. in ,er0111110,11.1 . 01.1 1111 , 1 Isalo• fnmd nn, tfregts truly ivototei fin in the envm of g; oriai DiVaSe: 43111. n my pal boats 111:1 Fyphilitic ulcers n hie throat,,mbirli aero constuning,t,io g.ilste-atsi the top of Ilk nuntql„ Your .t , tir,g4tritis, t•teutily taLea, Jared hits ha the inattucktsi 'lndaryi syntrLouts!itt ids nose. and the 111,tutien had Wen uuny a consi&trable vat of it, so that I beltere the litkinlet 'trunk! . suon reach las 11Fain and hill I.fin. Hut at yleftle.l to my tutrUintstiation 44 your iarsagrailla': the Ulcers healed. unit tie is . ptil'ogein. rot of tont, , lott,o.lbitittrution to ilts r toe,.. A wultutt, ulto binddCen ire:aril fur the saline lliEfild,r 11:14 sulfci ih; frinit this poison in In.. bones. 'Whey !sot Locale so eel, sifie to the 'ea-other that itn a dem), day she zruciming lists in tier joints veld- 'tours. S 11«, no, tuts :411'0 &Ill:rely by your :at...F:lolla in f e w ‘e,,,4,0. krioiv (1,4:1 its 6.1.,,,urn, witivit pug' aunt gave me; that :Ws: Pi eparati,,ii front your Isburaluiy a Icrllit re m ed y.;trulyrClllBlhalole tesultal with it have hut surpris,Al use. Fraternally yours, Itlleumntism, Gout, 'Liver Complaint. ' Isferzo:sucivec, l'icston Co., Va.. tiL .hdy: DR.-J. C. Aron: sir, 1 !lave been anlicted o it!: n'pin. uatililsw tal . a laug time. battled the and stork to me itt epite of all' tin ietnedies 1 could find, until I hied your:Far:apt:ills.. One Dottie cared mu in twelve:4:s., nod restoted my general .1C:11LICSO 11111d1 that I an: far better thith beSae 1 wait sitSeked. - I think it n 0011 d w•fut . J. Jules Y. G;iteln•ii. of at. 1.01110. Writtli: "I haw, bona ißlieted for yearn with an qpictim, of are Liver, which le4troyed toy health. I tried every thingondovery thing failed fo relieve MO • and I have been n 4t Ova-down Won For saute plus Crum no Ullwr cause than deranxnant ale /.(ce.r. My beloved pastor. the Item. 7:lr:T•ispy,:ohheßl rEle to try your frarsi:tiarilia: because I, said he knew toil, tad:1111y (hill' you tila:le was NT ol ll.llyivai. ily „the 1?11,!. in.; of Cod It too: and La; so to:rifled my lined ELS to 111:11(q tllOl, of foe. 1 f: el young. hest that can be said ofyon is not hall Bead enuagb.“. Seillrrus.,Colierrlritinors, Enlorg . ement, Ancerntion, Cortiss•and Exfoliation of the Bones. ~. i . , , • A great satiety i 4 hare:MICH rm. - torte/I to its chore eurea of these formillable.comhlaials hare mantled 'how this use of tido reitold . y. hit E...pare bele will Oat advert them. &Mr of theca nary he' found in (Air Allllll,lll the agl'lltt, below named ate pleu-ed to turtliali gratis to all %rho c:01 foe them, .1 bjrspepsfa. lacart 2)igease, Epl7-u -syy Meiane'isoly, Neuralgia Many reams Made urea of the,e. tillerth La.base tern trade by the:literally° lawyer of this DIrliii:1110. It .01 lairs the that funciions into rigoions action, awl [MA )Verroriiri dis.kr.lrts obin, would be ,liprio , et) hope:di:l trick. Srieli a remedy has kng Leen required ti till, se. ltessities of ilat ',rcpt.,. and we me roundest that thh 14:3 lo for them all that. Medicine cnn do. 2 0 El C. V. LA117:111:1% M. D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers