HPOTTkR COMITY JOURNAL is t h e o nly paper published . in Potter county, circulates among an intelligent' class of -peo •ple, and is thus a e xl lani medium for both c„ity and Country verting. • Transient Adrertliements and those frciin distance must be Cash or hare. responsibleici ference.lll co mmunications, to receive attention, must be directed to the Editor, and Contain the acme of'the writer. No attention paid to anonymous communications.. TElt3l.4.—One copy,oite year, $1; Six. copies $5; Twelve copies, $10; Twenty copies, -$18, with one tc the person raising the Club. The money must accompany the names. cca l ar sport, Wednesday Evening, Oct. 2, 1861 See New Adveriisemeots:—List Let -1 tars. Mark Gillon offers to clothe the people t? snit them, theit pockets, 'and the times. , TwE type and fixtures of the Williams' , Fort Press were sold one day last week, at Constarle's sale.. • se-Lieut. N. J. Mills, of Capt. Widg. or's Company, left town on Tuesday morn ing with eight more men for the purpose of filling up that'Company.. 65.-ReMeruber the election on Tuesday. Vote early in the day. itewar'e of " last cards." Vdte the whole 110 publican tick et, you will Ond it in a*ther_column i cu it out and compare yoUr tickets with 't. a-We have received from th pub lisher,James T. Lloyd, New York City, a copy of his new map of the Southern States, which, at theTresent time, sheuld be in the hands of every one who desires to be well informed of 'the army. Price, 50 cents. HUMBUGS. —lf you want to get a Sal crates about which there is no humbug gery, get D. B. DeLand S.• Co.'s Chem icalSaleratus. Read' the labellaround it, every word 'of which you will find to - he true. It will cost you no more than an inferior article and is much cheaper in the end, as it spoils no bread or biscuit. You•will find it for sale by all responsi ble• dealers. %tar The Hon. C.B. CunTis, late Can- didate for President Judge in this District, is one of the Colonels of the Brigade - now being raised by J. Y. JAMES, Esq., of Warren. Success to hint in his patriotic efforts. The same mind that has made bim popular and effective . at the Bar wll award }him the victor's wreath in the ' , There is to be a patriotic meeting held in the Court House t0:11110170W even ing for the purpo9f aiding Capt. A. F. Jones in filling up his company for the war. Let there be a full assembling of all the people who are willing to encourage by their presence this last call upon Pot ter, 4Er On Thursdayiiight and Friday of last week, Potter County experienced the severest storms of rain known to the "old est inhabitant." Bridges were swept away, crops, flooded, cattle dri:iwned, and the lum ber lying/along the banks of our mountain streams, waiting for-water to take it to market, was carried down and lost to a very considerable extent. There is scarce ly a bridge standing in the whole county. It is a general remark that the rain of Thursday night and Friday has cost thtk, county more than_ the 'war. Wc learriby a gentleman who came through on horSe back from Wellsville that_ there is nova single bridge standing of the N. Y. & E. Road between Corning and Great Valley, and there will be no regular New York Mail for.the next two weeks. , Ile-The news of the reported escape of John C. Breckenridge from Frankfort, to formally join the conspirators, will be re ceived• by the public without, surprise. He has .slowly passed through all the grades orthelerime of treason aminst his I country, until finally, if this 'rumor be true, he ,is, we suppose, about -to reach the culminating point, by either placing himself at the head of a body of troops organized to war against the State and Nation which have shoWered honors upon him, or by giving all the aid in his pow er, in a - civil capacity,ite those who di rect the military movements of our ene mies.. The flimsy veil of neutrality, and the guise of mere political hostility to the Administration, are , now entirely thrown aside, and in the .contest, which has been narrowed down to a, strife between patii ots and traitors, he has openly taken his stand where his sympathies naturally lead him—with the foes,of his country. CEtes. REISMAN being about- .to start for the War with A_ nee. X. tic:ll , ms' Company, desires to sell some furniture which ho has ready-made. Here is a chance to get good furniture'at fair prices and at the same time help one who desires to support . the Country of his adoption. Air . Republicatis of Pltter, we haligat the head of our, column l is the names'of the candidates put in norutuatio;by our Con vention, and earnestly eommead theiu as worthy and entitled to the support of every member Of our I olitical faith and party. -We feel fully warranted in say ing that the moral;and pecuniary interests of our county coald net be intrusted in safer or better hands. !They ere all true and loyal men, who used thei'r influence l to secure the election f Abraham Lin coln, and who are now Iheart and soul in favor of etrengtbeiling rthe power of, the Government to subdue the traitors with the sword and the ball, and protesting .1 against compromise with rebels, that sla very may live and IroW stronger. . R...G. WHITE, our Candidate for Pres ident Judge, has already served a term of ten years, and , none could have done so more acceptably. For honesty, integ rity abd ability, be bas7fully Satisfied the people. There could belno better evidence of this n his aintosti unanimous notni naiio by the counties of the district. His this arity is such that none dare take the field against him. . ' •G: G. Cor.v.tN and i C. S. ' ! .ToN.Es, our candidates for .Associate Judges, are men of unimpeachable 'character, Sound judg ment, every .way well qualified for the office, reliable IlePublicans, and will do honor to the position and to the people of the county. Mr. Colvin has served the i county in a public c l ap - deity for eight years, and for his pure' fidelity to the in terests of the people in every:capacity in l i which he has acted he ,is entitled to their cobfidence and support. ,No one ever justly said aught against biTcharacter fur integrity orbis conduct as at officer. Mr. Jones has never been before the people for any, off i ce, but ail who know him will readily admit his qualifications for the position. The inconvenience experienced by suitors and others, of both our Asso ciate Judges residing ' remote from the county seat, induced the people to select one in Coudersport. Formerly, when any business requiringa Judge was to be trans acted, no matter how trifling, the person interested was compelled to travel a day or two in order to accomplish it. If the people of this county desire io elect•men of sterling worth, chartrater had ability to preside 'over the bench, then we say, vote for G. G. Colvin and U.S.' Jones. L. S. ROBERTSON, our candidate for County Commissioner, has been long and favorably : known by many of our people. Re is a sound, practical business man, of fine education, and will discharge the dit ties of his office well and honestly: Na better man could' be selected in the coun ty to. fill this office. ' . E. 0 AUSTIN, our candidate for Colin . - ty "Auditor, c possesses the confidence of all who know blur, lie is a ready penman, a good accountant, and has the qualifica tions that well fit him for the office. Mr. Austin has rarely if ever occupied a pub lic office, but we know him t,) he honest 'and capable. Lie merits thm:united sup port of all who are interested': in the pro per conduct Of our finances. W. C. BLAKESLEE, our candidate for Coroner, is a worthy citizen, possessing a character above renroach; intelligent and capable to discharge the duties of the office. in a satisfactory manner. He is one of our truest and most active Repub licans. • Republicans I If you wish t o o elect hon est and faithful officers , and . sustain your principles and party, vote for and erect our candidates. The allies of Buchanan and Breckiuridge, s under the deceptive guise and specious cry of "Union Ticket," are attempting to crush the Republican party. The character of th'p men who are the actors in this _movement should be sufficient to satisfy every i intelligent . , citizen oftheir real design. They are the same unscrupulous' men that have op posed Our party from its origiCto this day, and whose sympathies and feelings ink utterly hostile to our principles. They are the same men who joined with the , noi traitors to our, country in the cry, that if we elected Abraham Lin . - coin the Union would be . dissolved. 'These arc the men who are , asking Re• publicans to repudiate their candidates, because they are not sound Union men. Republicans of Potter, we trust you will, by your votes next Tuesday, administer such a rebuke to these wolves-in sheep's clothing that nr.y teach thetia that their dirty trickery can not succee4 i hereafter. The Union Will be safe, even 4f the grog shops dry up. r` .. Thens is no• reliable news from the seat of war as we have had noiNew York mails since Friday night, but his rumored that Alexandria has been taken by.the Rebels without a fight and that Gen. §'eigel, has captured Gen. Price. ::1311: 1 0HTANT TO SCHOOL DIIIECTORS. l It,:ma interest , those sohool directors,' vrt?ii'a e:tinaletts to seethe public schools closed &Erin." the' hard - iitue.s to learn. thatihelfon. Wm. M. Meredith, Attor ney eeteral of - the State, hag declared, upon:; application. Made to him by the State Superintendent of Common School's, that ~directors mnst> keep the schools Of their i i•esp:activc districts in operation, at least 'lir months annuallY. ',lli Peace' gentry • charge President Lined n with violating the ConStitutidn in some of his measures for the repress* of the rebellion.. At such violation they rotes toAie greatly shocked. Has au% body card them complain of Jeff. Davis forrunning rough - shod over the Consti, tUtionl? Not a man. The Peawgentry are asi much in favor of rebellion as Da vis iiil .They seekto restrain Lincoln hy 1 • • ' nicetils of construction and by technical quibb es, ',in order that Davis may suc ceed !ll the better in destroying the COL• stitutiori entirely. . . , wa; Hon. Wm. 31. Meredith, Attorney ! Gthie al of our State, has.recentip decid ed thltt in his opinion the act of May IA 1861) fOr ; the relief of the fatnilieS of the volu+erS, did not apply merely o those who enrolled themselves for three months, but that those Pennsylvanians who have enlisted!fer three years are also entitled to its )0:m 6U, unless they have connected thems'el'ves with companies which belong I:I to otuer States. • terYdung men of Potter remember that Yoining Capt. Jones' company.is in all,prcibability the last opportunity you; will 1 - ave' of serving your Country in ai Pottei ,County Company. "Fall into; ranks r, It will be an honor to you and to yodr children to have It said in after; years, that .when your Country was iui , , danger you gave it the strength of yoiir right firm. i li?'o.l.Cr. CURRENT, 1 Corrected every Wednesday by E. N. STEB- I BiNp ar, Into. Wholesale and Retaill .14alers. in Groceries and Pro Visions, loppOsite D. P. Glassruire's Hotel,. • 1 Coudersport Pd. 1 Apple, green, 63 bush., $ ;371' td 62] do i dried " - - 100 2 00 BOns j 1 ' . ~ , • 200 450 B.Ceswhx, 0 lb., • . •20 25 Reef, 1 1, " ' J' 4 .5 Berrie 7, dried, 0 quart 0 il:i, ' Buckwheat, 0 44 50 bush., , Butter; 0, lb., 10 . 12 Cheese, ~ l'' . 7 .10 Corn, fe. bush., . • 75 88 Corn . 3leah per cwt., • '.l 50 2go E • ggs, 1 0 doz , 10 Flour l ,le..tra, 0 bbl., •6 50 700 do superfine " 5.50 t.; 00 . Ilanis,llo Ib., 12& .. 1.5 .I.lfty, 14, ton, . , 550 6_oo Roney', per lb., 10 12/ Lard,l ," . - , • 12 15 Staple Sugar, per lb., . ' 8 1,2 Oats, ;•! bush,, 30 33 ' Onion, 1" 75 100 Pork, .0 bbl.,. 21 00 23 00 do 0.1 b., . 10 13 do 'in whole hog, 0 lb., - 6 7 Potatcles, p‘..‘o7sh., . 371 50 - , Peac4s, dri d 70.1. b.,. 25 Po 5. )1 5 ~7 r ultry, " i . . ) I r , 4 1 .- C 3 75 Rye, 1); ( --1;',Itsit., Salt, "t 1 do "0 sack, Trogt,) per:4 bbl., White Fish, Uhl., $25 'EMPLOYMENT $lO AG-, ENTS WANTED 4 Ztie pe,v, from $25 to tiis per .iiionth, and all espenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Bum §swtsu %cum COMPANY, R. JAMES, Oeneritl Agent, :Milan, Ohio, au2ily 11 4 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post " Qtlice at Coudersport, Pa., Oct., 1, 1861. Maria:RAbhoit, C W Blake 2, Isaac B Baker; C A lidihrinds, Johnson Chase; Cluarlcs Dan ielson, John S Etz, Ed. Fisher, Susie Grigsby, Mr. Goulding, Hannah Howe a, George W Johnso ! u. Jno M Kilbourne, Hiratn Kimble, Harry . ,Loril, S. Lewis, Letts Rawson, arah Jade Monroe, P G Nichols, Northern Democriit; John .A! Nichols, David Patterson 2, Patriot 3. lima A Potter, Chas !IV Pennells, Benjamin Potter b, Jacob Roberts, G Rossiter, Riley, Wm Redner, Jesse Sheldon 2, Elizabeth Snyder: Barrett 3 Smith,, Daniel Schmidt, John !Vanhorter in care of J Ehirrington. Jotix S. MANN. P. 31: 11IARK GILLON, • • TAT:A/A—nearly opposite the Court House- 7 will !Mahe rill clothes intrusted him in the ' l atest and best styles —Prices to suit thO times.Gife him a call. :Nditillitistratorl ; s Notice. i IVoTp - ;1 is hereby given that letters of ad -11 ,ministration on the e4tato of BENJ.' T. HOXIg; Iste of Sweden tonlnship, Potter C.:(3, dee'd, have been granted to the subscribei the Itegister of Potter cottut3-, to whomall debts due to said estate and claims. against the sa4e, must be presented for settlquent or payment. J. W. BIRD, Admr7 SWedeni Sept. 2, 11361. I 6t IINT: N. ARCH STREET, AB VE • '. Philadelp ila. OTOII S. N.EWCOME ;Proprietor. lae'This Hotel is ecntr 1, convenient by Pa,peni;efchrs to all pang f the city, and in, every particular adapted to the' wards of :the .basiness.public. ! • • • ZTernis $1 50 pe day.' • Newspaper Depot.'' . ' A B. HANN, General Agent for .the AG' inle of the New York flailit•s, Weeklies, the American Monthlies and Quarterlies, and all the Ooreign Periodicals. Terms to suit the times.r 113 - 4 'tieTribune for sale;:every evening. • XtgL„LAl;the POST OFFICE. 'IIE INatberstibele.Aiininisisrs;;ipn estate ,c,* - AIX,Lit,C. VAGGAII;r I fate of ihecounty,:pf .. l:rotteri:deeease(4 bai - o been granted to thie..subseriets, all perenns indebted to said'esttte are - relleested immediate payment and thofe having 'claims against r the saint, preset?! them dnly, thentleatetl,foi setttemant. , J(4I.N - P1 TAC I PAIZ.T, Aug. 21, 1861 4.lministrator4.; • • A_Y - RR'S I Sa-rsaparil FOR PURIFYING TAB BLOOD. And for. the speedy Mire °rile follotring, complaints: Scrofula and Sei•oftii on si AfreettonS,sneh as Tuituors, - UleerS,, Sores, neuptiOns, Pimples, Pustules, ildhtehes, poilltis .11/ains, and all; Sian Miensee. •.; ' • Oattlain, Ind., oth June,lSs9. - J. C. Arm k- Co. 'Gentaa . - 1 fed; it my: duty tb no. knowledge ghat your! eat*ararin: - has done ilia, Wei Haring inherited a Seri/Mous Mac inn, I have; suffered from it in various way s fur !years. Sontethues it bnnit out in. Ulcers on my jaunts and Jtrzus; sometithes it turned inward and distressed me at the stun - melt. ; lye[ years ago it broke out oh my head Mid covered my scaly! and ears with one sore, which was piinfill and kiattisome beyond description. I tried many Medicine's end several phyBleillng but withoothopeli relief Trout any thing. In fact; the disorder grew Worse-- At length I was replied. to read in the Uosiud-igesaenger thit you hail prepatid an alterative (Sarsaparilla), for 1 k ndw froni:your rennta; Lion that any thing yoia'intide Must be good, I cent to ' Cincinnati and got it, and used it OAR cured Me. I took it, as you advise, in Sinttli doses of teaspeonftil Over a month, and nsea almosq thra,.i !lc/WO. New and healthy skin soon began to rorni router flip scab. Which afterd while full off. 3ly skin lis now dealt and I' know by toy feelings that the ,Ihica.we!il:ts 'gone faint my systein., You can well believe that I i'psl n hat I am mying-srlient ttell you, that I hold you to ;be oho of the r apostles.eftlie ego, and remain ever grateftilly. ; 1-4uri.. . , , • • ' r , / it Lilt ED - D. TALLEY: St. Anthony's Fire. Inns(' pr Erysipelas, Tet ter a n al Say Itikettaf oSetrid. 1-fe.i.d; ' Ringworm, Sore Eyes, iProirsy.' I • I • ., 1 - ' Dr. Robert 3L Preblo, writes froM Salem, x.,r, 12 Sept., 1009, that he; bets cutred an inveterate; casef Dropsy, which threateOed lip tertoltiate fatally, by II e persevering use of our ~.arsaiStrilla. p u tt also e. dayiirreui Malignant Erysiprlas Ily la* do-oil of the seMe o'ed's he cures the commomgraplips by tt constantly, ! ' • Broneliocele, - ,G'altre. or SA - relied Na.•elt. Zebulon Sloan of Pt qpert : , Texakiwrites i ‘, Tlirc Ole bot tles of your Sarsaparilla. cured me Omit a Ccitre—a hid eous swelling on the heck, : Which a had suffered' hum ' over two years:' ' i , 1 Letteorrhera or Whites, 04 - striate Thine •• ) Uterine Ulceration, Veznale Disease ' Dr. J. D. S. Channiz4; of New , Yerk City, writes; ".Z most cheerfully comply iwith 'the request of,yont, ngent.lti saying I have foetal your Sarsaparilla a most excellent r nlterntire in 'the nunterous coin pinints' for width .we emplciy such a renvdy, : b u t 0 1 ,,,,i, i tt- i n 14:iliali Diseases of the Scrofulous dintlthis. I. have gored mattY ureter ate cases of Leueurrhi4 by it, and some where the cow- . plaint was caused by uteere4i/m of tIM uterus'. The ulcer! ; ation itself was soon Cured. ;IS'othitr:•„ within my knowl edge!equals It for these fenutle derangements."'! .. ' .• Edward-S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes ; l " A &ai -1 prone orariantunior"on oho of the females in 1 y family; which had defied all the remedies We could etnpley. has at lenathbeen completely cured byiyour Extract ef Ear 3aparilla. Our physician Ilibtrglit peaking bu exfirtur lion could afford relieLlbut he adviSed the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last relort .before cutting, and it proved effectual. After hiltingyouriremedy.eighe,weeki no symptom of the disease: reinnins „ .l . ' 1 Srtilstlis, and Illereitrial'Dlsetitio. • . 1011v,OittraNS,',1*th August, 'IBSCc. Dn. J. C. "Arms : Sik,(l cheerfully , coinply with the fo rest of your agent, null retairtte yen 603320 of the effects' I have realized with your Siirsaparitla: _, . i 1 • I have-cured with it;in my practice, [hest of the com plaints for which it is Irecommentled. and have found its greets truly Wonderful, in tiza curb of Venereal nod :Met.- :aria/ Disease. One oprei paligniejiatl Syphilitic ulcers .n his throat, which were 'consuming his palate and the top of hie month. -Your Sarsaparilla, steely; taken, :lured him in tire weeks. •Ahothee Was. attack a by Bee andary; symptoms lin his: nose, and. the ulceration Mid eaten away a considerable' part of it that I believe the, silsorder would soon reach:his brain it.ndltill WM.: Itat it yielded to my adminh4traileit of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, and he is well again; übt of Conrs Without ) tome disfiguration to Ibis face.. A Wilman who tui been l i treated nt ' for the same cliE.ardta - l lcy. treary . was suffering , from this poison in her buneS. The, had thicot le so Senn l shire to The -weather that on!a daraptday she suffered ex, 1 zruciating pain in her joints arid [(ones. Sher too, was :urea entnely by your Sar*lparillal In a few ireeks. I 1 know-front its formula; which your: gent gave : me e that i ; this la , eparation froun yourlaborat ry must,' e a great i remedy; constoteotiy; these tiody remarkable results 1 with it bore net surprised nip• 1 :, . 1 - ,riaternally yMirs, O. V4ARDIETI, 3.f. D. Rite iunretAim, Gone; . i,:i.vr Coatiflailit, Isorecimrxer; Preston Co., ye., Eth 410, 1559. . De. J. C. Aran: Sir, - 1 have been :afflicted with 'a pain ful chrome ft/lcuntafirst for a long thno, which Willed the ;hill of ihysielans, and snick to mei in spite of 'IIIN - be remedies I conr.l find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla.. Ono wine cured me in two weeks, 4ndref.-toted toy general aealth co ranch that -1] am au' better than before I was tanked. I t hitt kit AWonderful medicine. J . EREABI. ' :i . . Jules' Y..Getchell. o St. Louis. writes: "I have been afflicted for year.; with an ofifvfien , of (lie Liter, which destroyed my hvaltii, I tried :Livery thing...and every thing failed to relieve me; and I have been is broken-down 'man for some years from nh other causeqhan derangement of Vie Lin e r. illybeloved paidor, 0° 11°v. f%lr. Espy; advised me to try your:Sarsapaiilln. because lie said he knew you, and arty thing you made ukerwottli trying. ' Ily4lto bless. tog otth7 , l it has cured me, aud ! has;.so purified' my Weed : r a to make a new man of rue.. 3 feel young again. ..The hot that can he said of yon is not half good enough." I 1 . tl Selt.ii3rus,Catieor Toinors I ? Enlargement, ' Ulceration, Car/s :::id .rfontition. of the': hones. ' [ [ I ' 1 [[ A greet variety of clisesltaVe feentreported fa us wfOile cures of these formidable coinplaints have resulted front the use of this remedy,' but our (space here will hot admit them. ;Some of theni tuayhet fon nun our Atnerican Almanac, whieli the agents 'below named are pleased' to furnish gratis to all wile eftlifoi them. . 1 Dyspepsia, Hea*.t. Dlsents ?Fits, Eplle.'ps. ay, "„Illelanieliolyi IS liral,gla.. Many remarkable cltreS of toes affections have been node by the alterative po!ser othi. medicine., it stinitt tates,..the vital fonctions into vigormts action, ,and dills Dreres3mes disorders which weu)El b supposed beyond its reach.' Such a remedY l has long becio required by the ne-, i !essitles of the people, tntl We ate confident that this rill' lo for them all that uldleimi can d0•:' 1 -, Ayers Cherry. ;Pectoral, • ..,! ron TUE nAnill crin.r. OP Cc:lnglis, Colas, Itrilnittrzia, hoarseness? Croup, tironelati, ilneipieut Von. :aumution, and 'fror the Itellet', 1 of Consumptive Patient* [ ' in navanceq. Stages . d of ine—hrserise. Thik is a remedy so' old:els:41y knowri to sorra! any other inr Orr Care of Ifiroat and lutig rnmplaint2, thizt it is useless hereto publish' the 'ethleace of. its virtues. , . Its . unrivalled excfilleuee ler toughs mid colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pnlMonarY citsease, have •511-acle".it known throughout the civilized dationa of the .earth. Few are the communitieS, or 'even ramifies, among. - them who have not some personal experience of its etrectss— some living tinnily in their'.ntillst of its victory, over the subtle and dangerous disorders; of the throat and Image; As all' know the dreadful fatality Of these disorders, and as they know,', too, the effects of 04 remedy, we need pot So more than to assure them ;that it has now all the sir. tees that it did have When inakinthe cures which bare Aron so strongly upiin the confident° of mankind. - . r Prepared by Dr. I.e. AYES a CO., Lowell, Miss: .01,11 . ,y'c.. s i;:c-. E. A.. ig f; nQe, Couaktripurt llitniu.S.; lichols, P..qiliifort ;'N. J. Ifni_ Coles burg.; Colyi - ell S. - , Lpnan, 14ulet ; A. Co?ey ..i: Sou,', lilvs;es • A.' • 1.1. liortdo, Cushingvilie ; and by Detilors ge..*rally I 2 73. 3 50 4a 500 ' 100 1 12 .',- 4.50 500 • , • NEW 'AIURANgEIitENT- ":- (Ike u n Illyr g: just reetnyed ft large' and kCyi -4 .1- f . CLOWIS' tOCRES l'Er. JEWELRY, offers them for sale 'at pricls that will cOm pnra fat:6n bly with; those cif any eit r! or town within led miles. ; Evert-I.lrficle-Uf jelvelry find e.rerY style of 11, 7 1ittclu;sinnti ally found in-setil Stores kept constantly-on hand,' anti li•rirrafttetl to bins represented.— Also. Bears Patent lievulvdrs kept on hand. and colctchenp . l-cp:tiring l done oni shot" notice,' in good style and fair rates. Call and see me at the sign of the Watch." I C: IL W.11111INER: • Coudersport, San. , 1: 1361. • 30 TVld.,?Lwofre'?,.lnvi''endtiestilea; IfTr Market Price win be: paid and 1 ' 11 , .1 iCii -i SI.AIMON§ 1 lOf . QsWato Vilidi;e ': . Vai - jns; received a large stock..!lif GOODS cf all k*fs, such as -I ; q ; , ' ORVGOODS, - • " ' ({ GROCERIES,' , 4 • jr," ' UAROWARE, QUEEtc.**ARE,. ' -' i; ' • , -,1,r,'.; 1';. ' "1100P-WEARiq;: ' ; . - -:,; CUTLERY, 11;011t.SiONS, such as .. ?,: . ; :i, .. PLOV:IS;' ',.. _ ; 1 - MEATS, 511G411.8, -. .. ', 1.- '1 ; COFFEES, ', 0 ,', ' ' - • TD,..s,i , i 4 , . -. St'ES, • * i ' ; ' ;dc., Vic. id fact, of every lOrid, shape, and ' ; • - ; L'., I ; .. I form, :that is fit for Wearing, Eating,' Drink , , • ing; Sleeping, anon, Looking at, lo r Sinellitig _ 1: i ,• .; I 1 Will;Pay the Ligliest price foiVoal, Shirr; I gle4,, ,i:c.:, in exchange, pak Gthri if necessa '- 1 • ry. 1, Will pay far Good &tingles, 31i.Shilling, i 1 ;,-,, , • ifor WOoi 25:tó 30 cts., or More ifiWdol should I 1;! I ' • advance. All goods as CHEAP ,as can be 1 1. ' • ' ; bought hi the. contitry.--Julyl7;'ol ' L• .1 121RIMI GALricER, TEA, EWE DILLAINES, and so foetb,.and all 4kinis as belong to a coitatri.6tori.,,ineln ding. ' ' • !DOLL-BABIES • 1 , ' , and some , i 1 • , C 'r; . 110 P-SKIRTS, and sOnle • . '! N •C'LCiTEEES. . ' . . in illydokl:And, (fotweily Cii,ibiniivilie.) ;11ric.,1.18131. , ' 'i , = i ' •c 1 T OL3ISTE 15 &.* KELLY'S GZTORE ,can always be found best of 13 Cooking; Box:aud Parlor, • • fuId.SIIET-WON WARE, POTS, KEtTLEs. SPIDERS,' SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PA:;;S, SAPLPANS, :tied CAULD RONS. Also, ,AgriculturalpoL Impleeiltsi ;as: PLOWS; SCRAPERS. CUL,Tic.A TORS, CORN-SIIELLERS, IIOBSI3-RAKES, DO.Cr4POWELIS, Ste. -I . • • ' is ,well made and. the material good, Good and sulstitntial EAVES-TROUGHS !put tap iu any Pa# taf the County-,-Terms easy. 1 . Ready Pay of lill!klnds .hicluding Cash, rsoltlom refused. Store ou . :Main Street opposite the Old Court CoUtlerspOrt. • Awe. •AIANHOOV: 1 - 1 9LOST,OST: DOW RESTORED. just pitUishrd, in a seded,tairelore: TREA.T3JIiNT, P;ADICA L Oaf; OFSi4:6I.I.TOICRIIU2-1, or SeminitlWeaknessx uai Pebidity, Ncr.VOIISBCS3 11 . 11-t involuntary cM,lssionS, prOduding inmotericy;tlmistifrnition and Mental and Physical debility.! • 'BY ROUT. J. CULVEIIirFiLL, 3i. D. The important net that the 'Awful conSe gne46 of gull-abuSe may be.elfeetually cured without; internal medicines Cr the. dangerous apnliCatirMs of can4ics, institOents,, medica ted,hiitT,ies, and. oilier empirkdl deN'ises, is here pearly demonstrated, thol,:the ,C . ntirely nisy and highly successful treatment, as adop ted: by the celebrated: a.uthor . fully explained, by mCans of which eVery one. is enabled to cure hiraself perfectly, and at the least possi ble Mist, thereby ali,oiding, nil the_ advertised noStriinis• of the dad, This . lectnrc will prove bodn I to thousands and thoustinds. • .ti"ent i under seal, in a glahi envidope,to any adqr4iss, postpaid, do the recciPt of two post age statues, by addressing 1! , Dr. CIL-O. KLINE, . 12,:i• Bowery. .Nov York. P. 0; box 4,586. FOR TIl I TIMES !! NECESSITY 11* EVEIIY )I(*SEIIOLD 3cfl\SS CROSLEII'S . erica eme3it. .!: The strongeseGlae in' the World Fch• ?Cement:l l llg IPcod, L'Otlier; Glass, jeorly, China Marble, Porcelain ; ster, Bane, Coral,' etc.. The pnly article of the kiridiver'pr9due. whi6h will withstand Water.. • • . ... • • • . ! rx . rnAcrii' • , , 17re1); : hodseltecrier slab - 111d harp a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Oeinent, Gide." —2,ceirl' York ..Tilpes.! ";ftJis so convenient to Bare. in tIM house" ; 1 - 6rlz;trprem alsvawS ready • this ,eortimends •it to ever'ybotly."-..V. Y. Ade l /op:kid, - haq.,tried it, and find it as :useful in our lintise.lis crater."- °Yr/it..Timex Price 2;:i Cents pet :Bettif!.. Vetly liberal reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERM - S CAM nI or safe' by all Drtiggis.ts and Store kenkrs g,enerially throughout the country.. JOIINS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manutaclurers,) • '7B -William Street 3 Nev York: , (Cdrncr of 'hiherty, Street.). jr9ly 1 GENIS 1 1 A Parts of the Country ; To Obtain Subscribers for - •114;SkifigN;Pictorial'Ffelil - flooli r‘ - of the . • AlltEltiCAN 111071:YUT1102.41. Iu • .• - 17!vo Volumes" Royal Oetayo,. OntaininE ! upward of 1300 'Pages' and 1100 Beantiinl. l ßlnstsatqumi;.: T.ll worit", hill be sold i excln§ively by Agts. to Mich-of *limn a spe6ial I Districl, will; be Rare inducements ofiered'. A.'pplieafits shoiltd'oame the- CouutieS they would prefer. warited also for ottier_works appro= pria'l to the-times. . : j • Main tho Scat of War! ' F/eq iFard'opfl? gniel'aper,l4..tceltazicousflooks, etc Address j• - ! GI O. W. ELLIOTT, , Franklin sqoare, N. Y. JAYNE'S FAMILY; 11V1ICLNES for ..ELYII 4; i it V. IC. STEfIBINS & I OOP f 1.10: of WOOL' anted immediately 'STEBBINS' ~ .. . i";. - ADVERTISE. , - .. A IV'ERTISIi in the .oun,t ; tr,:l tills the on. 17t.i!lv papci• in Totter county; nad,is a good nicOurn throtigli . wlielf to ranch the people of . ~ , i all'ilictricts , 1 i r, 41 They go right .. fo' the Spot r Inatane Rciilf :.; Stop your Cough! Plaint pith: Breath! • Strengthen your Voice! 1 1 Spaldpag,'s THROAT coNrEcilicim . • GOOD FO CLERGYME4. GOOO. LEGtDRERS,- Oa PUBf..ID.HPEAKEI:I3, • GOOD FOR SINGERS, ptyip FOR ebilsfAitrivEs. GENTLEITEN CAURT srALDING's THROAT .CONFECTIONi 'LADIES ARE DELIMITED WITH SPALDING'S . TBROAT COIiFECTIeNS: e f , .. .... ciriptms CRY FOR . • , ,SPALDI `G'S THROAT COPFECTIOIit . • t The • relieve a Cougkiristantly. . ' • The , ,. clefir the Throat. • . They give strength and rolume to the Teta: They inniart a delicious aroma ,to the koala They are delightful to the taste. Ihey are made of simple herbi and can 2011 harm any one. • I I adrise every one wqo has a Cough Or 0 Husky - Voice cr a Bad Breath, or any difficul ty of the Throat, to get n Package of my Throat Confections, - they will relieve yoit instantly, nild yoi; will agree *Ull me that they go right to' the spot." You will find theta very useful and plcasiint while traveling or attending pub:: lic meetings for stilling your Cb'ttglt or allay ing your throat. if you try bin c packaie dam safe in saying that you Vial ever afterwardi consider them indispensibg. You will- find them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines ' PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. itdy signature is on each Intelsat - re. All others . arec unterfeit. di . ; A 'ackage will be sent by ninil, pre, paid; on r ceipt of Thirty Cents: u.A ress, • :HENRY C. SPALDING, • No. 48 Cedar street, New-Yak. M IMMMilli MUM CEPHALIC BLIT , • SICK HEADACE - lii CURE . NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL KINDS IS DI F E HEADACHE] By the use of these Pine the periodic attack of Nervous or, Sick Headache may be prevent: ed ; and if - taken at the commencement of ati attack immediate relief from pain And sick• ness will be obtained. .They seldort fail• in removing the ..IturriPles and llecriiche feidales are so eub: ject. They act gently !Vett We bdtteTh.—teniot: ing, Costii7enes.s. . For Literary Men, 506E66; Deli c ate Fe:J . males; add all persons of sedentary habitat thif are valuable as a Lazatii , e, improving the - op: petite, giving tone and vigor to' tile digestive Or: gansi.,itncl'r.storing lire natural claiticity .trentlt of the whole sysiera. Th 4 CFPILtLiI; PILLS are the result of long investigation tied carefully Conducted ex': perimenis, having beerf in tise many' years; during whieh. time tliey Vaie prevented Eta relieved a - vast amount dT Fain iitid suffering 'rom licadaehe, Whether originating in the nemmus' system or froina deranged state of thd stomach. They arc entirely vegetable in their co:111in: sitionond may a taken at all times with per= feet safety with lUt Making any change of et, and the, abse of any diaggiveable taste re, dens it edsg to aci , iirifster this to ehddreii. BILW OF COVit'rEftFitTS The genuine have firm iigdatures of Henry (7: Spalding on each Fmx. ...Sold by Druggists add offlifr ltfealers ittt Medicines. . 1 A Box will lie lie& by iiiepaid on re= .ceipt of the • • PRI:dE, 45 CENTS: . All orders should be addressed to • ' • ' ItE.NRY C. SPALDING; 48 Cedar quiet, New-York: - . TEE' _T`OhLOIN'TNG NNDOMESEEMTS Oi . , SPALDINWS CEPHALIC PILL - S, WILL CONVINcE'ALL tI76SuFFER nto.4 lIEADAC LID THAT A ' SPEEDY AND Witt CME; IS WITHIN THEYIt 111.1ACII. tintimustunumnsusmammitsuannuntituatutests shtle efSPIiLDING'S (FLUE Will save ten timei its ecittt, SPALDDtG'S. PRE PARED GLCE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GM r SPAIDOIG'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVEIRETIECES ! ECONOMY r • . Dist , rt r xia "A Enna'. Li ',I 4 L:UE SAVES As accidents .ei•dhapPen., eveir in ~i ell reg aimed . farnilies,, i`f§!very desirable. hare, Some cheap and convenient }tad turrepaiiint pirniture, Toy 3, Crockery, SP.VLDING'S PREPARED - &LEE - • I meets all such enVergeneies,",aneinn household ; can afford to be without, Tt. alwais 4 ready : and up . tp tire stisking . ' "USEE EVERY .IIOf'SE." - _ . ••• • • • N. Byuth accompanies. each Bottle.' Price, Z'3 centi. Mdresa,' . . . 11ENTI.V-O siTALDING, • 1 N0.'46 . CEDAR Street , - New-YOrle; 2 CAUTION. As certain unintneiplediieistion are:attempt- 7 ing to palm ~Uff on„the onstisnecting ,imitations of my Pof GIXE, I would' f e.autiOn all pcfsoni to examine before purcluts; and.see_that the full name, ger,SPALDING'S P4EPA.RED GLUE., is on the outside: wrapped ; nit others IP? 'swindling counterfeits. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers