' • • . • %eft atib of the: glowilig4rods .tulitte'OrDetober.:. . 0 gee' " apalysis and descri iirtbit` Month% ' airrt 'on be ObtstioellirwureaAer t ,wort..ht end uninterest jog v, Mumonth atkr l .6ett atltgetiPnai Out) P,one,Olfergrak: ificatiossittSsfeetiou:te.t,hu,diyepe - easteTt iricrulany Weis:" bei,oheribbilld 'sad rnlSut , ' ihelitirtesis areinoi,tlV AchriAfitilare' - wri - e SuttmeNverdure ? :the'wOods in'the first etag,es of liitY decojVtlialbliiii gone or g l / 4 abiglit Ward genial-climates; thegirdett rusty Red 101 l :of:seedy:or. 'frog-stricken lioltalit3X43 7 , of4hil,qP7- toroutf gitnielAtinmer and thp---ariproatth , of ehill,Drinfer,:,, liOW'oppeeite ttithis is the truth i Now farmer's heart Overflows with the con seiortiiteiii)of les' wealth; I The."-rent-rall of tittv largest itirid•owner,--the stocks and botids:of tbe , riehest broker, the ships and warebortseautthe most pritieely merphaot, can never give their owners such an over, flowing and ,eurttepted.feelinl , of ihiti air -- the troside - d - -liarns and geanariei, and , wellfitJcked linters and tolds give, the farmer. He has labored Ard 'through,tlie,_Strip o'er's, heat, has cast ninny and aniioos glances at the clouds arid ' , Acds; Ifair iistoper!ivith strained ear for, the _creaking of ponderous 72,7008 leadia With bay,: .at his caperieneed eye reads the tlireats ha the gatheting eleuds. Ifut.ustarvider mini roof are gathsred thatitenginhtfcCitud,,coudensed rays of the sue and breaths.of Summer zephyrs; the eartit'ta fat ovum and its,,,ieerewle have eoutriliati4 Wake ; bim :rich. As' he atonal fitier with the last rays of t, he snn jukt gilding the pen tented faces of the itattbitiojoyinig their erening meal, evitiewinttthcit end, and hears. the rhyt 11 7 mica beams of the ,npilk on -the empty trails or,t,iitalotiffled -sound as the rapid streantli reit iu team, harnionizing with! the rptiet Dooings of pigeons or the oeca -004 &cry ;remonstrance: of , some hen Ohltdteir Orevded'elt the vre3-filled.reost; his, heart caotot fail to overflow with grat 411444filtalitegiriug. for Gud's getxl rtess atid_ustere's bounties. The nndeni able iigtos:Of Wealth on' all sides give him rittiiii:pesitive satisfaction than any less f".gatc OlxiPer4.9 can shaken in it: owner: The Miser to' enjoy his hoard must lock Ma door and chink the gold pieces togeth er, else - half his pleasure is wanting. Bare ownership never rewards men ; the reward is in tletthig:the'posses,siett, and showing it to otireri. ~:The• well-filled crib, the high•Aled - hayi-staitk' or bay, the low of pleereattle; the peaperni yeat of sheep. all reiterate in tones unnitstakable to us 4416 euriteighberi; oni prosperity and tilriklitd : bear, ,onstaut witness to our Bnriluicf work : s.• . - - GlialeA'farra4 . at such a time if you siish Litt; " to acmtribite to any Worth, eanse t antyett wilt scarcely be refused. Adid it.*; Oat the firmer onlithatOcto ber cheers and delights, To the eyes of sit- tie love:nature,. it offersi nut decay tint "-Zeath,, hilt a rich dillay of -her elicieel3t *tales. every tree is new depkedinks moat glowing attire; it seems swthough.all the sun's warmth and the earth's' 'rich fatness had been eelletited and 4%0t/4:Only to be returned infipite lytittereasedand iiuproved. The air feels its duties enlarged,' ankis changed -into blue and purple mists, that envelope all the iithUtgllitills:the valleys.' Nuthing isrmiltrjras. z',Che . :, hedge-rows that, oh eei unieLtolighsveibeen the home of the e- third and„the, ihrttit, - and whose floral beautigt,have, bidden their heads in the thick verdureand shadow front the too ardent caresses Of' t he' sun, are now radi, aikwith the yellowgolden-rod and the perple..aster.; in the brown meadows these flowers are almost ,put . to 'shame by the rartliene _Of the - gentian. Bistig front the - eitia . dew/ . through these flower mists aster* and golden-beds, gaining intermit ty - Of color as it reaches - the birches, ma. piebi-c,*tnuts And oaks,,Weeded togeth er and,yet - made more brlliant by the pun. ple-atmosphere, the spirit of beauty in 01. o graWsLmOre and'morel wonderful and Mitgnifieent, till the splendors of the earth mat 4hose of the sunset. : It seems as if sZeintsciolisneSS Of.the long eleeP of Win, tee,' now near at hand, had roused the material ,world. to show ,its gratitude to its, rd'ailta Ilaiter for his 'cocistmat care and kindite.ss—fOr the gentle rains and windstatNring 7 4pr the hot, and stimu lating-suns of Shminer-:-for the' lantrute , 'Autumn--into one re:; stibid;tiehldlehijih; in . Whose •ictig the vorpii:of.ttiti 'smallest flower is' not loSt, thoileilliinded With the mighty tones of forestand mountain. Ilia Gait , who Min walk t sled fieids r(ow,','"careleilA or mil io the, beaiity around him. ' -,..Theitarreat of the farmer is nearly over, it fire the apples gloW,monong the withered lia6a " be baselittleitottre to - look for: But maw is Assn'', high', '.no of the honest' of beitiitt_Viieh beginning for the true loy ett:itrattert-iwthe-violet-and 1113 y-flower of thwßfreiod.:liiitkboan imitstantlY swell iiti tg•b'totikapdtirer, in the deep ,iraj 14:AfillfrilliAkhili:ilifieN. all Summer hhig, VoisOfic fult7"tirlied field 1 . 3 spread otipAgcgr~rg3gi44tt o.; the eartlea aurfnee, and noir efaits.tbo the sink le of .the reap. ere; wii - tifay-tut And store away in their 11 0, 111 6. 1 idie edifti:aiskwhielishall feed their taindi Y4ra in'coino; and ell:kw iorkand-awelling-in that, shall make them it to participate in slPthe-bountleirtinit f Pod Virouglinature; - • • Iteiraiikgosucesrofile.iiiio o o4 7o- • deirilrfp •`'t . (W - tind - an:following niepintsceneer the late SenattiiiAct:rick s ii the 'N TRilieme.eft ihe 12th inst.. 3114troderl, in rime, near RanTran eisco, Cal., on the- inorning of the 13th uit , by Sedge Terry..: The death' of air, orobria - $Ol5, by t the friends of Dr. • Gwin, the - administration . leader'in ihat ;01 his funeral - cor tege we, the largest ever witnessed there, evidencing the general popularity of the man: 'We comurend the foljoirio. , , attention of th,oo or s . f o _yang reader who are liirt f ir in drinking and flekauplipry. Ix, is an exeellent sou for therr'atody Jouu..] itEItnISCENCE,S.OF ., BitODV4ICK7 . - , . 4r..liroderiek vras the son of a sone 7 entter,. who pr,;Cticed his calling hi the City br Wash.' inter!, tehere.Senawr Itti/dbrick , was, born. lie prid-rd - hitOeiftin thiabiith ;Si once said, in the Senate, that henoald then look around burn and see upon the walls the w,orks,.of his father's cbis'l. On comin g - of ige thiiik berere), he wentto New-York, anti." with a machine for a time.. lie afterward kept a snet of pc/ph r-house; but, even under the hi lltience of 'these' association's; be. eschewed drinking and debauchery. Man eiptosion'of fulminating s.hells at a founders in hseiv-York, some Se;:rs since, his only !Stutter, wha_ sat astride one of the shells; and In clearing opt the contents produced. the :explosion, was biotin to afrans;" and thus perished the only /- person cat earth knoWn to me, in whose yens "flowed a drop of my blood" (Broderick to'd nie tuis). In 1848-49 ilroderack removed to California, and, in partnership with I.'retl.-D. Kohler, went into tile py in g nese, When Senator Nathaniel 13enaet Was chosen Justice of the - Supreme Could by the Legislotere,BrOd crick succeeded him as Senator from: San Francisco, and eras rerelected, .serving in the erssions of 1850'; 1851, 1852, and 185.1. Ile was a bold and fearless leaslator, and resist ed to'the list the infamous slave-law passed by the Legislattffe of (I forget the year s ) ' His morals were much higher than those of the average of his legislative compatriots. lie said i& one of his speeches .iu the late canvass in Califoraia. that "no man had ever seen him " drank, or at the gambling table, or in c. "brothel'." - This was literally true. Itore over, .he was no official &feather to tbe thiv ernment (ride Gwin), mud he paid his debts like aft' lamest wan. Mit the great value of nis life consists in the exainple of seMretleuip tion and self-culture v. !licit it rtlfords. 11e 'early appreciated his deficiencies, and under took to remedy them. He became a hard stu dent; be was in the habit of applying to kith dons friends, stating his special"defuets, and of asking their advice and assistance in laying out a course of reading and study. Thus lie I avoided the waste .. of time which results from desultory pursuits, and his attainments were solid and systematic: He was a young man of meet premise.. His qualities were sterling He never forgot a friend; he was placahle to his enemies; he was true tohis word. The duello in California is 30 irlStitl/ItiOn to which public men must conform, or renounce pulitkal Mubition.. It:is:even a profectionln gentlettien- against the . leg reOlata violence of sudden etteountetss awl Street fights. That ttrottpripk was tar be killed,. if possible, has been eviOitt: trim the ceintrienteinent:of the lute canvass. Ile }vas often provokedrand.in suited, hut : 1).03)10y nunciunceti'that he wee!d not fight until the canvass was nver. C win Announced his intention to fight Ilk, but qq Atte thought he would kill Ilcoderivls himself. It was done a la Johnston, and fgrgusqu, one of his pigeons : u, . NEW LIST OF CALIFORNIA .NAMES. —Classidal nonicticlatpre .10- Certainly been largely drilin 'upon in:naming places in this State. Take the following as specinielts of tlalifornia lisp in 'such that- ters , -; i! • " 4 - ' ' Nanies of )lining Localities : Potato° Hill, Salt Pork Ridge, Mugawimp, Blue Kapyon, Devil's Habit', Last Chance,-lied Caps, liar, Bunktpurille,. IVlii4key Slide, One Horse town. Greenhorn Creek, Ilutw iaug Opleli, Sticker Flat, lied Dug Dig gings, -Snail' Galuli. Shirt Tail Bend, Digger Creek, Poppet Diggings, Wulf Bar, Hell's Delight, Deadtve•ocl, - Ruekey Flat, C l ass Winair Creek, • I'epper, mint- Hill, it ru oy Crack, Stud Horse' G itloh,' Rent 'Gut; Dog Town, - Mad Os Kanyon, Yankee Jim's' Sailors, Diggings, Calf ll:tr, Rattlesnake liar; Ilardscrabblo, Stoney Gulch, Henpeck City, Hursolshoe demi, Poverty liar, Coffee Creek, Jackass Gulch, Secret Ravine, Angels' Camp,' Lovers Hollow, l'et Luck City, 'Mosquito ] Kanyon, Pitchfork, Pepper Doi, Lottse illage, .Hang Town, Rum Dlossetn,Plain Ground, Hogs, Glary, Rlonniv gun, Rag ] ged lireeches li,ar,. Grizzly tear Raving, .14.3gg Nog Retlenicait, Maw. Male' Kanyon Rat Trap Slide Love Letter Gawp, Pet ticoat Slitie, One gye, Chacklehead Dig gings, Seven 'by-Nieelralley, -Nuteake Carup,Brefeet Diggings, Pappytown, Poker Flat, lirandy Gulch, ,Palint Yet 'Hill; Rough and Ready; Rag Town,•Cen tipede Hollow, flog's Diggings, &F., So. NEW ITEWBEarI STQR.Ei - 111 B. BUTTERWORTH 'having located hirtinelf in this Borough, in the building recently occupied by Di. Ellison, on Main St., opposite the courthousehas opened' a JEW RIAT ESTABLISBUEBT, for the purpcoe ot . agrAIRING, • - • •••., wAT , • cb9c4,l4ii ;.; 1.. JEvrELBTC;U . . ; Having scime.years: experifnee in the.bmsl !seas, I feel conEdent in giving the l'ottlic OWN -44; SATISFACTION, The patronage. of the solicitecL- ,Please give me a call. Ali wgrk - tvarranted or no pay., - ,d getierMamortment ofATatelies; Clocks "a rd 4ewelry onnitinal for sale. COnderspork.lune 30, 1859 —4B, e . A:dm istratrix' Notice.' VIT usfitEAs letters of administration to. the - It Estate of SAtives. Qt.*, late' at' ale iCatni ship of Ettulet, in the county .ofratter, dee'd, hate heen granted to the. subscribiT, all per.. son: indebted to said estate are requested to make ituniediate'paytneut ; and those hexing claims against the saute will present them, duly authenticated for settleinent; to aAXANTEIA PftEattcl; 4 41 7 1 * 11149:—'t ME PALat VO: Nttrket StrectltihatrPhilatret.;"" , DEALERS; IN fISN. CHEESE:AD [laic Oonstn.nUy on hand - , eri .ni4Vitinent ct BILIBD .7 ND PICKLED FISM3i6.OIi Macy. ere', sliad, Salmon. prrring,s, t`4s(ll` fish_ Beef. Perk, Lard,SlTolders,"Bluns, Bides, Cheese; &c:r - I:3PEDIFIO SPECIFI4.I • .1 - ICOREOPATIIII; ! REMEDIE . ,':}, dll/M,EOPATIIIcr gpiptifs, . 11OMEOPATILIE REMEDIES, • -/10MOFATiiie , REMEDIES , . - 4 1 .01%0PATIIIC'REMEDIES iJo. 562 . - BROADWAY.. lio; 562 BROADWAY: , No. 562 • 11/I.DATAY A Y; , • No: . 062 BRO.iOVi r AY. WA. - 56 'BROADWAY. " THE GBEAT FEATURE • • ' OREAT VE4TURE " THE GREAT IPEATITRE " Tag GREAT" FEATOBE TILE - GREAT • FEATURE Of tliis 'series of Donte.stic'Rcitiedies is lbw each : particular medicine is a'SPFMI'FIC for the particular disease or class of 4isgAprz whOie name it hepre, awl may be relied upon for the cure of particular affection. Renee ',per sons suffering from a chronic disease or long standifig silmepi, in buying a case nf Buiteit- StEYS' SPECIFICS, obtain the particular one de sired in their case, and thus themselves titalm a-core which ctlierwise would cost them Many LlollArs, and po small amount of time and Medi= cal atlog4 l !-Iggl if, in4#ed it could' be obtaincl at all; Thas multitudes suffer from UYSPEDSJA.' nth' IGUSDONDITION, COS TIVENESE, DADTASTE'i COO. Eli TONGUE and DEBILITY, which 13 perfectly controlled and cared by the • DYSF aOSI.A. SPECIFIC. - There is scarcely 4-phase or form of this disease which is not promptly controlled and ultimately cured- by the use of this Specific. Thousands who have suffered for years with this Bilious Condition" having purchased a case of the Specifies, have obtained a perfect cure add immunity frqm their old Fouthlitint. COUGH§ , POWS, AND SOK THROATty which so frectueptly lead to lIRONCIIITIS A—VD CO,VSUMPTS-V, • are all ip, their early stage secured by the cotrau Ilany cases of long seceding, Bronchitis; aril iiiitating Coughs have been perfectly Cured' by this sppoita But, more!. many person 4 have n specifip liability to colds and rake them' from the least exposure. ' This will be entire ly relieyed by the use _of the COUGH PILLS, as scopps can testify from experience. So CATARRH • la one of our most-common and most &Ohio sow diseases, against which the Old Sclmol Medicines and even lioniceopathic prescrip tions, aro of very little use. Yet hundreds of persons have been-cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstin ate cases of CIVYAIIRIi by the use of this specific., One aged lady in Syracuse was --thus per. repay cnresi of a Catarrh, which bad 1 . tinnyod her all her life. A young lady atone of our first class hoarding schools, who was eo affitct ed Ali this disease as to require more tlptu forty handkerchiefs a week, was entirely cured in a•single week by this Specific. • • •• ' P I, E 5,.. bleedieg. and blind,_is one of thoe common and obStinate forms of disease which are sii difficult to cure on the ordinary methods, -bit which find an entire and fandl l entaf cure in the Piles Specific. True, tithe i required; but the Specific is pleasant to take, requires neither diet nor restraint,.and being followed up a perfect, cure is the result. Igundreds of persona, iu purchasino• a case of Spehitics, have obtained a cure Cur this most, trying and obstinate form of disease, which has been worth to them-ten limps the cost of the entire set. Cases •of over tWenty years'. standing ' have been cured with this simple Specific, and we believe oil may be cured by . perscverance. The ease coot: ins the best t FEVER AND AGUE SPECIPIC known. A remedy without any deleterious Or poisonous Subitances, which, not only, cores the ngue, old, mismanaged agues, but may be rolled upon as a preventative . when pe'sons are residing in a fever and' ngue'dis, trict. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that iaceinittion prevents :entail-pox or . bellndonna prevents scarlet fever, - by pre., occupying tne system' with true- Specitici Hundreds have been thus protected and cured. The ophuvamy Spedifio has proved a most invaluable remedy for SORE EYES and EYELIDS, and. for. WEAK and BLURRED SIGHT. Ode lady in Indiana ; who had been a engem from sore eyes for many years, and for two ;Cars was entirely, blind.. was cured!peyfeptly by the OphthaltuySpecific i . . . alone. . - to which so many are subject, finds a curative: in the case; There is a specific which relieves, at the tinge of the attack, and also one which corrects the ()audition of the system' upon! which it depend's, an so destroys the Preens"! position to return. 'she Specific for the various forms of, magi COMMITTS have' proved invaluable: :Old long stitndin bEet7COll4ll4ll oi VfIiITE3, are attende i ieith 4ebliity o:' exhaustion, and- for ; whic other farms of medicine are of little valite, a fully cuntvollect and- cured by the PSIIALII PILLS, while tho specifie for. irregularitiei control *Rost every fornp scailty f painfyl os irregular vrjerestioatkoli - DIARRHOS I AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS in adults or children are nontrolled like meg- , is by the Diarrhita Pills,' while 'it may be averred wilhoilf - the possibility of suecessTel contradiction 'that the DOeiatery Pills are th mi3st perfect Sivelfic.fof that tlioertie hnowl4 - .For the various forms of CA.TtLET :FEVER, MEASLES, agd colter-diseases of children, the Feves: may be safely and surely' relied upon. • Tbese spe c t(i sa are the prescriptions of Pr lIUSIPAItgY9, 14c.4 for 'years in his 'extensive practice, and to the pirfection of which he has cevoted th: resources of cAterisivelinowledge, experience and'study. The public igaY rest 'assuria• thai I durin; the life-tiine of Dr. U. no one has been shall be intrusted with the preparatiiiii: of his Ski cites,: qs be, Ofera the gutirsaii,of : his professional life *tad, rePßlAlitiatb,ait ItbOlii ite ju4 as' he represents , They have now heat:before' fo'r five years, and have everywhere won golden opinions from the many thousands who bay used them. • • 'Simple, free from , itstricacy„techelcality, • • _- danger, they have: ecome the ready rOdura end ai4 of the parent; _frivelor, nurse, or SEE 11 1 -7 , \1P 1- 11: 1 EYs 7 SPW3FIC„,,j: SIvECIFIC , 27E:4 VACILES, 1111 va. . id ~;14:51- 4 Rcßie 14 :n2 . itt ~ 41 i' I 4111011,1010i,4dV • igitAt. t, 1 49 11 . / 111 S.- , . e,_ Ras-Vera Lave thigAteeitari liehAntitty ben approved, autlAeir h . heskt ittg to I 'is rnoug those wWtiiture kidiau ..' • ;Itloartnthiatekr, . '.. 243 41Mity iiii:. fiiirdier:irSiiitiiii'`iti tit bl - 0. ,e :. 'W.c,itliCoartiktilliii;ll l :9 - 111.14, 14 / 1 74,: Gl4 /97utsP; tuik#44; orWn aiirrteid, in iced it tilli' Kf tie _O i +l - il l'; g.. • ;-".. * I - : i-41 ' .1,11. 1 OF ,itizarzu alliDTES'il . f.:FSVER, PILL--Ror 4eit ion and lahopHttiolCof all, kinds. ..‘„: Nd. ..4. Ii,YORIt PILS,.-.-For . Wciti - -Fitir, ; 1 ,Wornt.COlic, an AVilting,the W. 1.. ,":.; 1 N 9. 3'. RAO'S PIL '-zFor colic;"CryAng: Teething.itnd Wakefiiinessi aid Nervous: , • *. — 7 .-- 044iilfi; - , , : --- .. N . 4: PIARR.II(EA PILLS - -=For Hiarrhcea. I i rSesa • Cboll;ra fnla it to in a tufS noon er pAni pla in!, N . ii.- DYSWIVIT P I LLS—Forpilic, drik-, ilig,. 11,v1(enteri'or ltßoody Fink, - r : ~• N .. o: CHOLERA PILL*4-For Cli4Srai Choi ' era Mortids, Votnitifig, -,(' 1• , , ' ,.. 2 ': N . /. 'COUGH PILLS-For- Coligift,., Coldi, ; . Hoaiseness,lulluenza.aud.Sore7hroat.::: N.r.....TOOTITACIIE PILLS—For TOothticb,:e, Faceacbe:. and Neuralgia . ' ' 1 ; ' i•:--,' ‘.o. 61 - HEADACHE 'PILLS—Por Areadache, j ' Vertigo heat and Fulluess'OCtlie liettd; l )19.16. DYSPEPSIA-PILLS-,-For Weak and • 1 , HeroOged :Stomach.C" Couz , tipation add. - Liver Complaint. ' , 7 Is o. 1:r. FOR Fgum i g IRRECULAHITIES+ INScanty. Painf ul or stippressed periods. o:12, FEMALE. PILLS,-For Lencorrhcqa, Profuse Menses and 'Pealing Down. • No. 13. CROUP. PILLS-4•For CrOuli; lioarge Cough. Bad Breathhig. '. - 1 o. 14. 5A.13.11111W11 - PlLL&LFoi..Erysip6. , . Ins, Erirptions,Timpies on the Face. - . o'. - 15. RIIEUMATICPILLS--.Forlyitii:Latne 'less or Soreness in the Chest, B ack, Loins, ~ or Lina: . ' .1• • _ ; f 1111 Fever and Agile, Chill Fever, Dumb 4gue, old ntimanaged ,Algues. ' P,--For Piles, Blind and Bleeding, Interna l ' Or External. Sore, Weak or fa@moil Eyes and kaelids. railing, Weak or Blurred-Sight, .C.—For Catarrh, orlon . standing or wept, either with obstruction or profuse di.ttcitarge.: LW. C.—For Whooping Cough,' abating, vtoleuce-and shortening its course:" .tf- •L. ‘• , 'til`f set 20 tate vial's In SforoteCt Cass • and Book . • $ 5 9 0 ltuil.set, 20 large vials, in Plain uase - and / • - Book • f. 4.00 aso 01.15 numbered boxes and, Book. • 2 00 asa of any 6 numbered boxes and Book 100 single numbered boxes, with directicius 25 ngie lelered boxes, with directions 50 pcirge pin Cation,or 'physician's ease, nod oz. vials .10 00 '-- • ' : . . OdE REHEDIES BY All.. OUR' REMEDIES fir.wa DUE REMEDIES BY MAW OUR, RF:HEDIES BY. , HAM. 01.7 E REMEDIES BY L. Logic over the-list; make up a case . of wbitt iud yoo choose , tupl ereclQ,se the ainoUnt, sn current note or silt trips, fiy •crutit. to 'our sid iirpss. nt \o. 563 Broadway,,NeW YM-k; , arid the medicine will be duly returned . by mail or 'express, fran,of , DR. F. IIeNIPHRF.I7S & 1 • ,Ko. sc2;Broildway. Nei' Sn'ti'in•eiaiteleispok by ww:srEscEtt.;:dd !LziISUING, and all Druppias. [46-4mo.] i7 - 1 1 ATENT TOOKE T - a • COIN DETECTOR For TESTING the various , kinds or , GOLD. AND SILVER COINS... 't Irr IS ADNIITTED BY ALL TO BE TirE . MOST PERFECT TIIING•OF ITS KIND. EVER OFFERED TO -THE PUBLIC. - r*C IT IS SO SMAt..L TILIT•IT CAN BE CAR. 1 , DIED INVIIh f 'POCKETWITIIOUT 'ANY! • INCONYENIENVE.I - Every. MERCHANT shoUld have it . " iivery STOREKEEPER shbuld have it Every MECUANIC should hhve it!!! ".. Every MIN IN' BUSINESS should have it.! !11l .- 447!A warrantee goes with every that is, said. • . - . _ pzi4cl=4 ONE DOLLAR, Pustprtid (iv pert of 4W. U. S. wArii.ED Ad*wva f in every comity. in . tho, I!nit~d ,States, to whom a lihpral triseoinit wilt 14. made. Address. MAY MoKNrprz, Bnx 1150, Philadelphia. Ira; gro Thouttetpirs. IMETIIING NEW.—B. T. T.r BABBI' BEST , 1 . I MEDICINAL BALEILVIVa. Is manufactured from commons:tit, and is prepared entirely different from other Saleratus. Alf the del eterious matter extracted in such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit, and alt kinds of Cake, without can. taining a particle of Saleratos when the Bread or Cake is baked; there. by producing wholesome instills:— Every particle of Saleratus is turned to gas and passes through the Bread or Bicuit while Baking; consequent ly nothing retnainshut commoa Salt, Water and Flour. You will readily perceive by l the taste of this Salem'. tus that it Is entirely diffeent fron? other B.l:lentos. - • -___ ‘ 'it is packed in one poundpapers, each wrapper Vranded. " B. T. ii,lll- hilt's Rest Modioirtaf Falepttwi el, so, picture, twisted loaf •of •bread,i with a glass of effen - escl ng wate.r en the top,. When you purehase one } litT7m2 sil°3l l 4 FC,Sonin the wrap..l r • ga aa-, . be -prtictflair tie get thei, ne it elactly lake theflict- - ter4nd as' Full directions - for making Bread with this Saleratus and:Sour Mills or Crearn Tartai, owill accompany! each! pacicage ; also;,diieitions fel, making alt kinds- of Pastry ; ollso,' , for utaking Soda, Water 'awl Set& lit; Polidettl. lc 02 eV , i`r.,.. - - 2 , i1i.E.X01113.01VN-SOAP,—,:,. cairn .- - *-- -, -,/- 13. T,4IABBITT'S PURE, ONCEN ' TR.MD'POTAS I,• :"' s .. Wilri'al/tVA " 4 O .O4e gie-4 1 fedattl'ofi ordinari Polish ;, pat up , ilk EUs . , , 1113, . 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 6 ItiS. and la Itis. " '—witli - fall' directions for making ow Ilard. atid Soft-goap.n,Coosomen vill find this the ebeagest Potash in "soirket,-.., - I ,-- 412. /..- . .7-,. 1 70 liallefaetereli end fn. sale by'_" otr. 61 * telirra ' WaSliihktillilSirat 1::' 1' New.Yo=4kl ,iitist. 30, Inditi-street, 1 13osiOn. ''' LI 144 .- -;ye 1' 68 BM 70 Gal Alp 70 68 FM 'To 68 E , R n IN TUE POTTER Ju 111 —)." OR WItSI7- -4 .-the inventor pf MORSE'S IN-; WAN ROOTJ'ILLS. This philanihropiat hag spent:the greater part of Welke ih traveling: having visite/la:rope will as'North Artteile:44.ies etient threeyearti araong•the indiaistrof outiAtestern "couistry - -4 it was in this way that the •tildithiltooPill. Were firSt - cliSe'overed. Di. Heise was the first man to' establish the fact:that all diSe.ase.sarise frOm 111PURTTY TU strength lealth dopeaclettnpcinT thb vital fluid. 1 - I 'When the starionsietsiages liecorde clogged; and do ifot act in perfeet harmony:with:the diftereitfinietions of tit* hodyi the blood Inses! its action; becoraes•thiek; corrupted and•sdis l : eased thus'causirig all pains,. sieknessr anti! dietress• of every tiame:;:loni - strength is ex-I.: hansted f :oni. health ive,ore dePrived:of; and if nature Is not assisted inthrsialitg off the Stag. tient humors; the blood ;will become choked and cease to act, and thiti our light of life Will forever be blown out. ! how important then that we should keep-the .carious passages of the body' free and open::And bow pleaSant to us that we have , it in our power :to put a medicine in - y Our reach,! nemely. Morse's la.; dints Root Pills, manufactured front plants! and roots which grow around the mountains"! ous cliffs in Nature'S garden, for the health and ' recovery of diseased man. One of • the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific., ! which opens the pores of the skin, and assists 1 Nature in throwing out•the finer•parts of the corruption - within. - :The second is a -Plant which is an llspeetorant, that open; and nn.:l clogs tho passage to the lungs; and thus; ltr.a soothing manner, perforins itS.iltity by throsr-! big off phiegra*, and other humors 'from "the 1 lungs, by copious spitting. , The third ica Di ..ttretiv, which_ gives eas 4,natd„ double ,strength to the kidneys; flies encouraged, they, dran largestriounts of impurity from the which is then thrust; ant bouttufullyiby:The urinary or,water, passage .and ! which could not have been dischargyd in, any other, way. The fourth is a Cathartic:, rind . accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged' lin purifying the blood t . eciarser particles' of impurity, which .cannet pass by the othei 1 outlets, arc thus taken tap and, conveyed off in! . . great enantities by theltiosiels. ' • • From' the above; it islsheivn that.lir. Morse's Root Pills not isaly enter the stomach, but become jolted, with the 'blood, for, they final way to every part, and etunpletely rout out, and cleanse thesystem•frem all inip. city, end the life of the body, • which 'is 'the blood, comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from' the system, for they cannot remain When the body becomes so mire and clenl. : • The . reason why people arc so, distressed' when sick, and why se: Many die; ii,heetiuse they do not. get a medicine which will, pass to the afflicted pitrts,'eUd tdhiclu t ill oPerithe natural' passiges for the disease to be east Out ;1 hence. n, large quit ntity of food"and other mat-:1 ter is• lodged, and the stomach and ; intestines 1 are literally overflowieg ,with the corrtipled, mass ; thidergaine disagreeable '`fermen tation, constantly mixirp with the blood;which throws,corTupted. platter. tltiwnglt every and artery, until life ja i ltaken Nom, the body by disease.,, have : added to themselYei - vintorY npen - tnillieris'tif • the ski:" terblOonimg; Itealflt and happiness. Yes,' tho`giatide'lthci` hate 'hem, racked cir• torniented • NG - 1111 RI c n esis. Pain . and anguish.: and, whose feeble-frames have ,been; scorched: bythr burning! elements of raging • feYer, and-who have 1,4 n Ms - lug-lit, as it were., within "ti ateP of the:silent "grate; now* stand_ ready to test iry that they. • would base - been numbered with the dead, had it, not ,been:for, this great and wonderful inedidine. :tlorse's ' Indian Root Pills.. -After one or two doseS hati i been taken; they w t ere•itstenislitot and nbso=, lately surprised, in Witnessing their chnimine effects.., Not only do they, give, immediate easel and - strength, and take away •ell sickness. pain and" anguish, they at. once! go to work et the 'foundation 'or the 'disease: which is the blocd. 1! Therefore, it Wilrbe shown; especially by ttIOSO who use.these that they will so cleange and purify, that dis, ease,-...that deadly; Caietiy- 1 -Will take iti - flight; field the flush of Yontli 'and beauty ivilr again return. and the prospect of a log land happy' -1 life. will cherish and brighten your, da,yr. Merchants. and Traders, be on' their gitriyeku•d'uot Im•biwtinfuri• main by a Conn; fetkif of Or. 'gorge's Indian toot Pills, signed ..-I, B. Moore. : 'AII genuine , Pills will hereafter have- the name and signature of D. LAKE JUDSON, successor to A. J. White"&to.,) on eaeli:tios. .'! MI 68 All orders tt&letters relating:.to Saht , Fig§. lonst be addressed to W3r. I.ll.7Dtit; CO., aizietors_of Dr../o..lrasl'.s.gagnOtic Oint- NadlsoriNo., Gegeral Agent's for Dr. Moises' Indian Root Pills:" . - DE 70 13. LAKE 'JUDSO:4"; . (iiitecessor. to '-41;.'• White St CO.,)110 Leottaid Sieeet,Seiv York, SoleiProprietor, Sold by SMITII &: - JONES, OckuslciApart•katF r crtri, 4eAke,inc Dealers .44 the . e0t? . .. 4 11G ' —•-"• ''• G 8 - HOWA ASSO C I • TION, - 7111ILADELafrA .., .', stahlislted MerWel 4141 sift aad` dir tressed, afflicted tritk eisat ' #4lichlni 4 -44actiesi . .••1 141 HE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, is vie* o theawful.fjestruetiou Of bunaan IliNeauk; ed , by Sexual diseasesiseveral yearango direct ed"their Consulting Sargebt4to open a - D;spen sary &tithe freatieentof this class tifiMeattee, iti all their foiras ' arid' tOkiiie 311IDICAL AD VICZ:GRATIS; t ot all, who bya with a description ofl their contlitibu t •Alige, occupation s life *9.4 Awl' incases of extreme TioVerty, to:TIMISEI NIEISICL.I't.B VREV- OF CHARGE. • u t •Th4l/11ketorirof lilts Wts'o'Ciiii'cg, We Annual Report e x press th&higheat aitis-. fact:on xvith tbikartcpessirltial..,has Atte:l4,o I the labOrk:ottheir.,Surgeona. _core of B Permatotrliimi, Seatifial'Tireat - ,zieie, v oiitibrrr GleitYSiptilisiitiik.'riett , Sciltabuse, Disease of the; Kidnets 'arid blad der, &c, and order wet - ltinnanskof.thlfaalife plan for the ensuing year..,:. Au-adraiy,able Report on ' SPerinatcirrltceit, e: Sctulnal WealGniak thi - viee of Oudniini, lirrhation or Self-Abuse and otheolliseases of tho . SexuatlCtriatisi!.by!,ttii von will be sent by mail, - (ift olmaled opeAßE49f ; CllAßGhl,lotti. fisclpt ‘ of: TWO sTA.NIrs - fitti * 4 - Address, for Itcport Weabitent,';' .1. SKIT,LIN TiOUGHTOSI Areting Sergeoa,. Viforard Assoeiktiori,,No:i2 SOuth Nintl6Street; 12 hila4e!Plki,, 'r EECI 70 68 Asii 70 „'J. •~~ AND , I'O II I . ' 1 1711 `cAuTfoN': lett• '.. 4 4t,.. No 41'1 4ci . thr, . .. isimpure "' tlot, d-. ..-...,.. ; ;li.ic _. ..., it Is: h : lacy in , stituticm,tlesetiiding 4 ' parent' t, unto the Wird and folilh_ nation tifror it f_e....0. bet i the tiod Him whc will visit the julquitles of the fat r.thcii'ulta4teii:!. - T- -- -:itr7 - .., --,':'--- Its ixf[ektit viiminenee bt &Todd( idoedbf • CUT* ar ulna" olts matter, 't,l3e.hings; liver; it#ld Adernal ergs , :tolietele4,ln the - glands,! swelli. ,:the siutate;mnititions',4 tints& Th. ~ruption, Which (fenditt 114tlie blood, 'lite 'eatergiA or le,•sa,,that seroft ' tines: .hot 1 / 4 only".;tutTer', from sew plaints, 114 they'haiiitarthus pol stand, the_ Uttiteks nrOther disc iquently. i east ;:iiumyets - perish 1 • whinb, alf.hough'uotierofulous m are stilt titnlized , fatal by this 4.ystein. 3Tost iit th<Utnisumption euntitis the - hunial n Ninny has its e in this scrOfulons contamination ;.• destrtietivi &scants of Abe tiver,•kidtk. Mid, indeed i of `,ell the otgans, arise are migraVated lif thle . etbm mune, One quarter oti,all!Out people nit their' persons' are invidedl by this. fcctinn, Mid their' health is undemill To ciciansie it ficnii the System we min the blood by - in' alterative medicine, vigotate It .by healthy Sand arid ., i' Suelt awds.. , e we - supply in AYER'S t • Conipiiiiid - Ex in tilit 'of Szrsal . . _ the most ienrody which tht skill . plAntr: t*"9 - cAt, ocAnk. fpr , this Avfici.c . iltefailing and fattil..tu*dy. . 1 '1( Mind from the nitit4satitie ;ettiediels Been triseoveredrof disindearons the tlood,'sautthi" ,s - gstena t-franutritivi?sle . iagethl. , i Renee t IthOsird i ll empjoyed _ not 014 v butrolsq- 41 .1 01 #f: Oh' titoW*Sek AU:4h%* and gins' PHRASES, Sr.*: 401 . ' l ll,oell RO4l. -or Eimin u i7zz.se. t _ . : P531'144 , 7.1 1 ( BLOi 7 eIIES, BaSnis sind Testi:MS, and, fistm Itnitfifsiiici*Sventsmc and ;Unmans . , inde.e4AU comPLAP.M 9 Ammo -now • Tar on inpy.un - Btoon. The_ popuh In-" ir,iriti it of thrbload"is foufidi for.'scroftda is allegeMatiqn . of the paiticuiar purpose and.y4tue rills is to putittitidligenettitethilvitai • without which sountliealth . is Impossible conttuninated, Constitutiow • p FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHIN are - so composed that dieeale Rh in the ratigte their action can rarely' withstand or:Made do. Their •penetrating properties search, and'elma: and invigorate rcery- portion cl•the homy , >- ism, correcting Its- diseased Action, - its healthy chanties. As a cameo properties, the incalid:lrlict:kiim pain or physhid astmail healtho resitreil tcylkraun simple andinvittes t , - , ~• • t Not only Ati they miie tie4reetz4 of Orgy tsiValsn , ritahr.l daugereut, dtaeases., l The 4geih, pleasc:Vo fundidi siatif,iisrAm! containing CertifiCateaot amtrett Air their uleirt the followingicnlnpl itess, Ileastb,urn,..Pendachcarien9, Stoiliach, airsia juaction. of i'ho Voirels„ Ratuicsicy, tile. Jot:hi:tier,' and r other kindr arising from a le* State tit tau' IAI' a( Ayer's_ P lon 'raw narto &no Coughs, Colds, ktifltteassi.; Croup, Bronebilisollneipik Itida had; fortlierxeastagof;t, Patient& 1n advidietze ammtl disease. 4 7, • • So 'fide; is, the field otitis roe& memos nit cases of - 'its elli every section of eountay ommas licly.knonii.ythO lid:re:been reSaatl and oven desperate diseases of use. :Men onto tried,fitiesiipi! Other medicine of its kind is truism, observation, and-whete.itkivittuesrn _ public no lorigeiliaiitati . vrhat Mitidble,to e 4". for the distressing and PIO mamma; yorgyns,rhnt areAr e ei4ey t tA o t t* many inferior remedies' thrust tips) enimiaunity have failed and -been distvird his' ained friendiby every4iial; ender/all ott• the ; niElintekthoy easi _nerer.forgebesa& • duced cures *too numerous ' ina,L*4-puoka.,o 40 1 . 4: 0 AP0t 4:lrA • DR. J. C. ATER,iiir; CaR Sold by SI4IITIL4 JClNES,tinit D.*: gre':'l l CER,Cii - bdiiiiisorti COREY ,'SUN;-rtioi,47 -. A - : B. HORTON, Cushingville; , NON 1. ".. N IC11)14.9;31 il Ipiort3;,c4l e SIBMONEs`.OSw4r . and•by all Merchants aad Druggists. 19 1 , MILLPORt :11E0 7 AIITA RTEES:f; frillE subscribers take this'methodir,4, JI: forming their,friends,that Ake) , are in nit ccipt,of, and are, no* Cimiling„..a rhoi,r,e 1 desinnble sthck of'.' .`-- 'l ' ••''' :fti. i ) - ' STAPLE AND 'ANDY DR Goobs. - 1 to tylifdetitei iiiiiM il4 attention of all et , i 'desire-to make purchases. enr stock inlini , .. bas 1 -teetc Selected is' itlifgreat-eati'e,'and it zr,„ tipylarly adapted to the wants of:thin srew4 of atwicoiFtg!,l o.LllstkiclLiof P,21', 0 .9(?i1!c% :-vials of 4 ' l'''' j : ,„ -- . ' I)Itt:SS GOODS, TRIM! ING S,l,ilßisOg.7i •P', , , -, EMIIROIDERIESf , I I ARASOy , 1 : 't,i BLOTIIS, CASSIMERES \ ,•:,:: fil trri... 1 >:. , -,111 4 f ST - HiGti,lP, Cr,..i -i w- , :1) t.7µ; ,-, 31t8TIDS, .' - ..,' *,,: r SHHITHWH; :,. - -, i ,ir ~. 4 " -- j Ll - NENS, ePlitilg, ' ' • ; -,; ''-' `` ;HOSIERY, SHAWLS, , • 4 e,' ". .',' and ii.vetriottnif otilerittiicles, :Uo-ttuse ' 4l O-Mention. , Yi'M Aiwa a 1 ,4P;.a.944 1/00 e r rant of • '-- • ,;- ,),-. r GRpCERIEkIII•', Itl3o AU -VT ~q A A ' 4l tHOCkliiii r i li " ' ' 1 ,-,.,-' ',ll of lorrai 4 iuntitiioti,iiecimb'iiiiib , for ready par,.and:forapproTed credit on roar,Otialdploynm tyhrply,c•ther,estaNisbrs. -, cr ei, I -, 3.1A1N ANICHO 44 Mi,,14)0,0, ~,A,,,u47 , 1_1. , ..1,, .116 .47 ,p)p,.), y:,,i,'.,,,,-4.-,,,,_ Z. .1. THOMPS.O.V . r 3 -, cAmt;App il 4 FAlRER,Soodirsliost,rottercp.,,p 6, l o - this method of infortaidelli.ellub•Vi tie 'V `tier' is . prep rfd to do nil work itelia!liita in a workcn:Tlrlike Aan..aer,,and npos most accommodating t erms. raytarAt Ratio 164 insdtiall7 reintit t a on`del f 7 est. th e work. . All . kinds of PRO 1 takm:ojkott:gtni474lo:lll.::,l rAt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers