Colin. a* COUDERSPOAT; FEnTt HE EDUCATIONALASSOCTATION - ,AND TEACHER'S INSTITUTE of Potter Co. will hold its Seini-arintial Sessiontit Conde4ort. March 12th._ 13th; 14th; Arid 'lsth;' 1861. , In addition to the usual course,-.of • drill; • dis elLiSiOn;-kc., a- course ,ore Lectures will be delivered on School Organization and Disci ' Four evening lectures Will be deliver . rd, commencing on the evening,itrthe 1 I th, End on the evening oftte: 15th the teachers will hold their 'Levee. It is hoped to make • this:Session a season of "p'eaSure. and prof and nlarge attend:loco is desired.' • • , - G. IV. D.' VIDSON'i •TrG4',. Ilibron, Feb. 12th, 18,;1-. The States have:seceded from Pot ter county, and have withdrawn the inail service. No ivail was received here Tues. flay evening; in consequence of the high flood in the Genesee and other streams We hope.some amicable. adjustment may o once; as 'O/o'l3llBs the mail serf tnuell We propose 4 Peace -Convention at Ellisburz or Genesee Forks.- Oil , Exepment.—Out quiet villiage Ihss at - I t given way !ci the unierEaloil t,:vo, and the whole coniwuoity is surg- ing and swaying about with the. conse quent exeiteinent. Last 'week. Messrs ,A. 'Cr. Olmsted, S. M. Millsr Lewis Mann and D. S. Glassmire,:made a visit 'to the oil region of Tidioute; under the auspices of several of the leading capital ( its of this place . ; and after leasing. some claims ' there, Messrs. Olmsted, Mills . end Glassmire returned to this place on Sanday evening,—having lead O some land at Kinzua on their w. Itome. • n Monday, ten of the thitte n gentlemen . -interesr \ cd met and organiz d a company• with'a capital stock of 65,0 0 cash, and • the other members . will increase" the stock to 87,590.. This c pital in, 'the. bands of the energetic men it is will be ample to develope their leases, and„inake them all. wealthy. They are going to commence operations immediately after Court. They have lso leased one .small ;Claim at Titusville., Laic and Food.—FOr the; last, two •' tits its 0!) have been blessed with plenty "of snow,- beginning abOnt thefirst of De cember with 6or 8 incites, an gradually increasing up to last . 4edne) ay when there,was l about_ 32 _inches on tie Alain le vet,: withl - 0 or 12 itielit..s trbre in the woods. . The uheie snowing season wound up With a blustering gale during the \wliolb of Thuisday, Thursday night andl Friday morning. A •calm ensued till Sattirday noon, when moderation set it, assisked by a steady ;rain all day Monday, and '4,gencral 'thavi and break up' with a 'stupditdcus flood is the . result. lkitweenl the ice, logs &e., all the bridges in . the Tillage are in great danger—one at least,) leading.east across the river will have . tox .'.be, removed, to save any porlion of itondl Ahe - soutliblidge. wi:l,probably be carried !away by the jatn.nosTfressing against the, •cast bridge when removed. The cast bridge,cost•some $359, .and will have to IgeTeplaced at once. ' The other iq only' a , temporary one, - and we helieV•e it is in. 'tended to build another the coming sum imer. '[This was written Tiieday.] Wednesday, the water has fallen con •Eiderably under the influence of a freeze, ;and the kith:es:aro all still standin. , 'The jam of logs and ice has gone out, /leaving a clear channel in the river. The damage thus far has been consid-, '-rable—particularly to the new Tannery, destroying their Cats of nearly fluioed 3eather—:-probahla dnmage 81,000. - Oth iers have also. suffered by the backwater, but we have not room for the particulars this week IVAIIING I TOIsI, Feb. 8, 1861.--Col. Ilayne and Veut. Hall left here this morning 'for Charleston. They came "here tozether by agreement , and so re ,.lan/. . The Postmaster at :Mobile denies to Po t•Office,Department that letters s pa sin through his office have been 'fiOlatep. FROM LOUISIANA.—On Friday last, the U. SI Mint and Custom House at, New Orleans, were taken possession of *y the State. authorities. The officials ,continued in I,heir positions having taken he oath of allegiance to Louisiana. The amount of Government funds in the hands of the Officers was 'some 560(1,00(0, all of which the rebels took pcissassion - of They also seized. one of the U, lteve- Due vessels• New DEMAND FOR Otr,.—The Frank lin Spectai.or.iays:- I, 4n' English com pany, in London of immense capital, has been for some years engaged in distilling 'oil'from Scotch bog coal This company es ire are informed by good authority, wishes to make contracts through their stout in Boston; for a large and constant supply of Petroleum, the refiring of which is to be their business in. future,. This opens at once a new: and vast inar k .et for. our staple, and wherever intro ttueed, it, has nothing to fear from tests er cp sparisous. as an illuminator...' .-T. - , 1 Sharp colloquy ,; took 'place in •'Sen to . yesterday betw6n John P. le anA . Joe Lane, in Whi l ch "the'New. . mpshire ,Seinitor . told, Lane that : if • il, war came ,the first'thltig that Would , ~ done troUld he to surti o rese ell North. traitors.' ',,,T0 Clingstion ,of North .thlina, who had compared, the seces• in of the Sonth to the going out of the ~f -Israel, . tribes of --Fiale ireplied that : len tribe, had left thel' ark of the enant bellind them w a hen' they need . , nd went : to destruction ! ea complete roobody Inlt Clod-kite* what had be= c of them.—N: ' .Tribune sth, nittg. g=l ~• --,, - 10TDERSi',46 T1113.-,,Tite!ThllowittgjE•ttn ract from a let,ter Written by the pastor of :rptist Church to the "Journal and Ws ageri." Cinch:mat' , , Ohio, tied . 'speaks voiumea r ifavor of that World-renowned medicine— ls. WiNst.uves,oOTHlSO STIMP FOR. CUM , TEETHING S i . •' i` We see Ito advertisement n your columns • : . - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Now we • ker said it word in favor of a patent rnedi -4e before in our life, but,:nfefeel compelled say- to your readers" that ilits is no humbug 11 , jIAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW] IT TO DE ALL ;IT 1119. •It is, Probably . , one Of the most su'r-- sfol trie - dieines of the day, becane. it is one the :besf.- And those of yOur readers win" re babies can't do , better, than to lay to 4 i 1 . !I " ptJ• i Special Notice. MALES SUFFERING fri;m Scalding 'of the Urine, Prolapsus. Lueorrhea, should Dr. Andrews'.fever'ana!Canker compound. W•etnoves alt Feyers, IrritittiOn, Itching, and Ives the pares-. in a, healthy, Condition.— [ease consult: "Last Hay bf Hope," to be lu'd tlkke Proprietor, Syraeluse,.. %'. Send! ttup . to,pre-pay•postate, :or it may be had j ittis,tif Agents. For sale by Q. S. k E A. Lies Coudersport • • :71y. • , Uncle ' Steve's' Piils. • 7 w ADE from Toots. Barks, and Plants • Not rui ecothendcd . to cure' everything, h t as the hest and most RELIABLE FAMILY er 'Fie knon ' They. leave the Stomach' and .11 wels in. ii, healthier and Vetter condition th in any other physic. Try' one boa, and re turn if not satisfied. I. j _;! Sold by c. s.'k, 4. i hne, : .Agents, Couders p rt. - il ' , ' .. ! . 71y. ' . THE GOEAT ; FEMALE lEDICINE.--71'4e fictional irreetiarities peculiar to the Weak- Ismy, are invariably corrected without pain inconvenience by the use ofJudson's Moen ti Herb ?ills.' They are, the safest and stir- It Medicine for, all the disenees-incidental to males of all ages, and more esi ecially so in s climate. Ladies: who wish to enjoy- health should ail ways have these Pills. No one who ereruses them once will allow herself to be witliout tliiern They remove, all obstructions, purify the blood and gire to the skin hat beautiful. el, ar and healthful look so g admired in a beautiful and healthy wiuna lAt certain p nods these Pills are an indispenSable com p 'lion, From one. to foue.-should be taken er eh dity. until relief is olitained. A few do se . -cmcmion:ill}-, will keep the system so h althy, arid the blood so' pure, that diseases e nuot enter the body. , I • Judson's Mountain iletto Pills are sold" by al medicine dealers. ,l-' l ' • 1 :• Try one box of Ifyde's ;Celebrated. Indian Piasters. It removes Pain, SoreneSs, Lame nos or Weakness, quicker and more certain Wan try other known article, andis a specific re63edy for Rheumatism. It is the cheapest aq well as best Plaster before the public.— Pcom Bto )2 large, Plasters fo'r 25 cemt,s. Cir ctlars- to be had gratis of Agents. 7 Sold by. C. k. EA. Jones, Coudersport. ato by dealerig l eiterally: , 1 71y. . 11 1 . 1 Auditor's NOticp. A L TOTicE is bereby given that the under -111: signed, an ?Auditor appointed by the CPurt to Make distributionpf the proceeds of thel sale of persoiiiil property in case of P. A. 8 ebliihs m. R. J Butterworth, of Sept Term 1 GO No. 59. will:attend to the duties of said a pointment at the office qt the. PrOtlionotav hilCondersport, on Saturday the - 10th day of .Fdb. .18111 / at mie,u.'cicek r. sr. Parties inter es cd will attend if they think properl"; t A. 17 G. 4 0 t LMS I TED, _editor. an. ?3, 11361.1 000 t SHEEP FELTS, wanted $ • .diately at . I:- " - ' ST i • BINS" • 0 11 0 0 1.a n. ABLA. Robe T rt iO G IST ; w i _ bite, . I C IE 6 R WLI CAS -rtlt tlic : :Presiddptdiidge, and the lions: Joseph nn and,.Cr G:}Colvin, Associate Judges or M.l the Courts of Oycr it Teriiiiner and General ' Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Pence, 0t . ,phans' Court and Court of Common Pleas' t to the : County' of Potter, bare issued their pr cept, bearing date :the seventh day oft January-, in the yeneof' pur 'l i ord one thou-1 sand eight hundred and sixty-one, and to me diected,feritolditigia CoUrt of Oyer and Term in r and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses ilsi ns of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court j oftComara - Pleas, in the Borough of (louder- I sp rt, ,on: MONDAY, th'e' 18th day of Feb. ru ry next, and to continue one week 'otiec,is therefbre hereby given to the tor- Oilers, j f.t justices Ohe Peace apd Constables wi : hinithe .county; that they 13 .- e.thipni4 there in(heir proper persons, at 10:o'clock A. M:' of sad day, with their rolls, 'records, linquisi ti s, examinations,' and 'other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofdces ep pc tam to be done., Awl those who ar bound . by ,thoir \recogniziinces to prosecute against the prismiers' that are or shall be in the jail of Said county of Potter,°a•re to be then and there, to frosccute against them as will be jeist. ated at POUDERSPOILT, Jah. 7, ..1861, and tB4th yearolthe 'adept ndenee of the United ' Stites of America. . : : M. F. BCRT, Sheriff. , 1 sFill garitess : mop T . frinfiE undersigned a ould respectfaily inform - the surrounding community that he has to -eta the ram: formerly occupied by A. G. 01stdd, where. : liP• is prepared to do 411 kinds of gamest; Work on i the.shortest, notice. ' ' ' I -, LONG STRAW . COLLAR% , , al o keptennstaettron hand.! • Thee* eollars i , . ~ ar a superior article, and need WO atrial - to inSure their suceeis. . . I,2epairing!done iri good style. , • 3areingles, Martingale-ring, names, and lir me straps, kc., kept constahtly on hand... 4'be public are invited to cell atill,xamine, Deroce purcho,sing:eLsewhere. • • , S. P.lL'iAtt- 1 ziersport, Ont. IStlt t 1669. El , Afiticied VRICE•CLURENT* - Corrected every Wednesday by E. X. STEB , BINB 13110. Witblesalts and' Retail' De'alers in Groceriel and 'provisions, !; Opposite D. 1 0 .1:11assmIre's Hindi' Collderspork,l l o. - Apples, - greeni.Vblish., • $ 87/ to on do „. dried, 14 - • 1 012 oo Beans " *" 100 , Beeswax, ep l ib.,! 20 25 Beef, el, 4 Berried, dried,' qttart , • 4 Buckwheat, V bush, 40 = 54 Butter, V ib. t • -1 .17 Mice:to, • 4 . . 8 It Corn, V . buslig ' • 75 Corn Meal, per COrL I , 4. : 5 . 0 2QO Et.,s,. V dot, , : 1,5 Floutyeltra, bbl., 650 7OQ do , sUperlinel, 4 ' a 50.6 00 Hams, 10 lb ' • .12/ 15 Ilay If! ton,_ - 60 e4O Honey', per lb., ' _ 10 121 Lard, j . 12 15 Maple !Sugar. per lb, . '8 12 Oats, V bush., Ilft , " 75 1,00 Pork, bbl., . • .•21OG 23 00 - do ig 11;4. 10 13 do in whole hog. 12 Pointons, per hush., '371 50 Peache4,dried "e'lb 25 .; • • Poultry', "fil , lb., ' 6 ,7 ltye,'per bush., •, 63 75 Salt; . bbl., ; - , 275 3 911 do "t 1 seek, 20 Trout, per A bbl:, ,G 00 700 Wheat. '''-e tush., 1 : -'1 00 1.13,1 White Fish, II 4 bbl., '. 1 '' 650, 7 00 I YOUR _,„'ATTENT-10 • - • 1"01 - A 31011ENT, IF YOU PLEASE.. .• T"'SUBSCRIBER has juit received a new Etock of • DESIRABLE c 4. ty, t 3 t 3 :0 Direct from; Nen- York, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCE IIIES of all kinds, lARDWARE. CROCK. , • ERY,: BOOTS it SHOES, ! , & CAPS, Latest - • styles, READY-MADE CLOTHING, DOMES TICS; such ns..9IIKET7 INGS, TICK, B.ItTS, ke.--in short, all kinds of goods usually kept iu a / NO. 1 OC)trpTTRY STORE. All of Which will be sold very low for ' EADY av . I=l Tho aboye-named stock of Goods is now open and for the New Brick Store none CanfieltEs-FloOring Mai, a few rods cast of, the Allegliftny Bridge, IN COUDERSPORT: wlter4 the'proprietor would be pletred to re ceive Falls from lils.olditustotncrs and as Ma ny tfeiv ones at fe l el disposed to DEAL . WITELITIBit •1. I • The market ptice paid for all kinds of I • ' • : , • PAIIMERS' PRODUC IN in exchange for Merchandise. (31,1i.t/t4 COLLDiS .2, 1861.H15-Gmo. , orders; ort, Jii n , , •' Used' 15 wears in aii Extensive and verySuccass , id Biedical 'Practice. i .; 1 A CERTAIN REMEDY, FOP, I 1 iFO er Cankei and Inflammation f ' 1 , ][ i•it , . a• ANDBEWS' Fever and C nkci }--` ••• Compound nii unquestiOnably the, 1)64 arid most reljable remedy tor Scarlet ev'eri Nleasles; Sore Month or Throat, Coughs, Cold; Bleeding at the ;Ltings, or fort Fever of every gritde . - , ' ; Hopeless Ca ses 1 , of; 111 r 0 at th l e Lunge, Coughs, (calle ;-n , • , Cons ption,) Debility orjheSystent, Female Weaknesses, and'all general Fevers cured.) i I ; „ 10,000 Certificates. ~ • 11 , 1 conlCbe published, showing !the most nston- isliint cures. ' - L i •• 1 I , l• :: in. ' ---- i iI; Nellon Holladay, Esq. Grotivn, N. T., cure ofißleeding at the Lungs; severe Cough. slid Genertil Debility of tho System, called- COni, SupiptiOn., All )lopes of relief had failed 11;bni • every other source. The cure was perforrried live years since. 'He is .yet, (itarcli, 186'0 )1 I. n n--- • 1 ) 1 n enjoying good health. ! ; -•• • 1 • - . • . i • I.lrs. 'Henry , .4 anderbelt, Orleans, N. .y. l , cared of extreme Icase of Female Weaknes.s, Prollipstist f teri, and General) Debility of ilie i• 1 , System pronounced incurable! by many phy.L siCians—,three years standing, Now in the en! •joynient of good bealtb. .1 1 Jilrs: Luman Johnson, Summer Hill, N. 'Y. . 1 , cared of extreme! Female Debility, NerrOus Weakness, Irritation, kc., .k.c.l • 1 1 • 1 1• ' • ' - 1 Thp'afflicted sliouldronsult: "Last Ray':, r H ope," published, ibr gmtuitclus circulation, by 0. Andrews, 'Syracuse, N.Y.. Sent to any address on receipt of a stamp Ito pre pay pox.i tae or may be had of ;agents gratis. C. IS; .k E. A. Jones, Agents Or Conders.port. 1 Tlyi •, Audi ' s otice. . XTOTICE is hereby given , the ar4 nde - signed, an :Auditor appoints by the Court to make distribution ofthe proceeds, of t.le 'sale of real estate incase cif'Sobieski Ross` us l Jameso Lynch, of Sept. Term, 18, Yo; 6d,, Will attend to:the duties of his appoint' meat at the office of the Prothonotary in COu=, dersport, on friday, the 15th day of February] 186 L, at one o'clock, P. M. Persons interested will attend if they think proper. , R J. OLMSTEDi. Jan, le, 1E81. 7 i:17.4 j 1 ' g. a d,, . ~..., Agists, rccem Priv 11Familie . • Wolfe'n - Parti Cognac aridy. • ' ' Wolfe's Pare berry an Port Witt,: Wolfo'v,Pare Zara ' d St. Cr • :Bitut IN elfeti Pare 49 olch init sky: ' ' 13 lit • , 1 ' • 'ALIPIIIISOTT .igi , 1 / beg lea v e 10, ea be alien ion of the eiti 'zens of the! United Oti tee to t . . 1 e•above Wisrui ;and LIQUOiSi imporgid by ijii Ipho Wolfe, al New York,., whose 1114ie - is. fiutiliar in every • pa 4 of thiS cOantr 44 the pu ity of his &le- I braced -Scatitiatt IC-itAITS. kr. Wolfe, in. 1 I his letter to Me, tipl . ding oe purity of hks Wines•andLiquorsi ys: ' Twill stake , irif i repatationlas a mat iy stand rig as a mesH X.hrint of thirty yea • residenc in the City or 'New York that al; he Bran y: and ',Wines' I Which I bottle are. jitilre 'as im orted, • and Of the best quality, arOl "can • be tried upon by 'every purchaser." i.. very bott has the- pro=. ,prietor's,natne on t wax, an a facal - Ear' of his sig, on VC Certific teL • The pit) . ' , cl , lic are respectfully.; Anted to all-:and er I inc for themselves.. or sale t Retail by at. Apothecarles and orit curs in Philadelphia.. '. Gni), IL Asiirn 4 N). 8:12 31arket st. Phil, 1 , :So f" Agent for, l'ldtuffrlpliia. • • Bead thO follow i i g 'from the New "ork • Courier:' ; ' .i 1 1 • - - - Exp., ! ots 13,.. .ss roa ' Nn . sw 1 ()nit lfzitcworr..--We itrij, Mppy:to nform our fel.:, ,t ) low-citizens that tit, e is orie dace in our citY• wlibse the Physiciag„,apotheca y, and erountry merchant, C ari, go map. iiiireha e pure Wines and Liquors, as pa4.llas im, oared, and of the best quality. We iti not intend to' give an 'elaborate deseriptiO of th 4 Merchant's ex 4 Itensive business, aloagh it will repay [ any stranger or citizen V Visit IL dolpho Wolfe s' extensive Ware-ho : , Nose 18. '2p and _ 2 _ 2 i ' 1 Beaver street, and N s 1 , 9 and 21, Mark afield street. ,' His 'g, . ck 91 'clinarips on band ready for ship•tnentd:mid n t have \been less than thirty' tlibusati cases; i t . e ,Brandy ; some 1 ten thousand cases t P 'Fintaghs f 183 U to j. 8565 6 and ten thousand tics oft 3 adeira, Sherry and Port Wine, S ' tch aid Irish Whisky; , Jamaica arid- St. €r+ Hunt nitre very old • and equal to any ibis cr:oui try. • lie • also had three large eetlyri,' filedwith Brandy, Wine, Ac., in easkqander (las ma loase.key, ready for bottling 'Mr.! olfe'. sales of Schnapps last" year,istrinnt d to bne tundred and eightyittibusali doze ; rind we hope in less lbmi two yeari is . May bb, equally, suc cessful with his BrOldies a d 'Wines. \ 11 -His bnsiness 'merl s the p trcinige ofhieTl- 1 i i lover of hiS, sbeciei 1 'Priytelfainiliis who wish pure /Vines an , Liquors l'Or myAlicai u sec ; should send their • orders dtrt itrio - 11r.- Wolfe,l until every, Ajiothei,i, '4o' inith ; and make upl their minds to 'disc4rd the p4iso,4:t anus stu (firma 1 . their shelves, and lane itiwi hiWolfes pure Mims and :Liquorsi 1 • j We untleisttindSk Wolf , modatiOn of small dealers i 0 tll ,up assorted cases tot Vinto !Such a mart, and 'slch 1..m4re1l 'sustained against Iti.Slt;ns of tli ,ponents in the Unit/I lat 9,•••, lug but imitations[ ''rininou"s health 'and happinetis,'„ ''' .• - . 4 . , .•riEfts. pxperieice:d Sinq ptcsents i SOOTHZ , whicl /OR lIILD4IEI h' !ing 7 l l by softetiiii th g Nlatttntioti = Kill alliy acticig, had SURE REGUIATI Depend_ iipori mth 11V54.0 - 1 1 and l'hift; .ri r t344llo, the p i t . )4 mas rerli ILL 1E TOE El( , .. ".e. yojrselvCs,und • , .. i ,„ , REtilp :AND HEATH Til .3f!"I7III:REANTS 1 1 1 , We Itve pit up 1.11 . 1' so d. th 's article for ;over ten vsarSl and C.11.N. 3AYI IN CONFI ,,DENCE 'AND Tltiliglr of if, lliat we have, 'nover-been able to S:ay ;of fitly thee medicine —NEVER HAS IT TAME, iN lk SINGLE t • - INSTANCE,.TO Ell FF CT 21cLRL, when ,timely used'. Never die we - mvx an instance'l I,lOf disSatiseacticin by an) . Goan:filo used it.. On: the :contr.:l-Y, ail nit 4161 ght6l ' ith its btta-; tipns, and speak in ter s o s f c mends, tio ofi its Magicalieffeks and," ned kat virtues. AVel, spedk in this mtitterirr w lA't WE DO KNOW,I'! ~ ~ • I r • after ten year.4'' experi ne ',..4.ND PLEDGE; : OU,R REPUTATION' FOB T lE.FULFILMENTI OF: WHAT WE HERE IQEC ABE. -In almost; i every instance Where the lifrilftt is suffering,' :I•coq'parft and exhaustion, relief' will be found' riit - fffteeni or tvrienty minutes after the syrup' is administered! .1 : 11 This valtiabli preparation is t i on! of 'OM innsEXPE lENCt usedNURSF.S in New nglandl wit 4 li EVER FAL LNG SF 1 TEccousANDS, or ii: not only r lieves the child' invi,g orates;theistomach and bo acidity, and gives tone and s whale system,l It will almost Here i , GRIPING - INITIE -7 73OWELS, , 1 II 1 COLIC '', , : • , 1 and,oversonie onsulsicina, whi 11, if not spec-I dili remediSd,• end .in death. ',WU believe it: the BEST and SUREST REM , . DY IN THE: WORLD : in all cases 't)f DI S' NTERY andll DLARRIREA LI culmwtN, w ether 4 nrisesi from tecthibg,l4r Binaany other cause. Weij wont& say to 1 evt r.} - ;motherlv o has a chid suffering from i ttny of the foregoig complaintsll PREJ DICES, NOR.] —DO NOT LET YOUR ti THE MEJUDICESI 01:,OTHE S, 'stand. be-' 1 twi eu. you ,Indl yonr, - stiffering bild.-and the] relief that nil be SUREI—Yes, ABSOLUTELYI SURE- -to foß the use of this medicine, i ifl timely used. , Fulffdirections for' using will' imcnmpany leach biittlS. None l igettuine un less the fac-siritile of DURTIS dr - PERKINS,' New Fork, Is on thu outside wr., pper. I Sold by pruggisti tbrbukbout the world. .1 1 - Pflineppl 0 ce, 13 cedar Si., New York,l . .__ PRICE 01,1: i 5 CENTS PEI" , Sold by .1 S. -H. E...A. JONI turt, PC.. i . 1. I. gil:ditSTE I) ..4' it,IALI7B QTKlltit. Min alwayi -be, foetid the hest of I.7lCooliing,l . , Box and Parlor - :!_ • ' I, '. ! Ale 6, Tl'l and SlTETARO,N.*.titig;'lltifS, KETTLES.; • 8P OEMS; SCOltit - 11OWLS, ; FR.TING-PAS, .SAP-PASS, , Ithd..GAITLI:I-1 ROO. Also, ' -.: . ~4 . ---_,,, _, -j4 1 1 • ; gribliltttral ii 4119 ' elite,: , Stiehl;rL (A - 4...50R APPIL9 -; q Ct • i,I7V - A; TOR CORN-SIELLERS, HOILE-IArES DOGI%Wig, ti. - • --? 14E:1.1 NN ()RIC 1 .., is w A made aid 'tire inateriril m od. Good an i sobs intial. tAVES-VtOUGllB!ptit„ut; in an, paft4 o i l the t7tiunty—Tetins eniY. heady Pa, of all kiluls, ineludirik. CI:till, seldom refesed Ste on Slain Street opposite the Old conk Ilbu .e, Coudersport. Atli: 1,1859.--50 i VRNITURE . 1 W. H. p i - .-*,--.OAT. .i S. .., . 1 i Having enlarged and :refitted his W-AllE ' ROOMS, at • ~ 1 i ... ' ! iNVELI,SyILI.E, : . , tine new vn hand and will keep constantly for l iale,l4. larger:and, better variety of Cabinet 'Ware,and Chairs, than , litive ever been °W ere., ' ' ' no f in 'this seem" the O.cintry: - . i ilisistock of common work has never hee. eqtialled: , Having made extec.sive addit'ort Ito his!assortment of ', ... PARLO It - F-UR N ITU R ~ 1 he hos now on hand Plain Mahogany & N, ai tile tiap Bureaus,-Card tables, Marble tap rid. and.qentre tables. Fruit and' Toilet stands Mart‘le top Wash stands. ' )1 , 1 COTTAGE' 1 i ` ' AND I 1 , 0 I I I. • V J _FEENCFf IEA DSTE A DS. COCCH ES, .SOFAE,. I ' 1 ASO TEIE4-TETES, I new and beautiful varieties. ,'-- . 1 I , ganef Seat, Mahogany, Eor,king and Easy Chairs . &e., /lc . • 1 . .. 1 Ini fact every thing in the line of . 1 FURNITURE • , •found , • ean , p at his esMblichtnent. Davin: the best facilities for manufaCtUring and Per .cltsing hii stock for cash; : ' I i , .- e Undersold) l He will not b •ttr . pn • I i 1 'nose wishing to buy,, will,. save ! at leas twey-tlYe 14r cent, by callitt l on W.lll l Coals;. 1 READ Y COFFINS I J of aplaires k e pt constantly on band. P,er-, sonalliattendance with hearse:when requested:. I : ,- NV: H. COATO.f I lellsville, Xor.l, 18CO. u ' 1 - f i ''ABSTRACT or - I , ,; i • , i 1 The County Auditors Report. STATEISIENT of 13aNnces due tooi frotn lE. RIOS, late Treasurer of Potter Couy in account with School and Town fun4f, as appears by the lAutlitors' Ee' Lporti t ' 1 I.3lon`ce due trom the Treasurer, to the follcin ' i s un-. Townah Districts. ips and Distr I ' ri 1 Town. School'.' Abbott, 1 . $34 17 173 46; Allekhady, , i _ ' 80 16 •15Oi , Coudersport, . 21 78 41 i Ealalla, '‘ ' 43 3 Gennisee,\ ' so 77 Kebran, '* \ , 91 fin 743 Ilectjor, ' , l` 877.1 Homier, , - _ __ i or the, eecom e *Wry - . puts tut Liquors.— Slit, should be of sands of up- 'dip) sell Roth to homed: 2-6m* Keatirig, Oswityo, Portftge, 3 0rt4,,. Roulet, , 7p 72 Shut on, - 14 56 I, i Sweon, 1 . If) 08 • Svlllspin, 1 49 IS 273 64 Steirardson, 81 44 _837 311 . , Suranliti' f 111034 3310d ' lilyssbs, ' I 11.4' Whillrlon, . ' ,',—' 305 '231, Wesl.l3ranch. 10 83 303 64 1 j 11alat ice due toliie said TreaSurer for amount olcipaid. , • -s r 1 1 Tn. School" Bing i liard, , ,13 13:1 . . . Genuesee, . ' , '.. 13 06 . Harri,4ort, 1 1 - 34 92 • 17 Howler, , I ' • I. lO O1 ^ Ileetblr, ~ : 18 04 , ,1: Pike ' 61 G 4 80! Houle • 22 62 ( ..._...z.„Th 1 511aticai, , ' I 13 521 Sweelan, • 3: 24 ; , Ulyises; ' , 212 ~ r I Physieian.i . 1 tilers. her U Pr F Lsp, . Isess of teeth 4 cling all in-i and spai-; WELS. give rest to rs, a w Witnirt 1. on. ;0 . ;, Bu4+ e due froth th._said Treasur- . - - er' to the iCoadersport sad §,ltip . pap! State Itupt fund. ; , $2lO so' Bithrtice .due frdrn the said,Treasur-• • ,_l, . Oita the County of Potter.: . $216 :tip, lialance Aub from A. F JONES, Jai. i Tres l itr i er of :Potter County- to sunk Toni `hips arid School Districts., • I. 1? "! • Tciven. School.l Alleghaiiiy- ; ! $lOllO 1 Keitieg,! .i ; !1 52 4 561 Ilorcer. :•• ' • ', 47 Os‘rnyo,; ! 47 . 1 12, SYlvlliiih ! ,• ..; - . , 3 01 - , •.2 RI: Seintuit.l ; ! '"- I 61 '' 'F ,' 54/ Balettee due the said Treasut•er troM . Potte, Ce duty. ' i.. - ii.) I ~ W. B. GRAVES, County S. A. SLADE; • , " ' ' !L. BIRD. .' .1 • Auditors r the' pioescrip-! and SKILL-i and has been' ITCCESS, in ASES.' rom pain, but: i wels,• corm( is, • • • nergy ,to • the instantly re, . • . , . IL'ar OF CAUSES for trial;in the Court Common Pleas of Potter ,County, at Fe' Terns,:lB6l.' ;' 2 1 •' ' ' --H-- - i Byaa- 1 - and wife , tea.' Mann and Graves., Metz er, Strong adnyr " ! W. T. k A. F. Jonc Downs, i " i Wood. '- Gridley, . 1 "1 Lord and-Dwight. Stebbins, ! • '";W. T. Jones, et al. Criteitden &Langdori". IlortOn. Comuionw'th for use, ". Swartz & Johnsto. P,oniri,oy.& Sudth, .". Rosa & White. 1 Lyrnaa Burt, 1 . "1 fermi! Burt. \ I Hare, '! '-,-- •' ", Jordan. • ' , 1 Leanlardviliellan. Co."' Barry ,Lord. .i- Metzor, . : ";, Dwight. - T. Ivies,' . " A. W-& A. B. liortzi Warren & Son, , . ".. , Minnes.& Br. I ‘.• iv'iciii, '. 1 '- Jackson TOlVriShi , Han' ','. ~1 ' ' " Nean to-. .' i ' 801 l Occk at al, ' " Sqatt(l9...:' . 1 , , .• ; . • • H. J. OLMSUD,'Proth`y. ! I AND I WLND. I, • - , _ Loos =Cut. 11 ' • I • I L thes3 indebted to the late firmot i t. 311TEI &JONES, are politely requestech to ea t lit C. Smith's store, and settle andNpay; Inithout delay 4. By so doing yo'n will totretf l obligw us,--otherwise •sm will be under the l painfnl necesety of trying to Olitige you.' 11 1 1 1 ' 1. • 1 s i CpuderFrort i.T.In:C, 1 mITIVS: JONES. I'Bsl..—"lxte. 1, i 1 t BOTTLE. S, Couders MEM OE /10 G 9 lqa 80 JJ • 133 54 93 78 211 G 4 53 32 NM PALL ANDAINTgit i , ows.A.r 1 1., 1 i . sir'i i 7 6' 1 4V I *IONS B'ILOCK. IN pswAyp‘rtLAttri; THE pßcipnpiTtitt lus Juit itectiiVed froth Nair Torii ME lEM Ea;deit tieSt ;ice* of Gooflii ;EVER OF-OEItE_D POTT ER C 0-IT N 'l7 Y - • 11:ItssottmentcousisTat DRY Goot)s , Fats avid • Boots 4 ' -Shoes i . _.r. ri4ntritkrip; citOOKray; COCEfIES 1 3 gOVISIONSI. 4 ' „.„,„,„„„ I anal diterndirftd to sell Rods as low a . they:can be purchased .to log - purchased for Cash, no real tir bite • to pay, and:selling a large autointfo'r RSA 1' PAx, l atneztablpd to Share the Visaed curfoinetii Miring made arrarigetner:ta filth some of the host . Ulnae' au tho city, goods will • ' PIP I Pta •JO hg enniOliffg tne. constantly, fa' offer the LATEIif STALES a 0 BEST titAlATit'S of tio'odi: BEST GOLD 'AND slung Itaipatti keptl, on hand Pedrais_sapplied rcospnable!terrris. i • cAsz Odbb .I",ummi 11 • .;57112V OLE& I ohvg-tsisidgirpy A BitlifiN ell ' STORI of Ellisb*g~ tieder: the name and sty of S P . E wheie a G6iiPLETE GENERAL ASROWN kEr !ft b'e elinltantly kept on if...§ollldAt Oksraro,,Aptit2, ThO POople's Cook-Book. MODERN COOKERY Li ALL 113 BRANCHES • MSS ELIIA. ACTON/ Ft'LLY REVISIM ' ItY Ilia. H. J. jiAti. i. , . . 1 j • IT. T E LLS ! YOU How to Otiose all kindi Of i I ' Meats, Poultry, and GAS: i 1 with all the various and met i ttyproyed modes of dressing . end cooking Beef and Porri also the best and simplest i - way of; salting, pickling and 1 y curing the same. • 1 . IT TELLS YOl7 All the various midi, Most' 1 • ,approvid, modes - Of dressing; • cooking, and boning Mutton, •• i ' • Lamb, 'Veal, Poultry; awl Game •of all kinds, with th' : i - , ' different, Gravieic : and Stuffings appropriate to each. IT TELLS 'YOU How ,to choose;! . clitair anti E . I preserve Fish of all kinds, anti ! - ' how to sweeten it whetir min ,- • ! fed , also f all the ,various Ana wat approved modes of cook.' ing .• . t with the different Press ' I . big\ Sances, and Flavorings' appropriate to each. 1 IT TELLSYOI7 All the Various and most op::: i proved . modes of preparing . 1 1' , ing over fifty ditferenti kinds', i '' b f Meat, Fish, Fowl, me,' • and Vegetable Soups, Firo • - , • nStews, a d with the Relishes , 1 , ` and Seasonings ; appropriate' '' l . • :to each. . i ii OC - All the various and most sp..' . 1 IT TELLS , proved modes of cooking Yip" .' i • - etables of every descriptione i • • also how to ,prepare pickles,: 1 , Catsups and Curries Of all I' : - kinds, Flitted Meats. Fish ? : . , Game, Mushrooms, eve.!' :.• IT TELLS TO'S All tire-various and moot tip= ; - • - • pored' motes of premiere 1 ~ and cookinentfkirrdp ofF,liiiti l :and Fancy PastiY, Puddings,. Omelettes, Fritters, - Cakes • • lie!, and Sweet Dishes of yr- - err description. • • I IT TELra VOB MI the various and mast ap•-: I • proved modes of nicking ' • Bread, Rusks, Stuffing; snit. • Biscuit, the best method of i • preparing Coffee, Chocolate,. ? ' and Tea, and how to :ttiakis 1 j Syrups, Cordials, and rine?- , of varionw Unite • IT TELLS,YOU How Ur set , oise atill'arna.: . I 1 all kinds I ,of, !Fish; Flesh or Fowl, and in :short, how to' I L simplify illi3ihole Artorpook.; ing as ta' briiig•the ehisicest • luturits of the , table Withiie i 1 1 everybody's reach. i Tho book contains 4'lB pages, and upward( Of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are' 'the reisults, of actual experience; i hiving' been! 1114, and carefully tested under! the personal; superintendence of the writers. i It is printed!' in 4 wear a nd-open type,' is illustrated! witte, appropriate engravings, and will . * forwitrdedl to any address, neatly bound; Ara ithyt ag e• paid; tin receipt of the priee,i ' 00, lir in' eloth,,;extra, $1.25.. , ':. 81000 A YEAR C a l enterprising men everywhere, i above l work, our inducements to ing very - liberal. • • -, • Forsingle copies of the, 86ot, to age*, .witir.other inforteati or 'address' ' ' = XIIIN E n POTTER, r Re. 817 !renters • r tr. - H U be tulip by **Marsh. 411 such bi-: • or for iermit s apply te
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers