ell • Old Abe in' incianall. From our Special - Coriewondent. CINCIFNATI,'<F i IJ. la, taut.. , FRIZND CHASE—A' the citizen's .of Potter, by a very dceide.lniSjority, help ed to elect 'Abraham Liit9olo idency of - the United States, - and- as - he has left his home in Springville, 111., en rorite for the federal Catkitl, to assume the, responibility of the rforesaict office, and as be honored this Burgh with his pres ence yesterdayin compliance 'Wit lr an in vitation extended to him by our City Fathers some ten days .stince-aud : hay' e L ' a leisure hour r donft _Wind telling. you and your readers—most of.whern.will /fig interested in the Subject-Lsoutethino . Of What was done and said by the -people '4lif this neighborhood, and Ifeiv" 01' Dab • looked and acted and what he Said .. on that..'portant.'cas;on,' ; -;; • • The prnparations for the ,reception: of -the President-eh:et, not oily 'by the yeti .' ous Conimittees of the Canncil,•olvmand Societres, but• r by :Private citizens J'or the laiit few days, ; evinced the great .'iespect . for. the CUnstiution and - the laws t#e felt ly thir entire people, iriesketive. of party. - The Whole people 4:ce - wed to -rejoice in the decasiOn offering itself where they could by actions (which you know_ are said to speak louder than 'wordsa'show their deep conviction of the - ii:orgildemocratic - truth..that the .verdiet 'of' a - free People at a-fair election must be field inviolate. 31r. - linCuln was fairly • elected to- the Chief MagiStracy by,a par •ty it is true=but that party was eonsti- Intibnally the strongest, and.aA,tlm,fli4l print:loo of, democracy. I'4; -Po,Wet.lef imijorities----ilien he is net now.tlre Pres - - - idero,l of his party, but of 'tire - ..wliole,peu: ,ple of all parties and of - aliseetiOnsirind' as such let .the nation hoti i or i,ttri; 'cinnati showed that this, was het : doctrine and that herheart beat . tr 4 to the Union: Th we - ho es not only on EEO line of march downjn the programs e, but in every 'street, alley and lane :werp decorated in great nt:ofusion with baunTrs and stream r,o;.—generally the Amm lean flag— way jrig from every window and from every louse-top, and even „some uihtireh steeples 31,s' . ipase will nut allow:me to give yon '..lttildoqiutte,itreir of the Motto literature dWay,s,d,.,thrlibbirs id . was wit': the st patriuthiM ; but p mention the .UrO'itecs of the - 7.4iibson liouse,'on Witlnut, a fair sample of the yights Of all sections of e.. ... tfiho'fitiblie, maintenance ()file Constitution, end pzeseryd.ti9p of the Union at all hazdo•ds." • i n .0 A Union - of lakes, a union of lands, . A. union that, nothing' can sever, A union of hearts, a unionl of hands, The Ana:Heart L'aioit forever" On . a- transparency dhiple.yed by the s : . " liontir to a : President not Ito . a Ftrtinn." It it tit for 'politicians to go Under." ! .t'Thel:T:lioll must and shall be preserved" The Military made a very Creditable dkplay although all 'the companies were mit out. For more than three . hours) be fofe the train arrived the crowd aqua. , to assemble around the Indianapolis. De iMt, on Wood- street, and Igreat asin was• 'manifested. A suiliment num-, ber.of the - . Police force had been phieed iti end around the depot to preserve order and .to Iprevent the depot from becoming so .CrOwled,as to be az.neying, and order was by this - means preserved. For more than tulle-along the trach the street WaS'erowded,,in : sommplaces literalli jam rneil,' while every window, door ahit house tip was "covered by tho anxiouS people. C- After the; train arrived, which was' abOit . t . 3.o'clock, it wai some time before liucolu Made his appe'arance - , , ,qtui When he 4:141,41fen the 'fun - coninieric6d 1 6iich long; loud and vociferous cliekjrink was' .never • heard in einciUnati before. 'frhen thepolice• had : ienoligh to do; and with tale utmost -di that they : succeeded in heepiqg the:crowd back. `As, soon as 'xi.. .Lincoln's guardians could get him Oat the "ears, he was wel: cOrOisiby Robt. 110 ea, ,Esq.; in the fol louing words • ' ADDRESS OF ROW. ITOSEA,.ESQ •On behalf of the citizens of Cincinnati and the Cotrimittee of iteception, I have the honor to weleome you' to our. city. We meet you Sir,not as partizans corn. leg fin - ill to greet‘a..successful candidate, but coming as citizens, from all -"parties, and from your waive State of Kentucky also, as well as Ohio. We desire to,ivel came you as the Preside6t, elect ,of the United • Slates, and , through. ynu to do honor, to fiat great principle of,Coristitu tional liberty, of which :the "election of a Chief Magistrate - of our beloired'COnn try affords the most sublime of all examplo' You have been called Sir, from private life to the most •dignified, and the most responsible trust, in - the country, by the united yoke of the• Atnerican people, through their confidence in your honesty, your integrity, and ; your devotion to the Constitution, and their holier that you Will devote yourself with; a single e the Public tcio . - , • that confidence, in that::' we fully sl.are .and we believe the jus- tiee ofyour Administratilkit well as its firmness, will tend71,0401 . 4 . /.llie unhappy dissentioris, whiclarr exist,' restore the, cotifidence'of alien tt tl sections, and unite the'countrY4ithe bonds of pctice. - •lbgBin Siir*wilconie you with warm and loyari haaits, loyal to ,the Union—to thaflag of our. whole country, with not, a Star dunned nor a siripenrased. ' AXPLY O.? THE PRESIDENT ELECT TO 3IR HOSEA. . . • AIR. Cti4RMAN thank -you, .eitl zentr of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Kent.ueliy, for this reoebtion. As I : understand it is a part of tko . • programme it hat I will .fid dress you klittle",tuore at length at the Burnet House, twill,swill, fOr the present, =I [ postponO:t ue } will proceed IR here tint!. It 1t lengthy qi.ec,' ~ ..J -,Nyh,enl he' ounted.l.l , pirriege _which liostdrawn b! :siii,*ititiful : i schpe . rouser, lin 4.as - gre.cti difk•tn . lin 'ou! . :hoist. of tn, tiitAiii:Ftieck O; ith Ni le a battry o - lit A rtillerY. pia , fed, at a.t bort distancefrog, the; 3apc.),l - Ti 'proelaiFning fy.thundering vollys i'freitFens `evetyxiliert be_ arrival of the' t'bie - Manistrate. ;!Iklir. Lincoln gazed foi - a n:oritent. - at :the 1 i...6t,' crowd,, bowed tW . ice !very wildestly;ano sat down iu ihe cary;a,ie. 1 :. Atles ' OreenWood, Esq l '' was :Grand' Mar's, al, and it.was not lotignatil heliad the I °Cession formed, in; the' fulltiwing order , I . .. .. I tary Escort.' i -' • The 'reaident elect anti-Suite ' . ' 1 Cou,ttuit tee of ReceptiOn: • ~ Conintittee i :from Covington'.-and Now -1 "I j i port, liy, , 4 !. - . . Coniniit tee of the Legishitureof Obitiand of f th City of CaluOits. ' .letilbers-of, t ity Coutieilatni Other Civic Officers o the• City Of ..qtneinnatij and citizens generallil lin car- .: i• -,' , ,-, - rt:mes and,;On, . foot.! ~ - - , ~ A.l, 31,'o'chrck it counnericeil 'to,inove sio43-,forwaid LlU:ouch the Se - vierafkreets designated in , the. pregrainir:e, :and;- n about twO hours - after - he i left .the cars this carriage 'rea6 tetl,, thia-i'Eu r rnet House.— Evqywhere alone the line:of parch' the streets were (frotfiled'auti fr'eal nearly ev= erl windowi scars were waving; . • At.the ea , rie,p l itif - Slue and 'Mercer streets a 'plat. fornflai, eredted, upon whinivere seated thirty-four ydung ladies representing the Staties.or the I. l Lion. Over their heads was San Teti of everzreens er t Wined with flowers and sirnicunted by t le American flag.; 'imme'i.lately over this flag *as th l is motto : 1 " PrOteet this banner agai, whatsoever." 1 Oca , the re , scribrd i ' , . , Be firm and the hopes of ft' [ - 1 lleq" . .1, L ' ';! N) . ' hen the residen 't' sl coil !oppesite - this platforni, ihe' l l ',representing • Kan...vas " . ' ; 'ini.l , ~-rottp of traces, presented CI It bccautifUl bouduet of, .na(t. lwiii'Cli. he gracefully carriedi at' tlie saine t mebowingi - aiy ..‘ Khnsas " ,• d 'i , f l = - ; 1 - .1 .fl ; •1; , • Immediate y below SixthistieetAinotik er 'plat NEM to r ts erected upon' Whit:hit-Tar iv of about t*enty young g1:1-10 wer bea't cl:V..ho sni National . somas -as . .ith 'cur. tegie: - passed. Puling ; the lee., niile f the , . .„. , , , procession torDesident stand up in ine carriage with I is!lint off, bowing to 'shout ing Multitudes!thaf greeted , bitn on every side> . _. When his'‘carriage approached the groilp of singing ,girli_i[sO dense:Wes the rod thattlik prceeision could scarcely' 4 1 piejee (.1:" Thi , 'momentary titnppage - gaye riseifo an inei ent which :Ml,` never be Rm.otter! by , Mne ot thosn stlin Witne:ssed it. The , girl trete;fsinginn.l9-leff to th e , - , n i , Chict and t le' old matrstodd bowing to.' andl smiling' at them, trying.' to convey . without speak ing, his appreciation of their songs. At this moment a large, - rough looking son of tuil - rushcd fPrWard to the platform! and 'lifted one of the little *hie ing girl's about tea years old ? in his arms as if she was, but'a little chtld, and ear lied her blushing tot the ;carriage and passed her t:p to. Old Abe,i ; wbo !tined 'lier as tende Iv as if she were his own , ; chliii,'.and re ineed her in tit , ,aim's 'of the biz:, rough tn n, who carriedl,per back to the ;platform amidst vociferous Cheering, ari*; the procession moved~ on. It was' said that alt,J i ar stole doWn4he old man's 'face as ha- furned u away frorol , ;that group; be' this as it may , 'certain 4its that it af fected many others to tears ftpd Made him no ienemies. When tho, procession ap proached tI4 Bdrpet dotvii Vine' from Fourth to P e arl, about three Squares, and , a full; square ,on Third str i eeK the passage was complete)y blocked, andlOe Military Escort and -Ilolice - had torgp:,lto work and eledr a passage for, Mr. Lipeeln's carriage to the dom. otheHotel. . I ft- . ir ,' Racing' a last ‘ succeeded; in reaching the ; balcony of , the Burneoßouse, add; after the ent usias:ic cheere had subsidk Mayor Bisho (a llell•Evet_eit man); UV:, trOduccd hia in the following speech : 1 '; - "!= ;-" lloNoa Slit :In the,fiatne of the I - I peopie of all lasses of my fe.llotv-eitizeifs I extend to y ou !ti ,emidial welcoote, md . in their behalf I have the. litinor of OlIV,r-., itigiypu the , hospitalities of pinci,d4y:=, ' “Our city needs no eult4y fo'o l 4. Her.(.l well-kn wn" character for - en 040140,:: 'liberality and hospitality is , itotriniiie4: anguished. than. is her tideiity***Udy iag t.levotiOnio the'-Unien ofjpieSti;Stti,fis, aOd , a warn , dial arid affecti9fikpketard fur that glori tus .t sin, w,.,....- sr Bra.v• • T ' .att e .. ; t a br eta - -" r ,--.J-.- ; , = ~ upop la t!.-.014 sea so inani,,lyears-,— , The pie ! ~ - ;- - 4-- ' nder tlie solemn -and dignified f_id . - -- ' of the Constitution,i.bave chosen - -; as President of the Ilniteh States, , an en- d as such _ greet you.: .6.!nd 'you. will believe rue _whew I say that: :it is the ear nest and united desire of our eitizeos that your aduti4.4ration t:i\the General Gov-1 ailment 014[ be marked by i tvisdem, pat riPti'sui ,aild 4ttstieo to all see tio ns t,f the . oduatry,,fron the Atlant . e' o to t h e ' Pacific Oki's, ;frau the northern,ffioundaty of MaiPe to the Gulf .of Mex i co. So ; that rlrnn you retire from office, your . fellow citiens-l ;ay Om i,y it you evo where with the: che . nn.. Werds,..Well done thou aid g,an „faithful servant.' l'i . - . . 1 43ut. sir..) see in this great and aim ; ,{ lone , Con (intm noi-nnly- the citizens of OhiO.bnil al- many from - i mir sistei:Siato, Komu4l4y r - ho }and] of .Cl 4, the, former lionie-vflyou parents and Mine, and the pace ur put ieth. These, (Mio, greet you, 111 ENE 1111= 2E inakiva branylimarks., I t obee'kom bete I remark gnat wy parpb . ae:te wake :a 11.'1 - 1, • t I Is; -Insult r 'ors° , of the' al :rah Was in- epiea are ful- kegs arrived !young Miss this; JatiOaal lid Abe with I~mi. flowers, • io Lis lips, utty to : '''' . .s , -,-,'", , :.. 71%- , , , -;;;;; ; v:2: - .'..,..:-.1.,,, , s -- .4.,, , ,,-- c-, ,, •; , .;-".." 4 ::, ,,,-- i : .:... , ''.- ...-- ::•f:i;:11 Z''' , M;- - : 44 :i.'-;.:::- , :: - .;'::`-' , 5•3..& 4 V•i - li -, -- 1 .-.- 7 ..,.---1 ;75.,:i.c4 , &4c9:.-•.si. - 1 1404571-I.l#*::iutizlill4ZliAttelVetlyrc,,, f•ANI . 16 10i.t.Y0140 1 02 " ,W e tlg i i?-0. , l'otliirS:#o#oJ94-'*o4.\l l o l i l *.i i 4tl inia ; :trOst;;VkittiiikkiKitat , k-4*Y - :PA an'4,ot4iilkie:::eina:::iii4?'tit(i' kr At:iii4:iielitl, tn. iiiio„Wdiiral::-Pitf) 4ti/i1 Tl ie\ f - P l OOl at ia'i l iaiti -.,-',;,.:•-:. .1. , ..'::.„„. - ,.;:f• ‘-':. - f . ' :„.:;..• : :...,-..., J c fc? , :::i.: ~„,-.4,:ffii- : -.• _.-----,*:. - :11.F , .,: •- . '-' t-':' ,. . . 4. ..ht iliiii:'-;tddresia•;="tite:l"# - ,"oaideltit.':. i'?f,feit takinkjfkislfottt:lif - :*iili'froof 6 ef : :tri t balceify . :,so-ii.47;t4liii;';'SeCii'litti&h.ear In; t 4, both line 11 - 4 TitiiiFreplted,ae - rfollt l i zit •,:, ,lie;;lSiiiiP h 6::,W14.-- rein ibilek bin , ' Ott - fi, \ i, dress, iifille)laynr4)intZjlitreceptiOn isl niVen ;not by liiiiiiine . pOlitiettiPirty"4, midi even • if • he hadnOt;=.l:ii,!9ti eo; ieriiindeil . 41 His' Honor', lie' COuldr.:not l: :hrite r faile i d.:;toi know the feet - by',the':'..eStent o(. the Pita.; tit Ude,. He could 4cijoak POOP , thistYts e a - semblag wi oi . that'all' parties', wern ,linited Inilils recap ;tiot.. , [Applause] . This,ls as it: iihnuld be. It is - as it.' .- hoiild'haiii keen if . ._o;eri at& ;Douglas_ liailizeeN elocteif; "ati c it Lhould.ever be when • tiny citizen •ef Abe Unite'd' States • is•eonstitutionally; eleeted President of, the-;United States.- ‘-[Greet applaiisei , W hat.:'' has - occurred . iiiere tii day,'oould; not haVe:oecurred in anyother country on ; the.face of the globe , witliont the influence of the free instituthinswhieli mre:, have,:.unceasingly enjoyed, fit( three ;quarters of a Century. • Thernis no.eoun try*where the, peeple can jinn out. and enjoy_ this day. precisely.' as. 'they, please, sai.To ii*er the benign influenee _of ;101e free, institutions of our land. [Prolonged PPlanii"..] ' •?" ''' ' liCi . ' 7 'He h oped that.' altlimigh;'-we.havo,s6iiie Itlireatenicw national difficulties now ;that while . these free, institutions shall condo ue; we Wißsee repeated - eveik`,.four years what , we now witness. , - - i - He; hoped' that these difEcultiei would pass away, and we shall sec iWthe,streets of Citieitinati— g, a•old Cincinniti—Lfor aentufiea to eoliwnee every four . years, her.people . give such a reception as this to:the conatitutionallk elected President . Of the:Whole United States.- [Applause.] He-hoped they would all -jain• in 'that re ception, and also !welcome your,brethren , across the river to participate in it:. - Wel will' welcome thew in every street of the Union, no matter Where they _are from.' From ;mink Snath we shall exteud them! a Cordial good will when our present air- I ferences Shall have beenjorgotten 'and' I blown; to the winds forever., . Applause *' ej i, . When lie.had . spoken iMeincinnatiae--1 fore. hN4 e had jocoseeincrked to the peo plc of Reintickviliat the Republicans must iilti'inatelrbeat the Democrats. and if the!lattli-wbuld save themselves they m must no”ain Mr. Douglas. , They didtiot, in any true sense of the word,,noutiinate Douglas, arid the 'Tsui had come certainly as soon as he expect-, ed. Ife - also told them how they would I be treated After they should , have been I beateff; and he now wished to call, or recall,',; t• ;their attenon to what he then said liven the subject: " When we do,i as weViy, teat you, you perhaps will Slaw, to kneW, , What we will do with' you. It will telflou, so far as I am ant harized tot speak for the .Opposition, what we mean to do with yen.' ~-W I e .mean to treat you, as nearas we possibly can, 'as Washing ton, Jefferson .and : Madison treated you. We Mean to'lleaye yol alone, and in, no, way to interfere with your institution s, to abide 'bk all: tind every compromise of. the ; Constitatico4 and in a word, coming back r l to the orioiiiel prop osition, to treat you so 1 . , oe,, . far as 'degenerate men, if we hare degen-i .erated, ,Tahy; aecordipz, to the examples of those,nehle fathers, Washington, Jeffer son anti Vidison. .We mean to remem ber that koq are as good as we ; that di ere 1 is no ,dAirence_ b,et”.6 us, ?other than the differ:o4e_ o f eiscunistacces. Wei raertintfeiltiiiiZe; and bear in mind al wayicrAgt_you have as good !leaks in yody,Abilsoms as other people, or , as we , clafiiiliii‘haVe, and treat you according ly. Lie, - . - nit* 'called upon the_ cit izers of! Kentue y INC in a new. position, Ind he' awl L, - , no a biou :and felt no inclina.ion to re tract n-word of this.. [A pplause.]_ •If it -,-aliall : nopbe made pod, fie. 'assuredhe i t i latilt4fiall not be mitre." [Applause. , -I . l llfter some furthe; remarks, he retired, ainii.Pprolonged applapse. I ; '.. - „`;,lll'tlie evening, a lon torch`-light pro edition marched to the Burnet House, torch`-light atiOcinairied in the sir e t for some, time, Whin` the President appeared and -was re ceived with prolonged cheers. 1 A public reception. was given at the eenilemen's Ordinary, whiCh lasted, till late hour. Mr. Lincoln was exti.nnely affable, fad appeared a little fatig ued, althougli si ut nce his election becael,nizetl fact, immediately after the l October elec tions, he has been subject to all the liar rassing annoyances which' always sur -41 the rising man. He appears to s ~,,,ffreat power of endbrance,:some ,, ohnneeeet,e,,t;itwils,„}:ircriuni, i etfi w e t i hi r i d,: i no official doubt ier b m e . greatly sitie e :his' progress has - been uutpli— not as an indi- 1 vidria .. - `i:q,,,, as' the one to v; l lioin the ,des tiny of ili`er ountry is, in-a great measure, committed .+ d upon whose judgmeot and discretp - ,. rests the hopes of he na tion. ThOtople feel that his Position is a most enikarrassingone, and thy have taken occallieln to eiliress th,ir By! pathy t and tenderthim,,tlreir supliort ~ Between Indianapolis .- and Cincinnati he made three speeeilies, which in substance, were the same as the nue,deliverd here. , He 'will leave for '.Cilluilibus at nine o'clock to-day, accoinpanied by the com inittees of the Lernslattir d e;an of the City e, Council. - ,•-•... - Every ime who bad tli ing Old Abe were disapi been represented as a u ugline:.s. '. On seeing; feeling appears to' have surprise.: The ladled— ME I= rigiiiiO4*Otajiii - 61.444 - ipaleii fi.4.igr6 i#4lail:*qui':;': 4irtiniiitneintii liiil Oteililf4 '194 11 0i P - g*iiirein 40; - 4? l ,o'' l *-441i 11 : - EC:feit 0 4 ille 44 1. 0 . /i1 ttill9l:4l* ': tiaf, ' .tillieti. v l le'l li cP ':1 ' 01 : 1 41 lio4, :. 0 1., e0,..0#0) 3 (c1i 1 1 , 1 e:: - Oli l' o 4f [ Igittriie;Yesli,ettV:: Tt 1 was-tli 6 titil:ii, ' rilt\ ' !! : efi'llgdP. ° ,(d ° P# ~. Itk. 'l l !ii , - tlico-A • ie 00 'paOk'tilid,ii-etiiliigi.Y- ine , l'i4 l oexiiiji 'utter nittinniil-_44tridatiotiloW4y-,,;fion fiiips and:: liai,l,'ho - ,livouldi" deliver ns! ni l Alin.- diS-krOed. , ,whitil . tli6 treochery: 1 eallttY siidirete nil ecility[of the pies ,-; t 'President ind.:hii hite .Adviierihaie• ' - e ut4 lp li e t n u p P le d i n it a li s e il : ' li t o ll:l o 3 c 7,- , i, i 'elp l i; ! ;,p ';w f t 7tl l: i d l er T it - n - ,. I , op i nodor-tit' ,:=So". li,'i,o6;;:if they!i l' re.lbuf 'sheitlf - -,- - hav Ile duredr Ihe',- litiql ,(. ii ti t ' -' ti of , ' ilt—ii . ' p ~pci cal ,n i pon i9 r o ernurc - 7 . .I,el n ali i i he;iped.nhoirlo, i r;flo4and ei%il and j n titary offreers - 7 -tlie hhhing,nfo r orMintSj I d'.Trepsitryi nod :..0 tiitcun , ,gpibes -and) El' rt*rand'dutter4, hy -,trailicird *llo, were der . Oath , t6.;,sUpp t i and , defend lier, i inSt i , all i 4 dne.ii ii.i. Whotnioever-- with ~an indlgrnarion not loti i l, perhaps, thit deep ; cno b ghl ifl i,j loosel -.to (nake. a ilirent that - Would IC rry'.secassion into tli : Gulf 'Ot..3.4itelxifo . ‘ecause they . belleve qi it.. 6, ;tour !iof, . i .ee o bl e .„ rederription sa e h a nd ond l ih;! , ,lAbroliain .14ineoln it the met! Or', 91. , I Car. ' No ' bondman cv !. Igo lon s eti . forjhe . . "of his iirC)riiisid, ' 'eCdoinias have the 11 1 nest peopletliet Inion- lo _Vhig„ people ,I. o rr f t n h ). e li N le o :f r: i l i i y, o ,r d o -i ti l: y i:U . t tr h e - ::p ro n r_ t a t: d i l l: a n: of the atnenei titi'n&4l .our wlible_cou try . I .)`ecility'and tr a l olid,s:negociarVlus ith 1- 1 ?ellion $‘ ir',lielli lii w ei.denr ; liti atized. Innliated ond ibrokei: dpwn the. Goy rn !in nt of this, *eat ./Z,Lp; l / 4 blie, until, in, the whole "earth, ,, ill'er .n•natiln too oor au l d Weak to sOiratilis!' .' i ire the fourihiq 1, e! we hour of redemPtion f ui all th in Ito Afr, 'Abet! n a the !nal tlie • feeling', Whie i 1 ' (intone! frt.n! the' thrCOts l qf if el 'thous: - Ida ~and, thatik Clod) T.dr. Li! yc shown no, s , ylnp( !l i n that 1 'de de : i s nlishlaceil.; i f ' . .. , ) 1. .1 ei uniStaneesi t9ot Wg i, :sthfart (in:'l,;!l,;e Sli ken as the riled I 'pr v 6 r orthi lor t.,0 to ed. on him.l I, II- - Ii 40 i t rq:B2,o3.oh it ) • RitrEzmilioviti at 'Colniention by TI ;us tie borded ^ ; oti er spit tip,,j I u Fee's r • RIZ - The sleedinw , ' Arovisional oyerrYo ..• !olistitution•for si h Jeff. Daihs , forFi:r fur ,i'ice ' 77 -- -- --- 1. , tilt' Judee,J,ohn'ain l is untlyng a good becinnino : in hia di, let, jud. , iutr, front 1 , a, i , i''' A l pourt 'procebdin in_slie,paper and ilidii comments "- thd an. The 3lead -1 ' -. i.l ! ' !; - ii e I?epzibliecn Sq.' . ;• , 1 I .5i , At,the riper Qu e , s Cclut 111 , week. ,S .t:ii - tit - - i- • 1a 1 r,-4.e amount of ,bm.-,niess tyris, transacted. A ar it portioti of tr . - time was consumed i wi the liquor imsesl . r-tit number onvltich we e disposed of. T i ,I gurt, ktt I,r,e Johnson 1 t..,, prebiding,•seeMed in it ise dill; sed. to shotv i , 1 , i an.i ftivor to titts.elmsto: ,lodes to e s, rnd it is I I ent tied to the thanks; tik" •iery do d,eitizen for 1 the manner in Whichil . o,e easdsiroOintosed of. A large nuMber *0 . Sited ifatruldregfen-, de imprisoned. - A ofiteh such vi 1 3, Measures itA Amin ill,pu Stop t-t is am demoralizing trafiiid i We think s Wittlers of his kind arm entitleil to nefther,(l . oa - _a r_ 1 „ far r: and in ptopOr(iiji :as 04 sltle df , li ' - "M:ti.; iis 1 revented mimes or ti ery nature wan 0 : el 4 1 Th manner in liii,icht..odge Jan. on prealdeS; an gaits:lets .busineisgenders!tn st compfAie sat ;faction to theil4gi tui ceita niy redOts on the Judge. t pa main rti s the rici . s'i;.' erect equitnimity 4ik good natare at 'All! tim .s, and at,th`e sane, ime a dignity'whiehl i j or co mandsthe deferehi' and reqieprof ati..": ' 1 : "131i4-4.÷1 1 ' 6 C miiitulation 10,14111 'konnag ii ' `Tt --Rieliefiniti th e !S#nbiury - St. Ertolllt- iti 1 I , .. t ry ,• , I ' hese are the u4til importantc Inca's url' likely tcreoniel pefore ith'e Leiisla rie ' ! ! ?- f 1 !' i -1 b . tu at its preient Osiion. 1 1311 s have f, I I' eb an f vorabli prep 'tad frrn the corn i • 1 Iri , i niiitees to whinh, tlte. Were referred: and i , ' ! Welthink th. hate been [Crawn with „cri+t care. ....- The 14 to re heal . the ion -01 . ' iti I nagetax. on goods pn*Sipg over the Penna. deltral is certain till' iAI ! liberalone, ' 'and 1 ,,., pimply protects the ntevesta of the State 'as he following seelbni will; Plio Si" : t I 1 ?That 'if a - nilijor4 of th directors of i , tlid Pennsylvania Riu4rond Cous i pdav Who, I iforlthe purpose of i 114 aci are fiereby] ',vetted i wi Ch ,1. ! • .., with, alt need; u f t! auchcpty, shall ';at n weetang Calledl or i.hatipurpose, ! re solve to accept the . : revisions of this 'net; 'anksball "aut,hoitzq the eecutten of a! Written contract tin' ‘r! its e rpprate seal! 1 wi lithe eurtimonwpaltb o, 3eiensylva ni, 'lto pay, in to ;the! Stei , e Ticasury on ac co nt of its iudebtelliness to il4Commoii: we ph, by reason o it,lie pufeliase of ,the . .Mt tn,Line of Lite pA lie wtirks, on the thi ity-firs: dap of -.111 nary nd July in every "year, tintil,the thirty- *rst of I'lly, eig)iteea' hundr e d an l i nine y, inclusive, itu -11 sum, in ialilitiit't to tit interest! on bonds owned, by t• to Sta e, and' in'ad ti tun to its annum stliilitilitol the State' . `account of purehAse' money' fur, said of jail:trove:nett 'as will imirease 01 semi-annual p ubs, `nt: Ou account of 'l debt and interat `to the stun of ftwu tdred and .third thou4nd dollars, I ie ricasure of see pointed. Ile has - mister of human him 'tho general been an agre6iible ud thoy proton(' MEV ooh for the; ,s disgrdee; This is usly burst, 'ods Nwster- 'coin has ,as this c nfi•' 'mid afPressure of ld inaltil the stout • I ' ll ds firm and;nn f gqs, ' ? Jay he lopes tliat'are eau-, „ , Feb. 21, 1861. ND •efuseeto can `a ty of 20,000. tes one after 111- n. Livefarmed :tares , 1 . t 1 wiAli : ill" U. feurid4tio;); • anl.l, ~ sident and A. U. 1•' . , itlent• 1 -- , ' i-C°°l) and die aggiega r ti °fill kid] utterq is to:the suiii cd, thirteen millions 1 Oire h nfidred and seveliti tbOulland dol. Itirh, §:1.570,000,) and,•stall agree to 1 Niy pn ithe said film ty fir& d#4 , of July, t ni,alAneo rinuOrqd and linnets.. into- the trdsury„the balance then unpaid of the iiiinc pl and hmerest ' tir sald bands, and hUH Tther a l iree to reduce its hies) IOA t arrf for the, transportation-of graiti, 'flout,' 6tittle iroil, ukineralsr and ethei propert, as j hereivafter provided; and if <thetsAid company shall in ha manner aforesllo, on or behire the fint dav of Ju lc, ,If ne tr make and enter into, with the Qom 4wealth ,of Peunsyliania a writ ] ten c Road' to that effect, aiid shall on or be re said daydeliver the same to the Lininipnwealth, i by, dePtisiting the ;Ale in the offee ° of the Auditor Gene i I ra b '0 ' Gene- _ I, i and in suci case an in consi I erati n i thereof, the • CommOnwealth of i Penn )Irania shall not at any time here-1 'after , ay, impose, levy; or - e"ollect Rit3,l tax ler du 4 upon, ar iu iesphet til,) freight or i tiinnae passing: over the said Pennsl3- I i.anialrailroad or the uarriaburg. Ports /omit i,!Mount:Joy and m bagaster.rail road, or-any pirt of th em, either of tlicm aides if Ile tax shall at the same time be tuipo s , la . id orleNied upon all other rio h s v o d r railroad . companies of tl is ! I C0t11 1 10414,04111 j and all lows impcoun o taxes or dutie4 upon freight ' or tcrinage $ upon the railroads, csnalb or: slackwator oavipttori companies, for the age of the omitionwcalth, be and c they I are hereby rrepeated, aUd no imam. ell other pro ceedings shall be had or taken on the I part of illy Commonwealth to enforce the collectian of any tax or duty or obliia lion diren therefor, or jud zement recqv ered,loi obtained in rursuAice of any eisting laws on tonnage ca r ried or con- , veyed WI the railroad'of said saidf Pennsylva oialrailioad company, or on that of any ether] comp in) in ei ourated by this State, comp the said co nies shall be, • by the • Jumper of fi cers of tl mm e Coonwealth. ex lonerattai, release d nd relic% ed from eve ry lien kind liability to, the State on ac 1 coun t t hei eof " I - I Under the present laws the Fenno Centr l al 13•Ivs one hundred thousand dol fatr 1 ' s alyeir on her bondi andiabout three litindifeil thousand a year IS dile for tan 'nage I So it will be seen, that the effect of Itht : repeal bill will be to inere.se our preset t revenues. lt is tine the tonnage t f2t . If tiventy year., will doubtless b e :routr than this •fillltitite i But in s . twenty yea S the 14.1, 0 1111 e, ot ,. the State AN 111 be 111 ge enough to dt•pcu r . with ail laud onerous ta N. ition. ( ll2i l'i.2 to posed bill the Penni lillwill pi) into the Treasury tf the o '•r half a niellot frlinuniry We it.ls tkcideily to the into •st of iiole pe plc that it, slit tild Mass—at 'me time the . State taxi siwuld be .!d another mill relation to the Sunbury and Erie 1 bill we arc not so clean But our t impression is, that the State le.e nothing by its pa<<aue : and 1 road is of Nast Importance to .a section of the State, it ought to if the interests of the Common as, ai wholt, won't suffer b; e l x; ra t Cent B i tte thiti: the, the roduc IMO pre wo l al MI large `p,lss crealt . , Sin e the abave was, written, we fiud the:fo toWing dispatch in the'flaily pape ofl So urday: ' , ' - fi A rtIVISitttRG,I Fil t r 1(3, 1861.--Th bill to cOrn`inute the nnage ' tax of the Peim passed the I:Tense till* orni ifg, by is vote , of 75 ;to' 22. I Th 'Suriburv& Erie - Philadell I phia &Erie) Railroad Bill (passed tbe • ;aine - day by - a. rote of 75 to F.,51 -- 3 • ' - 1 ! ‘ I ,--,-,> ~ ' . Illr.'LincoWs Pt.c3 ,- . r 91 1 ,ijt PreSictent elect is Oz rouie for - , 44, . -I Capital, , ~ th6iNt tiontd ham...left his , l'at.t.l.pinl , aeld; .111.`-ou'the'l2ili just., and . . k.. 1 - P ..! I',. .. .• !,. i . 1 is 'I i ceedins; -by we.y of lnd.anopolts, Clitebanatti, Columbus,-Cleveland, Bur r fa,l'ollian, NIN , York, q".l3n . ion, Phild deiFila - 41 . larr - is ) bu re &c., to Washington' Ifisi , lprfe - tt4 ? ,f l r'tas been oueofcon r stithitti - ova!qq); !: rot !, *eipated - in by inen of all i !plains distinctioniwit , Wone r ; at each ! 33, 1 1 ! , 1 - ...::,...„ - 3- .FA, i - , . , stage of its , pro g ress, m elop l n g •tne kae , thiit he is regattlefAtal.the man of and for the limes, lend ti l . e' .-- jo s the 'entire eonf:lne of tli pelitex3 - ' A eorresponL 1 - , 1 3 dent at. Ciroinnati C 'Ole ;05 1 a -Dem!. [ , 1 • • • 1., 4 , 1 i octat of Old, DougitlS: iltapfa Furnishes -- ; us ti IJ 11 2 ' ' Vtir ' • tothat , wall not y-ageopp lo Avistt- ciCY- ' !r- -- .---r;' i!--3', - --' 1 4)5 , - • 1 - In his ipeee)l•4: - .4:110 , 3,ip01i5, Mi r , . ri t I'Lkaeo inqteatkia:Atis tiii 4je riolief t. 1 :03 [with egar, o,. ~ ...e. ;a pto ovement. 7 . att`4] . h altre t attiiiatiSfi iliiiillstion of C e'c. I'n ". -''' h t s eta. Inch Ng 1 ti, 1 -1;1 - ,.P ,"- -':-,'; ''' L e;,, I re c l meek he , l 4Zirty approlat, of '`ever ~„.„, 3 ~.• I. . t l= .!: _ 1----i: ~, ' e i i ,..4... st. a ri v ior eipzen;- , we gq , k 5....,, g ... , r rr fei l-Ctzenilp:fiAi sick •6 In n _.l a m ~1,1 eq. , ttink yOlt TptiFil_f(lrltlijii4/1:. Ilifi- , cent 4 r Lt;'-7 .if if ' - ' ' ..1" - . n t i entne.o9. i btt . pare. etc . it eel s ppoit , i4ve'f-1.6t4 - ntii-.ttti litte4l atise iwht4Trt - thitailiA4.o cane i fthe • whilley'ic§niiiri•l'afi w.W1(17 olrhuon " i sa.?ii,'". l iiltiere; keili silenee,?" tunl;iwben ruen tri. [ rni?trith vitt, !m certainty flint. tli sanii. tl hig lilac nsingtht sayiti intOs AV re as well;if they ‘youldl 1•46:, wi)rls i'Noterlcion!' .. rind t.ti 'inneh Ayer! in 'these days, and of reintieruniti hot. blbod. Let us a w,i Irani, that we do nnt misui a p ineanin , of tbose Who use teen. the ex t;d4onitions of these : istil 1 =I I 1 , -- 1 Itiii wlillt.l'fol - tlie - : . joek-'o(iiiiirm' 11 if° ott. miityldtooosaiefktooy 4o ,4 . i4 - t io- - Gby-liiiTiff:6" -- g-itite2worda,,- Vi la . ) ' .. t'..iii ' , 4e.i.ciiiii.l7 l ;! i ... l .[lliatlar7l.,t4 - :wwic ii2 . l t 4 1 . nid: Ai* i. , otiibisive,9r:.)iil iiirmr-into smia i rolled; wit kiontltW consent or.. her p eople. ...writ:hostileltiteaktirWdrd thenrbe mra: lill - .t.i.'; - eeilainlyt - thih k lt wauld.llte .ce. eer . I tir e _a ls o ifthegOittbf m iredinieninere t o , to rat init;v..firtr-if theArit:ited !States Anti ety Or( and - rqakC *IP meilforii; and °Mei . zerti, end iolier.4ll4'.dutitt on foreign i ri ,„ Onsi-i'kiiiiel€lcia 4 4 6 iti tfie,.aaila•from pWea , r i ihi i kisert.,;:liitloittrall,y.:;"violitti4L-feriutd en: ,t 1 ihise thi,io n 'TfeFfiinrsionn:;.er , ' iierriiiir . ' tint .' prdfessed reverent thelliiien, but w tq i eft/11y resolve that they will Waist eoei t io rt .invasion, itderatiOilithat :SOCA:thine s , q 6 enttbe part' of oe'ualtettrAllitis ironlii cierciten' or,.invrialonZpf..a.Atatel,..a, - ir idea of mentiete - pfe... - 4rie the•Okiectl ..,r great affection Wortlitieem to be:Exceed _, y thin and airy rir'sick i the:little - pills of . e homopathist would'be muct tea large for t. svidllow: Inlthelilrietr; the UttiotiOttra J I relation wauld Seem to be tri l 'it ' . 11 1 3, t , n u s r rittie, but _rather a sat :of free-love sr: n Cln Oat ' to -be; -tnaliatelner :ori . piimte es t ti 'nit ;qrs. - !Kr tkewayiittiVhat'couslits tlit e ial Snerdnest , of A. State 9 - I speak' net lie-position "assigned'to--a- State ti 'Me -ma by the . Constitution for; that by•lbe' d We all !recognire...l That]st.: position, ho e , a 4 taw cannot tailry, out Of the Union' t.' it. i 1-Speak jof -that - assinnel primary I t of . .it State • to! rule sills-bleb is len than' c f. did ip . ruin all t width is larger W an t e r ._=ft a ,ri nd- too` atd - a: county;' , lo a 'give& i should` be - equat'in -extent of tettrpte l .y . equal in number or 43hubitants, ffi - .444,- matter of principle. is the State better . the: county? 'Would Lan exChange of .ell 4 an exchange brfights? Upon prin- - e, oni what rightful principle, may a State,- i .g ad more thop one-fiftieth part or the* t on , ift soil anal population; breali , up - the' t en and th4tt cderce a prolportionablylarg.- -übdiiision of itself in thVmost in-binary, ? ~ that mysterious- right to play tyrant .nferrcd on aAistrict....l country' with ins . ple by Merely e . allintlieaStale ? ,Yelloir. i• ens, - ,;I are not ;asserting anythihg.-. lath ely, a sking questions for you to. consider. _noW, allow me 10 bid-yon farewell." .1i... Lincoln is donbtless of the opia. k that—silence Is the better.. part of I testonnship in his preient position, 1 : than it will Ibe tine \enough to e :: .ss his- viewssite he Can ; do sO in . „ horitative 1 man n er . .... This. is right;, 7 s rtheless i ,. his,, views are „doubtless hot:lowed . in tbe. bove propositions.. ~, , , I Ir. Lincoln .nill•b•_Harris:ug on • • • • day (22d) at 11 1 , ;dock' P. N., and lain till 9 - .. tiifdpy: He 1011 prOeeed direetiv. to Washington, and er_ - upon the es.s of forming .the iinetl and fniNlii.g his Inaueural. e inatiguration - cer tunny taker One a k . fratti Monday,:• • 1 , , . . . :From Ala hingtote. • cp i cial I)iipatch to tq , .• I Y. Tribune. I li'sizmoToN, eb. 18, 1861. The ti , ffuris . of )the ' di"ea? ruing of the O,cpublioan party l wi . 1 lioe noneentr . :ted ut:Mr. (Noisefur, a se t. in the Cabinet. ';The lai:ifie.Ruiltoa •bill is'-considert4 tle:id. 1 ThreO route trouldsmunp the Freasuri ' - 'f he vote w. lite ta if ~ i s exNeted,.to., )e takeit cat ll:editelay;•-ket .probahly n.ly iiar iseceaehedlo' -motrow. The propos :Ll freduetion On the sugar duty one half, tntl the!tax on tea and:eoffee are render xi neeeqsatzr . for rreveime to sustain tits Gol7erruneitt. A CouFerenee-Committee) moist ulfituately Shapet the complexion of the , - bill.; . . , ! i : -' _ ' the Peal3e. Cunferi thiS,week. , A recorim tional donventioU wil , ..itin'n Idtery to eon] CoUiresS. Tile Re Hoses lire prepared t The court-martial o wilt) s'ufrendered the Yard.) : now sitting. him is tlery, eonelusiv er ti difficulty ~ that o l t d, get the IV±ande tip rate tor the -,defersJ ft - Fort would:Tittle Without 41lat aid. eirtnce of Abiscisa for wife., Po!so Isig. - , . ' 'he Court Room o .1-Indsorr Conbty r -Eltiuse•was' aga i filled this (Mon. morning by pers ns anaioui to hear down of Abson, he wife poisoner,) not:lobed, avd ab out 2,000 persons. e congrezateci outs i d e, ttable to gain, entrance. -. Thegall ery was, entirely d with women: She riff Francis made ,,l ngements so ihat repetition of the: t_ mean' proceedin :of Monday last. preiented: ITh culprit was con- , ted to - the Jury . ro m, about Sa. m„ there remained util'the opening of ,Court,> at Ai: ~ at which - bottl es hreught_befere Jiii4ge Ogden and; r ! 'elate Judges IFin s and*Pope: II IA beiric , askedi he had anything . ay Why ju t 'ddenientl should not now b e: sed,,Mr. Abson said ; 'I nave to say that I feel bum _ ntlig i =pi did." ,I" ' 1 , adze Ogden then proceedik to pra nce the sentence (reviewin g the item he case), whist:'wis, that Wm. /lb, be t oken benne and'confined iti the; nty yell until i Wednesday. the 10th . of APril ensuing), and that then be _ en , the hours of 101 a. m., and . 2 p. nil. ' - 11 t • .he ''. or, query gen. At,Co that po :true and just lid the whole is; a time to tangle by the my mean the word, it . per, keep silence nvasi are' ten with some rotke snip, if derstand the . Let us get s lids, not from nee adjourn endation of a Ye , L be its only propo.. land the favor of 'sublteans of both 1. support this. Com. Armstrong : • Pensacola Nary- The proof against, -. It Was with Lieut. Slemtum to retaiped to' co. 'of Fort Pickens.. have'beert taken.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers