E $O/ 1 -9f 1 4 1 41 or Ki -, - a , -- -; • , ---, ---i,--.- _, -IiosTETTF,_,-R4 - I J. H. pALlyrEm & CO.; I valid. tied hre heconle the f\ tally phyettian .. ---; 4 s; . r I • - 1 4 • - t ) STOMA() , .. , and medical. Weiser or thotrcattd..4 of BITTFES ;• Nadal Street 137Iftlf fit ilia . a, _ iNowhece hatie therbeva tried white:Aka:sl i ng ..a. ~ i - ift- ii'eliiiiiitUthinal .. diseig e , bloeul, by-which alai:Enid, i been approydd,„and them highest appremation ja aI. n above Third .St. I I ' • -- .1 . DEALERS IN EISA. CHEESE AND PRJVISIONS fi I Weak, Mid pears,' Being in tl, (. 1 .4..1 Li I.3.EILLSPO.RT P a.. I k -i ' ; '. ..; • ' • ' - - IT is a Dietit,et,atsismenerio3~everymem-;[lee, it,et at some neriod every mem.; [l ee , „ nstren i y on r een d an es ., ettmen t f: t i a- ii vi m 4 o u t t l L Tili ,;" ° k a e lt . h ., Thl.e kn i : 1 3 .. "1 `, 1 7 121 .. I°l; 7'7' 1, - perVadti'lln whole body, ar e ; ma, i i , y 10 voi i „ - uo i itu ',.„; ll. - !met . 0 . 2 tetelecean t..1 . 111 . 1.y 11 .. C 1 11b,10.1..t . ,.!...) d ... 15t .. .11.3.1.. I DRIED j. , ,; ;J ; pic,Kia.3l ) F i rs i ll, „t i ,,_-_, ~;,_...; ;i lia c .e' E, ,, ,. ,„ 21, .t.a -- ; 41 . 1y win And- thwe i s pcc i f i t , tai l-inotliseatemi ann. - past of it. "sif t ti,! su thstur...ance i of .11e hot.. y tnate Lan. , p . from its attacks, nor is there It. ere;. Shad. Sahoon. Rine-Fish, Herrings. rio -- 'rust &troy. - Thestroftilous • -1 1,1 • c i with the aid gum . " 1 ton'e mid ilia exercise r -i titer hare been recommended :- - prompt, rslia ash. Beef. l'ork, Lard. Shoulders,llatu.„ Sid - ~ t i c s i, 1 ,„ 9.n a , . 76 , 7 , . ofien el f riend in reed p ... 0 taint ,-• s , ~ l ot rood common -sense. they may he able so to. he 'a se "i . „,, „„ i p 4c , ai ...., Ot t Lsh ... .A.Pz FLObES, II ' ,L, , ...„ 7 7 [4E' 7 I and alrgenti :Idea. - ` caused by mercurial di.ease i • air ' ordered or _unhealtby_fuod, i r (repaint_' the 61-Stela:OA to secure pen/Lane:at Alt.d4 'L‘'-- it,e.dth. du ortlet to aceomplieek. this desired: 1.11 . 7 , m pi-4 RL s y s s I ' i Lie - T: OF ,SPECIFIC REMEDIES . . and _filthy babits, the, de,,-, Ds/flliEl'S 2 - . i object, the true course to pursue is certainly! ... , No_ 1. FEVER. PILLS-!--For Fever, Congestion , i abore all, by the venereal ins. . I that which will produce a sutural state us 6PECH I C ' I I • 'and luna'alation uf all hinds. ‘ - eier be its'ori its it is • iPIDt,„7:ERS- SPECIFIC ' - , . !things at the least banard of vital strength and ,• JAY-1300K-7- 1 -- : life. For this purpose. Dr_ Hostetter has its- I sp Ec i F ic . I No. 2- WORM PILLS-Fer Worm-Ferer, Atiore we presetit you 'vitt a ltx.,enesseLot 'ie42terecep g d l um e!.fr h om etedi p -L • r..- 1 Worm-Colic and Wetting-the Bed. DR '3IORST---. - the invent's:- of-310R:sE'S Cs- - Lo r- - i i , -; th i thil t iani a fun i th. _ . ./1 iii Ft 1 „, , ntrat,,, RECFM ) T-N0015:2; '; troituced to this country a preparation bearing! ; _ _ - : seems obe 'the re of If ei .o. ! SPFICIFIO .*Em4laANtkuvs. - ' r ties natne, which is putts new medicine, but ODef I ; Tee•iiin end IYakefulne'ss, end Nervous- I spent the greater part of his life in trarchng.l will visit the iniquities Of the INo. 3. It.l.ll i i - S:PILLS-For Colic, Crying., DIAN ROOTPILLS. Thisphilautbropist hat; . t t . E , _ fi , a . , -Its effects cimunenee by tit ' . rA-1:5-1;90ES. 'IIO.II(EOPATHIG RENIEDIES) i ' of 1 ' L harin,g visited Euro`pe. Asia, and Africa, as , their cbildr " - • -- z. s • i that has been tried for years : giring Satisf:ic- I • IiUMAEUP.3.THIC REAIEDIES, dalte. I , , - l e l A. ICI F, C • Rion to ill who hate need it. The Bitters! PoII.TFOI.IO.S. . !operate powerfully ii run the stomach, Vowels I IIOUCEOP.AVIII:.; REMEDIF,S, Cholera lafantunt and Summer Complaint- among. the Indians of our 11; estern casturitri,y-!- I I So. 4 n . c.'3 Dl A ItREICEA PILL ParDiarehma, well 113 North 'America-htts . spent thy e i c !care , blood of corrupt or ulcerous rm.., 11011 Cr: 0 ?AT 11 10 It EM Et ii ES, I INo 5 DYSENTERY PILLg-For Colic, Grip- it was in this tray titat the Indian Root:Pal. - - lIERLIARIVVS land liver, restering them to a healthy anti! theltnigs, liver, end internal or , , 1103REOPATHIC 11.11.11eldES, i were first discovered. Dr. 3lorse Tea.' the first e-- hITTE! , -ROOKS & I tiptoe , action. and thus by the simple. pre-1 , . 1 tubicles; in, the gland% e a - c ili a ,. No- Cole BROAIeW AY. I - in...e. Desentery or Bktody. Flux. i No. fi. ' CIIOLIERA PILLS-For-Cholera, Choi- man to ettablis - h the fact that all diseSeies arise t INVOICE- BOOKS. 1 cess of strength - ening- natnre. 'enables the srs-: t the surface, eruptions or so es T - -' No. 562 BROADWAY. ' ,9ryek, ,Latin, /'rencl and German Text.: ! - tem to tri , lmpa over ••eli.t.tSe. No. SG. BIWA It ' , ' ,- A Y. era 11..rIkee, Vomitibg. I Aok- ; For tile cure of Dyvepeimlnigestion,Natt- '" No 562 lIROADW IY. ?„ ,-, Cats, FLitylen•:r. 2.4.;33 uf Appetite, or any BR- . i t N'o. 7. CO I:Gill PII,LS---For CeLgits, Colds, l r t °r eu in g i i S hi P. I tY Le i a ll l f tli Y a tj ud il Jfe llE tie ß p i eled °° e D d - up tb o a u t this I . It t i t ` r ; ti m °l3 erg i l 3% ,, 1i - a ell flif g 7 i d eo er th 4 b ai t acz h 'i t ti: 7 l 4 - , - f tiers not callv suffer frau: se 7e ; 411 eVrPeol Ror t les esseel 1 ..Z 7 t.e.at' I .ount.Y. i;msComplainLeatisin '' - Wtl - - 1 g.rom.r mar i inst.:on. , .le 1!, Hoar-..e Influenza and Sere Throat. { vital . /had- „. ~ ' No. 5 , ;2 131,0A.P.N. AY. i 1 rfo. 3. TOOT fACiIE PILLS-Feir Tootheche,l Waen tb. rarions pas",a, , Yes beco-n. e clogged, i plate.' ts. but t 'hey haaVar 1 ,- -as po ; _TIIO GIIEAT FLA rt:N.E • ; and do not act in perfect, :armour with the I s ta n d . tee; attacks of other de e . . e pt we 4 - ertid, or named iatel, procured i if , the Stole-tell or Leonel:, r.roducing Cramps. i i ' Fa.ceacht e and Neeralgia. arkm ufriirtei iDI sentely. Coli.:. Cholera Mortme Ac., these i THE GREAT FEAT um: , THE tilt ::1T FEATCRE . i . No. 9. III.:ADAC:Ix riLLS-For Headaehe.!differe , t function, o r the body, theewed Rises I q u u ti en c e T a r- ith r r orautghnnuotatbiecrors.raPerio,:sithi _ -IlaptaillCS I,lr any Pe:ludic:Os supplied whets' Bitters have no coons. I THE GREA.T FEATURiI I'. reltivm heat and Fullness of the Head. l its action, becomes thick, corrupted and din- . i •', No. 10. DYSPEI'SIA PILLS--For %Veal, end:eased ; thu- 3 catt 4 ag all Pam-, sicl. ll ss ialsd I ore stilt - rendered. fatal by th_, ttired. I Diarrhcea. dys:ntery or dux, so generally! ' THE GRF.AT FEATCP;.' A plod assortment of Paper. Carel apes - contracted by new ea.:tiers. and caused prin.- h i '" •J ; Tr:ranged rihanachs. Constipation and ; distress of every :tante : our Strength is es: "I s y s t em . E.:0,7:101f tcohea.cw,omnsiu:.:..otlii.,, eimetes the human family has its ee, kens :Ind lake. Also, of Wail• Papers. Draw- 71 ciPallY ily the c'..ange of tratt'r and diet will i Of this series of D,)me,tie. Y.•-needles iLs th . .ae. ! Li ver c ut ~,-,i,,,a t_ i baasted. our health We are deprived of, and HI I be seeedt)v regulated by a L ' f use of this. each particular medicine is a Syr - IC-Fete t.•.:- r.A.' 1 / 3 .;,.11411,;442. Water- Cosers...te. • -; Nu. 1 I. - FOR IFE'S It E IRREGCLA,RITIF.:...- 3 --- `I nata . r h e in not a - st. 'ej, i a, u thr . r; t ei b i::,_i . .7 n uff:h r. e , stag i - i ! ..,,,_ i n , t. L.,,, . . A, _ , ? ~ . ...., , ,r;,; ) ,;.;;:ie.., c . priper.Si.l.„ a discs__ which j.. l p3rtintiLtr • disease or eii..-.3 of • disent..e.l is iii SCAntr. Plinf"l Cer t:IMPrII-3 , e11. perk d. 3. • nam. curoor:, the '. Le- tv: . -- in -.-- , .......e - tructise....sease; el, tie awn., i.. , ;',. , • --• ' Oilti.Es, T E sTA ME NTS, I 'lw:stably more nre‘alent, in all its Nar:ons ': name: it bear-, and may he rlellei unali for t;ii• INa. I'. Fl • -•:_ti_it. PILI,S---Fcr Leacorrhma_ rind cease to aet. btai thus ote- ROA of lyre will i an d, i a c eeet i, o f L -11, t h., o , : . arraLs, BRAYER 1 - lIYMN BOON.S, of variou ; kirees. torras, than any othelte and the cause of r.l,,eh; cure of that partic ilarafreetion- Hence- p=at ! p ro f. i .,. g e ;iiLet sired R e ar.ng p u teri. I tererer be blown. ..di How import: at then i are aggrac - ated by the same cn ee , ey •J SIC-BOOKS' AND SHEEr-M`JSIC• i mil, abr.; es be attributed to deraneeement, of! sons suffering fr-aet a chronic disease or ion= F: 113. Cl:ol' r ' i? . . . - . . PILE.S--F or CrLatp, I,roari..e i that we should 1e..-;,; the yariot..; passages cd, One quarter of ail our peep:lee r N't--ies. Brtiers. Back-Gammon Boards Chess ‘..'or, - 1, 1 ' id 11-L:l°lM , i i `tire di;, - e.tive or, - ,ans. can he cured withoutlstanding• neineme 1 , 1 , a ... be : A - leg a case of 11 , . meuj- i , ee ...... .. .. . e . i the body free end op , n. ' And Low pleasreat I their persons are invaded Le ties , 14 ,,,. 1.,...... fie- p no vreE of au kia,i, taken : tail by u:iog HOS fETTEWS STWIACII BIT - I teas' Se ' cirleL “ b "` lr ` 'i tih 'ii P"'" l.lC.:Lir C:'''e cast , No. la. SekbT, RIII-11:11 PILLS-For Erysipe- 1 , to us that we have itt - ; . .e. our pc.wer torut al fection, and their health is ten : .1,,,... :, ,. 2 1„ ze - - t ,,,, a1 „- u fur . Books, Sit. et ', ..,„ en i TEReze ns per threctioLa on the bottle. Fors sired in their CAS; alma 2'5 , 1-.1.11:111..:e.i. , 3 ;ILA! , : 13:-, r.rif4lant . .. Pin:oleo on the Fine., t medicine in cat. r:73 1, 11. 11. - 4 71 , !1y. Morse a kl- rib ekanie a tiara the sy.tera we re-_,, '''''``.l ithis.disease every ph3sieiau will recommend. 1 a cure watch Ctbe7n - i;-e would c.._t them rn.“1.1. ' No. 15. rairlim I-TIC PILLS-Poi l Pain. Ltme. i dian Root Pills, tahnufactered from plants 1 the LINA by nB , P- - :!er:Lti".'-' Itediziee, - - ..,_ r litters of some ' k ind : then why nut use an, ..ar- 1 dcolars, a n d n o s, ne ii a mount o e time and medi-i , e e, - - sza'etaess !Lithe CLest,Daek, L ins • and rams. which gran- aroend :t e e mountain-I vigoratc •it by healthy food Led 'NE IT Sor%a C .K 1;iclo knowu .J.: Ire . 1 1 fallibde ? ill cations hare ` cat tte-"'iLlan , - - e- if: -I, sde'''. l 1 : CL:1;1*-4 La '''''''''' ll- tle , !: OCUMf.,SZ _ I . .3".23 cliffs in Nature's t nrtlen t fee- the health and 1 Such a medicine we supply is . _ - - ;their Bitters, as a pri vsetire of disease and I . at 4 ./. I 1 A.-Por Feirer and dice, Chill... Fever, Dumb - ecorerr of die fazed. test. One of the root., - - oF Istrengtbeaer of the sytti`ru in generA i and ; Thus m::::itades suffer frorn Desreeee t. P, , ..;- A -, z ,,, / from a ilieh these Pills are made is a. Sudorifir, ' - AYER'S old miemanaeed Agues. '' eel - IN 41 , -, „.-.^. ye) 1 , In; lag them ail there is lot to be found .1 more-, tove , „CeNO:Ve•V• C i r• - !7:-;.::-''• I ,l t= . *T . ss'i a. Co Lirj . p._ F ee pf_les We e d and Weeding, L.-Acre-at, t a-Lich' op:as the pc i s of the skin. and :'..-3 , i..,: 11 ''. 4 _ref . .. fl_ ,I .1 t k .‘ ; il . ., : xl:hy people than the Germ ins. :rota v.!: ,mi an T0r . ....r. a n 4.1 , ec i e..r : V. 4-11.1...1 IS } r:en... :.. . 4 -,r F 1 .:17.7 , :-.1.! , ....,.. 1 . Nature in tllirorring oct the finer parts of the i i :IS a Plant ~' the tno-t e f fectual rented , : wieich t: Compound Extract of Ss% 1 411/ - . 'LI s • v . ,jf . . 4 0 3 i t -los prep-tea:on emanated. based upon sown- contro tee and cLee , h 3 the - .TusT RECEIV LI) 11Y , til:o experinteets wL:ch have tend--d t... prove . - DYSPEPSIA SPECIF/O, . : c-...r -ere, Ireak ar Er:film:ed Eyes` l and , comtption within. The second 1 - ii e ends... Failing. 'Week or Blurred Sight. •r whre.'a 13 an Expectorant. that ope'ns and na- i smiffiherenpfrermataiiitiza7idefaantaleemiaislaere. • . . . - I ;be %aloe of V:. is ;ercat prepare te.an ha the scale t - . 'of rarer cal science C.H.ShltiVitlN,_S 1 n: ' - . ~ - , .. - . -,- ~. the _ Tnere :3 scarcely'a ph-...,• ... fora: c: : _ dine is not pr. - lee - el:- c•-n:re".-ed and -('' r_ C h,. -_,P..er ... tia b etre'f ,. ....f , lo-- e e etanding ~ .-r.., rn. r .".....p,t, f .."10;:; ; the, nr...4... , age t • 3 the- e kees ; zed thus. in s. _. ;n itt. c .1r..,..en or profuse discharge . . E. ....-ootetne manner. per ; . ins Z . ........ alley by throw . - - : bee e w lev iLf ,, ,x) .. a . a . ireltd n e 70 , r , ttihaect.: ,,,, , rec;;. : -- , . evra ass) ..-kacre--.nts trytng and provok- .-.' „ , - _, . ~_ • • , .„,. ~ ._,,,, le, ce_r ee Ne h nereag Cou z b. eLat i n..• i t s .mg of phlf gm, and ,other toniars from the , disorder from the blond- and th curet.. ley .-e . 1. - . e ~,.. te n e ezeta 1 1 _.,._,, „„, e „,, .51...„3:1nni..:g is i ccuir.ie. , " in. Ot• - •_' - wavo. - i ing dtsease. whicit fixes its relentles.g-a_sp or: !,... th . laMa " .l .: f . a urn.."1"1.,'.• who a/Ire ...Li'. ••••••• •• . }ear- y•-••gi ''''''''''''''''. •'''''''.; lanes by copious spitting. The third is a Di-1 , ---.,-. Lt‘te body armee - I.:ethic:me-him to a mere shadow -..' - - ' - ''""'' "." - I i uretic, which gives case and double strength t sr _ tiem E t= i ts d es . auctiye . . . this - Bilious Con.iltir.e." I; tvin e pureeased 4 . PRICE S , 1. 1 tx , the - kidneys ; thus; eneor.raged, they draw! 31, :m0 ,.i t . s h ri ,ai i . b e =p i m a f, ..... r . Low Prices ..:4 a ;hur t time. and r endering him physic -the . f' A • l' ,ar.... mcn..a...y weir.S. can be drilen from th - e ` m . ese of the , e Seecifies ' , ewe ...heeee.t.eti a eerrec i ~, 2 .,,,,j t un ,:.: ;• •,-,:- ; 2 : r . • ,ens 'i t i nt ,i . Fal . O. set. go la..e>e ri-'s in Morocco Case 1 ', /7- 1- 4 e amoants se: - impurity from the b100d . .. not only scrofttra, but also those"[ ' beds.- be the Ljr... or IIi.biTE:CTF,P;S REtit.:l4'N-; z " I - - - i ''''- c '' n l '' ')..- '''' ---..-,„! be,„ 1' ' ssnn : which is thee thrown out houlatifully by the, P eens w hi c h_ ax i s . fro= it, .th ;. ED bir - TEIL.-3. Further, Dente cf the shove.; CRII2'iS, Ciii.DS Pi. 9 S:;RE TRRI'TS - ' - -- - s' , . m --FAITORABLE.TEREB ' .tated eistet.es caa Lo eem.-a...t.ed even i- ex- : cs- 7,, ch eo ''-e-ueeffe 1.-e 4 to " n ' ; Fet,e . ....:.1;-rgni•a23, in Plain Case and 1 ! nritar2r or :tater' p.3-.,43ge, and nel.•ich eculd : =e l S am Dims...L.4-m, ST. iiiiAm.ao 1,00; not bare been dischargrtl is say cth i cr 'a - i sy.l Rote, or Enysmim s s, pr m p-,,, Esek. ' TQ ; t wse , ....•na was it the Rttters are used as prr 1 Bii 0 VC`iffiricz ..I._‘'D C` o \ - -s7-1f PT:7O Y I Case of 15 nun: erect boxes and Book • 2 0?.. i...rl'erzarth is a CatLhrti; P- 4 . ac'aerrl'ante.'-t - Run-cries, Bram and Bons, Trx , (4 2 ,4, an d v,, r t Ti ß .... ' l ' .-- ' 47;i1 " 3-- -.trAl 3-311 " Y neliher el-a!e - r-- ' 11s " a-r -li i" , e j cz. e e ..., ; 1 ; • 5 ;.,, :e s e• : ,,-.„,.. ;,- z • ; i 1 ee. t ee. o f - an y 6 n e7a b e „d e,,,,,, nad p,,,,,k i or , ;!he Other proptql its Ctt!he Pin whiie eng0.,, ,, ..d. ; „ 1 -,-. d Sane llnerx, 5y..1.1.1711t).1t, .... •• -Me Upe,.., a offend the p attire, and :wake tionecteseary i ' ii ...I„ ez i e .„ al e e e ed e„,, e, „i.e di , eci i oas 1 22 , 1 -ea padre Tag the bloc, , the cor.r:ser panic:es; ItamrstaxesueSneueurzcar.d.Mee ..7 ''.. '"'. '.. ''. . ' . ''. any ch-inzi- of (tot or zaterr"ption of c,rdig-‘ry : C 0 t: Gli PILI c :. -I- - • • i t •. d - • i- • • , f '1.:1 - mrty --li-% ce'n-o' pss lir 11" P 0"Ilet-i T . <,-- 11 -"--" ,:,..-iry..2. 5e1"...:.r.e. ..ellee, w.t.l treetiocs au: 'i t -. " -- -,. - ' -- . • - -- i ..a .., .....norse, Drsezesta, Drii I AM NOW RECEIVING my Fall aid Winter ; pursuits, bit F remote son a i sirep and hea"...h V. ' .113 LT en se> Of 1... r.": 3,3 k...2. - :-: 1:: -.a.:' , i:' , .-. ::::1 L,.....:,_. € .- ,„.! ~ ,t,b..,. cr el re' - - aa's vise I , ;outlets. f.r...... their taken np and cent - eyed of in , k_.d..z.d., "reel, ,C-oup-,_%raTs Aa_•szr•••:, ri ce 1.. StOok,A - hich cub:zees ererye.hing tesuaile • digestion_ the coneelaiat iit rem.oreti at• s. peed. i rr ii tjt i ng r - _ - ,,,,, r , ,, s '-!:: ere t .. ti , re ,-:, :::::,,- cr.;-,•., ' - a , ! "7 - 0 ,,,: 00 - ; :,- 1 ., - ''' .'" .1 ' Go ' ereat qu.lit:iii . c?. by the Lotreis. • -ten or. lirintste - Busory. Tx - ict-`` , , i'' !"ept by a Country Merthant- , "J.; AZ 13 cease:went neeth the produmioa of a' 'ON• Ads Sot , : - '`...t; D'lt "r.:. :- '. 7....-. 1rc....'..:' rt. 1 1 From the ul.-Ovr... it 1:.3.i.h0wn that I .>:-...1.1e.e's iin .. impurityArdi f br oo d" is fc tl: -,1,--. _ DRY GOODS, tlte , r;eteeli r.n-'I p.:-n; i . .en.". cnre. . Lave 1e: cis_ liaailizst- r• '-...'. ar.l'i.le',l-.:.:-.1, 0 CR . it IMIE 01 ES B i MAIL- r _ , .-, :. in ie.e..-a Roet. Pits no: irs .: 7ly enttr tne et s :::n , _h,..fszFirrt,llll.2l.4 a degeneratiencf :lei: prIO.:ERI.I:7-S, i Far Persons tr: Ad.-an-el thee_ who r.re .v:1 . - • fr.,E.: the - le .; v.. s-. ei; --et:- Te's V. ,- !I be ee - r-e- 0 z- i i.,: . R EHE.7 ,, TA - 5 . B y • . i in f r . i ! %.170. beeome Ln:ted vr:th the bk.:et Ter Lkey .'; 174 ,irti ff r p o i rrAse eree -reet te e e l l ei, Bilill-NYABIi, fering, fran• an et:fees:ell rut:stip:Lion and in, Is retie; ei by the n.z... ef 1": e. tif !C;";t1 Pl:_teie , on ? 4. , ...:.!frf . ,,1 E. ,.; B r .4fA i L, , i i dne way to cr:ry - przlhni cc-mpi-vtly :31.1"4 nu: '' ri,l;aiset.6 purify-and regeetertte flees BileTte; 4. 7 - ' 4 1.10E-S, i 3: m eody, these Bitters ar: iuraittaide as a, as scores sac tE;Stiff frunt ereeeienee. eia t . . . 0u 2 REA rEDIEs By _N A IL . 1 : nod c.e.tase the syste.o front ail imp _rey. nue . witheas: ve.ei....-h emend healer. Ls • SB3D--Y -M. .r.t DE, CLOTHING, - ' . i . - -,..-, •istiivii, bf strength ani sizor, and ne-3d CATAE.RE ! o z- 2 BE vED,rEs B r A - ALL. i the Ere of the bode:. el bleb is iee beceele, ibe- •. eon , t... :1 .-.e.netec - , eanstivetier_e. HATS e t CAPS, '. ze...-'y he. trice: to be Epp:ezr.llk I. in! to a ' r c Ayer 's Catb.ai-ffe., CROCK E R Y. 1 c_. ;„, 0 , _ .• ..• • . _ Ei . ; .,-„,_ A - •,,• - 'IS one c f cur oat cc-ate-len nre :Leg !.r....,- , i...e.1' ''''''''' l '''' rn • tha ' I: '''''' Make la ? 2. C.:l ''''' C ' r;g:h..l. i C...; ' 7-; P'::%-"e!'- ' l - . .t..1*..:Y; 51 '' '' ' 'e r ' '. 1 1 11:' a...0...t.• IS ....e. nora:ag ..1?........ .. .3 ..., 1.--3.- . - : - ; ...„. ad von ~..,,a..,,,t. tat_ ca . e .„ s , z .„ . .„, ,-- a , a7 , i r sickness so d ~in is ...iF.it en '1n.?... isle .3 2 . - 31 , --zi. •' all of which Will to so ld at leer ngnres for! pees .t.le. tepee:eels- whete the zu..;11;re.... soer- s ':"na‘ d- i'''''' l-s ea- a . ,- - - ' IM-S. " wk. '" m :1 "" I. i ''''' . ' -kC ' c l .c,11:.-r-cr.7t _.- e . sa-tenos, by enne..l. to ‘.. our ad:" i for they car.tyLt rtmai.P.l•xlien thee. he de - 'l - ..e:epec-ce ! tiasliot aperie-ed credit_ i ishmeuz is inadeqe - ate to the ;tea , , a. 7.:, p r , •, E , r Medic:inns and even Hcramoe.t - etee : r......-rip- , :_,... " a- N't "' ..• stiee Pra - adw , e - N..r.- York. GrAm TE ‘s Von 45 c:-.:NTs, ~,,e. -so pare :tad clear. I ': ' .7,1.;:d . coU,Stl,4!'nt! . y her ttr.. • ngth mu_t. eis e iee, :ions are cf .vet iitt:e - -1:e- 'fez :••,-: - -tii.e 13 0'; '",,“".'" .....-- 1-. ''' -- - - -, The reassr. tat prrinde are 3.3 dietr.-.....,=, FOR Au. THE PURPOSES CF A FAL% .c tceil.n.le wed he um. r reteraed. hy maii of _ . Ladrita" Rae Coaffeas mg 5 , ,i , ..f ati:er.f. ,frest Ti and here it is -a-bers a gead tonic, su - ch as PeN .3 " have h•':- . :- "'un - .. 3 Qf 'Y . ! ''..'ic ''''' . #""'" 2 :, .:,..,.. e. , i l - A ., e s ee et .„.,_ " ~,d4 , ..e , .. i - .vhan sick, and ir . ...7 so many die. is bee:test , : are so rempas ed diet 'dinv,to nit'lin •--, ef. is SI ,60. I..lii , :eiter".; Szo-ene.7h Bitters, is eeeded to un- , and fresh. 'out tree 1.:..u.,:,• 31.1n.u.:n.....1.....1 r.i:‘:,:ia-; c. "- -'' ' D? F-. *psi - --s i c. 0... i they de met get 1 r-tierscine. wileich will pegs! ,_their ainifin ..n. me/Y vitbs'-nni e 7 DIENS S FoG A BOOTS, . $2., 5 ) 4.3 i-... o f ca T ,R 1 .:: ~, ••,, -, ~, ,r v.:, ' ?Art terC?C;rary ...ire'Llgta at'd c:gor th , the sys- 4 "'"e : '''''" '''' '- - '''' r "'"-' '`'-'" ' ''''''l ' - ,•-. ~, ,f '..0 the afflicted e•Zeit.s and stilieh still open the ' i -"El . P.ir , ""atiag PliVenit'sr R' 211 " ,1 . , No. Z....:1,. Bre.in..•,-.1.y.1 .".`• ea- i 0.K.. • .. t toe __ . t --ed te---,e-r.-e e cm-err ruin of ...,_;.... CALF - 5,65 tem. Ls , ltes. ?humid by hil -."cant try )2.;4. EIF`-'ct:ic- _ _ I . e 5 e ,...f i, c,,,, 1n ........., : „.., :„ D . w . s ?F2 i c zn... . 0 .... / :!iiitunti paseswgesior rite:ease to I ra ca •...-:::1 I . -- tt• - ":_.„:,• , „ ,.. ..,... „ ,..k --- - - FPFE DE l AINFeS, "23 reme•lyi for all c„.s.ses el:at-14111y. auti., heft-re so' t-hf - 7 -fici''- 11 ' 7 •Y =a ' . .s . r . a '':- . 'e ' 5 % 13 ' l' - '.. 43 ;''' . ' 7 7,l :., c,- : _, HING ta .,„7„ („7.ii r t ,... u ,,,,,-,.... 4. I i g ,.. 40 ,,, , , 7 , i '',l enc.-. a I:rev rine set.ti of reed and other - at- i • - •"' lr. t, „7- et-t. ,„ ~- - . , 3 -, ,?.......5 „ ,'". ." . " . " . ....... set ' - GOOD L IWNS, ' 17.1- da - f , ag„ . ., 41 „ )„ild ~.,..,1 ciek . p . l3 ,icia n, , fti . l4. if k , , ,,• fect.i2r eared of a Catarra. weiel7. nee ee e‘e.e.e; - " t, , "- - a i :„.. r- :,,,,i zed, aad. ., he 1 ,..„ *„ „, =at:4 • tad i a, ... z .. stia.z „; p: , ,„ : - - r;, ,,- - m - --- e,i --- . t e , ---'- e „ ,: , „- a - e .y . d .t 3 of is T:l , 7-._;- ,. ;T: and all other goods in prsportha, fez - Ready is arquatuted with the sir:ce. o r the Bitters, her ail her "re-. -k .T . :':-n.; it-t:r 2 .: '-'-'-eI '''l ' 3.1 1 NEW J - Z - 1 - W-tailaY STORE. '• sire i sesiii= tosr_YEutc.:-p: with the cerrei.ted , p__- , :o. - nr phyr„,„ - -_,.' 4.eizity i s ute r i . ..,.. , ,1 ; ;,..sj , of 1:1, kinds. : w ill rt . c . c= „ l „„ et ,. ;; •., ti 1 , ...,_,: it Ist . I, -d1 tsisss o f ~,m o i , ._._tirst class b.earetiagschoo.e. wee --7,-...e so r......?. ~.---r 3-3 i •Lre BCTI"EftWoR:H letving In:ated ; J.-L.3, - a , ; ..a3-.3 - uudetegoi-4 ,:,-.,-....L1e-i:::=er.l- l nealta Cr: 're:7T iii.trYred by a rerze-4 Vir Cash - paid t - ar GOOD L'I7.3.rBED. 10.c...33.. led. with thi-Etti-iimiCO .'l- 3 •Te'''' ;ere 7 no , 'e 1 :-. , -in:1 it I. I.7.lmeelf 1 . ,3 tizt.s b_.7, - ,-.?,11. in teee tuts: i :alien. cony: '-' --'-', err" •--A; - - ; V - - , . - - I.e - E.cl i -1,-. tr-' . - .- =.....1 - .... -I _. t.....C...,,w-: , :: • ..,:;- . -. . g•-• C. H. I .M. M . INS 1 . . :arts hamdkereitief33.l‘..-.ek. ti-trent.r.t.-.....-1-adl • _... ..,..,.. ........, 1 A 1....., D _ p -•_. - _sot col- do :nee c-e , th....erery-da -. ..... - Caution..._wevar„tisz ! zene 7 ,- 7 „bl eerzg - 5 i L .,..1 . - _ . , „_ , _ -- - - i ....c....4 ce.,-,..., .te ... e . .. -te , ten. ea .3.la:n St .: thrceve act-rapt t-d reat , er throngh every Test.. - ' - ''''t - ,Osw-aa - o, Oct. 15, • 1559.-43-ty. I _ .:a a cl0g1:: vr:e.i. ni"..--. 0r,z7..1:::. -^-,,,,,- TA C.:2 CEO:Z.7: 11. sA5d 1%.13 coe- , es l a TE - A - - 1 end ert nn•P •i• - •• '.4 t ••:,..... "•••••-, t 4; = -••= • tf wkly ." ..d3r . 4- ' 1 ' as ° T- " 2-2 . -7 1.. -asm.e any ef the many imitstiens or counter-; Pi lI,E S . 17 ..., era.- e " -• , . - `,--- -- .•Jeei r . dangerous eiteedeek. '17.!..e ererr. Le - ' F..-''......Y .-"....","?...' 14_1S.7 7 .;!..PL'N'i, .-.:,-.. tle - e. - I .ee - - erieci-e - e of err eisea.e. 1.)r... Mere - es PILLS. here le'.ice ie l •--- -d- - e -r e e.- - As.- ' Gt tfl, e .raz e ices Y'...ctory open Yietory. hy ree - terinn car.t.:-.itir.-- rerantaars, -- of ti." - cr-rest ip......... t, .t.rris. gra- my --..era 1 • - TO. L. &.:1 . 11_ DANIEL, ''. • •:::ts, b.-. .. - e -7.- .... -- - .-e- . e e- .. _ . .. _ , SI - JXIC" 8.-. - rees, and ser, tttat.c.v.;:xliortle :i -d -- ch -' 1": " ;:t - e '' "o " :-_•1 -- s . . :-.-- di:, ~.. -.2 :-.....:_," -: , _. -. i 1 '''' '-- ' 3". a"- WA t., - TE.--.1, - :r...7.1: , .c..t ef the ;irk tra• hie _sming bee.ith sad ; 'Cr7 tied,: us , in the To:hewing coreleda: - - - - -- ARE CONSTATLY :he u.-.;:-..is " Dr...T.11,7-steeter's Stomach E-Itters': rb ti.- :zit ...:. cert.. an ii-... .71 ; 0.-- . F r....- tit . er.-. teett t t.% • RS ere . ih. tppineee. Yes. eh- Ac e: tre es - e -b ee h aTe L ate , rear..17... - eerleurseHeeefaehenriiieefrri. . , .7.„-:STEL-ily . i -ne.ked e.- terreee:cti .C 11...; sielzess. na:a aee ... l 'i -ar- _,:" Cil t - ,. 3 ,,',„" = " n „."/" f- .^T.,!,_7 7 . 1. aa"; • - at „ : „.,... an t e, l , ~...-„,i, of the b att : . , r, ?it; d ‘,.....„,....*,„,„! wel d fied a-I eat:et -1 : 12. :....:,•_:,-.:-:::.; ~: c• - :"r3s _ • V 1 41 1 ''' W I -1 : - :......-. -:.....,....„--_-,„ ,-,.... :.:__ __. _-_,_:- I H. trim:: ;;;;r 3 ..:: T.. T ., ' es-a tt ee nre e 1 - te .,_ b el e_ ' aze-e - .L. and whaese fceele lezenees heat bee. ! .- - . 1 ,7 •1 1!,_ - , l ' ee -',...": " -- .,, v ;t 1 ,.7.;,.. -2 - e . ll -" r :e.. 4 - .- ';,' ' 4.3 ,,, • , i . 6 t 4 e 1 • 1 :7 : . 30 the =-"t 2 : - - 17 . v. l ? CT . e 7 ! , ...e' t -- -t' .:Grk.• l =e- 4 - ob - - - 0 -. 0 .i - t i;; e. - 7 _l_ : -- --'l 7 - ;;; i - e_ -.. e .„ 7 .i . : 7 -- ; - -e. -- - ' - e - il - -, ---;-: i -,: ::-!--. c:•ai-.. 1 :::;a ,:;:a;.-:-er., • .. - _ic GEN- ' ‘-':- 7 c . - - --e 1 '''.Y ". - ell - l' : , '-'4 -7 e • -esa=:'- - : , " a 7 n - - - n - e' : I. r . - :-g - '...:r 7 - .e. -- ; , . - w -- ;-; ---- ......a - r -- --' ta t t 4, . 3 - er. - e. "."..7.3:. an: r.1.1.L0,?:n"..77. 4 .. ...‘..Z.at...... 2. C.::: :a ei ..;:,, , ........-:- 7; -- 7 ; 2 ... t e e.. . -. ~ ,-- ,- . - 7 .- _-__,_ ; 7-R - et .7 i....F . 0 - 71 , ,,, N. L., - f t- _J ~,. f er . r, ,-- I ei -• : _-,... , z sl ce . .,q. l -21 '...thr...e.:, -...3 il: tre;e, f 4 7/I t Tf =. l .. ':_e‘. .=:-. ` - ` -e G. ,. .4 4. " w iik. COMPLETE ASSORTME_VI OF ::,.h..e:. ~,-, 2.. 1 rfc.,::: '''.;77 tLi the '.. - c.;; - 1.1 - ...:- 'i ef -... ieie:.: . ..3 ..r.:::.' - e -l. Pit , - , eit - e. me a. c '' 7 r r -"-:' , - - - ,. . ''- S:q - ''' --`:. :; . t . .° 3- 1 '-': :7 7 4' e- P-(-. 17 ezz- - r-d -; 1 . • .-. Fall anti Viiiter 1 ,, .. ,, ,:-..7....„.,, , . and sz:.3. h•-• HOS.t.. -, "71'. ER & atirsl::, in% -.. :ir 1 1 `...1-: l .c- 7 , ;1.- --: .._... 3.,.-. 2."._ 7 .- : .. ; ,. ; ,-....., 77 4,...,:,i : _ : -. 7 ., : ,, es . i _ e_adY ee. te-,::! . .- eh .t ti.te• -re vet Leee. b een ; v . f- o h _ -0 4 zr vi„? a- , a- - -: a. - - -j '..i. by z...141 , -.......6.3_•11.3_ '.....,*re....t....eize..1 .7. : tee : -. ..r :Let ::: -' ~- -: • -- 1 . i.S •-7.1-1::::: c." - ..' . ..Vetches, r...1:(k0r : - 1 .-*--'''''';'*- - -1 tt; . - -1 - , -he -'--0-1-1-! it wei Seen f'...l' '‘.....- Jer 5 erry 3. ec , . • grceeer - e, 4.7.! 4. - talers ! ,,- ; „;:_te..-..ily taroaghant the ch.tia" , :e. f_--ta er d.‘e.tes ee.....1 .I_-_ E---r e ez...:- -- :te ea Laal :end f-r e...e. .: , -de. -.et an I er.s.: - .- , : - .:ei medicie.e. Ilcrs.--'. " 10 7. 1 l'ltz ••••-r ll7 ' "RE; IC' .- _ DRI.T GOOD% - 4 . L. , , ........i,-,...t v. 5.:. Caaa - ..15... 63.1:' ' - ' - ini. - "-. -=' -:....1 - -.•• '-', • - -' ' "-... ••• - "---"- ,- •'- I t r - - -'--•-- •'--- ' " c'''. --t- - ' , ........1...1s ........ -es. ..-.....er -:.e. cr ea - 0.e...- - ees hate •Ctitneehs e Colds ? .Trifsfenza s • eta teken. thee. we:e ,e.:e.....-eeietee. zed abse-- ,Cronp, litratrehitis, Inelpietv ' --- :t. Ci -c3 r., - ." 7.7 ,--: : 7 , ...1Y 7,_,',, S • ' I ~: :1 tr a ':"Li.vatisttErprrs. • •-- ---',--: : • --, •- " - BOOTS & SHOES, HATS .1 CAPS, t . set - n - li ,Iz. - INFtt ci r :•--. Do m .-.. 'n 're 5.., , -.•-e. :eel , ' ee' •- e.i- - -- - - . - , -.!eletel ______e_____ : __________ . -----..• e-e.---- `- 2 " 4 =-F-"Feee-r , g et.etz er'-' l7 "- , Le , re 5 - - lion, as& for the relief of . _ - . . ~ .. PUMER'i GROCERIES. A - (-Itlay ' ri ''' S t ) N- is s- . :4::. we ::::..rre tt....z_. - ....- ''..--: :::.--,- :2 , .... ::... - _.,'.;_:...1-_;:e I S - .V1.12.7 1 .i.Y:31 ..N.i:.`t; .---i•. ir.. BABD=s- efe- - - 5 - N : ,17 - 1 Y - 17 "Zis"- - gii 7 e im 7 -iLe.':i- - -ti. , . Lt.-sr' . patients it s ad-r amm ed, stages _•• , . -_ i - ' H. LIMAN in 0.. ilu , oiet._ ! The cr.....-- - 3 :-.::::-„mr - .. -, _-3 : es - . :-.:-- L....- I and E:Te7-Z717, .f . -II T. - e. :LISZT :Co filic:3l-.e. , . Orockery & Glassware. : I.owE.L & CHAPIN. Fr.d.Te.rar. ' i,i : „, ~, . 1 - , 3. ; - 3. Atee_-- e.? :7e7 , :-.21e - ,: 1 mg - eyeele7.4.7. SALEiIIATL - S.F. .I...ntn C-ne- creecesh- cet tezey et e '- nce go :-- • 5a. , ,..a. ... e 1 ... t . aza ,. s.e „ ..lcf ' _ tat , catha ...... ca i Also a •ood e:ack of....VISCELLASEOUS ead ; I.E'cir:'kVii.C;JX. an.ras Vi=t,t: - ' - is.-rm-s-i. A remray -a i - _:-.. - -i-. r..-_,- ,:ei• - •.teritms " s -.''-''''''''-';'''-''''''-'"' c ':, n--ci:l ' ; 't : .:("-, I ; .....„. -,-,''...,:. ' ..,:-_,."- •. CI-, "T - , ' ' 's are the cases a 1 - -s , z=tr t , ' ~.,:.. p .„ 4 „..., ~., ~,,,,.......a . ,.,..„... ~,_„, ~,.....,...r 5 .....,.. ez ......: LI. ;',...eeet - ed s=: z' : dft:e..: - 'i t '-- c '- il-- -- -- u"-- *., ver, sect - I. -a of ae - e=^-v al , - ee - •11eadyaqade Clothing: Also 2 :.,>-*-- u- -- -...ce"...,'"-be- leas.- er' , o esp ',P-a>n ~ 1. - r . . ' ' •,: ''''•.' C ...4.-C3 _ _....... / .A. 1' L IrsTE 1) 4:: KE L try s -: - ; - , 3 e y %T. ,, , , , ,;:: ,.. , -,.. i i .: ... ; 2 7 . :ee l " s j. "-- 1-..-:;,:e.:.1.,.12t......e...z...re:i.-:::r.,;:::1 CS ... „ I: . i ,L.:1 ,. ..::: :7 - _ - !...,.. ,. 5 .....: 7 : : f; .:: ::, : i'i t . : :, ,. : i... ' : : :11 :.: ! : ,: i 1 i ..... ; 6 8 . . ~ ,;.::2,: ". ...: __11.-%- t l _r,:t r x- r l at : i l i f e , c l.. : i- . 47 :. -_ ;z: - .... c l t k fir:, - i ;i - a r.,, *. z t tl..i . - - , :.t:.-.:; 4 1 . z er ..,,... ::- ° . r %- s , n ar.. I : = s:,:e-m7 4:, At tn a i;tl 7 • .r .r . ..ez i. :7•.:: r cl em , f rc7 ls.! =7 -1 - School Books i 0 . • 3 = --,-, - 1.7'17 -sa-o e,v-L rs 1-... e ----d •-,a t i .,,,, -.l"' :.sen•-.7 , .113 ..,-1.. re.3..': -.L.; ::. .1. ..:. ...7 --. i -V--.:2. :.. 7 ...- STAT lON ERY, &C., , ..,, .t. ...... ~__. ..., -. ..... _. L. . . ~ . . - ... e d _;.: • -.6 =... ,f. ~'..,,;., - A - ; 1 1 4- c ,w,.; 0...., n -! i an-1 L. - t• rite---. of ;youth sen beauty wili again - c:---=' 7 retc.' , Lis a=a lsl "." 2 •Pr- 1. ? ' 0 Cac.l - ...asi. Ba-i ain ..7ariur •_ :net_ .1 : , r, , Fer...-. :_-•,:-.' 1;.:77 :C. ;7:o .;',.:: '..:.:... '...-•...-te i ~.„ ~,_:__ ;, I:____., C'- ;„.... ~ ,„_„_, . -..-...-, 2 , 4 ,•.,..,, ~......_„,... 4..„, 7 _ . d , _ ' CsCeel-O-2-27.7: 22C. whore its sires Zee An or ..hich they win nen: AS LOW AS CAN .s,T () i r r 11 ,0 C't ' . - " E ''''''' ' '''' ' '''' . '"' - ` 1 t_ I : • I ' Il---°:: :• ::I 'l ce:.--. 5--r4 ''''' a ''-''' .-1 1-- -' 1.7. - -; -1.. -- : , --' -• .-r:.;;...:41.::--,:::.-1.1:;:'11..;:et... : , -••;"? --, .. , • - "f C- , -" - Zr - --- -- .... - ar:i - - -righttn. 3::,:-..7 ' ....„, , .1... -.- ; E., 7 : „ I 'L : - .. "'„ 3 „ 1 i - a, , ,z .-? 11 ,,,,,,,_ . '' 2 ' 7- - 2 ,... / ....„ ,,A, --:zfe e=7 l " Le- eluma ll " . 2- ece . :, ' - ' : ' , er ne.i.ee...tea ;zee - en:et see..-..e tee- 2'. ",- .. 7 3.-:: -1 : pc...L - 1' ~, ---.1-y orz=.s that. are irefArce ma' BR BoeGErr ELsEWEEP.F. LN • • ty :::-...i:-.. 1 1::-; -a .-.:-..:::,:nie :es - L.:lts.-- : C ..-At_. - T lON : Tit_E-______. ~. _ ... ~• _, __. ...LC,O - 1... ..2.t -•3, , r- ..- -_,.. .^.:-.1-t-,: , -,.... I ..,... .. • ...- • A 5..,. TI.N end tettset-.,:toN v. A,r..._ t (It ', -- ' - ,- 1 -•- u - ---v - ---1 - - - -- ;-'•-'3..-,"••= '3" --,-.-f."."'Cl- . 1 W.--...... - t..=,....--t- inferior I= Iteit'S thre-st €l.O - ET,NT - Ii: • ,,,. K.= - - r.:-1.. SPIDERS. SCOTCH Stii,SYLS, - - - - ` - -*•e`-' i'LL 3- ' -"-• • - -- -- I"- ----"--- --'' 2 - e-- l e, go . en ,l L e. ...... - , .. r0 --h.,..: 1 ..,a,"-- e _ t d, . Mtrthz.ats and. Yrn-dr.rs• „wiii te ea :Eel: rczeente_e_etiy lase feeffeeei", ._....-.4. tee. , FitY.N,,i-P.-t_NS, SAP-I'ASS. sad C_“.":_ D- The Op- - 2 4 '.-hal=7 Specift;:‘, I - , - -- L--- - - ' ',-.-- r' °,,,,-.-'.. ~= '. - '":.. - .1 51'11 r , A , Le 1m76-'eel cli , sts b .,- a C.:5-:ri- .. .CEIrlr:" 1. : - ..."- 1 : 7.7 •L''''': 2 5 1 "TerelrYtri24 1 er . 1 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS R. 0N.e... elisce __, ..,,...., ____ _ 7 „ . e _.„. „ o r De 15 ...,...,,,,7_,,i7.„ u -,..... Pit'- 5 z.,.._..1- Cl-. tee eze7 , -.--zed they =Xs acres has prereel 3. "1..-.:-.3`. i..-_-,-2....V.Z.::t :: - .Z..,..!" : - f.:.7 '.raZ ~..7 .:, .... ~_- --4 ; :;:: , ~.:.. y.,,,....,.„..1-,-1,... e.:. ....;-_,lki:Lre. XI gen:nine Pills xiiiii terel i fter • • -- V e--- Ic ' ; ' ) -- ' - ' - ' - ' .--.:7-5 a. " ..1 LP) TaK=S-a - Am - icultural Irardenteats, " El• -- eS- 421 " - - -1- : - :-:.: - ': - azi . f 7 Wr -- -- 1, - - i - - 'vz 2 - „w e e-zee.7.-D -..,32.-- .-„ ee . „, -_ ... ~_ ....,_ d - - ' •,........,•-• ,-i*.hi,- , :.-3.-....,t tte.ve th• ... --- -- se s .-...... c_ _._ ..--...e.,... - . ME:EARED EY IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, ' 51(.12 ." 5 PLOWS- SCRAPE - 3-S- CI - LT:WA- • : ' - ---- --- '-' "`"--'-''' "--' t ' ?----: - - - '7.' -: - .'r ' - --...---:- -::- .-- -- - ' .Gila: .-- scs-ezoe to i "1 - -" - . P t - ,'" ' - - . 4 1 ....1.4...'' net= a see:lt:el fr. 2. .: - --e7e c 7:".": ....C7 27_27,-, (68. -----'. --"-;-": " :5- r-- 1 .---.1 . C- 1 : - --. 7 " I -' 21 ;• --."-:;--- es -- , ---- - --- ' --- - -- , i--..,„ DR. J. C. AyER & _ _ -•,- 0 i-,:3 .-• cis _E. ,F : r .7.3„ye. •reorsar_eußre: For Ash tbe I-LIIGIIEST. Plitl - .- 7 ." Yriii Ise pain ' '-. -._--- - - , --- - ---, - --:-- . i a,t.d. - . b Lin_ , 10 , a•- - PiCi ,3 - 1.1.- - ,a, kr.. ii sea... a__ __ _Ls: . 7"-..:7_, 7.7.” s--.. - -7,-...r C. :7_7., I -..-..- .-..--•--..•'- ' . . . wi z vcc.e_i 2 . 17 .1 cs.:- L . :- :,.. t . t) :: :_-_,....... = , : i 5 .:; ., ! ....... : _= : . f L i , _eeak-ed : - f: cze r-za:zi :an•-_:ser, A. order._ r. rd It. , =ers :ea.:l=z t 3 sat: ...P7'ls ' They tan be faz , ...1 at .1. 7 2; 7. , ...:...-e'L, •. .,ir:.:7:"4.33., LOWELL,. MASS. TH EIR W 0 Mi. ..... Q ..„. .. -. " : ..1.:t":.. ...:.:":2 r...---_::. 1 1: - .:-:- :v.73=-1e: - . -B T 1 1.1.,:) ; 4.._-. : r...-......... "be add-es-led to- 7 -, _- 11 r.."C"." . .,= - "?. It CO .., Fe e leti-_-,-- 5 :;: T p . , .. t . 4 . 0N ..,-,.. i, „.: 1 1 1. , 77 sad Sir:lday excepte3,, at tlle Store fc:-_-.rili _ . - _ ..'" _ - --- • :_s yre2.=3:le 3.::::: -IC -.;•_-.-ertisl goad_ to-.! , ; az ;I - , c;.:-.... : 71" , ..-trrs tst - 7.7. A. Trask.'s 1!.. 1 / 4 „--_-etic Olat- „ cret, ce;ecr e , :e - n : (-cagy 4,- i 0 5, H E .A Li A CHES, I ~.). .7..... -:-:1.. -.-..:.:et Leaf, cf heeta.d. Mene„' T -- ----ireri.'e_ "1....-- disc-- t.„ - e - _, S. Y.. (7-‘ , ...... - _..„•• ..r.: ,A. -o eec,,,. tr ay,... ce . , , h ,_„... i , ;! _ z etc led ley D. BANE?, st:':.. , -...-artiali. EAVL- - L-3-.T'llitli'Gii.-3 put LB :7. t. , .c:.- _ - ; .t . on.; C. E.fel 'lll.eiNn. In II ysqes ~..„ c ,_„, (~„.: , _,T e, = , e .,,,,,- . p,, 03. ,,, P. ~ :e, =,-....,.... 1.3 =-.7ey ere e-fer e e re. 7......"-, Ct. e. - -7-4.:::;'!' ‘O--I. - so .... :z.,, ~ ......t... - , .- - 1.7.'; -erz-er ec. 70 I -eits. fi.: Err_ Morse. - sii Inlian IiI: , , , :: r'''' -. ' .... 1 ..,•• •' . 1f.... ~. .1. ;,, -: 4.- ....n. C. % ..:1 , • ••••• • , ... 7 " . 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V. ta ...L.."' ...g.i' :::a :--3: I ---, •--=.2 2.3,. - . 7 li t e-i.-2, 1:7 : : : : : : 1 1 L JU : D* :.-, 517 2 71 3: : 1 : e . - ! :7 :7:: ::"; ,:::::: : , %: : -...:- 2 1 4 ., ..$ R - -We tzsrt come t7. - ..be .:-:::::17.41::::::1117.* , . -' "READY PAY" -p- r ~... _..et t 7s-V-7--_ . . Ni 2 Eilfr STOCK P -- 3 - f ' ' --- e- I `-' ": : I. . ' tie eir_ity. .. .1 -- --;;-3-:y. - ..forziaritz ;L:.••.:•E-ionis ••=-.1.....: tit i , .a.. _ ' The : 7 37.1.7.-::. f. 17 ..:-‘ .-.1. 7:2,-":s7; :-...::=::: ..- -.---- -,.. z-, -......!..:,... 7,-; ; --, les Fe:. deee:-..,_ __. ........... _ 04.. ...re5._ 6t 3 • - t21‘....-3, 2 '''.--"-'' '-`-' I -- :_ -- ` - ' - - •-_--. '''' - ` - ' l. ' HOW AR D Ass 6 ciA r rio 1: : ... !-----e 4: • =4:1 c-= ' la Letter for ail parties. aid we r_ ^', ther-s-. --,.....--;„ ...;„, .„- ..... ..-: ti..._ _ iv.•-.. [Sc . . ''E '''M.:...AiE COrCrires s raTS ' 1 fore do inshams ea this system_ ' ' , I .--7 C.7•!-.Z.12.^1 ..5"...71.,..7 . , 17.1..:. airia-..a.::_-r - , ' ll ' - st l! ' IL DINI:T ' S s - 11:TillIN Goln .. _ ~.. _ ,_.„.. 3 I,SLC.2-t_vill.'-'.iieTe.3. cee 7 X. :I Dan -re a eee-e. -3.- a t '''- "." - .7- '' " ' '!" -' .--''. ''''' "-- " ' arm: 7.-...e.e.n, .: etners cr P . :esl:7; 2:_.17. PHILADELPHIA. ' - STAPE.Y. 4 .-1-NTA PANDY DRY O-CI. • ' A L'er....s.::tr.: _.---il^::..fiz.,3, ea . :: •: :{ ' r_ r„-,- .2...5_ lea: 1 7 77 ,, e - L7 l ! eze lE Y. e l ; :‘ ,„ 7 _ : 7. - fe esee e ts e _ ::. OL-7_c l s e e r f, JUST ILLECELVEJ. ET . tr - - 7 : - : C-&`'- 4 : 11. ' C 7 ttC"`-''' 3- -'-- - - "L':- .1 : 73-. 7 ;:::::- ..1 ---'' 7-'3'7 . 17 S_,ld..i. 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I. , :xe is.,---,avi =c h.' r . ...,1 ..,--.... P. i7 3 .4 14; i2 b ' '. .c., : : * ',... 1:1g .,, e:v ... l f * o . l . 2 .t. Ll r r a : 7 .. l l;t: ± L . L CPiEl l -0R....18LE TERMS,-:......1 - ,.-.'; - .7. - ,,.. - :t .-- tie= h•ar.4.-0. - f. 5r....:' tlft7-.-.-alz.s, soad ta =le di- ,'•,. TO • v 01 ; 1 4; i r • , :.b . e . :' . : 117 g.. a c 7.4 r...rt af OF z- 7 -- - d '; - L - -- -- ml- ,Cash and Short-Time Buyers. - • i Seer sad G 1.... '...t.7*-1.1-t.O rit.77% - e.`7.r. QC.41121: 5e...--•-; . .........._...--- Z=..i.35.. 5C:47.Z..=.T.F...T.7..L.,..!-T...1..K.."Zi3.. 60223 of the ?sat; 07.1 . C.•-tote t ; .:•. - ....: - ....5.:ci C... 4-7: LA.DIES Ain GMIEZEEN : cL-Zri:lr-_-.- -.. .:^.1.:- - .7 - A a Ci=bir: r=r 4 S, is the 8.2 2417.7..;i4 (.1.c.,...-e.,,,-; I 4- Au sew . F,zi:ErslNG . .,, y strAnm...,• - =.1.7 - ee za-fi-.4 a._=i 4.,:::,- , K:f 7:::::'...ci 7...7::::.. , .. speci.c*-- - 31.0.NPAY, tr:e IST day ef il•a- c:,:-..A. sf?V.c - z. ex•--.....s si.=-z-..:: ......th.:=- -,- . 7 : 7 : . ' 37 . 4 C 1 :::.' . - 2 Z:.':± :"le !- - :t''''C'H'.. -- -:':.2-i C.' F`:•:' ,4 ' cemter -2- e - it-.'ac-Ita - c ,2-3 t l =- 1- ot slze Areel: - ~,--..:_t : 11- tea: b'- ::::‘ Ce:::::nr 11.- - ra- -,. 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GOODS` ....nir' PRI-J. :Ina- fre.a_ - -...1. s..L-.1. a 5 ., ,.- eir - -.‘..7 . - 4" - Li. , .7.--= "i-;, - .- ;:-..-',.1.-- 'id' P••••azze--trALT•s * - .1 .-- ' ..5. 5 4- 4 -ti k -4 : 4- :CES. B-_-_ir.. , --' •Ta---." ,,, ..V. Liz - -••••• -, t 4 i..a.T.:i7., I • , ! --.- ? : • ::- ' 1 .. --`---* -------1--- "--'... •"" --1-.l ' Ir:...teil.llCe.zirra-ce.=;. N-rsr_ 7.5 TlE — aa.'3...tti • _ . F .. C. ' "--.-." - „.. k ' 7. - . M..: :.“ - 5... " '1"2"" --- ,, 1.r.• -3. crra- • tkeiitthTiet.: - cftht-.1..:. 4 "......:5r.• - ..-:::. c`:` -% -er-rz. - •: - F = . ta ' -?• " : "' e r4lgr 7 " : ' - - - - - - $. - z - --z-:•'. ,tiiii., a -- ....v.,-. - ..... • • .:,.:;=c,,, - .2.-_zzez . :l_ P. - A. STEBBINS_ ' - 1 e.-. 7: 4 1-GAZIT, SZve.:-.:*; i C. - :• - zie..:sp.::1. Hey 25., ri.if../.--4C:. . . . of - _ C ItS I LI3, -51; ESE IMINME _ =7S: 11. a. _ .. 1.7.3 . ..tms.P.•lece..td -71 - iltz - grt. =re:. r.;:.• t -- .• -. ..... 1.1.4... - -!! i'd.a . r..." ,ti• tr.' t. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers