. . • " " JUNE ... - i rain-There ii-searcelya more iinpor:, tent agricultural month in the whole'year; :ttlitin J,une, 'lt terminates' the period,in `'..:‘tuhicli most seedi'can be Sown, mid intro: i- - ,-..4liices the indispensable' work of cultiva ..l V tion.... 'Navy early sown or planted crops. that'hdve failed, may yet he replaced;'-if 'the ;whole :available area'be not already occupied with , growing crops, now is the time to put in quick growing corn, beans -:or other staples. The eatly planted corn,- i potatoes, and roots of ail kinds, should re . ecive immediate and carefill attention,.to `free them- from weeds, Iciosen the soil top-dress with ashes, guano, or Plaster 4, anirthus secure their rapid growth: Trig ,, orons growth in the early stages of a -: - - - ',platit, is most likely to be followegl by generous fruiting. . ; Cultivation of the soil may appear taine - and uninteresting work in these exciting times, and the - temptation will be great to leave peace/ill fields for the field of con ilicti,but remember that feeding. the codn } , try is as necessary as fighting her battles, aud that full garrisons cut only be main tained by full garners. - Bdrloy will usually yield a fair crop, if sewn at this season, although earlier sow ing is more preferable. It succeeds best on •a gravelly soil, and may well occupy ground devoted to hoed crops last year. Sow two and a. half to three bushels per acre, and harrow thoroughly... Barns mid sheds will soon be needed to receive the first fruits of the mowing grounds. .Put platforms, bay-ways, 'Sze , in order,. clean out all rubish, and repair ;floors anti entrance ways, if needed. Ex amine grain bins, wool closets lr. nnd attle stalls, and 'exterminate any vermin. , )1 ~ Beans ; Plant, where corn has failed, if seed of King Philip or oth r earl va riety, can not be had. They ` also e put in ou soil too light for worn: They do - nut require heavy manuring; too strong soil gives great growth of vine, without al corresponding yield. If .the war continues lung, beans will be in great demmd ;they furnish much dutriment in a small space. Plant them abunda- ram iy Beets--Mai:Tel W - tiriel and Sugar va rieties Soivn will have plenty of tirbe th mature fotl whiter feedimt4. A great sav ing of hay' and grain Will be effected, by - having a rod supply of these and other roots, to feed out in ter and Spring. Dutter, if , properly in de during this month, may be laid dow .and kept thre% out the season, or until - the best prices bag be had. Cleanlines and thorough working are' the two ess ntial points to be observecl. Keep the mi k room cool, arid fro from dust, insect , and offensive smells. Churning th milk with the creata,,after the latter ias raisen, saves the trouble of skimming, and some clai m _ that more butter is obtaineji in this man 'ter. Experiment to learn f this be true, - note - also the quality of ;the butter. In Fending butter to mark t, -- be careful to have the cask or pail.lo k neat andiinvi . ring. and plainly mar ed. New tubs should be well scalded ith . 'butter-Milk before packing, to remo e the taste of the wood. , Cabha6es—Plant on for late crops. Hoe and - scaltivate bet en the rows of those. already set, at lea t once ameek— the oktier the better. Set plants be. tween the rows of early potatoes, which :are to bc.dug the first of July. Examine. often to destroy cut worms and other in sects. Carr:As—ln favorable seasons - large crops have heen obtained, when sown first part of June. , Keep the rows well hoed, and thin to six inche,s apart. They may be drilled in between rows of onions after -' the second or third hoeing of the latter. ' If this be done, leave every third space vacant, to give room for curing the onions when pulled. - - Cheese—Study to improve the quality, rather than to increase the quantity pro duced. "White-oak" cheeses are 'always :.a drug in market, while those of good quality are islways in demand at good prices. '. Cattle—Young cattle, especially calves of the present season, need attention to keep them growing. Allow them the best pasture. t Grain fitlds will,wMten to the harvest in Southern, localities.. wheat ,or rye rahouldhe cut, as soon as the berry is ad vanced enough to bear moderate, pressure c!f* the thumb nail, without breaking, or 4itst after it leaves the "milk" stage. EA.' amine the fields for the earliest and best portions, to. be left to ripen fullyfor seed. Haying will begin, in the-earlier see- Hon's. eut grass or, clover for hay, just as the bloom is passieg away, and the 'seed commences to form. If left later, much of the nourishing part of the stalk is hardened intowciody fiber. Provide a supply of caps, to be used this season. They, will enable you to cure much of, the hay - .in the cock, which will give a better quality-of fodder, A Mowing machine, - and a horse pitchfork will pay on all farms ,where there is much meadow. 31anure—Turn every souree to - account' as recommended , in previous - numbers. Thrttweeds from the garden, etc., into, the.ptg stye, and supplythe swine whirl plenty of material, to work over at, their reirure. • .. -,`:Peas-- , Sow'or plant, if there,be vacant ground., They make excellent: food for swine,:whenfed,green with the straw, or ripened andground with eats, 'or when fed alone, cooked or. soaked: Hogs will -grow andpartly fatten well on peas. The lOst:fermieeks' feed, should be on corn, to harden the pork;. hoed'Potatoes—Keep-well - until blos soming. Hill, them ,only . . moderately , Try top - dressing with lashes, to' drive away-insects, acid prevent rotting. . - Poultry-Accustom them' to lay in it appropriate places., hy f cotainino. 1 them_in the poultry yard until afternoon. I lOw none, to set-after the middle of this u nth.. Give plenty of food ,particularly growing, to e broods; to fit tlidui for au early market.' Keep their, apartnients eleam.anduse the droppings, mixed ;with plaster, in tfie garden. Thty are alio an excellent addition to liquid -manure. Sorghum—Drill or sow brOad-cast for - Cutting and feeding green, or to be ciured for winter fodder. Cultivate that already planted, the'satue as corn. Ssiine—Keep them growirig with wash from the dairy, mixed vgith ground feed. Allow them the range of the orchard, .to destroy grubs and worms in unsound fruit. Suffer none to 'rim in the high. way'. A good clover pasture will afford, them excellent feed. _They should be Supplied with good water. Tanner's Bark—Peel from henilock and oak, as soon as it will run freely, and pile it so as to protect from rain.. Tools, particularly for haying and' liar vestirig, should all bo in readiness before the searon of use. • Weeds grow rapidly, if left during this, month. Keep the cultivator and horse and hand hoes busy—clean , tillage i pays liest.=—Exchange. , VARIETIES. Its... Bustle is not industry,, nor is in: . 1 pudenee courage. .Successful love takes a load olTiour hearts and, puts it upon our shoulders. lie - Look out for paint—as the girl said when the fellow went to kiss her. . sa-An Irish lover re :narked. that it is a great ,pleasure to Le ' Alone especially • 'en yoUr "swate heart is wid ye." 1 rier.A. boy not fond 'of fun 4 . ,:d; frolic may posSibly make a tolerable man, btu he is an intolerable boy. _ Mr Excessive indlgence to others, es pecially io children, :s, in fact, only sel I it: uk-once under an alias .n • . Mi'Ofall eartl t i reaches tle fartli beating p . a. lovingl .(ttlodel 'wive in time," but nbw, ing maydne,they ly music, that 'which St into heaven is--the formerly took a ."stiel with the aid of a sew take one in no time. gall, mixad in vari mpound of lioney,and .us proportions fotps- tamers 86r'You can't rail sin and misery out of the world; but it is easy enough to r=ail. cattle out of afield. )3W - The hourstaVe very fUgacious, but an exemplary busband is careful to keep g;Jod ones. ;110'.F.Ist gorses win , cups by the use of their; leas. FaSt wen lose .their legs by the use of cups. " • ' serNost. , , men have in their sdtils no locomotives !Strong enough to draw :a train of thought. :; VirNavigators on the sea of hfe,if their voyage is a toag one, 'generally have to send under fare polls. • .IV"Probably the,Men who can boas the possession of thel most varied and on morons gifts are the beggars. , WrA'man often Ospresses' the same idoa by wagging his bead that a dog does wagging his Ze'Many writers profess to teach peo ple "how to. live." Qulprits on the scaf fold would like to learn. sEiy-A man afraid of fire-arrns,if hegeis in liquor, is apt:to imagine every6lngte sees a-revolver. Tradesmen oen lose their Custom as field sportsmen do their 'finger's -3y high charges. • fe - Wheo a tvornen wishes to be very affectionate to her lover, she calls ,bitu a naughty man. j • 'The. first of an virtues is innocence; the second is modesty; and neither.departs without being quickly followed by the ,ZeirTo cite the examples of history, in order to animate us to virtue or to arm us with fortitnde, is to call up the illu's'trious dead to inspire and to improve the living. religion that: never suffices to coveru a man, will never suffice to save hint; that which does not sufficiently dis- tinguish him from a p erishing world: CarA young gentleman from the "reo ral" districts ately advertised for a wife through the papers,- and got answered from eighteen husband; statiog that he might have theirs. ,ttES,..Persons who practice deceit and artifice always deceive themselves more than they deceive) others. They may feel great complacency in view of the success of their. doings; but they are in reality casting a ; mist before their own eyes. rag,,Every Onful outward word and deed, and every secret thought and pur pose of the mind, re-acts upon the mind itself:and, leaves its own impression there ns upen - an , ineffaceable tablet. ;Aside from all . the - influence our sin mayLesert upon others, it -puts, impenshable'imp pressions upon our own minds.... . Itglawo gentlemen noted for, their fondness of exaggeration, were.idiseussing the fare at different hotels. One observ ed that. at his hotel he had tea so!stron.g it was necessary to confine it in an iron vessel.'said the other, "it is niade so , limdt it has not-strength to run out of theist::. • EME! COUDERSPORT'HOTEL, • c'. F. (41,ASSMillti, Proprietor, Corner of Main and Second Street; Coudersport, Pot • ter Co., Pa. L. BIRD, SURVEYOR, CONVEYANCER, &c ,'BROOK.- LAND, Pa., (fornacidy Cushiugville.) 011 ice in his Store building. H. J. OLMSTED, .• OLMSTED & KELLY, • DEALER IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the , Court House, Conderspoit, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style; on - short notice. CHARLES MANNING, BLACKSMITH, Fourth street, between' Main and West Streets , Coudersport, Pa., is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line, en the , most reasonable terms. Produce taken in payment. EZRA. STARKWEATHER, BLACKSMITH, wbuld inforin his former cus tomers and the riblic generally' that he has aceitablished.a shop in the building forin l'crly4accupied by Benj. Rennels in Couders port, where ho will be pleased to do all kinds of Blamsmithing on the most reason able terms: Lumber, Shiligles, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange tot work. 12:34. Z. ..11. THOMPSON', CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKER and RE ' 'FAIRER; Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., talc's this ruethed'of informing the pub lie in . general that he is prepared to do:all work. in his line ,with promptness, in a Wcirkman-like manner, and upon the most cleaomkpclating,.. terms. Payment for Repairing ityhirlably required on delivery of the work. XIS_ All kinds of PRODUCE taken on account cyt work. 'NEW 'ARRANGEMENT. . ‘ ,40 The ' tthdersigned baying .• 4 . 9 well received a' large and well selected stock of 'CLOCKS, WATCHES EL JEWELRY, offers them fOr sale at prices that Will- com pare faV•orably, with those of any city o'r town within 100 -miles.; Every article of jewelry and every style of Watches and Cloths usu ally found in retail Stores kept,constantly on hand, and warranted to be as represented.— Al o, BeaPs Patent Itcvoiver: kept on, hand, and sold cheap. - ler Repairing done'ort short notiee, good style and fair rates. - Call and see me at the sign of the "Big Watch .Y, C. 11. WARRINER. • Coudersport, Jan. 1. 1861. ' Patent Mica Lamp Chimney. LAMP IC/12MM THAT WILL NOT BREAK! This great invention com Mends itself to ev ery.one using COAL OIL LAMPS.. It gives more light, requires r less elenniugand will not breik hip the heat or cold, falling, or any or dinnty usage. I%or sale by Storekeepers gener ally thrOughout (he'a. S, and the Canadas, and lYholeaale by the aranufacturer.i and Patentees. .130ILNIN - G'&4II3TIEPRILEY. ' No, 321 N. SECOND Street, PHILAD'A N. B. - A large and. superioi stock of alwayS on hand, at prices' defying competi tion: Also, the Portland Coal Oil, at Manu.: adorers' price• THE POTTERfTOTIENA t • !, • .-• , ginmrsnEn tw PleAlorney, -Prorirlet or: 'sl.oo 'PER ALIVAXCE. ' 41 4*Dekoted 'to the cause of Republicanism,. the, interests of 'Agriculture, the advancement of Education, and * the Best good of:Potter county. Owning no guide except that of Principle. it will endeavor to aid in the work of more fully Freedomizing our Country. ADiERTISC,IfENTS inserted at the following. riles, except wherespecial bargains are made : l ' Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, -- - • So , . It a 3 " --,- • $1 50 '' Each subsequent insertionless than 13, 25 t Square three months, 2 50 t,' :" six ",• •1 • " nine " 1 •5 50 1 ' '' one year, I .; , 600 L Column six months, - .. 1 ----- "20 00 1. I 1000 , IL ti lt I lt It it 7 00 1 • " ' per year. 40 00 1 , " " ~ " , " ---- - - - - 20 00 ALLministratoes or Executor's Notice, • 2 00 Business Cards, 8 lines or less:per yeat 5 00 Special and Editorial Notices, per line, 10 All' transient advertisements must be paid in advance, and no notice will be taken of ;advertisements froni a distance, unless they arc accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN S. MANN, A.TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., "mill attend the several courts in Potter and M'Kean Counties. All business entrusted in his care will - receive prompt attention. Office corner of WeSt and Third•strects. ARTHUR G. OLMSTEP, ATTORNEY It COUNSELLOR AT LAW ) Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business encrusted to his care, with promptues and • fidtTity. Office on Soth-west corner of Main and Fourth streets. ISAAC BENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will :attend to all business entrusted to him, with • care and promptness._Office on Second st., near 'the Allegheny ridge. . • F. W. KNOX, , ANTONEY AT• LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will regularly attend the Courts in Potter and the adjoining Counties. O. T. ELLISON, PRACTICING PHYSICIA.N, Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and. vicinity that he will promply re spond to all calls for professional services. Office on Main it., in building formerly oc• copied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. C. S. &';E. A. JONES, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PANTS, Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods, Groceries, kc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. D. E. OLMSTED, DEALER 'IN DRY GOODS, READY-M.-UDE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, kc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. N. W. MANN, DEALER IN BOOKS St STATIONERY, MAG AZINES and Music, N. W. corner of Main and Third'sts., Coudersport, Pa. COAL OIL LAMPS, YOUR ATTENTION! TOR-A .11WISIT, 1.1 IF YOU' PLEASE: • - - • .• I SUBSCRIBER has just recclred a new JL stork of • 1 DESIRABLE,. 0 - •F s • „ 0 B I Dliect froni New Trirk, conalstiog of • DRY GOODS, .GROCL4 RIES of. alt kind s.,'; HARDWARE, CROCKH • ERY, BOOTS &SIIOE§',I HATS ,Zr CAPS, latestl styles, READY _LADE ; ; CLOTHING, DOMES TICS, such as SHEEt-'1 INGS. TICKS, BATTS, ' short, all kinds of goods 'usually . kept in a ' NO. 1 COUNTRY STORE. All 'of wlikh will be sold very low for The ;nbore-named .stock of Goods is .now ppen,ariti for sale_at the New Brick-Store near Canfield's Flouring Mill, a fe of the Alleghany Bridge,, • IN COUDERSP • where the proprietor would be de ceiveleitlls front liis old 'customers ny new! ones ai feel disposed to i IDEAL WITH H TLe market price paid for FARMERS' PRA ME i S' .-)- CA - 0 tt l 4 .-Ir ' 4 ' 3 It , .s. ....,4) 0 ECEM co CANE OFFIC S. D. 'KELLY Tables, W ash-Stands, . Lounges:. I ' - Cribs, t o Cradles, h'' .. 1 Commog and • I , ' Cottae Bedsteads I ' Repairing denaon the shortest notice, and in ;the Most workmanlike 'miner. Ti.u - RN I G done immediately and to orders; All orders promptly attended to. Please give me a„call, and examine for yourself. P. '1 AhI3ERT MASTANIA, March 26. 1860.-28:l y. 14nufacturet, '''' , r ' BOON bilititg Malin abov 'PhOd St.,, COUDERS OR P, PA. M. W. MANN, Pacflurroz. B'OM, APS, 'CIILOBES, ' M BLANKS- j DGOKETS- i LEDGERS- , 4 DAY-BOOK§-- RECELEIT-BOOKS ; 1 MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, • PORTFOLIOS, • • lIERBARIUMI • LETTE O ,4 • INVOI Greek Lntin , French and 'Gel . Books. • All School Books 'used in.l kept on ha/id, or immediate wheh desired. Magaiines or any Perfodicals desired.' • - • A goad assortment ,of Pape Pens andAnks. Also, of Wall- t ing Materials,Waer:Calors, . BIBLES, TESTAiI ENTS, PRAYER 4;'ILYMN BOOKS, of • urious kinds. MUM-BOOKS AND SHEEtrMUM, Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammonlßoards Chess Men, PJIODUCE of all kinds taker( in exchange for 13ooks,'&c. [ll-34) Th, .e Rochester Straw-Cutter. (WAISTED & kELLI7, Conderaport, have ur the exchisire agency for this celebrated machine, in this county: It:is covenient,'da-' rable, and CHEAP. Dec. 1, 1860.-I'2 ' BLANKS of all kinds for . sale at this Mee Peed; Warrants, V.xecut . ons,' Summons, i t übpcenas, Constable . Sales, TownSbip andrders, clobl Orders, Notes of all inds—kept On and.and printed to 'order. L OB WORK at tended to - promptly, and a..t • p ces to suit the times. iGive us a trial. . ME e READY PAY ==l in exchange foF Mercha 01114 /211.,' , COLLINS ersTort. Jan. 2,'1861.-15 AND ALBERT ZAN hiring taken tlie formerly oecußie P. D. CATLIN, Clark's Cornerp, les Norti of Coudersport, Pa., I ILL MANI7PACTIIItE all kinds .. 01 I lairs & Cabinetr\Vare , such as FLAG, . - •r. and WINDSOR i • A C ATll$ CANE-SEAT BOSTON EOCKERS I SEWING and TABLE HAIRS, SHALL ROCKING CHA.RS, E and BAR-ROOM OHM S. I BUREAUS, • SECRETARIES, WAIROBES, • • the Count& 'y .procured 'pplied when ,- Envelopes opera, Draw IRON iuritied - of:Oxygen and bastion in Hy( rogen. Sane; highest MediCal Authbrities, In rid the United - States; and pre; rt reflex , . l ; ; I _• 1 Tite exPerieu e of thonsandl that ;nit prepa'ra ion of( Iron ear w i itb,,it. : Impurities of the blot et iz i vital cOorgy,t pale( and MI c mplixions indieciteslits neec, c my conceivable case. b eilinnttxieitZ s it i al n a all h p m ro a4a d die a s bs in o .r i each ofthe ftillowitlg c9 lll l* i i ; ' 1n Pcbqity;N4rvous,L4ffechon. nasi3Osiai, Conmlipatiuff, Diarrl Iticipient ColiB uniption,l &With.; Sail ligeum, .31 . 181;lenstrization, RI ,Liter t'ontillafiztsi ehrdnic Head , ti m, :littern*teni ,Fez , :ts, Pin;pti 4'C.r i : I ( a 1 ' H tin cases of G i eneral; Debility result Of acute disease; or of th m i intitiOn' ',4Z nenvous ; and mu ; , from chronic cOmplaints, one ti tdrativb hits proycd sUccesifull which 'no ,de.tdtaption nor n rat would render critdiblea Int-alit rilidenas ;to pave becbme form own neighborhoods, (have sin kared: inithe bt sy world as if frbrn ptrotracted (travel in a - di .Surne very.signal instances ofi, attested to female Sufferers, emit of apparent inaraimus 7 sanga4 lion, - critical, changes, I and tht4 , nt,n'ektot4 and expel tic :worst; exercise for whinh the; physiAn INervous I n Affections of all reasons fainitiAto medical me o this preparation' of] iron MIA be salutary, for intika-the old it orously. tonic tlvithont being ; ; oyerlicatifig, ; Mid gently, :rept( eten in the most obstinate ca It ntss.withimf ever being a.gast or inflicting a disag,reeable sent lit is thislather property, which Imlike's it r 1. 1 .70 remarkable) permanent are edy. ft.r. l'ites, ; also aPpears to exert a distinct atttion; by dis.peising the local ti forms ibern.; 1 • I ; .. ; . ' In DysPepsia,Jinnurnerable a; a single Pox of hese Chalvbent, ,TA- tdn sufficed for he most habitat. 0. eluding the attendentl Costirenco's t • in unhheeked Diarrhea:l, 'even when advanced id Dysentery, coinfirmnd, emaciating, and ap-' '; pare - 0y tnialignant, ;the effelts have been etpally cibeisii and astonishing. , ; , • ;In the local p ins, loss of flesh and strength. ) debilitating cough, and remittent hectie,whi eh gener4lly, indicate Incipient Consumption; this _ remedy has allayed the alarm of friend's and physiCians, in several (very gra Hying and in. teresting ' Anstart es. I V ' I f lit...Scrofulous Tnberoffrsis, ir n has ',had far mere( than the, tl must !cautionally balanced i; i cline; Without any of their Iv s e Isitities. ('-; , The; attention of females canribt, be pd. eon dently invited -o this rental!' find restorative, it} the; cases pecaliarlY affecting m theta. ! - , (In Rheuatism, both chronic: and; inflam. orators-I,in the latter; howevCr, More decid ealy-4-Whas ben invariably well reported, bath as alleviaiing pain and I reducing the swellings and s illness of the joints and'inus cies. 1J • I ' ' ; lln tntetrrnittei t Fevers it • must necessarily be a great reniOy .and energetic restorative, apd its progress in the new settlements of the West,; will prof MAY be "one off high retiontia and usefulness.} i ; - I. •. .i, I No 'reined) , hris ever been cli4overed in the whole history of medicine, which exerts( such; promPt, happk, and fully restorlitive effeets,_ d-ood;appetite, nomhlOte digestion, rapid ne cniaitionrof strength, with an lthastiai +lisp°, sitiorr for nctiveLand cheerful exercise, Imme. liately follow it use.l • t ~ ' Put up in neat flat metal holies contrtinin,g 5,0 pills, ; price 5() cents per bititt for sale by druggists and dealers; Will tic sent free to ~s n y tOdre'ss-on receipt of the price, All; let ters, piders,,ete , shotild be acidres'sed tea I It; IL ..I.00I4: & Co., Generhl Agent,,.; • I. t 4ttly. I ;20 Cedrti• St., - N.; ).- , rods cost RT ? l s:ed to ,re rid as ma- inds ofd UCE dite. I G. o. .gor•, I 40 "' ; .1.1 : : kimito.,s I:,4si o triTi ITHE undersigned is onld respectfully inform 1 the surrounding community that hel has t ken`the'room.4 formerly occupied by . . AL G. Glmsted :where he is paredw to do :- i i , All kind 6 pellarness work ; on the shorte st otice. L., - . i LONG, T11.81V7 COLL ARS, . i a lso kept t unstuntl,y on hand.,These collars hand.; These are a superior article, and need:but a tildl to instti,e their . Bu4ess. L• ' • 1 , ) 1 .Re'pairiiiij done in goodsole. i. .. , .' Stircingles,....llarting ale-ringS, 'names,land Hume straps+, &c., kPrit constatltly on littnd. The public n invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere.p i I 1 1 S !P. M1N..411.. • Cdadersport ct. 160, 1860. ' I - ' A 61,315 TE ' llv sk a ix d AISo, TIN and SHE. KETTLES: SPkiEILS, FRyrNGITAN ' sI BONS. Also,- , Agriell ' • sachi IPLOWS, S TOR, COliN-PTIELLI • - 1)00-1'0 1! 4TEP.8 - WORIC ; ;I , is will mode and the thaterial *Good and substantial EAVES-VIOLiGH.I . pnt npih l any part ; . of the County-Ternts easy.. IteadYlPay of all kinds,' including Cash, stiloni refOsed. Store ,dn 3.tail i StreooppositPle Old Court flouse,.Ctindeis ort, Aug! J,, 1859.-50 • ig44Di'ORD • ; will ler A l arge, I carbon byicont tinned by • the tb in Eltrope scribed in their daily proves be compared .d, depression lerlcise sickly .city in almost cinch it has utely cuivive , Efitaqciatione, .Dpeptery, us Tuberculosis, Chldrosis, aches Rhetnna orz the• Face, whether the continued di •efiergy .ial of this res to /...n extent ter( attestation .ds so lon, bed tiAten in.. their ddenly just rttinued listant land.z -I,this are ticiated victirns 'peons exit:lts k complication ',lint to air ; and n has no name. and f 05,. , the operation st necessarily xids, it is rig exciting and July aperient, , es of costive ,tricinpurgit ti v e, tsatton. • mong others, 1. effectual nod upon which it and specific niche!: which ,S are its causes te Pitts has of- Anil cases, in- his medtealet) good 'o6ct of irepariithins of krolm-ii - •I( INTY.I . `I,OIVI3. AND ' I k• at the storenof • I'r STEBIINSA BR?. t,reeefve .1 ' port, liach an t 1161, i otjus , :uders ' - MOFFAT'S . LIFE 'PILLS AND,PIIMNIX liiI27.ERS TuE4E 31E1ACbiETre now been befort - the public fdt pee "od of Timm YEAtts, ;anddnring that tilne have maintained a high 'character-in almost every part of the tdobe, for their extraordinary and immediate Power of restoring perfect health - to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which, the human _frame is liable: The following are among the distressing variety of human.diseases in which the Vegetable LKelDledlcktes Are well; known to be dnflillible.' DYSPEPSIA, bj• thoroughly cleansing thd first and second stomachs,. and'ereatinga Ho* of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and. acrid Moil i FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache; It , il.lessness, 111-Tea. per, Anxiety; Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general syMptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conseo , ience of its cute. COSTIVENESS; by cleansing . the whole length of the intestines with a solvent procese, and without violence ; all violent purges leere the bowels costive within 'tav!) days. FEVERS of fill kinds, by restofing the blood to in regnlar-cirmilation, througl('the process of perspiration such cases, and the thor ough solution of all intestinal obstruction in other;.', - • 1 • -; 'The Life Medicines'. have been known to cure RHEUM:MS ermanently in three weeks,- and • :in half that time, .by re moving local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of Ric joints. DROPSIES . of 'all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kids 7 and bladder; the; operate delight • . ly n these important fl o orga, and hence I ve ever been found a cer tain remedy for the worst eases of GRAVEL. . _ .. Also WORMS, by disludgipag from the turn. ings of the bowels.the slimy.imakterto ythies these creatures adhere. ' • SCURVEY. ULCERS, and I'VETERATE SORES, by - tile perfect, purity which thise LIFE :MEDICINES E,ive , to the [fond, cnd the humors. • SCORBUTIC EItPTIOYS anti BAD COM PLEXIONS, la their 314.r/tare effect upon the flftid that fend the skirt: and the morbid state of which occasions ail! eruptive complaints, sallow ; cloudy, and . other disagrecable'cotu plexions. use ofthese riuo for a very short time, 011 effect an entire cure 'of SALT RHEUM, and a striklu improvement' in the clearness of the 'skin. COMMON COLD&and ZA will alwayS be euriAl by one dose, or by two in the worst ca.0 . .3. • PILES.—The . oriFinat proprietor of tl:c.so MOdicines. WAS qu red of files 'of .35 years standing, by the use of the LIFE'MEDICINES albne. • •.- • 'FEVER AND AGUE —For this scourge of the Western country, ;hese Medicines be 'outlet a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.- 00er medicines leave the-system sutject to a return of the disease-a cure by these Med icines is permanent—TlZYrt se, as s.vrisstru, AND lIE CUIttD. ' BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER : CONl pLusTs.—CzeterarDebility, Loss of Appe tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines haVe been used with the most' benefieirl re snits in cases Af this description:—Kings Etil, and ~,Scorfuht, in its worst forms, yields toi the mitt yet powerful action of these re ' markable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous Di:bility; Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart; Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. JIIER.CURIA DISEASES.—Pers'ons whose • constitutions have become impaired' by the injudicious use of Mencurcv, will find' these Mcdicinesla perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of N4rcury, intinitelY sooner than the most pow erful prepaations of Sarsaparilla. JPreparld and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, . • 1 335 .BRGADIVAY, , 'For-sal 'by.. 1.-Druggists ~~" ''~w nom" ~~~~: 7. 4 4 • ' /n i t_ kjal. „ ..z.l MRS. WINSLOW, experienced Nurse and,Female Physician, present to the attention of mothers, 'her I SOOTHING SYRUP, - • FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which grimily facilitates the process of teeth ink, by softening the gums, reducing all in flamation—will allay ALL . PAIN and spas action, and is SURE TO, REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend Upon it, mothers, it will give rest to, yciurselves, and , , •! • ! RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. ;We have put up and sold this ariicle far over ten! years, and CAN `SAY; IN CONFI DENCE AND TRIMI of it, what we hale never been able•to say of any• other medicine .—;NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE,' TO. EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of; dissatisfaction * by any one who used it. On Die contrary-, all are delighted with its opera= ti4s,,and speak •in terms of comenda Lion! of iti•inagical effects and Medical virtues. We speak in this matter '• WHAT WE DO KNOW,'I after, ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF WILIT WE HERE ; DECLARE. In almost every instance ,where the infant is suffering from parn and exhaustion, relief will; be found MI fifteen or twenty minutes after - the s - yrup . .4 ;administered.. • .; • . ; ! This. valuable p - reparation is the prescrip tion of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILL.= • FOL NURSES in New England, and has been_, Used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in ! ' THOUSANDS OF CASES. , !It not Only relieves the child from pain, but :! inSloratel \ the:gtomacti and Vowels, correeti - acidity, and gives tone and energy to thei w system. It will ; almost instantly; re= • 1, ; I t ; • " GRIPING, IN THE. BOWELS,AND. WIND i COLIC,; and overcome.convidsiohs, whieli,lif riot spec dily remedied,- end in' death. :We believe it the BESr."and SUREST. REMEDY IN TAE. WORLD. in all cases 'of .DYSENTERY and DIARRIiCES IN CHILDREN, Whether it arise: IrOm teething, or from - tiny other cause. Would say to every mother W - ho bas pat child suffering from any of the foregoing complainti • ---:D130 NOT LET YOUR PREJJUDICES, NOR • THE PREJUDICES- OF OTHERS, stand.be4 tWeeri You and . soar suffering child. and the relief that will be SURE—yes. ABSOLUTELY SURE- -to follow the uSe of Ws' medicine,. if timely used. Full' directions! for using wilt accompany each bottle. None genuine und. lees the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERBLNE, New Ye:irk, Is on the outside wrapper: Sold by Druggists throughout the ward. . . o'llll4l* ' A Oftice_, 13 Cedar St.,; ff York. -1 pRNE. ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold by' C. S.' a E. A. JONES, Couders-1, !port, 80..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers