= iihiChq t'7l ry!'ag istrUgg s, ar axe al , w4cluus, moderation, pr s rgies hosl . rcionrcat,:and often even: hat Op joal sr rtn. , lt.a4'ina:tial courage, titre, :111104 fra.643ing,herayeifiritci the 'on 'ass StaVArate., islehraska, though ch,Ocs 5 64 freetioub _is, ihrottgh-rrect taxet•-1 'rue the.EiOutire po 4 1frerrialn e iri her lerh via; Lehi as a Slafe‘frorrifor;t • )1 ~.Isew 31%. , xici) has relagseitvoluntarily . ..intotho practice of 'Slavery, front which Cue , llexicau Repub r•iiabt-4(-100-Me.tka..llinit;cisStio hanky, .4 4- .4411 1 31At E. arPORt P,90' 1 0-*§Pr stiltrWA444K-414.0.,gr0pi.is tLe fiance: tk 1111, atanaF ep the po. z. '-a-lif.,indotiipeterif ~`~isie ii iii~t 'Slavery in the ' Territeilds, • t_Atif tree only cohitietent, but 7. 11 • eiKti.; t d,"iihiii-ItisnecOuty;:,to'legi •••-• • iterifslpinicetionkliore,T ' ;- ifibeisiito stiliVeitretne'position the nnie,nitsitittelf hithint) kliiitierteetc' S pr4iuesO ink; tit Actirti4l.46l3t the: I"s4lHtiU4filtarthi of deciding ' . oielelftlf'foir.4l-' bet keen "Fregorri and. Igivery in Onion of the continent far that is yet org anized, should! tot:Feint, whiiih: alone ''priisg~sng 8r?- legisTatlye at;thority, and 1 " 4 Alottlil Ifssumed and exercised by a court.which can only take - cognizance of . „ .' 4. g bp great ;question *collaterally, in a prt `ssteactiou between individuals, and whi,:h n 'the Constitution will not ..ulfdr the .curt to entertain, involves twenty - * - Alollats :of Money, - without the overruling jury of twelve good and .orthti neighborhood where he iitliatimpiarises. The itidepc . - -;ever renewed; and um' recurring repre 'remade& Parliament, bier; `Congress, or • - :Legislaiute;:is the one chief, paramolint, iiiiiisiensatile j4stiw.iim in- a - Republic, "Even .liLerty, gnaianteed by! irganiq low,' i• 4f.'it..be hold by other, tenure than'thii duard6n care of such a 1 representative popular assembly, is bitt , tirpatioasly maintained, while Slavery,; ...9l,l4CM by an irresponsible judicial tri- Iliunal, is the completest possible develop went 'of despotism. Mr. President, did ever the annals ofd ...my' Government show a more rapid or`i morn complete , ilepariure from 'the wis.} and virtuesof its founders ? Did ever the Goverment of a great empire nu the rights of liuMan . , Aide away so 'fast; and so far i . and moor ;itself so tenaciously an the Ice Sis 'of Cap- ; • . and that capital invested . inlaboring. onoo Did ever-a free representativel i leglz4tureaniestedwith powers so t:r;at, .and with the guardianship of rights so; -.liporlMit, of trusts so sacred, of interests; .so , precidus, aid of hopes at once so noble! nn.d so comprehensive, surrender and re-.' pounce them all so .unneeessariiy, so un• :I;yl,,s'oky,ssi'4ltally, and so ingloriously ? 'lf 2t, beArtie, as 6434 instinct of our nature, sin 4 every precept of political experience gasesous that - ," 111 fares the 'sod to hasteninz Ms a prey, :Where wealth-accumulates. a d men decay," then where in Ireland, in Italy, in Po flanii,•or in Hungary, has any ruhi pre fora generous and contidin people, -disaptoluttnents, disasters, and calamities -.le;pial - to Chose which trio government of lay United States holds now snspeudcd :user- SO large a portion of the continent :INerth Anieriea i Citizens of the 'United States, in the sphit of this pull -cjti Subverted the free Republic of Year l'Auat and opened- to Slavery and the - 4.frmaia. slava trade, and held it in that addition waiting an nexation to the United ....Autos, until- its sovereignty was restored by a cothbination of sister Republics e - -im:iseci . to the same danger, and apprehen iivo of similar inliversion. Other citi-- 4ens'ic-opened the foreign slave-trade in Vicilatiotrof uni lasts affd treaties ; and, !.fter a suipenSjou of that shameful traffic tfor fifty year:=, savage Africans hive been jonce more landed on-our shores and dis tributedotureelaimed and with impunity among oar plantations. For this-policy, „soiara.: the Government has, sanctioned Ott the Democratic party avows" itsel re .FlVeryWhere eohiplaint alpiust wis-clektounectl, ttud, its oppetteuti ' sarisivi was w:ithing under tin wotinds of ircipien,t, servile war, bemuse of her resist:wee. 'the Democratic press deridingly said, "let her bleed." Official integrity has heed cause for rehnke and punishmect, • whcq it resisted frauds de. pigued to promote the extension of Slave ry. -7-;Throughout the whole Republic there ¬ one known dissenter from that' Policy remaming, in place, if within reach nf,the. Executive arm. Nor over the face of_the whole world is there to be found PPelepregantative of our country who is 1/0 - *ariapologist of the extension of Slave -Iy,:<. it ix in Atnerida that these things have happened. In The nineteenth cen- tttry, the era of the World's greatest pro gress;:and while all nations but ourselves have_ bean 'eithet abridging' or •altogher auppreisitig co ! hmerpc In men ; at the koryilnainent when the Russian Serf is elenneipated, .and the Georgian captive, thmNuliati pri:o c and the AbysAnian #vage, rte lifted up to freedom by the itucaiulliie of Mohammed.. — lghe world, prepossesied in our behalf early- devotion to the ri g hts of bu - mw najuse,.. as no nation ever beforeen- Rigid ics respect,and sympathies, asks, in wouder t mid atnazemErit, what all this de me4us ?. • It has au excuse ',belts! than tkp.world can imagine, better than we arc, generally conserous of cur sersys; a virt.itous - mi..Pese- We have lov t:d,oet t:ree'dom so much lgss.b i ut the Union .orkkr...-,emurp m so uch' Mare, We l.aye bOo,t4dt, believe,-from time to ttme, 'that:in a crisis - both of.those precious in stitutions 'could not be eared. together, and 'therefore we hare, from time m time, surrendered safeguailis of fieetiotn.P 3 Pm iigitte *a' 19114 44 9610...alicklatTiO ficimltiong - tinlenenjo.tb, XhiiitruifttatO of the4ase l 4lowoeer, WA* almyste o 0 w: ate- Science, ithiced, is not Oxen to statesmen; but we are withont• excuse when we 641' to apprehend the logic of cunitit events. • '7-'.C-fjllotte --- lritittl:. "COL! EIRSMORT., .1 . 1 . 054111MW0, - 16.ii - 44 29.. 18.6 C. .7; - 'kttlitSE - ! .'II4Tftti*ID , KIEILISI4R,' • , - :ReP . t.e. , i1,091 'lllll3 q'i-Ai1,,,:11313(),- - • • F ‘ ort GO:VERNON. OF CENTRE COUNIA. . 41r. Alirge - :nuinber , offlic proretnent French citizens of New l ark Jity, have asiociated . together-undet the title of the " French Republican Chtb," having for its object to "spread and propagate the Aeon: vies of the Republican psrty, and to act in concert with it in ail tecasures hav ing the exclusion - of Slavery fllim the ter ritories and the Safcsarfl of free labor for their end." • 111Z5 - IVc hare published' the testimony of one Witness as to the Oleg VrPe yated by the Harrisburg, Telegraph, in omitting a pare of the principal resolu Lion of the Republican Convention. The !Mercer Dispatch; whose editor made a 'speech at the ratification meeting in Philadelphia, also condemns the report of tl.e Telegraph. Now, we published I . the resolution as it appeared iu the Tel raph, confiding is the fullness and correctness- of that paper's report, In justice to our readers, . therefore, and in behalf of The Republican masses -of Penn, sylvania who have been cheated' in this , matter . , ic 'call upon the Telegraph for. an e4lanation cf . its conduct. If the al legations of the Chester Times and Mer cier 'Dispatch editors arc true,—anil we earnestly . '-believe• they are,—then ite pronounce the Telegraph as unworthy of the confidence and support of Reptibli cans, but, if the allegations arc false, the Telegraph can easily prove the fact, and we will take great pleasure in laying — the fact Mere our readers, Progress grie and Ci;awford Cotialle4. . The Erie papers bare been more. faith ful itr exposing " the baneful infloence of the drain shops for years past, than most of our exchanges from this State; whie:i fact wills 3 oubtless account in part for the encouraging pews we have from that see. tier} of the State. We make the follow. ing catract from the True American, and heartily wish that all the Grand Juries of the State would rive this subject their attention. - It has always seemed to us very great folly to.license men to make drunkards, and then ask the Grand Jury to indict -the eriwivals, which those drunkards grow into. put here is what the American says of the good work now c , oino• or in Erie, Crawford and Warren : " C a arcs tlepsed to know that It is probable thpv'eg license will he granted by the Court in this County, The Grand Juries of Erie, Crawford ap4 Warren Counties hat.° recommended the discon tinuance of thesystem. Judge Galbraith, having, as a citizen, witnessed f.ha havoc which the liniir-traffic lips wrought upon community, gad haying, as a judge, be gonia convinced that a large proportion of all crime coming under : Ina otEcral notice has fleet) Poinnutted in •conseguence of that traffic ' has resolved upon its -sup pression. All honor to the wit , dorn of his head and the benevolence of his bort, fur this. n.blo, philanthropic and ohristian determination! Let all the people say amen. Community will heartily sustain the action of the Vona _in this decision. It shall be enshrided in the •bealions of childhood, in the, griiiigje of women,;in the blessing Of true mewl- 4s when the ruthless hand of Vegtileppe is stayed, and the Destßying Angel path no more abroad, even so will humanity -.rejoice in its deffyerance from the erne], rotuuraeleis ingictiuns of the Rum-trado. • " " The decision • refusitiff, lieeneas has already been rendered in Crariford Coun ty. Warren County will soon, we doubt not, be without a licensed drain-shop. In this County, the subject wits thorough " argued at the -last Quarter Sessions. and will be definitely disposed of before the.adjnurnmeot of the adjourned Catirt -of Quarter Sessions. which is to he holden week after next.". . What tho_DemocratO Thought of Foster Do IBM We arein favor of convicting men out of their own mbeths ;Ilion:fore. in pre _ seating the folioiing testimony of Henry D. Foster's staikling in his own party, WO make uo more. Araent than is nocessAry to introduce our riitecws. Thy witness on the stand this .iesk is 'the Clinton Democrat, Which - flow gives its eqpport •• to rt-tukrt oWout it spelt*. An gm w ise -1 .- Wezet our tes , : tirAp*,--frONielaboutte article on the 12 . t" l'iocr ( may; and.:tt extractellfroni7thilfiltiji, Of the.* * ntorme l In the. issue of ghat pa:„i Fievar,,,,Timuirl, 9, 1857, in ihiiilcinetir . ithes . evital: , 9tAidates who - were urging their eights for U S. Sonator, of which -Foster- watt 0ne,),1r.-Dieffenbach ro #ets:t4 Vosreenftte, this style • .7. ‘f Ho f-Foster) isms lawyer, • bas served tyro . thrie:teilus!lit ••Cotcgress, d now a-utem,ber:of_tbe.Liagislaturc. , did not jistmguish tinisell "in either Of thesi positiont - and he niay not be as attic I ,h=s, friends rOpregept'llitO . t 0 b , for they hare ; fa'allitin iniking great, men cf)it O ier.scanty'Alutteritt! jp the western 9f„ the . State?' • fr9ra, the katee.,paper., of the 19th of January,.lBs7,. we .fincl• the pews of the electien of a United Stows Senator. corded as teIIOWS ",zitif.Tlp.sr 6F ii. a." . "-ffoth Tfouses , er the Legislature mot in convention on Tuesday 140.,.:fur the. purpose of eleeting . a ~Senator. On the firSt-ballht . the rote stood-i • • For JO, .W. Fofnev, Dean;, ;: : :40 " Simon Cameron; 81. • 44 fienry D.. Fester, -Traitor, result is most, hnutiliating. That the De:Horatio party should labur fur trtOntha to convinCe the people of the justness of their- eauso,. mid then .b; de: - . prtyo4 of the fruits of tlrir victory. by the grossly indecent treachery of a' few vile miscreants, is as mortifying.to:every holiest man as it .is base,. sordid; and vil. Litmus. in the scoundrel perpetrators.of the wrong." . lie Alien adds " But one motive can be assigned,—the base Judas es, Foster among them, have been pur chased like-st.eep." -. Not finding-language sufficiently strong to portray in fine the character of fleitry D. Foster, he calls in the uid'of the tau e, and . ways 1 "113 E natant) ArosTATit!—llat Ns lantern' name ronl cash and every scroll of honest fame; LET NO MAN TRUST 11111—lacle fortiear to shed, - ' Contempt and deep dishonor on his' head: Lit Seosi still point her finger and her jibes, And say—Relmlii, the cawegaence of hribes Let guileless children, as he passes by. Shrink from his touch and shudder at his eye. Let lovely womanloathe him with disgUst, And shun lihn like the reptile in the dust; And Whilst he lives let infamy :Iloilo- Cahn the 111110 ED IMIISLATOR us her own, [Until he dies and GillkS into the grave, To poison worms that feed' upon the knave There, 'midst the stormus,•let hideous Furies foul, I Hold nightly revel, and In "caned-howl Let hissinverpents make that spot their home; And be the watchful guar:titan of his tomb." Such was the charaeter.ofifenry Foster in January, - . 1857, according to Henry- - L. Dieffenbach. If he It guilty of half of what ho is charged with then, certainly he is not a fit person- for Got'. ernor in 1860. In the issue of tho Cat ion Democrat of the 23d of January . lBs7, we find tire following: - • "THE SENATQRIAL ELECTION:"- " When we spoke of this shameful event, in our last issue, our information was derived from telegraphic dispatches. We have the. full history of the oecnr rence now. Forney, Democrat, had 58 votes; Cameron, Republican, 67, Foster, Ira liar, 7; ancl„,3lr_Foster himself voted fur Nr: Wilkins. What excuse these ras cals make for their treachery, or whether they make any, we arc nut informed. To. style them Judases is to slander old Isca riot, for though he betiayed his Lord, he was decent enough to bang himself im mediately afterwards, which these trai tors, we regret to say, : have not ns yet done. It is mockery of language fo at. .tenipt.tocharacterize theireondiict. There is nothing meaner than an intrate—rioth ing so villainous as a traitor, and Foster ;s guilty of hoth. The =five for the act. is clear—"no other than pecupiary profit." In the same p:rper of the .asing date in another column we find the following,: i g TUE BOLTERS." " 11. D..Fosop,. Jahn Faust,ld. Samuel Hill, of Westmoreland ; J. K. Calhoun, of Armstronnt •R, J. Nichol - ion, of Jeffer son ; S. A. ackm, of .31'Kean ;G. N. Smith, of Cambria •, and John •Oreswell, jr, of Blair; were the Democrats whO re• fused to .attetuf the*Deinocra'tle' canons and support its nominee. We htok upon these men as traitors. • . * • * .* .*. 1( Among the incidents of 'the victory of the Democratic party lest fall, u'as the right to be represented in the IJ. S: Sen ate for the term commencing on the 4th of March next.- The victorious party had won the right in choose the Slnator.. none hut a majority could mako a proper selection for the party, or would he COM patent to wake kselection in the name of the party, those tybo aided in•.the defeat of that cliqice, deprived- the party of the legitiwato fruits of its victoryand oheat ed it out of its rights. In this light thc conduct of the . bolters 'is wholly -inde fensible." " As to FoiterAintself,- wo know but little about him. We spoke of him be fore tha Senatorial election. as one who had served in- Conaress and the Legislat ure, but had wholly :failed to distinguish himself. We might have added, th at-he lta4 not succeeded . in making knoivn to the people of the State that suelt a than lived. We said that he "had - friends in the western part of the State, whi)..spam pc hitn in high ; terms; .nut as they, had a fashion- of wakir; grCat.tuen nut of small ~'~ tuntexiilinAhnt quo*. , , Ali . , tt. wliethObo was all 1,6 s- - ' ec - le.he.\ _:Blit lie hait ~" -'-', : 4 ;4 t u ... 1 , , p t m*.ing frpself know., /kit' TA!tIFI6I nowl4o44ltaue iffte. .: I• Ut ' - 41411„, 111142144 , 1 his "it ii.sm;arti lehtz, fl'4Veniiterail i P .i.;:filif .se i'le(si InOicetili 4.4 *ll4 ,e*r: di oi stun out constnettoutu .tads i n of the public: • flehns volittiitiiiyidate , himself beyond the pale Of the Democrat- i its ifold i !tuul '_there- let- hint- ..stank Olga'', oil wallow, BR ihest ir ktyits,hiattirtitta t i; %Vie Ad i 'iireea inapindetit inin„bak,d_apiitil a netile .fiutiontst.,-tr,Vltat littigp i t* of se ithat . viii " t.. fietiOns : n eFS and iftilibiirili . 4-.4 - for Tigifeii46 - qe - , characterises SelOshoesiletndei•alt.eireunt stanceg,'and`-iiie have never seen ailitore thorough . dxitibition et,theser tiiits,Alitto lins.heen exhibited , :by iteury'D. Foster-1 1 th oughout Oa' revolt ' enetoriat4iiug-; g i.l., l, - - : . ~...,..f):. _ O E n ... A.T;L:A e p N:t :1 ::.M:7 3 11: e '117 0., April- tapo.'. Tiokijoi • Cowenti.;, 7 The- Lttwa ! Flund and Lost ;. An ;xl , , TI ICVCR; The Pursuit. of 1 Or pitEtctulties, oonhltidatt A th , terica 8 . .Asp si*? '••IPMn Last . Ceneury ; Comeisi - ( did Syinlinls; Httittinfr, a:11 Pleasure-Palp ; The 1.-' . rtil LTBeliefs ; The Alexi . ; Cu Airy ;- Literary Nettle umt.F.F.P4I .NEW 31ONTIII. o 1:19, April 186'0. ihtr ew York, $3 a ye:tr. • on/cnts : , --Artist. Lit lan s ; • How we net quid Th 4 II Fight•at Lcaingto a essurrekionfst ; .K.'"lily Ile Hrother, 'part 3; The ye 'S - Christntas-liox ;••H 7 ablp. Experience ;.The Litt At Icy - Flame ; On Tw i t Ili: ck ; Oriana Jun, a diL• i;:;; i; The-Lost Stettlitsli Widower, continued.: Mn Literary Notices ; Editor"l Cliinr and Drairer; Ft.. Falltious 4:9... , : . --:.• , Tilt: KN.ICKET.BopIaiIt 3 AGAZIINF.I Vol. I,IV. No. 4; April. 18t10, Jo }au A. Qr.tyl, New .York, $3 per, annum. cloalcuts;..—Adventures !on a Mountain Top ; Stanzas, .."Waitititr"l ".5 1 iiIiim Lib" in Australia; - Hope—"After! the manner of Hood," Kin; .I.lnlr. a &cunt Of a! Winter's night; Lidos; "The lii' The G4rdcn.a rentembattee; John Keats. his !car eel. and Genius;' Lines i "Ton .le,ep for Tears"; Chinese Itedords ; - P 73121, "Tlte Angel''; The, Old!Church; 1 Ile me hibrances, A Viliage,Sketch ; 'A Good Tie Generally" mt a „Far ir ;' The •Maid of !the Cedar ; Stariza.l,... L ore's Retirilik tiori; Literary Nutieo, ;'tlitors; - Table, tto-?. ;. • -.. , 1 . . [ . THF. LONDON QUARTERLY _REVIEW; (00n-tervativii,) Americu re •public:ition. V i ol.. TX. No- 1. .Janiim'y 1860., L ,S.olt k Ca.. New Y6rk. Price S ipei• yeae; 2:,:i per cent, cliscot± to Clubs atfour or more.. antents . i The Three- Coloniest _of Aititralia, Cotton Spineing Machines ani, 'their Inventors;!• Chive and 1 - the, W:r ; The Romani Wail ; 1 Religioni, Re-' ' rivals • Life and Works of Cowper; Re forth &Memos.; Tilt.' NORTH ' REIT/St!. I'INNIEW (Free en.wach); quftrterly; Vol: .3:\V. No.l Jan"-1 Miry., 1860.. Atnerieutt republication. byj 4 1 .7 Scott .4: Co., New Yark.l . Price S 3 per 1 rear, O 5 per cent discount to clubs of four or more. 1 . • - - 1 Contenti :—Saion Ltie l —Madame Re- canner; Coast Defence and Rifle Carpi; Erasinussas a Satirist.; I The Science of Scripture.; Austria; Forio - and Colour; I Weitileyan, Methodism; C l eylota and the! Singhateso; Professor! Geureti Wilton;! Fossil Footprints; 4edent Putlications. Commnit4t '•• " .1 laysses }liter,- r For the . March 1,18( T.)LYSSF,!S T0WN.5.1111. To outstanding orders, To lane A. G. Olmsted, Aley, By iim't due from Harry Ellis, 4.1 a E. Mertiill, a " .1. Pcasley, 1 ai a unseated at i • scated taxes unc"ollect4,6,bo o ' ‘,l, TIIi I • , LYSS:ES SCHOOL DIST'T Toit i mtstading orders,* I I Hy ~amount .Of unseated gt.x. due district,- 1 . ny.amouut of seated tat it; c - 011ectors' hands, By &ash ou baud, t• ~ , i• ' " • $303 Sil $•10 4 4 31 * { ^f these $53 13 are old orders, probably paitr, bat not caugelled on tko cbecksbook. •The above statement is , early correct. Th4ro deducted from the • axes "uncol- I looted" the pr.,bable 'percentages to be pi 4, WO yught to ootatt+oe molt year with a surplus School !fund, in orderto met the expenses till the iiew tax is col lec ed. • In the hands of such a Treas ure as we have .chosett for 3 years ( A. B. ennett.) any such. surplus is sure to always :Cady when called for. By tide I don't mean to say- the former Trelasurers were net equally safe.:. . • Brookland, Pa. March 12, 1860. I • ' -: .at •4- Jr J, v - I Reply t o " Peilper .Ari the,. . M. p iI AS ; , Llear[Sir. , . a rumseller who wrote i a set uOtn• l'lnteloperance,'', an .'AI Toni peranne -111an.7 'Il af-him "Peacemaker's ' , by intimate knowiedge of ! dret bet suck' noble- foes ii ji C=l ~0, • ••r riirlitliWreatt.tib-ifTl o niinitliitlara , -' t iis ionoll4o-,-di.4:ltnitio" , ✓ I-rer' il ril irnititbittionally " . 'u 1 110 F pw., i In'.catlei", - q . -in: WitildSay,' tl ", I, ir •1 , l'-n0 Wlyafais be d ''. In 'ty - :• i 5t.0f..tiie.. 5 ..,,ttl si ti Pnercr - t i „i . . ~ , . :"' l .' .- fAiii , 4 . `iiii in tits et a' tett ' ok:‘4l - ,-10 i?st4,-:Peigan tl : Ides,' it was becsitstipeiNcuktlitibt: 4 ) ; - cel3 first offered pa tit! other .-Code: , -. tulue were plain and Lobito, let it be re. :Inenibere4,..llo.,pllattoPittion ,was,sucli it. , !- prampeat .. -ati4 honorable than could light ilipr ss tiy:__l - 11.93rerit0,ew.. shat iLwas .0 °disgrace taiiiyiiiiti to 'Peetliii oppoucutl with' weapous of his own choosing; not .even'Fo Cliitiife - kiliiriiriiiveniiiiiTiiiiiii hint.- .. TO. lop }ope's_gpod ; name is up: - Ipfeaso.rit;*' still lido citot '.doitiie a better 1 [.reputation think i.(l4.;eive,_ . ir tlil,„pub-:, lidare yigineti ott ireit...thig- point, soatvJ good has been: inoo,ootPlished. I must.l try and repay the injury I have done the' institution., •A's - ibe: lipit;ittlfallinent . I ' will :return "'":.Kqteetr.aker's " • triendlY counsel. •One example is worth4i dozen. precepts. : , It -dogs uot loolt . well -to be . both judge and.critninal. No one ought to give such - advice as heis unwilling to follow. lie - must be in great haste, who cannot.stnp to date iris correspondence, Yuurs, Truly, J. A. CourEn. 'llliSses Aoadealy. l‘101:cli, 24-,1880 ,itonsw' Ivor. No . c of Bciao;i•-- erience;'Abeopt Knowtodie un- The.Purtraii ; titare;c e • the hialua?:; Bar. (Pass; Kepler; fessor*U Sfory • • - .ans. and itheir , • .t •I“GAZ I IN4 ; Ter:a Sr. BroOm, • Fur die School 'Teachers i Certificates, 1411. CIIA:SE—Deizr ISir."- -A Writer in a late neinher of the JOLIIINAI4 states tlk,t; the: Board of Direc'tors . to the ses 'District resolved to! etnphy_no teach er utiles? holding a certificate :is high as. 2 ; L:and crises -by linViting . ' Such a-course may be the best practica • bre -yet, in,,my view, it - has strong 'objec i • tions. in the High in. California; Captain :Tom, c Murris ;' Alex .nd ria its ; 1. This course overlooks the ~ ..tuoral character of .tite teaelto. Tile - law re rinqes the teacher to be of a toed umral .ellaracter"; but it, utalte, an a l can make, uo allowance fur any d)fference of etrar acte'r a thing of as tottelt importance 4.1 prolicieney in any one bf die. studies, a thing *Licit the directors alone can , 's Runip,rk. to Art-Student, p 01jldren. in ~ putod Fisca: p; I w vel the iFhIF-Itectird ; T41) 1 .0; litNy feign —l3ureau, Suppose a teacher ofi ordinary char — ai-. ter lia-ving a-certiticate of. 2f anplys 11)1• a school. There can be no ohjectiott and_ she is et4agcd. tet another of the high est character apply, but let her have a certificate welted I below- this arbiiraryrstandird- The Directors would eliiphiy her, they believe she Would be armor() service to the distrtet th at , the ot!ier yet they are bound by their Own:vote, and cannot ido as they thihk for t he"• best. - 2. It fails to give due •iniportimee -to skill in teaching. Ability to.instruct is lithe • 'most essential qoalifieation for_ a teacher- in my view it,cquals. all t ithe.,,,, . ) 1 poullotned. By this method it counts lio 'Mora and often less thanreedittessin 1:e • rwcringJione teelinicai.question. -77.-'-,-' 3.1.T1in - qualities whieli give a good 'appearance in an examination are nut the musC.buttetioial in the .schutil voutii.— Ilohl i ness, conceit and cunning may giv.! one a -temporary , superiority in the fur in.er place; modesty: candor. even tlitli deuce are. 'essential for: the highest suc cess in the latter. Iltave known the hest of in_sti!uct”rs to be offended by a inode'st .student ; buause _lie had mind enough - to think fur ; himself and the frankness to acknoWiedge it, while he was. pleased with a cunning "yes, yes.' from an ignorant simpleton. ~.. . ..1. I; prevents the.Direwors choosing a teaQlivr adapted to the nature of th e school. Some school , -; do .not waurthe teacher to give instruction in. all I he sev• en branches. An experiencad and suc cessful teacher, told cue site had not taught grammar in two rears. Another of no small reputation. told cue something to the same effect. - If tiure should nut be ablc-to.pass the bast examination in that-study,- ought they, to be. rejected ? livery otlll, perceives this would injure the cause: . t(115. cos. otter Journal 5: Tho tontptation bofore the Superintendents to fa i or tlitkm of pleas, fit address and 'prepossessing. exterior.— be • very little partiality of which ha may • unconeious, a firietima on a : single Oneii where the standard has becu fixed and published may either keep;ont a wor thy, or admit an unWohhy candidate. Ido not say that i these objections prove : the course taken` t to ho wrong but I think .they Ought to bc duly weighed. I Cannot approve the _reason alledged fer the measuro; : !•to rnature individtial re qmnsibiiity.7 'Vas : s4uld never ty ye lyot;cll. - . lt. is only tylien caeltone feels his respousibiaty and fearlessly meets it, that wc.reap - all the advantage of our,mi 'nimble system. Xenia truly, • J. ..k.•CoorErt. Dr. Cr. $40.10 500 . $2B 27i 73 5 50 11G 00 $54 19 $1:16 48 Dr. Cr. 203 61 $l2B 00 2xooo 42: Tjlywes Academy. March 22, 1800 A: Natjonal 14v.inOcrat's Com plgigit.' For Eke Potter Journal.' RASCALITY - EXPCISED. %IR. BDITuR : As thereDeem ' • cratic - paper printed tint . noway, will 3 7 4. p Permit an old DeUmerat to make. a fewromarks and stiggestions tlircittigh your paper in relation to the late 'appointment of;DeputiMarsharfori this volitity It las ! always been the etnitoin.aitiongstlton orable Men, When an appointaient . to any office 'of importance. is to be ni4de, for the citizens Or party to WhOiii, such office lures, to - pall a ui . eet.i4g of the , Citizens, and thus to-agree upol some person-who is the. choice ova Majority of Aliqarty. Such was thiecourse putsucti by 'the Whig .party in this County in '.P5Oj Such, was .unclerltanding of * large portion of the-D.etnocratio' partyjn Toference,tu . the, tato - appointment. not be *denied that this -co irse weal ltavii'at!sfled u =Si fitter Jpurn'fil I once knew ica of articles atgned them; am reminded article. ..His' .adful a proof,' pot . ~. . ~,.._ , pl4- t .enos 41 ltiri .s=- - tioelii-fte-leitilei .. , ;tchit , utt.,.uattal, - a tt i le s foltul-;thlinigh -deception 4 1 ot• litttion t : the Marshal i s Kai ,tippnin fluent Ai a paw tilitilk, otthe Ex-JitOiges &e.. 4.l4)litat/i.f4obuLeyhteileew-ouldads be beater as there arwitundyeds ot mel t coaskr.ils _thatAre.4l.l,e;l44lioe' niote cig*itilTstf l thAk Appj a t i the plchunt ittpumbint, -_, q 4 i , 3 9l k ri&i i l f l iT r 4i'd)iii fduatitP.l 0 trey nillitilfrer - Or'pel iel v i r ekTelk - Wiiiiill . - indurlettth triekeit 'ice sill% piactisetl-4, 8 few theignlng tiej i. OM tilt pttle: l 7.ls c e,tilim rait for, .eaney bi;ilgee irli , :eiti,itli6 . ltiro - s ttemseires.ar some of ih'etrAip e ling tools into- Some offiemil uo u; } ill n cry -or nederhandett 'work that &able . ''Man' iftiyibl - di , s - e - qtti , "o. . Dennietatie ri..ity "tit . itiliMitliP, they'.as a party,-.may nliiars 0 ; j beaten in this:county, alia"ungl bKtten-lay some. party trho•Sre - ea self-goVerninetit. - . '-_ The ' appoint I Deputy :Marshal ought to be tlero !could be, if the Matter was_fairly sehted to the-Marshal: and I iimal (*est that the - betnediaCe Btandir ~., mittee call a Ineetin; *if the eitiin that - they 'petition the Marshal to, the man of- their .ohniee..- This Oil citizen and a true bkationar t. .Alat-oh 26, 1 - 860. • - Mum; A. "OF,:r the UEST, the motto, successful litic s iness man: If th e - sods to eclucate flirlausinoss -the T_lnion is, can vasied for.the , Con, Sltitool a ffordi nut 'the best aCiluiring a_ practical litviiuess trenee,ii ira tiro. tire= Hans th City .pollegeof_Rittsborgh. Pa.; it sttintivfilletl with students lama portion of tho.Linitin. TUE (Peon..).. records- a very remarkable phein :Soato months ngo, Mr. John J o h ns than place had, the toidd nger ol right - hand aiiivitiuted close to the 1 joint jOpting the hair& The laiuml healed over, and almost •- iintr.ediat ne7 ownticed - -growing fro 'stump id the ottl One ;..- and six a front. the time - the finger was Mr..Joringiiii - bad, a .n.e.v . 'and •fulltp one in its place,. wit h the exception tonkiremeing but. • • ,BOSTON,..3litrell way t NewYork;', Qa is Major . , five days put 4111 the. itiassage- front . ). to -t-Havana.: Wilts '.about. -one tllf coolies, -was the :•QCtia of a terribl vtlll6WlfiiKrtiattii . anit ninety wi,unded.. - ;Tito fic , ht, rroal 6 p_ ip. tilt daylight the next whent Om. coolies- yielded. Major bad- !ire and -two daft', and also a lady passenger and cbi Mt:vet .. .The lady passenger died of and,ltei• child endied Soon afterw; - : P.Rit IE: :.4.1; BRENT. dorreeted ever We:digest:ay, ky 1 2 :A. 81N,5,, ~ qe>le.llc and retail Wealeiii., ce-ries apal I , !•rociAorit. A lain SIX 4 . . CO 'IIERSPUII3, PA. ..... - - - Apples, itrem t ~5 4ash., - $3 00 do - 'dried; - . - 175 Lleitn,4,- . . . i,l 2.5 _ . . . .dueswas, 1.1 lb., . - 2' Beef, a Beef Hides, " - . . .• . gerr:es, dried,' , : quart Buckwheat: I; bu.,11,, • Butter, 7.11 II),, ' - Clime, " . Corn, IR t...n . .5h..,, -• • C.Jrn Meal. per vats, Ev.t. 11 doz., Fl,,,ur,extra, Hams, '."el 11)..,- Hay, i• i l ton: • Honey, 14 tb:„. Lard. "' • Maple S - n2l,:tf, per lb-„, Oats, V bash.,. 011iql1S, ". Pork, %I blit,-, do. ~ lb., do in iyhole.hog, ,Potatoes, t ) bush., • Peaches, dried, .3p lb:, Poul:ry, .• Rye, bush.,. bbl. 4 Saf _ _ do iock, Trout; "f, Whettt, busb., : •White Fish, per. 1.1:1:171, • •THE"USE OF DR. HOSTETTER'S S 1 ACH :BITTERS - for - Dyspepsia, Flan Heaviness of the Stomach, or pay oth' affections, is second to none in Anksr 'abroad. To be: able to State confident' the " Bitters" are a. certain -cure fur dp and like dismises; is- to the proprietors& of unalloyed pleasure.- "It remoFes 11Fr natter from the stonvich, puriifes the inaprrts renewed - vitnlity - to - the nerrot tem, giving•it 'that tone and energy 30 pensablo for 'the restoration of- heslib= atitnefonsaeknon-ledmilents of its superil cellence and beneficent results, bare ' the proprietors that it cannot, hut great cure . to *he afflicted, and imps! to the thorbugh isystlim.- • • ' tiall"Sec" advotipmenf another oh Old=-Gold Pens p0T.91111 PRICE FIFTY, CENTS'' NCLOSE the:Pen in a - letter with L postage stamps;'- the -return mail bring the Pen.as good sianew. - 4 : * *: Editors giving this advertise insertions during the year 181:30, and copy;,will receive auperiiir Geld - Peri. Ment. Address, - • • STONE it- DALI;,, oat" We wilrrOtteh feir the faltille the. of Neisr " St4Pl ZS s '" TituAlß 4t. -- .A*!rtitors cf S} Wale .14. 1 00 2 00 Ql bbi, 4 00 I 2 19 00 600 2.121 6 00 cciqi notices.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers