2` 1, 6E.M" 1 > t;Tr4rTBtTISDAY Utile:MG, BY Irio. *ikon% $1 A.,ettertaik Comnppicptiorts r .t. r - , . , , .(t"," • .i ", O r ACClll'e littenttigt, 4 -1 ' ''' - ' 4 K • Vi• • 't or A' -- ' 4 , -.,. Z' i ,="- . atay ticravaftee 1 __L...* -,..4 l .ltathiterTAVlotakt , r. - a ..., t...., •..,:q: ~ .4 . - .8 - „...... • - _ 31214 CO ..i.i-__.d-_.,,, , lila n a. aove .T. hi-rd „S±:i "d e etAPlYFiltgrOlitZ:R4.,. ~ 420 . 00 4 . ' , 3 r1ii itl .'"i f apsullii. aziift‘= 01 L . zi. , t) ,v' i. Itiffe.. i' ficEcTIGERS-.( • - vo 4 - 4:t /10.A.VBOOKS;- - twa t"th , ` -; ' itit;'eEter-2190t5i V AlgefkiehrS, 3F1t1,85,, ''• r- • ' DIENS, va 4 "" 1 411tV-BOOKS ievra`lrOlCE Booris andTett— Ugst.:l: fir l jtV i ..`Stitti.g .n o . 21ai.ii1 in trtz' 7, 1 4 on ha nil 2-4wtired telixtt Ast _L Atagnz.ni A s or anzPvitodceal,s . sppplled %vim 46-43 A ;-1 7 A g0,)4 s.„vzo. A-I rlinent of_ Paper, Envelopes, an t i l i r l s:' - sd - , of Wall-Papers, Draw fs,;Wats'ir Colors,. ee. •• • B It V.F. 3 .§TA EN . MS, iritiarrilAtt4 bb SHEET-MUSIC, 814:4 7 tii16rs t ck- tn. mcn Ifonrd's Chess 11-101)QUE uf•all kinds tAker Olt eichniige.„for ' I-341 • P4ILP K "IT AM S • D •i3'v'. g i b 77 - A A-P.4 J r CILIVi;tOJ ;- C I,t: liii ;EL El; r. - . 9„ of It **: 411 - 44Wer - 7,. li.eliinit - : a' Very 'lame ILI . 4 ' 4 -iif-ti.icirk' frOA:ill-e 'cis s I cb . sit Fllogs •of tte North, and they promise to L 7 5OLitelELI. all als, , ,filleoht , ~Viey base, also, : a.large stock 11-lbr,l BAtt*rillelpd 'Apples, and eve ral:Vi&Vis 14:1e el.(1-rqieeries, S4lt, BOots Si, 5111.),..5, Ri and..Buiratii Oversho - ee., fur ' . Igiclies and Cl/Apt til eir. Frthnl.oos to S.:,- 500 worth tf 1 : 4 . -`‘ A.- - '-' - t Z.I.C3 , "gtaVgDYI - "iiir . clvir . a.' re, • crliicli , liilybipol4-841::" 25 per cent. less than cll.; leraLasts. - stri, iio - - elo.;e.out.. the stock. !: , .s.:-51:,:tat7-and- Root-Cutter: A new patent. If tecds'otily. to b seen to recommend it to all, as it. will eszt by-a. font treadle, straw, C;);11-6:11k.i ItoOta. t.,: J 1 • : ri.rAlps y lle„ r oes 'market - price - fur Ent class cso 'tin it' s:atj..lad' F.i II LE S. . PIII.I,,,LAPS,.(I,ARIC:t BRO (z.'.-eccecsors ati s the .F= tirti -wii&vitiel"bt.e.:-25,. 1£859.-1G i - R.,.7-017t,414-114).11iy.... g iven that, as dmi n is t'attl4`of.t.fiti.l:stato of Samuel Gee, Jr..l deeertsea} r trfeb_i virtue estate, Order made by • 1 the Orpha i tiFiC:duit. County °I; F~t:er mane no r th •237c1 day of December.' A. D.- 1855, Alid-,tor too directed, tApose I ut pahiie sale tit` O'fterv, at the CU tuq,..lls,asc 1 in the.Dsrough of Ctide•:Siidi.t.. o.ninty of ter;',oll.4. 4 Atturnunweillth of Pennsylvania, on 20t11-11*-rnf-Feb:-A.. D.. 18 0 .30, at j o'clock P. M. .IL hht, or liest bid.ler, all the i intereit and claim of the Gee, Jr,. dec., ia the following de, st ieaLestate, to wit: "Tof 'OT libnnt' SO acres, sitn.nte in the founty ofPotter, and Stat i eattiVgisfrlsinta,.bontified on the north i I , y lands ofalrevestate of 6, M. Fox, deceased.; en the eastlV -4 1 -. :T„liioatelylowne , l by T. J. &I 1.. G. Presto nad.lands of the estate of S. M lox, tkezeaseitt ; . - os the south be the lands of lii_4lo4p;sEltate,„ and on Inc west by landz.l net44 - 10...11,0rte;. east part of lot '!„:174 . 1 1 87' . .0f [lie. allotment of the lands of the to.ltlte'Of'.t - ).L'Fo. - ;;•(.l2.; .. .easeds in said Town ship.—ALS .a./L:',41.: undivided due-half part driatditiiiiltbul-et Township, in said County, containing fifty acres, and bbunded as follows: Beginning at a point en the North Bank of the Airegheny 'River, being the south- west.corner of al‘S E surveyed to Simortiiin,be,thence 138.5 rot% a post The:soqtl7. line of the Ives NiestiCa tan poiit, thence south E 10.4 rods , .:tp-a,post:en the North Bank of the 411egheny..11iver, thence up the River to .tly• peic'e - orttfgtening, tetr..; part of 1\ arrow No. 2143; cincltich-faboiti . 2.0 ac - res are Irr.prore..i, on Ishipikiterecced r one itonse and , one . find irith'an ap9le.orchard there on. NJII t PRESHO; .4(1/r4r. -CtittlCisnort ' Jan. nth HONVARD : AW)cIATION, P,IIILDELPIIIA..- • 11 :73enzrateht - I:nsn,:v4ion, estob!tshcci specictl fo r pie reliV of Mc sick and diz- tressed, ctPirnet! with 7 7 iralitt and fri t , " i a:pl.:mile diseci(4. THr,4IOIVARD "ASSOCIATION, in view o Iheritrinl destractiou of human life, cans-' ed by Sexual discos as, several years ago direct.ed their Consulting Sarg.oon,to open a Di7pen nary fprthe treament.of tlzir.class of diseases, in alralblf fOrk4s 4 and to give XEDICAL AD VICE dacTIS.; ,t 9, all ',litho apply by letter. watt a d r eiscriptiort of their condition, (age, occupation, habits af . life-, 1:x..1 and in cases (4 extremketpoTertroo FURNISiI .If,EDICINES FREE Or - CB`itt:GE. : 1-- ' • . 4fli4.Direithis- of the Assoeiatron, in their late Annual Bcport express the highest satis factronVith'the-4bccess. which has attended the fV(trofitheir_Surgeotw in the cure of Sp a ttprk,tiel,'sebainal4C7eakrieE:s,. 6oniorr- Iwp„,qleei, yol(flis;•th.ii vice"or. Oniinist or S'lff:Atruse ' ,'"Dliease of the Kidneye and Blad der, Ste:, phsi or_der,a cf.:raiz:ll:ince of thc Santa plan Vffetieogileg Fear:.: 7. ; :,(7.1. - P.- - 2.--;:. =- l a A.ttftiglirahle.BrPo.rt:on Spermatorrhceit, or gitakis)?WSAlLOPa...,s the Nice , of Oaanism, Mas . turha.tiss@or.-ISett-Almle, end:other, Diseases of thetßfyllAriiii(S, - brthb Celn`aniting Bur . ~, atkiit . .47;teet-hy Mail,.(iria'sealed Nivel:- 7, 1 „0 ) . - A-14,r : Cil'AlgtAt,-oti receipt of TWO X'riNll- I .Faor,pattag . r.' .. ' - ' ."- - - do o t o m , ; for iltotsiorl, ; , - or. trentavmt, -Dr. i gir o l,Dl.4 - 14,13GEiTDN, Acting Surgeon, WrAr,,,,,.. 4 /,9tiiiP i l i .4 4 : 1 4 7 ( i t• 2 S4 t h N'intla Street, ' ire:l939 l h - ,?:4--,. , ..,, . . [11:24,1y. I' .16?,` I rOf t ti p 4 COI for 4 - 1. - RS trucS=E; PELTS. .160, for OATS. rAketr*.p . i . Oct.'2; 1853. • - LAS,..TER for sa4* . by . • •-'" P. A. ,rEBBII,,Is -IiOSTEri!TE/VS STOMACILIITTERS; frissi fad- at, at some neriod, every mem ber of the humaiiiiititiV.4 - 4 - iibjeetllistase tfr - dllttfthaiite - th 150 -- PnrOciloo - with-IliChiAtift.E(zoOd tonne, , and I,l4:eierelse of iticid-initiitiobrsenSii,3ireyinaytteiibte set to regulate-- - the syilettyita ler.'secure , furtnanent health.. In er,dc;.to - ctceoreplislt -thiy desired olijf4; -tlte - .4ru#eotiat tot•lintine '-opttiitike 116.0 filch' mill Pfo - tltte - e",..0 - tiattital'state'-of things at theleastfiazard-of xitul-strepgth and gol, this . purpOse; Dr. Tlestet et-has:lu : troditeeti to:this Country a pieganttioli beating , nitctstii i is - note rioti medial ue; Vasa:tile that has been,tried_forleays,„ giving satisfac tion- to, a 11,.. who_imve..„,nsed,-,_it.., The Bitters operate, powerfully 4. 4 ion,„the stoputtli.,howels, slid diveiYresioring tlietn to et lintilthY and vigoro n a ?LS ti o,ll,;andth : irc is -the „siup) e pro cess ofsttengthquipginttur?, ciaables ,tbe.sYs tem to irratifpltuver . disnise..' For the cure of fAyspepsia; Indigestio.n, Nau sea, „I'latulenex t ..,Loss of AlTC . t : ile..or ions crotupDtints,arisie`gcrom moTlaid - iita.tiou of the . ,Stvtlith Or 14weIs, pytilimingfirainps. Dyieritiry,tolit; Cholera. gorbuil-4;e:- . ; these Sitters have act,e,glit,lll,-.." Diarrhoea, klySkilrry -- tior . .. fln.tiio generally contracted by new settlers. and caused ' prin cipally by-the 'of water and - diet will be sPeetiily - regulated by a brief 'use , -'of this preparation: '.l.lyspepsia; a disease which is probably- more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, nnd the cause of -which may always- he attribated to derangements Of the digestive organs, can be, cured -without fail by using - lIGSTETTE ; R:S STOMACH Drr- - TELtS, as per directions on the bottle. For this dis'easo every pliyeician will recunitnend Bitters of some-kind; then wliy- - not use an ar ticle known to be it fallible ? All nations have their . Bitters, -as a preventive._ of disease and strengthener of the sysr,em in general;. and stutongt4om dthere is not to-be fogud,a more healthy people 'than the Germane, from whom this-preparation emanated, based- upon scien tific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great _prepare.ti on in the scale of medical seicoce: ~.~ ~~ MEd MI . I , 4vnt: atib Am.:Ft.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp op the body . of inan,red nein him to a mere shadow in• a shtirt time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can . be driven from the body.by the use of IiCISTSTTE.P.'S BITTERS. Farther, none cf the-above:- stated diseases can be contracted,, even in ea posed situa ions if the Bitters are used as per directions." Audis they neither creatanAusea nor offend the palate ; and render unnecessary uny ehange of diet or interruption of ordinarS pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is removed a.; :peed ily as is cot3sit-tent with the . production of a thorough and permanent care. Far Fcrasns in Advanred Years, who are uf faring fron, an enfeebled constitution and in tirm body, these Litters aro invaluable as a restorative i.,: ,- stritngth and vigor, and need only be tried. to be appreciated. And to a mother whileMurz.ing these I3itteri are indis petmable especiallv where. the mether's*nour ishment is in:lel:gnat:: to. the deui.mds of the child, coiseenently her 'strength nitist yieiel, and • here it is where a good tonic, such as ilostetter's Stomach Sitters, is needed to im part temporary strength and vigor to the - sys: tem. Ladies 'should by- all means try this remedy for all cases of debility; and, before so doing, should ask their physician, nho,. if he is. acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, v. ill reconkinend Lkeir• use in all caws weals- C aulti ottl.—We can tion•th c Against using any of the many imitations .or counter eit4t • btu ask for lIOSTUTTER'S STO;IACIIBITIV:itS, and sce that each bbttie has the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle. and stamped on the metallic.cap covering the cork s and ob serve that cur antopraph siguatuze is on the Ethel. 'Of" Prepared and sold by HOSTET,TER & SIIITH. Pittsburgh,ra., and sold by all druggidts, grocers, and dealere generally throughout tha United States, Canada, Swath Ammisa., and Ger many. SMITH & JONES, Coudersport A. COREY ,17. SON, I.7lytses. H. LYMAN' & CO., Roulet. POW ELL k CHAPIN. I.idge may. C•; LIJCIr;;'; Ituena Vista. NEW STOCK V,IDITER, GNI% JUST RECEIVED BY C. H. SIM NON S, • AND FLVORABLE 7F.,Rms Cash and Shoe' -Tinge Buyers. y AM NOW RECEIVING r,ty Fan trsd Winter .11_ Stock, whi,;l:l eru'araces everything, usually hept by a Country Merchant— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD-WIRE, BOOTS 4-- SHOES, REIDY-MADE CLOTHING, • HATS 4-- -CROI:KERY, 4c, • all of which will be sole} at low figures . for cash ofapprivred credit. . • GOOD TEAS: FOP; 45 CENTS, • . Ladies' fine Conzireirs and other Gaiters, front 'l5 eta. to $1:,00. BENS STUGA- BOUTS, $2,60 6' CALF " 3,5 6 6 FINE DE LAINES, 25 • 6 GQOD - LXWNS, Tel • and all other goods in proportion, for: Bendy Pay of most kinds. - • ' Cash paidlor GOOD LUMBER. • •• - • - C.-H. EIMMONS. Ostr4yO,'Oct.. 5, 1858.--13-Iy. • -NEIN' JEWELRY STORE: ' BETTERWORTH having located I.lle -binstelf in this Borough, in the building recently occupied by Dr. Ellison, on 'Main St., Apposite the court honse - has opened a JEW ELRY ESTABLISLINIENT, for the purpose of REPAIRING ' • - • • WATCHES,, CLOCKS, a'7 o . • JEWELRY. Having' some years' experience in the basi ness, I feel con'iclent in giving the pnblie GEN ERAL SATISFACTION. The patronage of the public is solicitel - Please girerne a call. Ali work warranted or no pay. A general assortment' of Watches,. Clocks anti Jewelry. onhancl ani for sale. Cathie - report, lane 89;1859.-48. in 0..-svc-A-s-o. ==s=lEl Low Prices, .'„,7„ J' .7,) r r• ' • t-- • • . ..•-• • .:•• • • -•.-• • THIS AFTERNOON. , OE ~.-.i..-5: . 7 :9: -4 , ..::,K i And every - day thareaftef, (g.,..ri : lt : g.'.llt-' ; l.l•tii . tf i l in the sale bf GOODS . at'LOWER prices and n 6 l2 o irgitx,t4 Bargains than ever offered in COUDERSPORT. IT e w and Fresh Supplies OF' •,":' 1 ''-' '` ..--:... E, ,•• A <. ~.. , ' --. ..,-, ,'.: ' . i. • ~, 1 1 ,- t :I.t, e. ,- fa , - f ,, . ~-;- 7:, ~, .' 4 .-itt . t - -: I. ''''‘ ' ..,* ",:: 7, _ . r• , .1,- _,, t e. - i v . •g 0 f , 4 A' 4 ~: ... ~,..• i - ..... ~,,:-.. ...,, ~,.....-•:,,, -1,( Are being received Every week ilia stick, comprises all qualities, kinds and varieties of FANCY . and DOIIEST4C Dry Goods, Groceries, • Hardware, Crockery, AND Every Description OP FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ready-made Clothing,, HATS & CAPa, Ladies', Gents' and Chi!arena' EOCITS,, SECOES & GAITERS, GLASS-WA RE WOODEN-WARE, NAILS 4nd . GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND DYE-STUFFS. IRON & STEEL. A Large Quantity Just Received, AND SOLD -CHM TAN AT Ctrtg Otto: .Store IN TT,-.3.E COUNTY:, FOR. CASH, You are especigily invited to call. We are all nurried iu the store but you shall • receive attention. ALL KINDS OF Produce Taken on aecount and in exchange for Goods;: , gad' gz/ez:....Welpiei TIIE ,MGR' ST MARKET ?RICO. FA ID FOR C.OttN, WHEAT,: RYE, OATS anti BUCKWHEAT ~~~~~. t~ i'~ l .tla4 x_r.sA. ..•1‘ - It- , ePg ,41, 11- 4 i.i.,. C:OuntYr °PI :tlii fit day of •Januay,' 180 - ;::. - ....r-t,:;:,-1.. 774=1 :1171'' Militt l iiiitt: l Atnotlnt tif:coutalsstorigi'. . outstanaig;. ,- ..: r . -=.3 Lizs . .-:(,1 7 .. , f BoudiptCyablo to IVut '•i/c11,41. ." li ' " J. F: Cittwith ' rite I , -.`- k .. ,t, •,- ....- ( ., - R 4. ep, ~, - i_`... I.,:! , :.; , ,!',, AYtxt. Bell, •I ", ~ , ~ • ". i. ~ . , "..-Wrn,,Eiell,l " , ., !i ji. ILI? en,t l " !. - . -. ", .1. - F.' Cows. • " ''' • " Wu). Bell, - "• 1 ~ . ..," :11V.: V. Teal Interest. 4qe.op . ,the uticives.. the Ist ot ,Iliu. 186 U ,, • 1. ' : 1 . ''. - '' Total Liabilities,' •f• -- - - ••• i- , AsseTs: Aut'Ut of - outsttnding tux - vo.onussolitcdispls;fo,c ,•lh..i' ,„ eitt 15t.9,i,:.; ::,,-; : ,,i do..' do;,, , do,„ , .1658, ' Btilunce due from ceiliec tors for4tie year - 185 a, do. Act I do. • ~ 1658, liaianee due from collectors fvr Ip.zettiona' years,.. Bulauce due from getited, lavillsrotu6led unseated, Due clu judgments,. ~ 4.• l u. tinfetted recogui zußees,', " on, uotes,.. • ., " for village lots on: • • r-contruct,. . Toja,l Assets, race! s c.,6 lial. , :ilities °yet. assets, . ~ 13ulauccd, . ' AIM f W . *, the unTerslgued Cotrantssfulkeys of Pot ter county, do certify that the fore i guink state men ot, the Funds of the , said county is etoriec, f • • . . _-. sand rue, as - appears fruin r ale honks and dk-• utt.,e is int4is office.CottunissiOueri, Offii:e, January 170866. • ..- . ' I' - ' 1 : -..It KINNtY, • • ' ' , • jER(i.IIE CE11.1SEBRO:• Coner's te : _ . . A..114,.R EPIVIN T.N.,'C._ , ..-,—,• 4, 13:,,Gai i 0 4 : 1 -4. : . ,:-....,,:::, J ...•...,::: ..,:.v...f.:0 , ~.. in ... . : k•I •.- • •;• • i ~'', ! . . i ~, 1 ' •: . ..i . _l trment dj. tlie .4,1,,C1',11',7 - S and EA:- 6 2E.V . DITCTI.S.;, V Puticr coinim - 1 ; j ? fr theWillr.pitifigypir.ftha.3lCduikoje • ecenib4, ./4: lf: - 1.85.9::' - ' - ' " i - ''. . 1.1 - . ALCHIBT*, • ' - For taxes on in nseated. .1 Itad .e s a for t i . e. t 5, h 8 7 . . , 56.46,58 d 0.., do. . do. 1859,, 503 41/ takes óni seated lands retained s ;oseated, ; razes oiflseated lands. and per inal property for 'e , ..59, -• • ••••• I taies o - tii seated lands 'and ':,er-'. nai :property f0r1658, , • . • 'taxes'on iseated . lands and -pr im! property fur t 8.57 and pre [pus years, liotescr ' j, ludgmentS, i i ige lots, i • I eived of Wm. 11. llyclorn, 1 " on account of; State. Taxes fot 1857 and 'wedge's 'iears, 24 77 Eic ss of exi}unditures'ocer receipts, 2,012 54 0 1 ®~ Ei On On Rec EXPENDiruicis. -- PaiciS. &Rase°, county com.wise..ioner, - $llO - 57 Peal, If. Kinney, -eoinnassioner, Paid Jerome Cilesebro • " commis, iener, PairilE,Tria teller co. com., " Kinney, balance doe forrtBsB, , I B. Cole.for clerk.hire, : balance due fdr I,appropriation - to Co;.t• dersport Academy. " Ifor public Printing an!a blanks, • " !for qualification fees{ "•1!." Court crier, " " Record.er's fees, " ." Attorney fees, Aurdlting ProtbOnotary's Recbrder's accounts, Co+intyAuditar's iYuges, Coses for adyertising m 11 selling land by Treasuref, Interest on Beating's bond frinn county, - Cleabing Court House, Tip tqayes, , • Dist ibuting duplicates, EtelAion exp,rnses. Stationary and incidental: eipenses, Poe), She'Vitr's fees, CoOnonwealth costs, JustiCes returns, Orders' lost 1 As.s'essor'S wages, Wolf and wild-cat bounty, Jail expenses, Grdnd ,furors fees, Tra!vers Jurors - 1 . Colin returns and attend • since at court, Road views,: Ra Pr i:airs ta House, Court thonotor's and clerk of sessions fees, Interest On Bonds in favor • - Of Win. tSall , ' Toi.he Eastern Venitentiasy Vi wing tor:ltalians, ;• linaz,es a s sessed by Road lewers, Stitte road to 'sltippen, Bokci , for JOrois while out before verdiet, • ;WE the i ndersigned commissioners of pot ten county, do ,vertify that• the foreV,oing ex tn., statement of the receipts , and e.s- . piubdithres of said county for' the year ending, Oe'e. 3tst, 4.. D. I.3s9,!st%taken from - tAke origi nate entriesned document in our (Alien. Wit ti4s our hands at the 116rninisSioners' Office the Vittt day of JannaryLlB6o. • . • • L . , JEROME IIIESEBRO; Cam'ny At t. ! EDWIN T l• • L.* tkum ' ''NOTICE!• ()TICE!' , i.Ll f .those indebted tolthe.sitbscriber, either by Note or by .book. account, 'will 'save PI TY PAR CENT. by I 1 galling and .paying. thld . : indebtedoess befog the first day of:Jan uary. next., yo• ask s " cantthis sav ing bei mede ?'! In eon's for, you and One to p.iltrc fdii.to P.IY UP by that thine.' NAL.afickiti sold at Lost: - - :JOHN B: Malt. ottsdersOort; Nov. 16, 185`.1.-12:11-4'... ::,-; ; : - .7lrir; 61 :1 -01 Wiritil;1 1 -; ids; '59; OStrlit E lXCl ''Xii"iV.B•l 1 . -Ti - BABBI' • 4.7 -•” . .H:ft.4l' - -..:oo. „)P . '.'` . l._.."it ~:41EDIPPIALS. A 14. . R4HS„ ' l ls 'xi rin'a fttc teri'edli-Oirteiiiit' islort - tiir It; - stud' 4 pitilikritt-4iatirOv 'different front _dant Salerattis.;i:*l Alio:114h 4!eriopl fanner , extra.ete4 Li Aruch .r! matieras,toprenliioittr.,:ead;,l3hketrit, ' drid allisii4,lrof,,Criee,'Altbeiiit tom. taiiiiti;fii particle el' Sal/Titiiiirben the Broad:or Cake , lg : 1)410 ; `there by pr0t1ue.in,,, ,,, ,u-hOlesom l e res.ults.-1 Eptry.psr4le of Saleratus is turned to, grts:arittpais:tithrtiugli theßread ortlieuithiWlThlitig;''ecnitiqu'ent; • la nothitig-refnnins hut ecininiciuSsit, Wittdo•and Flour: .Yncorill readily , perceive br the. taste of 013 Salern, tus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus. .. It is packed tn. Qno pound tt4ters. each - wrapper. bPanded, , “.11.T.-11ale bitt's Best-Medicinal Sateratuse al so, picture, twisted : Jell'. of ..bread, water • with a glass:of effervescing ter on -7Q the' top. Wheii yuJi - ,plirelinse One, palier;yotishetuld:Fireserie the irrap-t, peer runt be , plitticiiinr to• get :the next exaetty like-thetiist4-britnelsa', above., .„ r 1 , Vull'direptipps forririni 13'read with this Bnleratni . alid•Sbur Milk • or - Creany. Tartar.-will: neeiiniiiittly each - -package'f - olso, direetiout for . ntrating , 'lnlL.liirlds of Pastry; also,; ! for leaking §eala ,Water and - %- c4 cil-1 litz 'Poa-deis. ' ',' HAKE; YOUR OWN' SOAP, .3: T.:BABBITT'S PURE_CONOgN , . THATED, POTASH, •, , Vc - firrant ed „ ap 41,1 e. tho ' Sire! gth, oil ofiiinaryl'otash ;:put'Uti in ean,s,—' !r •lb:; - 2 . fifii - 3 . ihstl, 6 ; 111.4.'anil 12 lbs. —xvith frill directionslfor makihe. Hard and Soft -Soap. , Consumer: , itvill find this-the cheapest Potash M I `market.. -„ ~ ..i , ~ Alantaitetcred and fc.• Sale by . - f " ' B. T. ~:11ABBIPT, .. !Kos 68'iind 'to. Waishingtons,-Street New York', rind N-er::l6'fialib-st reet poiton. , - ,:. .., /11k:44,1.y .-,-.) M 68 r..,0t4e; 11 -. in .1,4354; 1 1,000106 - 980'18 4t. /8 11909:0.g_ v igsj, k 1,000:00. 4 ! X't°o(Y! )o :40.0%0C' . AND 70 68 " 012443.04 1.22961 AND - .$10;939431 .. • • .1,;.;:•, 70 .:r"; ,5a.1,61 2,13966 258.)2 ' I , •-• aci z : _ 65 16(0'0 139-U4.. 70 300 po z; 10 3 10,748',90 4,;50,7. 1 q 8 $15,999 ni ED 7.0 • COURT- PAOCIAMATIOT. • .e;: --- V — Vrhf.e • • " Pre'sidettftftidlte,' and' the. ii.ons'..itnjepil Mann -and Ass:del:An Judges the,Gourtsrof -o.or da Teitainer and: General Jail Deliyer~ ! Quarter Fz.essiOus of . the,ll.'eace, Orplul.rts' -Court, and. court .of Ontomunj',le4.,. f. the . CoutitY:tsf 'Pinter; ha.%e .issued preci.f)t;',boaritrii' dafe the tr:6lfill day. 'of Jittinkfer,' 1t the y'ear of our Urd•orte "thou- sa:nd;piglit -h-pathted and.sizt,y, and to me di 7 rented : for. holding, a Court of Oyeratf , l Term iner. and General Jail' Delivery, Quarter, yes-. Peace, Orphans' attd . mrifbti Borough - 6f sport,: on: MONDAY. the tOth day-of. Feb- Nary next, and to..coutinuttote week :. . Ngtice is the'refore.heretts, given to the Cor oners, Juytiees of the Peace .and, L'onstahles within the county. that they!he then :Ind there in ilteiuruper persons, at 19 oveinek of said -:day, with' their rolls,' record s; inquisi dons, •exarainatio.us; and other remembrAtices. .to do those things which tO their offices' ap pertain td to done. And those w - ho are bound bytheir recognivances to •Proseente 'against the prisoners that are or slmil 'he in the jail of said eottntY of-'otter, are to tie-then and there tc(prosecnte agaipat , they: be just. '4 1 20 2,06 G 73 1,G33 G 9 210 , 73 • i 7343 1637&' 10 00 10 00 . . . • D.tt.ed at Cot - pyaz_zpoirr, Jan. 12. 18G 1 ), and the 84th yg:l7; ache lodefn nOenee of thy Unita S'ates Of Ameiica. V 1,367 r HE CO-PALITNEItIiIII' hitherto existing between the sitbseribei . s under the firm Kenyon, 'Crirces, is by mutca consent. dissolved. T.tie. licuks Papers Notes, 4e. of the firm are in the hands of C C.' 'Kenyon, -whe is authorized to seitle the :mine. • . C. C. KENYON, EIM 109 56 2180 29 63 294 46 , r. C. WILNINSON, w.'ll. GRAVE'S. ilastvayo, Dec. 14th .135. ,6& ,-The hAvs..i.ness will lie condoned at the old place by C.. C. Kenyon, where Le, or salemonJ H. Graves, will he found at all tirne. (,Sunday cm.-epted I ready arid willing to waii on customers. Thankful for the patronag, bestowed alien the late firm, he 'hopes by at tention to his business to merit a cot.tinua net of the same. P. S. All kinds of Provisiom ' . ke. constantly ou hand, ehcap for D.s.kny l',ly Lumber. Shingles. and all }dials of Produce taken in exchange far Gds at their market price. Cash not refused. 1922 , • 300 00 2!.0 00 34 4 4S 00 3 37 '5O OU 5 00 zo 00 ME 79 73' 2500 11077.1 01.11i0Saperisons who hare t,n settled accounts with the 'firm of Kehyon, Wilkinst,n Graves, or Notes not paid, Will c arr.lll.7E the same IMMEDIATMS, as; the huNiness of tilt• late firm mast be settled without C. C. Klill'ok;Y-ON. 25 853 b 4 75 30 37 45 , 25 00 6. 4 6 35 , 14., 59 300' 93 7 10 132 12 303 75 254 4.9 7351111 119 28 3.8500 73 37 01 FOR 75 CTS I SELDOM OFF E D: ACING h large-stock of Goods On hlnd. I-have determined to, reduce the price su low as' to he able to clear them cut I.:tfore the season is- °Ver. - The average reduction in price of the Win te'r Goode will beat least 25 cents on the dollar. LOOK AT THE: FIGURES. Delaitica . at IS cts.. former price, 25 cts c'' 14 " Plain do. "' 10 " weie cheap at 12 ." Plaid' Dress goods, at 22 cts.; 73 70 7.96 07 155 :L.) 51(10 xvhich cheap at 31 cts " Merinos, all WOOl, at Ll 4 cts.; • which were. cheap at 62 . 1 cts Paramattas at 33 cts. were cheap at 5o cts BO CO 2 / 6 att ...IC 46 3 to 6i 44 cts. " . ", 22 " ". 1. •" 31 cts. Shawl: at $6,00 former. "rice $8,50 - :5,00 • " ." 6,50 4,5 - Ci.OTHING will be sold .at a still greater reductio,n ftir cash. , -$7,367 26 ()far Coats reduced from -. .515,00 to $ll,OO " " j, 10,00 to • 7,00 - " 5,50 to 3,75 And a fine stock ofiDFess and Ruske*. Coats. Pasta . rint Vssts at 'a great reduction• BOOTS St, SHOE S, HATS & . &o.; all-very clieap..especially for Cash. Call and becinvinced that the . reduction is real. not imaginary •. ••• • p. E..0 - I.3ISTED. . Coudersport, Jail. 18,4860 • FOR .SA 13 E A I ).., • E PAIR OF 1108 -41, - 51011S stall TW . .- name - fickNG SLEIGH— Fur particu lars, call: upou or address P. A. STEBBINS. F r 'BUItT, Sheriff. ris olution. Notic6. A CHANCE S W I A la t CI K Kli n e aisaisit 4.4c0r- .41iP.O.toglit11-#441,0 mealy, and 40r,,-3lieiti% inilisealittOtt allyipatit:tak. itep *out its.E4Ocks. nerts.thereotte. 401 ,..0 e4 t r py; r _tyhwaorn1hIous taiga astised. , ,br=mreizrial r disease,:lox 1.1 t) .ordered or_prthezzlthst, food; inquire 'and' filthy habits,-tha,4lepretatzg vie 1 4Y 0- ,,a ll l,b3;:the infCq4nu ever ,be its origin. ,4 is . hereditary hi stitntloreitleacenilinetfittralniretato unto* tiliA 04 1 4 1 . 12 {0 1 4crtiCqr it seems . to lie the ;on_ of I int will- ViSit 'the thelfath4 their children.:' - • - • • - Its n effepts commence by deltositic... Wood-nr coriulat . or uleetbus matter, fir) the lungs, liver, and, internal or s. it tubercles,; iu the' gland. 4„ swelkingi ; the surface, - eruptions - or gores: ThiS 'ruotion; 'Which genders. in the bloods' d the energies of life, so that Sorofidaus it tiers • not only 'suffef fiein .serefdlous plaints, hnt.therhave. far lop 'power 140 stand the . ittacki of -other disease;; ' ;quently, vast • :niiirrbere - belisNtW d, which,.although nm tirofolousitr - their: are still rendered , •ftttal. , by: -iaint: system.,, Most of, the ,eonsumption curates th 6 Bits its origin I in this scrofulous , cbutaininatinn ;vain destraclivediseases of the linter, l and; indidd, of the 014J,,,an86-103F' are agtiratated-hy the "tame cause._ one quarter of all our ocople are rut their persoris are iaVtaied by this lurk, fe crier ; their4tealth is .undermihed To cleauseit from thesybternme must zy .the blood by an alterative, ruedicThe, vigoiate . it by 'healthy. food ` and Such :pagdi#2o twe 68 IS•D 70. 68 CS LEM INI BEI AVEIVS • COUIIIOIIDtI tl'ad, "z:•4apai the most effectual remeav the skill of our times !min- devise for thi where pro:militia and fatal malady.-. , It biped from the most-active remediclsth: liecre4iscovered for the expiirgation of tl disorder froM,fhp . 4lood, am} the rescue system from . its 'destructive conseql Hence it be".erriillo•ea 'fiif 'the e not only scrofula, but .aIS-cr those 'other tions which arist frotn, it,- such. ,as En , and. Situ; .1.1/ ( sr,e4s, ...A.N•rno,Nt's :110.4r, ci 'l3LorCiri.:S, lII:SASit `and Tm.toa- FRI and' atur'lltititiv,r EAT,, 'RE RILED MATLE n,,SY.rit!LiTlo,.urt.d,:drAccut rssts,, pi:114111 ititdCed, - ';voi TED OR' in - 6. impurityOf the foundeclint for scrolpla is todegptieFutiori of blond. raitinular purpose and virtue of this Sir till a. is"to uurify mid redelier• are thistitall without - uhicb sound health is' itripoisibl cogturainutcd conatitutious.-. • •• Ayer's - Cathartic a FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A-FAMILY arc so composed. that disease..within the rat their action can rarely withstand or erode Their penetrating properties search, and • and invigorate every portion of the Mona ism, correcting its &seined action; and n tet "vita Iti es. .As consequence - et prsperties , the itivalid 'who howed , dom pain.cir I - days - ice). debility Li astotlishcd to ft health or energy restored by a remedy at at timple nod invittogl,. „ Not 0nit,...d0 they cure the every-day. coral of every 'body, but: also many' formidsbit dangerous .discpses: ,The. agenti belay, nam pleased to furnish gratis my American Also containing certificates of their cures and dint for.their use in the-tenoning-complaints: C , 1104, Hearthunt, Headache arising from disc Ntantach, Nausea, Indigaatkitt, Pam in and Inaction - of the. Bowels, Flatulency, Lod rite, Juneclico, and other • kindred cr arising from a law:state ofAlle body or of its functions. flyer's Cherry Peet • FOR TIIE r.Ariu cyan OF Coughs,. -Colds, lalluenza, Boars' Croupy Bronchitis, Incipient Coni tiou, and for the relief of Consul Patients in ' advanced stages o) disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness ant meroua nie the eases of its cures, that every section of country alounds. in persoi licly known, who have been. restored from al and even desperate diseases of the lungs use: When once tried, its. superiority ores other medicine of its kind is too apparent to obiervation, and where its virtues arc kn' public no longer hesitate what antidote to air the distressing and dangerouls affection pulmonsry organs that are incident to our While many . inferior remedies thrust n conununity _have failed and been discard has gained friends by every frial, conferred. , on the afflicted they can never forget t ata thwed.lcures too numerous -ant tooiretnak: be forgotten: PREPARED :: . 11Y Or: 4TE &Cl LOWELL. lIA - SS- So!d by-S . :IFNI blzi, and D:AV., CER. C ,titicrporl, COR:•:Y.fk § l O,- 1 - 1 ) A. n: HORTON, •, MA NI ClinT,S, ;.C. •:•t1 3IMONS, Osi adl 1:y all M•relnknts andTruggists. liliLL OtT. HEAD-QUARTS FrvlE subscribers take this method forming- their friends that theyare ceirit of, and arc note opening,- a choice desirable stock of STA - eLli AND FANDY DRY GOODS to which' they invite the attention of an - destro to wake purchases. :Cur stock 'ii has been selected. with great - care, and ticularly.adapted to the wants of this s Cf . our couutry. - Our stock Of Dry Good! silts of DRESS ODDS, TRIMHINGS.IIIBBONS , I ' P.ATIASOL. 15LOTBS, CASSIMERES . VESTIMIS. , DO m, MESTIDS, LINENS, 'HOSIERY, SHAWLS, and a viriely' of otlici rirticles,: too :nu to mention. Wellave.also n.complete ment of `.rt • • • • G.P.PCZEIttg, If AR rill-Ail g , LAND all of which"3Vill-.ba''sold: uncommonly for ready pay. And-, foy appriwari credit .4"sOsoimble - terras as "any other estalAiFb' - - 1 '.-IVANN•tiNICLIC A.ug .11 ,186.-9:13 ly. Z., J- THOMPSON. CARIQAGE 5 'WAGON, mAKER, and PA Co n ddfsnort, Potter Co.. ra., Ibis method of.lnforining-the'tini*, lic i general ,is • prepsnl(l:l to (hi all work in his line with' rroinii - in & worknu!ii-lik.V.lnanner, and apol most ancquirno!inting tertos. Psynri ftepairing insatiably i•egnired,orkeleliv ttie wo'rk.'' - 10.1;111 'kiride 'of l'llol _takea.oa account of work.:• .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers