T i* - 41ERIP Hudak SIKV, !Mg! SOW -.44:15 4 iM Ourtn; Svv4l.„.ettbsechota, letr Leonard's. Omer, Pork*, Nov. U, attie:Aebi aims. ,usysdt Mtge, Nov. 28NACtiot ITettoo • ahem, troy. 32, at the Sebaol Ron= near the , mouth of Honeoye Creek. . gi cal t Athit,o3l4dell &bed] ___# . o3ll4risoc* eitilinklecool House sear] tvittlan /mos a ANI I PPat e * -- MeillanteMt4e. rireeftfaletrata 4,2Xt . I PP . - 11- r .01' the shop) put ? ass itteito,coasetree at . lo e cloas:st: Teach 46"trtrilalfIc-Pielerliait rash te fur ' pta, trid;patiir, and Sander's New Follith'Neader, as usual. A fakheriteidariloG4ealificitionleillisi V e ili*MithcrtgArfie ~ iiiit9MO . AKW, A f elatNakr4.y,ct. O* L _ ve. TP/-4C ;- 'dhtr9 ,4 1"1 " 144(1/4. ' zonoTnyn J l lteNt? nxirrs, 0 (4 11 ' 4 Potter eittia 'z.Ay:wceiihers7,Association" and friends of : .iditeation,,couTenea in the Town Hall, C91"1-tiSPPrt, o o :Mond ay, Nov. I4th, at , for the pfirposiOf mutu ":socouraging each rOtv L` pr9reesioo, o$ leaching.. s r uPeriAtexdeur. called the • lueettni„tst order and mrasohutatin 'to act 11 ".;/ 4 L Nees 'l.:th,chapr,, at I.at Cor. *ilf•rzrAlßS.444- 141 . • ? -his choir forme d v,APßOK;AP P 4er9ZscliPlarss * P. Pun aP t eprogrigte piece . of u.usic; they were. itupporta.d,hya ruelqdnn, which was play p lies. Smith. • rmisksd thm 4eir.. Mr. 14e, o:o4 : Rondtkot the: 'Grafi) nar. iecita ,kori-tbrAgt 41e:fsseal: ; and that Rev. Ira i arso4s raufcl take Ouse of the , ‘4434nWriffen Arithmetic after the first dt.),; figadrinte took charge of a .I:,eqqatinn ; in Written ArithMetic. • He raid Gnat numeration was often hurried tee rapidly . ; and gave an illustration itulfclupq why, the ,Romans selected . q,lkjettero al they didto represent num aers,ixt,rgeir notation. ~ - 4h*.ne;t exercise was a lesson in Nen .444tithme,tic. The remainder of the fOrgpo93:l9sxezeupied ky reading, and an .9.M.r4teie"grthography. - The great in, ox4l3ce i pf goo d articulaiion was strongly urged upon- :Ate class,-std plainly shown by:AllanipTais:lihieli 'were written - on boards. i,.. , ;_: - f,, , :iarrEas4toN szastow. itotir:was devoted to the subject of Gelitimiwilortderithe superintendence of Rice.' • Ile said, l'Ailtays have. in aidditionzto the: regular-leponi an outside efireiseatr-miew, dwelling upon partic ular pain' s - Pind take some one point each Zips•,!.. Mop points sere brought up and explained.: 0::14r. Hendrick then questioned the 41ass foiAtilltaiil hour on-the subject of Math einstiearGeogiaphy. One could not lis fewtorthigi recitation without being forced tOtthccouilusion that some of the teach ing stOuldrapied.to:attetul several Associs dons befoilliey attained to aulgiod de gree-Ur/per...Elution in this branch. . . sEssto:f. • lij ) singing; aid prayer. : I =gestlltc. - Itiee shen-doliyeted the open s übj,ect — 4 The Path a gtocetii Litteral .Attaininants, and its that Sues to Life."— Vitt wide-a.wake, ex lictura; fuU of iood' sinti lignA.,,atitt:Oltietie'd by several anecdotes fair' luetration . 'Altai the speaker closed, clzoic a nd beautiful piece; - *hen Elise E2Ciirdefia itedorn w called upon `Which call she'ro sl4ddt~ed'' i33' =ei sing ati article an the Sub: This Esiay, th . ough i - strong ploa to leachers tol*We :itieri opportunity •to benefit those - Ulf - 6i' ilioir chate, having a care otey,Ah:e tyqpittal . as; as the mortal part. , • . c:n /P.I.ESDAY MORNIISti. .s , ::9Penillg exercises, reading, prayer and aip~ing: 'r ; , rdDlr...,Parsons took eltsma of the Arith metioleeitittions,te tho entire satisfaction 0.1,3105„P1W. The other recitations were Xhoilt,thelamo . os ,on lgonday. , In the 44ernooultr.• Ijendrielc -heard his class reFitelfrin.eutlins maps. The examine. bons mes-im entire sitcom: We only wish that all the directors in the county lottl4 . 4ltax,e:heen there. . -svp.xlso SESSION': ~ Opitantererciess.as mud. .. 7 31telkittr Siirleirread ari Essiy, subject ati*t's , cfll.ll.ildeena by J.:.Nir-4.Bird; sub; jiacir "OrminiC) Circulauon.?;; . .Nusw by the Coudersport Band. Then listened.tO g;P•A4iiiss , deliieresi.by Bey, if., rsr- lai.l7 l :Ljigtilqi.i .. ol4 Bil;14* rrs AVEPiESEI4.I7 -3:5:4N/SG, opning erercises, were coadtteted foy 444v,AriParsons. • 21'1,4 7 1, , tiairotppoitited' as a Committee 0_10.eg.0 1 . 1 4i.94 11 1; Bircl r S:lB. Groan. 11kt441 1 141.:44;4'. S afferfl: And bliii,Carl fikketal.lo l nrt.t Also. as a COMmittee 'Pioatox Najcjars4 l l. ll ! l ...o l 9E l 'WTigh and' Miss The recitations through the clay were fall as-interming-aron-the-day- before Th'efilVesi a lack -'of tittle:rather that's a oterg4lol,itolit by tho . Prisidetits - S: l 7 - TP.'ll„,BTlFcures 44.4rening - estimated o..altrroisay .lilizalicth Wright. her 'Subject was "4 Plea ler ?4.iaturi,' EEO °lmagination." The Muni Iras be at, steady:tee and added muds fie the tautest 4tf the meeting. - • Aottivicifdwart oietta. Ass. oniVenta.44 ep 0 vacifitialgitaa count. M, 0. Cr** cominetud the recitation in Mental : tsmntliZaistooliqi,iltei &e t , : et a =ta consented, arithiltittraiterlii After the afternoon nem the diazilt - ondikulizmingtotimatArtolloirt: for PnMeut,474 W,Vird; Nicel:ice& idea, „qt. %V. Grigsby Secretary. Miss E:, Cordelia, Hytluru; -Treasurer, Miss Sarah Nubs,' :1 • . • ' The report was, accepted and 40 per. aolls,Pr9Paed for tbst several -officcs were unaninugudy eleated j , Altsolufina was offered which. reads.: Resohred, Tbat l ia the - examituition:of teachers, written' answers aro preferable, - and should' generally_ be adopted. Messrs. J. 8; Mann, 3, Hendrick, M. 11. Rice. G. W. Grigsby and D. Styles remarked upon the resolution, when it waa laid upon act - table. • Adjourned: EVENVIG SESSION. Aehoir' frOna gebroii' *rider t'he charge' of Mr. 0.. Greenman, !cunt an - appropii , ate niece: Nisi Sarah Pre.sho. reedit se leet poein. - Messrs. "Proctor'; Maynard and S. Reggie, then delivered d,ecla *nations; which added - much tj of the a' ,evening' exercises. Music. by the . Band: The President of the past year than deliveFed•tis retiring,addreis which contained the - isentithents "of a true :man and faithful director. Mr. 40, Crosby then read an excellent address as the clos iug exercise of the evening. ktisie by the Band.., Adjourned: , FRIDAY MORNING. Rev. Mr. R ic ei conducted the oi.ening exercises, and ,made some ; very. excellent remarks on_ the subject of reading the Bi ble in schools. ; The Arithmetic class spent its'hour, in the Roots. D. H. Judd explained Cube Root according to the rule given in "Da- vies' New Arithmetic." Mr. Hendrick gave a very plain illustration_of this rule by- blocks. .Mr: Parsons then explained the manner of extracting the Cube Root according to a rule 9f English origin which may be seen in Perkins' Arithme tic. The last method, though somtwhat intricate, is far the ; most scientific as it is freed from all the "cut and try" ;work which necessarily attends Davies; method. The Orthography. .class tollay;tlosed the annual debate respecting the number of Elementary sounds in the English lan guage, and also about. IV and Y, whether they are consonants or vowels.., Rev. IX Styles said be had not changed-his opin ion in three years on this question, arid I verily believe he will not for three years to come. - • The tabled resolution respecting , teach .ers examinatione r vtas discussed a short time and carried. . The. Committee on Resolutions report ed as follows l,' ' • Reiolve4, That it is the. duty, and should be the pleasure, of every teacher to read, or have read, a portion of Scrip- Liues every day in school; and that we recommend that th 4 teacher alone should read and comment freely upon such points as do liot' conflict with sectarian differ ences, *bleb' we 'consider of little'practi. cal importance. • •• - Resorted, That we bail with- pleasure, the first rays of pros:rot of having a uni formity of text=booki in bitirschools, end we'once more urge upOn Directors to com ply with the, scholars ', profit , teacher's convenience, and The requirements of the' Pennsylvania School Law. Resolved; Tliat since the law requires Directore to visit theschools, they, in ac cepting that office, virtually pledge them. : selves to meet this requirement. .Resolved, That common sense and the best interests of their children, demand that parents should be frequent visitors at the school-room, and we insist u pon their giving us 'the eneouragement inci dent to such' a course. 'Oat in view of the alarinfog it/crease of intem perance around us, eve ry teacher, whO s in the leaiit iaddicted to the use or alcoholic drinks as a bever age'should be regarded with distrust, and either compelled to adopt stringent temperance principies and practices ; or forced from the.profession, ' . Resolved, That we consider the Meth od. of teaching g eo graphy, from ' Outline 31aps, *very great improvenieot upon the Ordinary manner, ,and . ie earnestly re, cotrimend•to Directors to procure theta for each : Re.solvecl, ThaVire are under great ob. ligations 'to our County SUpertntendent for his faithful and suqcessful labora_dur. lug our Association, . Resolved, That We are•greatly obliged to Mai. Td:" Bicound 'Ref: j: Par sons, for the matructions received from thcin, and We return to tfiem our'sinoero thanks. . , nrsoloed,„Th a t we heartily. thank the members :of "the Coudersport Band, "(for AO cheering musi4key have discounred it) us. it. : our, iveninvsessions, and also the' Choirs that haie sung at the Meetings of the•Asaociatlon. 4'elplve4, That Addreiscs, Lee- tares and ICsi t ays, to whiCh we have hs: teiied since We have_ bnen-asiembled, re flect'muoh:credit upon their r. adtlforsiatiii bespeak no r lsolc, jai - it - even janie?sil of iareit in,afignational M att •- , This report. Wei 'accepted . and the olutiOrm adopted. • 777 - pbWo - forlhernein meeting, to otorenu nu tatief.gout o k t lll. the Ant Thursday in leob . / 1 - Tikb then unaletlie Mean* giniittintrite fir the tiese sepji iffin _tat, 14, to darer the - wan* leetare..TrWer addiessis t G. W. Oslo bi . ;431. einifibrd, 1).1 Judd':: and P: A.4takilm Jr: To read esaa3re; Mime suet grit , Jeanette Wildman, M aid blunt and Alm Oa*. _To (leeliPin Suainen:Coniniittii,:ll;ll.'Ohnited t 4. RendrieltriodlliokElhiiKWri&ht. a ea , natorthemidttiserof Iteit'Lltendrielt, H. .hrifms Aka Elizabeth, litrightjur publication in - the POTTER JOYILIAZOPO4.4I I -Penne4 l lvqn-* 14 " 4 . • Journal. IrAftet,tninnatitb*.trefflteeityqubusi nco3 'AO AUPcialkui-adjouroelf,:: - : 42' W-Ing%. igee:gr% - 111. 00.1; COUDERBPOitT 4 . - Ihosaau V0ning,110:24.4-59. eprrmintmium ; ; „;_ Iffir Conaiderai4c, : editorial sad., otheT matter is crowded out of this-weeli's pa per by " the Educational proo . eedinis and Uri notices. • -TitAtittstattfiCk--mpThe24ll:ll,4 Na witaber (to-tfity) • hallieen deslgnitted as day" -of thitiskagmhig: in' the' toilowin , . States, twOpty-fire in all : Maine, New liampshire, Vermont, saChuaetta, ...Rhode Congfatieui, New twit: New' Jersey, Pennaylvani, Delaware, Maryland, Alabama, North Car. Olina, South Carolina, Mississippi", Ken tucky, Tennessee, 'Michigan, Indiana, 11-let:obi, -let:obi, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, and In. Kansas. - . *, Stir The Rev. N. V. Run, of;Alfred, .N. V., will deliver an Anti-Slavery . ad dress in the Court Rouse, on Wednesday evening, Dee. 21it. Every body, especial ly the " Irrepressibles" are invited' to , at tend. Reinember the-Temperance meet ing on Tuesday evening, and the anti- Slavery meeting on Wednesday evening. ,By-the-way, we suggest that Republi cans throughout the' country villages and townships of the North organise them selves into " irrepressiMe Clube i t for the campaign ri 1860, And nom is the time to'egin, in order thaA - they way be " ir. I repressible" year beep°. When will the CouderspOti I ..T:rrapressibles" organ elool-- We suggest _ a meeting at, the Protbotetery i s Office next Monday evening at 7k n'elpek. - "TLC Ilssarit Coutirk.:- - The • old guard' bait spin - taken her'pOsition as -the • Banner County' of the Keystone 'State. Allegheny, Bradford, Barks and Philadelphia are far be.: bind ter fora big majority. Hide your di minished heads and go td work now and see what you Can Obi tn*ards beating 4169 next year." --Lancaster .E.rans. Don't be so saucy. We will distance you in the. race nest year. We cculd hare giveri.6,ooo, this year, if it had been necessary, but as it-Was - IM, we did not e=rt ourselves. We intend to be the" INitmer county in 1860; but that needn't Wader Lancaster from doing ber best.— Pitts b . O _ Gazette. - 411 right gentlemen.' r e hie no diiubt tir counties named above will give noble majorities., next year for freedom And justice, but if the Banner shall be awatiled to the county giving the largest majority in proportion to her whole! vote, then you may make lin your minds to in scribe on it ".Little Potter." itisr On the . 22d of, May, 185 G, the Ron. Charles Sumner, while engaged in his, seat after the adjOurnment of the Sen ate; was approached by -PrestOn B+ks, a slate-holding member of Congies r i Be fore Senator Sumner was aware of *Coke' nturderous_purpese, be received a-stun ning:blow on the head from a . canein the bands of Brooks; Murderous blo4. , Were Liven in rapid succession, .until Sumner sank senseless on tiolloohf Senate . ahamber. covered 20414 blood. Several' so-mdled Demoeratio' -Senators and members of Congress, knew: thit'the attack, was to be toadi), and a v,'Amur tlr r- Bonglae for one,:_witnessed`the:corr lardly saisaultipml an unarniec! °lrk= Offort -to prerent the ontrage. No Marines were sent to arrest' Preston Brooks; no Given:ter proclaimed the irr cessity, of maintaining the law., no firand Jtiries found-101i of indiatmet4 for trim son, orevatt for assault and-battery i3n the doiltrati, Brooks wit glorified' as a heroby Southern slave;bolders and . North em donglifaces. The same men are now raga because 014 ,Jqba Brown and 14 other .domented whites, undertook to free _a few - slaves , ar per's Terri.' :They - think the whole ivier er of the povernment - should be 4;0401 intit.requiaitton at ouno; to mush Bram) alpi alloalio hare sin: bef4indad Tilirpomt: - If tins ,winking at mur,der and al man, nu of - liriolenn, wilan Atline:for S i;cryi ~.. 1 -- - iii .r.- - --- eat violenea dose apd* 4 doi. , . M** af fici •*,. ~, . , . , . iffill 31 « , t !, "titt ,„ • 4 0 , 4 y, . toP traiiii * PAW P vi i **# ' .. 1 / 4. itso.; .. , mr' , it i 414 near 1 , e . , : i' Conference... ----- - - . - Moat "leaders of the jettusazi ye j L - ' hsraig44 lll o7 • . , f , tletitleirditirt ptto. cedratka; r oatilio4,k4ma** Voithotiattr'. ilialitra . iiii - - '44t ivits - 01 - uitri -- 4". ccia'sessiona 44tutit_eW,attlinalt e - • - fieitii itiMakatiripi - ;07 ,- tito,- .0100 = iiibuiiiige i'grit;ii - iaiAinciloita ~. „ . wel411140; .441011er. itkoteo ilitruallteada t ioi Lart i c l e , c i t ~ , ,:.:1.....y0:.: •,:}-:'-.; :1 - 114: Charge ~, p rOfreol Yap:hilt, 'e . D. ; 1 044 1 44.i, AS Eiit:Aw*inokai r Oitt•ac' , .1.0 Nieip mutely in the : use-of tobaceo xi or indiffereactiti the poorl or upprearkt ; ~. le star-Charged!' with . [ toctutitary in I,ltdinittiing B: - T:Iti:ober.fe,. (expelled prom . Mot - donee the year lefore, for Atontuma 4;:ire, (ritstione;) on. trial without /icon sealed; giving-Mai leans° to exhort; tied attendinvandwisistitig lb aponieml (;!uar- - Idly Steetidg„ at the time of the regular Quarterly :',Mietitig. .If th e tnembetio of :the Conference expect to Disko Soy great Ouluber of people. believe that they have given in t 'r speetfital'oos'the rea I rea isdi for expelllng pull:If:am; &ilea and ' i tWeir iissoeiatee froth the ithUreh they'wil.- ~ fa clyiiiselvci: aditakem 111e:folio g Ileablutiqu *di ananituoully adopted- by the Mame:Mew-that Saiiiillerrßurliethitte : 1" illiesolvid, that we 'disapprove Cot l aily Member of this Conferenee for tbidircorthern indeßeaelent or of writ ing for its columns, 'or in any, way ,giving it eneoUragemant and support," I The adoption of . that , resolution, itatl the refoll of the Confereneeto take i croy action in' favor of expelling I alarealolders - from tbel Church, points te the true rca eon for thelxpulsion of : Burlingham. "IHe Wes too anti-slavery ; he could vat bv vi• lanced or answered, and so 'was earqed ilave-holders, I doughfaoos and 1 do-nOth 4i9s,may remain in and: control i t he ' thinroh. B+ contumacious teen, t hose 7bo obtain sabscribers for the Nor 'ern 1 inclepenclent i t aur to be expelled.: I Perhaps tbefreemen of Western IlTew L I Irork and IC . C. , rtherit Peneeylvania Will tiuburit ii‘ietly . toswei Onduet, atui on . • . ~ 4 .wie , taw eupport Of a Clitirch.thatex pells its beat Members.; bit we doullbe lie"e it yet. Let 'us breast thoroughly ainotaioited witl:all the facil in the ectoser tet us ice if the Ge e oral ` Conference to assemble next - May, will not correct three 'high-handed abuses of the Genesee don ferente. And then let us' act ois tkue 14100 oho , 'lceAe the rigkt,., and intend f4ar 4ssy tok oppose the wrung. , MoraawMlt let us remembe r gratefully all th e geed i, dope for us' and one country ti onel of -the vietbus of the Genesee ( Conference Oppressiens. __... ' i J. It. 311 GERRIT SNiTH.—This distinguished gentleman. is nos► confined in the , York State Lunatic. Asylum,' at Utica.k— ills-mind.is ihn'tiderably disordered, but his condition is not ,s 6 .hopelassli bad as has been represented and hts physlei9e:. hope that the regitnen. and care to whi l sh he is subjected; and the , ebsence of ex cittuent, Brill effoct a • radical cure. Ire ills been, Over since - the arrest of Brown and his ilarper's Vorr foPo7ers greatly exercised ktrier *chit 'ireigined fOr therm' events which trtnepied there. But tatteragit: he ityml'pthied with,,and sustained John Brown in KlM snsdie is noway implicated in the recept movements of that individual. • ' i lExeeutlon of John BrOwn, This day two weeks (Friday) John Brown.lrill offer; tip his life to the Amo6. gin- lloloah—Slayer 1 I Old irou-willed Ol iver eromwal--ba. , . fore God, chose; Lim MI an instrumi rat Ito overthrow ; fietti royalty and pielacy l , i anted to emigrate. to America, _ hut the g 'eminent took him, frum shipboard atui h lived to trimple their,pewer 'Hider his feet, • Washington wanted ,first to titer the navel and afterwards the ;,military sirvice of the British Governmnt, bUt t li . e latter'e refusal or l a alight occurrence p °vented it. ' 1 John IBrewn ,rnight he'Ve d od-unknown, and been forgotten, hilt Providence willed it otherwise. ,Hs went to Kansas a peaceable, hut firm iree•Sta!to main, the niffiaat burnt his:mill and nitir i ti red. t his sone, apd h in e'cae away' froraiit a man of destiey, John Brown 'night h Vs dope theraleve's end freedom's cuts° 3 41 1 , 1 e• - trillipg service. had - his life been 3 PreAltittlyn.buthl cancertellAY - 40.1"%5re by his:deof4, sthotmand fold ! - His, blood 'will be the first sanguinary oblatiou,pour, ed out,by the, white man under eir g+ erpment UAW offering to "redeem -Ine bleak brother, , • - 7 " i i We 49, c,o; overloac.. the lid,- the' iiy tie late he isupalefactor, that be bee forfeited, hie , life' to.looken laws,: 'Sordid _Socrates i mid the , Gracchi ; eo - also -dui PSG!, Pa*, amt. milling 9f UPSD0 0 001)41 reformers who are now ensoribed,on.tne 'world's.calendar ; ' ,and;lve hello's,' that wi l w il - ai r today with the bat fifilLotioil.4 , -01.. We still *dhow to tlibightioOftsiN dire 1 • i tft ta s!sha t : I d * la lr brt *, Outs& 'Wi or duty ' this possibilitia Aliik, )eiar mind ( • - stillitOtat * ' doh so eutsrprisitOks i stOtiOtwto JOha Brootahested *dud it WitHfoloc work of duty.'lt will watiderfolly .•seri f .thasartptorkdr.trins,iltat *sill& Pfx,novii PE Otid; is subsidiary to sorid.o4. that - 411VA , the wrath_ of um is utudwto 'praise: Hiatitorriiitusi-14a/Oct itiCantealtinit 413e444-4144f the clint4o Strait mills. ter. Wilt should preach samba th#,,cm do - totapprore-Alo' oetrattor k `o On - Ma a A 411044111. lesaert:hkeiaEhreikaaNtwards. lie may do reachbetterawather Ulm" Be carertif of ;be" 4er/toter:of. our fyiii unit ortbe cWitioAforotr neizhber7-eierciae elf charity:and: love toward-.every individual, around us.' but if a minute:leach , irhatig pot. gOod— aball we not oppose Doacno; •• true al- Tegiencelo_ right end truth-.-to'Chrittian. ity requir: . that ire emotive our beat judgement wjth regard to puhao - teach ershod especially - to refigf . nus teachers-- and approtti only suet isjist,' ) VaefUl, beneficial ?.• let us judge the man char. itably ;413.0 .te4eher the truth that be teaches. If any one be unfitted by tinturn habits; Of organisation, or sant a world or religions cinisciou.snens, or tint . iithei cause, for•influeficinigmen for their good, is it not our 'du lesion bin influence, atilt tuff dir t to 7 try to extod the in fluence Ot one Thit labors; faightlilly end wiseli,for the titration - Of ihe 'world? • Phis Secon4 T.' "of Ilitire:niffitnioi will toot:Real:rem uar►aay, Iftivasuber"2B6.foiL . , COMMON ,ET rulea the Da2l3 of she Teo file, whatever the misuemed *ad ildslothrops philosophers milli say to the 'contrary, Show theta a good thing; letitgalwrits -Is44',efearly demonstrated, and they 'not hesitate to give it their:Ml. cordial . patronage'. The masses have she dy ratified theJudiatent.of a . physlejeti, .. I ,4o , i4gtung the virtue* of .HOS TETHSS 131 , as mnf be geffiv in the immense quantities of this a:elf:eine - Oat art annually sold in -every seeribri is now recognized as' greatly -superiof other remedies y4t devised for diseagis of the digestive organs, ;orb so . d iarrhotsk Osetstery lespepsta, and 'ter Mei 4ation's - fere:B that arise from derangement of thole pertionli of the - system. - Hostetter's: name is rapidly be- coining s household word, from 'Heine taTei- as, from the shores of the Atlantic to theßa cific. Try the artiele sad .be sitiffied. Sold by all,druggists'in' the, world. ==ll= ISFLAIWATION or us NIrE9 Like ail other inflatutuartoW; .ie caused. by , Mpurity Of the bleod, "ertic4causesAll jinn). tire diseases, as Salt Ithenne; - getertlfe3h, sores, Ulcer., /SC: l'Fbe blood being **healthy. end of an impure nature, aLsoaccesicumfkop iies. The blood becoming abstracted in the reins, the watery part of , the blood 11,--.conse 'cinence is thrown out from their extremities, cud dropsy is the I result. Many times it is uccasioned by improper treat:Merit of some former disease, and the vessels being filled by serous humors instead of blood. Free evac .tatious by these pills, open the • passage • into ' the - bladder sn3 carry off the corrupted- bu :nom, and renew them with pure and healthy Mood, whlch Willidrire one of thebodj all infiamination,- together with , eruptions' ce the ;kin: and 4 114 1'90i - cal complaints, They will a.sheil4 to every form of disease to guard 'tttd 'keep `you'from 'the cold grasping hand of 'leath,:and Cause llitsand Strati& to remain. sr4 she- 'countenstbbe 40 -"brighten' with the bloom, beautyi ma, health: . , • Dr. Morse& Iniiiatt Root Pith are void by ail dealers in 4 tedicinea.. . . . . ..'saturis smas. • gutx-votrug of • .uniity 1104 of Yenditioni ful Eiponas, FieritFacias and.Letrari•Pacias :trued out of the Court Common:Maid' Pouer County, ParasOtanite, and to me &razed, 1 slim eipore to public sac or moor ( at the Coart Houle in. Coudersport; on MONDAY, the 19th day of rimmber, 1859, at !)0 o'clock, 0. et:, the follow. ins, described real ,estette, to Wit - • • „ • - Certain real estate situ a te in Sylranit town ship, Potter Co:,bounded as follow's to ' Wit :-On Onthe north b 3, James Olcspey & Colum, bus Reef east by unstated lands,' South by licCrade Bati„and nest by Joseph Hall &Co lumbus-Bees, contairking f ifty-eight acres.; of which about twerdyl acres are improved, with one frame house, two log barns, and some fruit trees thereon. I Seized,:taken in ekecution, and to be fold ea. he property of Thomas M. Rees. . - ALSO—Certain real estate situate is .Epic- lis t township, .and :Borough of Coudersport, i Potter Co., Pa., boilirded'on'the north by the Jersey-Shore Tnroffike Head, an the east by Nathan Woodcock and vast -line 'of 'Warrant 2123, south by.Lotrilof, IV B. Gordinier &-A. P . ,,Jones, and west Ay lands of Sobieski Bon, containing one hundred and sixty-nine acres, of. which twelve "acre are improved, and upon which . are erected 'one frame bans,' mut otbet wit huildings. • • -•• • Seized, ;taken in seetation, dad to be sold as the property .of John Crittenden. ALSO—certain reel *state situate in Wa lla township, Potter Co., Pa. Beginning at a Beech tree 212 . perches Wl:Oren - the nortb4ist corner of Patent No; 2124 in District No. 2 and being part of laid Patent, thence-114mM 40 degree-Ley*. 18- perches,. thence veg. 160 Perthes i thence anith4ftY-threeperchekthence east 107 perches, - thence ninth 140 perche tkeintreest 53 'pen - be:eta the place of beiln• rang; COMOIS ing one bundredistrelladdeUdsi ance tot ropiti,Sle..-41430—Onti other tract adjoinicig, bSgiunisigi sit post : 212 perches west of the lougt-eat corner •of Patent No. 2124111 District No. t i behtg pert of Bald Pat T eor„ thenanorth . l2lo perth'es ld links - to Beeeh' tree, thetiei weet perches 12flihks We. Aeeeb, 'thence SoUttr 100 pro sea 161 links to a post, thence eastlo perches 12/ Rohs to the place: of hegißoieo AO litres and allowance &a., of which 30, itrfs.lte jrn• proretr i 'no *Melt sreoteithd and isne frareelarn. :I ": ` ,• 'Seized , -4110,:itt sheentiort, !Sisal+) beliedd “ the POPSTV'of 1 74 1 0 3 1 : 410son ! ALSO-CertsiO,real. estate Auk,. son" tcriOnship, 'Potter Co:, Pa . .,..,isounded north bylaisda Ssf thelini4lahillitatelinclof tote: 2 cast lan.; 2,lonthlii bind'cor that 1 3443 e - set wettibiltoteNo. 4 And Isedi 411111441 ha • - licimi.tine,7 _ ifis.', containiagnimstpu ri zzi — imieskilf which thinPfittg al ew l 01:1116khicanttosio ' , UR newilatioi. cu i ‘, _r, altirlsdettokadth ~..., Nums-brusentioxi, 444 ` Ilk . , , $- ~ . Veal *Oats drt. ho ' ~ ~ WOO Cck, Urbow i d pi 1 bidet*. Ito,, ihk tuft of 8.10 31. „,,, et IL A DM,. Ink anith 4 *Xst.bl47 It a Dm. Uhl IA Nal: lziot the istio sad - st 132itsfaififircftii isteinactaftlitrielkiliklloft aft. 4.141# 6 4gu1t.1*f1tartb4444 0 4 sie oxi,lbg * O l O , 412 0 19 14-litimiii tate - ' wrakkeitil4o 4 l l l4XlPrOo-fit •a - the. —~mittliontisr4L4 itnc ut - AL —tfftb itlitio l i t4""rwill ti IsAlltonyorainettip,tateo. 4 .p id eit amlb ATAIWESIt thaftitlto Sikk toy botisin 04 Binebsiallitut,, fo lf! Av orikt , rj..N.o l l*WkiebOutirtiO XVIII: i c66014113S li v ti,t7 - 4 148 ;Au fithowefg.otifirtairiwentroli s f ro vroved, cso widditars trettilbSni a t I,' itufigniplOrbOVlL '' •-; '''. ' - - , 1% - 0 **A taltextis 4mo - it! , cjied tO - Gokitric iitlilQ—Xestabi real.rbal *state to sit : ail , in KlOnitt9Fo6b/Pi Pottlitei.;ki Iplisaiittat ar Post the nimhtirtir oro ott Blnchlikughs lot, thence. north - 1004, post, thence 160 rods to , kilos. th, tatiftwidred forty Do's post; thence , 15 7, 11 hundred and tillt7 ISO to. ski Pile* °flip king; coataiilng.o, biwadred saes ott, eight acres are improt)idli on 'which kit ad onflog.lattststad:one log house. -Seized, .taken-Lo execution, and tet t , aslhe property -of SaasoetStory k Step -AL .40—:.L i ertettrxeld:tetate.sitnitte fer lop townebip; k ,, otterto., Pa., described '' , lows to wit : lleginning at a post. the of ivy corner of Wm. L. Lattes.lot No:4, tim oputb . ,..br mace, by the South , line of lot toi 159 peiche to a post, thence north - 11 4 ; 15y tbe southiftfanf lot No. 7,-49:2 peril l t a post, thence south 4 0 . west 44.6 Ordeal . post, tlargEe epait 11._.2.perrbea to a post, the south Wen iry_ tbe west:lies cos bt 7/5 ittrebeitk k PtAie !h2as Oer. bx the.rtorth. at 10t 1114414 land deeded so JamenDorit. two bundridi seVeillon4 and nine-tealftlfrobes tall thence north 1° cut 11:1 perches- to. the of beginning, containing f ine- hundred, forty-tliee_o4 twp-teutbs serer, usual allowonca of super cent. fox - road; k it being pallor lot N 0,51 end part of Wan) goo: reo3• is 1106, About sixty aci.es. of .16 are Improre4. with two frame_ boasts, fro aso barna, else frame storerbours, one bi t timitfils-shop, "and-some fruit treei ,Seired,...taken.in.execution r and to bud is tie propertridllar.rison Dosa 3r d. %Wit ALSO.--Certain refireittite sinittelen 'township, - Potter Ccr., - PA.; boutided north! lands of -the Binvintrtt .Estate, . eart,hri m j Split - Ord, south by Istuis of Jobw Crittent k C. W. Mis,. and *est by lauds oflohlr o tender Sf.:•ltinss; •eontainisg one htq . acres, of *4;6 'twenty-fife nets ere itept ed, on - Which are - erected one trate detl ouse, ode frame barn, and other out tit ings, and with same fruit itees thereon. —, SO—One other lot situate in Hulalis total bounded nilithhylatfs pf t..grtaritircattai L.• D. Spofford; ealthy ibe highway, good) the lands of tAilii - Spaffed; add *est 41 1 of L. D. Speffordf eontaising. seventy . of whic h fi fty.oerea art . . 'Seizsd,ialten in exeiution,4o4 i4-as alatq .tbe property of Nathan Wpod.ctiek: ALSO—Certain 'real estate situate in So, snit townihip, Potter Cp.; Pi ! , atifocoedeilit a post in-the north-west corner Pr lot 'Possefsion.of George Ayres, And in tflAtot line of Warraot No. 2125, th+oce rd:rth eigl six rods and, veran-tenths, tp post it south Moe of Maithien- Itentlicloi . ,. Onsets by lands of Matthias Reed is.1): 1 1). Tiffsby:i hundred and seventy vide, to thot south - eighty-sir and seven-tenths rattan 1 / 4 post in the south line pfr•Warratit No. 21% thence east by-raid Ilrotrotfifry-fire sad II tenths - rods to .a post, : amuse Baud! one.bto died - arid foriy-folli rifle !Pi post : lit they line of G:orge Ayres lot. thence north hylst ,of George kyrei, oat Stindked;And rods and threvietithito:a ; post* thence one haltered and sir waif setea-teitilts rob' .the wait of beginning), eontaising.two dred acres, Of w6f0.11 thirty - acres are hooray • •Seized,• taken, In execution,-and kat as.the PrelertYCd4 2, rtik IretiOn. „. • • • . k..C; TAGGAET, Couden•port, Noy, 22.1869. " - 'COURT PROM/WV/10W 111/lIERMAS the Non. Itobert O.• Sihi V rreildeikedidge; Mann and.G. G. Colvin, AssoCialk Judie/. the Celina of Oyer. A Terminer 'arid Gem QUaller SrsitieuX•of the Tern , Orphans' Court and Court .0? Common- 1 1 1.0 . , for the CoBnty• of - Potter, have issued 'ac t precept, bearing date the fifteenth Nov., in the :year of our Lord one 0000 eight hundred, - and fifty• t •iine; - apd to met rected, for holding tC Court of Oyer and To,o - , hair sr,nd General - Jail Quitter'-Se lions of the Peace, Orphans' Coort,•ind'ecii of Gammon Pleas, in-the Deribugli of•Cchuh sport,: on MONDAY, ' the!l9th day. of, A Tember next, end tocontinuivtielereicie_.' Notice is therefore given to-theevii Emirs, Justieerof the - Peace: and Omuta& within the county, that they be then and the inlheir proper persons, at 10 O'clock A. 3i. said 'der, with ihifit rolls, records, inqui dons, examinations, ant other•remembrsoe to: do these .things whiCh to thiir offices* pertain to bp done.-- And thoseirho are bof by. their recogniaanees to`prosecuttr - sph the prisoners that'are or - shall be in the jail! said `conniy otrotter,"tris tobithin and OA to prosecute against theme,* will helot - Dated at COVDPUTORT. 1859,. list the 84 thyear of the le dept adence of the Unial States Of Ataerid4' ' • ' • - • - • A4:-YAOCAIIT, 81)0: I.4sT: av t '4:3•Au•so& i.- 10 .01 - Ter* ; I $5O, of 'if . Mtn of Cp#oo(Plakil: of:,PottiF:•sM. • Pa sd' 92,teliz) vT, 40.02; it titielden B stEnP _e - lf-lacksaia 4t- B oes. ourppare, . Lewb4 Wm. ,a ht. -a Ens% Starkweiittoi, • itherwooo l ,;_f ". i - , thin - zui.w.. Brothet,' 1414TILardo • ;•p• - : , M7 16 0 1 1 11 , 11 401.7'7 Ci.tilidd. ' -11- Siartviratitilf. • - Willet,..: r - 1 li f trqnt'iA4itintsti'l, r.W41 : , T)141. et,r. jams , Deercif. U Wood, 0 " 4 14 -- • Parka. 118kiii. ,, • , z - ;‘• '*'-- Plitt I .tilear, Wilkition*Xlitira# 0141.0•TEIViothY;•: - . Coilidoriport, 0ct:344, II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers