1%940E-POTTER -JOURN - Alit tTlli4lnfarawAy TIO.S. S. Chase, . ilrts,ll.lNii Littgs ittiettpnpatiti:gis should . be * -:,:ddiessocl, to secure attention. w,:u.,. - Ititiroi.,alfin* '" liy,a .e: " :4- ''.. 1 9 - 4,2t,,pa - f . ..truitirin:. 4 . : ' d - ~ p. ttttt ....hi.i.Htunyi q uiur m umuhau ..,--,.!: • - 0 P ., -_;••• , ••:!:•-:?.- 1-',, ''' '' '' . 4' 1 - ,Stfill 4t .29 47,',13 ix .r.. • .• - _ 8/LOSI2 -- Bislletin—l f qtigst - the rnfn fl;74R:;!"171i.( ;tvet:!4l4,gise a statistical accouat'pf. the oil operations in-this vicinity, - Nie look it 'ffirro 4. last; and .. :Visited,all the. li c 'Our; tfistuF,l-..4d4/1-I;ert trim was liind'cnoues -olttiitcne Fat difficult tolgot:alisfe prog:esi,'‘fith 'the pre.eiie . e~th of`cacl 'one; as •theidre'cLitiritiv yaryiug. • But the:following will ho found job9'Etleatlroorreat : • Ip.toning ax thp gpler•orio, two runes abovelowti—on the fare; '3lri: Nandi Curry. The Kerrs .T 4ficeyr'l,. hill, :have commenced one - . • Of: a mile• below theta', S.elair and Co. have driven iron tubes to t' e 'depth of about GO feet, when the tube br'••ke near the lower end. Work sus pend d'nntil'Spring. mile be- Joy •t4n.i; Etelr'af Short ilav'e pipe b .tweed and .50 feet. • , • the 13orough, More ~Chase & Co., Ile have reached depil of ! 130 feet and a• • rc Bntlittg anew vein of oil almost daily and - each one is i,arger than the one altore. Tncir proupects are 1 4 eiy . " flattering and f here-. 6 no longer a doubt of their success. the . y,not reaol the Lake mentioned mthe "21 mer ica t'z-c;i' of last week'???] Three . -fourths of a wile below : Moore, are Barn:s , llH Meall, Rouse & Co's. well near . }OO feet, and near. them Wilhatug, Tanner & co., about 110 feet. The former has umpeciseveral barrels of oil, and with a L•oud' pump this well will to a paying iitiOtion. They are about procuring one. 'Williams has commenced pumping. This well "produces strong salt vatcr. Ne....ft to these on the opposite side of thecreek; bonitly, Kier A: Co., have brok• en their pipe, after reaching a depth of 50 fOl7, and are abuut conmenrin7 anoth er., One-fourth . Of below theta Alten 'k Johnston have found oil at the depth of 1:30 feet. - They have every pros pect of a good wq. hest 'to' this V,:ithin a half mile is the old Drake. well with which the public aro familiar. One-fourth of a wile below the latter, -CroAcy, ,Sloan & Co., have a F plea did well 108 feet deep, and oppozite it on the side bill l lwan 11, Ca. have sank a shaft to a considei'able depth, but werc. driv'g p t bythe g,,s. There are one or twosiinilar 'bhaftS iu progress on the same hill, Lelow this one, 'but nothing certain is known about them. • 'At the lower mill, a mile below, Cresley, Fletcher, Stackpole & Co. have reached the depth of 90 feet, and have oil in Ann-, dance. -- • SO rods below them, jainison has driv en pipe 20 feet. Forty rods farther down,; Noble & Delaunder have .driveri 5 . 0 or GOl feet; one hundred rods below this, Mackey & Co., .hare tubed and' bored 3O Or 70 feet. About one hundred rods further, Virm. Ileridci.son has tubed and bored 1.13 ' feet ; and We hc4r rumors of several oth-j ens Cl ri• haVe commenced, or soon will! commence operating in the vicinity of the iibliVe; but we know of no more in active opm:atiqn until we reach Wash. M'Clin,4 tocks, where Kerr & Co. have an engine, and everything ready for operations. One mile below W. M'Cliutock's, on the flays farm, Dalzell.l.:wing, & Win. B. Shngert are boring with au ealine. They have reached the depth of 3G feet. Nest td them on Farris farm, Washington Stewart & Co. are operating, but we could not learn the particulars: KelloggA Co.'s well, about 11 miles beht Tituscjile, is a magnificent thing. They hare' bored about 90 feet, and dip off from one to two barrels per day, just a-nart 'of the sand-pump. The holeis inches. • They are still going deeper: Messrs. Allen, Chase & Co., about 300 feet below,KellOgg & Co., are — down about 90 feet. The drove no pipe; ,neither the one above. They bate round some inch veins, and are still going deeper. We were shown a good specimen of the oil taken from their dell, and there is ev ery prospect - of success. • * ' Brown, Mitchell & Co., about 150 rods belloWliate bored- about 40 feet,• but . as they. were not'in operation atthe;time.we plssed, we could not make any examine tion of the work?. Ben p dict,.Spcneer & Co, about three fourths' of -a• below KellOgi i & Co , are down about - 12 feet •and'haye. found oil In abundane - e;L:=su much that, as they throw t.hp water,and dirt Out,.the oil rums off in perceptible:rmintitieg. They will have to diirdsOmepip'e, and will uudoubt edly have an excellent yell. But -the well Ituou'u as the_3l'Clitanch well, is , still aheid any ; whichnelive seen, exCeptdol.'Dralie's; this seek. They - have bUred about--? 0 feet, and tltp,oil,o2l.vs,out oyer . the.lick, of. the Alpe, about 5 . feet atiove et ern taking off about 10 buirrels per' 4 but ,when, tliley.getrevery i hilng..4ed 'prid - "get. I nto'sUceessful . opera., I ne'ablc .to 'do a'great deal better. - 1. - • - '-• Tlie,ai,ilS ) anOtber work , going oq below and; n'ea(..er 'die . Lorin tb - lOr.tbe . er'eek Nvl4c,!l ilici l ppt, 'mit, and consequently, catlzipucithing about. • riousE.--The Nebraska Representatives liave`Oised a bill for tie iiipuizatioa of that Territory lAltorrStitte:` , -- - 7.The:Tettato - yall - proba.bly Cconenr- - The bill provides for an (Motion io• be . held on the. first. Monday in gareh, 1860 'fol. the delenatis to a'constitational 06iveutioii,ite:leleet'op to vote at , t he me' pineit "for'-'.. and , t aza rpic 49: state .. . t pserntnent. - :-, . 4 Riai ---,' , FaEir:,...l;gpito..,-7:-The . • Tennegep Bettie of Representatives . hare passed a 511Fieiptiring the free negroes . to t4t,§tate before the Ist of ; Tputkery next, HOSTETTEI 'S 5T0111,411 BITTERS, ~_ • a.fact that, 14 some period, every meth be!, Of i th'elintuan family is subject to disease 'Ot iirstUrkanee „Of the bodily functions ; :hut. with . the aid of a.godd tpniz and the exercise. Of.good.cOmmort sense, they may be able so to iegulate,tim system. as to secure perinanent ,health.., In order to accomplish thlS desired object, tile true course In pursue ,is certainly that which will „produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital, strength and life. For this. purpose, Pr. Ilostetter has id tr.-oil-need to this country a piapariitiOn bearing his name, which is not a new medleine, but one tint. L has been tried for years, giving satisfac. , i to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liv . er, restoring them to a: healthyand vigorcMS action, and . this; .hy the' simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable . s the sys : tern' to triumph oVer disoase. Bar the d11;..g of ilyspopsia,.lndig,eStion, Nau sea; Flatulency, - Loss of Appetite, or any Bil ious Complaints, arisingfrom a morbid inaction of the Stomach or ttoweli, producing Cramps, Dysentery; Colic, Cholera Morbus, c., thezz Bitters }nice no coital. Diarrhmi, dyseliterY or flux, so generally contr4cted . bynew settlers. and cased cipally by the cliange of Tyater end w . „11 be speedily _regUlated by a brief use of this preparation.. Dyspepsia. a disease which is probably more Preyalent, in all its vartou - A forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, car, he cured without fail bY using lIQST ETTER'S STGNIA.CIII BIT TERS, as per di;eciions on the bottle. For this 4isease every -physician will recommend 'Bitters of sonic kind ; then why not use an ar ticle lcue - wn to be ic.fallible ? All rations Intro their Bitters,i as a preuntive of disease and strengthener' of the system in general ; and among t', , ,eut. al; there is not to be found a more I,,ilthy people than ; the Germans. ' from thorn this- preparation emaciated, based upon scien tific e;:periments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the'scale of medical science. FkiVER. AND Alit:E.—This trying and provok ing di:ease, wh,i , ..11 fixes its relentless grasi ; or, the f.wdy of man,redneing him to a mere shadow ip a short time, and rendering hint physically and mentally useless, can be driven from the hadv by the use of 110STF.TTER'S RENOWN ED BITTERS. Further, none of the above stated diseases can be contracted, even in ex posed sit,tia:icms, it the Bitters Rre used as per directions. any as they neither create nae,::..ea nor offend the plate, and render unnecessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and.healthy digestion, the complaint is removed as speed ily as is consistent w4ll the protL.ctiorf of a thorough and, permanent cure. For Persons iii Advanced Years, who are suf fering fns an enfeebled_ constitution' and in firm body, these Bitters are invaluable:as a restorative of strength at,-,d vigor, and n;.,ed. only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mt. : o;er Ivhile nursing these Bitters are indis pensable; especially where the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must and tt is There a good tonic, such as Llostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to im part temporary strength and vigor to the sys tem. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of'debilitv, and, heforg so do ing, sh,uld ask their physiCian, who, if he is 'acquainted with the virtue of the Bitter's, will recommend their use in all cases of weak ness. Caution.—We caution the public against using, any of the many imitations or counter h,v,t ask for 17,0'STETTE0i cELEVIATEL. STOMACH BITTECS, and see that each bottle has the words' Dr. J. Hostetter's Stom,ach - Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped oit the metallic cm; cerring the cork, and ob. ; serve that our autopraph signa.t ore is on the fir' Prep;rod and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.", eca4 by all dragzists, grocers, . and dealers "gencrally thronghont"lhe truitng States, Canda, 'South America : and Ger many. SMITH JONES, Coudefsport., A. COREY A:- Ulysiea. H. LYMA.&' .5; CO., Roulet. I'OWELI, & CHAPIN, Ridgeway LUCHISI WILCOX, Titiyul,l Vis!.:i: NEW JEWELRY STORE. I H. BUTTERWORTH- having located JUL. himself in this Borough, in the building r recently occupied, I,ly Dr. lain St., opposite the court house has opened a JEW -1 ELM - ESTABLISHMENT, for the purpose of ' REP-AIRING WATCHES, 'CLOCKS, and E Having some years , experience in the bets'- , ness, I feel conEdent in giving the puhlie GEN ERAL SATISFACTION. The patronage of the public is solicited. Please give me a call. Ali s-c,rk warranted or nb'pay. • • t A general .assortment of Watches, Clocks and'Jewelry on hand and for sale. Coudersport, June 30, 1859.-43. A T OLMSTED & KELLY'S , co TORE . can always be found the hest, of 1-? Cook r ut'g, Box and pi,clor S. T. l 0 V Also, TIN and SUET-IRON WARE. POTS. KETTLES, SPIDERS, SOCITOII BAWLS, 1 FRYINGIPANS, SSP-PANS, and CAULD- RpNS. , Also, I' l Agricultural Implements, such PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTWA TORS, 'CORN-SHELLERS, IibRSE-RAKER, DO,Q-POWERS, &c. ' THEIR WOR' • lig well made and the material good. Good and i substantial EAVES-TROUGHS pnt up in any part of the County—Terms ear , . Ready Pay -of all kinds ' %including Cash, seldom refused. _Store on Main Street opposite the o,ld Court House,,Goudersport. Aug. 1, 1959.-50 • ,S...COLIYELL I‘ilA.pai.Cath for FURS SHEEP I'4I f TS. Also, for OATS. OOyddrsport, Oct. .9.43, 1859. .• pLAITATI for sale by P. A. STEBBINS Pdain above Third St., QoutIERsPORT, • M. vv.PaoFaizzon. GBOOKs s, Lo g s,‘ BI ANKB- ' _." 1-9clZErs ' IADO;118- • - fait:6ooKB - B4C4IPT-MOILS; gEMORANDLT3IS, P4SS-BOOS, • p4AlclEs, .rogrFoLlus, • . . IigRBARIUMS, LETT,E9.-BOOES VOICE-BOOKS; Grepk, Labe, Tzapeil. - gust German Telt .4ll School Books used in the County kept on hand, or imJnedigtely . procured when. desired. • Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired. A g Ood ass . crtmer i t of Paper, Envelopes, P-ens and Inks. - Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, fix. BIBLES, TF,STAMENTS, PRAYER & HYMN BOONS, of various kinds. MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC; - ;Hates, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards Phess Men, lc., Sc. PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange fur Books, &c. -[ll-34] POIA,Xi HALiAIS, A N D • Le4Rl), /1311ILLIPS, CLARK 454111R0., of JIL Wellsville, are Packing a 'wen- large amount of Pork frodi the choicest flogs of the North, and they promise to UNDERSELL' all others, for Cash. They have, also, a large stock of Dairy Butter, 1 - 4-ied 4iiples, and eve rything it th ;in c‘f Groceries, Salt,. Boots Shoes, Rubbers and Buffalo Overshoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen. From $l,OOO to $ 500 worth of Staple Tiarclwara, which will bd s,old some 35 per cent. 1 i e.5.4 fon Can be had elsewhere, to close out t.lO stock•. Straw and Root-Cutter. A l l q 1 ,7 patent. It needs. only to ho seen to recommend it to all, as it will cut by. a foot treadle, straw, corn-stalks and all kinds of Roots. N. 11.—The highest market Kicr raid for first class Rived and Sawed SHINGLES. • PHILLIPS, CLARKS BRO (Succesgm's to Clark S.; Phillips,) at the " OLD IVEGULAT L,P Wellsville, Dcc. 25, 1853.-1 6 Administratrix Sale. OTICE is hereby given that, as .Idirit,,is tratrix of the Estate of Samuel Gee, Jr., deceased, and by virtue of an Order made by the Orphans' Court in and for the County of Potter, made on the 23rd day. of December, A. D. 1859. and to me directed, I shall expose to piiblic'sale or o tterv, the Court House in the Ilorouili of Coudersport, Cour,ty of Pot ter, and Commonwealth of Peunsylvania, on the 20th 'lay of Feb. A. D., 1860. vat 1 o'clock P. M., to the highest or best .bidder, all the estat.P., title, interest and claim, of• the said Samuel Gee, 4r., dec.., in the following described real estate, to wit:, One lot of about 8.0 acres, situate in the Township of Allegady, County of Potter, and state of Pennsylvania, hounded on the north be lands of the estate of S. M. pox . , deceased, on the east by lands lately owned by T. L. C. Presho and lands of the estate of S. 31. Fox, deceased, on the south by the lands of Bingltam's Estate, and on tne west by lands of Isaac. W. - Howe, being the ert.f..t pa'} of lot No. 87 of the allotment of the lands of the estate of S. M. Fox, deceased, in said Town ship..=Ar.So—The undivided one-half part of a lot in Roulet Township, in said County, containing fifty c.;"rr,s, and bounded as follows : lieg;nnitig at a point on the North Bank of the ii;leglieny River, being the south-west corner of a lot surveyed to Simon Kimbe, thence 138:5 rods to a post in the south line of the Ives lot, thence west C 8 rods to a post, ttolce south 810.4 rods t - 1 a post on the North flank of the Alleghen'y River, the . r.;cl . .. - tp the River cc:, the place cf beiinn . ing, being part of N'tarran,i2.T.i. : 3 •1•13 wljith about 3U acres are imProved, on winch is erected one frame house and one frame barn, and with an apple orcharil there on. ' SAMANTHA PLIESII0„ Coudersport. Jan. 19th, 1860. NEW STOCK OF i n 1 :1 - ' • •,373 . , • o n 7 8 9 JUST RECEIVED BY C. SIMMONS, in OswaNto. Low Prices A.>ll FAVORABLE TERNS TO Cash and Short-Time Buyers. - 11 AM NOW RECEIVING my Fall and Winter I. Stoat, which cII4;;ACCS ocerxtlugg t.ls;;ally kept by a Country Merchant DRY GOODS, • . GROCERIES, • lIARD-WARE, ROQT:i READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS CAPS, • • C R . O CEERY ' c., all of whiC4 be sold at low figures for cash or approved credit. GOOD TEAS FOR 45 CENT; Ladies' Fine CongrclT trr.4....ther Gaiters, from 75 cis. to $l,OO. ' MENS sruGA BOOTS, $2,50 CALF , t 3,65 - FINE DE LATICES, 2O. GOOD L 123 and all other gUods in proportion, for .Ready Pay of most kinds. Se-Cash paid for GOOD LUMBER. C. 11. SIMMONS. °stray°, Oct. 5 , 18:5?..—;4;3713:.. Furniture For Sale.. ABOUT ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of Purniture can be Nought- at reduced prices, the same consisting of one Ileok-Pase, one Dinning-Table, one Center-Table and two Work-Tables. Those indebted to me on ae • count will please pay to4iiiy rather thali to morrovr—which latter never comes. Produce of all kinds taken as pay. at market prices. FRANZ-Itl. 'JANSEN, Cabinet Maker. • Coudersport, Jan. n, MIMI e'ffttiiii - '.gitititt.,ll..,9*-', - Stecteoe72/, pi - dic :F4 7 4 cp.ioty, leo . tite i.st .414 A. /./)'. 1860. - -1- • - LIPH3 I IzEi. Arti t ilf, conitnissi,'9npre l • op,t4- 1 4.iP'l Roud l f payable to Win:, Bell, , i. 1.4 J. F. Cotrat ' " • 4' Eli Bees, 4 1 -if Wat : Bell j II " . 4. ii. ecoval .! !r . Wm. 401, ! " •• • '3 H:11. Hen.f„! i ' . " J. F. Cowan '" Wm. Bell,. 1 '" W. V. Keati Intnrest do nn tt i e above b' theilst of Jan. 184„ Z - • Tp.tal•Lia4ilitig i • I . - ASSITS. Am'n of outstanding !tit;- es.on unsealed hinds, for the.iyear 1859, 1. . 4 do. .I do. do. ;8, Balance dun froill collectors for ;tlie year • 1859, do, I do, 7 do. -. Ina, Balance due from colleCtors forilprevious years, Balance due from seated' !antis returned unseated, Due an judgments, . " . tl "forfr.ited . re.;ogni. zances, " On notes, 1 " fir linage lots on i contract, ~. Total Asset„, Ezeess.of liabilities.oyer a . i . - lialancea, . •' R' I, the undersigned Conimissioners of Pot, ter edunty, do certity that the foregoing state mentof the Funds of the said county is correct and ;i•iili., as agpears fre,ce the hook s and doc emenis in this ofnee. Commissioners' Office, Jaffa:ry 11, 1860. , 1 , L. H. KINEY, ;I , '. JIIROME CIIESBBRO, Corn's Atte;t: FI.MVIN THATCHER. 1 L. B. COLE, clerk% t 0 i Stattp.ent 0/ the RECPP.7 . S' awl .6.,1:"- PP.NDI.777R ES of Potter County, , i _ for the year ending on 'the 31st day of Decem4er, A.'.D..185.9,. • 1 isiCOPIPTS. FOr enxes on unseated lands for the c . ' year 18:18, S64G 58 do. kdo. do. 'do. 1859, 503, 49 Yuc a..tg.3 on 60*(1 lauds returned as.3.oseatea, , For t6xes on seated lands , and per sdjalproperty for 1859, For eases on seated lands' and per st4tl property for 1.858, For dazes or; seated lands and Ban soltal property fur 1;857 and pre riOns years, On notes, On j'Agtuents, . Fill: , ge lots .., !tee 'tved ot Wm. 11, Ilydorn, t) on account of State Taxes fo 1357 and previon i s years, 34 77 Exctiss of expenditures, over rer.eipts, 2,012 54 rianwinrrurrts. Pai S. S. Rasco, sounty m co uissioner, ''' slq 4 7 Paidi L. H. Kinney, "- - commissioner, Pei di ..1e ronr. Chesellro . , " cot,„p.tivii,ncr, 'Pal. 4. Thatcher co. corn., " -4::.. 11. Kinney, balance cit,e'for 1858, - Paii 1.. B. Cole,for clerk hire, "1 !" " ." balance due for 1858, ' " appropriation to Con -Idersport Academy, " Ifor public printing and iddanks, " for qualification fees,- " i m Court crier; " Recorder's fees, " 1 " Attorney fees, Audting Prothonotary's & 1 ) cOrder's accounts, _ Gol in ty Auditc. , ,r's wagz.s, Cosh for advertising and ' sling land by Treasurer, lute suing on Keating's bond fr,im county, Cle..aning C,ourt, House,. Tip Staves, Distri..buting quAlicates, Elerron exp,enses, Stationary and incident:ll expenses, Fueli SlC;itl 7 .l.;:ees. Coatinonwealth costs, Justices returns, Ordicirs lost, As:Gssor's wa g es, Wolf and wild-cat h.ounty 4 Jail !eipenses, . Grand Jurors fees, ' Traers Jurors'" Cot returns and attend: at ce at court; ' Road views, Repairs to Court House, Pinthonotor's and clerk - of sessions fees, Interest on Bonds in favor . of Wm. Bell, To the Eastern Penitentia ry . , Viewing town lines, Damages assessed by Boa!d Viewers, State road to Shipper], Board for Jurors while Tit b'ffore verdict, ', ; '.I -1 1 ' 'cps the undersigne4 Ctimmissioners of rot ter,county, do certify that the foregoing ex hibits a true statement °tithe receipts and ex pentliturCs of said cog!ntv! for the year ending Dee!, 31st, A. D. ii)&9, as - ia k en from the origi nal:pries and docurncri6 in our office. Wit ness ur hands at the! Odrnmissioners' Office. the IL th day of Jannaq, 1180. . • L. H. Kp,Ngy, - - JEROME ODESEERO, Comes - EDWIN 'II..4.TCHER. • L. R Col.; Vlerk.l . . NOTICE f NOTICE! 4 JAL those indebted to the siinscritq, either ALI by Note or by book account,' will save rWTY nit CENT. by calling and' paying their indebtedness beforeithe first dny of Jan nark next. •"1IoAr," yon ask, "can .this say indibe . - In eigsti for yon and me to pay] fl Nrefitil to PAY vp, by that time. 4:—Cloods sold at cost., J 011413. SMITH. Coudersport, Nov. -o, Sl ' 1 1. 11 1) . , / o. alanu4o) -"qrders • $5,238 86 in 185,3, - . 1,000 00 - • ~236 18 -500 00 1)355, 1,00 040 , 1, 9 00 00 -4,ociivo6 lot 4,6914 . 4.!.1,000 Of " • jl,lOOOO F onds on , • • .1.,229 5.1 68 BM _ $13 , 999 61 70 .4,423 43 I ,85 , 1 - 8 1 .2 2 130 Ggi 258 12- Q 8 361 12 ico 7o 1:404, MI 300 00 37 02 8= GO -,.10,7451 911 A,254 . _ eiB ordinary Potash ; put up in cans—;6B 1 lb:, 2 lbs., n lbs., C lbs. and 12 lhs.i . --with fnll directions for rnakinA AND „Hard and soap. Consurnenqi AND 'will find this tho cheapest Potash in,, market-. - ' 70 Manufactcred and for sale by 170 . . • B. T. BAI. 3 .MTT, - Nos. GS and i 0 Washingt. - .n-strecy N.py York, and No.3BAndia-street.l Boston. - SIM $1 . ,999 F,l I L ITHERRAS the Hon. Robert G. White, tf• President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges or the'Courts of Ove r .& Tel-miner, and General Jail'Delivery,•Garter SessiOns of the Peace, 'Orphans" Court and Court of Corinnon Pleas fee the Pointy .q Potter, l*e issued their precept, bearing• date the twelfth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty and' to me di rected, for holding a Court sixty', and Term iner and General Jail Delitzeiiy, Quarter Ses sions of tlie Peace, Orphans: Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Cooder spoO, 'on MONDAY, the 20th day lof Feb"- ruary next, and to continue cme ~reek : Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables .within the county, that they be then and there In their -prc,per persona, qt it q'ciecl; A. M. of said day, vrith their rolls, records, inquisi tioni, examinations, and other rpneinbrances, to do those things which to thefr office's ap pertain to be done. And thoSewho are bound by their iecogriliatices to prosecute against the prisoners that are or etilll be iu the jail of said county of P9tter, are to he then and there to prosecute Againat them as will be just. 2 20 2,0136 73 1,63.3 09 210 73 163 70 10 00 10 00 Dated at CUrtn:RSPORT, Jan. 12, 18d0, and the 4-111; year of the lndept udenee of the United States of :-kmerica. $1,367 26 THE CO-PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between the subscribers under the - firm of Kenyon, Wilkinson S Graves, is by mutual content dissolved. The Bo(As and Papers. Notes, &c. of the firm are in the hands of C. C. Kenyon, whe is authorized to settle the same. C. C. KEN] ON, 130 54 109 56 24 80 296'3 29946 19 22 Oswayo, Dec. 14th 185. The business will be continued at the old place by - G. C. Kenyon, where he, or h s saleman J. H. Graves, will he found at all times (Sunday excepted) ready.zind willing to wait on cust6mefs. ?Thankful for the patronage bestowed upon the late firm, he hopes by at tention tc, his business to merit a, coLtinuance of the same. 300 00 296 00 34 -4.4 f 8 00 50 00 P. S.• All kinds of Provisions, Groceries, constantly on hand, che:ip for llEAny. PAY. Lumber, Shingles ; and all kinds 9,f Produce taken in exchange for, goods at their market c 7,6 4. not: rofused. 5 00 't() 00 ME 79 75 25 00 7.1 IHOSE persons who Imre unsettled accounts with the firm of Kebytin, Wilkinson S: Grave; or Notes not paid, , iallaad arrange the same inn:11441%7.1.Y, as; the husiness.of the late firm must be settled without delay. ' - 0 0. KEN ON. 953 64 75 30 37- 2.5 0d ' G 46 35 14 59 ' 300 437 10 132 Id 303 75' 254 49 739 01 $1 FOR 75 .CTSI SELDOM OFFERED. H AvING a large stock of; Goods on hand, 11 - .1 have determined to reduce the price solow as to be able to char them out before the season is over. 119 28 - I 385 00 The arerage reduction in price of the Win ter Goods will be at least 25 cents on the dollar. MB LOOK AT THE ( FIGURES. Delaines at 18 cts.. former price, 25 cts . 014 ti I: " ISt " Plaid do. "10 " were &heap at Plaid 14.13.5 s 400.4 rkt 22 ets.- 4 • • ' climip'at 31 cts " Merinos, all Wool, at 44 cts,; 73 70 196 07 195 50 51 00 50 00 276 40 • '. 'were cne'aP at 62 cts. Paratp,atta; at 35 cte.. ; Were cheap at 5f cts I, 32 4t •,, 11 "44 ets. " " 22 " "- " "31 ets. Shawl; at $6,-00 former:price . $B,OO " 5,00 - " 6 0 50 3 , 2 5 it v • , 4,5 r) CLOTHING will be sold at a still' greater redaction for cash. IEI --- . 57,367 26 Over Coate reduced front' $35,00 to $ll,OO fl a ff . 10,00_ to .• T,Oo a _ " 5,5 0, •to - • .1,7-5 And a ,t' i m rin stock of:Dress -d ,Busin ess Coats. Nuts and -tests' at 'a great rcduCtion. • • • ROOTS S I-LATS . CABS' • • • GI3.6CERIES all very elieftp,ses'peciallY for es6sh. Cull and be convinced that the reslnetioa real: not imagiturg ' E. OLMSTED Coudersport,..Tait. 18, 1860: FOR SALE--' CI-1 - EA 1). /ROE PAIR OFIRM:SLEIGIIS kJ- HORSE. LONG SLEIGH. For Tarticu larr,- upon itie STt 13-0 -Ng, ---;.- - -.lro. , Ttionerts.erptrmr--: . _ . . .. ------- :fii - Ti .. " - - - B - Atio S' (* jitsl lll-NE Z . .. ' . - CINAL MEDI EALEILITES. . . . .., _ . ' Asrgartuflicturs4 . craßeoppnenselt.l and - ii Preith:red iiitkely, ; ._different frpm Jather;Saleraini, - .-. .41 4 AM, del;J et rious- i" - r extraeted.t n.an I 1 iI !fl mp:pas to produce 4rea4,4iicnif, 4.14 (91-kip,ds of Gaim., - iir4liont'citiu taiiiing . e riarticli'dt.Sitlerains iitt,' the Bread.or Delia is baked; tiler , by producing whiiilesomeiresultS.— Ereryparticle of Saleratus is turned to' gits dud Passel; through the Dreiitd Or 13,1 cult while Baking; clinsequent fynotbingrenaing lint common Salt, Water and Fleur: Ydu will readily PerceivoAr tlic teste,of:this.Salera tus that it ii'eatirely different from other Saleratus., ' ' 1 - ,, .: . It is pOcked in Ono potted papers,; erl.h.wroppei branded. ii B. T. Bo -1 bill's Dest'Medithital"Salerittus; al io, pictuic, twisted his:f of bread) with a glass of effervescing water on the top. When you purchase one. p,1)91* - yo'a 411p.P14 pieserre the wrap..! per, and be particular to ,get the; next exactly like the first—brand' as! rl/ovel -- - Full directions for making Bread' with this Saleratus and Sour Milk' or Cream Tartar, will a...-companyi each package; also, directions for making all kinds of Pastry; also,i for making Soda - Water and Scid- 1 Litz Powders. . . Malik: 1 - 01-;11 oTy SOAP, i ~g EMI 79', ' WITH B. T. BABBITT'S PURE COWEN - TRATE!) POTASH, Warra6ted double the Ftrengili of COURT PRQCLAMATION. WM. F. BURT, Sheriff. Dissolution. T. O. WILKINSON J. H. GRAVES. Notice. A C.II4I'2CE rs usap A compound remedy, ,in' which ire boted-to pilOduie the" baliekual . that.can be de. -It ia.aCOntentiiii o 1 Pata ; saiai►paiilts; so .cthnbinA anhafethiell of sfilrgreritir 'ahem* al ai & a i l iirettive:toitidthe tor SzirsaParillikis rePutea Cur.e't flat: =remedy ij wan t ed by gaffer froth Steurtuntl!edmplointi, ani which:wal aCccopPlisktb*.:clßo irohierise *nee to till huge el afflicted fellow-eitiltenkiP-linsteonii 68 Iff33 70 intentmanythera coca kill 3i be e of the folloiiing SCROFVI4' AND'i §porini)oe. EnniixONs 444:1 EntreriVE 1 3 43141.t.5,''134..c0r0ni5; Scatz4 MUD, _SYYMTZVAS'D 131•Pnat.,. riettoxi; .140tnu.te-Tirili.itt Ipiol'sY, .44kiou, on. 'l'4o DnuyluliBt.4. 4 -LIBBILLTY rErou - ma 11 INxnap-moN - ,,grmongt on Sr. ANTHONY'S 'Pius, anci 144164 class of conaplaints%arisiagAo4 , 44, Tun BLooio. • • - 68 On 70 This compound will-be-fomliisa motor of health, : when, ohtil. in 14- expel the foul. hurnom , Wood at that teriSoiiiertlie ly expulsion at them many rank -are' nipped in tho bud: - - I,fultitt, the aid of this remedy, 'aPire thentsei the enduraneo.of foul eruptions and sores, through which the, ardent will rid itself of virruptions, it not assistc( this through the natural channels of tl by' an alterative medicine. Cleanse vitiated blood whenever you - find its it bursting-through the skin in Dim*, I or sores ; cleanse- it when-you find strUcted and is in the reins ; whenever it is foul,-and your feelings you when. Even where no particule is fort,' people enloy better- health, longer, for _cleansing this blood. Kt blood healthy, and all is well; but wit pabulum of life disordered, there can lasting, health, Sooner or later WIT milit go wrong; and the great ma' life is disordered or Overthrown, 08 CIE 70 Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, reputation, of accoraplishlrrg these ends.. the world has been egregicassly deer , preparation of it, partly because tl alone has not all the virtue. that is for it, but more because many 'pre Diet -ending to be .coneentreterf tottri contain but little of the virtue of Sr or anY thing else. During late years the public have led by large bottles, pretending to-give uf Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar of these have been frrinds upon the E they not only contain little, if any, b‘nt often no curative properties cr. Hence, bitter and painful disappn has followed the use of the4arious ext Sarsaparilla which flood the market, u home itself is justly - despised, and has synonymous with imposition and cheat. we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and to supply such a remedy as shali resci name from the load of obloquy \ whir upon it. And we ,think we have, grr believing it has virtues .3yhich are • by the ordinary run of the'diseaser it h ed to. cure. In order to 'Secure their c( eradication from the system, Vag rernesh . be judiciously taken according to direct the bottle. PREPARSD. BY RR. 3. -C.' AYE'S at LOWELL, "MASS. • Prieei sl . per Bottie j Six Bottles ti Ayer's Cherry Pm; has 3V01) for itself such a-renown:tor tbi every variety of Throat . an.i..Tung Comp) i it s eutirei:y Unneeessary for- us. to. ret evidence of its virtues e ,whereVor it has ployed. As it has long been in corm throughout this section, we need not do nu assure the-people its quality is kept up to ti. it ever has been, and that it rosy be 'relied do for their relief all it has ever been found Ayeys.. P 1 • POP: %Imp CUs= OP Cosiireness, Dyaentery, Fotd'Stothachi . 'Erysipsl4.l, I.lhownalinn,-Eruptions and Skin Liver Complaint,' , Dropay, -Totter, Tt Salt Ithium, -Worms,- Gout, Nsurakiar. Dinner Pill,. and far Purifying .the. As? They are sugar-coated, so that the molt tire can take them. pleasantly. and they i Lest aperient in the norldd for all the purpet family physic. kris.° 25 cents per Box; Ilvelioxes for . Greatnumbers of Clergymen, :Physicians, men,. and eminent personages, have lent names to certify - the unparalleled usefulness remedies, but our space hero will. not pem insertion of them. 'The Agents below DU* nislfgratis our AILERICAN Ar...miNac in are given'; with also full.deseriptions of complaints, and the treatment ; that shoal lowed for their cure. Du -not be put off by impincipled dellf other preparations- they make more. Demand ATEIVB, and take no others. want the best aid there is for thein;and hare it. AU our Attnedies are Sad by SMITH & JONES;and D. W. CER, c.)tiderspprt ; CORRY.k. SON, 111 A.II. 'HORTON, Cushingvilla ; NICHOLS, alillport ; C. H. and by all Merchants. and Druggists: /3IILLPORT DEAD-QUARTEI Irr subscribers take this, method JL farthing tbeir friends - that they are ceipt of, and are norropeniai, a choice desiiable stook of . • • STAPLE' AND FANDY DRY GOODS, to tcliieti•they invite the attesition of ill' desire to snake- porchases... Out- stock is 1 la 6 Leen selected kith great and tieuhtrly odripted .to , the evantS, of this st oE Our country. of WY cqtre oi DRESS GOODS, TRI3I3IiNGERIBBO ) E3IEROIDERIES, -1".413.A50L5. 01.0T1IS, CASSIMEREO, ' "'" YESTNGS. ' • • MESTID* - . • - LINENS, :VAST'S, "Alosttity and Terie:ty of other artielei!,oo.O l to" men ti OO: We • hilve" also :i.coiniiihte :114RDWARE , elan = • n 11" of vbigh ,will e,sold_ pro mpnly..4 l for' reidy. and ;I?pxoyed credit, oc ,reasonable.'{ 43 any .6tlkei:e4t4littjicro • Di vr t-Nicipts illpo:rtrAMVlT,":l BGT4s-9:17 - CARRIA GE • it: -WAGON IdAKEB :end PAIRER, Cemdersp"oft, Po:tter Co, V , • this tethod of inforthinithe lie in, general that Ito.' ip - preparc to do-all' irprk his Ilnt pith, p in a.'Worknieh-likelifaiiet, -. and'‘,. most aceonimodating' teims", 'FltYln* Repairing Inrariably reiptired on &RI the 'work.'kinds PP'- 0„1“.4 on account of '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers