- - • 'S.I-74-4"sl 44.15 C 4 11 44 1 Vitiia'f7,0i fitgEa C tor,S , Wtlitrr 1 frikertvilit , -rereen drift' I fiji tt'tWitiv apPro.! ARIAN' the tr.; t e - xpressive words of other-law • wassoilvatti after a white to inentrrate theT, FtiTus tite - Weld Cephs tie Yalitllt *trite tVe Greet, siiLticiing.- 4 ‘ibl.tß (4.d." . •!,.15 now beloming itopntarized in connection with 11r.:Scalding'a gieat Ileatiache ,4 1.0iCour . e0on. bb' . ii..s7ed• - .lin noire"geder:it way :and the •ve ord., Clephiditi • - tyllt , bee t • stinzatOti ‘as - :Elen Lot tipe and . :::natty ":oilers wh6se away as - foreign-words' hits been woin 4.-rommon-nsao : tintil they:seeui unative • A' 1=2:71 l axdly Realized. tri 'ad 'll-'-orriEde Peridaelle this hafternoon. ,!!!!,wd-I E4cppg4- ipA.O t .11.11 t),4e.cAriesZ hand Vi to the' matt: "eat'yd . 'lir ail "eadaelte?" 'Toes it bathe rd," says kliaseeedinp,lY,".says 10, Imnd : upon that 'e gave me - it t'iiihalie -1 7, 11-; hand 'pan me 'ono; euteApe scrquielt - .that I '41:1115; realized NdAstz,"_tikdaniti. ':-: theftiv Mitt sign it which i tar re t -ukakesl,nown-itny deviatitr ; wliatever from the nataral 'state . , c• thtlryltin, and vie - ed in this light loultstl on as a sale gnarl intended to gift; nmtice - of disease Al' )1 ICI: ulightotherwise c r eexpe attention; till . to:, late to bs'irettieditil ;r and A 1.4 intlicatiltiisi,4ould never be mgit,eted. Headachestinty be class.- Hied mtnder• tito names; yiz: Synirktntnatly Syninfoniatic'lliadacheis raceedinglc common and is Ihe precut: or of atoreav' , varietj%of diseases,•antang.' : which n4'A - Poilles,Y,' Gnat, •ItheitmatiS•iii • mid 'all . kbrile_ : dis.eas.es._ In its ucrrotis.,t l iriti • it is syintiathefic-Of diseasm of the , •stonfach; eon ctitating sick headache. of ..h.ept , .cediteaiw con stitittitig cifwiteas,-consti pation and other dh.ortters of . tl-c-li•owc Is. as srell as renal and latrine affections. : Dis eases flie heart are vetv ttfci:d id with, iteadl.,:hes ; ..-Vna!mia. aitd I.l,:thor.t ate alto neo.ctions which fr. cpiently occasion headache. idiopathlc licad2sche is also 'very common ; being, usually disting.nished2:by the of m•rvonz headache, sumtOrnes.e..m..- ing, cn saddeniy in a slate of . apparent!y sound health, and prostrating' at once :the Mental amid physical- -energies, in other instances it COM.;!S: an tl tclr, heralded - - by depression of ) spirits or aceihity of tempt.r.— In most ipstanees the pain is in the front of the her.d, over One cr both eyes, and .somi,•- , times provoking voniitiwr ' under. this clazs may also he named Neur.llgi.t. • For the treatment of eiilier Cam, or Head ache the Cephalic Pills have tizen found a sure fe rnnetly, rehering the itioSt nente . pains in a few minutes, and by its sub •ez•adicathig the di, , ez • tses of which Headache is the unerring BRITIGZT.-+-MLIFII ' S wants you to zen , l her n Lox of Czpbalk! Glue; no, n hattk: of l'r,Tar- Pills,—but thiulihrg that'i, 4ot just. it neither :but. perlinps yell "be r,ftlier ing lyliat ; You see she's nigh `dead und gone with the sick lleachche, rn,l wants iOlllO more of the . same as rehired her- be fore. " • • - • : - Drug.erg , ,--You must mean -Spnldinz's Ce phalic Tilt. • Pridje. —0 eh sure :Yew s ud- re Re it, here's- - the: . quarther Illiegir me the nils and dent be nil day abnut it- :tither. A Real Blessing. Thwicion.—\\al, Mrs. Jones, how is thrd neadadie . r ; . ' - ;Its. Doeter, oil go:1p pA yon sent cuz ed. me in jnit Iu ty nod yon would zen . :.l mum k.o th,,lt I cim have'tliem ern s themstony Drag- Call for Ceplialicl'ills, I find 11:2 V cr fail; reeumMencl them in oil cascs - of " Junes send f h' clireetty, cad tell all me snlreriug frleucl, , , for tiny are a "rim! &/c.r.rivi; , CU . 4 -.204 W CAE Hervousileaciache CURF • 7_17-rricv. B.y.t.be use . of Ore Pills the period,: ttl tacks of Yervoul or Sick //eadoche tnny ho prevettt td ; if taken at the cointnencernent rf an attack' immediate relief front It:tin r.nd be.obtained. They seldom fall in. removing the ..Votr.tnt nnd /Headache to which fenntle3 are so sub ject. . Tltcy act gen tty upontitcboa- r Coalirnese. Men; 'Students. Del;clte Fc- perzotis,oCicdruti'?ry alet nre valuable ns 4 Lc zutire; improving, the ep yctile, giving tone acid rigor to the di:Z;e:-'tivc. or ga49;and testoring the natural elasticity and r•trength or' the Al7hole .ptern. The: CEPILV.R; PILLS arc the rezlult of long inrestigatiou'and carefullyconducted cz perimest=; haring ben in use many years. curing which time they have prevented and relieveda. vast amount of pain aosi .suffering, from ;Headache, svhether originating in the ttervolles:/sain or from a deranged state of the etomach eptirely veg;ttable in their coTnpo- Eitionond:tnay 1)e taken at all times per feet safety withotif.roaking any cliange of tli• et, onclittie . aornee (fang disourecob7c losteren den it gas!, toatintinitter to chittiren. BEWARE OF COUNTEIIFEITS The gennine.have . firksignatares (.4' Henry C. Spalding.on'each.Box. •.. - Sold by.-Draggiats and -ell other De:lift , . in hiedicies.. !- • • • - Box kill be sent by mail prepaid on re cent of the PRICE,. 2,5 All anders Et:with] be. addre: , sed to lIENRY C. - SPALDIV.I, r 43 Cedar Street, Nov-Yorlt. *** Sold by C. S. s: E. A. JONES, Couder:,- pot. ' TV:trait - C:li, of Trtosr.ptiritititi of o.ly4en and-Cachou by cont 4a,iion in - .l.lylirci, , on......anctioncil by the higheA .11edieal A athor;ties, botb - - and tb.e tufted States, and pl•mriticd in their practice: • . The.cNyerienee.of thon;••anib &By prose , , . Una . I.iiiiw,..;;;tration /fon:calk be cotppared ,Irnpui;ti: (if 'the. idinnt. deressiiln ;f cit ; ll ',..2.ncrp:y, , etberwisei siekiy "C!ontpre.iions indicates its necessity in ttlinost ev'cry ec.nt!eirable case. Innur,iptts it alllnalatlics has been tric , d,..i(ll:y„ , pr:.. - N.velii curative in each el the follow:ng.corapla:.nts; viz ht P.e:i!igf,:lyrc9U.x triiiloA - Tmanciations, I.l.7pprp,xiu,,clgv.s.?'ettfion. Diart4eq. Dll:Tritterg. Tiibti:cu!osip. SW( 1.11.::tc;:t. .31;zno•nerm.-aun, 117, i;c 3 . hi r er -.llend , . , ciefx:Plituma,- tivn i . likiervii?±rat Rn.rs,PinVes cat tAe..Face, -Ir.:ea3c. of General Dei ilitr, whether the result of acute disease ; Or of tite continued di initiation of nervous and- mnk.alar energy . froM.chronie compllitits,onit trial of this res t•trative its pioved suect...s.sful to a 'extent hick nus deserlp!ir,n rpr u ritten :attesttilipn wot:ddi . .tf,ler .I:mqtria, 1),(1- -ridden - as: t ‘conie' forgotten - in their own wig . hl.:tritoeds. h.:ye stiddezdy..re-ap:: piiared in the In:4y jtht yt, turned from protracted travel in it itiit.mt izttnt.— Some very i;tstaneei of this kind are attested to Soifet:ers. emaciated victims urapimrent F.:11011111COTS . 1,1:11a1;s -atm; tritie.ll change.;. anti that e.onplication nf nervous vaindespeptic ver., , ion to air and 'exercise f.lr the physician has no name. In Nervons - Afreetions of foi• t e.; toen. the operation pl-ep:it:3li,,n onitst neeettrily Le izalatnry. Ur unlike the oil oxiri, it is vig .ro:o•Fy tonic w-ithotit being , iNtsit..in: irs - erl;e.itiag attil iks-ntly, e.lttl'arly" :111:iient ert.a titt must oli , thwie clues of e:.:Atire ness witlnnit ever bein;t• 'lt plFtlit• or ir.flietilfg a.ilisagreetthie . sensation. It is ILIs others, - ni.il;.es it. so rent.iik...ble eliectind :Intl 11. remedy 1 - or filer, upon witieli it iii,pedrzt to exi.:rt •tt distinct specific tiction. by dilpersiugtLe loe.a tendency fortt; I. Dyspepsia, iontnne:%ible r.s arc its causes box. t t these Cl:alNbeate lotz of teufleet: foi• Col , most cotaittt.,l .cat,es, in cluding the etteettent Cvs.ircucy.t. ittunclicckeil Diarrltcra. even when navrtr!c7(.l to bys , •ittery, aid the 4. ffects hart been equally :oc:tlpal.l ,, ss of flesh and strnolli. Cel.)l l ltatitig tough. a;:tt gelicrailv Cuu ii .li;)tion., this renif-tly 1:.15 alarm ~f frieuds end physiehiz:F, itt eccrr..l very gratifying and in il.statie. 5. Ii ; Tubcre!:losi,t, this mcilicoted 't.cn 111 , .11, ilia:; OW good utreet of d,O n.oit c. ution,ly inc•parntiong of i •o.;:te, w.tliuta uue of weli known e (..nt ion of Icm.f.es cannot Irc too con- I.t 77s:or:dive, VA:e In Itil'eno.:•;! , sin, 1.011: I;:ifev, lit.wever, mort. otli‘ —it I,vvti" iavv.riAly r,poried. b o th rcflucit:g the :1:11L6 ;Ind .•,tii:'Lets of the jo!ntz and mils Ita Interniil•ent Fel4rs it strnit nccessa4 lc: a great remedy and e•ner:zotic res . tot•ativt‘, l'rrf-t — ess in the. neti, settlentents of the \Vest, a iti pr,..11,,hiy Le tote of high renown uscfnit.•.•.ts. • - No - ren.e Iy hns (Tee I,c•en discovered in the medic:me. N% Gich exerts Bitch prompt, Itnypy, Inilyte , tortitivo effects nppet pitaidete rapol strengti" with tin elispo tltt,n far t.vtire nud eitterfill etEetci.,e, inane- Cerco,v its use. • Put up in i.o.at fiat metal b axes containing GO pins, price :•0 cents per h for sale by rn•l Le sent free to man y: ad It se on fee( ipt of the price. Ali let- L.lder=, ute.. sttnniu it, ntlilres . ,cll to D. I.OOK'E t Co.. General Agents, 4—lv. C01.,r :St.. N. V. iiiiNLIKIVE ii-OHN. TO LADIES. UNT,F. "111..()C01 (IF ROSES!! A - ricli a roliir for the chrek3 or lips. 1r \VILL or WA'S!! ()IT, and h en. ogre relonios tlurAhlo 10,1' years. :n. Cm: Fo-rirh,nto? TwtHr:ll, 111:a. the clos et scru'ivy IWs. t4,dettct it.; Use. Can .be juice will not injure th:• This is a iluw Pr , 11.11'.0:011. nst.d by the c,•lcln - a;rd Conti of I.3nticili and P.tri.. eN 1 2:0,1,•(i frrc, ut hut:ies, n ilit cliret:lio»s fur Ilse, f. , r i 00. 11UNT:i covra TOILET POWDER." im -1)111, a ci.!z....liu:x.wititet:e,s t titlt Compleiion, :trol :11:1:ke alyt Illpg else u5,2,1,f9r this pur- I.,;•sQ.' 31A1,:t1 rzoi , fo• 5U Cant;. 111 NTS ren , nres tan. alttl (I,lptions of the .!;i:i. irc• r.u,cullts. j HUNT'S " PIVETIT,AL I'WIADE " for thi. , strrogzhuns an , l -impr,,ves . its growth. it Tram Czni2g 011'. is ‘varr.inted to Lmir t nrl. 113itA free tor 111: - NT•3 rE.m. BEAT:T[I'IE7f." for, the teeth- and gtllll^, Inst•s n‘l the ieeth, 14.3rderis the purifies the breath •In•etu.:lly, pre: , ..rves the teeth and 'preveuts toittviehe• 31.1ited free for SI.AO. L`NT'S - 4 NU IDA L WREATH PERFUME," Chlll 1311.! extracf.of tn••:ngc blos.zttras and co- Gee for *l.OO. This . exquisite perfume u•a; - ,Liet.l.l.l'y the Princess• Rntat ul Kugtlutl. oil her in arhig Messrs. Hunt & Co.. present . eit the Ptinvest: with an etvgatat eaz , :e of l'errumerv. (hi %Ville!) of the shove lrtielep. Were inel v w - lod) ia hanthouie sat glass with gol,f st, Ti nqs,v.tlNNl at $13t , 0, partieu tars of vvilidi afipcared in the public prints. All the above articles seat Free. ty6tpress, for $7).00. C:IS.11 A.-41) either accompany the order. or-be paid to the_expre,: - F: w 's 7lll on de livery of goedtc. !MST& C 0.,, Perfumers to the Queen. Reim il.onthm ‘:11,1 Sansim Sr. Phil. Pa. For Sale by all bruegistsand Perfumers. Tile Trade Supplied. E. A. *STEBI3INS a BRO., Coudersport, trace the above article a for sale. - ,W,ork . owtheiorm-. . - - . TEIE-11 - CII?"S'E R9pERT..TENNINGB, - . • I . iiire;:sor of:Pathology and -Operative .Fargry" iii Ma fte: - ,:etc. • . , WITArTELta - YOU -. Of the - O'rigin, liistor . and . • • .dislitiqive traits et' the - - - vailousAtreeds•of •Ettro- . • , -Arrican and American* Iforses, with the plivsl('-al forum • - - and *•• I' peculiarities ttc..o of the animal.' dud how to ascertain his. age,-1# the number d"eonlittou his teeth: illustrated with • - numerous explunatiry eagravitigs.' THE ITORSE AND EN DISEASE'S WILL TELL YOU Of Breed;n, Breaking', : Stabling,. ,F ceding, : • . Grooming, Shoeing,- and - . the general maimgenient of : the horse, - with the beit modes ,of ndminis . tering, medicine, also, • . how to trelt -Rearing, Stutubiing, Crib Biting, : „ • Restlessness, and other vices to whicti he is sub . 3cct ; with numerous ex.- - plauatory epgrarings. • THE lIOIISE AND IDS DISE'ASES WILL TELL. YOU Of the eanses,.syinptoms, and Treatment of tittli - gles,' Sore Throat, Die temper,. Cntarrh, Infin . 11-enebiDs, Pnen : tu Pleur;sy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, nearing. and W.hitlin:7; Lampas, Sore Month cud nver.3, and, Dena yed T (TO) or Al) oroiT ml i,eases of the Mouth awl Despir . - Ivory OrLiv.ro. TIIE lIOCSL ANt lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL lOU. Of the causes, symptuins, and Treattnent of Worm's, • Dots, Done, Strangura • tiun. Stony Concretions, -• Ruptures, Folsy, rho..t, Jaundice, Heim thrhcea, Bloody Trine, Stunes in, the liidnes, - nad Bladder. Iniiamma . tien, and other dkeases • of the Stomach, Bowels. Liver and Urinary Or • gnus. - THE HORSE AND lIIa DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the cruses, symptoms, r.nd Treatment of Done, • llloud and Dog Spnvin, n g-Done, Sweenie, • . Strains; Broken Knees, Wind o.llls, rounder, • Sole Praise end Grjrel, Cradofdllools,Scratehek., Galileo, -Thrtts'o, n.ri d .Co; ; also , Of Nef.ritn. , l; Epilepsy, gees, end other disease's \of the Peet, Leg-3, and Dead. • TUE DOME AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU - Of the. cans.es, symptoms7' and Treatment nts Fistula, - • Poll Evil, Glanders. Far-, ey, Scarlet Fever, Surfeit, Locked J a w Rheumatism; Cranip, Giills, Disea'ses of the, Eye and Heart, - ate:, bow to manage ikstra tion, Bleeding, Trophin . Ding, Roweling. ! 11: rria,amputatihn.Tap ping, mind other B , mrg,:cal operations. . THE HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Earey's•ML;thod of tam ing Horses; bow to Ap • proaeh, Ilatter, or Stable at Colt; how to acens ..._ tom a` horse to strange sounds and sights, and It Ow 11) 13it, Saddle, Üble. • and 1;-(ml, hint. to llar uess; also . the form and Inc of kVarran , y. -The whole being the tesult of more than fifteen years' careful study of the,hb . • pe:mliarities, trait:; and weaknesses of this noble nntl ust-fid The boric. contains pa;;e?:nppropr'r•ttely illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engrav ings. It is print - i , l urn clear and upeu trite. and . will be forwarded to any address. po4tage paid, w :Ceeint:of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth, extra, $1 23. RlOOO A VEAR can be niride by eine' pri.siug men. et - try-o e, in zelling above,:lind other poptihr wor%s. of onrs. Oar inductquents to all suelt,4 , !xe exceedingly lib eral. For single copies of the Book, or fir terms to agents, with other 'information, apply to, or'address JOHN E. POTTER, PahEsher, , No. 617 Sansom street, Phil. Pa it? IDMVA KO 2. Igain above s. 3. hird. St., COUI3EIISPORT, I. W. 21145.1CN, l'ituvtbTon. - ff) 14- /t1 1300 KS, .141APS,Ct - Lous, BLANKS— 140EKETS-, LEDGERS-. • DAV-LOOKS RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, DIARIES, • PURTFOLImi, • HERBARIUMS, LETTE°.-BOOKS k INVOICE-BOORS. Greek, Latin, French and German Test- Books.. All School Books user? in MO. Conn 49 kepi on huntl, or ininiecliatelll procureor idlen• - desired. Magazines or ano l Periodieala supplied when desired. A. good assortment oi Paper, Envelopes. Pens and Itiks. Also, of Wall-Papers,, Draw ing Materials . , Water Colors, BIBLES; T ESTAMEN'S, PRAYER 8: HYMN BOOKS, of various kir.ds MUM-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC. Slates, Rulers, Bads-Gammon Boards Chess Men, Lc., Lc. PRODUCE of all kinds takca in exchange for Books, Lc. . [ll-34] . - . LIFT: IIL. S4l 'BITTERS, - tiESE . ARPXQIN,ES,..howe 'now bpeu belbre the rabliififtir . .u,pqriod , of TattirY Y . EAuS; - 'hikil:tlfiring „that; tirneltaYe: maintaiiretl.a high ellafaeter_in ahuost oyery Tart:p . - I'lllo blob; for their extrasitctinaty;,untl initneilfat& power -iflyestoring,ileffi,eiliFulth to persons suffering 'under nearly eVeryikingl of. ilisoaso, 0- which the hurnarr frame Is liable. : ' The Itilliftring; are among, the. 11,l.kTtressing variety,o‘f huntatt tlikeasea which 'the . Lite Aledic i ineg Are walilittritin to be infitlitldit.' - - DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly demising the first and t-eczs.rl stomachs; unit creating, n flow Of pure - healthy bile, instead of the stale nod acrid kind; FLAII.7I.IiNCY., Lo-eufAppetite, heartburn. Headache, h.odie. - ;suess, per,'An*leiy, l.euguor, n i nd Which :ire-the genera nyntptnins of Dy;:pepsia; will vnnish,:as - a mitural consequence! of its core. o. COSTIVENES, , by . !cleansing,- the whole length of the solvent process.. and without violence . ; 4.11 rinlent!porges leave the bowels ccistive ! FEVERS; of all lands j bv restoring, the blood to a regul.tr ,c7irealatioti. through the proeesS of , ilerspirati , tt such.' eases, :INA the thor ough solution of all uttestinal obstruction in other;:.' ! The. Lire ;have been known to cite itIiEUIIATIBII permanently is three (IOUT in halc.that time, by re ma my inflammation From the, muscles and lig.tments of the .i6ints. DHOP . SIES . • of Ai kinds, by f:rteinrz and stretitheiting, the kidueys and Oladder; they operate most delightfully on these . finportant organs, and "hrnoe hive ever been found a cer tain remedy for the worst cases of - GRAVEL AIs.o.NVORIPS, .disledg,ing froth the turn- itigs.of (4.2 the slinky matter - to .which these creatures adhere. nul INVETERATE SORES, by the perf..;tot purity which these LIFE MEIIICINU give to the timed, and all the humors: SCORI:CTIC EnUPTIOY:S' and PAD COM, 1)\-ilikrnItyrutiveerfeet upon the that Elejl thc, and the morbid state of which ocer, , ions •all eruptive complaints, dandy, and c•ther tiLitgrecabje cow- The use of these Pills for a very short time. gill effect an entire mite of . SAI3 RHEUM, and a strikinw improvement in the eloorness of the skin. COMMON; COLDS end 'NFL:T.I - will nlw,...ys t:ured by, one doSe, or by two it: the worst cases. oriin.d proprietor of these 31cd cities; was emu! of Piles-of years standing, bv;the nse of the LIFE MEDICINES - vEvErt AND AGUE.i---For this .conrge or the. IVe..stern . :lnntntry, tliesc lonnil 51,1“,',.5ip.01y., 411 certain remedy.--- Other ineileilles Lave the stAjttel to a return of the tlisen,s---a cure by thest Med icines iQ perrianent—TßY '111E:4, CC 4ATI:7:' FIED, AND M.: CUlt1:1) • 1111.107.7 S FEYEFIS AND LIVER. -0011- PLAINTS.—Goiter9i Debilay. Loss of Appe tite, and Disei.scs•of Females—the iNlotliciAtis ? have'been used wi fit - the Ino,t, tteneneitf re sults in ctisos of this • tioscription:—Nittgs Evil, and , Seorfuht. in its w•oest forms. yields to Oh. mill yet paNTer,fitl ttction of these ce rnarlw.ble: Medichtes. „Night Sweats. Nervous Dobility, 'Nervous ,Coniploints of :ill kind:, Pipitotion Of ihe Henri, Painters' Colic, ate speedily ettreti. .; _ DI,SP:ASES.—Persons whose constitutions hove; lipeoute - impaired by the : injudieiems use of 31%9..ccur, will find these Jleiiicines n perfeei'enre, as they never fail to eradicate flout itt 4ystent, :Ili the effects of Muenry, infinitely s:ooner than the most pow- . erfal preparations of SArsauarilla. Prepared and slid by \V. B. MOFFAT, :;;;5 1.11:0ADIVAI - , NEW-YOI:K. For sale by.all Druggists. HYDE'S INDIAN. F'LAS'H-R. Mammal Boxes Dr 23 Cer.ts ! ! • uNG PLAST !tllB-41.11' all diseases of 'the A_A Laws and Teal Affections &c. .lieart Plasters The most reliable. remedy known for Palpitation and all other diseases of the hit•art. - I Lack Pl.sters—Fo - r Crick or Lameness in - t he Ba c k, Si t io or Chest, Wea , ,,ness in the Stone:eh. 1 Foot Plasters ' The- Best Itetnedy known Gtr coldness of t ie feet and 14bs, 'excellent draft in all CIMI . : , Or Siekrie,rg. Womb Plastcr4--Tor. the Cure of Falling of the Womb, Whlt4, and all other Female Diseases. Each; box. contains enough. to spreads or 10 lairr ,ized plasters. -- This is the °el.\ absorbent Plaster before the publieJ A s ogle pla:iter applied to the bottoms of the f'et will be carried into the I.!irentation of the Blood, end every part of .11e body be thmlOtiglily medicated. Tdt-litiiiiitialel)y thousand:: might U. printed but irk "iliTuledl uselt.4k. The ai,3icied seek it aud find rclicf, in nil eases: ---- C. D. Ltitlinr.,Groton, N. - V., cured of cx. tren:e .1.111:1c- I.L.ldls, long standing. 11arver,;.1kGravvville, Cortlon.l Co, N. V., cured of jtlictiniatisin :tut' other local pain.,— 1‘11.4.:11 . rn. roil - let; the Landlati.r at Alton, VlThyrte . -N. says: ‘• 1 my to igue ever c• female in the land. I w o 'd s:ty, use Plaster. ft has belle-, fitted ow more roan every ether application." Foi.. sale by S. 4:17:. A. Jones. C'otiders nort-: _ I 71v. iNOIV ' I HEY COME (I .4. rollosE Erer so Many" NEW GOODS at the New Stare in lirookland, (late CUAI• inixville.) BOOTS PRY GOODS. GROCElitji::73, HARDWARE,. I , OIU FLOUR; end lots cif thins' that p;.oplo need. AVELi t . I WHAT OF IT ? All f.-r sale—for READY . PAY only: ' n ri ll? : 1000 oatts. Bring 18 butt:r. Bring' 16 eggs. Brit g . buck:A - neat. living 10)0000 cash.. and 11000000 Lerrieg. Bring hides. furs, pelts, au 1 cid iron. All which I call •• ready pay.' 1 , • - Vilr4t about Prices Come and g,`ee. LA I:MD.' - NEW AnaIiNGEMENT- - The undersigned having ' 4 • just received a large and well selected stuck of CLOCKS, WATCHES Er. SEWELRY, offers them for sale at prices that- will com pare favorably with those of any city or town within 100 miles. Every article of jewelry and every btyle of Watches and Clocks usu ally found in retail Stores kept constantly on hand, and . warranted -to be as represeuted.;-- Also, Beal's Patent • Revolvers, kept on baud. and sold cheap.. . L=am' Repairing done onshOrt notice, in good style and fair rates. Call and see the at flat: sign' of -the " Big Watch." C. IL WARRINEII. Coudersport, Jan. 1. 1861.. . . , 7..:'.;-.-I , ATIREPOI,... P TEPe:JOURNAL'i :,--,-. 13 PCIII.iiiIIND P,1"ity.i.T,41.7116p1T 11011:illia, Etri .ro - -.Tchino' :lin .I;i:it.ei3 .ftrti commticiattioto, ••••stioultl•be adtlrt-gso, to scourd' attention': • irriiis4.ltivtiiiiably itiiiiiiance: ' ' ' :-;St:,erilier - Anniatii: : • , timmiuncuiiitrainntiiutruiganni.. ; -uvratrumuirmuintsmnt , A '`t D`= . _ • t .-lit t ,_ )o• _ 1 $ _ .._.; ... - V il ( .7.P . 'f a . - -) 1 AI !. PE.:;I' pIARTTAi v.... ., \-\.,., .:: 'D:tvioq titltett r tlie Shop I* 1 i \ (... ..,.\. 3or c .merly occ,u p i,. tl !by) , \- 0 ,-', Tit 4 1 ' P. D: CATLIN, •d- .1, XI - ,- 3 • '.. - ' 3 - "V tlf"._ ; Clark's Gorners i l 4 I. two mites'North of Coptlersport. Dit'., * - WILT,' if.IANUFACTUAE • ittl kinds of - • Chair's&V . ;.-/bin;e't*Tarp,... 'tool as . i - - cirC(;i), - • ' • • • -rt Ad... • ' • - nnl wrs.lssolt • - .1 •_ „.:- • • CITA • • cAxr•f-sErr IsO STOYi IiPCICETZS, • .9,1• , ..57i - IN'Cr' TABLE clrAins, SMALL ROCKING en AILS, • 'OFFICEantlilAr.--itOtti CSIATILS, . . -S. URF,TARIES.. , WARDROBES, Tables; • . Wash-Stands‘ . , . Louil ,, es • • ' . CnintrionAnil • • • Plepai 11 v)glilone on the shortest notice,: aria in the most I•porl(imiliiii;e manner. T TLJ - ' l7 l , TVG • , (lone irome;li.ttelY and to orifl.r. All orderi; promptly attended to. I'le:lse give 212 e (7: call;' and (:.K,lntit . :e liir t•cr.trselts. . 1 -• AT , NIZT MAX eANIA : • ',, Afffrely 2G. 1 . 8:30.-28: Iy. - Atiot,ructurer. • i - • i 1 s.Oli HER'S • ri lIZ Eh:B ; • • in/URI-XS . , I:01111E11'S • 11011111:11 1 8 • PRAfTICAL C. \ LCULATOR.. Pi::ICTIC.U, CA - LcULATOR. -• PIIACTIOAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR: 1 I'IIACT [CAL CALCULATOR. - I=l 11()I-I EIV.S - . 4 . PRACTICIAL CALGULATOI A Bok;k of lilain 'Rules and CUleninti4s for I.lu:i . ness Operations, by .11ituriN .M.citoi9t.Eft, Vrzletieal Surveyor arld , Conveytt:ueer. Ncr,7 Edition. publishb& by J. 13. Lippincott Cu , I, 1 This Work contains 204 prgis. and. tip wards of tit.° Itules and 'Ex tinplcs. Muiridy "and thurcughl;r pmicrtc.t 1 . , .1.:I/e:1 'as arise ere... 1 ry day in the common pursuits of Iltisin 1.3 i It has already 'passed . through a nuMber of l'Alitions in Fapid successit:n,:tnd i , pronOMlC ed by all classs :of business nter to be (the lIAXIIIEST BOOK or. Pa FERExcE. pertainingi to calculations, that has ever been publishetl. 1 . t Every Example in the bOok m womirm UT IN FULL and stated in n plain manner. so hat when a parallel case allses, th0....e referring to the work a ill find no difficulty iti . .rea lily solving it; in a word.. the general arradgm. mint of the CALCULATOR is eo simple, chat' any one who knows how to too, &curet:ter, MULTIPLY, on 1)1 r I al:, C:1 ii easily solve 'luq, or- (Unary example that :irises in business, 01. ar s rive at the true res.uit of and ei,ttinate requir- ed. r The chief aim of the author has been t I es- i thew theory and philosophy in .figurcs, am- i l ing cmly at facts at - . 1.1 simplicity, lielisvitv e d that business man cart little about spen - ling time in tliscu. ingthe philos. , phy of 'Obis; or the science of"figures, deeming. it . sufficient for their purpose to he Rik!e at a modienft, by ; I reference,lo arrive at the Ter tmsrt;T. The? CALCULATOR differs in this respect fa m all Aritimictics (tithe day and Limit-Ca work=-1 it is a key to fpractical Lusiue:F•s calculations! .---it is in the. hamls i 1 the business man what] the :,:ey to mathematical works is in the muds I of the tcnener in . the . iebool-rount—il . facili . I totes time and invh . r.'4 currecncm . TUE NI Oftli 'MEATS :11eAsfirement, of I.,:md, ef LumbCr, - of Brick and Brick Work', of SPme and Stone i Vois. of Grain end G`rain Ilins, of Coal talc_ COM Wns, cif Wood, of Solids. or ,Liquids, 4r Cir . - ciiht, squa rp, or 'lrregular Vessels, of Cr terns. Arad Cat,.. cq' f l:,uuting, of Plai.t.erers's Painters'. Glaziers'. Pa:Vers:. Pi••mbers', Paper li:iv'gui-s . , and Upholsterer: Work. It treats of ttnrren cy and of POreign and Domestic Exchtg.e, of the Deeimal;System, of Red tteti‘,o and its ei• (en led appiicathin io Business, of Sim de and . Compoundlnterest, and their entire ritlaica tion to Business tram•actions, with the laws and usagesfloverningnwi regitlating ti e snore, together with numerous Conn: mini-' F . mos,— t ti egal Tender. of I'ertiel Payment: , o 1 Notes, of Banking bad Bank Discount, of -iuntion of Payments and of Partnership Aceotints, of Assessunuttlof Taxes. of Weights nrql. Met tires, of Square and Cul,ic Measnrc' of, the St.i;rJ.re Root aria its - application. to Dusin ass, of tiorfaces; of'Excavation. and of umhy other ' importatit practical matters not within , the y scope of an:advt rtisement to mentiot . IT IS tE Boox FOR T IR Fariner, the Merchant, the Mei:hanie the or the Pt ofe:zsion.tl man. It las prov en a v:ihnible..noxinary to the 1,1,1 - yer,' the - Justice of 41:e Peace. the Cenve.vat cer.; and Real I: , tatel:rol.. to the .Asseor, Ot'e et, the Ch.Y.i, to tli(; Civil Engineer' ana the ..::utveyor. to the Carpenter and Briti:lay,er, to theMen' Mison and the PlAsterer, to the Pa per Banger and Upho!st . erer, to the k . aveiand the Tiler: . &e., , Sce.; e:tf. and all dind: it adapted to their 'llO as it apts. bitter tluttt any book published. Vas" post paid) to anyqtirt of the tithed Stittes - upon receipt of the money. Price of single Copy, in Cloth, ti c Cents, at tiro Po o Copies fur.,l 00. Bound - in ket4book furor, Mote:mai, Si 00 per copy. 'Address„M. M. RonnErt,--- .Box 1011 Philadelphia Pi 0., Pa. 1-l A-6 tno. , , . 1 Admin is. trators' N u ticle. Vvd - 11EREAS, It•tterS of adtoiniztratton to the estate of Eu Rues, late I Couders pOrt, in the county of Totter,,deetlasedi hate beet. granted t.*• the Substrib`ers„:all perSani indebted it.• said estate are requested to' wake initnediatepttyrnewit, and those ha iifg 'el.tirna against the same will present the 1 - dttly au thenticated to - AMOS FRE - 011',1 ... . . .- or • - Ilaklllia . 111i4:5, 1 • -el dm i istratom . Coudersport. Dee. 20, 1800,-14( . : ICOo SIIE41) PELTS', wanted. mrneilitittly at, S. RUBINS', . .-4. J .._ -701)SOWS ()UNTAIN:ITRIIB Atiivt,. present.yc.u-*1:11.n. perfect like- T c z!jei), tz chief °lithe stratigtt- F ;; i e e l's;nticti; lbst one!: .11.21E:d Yoe Caill ti frill tin'ictunt:ef hitr And-his peritilli itu our -POnpliiets anti Ahlianites—to 'be' liad r ' gratis;-Item the, Agents tor, thes9 ?ills; . The inventor and. tounuraeturer .or anti :donut iiii Herdt d'dids," dins , pent. the greater hart of his life in trztt'eling., having 'visited Leatdy every cUtintry iti the lie spent over siz yeamamong. the 'lndians 6'f the Ido'cl:y Noon a.ins and of - .lfrxico, and P.F.. \vas thus that the " iklocsrms.lll.cniv Pitts',! were discovered. JViery interosting aceonitt of his adventures,thcre. :you will_tiutt , ijt Cie .:I'llnatise and Paraphlet. it is ;In feet ; ius it dizeascf , arise from I.3IMELE ni.e,m")t: The blood is 'the lruid when nrif foreign' or unheal . ..liyinnttergets ini,v:ed with it, it IS at once distributed to evety organ of the Hotly. Ever Y ifervc feels tke poison, and.all the•vitnl organs Ouickly complain. The storm: laeli will tot digest the food perfectly. The liver cea=es to secrete •a suflicier.tly of bile: The action of the heart is Weakened, end - so' the .eirO.dation-is fecble. The lung., boronie . I.cloi,gad with - the poisonous matter ; hence, a cottgli.arnd all flew it ;lipid impurity at the fountain lifethe Blood I As it you, Iliad thrown : sonic earth, for itiL.tenee, in pure sprini4 . , front Whit - 11 ran - a. tiny rivulet, in. :,a few fillothas the whole cOurse bit the stream 11)'..:,nnie.s , ',elisturbet1 and discolored.l As quick-. I ly does iinpure tdood tly to every part, f.edi' All-the passages be.- come ob7structed, and unless the obstitictiott . is route \N.ll4 , ...irrup of life soon dies.out. These only purify the tdcod, but !regenerate oil the'scci,etiuns of thetorly; they' are thereftire, Lurie:tiled at a • CCE .1 , 70/e JUL I 0 LIS DISE.LS'ES, Li' er Coniplaint.- Sick Headache, S:c. This e,spels-frem the blood the hidden seeds of clisease, and renders all - the fluids awl seeiTtiens rod fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vitai organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, tha,t we are aide to place- within your reach, a medicine like the' ..:11nuntl , in 'MIL Pills." that willpen directly to the afflicted parts, tlirougli the 1,16011:Ilid fluids cS tlae body, and! ranee the 4ufii.rer to_Lrig.liten tt i-th tin.- !lush , of beauty and health. Ore the Bed Boned y is ex 1:4(.71er! Al the . 1;.:1701C inf . ! .o;2llllAfilits : Inwrad Wok. ness, C4,oglif4, Colds - . Chest I.l4.eases, Costive- Alt Diz,trrhten; Dropsy, Ilcad- Aches, Ind'gcsii ,, n, Ititinemta, Inhammatite, Pile;,Stune :;11:1 Crave' : 6ccondary Symp toms:. __~.~___ GREAT. IFEE I ,II.LE MEDICINES Females who value health, should ueeerbe ,without these d'iP.s. They loftily the blond, .runove ohstrt,etions of' ell kinds, cleanse the kin of all ithaples nod -bletolleg, bring the rieh7e - olor orte:11;It to the plee check. The Plants and Lie: bs of which these Pitls are ra40.10, wure diz - coverecl in a veer see. pricing wa-f na:cng:the TLztleans,' a tribe-of Ahorigine F i in acsie d Get the 'Almanac of our __gent; and .yon will . rea d • with the very iilteresting aceeralt it eettalai.ot the tt GUE.I.I 31:4)/CiNE (.1 the Aztecs.. Ofiservv.—ne :110'untain Bid) rills on Put up in a,lkauti:iul Wrapper. Each Lo.c.rotp; tains 40 pills, and re:ail at 25 ei•rkto . per Lox. ill gen,•ine, bare 0:c o.ignature ni li. L. JCPSOX CO., eadi. box. • 13.L..rUbSON,cqz CO., SOLE P 0P- TTO RS , ,50 Leonard 4iticet, NEW rgRE. Agents Wanted always—Address as above. NATURAL TEETH, PRESEROD. TO OLD AGE. Charcoeil Thoth Soeu. V, 0 UN E" ARTICLE. is• More aeserce4 111 popular 113 tuvans of cleansing andi preserving the Teeth than Charcoal. In this beautiful article of Tooth Sdap the. Charcoal renderedso-perfectly One as to be in reality but the superfine dust JAW& most %linable. substante--not a particle 4. grit is used. in the composition which could, pus:,ibly injure- the. Minnie! of Teeth. 'lt it netted with arlieles•that rcninve the tart, gad present itsfarther accumulation. This Soap Lillie best 1 !town means of pre-. serving the teeth, curing Sore Gums, andSofe no tb One bsx. will last one icar at a cost doily 15 (scuts. • - - Dtr.s.rior:F.—Wet the hrusli and rub tiro or three times lightls over the Soar, then thoroughly brush the Teeth, and. rinse the mouth Avillt pure water. 601 d by C. IS.'S: E. A. Jones, Coudersport Penn. . 71r. .1 - 10 WARD ASSOCIATION A 13,•Iki•ott-nt /thaitufron rstablishal .Ll,(l9trine:ntf,for (ke Relief Ville Sick and Pit treened, otilieted with Virulent and .4)lttitc and r,.<pee;all ‘ n fur the Cure of pi eases th.d.Scizatil Organs. .vs EDIG..Vt.,ADVIpE :given .gratis, byttllP A. Acting Surgeon,. io all who apple t! letter, with a description- of their conditieui, (age, occupation, habits of Aire, Ste ,) and ict cases of extreme pot erty, Mediciuesfurnis hcO free of charge. YALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrh al i" 4 and other Diseases or the Sexual Organs, on the NEw - inlEDlES..emphrtycd in the DLf perisary, dent to the a ftlii:ted hi sealed letter envelopes, - free of charge.' Two or Wet Stamps for Postage 011 he acceptable; • Address, DR. J. ISKILLIN -HOUGlffec Acting Surgeon, Hewaird Assoeiation, South - Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BPi r* der of-.the Directors. - EZJIA-D. HEARTIVELL, rresiecnt. GEO. IiAIItCIJILD, Secretary. The Rochester. Straw-Cutt er. trlizrsT4D KELLY, Coudersport 1 3 1 `4,,J+ the eNell‘sice ogenry for this celebroie m 3 thule, in th:s.coonty. It is corenient , d g ' rable ) - and CHEAP. - Dec, 1, 1660.-12
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers