nvia 4 el 46 ,. ricul &viol um, upon tad Boodition that.it r:hali pay tothe:Ciiitinouwealth a ; r • a a hi' eartlia*Nla' the th'aoc ON* , the freight 'carried oyer the road' ' l ' e t retlatiopell kythecompany, urid that, t itfter giiititlitifeakett effect; - and seh the eorporutiob. is, is the full - lift.; • el 3 i; libe**.eauferred by by 'Cps 4211ar'leit, Tluf question, it Aue, ie . a I,4P;itl one, and its deeisioa, tnerefore,itito with the judicial-department of the doigft, I 44.A.gliabareE4tAl i n n yvtriAtitittstE4r 1.4.4 A 7 4 ' 1 , t. slathe 4l 9 3 bOVAtt terNls - qat 4'l' 4 OWV /i p i l i hkrAn l i 4a n i .# 4l h r koPkii e mi; • 1141reofkflip_clAoi Ry4l4id,irtglt, u/31,y se.,riously.affect 411 1 , EEO!! witi!igtp, oo , l o.4iiittlakihAe , 4v., Fq-f.r:oßt l l9 l, :pb. l , l ,crinvypy9 -9 406v1qt , mAiisw.dstie,- - 4 5 aie of the:mai l' gapr.tllo . 2 tr. 1-ize,rnapy.p.iilliptas of dplAtie, below what iru.gd have. PrPdl lo o.f.in tb:e . ab.sellg.e t such:competikion, it issertaiwy not to tLelrCs.lilecl.S ll 4l l le_PrO.Po o 3realth vitllll)oY...*td. ',bar ;doupsod .for reVenne • frow this :sbage, - .llAtii,. elle, i,- at least; fullpiodemniftedftr - the FY Rod itei the depteeiaticta of her I.l 4 3Perty, by the liberality extended,' to, the, company.,,whiclr.now :now.: her 1141f0r.1.A. t renforco - contract, voluntarily gutered. into, upon aconsideration enure. 1 ,,Y: 44 .41 1 W0. -• • : - • Thettnnual•report Of tho Superintend. 00 .0 1: c o m j n o u Schools, :with the tables 1 Unct clocupito.ts eicoMpanyi rig it, will ex bitthe Oonditiettef.:the vast engine of p.4o:itl-itriprovernent to. _which" it relatts. Tile Ituraber,Of pupils, in all the ,Fahlle nbecla ::of the' State,• i5.:.631,651—0f 1,48 of teachers, 14,071. 110 7 sohnols have beets:ill operation. pa t.i>.nivortqpi,ovet."tbb. whele State; five montha'zottniiti. days.. The average sal ary dtmalti.creadbers, is $24 36; and of female' leachers 817 79; and the cost of instrueti* 'tier lifty;tbree cents ftr &nth. , `-The average tax for tuition ; &et; is about five and a half milts and for buildingimrpases,•.abont three and one sixtb. curtho - dollar: Including the i eity• of :Philadelphia, the entire c.)st of tu ttionoto.v.was 62,047,661 92 ; the build ing'exiensitit,3l,4l3. 85;and the whole expense of.tthe pystem, in: the State, for the.year, 62,579,975 77.. - - Thonb4:the :school year•endiwg or. the fwst 3lotiday of Jane. last,tva33 one of irr money 'affairs, 'yet' the ii . .txtetit•rel*featt au-'encouraging activity i unit its defer tin'ente, xhile tbe rate of t ax :,tiott,l3o alloy itutiOn and imidings, would appearifrom - theltiffuiil repart, to have loth ,But, it is by a coo t rest!ofth6l pie.sdn t condition •of theses` t &WI with thaibf , lBs4; when • the agen eie4-7-tip*'-coperatitig•-so beneficially, were e:ceatedi; that lesttlts are most plainly seei3. Mail& thaf2petiog; the whole number of pupils hte3 been' intreased'eerrt4y one,sev entlia:4l teachers one-thirteentland the 'salary:of ieaehers, the best index bf imprOvetnent; one-sixth for males, and otin.fourtli for females. !These results, with the others which the official report will exhibit, uneningly point to the duty, ai well as necaisity, of . the utmost care and nitentioti, on the part of all public agents, to • this Primary social institution --7-prtmary ifs importance, no less than in ths care'et of ea7ch citizen. ire stren.th ,, cn; to , retain pure, and fo properly direct, this'fountajn Ucad of social influence, is, it'seems t'o toe, the great duty of the law niarier,lu'his-highet and most responst ble capacity, - as;th6 framer of the future ofihe•Stite. - The attention of the General AKsenibly vifs':called, soinin+hat at length, to the eibititiecondition 'dot' further ,require idanii-ofaqr school ilsteiu, in the annual rv§ O ge "of last year. It is not, ttiere f iric'nec.essaiy to repeat the sugees t iotis nYclo . " . ,t.triii . iti - :15 then_ presented. Ti e ' ' are again; iOvVeier, Coniniended to''yeur, fa'- vrable , ConSideration ; the events anit'c i-; perieuee ef - the iuteivehing period, hav lig increased' the conviction of their pro., priory.. 'This is especially. the ,eaie, in' . r •&f43'to'the - Plan'. devised fiy, the act of ::(14i ofAi n y,lBs. l l, fOrthe . d iie tri,in i il c , 4 teielierO'forlii l'ebniinen schools of t I; State: :A tun Supply ,of ,I cOtupeten t Aea eh eii' is' sideiitted"by' A 1,1 ,, to be the" great ii - Oe:d of Air system, and the first, want to b. #.tjiikidd,a'W:l- I' .?eii l qgiiidioraiiciee , l 113, ey,qty Ackar,t - krt,`, tin ' only eittallth 04, ..tiotib;o'9*;iiit 16 the general adopfioit of ttp`ioiziliaea :means,A, 110_ distan: ( 14 , 'lli - ,effeits.Of`'the r teigiers, - , tlittises, .fii;fiee*ltottal finproVernei3t.',4peovrt,iged ail4.ol3taltieCti " all who . duly ,:estitpdte 1 thirjainiii:if,nd 'influence f , the teSeher'al 'olEetcliilforety fiiretell this, _but, the_stici.ig, ' s4l9,l l e,iltitcle.l l ,t, in faitOy of, iustitntiottis -lotilK,Oilickein'tine§tioe; oiierois':ttiql Oa a)tlity , tittlilivre§ttit. - ` yiever 2 y,kkier:, tpr,-,toAliatiorii:pt . thieli 4)4 are`ReicetVed •, - . 1 ,-Antare'4rlillo,2 stjp.,tigjit protiortioOthe fcrr4 4 ,9ficioa a llitifiAina.,9#ces - ..'7 liillie'See avovilitar.:diitriet.; oilolic;e'ct'Otlho ni - 4i.igellft,OVigier;lsia anitlebairoii; - erriliititutien tip i4 i tliii•fu)l reAnireliaiiits of tbo, Ir. Of.„kß; ti ''', Vee:rl:ol4JiShedl sill 0101 4 1415, - . . 'ad; ` iiaa - k:iio s iicl l3 5 1 . deipiruri" - peiat,ylf,. 4: $416. Normal i;iiiiol:',"..l 2 , - .Ar•it.4:.-*lTik oii two aii hie: ii, Ttoy. 4 .o\ mke:4t4 l ui - Ocetrae. 4 ' 36 ;9W.: 41191'41.P -pirt.octhe,Au.pekuildiar.t.; (if, , .0 44 n lilAii, sciiil.9 . l4,liiii;J shonld;.do injusiieetOthe 14, figt‘ n - i'etiterp'riyrbieli trio - tilde - a, and thcicif t qged4dillanthibpi, *hich.,Prodnc ett ,t.his 'table i , stlitg i 0 LI 4 'Well - as to my _, ... "7 -- ."'" ''''''''. , . ''''':". • ~ ,,1 !ging you upon tke meal; ' fiz ' /. t fFuitllf 04w whieh 'al aneh id' accordance with a 0 t enero , , eta , ter of , 1. t o" , t ~ i ' . .f. ,e 1 e li e .- 1 .-..: ,),. • i re . , e4l fe • .g , e aticee . to . this juncture, to guard it fro) or radical ohtTge.. Itthe it.. ..tgent ... liberal minds. that are non' . weighing_the - project; and - Couiein - firefiog its ex — Xersioii •to i,ther , parts of the - State;tirePlissigt4 TiErEnftheir et will ,einteeittrated,. their activity Ake .'irNteg llll4 vein .Uk0.11% 4)&4lPr: *OA- "4"tt, 91$49gt,s. iit*AttimAiivAriNglwabigp.rvii4* 14 1 / 2 011x 4 14519111.4tranitrhdtsilS 4 otetiOratitr. #46k1113 ti4PC4-441. 'Amalot 4fital3Po 0/4014§031fAtiickn , - ,,, Ntir , -4410410 4 ifik4 u,P4 , fla.king#4 - 4% itiWgitovaratiAn taldtng : ngt plltv.cortahityi:of eAcklingAlitjqq...g§t4lAislio !unfler sqe.&7lo 4Leefl. , 4lPn!l. l, lD - bqrxi tb: be A•k'A by law IshAll; : bAvir:becti JOgally recognized. ; Ru4re iikfull'opetationL: The - tuoney,of the..,State A lkpprepriated:-in , , this; paanaes i will offeet,:atOrP. botiefit,:in -prbp'ortion.,to. th.e,butlay ; ;ltnanin any other.of thenper ations of.tlie Eystepa! . -The:instruction of the _child, is.a.dirty ;:,but: the instruction, of the teacher • iS econemy:asWell as duty.. It ; will propably be advisable to Make such approprizitbans, -payable only wlien the schools 6:e-legally recognized and in full operation....:This coarse. VIAL- have: the double effect of guarding , sagainst loss the State;:asid stituubiti*,.!intia• early siistence, a sufficient 'nu.inlitr of in, to .supplv-the eXiiringtvatit in. every cinarter of the. State. The-:period: for :the: t hird: election. of County ...Superintendents is roaelitng, and_ the mind will -nat urally be turned to the results of the of fice. My own observation, as well as in formation. from various and reliable sourc es, leads to the .opiniwit, that this office, whee:filiett tl.e=properperson,••• and its duties .discharged in: full compliance with the deli n• and spirit of .vice' law creating it; has - beer. - al great• advantage to the schools.. - Indeed, no candid person'can deny the fact, apparent hveven tklit ob servation, that more• improvament has been.effected in the workings , anal - real:tits of the'systetu, 'since the crea:Vietr of the office of County Superintendent, than iii any previOusiri . criod cf even double-dura tion. It is true, that when exercised' 3r incompetent officers, or crippled by insitf ficient compensation ; tle;if any; advan tage 'has . .. accruedl3ut.'this it no arg,u, uient'sgainet. the-office-itself ;. and it is to be that` tko;idirectors of 'r.'onnties thus heretofore'depriv.ed 'Of the - benefits . of this-agennY; Wilt; ihe:next adtilfg underthe teaohings'of' experience at•-bottie, an4.theliglit of success from oilietraitc:oorieat 'this - evil and realize theft& lithreftts , Of this proyision of the -1 11teiricreasin„,& - ease: and soundness of our financial condition, at• riet remote period., justify an idditioi to tII common school appropriation. The-general poliCy of the State has 'been that each' district shall raise within itself the main upport of its own schools; but,- an annual dona-1 tion, distributable amongst them all, in I proportion to.popniation, has also been a'. .part of that policy. The object I Stale grin t seems tube two-fold First---it. isa means of securing regularity in the procebdirig and reports of the several dis trie's so that . ,:the Department of Common 1111, Schools shall have the requisite infornim Lion fur the due discharge of its ftwe'- ' thins Ancl•seeend—lt lightens, in some degree; the burden of local taxation; to the relief of the poorer ati'd more sparsely peopled districts. An Inereaite of the an nual appropriation f:orild enhance both these objects, add, Whet.ever the finances - of the gotrerunient will justify it, coin; tuends itself to the - favorable coiisidera= tion of the 'Legislature. Theaid which the Legislature has hitli erto 'extended to the establishmentof the Farmers' High School 'of• Peensylvanhi, strongly 'evinces their high : appreciatirri 'of the advantages which it•is anticipated will 'grow out of that institution. Whl'.? 4 it must be admitted' that knowledge is is lesitential to the art 'el farniing, 'as it is to ' all the other epAproxtne.nts of life, we can" not bit feel 'deeply nieiested, thit aioin vntinify peculiarly agricp'ltural 'is' we arc, 'shouldhaVe all the advintages of an edueition 'Which eornbinOi in' itself, as well tl4.kriowliclge of th'e Ridetial'artiofi agripulturk - seleritifiii'aegiiirein"Onte in alt thtiObr_ittali as' Vfilexibing" which are applicablelo its profitable ptir- , suit." '• soh Opt Where agriculture is 'prod tically tatight, is a new field to'which cur, attention hats' been called;Ttin'd one Whieb, l lbeciitse 'Pf 141pOrionee,' well do-1 shat:,servei:oui i*' attention.' ' ft'"einbes the 'priweipte,". ! While youth'' are tartght , 'habifi a. inOitry, they; are irsitiretsed xvrtli consid(!ration; . *thki' the labor oi; iyel? AMU: : t ribtitei'to their''. ac rit - Of 'knowledge:. Aria thus, too, eddoutioi is brought ;within the; 'reedit pl . :init . :y . ll'6l'4On genios_,Whoiiiiitdd ~Oilierwise- s truggle'-andlinguthil',.to: the want of the means acquiring Opt' `school, in Sueee'sd.ur orperatio'd, ,t - :he past tin de iti IS' rri.te , one hu-n -ied.tinyii,Who,:',iltileiliei are - Carefully instructed' iii ali",,gicisitranches of tatieine whiek pertain • tott,ii, high' . order - of educe chid, engaged in all'the 'practi-' cal `operititins Of the farm-•:-fitting . them to and' to Itiftise thrortghOitt 'the S rate." in . atilt:lllk awd mail / -1 i of knowledge which mug:ultimately pro': ,ntluntry. tehnol, the trim ¥@© -'n% .e felt Ott) n:the l / 4 ,0,1 instilv mid twine( . ieport to of Der °. sle_rxe ooksli : ;,VirinoifieWitrifiWit; -9 - : : 4B hoe . • . elco. the cam tagEWiffigrente4 -1 i!. of the Libra.rlof., frOi report, t1iat.).514 13 ; 1.: . I`,'Ottllf,the dates far back in the: bist64 of tke ihe f fostemas t imbilVatoonv du.rtngfittl PPAVIRFAPS ,:itt4k ll: V.WirNIPLIALIgIOP, I 4 waste to w,hic,htitaitasJacegrkeokiu . . - .... years,.nwiug to the : . inettoFfriipatkieu tion - ,4-iind . et,.the:eir . eftti: attpericisio tit) Of the- vreseni-an; - siege lighiS bad 114 ohirge 'bf it, aliarly &Uhl edi :its number of yelnieeel arab now...containsdir, ,dlr22,l9olsolutheit'sthe:largest.State Li, • b rary in: thh ,151lietr,- , wit ht-thw .Si Ogle. es , oeption'etthitt" of .the S tate-of N'evr.3.'prU The col leCtion , of La*. -books; :acid ditecish- I ly i law-:.reiierts, As' : correidOred.? by t those' 'competent to judge, einehg4.ln.t. best...in:l the.country.i - The ,Lilirary',..from it.i'in triniie value and: importance, and its :his toric relations,: deserves, -gild _I:-trust . it will receive, the continued liborality:ef the Legislatare. . '••:. '' ~ - i:, . --- ". :-.:ln rey inaugural address,:as Well. asin in.y..last anefialc . message,•J drpressbd. the opinion that' ourpreseut •-bauking-systern vets extreineLi.defective,l ail& thatiunlesic it. were radically. cliangedVir-shouldeonj sider it:an....impetetive .dtity to . :Withhold. the.. Executive approval from all hilti eid: , ' atin , =: new banks. ;Without agriiii:.giving. in detail the reasons which inflneneed my action - on this question, or. :repeating the stwo.L.-isostions and recominendatious hereto; fore made to the.. Legislature, it s . ' - proper. to reinark,lat'thisi .tinie, that my nenVic tions . have been, confirmed, by' time ,and reflection---that , my.opinions-reinain tin-.. changed, and that I cannot 'approve of any increase of banking -.corporations un der existing laws. .1f corporate privileges,..for tanking purposes, are needed, to aceammodute.th7el business wants of any portion of the State justice' requires i liar e-iscili.. institution should be compelled to protect the . com munity receiving its circulation; by re quiring' that ample security:shall be gi'v- . eu: for the prompt redeinption. of its uotes the. GtifFicieney .of which .no act of the: corporation could impair, . All, .expeii ence in this Sttite,:.-anth . else shore; has demonstrated, that' . ti a present syhour af fords little or nolp , :qtectioir to rinteheld ers, beyond the personal integrity of the officers. controlling : the- management' of the-scverat banks. Fora full exposition of my views on this question, I respedt fully call the attention of the Gimertil .Assenib_lyto my last annual message. 'i lie reports -.of the- Auditor -.oeneral,. the State Treasurer, the Surveyor. Gene ral, the 'Adjutant General, •and •the At torney General, will "be laid before yon, and will show, in detail; the operations . of their respective departments for the past year: Deeply impressed with the belief that the present. mode of receiving, keeping, and disbursing the public.;eV6l.l3e, is en tirely. unsafe, and inadeqnate . to the corn- plete .protection 'of tho t interests of the Commonwealth .involved, I.ag . ain- respect fully, thoueh earnestly, 'invoke legiila tivo action• on thin highly: important sub.- , jeet. . The receipts and .disbursements of the Treasury are each,.annually, from fliree ,to. fudr -n illions . . of dollars. At times there is ou hand a balance bxeeed : ing one million of . dollars. The .State. Treasurer gives•security to. the Common wealth in the suin of.only eiglity• thous dollars. lie deposits the money ,f'' the-State when and where he pleases, land-it is 'paid out upod-liis . own - cheek . exclusively. • 'lli.Sadeciutits'are settled by the Andi tor General;- once d mouth,' 'and ! this is,, apparently, the only* 'safeguard I ,provied,• by, law to . pterctit: the- 'illegal use of the publis funds Wl4:i . •tirider'the control of the State. Treasurer,.- • Ink ' the•Treasury'of•' - the ' ... Conimonwealth has hithertj ' eseaped"frout disastrous - &dal-- caitton, is Owingto.thein.tegrity - of the'ot finer, and not ter, the - efficieueyof the lan's; aril:U*ll4 our thain'teliarreer,s irr-r the .fu , ture, must be on•the honesty' ot,. the.offi cers to whom the. departiuentit entrust ed, it is, neyerktieliss; : the plain duty 'of the gorayriMeut . ,'@y . :prOper le7,lSlative.eit actutenta, to prefectit, -as-far as :possible, 'the illegal; improper.' er free dtleritAise of the funds 'of •the kite 14 a faithless' or •dishonest.''publid'a'r:d , tl:. -1 respen'tfelly teaMtintend" that ''' . provision . 'be , •iiiade.: by taW thili'Dqtirriney -Shall be deposited:: in gniliank,: . 'err elierrhere, by' the 7 Stat I e Treaiu re r,' vri then:it -first- - requiri n seetiri: -t?-tei be given' to"' th it 13 ein Men wealth -fur •the prompt' re-payment of • theiqinii 'de: vositecl ; ;:--tlidt,•tilLeheeki, - 4Sqed:' by the!, Sta te " Tie* re r; s hill" Fr e ''eetiti teiaigned vy the'AiiditerGetieralr-before'itfey 'lre . ] used i-z•-'Harld tliat'-',.'daily-'• titafehrital'ofllhe moneys` recelVdd,i',,deposited -- and' clisbur's , .. ed';'Sliiill'he Vag id' the.::: . c4 - tee-Of_tb6 Ay-, ' d Vet .Generafris'' Wolf its ip;'.ilie Troia - I'26P , '' Departine4 ' 1 ;44 iisaii - weekly statements" of thebalinees'iti'the'',freaseiry,- and , the Pla.ces'arid - tinierantilef. depliSite shall he. . kept - in a be*. Id' tr,..e, ;'proxided for' that purpose:in. each - . .dePartMinit. ".. :' --" ' • - The Getriniissioners 'appointed ia..pur ,sulitieeof the - I'&oltitiOnS ''Of the 19th- of, 1-.4..pril,'ltsS,'fii'f,eitieithe Penal 'Chide of tt,..w4itili 's Aire Cieneiv a - ' lu , ": 41- our , .._ ~. ,t 1 ?? .! #,.evot4tOii.* . .e - *lts eart - iiiblitir„ - 4tit - es, ba, 41tie tb'fil 444. illiißri ifiveil44ls . , „Yu misiOioilT;tv,ge ition.. 'I-- -4 -.4...,..1_,...- your fostering-care the .‘ ..e , r , _Lun t 4t,llarr ... _ ibwr_i f --- pttl;loppitai..ifo ?t.liiiirr-L-etibi;*l l in. I_,WprAt4t.-4*, _F. unryttintot`Phiader-t' Tfifitii - 4 iSilititgarcia la Swindell hhihreei,fat. A : :aftßefuge, i, .Philax Viest&q.liti,tse,tiftße,. ,O;^-these; : o;oellent,;_ ALituiyi,iStattitiustitu,', id are . tieing, flatus: :31 , the ,reliefoi,-,suffer taithe-reclarnatiotfand Ig l ffottop it Tkey 'have trotigi chums upotittlie cantietiad,ltnint,y of the.Conimatlivealth: The. auiiikal ',i.o. pOrt of ~.these, h ohlercharilicit will,bc laid befok yotii.attd - ; will -exhihit, gni : tletail, theirruiye'rationsqloring. the- pasttiear: . i t,. ..., 111 frayn'. from' scabut the n d tug, t act: p top; er obj ec ts: far- , - -tho - bbunty• of-the, 'State; a' btitul4r oftbe' eevolttn,t 'an!l charitable las i suciatipos, e4u.ally , 1161416 inii:Erinefi&oit , lin their.faieratio.us:; :because tfieyl are ;err' I ,tiiely loom - in their character, anti hew 'ever meritorious their claims maybe, and unquestionably:Am, upon the respective dottim,Unities tOr Whose particular use they arc lohnded and :cooducted 4 , is. 't - a.y. opi u ion,. t.,6y have no claiuts , Apon tna Tr.eas ury Of.' the- State, which can be -recog- - 6iaedj with a just regard to the in tersts 'and tights of other sections of the Cout-' mon*altli. - . ': 7 '‘ H H Th. editor .of . tha . Colonial'- Records - • and iNnnsylvania Archives has prepared a Icor4ousiodex to the _whole work, which: l - 'will: laiol.befuie the: Legialoture,•4 am early day- of the. session: This plth'ica tips, il,sow oornpleted; acid it iel - a saltria factiub to know, that the'records of the Ini, as - we' ' ,i , euloni, as - weil as tbroSe of the Stae,-pre eeditd, the adoption 'of the Constitution Of 171), are novrAeasy -accessto the publi , and in a ro - Rition which renders their, O, mtire. -. destruction impossible. ' ; . 1 reeoui, end that a sntiable. sum be paid,. bv-114, Coninionwealth - to the e... l itor , of tae, Records r.na.' Afrel7:ives,ffor the work -pert°tueq. , l,3y him, sinethe..distiontinu once f his salary. 1 - !i I h se to repeat6dly presented , my views to the; Legi,l•loture; of the e'vtils ayitin q • from treat and; class loislation-, that' i in not n e ce ssary nail - , to. repeat them. I desire, la,Arever, to ealli the , at tenth:) of the General- Asseudgy' to.ithe fact fiat; 'we , hag es; 'ci i i .nsst.-Sitiout 7 e beaks; gener di lescs - providtate. - for vile inenrpOra. tionn . railroad, turnpike; • bridge, Atlii-oli• road,gas, • Water, Insurance , and other similar companies, and . that all. corporate povvqs granted by•the• Legislatures to such outlYanits, sbould be under these ;ever 1 laws, so that there may be a un•i• fermi y in. the provisions of similar aSso ciatib th.`nnd that the time of the`, Ass ably may not be occupied , ia; passing bills -of great length,. n hen -al simple refer. nce•re•tbe details of the leWs would . i r an'sw r every purp64.e. r practice'of s4nding to the Exjcu , tiv ) e large number'i of. bills immediately 1 1 preCe ding the final! adjournment of the ; : 1' • Legisp.ture,as highly objectionable ; and oughti, as fur as practicable, to bet dis Co n Its .necessary ... conseeinenc is, .., eitlie to compel the Eseeutdve to. an. prove l bills, which he has not fully ex'ain ined- sign them after the final adjotirn • meut i i or, if • he disapprove .theP, to ' re . turn 'them to the nest Genera , ' Assembly with ,itis objections:l Thus imposing !up on a succeeding 'Legislature 'the timid dis positibn of bills, with the origin-and pas sage of wlitcli,it had no connection. , To illusttlite thb evils - resulting from 'this practice, it is only Pece , .N..._aty to inform you,' lhat of thedar . ge numberlof bills presented for my approval, witliiti alday or two . of . the adjeurrunent of the !last LeaiSlature, I ant coPstrainid by a sense of - duty, to return, with my objecti l ons, twenty-three to.'tlrelifrese ak Legislature; for Ye-consideration , ! . - * i •* , It is apparent•frciin the embibit offlie finaniial condition tif tivaGeneral ,Gareerrt:, Inca; recently made public, that the wants', .df the Federal. Treasury , will ., demand a, recision of The existing tariff laws of, the United ! States, witli ,. kview tat.aaducrease of.thb revenuie derrvable items . imports . . Wheif this revisionishall take place, it i,s nreatly to be desired, that a proper regard. i forteb industrial iritereats alive aeuntry will prompt the Cobg-ress of . • the! United States, to •,place.hei. revenue Taws upon such:b ba‘sis,.att to afford to.our great min. , ing and manufacturing interests the larg est incidental protection. 'To substitute speciliofor MI valoremn duties, ma a !cer tain . .elais of .article: Witiclf from their na-, ture are of equal- 47 neatly &ial velve t tar ttlqeltange the foreign tit a hope . Yalu ation, • with a moderate increase of !the ratez,limpsed, w0u1d,..1. am . sutis*ed, in, fuse stew life'andi visor into all the vari ous. tlepartmentS.of ;industry,. and, •at!thc satueqiine, withoutinipmtno• buidetri, up , ,_ on . thle people, affor d} to thcGeneval 9ov crrinktiy a reyerme- aroply sufficient, for all ita*viants. - - - !.. • H -.* I , . i • '. The 6,511 itaMissioit of' iholerritory - of Icrtnitit tts one of the . sovereign States of the *Union,' under a 'Constitution legally enacted. and-fatly. and fairly. tatified by the direct votes. of a_ large majority_o(the people of the -Territory, will ;remove from the atiorial Legislature • which i has hitherto; in no inconsiderable degree ? ! attra/ted the attention of the , Nation • and ' ' l'• - 1 . ' . . I= I- .JS:~GAC'}I4plc/e 1~~~'11:1~"~. ....:tiletifierta ffShe: nitrite ttaqiitWitiPK - Aitsee. 7 laioas•ikleougrese,jtag, beeittzl . :.4_ Ilii:vi.pe :mu c h eriiiiinatio tba 4 -.isi; tattl? ieti , bettYeen.the' eariuiii'ae4letC*; ott, .e§thirati COillt ' '';;PiiiSktt , i4tvibr j I ' if ri -ttna l l Y " 1 7 r :44 '.....Ae fupr: ( 4i53741ait. adoptient_. lie iiikoleOtal, : 4 r ile, 0...114 l'erritotY- , di Akti,liTia4ia ape peciple thirieie lead ileagetouri; qatatiots, in Let Territo," ,' - tuay - liew'be cilisidereilas"aatihreeteritt l kid, .. perpetit- L 4,se_ttred.._ 2.__,.... . ,_.,..__ .41,es,eli1te C;rrespoicfienee -lietween, Old iii i floriii of V ir g:Iola an ct the Goverk. roirl i el76lTAla;" bit tfeliiiitrer if;TI `r'ece'nt outrageat Harper's Ferry, are here -littniiittill'eSeAiliiiiiiiilii lettettolliress'ed , 67 the croyernor of Pert sylvanio, l r tifftil',/14106 nt io,r4irtigenburg. 49° til-tbe first ! ,4y. : ll-41aept*Fi,otie day be fore tho eiecti.,toO Joiro therefore, i.(;:iit's,i,liii).?;44lp:To boptitne„ to.reap)i ,t6 ; thorernon of ltitgioiik before.they t'tocution. The ansfterwaseonikeciuetkd,sen 04 which-bill oedoutt geo.; tentiotra elfathottir. ' . T{ie, reCent.-Seiture'Of'Jlie pußlll -- ,Tru r , perty ',thtt ' 2 ,Btiate... of Virginia, smail•band of •deiperadoes, an, .intentiotomexcite the slmr•'-e . pop-, ulation..ta - insurreetion, have drawn:atten tion' to' the "dangra which ' , beset our fed:. •eral re-latious. -. l } c i:s a eottrcc ofi satisfac,, Lion to knoW" that the authorities of Yir; oinia. - posSessed the means and the deter, tuinanoti to - punish offenderi,with prompt ness and justice; that the military,forge of the United States was a power inune diat?ely auailahle to aid in. putting down 'the outbreak-ticainst; peac,o"; 7 -;- tfifitqffi fiapitiatiori tPein co'nve aye& With 'their . - condition, .and. , unite with . disorbrly White' men' to acts! of treason: and - - murder;anct that the great' masses of the people hare .riii-syln pathy, whatever, with any attack upon thu7rig,htt and institutions of any of the States.,- triad, have a: deep• and. abidingTde . - viation: to our: and 'glorious. IJnion. LIM, as Pennsylvanians,. it , is gmatifyivir, to believe-that the citizens. of .this Cow: monweafthe !MIN- not, irt . any manocr, par ticipated initlas unlawful 'proacediag,, uud,• l to. knots-that wheu someof the guilry perms Petrators•were.:.arrested . , Within our -jttris diction, they were promptly . surrendpred to the justice of the. effenllcd and injured!, State". • " -." • -- • ": .Thu teverai- States of this Thalott are iude-. 1 , pendent•sOvergig,taties, :e.Tcapt. so far as they hi-Ce . .gr.tated certain-enumerated power to the Fedaral Government.' rn cases not provided feria the Federall•Constitution, the several - Statea, in their relations. ho eanh- othereought to be gocerned by the. principles which reg ulate the conduct of civilized ; nation. :These principlesforhirl„ in all nations. "every evil. praCtict eicite diStorba nee ilf amith; er Sta.t.e" fpn'tldL.d'on thi maziiit, that ".differeet rations oughti, inrtimis of- peae; to do one:anotheralllthegoOd they ea - x, without prejnaicing their real interests.." This max im, reconiz:2d by all. civilip:d go vernauents, applies - with ..peculiar farca to the • sevaiar St+ tes of It is .Uhinn . lieubs'itogetiltr, as they ere, by a sacred'compacelcir mti?Jual support and protection ;:; nod, there Ore, ,any attempt in. one Etat, to. eatite insurrection...in. anoth.- er;iS an'otfencuni - raiiist all the Statesr because all are bound by the Caustitution to ptit d'oWn such 'disturbance; and the; net or Congress :authorizes the President of the United States to call.out the militia of thesevertlLStates for .the porposc. It. is a high olfence against.tlut peace - olour COMinpawealth, for disorderly persons out jurisdiction, to combine together fcitrtlie pnrpcee of stirring uri lastir rection, in of the States; or to induce the sl.tves.in the- Southern . States to.abscond from their toaster s;' and it v7oultilb.e. proper, i.O my judg:;vnent, for the General; Assembly to C 011; sider whether additional legislation may not be necessary to insure the prompt punishment of suit affendersagainst our,peact and secur ity:, - . . In determining our relative duties towards our sister States, the morality of servitude is not an open question, for we, ure boUnd by the legal and moral , obligation of the compact of the Union, under which we hart been brought into existence,, and preserved as inlependent States, as well as by the priaciples of interna, tional law, to respect the institutions which the laws of the several States .recognize, and in uo other way can we - faithfully fulfil our) obligations, as - members of skis confederacy. • While .1 enter!ain no doubt that the great Republichn eXperimeut on this continent, so happily ednimeneed, and carried forward to its present exaltedpesition, in the eyes of the World, will continue ; under the. Provilnune of God; to be successful tc.the latest generations, it is the part of wisdom and; patriotism to. be watchful arid. vigile nt, and to carefully guard, a treasure do priceless. bet. ronderate - coun sels prizVall-?let a spiritiof hatmuny and good will, and a national:fraternal sentiment be cultivated among the people everywhere North and South—and the disturbing elements which tEraporarilY threaten lour Union,: will', now, as tbey have airtays heretofore, assured ly' pass away. • . Pennsjiram . Esi. kr he past,' lans penfternted her part -With. unfaltering firmness--let her now, and in' the future, t he ever ready to:dis charge' her - confederate duties'-with unftinelY ing integrity. Then will her. proudt positiere entitle,hete; boldly and , effectually, to rebuke ; and assist in.nrushingtreason, whether it shall raise its crest iw other States;. ire the guise of a fanatical avid irrepressible aonflict, between. the ;North and the South , or assude the equal. ly - rOpretertsible firm of seces mon, andtsl-disiolution of • , the',Union.. liar central geographical position, stretching from the...ba : y of .peleware to :the Lakes—with her thine millions of eoniervativO population--en titles her to sirY, With Emphasis, to the plot ters of treason, oft either hand, that. neither shall-be - per to succeed —thai it. is not in the povver, of either to,disturb the perpetu ity of this. Union, cemented and sanctified-as it. 'ski thi blood of our patriotic fa thersztlnit. at every sacrifice. and at el-cry - hazard, the constitutional .rightn-of 'this people and. the States! shall: be mai ntained-4hat ,Oqual• and, exactjustice shall,no done to the • North and to the-South—and that thesis States . .1411 ho fereyer United. - . " We,' o. bare grist reason: to - ad; knowledge the ProVidence"of God, who rules over the. nations; of the earth. .Under His guaidianship;Ntherio sienAlar.enjoyed,' we feel an unabated confidence in, Use permanency of our free government,' mid Wok, forwarifivith chierful:bope;to a future enrious destiny. In the'lilessings that-.'have— crewiied 041 T :own tie — paaTy — ear'sr— . 14 t h e ,w4titioetoupanied all- our industrial 11 - lAso;Arstiksteady Adman, °fins edtt al:: g etiOlin , ! in, the "quiet end peace of, all Abet can add detitila".ifosperity rand happiness—we • tithe4ra of tasellreat Giver of all 441f ; -. • - P.L - PACKIIt • "Vicousi Saeteerit of "'Rape this ire* , *Of iesiidnd lane - release to the Vesper's r. time Jorrul z - - ~~'-'- CO 2. ), • . 111V-P144 ""' - '.l l / 4 rAriffietilifill' 410=49'188 t. r:• - ttit tot qtr - • - • . ,Cer ~Pe ' Gaktlliepi '. of no' A, Oak ."(itiClikilictz#lootion. *Weive-ihi-Gaiateatter*T g this Via 4 - to the„cx. "', L . '' erydlin g particularly merits :ctocatuqpt. We, have a few worisAci• say, sheet it alma 130i•Congrosii . itself that it oughtr to'.get orgarlizetft tie bet efft 447ticte"pcipte'at large ; jog. of *remaining unorproired fur. tlie.4), pose of debating - the questicin of Slay and personal- affairs. _ /lir' The latest list of the killed. I, Wounded by *the Laivienee - eaTatuitY (, ticed last• weel): is tts follows : Dead,44 missrnx, - - 10T ; 'total dead,' 206: lfa,t woupded, ;: sEghtly 1 ,, Total tailed =I womided,- 514: subscriptions in aid of the aUlre amount to 0vep,615',000.. Mir We hope" ourl friends gi these petitions tor;„ i retnmianee and for personal liberty thorough oirculati. and forward to-liarrisburg:soon; Le( show the- Legibintramthat-the pecTle of least one eonnty, ar©•ip effortste, step' the tido.of! inisery tcGi flocrs afi intoxicati, drin,k - 5... , . . ASV' Nte ollserve with pietist Chat our friend; IT~ 11 Cobb; late of th Tioga. Agitator' has become canapd with the etlitorii#4: gerpso(thi Ha • burg Zelsgrapg--an: eoeSiou, to, t, .ieukiier-rbjeb: wilt_ be A01141Y: „ by ifs'readers and publishers; Jiecausea the w-li Isnorru tatenoi enemy penitence of Mr. Cobb:: We wishddel sat:en - Rd career iu ilarriqkurg. Telegrapk gicei daily reports of Legi. lative proceedings,. the - Record' hel ,, printed in thatiofftee. LORVgACAULEX, the English - Mato/ an, died onthe 28•111 At., at. London: U.e Jtad. been abotita . fortniq from . disettsc of the heart, but ha had lied4o - sittii an extent' tl;at pis media mew did. not appreheuttdanger. The sulk was, therefore, sudden and unexpei• ed. tie was only 59 years of age, and' he was_ never married, the tide beepoi extinct.. PRICE; ltatitENT. • Corrected every Wanescity, by P. A. S .BlXS,:wbole3ale and retail Dealer in Gra conics- and Provisions. Main Street, et. I .IIDER,SPORT, PA. - • 4151e5, green; bush., - $1 00 to 11 do • . dried; " -1 75 25 Beans, • " • • 125 .12 Beeswax, 11l lb., - - Beef, • Beef Hides, " Br 'es,- dried,Al 4 " • 5i nart!' - 10 11 serries; drieu, q _ Buckwheat. 1/7 bush., • • 48 Butter; T 4-7 lb., - • 18 - Cheest; "- ' - -10 Corn, Corn. Meanp per, cwt.,: . 200 E - ggs,;ll3 dtz':, • • Flour? extra, 111 bbl., ' 00 do „double :extra:, • " 6 25 Hams ; V. 1b.,. 12 Hay, 3,0 ton, .• - OO Honey . l V. Lard. -, • • Maple Sitgar; per '.barb.., @hinter, "' Fiark,-Vbbk,. - 49 OQ %21b., . - 10 . iu vrhole hog, "49 lb., , 6 Potatoes, 'l9 bush., - - 311 Peaches; dried,l3' - Pbultay, 1b.,. 5 . Salt, V.bb?., , 2 ito_.r Trou,t,..ifb.i...bbt.,, • - 6.00 Wheat, busty.,.. - 1 121 White-Fish, ' - • 600 Wool, pet... 121%,„, 28 speciai THE USE. OF DR.. HOSTT'rfilt;S STO ACH. HITTERS: for Illyipepsia, F_latnient Eleaviness of the-Stomach, or.any other 1 atTections,..lis seooncli . to none . In America abroad. -To be able to state, confidently the ti Hittite.", are , a certain care for dysP l P" and 41:e diseases,- is to ttie proprietors a sett of unalloyed pleasure.... It removes all limb' matter fiver theistoinaeh, purifies the bloc. imports renewed vitality to the nervous 111 tem, giving it thattone and energy. so 0 6 ' pensable for •the restoration of health._ numerous acknowledgments of its superiorel cellenceand.beneficent`reselts, have ass° the proprietors that it cannot hut prey! great cure to the a ffl icted , . and impssi vioh to tbo.therough +system.... - - Air Sta advertia.ement in another colas): _lttt r ita 11t0ER: 1 - 00 44 RS
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