El 19 Li ragewr• fwi . co , ventured, oat _tine -.giving our reisi;stis therefor, to doubt - the PZi3tenee of tiny negro . plot - whitteveetn -Texas, or of arty porpose of revolt, atiiPkig her skies. .hsrout thefirst the-awry : Im, rested uperi'anch•flimsy - foundations auto, be inoredible, - and has not, tione-the pinning, been- supported-410.441e par ticle of Aireit.;:,ividence.. tiiatiy persona aft , Elie, ` Ottli' tielicved,in italtruths-,just-is_ undoubtedly, everybody at the South,belieieent to be ahe - With fornierthe - ipobder is that slaves do 'll6l - .,ateti,ex,,,,ris.ein. insurrection ,agaiest their' to - astiti, they.ceive ereilitfee,(o - 10V'nfinor - of srlek - leatiti -traphe, - ,lut the liouthern ~ p eople know the ,a!uiest.iturarinotintable practisal Ob. ataeles:thefoiiire in Ihe way s of any . ant litre tiipt at:achieviugfreedom 'or compass- Jrig revelfgii I:lli,thi part "af the , aegives. and tbayAnciv:alsoi•-when these are , ear rzscninte±4 - bUw.lithtful the' retributiOn, is which 'overtakes the master who bears ~ .the 'Edna onseetif each a a1ga1..:., Nei thioctsiofihe tegroes, nor.. in,. the eon; thick4the_whios..has thereteen idenee • of the existence-of a servile in "l.'hufrectiOnitliouch the 'papers for more, - !-,.thati two months Mime , abottUded., with `''tittitztaents:et - pratendel . proofitee, , _ What - - evermaytare been the purpose of these aro:met-at; length with a i'aerreetion that: may :not be . Aoubted.- -,, .. The .Nete- Orleans Fieaywee of:the Bth tinit says , The investigntitins which barsseen prose ented in the disturbed districm of Texas bare not developed, with-any-degree of distinct.- . exittence °rimy other plot fpr than what a few.clet,pe.rate characters, with bitt connection'Wlth or hope of help from any ether quarter, might hare formed« In - some rakes the.negro population have been dernor aliied evidently by the • insidious p'torni- es of tins/White men and the work of ruin wrought has doubtleis been mainly their Work. But' not half of what has been confessed seems to •he horne out by later filets. The strychnine said to have been discovered in the hands of , negroes turns out to:he very barmless,lutving no affinity with the deadly, poison .irhicif•lt was supposed to be,` - The wells thought to hare been`poisoned, late accounts declare to be, untainted with any - deletericius substance. "f tl las, like all,of our frontier States, has been -tile point where - desperate men , have congre fated, andlier whole history is full of vio lence arid outrage inflicted by the foes of so= -eiety. Aroused 'by the present danger, the citizims have row takrn the most effectual means to bring-such offenders to justice, and breakup:'all combinations for their p-ro tection.7_ , newspaper. published at Houston, . l'exas. had already hotneva situilarlesti , won , : , and it.tnay now be considered as ,tat established: fact that - .the, pretended . Plot was a pretense and a sham.. doubtedly, 4awever, it had its purpose; and that, eq . :welfare already suggested, was to surpress.With the strong baud a' nascent Anti-Slavery 'feeling:among the 41s.iPle'aeTexas and more especially aim _ad- tiia--Mlet-, -, Vii4./14 , 43ate• of w_hen hostiiitli to ‘Slaveriiswas a religious .con 11 :hi this suppression it has un ,doUbteilly- succeeded iu,-so far that it has put to death a nunjber of the eitizeui who ,beld fu the hercsieS of the Sermon °tithe „Mount and the Bcclaration of- Indepeu deuce. But the blood of the. martyr's is the seed of the elture,h, and_through the m adness. of the - Pro-Slavery party, we: -doubt not the feeling against 81avery as ~an inhuman and - God-defying institution, is-er in Texas. today .than it ever was before. —.N. Y. Tribune, 11th. rtitaine Election. ' - -.1"011T - 14:i'D, Se0.11;1.860.--Two hue . clee'd and-thirteen towns give Washburn. li - can,- 41§, - 147, Smart, Democrat, 43.5,02f,-,; cage Bles, Whig; '1,240, - igainSt _in the 'a , me towns last year, orrill, publiCan . 1.39,360 Smith, Democrat, 30 r 511: - 11.ePtildicau majority -is 11-- 881„ . agaiu4 8 816. last year.' In*au'in creased vo'.e of 14,509 there i 4 a R epub • limn nett trainof,3,o6s. , The aggre,, , iite , vote of the State : Will. reach 120,000, 'abaut 20,000 jnore than last year. The returns di:infirm in every respect, our last estimate„ 4fi the Republican Members Of congress are elected . , The R epUblicans are Celebrating their victo in this city' by a.toichlight procesbion, The Main ,Questlen Wes put last Monday; "down East." The yawns°, wifb.'all sagacious - Minds, fe ttles thi,Piesidential Qi*tien in favor of Lin coln and 'Elatelitif _ 'The 'State of 'Maine has in it a lamer proportion of Federal office4iolders than any oiler in theVnice. _The pemoeints there seettied perfectly _Uniterepoe keen, shreWdi popular. Man for Governor, (Mr. Stuart.) They also ,got the" aid of men and money fron_New. York a' ConstitutiOnal:Union Conservative Ben man for Governai to divide the OPposi lion Vote'. "Douglas stumped Maine wore than any,tither State.., They felt, sure of gaining two,COngressmen; and some eiattn ties, if 0+0 , 1;,e r_ ~g islottits .and Goierno The_restat :that: WASHBURN,. (Rep.) is elected Governor by an inereased patty majority of thonsanifa; the gl Bell" du bas but a retibundred"Vnies; the 'e.eun ies have elected 'Republican - offieere, exclusively; the Senate is wholly, and the nonie overwhelmingly Republican, while ALL the Republican. candidates for Con. gresitire elected, as follows : lat district.:l4..V l *.Gctodwiti; 2d—C W. wittou - ; . 2a c. Fessetided; . 4th ' 0. P.['iMertELU;.sthlikT. H Zvi; 6th— i F. A. Pike:- • VE11401i2" : , eye* , YATABANICS (Rep,) over two to ine0*,22,000 majority, over Saxe (DottilA Douglas' ; native State,) while theareakiurcdge canaiiiate has but abont2oo;,otea. 'R three Re oandidates.tfir C4n — ress and *tile State Senitora - aff,.oior4n the Atsettibly AtlSlMVir7fflign: Mein all the States where . -Irreemen have and enjev the tihtfa.l firivilege,et ezensis ibribeir nalgased,choiee , secius'lo be'4rip'etihiztiF F,i;eoi7il4 7 ihiPAol4'phrtylttii(g pst gi;il4o ettr,ilregp•irihiectum la:oau . . Ent , Wednaaday,..,-.Sept,.. 12,. 1860.- f -.:. toritiliiicAl*nninstr s titit)lf Iteie day was one'of treat =Enthusiasm. - Sotne 15,000' in leen daene,in nil . ; az Wide-A.wake"., Char; Troiti surround=; inetpwns and about-500 front IsietiCtork State=....ilr,2,l)oklWidealtlYttkesi . with Ighted torellow,, Itittind.in pifiekasioti to night; u itlifak was,. over half an' boo*. iu passing a, given ..3.lleg.innettniftras.addreesadl4lbe B. At, diode en Sinioti - . , ,Caineron, - Cattstnit'N. Clai,, - Gnv..3leoKitit s if:OtbOrAlitlugui.th- Pd • •• ,• • C 1113 - ELECTION.ACKIrQW.LEDO . . iao = -In liis speech; at Norfolk, lOWSta; who-have hided tl~eDenioeratic ..i!ii4l44iiiiroi,l4oltl3l;4ltriOdietitta, carry nchern State though it now sifiwo, iKO:d n ;04r.v . : f qiif,:iifiqte''Siotii! . .fo I.lifiebln,''thli ..ifitkiteing:hirn:i. be elected by the :petiyittit,r- • --,• • pttat . Pigltal.- toiaitimurOwt,' Ctrs aj sept. 0,186.0; - %T. _S. 'CHASE. EDITOR. AND PUBLISHER. itoltibli4ifliiiiet.4 . lB6o: " PItESTpEN.T. ' ABRAHAM 'LINCOLN diqt.Lqop "f93I'.VICE-PRESIDENT. OF MAINE • - -• • PIIESIDENTUIr ICTO#B.: Jenies PotOca - . -- # se nc r to. - ! a 'i'lluomes )1. Hciwrz, Rlircsentatire,'-. - DIST. 14. Ulysses Merelir. 15 george Dressier., 16.;A:13. Sharp.' - ' IL: Daniel 0` Oahe: 18. -Samuel Calvin. 11. Eagar Cowan. 20.. Wm. 21. .In. 31 - Kirkpatrick 22. James Kerr. 123: Riell'A P.lloberts 24. • Henry S.outher::' aolia.Orkz.-• 12112 1. Edtiard C Knight 2. Kohert-P, Xing. 3. 'Henry 4. Robert H. Foust.' - 5. Nathan Hills. - - 6 John ML-Broomall 1. 'James W. Fuller. 8. Levi B. Smith., 9. •Francis W. Christ 10. David lilnnfma., Jr David Taggart:- • 12.,themas.L-11u11,- r3'., P. R. Penniman. ' FOR. GOVER.VOU; ANDREW CURTiN, CENTRE COUNTY.' FOR CONGRESS; c. 7 111)N. JANES T • orcsktsig COUNTY - - - _ . GO - UNT-Y ;TICKET. • • For - Prothonotary, IIGQI:S d : OLIMTEt4 • Fur Itegi.3ter and Recorder,. eV" LITM,iN.NELSON. •• • For Counly..Tretkitircr, BURTM. For Dorgqer, • DR, ANDREW:B . I'OD; - , }"#r Co - upty, :11AIITItitt[DRIG6S-. For County Xuditori LUCIEN careful canvass •ef i llysice township, during the last feitifleelts; shoiti that- of the democrats in thelargest half of , it; thire is but onePouglak.man, the rest—a dozen or so—being for,yreck enridge. It is estimated: by gooaj!nages that not over fifty votes wilt be caiirjor Douglas in 'this county this fall: The Brew have the inside,. track: , . .• .‘ _ - : Dar - We Nus - Oat Dr: W. B. ora,ies, l ira of Clara is making an effoii"te4 as in depandent candidate jOr rrot notary. We liiitietitithilielo - ii:Ty - :ak fnitlic Graves of a piiirsonal nature,_ eieeitt" that, ife thiuk.iliat he' muse - havevery poor coneeition of the duties ottlbe office, he desires,-to be'eleeted to.- A= man who is scarcely able to get abo by .reason of a ..4"--. - ,- Pulmonary, :disiaie, eine _t live and per torn) the duties - of that:okee six months. lfesides,the, Dr. has- hel , • _ ,• 'office rum_the Beptiblican4 party :ever Foe - it* , was or= ganized. .:- -.-- ~.. .. , - stiirThe Republicai. Dieting lasiTues day afternobo and eventntias a - Compete success, notwithstanding44l , meat with regard to' speakers"-Mr. Lan do . and Mr: „iliacboll ridlink• to elms. A letter, TM Tecelved;#r.un on MUnday, eveniuglAting..lhat" be could riot come itt "coutleitylnie adother en gagepent. •and' havibg called at the . residence .of Lit Toiir,e:oloili:iu.the afterneen,.bei- Commedore Bbubriek-litell known for ever, Qou'4`idieur,necr, when.i the court= his • bitter pro.shtvery sentiikonta---th . el 'room with' 'people,- convetsation.naturcily; turned to the dia aferl'orgeniziogl)rappointiegElea.. eassionl'Of - the Speakership, then at the 'zerti4ynian - En...President'George Es- zenith of its interest. The-Cointnodore ISM ENE ~~` 'll rgiY 7l 4 •• •1 s 1 §os , iet?ry; the.iT-dn i. 11. CtttiB of -Warr ads Enotio'noioulteitiacatiimot:.4**44o:, 110114Mi . rniF; '4*o l 4pol4o 4s l l ' 6 FitioP ow . weetiog - venTh 1 • .:4buqo!?i 1ie , 4*4 117 44,1#.#430 - Oki r igor : oa t o ipliieattpu.af ' his atguaigii* ^:se'be u; by: askint.tlie question •, le4 t Potter ithatire•yep 40ipgt. *by slOp..yerg,:itnii . lerypricii: erly pale ittentOn c.the.11.4.04., , cane:ol--thla leekuf,:enthushtsa!'..'pe n i festeck this poi**ip decididly'tci the tioin),,and,emtuently.T9.- . ( 0 14. 47 has in thk - pareiPatgm,- . - jTatrntll44lently.,A pr611d.riji ; 4416004,11 - 0 1tii f tiretO*9l ~ nefi going over the:. -n , hoic .. gronnd - o:6u .- oa/31 4 : piesenticand_plainly-atatirig : the:telatiyeivositionlef . the different-par= lie .w as • partiernlaili:Setife...Upiiii-:the:" Little ant!' and ',hiS,,.6great principle." Aird J•ehtison'a iem*ke r 'were "repeatedly greet 2. ed'With applatti,e, and' elicited the ;narked , attention' cif ilie , "entire audience. w hich' -was - . coinptieed - cotirtofeoin many of OA audienCe-heiniladies. When -Mt.Johnson closed, the people; called:forAtir..Peebles,of Wellsville, who'' atidFeseedetu briefly - and earnestly, w hen 3 - tho- t , e = adjourned awidireat enthnstasitt.._•':: ' .. • These speeches 'bare already I.ad good effect, and me notice considerable wore euitussat t iO-day., We trust it*will be - maintaikhd. - • We learn-illat a Bieckeniidrce man - from V . lystes, after hearing 31r. Johnson's speeeli l. declared That he was going to vote for I t ideoln. He said he was done with .the siialia:oahiev.. No doubt others will acknowledge that Johnion's remarks were very eq.uvietino• .before the Presidential • election'fioines around. • • • P. S.—Jtidge Hale arrived here a little • aftereimon on Wednesday, having - been (Waned by a train running off the track ,Letwecrk-Williamsport . and- - El 11l iffic, , 4l , 3. tug a delay of eight hours, and prevent ( - lug • - any•cl4ce of,connecting :frith'. the trains of the N. Y. Si E..: 1L..1t.: until morning. -But, as soon a's the,Juft6 - ar, rived, arrangements': were. at •ona,. - Made for a meeting in the evening, - poster's 'got out ; and in the evening .the Court-room - Was 'filled to Ovcr:floWing—=t'he4Jargest audience of the week.. Judge Hales-aye artnorough and honest statement of' his ' eourse in Congress at the last session s and his reasons fur that course. He corn. wanded the careful and most `respectful attention- of the audience, ,and Was fq -, quently • applauded. Judge Hale is a pleasant speaker, a close' ogician,' and . makes thorough work of his IttguiOnts. ,4is arguments are inoontrovaitible honest retaliation, and his logic is invari ably on the side of truth and justice.-L We noticed a number of demactits atuong. , the audience last- evening, and -9 hop, they were somewhat I;enefitted,4ough _unconverted, by the Judge's - reasouing:JJ large number of them are. leaders and have made up their mind to continuo: iheir blindness in spite of .tip;, shining Judge Hale desires this county to give 800 ulajority for Curtin. Will fon not Republicans of Potter? You will „ tave to work to do it—but are you no Wiling to work in a good cause•, Re-Nomination of Ja!dge" Rale. The Republican CongressioUel'Confer ence for this District met at Lock Hagen a week ago Tuesday, and unanimously nominated - the, Hon. James T. Hale for reelcctio'n. This was expected, and is as it should be. The peeptootill have no reason,to regret- their choice, having_at ready tested the official capaci kl 4 OriVir: Hale No bonstituency_ttrtbe. county can'claim a more honest 'or' talentid.reP iesentative than he, and:at the same time less a politician.. "Judge Hate is no .po litical intriguer, and even the enemies of Freedour respect, him for 'his honest and earnest devotion `teli , 'ie' Republican 'prin. As-atrillastrakian. of this :ice will give 1111,41bLatICO . ;pia this place was at.Washingion lest winter, ~ , • ..... .. - .. 0_- • ~ - i.litietitiitii4 - frb in your idisfrial44iiijact, sji)`s- 01 g4IPP1Itn#4aili c 'PS.T. 'o l kftitSt 4, TP 1 : 4: ' 2 ;(*.: : : - ri 1 4ii*.gli/4400 4. * '"* s "i . *4'; 6 i; 4kiu:lt4;'-iiii,A:fi* -=‘ , 6 is' Vint9 l m" lie PA man *ho eateP!Ps PriD! cipli.ja ber.4,04,4,n . 4 Iltiii.'iireurafilti I POsoOtßiiel:rd l shiEV-! I.l4 . ;;distrioCtoei ...... ...... , _ . , . . well:be proud; of,stteli i n'represtinititive; and ; the ;peOple of the district svdreadonsei . tliii . 'ephiiiiii: -. O4Ona:Sliittitick . ofi the Oth teOctobei;;::?•trerY :Re " üblicau in> the .istrict,- haFever, *ill: be beaded to,tualie: Sure:o ;.his, reelectlin,- as the".Dotbocretre l l State^ticket latst vear, had 372 majority . on ai. vote small '. The - necesFity of a' ft& vote wtll read4be seen. ~ : ; _ ti ~, ~.,.;•„' t- ...: ; ikaleirsega atigicatitsta 1111eetIps Theuttrimit . ti of six appointed, hi the ..Tioga County: Convention to .ratify its iteminatiOnarlorlAssembly, fuer at Veils bOro on Monday,a-even]:"; and we find the offietal report . of; their 's in the Agitator, 'itfoila r ivrs We grant thenrtheir request .-fciSis- publication in tn our dolues.: - : - XpEGiSLiTiVE Co,NFEIiENCE. i`..,r illlpurtodanoe of the resolution:of, the Ova.. County' 'Republican Convention hehtitt Mansfield, on the 31st ult., the Repreientative,aonferees of Tioga - eounty ilia - tie Wellaboro, on 'Mooday evening, Selif.‘lo, 1860, "when it = appeared that 'there were present • the following confer ;eis to wit: 0. 11. , Taylor, - J....F. D.otield ion, Hugh : Young, J kmery'and A. A.A. Anishry. The Conference organized. by appointmeot of J Emery of Wellsliero as Cilairman, and A. A. Amshry uf Clymer Secretary. - Mart King one of the 'flogs county confereesibeing übseni, his place MEM was supplied by the appointment of F. E. Smith," The Potter county conferees be; -in&'absent'itnd itl l appearing that they had . been:dtily' notified, it was woved and ear riett-that the conferees, proceed to make nominations in their absence. The fel- - lowing Preamble! and Resolutieilii were tnen inured and tumultuously . adopted : 117B,REAs, At l the last. Presidential l'electiOn Taiga county cast 5954 votes and '8155 Republican; majority,. and Putter coutitylattly 19371 votes and 597 Rub licart 'Majority, being•roore that: three to .011 e of the popular vote, and in, than. l i ke to one Repubhcan Majority -in favor. of Tioga: County; and whereas Potter county has had for the . last year, 'and will Itztve for .the next two years the State Senator-of this District; and : whereas it Was well Understoo . anu expressly con= ceded by the leadi'ng Republicans Of. Po tter county last Fall, that if Mr. IsaatV3l. Bodine who had been nominated by ,the I,egislative Quuference on accounticf the -eon-appearance efl - the Potter conferees, would with draw favor of the Putter nornit;4. Tioga county should .betutitied.to two members the next two years at least, Therefore " 'i• Resolved, That we , the conferees appointed in - pursuance of a resolution of tile. Tioga County Republicab tlmvention deem it emi nently just nod -pr6per that. Tiuga county should have fur the }text two years at,,Lleast both members of the Rouse pfßepresentatives.,. Resolved, That as the Potter County confer= ees have failed to meet..us at the appointed l time and place, we hereby ununimom , ly. rec oinmend to the supplrt of the Republican vo .te.rs of Tioge. and Po ter counties, Benjamin B. Strang Of Clymer and Simon B. Elliott of Mansfield, as candidates to be supported at the next-election for members of the House-of Representatives._ ; ,Resolved, That the proceedings of this Co - ference be published tin the Republican -pa pers of this Representative District. , J. EMERY, Chairman. ;A. A. AIIS : 811Y, Secretary. Tioga has certainly a larger poOulation, and of course a . .larer vote than Potter; and we freely grant the Republican vote is a little larger in proportion to the whole vote than in this . county—not, however, a 2,nry great deal larger. .Tioga has a lit tle•tuoro of a pull list than entitles her to one representative in the Legislature, and Putter a httle less; but in making the apportitmment in 1857,, it was distinctly agreed between the member from (Mr. Williston,) and the a/gaiter from Potter: (Mr. BensonD that each Couoty was to have a repre4entative everY year --or 'other words, that neither county was to claim both members during the seven years of the l apportionment.. I: seems, - howet , er, thati l Tioga is now viola 'rig that faith-.-and ,that,-tio in the most. insulting and anti-IS.cpublican Manner. She , does it upon thelprinciple'that'might s right, and in order to secure the work- ing of that principle, l appoints.six iiouter ces' to meet two from this county - 'The result, as shown - by the above official pro. ceedings, would havelbeen the same . had ilie"Potter conferees Voluted their, sense of propriety by ineetiog with the six. from Tioga. Wel have this week heard one of those six conferees say L that it -was not contemplated by the 63tivention that .the whole six were to vott ' i in the conference. On,being asked why, ( then, they were ap pointed, he began to talk about. the Re publican 'votei of Tioc;-4 being so- much larger &a., but still could givcno ble reascin svliy six were appointedinstead of VIT. Thepot was there waano excuse but that'tnight malres right-,-ar . rather, that the Monroe guerrillas and.the iegu tars oliTiogallkoth desired to be represen ted at Harrisburg, and in order to pacify ,the guerrillas every' . oiler consideretion ' Siiiiitiiio - 61 i:Wij44:*giiifiyltijia - t tr e ati ng Potte - they ; aa - a pretext or harp upon.-the Senatqral and! it excest... Tic papillat ion" ; hnbhubs. 1 1::- •-•,-, - .',•':,: ' The claim pptt ? rSit . t e g iirtti 9 Dir. todine; is Amid! :0; fereekond, ‘, - and*Cry - ciite!`i ' 'of those SIX: ceitfeiCea thew lliey were ? -. posits,l.-,,,. .. . assenting to a e falsehood - they. passed those - r*lutions.,, .2 1 . The lading; Republicans 'of `Potter `county" - vrheirire m id - to litiirervoneeded 'the right olliogn toihoth moullters at this election, empbatteally deny the.'assertion: . e editor of the Agitator who was one of ' Ari ii ±doti feree, - was ware that; 414:- ai . . senior' of that corteess4n was a falsehood; but the game.of En.ey & ,7 , C0. was des perate,-and almost any sacrifice of truth !must be 'made to etiectS, conciliation of the guerrillas. 1 But as Abe Tioga ther have undertaken ionrrAnge the legislative - question to , snit f• themselves; and as. we :t Potter are pow- erless . to counteract, thlr work except by degrading ourselves kyle level of mian ttes to whicu they haver, rashly descend ed, we see do other course butsubmission 1 by inaction. The timet may come when the Repnblican leadersiof , Tioga - will re gret the course they hate - pursued in this matter. The voice of potter will yet be needoi by: thein in conference—and- we hardly believe that our people and their representatives will be willing to , labor 'fir the interests of thus who have repaid the sixtySuceessive vote accorded to. Mr. Wilson in the Senatorial conference last, I. year, by tint:riling upon their rights.this year. If MeSirs:Strang and Elliott are satisfied- wit their pos i tions, they are \I welcome to a I thwleasu're they can real ize from representing th,eUuti-Republican and ungenerens principleinaugurated by the couventum that nominated them. They wiij discover before tlieliiiellirough that might is nut always right "poor is it always strong to do the bidtling:4( those who make use of it -- to ride iuteoffice. They will yet discover th 4 there;' 4a Pot ter, county. 1 -,`) , „ - - non. 4ohn - ILlidkorkap: On the evening of the dpy ot3fiegrand Republican denions'ratioq at;-AVestches , .0 ter, Pa. the Wide :Awaket serenaded 1 'v,.-: Hon. John Hickman. .4,lam:conclusion x.: of a national air, Mr. HOwan addressed the multitude as follows i .- - : F4LoW CITIZEO: 4 iIi hare advocated td-day the cleerioninf Abraham Lincoln to the utficecfth , ,TresidencY. I have nut donethii s i , ,,, y, but altei mature eon. sideratioe. - e, - is the - orilyl man whb fa vorektlo :t CaSurcs which . :1. copeck:o to bel' - ' : . ‘.., ~'', ,;' ed . to. the 'highest pat i iotis ni and .. tit - 'sagacious policy. Our country, its - in rests, its progress, its \develeptitent. it perpetuley•+ - all depend upon keeping F : 41, e evils of slavery out of the Territories -now free. Shall the broad publie domain soon to beccime settled and populous. and invested with the seVerei'mtr of State' , rights, be the litime of the degraded black or the abode of freesinewediwhite labor ers ?. ' In this Contest We have enlisted tipertone.'side the people oti 'the South 'and some - interested partiF.aes at . the Nu' rth, on- the Other, the intelligence and might of the North, and thousands of hop ing-but silent partisans in the South.—r- Our istnnathies for - freemeniare in. har mony with our love for the Union. The Union is in ' It . CiMnot be (Es % solved sir long - as the people Make known their will, by Constitution atxl law. Who shall gainsarthe.right of the 8,000,000 of the North to.plaee in office linen pipit ed.to any principles not derogatory to the "odd of the wilele people. - Wo. • legislate . for the goed.of t.he laborer, 'and will giro him a home where Lis labor shall be an honor, and Where'vtitges shall clink in the 1 place Of Shea:lea. :- - Congratulating - You, my fellow-citizens, 1 upon t,t) . e..protir4' 6 before you,. 4nd thank-j ing you for the honor you have conferred' upon me; I - bid 'You good night, •Had 1 the tinni,. I eiould belgldd to invite you into my house ; ". - btita hundred Louses wciiild' not aceoPodate you:. [Nine cheers fur - John Hiekmanl] ,-. ‘:- -• ' . - Douglas 00poied lo Fusion. The " Giant?'--its , eletermined to make a gallant fight of , it, awl be is de termined that he-will run on his nwn hook. On Saturday last he addressed a meeting in the City of Reading, in Zvhich he used this laM>uage : - • • " How, then shall we maintain our prin ciple ' Only by . adhering . firmly to regu 7 lar nominations and putting down all se cedets.anti bolters. (Great enthusiasm:) Whenever you make terrus and ciao prom ise. with bolters, you hold out a bounty . for 9very 'faithless thitei to bolt in tlie fu ture. (Cheers) For one, I 'can never fuse, (voices- . -- , Never')_ and never will fuse with:any Man who tells me that the Deinocratic- creed is contrary , to reason 1 and the - Constitution." - - If Breclaoridge men have any grit they must feel the une.hviablel36sitiou they oc cupy itiftryiag to-effeet a fasioa,"- when Mr. Douglas ndt only , spurns- them iwith scorn'and iniult, but swears he '4 o :nevi3r will fuse",6n soy. terms. itarqohn,:Coiode, in bis specoh,,in Lebenon.sliowed: that Henryll.!Foster, the Loco candidate for Governor, was :One of the recipients of the: immense sums squandered from War , hington I . . .t.itief4NA - MA_Antirt iiirtnaies qi e ;; u , ;All he - 44- 000 over Douglas mate. Kings county is put , ds i nit Dotiglas, sad New _York .04; The Rural districts- to.pile up the , majorities fel Lintrenctt is put down at iti`not considered exorbitant. pa ial otiees. EVERT SLIMIER the demand Celebeated—Stonmeh Bitten It IS found toil:1_0111e orgy eirtainv of bodilistrFngth, during a-peri o e atinoitilterils caleulated. to induc of laisittideltiid IndigeitiOn. Th e of Diarrisma ,and,Dysen tory, gill: its potent Imumerabi whCo tire.alive and"well, must,thaal coverer,of this preparation that the been swept - away in the. hariest The Aitters is recommended by flit siolane in the land.- This is the 4 4 1 ofits.rnal value, hecause, as ge te they will-not-speak-a word in favor Used . preparations: They- hare b polled to acknowledgp.the claims el ters upon the community. Sold h, gists. JUDSON . 'S MOUNTAIN ITERII HoW strange-ans wonderful it oft to • us that- a medicine composed mountain herbs .and-roots, should, search out and cure disease. that the Indians should know at long and well si.secret. that his - - seaich,of the greatest physicians has'ever seen, True, the sicientit of Mexico were a strange race, font Spaniards living in large cities, ant for their .strange customs and relighn civilized as their. conquerors. In tin of a writer of some celebrity, "The perished from the earth, their citiei gantic -piles' of ruins their-Kings - and so" mighty in-their life, are forgotten; ruins-and their-medicine alone areleft: united testitnony of all intelligent pr that-Judson's Mountain Ilerb Pills most successful" medicine in the wort ing disease. •Sold by.all Medicine' A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES Ai. TLEMEN.—The subscriber will send charge) to all who desire it, the Reci directions for making a simple Vegetal that will, in from-two to eight dayd, Pimples, Blothes : Tan, Freckles, Soli and all impuritied and roughness of tb leaving the same—as Nature intended; be--soft, -a! ear,srqoath and beautiful._ Th siring the yecipe. with full instructiot motions, and advice, will please call et drzss (with return postage.) • JAS.. T. MARSHALL, - PBACTICAL CITEMIST, 48-13 t No, 32 City. Buildings, N. armogireNtqfs. FOR COUNTY TREASURE C. C. LYMAN, of UlyOses,Arill be sn PENDEIiT, CANDIDATE.. far the of County Treasurer. Having neither, th money to spend for, electioneering pun rest my claims .with the *ill of the Poi be expressed at the general election-in t her, • r Aug. I,lBi iummntrmunumninusuninnunsailm 6ljioe . 61thig,s; .zi.t C. S. & A., JONES, (in the4toreforpierly occupied by 1:4:0, ARE receiving a full disortment of re Winter Goods.' To gay they. are beautiful magnificent, unsurpassed L.e., , but weak expressions to convey to the le "THEIR: REAL. MERITS. Nothing but it personal examination do. All aro-invited toicatl, examine, ail and buy. Our Stock of GROCERIES, is full Audi plote, and sold at prices to suit the timt To those wishing to purchase: we tam. ivi a call and examine oar goods and trues. We will sing you a• ditty, ye wise and iewii Who grace now. our city, from places afar And hope that your favor will crown oar deavor— • . • To please you we'll ever, kind souls, that are. Our store room of Ooods,. now, you-are bound to - see, now, ' - 'Tis what you'll agree, now, is worthy For here yon may haymow, Goods lowprieed or' high, now, And each one who'll tiny, no*,great Burl* obtains. • • We have goods of all sorts, and goods are goods, - And Sugar, and Coffee, and Broad Cloths, Spice, And Tobacco, and Boots, and Prints, thaws nice,,. - • , With the'fnest of Qireensware, and strongest. of Sheeting, At prices with - which there is no competing.. We have caps of all kinds, the great and..te. small kind,. With Rihbpos and Laces, the - richest and beat We have Walleti fos money—has fortune proved sunny • • And showed it "on ye? We hope you are am blest. . • , * We have Indigo, Nutmegs, and Glassware,. - and Rice, - . • . " With Vinegar, Matches, mad traps to catch' _ met,: ' • In slzort,..vre have all that man orvvoman eau, put - On the crown otthe bead, or the sole -- of the •foot;' Or that can be Ignited on, or stretchedroit os • laid,' Or anywhere on or about thein be placed!: And all are,at prices'so woadrciiisly lost. _ That it is needless any place else to go,. For it is surely the truth,• and ougkt tQ be told, - • - Thai JONES is tbe man that can't be•ondit•. sold: So Farmei and Lawyer,Blacksmith and Sew yer, We have goods that will suit you just tO We have pants that are fitting for that place you - sit in - , - Or may chance`to . .get in, or where ever lot Hoops, there is no telling, how many selling ' • • all tatare- simpaisinerlOtri •eierittiinz eiskto numerous to 134410. 10 . With ghawlit.and:itiii4tipes to meion We bare nOrr Sold Orir,sti4, 4O prOgazi2iti l ls tido - re / you _ , , COine now, we implore your and see far - you' And 'yottCh fof And-_ ily of-US, i‘illy, 4 4S - 0, -Condemnor; .fiert; 12;1860. . " • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers