otitsron, JANCTARY.24, 1861. aitl( Ertuntg. r ; hoe ji.ist±printtd ' soma QUIT gDSEDS which .wo offer to tho pub. 1 5 cents each. or 24 for $l. _____- for e indebted to the Tritutie A s . tion, New York fora copy or the l a ne Almanac for 1861. It is need for us to commend this work ) fur than to say that it contains its usual , e ij of useful information. iPriee 13 s , or ont dozen copies f9i. Luarcd, o a r 41ack list" 'is not quite ready, j 5 under way. We shall show no fa• j o the matter; therefore those AVito ,logo before the world in that light, ; hi call at our office and settle up. ,(:,r, j: H. Parsons, of this place, will 'lre on the subject of. Temperance at flyiorn Scl.ool House, on Crandall g,cn Tuesday evening,. Feb. ith•inst. e hope there will by a general attend ee, not only of the friends of the cause tof its et:mulles. The question 6 one vital iMportance just, now, and Mr oas treats the subject forcibly and The friends of Temperance owe selves and_ the public a strong ef io behalf of the subject prior to the t election. There is danger that the e copt influences at work will cheat ~ t ter Null out of its noble position fore the moral world, unless the friends Temperance are wary and votive. Nnation.—We are requested to nc e that a donation Visit will bit given .the lley:-C Strong at the Methodist . irson3ge,bn TIII:FtBD4Y EVENING, Jan. 15t. lost. All persons within tl:e elm* l oruestly invited tole present. The , ilossing are the Counnittee of Arrange entt : 'r. G. C. Manley. Mrs. G. C. Manley. R. B. Gordnier. " W. B. Gordnicr S Coi wcll. " B, S. Colwell. " 1. Canfield I Canfield MINIZEI . S. D. Kelly 11. J. °kneed. " 11. J. 01rdAA G. Metzgar. • " IFafte Canfield: 3liss ninny French. .Alansen Crowell. " Mary Itees. S. M. Mills,jr. " Fannie Mills, ".Ezra Artr.strong. " Ellen Powers. Orrin Webb. " Ann V. Clark. ' Orlando Rees. " Juliet Iteeldinw. • Arthur B.llnnn " Ella Cr.llarnilton. Colwell. " I. Butterworth. r N. Glass.roire. " Suepn "Thomas King. " Mary Barclay. • : 1j~)1e25. MOTHERS, READ THIS.—The following is an !ID= from a letter written by the . pastor of til post Chulch tJ tire " Journal and. Mus nnger," Cincinnati. Ohio, and speaks volumes it favor of that world-renowned medicine— Ls. W1E51.035 - 5 SOVTIIING SYRUP FOR COIL = Tr.Ernrsa : We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr•.ip. Now we tercr said a work in favor of a patent tnedi rine before in our life, but we feel compelled say to your readers, that this is no hurnbtig KJ HAVE T'R.TF:C , IT, AND KNOW 1T TO BE ALL It CLAW. It is, probably, one of the most sue tessful medicines ofthe day, because it is one if the best. - And those of your readers who care babies can't do better than to lay in a fupply." Shan't Charcoal Tooth Soap Will cleanse better and preserv , - the teeth '0 Gums longer than thy other Known sub atece. One box will last 12 months for only 15 cents, To be bad of C. S. &E. A. Jones, Couderport. Uncle Steve's Pills. NADE from Roots. Barks, and Plants I Not recommended to cure everything, hut as the best and most REpATME FAMILY NIVIC known. They leave the and Bowels in a healthier and better condition than any other physic. Try one box, and rd- turn if not satisfied. t. Sold by C. S. & A. - Jones, .Agents, Couders port.- -71 y. - To Consumptives. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung . affection,. and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to Lis fellow-sufferers the means of rare. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of The prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using die ;ame, which they will find a SURE Cray. for CONSCRETIOS, ASTHMA, BRONCMT/S, /EC. - The only object of tile advertiser in sending the Prese . ription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Porties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON Willirtinstrurgh, `f.:3-Iy.] Kings County, New York. THE "GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE.—The :Functional irregularities peculiar to theweak er sex, arc invariably corrected without pain 2 ur inconvenience by the use ofJudson's 3ldutt tale Herb Pills. They are the safest and sur est medicine for all the diseases incidental to females of all ages, and more esj ecially so in this climate. Ladies who wish to enjoy health should al triys have these Pills. No one who ever uses. them once will allow herself to be withoUt them. They remove all obstructions, purity the blood and give to the skin that beautiful, clear and healthful look so greatly admired is ileautiful and healthy woman At certain pcnods these Pills are au indispensable com panion. From one to four should be taken each day, until relief is obtained: A few do ses, occasionally, will keep the system so healthy, and the blood so pure, that diseases cannot enter the body. • Judson's Mountain nub Fills arc sold by -11 1, medicine. 'dealers. , • -, ..:AiniCieli,! : : ' - - -- l[ t Try- Une.,licix: - O - f *Hyde's' -bele in fb i 'lndian Plasters". rem o: itietizea!Palit;-Bcl elites-A t = Larne ness, or Weakrieis * ,.:iluielcir.antl iito - re certain than - tiny , other linc,tvn article, a dis Aspeci4O remedy-for Rheumatism:4lf iy the clreppest scan' I' :49 blst;Plastg„ before ,the,..pttbll ... 7f, FromB to 12-large Plasicis.ftir 23 * cenl-I * ' Mk= culars.to be bad-gratis, of _Agents; .. --,,,-.., ~ Sold by. C. S. ~k E. A. Jones. Contlerspiwt. and by dealers generally, .. sly., 40,x',3.1,3int.ii,4'.1i4; i 'T,' Auditor's Notice.-. ' N P I I = C a e E s s p heretic' :auditor tppb t oed by the Conrt to makedistribution.or the'prce.eeds trf the at leof personal case A. Stebbins V.T. It J Bo:tent:ball; of Sept. Terra 1860 No. 59, will'attend to the duties of said appointment at the office or tae l!rothonotlyy in Coudersport ; cn Saturday the 16th - day of Feb., 18111 1 ttt one o'cicck P. at. Partiep:intyr est:ed will attend if they think proper. A. G.: 01.4.11SY,P,...iuelitor. Tan. 2:7, le tll,--17-4t Auditor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given .that .the under signed; an Atiditor appointed by :Use Court to make distribution ,of the, proceeds of the sale of real estate'in case of b. J. & E. W. CLappell rt. james•ll. Arnold, of Feb. Term 1859 No. *ill. attend to the duties of hie appointment at tlie office of the Prothonotary in Coudersport, on Friday the 15th day of February, 1861., at ten . o'cloOt . A. 51. Parties interested wilt attend if they think proper. 11. J. OLMSTED, Auditor. 3:.n. 18, 19(1.1.-17-4t .Aud it Oir's VOTICE' is hereby given that the under -11 si g ned, an Auditor :appointed by the Court to make distribution of the proceeds of die sale of real esta:e in case of Sobieski Ross ea. James A. Lynch, of SepL.Term, 1860, No. 63, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at the oi6ce of the Prothonotary in Cou dersport, on Friday, the 15th day of February, 1661, at one n!cloclr, r. st. Persons interested will attend if they think proper. Fi J. OLMSTED, Auditor. Jan. 16, ISGI, 17-4 t 'COURT PROCLAMATION.- ' VIIIEREAS the lion. Robert :G. White, V President Judge, and the lions. Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges at the Courts of Oyer a: Terminer and General Jail Deliv , Ty, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of - Common Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued tiwir precept, bearing date the seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty4me, and to me directed,for holding a Court of Oyer and Terfa iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sious of the Peace, Orphans' Cieurt, and Court of Common Pldas, lu the Borough of Couder sport, on MON . DAY, the ISth day of Feb: rusry next, and to continue one week : Notice is therefore heresy given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they - be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices ap partain to he done. And those who are by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or than be in the jail of said county of Potter. are to be then and there to prosecute against thein as will be just. Dated at Conoraseoar. Jan. 7, 1861, anct the 84th rear of the Indept ndence of the United States of America. WM. F. 'BURT, Sheriff. W t y. gsn ID hi -a ‘`"- • r. 4 - " ' " MRS. WI SLOW, An experien6ed Nurse and Female Physician presents to the attention of mothers : her SOOTE-LING SYRUP. • FOR CHILDREN' TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teeth ing, by softening, the gums, reducing, all in flamatiou—will allay ALL PAIN and spas modic action, and is . SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFI DENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other. medicine —NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE; when timely used. Never did we know au instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contra-y, all are delighted with its opdra tions, and speak in terms of emendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DOjiNOW,' after ten sear? experience,. AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pa•n and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable, prt.parittion is the preserip tinn of the most EXPEKIENCED and SKILL FUL NURSES in New Khgland, and has been used with NEVER FAILING STlCcEss in THOUSANDS OF OASES. It rot only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomath and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives -ti . me and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly re lieve • GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, :IND WLNII COLIC and oi - erconie convulsions, which, if not spee dily remedied, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST,: REMEDY IN THE WORLD. in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRIB:EA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething. or from any other cause. We wouli. say to evtry mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints —DO NOT LEf . YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PrtEJUDICES OF -OTHERS, stand be tween you and your suffering child. and the relief that will be SURE—yes. ABSOLUTELY SURE- -to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle, None genuine un less the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world., Principal Office, 13 Cedar St., New York, PRICE ONLY 23 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 8013 b . ? C. S & IL A. .(C(Ntr-:. (*alders.: tort. : Fn.. 16'-.1.r.. Corrected evety, tiyciine9d3iy Illy:B. ti. STEB it._I3R(); . 3y!tolettle and ; , ,Bgale,rs f io Groteries mod Proilsiimis;;, - - opOtis • lt'ob. lll3intre'i . f'LlOtel; , • Colideriptirti Pa - Applepi eicen , , bush:, , 3: 7 1 to 62) „ do, dried; , _ - 1 Oti: 2200- Beans; • - ;' l ,/,1 ": • ' Ibo I'so pi; lb.;': • 20 15 Beet; tf. 4 • 5 Berries, 11 quart S. ' • 40 1 - '5O 'gutter, 15 17 ---" ' .'• " 5 )2 Corn, l) bush.;; - • •15 88: Corn Meal, per-t)t-Li . •1 50 •2 00 Ec:gs, 14,t102 ,• • - ' • Floor; bitra, 411 bbh, . • §.50 7.00 do superfine. "•.: .8 50 - .6 06 Hams;-17 lb., • - • • 121 •15 • Hay,•ll tun, • •• . 550-6 00 Honey, per. lb.,' • • 10 - 12.1 Lard, si . • 12 . 15. Maple Sugar, per re., 8: 12 Oats, 9 bush.,- ' •: • 28 35 . Onions, it • • - 75 100 Pork y '}? bbl.,'•• 21 OG 23 00 'do' . 10 . 13 do in whole hog.-tp . 071 Potatoes, per bush.; • . 37/ 60 Peaches. dried, 12 lb., •' Poultry, 11 lb., 5 Rvo.'per bush, - 63 75 - Salt, 11 bbl., • 2.75 . 300 do 14 sack, • . 2D Trout, per '1 bbl., • . . 8 DO, 700 Wheat. la bash. . 100 1 1271 White Fish, 3 bbl., . 650 700 YOUR ATTENTION! .FOR A MOMENT, IF YOU; PLEASE. 1:1=321:1 SUBSCRIBEIt has just receired a new ' stock of DESIRABLE GOODS, Direct from New York, consisting of DRY GOODS,. GROCE- . PIES of all kinds . , HARDWARE, CROCK ERY, BOOTS Si: SHOES, HATS &" CAPS, latest styles 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, DOMES- , TICS, such as SHEET- 'NOS, TICKS, I3ATTS, • :sliort, all kinds of goods usually kept in a NO. 1 COUNTRY STORE. AD of which 1011 be sold very low fOr 'READY. PAY. 1=Z:I The above-named stock of Goods Is noVf open and for sale at the • New Brick Store near Canfieltrs Fiduring Mill, n. few rode east of the Alleglittq Bridge, iN COUDERSPORT, where the proiwietor would be pleared to re ceive calls from his old customers and as ma ny new ones as feel disposed to . ,D£AL WITH HIM. • The market price paid for all kinds of FARMERS' PRODUCE in exchange for Merchandise. 14t1e4 /tali 4" COLLINS - sautti Coiiderslort, Jan. 2, 1861.-:15-Gmo. Used 15 years in an Extensive and very Success - fal Medical Practice., A CERTAIN REMEDY FOR Fever Canker and Inflammation! 0. ANDREWS' Fever and. Canker .ILF Compound is unquestionably the best and most reliable remedy for Scarlet Fever, Measles, Sore Mouth or Throat, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding at the Lungs, or for Fever of every grade Hopeless Cases of. Bleeding at the Lungs, Coughs, (called Consnmption,) Debility of the System, Female Weaknesses, and all general Fevers cored. 10,000 Certiff.r.atos: could be published, showing the most aston ishing cures. Nelsonliaday, Esq. Groton, S. Y., cured of Bleeding, at the Lungs, severe Cough. and General Debility - of the System; called Con sumption. All hopes of relief had failed from every other source. The cure was performed five years since. lie IS yet, (March, 1860,) enjoying good health. Mrs. Denry Vanderbelt. 01-leans, N.. Y., cured or extreme case of Female Weakness, .riolapsus Uteri, and General Debility of the. System pronounced incurable by many phy sicians—three-years standing. Now in the en joyment of good health. Mrs. Luman Johnson, Summer Hill,N. Y, cured of extreme Female . Debility, Nervous Weakness, irritation, Ize., eze. The alfilicted should consult "Last Ray of Hope," published for gratuitous circulation, by 0. Andrews, Syracuse, N. Y. Sent to any address on receipt of a stamp to pre-pay pos t tage, or may be had ofrag,ents gratis. C. S: E. A. Jones, Agents for Coudersport. LOOK HEUE LL than. iddebted to the late firm of SMITH & JONES; are politely requested to call at C. Smith's store, and settle and - pay without delay. By so doing you will much oblige us—otherwise we will be under the painful necessity of trying to oblige you. SMITH all JONES. Coudersport, Jan. 2,1861.-3 mo. Kennedy's Medical Discovery. Fur Sale by Ct S. E. A. JONES,. c0rm:y.5:44.)m% • A SUPER/411M , • - ` ONIC : ,DIU T C;, '44 ;60 bYsPEl?_,..b, INYICOIWINCti CORDIAL • • • - - To the eiti:.ens Seg. Jereeitiand Tennigrania. • Apothocarietatruggisti, Grocers and Privatillirrates.- Wolfe's Pare Cognac Brandy. I Wolfe's Pure Maderia, Sherry and PorrWine. Wolfe's Pnre - Zantaica and St. ',Crcriz. Walle's Pose Scotch and Irish W hisky: ; .1- -; • . • - :: .1 • • ALL IN.BOTTLES. 1 beg' leave lb call the'a*ntion citi lens of the Gaited States to the above WINES Licorats,im,ported Vdolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is (familiar in every part of this country for the)putity °Phis cele -1 brated Scuteosst.Scnsspea. .Mr. Wolfe, in I his, letter to me; speakingOf the purity of his Wities and Liquors, says: I will stake - my reputation as a man standing as a mer ['Chant of thirty years' residence in the City of , New' Ydrk ' that all the - . Brandy and \Vines I Iwhich Itottle are "pure as' imported; and or the best quality : and cat: .tie. relied aeon by every purchaser.' tirery bottle has)the prod prietor's name on the wrak" and a . pc simile lof his signature on tbe . certiflcate.. 'be pub lic are respectfully invited,to call add exam- I inn for themselves. For sale at Re4il by all Apothecaries and Grocersin Philadelphia. Gno. IL ABIITON; XO. 832 Market st. Phil. Soie Agent for Phitaitelphia. - , • Read the'. following s frin the :!few York Courier: Ex.:Muerte DOSTNESS FOR ONE crew Tonic Mractidsr.—WB are happy to inform our fel low-citizens that there is one plate in Par city where the physician, apothecary, aild.c:buntry merchant, can go and 'purchase 7plire ,Wines' - and Liquors, as pure as irm.orted, nnd of the; best quality. We do notj intend to' give arij elaborate description of this merchant's ex tensive business, although it will 'repay enyl stranger or citizen to visit tidolpho Wolfe's extensive ware-house, Nes. 113. 26 and 22,, Beaver street, and Nos. 17, I3andl 21; Mark-1 etfield street. His stock pf Schnapps on hand ready for shipment couldj not have Aieen than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases,-Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases ;of Madeira, Sherry and 'Port Wine, Scotch i and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old arid equal to any in this; country. He ;also had three large cellars, ,filled with Brandy Wine, be., in casks, under Custom-House key ready for bottling. 'Mr.' Wolfe's sales o schnapps last year =Panted to one hundred and eighty thousand .'dozen, and .we hope 1. less than tweyears he may be. *ally sue cessful with his Brandied and Wipes. His business merits the petromige of evell lover of his' Species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for Medical usF should send their ordetS direct to . Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary lin the land make up theirreinds to discard tho'poisonmis stutTfrorta their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines and Liquors. I We understand Mr. Wolfe, for. 'the accoret osodation of small dealers in the country. puts up assorted cases of Wines atut Light:in.+ Such a man, and snch a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thouSands'of op ponents in the Voited States, wlt6 sell noth ing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health nod happiness, I [o—Cm* WATCHES I GIVEN AWAY 1 .1! , A GIFT VALUED FROtsI TWO DPLLARS TO ONE lIUNDRED DOLLARS GI V ENS WITH EERY BOOK SOLD)AT RE TAIL PRICES I . .. , At. least ONE IV AtTCH is - Guaranteed to every, Twelve 1 1 Bo4s. , ) 4 ' These inducements pre ofrereted by the SUFFOLK EXCHANGE OOMPANir, 37 Park Pow, New York, The Most Extensive and the Maxi Liberal Gift Comer:fin Existence. 1 Establispeclin D 355. Send for a qatalog e• Those who have patronised other Gift Hou ses are particularly requested to acxuaint themselves with our terms. ou}r inducements are unrivalled, and put `all other's in the shade. The following are st me of the sifts to pur chasers of books. ; . • English Lever Gold Watches, hunting Patent Lever • " " " Ladies' Lever " ! " l " Open Face. Detached Lever Silver Watchel, Hunt. Cases. Lepine Silver Watches, Open Face.. Gold Lockets, varios jsizes. • Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chainsivarious styl - s. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons and - • Studs, all patterns. Gents' Bosom Pins, new and rith stylos. Gold Pencils and Pens, • • Ladies'. and Gents' Gold Rings. Gold -Watch Keys and Belt Pins. A great variety of Ladies'? Jewelry, Pins and Ear -Drops, comprising all-the styles'now worn, such as Cameo; Mosaic, Gold Stone, Lava, Florentine, 44 Gold Bracelets, all Styles. • . • The List of Books 'corriprisel a great nistirt: meat of standard works in every department of literature, interesting to ail youngand the old. Do not fail to send fir a catalogue. Catalogues mailed free to any address. ,Ap ply to SUFFOLK EXCHANGE F OMPANY, .4. 37 Park.RoNi,:lietv Yojk City. I Branch Office, 11'6. Washington St. Bos ton, • - 13 --yet. g_tiv pantml gijcip ! • fiE undersigned.monld respectfully inform tht surrounding cominupity that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by. A. G. Olmsted, where he is prepared to ,do. All kinds of Harn642 Work on the shortest notice. LONG STRAW COLL Eill-Si diso kept constantli• ou hand These collars are a superior article, and need hitt a trial to insure their success. 1 - 1 I?epairing done in good style - Sureingles, llo.rtingale=rings, HiIMCS L and flame straps, &c., kept cOnstat.tly on hand. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewherd. & P. 111! , 3.1R." ,Co:dersport, Oct..lBth, I ?AI: T 4 0LmsTE. ittEttrii TORE, - can. be - fopnd the best of ate Pailer - _ S atut "TigtatiON.;VAitii, POTS. EEITLES., - SPIN BCOTgli - BOWL'S, FRTING-rAksi.:.s:kerpAws,....d .CABLD. PALM. - !I_ MAO, :PLOWS. , SDP:AYERS. CULTI TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, BORS4-R&W, DOG-POWERS, &e. ! ' WORK is *ell made and the rnateria I goOd. ; Good arid substantial EAYE,SallOgOlifi_ put UP' in any part Of the Couuty—qernts cosi. Ready Puy of all kinds, Including Catdi, .3eld6iti iefuSed: / Store on Main Street opposite the Old Conrt Howie Coudersport. , Aug 1 1859.---56 :•.' 'lf URNITUAE -11 F ~t -W. NJ cloaftlis:' '- - i 1 Ilaving.enlargeft 4id,ic,fitted lifs WiftE 1100118, 4. 't . W.ELLSVILLE, 'Li now on band and , will keep constantly ftir Sale, a larger arid better Variety, Of Cabinet ' Ware and Chairs, than IAV° ever heen oreren in this section of the; Coun4ry. - ; , 1113 stork of common work has; never teen equalled. Haring made extensive additions to his assortment of I • • PARLOR 1/111INITURE,, t he has now on hand; Plain Mahogany & Marx top Bureansi Cat 4 tables,,Marble top" side ;Ititd Centre tables, filth and' Toilet statiddi 'Marble top Wash stantlsr , 1 COTTAGE' . • I!ANTI - FRECIf DEADSTE ADS. COUCH ES, SOFAS, - AND TETE-A-TETES' ' ne* and beautiful varieties. - Cane Seat, Mahoganyl Rocking dad Easy Rimini, I thin] kc• , In fade eve in the line ig in the line int FURNITURE can be found at his establiqhment. Having the best facilities ffir manufacturing and pur chasing hia stock fOr cash,. -He will not be Undersold. Those wishing ti buy, will.6ave at least twentygive per ce t, by calling • on W. IL Coats. - .Di - MADE COFFINS REA, of all sizes 'lsept constantly on band. • 'Per sonal attendance w j ith hearse when reqnested. H. COATS. Wellsville, Nov. t,.1860 Nov: 1860. NOW REARIY AT TILE CORNER STORE. The choicest aikd most cOMplete Stock of ~ FALL' AND WINT R GOOnk EVER OFFERED IN Market, This which affords buyers a splendid opportunity to suit themselvei with articles of every ea= ricty of cost, elegance, or excellence. We cannot, be beat in QUANTITY, :QU A GUY OR NICE, all of which, every department, challenges competition We take:all kinds of PRODUCE in EXCHANGE FOR GOOD 3 and allow the highest !Market 'Price PURCHASERS Look to your ;inter6t, IN SO, DOING, REMEMBER THE Corm Pus OPPOSITE THE eottirersport Motel. E, N. STEBBINS & 11110. Coudersport, Nov. 1860 Adini.nistrat,ors' Notice. W II ERBAS letters of administration to the V estate of Geonea A BENTUN, late of Al legany township, in the county of Potter; de ceased, balm been granted to the subscribers, all persons idebted to the said estate are re quested to• make immediate' payment, and than haviiag, claims againat , the same will pre sent thew doly a uthenticated to the Admin istrators,. LUCINDA DENTM, WIC ROGERS; `Aller,any, Noe. 21, 1560.-42117. ' • ^ i -- - - ' ' ' • __, - r„' _,..-,,,, : q. , ..,:, ,i ,-;.) • il ',IP. r.. -- ,.: - 1: , :.“ : 11,.-14Cr.:',j';', i x, tft-14..?1N 1 i - ---WI - , f , Goons,ii , - ‘4;'.ciii.',l;slq C . ''' , ", . .' '. f r , 1 'c: n • I . • 1 1 'l ' '• I 1 ' St . in i ir : i n g olsz- -- .,. - ,....,.... jai...illil).llkl ''' " i" 4 ~ ~ ', ',....„ oB* - AioviLL - Att . ,-, - ~.... -,......L.................4.,...„1, Ilit)ei'lf liiEl-IItOPRIMORIitiIt - A 47 1 11 '. , , f r om ,•.' ~..".•:: 'l. , ...44,: ust Received Nevr. Xorn TIM?! tarl4est alma host stock of criiiitig oriTE,AP.tiJN 2 P T T!"E the itssiiiiitt — eilt*Eolisisii of :DRIV _ I Hatkil . lieditg At , Sli(i - eg',-1' hilt]) Atlit E; rib C , 4,oliii GIOCE 33 RI • PROVISIONS; - .' t - gut agit;falfieTai:poas fit Totftl they tiftn eirshased in 'AfellsirltlCT ' ItSf: itg thircliasfd fcii 64', no .rents irtt4Nie to pay, and Selllng a large arminnt for READY PAY, lam 'nableitto Share the . Pintail Profits min myrCU:tourr 4 3": - Having Tad° arrangements ettitt, 0 . 4 the best honses in the City, gtkiiis viitt • ; • . • SIiPIIZO ennahling e e4nstantly to offertlieLATik t STYLES and BEST QUALITIES tif.Goifds BEST q I OLD AND SILYER'N kept on balmd for rate: . ' Petite's sittlidlea-nle reasbnatite terms. CAS FOR GOOII LeMßAlf': : AND • , 11.1"t'E; ESTABLiStEiI BRANCH STORg t 1. At Egisikrr — g •-, ' , I under the •naole and, ityfe of SIZIkONA & PERRli f i where a bPJIP.LBTE GENERAL ASSORT' IiENT wi be Con3tantly kept on band.' . 1: . C; Ef, 51ik1024.1 1 °sway?, April 2, 18651.-:iiy,c4L, , • . . A. The kpolile's Cetok-Bobki, M DERN ,cooKtirt IN ALL. ITS BRANCHES 8 ELIZA . AGITOith Ml' C.4.11.1t WAX BEYISED BY UR& B. J. UAL], • • YOU Dow to cl , oNsti alI Pitts's'. bf Meats,- Pritiltryi. Med* Gana; with all the various and most approved modes of dreasing . and cooking Beef and .Pork i also the best and simplest way of salting,- pickling aid curing the same. I ' YOU All the various ant- most I approved modes of dressing; cooking; and boring Mutton; Lamb, " Vent Poultry, anti • . Game of elf kinds, Vtith the' - different Dressing* Gravies; and Stuffings teppi6priate of each.. .S YOU Row to choose, eta*. en preserve Fish of ail kisidstettt bow to sweeten it when„.tainz ted , also all the various ' diiA ' most approved modes , of cosh= ing. with the different Dress: ings, Sauces, and Flavotingt appropriate to' each. iLS YOU All theverlaitsadd'mostap proved modes •Of,pretistfihit log over fifty didefehltkintlt of Meat, Fish,. Fo*#, Game; and, Vegetable Stips, Broth*, and . Ste'ts, with' the Relished and deasorrings appropriatti to each: . IS YOU All the varienSarid [ refost proved modes of ccrettidgVeg: etables of every degerlytion?,, also bont t o o' „ prepare ptcltiesf Catsup§ and Curries 'of Al' - • kinds, Potted Meats, Game, IfuthrOoms, IS YOU All the varibui and most sp.; proved modis of preliiittg and c;ookizig all' kinds of Plaid and Fancy Pastry, Parldings? Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes? Confectionary, Preserves. Zzlz• Bei, and SWeet Dishei'cif ery descriptibb. • ;LSYOU All the' varions and nidistrip. - . - proved modes • pf,, Waking ' • Bread, ~husks,. Nunn, dud ' Biscuit, the best "method' of. ' preparing Coffee Choeblits? rind Tea, and bOsts tO lints Syrups, CordiaN, end:Wined of various kinds . ILS YOU Dorf to Set out and anti meat a Table, heal; 'to .Citivsf all kinds of Fish', Fleshl or Fowl, and its shor4 hot, td simplify the whole Art of Wok= ing r. 9 te bring, the chbliesf InturfeS of the table Lwithid' , - • cVerybbdy's reaeb. - • : _ The book contains 41e pages, - and upifirit of tw i elve hundred Recelpesoill of which aid' the results of actual experience, having beiat fully : loud carefully 'tested under the perinatal superintendence of the 'writers. It is p'ritited in a flear and open type,. is illustrated Whit appropriate engravings, and will be forscarded to any address, neatly bound, and Vestige; paid 4 on receipt - of the price, $LO'O, or, cloth, extra. $lO Oto A EAU bsf Oa bf enterprising ,men everywltere? fit selling the abor t '. work, our inducements to`riff sqcy - be; ing very liherat Fur single copies of the Rook,- Me for ..tefmrt to agents; with Other: inforhinfithr, or address - • -., ZORN E.' POTTER, Re. 817 Stammstreet, hi street; Pl.fe.- MEM IT TEL IT TEL 8373 IT TE IT TE Eil3ll ME 01 - : :.SS: II EMI BEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers