- • THE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Li the only pap,er published in Potter mcunty, circulates amOng, an intelligent class of peo ple; and is tho an escOlent medium for both c4y and Country Advertising'. Transient Adsertisements and those from a Idi.4tance must f l to Cash or have responsible re= ferCuce. All c ommunications, to receive attention, l utist be directed to the Editor, aud * contaiii the name of the writer. No attention paid to anonymous communications. • TERAIS.—One copy,one year, $1; Six copies $5; Twelve copies, $lO ; Twenty _Copies, $lB, 'xith one tc the person raising the Club. The looney must accompany the names. bondersport, Thursday ?doming; 'duly 11, 1861 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL . r , 12T-Su b scrib e for the OURNAL—not only for the County° _News but for the news from the,„Oeat of War. It is only ONE DOLLAR a Year, you can all afford tha . Try it for a yeai.. The Cash must accompany 'the order. 'Read the s ory on the first prize, we pliblish it for the lesson it teaches. Azy- We received a long communica tion from a friend this week which we cannot publish, and will take this op,Por tunity of stating that we can not and will not fill our paper With' long-drawn out accounts of anything or of .any person, unless particularly interesting to.. , the ma jority of ; otlr readers. The 'sum and sub stance of this communication is that the w riter,joined-"Sickles';Brigade" and was decieved, and - warns yciung men fr l om fel loWing in his footsteps. Another from a friend in the county we cannot publish for want ',,of room.— Although We, to'some ex:ent, sympathize With him, and feel. spmewhat, as he does, yet it is not always belt to intrude our feelings upon those Whtl might not re ceive them very patid i ntly or in thC spirit they were intended. Z; We learn that the 4th at °sway° wa§ . 6. "success ; the - i . eople had the old Continental spirit fully aimkeued, and evinced a universal feeling that the War mst be carried to Its success.• • —Some thought our Celebration was a failure, bat that is l a great taistalic, and they would bave cdme to a different e'en elusion if they' could.' but ha've had one glimpse 'at a luxurious repast, and listen ed for a.moinent to — the dlociteut "heart orations' had in a ",Grove" not a thou sand mlld6 from Cpidersport.i 11 , .-, --- z-It, is h (perry among some of our good citizens to know what has become of our County C - dultnittee. If we are to have nomination . sl.lt would he-Well to have some official 'notice of it. It is 'Well tts'a general thingtO open the canvass early. Give tic people a chance to decide with some - eliberation. Forced nominations aro selfioni popular; nor those wade just prior tb the *eleetion. Give the *people time lo make their own free-thottglit choice copy of the 'New York Day 134yol: has found its' way to our office, with a hint, derived—Partly from its coltnnus and partly from the post-mark, that it is circulated free to all who will take. Its - well-known character is that of a secession °tan dressed in' the garb of an anti-war policy. It is loud.in its denunciation of the very men that arc doing all that is possible for the picservation of our coua try. It might be well for those who take it to Wok óf the fate of those who give "comfort" to traitors. What would be the position' t yoif vioulcl: sustain ,to your country if martial raw was proclaimed. ts„Charles J.-Biddle, Dem., was elect ed'to Conizress from Philadelphia, in place of B. Jay Morris: Col. 11. B.. Wright, - Union, was elected from the Luzerne District, in place oZ Gto. N. Scranton, dec'd. 13Er'We publish the Message of the President to the exclusion of other news. We thought that there would be a'great er-desire to read that which the great head of the nation would say at this time than to read' a detailed account of the !skirmishes of ourtroons. There has been [ at the time of this writing no battle of any very great importahoe or extent. There have been, since our last issue soy,- oral slight engagements, which of course would naturally follow the advancing up en and occupying of the land of the Reb els; they are retreating fast. toward Richmond, it is not known where they will take a stand. Gen. Patterson's.col umn is pushing them close. Col. Dar yee has ,been made a . General. Maj. Gen. Fremont has been appointed to the Western Division with,his hed quarters at St. Louis. qen. Scott, it is said, will take the if thought necessary. !ME American Cement Glue..-IVe invite' thsotteu9on of all our readers'to tlitiad veTiseeacttt of Messrs. JohnS,&lCrosley, New Yor iin another oblumn.' Tlici. "Cement Ike" will no doubt meet with a large sel is : great saving tii hoUse keepers add withinthe reach of all. Only 25 cents per bottle,', and fer - sale;hy drug gists and itcrekeener . ,; 'gethrally: ' 1 • 1 - , , fa' Announce the nante. of',l3.lTiNES.' of tlyases township ifnCominissioner. fie is every way qualified for the duties of the office, end. will make a faithitil'officer if elbc ted. • ' , U. , At, Colesburg, ! July, 6, byf.j.Zer. Clts. Strong, Fano. T. Sran, of Germania, and Miss C. E. JAcirsom,.of Colesburg.• In Screden,Tp; July I;by W. R. rEtvENof Coudersport; and }Liss Non- Wooncom ofLyrnansville. • In Honesdale, Pot.. June 29, of consumption, OLIVER DUNIIAM GusTIN, aged 23 years, 11110 33`IST OF LETTERS remaining - lin the l'ost 44 Office at CouderSport. July 1, 1361 : Daniel Abbott, C. H. Allen, Mary Jane Ba ker, Mrs. C. Bishop, John Rowers,*.B.Clari::, T. Catlin, Francis M.M. Davis, Mary Dickin son, Edward Dodge, D. J. Earl, George Espey, John S. Etz, Smith P. Finch, Freeman Frank lin, Rabin French, Mrs. Mary A Gross, Geor A. g Grew, H. H. Hanes, Miss R.F. Haeket,M.E James, John Jennings, George Johnson ' Amos L Thomas. Lions, Thomas Lyons,, Ripley McKean, McKerg, Mrs. Htildah Parks, Patriot 2, J. P. Pramer, Jacob Reed, Thomas Reed,W. A. ReynoldS, C. H. Sage', H.G.Short, Sol. Stephens, Delose NW.therbee.'ll. C. Wick ham: LEWIS MANN, P. M. 11101'..1.C11. rpHE Commissioners Will meet on the I_ day . of July next, when they, and one or more of the Associate JUdges of ['otter coun ty wig constitute a Board; of Relief for the purpose of carrying ihto effect the dbjects templated in the tot ice fotind in another col ' cinn. • L. B. COLE ; • • Coirmtissioner:li Clerk. MANkIO OD. Hot LOST, 1101 RESTORED.. ' • ftistpublialtel; in a .i.ialeil ettriloir: OS TILE NATURE, TREATnENT, AND P,...01CAL C URI: or SpoRMATORRIICCA, or Seminal Weaknes.s,S - 1.- ual I Debility, NervOusness and involuntary cmiliions, inducing impotency and Mental and Physical incri . pacity. , . BY ROliT. J. Ci:LvarttvELL, ti. D., • . • Anthor of the :"Green Bonk,' tj-,..,. . . The worh i l-renowned author, in tlii . admira_ ble Lecture, clearly proves Prom hi§ own ex perience that the awful c•nsequdnen of self abuse maybe einnituallliremoved without mud- I t min? and without curl„ erous sutiiial sopera dons,, hoagies, instrtir eats, ring - ... or cordhils, pointing, out a mode Of ciirais,t'imee eertifiii and enctual, by which every suifeor, no ;oat: ter what his cOndition may- be, ni:q•cure him ! self di Japl.it , privitc7.4 and ;adieall)f. 'This' lec ture will prove a LoOn 'to thousands. I; Sent under seal, is tt plain euVelOpe,t -) any address, pout p.fq, on the receipt of:two po.it r 1 age stain2s, by :I(.ll:•essin I , D. CU. J. C.''I;LINE, 12 . Dorvery. New York. i P. t., b:x 4 ;,,-1;1. SOMETHING POlt ME TOIES 11 ! A NECESSITY IN EVEILY lIOUSLITIOLD i _ . -JOHNS & CROSLEY'S ' . Atherican Ce - rneri,t, The strougest 'Glue in the Vr-vr , - Fur Cementing It'r;(itl, Leai7lo, Glass, Dory/, 1 . ( - 1; Po lit, • Ala6a.3,;Cr, P. Jilt) Coral, etc.. The only itrtielo of theevei• produc ed. which, will witlisiaud Water. LNIT-.lCti : "E1:67 1100.tIlieer.r: should have r..strply of .Johns k Croizley's Avol , lican.C„2:llUt "It is so conVenient to Itavi in the rur,i7 "It is always reads • flits co:lin - lent:is it, to everybody."—.V. "We have triel it, an ' ti ,lind H usefnl" in our house as Asaber."--11!,71 . 2.3 . 8piril • Price 25 C13.!11S per, Battle. Very libcral roductiou3 to W1101:253.1 , c D.:.tlzrs ” - rL_____Vor sale by . all Druggiiis and Store ke:T:Ts gcnerally. 1111,‘: country. • JOnNS, 7E Street, ICornor of Libm•tv Street, Sheriff's. Sale . s'-_ Y . virtue of writ of Tes:attn Vead. Ex. ..L9 issued out of the District (:;!otirt of the City and County' of Philadelphia, and to hie directed, I shall expo. - 40 to public sale o s r out cry r't the Court House Door in the lioron2,-11 of Coudersport, Wellnesda,y, the 314 t, day of July, inst., at I o'clock, P. ?,L, the follow ing described tracts, pieejs, or l parcels of laud situate II: Sylvania towaship Putter Co. Part of warrant No. 4753 contaitnng four hundred and sixty-five acres. No. 400, containing ning hunilfed and ninety acres. , Part cf ,wattaLt ,4D3l,leight!hundred and -ninety acres. Warrant No. 4757, coataining:nine hundred . , and ninety acres. i i . j Part of warrant , No. 4753; contai / aing fire hundred hod 'ninety acres. Part of warrant No. .4750, containing eight Ifundred•and sixteen acres. Warrant No: 4701, containing nine hundred and ninety acres. Warrant No. 4702, containing nine hundred and ninety acres. Warrant No. 4703, containing nine hundred .and ninety acres,. 1 . Part of warrant No. 47 i — 4, ccntaining ., eiglal hundred and ninety acres. Part of warrant Nn. 4775, containing eight hundred :thd sixty acres. Part of warrant No. 477 G; Containing eight hundred acees. ; ; Also, in Wharton township, Potter - Part of warrant No. 4t918, ',containing nine hundred and forty az.res.i - Part of l Taut. No. 4931; containing :ix hundred afg.'nicety s demi. Part of warrant No. 4941; coutaininfs four hundred and.:nineti-fivelacres. Part of warrant No. 494, containing; tix hundred acres. Part of warrant No. 4913, containing; five hundred acres. , Part of warrant 4925 1 , containing five hundred ancPsixty acres. Seized, taken in ,execution and to be sold as the property of To/en F. Cowan. WM r. BCIIT .Sheriff: Couder.4port ; July 2 ; ,18G1i. or 111i1C,Val BNT. AM 3. mAlinzEa. DIED. TERMS CASH.I 711ortrzits, nu.kn,Tells.The following is an extract from a letter svritten by the pnstor of a BaptistOhui ch to the '=Journal and 'Nes : . senger," Cincinnati. Ohio, and speaks volumes in t::vor of:that world-renowned me,lic ine— Mits. WlNseow*.s SOOTUINU ST FOIL Cl.lll - t'ait : I " ' • We roc an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. l ll:insiolv's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said 'a word' in - Favor of a patent medi cine before in our lie ; but we feel compelled to say f:o yOUr readers; that tbis'is no hunibug WS DATE T!• 'D IT. 1::tow IT TO DI: :I.T._IT CLAIMS. lt isr.probablv, one of the most suc cessful inetlichtes of th . e day-, because it is one . of the best. And:those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay la a sUpply." , I?4 , llizalstrator's • Not tc3. 7C.7, 11 Ellr,AS, .lettero of r,dministration on V the estate of 111,; . FUS TI - 102,1PSON,dee' , 1, late of Jackson Tp.i . Potter have been granted to the subscri.oer in due form of law, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselfres indebted to said estate, to make irainetFrtte.paymeitt ; and those haviug claims will present them d:,13- aittlientleated.. for set-: tiement. TIIOMPSON, . • I). W. .11.ENTG.N, :lum r 3 February 2S, 1861 1.61. v MEDICINES `o" salet E. N. STEMIECS << 1111.0. A 000 SHEEP PELTS, wanted immediately at, STEBBINS' SOsakarilla FOP. PD - RdisszarG THE BLOOD. AO for 110' speedy . curo of dle following. complaints: ,*rofnla. and Scrofulous Affeetlions, such Tnumrs 'Ulcers, Sores 12,ruptions, Pimples, Pus Illoec::les, V.lll l . all ;4!.r.laa 2::;l4easea. toa. : fru June, 1E59. J. C. Arra t Ce. Cents: 1 f,el it my duty to as. knoWledge what your •atriaparilla has dune for ine; Ilp.vin . • inherited a Scrofulous infection. I have suffered from it in l'arions ways for years. Sometimes it burst out Illebrs on my•ltaluk aud :min; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me 'at the stomach. Two years ago it' broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore. n Lich was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physicimis, i of Nvithout much"rolief front any thing. in fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read lu the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an altsrative (Sosaparillal, for I knew from your reputa tion that any thing you Made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and 'used almost three bottles. New and healthy skin Eo4,u began to form under the scab, which after a while fit off. My elan is now clear, and I know by any feelings that the disease has gone fi om my system. You can welt believe that I feel what I am saying when I ton you, thht I 101 l you tin he one of the apostles of the ego, and remain' over 'grateful iy. . ALVItED IL TALLEY. Et. A:1 1 + Io-r27, -, ts It.e:.;,e or Er7t:!nelas, Tetttir and. Salt itheitin. Scitisl 1.-lortrit I.3l.tigsvor.m, Sore :Eyes, Drepu.y. Dr. llobert PreLie writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 180, that he has clued an inv,trrztt of Dropsy, ‘111,..11 thrCateneLl to ternlita:t , by the pernvering use of our Sal una aI.FO a dangerous Malignant Erysipel,:s by large domes of the same; Etlyd lie curry the common J:rapiaas by it constantly. Drostellocele, GciGrc cr Swelled. 'lt:eels. Zebitiou Goan of Pro lira, Texas. rritos: "Three bot tles of your Slicsiparilln Cured :tie fro3,a ai:re —a hid eous si•eliiiig on the near., uhich i had eattered front ores two years." T.Ancorriph oriViill.e . giovarlan Tumor, 'Uterine 'tilcerntion,'l`exuale Discascs• Dr. J. IL S. Clomning, of Nest York City, writes; "I most cheerfully comply the request of your agent in rayingl have found y,c:ar,aparilla a most excellent altora tire In tho numerous coninlaintf; for which we t:l)oV such a rorne.ly. but vsneciAlly in llnutic Diseases of the Scrofulous 1 hare cured numy inveter ate ewes of 1.011C,11T:Ipso by it, and sumo where 110 conj.- vlaint Was Callsol I , y ul::ro/Lin cf the !dents. The ulcer , :dim; cured. Nothing within my knowl edge einalsi it fel.- those female derlngemenL." Edward S. Marlow, cf Ncwbury. Ala.. Writes, "1: flail nrmls fuclor nn 000 of the (.nudes lu toy family; which bad defied all thoxemedles wo could employ, has cc length Veen completely. cured Lc your Extract of Ear 3aparilla• Our physician thought In / thing but extirpa tion could afford relief. but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, .and it proved effectual.-,.After talriugyour remedy eight weeks as symptom of Ahe disease remains." J,`,'111311 ISM and Mercurial nnertse. bIZI.CA7tS, 2.5 th August, 1t59. Dn. J. C.:Artm: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the cc- Ivir: , t of your ngent. and resort to yew some of the effects haverealized with your S.a,ml;arilla. . I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the corn. Acute, for which it is re:ssiMmoled. and hare found its :fiats truly wonderful in the cure of . 1 - ncrati and Mer ntrial Disuse. One of my p:.!;ents lind Syphilitic ulcers 1 n his throat, which were crust sing his . p.ilate mid the top of 9ti..3 mouth. Your rat's:iris:llla, steadily Mhen mt,d lam Ilse weeks . , woo att:rcked see! mdary symptam'l in hid nose, and the nivel:llion , had mtau away a coilsidersthle part of It, so that I believe the Disorder would croon resell his brain told hill him. But it yielded to my admini,tration of your Farsaparilla; itho ulcers healed, and he it well again, not of course without some di.qiguration, to his Lee. A woman who bad been ; treated for the same diem der by taw racy was suffering (bun this•polsou In her bones. They had become so Fen- shire to the weather thnt on a damp day she suffered CK- Ztllciatiug ; psin , in Ler joints and bones. the, too, was wircd 'mtieely by your T . :asap:lrina in a few weeks. know front its flamula, which your agent gave me, that this eparal ion from your Isboratory must be a great ! remedy; consoquently. these truly reurallsable results' with it leave not surprised me. kratcrually yours, T. LAIIIMLU, 2.1. D. Eilieumatisza, out, Liver Complaint.. Ixnapcanz..:tcip. I's colon CO, Cal July, 1t331 Da. I. C. Aim:`.4.l have Leon afflicted Ilrith a pain. rill chronic: ithetnitaOst fur a long time, which bolded the. of phy,i,dans, and stock to toe iu spit.) of - all the :ewe:lies 1 could find, until t ried your Sarearallet. Ono to settle Mired ein two necks, and. restored to general , aralthso much ;that I am for batter titan before I was al:irked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J...FILLIAM. isles Y. Cotehell, of St. Louis. writes: "I have Eileen qUieten for yeal: , tvith an auiction of the Liver, uhtch ro t,l toy health. I tried every thing and every thing: failed to relieve me; nub I hare been a broken-down man for some years ft-out no other cause Limn ac,rangenunt the Liver. 311 beloved pastor, the Ilex..llr.tlspy, adrisedi, toe to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said ho hum , / yot4 31/1.1 any thing yon made was worth trying. ty tho,bless: ing of lied it lois cured me, and has to partied my blood is to make a new num of um. I feel young again. The best tat can Le tare of you is not half good euougb." . . . . S ti .Mait.Cafieer: Tumors, Enirtruement4 1.71 'e .rition, Caries and Exfoliation of t e Bones. A great variety of cases have been reported to us wit q rime:, of three f.antidable complaints have, resulted fr tar the'me of this remedy, but oar space here will not ad nit them. Sams of them may be found in our American .tlsitettac, 'w Melt the agents below named ore pleased to rm. uLat midis to all who call for them. Dyepepaiit. Timirt Disease, Fits,Epilep.' , cy, Melanclioiy, Neuralgia. Many remarkahle cures, of these affections have been made by-the alterative rower of this thediciFe It itiniti iatos the vital functions into vigorous action, and thug ATCCOIIie.3 dlLuillcro which would L'a suppoed beyond its reach. linch a temetly has long been renolred by the HO ' !CEA t ies of the people, and SVO are collf.dCut that this will lo for them :01 that medicine can do. liyer's Char Pectoral, • • DM THE it,krro cunt or Coughs, Colas, anilucuza, lioarzeness, Ctoup, soinittion, anxl for the Relief , of, COnstimptive Patients ix:. advanced Stages • , of the Disease. This 1 . 3 a remedy an unitiergally known to ttri - iass any otter for the cure of thrcut and lung cumplands, that it is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its uhrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease. have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, among then) who liters not some personal experience of its effects— some living trqphy in their midst of its 'victory, over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and letw,ol. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and ssthey know, too, the effects of this remedy, wo need net So niece than, to assure them that it has now all the vtr -tues that it did have when making UM cures which Won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared bylr. J. C. AT & CO., Lowell, Blass. , Sold by C, S. L . E. A. .Jones, Coudersport]; Ilann 4; Millport • N. J. `,11113. Coles'- burg„Colwell.S: Lyman, Roulet ; CUrey 4: Sun, Ulysses; A 11. Hortol Cu.hinc:ilic; 8i1111.% - ;Pcalcrz Dricr.3ll COrreeted. every. Wednpidny by E. N. T 1 !BINS BRO. • Wholesaic and - BrOa , 1 •• Pettleys inGroeeries and' Pro , ;isioris, .1 • olipositeD. F. GlasEgnire'sTinfol,!; 1 Coudersport; Pa. Apples, c - reen, 1 - 1 bush., do " dried, Bpliss " Beeswax - 1 T Ib., Beef, rit'rries dried, Buckwheat, IRutter, lb., ' • • CileeSe,l Cbrn, bush.; Corn Meal, per cwt., Eggs, 1,--? doe , ,• _ Flour, extra, . d'o Hams, lb.; is ton, Honey, per lb., • . • Laid, „ 'Maple Sugar, per fb., Oats,A-i Lush„. . Onions, pork, 23 bbl. - lb., do in r.'hole.hog., 7 E I Potatoes, per bush., Peaches, dried,'? Poultr,t', t 1b.,. Rye, per bush.,' Salt, 131 bbl., do r 'sack, Trout, per 2. bbl., Wheat. 1-,-1 bush., White 'Fish, 1,-).2, DEALER in LAWNS, all thinTs aslicloit to rt .ding 4 . DOLL-BABIES and and some C.LOTiItS, iu Brobl - laud, (formort June ISGI. - 1 7 i 7 - 1" 73 74,717 r Si i iLial q ,11_ A ' It_ 1 - ra.,..,._4a •. -I '.l 1 W . E.' • C 0, 1 A.T,. , ,„ 1 . flavitig enlarged atld rgiitted his 173.11 E-1 itooNs; ai , t ; • i WELL ' S Vli .I.a.lr.t'' ; ' . has nosy (..ii hand ancl. wiilikeep constitury foii sale, a. larger and better'l 4 tfiety of Oa Jinet, Ware and Chairs, than 1r?... - e ever been offered, 'in this sc , ...Con of ihe.potirtiy.', , '! i Lii.-3 stock of connion l‘, - rk has ''.-neer beeil, equalled. having Ladd .::tcvsive ilililit.ion . to his assortnief.t of. I ,; • PARLO F now en haildilai ble top Bureaus, Card and Centre tallies, Fruit! Marble top Wash stands, COTTAGE AND : •, rr,Excrii.; , : i DEADSTEADS. COL .11E3, Sulu Js, 1 i new and beautiful varied. s. Cane Scat, TEallogany, Rot and Er.k Chairi; F.:., &c. i: ! 1 ! : 1 In fact every thing in ti' e line of !. 1 . 1 TI - 4 - iur ' T r TIR I7 1 ...., . .Id_ ,1 L • can be found at his estitishment. end purl. the,best faCilities for man ithetatting and purl. chasing hit.s , tack for cas4 . . Fe - i:vill net b 6 tinder§.olat . ~ .f Those wishing . to buy;, wi.ll save at least twenty-live per cent, b 3— culiing ori W. II Coats. .‘ . ! , -i' ': H READY AIDE COFFINS I „ Of, all sizes kept constah . 3- ,on *hand. - Nit. soual attendance with hp rse when rOquesteti c W. 11. COATS. !. 1 Welts - I - Me, Nov. 1, 186 ria4l,4'w i_7_ _ _ 1 O. 1 c.zlpr.iiimil, & : s t i f ulTi-- . Ep GOODS, AT (.. 611 ? TI 4 ' 131 0 ;Th T,i32:?! bo AG .6'diff.:lMA -- ) . , . ~ 4 ...4.• Q__d7Ll l, ..li:_ s :z...7 I IN OSAV AYO VILL ARE. ~ --- THE PROPIID t r 6 f ,, A l-. . .. ,Tust Received ft, . New; yqi.L.* , . • ri'l*l -,I I, 1. • Lzargest a q. 8e,,.t I &to e i. 1 j G ). 'e, .a i o e d- - , EVER. OFFERED ti'd POTTER COUNTY, DRY GOODS Hats a(d COs, Boots 6) SIZOS 9 1L,1131)1V.A.8.E, CROdOntY, GitOtEMES PROVISIONS • I aui determined to'sell goods its, ds they can be purchased i 4 1. 1% - ellsvile.l 'Har ing purchased for 'Cash, no reitts 0- interest to pay, and sellingnlarge amount fOrd*ADY PAY, I am enabled toSl4re the Profit 5 With , , Ravi ig made arrangements trith some . of the best houses in the eity, i r goods dill be ' ' 5411)Pa 10 00 i 1 ennablinLr me constantly:ta.orTer the LATEST STYLES And BEST QUALtTIES of.GOods. . UEST GOLD 'ANDHSIIIVER. WATCHES kept on Lana for sale. Pdalars supplied on rea.onable_terms. - . i ,' 23 75 ' , l 00 L. Bill , 1 I 7c.a...-Lio.R, MOE INE rs nntl so fottli., and t.lntry Storey .om e 1100P-ILTS !,• iv Cushing I r7"."6 , Tir,lirg .LA .Ltnl CS, Marble top sid4 nd Toilet s.!tarids,, The :,Issortinit consists. of! , • and CI. SI/ FOR GOOD LUNBER, AND . Sali'VGLEs.ll 05wlyn 7 June 10, IF6I • -1M -- 1, -Si 0(.„')K,; -V.4 IT •i-e . i Rl ' • -:i " • ' t i • - A UP ERLATrit':, , • - ; , ...4 9 `TONI DIURETIC; , , 4ipi tt i, _ I . mi, *iiitikci! ; 'P A Y S 2 O ./ 's - , ', ri - VIC, Mm CORDIAL 1 , , -,,, (To du: ,o 2 LIS of .Yezo Jersey ana,Pen - nsylvania Akpoth caries : Druggists, Grocers and • , - Prvate Families. Wollo''s Bur, Cognac Branly. ~' W01f.4 Bur , Madera, ehen 7 and ; ran. wine. 'Ware's Bur:, "Sa.raalea and St. Croii Rum. Volfe's Dar , Scotcli ar:a Inth Viraieay. ,G2l 100 50 25 C. •.3 3 • CO 100 • 20 .58 ob 12 00 00 .i 5 1 50 G . 50 5 30 5 50 35 00 00 .• •.: i'. ;45-F...1. fill' BOTTEL:s'ed...:.:i 1 big•leal,.e 19 call the attention of the Ott ens tif i tlrepnited States to the above WINES and.E4QuentS; imported by UdOlithO. Wolfe, of New 1 - 0A: 4 ,1n - hose name is familiar,, in every part Oflthislcotintry for the purityaids cele brated! SCIFEDANI SCHNAPPS. ; Nir.,Woife; in his letteraty nie,. , speaking . of thi purity - of his Wine and4Liquors, says: " I 11.1. : Stake my reputation tt,man my itand "I ,ilig!tis . r met , - eintutl, of tlifirty years' 'residence: in the City. of -Novi'. ;,ll,ork;•that all the Brandy. and Wines ‘v,hich d be the are, pure' as iMporte.l, and -0t the bOit, til ithity, land can be reheil;:npon 14 - everylPurc laser.l Every bottl,; 'las the pro prieter'S n, me on the \vat, atth. n faC! simile of his Sign4tr.re On the certificnie: ~TlicTputil ie areiresilectfully inl.lcd to . 4 11! and ,imara- Inc fdr theinselVes. For sale'at ifetail,-1) : 5; all -Apotheear es and Grocers in :Philadelphia. I. Gix...111. Asirox, No. 532 Market st. Phil. .. ;Sale Agent for pliilqtielphia.l 'P.:?.44 the following from , the' Nev Toi 4e COt11.:1:6r : ;iI. , 1 !: ENOI ISINESS FOP. o*r. Nlny Voss. - .kfttet.s :lure happy to inf4in our fel low-Gil xt there is one Plane iu oar city where; ?ittu,.apothecar,y4tml cmtntFy nwrcill o and purchase mitre:. l'ilines and Lic pure as im,orfedi at* of the best 4i: re do not intenditO give an clabole i ra tion of. this, Merchant's eX tensive 4 Itlthbugh it:Will repay any stran . i . , , ,M..cr citizleu to visit C . olpho !Wolfe's 1 extenSivear ware-rouse, Nos. il'. , . ...1i) and :12, Emr..ltr ! strect,'aink Nosl 17, lbhad 210Itte4- ctfieldi street. Ills stock of ScttiapPs on halal ready Tor !Shipmhit could not hare ; been loss than 11114 thqnsand cases; the. Brandy, sore ten thousand cases—Vintages df 183 G to 16:5,6 ; and ten ti ousand cases of Madeira,' Sherr i ). and Port ,Wirier Scotch and illrish'r hiSky, , Jamaica and Stl Croix: Iluni, some, Very Old. and equal to any in this country.. lie also had three large[cellars, filled.; Willi !Brandy, Winet&e.i.in eaks, under Cuslorti- , ll,ciuse key; ready, foe bottling: • Mr. Wolfe's sales lof Schnkpsllast, ylear amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen; and. %Ire hope Din less than wo yiars he may 1.. n aquyly snc cesSfal Wilth his Brandies and Wince. il;oas-bless merits the pat roung;e•of every lever of li a - species. _Private: families Who Wish pure Wines and Liquors far medical Ilse should send their orders dirc at to Mr. Wolfe, until b Yeti - Apothecary in thl; land 'make ;up their Mtn s to dlscard the poisonous stuff frbm their •Sliel :as, and replace it _ i with - IVelfe,:s pure Winei an - Matters: . , I' ; ! • . , V.:tlurr . mstand M.y.Wolfe ; ,for the accom modation of small dcf.leri ;a tho#ountry, pets up a s . M . L.e.I manses of Wines -lend LiTtor4— Suchla,lnnn. and such a:mei:chant, 'slieuldibe t:ustalatAlimaia:li , his, tens of thousands of 9p poneefts in . .the-United Slates, i who sell noth ing bet iraitati'ons, ruinouS alike to hinnau health nil liappimcss.. ; i [zl2—*:M. 4 - 1 , ___ w 00 20 00 123 00 EEO 6 00, 1.00`: 6 53' til t Y _ DO DO I"thi STIDI rer Th 4 in ing ta: th they non - ells - ' 'the •nbovi nawnld *UK rill -7 7 1 Ts prerm inent nit 'to briltg. in from. : the only and in L It .is a sti.uttfati Imo - th 1 In.ti -*a-, cure nq.. of the hi Applitd run or td to its ,or' and flex pensradk. any COP stl article I der Ma- Price Druggisi: gnuit, will kis rect); po_tilge,l LL. B T" 1.11 e , taken th Glmsted All On the s Lt also kep are a Etat insure 'it ik name s, The' p before p Co.:d li WiNT OU WITISKIZS? WAN D. A .liusTAcOE? 1,6 - ou ItiANT A musTAciin z BEY..tifTGriAi'itTS ‘, EBEAItD ING. ONGUENT. fishers, fivid - take pleazpre..m aunoupe of the C.Pitea States • tliat i the' .Age.neylor, arthltre er to the ~111.1.eriettn- p ubi:3, celebrate . d. latid.v.orkt4e- N rtfolci. I 1l• i • ' TIFITILATING. OBIGUELV2 • , 1 . . • 1 d by d) . C. P. BELLp:Clil.llf; an 4m sicis4u of London, antl-•iis wa.rran.cd Ut Z thick set of . H . I • . i . simprs or 'a rt.lu'pt adhe,l ' ~. i - - i i hree .to six weeks. lilts aitich4 is one of-the kind uaedih'y the Frentli,. ndoaland Paris it is Ln Universal use.' beadt ful, econon4caf; !.s•oothing,rt , i .g compound, acting o, if by magic , . r roots ca,usittg. a b;ciatztprtlfgrowt!,i.of t.hair. •Tf• aptilied toth,:e scalp, it 41 bxuss; and cause to:Spritig up in pla . ee jid spots a: fine gl:owthiisf new ham t lccording to direc - ficin4; it will tUrn iwyhair k nAng, and resOrp gray lin 'zinareolor, leaving:itHsoft, sme,4lt bin. The " ONcupri 11 is an iudt.is artiaq in every genlieMan's toilet. r one ;wsee s use they , ,09.1. A. not, for fideration be with Out it, I' ' . 1 lbserbei.s.are the enlY Agents;fort, he Ltthe United State's; to' Whdm all tor be,a:ddressed. , : :I: ' ~ 1 ae ,Dollar a bo--fur Baie !by jail anti: Dealers_; or a ko.s.•-of the " On warrt,inted to hale the desired efl•cl•ct) ..nt td any who*Firait; liy mail idi mrety on recilli.of.price and Isl. - .lBi. Apply tb/or address, , ' l' 11011.%CE L. IlailllAbl & C'Oh . . 111WEIGISTSi/i&C.I / '-' 1 24' WilliamnStre l et. New Tiork i :1 ) • - • r , sqs ( 31 1.1 " ~~~~~~~.1~~~.~~ j 1 0-ned.Nc j o - . 11.1t1 respectfully infirm ndersig, . surrounding,community tlinf he 'pas le rooms formei•ly incnpied by: Ai G. \vile*. be is prepared to do - i • kinds of rr6...-neas Wo ilr ; i iortcst notice. ' 1 DIVG.!STRAW CULL &RS. 1 • 1 ,• • t constantly on hand.' i lhese collars perie4artiele, ancT.'nECtr but n trial to Iteir sdceess. , ' .1 ! 1 ; 1 - I fr i ' • , r_pcdrog dCite in gqoq style. 1 pgles, Martingale-Tiol , ~os, liatnqs, lind iraps, - c., kept conAahtly on hand. qblic lire, invited to all and extinitne, irchaii.ug elsewkere. I - i ' . 4 ' 1 - EI., r .MINIII I . I . - r ,, ,port l Oct. li3th ; iEGO.! ~ --.. .. - , • CURE:. 1 ,„ e ad n ,CSI. ..tt% - RE ; : Nervous Headache -;-.euRE lan. . re' ''' - ) ).- . 1 -: • 4.4,djakVb_te -, . IR .1 t • By the, use ofthese Pills the periodic attack* of S - crives or Sk4 - HeadEle4e. may be, p4.ioat e'd ; anti if taken at the comotencomeq , ef, an attack immediate relief from pain and sick. ness will be obtained. • , - - They seldOmiail in remolqtrg the Nalifts and ffectslaclie to which females are so sib- They act gently upon the bowels,'-renic4‘ ing Costivenees.• For Liteiary Ireu,, Students, Delicate 'Fe- Males; and all person's'of secisintary habits:their are valuable as a Laxative, improving the,ap pclitc, giving tone andligor to the. digestive or, DAns, and restoring the naturtll elasticity lad strength of. the wholn systen2. ~; The CJ FIIALW PILLS nroJl } e t:eapltgf long inv . esligatioU and careftiliy,coriducted ex- - periments, having been in use many years. during which limo they have .prevented and' reiieved a vast amount of pain and suffering fro Dead:lt:he, whether originating in the, nervous .system or from a deranged state of the stoitach The'3 . arc entirely vegetable , their comp-, sition, and may e tat enat all times with per feet safety with • ut making any change of .dit et, and the abse ee of an?, disagreeable taste rem. ders item to an ',inistcr them to children. IPVA OF COLTN4IIO7S, ,; Tj genuine have five signatures of henry C. :Spal - din ,, 011.e:tell ltos.• .• - • Sold-by Druggists and all other Deahrß id Medicines. . • A Box by nial prepaid on re:. ceipt of tho, • • . 515 CENTS. All' orders should be addressed. to ' HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New-York. THE FOLLOWING ENDOTISEIIEUTS OF SPAL DINO's CEP:;_ . , 'WILL CONVINCE ALL WIIO SUFFER FROM IIEADACITEi _ THAT A ~ Y .! slyEntht .0733 . !StiRt CURE IS 'WITHIN THEIR: REA.CII. 'these Testimonials icere , unsoliejl ed by 3fr. - Srxraiisc , they a:ffurd.ungitestionalde prepV of the efficacy of this fcientijic discovery. MANG:WILL; C0\3., • Feb 5, 1861 MR. SPALDING. . Slit : I hate tried your Cephalic Pills, and Rag them w.) well that I trout you to send nue tW9 dollars worth more. Part of. these are for the neighbors; i,cthom, I tte.a few out of the first boi Igo, front you.. sena the PiUs by mail, Red oblige' - Ytmr.ob't 'Servant, 1 JAMES KENNEDY Ittv.i.ursi;;;;; PA . :; Feb., 1861, Mk. Si.a.iiisct. , I ..swisli you to semi me ouc moiro box of your,' COhitile Pins, I haqe:received a' great deal of bay:fitfrohi them. Yours, - respectfully; MARY ANN STOIKHOUSH., SrangE PREFM, Huntington Co., Pa., I January 18, 1861. H. C. SPALDING. Sir. • You will picase.sepd ute4rro loxes fityour Ceplattic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours, • - • . JNO. B. SIMONS.. . P. S.—l havo,yzed afic box of your l'ilis; and thin thcrrt crt:c/tcr:f. .. • - BELLE VEUNON, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1861. Iluxrx C. SP.,\LotNo„ Esq. • • Please find inclosed twenty-fire cents, for which send me another box of . your Coßhalic„, 2'hey areqpily die best rills I Aare eve tried., • , Direct A. STOVER,,P. M. Belle Vernon,lVyttndot Co. 0. ; !inuatumurtummano A single - , bottle of SPALDING:B .Plll3- • PA:11E11 GLUE nriljsnve,telttimies - cost aimen.V.4yr SPALDLNG'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM SPALDINdr'S PREPARED GL U E! • • . . SAYE THE PIEEES! ••• ECONOMY! • • • . DISPATC)II TLIIE SATES NINE." 4.6 a As neeidentsWill happen, coven in well reg 7 nlated is very.: desirabl.p ) ;# have. some cheap and convenipt \lay fenteraiilng. I.urniture;Toh,.Croeicei , y, ' • SPALDE.4G'S PREPARED- dI;UE • 1 11 i - meets all. such-emergencieS, a.nd no household can afford to .. be . It is always ready; and up to. the sticlqui; wint. •- IN EVERY N. 8... :A 33ruslf accSinpaniesleach Bottle. Price, 25 - cents. Address, • - •TrENRY O..SPALDLNG, • N0.'48 'G r EDAR .S treat, - New-York, CAUTION • As 6ertaitinhprincipledper.i.onsareattempt-• ing o _palm WT I on the unsuspecting imitations of my ?REP.:MED GLIM. I wonl6l eautica4All persons to examine befbre'purnhas. iug, :find see that the full .natne, , 0 ,. - I"I,ALEI.ING'S PREPARED GLES, - 4, k: oh the -OutSide wrapped; all . ettitii_ nzt suit dung covnterfrits: • • -- ; . ! I 41,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers