Ii 7 6 ,0t0t.- - itit.::oT,......*_;_ - , O rDERSPORT;I7 I IIIIJARY 16, 1860; pare requested to notice that a siip. twill be given, Thursday evening of e a week, by the Ladies 'of thecongre., tine o f t h e 31. E. Church in this - pie - t 3, the basement of the Church, for the e of paying balance due on Church pett y. A large attendance is.solieit_ the Trustees, as well as many -oth. are anxious to , ,see. the 'entire - debt 1, Price of Supper, One . Dollar per Son—This (Wednesday) afternoon hate nearly a foot of snow and still l ii eg —this morning the ground was : le bare, erz.ept a coating, of thin ice. e lare Lad two general thaws - during is winter, and each hab been foll Owed a heavy fall of snow, which has given :lama share of good sleighing. 1,11/11- race have taken due advantage of the and haularin a largo amount of logs. Ric following Borough Officer s — a ll .rablieans but our colleague—were week ago last Friday : vvss —A. G. Olinzted : Town Connell— .se:ocanalzer. Geo2C. Matil, 4 ,, Justice of the B. Cole; Auditor.:—Z. J. Thomp- T . 5, A. S. Armstrong 2 y's ; Inspector of . 1 ; 09 ,:—W. IS. Gordinier Judge of Elec. F. Jones 1 Constable- -4 Rounsrille: Constable—O. H. Crosby ; School Direc -s—John S. Ilann, Charles S. Jones; Poor ,erE--S. D. Kelly, T. S. CHASE—both cimon3lr —who says we aro not popular beale!; - Assessor,—W..B. Gordiuier. - Ife bad a very pleasant sleighride to wayo Viliago and back last Saturday. e found it quite a smart little place, taining one steam and one water saw .11, two stores, two taverns,,a haudsome .E. Church (which is to be dedicated at Wednesday), a number of very pie° ening?, &c. The merchants are C. If. mous, who does a very large business Riling goods at prices very near Wells 1e rates, and is a clever fellow withal ; dC. C. Kenyon, who also does a large duess on small profits. The latterstore under the charge of Mr. J. 11. Graves, o was formerly a partner in the firm of nyon, Wilkinson & Graves. Oowayo a busincis centre for a large neighbor cd,andis,l3 miles from this place. Friend Chase:: The article in your t paper, dated at this place, and sign " A REPUBLICAN," bears untnistak- In evidence, to my mind, that the au is/awl is cracked. The Republican ny is not destroyed nor materially lu red. I think, is fact, that it is on the ed if anything. The fight here for otice was a mere personal_ matter, and Pilch of course did not deserve any ee in yo-:r paper. ; Yours Respectfully. Q. C. Ulysses Feb. 13th. 1860. P. S. The gun-firing was not done by raocrats" but by "boys" who purloin the anvils for that purpose. bbath School Temperance Meeting. The meeting in the .baseinent of the ethodist Church on Monday evening called as a special meeting of the bbath School, to petition the Legislat for the repeal of the present liquor was a very interesting one, and:a ided' success. 'Notwithstanding nnfa blc weather, the meeting was larger , a anticipated. Rev. 31 11. Rice, Su 'utendent, opened with an appropriate ~y er, the children- sung "Away the 'it]," when J. S. Mann, stated the ob tof the meeting, called the attention the children to the reason why they .10 seldom frightened by drunkards iu adersport, and read a petition for the Pal of the present liquor law, when r. Rice explained to the Children the Piety, or rather necessity, for the 'eat Temperance action; and then all eseat, teachers and scholars, with ex -..ions of great pleasure, signed the take. We believe if every Sabbath licol in the Stale would take hold of Illation, we could procure a prohib .ry laic in two years. J. S. M. Yummy!lle Communications. For the Potter Journal, *IQ• EDITOR.--i saw an article in the JOURNAL signed "N." in answer to B • s•' in reference to a discussion held the Lytuansville school house, upon v slavery question. The object of " pears to be to correct some very proud- St misstatements in "B's."article. otr the fact is, "N." has made more rnis- . tetuents than "8.," for. the very argu -414, Which he says must inevitably regained the question" had they been 'Seed, viz: (in telling the effect of `yet? upon the Southern states in re -41 to tuosals, free speaking and free Sti ng) were produced' and many more the same sort, consequently, in accord ' iith "N's." ideas, the affirmative ex d the decision. CORRECTOR. For the Potter Journal. Jig, EDITOIL—My reputation for truth, l'or before the public, not in a condo t ,r 1 antler, but rather iu having assert ' tl aougb the Columns of theioun.NT.. A, willful lie. lu a late issue, I gave a brief evnoPs discu ssion the sub , eet 'of Slavery; Tat Lymansvtite . litated 'that on the affirmative, it was argued, that free printing and free - speaking were:pro hibited atAhe South,.and that these were the safe-guards" . of the nation, and that licentioustiees, prevailed where slaveryex itted, &o, In. the last number - of the JoduN4, I see au article sighed "N." in which he publicly :and shamefully says, " 4"tich,.- arguments were not produced, had they been_ they must inevitably hove gained the question?' All I want at preir ent, Mr. Editor, is chat correspondent's fill name. This, Sir, I must have, or the responsibility Will rest upon. yen. And• that gentleman can only - satisfy me by puli lie tctraction. If he fails of doing this, I warn him of our civil ,pode.: , * The-speaker at the debate, who adduc ed the above named tirguenents, -has fur tunatety kept some of his - notes, and I will give his.words verbalist, with the excep tion of some comments. He said: "My . sth reason showing that slavery is a curse is, because it disallows of free speaking and free printing, which ar e the two great safe guards of liberty•--autl these are as unknown in toe Southern States as they are in France or Austria. No- than in Virginia may speak_ or print. opinions of fensive -to the slave-holding aristocracy, without subjecting himself to personal violence at the hands of a mob, or to the ann.-con at the decision of the miscalled courts of justice. The Southern; States arc Republican only in nawc. They are' au oligarchical despotism—and if Wash ington could now be permitted to conic back -to his Old Dominion, he would nab , cr be compelled to silence, or to a radical change in his opinions, or he would be treated to a coat of tar and feathers.": The innouralitics practiced in the slave states Were alluded to by -other speakers, end how straw-e that none of it fell upon the ear of " N?' Probably he belongs to that political party that disapproves of "agi tation." But we hold and believe that agitation is the great purifier, not only in the material world, but also in the moral and political. He is• doubtless one Who gays, "Lei slavery and intemperance alone, aad they will die out socu." Sweden, Feb. 13, 18&) [We hope the above from " B.", and the witness preceding it, will endthe dis-. eus,ion which has been productive of so much " talk" through the JounNAL, and so much bitterness of feeling between some of the nafties concerned. The de mand of "B." for the real name of "N." might, we think, have been expressed in a more courteous manner with full as much force; nevertheless we give the real name of " N." whiCh he has kindly. furnished us. Mr. Mason Nelson is the author of the article - signed " N." We . also . give the full name of " B." in order that the gentlemen may carry on the war in full knowledge of each other—out - of the JOURNAL'S columns; we want no more of it. We will, however, allow " N." a brief space in our next to make reply to the demand of" B."—provided, of course, that it shall be within our rules.—En. Joust.] PRICE CURRENT, Corrected every Wednesday, by P. A. STEB BINS, wholesale and retail Dealer in Gro ceries and Provisions. Main Street, COUDERSPORT, PA. Apples, green, 1.1bu513., $1 00 to 1'25 dried, Bean', Beeswax, lb., Beef, . " Beef Irides, Berries - , dried, ? quart; 10 ' 18 Buckwheat, 1,-i bush., rio 50 ' Butter, - 0 lb., ' • 16 20, Cheese, " 10 12. Corn, , 1 1 bush., 1.00 1 124 .. • . .- Corn Meal, per cwt., 200 ' 225 • Egg:s, la doz., • 15" Flour t extra, 11 bbl., 600 650 do double extra, " , 025 . 675 llams, 11 lb., , 12 14 I.lay, V ton, • 12 00 Iloney, -- t) lb., • • 10 12/ Lard. " 14 16 Maple Sugar; per lb., El 10 Oats,' - '0 bush., - 44 50 Onions. ‘ 4 75. 'lOO Pork,llbbl., . -19 00 20 00 do IA lb., . 10 12A do in whole hog, "il lb., 7 8 Potatoes, 1 - 17 ) bush., 311 . 44 Peaches, dried, V lb., Poultry, - 0 lb., Rye, -'l:4 bush., Salt, V bbl„ do V sack, Trout, 11 C 00 6 50 Wheati `i? bush., 1 121 150 White Fish, per. 6 00 6 50' Wool, per. lb., 28 35 ffolices. THE USE OF DR. HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS for Dyspepsia, Flatulence Heaviness of the Stomach, or any other like affections, is second to none in America or abroad. To be able to.state confidently that, the ' 1 Bitters " are a certain cure for dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure.. It removes all morbid matter from the 'stomach, purifies , the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the• nervous sys tem, giving it that tone and energy- so indis pensable for the restoration of health. The numerous acknowledgments of its superior ex cellence and beneficent results, have essured the proprietors that it cannot but prove a great cure to ite - afflicted, and impart vitality to the thorough system. • )'See advertisement in another column. 461 milarttstutents. CLOVER SEt:D.. • ALARGE QUANTITY of first quailty M ver Seed can be purcbased et the Nerd ware Store of OLMSTED k._KELLY. Coudersport, Feb. 9, 191.;0. THE -AGITATOR : 4 Live Republican Ca'linty Paper, _ . , RUG"' TOTING, Roirott. rrITIE AGITATOR for 186u,iiill be quite tere ug to-the citizeas of this Represen tative Distriet.4 Tt give'each 'week a Sum; mars., of the LOcal. Nests itt TIOGA, ' ' • . BRADEOBD, •• • - SUSQUEHANNA, MCKEAN, CLINTON - • and 1446:V1N0 CarNrizn, 'and will contain Reports of the Conventions, Mass Meetings, Clubs and Cau cuses of both parties •in the above counties. A wilt - contain, also; reports of Institutes, Ag riculturarlfairs, Temperance Meetings;Music al'"Conrentions,- &e., kc.; and Letters from jfierrialiurl. - ; and Washington, during the ses sions of Congress and the Assembly. Terlntis—,-Ozir t DOLLAR A . YEAR,- IS AD. - VAN CS. „. Any Peison sending us Five subsribertf at one time, will receive, free of postage; a Fifty Cent Copy of Helper's Impending Crisis of the South." Address HUG ft.TOITNG, • 20tf. . I.VELLSIMIIO . , PA. GREAT REDUCTION ON GOODS FOR CASH AT E. K. Spencer's. Formerly.,. Men's Calf Boots, $1,50. $l,OO " Kip " 3,75 3,25 " Common Boots, • 3,50- 3,00 " Gaiter_, 2,25 2,00 " Ccinree,Simee, 1,50 1,12 Lacliosi Congress:G.:Alters, 2,00 1.75 " Gaiters, 1,50' 1,12 1,33 1,00 If 4i 1,00 and all others in the Fame proportion. lam making the sacrifice to close out my stock-in this line the present winter. - GROCERIES. A better stock in this line cannot be found in the county, if as good i and will be solu extremely.low. , . . Best quality of Sugar 10 cents, all other kinilaat small profit. TE_l—liiark, • formerly Sic now 80c " imperial, " 87c " 80e " Young Ilyson, trfe " 80c ‘! 75e " 70e " I " G3c " (We 50e IL L. BIRD 1113 CAN6LE3—Hcst quality, Home made or City, - 4, 18e " . SALERATISS. " lUe " Sc , CURL ANTS—.very nice, 121 e CITRON, 30c FLOUR—as low as at any other store in this Village; Buckwheat Flour, per hundred, $2.38 Corn Meal, i. 2 25 Beaus, per bushel, 1,50 Gibson Pork, per round, 10 . Gibson Lard, Moms and Shoulders for sate A full stock of Drug's, Medicines, OHS Yankee Notions. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps of almost all kinds, Pens. kc., at reasonable prices. Call—one and all. Iteductlou.made to Wholesale buyers. E K• SPENCER. . Coudersport, Feb. 8,-1800.-22.-3mos. HOW All I) ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special .Endotonent, for the Relief of the Sick and Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Care of Dis eases of the Sexual Organs. jEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the IN" Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, 1,:c.,) and in cases of extreme pmerty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhira. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary,: sent to the afflicted iii sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. .Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By or, der of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. CEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. EEO MO 125 175 ITIHE undersigned, being physically disabled 1 for properly managing his farm, offers it for sale on reasonable terms. It is situated in Pike Township, Potter -Co., Pa., about ih miles from West Pike post office on the Gen esee Fork of Pine Creek 13- miles from the Fork. Well timbered with beech, maple, bass wood, elm and a portion of hemlock easily converted into lumber L—there being a good .saw-mill at the forks, and the stream running through the farm being of sufficient capacity to float logs to the mill. Situation 3 miles west of Sunderlinville, and 7 miles east of Lewisville. . . The farm contains 143 acres,. of which about GO acres aro under improvement; the soil is good, mostly seeded- down to grass, and, the farm is especially adapted fora dairy or. stock . farm, there being a water-poiver churn erect cd.rn the house. An orchard embracing 40 small apple trees, a dozen bearing plumb trees, and two good sugar orchards; land generally level, and well tvatered by.springs.. Forterms, apply personally or by letter to WM. R. Ives, West Pike P. O.; Potter Co., Pa. 25 5 1 1 00 2 50 Feb. 1,1860.-21:3t AT 'OLMSTED SC KELLY'S STORE can always be found the best of Cooking, Boi and Parlor STOVES Also . , TIN and SHET-IRON WARE. POTS. KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS; FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultural Implements, such as PLOWS, • SCRAPERS. C.urarvx- TORS, .CORN-SHELLERS,- HORSE-RAKES , DOG-POWERS, &c.. • - THEIR WORK• . is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds; including Cash, seldom refused: Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport.: Aug. 1, 1859.-50 ADVERTISE Tiojd;Cduntii -P1:; Farm for Sale. Keol -Oticesi r„ ~ '''4 -..-,'_ . _ ~ DivorceNotite.t., George WMeKieney, ,No,4f t Sep. Term, 18- _ • •• 59, irkeottlitilon. Pries Mary Jitai McKinney. orPo?tter County. LIBEL IS DIPOBCEj To Vary :Ann *Kinney, Respondettt;— Whereaa a SubPcent and - alit" Is IJbfkeiza•hitv ing been issued and returned 7hiCry,Qu - are _hereby notified to be and upper at oilr next Court Cif Common Picas for tliiccinnty,- for an I t app ‘ licition will be made in said 'Court for a divorce, cin. the part of Libellatit. . • - WII. F. BgRT, Sheriff... Coudersport, Jan. 24,1360,.. ' .._ . , _ _ . Div orp `c) otlic )Mary M. Winegarcleii, - ,• No: - b, Dec. Terra, es.- : • 1850, in Common George Winegarden. PlOs of Potter Co. lauta, IS uirocc4 . • .. To: Gorge • Winegarden,- idleipondent."--e- Wlwrees,a. Subpoena and alleistSnbpcenahriv iug been issued. •and• are haretiy, notitic3 to , be aud-appepr at •our ne*.t. Court of Common PlenaTor tilif duilaty, for an ajiplieittion ;rill be made to ssild 'Court for divoreit,'Dit . tbe•part - cif.LibOlaut. WM. F. 15011 TX, Sheriff; • Cao4rsport, Jan. 24,. i SOO. '•' SAERIFF'S SAES. , Y littaur, of sundry zeriti of VenditiOnt Facias and Levari Facias fisted out of the Court of Corilnua_Pleae,of l'otter County,„Pennvluania, rind to 'Ai directed, I shall export-to public sale or,otitery, at he Court House in Coutlavort, rut .31.0ND.A.Y;ft4e 20th day of February, 18010, at 10 o'clock, u. m., •the follow= ing described real estate, to wit : Certain real estate situate in Barrisort-Town ship, Potter Co:; Pa(, Bounded On - the mirth by lots Nos. 81 & 27 of the allotment of lands -of M. C. Barber, in Harrison- a!ownship, east I by the County. line, south:by 14t in possession of J. Harris and mill lot, and +Test by mill lot and part of lot No. 81; cents:ming sixty-fire and four-tenths acres, being, lit! f trthliart of lot 3u. 84, of which teu acres are improved. ou which is erected one lug hottsEej and some fruit trees thereon. • Seized ; taken in execution, aid to-be sold as the property of Charlotte Peare. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sweden , ToWnship, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded north by lot of Andrew & Michael Crosd, east by lands of George Fox, M, D., and lot of Stephen Mitch el, south by lands of C. Hundredmark k 8.. YY. Acker, and west by lands of Gustavus Neiff, Elymns packet,' Andrew 3: ..lichuel Gross ; 'Containing one hundred and fry-Seven . and one-tetith - acres, of which - three acres are im prOved, being lot No. '3O of the allotment of lands of Fox .1: Ross in S‘ceden Township. -Seized, taken in.execution, anti to be sold as the property of panic.] Snyder. : ALSO—Certain real estate Sainte in Flec tor Township, Potter Co. ' :Pa.,lßounded north by the lan ti tit of Daniel Enderlii, east by lands of George Bat tlett, south by laiids of AI unsick er Garlock, and west by 'l:lnds of W. S. Leach ; t ontainine seventy acres, of Which six acres are improved, on which is erected oue frame" dwelling-house, one 14barn, and with ; some fruit trees thereon. Seized, token in execution, and to be sold as , the.property of Charles Parke'i.. , .ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar tan. Township, Potter Co , Pa.e Beginning at a post in• the north-west corner of a lot con tracted to Jo tues 'Ayres, thencOt3ortlione bun dred and fifty-seven rods to la post, thence .east twenty-nine rodS to, a post. thence north to the west bank of Sinnemaltoning Creek, thence along the west bank of said Creek by the several courses tLereof totei Warrant line, I thence along the said {Varian lice, west five kindred and twenty-five rodsii) a post, thence south three hundred and thirteen rods to a port; thence west five hundreid and twenty five rods to the phrce of beginn4tg ; containing six hundred and twenty-nine mires be the same more or-less, and being part bf Warrant No. 14227, the same being unimprolved land. . seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property, of IL W. May. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sitar , On Township, Potter Co., Pa.,llliounded mirth by lands of Mann .k Nichols, Bast by lands of Gabriel Barnes, south by lands of Mann & Nichols, and west by Keating lands ; oonGtin ing-one hundred acresofland,lof which, fifteen acres are improved and six ncres chopped, with one frame house, one. frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution,.ancl to be sold as the property of L. D. OhristtuO. ALSO-.Certain real estate tdwit : Two cer tain village lots situate in the Borough of Cou dersport, Potter Co., Pa., known as lots Nos. 134 S; 135, on Square No. 13, ,bounded north by lots of L. Cushing, east by Main Street, south by Fourth Street, and west by lots be longing to the School DistricCof Coudersport and- lot now in possession of I.S. B. Cole ; con taining sixty-four perches of and, on which Is erected! one Blacksmith-shop.'ff Seized,ltaken in execution. itnd to be sold asl the property of Samuel Haven, . ALSO—Certain real 'estate situate in Gene see Township, Potter Co., Pa., I Bounded north by lot No. 31 of the allotmentof lands in said Township, east by lot No. 32: south by lot No. 18, and west by' lot No. 28; cOutaining tifty three and six-tenths acres with *the usual al lowance-of six. per cent. for 'roads, being lot! 110.-65 of the lands of S. Rods in Genesee town- 1 ship, of which two acres are 'improved, and' ten acres clipped', on whicis erected one 1 frame house, oue frame barn . lid outbuildings, and with some fruit trees the4on. . - . I Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Versel Dickinson. . : ,.?LSO- 7 -Certain real estate situate in Whar ton Township, Potter Co., Pal, Beginning at! a Chesthift the S. W. corner yf Wfrrant No. fourAlsousand nine hundred and twenty-one,; (4921), thence east by theSoUth line of said, Warrant one h'lndred and-eighteen perches to a post. a corner of a tract Wand conveyed to! John B. Smith, et. al.; thence south by the! line.of said tract one hundred &MI fifteen perch-i es to - a- past, a corner of said Inct, thence east by line of said 'tract, forty-file perches to a! post, a corner of said tract., thence, south by!! line of said tract one hundred Sand twenty-five!' perches to a post, a corner of-said tract, thence west by line of said tract.' one hundred and; sixty-three perches to a post, a corner of said: t ract in east line of Warrant o. 45 . 25, thence! ! , north two hundred and fort 1 perches 'to did; place of beginning ; - containing two hundred . ..! and twelve acres and one tenth of mine:re, he' the same more or less, being \Part of Warrant No. 4920, ab - ont two acres oti which arelm proved, with one-log house and one log barn l erected thereon. , • i ' Seized, taken in execution, and to..be sold as the property of A. F. Bosworth. ! . ! ALSO—Certain real estate 'Situate in Gen esee township, Potter Co., Pa:- , bounded pod described as follows: Beginning at a Beech the S. W. corner thereof and 4 corner iof lot Nos. 1 45: 2 of Bingham lands in Allegany 'V Genesee Townships. thence by; line Of lot No. I N t° E 140 perches to aims - ti thence east 82 perches to a post, thence south 10.1.8 perches to a post, thence south 88°, •E 86 perches to a post in west line of lot N0..4 in Alleittny. Tp., thence 5 . 1° W•hy line of said lot 60.2 perches to a post in north line of lot No. 5 'ce3yeyed 1 ' rr:: - Ito Daviditoss l ;lttepeistorth' ,s3l O Meat 37:7: ,iPirette3„taik - ppg its ,tb ,east. line of. lot So.; ; I in Allegany Tp,; , thennorill'26.4 . Perches - ,tO a post; thence West' h. line = of 'said Jot' 81:1 perehes , to' the'pliice - of eginningl coat:fight .Is ninelY-nine-aire.sand 'ne-tenths, with al -1 ilowince of six per e'en &c., beinglol,No.:.3.ef ill) e_ Bingham , lands 12 1 '..411egany , & G enesee • iTownShipik POltei CT; Pa..i and part of ;Wit. [rant No fB74, 4 itbcint 40 acres of which ate im lprtived; with one friniehouSe;'one frame barn and some fruit'tries theeon.. ' Seized, taken in ekeeution, and be sold-as, the property of Charles Coats: * ,_ : • • t . ALSO--Lat No. 03 - Ofthe allotnient of lan d s do Genesee Townihip;'POtterC,o., - :Pit.; Boned led north by State Line, east by unseated-lands land lot No. 61, - south by lots Nos. Ulk 62, and ;west by lands late'of Silas Billingsi.contain itfig 100.3 , acres With,ati allowance of six per eent. ,to., about 40 Sens of . which are im r v ed, With-nze frame honoe therean:—ALSO— lLot No: 57 of said Allotnkent in' aid Township, !Bounded north bydandsi lute ofSilas Billings; IDec;d. and lOt.No...,§A„ent bylo t.N0.,59, south dry lot No 58, and seat by lot N0..56; contain ing 57.7"acres' and lan allowance , - of Six per licent...tc.,.- of -,whie,ik ob4ot ten acres-are-im proved,i with *nester-Mill,. ono 'frame' barn," two beard shantoi, and_,SOMpfriat•trees there ! Seiied, titkeniin eiten ion,nutl to_be sold itS {the property of John palings. . . - 1 ItiM F. BURT,. S/Aeriff., l, Coudersport, Tan. 23, 860. _ _.. NOW READ I THE.PRINCE OF THE:IOOE OF . THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID THE PRINOE:Df. TH HOUSE OF DAVID ! j: By the P..ev5,41:11. INGRAHAM, jj A iienrand resisd edition,. with the author's latest corrections. !One - j olunie, - 12Ln0.:,' cloth, 11472 'pages. • Price $1.25. - Published by G 1 IGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chesty' .tt St., Philadelphia. 1. • ' filtstfltis *Ws :Ntise II:A literal translation in Gerni:in. of the 114NCE OF!i'ltE IIt I LTSF. OF DAVID. One volume, I9tno."ie I th 475 pages. Price '-_,• bfirt'CrEGEWIE G. EVANS, 1; • ,Nu. 435 Chestut t St, Philadelphia. 57M FILLAR - OF 'Bna • on, ISRAELI 1111 BONDAGE. ( By the Rer..J. IL IN 'RA IJAM, Li * , D. 00¢ volume, I 2m0., cll th, GOO pages. Price ;51.23. I'o)li:shed. I)y Gl O. G. EVAN'S, No. -139 Chest int St., Philadelphia. RECORDS OF THE: REVOIATTIONIARY WAR : Contai n;inp; 'THE MILITARY AND IINANCIAL CORDEt% PONDEW. OF DISTINGUISHED GENERAL' ORDERS 01 , W CIMEI Names of the Officers and PFivate., with the Dates of their Cottim4sidtig and Enlistments, with a list of Distitiguishd Prisoners of War; - the time of their Captur l e. Eichanr, etc ; to which is added the lialfir:ty Acts of the Con= tinental Congress; the Revolutionary. Pension Laws ;- and a list of the Officers or Con'i nentalental Army, who 'acquired s the - riglit to Half pay, Commutation; Lan I Warrants; etc., etc. DY W. T. D. •IFFEIL, Counsellorand Agentfor ,evolutionary Claims. One volume', 1.2tn0., cloth, 554 pages. Price • T. S. ARTHUR'S P True Riches. • Home Scenes. Golden Grains. The Martyr Wife. Sparing to Spend. 'Tales of Heal Life.' • - The Old Man's Bride. The Way to Prosper. fhe Withered Heart. Tales of Married LitV. Steps towards Heaven What can Woman do? Tales of Domeitic life. • Good Mime Coming. ►PITLAR BOOKS. lAngei and the-Demon: Three Era. 4 ,. in Wu inan'S Life. - • Ten .Nights - lin a Bar- Room. . Angel of the House hold. The Hand bitt not the j Heart. ~.. Heart Histories and Life Pictures. The Trials ofa House keeper. 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Evans having Euretta - ied the stereo-„ type plates, - copyrights, etc:, of of the House of David," "Pillar of etc., • would 'pall the ,attentiOn` or. n'gents'to ' . .thestt truly valuable, Work :s. • . 'THE j u PRINCE ..of? nip ):ropsg DAVID;" is one of the most populur,and:best • selling books eVer published - - OVer 180,000 copies have been sold, aud it hids.fair to.out- rival the "Pilgrim's Progress'," or ally other similar • • : • THE " PILLAR OF FIRE;'' by the,same AP thor. is:noes meeting:with - a rapid sale t - sorer 90,000 copies hate beeW sold - since its,pnbli entionind as a compaoida to the." 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