- 60''...140 - tgitittg: cOUDEMPOR,T, ALGUST , 2, • 1866:.- psom•••• ---- ire have bad considerable fain the .ct few days, and vegetation has taken D es start. A slight frost was visible aday morning. We have received the Atlantic Month for August. It is a rich 'nutuber,"and By maintains its past reputation. We ,ish it to our subscribers at 6 : 2, .a yea'r. 're propose that a Republican Mass eetiog be held at Lewisville, in this „ t oy, about the last week in Septem e. What say our friends of the Ulysses vpnbliop Club ? It as time to move in he matter if you favor it. ne lOpublican County Convention .sets here to-day, but to late for tha.pro ilings to be published in this number f our paper. We will give them in full t week, no doubt.. • , Club .illeeting.—Nest Tuesday evening the time. for the regular monthly meet of the Central Republican . Club, which meets at the Hall of the S. of T. L e t, as have a full house then to ratify le nominations to be made to-day.— several - of our Ideal speakers have signi fed their willingness to talk to thg club t o that evening—let them have a full lease to talk to. Come, all of you, and . brißg your wives and sister with you, too. Potter County Bois Find Oil.'—We i re informed that B. F. Jones and othas, of Sharon, this county, with some gentlemen from Crawford county; under the name of Jones, Martin & Co., last week struck a vein of oil, between Cuba and Rnshford in - Allegany County, N. y. They bad bored some 40 feet into the rock. There is considerable excite sent, both at Sharon bnd Cuba in con mgaeuee of this discovery.* The surface oil has been gathered near Cuba for a long time, but these gentlemen are the Ent to -bring the grease from the bowels of the earth in this region. They have 'dim far taken off about two barrels per dap, by band, but have recommenced taring ; to secure a larger yield. Our friend, L. 11. Kinney, is a stock-haler. Sear Warren, Trunibull county, Ohio, oil is being ptimped from a depth of 49 foot from the surface. firelyerry , season is-just- now-at-its--ze nith, and our mountains are yielding a very heavy crop of black raspberries. We presume 'over 75 bushels of these have keen gathered within one mile from the Court House this season. The„season led off with a larger- crop of strawberries than was ever before known •in the coun ty, and they were followed by a moderate ly large crop of red raspberries, though not so abundant as last year. The black raspberry crop is larger than ever before known; while the blackberries, just be tinning to ripen, promise to be compare tirely abundant. It is, useless to attempt to estimate the number of bushels of ber ries growing in this county—our hills and valleys are covered with them ; but ire heard veracious men speculating upon the subject Tuesday, and they estimated that one millions bushels of berries would be a safe estimate of the growth, of ail kinds, within this county this season.' Were the . se picked and brought into mar- ' ket, green, at the lowest buying price, 5 cents a quart, the value would be over 31,000,000. We estimate the number of bushels actually picked and dried in this county this year at 4,000, or 2 buA. els is each of the 2,000 families, which at 12 cents a quart would be S-18,000. Most of these, however will be used in the county, about 500 bushels, perhaps, ladin g an outside 'market. Reader re feet upon these estimates—they are not far away from the truth. Terrible Trcisedy--Two Men Stabbed. --We learn from a correspondent that oa liettle Creek, near Jacob H. Joan lea's on the night of the 13th inst., a gang of drunken rowdies - assembled at he house of one named Baker, for the Purpobe of seeing a slight-ot-hand per formance. As is usually the case at drunken gatherings, a quarrel soon en t°64--Words firally led to blows, and a Pante fight followed. A young man ,z3r the name )f Baker being engaged in the riot, released himself from the grasp elb!s adversary, ran into the house, and elend the door. The web out side broke the door down, and rushed into the house, 'hen Baker drew his knife and made J aul use of it by stabbing Barnard 11 005 y in thelowerpart of the abdomen, ,alld between the shoulders. He _also nude a plunge at a man by the name of Thomas M'Craney, inflicting- a severe InFond in his side. The wounded men l ee confined to their beds, and whether _they can survive the effects of their 74neds, the future alone can tell. , Ba-. In' fled to the mountains the next day, dace which time he has not been seen or hard of. Let this 'be a warning- to young teen_:who are_prone t 9 ,411ityken nen, especially to those in the vioinil of the - occurrence, tole . cerefill how they indulge - in drinklng--the result of which always :lends to a- bad end.—Clinton Democrat.. - . MeCay* died a - 4ay or two * afterward. 3.lcOraney is still and doing well Under the care of Dr. . o. T. Ellison, ol this plaee. r -ED. Jous. APPOINTMEET OF SIJPREMiI COURT REPORTEIL—The Governor has appoint. ed Robert E. 'Wright, Esq., .of Laid' co., Reporter of the decisions of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, in place of Jos: Casey, Esq., whose term of office has expired. Spec Uotiees. THE FEMALE ORGANIZ is' often as frail as that of a tender. flower. Many of the sex enter into marriage relations without being able to undergo the labors and trials of maternity. la this country thousands of young and 'beautiful women are sacrificed every year from this cause alone. Hostetter's Cele brated Stomach Bitters will save many of this class from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great _benefit by immense numbers of_people,throughout the replicate., and the proprietors have received grateful commendations from all sections of the coup-' try. The Bitters. will l e fotind to be very pleasaiit to the taste, even as a beverage, and prompt and powerful in its effect as a medi tine. It' infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women why use it are enabled to go through with labors which. would, without it, ce cer tain toprostrate t eiu. Sold-by all druggists. *iv Aiurtisimnito. SAT FOR SALE -a t SCITOOMAKER'S, - At $2,50-Per Barrel. CORN MEAL at $2,00 per hundred. F LOUR; Extra, $6,50 per barrel Tt►,7EW ARRIVAL of that 50 cent TEA LI 500 B . USHE II LS DR f IED G BERRIES wanted N. SCIIOO,IIAKEIt Coudersport, July 25. 1860 ULYSSES ACADEMY. 1 - JOSEPH A. COOPER. A B. Principal. 3111. WM- GILLILAND,'I - -• MISS-H. M. JONES, f A.SSISTANTS.• I The ULYSSES ACADEMY was commenced I in the spring of 1839 and opened to students i the following September. Its object is to af ford to the youthl of its ‘'icinity, and to others who may choose it, as a place of study, the requisite facilities for obtaining a thorough and practical education. -The school is in a neat, two-story building, beautifully situated on a ventle eminence commanding a view of the village and coun try around.' The adjoining • yard contains I about three acres. The upper story contains la single room ; and is used for a chapel ; reci tation, and study room. This room is lighted by 14 large windows, furnished with seats for 150 scholars, 'tables, black-boards, j maps, charts, clock, thermometer, and Library of I Reference Books. The lower story contains two rooms for recitations, one for library, a I dressing room, and a hall 8 by '44 feet. 1 The students board in private familieS and study in their own rooms. Nearly every fam ily in the village open their houses to boarders. lAs several new houses are being erected, there will be no lack of •accoramodations ; and, in private families, students can enjoy the comforts of home. , ilZr This Institution is better, furnished with maps, charts and Reference Books than any similar institution in the country. The Library of Reference contains over 40 vol umes, costing about $3,00 a vol. Among them are : APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN j CYCLOPEDIA, 9 vols. THE HOME CYCLO PEDIA, 8 vole., &c. There is a general li brary under the care of a Librarian ; and a Teachers Library containing 25 vies., upon DIDACICS. . - 1 There are three Sessions a year,.of Fourteen Weeks each; commencing as follows: . Ist Session. Tucsday Aug. 21st, IR6O. 2nd " • ". Dec. 4th. " i 3rd " " March,. 26A,1861. Institute- commences -Nov. 12th, 1860. Tuition Per , Term. • INVAIRIADLY IN ADVANCE. Common English—embracing Reading, Writing, Orthography, Geography; ' Grammar, and Arithmetic .. $5,00 To which is added for each higher study 1,00 'lncidentals,l Library, ltd., ' . 50 i Institute, . . 5O Board, room, light, fuel, kc., $1.50 per week. Rooms without board, $2 or $3, per term. PROF. C. W. SANDERE, A; IL The author or SANDERS' READERS, will be present the last two weeks of. the Fall Term, and conduct a Teachers' Institute. Prof SanderS will be sided by S. LEWIS, Esq., the Co. Supt., and probably by the Su perintendent's of the adjoining Counties. It is vary impo.tant that Students be pres ent at the cornmenOemerit, and remain . until the close of the-term. A -record oreach pu pil's attendance' will be kept, and reports sent to every-Patron: - - - • - la. As.rapects fins and convenient building; beautiful and healthy location, thorough practical and ay:time:tie instruction; diciest aids, pure , strong and noble incentives this institution ac- . knowledges no superior,- and feu: equals. The In tercourse of the students with each other and with the Instructors is expected to conform-to the courtesies and proprieties -of,lettitiVated soCiety. Their adnaiisiort to • the Institution and enjoyment of its privileges, imply.a sa' cred contract on their part promptly, ,to ob serve its Ele s gv2atterts. A_ copy of these is fur; nisbed to -each student and conformity to there . is indispensible to continuance in the Institu.- ' tion. , For further information 4,ddress the PRIX CIP.4.I,,,,DIycses, Pa, . . . , ..., . . • i3P.libuAtAi THE RtnikES'AND' lIEGIMAT/ONS;" TIMM _ANNUAL FAIR, Of` the - POTTER *COUNTY --AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 'to be bad at Coudersport, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 2nd and Srd, 1860. • LIST OF PREMIUMS. CATTLE-IMPROVED AND NATIVE BREEDS. Best bull, 3 years old and upward, of each, 2nd best do. do do Best bull 2 years old and upward, do 2nd best- do' . do do • Beet hair]. year old and upward, •• do 2nd best do do do Best bull calf, do 2nd best bull calf, do_ • Best tnilch cow, 2nd best do' do [Cow to be kept on grass during the experiment and for two weeks previous to each period of trial; each period to be of ten days, and at intervals of not less than one month' apart. The statement furnished to contain the age and breed of the cow, time of calving, quantity of milk in both' iiVight - and measure,' and also the weight of butter during the, period of ten .days; butter . made to be exhibited at the Fair, and also the cow; statement to be verified by the affidavit of, the-cote petitor and at least one other person having a knowledge of the facts.] . . . Best heifer 2 years old do 2 .00 2nd best do do -do . 100 Best heifer 1 year old - .. . do - 100 2nd best do ' . do eo • - bi - .' Best heifer calf, • _ • do 100 -Best yoke of oxen , do 3 00 2nd• best do . 'do .„. .2 00 . Best yoke of steers, 3 years ;o:d . 200 2nd best . do . do 150 Best yoke of steers, 2 years old ' 150 2nd best 'do do • 100 Best yoke of steers, 1 year .old : 2nd best - ,do do Best training of steers, in each class, by -boys un- - . der. 16 years old, •.- - 1 .Book JUDGES—Lucian Bird, A. C. Stevens, James B. Jones, Hudson Hendry; 0. C. Warner, F. B. Sizer, Joseph Itnowl ton, N. Dwight: HORSES--THOROUGH-TIRED; DRAFT; FOR ALL WORK. • Best stallion, of each .-, - 400 2nd best do 3 00 Best brood mare, (with foal at her feet) of faii years old and upward 3 00 2nd best do .. do da - 200 Best colt 3, 2 and 1 year old, each ' 200 2nd best do do do 100 Best sucking colt ' 1 50 2nd best do - . , 100 Best single carriage or saddle, each 3 00 2nd best do do 2 00 1 Beet matched span of carriage horses or mares, - 400 2nd best do do Best span of draught-horses 3 00' 2nd best do:.' 2 00 mules Best span of • ' 2 00 2nd best do . • . - 100 Best mule *lOO Best jack. , 2 00 . . . • JUDGES-S.-N. Mills, A. B. Crowell, Calvin Palmer, Nel son Perham, S. P. Reynolds, H. H. Lyman, P. B. Dedrick. SHEEP-LONG-WOOLED; 'MIDDLE WOOLED; MERLNOS ; SAXONS ; CROSS BREEDS. Best buck, 2 years old and upward, of each god best 'do do • do Best buck, under 2 years old do 2nd best do do do Best pen of 5 ewes 2 y'rs - and upw'd do 2nd best • do do do Best Pen of 5 ewes under 2 years old, of each, do 3 buck lambs, of each, 3 ewe lambs, Best samples wool, not less than five fleeces 2 00 [Samples of each to be deposited in bluseum of Society.] Best sheep do;, , 100 JUDGES—Lewis W. Lyman, Willis Young, H. 0. Perry, Joseph Phillips, Jacob Poet, Simon Drake. WINE Best boar, 2 years old and over, 1 year old, and s 6 months old, each, 2nd best boar do .dO do - .do . Best breeding sow, 2 year old and over, and 6 months old, each, 2 00 2nd best breeding sow, do do do 1 00 • Best lot of not less than 5 pigs, under 6 months old, 100 Best cured ham, 2 00 [The ham to be cooked and brought to the exhibition.] J UDGES—James Bartron, John P:Russell, A. C. Taggart, G. W. G. Judd, Charles Monroe. • • POULTRY. Best lot, (not less than I cock and 2 hens,) native and improved breeds, each, 100 Best. general lot of poultry, owned by one peron, 2QO JUDGES—David T. Hall, G. L. Catlia,•James Pearce, Hen ry Andresen. BETTER AND CHEESE Beit butter in 'firkin or tub, not le;s than 50 pounds, 2 00 2nd best do do do 150 Best roll butter, not less than 10 pounds 1 00 2nd best do ' do ' 50 Best cheese, not less than ten pounds - 100 JUDGES—Sobieski Ross, Mrs. Timothy Ives, Ambrose Co rey, Mrs. Almeron Nelson,Joseph Mann, Mrs, Daniel Olm sted. DAIRY, GRAZING AND GRAIN FARMS. Best farm, Secorid best farm, Third best farm, [Condition, cultivation and buildings will be considered by ,the Judges in their Award, and a statement of' the manage ment will be required of each competitor. They are request. ed to notify ;lie Recording Secretary at an early date, to ena ble the Judges to visit the farms during the Growing seat on.] JUDGES—John S. Marin, Dennis Hall, Johnson Chase, 0. A. Lewis, A. W. Jones. , - • PLOWING MATCH. First Premium, Seeepd Premium, JuDoEs--Seth.Taggart, Divrid Crowell, A. S. Aimstrong, Henry Nelson, S. C. Phelps. WBEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, ETC-. Best acre of each, 8 00 2nd best do • 1 00 Best sack Winter or Spring wheat, each ndbest do - do . Best sack Rye Flour, 2nd beet do Best sack Buekwheat, 2nd best - do * OF TEE l' ' - - Z Best i i kk:(kitire i latil l .:. ...- -,, . 1 .-1 :-.., 'ikr .'...:-..r. L- .....-..;... :....:7.15.. It 13d-best-:- do I ' - ... : - • •' • :., do - . ..-:-. :1 -60 Best and , most timothy hay. from. 3 ocresi_ ;- . .1 50 Best - . - -do ~ I eloVer . do- -I ' .. ; - ' ; _ lOO . Beet- 'aere of , ot; or turnips, each ; ' . . 2.00 2iiid Vert, -',_ do :..• do , ' ll . ; -:do : .... , 1 0 !) :t ", ...Best 4 , acre of s, carrotsil eu% pealb .breeM-:. - '- '' • ' • - Cote, or AU, each_ .. •:(Competitors for preiniume on. tiny of the ,stbac..B mist mt bibit a sample of the . orop at the .F.sir,, furnish a statement of the mode of cultivation, and also st.oertificate of two reeimeta.7' ble neighbors u.to the. product; and measurement: of the' .JuDoes--AlrnerOn Nelson.Sylveftter Greenman; Harris' L i t,' inn A. B. Bettnett r Davilaowell, Lemuel Sherman, L. U. Kinney. -. ' . -• , ~ I . = . ; ' TIMOTHY, SLfirgei and Sittitu,),ciovEß AND FLAX SEED. ..- • Best bushel of each,. 1 , r 1 00 2nd best -do 1 • - I . 75 jupozs—Hurry pent, Edwin Lyman, Willis Tering. . . ' GARDEN• VEGETAI3LES.. Best vege tables, assortment ' 2ud best - ao -\ of do-. '.' . ' ,-. Best sample-of pool', •. - do . do,. • Ido raised by yootio not Oer 16 years old, ' —. ' - . ' '5O JuDoes..-Lueas. Cushing, N.. B. A. Suhr ; henry Ycntzer, SylvaueS Jones, Luke Darling, Elyrnas Racket, G. G. Colvin. .• . 1 - - . SUGAR AND HONEY. ' :" - Best apecimen of maple sugar, not less than 10 Its... '5O Best "specimen Of bonoy e ntit over 6 lbs., to be td - ken tv . ithont 'destroying the bees, and a state.. meant of martOgementlod . Ilia of hive s to be. furnished, -•• 50 ITUDGE—P. A. Stebbins, D. D..Coloord r ileury Man, H, L. Bird, Lyman Nelson. .. .. ORCIL I .ED AND GARDEN FAINTS. _Best 'assortment of_eaoh, ' " • ' $4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 100 1 50 1 00 200 2 00 - - 2nd best , do - .50 - Best 'sample of each variety,', : 50 [Not•to' be removed uniil close of exhibition. Precautions will be taken to preVent injury.] JuDoEs--13aralt Niles, J. M. KiMourn, Sala Stevens, Dan id Olmsted, Harrison Edu L ecomb; Leroy Lyman.. ' I • UMBER, Bmtl4 buneheit shaved shingles, Besto4 do sawed do' Bestl2 bundleS do lath,' Best, manufactured 500 ft. of lumber, • Best doj boards or veneers of bard wood; net less tbad 100 ft:, • - 200 BesC collection of specimens of woods the growth • ' of this county, 3 00 JuDGEF.—Waltoil Dwiglit, Henry Garrett, Clark Ingraham, G. A. Barclay, A. Mantania. 110IISHOLD MANUFACTURES, &c. 1 00 50 [A committee of4udges; composed of ladies, has beeti ap pointed, With instrnetions to recommend awards to the most deserving, not exceeding in- any case.] Juin:mg—Mrs. 'Ross, Mrs. 0. W. G. Judd, Mrs. F. W. Knox, - kr& Joseph. Mann, Mrs. Isaac" Benson, Mrs. S. M. Mills, MO. Ira Canfield, Mrs. Nelson Clark, Mrs. Mary Kent, Mrs. Seth d'agrart,l Mrs. J. B. Siuith, Mrs. Samuel Thomp son, Mrs.. A. C. Ta l ggart,' Mrs. Miles White. MECHANICAL AND FARMING "IMPLEMENTS AND. MANU FACTURES. [A discretionary committee has been appointed, with' in structions to recommend an award, not exceeding 81,50, for the best article of any kinds that maybe exhibited.] JUDGES-D. B. ;Brown, J. M. Bassett, C. C. Lyman, W. B. Gordnier, W. 14 Baymend-. - . „LADLES' .EQUEStRIANISIL_ • - Premium', . ; 4 riding tiridle,- martingalee OvertOn,'S. M. Mills, S. Ross. Gent's Discretionary Com A. G. Olmsted, Seth I,,ewis, Alezaniler Eydarn, • Cyrus - Sunderlin, Dr. Edward .Joerg, Miles White, W. H. Metzger,. Andrew Jackson, Wm, F. Burt. 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 100 100. The above Premiums will b tion of•the depositor, in a NE, MA, in which wilt be inserte.l which the premiuth is awarde. RULES' AND REGULATIONS I. All Animals, [ to be entitled to compete for Premiums. shall-have been kept and owned in the County, by the per sons presenting - them, at least four months previous to the Annual Pair. NoLanimal shall draw a prenciium two years in succession other than certificate of Honorable Mention. 11. Na person shall be permitted to compete . for a Premium on any article of Domestic Manufacture, or Butter or Cheese, unless the same shall have been , made or .manufactured by such person or per Sons, or his or their family. or families, within the year that it Shall be offered for a premium. 111. Exhibitors must become members of the Society And have their articles and animals entered on the Seoretary's book on 'or before the day next preceding the opening of the Exhibition; and all articles and animals must be brofight within the enclosure as early as noon of. the first day of ex hibition, in order that they may be suitably arranged. . The Managers do not' intend to A:ssue.E any exhibitor. who NEG- Lem . these requirenients, that his articles can be submitted to the Judges. : While every effort will be made to secure the examination and proper notice of-ev'erylarticle on exhibition, justice to those who comply with the rides of the Society re quires that they shall in all cases first receive attention. IV. Articles oraninials removed before- the-close of the Exhibition (except by permission _of the President) cannot receive a.Precuitim, though awarded. , . 1 s . V. Should any : individual enter an nimal in any- other name than that of the bona fine , owner, the person making such entry shell not be allowed a premium should one be re• ported,by the Judges; and shall be preCluded from competing at any future exhibition of the Society.t: . - - VI. Persons entering stock of the age of three year; . and under, shall' furnt4h the Judges evidence of the time w h en : the :initials were dropped, to be filed by them with- the Sec retary; and the ages of anitiials-abcive this ) to-'be given on making, their entries. , VII.,The Judges shall in all ' cases withhold .premiums where the animal or article. is not worthy, though there be no competition. 'l VIM; No premiums are to be awarded to Bulls, Cows or Heifera that . have been fitted t for the buteher--the..intention of the Society being to promote the rearing of 'superior Sol mats for] breeding )purposes: • •. • IX: Whenever it shall appear to the Judges that articles of superior merit have been presented, not noticed in 'the Premium liist, thefshall make special ireport thereof .-.to the Board . Of Manage*. X. b is 'partienlarly desired that no lieysons shall be pres ent while the Outiges are examining. t4ie Steak 4eferred to• them, except those takitig charge. of the Animals, . unless - by special request, • I ' ,py Order-of Baird 0f...1146genr, ' I • ' P. A. STEBBINM ~.3 t , ' / ~., Jr,r. et, j. 2 00 1 00 5 00 400 3 00 4 04 3 00 I'.oo 50 75 50 Ladies' Discretionary Com Mrs. A. G. Olmsted, . 44 J. M. Hamilton, Almeron Nelson, " A. F. Jones, a Calvin Palmer, " D. F. Glassinire, - " H. A. Nelson, " C. S. dones, l " - 0. J. Spofford. e paid in Money, or at the op- AMY ENGRAVED DIPLO ; the name of the article for .---Irito,v..o4lligu.:: • .' V-760) 1660 ip ALREADY OPENED, .1. I•fr •-; N 91' -.- 0- ' ,.A11.1:4)..C54• 2 '.:?:' - IN. OSWAYa..VIIJIitiot: HIM TEE PROpaikauft lust ii.O ' rcbitfod front NOvi - Largest dud:Best • Siciek of Codii pori-lIER dot N I 2" 1 00 50 1 00 The aisoitrriefit C0![91919 .at 1"),111 7 6061).g i , Hats and.: Ctips l flots 4. Shoes, lIAIOWARE, OROCkpRY; G;r'.I{,OCEitIES awlc PROVISIONSi 1 00 • • . I amt determined to sell goods ss.ltiw. in; they cap be purchaied in Wertsvill ing Purhased for dash, .no rents or 'interest to pay, and selling a large einonnt for Rr:ADY . PAY, I!ani enabled tojhaie 1114 - Usual. Profits with ray customer's. -100 1 00 50 2 00 t Haviim Made arratigemmita. with ,tOtne of the besi ° houses in i the city, goods wilt be - 1 I.)ipili . ci hie ilteetilii; . ( ' erinahli l ttg me constantly to offer the Ibiligi Friti,S and BEST QUALiTItS of (beds. SEST GOLD AND SILVER, *A.'Ogit'd kept tra band for sale: Pedlais supplied oti reasonable terms. , , CAgif FOR OOOD ',UMBER AND SHINGLES: 1 I HALE-ESTABLISIIET4 BRANCH STORg i Eliistnixth ender the rinnia ,and etkie of SIMMONS Bv . knit:A-7 i where a 0031PLETE GENERAL ASSORT: MENT jtiril be constantly kept.on-band:' • * c: n;simxtoNs: • Osweyo, April 2, 1860.---Incott. 0,0 • 0 Copiei Saila EVERYBODY S LA: %lit ikl.R COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESSi • BY iILOIX CROSBY; •,'OP TIE E PLILADELPHLA: IT TELLS YOU Dow to draw op Partninihip . ' Papers_ arid gives general • forms fof.Agreemens of an kinds, Bins of Sale; Leai-' es and Petititits: • . IT TELLS YOU Raw to draw upillandsied 'Mortgages, A friday its , Powers of tterney, Notes and Bills_ of `Exchange; Receipts and Releases:. The Laws for th'eoolleatioti of Debts; with that:kat.; rites of Limitation; and amo an t and kind of prop= erty Exempt friind Rseen= tion in ev6rY State. ' How to m eke' iiri Aseignmint properly; with forms for Composition with Credit; ors. and thE InSettint Laws of c'rery State. -- The legal relations existing between Guardian and Ward, Master and -.4; prentice,. and Landlord and Tenant.- What coristiterleiLlbeiniid Slanderotnilll% LaW as' to - Marriage .Do.wer,- the Wife's Right in ; Proporty; Divorce The Laity_ for., Mechanics', Liens in eveiY,State; and the Naturalization. Lew' . . of this coiintrY, and - hoar ' to comply with thesarne: The Law Concerning. pen: sione - and.hoiv to obtain' one; and the Pre:Xtriptien laws to Public Lands. The Law of Patents; vitli mode of preceduie in' oh; taining one, - wigi,lnfer: ferences, Aaaign.ments and Tablet 6theiC Bow to matte yoteilVi itiift - bow to ..k.dm?iristei‘on air Estate, With the' lati snit the requirdrnena th'erof In every Midi.. The meaning , of Lin? 'reinis` in' general ese,,,aa_ ..(1' plains to . yo th4 - LlNtis; lative, Ese_cutifettaJu. dicial.PoWers - of halt the General and Ststio `4.1,6v: IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU • IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU LT TELLS YOU IT=TELLS YOU . . crnments.• ~• IT TELLS YOU BO* to•keep OA Of foti , ,,by: ----- • - - • - _ showing him to do yOur , . business 1 eta 11 lc INu a'. . saving a east arnonn't of , -- I property, atia TexatiSns! I - • ' Btigation, bY i& tinkly i e.onsultaitiorr. I Single copies Will fie,sent by marl ; . 0 .4re Paiii r taßverrratmei, Every Bedtime; V‘ry. Kan of Business, aitdiVetylpody la' E'r*y_ State, on receipt of.sl.opf,- of IA Taw atyleaf binding at $125. . • ._ - ‘*. ..,..::, 0 1000 ANE.AR.ZiL i t,' entetPlisUlVpio:a 4 6**tir. 6 , - 1.0ilig I llie: abodbiatzir.lut,cingis4.' . l4)segb are Yeti Ithatal • - ',..... -- •`• :T :--, ,‘, 0 # For eines copies alauttk-PO4-4e., Ws' s ta agents„ with other inf.ormag _ '." - Abrt - =Lino Joigi E. Potak, ' 41).er , ;: t . tic qrsoilichlGkiitet. • . - ' - ' • • 'Pliiy . sOykhfi,' , P.i: . CM TU E A.VO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers