El • W luta- 04y - t... -.ln.titrut • - o()F-; . ,}IEMIUMS l':;-Vdt5W.JUPUNIV_,1 ' wink elmirAtrileo UK% SEcORM 411INITAL-- I AiR tkbPkrAio-fiticotr,wnr , gta "-*•- dicta) Ayr v.l3,tp_oßT. 144,-xprx)- • tickker.§o . Thur facry, , r-' i(itA 1859. rw Llat of rnaulPtini. larttg.-:-An and /Volvo Breeds. Ant y's Old and npved, of each, $3 00 zilek.7 ;1 ; 1 dir . "l - Ain ' do . ' 200 da. .11. 40.. • ,ilo I do I. _ ...1.00 . do calf, • Ito 100 do hetso,4_ - 7. 1 4 . _ 2GO Id do •do 'do 100 twat do . _ ; _l Au, .. • . .. 100 Id' dim 'dcr " - - do 10 But heifer calf, Best yoke of oxen, ld but • "do Best yoke of steers, 3 years old, -do do 3 do do do _ . l do But training otiteers. is eacb a*, by boys under 1 .8 years old, 116 'A. Bess mulch con, ' ' ' '3 . 00 2d but - do - - 2.09 (coax to Ite. kept on grass during the exper iment and for two-week! previous to each pe r:nd Of triad; 'eac'h - period to be of ten days, and at interests of .not less than one month apart,': /The - statement furnished to contain the age aid breed oritte . cow, time of calving, qnstatity, of milkin both weight and meatinre, sad also the-weight,of butter doting the pe riod of ten Jaye; ,butler made to be exhibited at the Fair . and also . the cow statement to be verifieteby the affidavit of thit competitor and at least one otherpersom koowl ledge of the foetal : . 800 butter to firkin or'tub out, less than My ponnds,. - :00 bid best t . r:do 'do do. r 1 50 Best-ioll butter, not I,ess tJaan ten lbs. 100 Ind best do do do ito 50 Beet cheese s not Aces than ten. lbs. 1 00 1.10R2E3.-=-2llirough-bre4; Draught; for' All Work. • Nest stallion, of each, Best brood mare, Orith foal at hor, feet) of yeint add acid upward, 3 00 lest fin)ding, of each, 4 y's old and upw'd, 2, 00 do 3, 2 k y'r old. each 100 Best tassel, 2-- do do dO I'oo. du - 4 yesre . old and upward, 3, NI Best suckilg colt, - . 50 Best icuaihed span of carriage horses, or •• _ _ _ es,. each But 4a,a of Ought-gorses, pelt span of miles, 111111EP.—Long Wooled; Wooled; • Nerincia ; Saxons; Cedes Areeds. , $Ht Wait, 2 y's eld Rod upWard,of each, 00. do " under-2 'years old , do 1, 00 Rest pea of s . ewea, 2 y's and np:w'd, do 200 do •`‘ do adder 2 y's old, do ICu dtr Of 3 buck lambs, " • do. do do ewe do do. 100 Sett samples wool, - not less than 5 fleece; 2 . 00 Pihinaillei Of coat to be deposUed in Aug eum Beeletj.] SOW'S eep g, 11T1.1KE.--rge Brea, over, 3.50 Ibs. at Small Breed, tar than 350 - , Tbs. at maturity. - Bat hoar, Z Fears old and over, 4ear old,, , aad 6 tomato's old, each 15Q. Best breeding( sow, Z years. old and over, v- 1 - yeif Old; anti 6 months old, eacla 150 Beet . sow, Er months and under er old, 166 Bast lot of not less than 5 pigs, uncles 6 months aid, ‘" 1 Ort Birstchred ham, 1 . 00: [The'hau.i to be cooked AO brought to the azkihitibo with the akin on, accompanied *ilk i.atiitenienl of the mode of cuaiug.j. ' POULTRY. 4aat 10, (pollees than 1 cock and 2 hens),, native and improree'breedu, each oa fords and Guinea hens, a lot siAlessthatt 6 wilt . bp required.] Itsli#l9lofifiP°l 5 9 Dest gimeraf lo t of pon try, owned, by one !arson, - • 2 00 GItAC'T FAME'. But - . sop Ind bait farm," 00 do 3,00: (Condition:enltivation and buildings will be - eoasideied by the Judges in their award,, wad a statement of tbu management, will' be required Otoseh competitor, They are also requested to notify the Reeerding Secretary at an antedate, to enable the .14,,e , ea >io visit tbselarnts during the growing season.] WWT, CORS„ RYA, OATS,. SARLX,X, _ : IIUCKiIii4AL • Riot *Sr* Of each, 4,00 2441141, acre of each, ,• 100 1 1 ,40 .and *fast thcothl hay from 3 acres, 1 50 40 . clover do dd" 150 Best I Er• of pottage 3 or tnrnips;'each 100 Brit t sere of beets, parrots, ktails, prate, goat co r n, oltf4x, each " • " [ROMPetitors for premiums on arm 04' the *boy, 1444 exhibit a samplo of the cro.p.at the raiFi L 14iih a statement of the mods-of 'cul iliatioli;snd also a certificate of ivin: respect able'nigghbors Nilo the product cross nremtlyef thoground:] TIMM.Fa r aurge and Small.) C!.4 VED LASD, 14 SEED. Wit :h•niltel of inch; pApj)IO(.IrE9rTABL.ES, SUGAR, AND. RO.NEY. • Rest assortment of vegetables, Nat nemplas do do raised by yonth.,sot • Over It yesirs old, - •: • • • It* specimen or maple sugar, not lees than 10.1tuki ' list specimen of koney, mot over 6 . • to be taken without destroying the bees, and a statement of management and kind of hive); to be furnished, 5t ARCIIARD AND GARDEN IrßtitTS. Scot 6:aorta:mut of each, • .! • : 00 ReitearipleS of each variety, SO , (tit to . be removed until close of exhibition. b P.r1.1.1?411111- taken to PfeTaot ia4ury.) LUMBER. .• Bpail, =Cho& abaVed sbingles, , 1 00 111 ost 4 ' ido .1.00 Zest 2 bundles:- do , lath, • 50 dolt manufacipred ,5420, ft. of lumber, op g as % • t y2iiii boarde-or veneers of hard wood, not legs - than 100 ft., 2 . 00 ' 113141 !:44ii,k troji . of specimens of woods the - . ! lerttiibt.this county, 3 00 11 4 113§1i11041:1,, NaI7FAMMES, 4 t.Ccomiiiiitio Of dodges, composed of ladies, bOlitipolattigyith instructions to recom mend:slyest!! to the most deserving, not ex esedie4 $1 in any 31ECHANiCAL Alit) FARiftlia IM LE MENTS'AND RANINACTURES. [A discretionerrconunittee has been ;T -iptoed, with - instructions to , lecommend en award i ntitezieeding $1,50, for the best aria= cle otaq.kißSlll;t4tet msy. be eslibite!E] • The zthoye Pkitiliiol , •:- 4 / 1 l yaiii in 3fone'y,,or f ai,the option of the dipoettoy, . 1 a _ . . 04,1931242 in which will bi!lifiertedl,l2o nerno of the ar ticle for ivhich the ,prentium linwardelf. pot Apr Judges., • I. Cattle.- 7. Grains and Grass. . A. 7. Janes, W. G. Cyras‘Sinderljp; ":O. G. Coiling: - locl.S. Itaymiind. 4. P. RitselL Daaiel Olmsted. Ira Canfield. MmeronAehnson -.- John Watrono.`"'• B. Ayres.., E. L. Nichola.. Nelson.. Joseph - Phillips,: •` James Eartroir l ' . ; - - Eleazer Lyman, e. Fruils4 Vegetables. Andrew jaokson ' E Joesig , M 'D , ' 2, Herm. J. P. Howe. Joseph Mani.- 'I). Conway. Lynian Neleo9. • . ilenrY"Mitn• Charles Monrc . f. ,Charles Meine, Dennis Hall., 'Willette Lawrence. G. W. Tyler. ' A. tebbins. A. B. -Bennett. so. ; Sutter, Cheese, 4 4a- A., Erdaw. 'gar end Honey. _ • Nrn. Dikeman. X,earis Mann,- , Bei). Renneli: "Mri.J.M; Hamilton, YS. 11: L'Bird, ' G. G. Colvin. - Wain Thatcher, Perry : L. Catlin. . • B.enj. L. Grover.' le. Lumber. %.ir inns. Young; . - ~Henry Garrett, " Sylv . es'r.Greenman. Joseph knowlten, Julius Neefe. • .Y. N. Bassett, C. P. Hilborn. W. B. Gordruer, John B. Smltt. Id..Kilbern., 4. Swine, U. Eff,,i t tsehold H a nts:. Miles White. - • , E. 11. Bishop, Mrs. T. Ives, - 5. M. Mills. . O G. W. G. Judd, Michael Sn , yder, A. Jackson, Collins South. " A: Nelson, iLewis W. Lyman. "C. L. Carsaw. • , (s. Elymus Hackett, 5. Pol " frg ' f' E . 11. Hopkins, IT. Andresen. t. . E. L. Nichols, . J. M. .‘ V Dickinson 'Lucien Bird. • "H. H. LVMUI • Nelsen Clark. " • Lucien Dennis Hap ,3- Farneg ha 6. Farms.. ' pigments. G. B. Over,ton.. H. L. Eird, S. M. Mills. A. U. erosby, ' Xsaac Thenipseu. W. H. Metzger, James Nelson. Eli B.esc, Lemuel Sherman. 0. A. Lewis. 14. Gent's' piterefry.. 13 Ladies' DiscreerY. S. Ross, a Mrs..F. W. Huox, A. Nelson, " . S. M. Mills, B. Niles, .' D. E. Olmsted ) Eydam, o Joseph Mann, John J. Roberts, O Eli Rees, Sala:*Stevens, " H. A. Nelson, - Anibrose Fprey h 0. A. Lewis, Harris'iyiesn, o Nelson Clark, r. knoi, SamlThompsol3, li,. 4. Young,, " B. Niles, W. li. Hidorn. "A. F. Jones. 14 3 - 0 2 osl = -15.0 - AOO 3 00 3.00 3 00 3 OQ 10p. Mules, and RegiOations. I. All Animals, to be entitled to com pete for Premiums, shall have been kept and. owned in the County, by the persons presenting them, at least four montbs previous to the Annual Fair, and all *an twain, except breeding stock, shall baye been bred and raised ur the Cpunty ; but when Working Oxen or Matched Horses or Mares are entered for Premiums, they ehallk gibia if one was raised in the county . I. o person shall be permitted to compete fbr a Premium on any article of Domestic Manuf4ture,. or Butter or Cheese, unless the ' same shall have been made or manufactured by snob person or parsons, or his or thei'F 'family or families, within the year ;hap 4 shall be offered Or a premium, - 111. Exhihitor§ mpst become members of Mni Sopiety and hive their articles and animals entered on the Secretary's book on or before the day next preieding the opening of the Exhibition; and ill arti cles-and animals must be brough'i . rithin the enclosure as early as noon ofthe first' day of exhibition, in order that piio may be suitably arranged. The Maßagers do not intend to Assune any exhippta who NEGT:ECTI3 these requirements, tbat' his articles can be submitted 1,4) the Judges. • While every effolf will be bode to secure the examination' end proper notice nr'ev 7 cry article on exhibition, justice to th9sp who co l rely wiR the rules of the _AS'oeictis ..requires that they shall in all cases first receive attention. IV. Artiolea or , animals removed before the close of the pshibit49 (except by pen:o;okm. of tile rresidmit) cannot re ceive Premium; though awarded. - V. Should any individual enter an auL in4l . ia any other name than thatOf the bona Ada owner, the perfion making such entry shall not - be allowed a premium ahoug one be reported. by: - the, Judges, and shall 'be pr,eilluded froth 'competing at any future ehibition - of the Society... VI. Persons entering stock of th.e'agp of three years aucl. under, shall furnish the Judges evidence of the time wherk the animals were dropped, to be filed by them with the Secretary ; and the ages of, ani mals abovj .this; to be glvendou malting their eiltries. • - 100 1 00 50 VII. Tha Judges shalt in , all cases withhold premiums where the animal or article is not worthy, thoggki there be no competion. •' • VIII. No premiums air, to, be awarded to Bulls, Cows or lieifers that have been . fitted:for the britc‘her,-.414 intention of the Society tieing to promote the rearing of superior Animals for breeding purposes, - "X. - Whenever - it - shalt appear_to the Judges that articles oftuierwr morkt bayo . , . been presented; note noticed -in 'the - minni List, they shall mike special Ire. porn thereof to the Boariof.3lansOrs ; It, is .: particularly desire d , that 1.110 perilous shall , be present while the naps are'examiniqih6 Stock referred tathlm, eiC'ept*,,thaiie / taking chi g ne,' of, the' Aniti c urdesa special reguest., -11,13*P1411,ELW' C• . . SPECIFIC . Y - • .1: ' SPECIFIC - zt: • :'. • SPECIFIC • ‘ t - • ..:SPECIFIC- • SPECIFIC ,1101PEOPATHIC RESIEDIEii :110MGEOPATELIC ,RESIEDIESe HOMCEOPATIIIC,RENIEDM., WE 'HOMcROPATHIC REMEDIES, HOIicEOPATBIC REMEDIES, No. 502 BROADWAY. - . No. 583 BROAD WAY. No. 562 BROADWAY. • • - No. '562 BROADWAY ..No. 563 RROADWAT4 THE GREAT 'FEATURE I THE GREAT :FEA,TUFIR. .THE GREAT :FEATURE- 1 THE GREAT FEATURE , • THE GREAT 'FEATURE • Of this series of Domestic temediph is that each parAicular medicine as a SPECIFIC for the particular dijease , ciasi distases whoie name it bears, and'maY be relied upon for the cure of diet particular affectien: sons suffering fitim a chroniC disease or long standing ailment; in buying case of IJCIIPII ¢EYs'SpErings,, obtain the ,particular ono de siredA.n their case, and tbnYetientselves make iilcure)shich otherwise wonla Cost theric many dellars, and no smallimonnt Olathe and medi cal attendance if , indeed It could be oi*lned at'all: 1.. : • !. Thus multitudes su. ff er from Dtsecvett, tons CONDIT/C4, Coarivnip,ss, Ban TISVE,..COAT so TONVE a;nd DERILITY, which is perfectly . co ntrolled cured by the DYSTRiPSIA ,OPEOTEIO, There is scarcely a phase or . form of this disease which is not progiptly eontrolled and ultiniately kiired by the' use of this 'Specific. 'house: ids r ho have suffered for years' with this "Bilious Condition!'' having purchased a case of dress Specifics, haya obtained a perfect cure and immnnity from ,their old complaint. • , caliHS, mos 411,9 sou THBoq. , which - f 4 O - freqtientlY lead to-, BRQNCHITIS AND CtiffS,EIXIITION; are all in their early stage 'secured by the COUGIT - -: Many cases of long standing Bronchitisn i xid irritating' Coughs have been perfectly cured by this specific. • But morel runny persons have a specific liability.to colds and take them from the least exposure., This will Ise entire ly relieved by the use of the COUGH -PILLS, as scores can testify from experience. Bo CATAII.R4 1 is one of our most common and most trouble some diseases, against which the Old School Medicines, And eycn lioraceopathic'pressrip tions, are of very little use; Yet hundredt of persons have' been cured of not only recent and fresh, but'even long standing and obstin ate cases CATARRH by the use of this specific. One agod lady in Syricuse was thus] per fectly cured of a Catarrbe which had annoyed her all her life. A young lady at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so afflict ed With this disedsC• as to require mere 'than forty bandkerchiefss week, was entirely cured in a single week by this Specific. PILES, bleeding arid blind, is one of those common I and obstinate forms of disease which are so ' diffieult to cure' on the ordinary niethodi, but which find an entire and furidainental' cure in the Piles Specific. True, time Is required; but the Specific is pleasant to take, requires neither diet nor restraint, and being followed up a perfect cure is the result. Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a casts of SpeCifics, have obtained a Cure for this most trying and obstinate form of disease, -- which has ; been worth to them ten times th e cost of the entire set. Cases of ever twenty years' standing brave been cured with this simple Specific, and we believe all may be cured by perseverance. • case contains the best • • FEVER 'AND AGUE SPECIFIC. : known. A remedy without any deleterious or poisonous substances, which not only . mircs the iigue, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a preventative when persons are residing in a fever and ague dis trict. It prevents or protects upon the:same principle that vaccination prevents small-pox or belladonna prevents scarlet fever, by pre- Occupying rue . system with true Specific. Hundreds have been thus protected and cured. The Ophthalrey Specific ,. has proved a most invaluable Feraedy for SOREI EYES and EYELIDS, and for WEAK and, BLURRED, SIGHT. One lady in Indiana, vvh.l had been a sufferer from sore eyes for man} years, and for two years. was entirely blind, was cured perfectly by the Ophthilmy Specific -alone.- , . HE .I.D A CH .4' S, to which so many are subject, finds a curative in the case. There is a specific Which relieVes at the : time of the attack, and also one which copeects the condition of the system , upon Whith r it depends, and so destroys the predis positi'od to return. The Specific for the various forms of rEDIALN COMPLAINTS; havfl proved InMinable. Old long stauding LEIICOHRFICEA. 4 iii WHITES, are attended with dehliity op exhaustion, and for which other . forms. of Mpdicine are of little valne,"aro fully controlled and cured fly the FtIIALE pn.43,' while the specific .for irregularities confrol almost every form of scanty, painful or irregular menstruation. - • DIARRHCEAS AND SUMMER POMPLATS in adults of children are controlled like mag- IC by the -Diarrhceo Pills, while it, may be averred tvithorit the possibility of successful contradiction, that the Dysentery Pills are the Most perfect Specific for that disease known. For the various forms of • - FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other-diseases of children, the Fever Pills may be safely and surely relied Upon. - '.These Specifics are the prescriptions of Prof. lIIIMPARETS;nsed for years in his extensive practice, and to the perfection of which he has c, votedthe -resuurces of extensive knowledge; experience and study. - • • The public tray - rest assured that during the life-time of Dr. H. no. one has beenor shall he intrusted with thatireparation of his Specifics, and he offers the guaranty of - his professional life and reputation that they shall be just as he rtpresents them. They have dote been before the public:for five years ancl have everywhere won' golden opinions irons the many thousands who have used them. Simple, tree from intricacy; technicality, or danger, they have become the ready"recourse and CA of the parent, traveler, nurse, or in- . I veld t and petlicaj adviser of thousands.i#Jatmilies , Now*ere haVe,.they been ;tried bee approved, and their iiiihest npkoelition il-among those,who.44sC.knSMa OlVOcinge-41.1 iti4 post intlnuttely, , . • levy Fatally': will find !theSe_Spoeiffei all, .they -hare-been begu 614, 4inipk and ePient ; oftei a fricni4.44,r44'd' , and o.fkierta in - • • srEcipio-REisminzEL No. I:.Et'VER .or Ftver, Pottgestion' • and Inflinuitioi of all kinds. ;;- ' ' i'2. 70R3C,P1(4377-: , I W;orni-Colic, a'nd - Weiting the [Bed.i !3, BABY'S PILLS-:=:.„Ifor. Colic; Crying, Teethingano. Vitaketl4ness, and, Nervous-, aess Of Adults. , - . -,- - -.''• " ''''' ' 4 - .:,DIABUCEA'PILLS—For - Diarrhoea ~ ,ehillera taloa:duns and Bummer,CornPlaint. W 0.15.• DYSE,NTERY I PILLS:-.For Colic, Grip= frig, Dysentery .or Bloody Flui," ". , ' No.IB..CHOLDBAPILPS•; , --Xor Chater4Chol= I Bra Morbas; Vomiting. -. • l' . ' • ' ' , N 0.4. COUGH PILLS-4* cougw, Cold; goarsenesii, Jfitinenza and ScireThroat: No.iB. TOOTAACHE PiLLS—ForToothachn i . ' - Faneschle;:ind Netiralgia., !• N 0.19. •HEADACIIE PILLS,--For i kieadache, Vertigo ll'ea, t and Fullness of the !lead. ' No.llo. DYSPgPSIA PlLLS—Foat•Weak and - f Deriunad StOinachs, Constipation: and f giver Cornplaint. ' •,, ' ''.. No,lll. FOR. }"y..3lAtit . IBREGULARNIES— , . ! Scanty; Painful or sup Pressed periods. N0.1.',;.2. Fratri:LE - PIELS—For Peneorrhma, ‘S i ; Profuse VenSes and Bearing DONT/1. • • - ; . N0, , j3. CROD.P PI,LLS—For Croup, Hoarse ' 'Cough. Bad Breathing. . 7 -.' , No. lA. SALTAiIEUM PILLS—For ,F4;ysipei. • las, Eruptions, Pimples on the.Fice: ' N 0,4 5. RIMUSIA.TIC PlLLS—ForPain,Lame -1 pess or Soreness , In the Chest, Back, boini, or Limbo. ' - ' ~ ::--For Vein. and Ague, Chill Fever;l.lumh Ag e, old mismanaged Agnes. .! • ~ ! .—For.Pilis; Blind and*Bleeding,jnternal or xternal. , . 7 ' .—For Sore, Weak or . jnflamed Eyes and y lids, Failing, 'Weak oi, Blurrecll Sight. : C.—For Catarrh, of long Standing or recent, eiti er with ohstruction or profuseldiaCharge. , - a l ~0,--For Whooping Cough, Aating its vio ence and shortening its course. , - k No. =I • C •E' $ Full set, 20 large vials in 3foroced, Case • and Book - • ' op Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Cade and ' [ „ ' '1 4 00 -Palo of 15 numiiered boxes and Book - 200 Pas deny 6'numbered boxes and FBOok 100 Single numbered boXes, with direclsions. ' 25 Single lettired boxes, .with direitiOns 50 Large P/antition, or physician's ; • ' aud 2 iv vials 15 00 pUR I REMEDIES BY MAIL. - p REMEDIES BY MAIL. URI REMEDIES BY MAIL. 'CIIRIREMEDIES BY MAIL. OL - 12 RE'ME DIES BY 14A IL: took overlthe "puke up a Case of what kidd you chooSe, and' enclose the amount in a Current note or stamps, by mail. to ,our ad dress, at No. 562 Broadway, New . York, and the medicine - will be duly returhed by.*til or express, free;of charge.: Address • - DR. F. HUMPHREY'S & CO., N 0.562 Broadway New York. Sold in I Couderaport by D. W. REZICpI apd allrDrugsafts. • [46-4nio.] (-) ' 1340,00 Pays the Tuition for a full course in the Trois City College, the largest, most extensively pat rnnized and beseinganized Cemmerclal School in f the United States. _ , . FOUR LARGE HALLS, Fer Writing, Consthercial Calmilations, Book= Seeping and Lectures. strsual time to complete a full aouree, from 6 . to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradha.. ting, is guaranteed to be conapateht to manage the / Books .of any Businesi, ands qualified to rain a salary of frOnt $5OO -to • $1;000. - ptudents enter at any time—NoVacatton-- Review at pleasure. Tint Proolinms for float Writing A-Warded this Institution -The best and great pat' Tariety of Penmanship in any one ,Ball of the Union, is found•here. , ite r Ministers' sons received at half price. Tor:bircular and Specimens of Writing, in cline two letter stamps, and' address F. W. JENKINS, rittsburgh, Pa.l 110:9-1y*, • fro MoustitEfpOs. METHING .NEW.-B. T BABI3I BEST SO IMEDICINAL SALERATUS. sanufacttired from common salt,' and is prepared entirely different from other Sajeratus. All the del eterious matter extracted in such a manner as to produce Bread Biscuit, and all kinds of Cake, without con, taining a particle of Saleratns when the Bread or Cake is baked; there by producing "wholesome results.— Every particle of Saleratus is turned to gasand passes through the Bread Orßicuit while Baking ; consequent tYnothing remains but common Salt., Water and. Flour. Yon will readily Perceive by the taste of this Salera tus that it is entirely different .from other ! Saleratus. jt is picked in, one pound papers, each *rapper branded. " B. T. Bab bitrs Best Medicinal' t...zaleratus ; al so pieture, twisted- loaf Of bread,' 946 _a glass , f effervescing en tbe top.. When you purchase onei paper you. should preserve the wrap per, and t 4, particular to get the next exactly, like the first4bratidial above. . , Full directions - for making Bread, with this Saleratus and Sour. or . Cream Tartar, will accompany! eas..l{Package ; also, ,direetions, for making, all Itinds of Pastry ; (or making Soda. Water and Seidl litz P.owders. • -. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP;' . - - WITH BABBITT'S PURE CONCEN TRATED POTASU',` Warranted double the strength ,of ordinary Potash ; put up in cans= 1 1 lb., 2 lbs.; 3 lba., 610. and 12 lbs. —With full dtrections for malting 'Hard and Soft. SOap. ConsiaMer will'i'ind this the cheapest!Potapin Market,. - M4nufactcred and for sale by B. T. BABBITT, _ !Nos. 66 and 70 Washington-street New York, an d No. :1 India- 141 'W; Bostte. ' • ' 1:44-.ty*.r 038 Il AND 1 To I 68 AIND 70 i 68 RI '~I -~ 4. . 68 AND 0 . , MORSR- , -the inventoe ;or gpßsE.' IN- ( DIAN ROOT-PILLS:'' This Phitanthriipist has spent the greater Part of his life in traYeling, having visited-Europe,, Asitl;'ind 'Africa, as well es - North America-4as spent:three years among.theliadians of our Western cinintry--, it was in-this•waythitt the Indian Piot Pills , were first discovered' Dr: tine Wasthe first Cman to establish thefact that all diseases arise frontIMPURITY OF [TRH lILOOD--that our strengip, and ! life upended upon this vital tfid:' ,•3Vheu the various passages beeome clogged ; and diinot act in ; perfect -harrnopy With • the different functions of the body, the bleed loses its action,becomes thick, eOrrupted and dis eased; tlni; causing all pain,sorickness• and distress of every: name ; our, strength - is" ex; hanstedr our hetdth We are &mixed of, and if nature is not assi*ed in ibrd;iitigofr the stag nant humors, the Weed. will: heerome choked and cease to act, sad thuS otirligbil of Fifo-will forever blown go* important, then that wegltould keep. thc.,varicrus pasiages the body free and; open. 'ffinif 'how pionsantl to its that we , hare•it itt r et4 poier to Rut •ti medicine in your•reach, namely. Morse'.o In-, dian Root Pills, manufer„tiurect from plants' and 'roots which groif aroand_ the mountab,a ous cliffs in Nafgre s garden, for the health and recovery of diSeasedlman. Xhie of 'the roots, from ; which these Pills are Made is a Sudorifitr, which opens the Mores of the skin„ ind assists Nature In throwing Out thi,tiner parts of the corruption within. ;The 'second is 'a -plant which is.an Expeeto'rant, that - opens. and un-. clogs th.e pasSage.tothe lungs, and thus, in: a soothing manner ,perfornis its duty by-throw ing• off, phlegm,' it. ' ha• other'humors from' the lungs by copions.spitting. • • The thin! is a Di uretic, which given ease and double strength to the kidneys; Anis encotiwaged,- they draw large amounts of inipurity' from ; tie blood, which: is then thro#n out bOuntifirlfy by, the urinary or water piissage; had which ..emild not hare been discharged alt wry other :way. The fourth_is a Cathartic,; nest accompanies the other properiles of the Pills while engaged' in purifying the blood ; the coarser. particles ,of impurity which cannot pass by the other Outlets, are thus take. up acidconveyed;off in great quantities by 'the bowels. • From the above, it is . slion - n that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not only enter the. stomach, but become united with the -blood, for: they find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the sy4em from all imperity, and the life of the body", which) is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy;!consequently all sickne?s,and pain IS driven' from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so Ptire and clear.- • The reason why people: are so distressed when sick,-and why eo many die, is because they do not get - a' medicine which will pass. to the afflicted parts, and which will open the nature) passages for the dis ease' to be cast gut;. hence, a large quantity of food and other mat: ter is legged, anal the stomach and intestines are 'literally over owing' with th e corrupted mass ; thus nadergoing diSagreeable fermen tation, constantly mixing with the blood,which throws corrupted matter through' every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body •by disease. Dr. )horse's PILLS have added to themselves victory' upon victory, by fostering millions of the sick to bleeping health and happiness'. - .'Yes, ilionea"nds who have been racked or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish, (tad whoie feeble !frames have been scorched' by the burning' elements of raging fever, and who haVe been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent ,grave, now stand ready, to testify that they would have been numbered - with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine. Morse's Indian Root Pills. 1 After one or two doses had; bean taken, they Were astonished, and abso--1 lutely surprised, hi witnessing their charming effects. Not only do theygivo immediate case and strength, and take away all sickness. pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at .the foindation of the disease. which is the bided. Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills: that they will so cleanse and purify, that dis ease-7that desallyiencroy—will hike its flight; and.the flush of youth and beauty will again return', and the prospect of along and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. CAUTION" • • Merchants and Traders! will be on their guard and not be impused . upon by a ConiV• terfeit of Or. Morie'slndian Root Pills, signed A, B. Moore. All genuine' Pills will liereafter have the name and signature of R. LAKE JUDSON, succeisor to A. J. White lc C 0.,) on each box. EFE All orders at,d letters relating to said Pills must be addressed to WM. 'MUDGE k CO., (proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic ment,)•Earlville; Madison 'Co., General Agents for Dr. MOrse's Indian Root PiUs._ 8.. LAKE JUDSON,. (successor to A. J. White k - C0.,) 5 . 0 Leonard Street, Now York, Sole Proprietor. Sold by. SMITH & JONES, Coudersport; alsO by all Medicine Dealers in the county. j • 10:46-1y. 6§ El 70 HOWARD. ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. - • Benevolent Institution.established by . apecial endoOnene for the relief of the sick and ireeeed, apeled with firulent Epidemic clieeasea. . _ . , T EE tiowAßp ASSOCI4TION, view o the aw,fulidestruction of ham= life, caus ed by Sexiliflitseitses t several years ago direct ed their ConstiltingSurgeon,to open a Di:pen sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their - forms, 'and to give MEDICAL AD VICE .GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a dilteriPti4n of their condition, - (age, occupation, habits of, life, ke.,) and in cases of extreme poyetir, FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CSAP I GE.. The :Directors ;of the Association, in their late Annual Eeipit express the highest sttis facthan with.the:success:vibich hm attended the labors of their Surgeons iu the cure of SpermatorrhMa4SeminalWealmesi, Gonorr hea, Meet, Sipl34ls, the ',vice of' Onanism or Self-Abuse, Disease of the Kidneys and Wed: der,. &c., and order a continuance at the tame plan for the cashing year; r • An admirableißeport on Sperrnatorritma. or Seminal - Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Mas turbation or Self -Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual _Organs; 137 'the 'Consulting snr geon, wilt be seta by, mail, (in a sealed envel opeSFßEE OF CHARGE, on receipt of 'TWO STAMPS for pdatagii. , ' Address, fori Report, or . treatment, Dr, J. SK.ILLIN:TIOUGIITON,. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, of Senth Ninth Street, .Philadelphia, Pa. - • • 111:201-17,..- 68 EEO 70 es AI(D 70 68 ANP 7Q Scrofula; orilingflt Eli . ~ , , , ~.„. 7., ,„.,„;?.__ . ._,l-4 ,, ,,l'____ . ' ~' ....: _Tf‘ Is a constsmomu anew. a epnwe of% blood: by:which ihir told' becomeilithat Are* , and ' war. , --Being iiithe 'eireuration d i perva d e , ' the,whele body. and may bunt cts in climatical mit par' tOf it: ' NO *eon ii h e , _f t amita attacks, nor is there oral:which itik. not destroy. The scrofulous taint is valsaii; caused -by mercurial_disease, low living, er t ,i, ordered Air 4uOhealthir.,*4 ilillunt air, filtl and - filthy habits." the i . ft ressing vim. auk, above :alli.liy the:ven " infection.: , 191 4 ,, ever.bp its origin, it ithecaditcrylp. tie cut. stliutioh;dlisceriding titre= tweets to 'Andra unto the third and fourtligeneratiotHit!..tad t ak It seems to bo the r0d...0f-Him who says, 4 eri4 vilif the, iniquitice a thet Athen.u le , , thew children." . -, ,- - Its iffects•eommenCe biriepositkori freenth blood of corrupt tie - ulcerous menet, whielti n the lungs, liver. and internal mama. is tee tubercles ; i. #lO glands, • lwellings; and at the surface, eruptions , di Mes. Thin foul at. "ruptien, Which sealers' in. the - Wed, & Rao the energiesof liflhat scrofulous con s ti tu . tons, not. only s uer Alm mfafalous tan . plaints, but they hum far lest pm to eitn.. stand the, attacks.-Of ;istber ~- 44 5 10 '4 1 ,. .;• mt. queutly, vast norttoni I PTAsa tUvusaraen which, although. not scrofqous to t nano, are still rendered Atgriby -gris Isiut in th l system. Most. of Alin sonswaption vetch de. =notes dm butristWYAllsit!”;s 6 l4 directly in this. scrofulous contraption; andmas destructive diseaseiof thikeyvAluoyg, tan, 'and, indeed, of AA° pr 0% Fin from 01 are aggravated fifrotreautPoi4l o .- One quarter of ellttnir pecrple ace sirofulots; 'their,persons are. invade d+ By this -lurking is. fection, and their Healt h is pderrained. by i t , :To cleanse it from the 'system sre maven , the blomi by an alterative medicine, end; vigorato it by .healthy fesid and v t • Such a medicine we, supply ,in _ . • . _ AYER'S ercr Compound Extract of Sarsaparill , the most effectual remedy which the m skill of our times can devise .for this where prevailing and fatal malady. It is biped from the most active remedial, that been ctscovereilfor the expurgation of tbis disorder from the blood, -and the resealed tie' system frol its destructive - consequences, Heacelt should be employed 'for the cure not sibil'Y scrofula, hut also those-other sffcs dons whicle .erisr. from it, such' as Barrint, and h . SEzir Daemon,.Sr. Artruon's P. Itosr, or F.nyiarrus, Prrarsu, Pusrnar'; BLOITITES,IiLaiss and Bona, T11NC443, and SALT AtilElnt, SCALD HEAD, Rrsavo Iturarrairms, Syrrumirtean.d Ibuseculu.lbs-! EASES,PEOPST, Prersirem, DEEarv, indec n , Cors;r4simessersmo MOM TED OD IMPOBE 'BLOOD. The popular . In u impurity of the triberl" is founded in bail," for scrofula as..a,degeneratimrpf theblood. - particular, purpose and 'Anne of this Swept , -rifle is to purify and regenerate - this vital firi.l without which sound health impomible contaminated, eonstitutieris. • • "Ayer t s. Cathartic. ..„ lie FOR ALI. THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIL • are - se ,compased that: disease within the tinge ' • their, action can rarely withstand or evade the '; Their penetrating properties search; aid "clesi:si,,:,; and invigorate every portion's:l the hytTrian ism, correcting its diseuedl action, - and restorhl • its healthy sitalitjes. As.econsequenee of the y •: . properties, the - invalid who is bowed down pain or physjcal debility is astonished to find health or energy restored by a remedy at one s simple and invidsg,• • t' a• Nat only do they cup the elm . ay-amp of every tody,, int else many formidable dangerous diseases. The agent be low . named z, pleased to furnisk gratis 4FlFTicas containing certificates Of thorn ettrequddirectie for their use in the following complaints: Cali yeas, ileadae,kr,arippgfrom di: Scomaih, Nausea, huligestian,rain in end Mork Inactiori of Ike Dwells, Flatitleiwy, Lou s of App gee,Jainzeqee, and other kindred complasse arising from alai!' 'plata of the tpdy obetrectie of its-functions. • Ayefo Cherry- Pectotall . - POP. Tun - mem cyan or Conglpi, Colds, Influenza, Itointseneu, Cronp, Bronchitis, Incipient COnsumpj tion, and for the Tenet of Coristunptiski; Patient, in ndruncot ptages 'of Uirt , disenso, So wide is the field pt its eseildnescand se meroug are she eases of its tank that al; every section of country abounds in.. PAtisx46l( l licly known, arbß Mare been restoredfrota ids= and even _desperate Aiseases of the Wags by use. When once tried • its superiority ever e' litter medicine of its kind is - too apparent to tut Aala Aags by r OM' fit -a rot __ __ _ _ zentto to observation, and where its virtues are known, public no longer hesitate what antidote to em for the distirOamg and dangerous affections o ti, pulnionary organs that are incident to our cruar( i While many nferior remedies thrust upon di oommtmity have failed and been discarded, it' has gamed friends by every trial, conferred Ithwi., On the. afflicted they can never forget, and pr duced cures too numerous ea too remarkableo be forgotten; ' - - • '• ' • - . v PREPARED DE Vog l . J. C. AYER le CO.! • IiowELL.3IASS.- Sold by SMITH & JONES, and D. W. SPE ? CER, Coudersport ; COREY & SON, UlyfW A. D. HORTON, Cushingville ; -MANN NICHOLS, Millport ; C. H. SIMMONS, Osvay9 and by all-Merchants and Druggists. [11:12 MILLPORT BEAD-QUAItTERSY 11111 E subscribers take this method of ill forming their friends that they are in nil ceipt of, and aro now opening, a choice sr. deOrable stock of • STAPLE .4ND FANDY DRY GOODS. to which they invite the, attention of all tag desire to; roalso purchases. Our 'stock's has been selected with great care, and is Ff 4 tioelarly adapted , to . the wants bf this see* of onr country. Onr stock Of Dry Goodie/ sists of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, EMESOIDERIES, PARASOLS DLOTHS,_cASSIMERES . YESTINGS, DO MESTIDS, • SKIRTINGS; LINENS,' PRINTS, - • ..,- gIOSIERY, SHAWLS, ' and a , 'variety of other articles, too-numercA to, mention., We haire also a complete tato meet of " GhocpiEs, ARDWARE AND CROCKERY;.'., • all of which will - basold uncommonly ehe. for ready pay, and for,approved credit on reasonable terros.as any .other establishing , . • MANN &NICOL' S ' it/ Z. ,T;:THOIIPSON, CAPIAGE & trAGONAteII and tl o P.3.lREl4CouderspoTt, ?Otter this method ofinforinlng the pal-diet lic in general that he . is prepared?* . alllll-!•P tO,do, all work in his line -with prompult • in 'a workman-liko manner, and upon most accommodating terms.. Payment Repairing.hit-ariahlyreqUired owdelirerl,„ the work. Ia All , kinds of PRQDr i 'l, tom acconut of w,e,rlF- - , • I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers